Ideal diet: nutrition according to the signs of the zodiac. Food horoscope: what food do different zodiac signs prefer?

People on earth are all so different, but many are united by one goal - to lose weight. With the help of astrology, you can determine how to achieve this goal for each zodiac sign separately.

Nutrition for Aries

Some errors in the nutrition of this sign are the cause of excess energy and weight. Aries have a sweet tooth, but sweets should be excluded! Also, do not consume animal fats, fried foods, canned and salty foods. It is useful to consume: low-fat dairy products; fish; porridge; fruits. And also carrots, radishes, beets, cabbage, turnips. Also, this sign should pay attention to legumes and greens.

It is better to drink decoctions - rose hips, raspberries, blueberries, etc. Aries' diet should be quite high in calories. This sign is not recommended to choose low-calorie diets.

Nutrition for Taurus

This sign includes gourmets, so they often overeat, and excess weight is a companion for half of life. Thus, it is better to give up confectionery and give preference to plant foods and dairy products.

Food in the form stewed vegetables and seafood should become indispensable in the Taurus diet. It is better to drink infusions of chamomile and parsley, as well as sour drinks.

Nutrition for Gemini

Very often Geminis are in nervous state. Therefore, it is better for these people to remove alcohol and sweets from their diet. And add more vegetables to your diet, such as cabbage and potatoes. It is also recommended to exclude animal fats and coffee, and give preference to seafood and lean meat. Fruits and vegetables will bring nutritional benefits: grapes, peach, pear, zucchini, olives, lettuce.

Nutrition for Cancers

Carriers of this sign often overeat. It is advisable to eat less, but often, 5 times a day. This sign should make up its daily diet from fermented milk and dairy products, as well as fish and boiled white meat. Drink mineral water more often.

Food for Lviv

Leos for normal life Protein is needed - eggs, milk, cottage cheese, white meat. Eat citrus fruits more often, as well as cereals and nuts. It is recommended not to eat at night to maintain health and ideal body weight.

Nutrition for Virgos

The main problem of people under this sign is the wrong selection of products, as well as irregular consumption of food. Virgos' diet must include legumes and pasta. Meat, baked or steamed. Fruits that are especially useful are: pears, pomegranates, apples.

Nutrition for Libra

The weight of representatives of this sign often fluctuates. Libra needs to give up hot and spicy foods and replace them with soy sauces. It is important for representatives of this sign to eat garlic, currants and cranberries. Vegetarianism is recommended for Libras, which means vegetable salads are good for them. It is better to replace meat dishes with peas, tomatoes and spinach.

Nutrition for Scorpios

Scorpios prefer spicy foods such as horseradish and mustard. You should add carrots, beets, and cabbage to them. Dairy products are also healthy in limited portions. It is important for Scorpios to pamper themselves with fish and seafood. Especially healthy fruits for this sign - grapefruit and watermelon.

Nutrition for Sagittarius

These people should drink a lot mineral water, eat a lot of legumes and replace natural meat with soy. Sagittarius should give up smoked meats. On a diet, you should lean on vegetables containing silicon - cucumbers, cabbage, asparagus.

Nutrition for Capricorns

These gourmet lovers often suffer from poor metabolism. That is why they should eat lamb, quince and melon. Suitable vegetables include beets and eggplants. As an option, for dessert you can treat yourself to dumplings with cherries.

Nutrition for Aquarius

Aquarius should give up all sweets. Replace all sweets with fruits (pomegranate is the healthiest for them). You can start the day with a breakfast of dairy products, and for dinner it is better to drink kefir. Light vegetable salads will complement the Aquarius diet well.

Nutrition for Pisces

Fish are often exposed food poisoning, which is why they should remove canned food and spicy dishes from their diet, and give preference to stewed and fresh dishes. Pisces should eat fish and combine it with vegetables. Mangoes and Brussels sprouts are especially beneficial.

Have you ever wondered why all people have different eating habits? Astrologers say that according to the horoscope, there is a reason why some people love meat, while others prefer salads and fruits. From their point of view, a diet according to the zodiac sign not only determines the foods that each zodiac sign has a weakness for, but also makes it possible to maintain health.

But I keep thinking, why is this my favorite food – greens and fruits? It turns out that this is all because my zodiac sign is Capricorn, and I was also born in the year of the Ox! Clean water herbivore! True, my simply pathological passion for sausage is not entirely clear: is it a genetic failure, or are the horoscopes lying? Even my colleagues, when preparing festive feasts, put a heavy broom of greenery on the table especially for me. If a plate of sausage came into my field of vision, then no other dishes interested me anymore. Well, maybe fruit.

But, taking into account that I am generally an anomalous person, we will assume that the following diet according to the zodiac sign quite accurately reflects the need for a representative of each sign in the described food products and will help you improve your health. As a last resort, at least try a diet according to your zodiac sign. What if you like it?

Capricorn simply needs vitamins A, C, E, and fatty foods, alcohol and chocolate are contraindicated. In general, it’s clear: grass (greens) in all forms, cabbage, salads, beans. However, low-fat sausage is not forbidden. It’s a pity, of course, that my favorite cognac is banned - well, I don’t abuse it, so let’s assume that I don’t allow any violations in the diet according to my zodiac sign.

