Treatment of balanoposthitis in children. Symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the penis, glans and foreskin in a child. Prevention of inflammation of the penis in children

Balanoposthitis is a disease that affects exclusively male representatives. The pathology is an inflammatory process that affects the glans penis and foreskin.

The disease causes the patient a lot of inconvenience (itching, burning in the affected area), complicates the process of urination, making it extremely painful.

During the course of balanoposthitis, a child may experience various kinds of complications, for example, the addition of a secondary infection, provoking the development of suppuration.

Concept and characteristics

Balanoposthitis is inflammatory process, which involves the area of ​​the glans penis, as well as part of the foreskin.

The disease is acquired in nature, occurring as a result of infection, trauma to the penis, or as one of the manifestations of an allergic reaction.

In children younger age most common infectious and traumatic forms. The pathology develops gradually when between the skin of the foreskin and the head of the penis accumulates a large number of pathogenic microflora, the activity of which causes inflammation.


The main reason for the development of balanoposthitis is considered to be the proliferation of pathogenic microbes in the area between the foreskin and the head.

The causative agents of the disease are bacteria(streptococci, staphylococci and others). Negative factors that provoke the development and reproduction of pathogenic microflora can be different:

Who is at risk?

As follows from the concept of disease, only males suffer from pathology. Moreover, it is known that in childhood balanoposthitis occurs almost 3 times more often than in adulthood.

This is due to the fact that many boys experience a phenomenon called physiological phimosis (when it is impossible to completely expose the head of the penis from the foreskin).

Usually, this phenomenon on one's own disappears by 11-12 years.

Forms of the disease

Depending on the course of the disease and the severity of the clinical picture, there are 3 main forms of balanoposthitis:

  1. Acute the form is characterized by a sudden onset and rapid development of symptoms. The boy may experience symptoms such as redness of the foreskin and swelling in this area. The baby experiences discomfort in the penis area and complains of pain and burning. These symptoms worsen with urination. The child’s health deteriorates and hyperthermia may occur. Over time, this form develops into a purulent one.
  2. Purulent the form is characterized by the development of a more severe inflammatory process, accompanied by suppuration in the affected area. Distinctive feature This form is considered to be the appearance of purulent discharge from under the skin of the foreskin.
  3. With absence necessary treatment acute form can be chronic. Clinical picture in in this case mildly expressed, slight redness and swelling of the foreskin may occur. The child also has a whitish discharge from under the foreskin, which has a distinct specific odor.

Symptoms and signs

Balanoposthitis is a disease characterized by specific clinical picture.

Balanoposthitis in a child - photo:

The presence of pathology is indicated by such signs as:

  • painful sensations in the area of ​​the head of the penis. Pain and discomfort become more obvious when urinating;
  • Availability purulent or white discharge curdled consistency. Discharge can be noticed when the foreskin is pulled back. As a rule, they have a strong unpleasant odor;
  • redness, swelling scalp;
  • irritation may appear on the skin of the head of the penis, rashes, microcracks;
  • the skin in the affected area begins peel off;
  • the child becomes more irritable, sleeps worse, refuses to eat, cries for no apparent reason;
  • in some cases there may be a slight temperature increase bodies;
  • increase in the groin area lymph nodes;
  • often balanoposthitis provokes the development enuresis, since the boy, fearing pain when urinating, strives to hold urine as long as possible. Delayed emptying of the bladder leads to the development of enuresis.

Possible complications and consequences

Balanoposthitis is dangerous because the focus of inflammation, covering the head of the penis, gradually grows, affecting other areas, in particular, urethra.

In addition, with a protracted course of the pathology receptor sensitivity decreases glans penis, which in the future may negatively affect the quality of intimate life.

Diagnostics and tests

In most cases, to make an accurate diagnosis, it is enough for a doctor to carry out interview and examination of the patient, since the pathology has a very specific clinical picture.

However, if the disease develops into purulent or chronic form, a number of additional laboratory tests may be required:

  1. General blood analysis allows you to assess how intense the inflammatory process is.
  2. General Analysis of urine, allowing you to establish or exclude the penetration of infection into the area of ​​the urinary canal.
  3. Blood sugar test to exclude diabetes mellitus.
  4. Sowing tank from the inflamed area of ​​the penis allows you to determine the causative agent of the disease.

Drug treatment

The most common drugs for treating balanoposthitis at home are: local application, ointments, gels (for example, Levomekol, Miramistin, Baneocin). They must be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the child’s genitals.

The ointment is applied under the skin of the foreskin, and if this is not possible, it is used in the form of compresses or bandages (apply a small amount of ointment to a sterile bandage, make a bandage). The course of treatment is about 3-6 days, the procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day.

