Diseases of rabbits: photos and descriptions of common diseases. Existing diseases of rabbits, and their symptoms and self-treatment Viral diseases of rabbits and measures for their treatment

Rabbits are valued for their beautiful fur and excellent taste of meat. But growing them is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Livestock farmers face a variety of problems when breeding. After all, these animals are very demanding about their living conditions and get sick quite often. Diseases of rabbits can destroy most livestock in a matter of days. In order to provide timely assistance to animals, it is necessary to be able to identify the disease, as well as vaccinate on time, and follow the rules of care.

Sick or healthy rabbit

Some rabbit diseases do not have a clear clinical picture. But even in such cases, it is possible to distinguish a sick animal from a healthy one. And in order not to miss the first signs of illness, it is necessary to conduct periodic examinations of all individuals. This is usually done before mating, after litters. Once the baby rabbits are born, they are examined daily until they are two weeks old.

Healthy animals are always active, they have a good appetite. They are characterized by:

  1. Shiny, beautiful, even fur.
  2. No discharge from the nose or eyes.
  3. Even breathing (about sixty times per minute).
  4. Smooth pulse (120-160 beats per minute).
  5. Body temperature is from 38 to 39.5 degrees.

The stool is examined daily. They can be used to assess the condition gastrointestinal tract. The norm is dark brown or black pea-shaped stool.

An unhealthy animal's behavior changes: it becomes inactive, may refuse to eat or eat reluctantly. Also, a sick rabbit may lie with its eyes closed.

In some diseases, the respiratory rate changes, and severe thirst is noted. Ulcers may appear on the skin, and discharge may be observed from the nose and eyes. Sometimes rabbits have diarrhea or constipation, and bloating is visible. When touched, the fur falls out: it loses its attractiveness. With some diseases, rabbits shake their heads, scratch their ears and other parts of the body. There are ailments that can cause paralysis, convulsions, and trembling.

Diseases in rabbits require immediate treatment. But before starting therapy, you should consult a veterinarian. He will conduct tests feces, will take scrapings from the fur, lesions, and take the material for analysis if there is discharge. All this will help to accurately diagnose and prescribe correct treatment.

How do diseases happen?

The types of rabbit diseases, symptoms and their treatment determine the animal’s ability to recover. There are diseases that cannot be treated, and sick individuals are destroyed. There are ailments for which treatment does not cause problems.

There are many diseases in rabbits. For convenience, they were divided into groups: infectious or infectious, non-infectious or non-infectious. Let's take a closer look at them. The most dangerous are infectious pathologies, since they can quickly move from one animal to another, infecting the entire livestock. It is worth noting that some diseases are dangerous for people.

The incubation period for scabies lasts up to five days. Usually clinical picture very pronounced: the rabbit shakes its head, scratches its ears. There are scratches on the inner surface of the ear.

With timely treatment, the disease can be easily overcome. The surface of the auricle is treated in all infected rabbits. To do this, use turpentine, dust or special drops for scabies, sold in veterinary pharmacies.


Rickets manifests itself in rabbits from the very beginning. early age. Such individuals are stunted in growth and practically do not gain weight. They exhibit deformation of their limbs: their paws resemble an oval. Rickets rabbits have a huge belly.

Treatment is carried out by prescribing a course of vitamin D drops, as well as calcium and phosphorus. Drugs are added to the feed.


In the hepatic form, the pathology develops slowly. Animals gradually lose weight and experience diarrhea.

The incubation period for coccidiosis is about three days. The main manifestations of the disease are loose stools, the presence bloody discharge, jaundice. For an accurate diagnosis it is necessary laboratory test animal feces. Rabbits can get sick at any age. But young animals aged from one and a half to four months suffer the most susceptibility.

If coccidiosis is detected in rabbits, treatment is carried out by drinking drugs dissolved in water. This may be sulfonamide drugs: “Sulfadimezin”, “Sulfadimethoxine”. The rabbits are given water twice a day for five days. There is a three-week break between courses.

Good results are obtained by drinking an iodine solution: adults prepare a 0.01% solution (dose 100 ml per animal/day for ten days), for rabbits the dosage is 50 and 100 ml.

At the veterinary pharmacy you can purchase special medications for the treatment and prevention of coccidiosis. They are used in accordance with the instructions.


Myxomatosis in rabbits is a dangerous disease caused by viruses. Outbreaks of the epidemic are recorded in the summer-autumn period. The carriers of the infection are mice, rats, and blood-sucking insects.

With myxomatosis in rabbits, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Swelling of the nose, ears, lips.
  2. Discharge appears from the eyes and nose.
  3. Seals form on the paws and ears.
  4. Apathy appears, and the rabbit’s hair falls out.

As the disease progresses, the animal's ears droop, it falls into a coma and dies. The disease progresses very quickly and always with fatal. All individuals are disposed of; carcasses are not suitable for consumption. The rabbitry is disinfected, the remaining animals are vaccinated.


Pododermatitis or plantar dermatitis in rabbits occurs in rabbits kept in cages with mesh floors. Because of this, ulcers appear on the paws, which become infected. As a result, the process of suppuration begins: the disease becomes acute.

Most often, pododermatitis affects animals with a large body weight and with their paws not drooping. A side factor is the unsatisfactory condition of the cells, polluted air, and high humidity.

Clinically, the disease is manifested by a lack of appetite, the animal hardly moves, and lies more. Upon examination, damage to the paws is visible. Treatment of pododermatitis is carried out by lubricating the lesions zinc ointment or Vishnevsky's liniment.


