Green polka dot benefit and harm. How to preserve polka dot at home? Fresh green peas benefits and harm

Almost all types of vegetables can be subjected to preservation, but this type of treatment negatively affects the value and utility of the product. According to nutritionists, peas green can be considered an exception to this rule. Of course, the characteristics of the final result largely depend on the correctness of the processing of the ingredient, the volume of food additives used in its workpiece.

If you do conservation at home, the benefits of products will be maximum with a minimum level of danger. Such a component can not only be added to salads, but also apply as a base of unusual and traditional dishes.

Green peas composition and benefit

In the process of canning, the green pea is exposed to the most gentle processing, so that vitamins and minerals are preserved almost in full. Dietyology became interested in this ingredient not so long ago, but certain conclusions were already made on his occasion. According to experts, the benefits of canned vegetable is not so different from the indicators of fresh product.

Including it in the diet of adults and children, you can count on such positive consequences:

  • For the preparation of conservation, an exceptionally young vegetable is used, and it contains a lot of antioxidants. Thanks to them, binding to free radicals, their excretion from the body and preventing the formation of new compounds. People who use polka dot in any form significantly reduce the risks of development in their body of cancer tumors.
  • The abundance of antioxidants has more pros. Even canned peas contributes to the removal of tissues of toxins, oppression of the activities of allergens. Practice shows that the introduction of this product in the diet leads to the elimination of problems with skin, hair and nails. After some time, all these formations acquire a more aesthetic appearance.
  • Like many legumes of crops, peas are useful to people with elevated arterial pressure. Eating 50 g of canned or fresh pea per day, you can reduce the risk of developing hypertension and hypertensive crisis. At the same time, the vessels from cholesterol plaques are cleaning, which is regarded as the effective prevention of thrombosis.
  • Another polka dot green contains a lot of nucleotides. These substances give the product with regenerative properties. They also contribute to the strengthening of local immunity and the restoration of the elasticity of the skin. If you eat a few tablespoons of conservation every day, you can count on faster healing of wounds, cuts, burns, frostbite, deep cracks on the background of dryness of tissues.
  • The presence in the composition of the fiber product contributes to the election of the chair. With the help of green peas, you can clean the intestine, get rid of constipation. To adjust the peristaltics, the ingredient is enough to include 2-3 times a week in its menu.
  • Many consider the peas of severe food. In fact, fresh and canned products are perfectly absorbed by the body. They can even be included in the diet of people during the recovery period.

With all this, it is important to understand that the peas are green, both canned and fresh, is not a panacea from all listed states. It can be an excellent preventive tool, but in the case of existing problems, traditional treatment techniques must be used.

Ways to use brine from green peas

The fill that remains in the bank after extracting green peas from it, it can also be quite useful. Of course, if various preservatives and nutritional supplements are made in the product, the liquid is better to pour. If the mass of the resistant smell of metal or other unpleasant aromas is emanated, it also needs to be disposed of. In general, even canned peas, extracted from such a base may not be most useful and need to be rinsed at least.

Tip: Contrary to popular belief, preservation of young peas is extremely useful during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It helps to saturate the body of women with useful substances covering its growing needs. And in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, the pulp allows you to fight constipation that are not rare.

If the fill is delicious, clean, or even obtained from the product prepared at home, then it can be used with a hangover syndrome. It is enough small sips to drink 200 ml of composition to get rid of nausea, vomiting and headaches. The use of mass to the feast will reduce the susceptibility to alcohol.

Harm green peas for the body

The absence of contraindications is another positive point that highlights green polka dots canned. The benefits and harm of the product depends solely on the observance of dosages. According to nutritionists and doctors, 3-4 tablespoons of the composition are more than enough to obtain the desired results. If you exceed these indicators, the consequences may be such:

  • Because of the abundance of Purina, strong gas formation may occur, there will be signs of meteorism and the bloating.
  • The overeating of the peas sometimes leads to the oppression of the production of enzymes, which are necessary for the splitting of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • When splitting, Parin forms urinary acid in large volumes, therefore, in case of kidney disease, this may cause a deterioration of the state.

Otherwise, doctors and nutritionists consider the peas with a green exclusively useful product. It extremely rarely causes allergies and is perfectly absorbed by the body. It can be introduced into a diet of people of any age, taking into account their condition and individual characteristics of the body.