For Aquarius, it seems, meat is completely contraindicated. To maintain it vital energy he is encouraged to eat fruits, mostly sour ones (grapes, citrus fruits, green apples), as well as dairy products. Instead of meat, the diet for this sign suggests eating seafood. And - for tone - the same cabbage, carrots and porridge. Who has enough imagination for what, but, in my opinion, even from this set of products you can create a very good menu!

What a blessing that astrologers in their diet according to zodiac signs do not suggest Pisces to eat worms! But, however, they claim that protein foods, in other words, those containing protein, are beneficial for them. This could be lean meat, cheese, nuts, eggs. Fish should also be present in their diet (hmm, strange, fish for Pisces?) Although, if you remember that many types of fish are predatory, there is nothing surprising here.

Of course, seafood is simply necessary for Pisces, and to warm up cold fish blood, it is suggested to eat raw vegetables, honey and raisins. To be honest, I don’t envy Pisces: somehow their diet seems to me a little poor in food. Well, I'm not a Pisces!

The diet for Gemini, like Pisces, requires eating protein (meat, nuts, eggs, soy). Their unbalanced nature requires calcium, which strengthens nervous system. This means that the menu needs cottage cheese and other dairy products. Plant foods are good for them green pea, cauliflower, apricots, plums, pineapples and beets. I believe that other vegetables and fruits will also be harmless to them. But regarding the recommended red clover and verbena, I’m at a loss: should I chew it like a cow, raw, or cook something from these herbs?

A lack of calcium phosphate threatens Aries with emotional imbalance and general exhaustion. He just needs herbal products food: beets, carrots, cauliflower, cucumbers and other vegetables growing in your garden. In addition, pamper our “lambs” with apples, bananas, dates and walnuts. But, unlike real ones, zodiac “lambs” must also eat meat, however, this meat should be lean and, preferably, boiled, not stewed. The ideal option is beef stewed with vegetables.

Oddly enough, astrological nutritionists offer the densest of all zodiac signs, Taurus, a menu that is dominated by plant foods rich in vitamins A and E: radishes and beets, cauliflower and pumpkin, onions and spinach. In fact, the Taurus diet is very suitable for both Pisces and Gemini. In the same way, seafood is recommended for Taurus. Maybe the whole point is that Taurus is considered ideally compatible for Gemini and Pisces? Or have the horoscope diet planners simply run out of imagination?

According to the recommendations of nutritionists from astrology, I should forget about any meat except game. And to make up for your protein intake, which mostly contains meat, let him look for it in soy and cheese. Starch and sugar are also destructive for the king of beasts (it is not clear - the king, and some restrictions. But what about the “Royal Feast”, historically replete with various forbidden delicacies?). But citrus fruits, almonds, seafood are useful, and for the formation of iron muscles - apples, cucumbers and lettuce. Berries include plum and blueberry (if you find others of the same color, it’s also useful), and decorate this entire semi-dietary set with herbs: juniper, parsley and dill.

It depends on everyone, but for me it’s a mystery, where should a savannah resident look for juniper? It’s good that astrological Leos live everywhere, maybe someone will be able to include juniper in their diet. To make the food experience more intense, Leos are encouraged to combine all these ingredients in almost one dish, like smoked duck in nut sauce. At least one bright spot on the dark background of restrictions: as you know, Leo men simply adore smoked meats! True, it is not clear how their liver will withstand it after daily digestion of smoked meats? Or are the diet’s compilers sure that no one will pamper Leo by cooking them smoked ducks and chickens every day?

For Cancers, the diet according to the zodiac sign very strongly recommends keeping oneself in a black body, since all of their representatives suffer from weak digestive system. Yeah, I need to let my Cancer men read this diet so they don’t bother me with cooking. Only with a weak intestine somehow the nutritionists missed the mark: my Cancers can probably digest nails. True, I don’t feed them nails, but they don’t eat the greens recommended by the diet (sweet peppers, rosemary, cabbage and wild sage), as well as homemade sage and other common herbs and seasonings. The son, for example, expresses himself quite categorically and definitely: “I’m not a goat, I don’t eat this.”

They are ready to eat harmful sugar and starch (who doesn’t know that there is more than enough of both in all kinds of sweet confectionery products - cakes, cookies and other sweet and flour delicacies) instead of healthy proteins, calcium fluoride and iodine, which are simply filled with coarse bread, fish and cottage cheese.

So try it here proper nutrition horoscope! They'll kick me out of the house! For meat and gingerbread. You can, of course, please them every day with the recommended white wine and fruit covered in whipped cream. So, here’s the problem: the son doesn’t drink alcohol, and the husband doesn’t eat fruit. Well, how can you be a mother and a housewife?

For the next two signs, meat seems to be generally contraindicated. Cereals, seafood, pumpkin and radishes, and for sweets - carrots, apples, almonds, figs and strawberries with peaches - this is the menu for Libra. Nothing spicy or salty; among strong drinks, you can occasionally treat yourself to champagne.

Apparently, to make it all look more appetizing, the diet for Libra recommends decorating dishes with thyme and violets. Can anyone really last on such a diet for at least a month? It's good that I'm not a Libra!

