How to deal with drug addiction among teenagers? Problems of teenage drug addiction - protect and protect

In Russia, the problem of drug use among teenagers has now reached terrifying proportions. Just five years ago, a 16-year-old drug addict was a clinical rarity, but now teenagers make up a third of drug addicts who seek medical help.

The worst thing is that taking drugs among modern youth has become commonplace, one might even say, a tradition. It seems that among today's teenagers, not using drugs is considered rude and unmodern. Teenage drug addiction, according to statistics, has become a real epidemic in the country. Data from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs indicate that 70% of drug users are teenagers and young adults. 56% of boys and 20% of girls have taken narcotic or toxic substances at least once, and 45% of boys and 18% of girls continue to use them!

In the subculture of modern youth, the formation of a kind of “drug addict” consciousness is growing, which considers the drug “high” as an integral attribute of self-improvement and life success. Material well-being is now determined not only by the brand of car and visits to expensive entertainment venues, but also by the opportunity to purchase the next dose of the most “prestigious” drug.

A fashionable philosophical concept among young people is the description and analysis of the spiritual experience that a teenager acquired while using drugs. This is why drug use is now justified among teenagers. The younger generation is keen on reading books by Groff, Castaneda, Leary, glorifying the unusual, “magical” world seen during drug intoxication with substances such as LSD, mescaline, psilocycin.

Even high school students from prestigious educational institutions who get there as a result of a strict competitive selection are phenomenally knowledgeable about drug addiction issues. They freely characterize certain narcotic substances, discuss controversial issues narcology and are well versed in medicine. Many schoolchildren have a manual on drug addiction at home, and also have personal experience use narcotic substances. And these are not ordinary teenagers high school, and the future intellectual elite of the country...

Statistics on drug addiction among teenagers highlight the first worldwide outbreak of this problem in the 20s of the last century. At that time in Russia there was a massive use of cocaine by street children. In the 90s, unfortunately, there were also enough street children, but children from quite prosperous families were also involved in drug addiction.

Drugs today are sold quite openly, and are even distributed via the Internet. A medical supplies containing narcotic substances can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription.

Causes of drug addiction in teenagers

Why is drug addiction so common among teenagers today? First of all, because the teenager has not yet formed as a full-fledged personality, he is emotionally weak and overly curious. In addition, a teenager wants to become an adult faster, to be different from other peers and to solve problems in the best possible way. the easy way. But, due to his immaturity, the grown-up child does not understand that a harmful addiction does not help solve ordinary life problems, but leads to new, more serious ones. Such a manifestation of “adulthood” as drug addiction becomes destructive for a young person.

A teenager usually takes the first dose of the drug in the company of friends, at a disco, in a club, and even at school. And he does this solely out of curiosity, having heard a lot about the drug “high”. But the young man cannot understand that this euphoria is fleeting, and drug addicts use drugs for precisely the opposite purposes - not for momentary pleasure, but to return to a state normal for a healthy person.

In many cases, drug addiction in adolescence begins due to personal problems, such as a lack of joy in life. If a teenager does not find anything good in his life, he is not happy with everything that surrounds him, he decides to try a deadly potion as a life-saving remedy. Seeing drugs as a path to the world of pleasures and a joyful life, he does not understand that getting out of this illusion is very difficult, and sometimes even impossible.

Experts say that drug addiction in children and adolescents has the most dangerous reason- pleasure. Having tried the insidious drug for the first time, the teenager experiences unusually pleasant sensations, which he strives to get more and more. As a result of repeated use of a narcotic substance, dependence appears, and not only physical, “withdrawal” in the absence of a dose, but also mental – dependence on the pleasure brought by the drug.

Often the reason for the development of drug addiction in a teenager is his friendship with peers who have experience of “drug addict” life. A teenager who has difficulties communicating with his family seems to think that his friends who are drug addicts understand them very well and, together with drugs, can replace his family and school.

Specifics teenage drug addiction The fact is that the reason for its development may be a completely opposite situation. The teenager communicates with a very prosperous group of friends, but strives to be a leader in it. To do this, he begins to demonstrate to his peers his various abilities, among which are smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs as signs of “adulthood.”