If your rabbit's eyes are watery, this may indicate conjunctivitis. Pathology occurs when dust gets into the eyes from contaminated hay, grass, or mixed feed. The disease manifests itself in the form of redness, swelling of the eyelids, and tearing. Subsequently, the discharge becomes purulent and the eyes become sticky. The rabbits try to tear them apart with their paws, further aggravating the situation.

Treatment is carried out by daily eye treatment with a solution boric acid, “Levomycetin”, strong brewed black tea. The eyes are treated for a week.

Worm infestations

Worms in rabbits can lead to the death of the animal. They not only cause inflammation, but are also dangerous for eared ones.

When infected with helminths, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Increased thirst. Rabbits drink a lot: they go to the water bowl more often than usual.
  2. Greenish mucus can be seen in the stool. Diarrhea and constipation alternate in rabbits.
  3. The fur becomes dull, loses its shine, and begins to fall out in large quantities.
  4. The sclera of the eyes becomes cloudy.
  5. Rabbits become lethargic and lie down a lot.
  6. Helminths cause itching in anus, forcing you to ride on the floor.

Treatment of helminths is carried out using special drugs. This could be “Shustrik”, “Gamavit”, “Albendazole”, “Tetramizole”, “Pyrantel” and other anthelmintic drugs available in the veterinary pharmacy. The products are used strictly according to the instructions.


Rabbits are very sensitive to food: if the food is not selected correctly, the animal can be poisoned. A similar phenomenon can be caused by herbs such as dope, potato tops, caustic buttercup and other poisonous plants.

In case of poisoning, the following symptoms occur: excessive salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, and impaired coordination of movement. If these signs occur, it is necessary to give the rabbit a decoction of rice or oats and replace the food.

Runny nose or pasteurellosis

The disease affects animals at any age. With pathology, nasal discharge is observed. They can be purulent or mucous, body temperature rises, and diarrhea occurs. The rabbits are depressed and refuse food and water. Patients are immediately isolated and their cells are disinfected.

For treatment, it is necessary to instill Furacilin, a solution of Penicillin, into the nose. The antibiotic is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. After recovery, the rabbits go to slaughter. These are not left for mating.

Respiratory system diseases

If rabbits live in a draft, they may have problems with the respiratory system: pneumonia, bronchitis. With these ailments, wheezing, depressed breathing, and increased body temperature are observed. For treatment, it is necessary to inject intramuscularly Penicillin, a solution of Sulfidine, 0.3 g per individual. Be sure to add vitamins to the food. Rabbits are moved to warm, draft-free cages.


If rabbit cages sit in the sun all day, the animals can overheat and suffer heatstroke. Large individuals do not tolerate heat and high temperatures well.

When overheated, they refuse food and water and stretch out to their full height in their cells. Their breathing quickens and convulsions may occur.

Providing assistance involves moving animals to a cool place. This may be some room where it is colder than in cages. You can apply a cold compress to your head.

Stomatitis or “wet face”

Young animals are often exposed to infectious stomatitis or “wet face” disease. It is caused by viruses.

The disease affects the mucous membrane, causing salivation, diarrhea, and inflammation. Secondary signs of the disease are: increased humidity of the integument, sharp changes temperature.

Main clinical manifestations are:

  1. The appearance of plaque on the tongue: at first it is white, and then grayish-red.
  2. Formation of ulcers.
  3. The animal loses its appetite and becomes lethargic.
  4. While eating, you can hear slurping sounds.

If such symptoms are detected, treatment should be started immediately. The oral cavity is washed with a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate. Good results gives "Streptomycin". Treatment with powder is carried out by pouring into oral cavity 0.2 g once a day for three days.


The main prevention of diseases in rabbits is vaccination. It helps protect livestock from the most dangerous diseases that can destroy the entire farm in a matter of days.

What vaccinations does a rabbit need and when are they given? The first injection is given at the age of 45 days, with a weight of at least 500 grams. The following vaccinations are performed every six months throughout the life of the individual. If there is a break between vaccinations, then disease prevention must be resumed, regardless of the age of the rabbit.

Vaccination can be performed according to the following scheme:

  1. The first vaccination is carried out at the age of 45 days with an associated vaccine.
  2. Revaccination is carried out after 3 months.
  3. Then vaccinations are done every six months.

Another diagram looks like this:

  1. The first vaccination is given with the VGBV monovaccine at the age of one and a half months.
  2. After two weeks, vaccination against myxomatosis is carried out.
  3. After another two weeks, revaccination with VGBV is carried out.
  4. In another two weeks - revaccination against myxomatosis.
  5. After 3 months, vaccination is carried out with an associated vaccine.
  6. After six months, revaccination is carried out with all three vaccines.

When vaccinated according to any scheme, a two-week quarantine is required. It helps to avoid possible infection of the pet during the period of developing immunity. At this time, it is recommended to feed the animal with sprouted grain, rowan, fish oil, and pumpkin.

Timely vaccination and proper treatment will help preserve the rabbit population, as well as prevent outbreaks of dangerous infections.

The list of rabbit diseases includes more than 25 contagious and non-contagious diseases. And as practice shows, treating rabbits for many infectious diseases simply does not make sense. This activity is often quite troublesome, very expensive and, unfortunately, not always successful. After all, a rabbit that has recovered from the disease is a carrier of the infection; its immunity is weakened, so such a rabbit is not allowed for further reproduction. IN best case scenario it can only be used for meat.