In some cases, for example, if the causative agent of the disease is fungi, or the pathology has a complicated course, the doctor prescribes antibiotics ( Cefazolin, Cefixime).

The course of treatment is determined for each patient individually, however, as a rule, the dosage and duration of antibiotic use for balanoposthitis is small, thus the risk of developing negative consequences minimized.

Folk recipes

Special baths for bathing a child have a good therapeutic effect.

In order to prepare such a bath, potassium permanganate is added to the bathing water, which has pronounced antiseptic effect(it is important to remember that the amount of the ingredient should not be large, since potassium permanganate has a drying effect), or herbal decoctions.

It is good to use decoctions of chamomile and sage. These herbs have an anti-inflammatory, calming effect and accelerate the skin regeneration process.

Use folk remedies Can only in combination with the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Prevention measures

Preventing the development of balanoposthitis is not difficult, you need to follow a few simple rules child care.

  1. The basic rule of prevention is regular and proper hygiene procedures. A small child should be washed after each diaper change (after each urination). To do this, you need to use special detergents intended for children.
  2. Important choose the right underwear and diapers for boy. The underwear should not be tight; the diaper should correspond to the age and weight of the baby.
  3. If there is no such need, no need to push back the skin of the foreskin, this can lead to wounds and microcracks.

Balanoposthitis in a boy is a disease that causes mass discomfort . The pathology has a characteristic clinical picture, which greatly facilitates the diagnosis.

If you consult a specialist in time, the disease can be successfully treated without causing the patient any problems in the future.

If there is no treatment, various kinds of complications may arise. Negatively affecting on the quality of life, including intimate life.

You can learn about the causes, symptoms and treatment of balanoposthitis from the video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!

Balanoposthitis is at the same time inflammation of both the glans penis (balanitis) and the foreskin (posthitis). - an inflammatory process, very often this trouble occurs in boys under the age of 5 years.

This is due, in part, to their physiology; the fact is that in a newborn baby, the head of the penis is very tightly connected to the foreskin. This is the so-called when removing the head is impossible.

Subsequently, cavities begin to appear between the head of the penis and the foreskin; they are filled with desquamated epithelium. The contents of the cavities are called smegma.

The cavities are gradually opened and cleaned, but due to infection or urine with a high sugar content, or poor hygiene, taking into account that smegma is also a breeding ground for all sorts of microorganisms, inflammation may occur.

Causes of balanoposthitis in children

In fact, there are a lot of reasons, let’s look at them in more detail. First of all you should know the causative agents of balanoposthitis, These include: staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli, yeast fungi (candida), .

  1. The main reason is poor hygiene of the boy’s genitals. Smegma accumulates under the foreskin, which promotes inflammation.
  2. Due to the parents’ own retraction of the child’s foreskin. Thus, microbes from the external environment can easily get inside;
  3. In early infancy, wearing diapers that are not the right size, as well as in the case of their infrequent replacement;
  4. Uncomfortable underwear without a codpiece, which causes tightening of the boy’s genitals;
  5. In contrast to the first reason - too active hygiene with the use of irritating chemicals;
  6. Allergy to washing powder occurs when laundry is poorly washed;
  7. Diabetes. With this disease, the urine contains sugar, which, together with smegma, can irritate the mucous membrane;
  8. Hypothermia;
  9. Obesity;
  10. Avitaminosis.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons and they are very diverse. But now that you are fully aware of the causes, you should know the symptoms of this disease.

Signs and symptoms in children

Symptoms are extremely unpleasant for the child, usually appear suddenly, these are:

  • burning;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • pain;
  • weakness, irritability;
  • increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees;
  • lymph nodes in the groin area may become enlarged;
  • There may be copious discharge.

The child cries, worries, he is irritated and discouraged, he does not know what to do. The most important thing is not to panic parents, it is better to calm the child down, give him drinking plenty of fluids for the fastest release of bacteria.

Before visiting the doctor It is worth carefully conducting a personal inspection. are: redness and swelling of the penis and foreskin, there may be a rash and cracks, the presence of copious serous or purulent discharge (the constant presence of such discharge indicates that the child has purulent balanoposthitis).

General condition of the child - weakness and malaise, lack of appetite, lethargy, moodiness and Bad mood . In the future, in the absence of treatment ulcers and peeling of the skin may even appear.

Of course, you should see a doctor for treatment as soon as possible. However, if this is not possible in the next few hours, then you should definitely take at least minimal measures to improve the child’s condition.

First of all, you can refer to, for example, take a bath with chamomile infusion. An ordinary glass into which you can dip the child’s diseased organ is quite suitable for this.