Signs of drug addiction in teenagers

The first signs of a drug addiction problem among teenagers can appear at the age of 6-7 years. If parents discover that a child at this age is smoking, this is a cause for serious concern. Smoking at such a young age indicates that the child has a tendency to drug addiction. Therefore, parents should not hesitate, but immediately contact a psychologist before real trouble befalls the family.

Drug addiction can appear even after a single dose of drugs - this is why drug addiction is scary. The first signs that a teenager is using drugs appear a week after they start taking them. The fact that the destructive mechanism has been put into action is indicated by problems with studies, conflicts with teachers, parents and peers, late arrivals home, and absenteeism from school. The teenager is often absent from home, he makes new, dubious acquaintances with whom he conducts secret conversations.

The addict's behavior also changes. The teenager becomes irritable, rude, his mood often changes for no reason, and he strives for solitude. Sleep and appetite disturbances are observed.

There are also physical signs that indicate that a teenager is addicted to drugs:

  • constricted or dilated pupils, regardless of lighting;
  • slow and slurred speech;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • very pale skin;
  • poor memory and depression.

All these changes in the teenager’s condition and behavior should alert his parents.

The consequences of teenage drug addiction are terrible, so if you notice these signs in your child, you should not panic and throw tantrums. It is important to understand the situation and act immediately. Perhaps the teenager has not yet become a drug addict, but has used the drug once and has no desire to repeat it. Parents should be helpers for children in difficult situations, and if there is a problem, help the child solve it. To eradicate the problem immediately, without allowing it to take root, you should seek help from psychologists, doctors, and rehabilitation centers.

Prevention of drug addiction among adolescents

Smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction in modern world too young. There is no guarantee that just yesterday a modest and polite child from a prosperous family will not turn into a drug addict or alcoholic. But you need to try to avoid this problem.

What should be done to prevent a teenager from sliding to the bottom, turning into a drug addict unnecessary to society, and not exchanging the joys of life for the illusion of drug “magic”?

First of all, the prevention of drug addiction in adolescents, like other bad habits, comes down to the personal example of his parents. What's with early years a child sees, he considers it the norm of life. How parents feel about smoking, alcohol, what kind of people come to visit, how communication and celebration of holidays take place - all this is deposited in the child’s mind and forms a certain model of behavior in him.

Many teenagers view drugs and alcohol as a way to relax and escape from stressful reality. But the task of parents is to counter such harmful relaxation with other ways of solving problems, and to explain to the teenager that going into the illusory world is instant pleasure, and it is not worth ruining a young life.

The influence of teachers and the media is of great importance in the prevention of teenage drug addiction. But simple lectures are unlikely to impress today's youth. It will be much more effective to show documentary film, clearly demonstrating all the horrors of life for drug addicts in the context of a large-scale tragedy throughout the country. Young people must understand that drug addiction among teenagers is the path to human extinction. And it is better to prevent such a problem than to try to get rid of it later.

If you want to protect your child from drugs, build your relationship on trust and sincerity. Talk with your teenager about serious topics about health and life without harmful addictions. Explain that drugs are just tinsel, underneath which there is emptiness.

– pathological dependence on drugs in adolescents. Develops as a result of the interaction of psychological, biological and social factors. Distinctive Features teenage drug addiction are: the rapid emergence of psychopathological disorders, gross personality changes that prevent subsequent adaptation to adult life and expressed Negative influence to all organs and systems. The diagnosis is made based on a survey, examination, conversation with relatives and test results. Treatment is complex and includes detoxification, psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy.

General information

Causes of teenage drug addiction

Researchers distinguish three groups of factors in the development of adolescent drug addiction: biological, psychological and social. Biological factors include hereditarily determined features of the exchange of neurotransmitters in the brain, which contribute to rapid addiction and the rapid formation of compulsive desire. The likelihood of teenage drug addiction is higher in persons with character accentuations and psychopathy, accompanied by desire disorders, as well as in patients with oligophrenia, schizophrenia and manic-depressive psychosis.

Psychological factors The development of teenage drug addiction is insufficient psychological maturity, lack of clear life guidelines, weakness of will, desire for pleasure and the need to immediately get what you want without taking into account the consequences. The impetus for the emergence of teenage drug addiction is often psychological problems, caused both by distortions of upbringing and unhealthy family atmosphere, and age-related emotional and psychological characteristics puberty.

