British cat: description of the breed. Tabby cat breeds British Shorthair cat description of the tabby breed

The tabby color is quite popular today, which is not surprising. Cats of similar colors look very unusual and beautiful. But tabby is not just a certain pattern and color. Its types and shades are extraordinary. We will talk about the variety of tabby in this article.

What color is tabby

The color of the tabby is very bizarre. The muzzles of such cats are decorated with exquisite marks, and the bodies are “dressed” in necklaces, bracelets, medallions, buttons, etc. A great variety of patterns is a distinctive feature of the tabby. The marks are located in various places, at different angles and can take a variety of shapes. In addition, the pattern on the cats will always be unique, there are no two identical tabby colors. Even animals of the same subspecies will differ in the location and brightness of the spots.

Tabby is a color characteristic of several cat breeds, including the British. And now let's find out where the tabby came from and what variants of this color exist.

Where did this color come from and why is it called that?

The question is, where did the cats of such a bizarre color come from, and even different breeds, will definitely get up if the house appears british kitten. The color of the tabby, most likely, was inherited by domestic cats from their wild ancestors - the Nubian buckskin. It is from this originated all our short-haired pets.

As for the term "tabby" itself, there are several versions of its origin. The prettiest sounds like this. Somewhere at the beginning of the 17th century, silk fabrics were first brought to England, worth their weight in gold. Their pattern was very similar to the cat's color and was called "tabby". And when later they began to breed cats with a similar color, they were called that - tabby. In addition, cats of this color, like silk, were very expensive, since it is unusually difficult to breed them - it is difficult to obtain the necessary pattern, shade and eye color that matches them.

Mandatory elements

The color of the tabby, despite the many variations, has a number of unchanged elements:

  • Ticking - in fact, the presence of the drawing itself. In this case, the hairs of wool should be monophonic to the base.
  • On the forehead of such cats there is always a pattern resembling the letter "M", the so-called sign of the scarab.
  • On rear surface the ear should have a spot in the shape of a fingerprint.
  • The nose and eyes should be outlined. In this case, the stroke color should be the same as the main color.
  • The drawing, if any, must include the following elements: "necklace" - three closed stripes on the chest; "curls" on the cheeks; there are two rows of double spots on the tummy. All drawings should be clear and saturated, and the coloring should be deep.
  • There is also a characteristic eye color for tabby - it is golden, orange and copper. If the color is silver, then the cat's eyes should be green.

If the British has a blurry color, and the patterns are unclear and merge with the main color, then this is a marriage. Most likely, one of the parents was a tabby, and the other was a solid color.

spotted tabby

Spotted Briton (tabby color) must have the letter "M" on his forehead; "necklace" around the neck; rings on the tail, and the tip is dark in color; stripes on the paws; spots on the tummy of various diameters; intermittent stripe on the back, turning into spots; nose and eyeliner. The drawing should be contrasting and clear.

Spotted British cats are also called spotted, which translates as "leopard". But, in principle, all these names denote the same species. The spotted tabby is the most common color variety. Such a kitten can be born from parents of any tabby color.

Tiger tabby (mackerel, striped)

The brindle tabby color (you can see a photo of it in this article) has approximately the same standards as the spotted one described above, except that the line on the back should be clear and uninterrupted, and clear non-crossing and continuous stripes should go on the sides. The striped Briton should have stripes starting at the back and going all the way to the feet. They should be narrow and frequent - the more often, the better.

However, when choosing such a kitten, one important fact should be taken into account. Even if the selected Briton has clear and long stripes, this does not mean that by the year they will not stretch and turn into spots. That is, a tabby kitten can turn into a spotted cat. It's the only species that can change so much. The remaining varieties remain virtually unchanged throughout the life of the cat.

Brindle is quite common in the British, but not as much as spotted.

Marble tabby

Marble tabby color in cats is the most beautiful, bright and complex. In addition, it is also the rarest because of the difficulties in crossing - a striped or spotted kitten can be born from two marble individuals. Such British wear three parallel stripes on the back, and large vicious circles, inside of which are located a bright shade of the spot. Such a pattern should not intersect or be interrupted. In addition, the British marble must have the following markings:

  • Pattern on the back of the head and shoulders, reminiscent of a butterfly.
  • Patterns on the cheeks that start from the very corners of the eyes.
  • "M" pattern on the forehead.
  • The neck and chest are decorated with necklaces - the more, the better.
  • Spots on belly.
  • Paws and tail should be ringed.
  • The circles on the hips are necessarily closed.

The color is rejected if the pattern is not sufficiently contrasted, or if there are residual faded stripes.

The British color can be determined from birth. However, the final alignment and clear drawing occur by two months. Therefore, if you want to get a real British marble, wait until this time, and do not take a kitten earlier.

ticked tabby

The ticked or Abyssinian tabby color in British cats can be confused with a single color, since patterns are not typical for it, however, it is quite beautiful. The name comes from the breed of Abyssinian cats, which are characterized by a similar color. The color of the coat should be even, and the upper part of the hairs should look like a kind of “spraying”. If you push the fur of such a cat, you can see that each hair has two colors. In this case, the British undercoat will correspond to the main color. Of all the tabby markings, ticked kittens have only curlicue designs on their cheeks and a scarab mark on their forehead.

If the color contains spots, rings or wool is not dyed evenly with two or three colors, then the individual is rejected.

The "spray" of the Abyssinian British has apricot, brown and sandy yellow hues. Despite this, the basis of this color is black.

color tone

The tabby color has, in addition to varieties, several tones. We present here the main ones.

Black or brown tabby - characterized by rich markings. The main color is copper-brown, covering the entire body, including the chin and lips. Nose brick red or black. Black paw pads.

The chocolate tabby has deep chocolate markings. The main color of the cat is bronze. Paw pads and nose can be pink or chocolate.

The blue color of the tabby cat is distinguished by deep blue markings. At the same time, the main color is slightly bluish, much lighter than the shade of the spots. Paw pads and nose are pink or blue.