The water should be warm, approximately 37 degrees. While taking a bath there is no need to move the foreskin, this will only complicate the disease, Anyway useful material from the plant will penetrate inside and reduce inflammation.

Never use iodine, potassium permanganate or alcohol solution, so you will only dry out the mucous membrane and worsen the condition of the boy’s diseased organ.

Treatment of balanoposthitis (balanitis) using traditional medicine methods

It is best to contact a pediatrician or pediatric urologist at the first symptoms. Usually a local examination and analysis of complaints is sufficient to make a diagnosis.

True, in some cases it may be necessary to carry out additional examinations(determination of glucose in the blood, ultrasound of the kidneys, bladder, etc.) to identify diseases that may contribute to the development of balanoposthitis.

Do not be afraid of this, all this is done solely for the purpose of a speedy recovery for your child. The fact is that sometimes treatment of the underlying disease (for example, diabetes) is required first, and this is the only way to achieve a cure for balanoposthitis.

In most cases, the disease is not associated with anything serious and is cured fairly quickly.

  • prednisolone ointment;
  • flumethasone;
  • Decamine ointment.

Baths with the following preparations are used:

  • furatsilin;
  • rivanol;
  • dioxidin.

The following antiseptics are used:

  • chlorhexidine;
  • miramistin.

In severe cases, in the absence of effect using conservative agents and with phimosis the doctor may prescribe circumcision of the foreskin.

Treatment at home with folk remedies

If balanoposthitis occurs in a child, every parent wonders what can be done at home, how to alleviate the child’s condition, how to help him. After all, I don’t want to poison myself again little man chemistry.

Seeing a doctor is the most the right decision with such a disease (specialists know best how to treat balanoposthitis in a child). However, there are also folk remedies to relieve symptoms and cure the disease.

  1. Pharmaceutical chamomile. You can make baths with chamomile infusion, as well as compresses. To prepare a compress, take 1 tablespoon of the plant and add a small amount of boiling water, infuse it and apply it to the sore spot.
  2. Sage. You can also make compresses using this plant.
  3. Oak bark. Used for baths.
  4. Aloe. It should be washed well, cut lengthwise and applied to the diseased organ for 5 minutes.
  5. St. John's wort. It is brewed with boiling water and then infused. With this infusion you can wash the inflamed areas.

Also to the child be sure to drink plenty of fluids(water, teas, fruit drinks, etc.) to increase urination, thus all germs and bacteria will be washed away naturally. To relieve pain when can you give ibuprofen, it relieves pain and relieves inflammation.

Possible complications in boys

The most important thing to remember: Balanoposthitis should be treated, and urgently. Lack of treatment can lead to serious complications.

Severe pain, urinary retention - this is still far from full list what can happen if the disease is neglected.

Untreated acute balanoposthitis easily becomes chronic, and chronic can lead to side effects. cosmetic defects: deformation of the glans penis, its curvature, etc. The most serious complications are gangrene, sepsis and even cancer of the glans penis.

Have you thought about getting circumcised? on this page: you will learn about the benefits of laser foreskin circumcision.

Prevention of childhood balanoposthitis

If you fulfill certain conditions, then balanoposthitis will never happen to your child. First, of course, careful hygiene, bathing every day, it is advisable to wash the boy’s genitals with plain water, without the use of chemicals or irritants.

Secondly, you should not try to retract the foreskin ahead of time(until the child is 3-5 years old, it can be glued to the head of the penis).

Third, be sure to teach your child proper care behind your genitals, daily and regular.

Infants should definitely purchase diapers that fit, and older boys should wear only comfortable, non-squeezing underwear.

To kid It is advisable to provide his own towel. In the presence of excess weight for a boy - we must try to solve this problem as quickly as possible.

Adequate nutrition is a must to avoid the occurrence of vitamin deficiency, decreased immunity and fungal diseases leading to. Early detection and treatment of such serious illnesses like diabetes.

The most important thing is to be attentive to your child, monitor his hygiene, identify allergens in time and eliminate them. If you follow all precautions, you will most likely never find out about this disease.

However, even if such an unfortunate situation happens, now you know how to act and what to do first for a speedy recovery of your child.

Purulent balanoposthitis in a child

Purulent balanoposthitis in a child develops due to inflammatory damage to the head and foreskin of the penis. The peculiarity of purulent balanoposthitis in comparison with other forms of inflammation is that the disease affects the inner layer of the foreskin and can be a complication of phimosis. Complete narrowing of the foreskin causes stagnation of urine and smegma, which become infected and suppurate.