Adolescence is a period of rapid changes in the body, psyche, hormonal levels, social status, family relationships and self-image. Rapid changes create favorable circumstances for the development of teenage drug addiction. A child turns into an adult, this process is accompanied by rebellion, the struggle for independence, sharp fluctuations in self-esteem from “I’m worthless” to “I’m incredibly cool”, the need for unusual new experiences, active construction social contacts and increased conformity in relation to peers.

To the number social reasons The emergence of teenage drug addiction is attributed to the desire to “keep up” with other members of the group, the need to increase one’s status and impress others. The cultural characteristics of the environment – ​​both family and social – are of a certain importance. Teenage drug addiction often develops in the absence of sufficient control on the part of parents and participation in antisocial groups. At the same time, experts note that periodic consumption without the development of pronounced dependence is usually largely due to social factors, and severe teenage drug addiction is due to psychological and biological factors.

Stages of teenage drug addiction

There are four stages of development of teenage drug addiction. First stage– the first use (or several uses) of the drug. A teenager uses a drug “for company”, provoked by more experienced peers or older children. Dependence does not arise; euphoria at this stage of teenage drug addiction is weakly expressed. Often the unpleasant physiological effects characteristic of the first use of psychoactive substances predominate. The main significance of the first stage is the elimination of the psychological barrier, the disappearance of the internal prohibition on taking drugs. At this stage of teenage drug addiction, many patients develop an idea of ​​the safety of the drug.

Second stage- the emergence of euphoria. The teenager begins to feel euphoria in a state of intoxication and begins to consider taking the drug as a way to quickly and effortlessly get pleasure. There is no drug addiction at this stage of teenage drug addiction; continued use is due to pleasant sensations and the need to be part of a group, to share its interests.

Third stage teenage drug addiction - development mental dependence. If the break between doses is too long, the teenager feels irritable, anxious and restless. Now the reason for further use is not only euphoria, but also the need to eliminate unpleasant sensations.

Fourth stage teenage drug addiction – the emergence of physical dependence. When withdrawing from a narcotic drug, very unpleasant, sometimes painful, vegetative and somatic symptoms (withdrawal) occur. Manifestations of withdrawal syndrome depend on the nature of the psychoactive substance used.

Signs of Teen Drug Addiction

Clinical manifestations of adolescent drug addiction vary depending on the type of drug, but there are certain general signs, allowing parents to suspect drug addiction in a teenager. The first sign is a change in behavior. The child quickly loses interest in learning and performance declines. A patient with teenage drug addiction moves away from classmates and stops attending clubs and sections. He avoids talking about his pastimes or tells lies about where he has been and what he has done. He spends little time at home and spends time with new friends unknown to his parents.

Are getting worse family relationships. A teenager suffering from drug addiction withdraws from other family members, shows aggression and irritability, avoids performing household duties, stops obeying, violates direct instructions, and tries to leave home in any way. If parents forbid leaving home or communicating with new friends, she runs away, sometimes for several days. The psychological and emotional condition. During the day, the mood of a patient with teenage drug addiction fluctuates, periods of high mobility and inadequate fun are replaced by lethargy, passivity and indifference, which can turn into aggression.

Warning signs that make one suspect the presence of teenage drug addiction are the sudden appearance of the habit of always, regardless of the weather, wearing clothes with long arms, as well as deterioration appearance: feeling of general sloppiness, swelling of the hands, dry hair, pale or grayish skin tone. Adolescent drug addiction may be indicated by impaired coordination and slurred speech in the absence of the smell of alcohol, a desire to reduce any contact with parents to a minimum, disappearance of money and missing things.

In conversations with friends, a child suffering from teenage drug addiction may use words such as “space”, “mulka”, “effendi”, “Jeff”, “cocktail”, “screw”, “horse”, “acid”, “marafet” ", "teryak", "sultyga", "check", "straw", "khimka", "sawdust", "grass". Among those suffering from teenage drug addiction, the words “crack”, “marafet”, “hanka”, “anasha”, “dope”, “plan” and “shirnul” are also often used, but in last years they became well known through films and TV series. Teenagers know this very well and therefore avoid using such slang in front of their parents, finding new words and expressions to refer to drugs.

