Moon in Scorpio (Distinctive Features). All the most interesting things about the Moon in signs: Moon in Scorpio

It can be very difficult for people whose Moon was in the sign of Scorpio at the time of birth: the calm and soft Moon conflicts with the strong and tough Scorpio. This configuration of the planets affects the character of this moon sign very explosive and unstable. Scorpios are almost always outwardly calm and reserved, but in some cases they turn into a truly explosive and dangerous mixture! Their reactions and behavior become completely unpredictable.

If you are a Scorpio, then those around you probably already know that you don’t waste words and are inclined to keep promises and be responsible for your obligations. In public, you are usually an emotionally reserved and strong-willed person; you are not used to openly expressing your feelings. No matter what happens, you are always collected, concentrated and can think rationally even in the most extreme situations. With those rare exceptions when internal conflict and intensity of emotions become stronger than your ability to suppress them. When Scorpios' patience runs out, they can be truly dangerous, exploding over little things and sparing no words or expressions for those around them. You won’t envy someone who, during such periods, finds themselves in their field of vision and is forced to endure all the aggression, ruthlessness and sarcasm that they have accumulated and carefully hidden within themselves for a long time.

Due to the conflicting configuration of the planets at the time of their birth, Scorpios are very dual personalities. On the one hand, as noted earlier, they are restrained and rational, but on the other hand, they are impulsive, aggressive, quick-tempered, and vindictive. Such extremes of behavior may shock strangers, but loved ones get used to such inconstancy and perceive it adequately. After all, Scorpios have so many good qualities that compensate for all their shortcomings. For example, they will never remain indifferent to the grief of others, they will always come to the rescue and help out in the most difficult situations. difficult situations. Even if such actions would go against their interests. And they will do this not theatrically and for the public, often remaining unknown benefactors.

Scorpios have a painfully acute sense of self-esteem; “losing face” is a very big humiliation for them, and such insults are not forgiven even to those closest to them. They always try to subordinate everything around them to their power, to have control and power over any events occurring in their lives. And if in society they do not always succeed in this, then in their own homes they turn into true dictators and little tyrants. Did you put a spoon in the wrong place, leave the table uncleaned, or forget to turn off the light when you left the room? Be prepared for a long reprimand and showdown. Even such trifles irritate Scorpios.

Lunar Scorpios always know what they want from life, they go their own way, and it is often impossible to influence them from the outside. They are accustomed to achieving everything in life with their labor and intellect, so it is impossible to meet among them dependents or idlers who live off the results of other people’s labor.

Scorpios are terrible owners! They are jealous and suspicious and cannot stand it if someone interferes with their personal life, but they themselves always control and try to subjugate their partner. Not every person can withstand such an attitude! Therefore, as a rule, the role of a second half for Scorpio is suited to a driven, flexible and soft personality, capable of “quenching” his impulsive impulses, and who lives calmly in a state of constant control. By the way, thanks to their natural charm and magnetism, Scorpios never have a shortage of partners and are always surrounded by attention from the opposite sex. And if it were not for the intensity of passions, extremes in behavior and the atmosphere of total control and submission to oneself, their marriages would have been longer and happier.

In order for life to be more harmonious and calm, Scorpios are advised to work on themselves, calm their emotions, get rid of insane jealousy, let go of grievances, and choose partners more carefully.

Below are the views of famous researchers on the influence of the Moon in Scorpio ♏ on our lives.

November 8, 2017, 20:50

Moon in Scorpio

Oh, this is probably one of the most legendary “lunar” themes. How many emotions, experiences, even infernal horror this position of the night luminary causes in some especially impressionable young ladies. And ladies, let's be honest - for good reason. The Moon in Scorpio is always difficult for the owner and her environment. Scorpio is a sign of energy, transformation, purification, removal of toxins, close interaction, regeneration, the darkest states - and the lightest. The Moon, falling into Scorpio, finds itself in its native water element, only the instincts that the Moon controls are heightened to the limit here. Common sense, the voice of reason (mental) disappears.

Moon in water signs perceives the world around him extremely intensely. There is a constant involvement and interaction in the affairs of the world, a reaction to events around. And Scorpio gives such a Moon colossal alertness and tension. There is no relaxation here. The world is full of dangers, the world is aggressive. And this means that a person with the Moon in Scorpio is always ready to fight back, he is always on the alert. Here Luna is extremely uncomfortable, it’s always either fears or best case scenario- alertness. We must be vigilant- this is the motto of this position. There is absolutely no trust in the World. Outwardly, this manifests itself as seriousness, restraint and closedness. The owner of the Scorpio Moon opens up (relaxes) only in a very close circle of relatives (if he trusts them, of course! And so he is vigilant here, there have been more than one case).