Lilac tabby - characterized by fancy lilac markings. The main color is beige. Paw pads and nose are pink.

Cream tabby has deep cream markings. The main coat color is pale cream. Paw pads and nose are pink.

In addition, there are silver tabbies. Ideally, the main coat color of such Britons is light silver, and the pattern has a richer and brighter color. However, British silver tabby cats are also tagged. different colors: black, cream, chocolate, red, purple.

What color of cats can be considered the most beautiful? It is impossible to find an answer, because there is no friend for the taste and color, and in truth, all cats are beautiful in their own way. In today's article, we will discuss the color of tabby cats, which is otherwise called wild, and in the common people they talk about animals with such a fur coat as striped.

About tabby color in cats

Everyone has seen tabby cats, but not everyone knows that their coloring is correctly called tabby. We can talk about such a color when darkened patterns go on the fur coat of an animal over light-colored wool: stains, stripes, spots, lines. Sometimes tabby color is disparagingly called ordinary, which is fundamentally wrong: cats with many stripes, necklaces, spots on the body, with bracelets on their paws and a diadem on their heads in the form capital letter"M", dark eyeliner and nose look sophisticated and interesting.

What is the nature of tabby cats

Oh, we would be happy to ascribe to them the best features, but the point is not at all in the color of the coat and not in the presence or absence of beautiful marks on it. Much depends on the upbringing of the animal and its habitat, on the innate qualities of the pet and heredity, the degree of friendliness of people that surround the animal from an early age. But the color affects the character, perhaps, in the last turn.

Types of tabby colors in cats

Among the variety of tabby colors are distinguished:

Now consider some of the most popular tabby cat coat colors:

Tabby cat breeds

Now we list the most popular tabby cat breeds:
  1. Abyssinian cat- the most common of the Abyssinian colors is the wild, ticked tabby. The coat looks red-brown, but each hair is colored in several shades at once - from light red to brown and black, which gives the impression that the color shimmers with light dark shades of brown. Of the patterns, stripes in the form of an “M” and darkening at the tip of the tail are noticeable;
  2. - The most common coat color of pets of this breed is blue, but there are other colors, for example, tortoiseshell, rare black, white, lilac and fawn. And also among the British there are individuals with tabby color and tabby point;
  3. Scottish tabby cats(Scottish folds and Scottish straights) - such pets with hanging and straight ears can be solid solid (black, red, white, etc.), smoky and colors combined with white spots. But straight lines look especially impressive and lop-eared cats with patterns on the coat, for example, silver, blue or brown tabby;
  4. - this beauty, who is our compatriot, can also be a tabby color. The luxurious striped color looks especially beautiful on the thick semi-long wool of Siberian cats;
  5. - there are fluffy Persians different colors, including their fur coat and tabby patterns can be decorated. But it’s not always possible to clearly see the marble stains or tiger stripes on such a long and thick coat. However, the distinctive "M" on the forehead and ringlets on the tail are almost always quite distinguishable;
  6. - funny, but these cats, popular today with short tails and tassels on the ears, bred for the first time in Canada, are mistaken by some people for ordinary outbred animals that lost part of their tail when they got into trouble. The color of pixie-bob cats is chocolate or gray-gray of different saturation with obligatory tabby marks;
  7. - a young Russian breed, bred in the 90s of the XX century. The color of such cats can be decorated with tabby patterns, but on condition that the main color of the coat is not fawn, lilac, chocolate or cinnamon. But black, red (red), cream, blue, silver, tortie tabby (possibly with white spots) are not prohibited by the breed standard;
  8. - it’s more correct to talk about the color of animals of this breed “Thai tabby-point cat”. In these pets, the main part of the coat is white, and the ears, tip of the muzzle, paws and tail are colored in brown, blue, red or cream. In addition, Thai tabbies have characteristic markings on their bodies (for example, tiger stripes or small circles on the body, the letter “M” on the head, rings on the tail, etc.). It is noteworthy that Thai kittens are born white, and only then point spots of a different color and characteristic tabby marks appear on their fur coat;
  9. - in color, miniature Singapuras are a bit like Abyssinian cats, only their coat is light cream, with brown shading on the muzzle, back and at the tip of the tail. Eyes and a miniature nose of these pets seem circled. Each hair of the Singapore ticked tabby is colored simultaneously in several shades - from almost white to chocolate brown. It is noteworthy that all Singaporean cats are of the same color;
  10. - We are talking about Bengal, Sumatran and fishing cats - wild animals living in Asian countries. Sometimes they are also kept as pets, but by nature they are free animals. On their fur coats, distinct tabby patterns are also visible, which act not at all as decoration, but for camouflage during the hunt.
  1. According to the beliefs of many peoples of the world, tabby cats promise their owners good luck in all endeavors: from love affairs to financial success;
  2. An interesting legend regarding the origin of the name "tabby". Allegedly, the name of the color was given in honor of the Attabiya quarter of the Iraqi city of Baghdad, from where in the 17th-18th centuries. fabrics of amazing beauty with unusual moiré patterns were delivered to English cities. It seemed to someone that the stripes on the cat's coat looked like fabric patterns with fancy stains;
  3. Tabby color is considered the most ancient, natural. It was with such characteristic patterns that cats existed in ancient times. But they needed the stripes not at all for beauty, but for camouflage from potential victims and larger predators;
  4. In the popular dream book of Felomen there is an explanation that see in a dream tabby cat - to unexpected luck or to a date with a wonderful unusual person;
  5. Many felinologists and cat lovers believe that tabby-colored pets have the strongest health. And all thanks to a special gene that is responsible for the wild striped color, and is also directly related to the immunity of the animal;
  6. All cats with red (red) and cream hair have stripes on their fur coat. It's just that sometimes they are not expressed too brightly, and therefore it seems that the color of the animal is monophonic solid, but this is not so.

british shorthair cat- one of the most popular breeds. Therefore, choosing a kitten as a pet, many families give preference to her. A soft gray fur coat, amber-yellow eyes, thick cheeks - it is simply impossible not to fall in love with this beast at first sight. And although representatives of this breed are very characteristic and love to release their claws as needed and without, we love them no less.