In the trash can, desk drawers, bag and pockets of a child suffering from teenage drug addiction, you can find boxes of poppy seeds (whole or crushed, in the form of a light brown mass), pieces of transparent film with a brown substance, a resinous brown substance (opium), greenish bars or lumps with a spicy odor (hashish), greenish crushed mass with a spicy odor (marijuana), various medications in powders, bottles and ampoules. A patient with adolescent drug addiction may also have devices and chemical substances for preparing and taking drugs: potassium permanganate, a spoon with a broken handle, syringes, needles, burnt bills (they are used as a mouthpiece when smoking marijuana), utensils for conducting chemical experiments, etc.

Consequences of teenage drug addiction

Drugs have an extremely negative effect on the immature reproductive system of a teenager. Every third girl who takes heroin stops menstruating, in other cases, as a rule, menstrual irregularities are observed. In adolescent drug addiction, both girls and boys experience pathological changes leading to infertility and increasing the risk of fetal deformities. Due to protein metabolism disorders, normal muscle growth is disrupted. As a result of intoxication, liver damage and neurological disorders occur.

The psyche, strong-willed and emotional sphere. Teenage drug addiction entails an increase in criminal activity. To get money to buy drugs, teenagers may start stealing, robbing, engaging in prostitution, or becoming petty dealers who distribute drugs. psychoactive substances among peers. The promiscuity characteristic of teenage drug addiction when choosing sexual partners turns into unwanted pregnancies, the spread of syphilis, HIV, gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted infections. The risk of developing syphilis, HIV and hepatitis B increases even more with injection use.

Diagnosis and treatment of adolescent drug addiction

The diagnosis is made based on external signs, conversations with the patient and his relatives, and special tests. When examining patients with suspected teenage drug addiction, pay attention to Special attention on the elbows and inner thighs (possible injection sites) and on the nasal mucosa (possible damage when inhaling the drug). It should be borne in mind that adolescents usually categorically deny using drugs, and external signs with a short duration of teenage drug addiction may be absent. The most reliable diagnostic method is testing: tests for the presence of narcotic substances, hair analysis for drugs, determination of antibodies to narcotic substances, etc.

Treatment tactics for adolescent drug addiction are determined taking into account the type of drug, duration and severity of anesthesia. With occasional use it is possible ambulatory treatment, with the development of mental and physical dependence, long-term hospitalization in a hospital or rehabilitation center is required. Patients with teenage drug addiction are detoxified, then medical measures are taken to correct the functioning of all organs and systems.

Patients are referred to group and individual psychotherapy. The most important element Treatment of children suffering from teenage drug addiction is changing their social circle, stopping contacts with friends and acquaintances who use drugs. The prognosis depends on the type and severity of teenage drug addiction, duration of use, the presence of primary and secondary psychopathological changes, the atmosphere in the family, the degree of impairment of somatic health and some other factors.

For any parent, the news that his... Why is the problem of drug addiction so acute in society? Because every year there are more and more drug addicts. And the saddest thing is that among them are increasingly teenagers. There is a need to prevent teenage drug addiction, which cannot be done without knowing the causes of its occurrence.

Drugs are a bad hobby that destroys both physiological and mental process drug addict. A person gets sick due to constant exposure to his body, his immunity decreases. Often among drug addicts there are people with serious contagious diseases that are easily transmitted through the tools used when using drugs. Healthy man not only consumes a substance that promotes inflammation in the oral, nasal cavities, esophagus, respiratory organs, etc., but also becomes a victim of infection.

Thus, diseases such as syphilis, hepatitis C, respiratory diseases, sexually transmitted pathologies, etc. are common among drug addicts.

The majority of drug addicts are teenagers. For drug dealers, young boys and girls are the most desirable clients, since they are very easy to get hooked on drugs and force them to continually purchase them. This is the problem of everything, so it is discussed in the online magazine site.

What is teenage drug addiction?

Teenage drug addiction refers to the harmful addiction of girls and boys to drugs. It is noted that 20% of girls and 56% of boys have tried drugs at least once in their lives. And if a teenager does not have any interests and has problems in life, then the effect of the drugs taken becomes the only entertainment.

