Drops Zirtek: instructions for use for children. Zirtek drops: instructions for use Zirtek use for adults

An allergy is an immune response that the body does not need. To save your baby from such manifestations, it is necessary to use antihistamines. Zyrtec is one of them.

We will try to study all the nuances of the instructions for using Zyrtec drops for children: is it possible to take the drug from birth and how to drink older babies?

Release form

Zyrtec is available in the form of tablets and drops. Consider a form such as drops, and its use for the treatment of children.

Both in drops and in tablets, the active ingredient is cetirizine hydrochloride - 10 mg / ml (20 drops in one milliliter).

Of the excipients, there are propylene glycol, glycerin, saccharinate and sodium acetate, methyl parabenzene, acetic acid ice cold, propylparabenzene and distilled water.

The drug is a colorless transparent liquid with the smell of vinegar.

Available in dark glass dropper bottles of 10 or 20 milliliters. A big plus of the drug is the absence of dyes.


How to take Zyrtec drops for children different ages Is it possible to drink them to newborns?

According to the instructions for children's drops Zyrtec, they are taken one hour before meals or after meals an hour later. If the medicine is given with food, then the effect is reduced.

For babies, the right amount of the drug can be added to 5 ml of breast milk, or drink it and continue normal feeding.

It is also possible to instill the drug into the nose: in this case, its concentration will be sufficient to remove allergic symptoms. Before dripping, the baby's nose is cleaned vaseline oil or saline solution.

For older children, Zirtek is dissolved in clean water. Younger than 2 years, the daily dose is divided into two times to avoid side effects.

Be sure to observe an interval of at least 12 hours between doses to ensure the concentration of the drug in the blood. Children over 2 years of age are given a daily dose at a time.

How many drops of Zyrtec should I give my child? Depending on age, the dosage of the drug should be different:

  • from 6 to 12 months (up to a year) - 2.5 mg (5 drops) once a day;
  • from one to two years - 2.5 mg twice a day;
  • from two to six years - 5 mg per day;
  • children over 6 years old - 5 mg per day, if necessary, increase to 10 mg.

Newborns and children under one year old should be given Zyrtec drops with great care, because it can cause sleep apnea.

If you are going to treat your baby with this drug, he will need to be observed.

There are children at risk who may experience sudden death due to depression of the central nervous system.

These include premature babies, babies who fall asleep face down, children of mothers younger than 19, or those who take drugs and alcohol during pregnancy.

If you want to know how to take, read our informative article with instructions for use.

About the treatment of tracheitis in children folk remedies will tell you in detail.

And in you can study information on how and how to treat acute adenoiditis in children. Find out more!


Drops can be used under the following conditions:

Sometimes as a prophylaxis before vaccination children are prescribed Zyrtec to avoid an allergic reaction to its components.

Since the opinions of doctors differ, the decision will have to be made by the parents.


Possible hypersensitivity to the main component or excipients of the drug.

And in case of renal failure, it is necessary to individually select the dose, because the kidneys excrete most of medicines.

special instructions

Before use, tell your doctor what medications you are still taking, as taking some of them together may adversely affect your baby's well-being. Although there is no such data about Zirtek.

The action of the drug

Zyrtec prevents or facilitates the very course of an allergic reaction, reduces the formation of puffiness in body tissues.

It has an anti-exudative effect: it prevents the penetration of the protein into the body, which causes allergies. Also relieves itching.

After application, the drug is quickly absorbed: after an hour, its highest concentration in the body is reached.

Overdose and side effects

Usually the drug is well tolerated. But if suddenly you gave a dose more than prescribed, then weakness, dizziness, drowsiness, and palpitations may occur.

Urgently need to induce vomiting artificially or wash the stomach, take an absorbent drug ( Activated carbon).

Side effects can also include blurred vision, nausea, and general malaise. But they develop very rarely.

Prices in Russia

How much does Zyrtec for children cost in drops? The cost in different regions of Russia will be different.

But on average, the price of 10 ml Zyrtec baby drops is 270–340 rubles, and a 20 ml bottle will cost from 380 to 420 rubles.

Storage and vacation

The drug should be stored in a dark place, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ⁰C. Medicine dispensed without a prescription.

The shelf life is 5 years from the date of issue.