The first symptom of purulent balanoposthitis is itching, burning, swelling and redness of the head of the penis. The child feels pain when trying to urinate, purulent discharge very unpleasant smell. The main causes of the disease are staphylococcal and streptococcal microorganisms, yeast fungi. The type of treatment depends on the type of pathogen. Therefore, the urologist conducts diagnostics to obtain complete information about the causes and pathogens of purulent balanoposthitis.

Purulent inflammation can be caused by various types of allergic reactions, narrowness of the foreskin, non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. The main method of treating purulent balanoposthitis in a child is circular excision of the foreskin, that is, circumcision. In especially severe cases, the child undergoes skin grafting, which is aimed at expanding the ring of the foreskin.

Balanoposthitis in a newborn

Balanoposthitis occurs very often in a newborn. The inflammatory process causes swelling of the head of the penis, causing restless behavior and pain in the baby. The appearance of the disease is associated with harmful microorganisms that are found in the intestines or on skin newborn (Proteus, E. coli, staphylococci, Candida yeast).

The foreskin of a newborn is very different from the foreskin of an adult male. This is due to the fact that after birth for some time, the baby's head and foreskin are one system, that is, the head cannot be opened, since it is completely attached to the penis. As the baby grows, this fold of skin moves away. All this suggests that newborns are born with phimosis. Therefore, the first cause of balanoposthitis in a baby is the parents’ attempts to open the head on their own. This leads to tears in the skin and infection. Balanoposthitis can occur due to infrequent diaper changes and bathing the baby in baths with foam and other irritants.

The main symptom of inflammation is swelling and redness, and in some cases, blue discoloration of the glans penis. Sometimes the child develops rashes. The baby turns from calm to capricious and fussy. Also, parents may notice that when changing a diaper, diaper rash appears in the folds of the baby’s skin, which does not disappear after using special creams and powders. Another symptom of balanoposthitis in a newborn is damage to the oral mucosa. It seems as if there are small clots of milk left in the mouth. Stomatitis can also cause inflammation of the genital organs in a newborn.

Treatment of balanoposthitis in a newborn is carried out under the supervision of a pediatrician with strict adherence to all rules and requirements. As a rule, the therapy is conservative; the baby’s penis is washed with herbal infusions, decoctions and disinfectants. It is mandatory to maintain genital hygiene in order to prevent relapses of the disease.

Balanoposthitis in infants

Balanoposthitis in infants is not uncommon, since boys under five years of age are susceptible to infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Balanoposthitis can appear due to phimosis, poor hygiene of the preputial sac and other infectious lesions. The disease causes redness of the foreskin and head of the genital organ, small ulcers and erosion of the epithelium.

A short frenulum of the penis in combination with phimosis can also provoke the appearance of balanoposthitis. Due to the impossibility of completely exposing the head of the penis, they develop inflammatory diseases and even tumors. As the child grows, a short frenulum will create discomfort, and in adulthood it will cause problems during sexual intercourse and with erection. This kind of abnormality in a baby causes balanoposthitis, so it requires not only therapeutic therapy to eliminate inflammation, but also surgical intervention.

Balanoposthitis in boys

Balanoposthitis in boys is a disease of the genital organs that occurs due to the action of yeast fungi, streptococcal and staphylococcal microorganisms. IN medical practice There are two forms of balanoposthitis: primary and secondary. Primary occurs due to infection, and secondary, as one of the symptoms chronic diseases. Inflammation requires immediate treatment, since without appropriate therapy, the disease causes complications and Negative consequences, and can also become recurrent or chronic.

Symptoms of balanoposthitis in boys are accompanied by swelling and hyperemia of the glans and foreskin of the penis, causing severe itching and burning in the groin area. The child becomes restless, experiences pain when urinating and trying to open the head of the penis, and sometimes the body temperature rises. If balanoposthitis is not treated in time, the disease will lead to cicatricial phimosis and infection. genitourinary system, which will have a very negative impact on the functioning of the reproductive system of the future man.

Acute balanoposthitis in children

Acute balanoposthitis in children, as a rule, begins suddenly, that is, for no apparent reason at first glance. Previously healthy child experiences pain in the penis area and when trying to urinate. Swelling and hyperemia appear on the foreskin. The child develops purulent discharge of yellow or white. Acute balanoposthitis in children causes fever, anxiety and general weakness.

Despite such striking symptoms, treatment of the acute form of balanoposthitis does not present any difficulties. The duration of relief of the inflammatory process takes 2-3 days. As a rule, the child is prescribed baths with chamomile decoction or furatsilin. In treatment, ointments with a drying and bactericidal effect are used. It is important to follow the rules of hygiene to prevent the occurrence of the disease in the future.