So we have:

Suspicion, anxiety, manic states when you cannot get rid of bad mood, and the reason for this mood is some kind of vague premonition, which cannot be understood at all from a logical point of view; a person is unconsciously tuned to a crisis, severe mood swings. Here the inner world, for which the Moon is responsible, is extremely unstable, everything is unsteady. I will say from personal observations that a situation of equilibrium causes unconscious discomfort and anxiety. Scorpio is nervous - how can this be, because the World is always being destroyed, but now everything seems to be quiet. Surely something is about to break out! I feel. And very often it acts proactively and provokes an event.

It is believed that people with a similar position are energy vampires. Well. It depends on what you mean by these. If energy exchange, yes. To do this, Lunar Scorpio will unconsciously create stress for himself and those around him, create tense situations, and overcome them himself. No complexity, no passions - no life. I'm not saying at all that this will be a scandal. Vice versa! It will be silence. But what! Every living thing will tremble. Scorpios generally don’t like to make noise ahead of time. This will be a gradual accumulation of negativity. Focused, patient, tireless. Negativity, like any other type of energy, accumulates so that when it explodes, it provides the unfortunate sufferer with a little respite. Time-out. Then again, increasing. It is no coincidence that this position is associated with feminine expression and is considered our classic “feminine” and problematic.

In order not to torture yourself and your family, with this position of the Moon, it is recommended to do something energy-intensive. Sports, and strength training or yoga, or boxing is the minimum. In general, the owner of this position has abundant strength and endurance to run a marathon. Therefore, all this needs to be drained. Otherwise it’s dangerous! Don’t forget that everything under Pluto (Scorpio) is oncology. The grievances that Scorpio is full of contribute to the emergence of all sorts of formations. This is generally about the destruction of oneself. The Moon in Scorpio, especially for a woman, means the need to constantly check. Especially if there were precedents in the female line. Therefore, I recommend for owners of this position:

1. Loads in everyday life are above average. Ruthless is the key word.

2. If the Sun is in a good position, some kind of business (these are plutonic activities) or work in teams. Where there are undercurrents and intrigues and generally a serpentarium.

3. Public work on communication with housing and communal services. Generally perfect. Any public work where you need to “punch through” something, demand, push through something.

4. And finally, without any jokes, charity. You, the owner of such a position, need serious charity more than anyone else. Not just - I transferred 100 rubles to someone I don’t understand. And according to Scorpio, you need inclusion, concern, deep immersion in the issue. Ruthless to yourself - again.

The places of Scorpio and the Moon are hospices, cancer centers, children's cancer centers, everything related to life and death. Because Scorpio's strength transformation and passage through all Limits in order to be resurrected in new form. And the Moon is a concern. So we need to give the power of Scorpio to people who are in the process of Transition. This is very difficult, I understand. But Scorpio is not a childish sign, and requires a very serious approach. Here everything is subordinated to interaction - as an exchange of energy. And a person with such a position of the Moon can give a lot.

This position of the Moon gives natural psychologists. Here again there is a “selfish” interest - an exchange of energy. But this is colossal sensibility and sensitivity, understanding of other people's pain and suffering. Excellent clinical psychologists, disaster psychologists. This ability to interact with human grief is a Gift.

In general, in my opinion, this is very "feminine" theme. Oh, how magnetic the lunar Scorpios are!

How attractive they are to paralyzed poor men! Only look and man smitten. No fuss, no antics. Excluded. Only energy. And how ruthless they are towards weak (from her point of view) individuals. There can be no other opinion here - I chose you, and you are not able to maintain my rhythm of scandals, sex and passions. Please be so kind! I'm not sure how lucky the person such a woman deems worthy will be. After all, the chosen one will have no room for maneuver. Only full immersion V life together. Family is a place where you will give all your energy; devotion to the family is colossal. It will move mountains. But I’m not sure if it will let me breathe. The Moon in Scorpio is unreasonably suspicious and jealous, but if the betrayal is real, its rage will be like an atomic explosion. I don’t think anyone in their right mind would want to try for themselves what it is. This guy must be completely brainless.

The victim. If the family demands that she leave work for her husband’s career, she will do so and will support her husband in every possible way in his endeavors. This is a Warrior, I say this from personal observations. Girls with this position of the Moon are ready to go to the end. They put a lot on the line, they take risks, they don’t skimp; the stakes in their game are high, and they perceive a loss with great pain. In general, they are not ready to lose, whatever.