The drug is popular because it is very convenient for young children to take, so the percentage positive feedback very big:

  • Marina, Adler: “My daughter. And in the spring there were constant exacerbations. The drug was selected for a long time, until the doctor suggested using Zirtek. Now there are no exacerbations."
  • Kirill, Samara: “At 7 months, my son developed atopic dermatitis. The skin was red with cracks and wounds. We decided to try Zyrtec. Two months later, there was no trace of the disease.”
  • Valentina, Moscow: “After our vacation, my two-year-old daughter had an inflamed eye. The doctor said it was allergic conjunctivitis and prescribed several medications, including Zyrtec drops. Immediately after taking it, there was a noticeable improvement. ”

Some amount negative feedback due to the fact that it is expected to completely disappear from the allergy, although it only relieves the symptoms:

  • Lesya, Yekaterinburg: “My child had rashes on the cheeks and on the legs. The dermatologist prescribed Zyrtec. But even after a week of treatment, he did not help us. In addition, the baby wanted to sleep all the time.
  • Larisa, Moscow: “The drug is absolutely useless. Causes deterioration of health, weakness and drowsiness. It doesn't help when it gets worse."
  • Stasya, Ivanovo: “The ENT doctor prescribed Zirtek to my son (6 months old). He said to give 5 drops once a day. I dripped the drug and felt bad smell. When I gave it to the child, he vomited. The next day it all happened again. I didn't feed it to him anymore."

If your baby has any allergy symptoms, talk to your doctor about the possibility of using Zyrtec Drops.

Because only a specialist will tell you at what dose and for how long to take the medicine.

In contact with


People often face such a problem as allergies. Finding the right one that will be effective in the current situation is very difficult. Few people turn to an allergist for help, which can prolong symptoms for long time. Children are no less susceptible to allergies than adults, and their treatment requires a more scrupulous attitude. Therefore, many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to give Zyrtec drops to children, what is their method of application and dosage.

What is Zyrtec

An antihistamine drug, which is one of the trade names Cetirizine is called Zyrtec. According to one classification, this remedy belongs to the 2nd generation of antihistamines, but according to most experts and studies of its properties, the drug belongs to the 3rd generation. Drops and tablets are classified as safe and effective drugs. Best result can be seen in the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis and hives. The tool is not hormonal, but has an anti-inflammatory effect.


The main active ingredient in the antihistamine drug is cetirizine, a metabolite of hydroxyzine. Its action is based on the blocking of histamine receptors during the development of a special immune response to an irritating factor. The antiallergic effect consists in facilitating the manifestation of reactions to allergens in the form of antipruritic effects.

Cetirizine acts both in the early and late stages of allergy manifestation. It removes the manifestations of tissue reactions and spasm from smooth muscles by reducing the level of capillary permeability, relieving swelling in adult patients. Excipients are silicon dioxide, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, cellulose, methylparabenzene, propylene glycol, sodium acetate.

Release form

Zyrtec is available in two pharmacological forms: tablets and drops. Pills white color have an oblong shape, with bulges on the surface. There is a risk on one of the sides, and the letter "Y" is engraved on both sides of it. The plate consists of 7 or 10 tablets, in a pack there is 1 plate (7 or 10 tablets) or 2 plates (10 tablets each). Drops are a clear, colorless liquid with an odor of acetic acid. It is poured into dark glass bottles of 10 ml or 20 ml. In a cardboard pack, in addition to the bottle, there is a dropper cap.

pharmachologic effect

Zirtek prevents the occurrence and relieves the symptoms of allergies, has antipruritic and anti-exudative effects. Reduces the movement of eosinophils, neutrophils, basophils, stabilizes mast cell membranes. The tool prevents the manifestation of skin reactions, urticaria. At correct dosages does not have a sedative effect, does not cause an addictive effect. The action of the drug begins in 20-60 minutes, and lasts throughout the day. After the end of the course of treatment, the effect persists for about 3 days.

What is Zyrtec from?