It happens that parents are faced with such a problem as inflammation of the foreskin in their child. This disease is called balanoposthitis. It happens both in infants and in older boys. Balanoposthitis is not a dangerous disease, but it does cause some discomfort and inconvenience.

For a newborn, the condition when the head of the penis is fused to the foreskin (phimosis) is quite natural and lasts up to one and a half years. As they grow, the distance between them increases and a cavity appears, which is gradually filled with smegma. These are desquamated epithelial cells and sebaceous gland secretions.

As the boy grows, the cavity expands and periodically cleans itself, but the child does not require treatment. The state of physiological phimosis can be observed up to the age of five. During the process of urination, urine enters the cavity, and if the natural course of cleansing is disrupted, an inflammatory process may occur. In this case, you need specialist consultation and appropriate treatment.

The occurrence of balanoposthitis can occur for the following reasons:

  • violation of hygiene rules;
  • formation of constrictions in the cavity;
  • deposition of urine salts;
  • maceration of the skin of the penis with underwear;
  • hypothermia;
  • endocrine diseases, obesity, vitamin deficiencies.

Accumulated smegma is a beneficial environment for the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and the development of inflammation.

Classification and diagnosis

Depending on the symptoms, the disease may be acute, chronic course or specific type. Acute process more typical for children; In adults, chronic balanoposthitis with periodic exacerbations is more common.

Acute balanoposthitis can be simple, purulent, allergic, erosive and necrotic. Treatment is prescribed depending on the type. The chronic inflammatory process in a boy differs in its duration. The process may periodically subside, but scars and long-term non-healing cracks remain.

A type of specific balanoposthitis can be caused by certain pathogenic microorganisms:

  • tuberculosis bacillus;
  • chlamydia and gonococci;
  • herpes virus;
  • causative agents of syphilis.

Such balanoposthitis is rare. The risk group includes children whose mothers are sick with these diseases. In infants, the disease can develop as a result of intrauterine infection or during childbirth.

To diagnose simple balanoposthitis, explanations from the parents or complaints from the child are sufficient. The doctor examines the head of the boy's penis. If the course of the disease becomes persistent, blood and urine tests are prescribed, and sugar levels are determined. They inoculate the discharge from the inflamed tissue for microflora and susceptibility to antibiotics.

Symptoms of the disease

Signs of balanoposthitis sometimes occur in complete well-being. The child experiences discomfort and itching of the glans penis. Redness and some swelling occur, and later the boy may have difficulty urinating.

Urinary retention in children occurs for two reasons. Due to swelling at the end of the penis, the urethra is blocked. Or when the baby experiences pain and burning, he himself delays the process. Symptoms are observed for 5 days, then self-cleaning occurs.

If purulent balanoposthitis occurs, other signs are present:

  • discharge of pus from under the foreskin;
  • an increase in temperature appears;
  • lethargy, weakness of the child;
  • inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes.

If appropriate treatment is not provided in time, the stage of physiological phimosis becomes pathological, and scars form. In children, the disease becomes chronic. It is unacceptable to use antibiotics on your own, especially if the infection is caused by fungi; consultation with a pediatric surgeon is necessary.

Home treatment

If the inflammation is of a fungal nature, treatment is carried out with Clotrimazole, Lamikon, Lamisil, Fluconazole. If a boy has a fever and pain, add paracetamol and ibuprofen.

In children with purulent balanoposthitis, the doctor separates the adhesions that have arisen between the foreskin and the head, removes the purulent contents and treats them with an antiseptic. Foreskin with prolonged flow chronic inflammation completely excised.

Possible complications

Simple forms in children are easy to treat. An advanced disease can cause the transformation of physiological phimosis into a pathological state. In this case, boys do not have the possibility of the usual outflow of urine due to the closed opening of the urethra. The problem can be eliminated only by circumcision under general or local anesthesia foreskin.

Ulcerative and hypertrophic balanoposthitis is characterized by severe pain, redness, long-term non-healing wounds and ulcers. This can lead to curvature and deformation of the head of the penis, which can traumatize the boy’s psyche. An unresolved problem can lead to blood poisoning. Infections can become a complication of balanoposthitis urinary system, such as pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis. The chronic form of the disease can cause cancer or gangrene of the penis.

Prevention of balanoposthitis

It is important to detect balanoposthitis in time, taking into account the causes and main signs of the disease. Seeking help and starting treatment on time will yield results; complications are rare. Balanoposthitis can be prevented. There are some recommendations for this:

  • strictly observe the boy’s hygiene rules;
  • exclude unnecessary touching of the child’s genitals, so as not to injure or cause infection;
  • Wash your genitals daily and after bowel movements without soap;
  • change diapers for babies in a timely manner, while providing air baths;
  • select diapers and panties from soft fabric and without rough seams according to age;
  • do not push back the foreskin of the penis.