Teenage drug addiction is a problem for the individual, family and society as a whole. These three components are involved in making a person become a drug addict. And this means that preventive measures must occur at all three levels.

The most dangerous thing about this hobby is that among modern teenagers, drug use is a kind of attribute of pastime. Drugs can already be compared to cigarettes or alcohol, which are used in any situation:

  1. When there is nothing to do.
  2. When you meet with friends.
  3. When are holidays celebrated?
  4. When you go on a date.

Already in many cafes you can use hookah. Although this is equivalent to the habit of smoking, it already shows that soon taking drugs will become acceptable.

A teenager is a drug addict - this is primarily the problem of his parents. And many mothers and fathers here are fiercely struggling with the situation that has arisen. Why?

  • Due to the destructive effect of drugs on the body and psyche of adolescents.
  • Because drugs make a person addicted.
  • Due to the development of a teenager's habit of stealing, begging for money or lying to get his dose.

Thus, the addict is destroyed not only on a physiological level, but also on a moral one.

Causes of teenage drug addiction

Teenage drug addiction has the same reasons that cause teenage alcoholism, early sexual intercourse and addiction to smoking. Adolescence is a person’s transition from carefree childhood to adulthood, where it is necessary to bear responsibility. In this, psychologists see many factors that lead to addictions:

  1. The teenager has not yet gotten rid of his childhood habits. You don't need to make any effort to enjoy it. We need to rejoice in what brings joy without conscious and volitional participation. If in childhood the warm sun brought joy, then in adolescence you can effortlessly enjoy yourself after taking drugs.
  2. The teenager has not yet understood what it means to be an adult. He sees that adult uncles and aunts smoke, drink, take drugs, and repeats them. By imitating the bad, the teenager himself begins to become bad.

The influence of the media and friends should not be ruled out yet. The media often talks about drugs. Even if drugs are condemned, a teenager still becomes interested in trying them in order to understand why so much attention is directed to them.

If it is customary to use drugs among friends, then the teenager is unlikely to be able to resist their opinion. He will also smoke or sniff something “for company” in order to “be cool” and not be branded a “loser.”

Another important reason for the development of drug addiction is the family situation. What kind of relationship does a teenager have with his parents? How trusting is their relationship? What kind of education was used and continues to be used in relation to the teenager? What did the parents teach the child? How much attention, support and understanding is given to him now that he is an adult and constantly makes mistakes? These and many other factors can either prevent or push a child to use drugs. The more cold, indifferent or authoritarian, protective, prohibitive the parents are, the more likely the child is to become addicted to drugs.

Among the reasons for the development of drug addiction among adolescents should be attributed personality disorders, which includes improper upbringing of a child. A teenager may have various mental disorders (physical underdevelopment, etc.), which will provoke deviant behavior in him. If among the main character traits there is easy suggestibility and subordination to the opinions of others, then such a child will quickly become addicted to drugs.

It should be borne in mind that many drug addicts come from dysfunctional families:

  • Where the parents themselves drank heavily or took drugs.
  • Where parents constantly used physical force against each other and their children.
  • Where there were many children (brothers and sisters) and the future drug addict was not given due attention and was not given proper education.
  • Where parents used violence against a child.
  • Where parents were very cold or overprotective of their child.

There must be a lot of problems in the relationship between a drug addict and his parents that cannot be resolved, which is why the child seeks his solace in drugs.

Important factors in the formation of drug addiction include methods. Every person has to adapt to society. What qualities and skills he develops in himself depends on the circle of friends with whom he was able to establish mutual language, their principles and outlook on life. How can a child adapt to society in order to feel calm, a member of a group? If those around him take drugs, which is one of the ways of adaptation, then the child will also become a drug addict.

Lack of knowledge and understanding of what is happening. If parents have not taken care to give a clear and precise picture of what happens to a person who uses drugs, then the child tries them without fear or doubt. If there is no fear of causing yourself more harm than benefit, then at least attempts are made to try drugs.

The problem of drug addiction among teenagers

It is very difficult to combat the emergence of drug addiction among teenagers. Even the most successful and adequate parents may experience a situation where their child indulges in drugs. Here the problem is seen in stereotypes among teenagers, which is not corrected by society.