Method for cooking canned green peas

At home prepared at home, rather low calorie content is only 40 units per 100 g of product. It has no fats, a lot of protein and dietary fiber. Preservatives and nutritional supplements affect the properties of the food ingredient most negatively, so it does not have a comparison with self-made products.

For the preparation of canned peas at home, you need to do the following:

  1. We take 1 kg of young peas, poured it with water and add 1.5 tablespoons of salt.
  2. We put the container on fire, bring to a boil and boil within 7 minutes.
  3. Now we drain the liquid, trying not to crush the peas. Unlock vegetables for sterile banks of small volume.
  4. In order for the use of green peas to be maximized, the brine is also prepare yourself (although some hostesses simply merge it with conservation). To do this, in 1 liter of boiling water add 1 tablespoon of sugar and salt. We stir until the crystals dissolve.
  5. Pour the brine boiled polka dots. It is possible to add a slightly acetic acid to liquid.

It remains to close the banks and wait for their cooling. After that, from need to be deposited, it is best for this refrigerator.

Rules for the choice, storage and use of green peas

If there is no possibility to cook the product yourself, it needs to be able to correctly. Sometimes, in the entire proposed variety of products it is not so easy to find green peas, the benefits of which will be maximum. The store needs to pay attention not to the price, but at such moments:

  • The shelf life of the peas, closed in all the rules, is exactly 24 months. The storage period for open-ended should not exceed 2 days. If the indicators are overestimated, it may indicate the availability of chemical preservatives.
  • It is better if the bank is tin or glass. It should not be drips, scratches and dents. If the tank is transparent, we estimate the state of the brine. Turbidity indicates low quality liquid or disturbance of the integrity of the peas.
  • Even that, exactly the label is accurate, plays an important role. Nechatic in appearance The product is not very high-quality in most cases.
  • The jar must be shaking. If the bouffagance is poorly different, it indicates a good complicity of the tank and a sufficient amount of brine.
  • Be sure to read the composition of the product. If the product list includes only sugar, salt, water and the very young pea, it will benefit it as much as possible.
  • The presence of any food additives is unacceptable. They are needed only if it was originally closed not young, but already mature and not such a useful vegetable.

High-quality green peas is a universal culinary ingredient and food product. It is perfectly combined with vegetables and all kinds of greenery. It can improve the taste and nutritional properties of omelet, scrambled eggs, most cas. Its use in the process of cooking soup allows you to significantly save time and get a satisfying dish in record time. Today, more and more often from the product prepare various cream soups and mashed potatoes, which are distinguished by a pleasant taste and tender texture.

Canned peas are one of the most popular canned vegetables, which are often used in cooking to prepare all sorts of dishes. Soups are boiled out of it, various salads and seasonings are made, and also used in natural form as a simple side dish. Thanks to a rich set of utility substances, the value of this product is indisputable. Nevertheless, experts often interest the caloric content of green peas canned. This indicator should be understood in more detail.

Calorie Pea

Pea is an oldest culture that humanity knew in the 4th century to our era. Its fruits are a rather valuable food product in which there is a huge amount of vegetable protein. In addition, there are many vitamins, minerals and various useful acids. The energy value of such a product is a little more than 80 kilocalories.

For a long time, the only way to billet pea was drying. Later, people learned to preserve him.

The first in the 16th century did the Dutch. Today, canned polka dots can be found in any grocery store.

Many people have a question, what is the difference between the products that have undergone such types of processing? The most important difference is that the caloric content of green peas canned many times lower than dried. There may be two reasons here. First, the removal of moisture increases the concentration of the main elements (fats, proteins and carbohydrates), which determine its energy value. By the way, the calorie of the dried peas is about 300 kilocalories. Secondly, for preservation, exceptionally young grains of special varieties are used. Moreover, their processing is produced precisely when fresh fruits achieve the so-called stage of dairy maturity. Nevertheless, there are quite a lot of vitamins and sugars. Green canned green peas calorie is only 55 kilocalories. It is much smaller than a natural or dried product.

Practical use

For the correct nutritional organization, as is well known, it is necessary to take into account not only the quantity, compatibility, but also the nutritional value of each individual product. The low calorie peas of green canned allows you to use it as the main component with different diets. This product is useful to eat those who cares about their figure or seek to lose weight. The fact is that the fruits of leguminous crops can be bolder to eat without fearing to gain extra pounds.