In order to prevent the disease, it is necessary to develop in the boy the habit of daily care of the genitals. At an older age, children should be taught to use the shower and remove excess smegma on their own, and change their underwear daily.

Balanoposthitis is called acute inflammation glans penis and upper foreskin. Every second male encounters this disease, and balanoposthitis is much more common in boys than in adult men.

We’ll talk about what balanoposthitis is, why boys suffer from inflammation more often than adults and how the disease manifests itself - we’ll talk about this in more detail in the article.

Junior boys preschool age and preschool children suffer from phimosis, that is, a narrowing of the foreskin of a physiological nature - this is a normal phenomenon that does not in any way prevent the child from emptying bladder and monitor personal hygiene of the genital organ. As a rule, by the time of puberty, this phenomenon goes away on its own, and the foreskin is easily separated from the head, exposing it.

With the onset of puberty (12-14 years), the secretion of the preputial glands, smegma, begins to be actively released. This substance is white or yellowish in color, thick consistency, which is easily washed off from the head of the penis during hygiene procedures.

If by the age of 12 the foreskin is not separated from the head of the penis, smegma accumulates under the skin, creating an excellent breeding ground for the active growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. As a result of this, both the foreskin and the glans become inflamed, which indicates the development of balanoposthitis.

Of course, the accumulation of smegma under the foreskin itself is not the cause of the development of an acute inflammatory process; this condition is accompanied by a number of predisposing factors:

  • non-compliance with personal rules intimate hygiene – young children especially often touch their external genitalia, not always with clean hands;
  • wearing underwear made of synthetic fabrics, tight, out of size;
  • the use of aggressive detergents for washing children underwear , including the use of various scented fabric softeners and conditioners;
  • choosing the wrong size diapers for your baby(too tight);
  • elevated urine glucose levels– sugar crystals excreted in the urine severely irritate the mucous membranes of the genital organs, causing unbearable itching. A child, scratching his genitals, often gets an infection under the foreskin and balanoposthitis occurs;
  • washing the child's genitals too often with detergents , which leads to the washing away of the upper lipid layer, which acts as a protective barrier.

The most common causes of inflammation of the head and foreskin are the accumulation of smegma and urine under the skin and the penetration of microbes there. In infants, the development of the inflammatory process can be facilitated by diaper rash and diaper dermatitis, most often if the mother does not carefully monitor her son’s intimate hygiene and rarely changes the child’s diaper.

Important! When washing boys after a bowel movement, try to move from front to back. This is necessary so that E. coli and other bacteria do not get from the perianal folds to the urethra. pathogenic bacteria excreted in feces.

Types of inflammation

The inflammatory process can affect only the head of the penis - in this case balanitis occurs, or only the foreskin - posthitis, but most often in pathological process Both the head and the foreskin are involved, which leads to the development of balanoposthitis.

Depending on the duration of the disease, there are:

  • acute form - the inflammatory process lasts from 3 to 7 days;
  • chronic form - the inflammatory process continues for more than 1 month with frequent relapses and short-term subsidence of the pathology.

The acute form of balanoposthitis is divided into several types, which is presented in more detail in the table:

Type of disease What is it characterized by?
Erosive balanoposthitisUlcerative lesions form on the surface of the glans and under the foreskin. different sizes and depths, which heal poorly and can become secondarily infected
Purulent balanoposthitisUlcerative neoplasms fester, become inflamed, and pus is released from the wounds. The tissues of the foreskin and the head are swollen, sharply painful, urination is impaired and causes severe pain. In addition, the child’s body temperature most often rises to 38 degrees or above.
Simple balanoposthitisRedness and swelling of the glans penis and foreskin, accompanied by cramps and pain in the patient

How to recognize the disease: the first symptoms of balanoposthitis

Acute inflammation of the head of the penis and foreskin, as a rule, occurs suddenly and sharply, clinical symptoms at the same time, they can be expressed brightly or blurred, depending on the degree of tissue damage and individual characteristics body.

The main signs of balanoposthitis in boys are:

  • severe swelling of the glans penis and foreskin;
  • tissue hyperemia and increased local temperature;
  • itching and severe pain at the site of inflammation - young children constantly strive to touch the genitals, thereby causing even greater pain;
  • enlarged inguinal lymph nodes;
  • pain during urination – urine coming into contact with inflamed areas of tissue causes a strong burning sensation and increased pain in the child.

If on at this stage the child will not be provided with qualified assistance, then simple balanoposthitis may become complicated by erosive, and then purulent. With an erosive pathological process, the skin around the glans penis begins to peel off, and bleeding, weeping, painful wounds appear on the surface of the glans and under the foreskin.

