Rule What is your own name. Mental

Each person uses a few hundred noun in his speech daily. However, not everyone will be able to answer the question of which the discharge owns this or that word: to the names of their own or nominal names, and there is a difference between them. Meanwhile, not only writing literacy depends on these simple knowledge, but also the ability to understand the read correctly, because often, only reading the word, you can understand the name is or just the name of the thing.

what is it

Before you figure out what nouns are called our own, and which are nominal, it is worth remembering that it is.

Nouns are called words responsible for questions "What?", "Who?" and denoting the name of things or Persons ("table", "man"), they vary on decony, childbirth, numbers and cases. In addition, the words belonging to this part of speech are their own / nominal.

Concept of and Own

In addition to rare exceptions, all names nouns belong to the category or own, or nominal.

Menantic includes the summable names of homogeneous things or phenomena, which may have differences from each other by some features, but will still be called in one word. For example, a noun "toy" is a nominal noun, although it summarizes the names of different items: machines, dolls, bears and other things from this group. In Russian, as in most others, nominal nouns are always written with a small letter.

Nouns are the names of individuals distinguished things, places or persons. For example, the word "doll" is a nominal noun, calling a whole discharge of toys, but the name of the popular brand of Barbie dolls is the name of its own. All own names are written with the title.
It is worth noting that nominal nouns, in contrast to their own, carry a certain lexical importance. For example, when the "doll" says, it becomes clear that we are talking about a toy, but when you just call the name "Masha" outside the context of the nominal noun is incomprehensible, who or what it is a girl, doll, brand name, hairdresser or chocolate.


As mentioned above, nouns are their own and nominal. While linguistic scientists have not yet come to a common opinion on the issue of communication between these two dischases. 2 views on this question are common: according to one, between the nominal and its own nouns there is a clear separating trait; According to another, the separation feature between these discharge is not absolute due to the frequent transition of nouns from one discharge in another. Therefore, there are so-called "intermediate" words that are not related to none or nominal nouns, although there are signs of both discharges. These nouns include ethnonyms - words meaning the names of peoples, peoples, tribes and other similar concepts.

Nortional Nouns: Examples and types

In the vocabulary of the Russian language, the most noun nouns. All of them are made to divide into four types.

1. Specifications - denotes objects or phenomena that can be counted (people, birds and animals, flowers). For example: "adult", "child", "Drozd", "Shark", "ash", "violet". Specific noun nouns almost always have multiple and only shapes and are combined with numerical quantitative: "adult - two adults", "One violet is five violets."

2. Abstract - designate concepts, feelings, items that can not be counted: "Love", "Health", "Sponder". Most often, this type of noun nouns is used only in the singular. If for one reason or another, the noun this species has acquired a plural ("fear - fears"), it loses its abstract meaning.

3. Real - denotes substances that are homogeneous in composition that do not have individual items: chemical elements (mercury), food (pasta), drugs (citrica) and other similar concepts. Real nouns are not amenable to account, but they can be measured (kilogram of macaron). The words of this type of nominal possess only one form of the number: either multiple, or the only one: "oxygen" is the only number, "cream" - multiple.

4. Collective - these are nouns, meaning a combination of the same type of objects or persons, as a single, inseparable whole: "Brotherhood", "Humanity". The nouns of this species are not a responsibility and are used only in the form of the singular. However, you can use the words "little", "several", "little" and the like: many children, how many infantry and others.

Own names Nouns: examples and types

Depending on the lexical value, such types of nouns are distinguished:

1. Anthroponyms - names, surnames, pseudonyms, nicknames and nicknames of people: Vasilyeva Anastasia,
2. Teony - names and names of deities: Zeus, Buddha.
3. ZONIMS - nicknames and animal nicknames: dog Barbos, cat Marie.
4. All types of toponyms - geographical names, cities (Volgograd), water bodies (Baikal), streets (Pushkin) and so on.
5. Aeronautonyms are the name of various space and aircraft: the East spacecraft, the Mir interior station.
6. Names of works of art, literature, cinema, television programs: "Mona Lisa", "Crime and Punishment", "Vertical", "Yelash".
7. Names of organizations, sites, brands: "Oxford", "Vkontakte", "Milavitsa".
8. Names of holidays and other public events: Christmas, Independence Day.
9. Names of unique phenomena of nature: Hurricane Isabel.
10. Names of unique buildings and objects: Motherland's cinema, Olympic sports complex.