We have collected for you useful information about British cats: where to buy, how much this charming pet costs, and where are the most popular British catteries in Moscow, Kyiv, and Minsk. You will also learn about the history of the origin of the breed, about the main features of the character of these cats, what color they are and what owners need to know about the health of their British Shorthair pet.

And finally, as a bonus, we will show you a funny selection of photos british cats, cats and kittens.

Among felinologists, disputes do not subside as to when exactly the breed of British cats appeared. Most argue that the ancestors of this breed were brought to Great Britain by the ancient Romans about 2000 years ago, when Rome took control of the British Isles. In historical chronicles ancient rome a mention was found of large gray cats with a powerful physique, sharp fangs and large round eyes. Judging by the description, it was just about British cats.

According to another version, the cats were brought to the island by French sailors. Animals were kept in the holds of ships to catch rats. Short and powerful paws helped this breed to survive in pitching conditions.

There is also a mention of powerful blue cats living at the French monastery of Chartres and guarding cellars with wine from rats. Representatives of this breed were considered the best rat-catchers.

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Having settled in England, gray cats immediately liked the inhabitants of foggy Albion with their "aristocratic" character. Therefore, all felines with bright tea eyes, a round muzzle and short plush fur began to be called the British breed. British cats were famous for their good health, endurance and hunting skills.

At the end of the 19th century, the British seriously approached the issue of breeding a purely English breed of cats. Breeders from England have selected the most beautiful representatives for breeding. So soon a breed appeared, which was called the "British Shorthair". And Harrison Weir, the founder of the movement of cat lovers and the organizer of the first felinological exhibition, contributed to this. Here's what he said about cats:

“An ordinary yard cat knows how to survive in the most difficult circumstances. That she exists best proof strength and endurance of her nature.

The British Shorthair cat was the first officially recognized breed, presented at an exhibition in London in 1871. Representatives of the aristocratic classes immediately fell in love with these handsome men with a thick plush coat.

During their stay on the islands, British breed cats acquired a thick coat that protected them from rain, dampness and eternal fog. The British (so we will briefly call this breed) began to appear in the families of peasants, where they demonstrated their unsurpassed ability to catch mice.

Artists depicted cats on their canvases. Lewis Carroll himself, the English writer and author of Alice in Wonderland, chose a British cat as the prototype for his famous Cheshire cat.

Throughout its existence, the breed has not crossed with others, so British cats can boast of their classic appearance, which has hardly changed.

Description of the British cat breed

British cats are medium and large size having a strong squat body and massive short paws.

The weight of an adult cat is from 3 to 7 kg, cats - from 3 to 5 kg.

Head British cat has a rounded harmonious shape with smooth outlines from all angles.

Nose- straight, short, wide along the entire length, and does not taper towards the tip.

Chin- strong, firm, even. The nose and chin form a vertical line.

Neck- short and thick. Skin folds on a short thick neck and on the abdomen are considered hallmark British breed, giving it a lordly look.

Eyes- large, round, expressive, set wide apart, the pupils are at the level of the inner edge of the ears. Eye color - bright orange, blue (rare, found mainly in animals with point color), green and emerald (gold and silver colors).


Ears Medium size, set wide apart, rounded.

Cheeks- fluffy, thick (another calling card of the breed).

Paws- powerful, strong, rounded shape.

Body- powerful, medium size, squat, harmoniously built. Wide bone, massive hips, large shoulders and chest. The back is not long, straight, flat and wide.

Tail- thick, wide at the base, rounded at the end, of medium length.

Wool- short, shiny, dense, with a thick undercoat.

The average life expectancy of British cats is about 14 years.

A distinctive feature of the breed is their plush coat. This effect is obtained due to the fact that the coat of British cats has a two-level structure: a denser short plush undercoat and longer guard hairs.

To date, the British breed has about 200 colors: solid (black, blue, chocolate, lilac, red, cream, white), tortoiseshell, typed, smoky (smoky, shaded, chinchilla), tabby (marble, mackerel, spotted) , color-point, bicolor, etc.

Of course, the main and most popular are the so-called solid colors of the British (blue, gray-blue, black, lilac, chocolate), tabby color and silver tabby (pure or with the addition of a spot, stripe or marble).

Color types of British cats

Among the main types of color of British cats, the following are distinguished:

  • Solid - uniform one-color color, the most popular - gray-blue.
  • Tortoiseshell - uniform combination of black with red or blue with cream.
  • Smoky (smoke, chinchilla, camio) - darker color on the upper part of the coat and lighter to white undercoat. The color is darker on the back, head, paws, lighter on the sides, collar zone, ears. Muzzles and paws are predominantly black. Copper eyes or even orange color, large and round.
  • tabby (striped, marbled, spotted, ticked). The most common classic tabby color is marbled, also known as Blotched tabby. The markings on the coat, which is commonly called the tabby pattern, are usually clear and contrasting. On the forehead you can see a mark in the form of the letter "M".
  • Bicolor (combination of the main color of the coat with white). The main color of these cats, often solid or tortoiseshell, is combined with white.
  • Kolornaya (color like Siamese). The body is predominantly white, and the paws, tail, ears and mask on the muzzle are painted more dark colors. Wool can change color depending on changes in temperature.

There are also British cats of the following colors:

  • gold;
  • silver;
  • typed: shaded and smoky;
  • harlequin;
  • mitted;
  • color point;
  • partcolor.

If it is difficult for you to figure out the colors of British cats on your own, do not hesitate to seek help and advice from professional breeders. They are on cats - they ate the dog!

The nature of British cats

The owners of British cats will agree that their pets have a truly aristocratic character. They are characterized by a certain arrogance, impressiveness, independence, refined manners and a sense of tact. But they are not used to begging for affection and will not rub against the owner's legs. And even if the cat hears the sound of the refrigerator opening, he will not run like a bullet into the kitchen hoping to get a treat, as representatives of other cat breeds usually do.