Associated symptoms of inflammation of the head of the penis and foreskin in a child are:

  • moodiness;
  • constant crying;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • difficulty urinating – this often results in acute cystitis or urethritis;
  • increase in body temperature.

Diagnosis of the disease

If you notice any of the symptoms described above in your child, do not delay visiting your doctor. A pediatric surgeon deals with similar diseases of boys, who conducts consultations in any clinic in the city.

As a rule, making a diagnosis is not difficult - when examining the external genital organs of a boy, the doctor notices a sharp swelling and hyperemia of the head of the penis and foreskin, their pain when trying to palpate, and when retracting the foreskin around the head, an accumulation of a thick mass of yellow or white color with a pronounced unpleasant smell.

To clarify the situation and quality selection medicines In addition, a number of studies need to be carried out:

  • urethral swab;
  • blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • PCR;
  • Ultrasound.

At the appointment, the doctor assesses the severity of the pathological process and prescribes treatment for the child, which can be carried out on an outpatient basis (most often) or in a hospital, if the inflammatory process has progressed to purulent form, and there are signs of general intoxication of the body. In the video in this article, a specialist explains in what cases it is necessary to place a child in a hospital, and what treatment will be given to the boy.

Methods of treating the disease

If you consult a specialist in a timely manner, treatment of balanoposthitis is not difficult and can easily be carried out at home. The basis of therapy for simple acute balanopolstitis is washing the foreskin and head of the penis with antiseptic solutions - Miramistin, Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, and a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Below is detailed instructions procedures:

  1. Before any manipulations with the boy’s inflamed genitals, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water twice - this will prevent additional infection from occurring to the child.
  2. Prepare in advance antiseptic solution room temperature and a sterile syringe without a needle.
  3. Draw 2 ml of antiseptic into the syringe.
  4. Carefully insert the tip of the spitz into the hole in the foreskin at the head of the penis and slowly release the solution - during the procedure you will see how the antiseptic spreads over the entire surface of the head and penis under the foreskin, causing the penis to increase slightly in size. Do the procedure 3-4 times.
  5. Apply a sterile gauze pad to the head of the penis and put clean, ironed cotton panties on the boy.

In most cases, such actions are enough to help the child forget about pain and inflammation. If all the doctor’s recommendations are followed and the boy’s personal intimate hygiene is maintained, balanoposthitis disappears in 3-5 days without a trace.

Important! If you use a solution of potassium permanganate for rinsing, prepare it in advance and be sure to filter it through several layers of gauze before use. This is necessary to prevent potassium permanganate crystals from coming into contact with the delicate mucous membranes of the child’s genitals, which can cause severe tissue burns. The solution should have a faint pink color.

Antibiotic therapy

How to treat purulent balanoposthitis? If the treatment methods described above do not help and the disease progresses, complicated by a purulent process, then the use of antibiotics cannot be avoided wide range actions.

Important! Before prescribing an antibiotic to a boy with balanoposthitis, the doctor will necessarily give a referral to take a smear (smegma) from under the foreskin for bacterial culture. Such a study will make it possible to accurately identify the causative agent of infection and select an effective antibacterial agent or antifungal (if inflammation is caused by yeast-like fungi, for example).

Sometimes it's enough just local treatment, for which Levomekol ointment is used. The drug contains the antibiotic Methyluracil, which effectively destroys gram-positive and gram-negative flora.

If purulent balanoposthitis is accompanied by pain and enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes and is complicated by cystitis or urethritis, the boy is prescribed an antibiotic for oral administration - in the form of tablets, suspension or capsules, depending on age and tolerance. The duration of the course of antibiotic therapy in this case is at least 5 days, sometimes up to 10 days, depending on the pathogen and the severity of the disease.

Symptomatic treatment

Since inflammation of the foreskin and head of the penis in a child is accompanied by severe pain and general moodiness of the patient, to relieve discomfort it is recommended to give the baby one of the painkillers based on Paracetamol or Ibuprofen:

  • Nurofen;
  • Nise;
  • Panadol;
  • Efferalgan;
  • Cefekon D (rectal suppositories).

Analgesics can be used for no longer than 3 days, making sure to maintain an interval of 4 hours between doses.

Transition of the disease into a chronic form

Chronic inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin in boys occurs if the acute form of the disease was not fully treated or the therapy was initially incorrect. This often happens when parents self-medicate or immediately start giving their child an antibiotic without knowing the results of bacterial culture of the discharge.