Moms Such lunar Scorpios have difficult women. Pressing, requiring constant participation, such mothers are always close, close. Or the life of such mothers was not easy, again, girls - their mother has cancer. But I think aspects from Pluto to the Moon are needed here. And mothers are very strong and fearless. Loyalty to the family, if done well, is strength and support for the bearer of such a position of the Moon.

Man with such a situation, of course, he is a sufferer. After all, the Moon in his chart is his mother/wife. And as a rule (often) you come across a wife who is, if not bitchy, then – well, not indifferent, so to speak. She cares about everything in this person's life. She is very passionate, stormy, emotional, endless clarification of relationships - and dissatisfaction with family life.

But the subtlety is that the card belongs to the man, which means he has a request for such a relationship. For what? To work through the tasks of the past, in order to remind his mother, perhaps he likes it when his geolocation is tracked - so he feels needed. There are a lot of reasons. Not every woman is ready for this; it requires a huge amount of energy. Where to get it? In short, many are leaving the race. They break, so to speak.

And I'll touch a little children with such a moon. It is only in your power to help a child with this position of the Moon. Make his world a little warmer, a little more protected, a little more calm. Everything comes from childhood and such children require special attention.

Unfortunately, Scorpio is always ambiguous. And Darkness is much more malleable as energy than Light. Therefore, the well-known problem of Moon Scorpios is the choice of the Dark Side of the Force. Because it's much easier this way. The trouble is that the Moon is responsible for unconscious needs - and what will come out of the Darkness with such a choice? In the worst case scenario, he is a sadist, manipulator, tyrant. In the best case scenario, this is what we see mainly in everyday life. When a woman abuses her family. But if you still choose the theme of care, emotional participation, or the Path of the Warrior of the Spirit, then the Moon in Scorpio gives the deepest natural wisdom, understanding of life, finding balance and harmony in oneself.

Among celebrities with this position, I would like to take Alfred Hitchcock.

This is where the Moon in Scorpio is more beautiful than ever. Psychologism of suspense, escalation of the atmosphere until the hair stands on end - and a bloody powerful denouement! Energy of incredible power. He had precisely an unconscious need to explore the dark recesses of human Souls. And, as I said above, the most monstrous monsters rose to the surface.

He himself is a creative Leo (Sun + Venus) - this is cinema and theater, this is brightness and brilliance! And the Moon in Scorpio + Jupiter gives him a corpulent figure on the physical plane. But Jupiter also expands what it touches. Makes it excessive, hypertrophied. And then there’s the 4th house! Our subconscious! Yes, it was simply created to delve into it and turn the nightmares found into a movie. A trine from Neptune and Pluto to the Moon adds energy and subtlety. It’s not enough to crawl into the basement of the soul and find a monster there, you also need to arrange it all beautifully and tell others (bisextile on Mercury).

Hitchcock's wife Alma Reville fits perfectly into his Moonlight theme.

After marriage, Alma made a choice in favor of her husband’s career and completely subordinated her life to it (Moon in Scorpio). Their marriage certificate stated: Alfred Hitchcock - film director and Alma Hitchcock - housewife. Love relationship this couple has always been behind the scenes. Hitchcock once said, either jokingly or seriously, that there was no sex in their marriage, except for the time their daughter was conceived. My wife was present during the filming, dubbing and editing. She was always the first to look at the finished picture. For all her husband’s films, she was an “invisible” but irreplaceable co-author. That is. her “quiet” influence and involvement was colossal.

When Hitchcock's wife had a stroke, he spent the entire time while his wife was being treated. medical procedures, sat in the restaurant opposite. In the future, he never approached this restaurant, as he remembered all the feelings that he experienced when his wife was hospitalized.

Here are some quotes from Hitchcock that perfectly illustrate his intense Wonder Moon:

“Revenge is sweet, but it doesn’t make you fat”

“If I filmed Cinderella, the viewer would immediately start looking for the body in the carriage.”

“Always make the viewer suffer - the more, the better.”

“If I hadn’t become what I became, I would like to become a criminologist - delving into the lives of criminals and their crimes.”

“One day I was on a train and it slowly passed by some big old red brick factory. Against her background, I noticed two small figures - a guy and a girl. The guy was urinating on the wall, and the girl was holding his hand. Love cannot be interrupted even to urinate.”

Updated 08/11/17 23:36:

That's all for us -for the night looking. And dilute the drama of the theme a little. "Girl."

The Moon in Scorpio increases emotional arousal, hysteria and agitation increase in space. We are easily captured by small and large passions. We may be dissatisfied with ourselves and the people around us - everything is seen in black tones. There may be a desire to change something dramatically in life. You shouldn’t give in to this - it’s just an aggravated dependence on fleeting mood swings.