The annotation that is attached to the drug indicates that the drug is recommended for the treatment of seasonal rhinitis caused by allergies, conjunctivitis, allergic dermatitis, chronic urticaria, dermatosis. Pediatricians recommend Zyrtec for the relief of allergic conditions in children over 6 months of age. Doctors recommend taking the drug in such cases as:

  • Contact dermatitis resulting from insect bites. Redness and swelling appear at the bite site, a rash may appear;
  • food allergy. The whole body may be covered with a small rash that disappears in 2-3 days. It is imperative to treat such a reaction, because it can affect the mucous membrane of the larynx, causing suffocation.
  • Diathesis. This manifestation is congenital, and is dangerous because over time it can cause other allergic ailments: rhinitis, cough, asthma, etc.
  • Allergic rhinitis, redness of the eyes. These are common seasonal types of allergies, the exacerbation of which occurs when plants bloom.
  • Tendency to Quincke's edema.
  • Allergic reactions in babies that appear after breastfeeding.

Instructions for use drops Zirtek for children

Children should take Zyrtec drops for allergy symptoms according to a clearly marked pattern. The dosage and schedule of administration depends on the age of the child. How to take Zyrtec drops for children is indicated in the instructions:

  • babies, aged 6-12 months - 5 drops 1 time per day;
  • child aged 1-2 years - 5 drops 2 times a day;
  • baby 2-6 years old - 5 drops 2 times a day;
  • child after 6 years and adults - 10-20 drops 1 time per day.

The instructions indicate that the dose of the drug prescribed by the doctor can be diluted with a small amount clean water. For children over 6 years old, drops can be replaced with tablets. The duration of the course is determined by the allergist individually for each child. Self-administration of funds is possible only when the baby needs emergency emergency care.

For newborns

The dosage and duration of the course of treatment is determined by doctors based on the complexity of a particular case and the characteristics of the baby's body. Despite all the restrictions, Zirtek for newborns is still used, but only under the strict supervision of the attending physician. To prevent the occurrence of side effects, it is better to bury Zyrtec for babies up to 6 months in the nose, and not add it to breast milk.

At the first application, one drop should be instilled to make sure that there is no allergy to the components of the drug. Doctors advise to be as careful as possible when treating younger children with this remedy, because it can depress the fragile central nervous system to induce respiratory arrest. Regular monitoring of the baby's heart rate is required, and if there are any incomprehensible symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Before or after meals

Zyrtec - generic drug, because its quality of absorption into the body does not depend on the time of eating. To get the fastest result, it is recommended to take the medicine on an empty stomach, but with regular use it is better to take the remedy after a meal, this will protect the stomach from unnecessary stress. The concentration of the agent will be sufficient to prevent allergic manifestations.

How to give Zyrtec to a baby

Zyrtec Baby Drops are best added to breast milk, formula or baby syrup. To do this, you need to express about 5 ml of milk, add the necessary dose of drops there, take it orally, and then continue feeding as usual. Children at an early age (up to 2 years) daily allowance antiallergic drug experts prescribe divided into 2 doses. This must be done with a difference of 12 hours in order to maintain a constant concentration of the drug in the blood. The drug is excreted from the body in 3 days.

Before vaccination

Zyrtec is often prescribed as prophylactic before vaccinations. This is necessary to prevent any allergic reaction of the baby's body to the vaccine. Such actions are critically perceived by some experts, because the allergic reaction after taking the remedy becomes implicit, which will complicate the interpretation of the results by the doctor. Sometimes doctors prescribe it to infants before surgical interventions, for example, to remove adenoids.

Some therapists still prescribe Zyrtec (or Fenistil), especially if the newborn is allergic. The decision on whether or not to use the drug is made by the parents, together with the immunologist and the pediatrician. Zyrtec for a runny nose in a child can eliminate symptoms allergic disease and improve the condition of a small patient, but he is not able to immediately cure the disease. That's why children's body it is necessary to undergo an examination to draw up the required course of treatment.

How long can children take Zyrtec

Doctors prescribe the duration of medication use based on what is causing the allergic reaction. In the absence of contraindications, doctor's prescriptions are allowed to give the drug to infants for urgent relief of symptoms. The number of drops must be counted with caution, strictly according to the instructions. On average, in the presence of acute allergic reactions, the drug is taken for 7-10 days.

drug interaction

The interaction of Zyrtec with pseudoephedrine, cimetidine, erythromycin, azithromycin, glipizide, diazepam was studied - no undesirable interactions were found. With simultaneous therapy with theophylline-containing agents, the rate of excretion of cetirizine from the body is reduced by 16%. It is recommended to refrain from drinking alcohol during treatment in order to avoid depression of the nervous system.