Virgos, zodiac signs with a gentle nature and vulnerability digestive tract, should forget dishes and drinks that irritate the intestines. In the morning - no coffee or carbohydrates! Tea and oatmeal, maybe with fruit! In general, fruits and vegetables seem to be the main diet for Virgos. If you really can’t stand without coffee, drink chicory coffee and eat it with cheese.

Pears, dates, lettuce, zucchini, almonds, dates are the most preferred diet for this zodiac sign. And as pleasant additives and calming the nervous system - valerian and rosemary.

Lucky: their diet, although it warns of harm fatty foods, completely allows the consumption of veal and veal liver. The diet according to the zodiac sign is prescribed for Sagittarius loading doses vitamins B and C, so they are recommended for egg yolks, citrus fruits, fruits and vegetables with peel. For them, healthy treats include figs and prunes, kiwi and cabbage (white cabbage and kohlrabi), as well as yogurt and kefir. Herbs for Sagittarians who eat according to the horoscope are mallow, parsley, marjoram and sage. Well, if it’s with veal, then pharmaceutical herbs will slip in as seasonings.

And Scorpios are lucky. Although their diet excludes high-calorie foods, it is quite in the spirit of the horoscope diet for Scorpios - lean meat, game, soy and nuts. Seafood will diversify the menu for this sign, and vegetables and fruits will strengthen their body’s resistance. Basil and nettle complement the list of food products in the diet according to the zodiac sign.

In general, as I noticed, nutritionists who create a menu depending on the zodiac sign are most supportive of Scorpios. They have zucchini, onions and garlic, peppers of any taste and color, peas, and tomatoes. And even red table wine almost every day - everything is useful! Maybe the whole company that was trying to figure out a diet according to the horoscope were all Scorpios? In any case, their product range seems to me to be the richest and most diverse.

Well, I studied all the recommendations, re-read all the recommendations for the diet according to the horoscope once again, and was horrified. What kind of health do you need to have in order to maintain your health by following a diet according to your zodiac sign? Excuse me for the tautology, but there is no other way to say it! And then I thought and came to this conclusion.

After all, no one is forcing you to blindly follow this diet! It is enough to include in your diet the foods that are most beneficial for your sign, and not lean too heavily on those that are harmful to yourself. But, by the way, the taste and color, as you know... Maybe according to the horoscope such food will suit someone’s taste! For example, I feel quite comfortable fueling my body with smoked sausage and herbs, although all the media loudly shout that smoked sausage is poison for the body. Well, let it be poison! Arsenic is also a poison, but in small doses it is even used in medicines! Maybe sausage acts as a medicine for my body?

In general, do not grab your head and do not tear your hair out from the inability to strictly follow your diet and horoscope, but listen to your body and follow common sense.

Many of us read weekly horoscopes, which are now posted in almost all printed publications. Some are skeptical, while others listen to advice for the coming week.

For each zodiac sign, astrologers advise, as an additional method to strengthen your health, nutrition according to the horoscope, taking into account the basic recommendations for the four elements: Air, Water, Fire and Earth.

The recommendations of astrologers are based on the fact that people born under the same constellation are united not only by the same habits and basic character traits, but also by the same taste preferences, health status, and how metabolism occurs in the body.

Therefore, for each zodiac sign, a list of products has been compiled that must be included in the menu - these are the products that will be beneficial for the body and health.

Food for the zodiac signs of the Water element.

The element of Water unites 3 zodiac signs: Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer. Problem areas of the body: digestive system and excretory system. Special attention should pay attention to the condition urinary system, avoid hypothermia.

In order to avoid the formation of sand and kidney stones, you need to include in your menu products that have a diuretic effect: greens and celery and parsley roots, cucumbers, asparagus; in season, be sure to cleanse the body as a whole, and especially the kidneys, with watermelons.

From medicinal herbs Herbal teas made from horsetail, knotweed, nettle and clover are useful. , you can read in the article about cleansing the kidneys with medicinal herbs.

Astrologers recommend excluding from the menu coffee, which in large quantities leads to dehydration of the body, strong black tea, heavy, fatty and fried foods, which create additional stress on the functioning of the stomach, intestines, liver and kidneys.

For signs of the element of Water, any diet is acceptable: mixed and separate, it is important to follow a meal schedule - 4-5 times a day, and not combine animal proteins and plant origin. For example, to mashed potatoes or buckwheat, cabbage cutlets are more suitable than meat cutlets, the side dish of which can be fresh vegetables or vegetable stew.

All “water” signs of the zodiac are gourmets, they love deliciously prepared dishes, and they themselves are excellent cooks. It is recommended to include all seafood in your menu: sea and river fish, and shrimp.

From seafood - crabs, from fruits: watermelons, papaya, lemons, grapes. Vegetables include cucumbers and cabbage, turnips and potatoes, green onions and pumpkin. From spices: hot seasonings: curry, horseradish and mustard, as well as vanilla, cumin.


Preferably shellfish, from fruits - grapefruit and watermelons, from vegetables -
carrots, bell peppers, pumpkin, radishes and garlic. Seasonings: cardamom, basil, coriander.