The transition of own to the nominal and vice versa

Because the language is not abstract and constantly influenced both external and internal factors, the words often change their discharge: own transitions to nominal, and nominal nucleation goes into their own names. Examples of this are found quite often. So the phenomenon of the nature of the "frost" - from the nine turned into its own noun, the surname of frost. The process of transition of nominative to its own is called onminomization.

At the same time, the name of the famous German physics was the first to reveal X-ray radiation, in the conversational speech of the Russian language, has long turned into the name of the study of something with the help of the "X-ray" emission. Such a process is called appeal, and such words - eponyms.

How to distinguish

In addition to semantic differences, there are also grammatical, allowing clearly distinguishing the names of nouns their own and nominal. Russian language in this regard is quite practical. The discharge of nominal nouns, in contrast to their own, as a rule, has forms and multiple and sole numbers: "Artist - Artists."

At the same time, another discharge is almost always used only in the singular: Picasso - the surname of the artist, the only number. However, there are exceptions when you can use a multiple number your own nouns. Examples of this names used initially in the plural: the village of large boars. In this case, these own nouns are often devoid of the only number: Mountains Carpathians.
Sometimes their own names can be used in a plural if they denote different levels or phenomena, but with identical names. For example: in our class three Ksenia.

How do you spell

If with writing noun nouns, everything is quite simple: they are all written with a small letter, and otherwise you should stick to the usual rules of the Russian language, then another discharge has some nuances to know that you need to correctly write your own nouns. Examples of incorrect writing can often be found not only in notebooks of unrelated schoolchildren, but also in documents of adults and solid people.

To prevent such errors, you should learn a few simple rules:

1. All own names are written with the title, especially if it concerns the nickname of legendary heroes: Richard is a lion heart. If the name, the surname or geographical name consists of two and more nouns, regardless of whether they are written or through a hyphen, each of these words should begin with a capital letter. An interesting example may be the nickname of the main scoundrel of the epic about Harry Potter - Dark Lord. Fearing to call him named, the heroes called the evil wizard "The one who can not be called." In this case, all 4 words are written from large letters, as it is a nickname character.

2. If articles, particles and other service particles are present in the name or title, they are written with a small letter: Albrecht background Gref, Leonardo da Vinci, but Leonardo di Caprio. In the second example, the "di" particle is written with a capital letter, as in the original language it is written to the LEONARDO Dicaprio surname. This principle applies to many names of their own foreign origin. In the eastern names, indicating the social position of the "Bay" particle, Zul, Zade, "Pasha", and the like, regardless of among the words, they stand or in the end are written with a small letter. The same principle applies to writing its own names with particles in other languages. German "Background", "Tsu", "AUF"; Spanish "de"; Dutch "Van", "Ter"; French "Dez", "Du", "De La".

3. In the beginning of the name of foreign origin, the particle "San-", "Saint-", "Saint-", "Ben-" are written with the title and through Defis (Saint-Zhemmen); After about, there is always an apostrophe and the next letter - the title (O'Henry). The "Mac-" particle should be written by a turn of the hyphen, however, it is often written in a punch due to the approach of writing to the original: Mac-Kinley, but Macmene.

Obviously, once with this rather simple topic (what is the name noun, types of nouns and examples), you can even save yourself from stupid, but rather unpleasant mistakes in spelling and need to constantly look into the dictionary to check yourself.

Russian is a complex and at the same time a slender system. Words consist of morphemes, suggestions from words, texts from suggestions. Each mentioned category is part of a specific section: vocabulary, phonetics, word formation ,. All words in Russian are divided into large vocabulary-grammatical discharges. These discharges are studied in morphology. This section studies parts of speech and their grammatical signs. Perhaps the most numerous group is a group of nouns names.

Important!Noun noun has a general categorical value of the subject.

They are divided according to different grounds for groups. Nouns names are their own and nominal, animated and inanimate, male, middle and female clan, inclined, unlock and spreadable. Names are their own and nominal - the subject of consideration of this article.

They are written in the proposal with a small letter, excluding those cases when this requires punctuation. For example, it may be the beginning of a proposal or a direct speech offer.