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British cats are distinguished by their cleanliness, restraint, intelligence and trainability.

The British do not need constant attention from a person. Moreover, the owner's excessive love for MURlyka can make her look for a secluded place to hide from annoying hugs 🙂

But in such a trait of a cat's character there is also a positive point - the British cat perfectly tolerates the long absence of the owner and loves to spend time alone. Therefore, this breed is ideal for busy people who stay at work for a long time.

For cats of the British breed, it is important to have personal space in the house. They are not one of those who like obsessive petting and squeezing. You are unlikely to be able to force the animal into your lap.

It should be noted that the British cat is incredibly smart and intelligent, which allows her to get along well with young children. She can even take part in children's games and fun, depending on her mood, but she will not let herself be dragged by the tail. Therefore, you need to be more careful with this so that the cat does not show its claws and thereby scare the child.

In relation to strangers in the house, cats behave extremely wary, with some apprehension and distrust. Some may be frightened to run away and even hide.

If you have other pets living in your house, for example, a dog, then do not worry - British cats can be friends and get along well with other animals.

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And also a cat - the British loves to express her own opinion on any occasion. This will not cause any difficulties to the owners, if the animal is properly raised from childhood.

Remember, the cuddly plush look of a British cat is no reason to play with it like a toy. She will reciprocate until she considers that something degrades her feline dignity, and then beware!

British cats know how to demonstrate their own importance with their whole appearance and prevent ill-treatment.

All owners of British cats should remember that you have at home not just a pet, but another family member, a person to be reckoned with.

British Shorthair cats have a very good memory. We warn this in case you scold or punish your pet for something, then this moment will definitely be deposited in his memory, and on occasion he will still remember it for you.

In general, it is enough to remember one thing Golden Rule- the key to the heart of representatives of this breed lies through love, attention, care and affection. It's not difficult at all, right?

Education and training

The British cat is wayward and proud. Therefore, all attempts to train such a characteristic pet may be in vain. British women demand respect for themselves, and training is a blow to their pride. No caresses, persuasions and treats will save the situation. Therefore, if you do not want to anger the pet and turn his "majesty" against yourself, then it is better to discard the idea of ​​​​training.

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If you were able to tame your "plush friend" to the tray, scratching post and regular hygiene procedures, then consider this a joy.

British cat care

The British cat is unpretentious. She can live both in a large house of her own and in an apartment. But she must have her own bed. While the kitten is small, keep it away from drafts. Electrical wires are also better to hide away from sin. The British are not against their own beds for cats. But if you don’t have one, then you can use a warm blanket or blanket, folding it in several layers.

Immediately from the first day, as a kitten appears in your house, accustom him to the tray. The filler is better to choose wood. It is the best at absorbing odors.

As for hygiene procedures, in the case of the British, things are much simpler. One combing per week will be enough. But if the cat began to shed, then it is better to do this every day so that you do not have to clean carpets and sofas later. For combing, it is best to use a metal brush with rounded teeth. Ideal brushes with natural bristles.

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Ears should be cleaned no more than once every 2-3 weeks. To do this, use a damp cotton swab.

Don't forget to pay attention to your pet's claws. Trim them carefully without touching blood vessels, not more than 1 time in 2-3 weeks. It will not be superfluous to buy a scratching post for your pet, which will help protect the upholstery on the sofas.

Up to one year, attention should be paid to caring for the eyes of the animal. In British kittens, they often flow. To wipe, use a clean cotton pad dipped in water.

If breeding British kittens is not included in your plans, then it is better to think about castrating the cat and sterilizing the cat. Thanks to this procedure, you will not only prolong the life of the animal, but also save him from some possible health problems. And most importantly, there will be no marks in the house that cats like to leave when they want to “walk”.

British cat nutrition

The British have a good appetite. Therefore, they are prone to rapid weight gain (especially in winter) and, as a result, to overweight.

When forming the diet of your pet, it is better to give preference to professional dry food Premium and Super Premium class, cat food and preserves according to the age of the pet.

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If you still decide to feed the British with natural food, then you can add to daily diet the following products (strictly boiled):

  • lean beef;
  • offal;
  • fish;
  • chicken;
  • egg yolk;
  • dairy products (no additives);
  • cereals and cereals (without salt / sugar);
  • vegetable puree (zucchini, pumpkin, carrots).

Products to avoid:

  • pork;
  • mutton;
  • bird.

Do not forget about vitamins and mineral supplements, which will make your cat's coat shiny and silky, and teeth and bones stronger. What is best for your pet, you should check with your veterinarian.

Health and disease of the British cat

British cats have good health. If you properly care for your pet, he will get sick less often and can live up to 20 years. The main thing is not to miss a routine vaccination. This will help protect the health of your MURlyka from infectious diseases such as rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, panleukopenia, and rabies. It is mandatory to carry out the prevention of helminthiasis.

Since the British are often obese, try not to overfeed the animal. This can lead to digestive and cardiovascular systems. Solid foods can cause frequent constipation. Follow oral cavity pet. Due to the fact that this breed is prone to fullness, dental problems- the most frequent occurrence in British cats. Therefore, once a month, examine the animal's teeth for possible problems.


Buy a British kitten: mission possible

Often people mistakenly believe that due to the huge popularity of this breed, buying a British kitten is an almost impossible mission for an amateur, since kittens are sorted by record at the speed of sound even before birth. Fortunately, this is not the case. It is not difficult to find kittens, the main thing is not to become a victim of deception or fraud.

And, if you are an ordinary amateur, and not a professional breeder, then the best way to avoid deception will contact a trusted nursery or take the advice of a specialist you know.

We have collected a collection of links to sites where you can pick up a kitten.

Buy a kitten in Moscow

On average, a thoroughbred British breed kitten with all documents in the capital of Russia costs from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles.