During Scorpio days we can become irritable, nervous, gloomy and moody. At the same time, mental activity improves, concentration on the essence of the problem increases, and the sense of danger intensifies. The lunar force goes into the depths, peers, studies, searches. Dark attracts...

On Scorpio days, dress warmly and try not to get too cold. Avoid spicy and heavy foods, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and, if possible, avoid sedentary work so as not to aggravate hemorrhoids and constipation.

The moon in Scorpio is favorable for the comprehensive restoration of one’s potential - hot baths, astringent masks, nettle massage, active movements, etc.

You should not use hormonal creams and ointments, with placenta extract, unstable cosmetic preparations of natural origin, start using new contraceptives, or be examined by a gynecologist.

On Scorpio days, surgical intervention in the groin area, genitals and the entire excretory system, glands is excluded internal secretion, gallbladder, colon, ovaries, external genitalia, urinary canals, renal pelvis and bladder, neck and throat, pharynx, pharynx and larynx. Any surgical interventions and complex procedures in the pelvic area are also contraindicated.

The Moon in Scorpio allows you to heal endocrine system(except prostate gland), operate on the upper Airways and throat, remove tonsils, adenoids, treat sinusitis, runny nose, rhinitis, treat and remove teeth.

Moon in Scorpio (Scorpio days) – BEAUTY, HAIR CUT

The Moon in Scorpio is neutral for hair cutting. It is better not to perm at this time; it is not even recommended to wash your hair. You should not use creams and ointments on a hormonal basis, with placenta extract, or unstable cosmetic preparations of natural origin.

To harmonize metabolism and prevent skin diseases on Scorpio days, look at the blue sky more often, choose clothes blue color. Don't buy new things for your wardrobe. This is also not the right time to apply decorative cosmetics. A general massage is indicated - with nettle or its decoction, active movements.

Moon in Scorpio - influence on plant growth and development

Scorpio is the second sign of the element of Water. Ruled by Mars. Is moist and fertile. When the Moon is in Scorpio, it is the best time to plant leafy vegetables and herbs.

In general, Scorpio is the second most fertile sign. And it has a good effect on the growth and development of plants. The seeds germinate quickly and amicably. Plants grow strong, have a good root system and are disease resistant. In addition, their powerful stems are capable of holding a bountiful harvest without strain.

These days you can sow many crops, especially those that you want to store long time. The only exception is potatoes. Planted these days it becomes watery with an unpleasant aftertaste.

Successful plantings will be tomatoes, peppers, melons, watermelons, pumpkins, cucumbers and many other crops. The moon in Scorpio has a good effect and the seeds collected these days are obtained good quality and are stored for a long time.

The Moon in Scorpio is a good time for harvesting crops and mowing lawns. Planting trees and shrubs is not advisable. It is also unfavorable to trim dry branches and fell trees, since these days, infection very easily penetrates into the wounds.

Therefore, if there is still a need to replant plants, then you should try to inflict as few wounds as possible and immediately disinfect them or cover them with garden varnish. Moreover, it is worth remembering that the roots at this time have a lot of moisture and are prone to rapid rotting if disturbed.

When the Moon passes through the sign of Scorpio, it is good to cultivate the land, water and feed the plants with organic fertilizers. Good period for collecting medicinal herbs.

The sign of Scorpio is associated with water, it gives an emotional, receptive nature. This is a brahminical sign, a sign of intuition and receptivity to transcendental, mystical philosophy. This sign is ruled by Mars, which indicates great determination, grit and courage. But the Moon is weakened in this sign and indicates periodic suffering caused by mental distress due to loneliness and indecision or from lack of self-confidence. Scorpio is secretive and therefore such people like to hide their inner personality and feelings; they can act duplicitously and secretly. They are prone to strong emotions, selfishness, envy, and vindictiveness. They cannot bear insults and love to repay people who have offended them. They are brave, aggressive, and sometimes cruel. They have enough determination to follow through on their intentions; their sometimes manifested cruelty and desire to keep their motives and their plans secret create strong enemies for them.
They gain significant weight in commercial activities due to their considerable willpower and lack of hesitation in using and disposing of other people. They have significant durability. They are good strategists, able to plan years in advance and bring their plans to completion. They are quick-tempered, love competition, and have an possessive streak in their character. They keep both their misdeeds and other affairs secret. They usually have a dark complexion, a hairy body, and are addicted to the use of intoxicants.
Classic texts and my experience point to the following qualities of these people: they have big eyes, they suffer due to separation from their parents and teachers, suffer from illnesses during their youth; they are not frank. Such people are receptive and insightful, have the ability to meditate, feel strongly, have a strong personality and the ability to control themselves. They are difficult to change or convince of anything. They have noticeable mental strength and experience difficulties in their relationship with their mother. These people are poetic, sensitive and easily excitable.