In addition, peas contributes to the purification of the body, deriving unnecessary slags and various harmful substances from it. By the way, the pea diet is the simplest. It has no strict list of products with an indication of their use. It is necessary to include every day in your menu at least one dish cooked from pea. The main thing is that the remaining components in it are not highly eligible. By the way, it can be several spoons of canned peas as a side dish. The main disadvantage of such a diet is the unpleasant side effects in the form of meteorism. But this problem is not so global.

Calorie Calculation

Many people like polka dot green canned. The caloric content of 100 grams of the finished product is 53-55 kilocalories. Moreover, it is meant that it is edible part of it without taking into account liquid. It is this figure that is usually indicated on the labels. After all, peas are sold in a container of different volumes. The energy value of the entire packaging can be calculated independently, reaching the simplest proportion. But as a rule, this is not necessary. Most often the caloric content of the product unit is needed to calculate the energy value of the finished dish.

For example, the following products will be required to prepare an omelet with green peas:

2 eggs, 200 grams of canned peas, 50 milliliters of milk and 2 grams of food salt.

As a result of culinary processing, the finished omelet will have the following characteristics:

With before the eyes, such a calculation can be solved as the number of products to use to prepare this dish so that its use does not have undesirable negative consequences.

Official standard

Since the time of the USSR, a certain GOST has existed for any food product produced in the country. Green Canned Polka Dot is a product that meets certain requirements.

Until recently, GOST 15842-90 existed for him. He was the technical specifications for the production of food pea products for export and the needs of the national economy. This document described in detail the following indicators:

  • characteristics of used raw materials and materials;
  • rules for packaging, labeling and acceptance of finished products;
  • description of the test methods of basic quality indicators;
  • terms of transportation and storage.

After the collapse of the Union in Russia, many documents were revised. Over time, a new National Standard of the Russian Federation was put into effect: GOST R 54050-2010 called "Canned natural. Green peas". Today, this document is the main one to determine the compliance of this type of product established in the state.

Use of Product

It is no secret that it is proteins that fats and carbohydrates are responsible for calories in a green peas canned. With their decay, that energy is formed that is transmitted to the body to maintain its livelihoods. Despite the small magnitude of this indicator, canned peas is considered a fairly useful product.

For example, selenium, which is contained in it, is an excellent anticarcinogen, and vitamin RR has a positive effect on a human cardiovascular system. In addition, the peas canned a lot of starch and dietary fibers are included, which are practically not digested. At the expense of these components, with the help of pea, you can get rid of constipation and solve many other problems associated with digestion. Do not also forget about fiber. It not only removes harmful slags and toxins from the body. With it, it is possible to establish a good job of the entire gastrointestinal tract, as well as normalize cholesterol levels. In addition, frequent use of such peas strengthens bone tissues and increases immunity. It also improves blood circulation, as a result of which human activity is activated. This is just a small part of the benefit that the human body brings, it would seem simple and no remarkable product.

Possible harm

To correctly make a diet, you need to know not only how many calories in the green peas canned. It must be remembered that this product, like many others, has in addition to positive and negative sides. For example, it is categorically contraindicated to people prone to meteorism and suffering colitis. This can not only create some discomfort, but also lead to rather difficult consequences.

In addition, the pea should be abandoned by those who doctors diagnosed urolithiasis. Being a strong diuretic, this product can easily provoke a spontaneous movement of sand and cause serious renal colic. In principle, canned polka dot no longer can threaten the human body. The danger will occur only if the product is nonstable.

It is also necessary to carefully examine the composition of the product, which is usually listed on the label. It is desirable that there are no all kinds of additives or preservatives, harmful to health.

In the material of this article, let's talk about the green peas canned and try to give an answer to the most frequently asked questions of consumers: is there any benefits from green peas in a canned form or can it harm the body?

Are there any contraindications to its use? What is the composition of the product? But first things first.

Green peas culture is very widely distributed. And this culture is ancient.

And if it used to be more used more in dried, now they prefer fresh and canned. Peas is unpretentious and grows well in different climatic zones.

What substances are contained

Without a doubt, this plant of the bean family is useful in raw form. The protein product is widespread in all countries and replaces the animal protein in the nutrition of vegetarians.

The composition of him is very rich. Peas is a source of nutrients: vitamins, indispensable amino acids, microelements, natural sugars.

More often in food is used canned peas. Yes, he keeps green, but does he lose his positive qualities? It turns out that useful properties are not lost during storage.