Any assortment of fish, fruits - mangoes, dates and figs. From vegetables - White cabbage and Brussels sprouts, artichokes.

Seasonings include black pepper, lemon zest, cumin and tarragon, curry.

Nutrition according to the horoscope for the zodiac signs of the Earth element.

The elements of Earth include zodiac signs: Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn. Problematic are the condition of the musculoskeletal system and the condition skeletal system. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition oral cavity and teeth, avoid sudden jumps during training, so as not to injure the spine and joints; after 40 years, be sure to undergo examination once a year for the possible occurrence of osteoporosis. It is recommended to include all lactic acid products, cottage cheese, cheese and feta cheese in the menu.

It is difficult for representatives of these zodiac signs to comply with any food restrictions and diets: their body needs normal portions of food, preferably more. Therefore, it is important to reduce not the size of portions, but the calorie content of dishes. The ideal dish is vegetable and fruit salads, soups with vegetable broth. It is recommended from diets, which include all the necessary products. It is better to reduce sweet and starchy foods, as well as salty foods that stimulate the appetite, to a reasonable minimum.

The preferred meat products are veal, fruits are pomegranates and apricots, and vegetables are celery root and greens, cauliflower, beans and green peas. Spices include bay leaf, cardamom, cinnamon and vanilla.

Beef dishes are preferable; fruit dishes have the maximum variety: all citrus fruits, apples, plums and pears, strawberries, persimmons and bananas. Healthy vegetables and spices: spinach and tomatoes, pea dishes, parsley, fennel and dill, cloves, curry, mint.

– representatives of this zodiac sign should pay attention to how metabolism occurs in the body; there may often be disruptions in work endocrine system. Therefore, Capricorns are advised to periodically adhere to the rules of separate meals, not to mix animal and vegetable proteins in one meal, and to eat meals in small portions.

Capricorns love deliciously prepared food and a beautifully set table. They prefer lamb and lamb from meat, quince and melon from fruits, eggplants and beets from vegetables, basil, anise and cloves from spices, sage and nutmeg.

Food for the zodiac signs of the Fire element.

The element of Fire unites the zodiac signs: Leo, Aries and Sagittarius. Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the circulatory system. Heart-strengthening foods are useful: nuts containing a large number of polyunsaturated fats, vegetable proteins, vitamins and microelements.

Nuts help lower cholesterol levels and improve the condition of blood vessels. It is imperative to include in the menu dried fruits containing microelements: potassium and calcium, which regulate the water-salt balance in the body, magnesium and iron, useful for hematopoiesis. The most healthy nuts for zodiac signs of the elements of Fire - walnuts, and dried fruits are preferable to dried apricots. Whole grain porridges and legume dishes are also useful: peas, beans, lentils, as well as fish and vegetable and fruit salads.

From meat products - lamb and lamb, from fruits - citrus fruits, from vegetables the most useful are carrots and radishes, sweet peppers and onions. Seasonings include saffron, cumin, rosemary and coriander.

Meat products include poultry: chicken and turkey; fruits include tangerine, orange and pineapple. Useful vegetables include zucchini and olives, and spices include ginger, tarragon, anise and cloves.

All legumes and a large amount of still mineral water are especially useful. From meat dishes - beef, from fruits - mangoes, figs and dates, from vegetables - all types of cabbage and artichokes, from spices - garlic, cumin, parsley and basil.

Nutrition according to the horoscope for signs of the Air element.

The elements of Air include the zodiac signs: Aquarius, Libra and Gemini. These signs have the most vulnerable nervous system, so their representatives need to learn to control their emotions, limit the consumption of coffee, which excites the nervous system, and give preference to green tea and herbal infusions of mint, lemon balm and oregano.

The menu should include foods that help improve brain function. You can use it to improve memory and stimulate brain activity. The diet must include fish dishes, dried fruits and nuts, sauerkraut, as a source of vitamin C and fiber. Spices that activate brain activity are suitable for all signs of the Air element: paprika, cumin, cinnamon, turmeric, ginger and curry. But they must be used in limited quantities.

For all representatives of this sign, the test is everything sweet and tasty, which means it’s high in calories. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the consumption of buns, cakes, and sweets on the menu. Dairy breakfasts and vegetable dinners are preferred, which can sometimes be replaced with a glass of kefir or yogurt.

Among meat dishes, fish and seafood are preferable; pomegranate is the healthiest of fruits; and eggplant and beets are the healthiest among vegetables. Parsley, root and herbs, and celery root are also useful.

Of all the signs of the Air element, Libra is most prone to vascular diseases. Therefore, it is advisable for representatives of this sign to periodically, every other week, follow a vegetarian diet and avoid spicy and hot dishes that stimulate the appetite. Reduce it and control the range of menu products and the volume of portions.

From meat dishes, in small quantities, 100-150 g, boiled chicken breast or fish fillet, steamed or baked in foil. Particularly useful fruits are cranberries and black currants, blackberries, raspberries, avocados and apples.


Representatives of this sign prefer variety in everything, including in their menu, giving preference to dishes national cuisine. Among meat dishes, poultry is useful; protein products must be present in the diet: eggs, cottage cheese, cheese. The most useful fruits are apricots and pomegranates. Vegetables include olives, cauliflower, celery and legume dishes. Spices can be varied with sesame and nutmeg.