But if a sick rabbit is of particular value to a rabbit breeder, then it is still worth trying to cure it.

Contagious diseases of rabbits: their symptoms and treatment

Infectious stomatitis

Young rabbits up to three months old and females are most susceptible to the virus. Animal mortality reaches 30-50%.

Signs of the disease:

  • ulcerated tongue with a white coating;
  • inflammation of the oral mucosa;
  • profuse drooling;
  • diarrhea.

When a rabbit drools, the fur on its chin, neck, and dewlap becomes wet. The paws also become wet, as the rabbit rubs its face with them. It is better to immediately remove such animals from the herd.

For the purpose of treatment, the oral cavity of patients and the rabbits next to them is lubricated with alcohol or a solution of copper sulfate several times a day.

Also in the treatment of stomatitis, white streptocide powder is used: internally and externally, which is poured into the rabbit’s mouth at 0.2 grams. several times a day and sprinkle the face at the same time.


An acute epidemic disease, the source of which is animals infected with the virus. The main carriers are mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks from May to October.

Signs of myxomatosis:

  • swelling of the eyelids and anus;
  • tumors on any part of the body;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • subtle spots on the ears.

The disease has no cure; cases of recovery occur only if the disease has a mild (so-called nodular) form.

The only way to prevent infection is to vaccinate the herd of rabbits starting at 30 days of age. Strictly after 3 months, revaccination against myxomatosis is carried out. The duration of immunity that protects rabbits from the virus is 9 months, so animals are vaccinated 8 months after revaccination (re-vaccination).

Infectious rhinitis (contagious runny nose)

The cause of contagious runny nose in rabbits is microorganisms - pasteurella, which are constantly present in the body even in healthy rabbits. However, the disease breaks out when the immune system is weakened, which is provoked by constant drafts, unsanitary conditions in the rabbitry and unbalanced nutrition. Successful recovery is observed in 65% of sick individuals.

The incubation period of the disease is from 3 to 6 days.

Signs of infectious rhinitis:

  • frequent sneezing and runny nose;
  • purulent discharge from the nose (which indicates that the infection has entered the lungs).

During treatment b In single rabbits, for treatment, 5 drops of an antimicrobial drug are instilled into each nostril with a pipette for 10-14 days. To treat pasteurellosis, the antibiotic biomycin is also prescribed intramuscularly.

The disease can occur in rabbits of any age, but most often the disease occurs in the spring and autumn. If you do not treat a runny nose in rabbits caused by a common cold, then in most cases it turns into a contagious form of a runny nose.

Pasteurellosis (hemorrhagic septicemia)

The causative agent of pasteurellosis is rabbit pasteurella, a stick from the Pasteurella family that lives on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. The incubation period is 5 days. Mortality ranges from 15 to 70% of cases.

Signs of the disease:

  • temperature rise to 40°C and above;
  • weakness, lethargy;
  • rapid breathing;
  • discharge of mucus from the eyes and pus from the nose;
  • bloating and gastrointestinal upset.

When treated in This livestock of the herd (not only sick, but also healthy rabbits) is given a single injection of terramycin or a biomycin solution twice with an interval of 8-10 hours.

All adult animals from the herd are vaccinated against pasteurellosis as a preventive measure. The procedure is repeated after 7 days. Young rabbits are injected with serum against pasteurellosis, also with repetition.

As rabbits reach 1.5 months of age, they are vaccinated.


The causative agents of the disease are microbes of the paratyphoid group that infect the gastrointestinal tract. It's pretty rare disease, affecting rabbits of all ages and breeds. Most often, infection occurs in the spring and summer through domestic means, when the sources of infection are mainly insects, rodents, and birds that transmit the infection through dry food, water, and hay for bedding.

Signs of the disease:

  • lethargic, depressed state of the animal;
  • tousled animal fur;
  • gastrointestinal upset, profuse diarrhea, refusal to feed;
  • miscarriages in pregnant females.

Infected rabbits are treated for 7 days, mixing 2 times a day with wet food Furazolidone. And for animals in the same cage with them without signs of disease, once a day.


Signs of the disease:

  • loss of appetite, exhaustion;
  • the mucous surfaces of the rabbit’s mouth and eyelids become jaundiced;
  • bloody diarrhea;
  • tousled fur;
  • enlarged belly.

For treatment, a course of sulfadimethoxine is prescribed, which is used for 5 days. The drug is mixed into rabbits' wet food. The course of treatment is repeated after 5 days.

They are also treated with furazolidone for 7 days at a dose of 30 mg/kg.

For prevention and treatment, norsulfazole and phthalazole are used simultaneously, then the course of treatment is repeated.


Rabbits are very susceptible to staphylococcal infection which is caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus. The incubation period of staphylococcosis is up to 5 days.

The source of the disease is infected rabbits and other animals. The spread of the disease is facilitated by unsanitary conditions in cages, protruding sharp objects, crowded keeping of the herd, which results in conflicts and rabbits receiving wounds, abrasions, cuts and bites through which the infection penetrates.

Signs of disease in rabbits:

  • boils and ulcers on the body and internal organs(lungs, kidneys, liver);
  • pododermatitis (appears on the paws purulent wounds which do not heal for a long time);
  • mastitis (the mammary glands become inflamed, milk with pus is released when pressed);
  • poor appetite, exhaustion.