We offer you the Top 5 proven and worthy sites that provide the opportunity to buy British kittens in Moscow:

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  1. SunRay - is interesting in that here they periodically give in good hands (for a purely symbolic fee) completely purebred kittens from parents who retire.
  2. JoyLand is a British cattery that has been operating since 2000.
  3. Style of Provence - has been breeding pets since 2012, recently joined forces with the ILIOS CATS cattery.
  4. Tamaky RU - give away cats after complete deworming, adapted and accustomed to the toilet and scratching post.
  5. Avito - for those who want to save money. Here you can buy cats cheaper, from 3-5 thousand rubles, but you don’t always come across responsible and honest breeders. You can get on cats without documents, guarantees, or even sick animals.

Our dear readers, please share in the comments to this article information about proven catteries where British Shorthair cats are bred in Moscow and other cities of Russia, or feedback on those organizations that we have listed above. Thank you in advance!

Buy a kitten in Kyiv

For those who want to buy a British breed kitten in Kyiv, there were three nurseries:

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  1. Devinore UA - has been operating since 2006, the main color of cats is tabby.
  2. Vijuha are kittens with bright orange eyes.
  3. Joy my Soul - in addition to the classics of the British breed, here you can buy rare Selkirk Rex kittens.

As an option for residents of Ukraine who do not want to overpay money in catteries, there is an OLX website, an analogue of Avito, but you should be very careful when buying on such sites, as you can get into people who breed British kittens at home, as well as scammers, who want to deceive you and extort money. Yes, on such resources the prices for the British are much lower and start from 250 hryvnias, while in nurseries - from 1,000 to 15,000 hryvnias, but the risk of becoming a victim of fraud is much higher.

If you live in Kyiv and know worthy catteries of the British breed, share information and contact details in the comments below the article!

Buy a kitten in Minsk

If you live in Minsk and are looking for a British cat, you can look into the following catteries of British kittens:

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  1. Elite British - at the age of 2 months, the kittens of this cattery are certified (examined by specialists for breed), without this, documents are not issued.
  2. is a professional certified cattery with expensive kittens.
  3. - has been operating since 2008, the pride of the kennel is the producers with a golden color.

With a limited budget, you can use the offers of the service, and buy yourself a pet at a price of 10 Belarusian rubles on average. However, in this case, probably, you should not count on thoroughbredness, since kittens of elite "blue" blood are most often available in the capital of Belarus at a price of 100 Belarusian rubles and more.

If you know where the proven catteries of British kittens are located in Minsk and other cities of the Republic of Belarus, please leave the information in the comments below!

10 Interesting Facts About British Cats

  1. The British cat breed is one of the oldest cat breeds in the world. The first British cats are the result of crossing Central European forest and Egyptian breeds, which were brought to Great Britain by the Romans during the conquests.
  2. John Tenniel, illustrator of Lewis Carroll's books Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, copied the image of the popular Cheshire cat just from the British short-haired "colleague".
  3. The most popular color of British shorthair cats is gray-blue. At the same time, all over the world there are up to 200 different coat colors of animals of this breed.
  4. The British Shorthair cat is a dormouse. On the day she allocates for sleep from 14 to 16 hours.
  5. Cats of this breed are hunters by nature. It is today that people keep them as pets, and initially their main task in the house was to control rodents.
  6. The British cat loves independence. She feels great alone and always finds something to do while the owner is at work. Therefore, representatives of this breed are also called "cats for businessmen."
  7. The British cat is intelligent and reserved, like an English lady. Therefore, you do not have to listen to her endless "Meow!".
  8. They say cats have 9 lives. But the British have at least 20 of them! With proper care and care, cats of this breed live up to 20 years.
  9. Interesting fact: British tabby cat became the face of the brand cat food Whiskas.
  10. The British Shorthair is well-mannered and friendly, so it is rarely aggressive and does not often extend its claws.

Thick cheeks, amber eyes and soft fur of a British kitten will not leave you indifferent!

Remember, the British kitten is very mobile, so from the first second of his appearance in your house, you certainly will not be bored. If you buy special toys for the kitten in advance, you can watch the baby play for hours.

Photo source:

If you decide to buy a British kitten, then this will be one of the most right decisions. Both children and adults will be simply crazy about both the kitten and the grown-up cat (or cat). Having got to know your new pet better, in a couple of hours you will understand what a smart, sweet and simply charming creature is in front of you!

And now, as promised, a bonus!

British cats: 20 best photos

Couldn't find nicer :)

Coal 🙂

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winter huntress

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We kiss the paw!

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Who's next on the list?

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Poor orphan with three chins!))

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The British cat is very popular all over the world. She attracts with her sweet and at the same time majestic appearance. The coat of British cats is plush and soft to the touch. There are two types of British cats: British Shorthair and British Longhair. In the article we will talk about the characteristics of this breed, the history of its origin, care and maintenance.

British cat: breed description

As you can easily understand from the name, the main feature of the British shorthair cat is the length of its coat. We will talk about how this variety of the “British” was formed and what features it has in this chapter.

The history of the breed

According to one version, it is believed that France was originally the birthplace of the British cat. It was from there that cats of this breed were transported to different parts peace. Another version says that British cats are descended from Egyptian and Roman cats. From Rome, cats were brought to the British Isles, where there was a mixture with local wild cats. The British noticed a new type of cat with a beautiful and dense coat and decided to keep the animals under close observation.

The fabulous Cheshire cat from L. Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" was copied from the majestic appearance of a British cat

So, on July 13, 1871, the first professional cat show took place in London, it was at it that the first British cats were shown. After that, the British beauties were seriously taken up by world experts, who were attracted by a beautiful and soft fur coat. In the 20th century, the British cat, thanks to the American felinological community, became known to the whole world. In Russia, the first British cats appeared only in 1980, and the popularity this breed gained only in the 21st century.

breed standard

British cats are large, but at the same time graceful and graceful. They attract with their beautiful, deep, intelligent look and soft velvety coat, which you want to touch. For all their massiveness, British cats are excellent hunters, they easily climb high structures.