Polka dots refers to one of the popular vegetable canned products for the preparation of the varieties, for this created. Its benefit consists in content:

  • full protein;
  • macro- and trace elements necessary for organism exchange processes;
  • vitamins: C, group B, carotene, fiber;
  • selena and zinc with anticarcinogenic properties (i.e. properties that prevent the development of cancer tumors).

Preserving peas began long ago (back in the 16th century), since then the technology is aimed at maximizing the preservation of all substances contained in the print. Calorie is low: 300 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Benefit and harm

In addition to nutritional value and undoubted taste, peas are inherent and healthy properties:

  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • is an anti-cancer preventive agent;
  • has a positive impact on the bone system;
  • "Helps" in the work of the immune system;
  • reduces the feeling of fatigue;
  • improves brain work;
  • removes a hangmel syndrome.

Council: With long-term storage, canned peas saves useful properties well. It is like a canned product that it is used to make a huge amount of dishes. Used in various menus, for example, dietary.

The peas are harmful to those who:

  • suffering bloating or flatulence;
  • has intestinal diseases;
  • suffers from gout;
  • who has a kidney problem.

But harm in a hundred times pays off benefits. Therefore, who do not have such problems, you can safely use fresh or canned polka dots.

What a canning can

Buying a peas can, we do not always explore the packaging and shelf life, and in vain. First, in the purchased jar there should be no additional ingredients, which is well visible in the glass jar.

Secondly, the list of the composition is short: peas, salt, sugar, water. On the package is the date of manufacture: the correct date: summer months. When the product is cooked in an autumn-winter period, then most likely, dry peas were at first sparkled, after which they were pickled. Everyone knows that winter peas does not sleep.

It's important to know: Preservatives for cooking peas are not required, and on the package they should not be spelled out.

Pay attention to GOST product - GOST 15842-90 and its variety. High grade polka dots or "extra" the most delicious.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

How I love young green peas. With the onset of spring, this wonderful product appears on our tables, salads, borshs, headseeds for meat dishes are prepared from it.

It can be used when making a slimming menu. And what is he delicious in the raw form, I would eat it and eaten.

If you decide to regularly eat green peas, benefits and harm from this vegetable should be known to you.

I think many of you grown peas in our sites. This is a curly herbaceous plant, the fruits of which are collected at the stage of dairy maturity. It was then that they seem particularly soft and gentle.

The value of pea is that it contains a lot of vegetable protein, which is absorbed much better than the animal. Vegetable can be fresh, not exposing thermal processing. So it retains the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients. Young peas contains:

  • vitamins C, K, B, A;
  • minerals (sodium, potassium, zinc, selenium, magnesium);
  • protein compounds;
  • cellulose.

Polka dots are quite nutritious in a dry form, however, fresh or canned vegetable does not carry a large nutritional value. Its calorie content is 50-80 kcal per 100 g of product.

Green peas can be applied to weight loss without fear, adding to salads and vegetable soups. He will give the dish of satiety and the hunger quit for a long time.

Beneficial features

Do you know that if you eat green polka dot at least 2-3 times a week, you can significantly improve health and strengthen the body. Regular consumption of this vegetable will help in restoring the functions of many internal organs:

  • thanks to the content of vitamin A, the metabolism is improved;
  • vitamin C in the composition activates protective functions and allows the body to resist infection;
  • vitamin K ensures normal kidney work;
  • contributes to the absorption of calcium;
  • struggling with atherosclerosis;
  • normalizes the level of glucose;
  • improves the condition of the lens and retina;
  • slows the aging of the skin;
  • due to the high content of the fiber normalizes the operation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • increases tissue regeneration.

Marinade from under canned peas can be used to remove the hangover syndrome.

Contraindications for the use of green peas

However, the frequency use of green peas in food can harm the work of some organs:

  • there are difficulties with digesting food;
  • gas formation increases.

Many Purines enters the peas. When, when entering the esophagus, they disintegrate, urinary acid is formed. It can be delayed in the body, provoking the gout and accumulate salts in the joints. In addition, this compound adversely affects the work of the kidneys.

In order for the green peas to bring you only the benefit, you need to choose it in the store or prepare yourself.

How to choose a product?

Fresh green peas gets to us on the table only in the summer. If you want to eat legs in winter, you can freeze them, and then as needed to add it to various dishes. However, most often we have to buy it in the store in a canned form.