Perhaps balanoposthitis was provoked by a fungal nature and the antibiotic is not only ineffective in this case, but also helps the fungi to multiply more actively, as it kills the child’s immunity. To avoid getting into such a situation, it is important to immediately contact medical care and strictly follow all medical recommendations - the cost of self-medication may be too high.

Chronic balanoposthitis occurs in two forms:

  • hypertrophic ulcerative– long-term non-healing ulcers appear on the head of the genital organ, which lead to modifications in the tissue structure;
  • adhesive balanoposthitis– bleeding wounds appear on the surface of the head of the penis, covered with painful crusts that stick to the healthy skin of the foreskin and prevent it from moving. This condition is accompanied by severe pain, swelling and general malaise of the patient.

The insidiousness of the chronic inflammatory process is that the disease is practically incurable conservative methods(washing, lotions, ointments, etc.). Of course, the symptoms of inflammation may disappear for a short time, but at any “convenient” opportunity the disease makes itself felt again. As a result of this, the child becomes nervous, irritable, and suffers from insomnia.

It is possible to save a boy from chronic balanoposthitis only through surgical intervention - during the operation, the doctor incises the foreskin or removes part of it, which allows hygienic procedures of the genital organ to be carried out in to the fullest and thoroughly wash off the smegma, not giving microbes a chance to provoke an inflammatory process.

Important! Surgery is performed on boys only after the acute inflammatory process has subsided. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia and after a few hours the mother can take the child home.

Possible complications

Many mothers are too frivolous about inflammation of their son’s foreskin, especially if the disease occurs not for the first time.

Lack of treatment not only leads to the risk of balanoposthitis becoming chronic, but is also fraught with the development of the following complications:

  • urethritis, cystitis and pyelonephritis - with the spread of infection upward path(through the urethra and above) the organs of the urinary system are involved in the pathological process, which will require expensive and lengthy treatment in the future;
  • a long-lasting inflammatory process leads to the formation of erosions and ulcers, which, after scarring, leave scars on the surface of the foreskin and glans - in the future, such a condition can cause the development of cicatricial phimosis;
  • chronic balanoposthitis leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of the head of the penis, which in the future may negatively affect the sexual function of an adult man.

Prevention measures

Rather than treating balanoposthitis in a child on a regular basis, it is better to take care of its prevention. You can prevent the development of inflammation if you follow certain recommendations.

Prevention instructions include the following measures:

  • regular hygiene procedures, in particular after each bowel movement;
  • the use of special cosmetics to care for the baby’s genitals;
  • using powders and baby creams to prevent irritation and diaper rash;
  • the use of gentle detergents for washing children's clothes;
  • correct selection of diapers and underwear;
  • timely treatment of infectious diseases;
  • protection of the genital organs from damage;
  • preventing hypothermia;
  • general monitoring of the boy’s health.

Circumcision is the most reliable protection from balanoposthitis. In childhood, this procedure is very easily tolerated, so if there are indications for it, you should not refuse it.


Good afternoon. My son is 1 year old and the head of his penis is still not exposed. A friend advised me to try to forcefully push the skin down after each bath, so she managed to expose the head of her child’s penis. I would like to consult with you first, is it possible to do this and will it hurt my son?

Hello. Your child has a physiological narrowing of the foreskin, which is the absolute norm at this age. There is no need to forcefully move anything away and try to expose the head. Such actions can provoke a rupture of the frenulum, and the child will require surgical help.

If nothing bothers the baby and he has no problems with urination, then until the age of 5-6 years there is no need to open anything specially; in the future, if something bothers you, you can seek the advice of a surgeon or pediatric urologist.

Hello, Doctor. I am the mother of a 5 year old boy. My son was diagnosed with balanoposthitis and was recommended to inject Furacilin solution with a syringe, but the problem is that the child categorically refuses such manipulations and screams hysterically every time. What should I do, I don’t know how to rinse my penis if it won’t even let me get close??

Good afternoon. In order not to traumatize the child’s psyche, ask him to lower his penis into a glass with Furacilin solution and pee at the same time. This will be enough for the accumulated smegma to be washed away with urine, and for the antiseptic solution to reach the site of inflammation.

Hello, Doctor. For the first time, my 2-year-old son’s penis became inflamed - everything was red, swollen, the baby was crying and not sleeping. We can only see the doctor tomorrow afternoon, and there is no antiseptic at home. Tell me, can I replace it with something popular? I would be very grateful to you for your answer.

Good afternoon. Brew chamomile flowers, strain, cool to body temperature and place the child in a basin with the decoction. Chamomile has a natural anti-inflammatory property and can relieve tissue swelling in the baby. This will be enough until the boy is examined by a doctor tomorrow. You can repeat the procedure in the morning, but just don’t ignore the visit to a specialist.