As long as teenagers consider drugs as an attribute of an independent, adult life, as well as a way to demonstrate their own coolness, it will be difficult to rid them of the addiction. It should be noted that changing the teenager’s environment can help improve the situation. After all, there are other children who are absolutely not interested and are even against drugs.

Why can't society leave drug addicts alone and constantly struggles to cure them? The fact is that the behavior of drug addicts in society is always destructive. One can cynically say that if drug addicts did not harm others and did not become participants in tragedies, then no one would touch them.

Society is no less interested than the family in eliminating a person’s drug addiction. This is simply explained by the fact that a drug addict cannot be a useful member of society. Often such a person earns money by committing thefts, crimes or deception, and not by getting a job where they give out wages once a month.

Members of his family often suffer from the actions of a drug addict. If a young man already has children, then they are often born with various defects in physiological development, and also copy the behavior of their parents, considering drug addiction to be a normal phenomenon.

Sick children who themselves become drug addicts are additional expenses for the state, which could spend this money on something else.

Drug addiction can be called cancerous tumor a nation that could become extinct if cancer cells begin to take over healthy cells and fabrics.

Prevention of drug addiction among teenagers

It is better to prevent the development of drug addiction than to eliminate it later. For this it is necessary to develop effective ways prevention of drug addiction among teenagers. The most common ways are:

  1. Conducting educational lessons at school.
  2. Creating anti-drug communities.
  3. Creation of clinics for the treatment of drug addicts.

However, parents should primarily be involved in the prevention of drug addiction even in childhood. preschool age your child. It is necessary to improve, teach ways to adapt to the world around us, skills to resist the opinions of other people (friends), and communication skills.

In other words, a child, even before adolescence, must acquire all the skills and knowledge that he can use when faced with an offer to take drugs and show himself to be “cool.” What is needed here is an adequate assessment of oneself and a developed sense of self-esteem, and thrift for one’s own health.

Bottom line

You can give up and let people be who they become. Society will not disappear just because of a few drug addicts. However, the absence of any action to correct the situation may lead to the degradation of the entire society in the future. After all, if the first drug addicts appeared, it means that there are conditions in which other people may find themselves who will also soon become drug addicts.

Most drugs cause persistent addiction, which even an adult, much less a teenager, cannot overcome on their own. At the same time, strong drugs can cause addiction in just one or three doses. Oddly enough, parents often, even in prosperous families, miss the moment when their son or daughter starts using drugs, but effective treatment drug addiction directly depends on the speed of its onset.

– this is a huge complexity that must be dealt with at all levels, from the fight against drug trafficking to preventive work in schools and families. But, unfortunately, in practice, prevention and fight against drug dealers is ineffective and many children fall into a fatal addiction. In this article, we will consider issues related to the motivation to use drugs, the consequences and methods of prevention and treatment of this terrible problem.

The problem of teenage drug addiction - what motivates drug use?

Terms and general aspects of teenage drug addiction problems

To begin with, it is worth saying that the term “drug” often means wide range prohibited psychotropic and narcotic substances that affect the human psyche and artificially cause a temporary feeling of euphoria. You can often come across the terms “hard” and “soft” drugs; the latter are considered less harmful and not highly addictive, for example, marijuana, which is even legal in some countries. However, most experts are inclined to believe that such liberties are unacceptable, especially given the insufficient analysis of the negative long-term consequences of taking recreational drugs.

In medicine, narcotic substances are used for their intended purpose, that is, to eliminate pain syndrome in seriously ill people (usually cancer patients), because the drug, first of all, is an excellent pain reliever. It is also possible to use narcotic substances to treat some diseases, but at the moment they are trying to limit their use, due to side effects, addiction and illegal use. Medicinal drugs are subject to strict government control. It is worth noting that they are perfectly cleaned and therefore drug addicts are still Soviet period Those who used medical drugs (usually morphine) lived relatively long, unlike modern drug addicts who take “explosive” drug mixtures.