When treating skin lesions (bites, scratches, abrasions), apply penicillin, streptomycin, and zinc ointment daily. The pustules are lubricated with a 5% solution of brilliant green or a 3% solution of phenol. Paws are treated with Vishnevsky ointment.

For 2-3 days, penicillin with streptomycin is administered intramuscularly 2 times a day.

For mastitis, penicillin is prescribed intramuscularly (every 3-4 hours), and camphor oil is rubbed into the mammary glands.

Psoroptosis (pruritic or ear scabies)

Signs of disease in rabbits:

  • With ear scabies, rabbits shake their heads, and pus and thick dark-colored crusts appear in the scratched ears.
  • With pruritic scabies, hair loss and scratching of the affected areas occurs.

For treatment, the affected areas are generously moistened with a 5% solution of hexachlorane or turpentine in vegetable oil to soften the crusts. The crusts are removed, and the affected areas of the skin are again lubricated with the same composition.

In severe cases, the Demyanovich method is used - mite-affected areas are treated 60% aqueous solution sodium hyposulfite. Then the same areas are treated with a 5–10% aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid.


The causative agent of the disease is the trichophytosis fungus. The disease quickly spreads over the entire surface of the skin.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • the skin is peeling;
  • the fur breaks off and falls out;
  • Bald spots with dark crusts form.

During treatment, the hair around the bald spot is cut off. In order to soften the crusts, the affected areas are moistened with a solution of lye or green soap. Softened crusts are treated with 10% alcohol tincture of iodine or 10% alcohol solution salicylic acid. Hair and crusts removed from a sick animal are destroyed by burning.

Non-contagious diseases of rabbits: symptoms and their treatment

Tympania (bloating of the stomach) and flatulence (bloating of the intestines)

With bloating of the intestines and stomach, a disturbance in the composition of the intestinal flora and fermentation processes occur, caused by rabbits eating low-quality food (rotten hay), abundant feeding of root vegetables, causing bloating (White cabbage) or poisonous plants (lupine, autumn colchicum, etc.).

Symptoms of tympany and flatulence:

  • gas formation in the stomach, abdominal walls taut;
  • severe colic in the gastrointestinal tract, lack of appetite;
  • intestinal obstruction, constipation;
  • when you tap on the stomach, you hear a dull drumming sound;
  • depressed state, rapid breathing.

For constipation, the rabbit is given an enema and given 5-6 grams of Glauber's salt dissolved in water.

For the purpose of treatment, a 5% solution of lactic acid or a 10% solution of ichthyol is given orally, followed by massage of the swollen abdominal walls.

Catarrh of the stomach and intestines (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract)

Catarrhs ​​are divided into acidic and alkaline catarrhs.

Signs of the disease:

  • With sour catarrh, rabbits refuse food, body temperature drops, animals often defecate, and the feces are liquid with a sour odor.
  • With alkaline catarrh, rabbits have no appetite, they rarely defecate, and the feces have a rotten smell.

To treat acid catarrh, syntomycin is given orally 2 times a day; severe diarrhea– 1-3 teaspoons of tannin solution or oak bark.

In the treatment of alkaline catarrh, salol is also indicated 2 times a day, and instead of water, a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate is given.

Rhinitis and bronchitis

The diseases are of a cold nature. Drafts, sudden changes in temperature, cold wind, wet weather, wetness of the animal, and dusty feed predispose to their development.

Signs of the disease:

  • sneezing, flow from the nostrils;
  • labored breathing.

To treat rhinitis, rabbits are given 5-6 drops of furatsilin solution mixed with penicillin solution several times a day.

For bronchitis, sulfadimezin is given daily, and penicillin is also administered intramuscularly every 3 hours.


The disease, caused by a lack of vitamin D and impaired phosphorus-calcium metabolism, is common among young animals.

Signs of the disease:

  • curvature and thickening of the bones of the limbs;
  • delayed development of rabbits.

In order to treat and prevent rickets, vitamin D is introduced into the diet of animals (optionally, fish fat), chalk (1-2 g), bone or fish meal (2-3 g) or phosphate of lime (1 g).


Eyelid disease is caused by sand, dust, or irritation from caustic substances getting into the eyes, which can ultimately cause blindness in the rabbit.

Symptoms of rabbit disease:

  • lacrimation;
  • redness of the mucous membrane of the eyelid;
  • thickening of the eyelid occurs;
  • discharge of pus from the eyes and sticking of the eyelids;
  • clouding and ulceration of the cornea of ​​the eye.

To treat rabbits when pus has leaked, 2% boron or iodoform ointment is placed under the eyelids. The reddened skin of the eyelids is lubricated with boric vaseline.

Rabbits at proper care are relatively resistant to diseases, but everyone knows that the basis of the fight against diseases should be their prevention. The rabbitry and dishes should be cleaned regularly, and mice and rats, the main carriers of diseases in the yard, should be regularly controlled. But when a rabbit breeder carries out serious work on disease prevention, then questions about rabbit diseases and their treatment do not arise.

Rabbits are susceptible to a large number of infections, which are better to prevent than to fight. Any farmer should know the main diseases of rabbits, their symptoms, and treatment in order to help the animals in time. In addition, it is necessary to carry out preventive actions.

Disease Prevention

Rabbits purchased from another farm must be kept in a separate cage for 3 weeks. If during this time no symptoms of any diseases appear, you can place them with other animals. Young rabbits and adults should be examined regularly before mating.