Table 1. British shorthair cat standard

Weight4-8 kg
HeadRounded, wide, with cheeks; the nose is short, in the same vertical with the chin. The ears are straight, erect, small, rounded, set low. The eyes are rounded, orange in color (for point colors - blue eyes, for chinchillas - blue, lavender, green)
BodyPowerful, broad chest and shoulders
limbsPaws are dense, small, massive, with thick claws
TailThick at the base, with a rounded end
WoolThe coat is short, dense, with a thick undercoat

You need to know! British cats have strictly straight erect ears, so if a pet has a lop-eared ear, then this is direct evidence of a mixed breed, or your pet is a representative of another breed, for example, a Scottish fold.

Distinctive features of the British breed are a wide muzzle, a dense nose and full cheeks.

Color options

British cats have great variations in coat color. The blue color is mainly widespread, but this breed also has rarer ones, which is very much appreciated among breeders.

The main color options for British cats:

  • monophonic (solid). Strictly the same color skin and coat. With marks, spots, the cat will be removed from participation in exhibitions. The most common color is blue, but there are also black, purple, chocolate, red, white. Rare solid colors include cinnamon, fawn;

    Magnificent color of lilac hue is a jewelry work of specialists. He is artificial

    The white color should not have yellow tints. The color is difficult to obtain, when breeding, there is a high risk of giving birth to kittens with defects

    Color "cinnamon" (cinnamon) - a rare shade. It is very valuable and is a shade of chocolate color.

    The fawn color is even rarer. This is a clarified version of cinnamon. A very valuable color for breeders, because it makes it possible to obtain new light shades.

  • tortoise color. Magnificent, with a uniform combination of spots, inherent only in cats. It is desirable that there are shades of red or cream on the cat's face;

    Only cats have tortoiseshell coloration. Males rarely appear with a complex tortoiseshell shade, while due to a genetic error they are infertile

  • silver and golden shaded. Animals with these rare colors are considered the most expensive because of their chic, evenly colored, rich coats. The main thing is that the pigmentation is 1/8 of the length of the hairline. Cats look like chinchillas, which is why they are called British chinchillas. Eye color in this color is blue, lilac or green;

    One of the rare colors - silver

    In the golden color no gray undercoat is allowed. In this case, the cats are recognized as defective and culled.

  • color point. The color is very similar to the Siamese and carries a combination of white and the main color (black, chocolate, red);

    British color-pointed cat

  • tabby. The color is represented by a print on the fur of cats in the form of contrasting symmetrical stripes, spots, marble pattern on any minor color. Therefore, cats of this color are very similar to small tigers or leopards;

    Color "marble tabby"

  • "whiskas". On the silvery coat, the presence of clear stripes throughout the body. The drawing should have contrast and clarity. This type of color is valuable among breeders;

    Whiskas-colored cats became popular after they appeared on television commercial feed "Whiskas"

  • bicolor, "harlequin", particolor. The color carries combinations of two colors, where the maximum predominance is white.

    Bicolor color


British cats perfectly tolerate loneliness, but at the same time they miss their owner. Animals have an attachment to only one person, but at the same time lead an independent lifestyle. The British cat tries to avoid guests, in some cases it can even show aggression if excessive attention is shown to it.

You need to know! British cats have English manners, they are reserved, not intrusive, intelligent and have a sense of dignity, an inner core.

Cats of this breed are very calm, they can ask for affection when they want, but they prefer it to a minimum. Pets have a good mind and ingenuity. If you have disturbed the peace of the British cat, she will not use her claws, but will only warn you by hitting her soft fluffy paw, which in this moment she doesn't need attention. Due to its well-mannered character, the furniture in the apartment remains intact, but this does not mean that the pet does not need a special claw sharpener.

These animals are always and in everything the first: the place on the bed is necessarily the central one, the armchair in the room is always the most beloved, the master's. And if the pet has chosen a place, then no matter how many times you kick him out, he will still return to him - even if it is your pillow.

British cats are calm, balanced, they love to lie on the couch, somewhere not far from the owner. A pet can come into the arms only at will to receive a portion of affection. It is necessary to educate kittens from an early age, otherwise then an adult will practically not be re-educated.

This breed has no problems with a tray. British cats are very clean, although they can be naughty if they are not satisfied with the filler. Therefore, the contents of the tray must be selected individually, taking into account the preferences of your pet. Also, the pet devotes more time to its appearance, so the British “aristocrat” washes all day long. For all their British restraint, these cats love to play, so stock up on a variety of toys and try to play with your pet.

British cats are not difficult to care for, but in order for the animal to be healthy and always look well-groomed, you need to give it some time. Twice a week you need to comb your pet, this procedure has a beneficial effect on the condition of the plush coat. A shorthair British cat should not be bathed often, just 2-3 times a year or if the animal has been outdoors is enough.

Monthly it is worth examining and cleaning the ears from the accumulation of sulfur and regularly wipe with eye drops or tea infusion of the eye. The presence of a scratching post is a must. Thus, you will protect your furniture and wallpaper from the sharp claws of the pet, and at the same time ensure that the British cat grinds the horny part of the claw.

At 7-8 months, British kittens have their first molt, so you should be patient and carefully comb your pet every day. At this age, kittens lose their baby undercoat in large quantities, but this is not considered a disease.

You need to know! The British cat needs to cut its nails once every two weeks to avoid ingrown and excessive length.


Feeding a British cat should be balanced, rich in vitamins and minerals, and also contain proteins. Good nutrition will be the key to your pet's health and beautiful shiny coat. You can choose a diet for your pet among industrial feeds, it is advisable to stick to the choice of well-known companies and the line of holistic, super premium and premium classes.

Such feeds are completely ready for use and have a dry and soft (canned) appearance. If you have time to compose and prepare the diet yourself, then it is better to feed the pet. natural products. But just do not forget that it is necessary to include vitamins in the diet, which can be purchased at a specialized store for animals.

The British cat's diet should be balanced, nutritious and contain the necessary proteins, fats and carbohydrates that are healthy

Natural feeding involves the presence of:

  • meat products (beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken, offal);
  • sea ​​fish boiled without bones;
  • quail, chicken eggs;
  • dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, kefir);
  • cereals in the form of porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, wheat);
  • vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli);
  • cat grass and sprouted grains of wheat, oats;
  • vitamin and mineral complex.