Products recommended by astrologers for a menu suitable for a specific zodiac sign, help improve health in its possible “problem” areas, are good prophylactic. You can test these recommendations on yourself and your friends. Of course, like horoscopes, they operate with a certain degree of probability, but they should not be neglected. Be healthy!

Complex cleansing of the body with medicinal herbs.

Application medicinal herbs to cleanse the body is a soft and gentle way to normalize the functions of the cleansing system, remove waste and toxins, heavy metals from the body, and cleanse the intestines.

Achieving harmony with yourself and the Universe is impossible without balanced food. Astrology opens up great opportunities in exploring yourself and your path. It allows you to determine what will help representatives of each zodiac sign become slim and healthy.

Body type

Each astrological sign belongs to a specific element, which plays a significant role in our physique. Fire signs(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) have an increased metabolism, which means that the calories they eat will be burned quickly. Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) are inherently mobile, which gives their owners more light type figures than water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), whose metabolism is slower. But if this gives fullness to the figure of water signs, then density to the figure of earth signs.

ARIES (fire element)

Aries has great vitality and the ability to recover quickly. Very energetic, aimed at actively achieving his goals and desires. But he is a short-distance fugitive, periods of activity followed by periods of decline.

Aries is characterized by an active metabolism. If Aries is not a vegetarian, then suitable products for him are lamb, mutton, goat meat, well seasoned with spices, including hot ones.

Low-calorie food systems are not suitable for them. You can replace meat with fish, but you shouldn’t give up animal food completely. They need to pay special attention to porridge: barley, millet, buckwheat, wheat. It is important to include bran in the menu, which acts as a “broom” in the body, removing toxins. Aries fruits - grapefruit, watermelons, vegetables - carrots, Bell pepper, onion. Alcohol, strong tea and coffee should be limited.

TAURUS (earth element)

Taurus is a lover of life and comfort, a sybarite who does not like to deny his desires. But Taurus has a slow metabolism, so they need to be restrained in food and try not to take cold liquids. Since this is a cold sign by nature, such drinks will cool his body even more. Snacking is not advisable; it is necessary to strictly adhere to the diet. The earthly energy of Taurus includes carbohydrates, so it is necessary to limit the consumption of potatoes, corn, flour products and so on.Taurus's diet should always include fish products, seaweed, cheese, cottage cheese, dairy products.

GEMINI (air element)

A true Gemini is on his feet all day, he needs to constantly “build bridges,” learn new things, and share them with others. It is difficult for him to sit in a chair, he is often nervous because his impulses do not always coincide with the expected results. Mobility and Gemini are siblings. Gemini is characterized by nervous overstrain. Their diet should be such as to support and prevent nerve exhaustion. Poultry, fish, eggs, and nuts must be in their diet. Geminis should also consume foods with high content calcium, which has great importance for the nervous system. Excellent plant sources of calcium are sesame, poppy seeds, almonds, and dill. According to the regime, Geminis can be recommended to eat in small portions, but often.

CANCER (water element)

An emotional sign, sensitive to the emotional movements and fluctuations of others. It is ruled by the Moon, which is responsible for human emotions. Therefore, the main recommendation in the diet of Cancer is not to eat bad mood. He is a supporter of the proven and traditional, so he does not like sudden innovations and changes.

For Cancer, it is useful to adhere to a separate diet. But soups, especially vegetable ones, will be very useful.Caution should be exercised when consuming raw fruits and vegetables, especially those that can cause fermentation in the stomach. Cold drinks are also dangerous, since the sign itself is cold in nature. The diet should include fish and grains.If in natal chart (personal horoscope, built at the time of a person’s birth and including an analysis of the location of all planets in solar system. - Note Life) there are many planets in Cancer, it is worth limiting dairy products and not mixing milk with other products.

LEO (fire element)

Knowing about vitality Leo, it's hard to see when he's weak or sick, but healthy eating- a topic that does not often interest him. Fasting is not suitable for Leos; food should be satisfying. The heart is the weak point of this zodiac sign, so it is better to saturate its diet not with fats or starch, but with protein. He is also advised not to limit fluid intake. Fruits that are suitable are those rich in vitamins D and C.

VIRGO (earth element)

Virgos are an earth sign that is attentive and picky about food. Vegetarianism will be useful for Virgos. Food, like Gemini, is recommended to be taken in small portions; the consumption of meat and heavy foods should be limited. Separate meals are good. Virgos' diet should include vegetables, cereals, pasta, dairy products, eggs, green vegetables, leeks, and radishes.

Virgo energy salts are potassium sulfate and iron phosphate. Both salts are contained in buckwheat, oats, millet, apples, zucchini. Recommended are citrus fruits, pears, plums, sweet berries, vegetable oil. But with an excess of planets in Virgo, you should greatly limit the consumption of pasta and other carbohydrate foods.