Pavel Globa. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Here the Moon is visiting Mars and Pluto, in the sign of the element Water, in its fall.
The Moon in Scorpio tends to give you the need for psychological regeneration (like crying) and introspection, perhaps even pessimism. In general, the spectrum of qualities of fallen planets is very wide. The Moon in Scorpio also gives manifestations of merciless sarcasm and misanthropy.
You are most likely often unconsciously attuned to situations of crisis, destruction, restructuring of the internal structure, that is, transformation and death. In any case, the original structure is destroyed - this is the sphere of activity of Pluto, which brings chaos. But then there will be two paths: the first is self-destruction, and if there are no higher creative forces and higher values, then this gives destruction and death. Second - if the highest values ​​are found, then a new order, a new structure, transformation and change are underway. Therefore, you are unconscious and attuned to situations of transformation, change and crisis. Because unconscious structures inner world such a person is quite often subject to some kind of destruction, then he will naturally be distinguished by a certain degree of hysteria, in any case, strong excitability and he may be characterized by strong mood swings and a high need for psychological renewal, since his inner world is rarely found in a state of balance. In this case, whatever structure arises, it begins to collapse again and will always be in a state of increased activity. This is the need for constant change, the creation of a new structure. If this does not happen, then you may develop a negative psychology. That is, whatever you see, you take for granted, as having no value and therefore subject to destruction. In this case, there is almost nothing in the world for you that would be worthy of existing, even to the point of misanthropy. To prevent such a situation from arising, you need internal transformation, that is, this need must find a way out.
The Moon in Scorpio also gives you, as a rule, a heightened psychological gift, the ability to feel not only the inner world of a person, but also his vulnerable points, flaws, and weaknesses. These are, moreover, points of aggravation, since Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, brings all these weaknesses into an active state, in active form, and Mars aggravates, acute manifestation. Therefore, depending on your spiritual orientation, you may make an excellent psychotherapist, a psychologist who clearly sees these weaknesses. If you are directed towards evil, then you can turn out to be a sadist, a manipulator who knows how to press the right buttons and manipulate people.
At the esoteric level, it should be noted that since through the energy of Scorpio there is a connection with another world, among such people there are many mediums, clairvoyants who are able to unconsciously perceive another world (for example, Nostradamus, V. Messing).
Medical contraindications. Your genitals are most vulnerable. So your best bet is not to overload at all sexual sphere, practice sexual abstinence more often. There may also be violations menstrual cycle, tendency to edema and tumors. You quickly lose strength from excesses and illnesses.
During the transit Moon in Scorpio, it is not recommended to eat spicy food. Hemorrhoids and constipation may appear. In this case, active treatment is contraindicated.
You can treat the endocrine system (except the prostate gland), throat, upper respiratory tract, you can remove tonsils, adenoids, treat sinusitis, runny nose, rhinitis.

No Monster. Planets in Zodiac Signs

One-sidedness of feelings: lust prevails, which has to be restrained. In relations with a partner, the psychology of the owner and jealousy prevail. Personal insults are not quickly forgotten and are vindictive. Self-willed, they only consider your own desires. Having set a goal for themselves, they do not consider any arguments and do not hesitate to make sacrifices just to achieve it.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

The hallmarks of sensitivity are intuition and insight. The woman is exceptionally charming, emphasizing her unusual, extravagant features. The desire to seduce and be seduced, while the main path to the heart lies through physical sensations. Eroticism. A man is attracted to mysterious women and finds it difficult to resist their sexual appeal.
It is sometimes difficult for a woman to coexist with ease and sexual passion with her inherent sobriety of mind. Representatives of both sexes have a keen sense of what lies behind external beauty. The connections are mysterious, sometimes perverted or strange.

Larisa Nazarova. Karmic astrology.

Moon in Water signs. High sensitivity, ability to react to the slightest changes from the outside. It closes under external pressure, but can give an unexpected reaction. The inner world will reveal itself only in harmonious conditions. Very emotional.
Moon in Scorpio. Gives excitability, hysteria, mood swings, the need for psychological regeneration. She is visiting Pluto. Scorpio carries a program of destruction of himself and others. Emotional dissatisfaction, which brings the need to improve oneself. Increased sexuality. Can give merciless sarcasm, negative psychology, misanthropy.