If the spread of any disease is suspected, cages and feeders are disinfected with special chemicals aimed at combating specific pathogens. Metal parts are treated with a blowtorch or boiling water.

A healthy rabbit is cheerful, has a good appetite, has shiny fur, calm breathing, and clean eyes and ears. If any deviations in his condition are noticeable, it is better to immediately call a doctor. It is recommended to slaughter a sick rabbit to prevent the spread of the disease.

The most common diseases of rabbits and their treatment

All diseases of rabbits can be divided into two groups: non-contagious and contagious. The first group includes eating disorders. Such diseases of rabbits, their symptoms and treatment have long been widely known. The causes of eating disorders are usually poor-quality food in adults or the transition to hard food in rabbits after mother's milk. The presence of the disease is determined by the absence of bowel movements, too loose stools, bloating.

In this case, the rabbit should be kept on a starvation diet for about 12 hours, and then begin to be fed with a mixture of soft food and boiled potatoes. If the animal suffers from constipation, Glauber's salt, Carlsbad salt or Castor oil a teaspoon. In rabbits, diarrhea is treated with a solution prepared from 2 liters of water and one syntomycin tablet. Animals should be given it to drink in the morning and evening. After a few days, foodborne illnesses in rabbits and their symptoms disappear with this treatment.

It is not uncommon for animals to get injured in a cage. All kinds of damage to the body of rabbits are also diseases of non-contagious origin. If the bruise is small, it will go away on its own after a few days. You can cope with small wounds in which the integrity of the skin is compromised by smearing them with iodine. Deep injuries in rabbits are difficult to cure, so such animals are usually slaughtered immediately. Fractures of the paws occur if animals get them into the cracks in the cage. With such an injury, rabbits still live a very long time. Treating a fracture is unprofitable and expensive, so the animal is also killed.

You should take care of rabbits in cold weather, as they can get frostbite in their ears. If this happens, the animal must be placed in a warm room. Frostbitten areas are carefully lubricated with melted warm fat.

Like people and many other animals, rabbits are susceptible to heat and sunstroke. It can be identified by the following symptoms: the rabbit is motionless and lies on its side, the eyelids, mouth and nose are red, breathing is rapid. Coping with the effects of heat and sunstroke A compress helps. The towel should be applied to the rabbit's head, constantly wetting it in cold water. If convulsive twitching of the limbs is observed, the animal will no longer be able to be cured. All that remains is to score it.

Colds develop in rabbits if they for a long time are in a draft or exposed to rain. Animals sneeze, visible from the nose transparent discharge. Rabbits need to be moved to a warm place; a few drops of furatsilin solution are instilled into the nose every day, for the preparation of which 1 g of the substance is diluted in 100 g of water. Even if rabbits have suffered from diseases of non-contagious origin, their meat can be used without restrictions. The situation is different with contagious infections.

Contagious diseases of rabbits: symptoms and their treatment, photo

To know how and how to treat a sick animal, you need to be able to recognize diseases.

Coccidiosis in rabbits

You can cope with the disease by eliminating all the causes that provoked its development. In addition, the drug Baycox for rabbits is often used in accordance with the instructions. This is the most effective remedy, according to most experts, in the treatment of coccidiosis. It can also be used for poultry and ornamental animals.

The method of use of the drug is determined by its concentration. Therefore, before using it, you should carefully read the instructions.

Another well-known drug is Solicox for rabbits. The instructions for this drug characterize it as a remedy with wide range actions. Solikoks helps to cope with all types of coccidiosis pathogens in rabbits. It combines well with other medications and various supplements.

It is important that Solikox is low-toxic and therefore safe in case of overdose.

This acute illness manifests itself in the form of tumors and gelatinous swelling on the skin, redness of the eyelids and ears. Myxomatosis usually causes death in animals. To avoid it, rabbits should be vaccinated. When myxomatosis spreads, all livestock are divided into two groups. The first group includes infected individuals, which are immediately killed. It is recommended to destroy all cages and dishes after them. The second group includes healthy livestock that are slaughtered for meat. Considering that treatment for myxomatosis is impossible, this disease can only be prevented through prophylaxis.

The main areas affected by this disease are the liver and lungs of animals. It spreads very quickly, duration incubation period is several hours. Rabbits may have convulsions, nosebleeds, general weakness, and fever. Infection occurs through bedding or a feeder that was used for a sick animal, through direct contact with a carrier of the disease. Treatment is impossible, but there is a special serum that can protect rabbits for 2 hours. During this time, it is necessary to remove them from sick animals.

Ear mite

Infection of rabbits with it occurs from the mother, with scales of the skin of a sick animal in adults. The spread of ear mites occurs more actively when rabbits live in crowded conditions. Symptoms of the disease are clearly visible externally in the form of crusts on the inner surface of the ears. In addition, the rabbit actively scratches them, trying to get rid of these formations on the skin. Treatment of ear mites in rabbits is carried out by regularly treating the ears with a special mixture, which includes creolin, turpentine, kerosene and glycerin.

Treatment of rabbits - video

This is due to the fact that keeping and breeding rabbits involves significant difficulties, since these animals are very demanding. For this reason, the issue raised for consideration is topical not only for rabbit breeders, but also for ordinary lovers of these soft, beautiful animals.