You can not feed the cat foods that contain salt and sugar, as well as spices. Chocolate and other sweets are not suitable for the cat's body and will only harm your pet.

You need to know! Kittens drink mother's milk up to 1.5-2 months, then you can feed with cow's milk, liquid cereals and boiled meat in the form of a puree. In adult cats, milk can cause digestive upset, so it should be given only as a treat, depending on the well-being of the pet.

More detailed information about the nuances can be found in a separate article on our portal.

Body features

British cats, like all purebred animals, are prone to a number of diseases. If you do not monitor your pet, you can miss the development of infection. For example, cats of this breed may be predisposed to:

  • to colds;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • skeletal deformities;
  • wrong bite;
  • deafness
  • blindness.

British cats have a good immune system, but periodically it is worth showing veterinarian your pet to avoid latent infection

Owner reviews

TO positive qualities The British cat is attributed to its calm and balanced character, as well as independence. These animals can safely be at home alone for a long time. The pet does not make a lot of noise, only sometimes it makes it clear to the owner that it is time for lunch or that the toilet needs to be tidied up. In advance, you should purchase the necessary pet care tools, a scratching post, bowls for food and drink, toys, and a toilet.

British cats have their own special character, so you need to raise a pet from a young age, as soon as he appeared in the house.


The price of a British cat depends on the purpose of the acquisition. Kittens purchased as a pet are usually cheaper than those purchased for breeding and exhibitions. The average price of a kitten with a pedigree is 20-30 tr., here gender, size, external data and titled parents are taken into account.

It is better to buy a kitten in a cattery from a responsible breeder. The exterior of the animal is the main thing that you need to immediately pay attention to. The kitten should look harmonious, so the body and head should be proportional, and the bite should be scissor-shaped. Also, a kitten should have everything Required documents. Kittens that are sold as pets usually go through sterilization (castration) right away.

Russian nurseries

In Russia, there are several catteries that breed British Shorthair cats at a professional level:

  • SunRay, Moscow region, Zeleny settlement;
  • Wonder Plush, Moscow;
  • Miracle Cats, Moscow;
  • Galeksy, Vladivostok;
  • Steppe Stars *RUS, Krasnodar.

Video - About the British Shorthair cat

British Longhair cats are a variety of the British cat and are considered an independent breed in modern times. When breeding a British shorthair cat, kittens with long hair, carrying the gene for long hair, dropped out, as they were a "marriage" of the breed.

Now, animals with long hair are considered a separate species and are very popular. British Longhair cats carry the blood of shorthairs (must have their type and bones) and persian cats(they inherited long hair). But this is not always the case, and often the animals did not fit the established standards, so there are still no well-established descriptions of exactly the long-haired "British".

The history of the origin of the breed

British Longhair cats appeared in the course of breeding new coat colors when crossing British and Persian breeds. The gene responsible for long hair has a recessive quality, so the first few generations were short-haired, but in subsequent breeding kittens were born with long hair.

Such kittens were considered "defective" and were culled, but some experts decided to go the other way and began to actively deal with British longhair cats. Thus, while breeding long-haired British cats, breeders tried to achieve the ideal look. However, hybrid individuals were born with severe skull defects and soft fluffy hair, so the breeders decided to "knit" only the most successful hybrids.


In general, outwardly British Longhair cats are no different from British Shorthair cats, except for the length of the coat.

Table 2. Exterior of the British Longhair cat

Color options

Basic color standards:

  • tortoiseshell. The presence of a uniform combination of two colors (black / red or blue / cream);

    British longhair tortoiseshell cat

  • "smoke" (smoke) . The presence of contrasting shades in color. The tips of the hairs are black, the undercoat is very light, almost silvery in color;

  • tabby . This species is distinguished by the presence of a marbled, striped, spotted pattern on the animal's coat. The ticked color carries no pattern. The main thing is the clarity of the pattern and the presence of the “M” sign in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows;

    Golden ticked british longhair cat

  • bicolor. The presence of two colors (white / main);

  • color-point. The color is similar to the Siamese. A large number of white is combined with the main color on the muzzle, paws, tail and ears.

    British longhair color-point cat


The character is not particularly different from the character of the British longhair cat. Long-haired "British" also like to be in the company of the owner, but at the same time they try to stay apart. Calmness, endurance and intelligence are inherent in these beautiful animals. Excessive caress is not acceptable for this breed, the "British" will come for it when they want. Also, the upbringing of a cat with character should be dealt with from an early age, immediately accustom the kitten to the tray. British cats are very smart and clean, so there are no problems with the toilet.

You need to know! There are no differences, except for the length of the coat, between the British Longhair and British Shorthair cats. By temperament, character, ingenuity, these species are absolutely the same, and everything depends only on the individual traits of the animal.

British Longhair cats do not require special care, but they should be combed regularly with a special comb so that tangles do not form. If you need to wash your pet, then you need to use only special shampoos for long-haired cats. You also need to take into account the temperature in the room and prevent the pet from being in a draft. During the molting season, the pet should be combed daily, starting from the head area and gradually moving towards the tail. It is better not to use slickers, as they injure living hair, and sometimes completely pull it out along with dead hairs.

Like short-haired cats, long-haired "British" cats need to cut their claws on time and clean their ears from sulfur accumulation. Eyes should be cleaned regularly. During periods of molting, give your pet drugs to remove hair from the stomach.

The coat of the long-haired "British" needs to be combed regularly, especially during the molting period.


The diet of the British Longhair is no different from that of the Shorthair. The main thing is that the food is balanced and properly selected according to physiological features organism. A long-haired pet can also be fed with industrial feeds, it is imperative to choose high-quality feed. With natural feeding, it must be taken into account that the cat is a predatory animal and needs a sufficient amount of protein.

Russian nurseries

The price of kittens in good nurseries varies from 25,000-30,000 rubles, depending on the purpose for which the animal is purchased. From titled parents with documents, rare color kittens are more expensive.