Side effects and overdose

A small number of people who take Zyrtec develop side effects. The main possible adverse reactions include:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • fast fatigue;
  • nausea.

Rarely seen:

  • convulsions;
  • disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • weight gain;
  • skin rashes.

With intolerance to any of the components of the drug, anaphylactic shock may develop. Overdose can occur in the case of a single dose of more than 50 mg. This causes mental confusion, tremor, urinary retention, diarrhea, weakness. Urgent Care consists in inducing a gag reflex and the use of enterosorbents.


Like all medicines, Zyrtec has its contraindications for use. They vary, depending on the form of release of the product used. Tablets are contraindicated in the presence of galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency and malabsorption syndrome. They are not recommended for children under 6 years of age. Drops are prohibited for children under 6 months of age without urgent need. Taking the drug is contraindicated in any form with:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • kidney failure and other kidney diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

special instructions

This medication does not affect the psychomotor reactions of a person, does not cause drowsiness, so it can be taken without worrying about changing the usual life routine. You should be especially careful about dosages, because a single dose of more than 50 mg can cause an overdose. Special attention should be given to taking the drug along with theophylline. This information has been obtained from numerous studies.


Preparations, the main active ingredient of which is cetrizine, are analogues of Zirtek. Zodak is a complete analogue of the drug in all respects, even the forms of release of the drug are identical. It is impossible to say with complete certainty that any of the analogues is better or worse than Zirtek. They have approximately the same efficiency in therapy. All of them differ in price and belong to the 2nd generation of antiallergic drugs. This:

  • Zodak;
  • cetirizine;
  • Cetrinax;
  • Parlazin.


The tool has a lot of positive reviews, it can be purchased in almost every pharmacy in the country, as well as ordered from a catalog on specialized sites, bought in an online store. Many are interested in how much Zirtek costs. For example, in Moscow, the drug can be purchased on average at the following prices:


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment, based on individual features specific patient.

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Children's drops and syrup for allergies Zirtek - instructions for use, composition, side effects, analogues and price

Nowadays, many people are suffering from allergies. The disease affects both adults and children, but not all medications render effective treatment, and most of them are contraindicated in childhood. The universal antihistamine Zyrtec is one of the most effective drugs, it can be used even in infants, after consulting with a doctor. The presented preparation is better in a number of characteristics than its analogues (Fenistil, Erius, etc.). In order to avoid errors in the application, you need to know the permitted daily dose and the features of the reception.

Zirtek in drops

Composition and form of release of the drug

In Russia, two forms of the drug are registered for sale - tablets and drops, in their composition they differ in excipients. The instructions for use contain information about such varieties of the drug Zyrtec as spray and ointment, but they are not sold in pharmacies. Detailed characteristics composition is shown in the table:

Zitrek in tablet form

Pharmacological properties

Zyrtec is an antihistamine. Its main action is the blocking of histamine H1 receptors, as a result of which this active substance is not released from the cells, which means that it Negative influence does not apply to organs and tissues. Allergy symptoms stop and completely disappear. The drug does not provoke a bronchoconstrictor effect, which means that the lung volume remains unchanged. This property allows the use of Zyrtec for a child with bronchial asthma.

Zyrtec has anti-inflammatory and anti-exudative effects, reduces swelling and spasm of smooth muscles. The drug is effective tool in monotherapy and as an additional element in combined treatment.

Drops and tablets for children have equal bioavailability, they are completely absorbed in gastrointestinal tract regardless of food intake. Maximum high content the active substance in the body occurs in 50-90 minutes.

The time period until the drug is completely eliminated from the body depends on the age of the patient: from 6 months to 2 years - after 3 hours, from 2 to 6 years - 5 hours, from 7 to 12 years - 7 hours. This difference is associated with a decrease in the cleansing function of the kidneys . Long-term use does not develop tolerance to the antiallergic effect of the substance and does not cause addiction.

Zitrek can be prescribed for bronchial asthma

When are drops and tablets prescribed?