Sometimes rabbit diseases may not be expressed by specific symptoms, however, healthy pet can be distinguished from a sick person. It is necessary to regularly examine animals so as not to miss the first signs of an emerging disease. This procedure must be carried out before mating, after and before childbirth.

Newly hatched rabbits must be examined daily at first, and then every two weeks. The majority of rabbit diseases and their treatment are not complicated, provided timely assistance is provided to prevent the development of a more severe form of the disease.

In order not to have to buy medicine for rabbits, you need to regularly monitor the animal. A healthy animal is active and has an excellent appetite.

The animal must meet the following characteristics:

  1. the coat is smooth and shiny;
  2. lack of discharge in the nose and eyes;
  3. even breathing with a frequency of about 60 times per minute;
  4. 38.5-39.5 – normal temperature bodies;
  5. smooth pulse - 120-160 beats per minute.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the animal’s urine and feces, since it is by their changes that the beginning of the development of a particular disease is judged. A healthy animal should have black or dark-colored feces. Brown, look like beans or peas. Urine is dark, different in thickness from other animals. What diseases of rabbits exist?

Types of diseases in rabbits

Each rabbit disease is characterized by its own signs and symptoms, however, all diseases have a number of common features, which indicate that the animal is unwell. If symptoms are noticed, you should immediately contact your veterinarian to prevent further spread of the infection.

In general, rabbits are susceptible various diseases, which are divided into the following groups:

  • non-infectious;
  • infectious
  • invasive (ear diseases, lichen).

The most common groups include infectious diseases, which are also the most dangerous, since a sick animal poses a potential threat to the health of other animals.

To prevent the occurrence of such diseases, rabbits should be regularly vaccinated with medications.

The occurrence of non-infectious diseases is mainly associated with improper feeding (for example, a rabbit may develop bloating), violation of maintenance rules, as well as violations temperature regime. This group also includes various injuries and bruises, bloating. Such diseases are not a threat to the lives of other rabbits because they are not contagious. It happens that a rabbit has watery eyes without any other symptoms of disease. Let's look at the most common diseases of these animals.


Today, myxomatosis in rabbits is the most dangerous disease in these animals.

There are two forms of myxomatosis - edematous and nodular. The first form is characterized by the appearance of minor swelling, which over time combines into one large swelling.

The nodular form manifests itself in the form of the formation of small nodules, which over time cover the entire body and grow to the size of a pea. All these formations are called mixotes. Treatment is an associated vaccine for rabbits of any age.

They mainly spread to the genitals, anal passage, head. Also characteristic symptom myxomatosis is inflammatory process membranes of the eye. Animal on appearance becomes ugly and dies after 8-10 days.

Unfortunately, this disease has practically no cure. If the first signs of myxomatosis appear, the veterinary service is immediately notified. A rabbit that gets sick is disposed of, and the clothes of the person in contact with the animal are disinfected. Feces are buried 1 meter into the ground. As a preventive measure, a vaccine against rabbit myxomatosis can be used for the entire livestock. The price of the vaccine is approximately 200 rubles.


Currently, rhinitis in rabbits is the most common disease respiratory tract. Characteristic signs the following: rapid breathing, nasal discharge, frequent sneezing.

As the disease develops, the animal refuses food, as a result of which it loses weight. Providing timely assistance will ensure that further weakening is prevented immune system a rabbit. Infectious rhinitis contributes to the disorder of the animal's stomach microflora. For this reason, after antibiotics, rabbits are given immunomodulatory drugs and probiotics, which ensure the normalization of intestinal flora.

If a rabbit sneezes constantly without other visible symptoms, the animal most likely already has chronic rhinitis.

In such a situation, inhalation is carried out, good food is given, the diet must include fresh grass, as well as immunomodulatory drugs.


According to statistics, in 70% of all cases of rabbit death, the cause is coccidosis. To prevent its occurrence, regular preventive measures and timely diagnosis are required. In such cases, Solicox for rabbits can be effective in treating this disease.

The disease comes in two forms - intestinal and liver. The first form is very fleeting - within 10 days the rabbit dies. The hepatic form can last about 50 days, during which the animal suffers from diarrhea and loses weight.

During incubation (2-3 days), the animal develops jaundice, and the feces contain blood. Animals get sick at different ages, but the most vulnerable are rabbits 2-4 months old. The disease can only be detected through stool analysis. For prevention, rabbits need to be regularly vaccinated against the causative agent of the disease.

Coccidosis is treated in several ways. A rabbit can be given an iodine solution: 100 grams for an adult. 0.01% solution per day from the 25th day of pregnancy, after which the dose is increased to 200 g. per day 0.02% solution. The course lasts 10 days.

Offspring are treated in the same way, only the amount of solution is half as much. The second method is treatment with an aqueous solution of sulfonamide drugs. It is necessary to give the animal the solution twice a day for 5 days. Baycox for rabbits has proven itself well in the prevention of coccidosis.

Mite in rabbits

If appeared ear mite in rabbits, the animal begins to show anxiety, shaking its head and ears. As the disease progresses, the animal scratches its ears violently, loses its appetite, and if complications develop in the form of otitis media and meningitis, it does not eat at all, which can lead to its death.

When visually examining a sick animal, brown crusts are visible in the ears of a rabbit, sometimes completely hiding the inner surface of the ear, which is covered as if with bites. The ears become hot and thick.

Pesterellosis in rabbits

Veterinarians consider rabbit hemorrhagic disease to be one of the viral diseases that affects every organ of the animal. Rabbits of various ages are susceptible to infection, starting from 1.5-2 months, but most often it is young rabbits who become infected.