LIBRA (air element)

Libras are usually observant of their health. This is one of the few human signs of the zodiac, most of the others are animal. Food should be light, undesirably spicy, salty and spicy. Vegetarian food is paramount for Libra. Seeds of radish, alfalfa, mustard, wheat, and various grains will be especially useful for Libra. It is necessary to use greens in both winter and summer, seasoning with cream, sour cream, lemon juice. Among fruits and berries, apples, pears, raspberries, and plums are especially suitable. Sweets will nourish Libra's energy. Libras constantly try to grasp the state of balance; the issue of choice in life is clearly highlighted for them. A drowsy, indecisive state may alternate with intense emotional activity. Elderberry tea with lemon will be an excellent drink for Libra, also useful for diseases respiratory system, to which Libra is prone.

SCORPIO (water element)

Scorpio's ability to restore his strength is admirable. He may feel overwhelmed and, after a short rest, become again filled with a thirst for activity. Especially when something piques his interest. But a peculiarity of the sign is the tendency to accumulate bodily and psychological poisons, so for Scorpios days of cleansing from toxins, when the food contains only vegetables and fruits, will be extremely useful.

On other days, you can eat spicy food, i.e. with strong taste properties. Onions, cabbage, figs, garlic, radishes, cherries, prunes, and gooseberries are suitable. Seafood (squid, mussels, oysters, scallops, etc.) will be of primary importance in the diet, unless there is an excess of Scorpio energies in the chart. It is necessary to observe moderation in food and refrain from strong drinks.

SAGITTARIUS (fire element)

Representatives of this sign are active, energetic, optimistic, love freedom and nature. The ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter, which affects the liver and arterial system. If Jupiter is afflicted personal horoscope, then damage to both this organ and the system is possible. The sensitive liver reacts to alcohol abuse, so control over alcohol should be especially important for Sagittarius.

For Sagittarius, foods rich in vitamin C and B vitamins are important. Prunes, oats, strawberries, parsnips, brown rice, drinking plenty of fluids. Favorable foods will include pumpkin, foods saturated with vegetable fats (for example, almonds, walnuts, sesame seed). To maintain optimal weight, Sagittarius should adhere to a protein diet with plenty of boiled poultry, fish, fresh vegetables and fruits (Brussels sprouts, beets, tomatoes).

CAPRICORN (earth element)

An earth sign, but very active. Capricorns often direct all their energy to work, trying to achieve professionalism. Therefore, with large expenditures of energy, characteristic of this sign, it is necessary to eat heavily, but infrequently. To stimulate digestion, it is recommended to use seasonings such as turmeric and ginger. Salt, sauces, sugar must be limited.

Black sesame, radiant beans, products dark colors correspond to the energy of Saturn, which rules this sign. Particular attention should be paid to foods rich in calcium. Vitamins D and P are important. Eggs contain a lot of the former, butter, milk; the second - in rose hips and cranberries. If there are several planets in Capricorn in the natal chart, then it is imperative to remove all fast carbohydrates and limit the consumption of flour.

AQUARIUS (air element)

Like all other air signs, Aquarius is not recommended to eat heavy food, especially of animal origin. For meat, we can recommend chicken and beef. Vegetarianism willuseful for Aquarius, as well as other human zodiac signs. Among the nuts you should choose almonds and peanuts.

Their stomachs are prone to increased acidity, so you should avoid spicy, fatty and fried foods. Uranus, which rules this sign, endows its wards with originality, independence, unpredictability, and the possibility of sudden changes emotional background. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the nervous system with vitamins B1 and B12, which are abundant in peas, soybeans, brewer’s yeast, and eggs. It is also important to pay attention to foods rich in calcium.

PISCES (water element)

Pisces completes the astrological wheel of the zodiacs. Pisces are energetically weak, their main strength is acceptance of people and compassion. This is a cold sign, so fluid intake should be controlled. It is important to limit alcohol, coffee, tea and other addictive drinks. It will be useful for Pisces to give up fermentation products, including kvass. The diet should contain a lot of foods rich in iron, magnesium, and protein. Since Pisces are prone to food poisoning, the freshness of food should be of utmost importance to them. Meat should be limited and replaced with fish. It is important to include nuts, raisins, and pomegranate in your diet. Spicy foods should also be limited.

How to change your diet according to the elements

Each person has two zodiac signs: the first is determined by the Sun, the second by the Moon. You can calculate them using your personal natal chart.

The Sun, which controls the digestive fire, has its main power at noon, so it is good to take the main meal at this time. It is useful to eat food fresh and warm. The second rule is especially important for cold zodiac signs (water and earth signs).

The moon has a symbolic meaning in nutrition: it symbolizes its type and preferred foods. This is determined by the element in which the Moon is located. When the Moon is in human signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Virgo), many diets are suitable, including a vegetarian system. The Water Moon gravitates toward foods that attract energy (juicy, liquid). People with a fire Moon choose energy-rich foods. But the earth's moon prefers solid food.

It is important to analyze the relationship between the elements in the natal chart (fire, water, air, earth), especially the lack or excess of signs belonging to different elements. With the help of food you can balance your physical state. There is not enough fire, then we increase meat consumption and use hot spices. In case of lack of water, increase liquid and dairy products. If there is not enough land, then cereals, durum pasta, fruits, vegetables, and fruits will be useful.