The use of the drug is possible according to the doctor's prescription, like any medicine, it has contraindications and acceptable undesirable effects. Zyrtec is usually prescribed to children as a therapeutic agent, but at the discretion of the pediatrician, it may also be recommended for prevention purposes. Pathological conditions, in which the reception of drops / tablets is indicated:

Pathological conditionPositive effect
Various skin lesions (atopic dermatitis, urticaria, diathesis, eczema, etc.)
  • eliminates inflammation and swelling of the skin;
  • reduces itching and flaking;
  • after a course of therapy skin rashes completely disappear.
Cough, otitis media, runny nose, laryngitis
  • promotes liquefaction of sputum and its removal;
  • helps reduce inflammation, itching;
  • relieves bronchospasm and swelling.
  • prescribed for preparation before surgery;
  • with an exacerbation of the pathology - facilitates breathing, removes swelling and nasal congestion.
SARS, chickenpox, other infectious diseases
  • with skin-inflammatory currents - relieves itching and redness of the skin;
  • reduces inflammation.
Insect bites
  • indicated for an allergic reaction to a bite, including Quincke's edema;
  • eliminates swelling and itching at the site of the lesion;
  • reduces intoxication (after a bite of spiders or snakes).
  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • liquefies mucus.
  • prescribed before and after vaccination (especially with DTP, measles, polio) to reduce the risk of adverse effects of vaccination on the child's body;
  • with a tendency to allergies, if interaction with an irritant is inevitable.

How to take an antihistamine?

The main thing while taking an antihistamine is to correctly follow the doctor's recommendations so as not to harm the child's body (especially up to a year). Although the drug is considered the best of the representatives of the group of medicines, its improper use causes side effects in children.

Instructions for use and dosage

The presented varieties of the drug are taken orally, while the medicine must be washed down with plenty of water for faster absorption. Depending on the severity of the disease and the age of the patient, daily dose medication can be increased in consultation with the pediatrician. In normal cases, taking Zyrtec for the treatment of children is recommended according to the instructions:

Compliance with the correct dosage is the main rule when taking an antihistamine. In rare cases, an overdose is possible. Symptoms of intoxication are: liquid stool, itching, dizziness, hand trembling, lethargy and general malaise. If you think that the dose of the drug has been exceeded, then you should immediately wash your stomach and take an absorbent (for example, activated charcoal or Polysorb).

Zitrek must be taken strictly according to the instructions

Features of use for infants

Under certain circumstances, doctors prescribe Zyrtec drops for children from birth. For small children, the drug is dripped into the nose (1 drop per day). After the first use, check normal reaction organism into matter. It negatively affects the central nervous system and can provoke respiratory arrest, so you need to periodically check the child's heart rate.

For infants (up to 6 months), it is better to dilute the drops in breast milk or formula. The required amount of the drug is diluted in 5 ml. liquids and in this form are given to the child, then continues habitual feeding. To avoid the occurrence side effects, the daily dose is divided into two doses with a frequency of 1 time / 12 hours. So the concentration of the drug in the blood will not change.

Take before meals or after?

The medicine is allowed to be taken at any convenient time, regardless of the meal. It is completely absorbed, but if you want to get a quick result, then you should drink the antihistamine on an empty stomach (half an hour before meals). With course treatment, the time of taking the drug does not affect its positive effect. The only recommendation is to drink drops better in " pure form”, but they can be mixed with milk or water.

It is better to take Zitrek on an empty stomach half an hour before meals.

How long can children take the drug?

How many days you can give a child drops / tablets, the pediatrician advises, based on an assessment of the severity of the pathology and the individual characteristics of the organism. Admission can be one-time, appointed by the course or jointly with others. medications. You can not independently increase the duration of treatment and give medicine to a child for a long time, all actions for the implementation of therapy should be discussed with the pediatrician.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any drug, Zyrtec has a number of contraindications. If the child has hypersensitivity to the components, then its use is strictly prohibited. In addition, the following pathologies also exclude the possibility of using the drug:

  • lactose intolerance or deficiency;
  • failures in the absorption of monosaccharides in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • prematurity with dystrophy (lack of body weight);
  • serious kidney disease.

Side effects are rare, mostly the drug is well tolerated at any age. Undesirable effects are manifested in the form of the following symptoms: drowsiness, fatigue or severe agitation, runny nose, allergic reactions on the skin (urticaria, itching), painful urination.

What can replace Zyrtec?

According to its composition, Zyrtec drops are the most effective in relation to any type of allergy.

Zodak - an inexpensive analogue of Zitrek

Its analogues can be called Fenistil, Suprastin and Zodak. Each of them is similar to the antihistamine effect, and in their constituent components they are almost identical. The difference is in the manufacturer of the drug and the cost.