This disease is otherwise called pasteurellosis and belongs to the category of acute contagious infection that causes rapid death of animals. Unfortunately, today the treatment for this disease positive results does not work because the infection is not affected medicines. Then what and when should rabbits be vaccinated to avoid infection of the animal?

Today, the Russian Research Institute of VViM produces a serum that prevents the occurrence of hemorrhagic disease in animals. When it enters the body, the protection begins to act after two hours and remains effective for 30 days.

Summing up the results of this article, we can conclude that today there is a large number of various types diseases in rabbits, which are divided into several types. There are diseases that are relatively harmless to the life of the animal, for example, rhinitis. However, there are also ailments in which the animal must be eliminated in order to save the remaining livestock.

If you suspect infection take the following measures:

any movement of rabbits, feed, equipment, etc. is prohibited inside the farm;

veterinary examination of the entire livestock: sick animals are slaughtered or placed in an isolation ward;

rabbits suspected of having an infection are separated into a separate group, separated and treated;

after 5-6 days, a repeat full veterinary examination is carried out;

complete disinfection of premises, cages, equipment: destroy manure, skins, bedding, food residues, as well as all rodents on the farm;

1-2 rabbit corpses are sent for examination to a veterinary bacteriological laboratory. Disinfection is repeated every 3-5 days during the period of illness;

after eliminating the disease, repeat disinfection is carried out;

Rabbit corpses are burned along with their skins or sent to recycling plants. IN in some cases, if sanitary standards allow this, carcasses and skins of sick animals can be used after appropriate treatment.


Signs: swelling or nodules on the head, ears, paws, genitals, in the anus, along the spine, conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, swelling of the eyelids), rhinitis (leakage of pus from the nasal cavity), loss of appetite, depression, drowsiness. Symptoms appear within 3-11 days.

Causes: the source of infection is sick and recovered animals. Carriers of the disease are mosquitoes, mosquitoes, lice, fleas, ticks. Mechanical carriers can be humans, animals and birds.

Treatment: not found.

Prevention: vaccination of healthy individuals at one month of age. It is impossible to vaccinate already infected rabbits, as this aggravates the suffering of the animals and leads to death.

Infectious stomatitis

Signs: redness and inflammation of the oral mucosa, especially the tongue, profuse salivation. Symptoms appear 2-4 days after infection. More often, this disease affects rabbits under the age of 3 months.

Causes: the causative agent is a filterable virus. The source of infection is the saliva and urine of an infected animal. The disease is transmitted through contaminated food, cages, bedding, water, and equipment.

Treatment: daily for 2-3 days, pour 0.2 g of white streptocide into the animal’s mouth or lubricate the oral cavity with ointment (200,000 units of penicillin, 30 g of lanolin, 2 g of streptocide, 170 g of white neutral petroleum jelly). In addition, it is recommended to make a 1-time subcutaneous injection of 20-40,000 units of penicillin in a 0.5-2% solution of novocaine.

Prevention: complete veterinary examination of the entire livestock, elimination of overcrowding, elimination of low-quality and missing feed. Treatment of cells and equipment with a 2% solution of caustic soda or formaldehyde. Healthy rabbits from cages in which infected individuals are detected are given 0.1 g of streptocide in their mouths. Queens whose offspring contained diseased rabbits are no longer used.


Signs: sudden death in the fulminant form of the disease. At acute form increased temperature, rapid breathing, pulse up to 240-300 beats per minute are observed; thirst, excessive salivation, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the nose, sometimes swelling of the head and abdomen, necrosis skin.

1-2 days before death, paralysis of the rectal sphincter occurs. Immediately before death, rabbits lie on their sides, throwing their heads back and moving their legs convulsively, sometimes falling into a coma.

At chronic course symptoms of the disease are mild. Weight loss, relaxation of the intestines and abdominal muscles are observed.

Causes: the causative agent of the disease is a filterable virus. The source is a sick animal; carriers can be rats, mice, birds, people and cats.

Treatment: not found.

Prevention: destruction of all sick and suspicious rabbits. Complete disinfection of cages, feed, bedding, equipment, etc. Prohibition of contact with animals, their movement and mating. Vaccination of the entire livestock with dry smallpox vaccine.

After the last case of death or illness, a 2-month quarantine is imposed on the farm, which ends with complete disinfection; in case of mass diseases, the skins are disinfected, and the meat and entrails are destroyed. In case of isolated diseases, carcasses can be boiled for 1 hour and eaten.


Signs: in the acute form, there is an increase in body temperature to 41 ° C and a decrease before death to 33-35 ° C; loss of appetite, depression and inactivity, rapid breathing, sometimes the nasal mucosa turns blue and serous discharge flows from it, diarrhea is very rarely observed.

The subacute form is characterized by inflammation of the lungs and pleura, elevated temperature, lack of appetite, depression, intermittent breathing, purulent discharge from the nose, dry cough. The disease lasts 1-2 weeks, the prognosis is unfavorable.

Chronic form the symptoms are similar to infectious rhinitis, ending with inflammation of the lungs and pleura, the prognosis is unfavorable.

Causes: the causative agent of the disease is rabbit pasteurella. The source of infection is sick and recovered animals, their saliva, urine, and feces. The disease is transmitted by air, as well as through feed, water, bedding, and equipment.