The bank containing the product should not be swollen. Dear readers, pay attention to the shelf life. This is a very important position of choice. It will also be good if you find the inscription "GOST", which complies with the norms of the State Standard at the preparation of products.

The ideal composition of industrial canned peas will have, in addition to vegetable, salt, sugar and water. No preservatives should be detected. If there are dyes, flavors and other additives in the composition, it is better to refuse such a product.

If you have the opportunity to prepare polka dots for the winter, be sure to do it.

How to make green peas itself?

It is possible to make canned polka dots at home, but it is recommended to store it in a cold place, for example, in a fridge or cellar, not more than 1 year. Raw materials can be bought on the market or grow in its plot.

  1. Peas will irradiate and peel in salt water for a few minutes.
  2. Dismix raw materials to banks by volume no more than half liters.
  3. Prepare brine. For this, one liter of water is taken on 1 tablespoon of salt, sugar and vinegar.
  4. Pour the brine into banks and roll.

In winter, you can get such polka dot and use for the preparation of salads.

Slimming with bean

Green peas is an excellent weight loss assistant. In the fresh peas per 100 grams of the product of only 80-85 kcal. This is the perfect product for weight loss. Dry peas are not at all used to reduce weight. When drying, its nutrition increases several times.

Green vegetable can completely replace one meal. For example, you can mix it with sour cream and eat as a separate dish: delicious and nutritious.

Advantages of such a diet a lot:

  • well tolerated by the body;
  • due to the large number of easily durable protein, it allows not to lose muscle mass;
  • availability;
  • dishes are quickly prepared;
  • hunger quenchs well;
  • all components are balanced;
  • it has a rejuvenating effect.

For a rate of weight loss, you can not only lose weight, but also to get rid of anemia, establish the work of the thyroid, to carry out the prevention of avitaminosis.

Not in vain in Russia, this vegetable called "King Pea". This is really a king among plant products. Even with a scant nutrition and the absence of meat, he can allow a person to lead an active lifestyle and feel great.

Use peas in food, be sure to introduce it to the children's diet. Green peas thank you for your attention to him vigor and good health.

Now you, dear readers, know exactly how much green peas are useful for our body, but do not forget about contraindications.

To new meetings, dear readers!

Preservation allows you to maintain almost all useful substances and vitamins in green peas. The vegetable is successfully used to prevent the development of kidney and liver diseases, as a prophylactic agent against avitaminosis.

In green peas there is a vegetable protein in large quantities, which is almost completely absorbed by the body. There are almost all vitamins of group B, retinol, ascorbic acid. A rare vitamin k is present in the pea, which normalizes the work of the kidneys, contributes to the better absorption of calcium, improves blood coagulation.

Basic trace elements - sodium, potassium, selenium, zinc. Green peas recommended use with diabetes and atherosclerosis. The presence of vitamin B1 peas allows to use the product to strengthen the nervous system, eliminate stressful states. Peas recommended to include children in the diet to improve mental activity.

What is useful green peas:

  • improves the condition of the lens and retina;
  • normalizes blood pressure, useful hypertensive;
  • removes harmful and toxic waste from the body, reduces the risk of developing oncological diseases;
  • slows down the processes of aging, improves the condition of the skin due to the presence in the composition of nucleic acid;
  • reduces cholesterol levels:
  • it has a diuretic property, eliminates swelling;
  • prevents heart attack.

In 100 g, the peas contains 300 kcal - the product helps to quickly quench the feeling of hunger, while it is quickly absorbed, it is indispensable for people who are fighting overweight. Polka dot improves peristality - excellent prevention of constipation.

The brine from the canned peas is useful - the optimal ratio of trace elements helps to quickly eliminate the hangmest syndrome.

With reasonable consumption of peas harm from him there is no. When abuse, there may be problems with digestion of food, the burden on the kidney increases, a meteorism develops. When gouging, green peas should be used in minimal quantity.

The quality of canned green peas is determined not only by the taste and structure of the grains, but also the ratio of peas and fill in the bank. Optimal proportions - 70% peas and 30% brine.

How to make peas for the winter

On the shelves of supermarkets you can see canned green peas from various manufacturers. But not always the purchase product comes across high-quality, and harmful additives in it can be a lot. Without special hassle, you can independently put the polka dots for the winter.