Russian nurseries:

  • BritFavorite, Moscow;
  • "Ariosto", St. Petersburg;
  • Galeksy, Vladivostok;
  • ReginaMargot, Krasnodar.

If your plans include self-breeding of British Shorthair cats, then the choice of a partner should be approached especially carefully. About how it goes puberty and mating in cats and what to do with offspring can be read below.

Pros and cons of the breed

Among the advantages of the British cat breed are:

  • good health;
  • non-aggressiveness;
  • balanced character;
  • quick wits;
  • ease of care;
  • beautiful plush wool;
  • restraint;
  • attachment to the owner;
  • can tolerate a long absence of the owner;
  • life expectancy at good care is about twenty years old.

There are not many cons, but they are:

  • uncontrollable character (by itself);
  • lack of sociability;
  • prone to colds;
  • detachment, only sometimes can allow affection.

British cats are smart, quick-witted, charming creatures that do not require much care and are suitable for busy people.

Video - British Longhair kittens

Powerful and aristocratic British cats are known all over the world.

Such pets are perfect for home keeping due to their calmness and good health. The British Shorthair is a breed of natural development.

Country of originUK 🇬🇧
wool typeShorthair
Complexity of care
Height at the withers28-33 cm
Adult pet weightCat 5-7 kg
Cat - 7-10 kg
Lifespan14-17 years old


The first mention of this breed is found in ancient chronicles. There is no documented information about their origin. The first very large rat-catchers were brought by Roman centurions. Researchers suggest that the Romans brought cats during an attack on the British Isles in 43 AD. e. In Britain they were called "British cat", in France - "Chartuse", in Germany - "Carthusian cat".

Animals were used as rodent hunters, but by the end of the 16th century, breeders paid attention to the appearance of cats. The British attended the first London cat show in 1871. Then the official breed standards were adopted, and felinology began to develop rapidly.

In Russia, the first Britons appeared in 1992 along with the Cartoisers, who are now called in Russia the “old type of British”.

To reinforce the unique features of the British, breeders used Persian cats - therefore, British cats have a slightly flat muzzle.

Description of the breed

The physiology and appearance of the British was formed under high humidity in a cold climate, so this breed has a dense short coat that protects from cold and moisture.

Since British cats are excellent hunters, they are strong, hardy and unpretentious in food.

The breed standard describes the British as follows:

  • Head - with a wide skull, round. The cheeks are developed, the cheekbones are wide, the muzzle is flattened and round.
  • The nose is wide, straight and short.
  • Ears - rounded and small, set wide and low.
  • The eyes are round, at a great distance from each other, which exceeds the width of the nose.
  • The body is massive, with a developed chest and good muscles.
  • Limbs - powerful, but short. The paws are rounded.
  • The tail is thick.
  • Weight - cats weigh 10-13 kg, and cats from 6 to 9 kg.

Wool well protects cats from the cold due to the developed undercoat. It does not adhere to the body, thick and plush to the touch.

Sometimes there are long-haired British. A recessive gene is responsible for the elongated coat, so a long-haired kitten cannot appear in ordinary parents.

People often confuse British and Scottish cats: some even seriously think that there is such a breed - a British fold. Do not confuse two different breeds.

Colors of British cats

For the British, the following colors are typical:

  1. Blue. Gray coat without light hairs. The skin is blue.

  2. A solid color is considered if the skin, undercoat and coat itself are of the same color, and there is not a single spot.
    1. Lilac is a combination of pink and blue. The nose and paws are purple. The eyes are copper or orange.

    2. Chocolate is a rich brown color.

    3. Black is jet black. Sometimes kittens are born with black hair, but over time it fades. This adds to the complexity of breeding black pets.

    4. White - pinkish skin and cold coat tone. Yellow spots are not allowed.

    5. Cinnamon is the color of cinnamon, similar to light brown.

    6. Faun is a combination of creme brulee and pink.

  3. Smoky. In this case, the pet's undercoat is lighter than the coat.

  4. Silver chinchilla. The coat is silvery, slightly shaded.

  5. Gold. At 1/8 of the length of the hair, the pigmentation is darkened, and the rest is golden. In this case, there should not be gray shades. Paw pads are usually black, eye and nose liner is dark.

  6. Tortoiseshell. These are 2 or 3 shades evenly distributed throughout the coat. There is no pattern on shades with red and beige wool. The eyes are orange or copper. This color is only found in cats.

  7. Tabby. This color is characterized by patterns: spots and stripes.
  8. Pair spotted colors:
  9. Color point. It is characterized by two shades of wool with a predominance of white.

  10. Linx color. Silvery chinchilla with striped gray paws and muzzle. Blue eyes.

For the long-haired variety of the breed, all colors are acceptable, except for white and color-point.

Personality of British shorthair cats


British cats are independent, calmly endure loneliness. They do not ask for hands, but they are not insensitive: the British love their owners with restraint, “in a gentlemanly way”.

The British avoid strangers and prefer to first watch them from the side. Such pets are unobtrusive, clean and smart. British cats do not use fangs and claws, so they are not dangerous for children.

Content Features

Despite the natural health of the British, they need proper care.

To prolong the life of a cat, choose the right food. Ideally, you should visit a veterinarian who will make a healthy diet. Regularly show your pet to the veterinarian: the cat will not complain if it gets sick.

Below are best feed for British shorthair cats:

Caring for the coat is easy - get a massage slicker brush and comb the cat 2 times a week. You need to wash the Brit a couple of times a year or as needed.

Pay attention to the eyes of the animal - they are looked after every day. With a cotton pad, natural discharge from the eyes is removed, and the cotton wool is taken from the outer corner to the nose. The ears are examined a couple of times a month and cleaned with a cotton swab treated with a hygienic solution.

You need to examine your pet's teeth every day so that he does not develop tartar. Breeders recommend teaching Britons to brush their teeth from an early age.

Such pets are sensitive to drafts and catch cold easily: protect your cat from drafts.