Erius tablets have the same spectrum of action, but are based on desloratadine (more details in the article:). This determines the high quality of the antihistamine in the fight against even severe allergic attacks.

It can be concluded that in comparison with drugs such as Erius, Fenistil or Zodak, Zirtek has almost the same properties. As other substitutes for an antihistamine, there are: Cetirizine, Cetrin, Parlazin, Zincet and Alerza. The medicine Suprastin is several times cheaper from the presented category of antihistamines.

Treatment of allergies in children requires the selection of certain drugs: not all names are allowed at the age of 1-2 years. One of the most effective and safe means- antiallergic agent Zirtek. Drops for children relieve manifestations of the lungs and severe forms allergies, suitable for use from 6 months.

Description of the antihistamine drug will help to understand the properties, action, features of taking the drug. Instructions for Zirtek drops should be read by parents to avoid overdose and negative reactions in children.

Composition and form of release

Cetirizine dihydrochloride is the active ingredient in allergy drops. As part of the drug - acetic acid, purified water, other additional ingredients. The active substance affects various stages of an allergic reaction, reduces the permeability of capillary walls, and eliminates the effects of histamine release.

An antiallergic remedy for eliminating negative reactions in children is a colorless transparent liquid with the smell of acetic acid. The hydroxyzine metabolite is used to block H1-histamine receptors.

The composition is poured into dark glass bottles, the lid is equipped to protect against children. special system so that it is difficult for a small patient to open the container with the drug. The volume of the dropper bottle is 10 ml.


After taking Zyrtec drops, the manifestations of allergic reactions disappear or noticeably decrease. The drug has a complex effect on the body, eliminates the symptoms of a different nature.

Positive impact:

  • puffiness decreases;
  • an active antipruritic effect is manifested;
  • the redness of the conjunctiva disappears;
  • the volume of clear mucus in the nose decreases;
  • lacrimation stops;
  • the patient can breathe freely through the nose;
  • the child does not sneeze;
  • allergic cough disappears;
  • redness decreases, rashes on the skin disappear.

Find out about the causes of occurrence and the rules for providing emergency care.

Dosage and instructions for use of Kestin allergy tablets are described on the page.

Action features:

  • in half of the patients, after a third of an hour, the condition improves after a single dose of the drug;
  • in 95% of people, a positive effect of the antiallergic composition was noted after an hour;
  • the drug Zyrtec for allergies provides a prolonged effect - the anti-allergic effect lasts a day;
  • when the drops are canceled, the positive effect lasts up to 72 hours;
  • the antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect does not decrease with prolonged use of an antiallergic agent, tolerance to the antihistamine effect is not observed;
  • negative reactions to antihistamine 3rd generation are noted only in 5% of patients.

Indications for use

An effective antiallergic agent relieves negative symptoms in the following diseases:

  • (seasonal and year-round form);
  • allergic dermatoses;


A safe drug has few restrictions for taking:

  • poor tolerance of cetirizine or other components of the drug;
  • the age of the child is up to six months.

On a note! During pregnancy, when breastfeeding antiallergic drops are prohibited. With severe kidney disease need expert advice. Children under one year old, with epilepsy, an antiallergic agent is prescribed with caution. The antiallergic composition for children (and adults too) is selected only by a doctor observing a particular patient.

Instructions for use drops Zirtek

How to take Zyrtec? Drops are for oral administration! It is forbidden to bury the solution in the eyes or nose. It is advisable to take an antiallergic agent one hour before a meal or 1.5 hours after a meal in order to avoid a decrease in the rate of absorption of the drug components. You can dilute the allergy medicine or drink the drops with water (the volume of liquid is small).

Frequency and dosage of Zyrtec drops:

  • the age of the patient is from six months to 1 year - take 5 drops once (the content of cetirizine is 2.5 mg);
  • upon reaching 6 years, the dosage changes - once a day, take 10 drops of an antihistamine composition, the content active ingredient- 5 mg;
  • on the recommendation of a doctor, the daily dosage may be higher - 20 drops at a time, the content active component- 10 mg;
  • it is forbidden to exceed the maximum dosage for one day: a child can take 20 drops, no more.