Classic canned peas recipe

Such polka dot to taste is not inferior to the store product, while there are no harmful preservatives and other additives.

What is necessary:

  • green pea -1.2-1.3 kg;
  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • salt - 35-40 g;
  • sugar sand - 40-45 g;
  • citric acid - 7 g

How to cook:

  1. Peas clean, rinse, dry.
  2. For brine water to boil, add sand sugar and salt.
  3. Pour the marinade brine, prepare on a weak fire a quarter of an hour. 2 minute before the end of the process add citric acid.
  4. The banks are sterling in advance, decompose the peas - 1.5-2 cm should be left to the edge of the tank.
  5. Pour boiling brine, roll.

This number of ingredients is enough for 5 cans with a capacity of 0.5 liters. In the refrigerator, such a product can be stored for 12 months. You can canning both luxury peas and in pods.

Marinated green peas

What is necessary:

  • pea lubricated - 4.2 kg;
  • black peas;
  • clove buds;
  • water - 1.7 liters;
  • salt and Sugar Sand - 80-85 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 55-60 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the peas with cool water, leave overnight.
  2. In the morning bring water to a boil, pour vegetable, cook 2 minutes on strong fire.
  3. In another container to make marinade - add sugar, salt and vinegar to boiling water.
  4. Boiled peas decompose on banks, add to several pieces of carnations and peppers, pour hot brine.
  5. Roll with covers.

For winter billets, it is better to use polka dot of medium maturity. Young pea can burst into the preservation process, and old peas have fewer vitamins and nutrients, will be tough and not delicious.

Simple and original recipes with canned peas

Canned green peas perfectly combines virtually with all vegetables, fish and meat products. It can be used not only for the preparation of salads, but also the main dishes and side dishes.

Bright vitamin garnish

This dish can be prepared at any time of the year - in the summer to use fresh vegetables, frozen foods are perfect in winter.

What is necessary:

  • fig - 180 g;
  • water - 220 ml;
  • sweet pepper - 75 g;
  • corn - 110 g;
  • peas - 225 g;
  • garlic - 25 g.

How to cook:

  1. In the heated vegetable oil, fry garlic sliced \u200b\u200bplates.
  2. Add washed rinse, continue to fry another 10 minutes on medium power fire.
  3. Pour water, salt.
  4. After boiling, fall asleep peas and corn, chopped by small pieces of pepper.
  5. Stir, fasten the fire to a minimum, stew 30 minutes.
  6. As you need, you can add water.

This garnish is perfectly combined with any kind of meat. If you mix canned green peas in a blender with a small amount of mint and basil, it turns out a wonderful garnish for boiled or steam fish.

Salad Boyarsky

What is necessary:

  • chicken meat without peel and bones - 350 g;
  • carrot - 120 g;
  • leek - 120 g;
  • polka dot - 170 g;
  • sour cream - 45 ml;
  • lemon juice - 15 ml;
  • vinegar 15 ml;
  • sugar - 12 g;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • black ground pepper, salt.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the meat with thin plates, fry in a grill in a pan, or in a small amount of vegetable oil.
  2. Purified onions cut into semir rings.
  3. Prepare marinade from vinegar, sugar and 120 ml boiling water.
  4. Market onions.
  5. Carrots grasp long straw. It can be fused, or used in raw form.
  6. Mix sour cream with black pepper and citrus juice.
  7. Mix all components, fill with sauce, decompose on salad leaves.
  8. From above, you can sprinkle with cedar nuts or crackers.

In this salad, you can use boiled or smoked chicken meat.

Green peas can be added to all vegetable soups, a brideller, an unusual taste of it will give the boors or a saltkee.

Italian chicken

What is necessary:

  • portionic chicken pieces - 1, 1 kg;
  • canned peas - 370 g;
  • carrots - 270 g;
  • sour cream low-fat - 190 ml;
  • lavrovy leaves, oregano, lemon zest.

How to cook:

  1. Chicken pieces fry, folded into a saucepan with thick walls.
  2. Grind carrots, let in the same oil where the chicken was preparing.
  3. Ship carrots to meat.
  4. Add polka dots with marinade, sour cream, spices.
  5. Cook a quarter of an hour in the oven.

Green Polka Dot for Winter (Video)

Canned green peas - useful vitamin additive in a children's and dietary diet. It can be used in salads and sides: such dishes will be not only delicious, but also will help prevent the development of many diseases.