Absalom the Underwater. Planets in Zodiac Signs

The Moon makes Scorpio extremely emotional, and most importantly, too dependent on their emotions. Here the emphasis is on inner life, strong feeling dissatisfaction and demands on the environment, which is a projection of one’s own imperfection (energy holes, internal conflicts, often sexually motivated). Elaboration is difficult because the Moon creates a strong false existential emphasis, i.e. it seems to a person that many types of energy are vital for him, but in reality this is not so, he just needs to rebuild, and he is able to do this when he learns to distinguish whims from needs, raising the level of internal honesty and self-analysis.
At a low level of development, lunar Scorpio is very difficult to please; he will be dissatisfied with everything and is often constantly sexually dissatisfied.
On high level The Moon in Scorpio gives an extraordinary subtlety of inner work, the ability to put one's lower self and primitive instincts at the service of higher goals.
Primary introspection is difficult (the Moon is in its fall, but when worked through, one gets very subtle psychologists and psychoanalysts who are able to see through a person, especially his lower programs and inclinations, and help him necessary help in psychological and spiritual development.
If the Moon is harmonious, then the energy holes are small, a person always gets out of psychological contradictions and is renewed.
If affected, mental breakdowns, withdrawal into oneself, prolonged bouts of anger at the world and oneself, depression with nightmares, etc. are possible. However, Scorpio's regenerative abilities are inexhaustible, and a person, perhaps, after a long time, can still swim up again, with some scars, and sometimes completely renewed.

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in Zodiac Signs

You are secretive and prone to painful silence. It is difficult for people to understand what is hidden in the depths of your soul, because you trust and open yourself to very few. You don't allow yourself to be vulnerable and give up control over your relationships with others.
You love and hate intensely, passionately, you are a jealous friend, you treat your friends like children. As an enemy, you should be feared. You have an unpleasant habit of remembering the past, when you were hurt, when you were offended, when you were falsely accused. You keep all these feelings to yourself. It is very important that you learn to forgive and forget. It will be better if you begin to show your feelings openly and directly, without hiding or suppressing them.
External appearances do not satisfy you; you strive to penetrate through the external in order to understand hidden motives, and you yourself have a great depth of feelings.
Lust restrained by will. Quick subconscious decisions and inability to justify sympathy or antipathy. Inexplicable fanaticism, sensuality, constant conflict in feelings. Exaggerated serious attitude To personal matters, which leads to greed of possession and extreme jealousy. Grievances are not forgotten. Sarcastic, mocking. They often want to change their family and home situation. They are self-willed and consider only their own desires. Children are raised using the carrot and stick method.
Diseases: swelling, tumors, diseases of the bladder and excretory system, diseases of the genital organs, menstrual irregularities in women.

Planets in signs. The art of forecasting. Semira and V. Vetash

Intuition, entrepreneurship, introspection, test of strength. The moon in its fall loses its elusiveness and fragility, and often its natural-moral orientation, and tends to allow itself a lot. A person with the Moon in Scorpio often does not produce the best pleasant impression on others, showing such qualities as hidden inner world, tension and suspiciousness. But suspiciousness can reveal itself as an insightful talent, and the tension of mental strength gives birth to interesting personalities in all spheres of creativity. These are Velazquez, Rembrandt, Picasso and Bryullov in painting. Michelangelo's position of the Moon in Scorpio corresponds to the legend that, in order to achieve the expressiveness of his sculptures, he observed real torture and death); Hegel in philosophy; Lope de Vega, Lermontov, Griboyedov, Longfellow in literature. As in Aries, the Moon in Scorpio receives a strong internal impulse of activity, which in everyday life gives birth to entrepreneurs who intuitively feel what they can profit from. Pluto's insistence and demandingness in the sphere of emotional feelings may be unacceptable to those around him, therefore this position of the Moon creates difficulties in marriage and relationships with other people (although it gives sexuality). As you know, Lermontov was not loved in life: the Moon in Scorpio gives Pechorin-like qualities. At its best, there is an undercurrent of passion and sincerity in the message. Such a person is a fighter by nature and can take on such enterprises that others try to avoid. But to do this you need to learn to overcome your own conservatism.