The problem of childhood drug addiction - the motivation of adolescents

Factors that contribute to the onset of addiction to drugs include:

  • Collective factor. Many teenagers become drug addicts “for company.” Finding themselves in a group of difficult teenagers, they begin to take drugs so as not to stand out and supposedly not seem like cowards and weaklings.
  • Intentional drug addiction. This method is often used by drug dealers, thereby securing a market for themselves; usually the first few doses are given to try for free, while teasing teenagers with the eternal “Are you weak?”
  • Attempts to assert oneself, to become “cool,” are very often accompanied by imitation of some kind of idol, for example, a rock singer who uses drugs.
  • Attempts to escape from the unbearable reality, misunderstanding on the part of parents, teachers and peers can push the child to go into the “world of dreams”.
  • Or, on the contrary, an obsessive search for the “joys of life”, which manifests itself in some teenagers who do not want to bother themselves with thinking about tomorrow, but who strive to have fun today and at any cost.

Such factors are usually caused by serious gaps in upbringing, complex families where the parents themselves are drug addicts or alcoholics, as well as various kinds of psychological predispositions.

Prevention of drug addiction in children should be taken seriously by both parents and teachers. It is necessary to ensure children’s healthy pastime as much as possible (various activities and hobbies), protect them from bad companies and motivate them to achieve success in school and sports. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that teenagers, on the one hand, are often susceptible to protest sentiments and do forbidden things out of a desire to show their maturity (sometimes just with friends), and on the other hand, they often imitate their idols. Therefore, it is necessary to promote ideas as much as possible healthy image life and give examples of people whom your son or daughter respects and loves. Perhaps this is some kind of athlete, singer, film actor, or just a successful relative with an active lifestyle.

The problem of teenage drug addiction - how to identify it and what to do then

Symptoms of Teen Drug Addiction

Often parents simply do not want to notice changes in their child’s behavior, attributing it to a “difficult age.” But often it is drug use that radically changes a teenager. Symptoms can vary greatly depending on the type of substance used and mental personality types, but in general, parents should pay attention to the following factors that directly or indirectly indicate a problem:

  • You see obvious injection marks on the child.
  • You find syringes, needles, bags or boxes of herbs (possibly something similar to dill), or some suspicious powders on a teenager.
  • Valuables and money began to disappear from the house.
  • The child's eyes shine, and the pupils are unnaturally narrowed or dilated, while there is practically no reaction to light.
  • Behavior resembles alcohol intoxication, but the smell of alcohol is weak or completely absent. Speech is slurred, slow or accelerated, coordination when walking and sitting is impaired, handwriting becomes unreadable.
  • Sudden and inappropriate changes in mood: laughter or aggression, an uncontrollable desire to talk.
  • Motor activity is also inadequate: increased gesticulation and movement around the room, or, conversely, apathy and immobility.
  • Dry mouth and obvious hoarseness or, conversely, increased salivation.
  • The skin is pale or flushed.

As you can see, the symptoms are often diametrically opposite, since it depends on the type of drug, but the teenager always exhibits inappropriate behavior and strange external manifestations, pay attention to this. And to be sure, make your child take a drug test. Multi-test strips for the presence of narcotic substances in the blood are sold in regular pharmacies. In doing so, try to comply with the following general conditions:

  • The collected urine samples and the test strips must be at the same room temperature.
  • Urine samples should be collected in a clean glass or plastic container. You can also purchase a special container at the pharmacy.
  • Drug addicts are extremely resourceful, so to avoid falsifying the analysis, you should personally make sure that the teenager is giving you his fresh urine. Otherwise, he may slip in someone else’s sample or greatly dilute his own with water.

Treatment of teenage drug addiction

If you discover that you are taking drugs, you should not immediately fall into hysterics or start a scandal. By doing this you will not achieve anything, but will only aggravate the situation. After all, a teenager who is misunderstood and driven into a corner by the shameful label “drug addict” becomes an outcast and seeks shelter among those who understand him, that is, among drug addicts like himself. In the case of very active educational actions on the part of the parents, the child may even run away from home, but this will not help him to heal. Parents should first think about the fact that with their “successful” upbringing they have ALREADY driven their child to drugs, and now they should leave the matter to specialists - narcologists.

Therefore, if you discover in one way or another that you are taking drugs, you should contact a doctor as soon as possible, and the sooner you do this, the more effective the treatment will be.