Today there is no need to explain to anyone how important nutrition is for human life. Food is a building material for the body, and how healthy, energetic, and attractive we are in appearance largely depends on it. Unfortunately, many of us neglect this opportunity to improve the quality of life and make it longer. Establishments offering fast food are thriving, the food industry is stuffing their products with all sorts of chemical additives, the media are vying with each other to offer incredibly appetizing and tasty recipes, but, alas, not healthy dishes... Overcoming temptations and established habits turns out to be an impossible task for most.

Those who monitor nutrition do not always take into account the influence of planets. Meanwhile, astrology can make serious adjustments to our diet. The stars can tell you important decisions not only, say, in the field of finance, love or travel, but also in choosing a diet that would best suit the needs of the body of a particular zodiac sign. You can spend a long time and persistently deciding which foods become a source of health and beauty, but there is a simpler way - study your nutrition horoscope according to the signs of the Zodiac.

Body type

Each astrological sign belongs to a specific element, which plays a significant role in our physique. Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) have an increased metabolism, which means that the calories they eat will be burned quickly. Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) are inherently mobile, which gives their owners a lighter body type than water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), whose metabolism is slower. But if this gives fullness to the figure of water signs, then density to the figure of earth signs.

ARIES (fire element)

Aries has great vitality and the ability to recover quickly. Very energetic, aimed at actively achieving his goals and desires. But he is a short-distance fugitive, periods of activity followed by periods of decline.

Aries is characterized by an active metabolism. If Aries is not a vegetarian, then suitable products for him are lamb, mutton, goat meat, well seasoned with spices, including hot ones.

Low-calorie food systems are not suitable for them. You can replace meat with fish, but you shouldn’t give up animal food completely. They need to pay special attention to porridge: barley, millet, buckwheat, wheat. It is important to include bran in the menu, which acts as a “broom” in the body, removing toxins. Aries fruits - grapefruit, watermelons, vegetables - carrots, capsicums, onions. Alcohol, strong tea and coffee should be limited.

TAURUS (earth element)

Taurus is a lover of life and comfort, a sybarite who does not like to deny his desires. But Taurus has a slow metabolism, so they need to be restrained in food and try not to take cold liquids. Since this is a cold sign by nature, such drinks will cool his body even more. Snacking is not advisable; it is necessary to strictly adhere to the diet. The earthly energy of Taurus includes carbohydrates, so it is necessary to limit the consumption of potatoes, corn, flour products, etc. Taurus's diet should always include fish products, seaweed, cheese, cottage cheese, and fermented milk products.

GEMINI (air element)

A true Gemini is on his feet all day, he needs to constantly “build bridges,” learn new things, and share them with others. It is difficult for him to sit in a chair, he is often nervous because his impulses do not always coincide with the expected results. Mobility and Gemini are siblings. Gemini is characterized by nervous overstrain. Their diet should be such as to support and prevent nerve exhaustion. Poultry, fish, eggs, and nuts must be in their diet. Geminis should also consume foods high in calcium, which is important for the nervous system. Excellent plant sources of calcium are sesame, poppy seeds, almonds, and dill. According to the regime, Geminis can be recommended to eat in small portions, but often.

CANCER (water element)

An emotional sign, sensitive to the emotional movements and fluctuations of others. It is ruled by the Moon, which is responsible for human emotions. Therefore, the main recommendation in Cancer nutrition is not to eat in a bad mood. He is a supporter of the proven and traditional, so he does not like sudden innovations and changes.

For Cancer, it is useful to adhere to a separate diet. But soups, especially vegetable ones, will be very useful. Caution should be exercised when consuming raw fruits and vegetables, especially those that can cause fermentation in the stomach. Cold drinks are also dangerous, since the sign itself is cold in nature. The diet should include fish and grains. If there are many planets in Cancer in the natal chart (a personal horoscope built at the time of a person’s birth and including an analysis of the location of all planets in the solar system), it is worth limiting dairy products and not mixing milk with other products.

LEO (fire element)

Knowing about Leo's vitality, it is difficult to see when he is weakened or sick, but healthy eating is a topic that does not often interest him. Fasting is not suitable for Leos; food should be satisfying.

The heart is the weak point of this zodiac sign, so it is better to saturate its diet not with fats or starch, but with protein. He is also advised not to limit fluid intake. Fruits that are suitable are those rich in vitamins D and C.

VIRGO (earth element)

Virgos are an earth sign that is attentive and picky about food. Vegetarianism will be useful for Virgos. Food, like Gemini, is recommended to be taken in small portions; the consumption of meat and heavy foods should be limited. Separate meals are good. Virgos' diet should include vegetables, cereals, pasta, dairy products, eggs, green vegetables, leeks, and radishes.

Virgo energy salts are potassium sulfate and iron phosphate. Both salts are found in buckwheat, oats, millet, apples, and zucchini. Citrus fruits, pears, plums, sweet berries, and vegetable oil are recommended. But with an excess of planets in Virgo, you should greatly limit the consumption of pasta and other carbohydrate foods.