This is not a good place for the Moon. Soft, streamlined Moon and powerful, strong-willed, assertive Scorpio. It is difficult for the Moon in this sign, just as it is not easy for people who have such a Moon. They seem to be in a heated state all the time; they can explode at any moment if they do not find another, more optimal outlet for energy. They are very dependent on their mood, but unlike the “Crayfish” Moon, which at a difficult moment may begin to complain or cry, they will not show their feelings. Outwardly, they can be restrained, polite, patient, self-possessed, even caring, but this is until some important internal strings are touched. When their patience runs out, they can explode even over a trifle. Then those around you see the other side of the Scorpio Moon and are faced with overt aggression, sarcasm, and ruthlessness. People with the Moon in Scorpio are touchy and remember insults for a long time, especially if their self-esteem is hurt. Hot temper, impulsiveness, and aggressiveness are normal in these people, and those around them gradually get used to the extremes of their behavior.

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People behave decisively and try to subordinate everything to their power, at least in the house they have everything under control. They are freedom-loving, they try to go their own way, decide everything with their own mind and do it with their own hands, which they most often succeed in. They also do not tolerate interference in their personal lives, do not like instructions and oppression, although they can keep their family members strict. They are great owners, they even want to own their partner undividedly, they jealously and selflessly protect everything that they consider theirs.

Typically, people with the Moon in Scorpio are sexually attractive and make an irresistible impression on members of the opposite sex. Their sexual potential is above average, so they usually do not experience a shortage of partners, but not every partner is able to withstand the intensity of passions, the extreme manifestations that they show to him. For complete happiness, they should tame their temper and choose their partner more carefully. Representatives of the fairer sex especially suffer from this.

The degree of emotionality and sensuality naturally depends on the status of the Moon and its configuration with other planets and elements of the horoscope, especially Mars and Pluto, as well as on the phase of the Moon. If there is no to the moon negative aspects from Mars or Saturn, life path such people will not cause concern.

Characteristics of the Moon in Scorpio

in - in the fall.

Feeling + self-preservation = ambition

Keyword: emotional self-control.

Positive qualities of the Moon in Scorpio: passion, sensuality, the position of a fighter, influenced by spiritual impulses, firmness, endurance, openness, deep sincerity, hard work.

Negative qualities of the Moon in Scorpio: self-will, impudence, lack of tact, fanaticism, arrogance, one-sidedness, a vindictive creature, overestimation of oneself, strong sensuality, hot temper, cruelty, irresponsibility.

Violations of Moon aspects: (under the influence of Mars) ultimately an extremely passionate and sensual nature.

Features in the male horoscope: a man with this position of the Moon is looking for a sensitive, gentle partner whom he could possess and “absorb”. Such a man is mysterious and taciturn; he needs an intuitive partner who can subtly sense his mood.

Features in women's horoscope: The Moon in Scorpio can indicate sexual promiscuity, a penchant for pleasure and family problems. These qualities are especially evident when the Moon is damaged.

Health disorders: diseases of the genitourinary system.

Moon in Scorpio in the natal chart:

Your emotions are intense and often based on strong desires. You are impatient, prone to mood swings, and prone to gloomy brooding. You are vulnerable, but you can be a jealous and even vengeful person.

You are too quick to judge others and feel the need to subtly control people. You cannot stand resistance and do not interfere in other people's affairs, but sometimes out of kindness you do so.

You cope well with responsibilities, have great potential and entrepreneurship. Despite your harshness and impulsiveness, you are self-confident and capable of achieving success. Usually you get what you want.

Since you are jealous, proud and possessive, this position of the Moon does not promise harmony in marriage. When interacting with children, you often show a desire to dominate. This tendency may arise because one of your parents, usually your mother, dominated you as a child, or you idealized her too much. With this position of the Moon, the mother may be too domineering, and it will be difficult for the child, especially if he is male, to free himself from her influence. When you enjoy something, you know how to immerse yourself in yourself and your pleasure and completely forget about the world around you. People think you don't have empathy. You have a versatile personality and understand people easily. Love to explore new, unknown areas.

The senses serve you as a means of receiving pleasure, and not as an instrument of knowledge. You are very passionate in life and sex. You have very good observation ability. Your power is usually unexpressed and hidden, but if you use it, you do it for the benefit of humanity.

Negative use of the Moon in Scorpio can lead to sexual problems, complexes or alcoholism. The most important thing for you is to learn to forgive and forget. And also learn to control your strong, deep feelings. Because the senses are very important to you great importance, give them some attention.

The Moon in its fall creates persistent instability in the fixed sign of Scorpio emotional sphere, endowing Scorpios with increased sensitivity, anxiety, vulnerability, promiscuity in sexual relations, a tendency to food poisoning and sexually transmitted diseases.

Scorpio is very concerned about the problems of his own safety, which is why he strives to know his future, resorting to the help of secret forces, divination and fortune telling.

The weakness of the Moon’s status is often expressed in Scorpio’s insensitivity to loved ones or, in the case of overcompensation, in a painful attachment to everything that the subject is inclined to consider as his own.