In the absence of atopic dermatitis, the duration of therapy with Zyrtec is 10 days. Patients diagnosed with atopic dermatitis will need to eliminate negative manifestations long-term treatment- from one to three months. Adjustment of the duration of treatment and the daily dose is carried out by an allergist.

Side effects

Negative reactions to Zyrtec drops are very rare. Some children are not suitable for a drug based on cetirizine, a different type of antiallergic agent is required.

In rare cases, side effects develop:

  • insomnia;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • restlessness or inhibition of reactions;
  • fainting;
  • feeling of "goosebumps" on the skin;
  • problems with urination;
  • drowsiness;
  • nausea;
  • disruption of the liver;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tissue swelling;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • tachycardia.


What to do if a single dosage was accidentally or intentionally exceeded? According to studies, negative reactions are noticeable at very high doses of Zyrtec - 80 drops or more during a single dose. The bottle with antiallergic drops is equipped with a special system so that children cannot get to the medicinal solution.

Patients showed negative signs:

  • malaise;
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • skin itching.

Important! If the child drank large volume drops, you will need a gastric lavage. It is obligatory to take sorbents: activated carbon, Smecta or Enterosgel preparations. There is no specific antidote for the antiallergic agent.

Drops Zyrtec for children - effective, safe, but enough expensive medicine. The average cost of the drug is from 325 to 345 rubles, the volume of the antiallergic agent is 10 ml.

The drug is included in the group of drugs that allow you to quickly stop negative reactions in case of an acute immune response in children early age. For this reason, many pediatricians and allergists prescribe an effective composition. There are more cheap analogue- Zodak: the cost is 300 rubles, but the volume of the bottle is 20 ml.

Learn about how to treat vasomotor

Only the attending physician can choose another name for the antihistamine drug for an allergic child. It is necessary to take into account the age of a small patient: many drugs come to pharmacies in several forms, but only syrups and drops are allowed for children under 4-6 years old.

Registration number:
Coated tablets: P No. 014186/01;
Drops for oral administration: P No. 011930/01

Tradename: Zyrtec ®

international generic name : Cetirizine

Chemical Name: 2-(2-(4-(p-Chloro-alpha-phenylbenzyl)-1-piperazin-yl)ethoxy)-acetic acid (as dihydrochloride)

Dosage form : Coated tablets; Drops for oral administration


Pills: active substance - cetirizine dihydrochloride 10 mg. Excipients: microcrystalline cellulose, lactose, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, titanium dioxide, macrogol (polyethylene glycol)-400.

Drops for oral administration : active substance: cetirizine dihydrochloride 10 mg/ml. Excipients: glycerol, propylene glycol, sodium saccharinate, methylparabenzene, propylparabenzene, sodium acetate, glacial acetic acid, purified water.


White oblong film-coated tablets. Each tablet is scored and labeled Y/Y on one side.

Drops for oral administration : Clear colorless liquid with acetic acid odor.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: antiallergic agent (H 1 -histamine receptor blocker).

ATX code: R06AE07


A competitive histamine antagonist, a metabolite of hydroxyzine, blocks H1-histamine receptors. Prevents the development and facilitates the course of allergic reactions, has antipruritic and antiexudative action. It affects the "early" histamine-dependent stage of allergic reactions, limits the release of inflammatory mediators at the "late" stage of an allergic reaction, reduces the migration of eosinophils, neutrophils and basophils, and stabilizes mast cell membranes. Reduces the permeability of capillaries, prevents the development of tissue edema, reduces spasm of smooth muscles. Eliminates skin reaction to the introduction of histamine, specific allergens, as well as for cooling (with cold urticaria). Reduces histamine-induced bronchoconstriction in bronchial lung asthma currents. Virtually no anticholinergic and antiserotonin action. IN therapeutic doses practically no sedative effect. The onset of the effect after a single dose of 10 mg of cetirizine is 20 minutes (in 50% of patients) and after 60 minutes (in 95% of patients), lasts more than 24 hours. Against the background of course treatment, tolerance to the antihistamine action of cetirizine does not develop. After stopping treatment, the effect persists for up to 3 days.