LIBRA (air element)

Libras are usually observant of their health. This is one of the few human signs of the zodiac, most of the others are animal. Food should be light, undesirably spicy, salty and spicy. Vegetarian food is paramount for Libra. Seeds of radish, alfalfa, mustard, wheat, and various grains will be especially useful for Libra. It is necessary to use greens in both winter and summer, seasoned with cream, sour cream, and lemon juice. Among fruits and berries, apples, pears, raspberries, and plums are especially suitable. Sweets will nourish Libra's energy. Libras constantly try to grasp the state of balance; the issue of choice in life is clearly highlighted for them. A drowsy, indecisive state may alternate with intense emotional activity. Elderberry tea with lemon will be an excellent drink for Libra, also useful for diseases of the respiratory system, to which Libra can be prone.

SCORPIO (water element)

Scorpio's ability to restore his strength is admirable. He may feel overwhelmed and, after a short rest, become again filled with a thirst for activity. Especially when something piques his interest. But a peculiarity of the sign is the tendency to accumulate bodily and psychological poisons, so for Scorpios days of cleansing from toxins, when the food contains only vegetables and fruits, will be extremely useful.

On other days, you can eat spicy food, i.e. with strong taste properties. Onions, cabbage, figs, garlic, radishes, cherries, prunes, and gooseberries are suitable. Seafood (squid, mussels, oysters, scallops, etc.) will be of primary importance in the diet, unless there is an excess of Scorpio energies in the chart. It is necessary to observe moderation in food and refrain from strong drinks.

SAGITTARIUS (fire element)

Representatives of this sign are active, energetic, optimistic, love freedom and nature. The ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter, which affects the liver and arterial system. If Jupiter is affected in a personal horoscope, then damage to both this organ and system is possible. The sensitive liver reacts to alcohol abuse, so control over alcohol should be especially important for Sagittarius.

For Sagittarius, foods rich in vitamin C and B vitamins are important. Prunes, oats, strawberries, parsnips, brown rice, and drinking plenty of fluids are useful. Favorable foods will include pumpkin and foods rich in vegetable fats (for example, almonds, walnuts, sesame seeds). To maintain optimal weight, Sagittarius should adhere to a protein diet with plenty of boiled poultry, fish, fresh vegetables and fruits (Brussels sprouts, beets, tomatoes).

CAPRICORN (earth element)

An earth sign, but very active. Capricorns often direct all their energy to work, trying to achieve professionalism. Therefore, with large expenditures of energy, characteristic of this sign, it is necessary to eat heavily, but infrequently. To stimulate digestion, it is recommended to use seasonings such as turmeric and ginger. Salt, sauces, sugar must be limited.

Black sesame, radiant beans, and dark-colored foods correspond to the energy of Saturn, which rules this sign. Particular attention should be paid to foods rich in calcium. Vitamins D and P are important. There is a lot of the former in eggs, butter, and milk; the second - in rose hips and cranberries. If there are several planets in Capricorn in the natal chart, then it is imperative to remove all fast carbohydrates and limit the consumption of flour.

AQUARIUS (air element)

Like all other air signs, Aquarius is not recommended to eat heavy food, especially of animal origin. For meat, we can recommend chicken and beef. Vegetarianism will be beneficial for Aquarius, as well as other human zodiac signs. Among the nuts you should choose almonds and peanuts.

Their stomachs are prone to high acidity, so you should avoid spicy, fatty and fried foods. Uranus, which rules this sign, endows its wards with originality, independence, unpredictability, and the possibility of a sharp change in the emotional background. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the nervous system with vitamins B1 and B12, which are abundant in peas, soybeans, brewer’s yeast, and eggs. It is also important to pay attention to foods rich in calcium.

PISCES (water element)

Pisces completes the astrological wheel of the zodiacs. Pisces are energetically weak, their main strength is acceptance of people and compassion. This is a cold sign, so fluid intake should be controlled. It is important to limit alcohol, coffee, tea and other addictive drinks. It will be useful for Pisces to give up fermentation products, including kvass. The diet should contain a lot of foods rich in iron, magnesium, and protein. Since Pisces are prone to food poisoning, the freshness of food should be of utmost importance to them. Meat should be limited and replaced with fish. It is important to include nuts, raisins, and pomegranate in your diet. Spicy foods should also be limited.

How to change your diet according to the elements

Each person has two zodiac signs: the first is determined by the Sun, the second by the Moon. You can calculate them using your personal natal chart.

The Sun, which controls the digestive fire, has its main power at noon, so it is good to take the main meal at this time. It is useful to eat food fresh and warm. The second rule is especially important for cold zodiac signs (water and earth signs).

The moon has a symbolic meaning in nutrition: it symbolizes its type and preferred foods. This is determined by the element in which the Moon is located. When the Moon is in human signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Virgo), many diets are suitable, including a vegetarian system. The Water Moon gravitates toward foods that attract energy (juicy, liquid). People with a fire Moon choose energy-rich foods. But the earth's Moon prefers solid food.

It is important to analyze the relationship between the elements in the natal chart (fire, water, air, earth), especially the lack or excess of signs belonging to different elements. With the help of food you can balance your physical condition. There is not enough fire, then we increase meat consumption and use hot spices. In case of lack of water, increase liquid and dairy products. If there is not enough land, then cereals, durum pasta, fruits, vegetables, and fruits will be useful.