Moon in the decanate of Scorpio

Success in the military field or in medicine as a surgeon, herbalist, radiologist, psychotherapist, massage therapist or methodologist.

Depth of feelings, rich imagination, vivid imagination should be used in the profession. Interest in life.

Manifested pure properties Scorpio. Active mind, pronounced feelings, passion for adventure, adventure, change, travel, sea voyages.

Historical persons with the Moon in Scorpio

Louis XV, Michel Nostradamus, Hector Berlioz, Jean Racine, Francois Mauriac, Hermann Goering, V. V. Gorbatko, G. T. Dobrovolsky.

Transit of the Moon through the sign of Scorpio

The Moon in Scorpio puts the stamp of passion on everything that is planned and conceived. All affairs and activities are characterized by thoroughness. People become more active than in other periods, aggressiveness, criticality, intolerance, capriciousness, and increased sensitivity to insults appear, especially when drunk. More often sharp, sarcastic remarks are made, even insults. At this time, people are overwhelmed by strong momentary experiences, they become agitated and ready to quarrel, but willpower helps them quickly get out of crisis situations. Also at this time, sexual desire intensifies, but with the Moon in Scorpio, it is still wiser to limit sexual contacts, since these days are considered unfavorable for love and intimate meetings.

The Moon in Scorpio increases doubts, mistrust and suspicion. It is impossible to predict the reaction to words and actions, so it is useless to sort things out; you can aggravate the situation even further. It is necessary, if possible, not to succumb to jealousy and not to give reasons for it. At this time, interest in everything mysterious, mystical and forbidden increases. Children are prone to boldness and displays of strength. Care should be taken that they do not harass the younger and weaker and do not get into things that are not intended for their eyes.

Tense aspects bring increased sensitivity, susceptibility. People become touchy, but at the same time belligerent, intolerant, sarcastic and jealous. Moreover, jealousy manifests itself not only in relation to loved ones, but can be expressed as intolerance towards signs of attention shown to others, or as envy of the achievements of others, etc. It is not difficult to find a reason for jealousy, however, this reason most often remains unconscious to a person. The situation during this period is usually tense; a minor reason is enough for the internal tension, unable to withstand the pressure, to let the “genie out of the bottle” and explode into a scandal. The same reaction can be generated by vainly restrained sexual desire - if it cannot find an adequate outlet.

good time

(if it is not the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day)

  • for teamwork, cooperation, co-authorship;
  • for scientific, creative or intellectual activities, teaching and lecture work, conducting experiments and secret experiments, testing new technology;
  • for making serious decisions, strengthening one’s own authority, resolving complicated situations, confidential transactions, meetings with authoritative people;
  • for studying and improving knowledge, training and using phenomenal abilities, occult activities;
  • for lectures, reports, making plans, demonstrating competence;
  • to search for missing items and begin repairs;
  • for sports, hunting, fishing;
  • for the purchase and sale of new equipment, cars, machine tools, purchase of livestock and antiques;
  • for training and use unusual abilities(best 1st, 4th, 6th, 14th Lunar day);
  • For cosmetic procedures, massage, hair cutting to accelerate hair growth (especially on the waxing Moon);
  • for sowing all crops except potatoes, cultivation medicinal plants and those that have thorns, prickles, sharp spire-shaped leaves and fruits;
  • for pest control;
  • for watering and fertilizing plants.

Bad timing

(especially if it is the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day)

  • for important enterprises, new beginnings, new responsibilities, new position, hiring employees;
  • for litigation and cases related to insurance and social security (it’s better not to go to social security);
  • to borrow or lend money;
  • for exchanging an apartment, moving, other matters related to an apartment or house (sales, donations, etc.);
  • for love affairs, sex, engagement announcements, marriage registration and celebration of family celebrations, parties;
  • for travel, travel, tourism;
  • for any acquisitions (a defect will definitely be discovered), you should also not wear a new one for the first time, since such things quickly get dirty, wear out, and deteriorate;
  • for gynecological operations and surgical intervention associated with excretory organs;
  • for pruning fruit trees and shrubs, cutting down trees.


  • conflicts due to excessive straightforwardness, sarcasticity, touchiness;
  • from alcohol abuse, which can lead to disastrous results;
  • poisoning


  1. Sergey Alekseevich Vronsky - "CLASSICAL ASTROLOGY in 12 volumes"
  2. Marion March, Joan McEvers - « Astrology »
  3. "Training course at the Munich Institute of Parapsychology"
  4. N. Yu. Markina "Interpretation of Astrological Symbolism"

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