Treatment: intramuscular injections:

single injection of 20 mg of oxytetracycline (at the rate of 1 ml of 2% solution per 1 kg of rabbit live weight);

a two-time injection of biomycin with a break of 8-10 hours (the dosage is the same).

In addition, inulin can be added to the feed for 5-8 days (5 g of the drug per 1 kg of feed).

The sooner treatment is started, the more effective it will be. Recovery is only possible if the rabbits have not yet developed irreversible pathologies.

Prevention: destruction of manure, complete disinfection, 2-week quarantine following the last illness or death. Vaccination of rabbits older than 1.5 months with extractoformol vaccine.

Infectious rhinitis

Signs: sneezing, purulent and mucopurulent discharge from the nose, redness and inflammation of the nasal mucosa, difficulty breathing. The rabbit constantly rubs its nose with its front paws. When the disease passes into the lungs or bronchi, an increase in temperature, increased breathing, lethargy, decreased appetite, and weight loss are observed.

Causes: pathogens - several types of microbes that constantly live in the nasal cavity and are activated when immunity is reduced or the mucous membrane is damaged. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets.

Treatment: for 10-15 days, instill 8-10 drops of penicillin solution (12-20,000 units per 1 ml) or 1% furacillin (dosage is the same) into the nasal cavities of a sick animal.

Prevention: compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards for keeping rabbits,

complete disinfection using 4% formaldehyde or 3% sodium hydroxide solution.

Carcasses (except for affected areas) and skins are suitable for use. The corpses of rabbits that died from rhinitis are boiled for 1 hour and fed to animal feed.

Salmonellosis (paratyphoid)

Signs: loss of appetite, lethargy, drowsiness, damage to the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, abortion in rabbits, inflammation of the uterus.

Causes: pathogens are bacteria of the paratyphoid group. Sources of salmonellosis are sick animals; carriers are insects, birds, and rodents. The infection is transmitted through food, water, equipment, and cages.

Treatment: isolation of sick animals and addition of furazolidone to their feed for 7 days (30 mg of the drug per 1 kg of rabbit live weight).

Prevention: vaccination of healthy individuals with a polyvalent vaccine against paratyphoid and colibacillosis of fur-bearing animals, birds, calves, piglets. A month-long quarantine following the latest case of the disease. Carrying out complete disinfection with hot solutions of 2% formaldehyde, 3% caustic soda, 5% creolin or xylonaftha.


Signs: inflammation lymph nodes.

Causes: the disease is transmitted by rodents, ticks, fleas, lice, mosquitoes, flies. This plague-like disease is dangerous, including for humans.

Treatment: prescribed by a veterinarian.

Prevention: strict adherence to sanitary and hygienic standards, 20-day quarantine, destruction of infected rabbits (sick and suspected of having the disease). Disposal of remaining feed, manure, and bedding. Complete disinfection with a 2% solution of sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide, a 3% hot solution of xylonaftha or creolin, a 2% solution of formaldehyde, a solution of bleach containing 2% active chlorine.


Signs: lesions on the scalp (the area near the nose and eyes), neck, legs. Peeling of the skin, hair loss and breaking, the appearance of bald spots, then bubbles, which, when bursting, form crusts. The animal's body is covered with round bald spots. The disease is accompanied by weight loss and loss of appetite.

Treatment: softening the crusts with green soap or a warm lye solution, removing the treated crusts and hair, and then lubricating the fungus-affected areas with 10% iodine, a 5% solution of copper sulfate in Lysol, a 10% alcohol solution of salicylic acid or an emulsion from 2-3 parts formaldehyde and 9 parts kerosene. After 1-2 days it is necessary to repeat the procedure. At the same time, add griseofulvin to the feed at a rate of 20 mg per 1 kg of live weight per day.

Prevention: compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, adding griseofulvin to feed at the rate of 10 mg per 1 kg of live weight for 3 weeks.


Signs: decreased appetite, weight, stunted growth of young animals, enlarged and sagging abdomen, tousled hair, exhaustion.

Treatment: every day for 5 days, rabbits are fed sulfadimethoxine along with soft food (0.2 g per 1 kg of live weight on the 1st day and 0.1 g per 1 kg on subsequent days). After a 5-day break, you need to repeat the course of treatment.

You can choose another method of therapy: daily for 5 days, give rabbits a 0.5-1% aqueous or milk solution of norsulfazole (at the rate of 0.4 g per 1 kg of live weight), and also add 0 to moistened food .1 g phthalazole or 0.2-0.3 g disulfan (per 1 kg of live weight).

After a 5-day break, repeat the course of treatment.

Prevention: compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, carrying out routine disinfection, as well as complete disinfection after the last case of illness or death.


Signs: damage to the head, mainly the ears, itching, inflammation of the skin, the appearance of crusts under which pus accumulates, convulsions, loss of appetite and weight loss. A sick animal holds its head to one side and constantly itches.

Causes: the causative agents of the disease are scabies mites (scabies, itches and skin beetles).

Treatment: every auricle instill 1-1.5 ml of turpentine mixture. vegetable oil in equal parts, add 0.5 g of phenothiazine or sulfur. In severe cases, 2-3 treatments are carried out over 2 days with a 60% aqueous solution of hyposulfite. The drug is rubbed into the affected areas with a brush, and after it dries and crystals form, the skin is treated with a 10% aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid, using another brush.

Prevention: isolation and treatment of sick animals. Carrying out complete disinfection.