Pharmacokinetics . Rapidly absorbed when taken orally. Peak serum concentration is reached 1 hour after oral intake. Food does not affect the completeness of absorption, but prolongs the absorption process by 1 hour. 93% of cetirizine is protein bound. The pharmacokinetic parameters of cetirizine are linear dependence. The volume of distribution is 0.5 l / kg. In small quantities, it is metabolized in the liver by O-dealkation with the formation of a pharmacologically inactive metabolite (unlike other H1-histamine receptor blockers metabolized in the liver with the participation of the cytochrome P450 system). Does not accumulate. 2/3 of the drug is excreted unchanged by the kidneys and about 10% - with stool. Systemic clearance - 53 ml / min. The elimination half-life is 7-10 hours, in children 6-12 years old - 6 hours, in children 2-6 years old - 5 hours, 6 months to 2 years - 3.1 hours. In elderly patients, the half-life increases by 50%, systemic clearance - by 40%. Practically not removed by hemodialysis. Penetrates into breast milk.


For adults and children 6 months of age and older: Treatment of symptoms of perennial and seasonal allergic rhinitis and allergic conjunctivitis such as itching, sneezing, rhinorrhea, lacrimation, conjunctival hyperemia; hay fever(hay fever); urticaria, including chronic idiopathic urticaria, angioedema; and other allergic dermatoses, including atopic dermatitis, accompanied by itching and rashes.


Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug or to hydroxyzine. Pregnancy, lactation. Childhood up to 6 months.


Chronic renal failure (moderate and severe severity), elderly age(possibly decreased glomerular filtration rate).

Dosage and administration

Children 6 months to 12 months: 2.5 mg (5 drops) once a day.
Children 1 to 2 years of age: 2.5 mg (5 drops) up to 2 times a day.
Children 2 to 6 years old: 2.5 mg (5 drops) 2 times a day or 5 mg (10 drops) 1 time a day.

Adults and children over 6 years old: daily dose - 10 mg (1 tablet or 20 drops). Adults - 10 mg once a day; children 5 mg 2 times a day or 10 mg once. Sometimes an initial dose of 5 mg may be sufficient to achieve a therapeutic effect.

Sick with kidney failure the dose decreases depending on the creatinine clearance: with a creatinine clearance of 30-49 ml / min - 5 mg 1 time per day; at 10-29 ml / min - 5 mg every other day.

Side effect

drowsiness, headache, dry mouth; rarely - headache, dizziness, migraine, diarrhea, allergic reactions: angioedema, itching, rash, urticaria.


When taking the drug once at a dose of more than 50 mg, the following symptoms may occur: drowsiness, anxiety and irritability, urinary retention, dry mouth, constipation, mydriasis, tachycardia. If symptoms of an overdose appear, the drug should be discontinued, the stomach should be washed, activated charcoal should be taken, and a doctor should be consulted immediately.

Interaction with others medicines

There was no pharmacokinetic interaction and clinical effect with joint appointment with pseudoephedrine, cimetidine, ketoconazole, erythromycin, azithromycin, diazepam, glipizide. When co-administered with theophylline at a dose of 400 mg 1 time per day, a decrease in creatinine clearance by 16% was noted. When co-administered with macrolides and ketoconazole, there were no changes in the ECG.

When used in therapeutic doses, no data on interaction with alcohol were obtained (at a blood alcohol concentration of 0.5 g / l). However, it is best to refrain from drinking alcohol during treatment with cetirizine.

special instructions

With an objective quantification The ability to drive a car and work with mechanisms did not reliably reveal any adverse events when prescribing the recommended dose of 10 mg, however, caution is recommended.

Release form

Coated tablets in blisters of 7 or 10 tablets are packed in one blister with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

Drops for oral administration: 10 ml or 20 ml solution in dark glass bottles (type 3), sealed with a polyethylene cap, equipped with a child protection system. The bottle is supplied with a white low-density polyethylene dropper cap. The bottle, along with instructions for use, is placed in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

in a dry place below 25°C.

Drops for oral administration: at a temperature not higher than 25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

Coated tablets: 5 years.

Drops for oral administration: 5 years.

Do not take after the expiration date.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Over the counter.

Company manufacturer

Coated tablets: "YUSB Farshim S.A.",

Industrial area Planchy, Chemin de Croix Blanche 10,

CH-1630 Bulle - Switzerland.

Drops for oral administration: "YUSB Pharma S.p.A.",

Via Praglia 15, I-10044 Pianezza (Turin) - Italy.

Representation in the Russian Federation / Organization accepting claims

117312 Moscow, st. Gubkina, 14, apt. 44