All nominal names are divided into subgroups by value:

  • Concrete. These are words denoting the concepts that are tangible. In other words, these items are real, they can be taken in hand. For example: printer, table, spoon, telephone, pencil case, organizer, fox, piano, castle, tree, pine, earth, moon, sponsor, magazine.
  • Abstract. That is, there are those that designate the concepts that a person can feel, but he can not see them. Examples: love, friendship, confusion, fright, emotions, malaise, hatred, sympathy, attachment, novelty, sinusiness, attraction.
  • Collective. They denote groups of people united by a common feature. For instance: devora, studentism, teaching, youth, retirees, Scholars.
  • Real. They denote any substances. For example: manka, Gold, Oil, Plastic, Glass, Corn, Perlovka, Peas.

Nouns Own

A sufficiently large group of nouns names are allocated, which have the importance of uniqueness, singleness, separate. That is, they somehow stand out out of the total row of objects, phenomena, concepts.

In Russian, they are called their own. The noun is always written with a capital letter. In some cases, it can be written not only from the capital letter, but also in quotes.

Informative! Russian lessons: - to meet or meet

Own nouns are divided into types:

  • Families, names and patronymic of people, as well as pseudonyms: Ivan Bunin, Alexander Green, Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, Antosha Chekhonte, Theodore Driver, Victor Hugo, Prosper Merim.
  • Animal nicknames: Murka, Mukhtar, Bouquet, Freck, Milka, Chernysh, White, Bold, Flower.
  • Names from the field of geography and astronomy: Mars, Pluto, Big Major, Transbaikalia, Dniester, Pripyat, Moscow, Sayan, Carpathians, Volga, Yenisei, Aldebaran, Milrory Emerald, Vasilyevka village, Baikal, Victoria, Australia, Eurasia.
  • The names of the most important historical events, as well as holidays: Borodino Battle, New Year, Battle for Waterloo, Kursk Arc, Stalingrad Battle, Mamaev Kurgan.
  • Names of works of art and literary works: "Silent Don", "Young Guard", "Fathers and Children", "Life and Unusual Adventures of Robinzon Cruzo", "Moonlight Sonata", "Music Tears", "Leningrad Symphony", "Morning in the Forest", "Unusual Adventures of Niels With wild geese ».
  • Names of printed periodicals, television and radio programs, names of institutions: "Events", "News-Lighthouse", Bolshoy Theater, MCAT, Novoshirokinsky Mine, "Literary Gazeta", "Today", "Wedding in Malinovka", Novorovsk School.


It must be remembered that there is no clear division on your own and none names.

Important! Nouns can change their status depending on the context and speech situation.

A bright example of a situation where my own has become nominative, is the story with the Mercedes car brand, when this word began to mean any big and expensive car, as well as the company "CSEROKS" began to designate copying at all. And vice versa, an example of the transition of a nominal noun into its own: snowball - the dog of the snowball; Products - store "Products".

Proper writing of own and nominal nouns is explained quite easily.

The first are always written with a capital letter. The second should always be written from the lowercase letters, except for cases that obey the strict patterns of punctuation rules of the Russian language.

There are some more features of their own and nominal nouns. These features will help to determine exactly, to which category the word is:

  • Own names Nouns cannot form multiple number forms. The exception may be the names of the persons of one family: chet Vasiliev, Family of Ignatiev, Silina, Quoreign.
  • Nennaya names are capable of forming the shape of a plural. The exceptions are only those that are always shape only the only number ( milk, Devora, Teaching).

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Let's summarize

Naturally, the native speakers are not difficult to determine the identity of the noun to one or another group. But foreigners, when studying the Russian language, do it is quite difficult. For this reason, grammatical indicators of their own and. The greatest complexity is those cases when the process of transition from one group of nouns to the other occurs. Right was Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, when he said that ignorance of the language is akin to the state when a person has no passport. And indeed, the Russian language is rightfully one of the most difficult languages \u200b\u200bfrom the position of grammar in the modern world.

The name of the noun is one of the most important parts of speech both in Russian and in many other Indo-European languages. In most languages, nouns are divided into their own and nominal. This separation is very important, since these categories have different spelling rules.

The study of nouns in Russian schools begins with a second class. Already at this age, children are able to understand what their own names are different from the names of the nominal.

Usually, students are easily absorbed by this material. The main thing is to choose interesting exercises, when executing which the rules are well remembered. In order to properly distinguish the names of the nouns, the child should be able to generalize and attribute familiar items to a specific group (for example: "Dishes", "Animals", "Toys").


To the names of their own in modern Russian Traditionally, it is customary to attribute names and nicknames of people, animal nickling and geographical names.

Here are typical examples:

Own name can answer the question "Who?", If we are talking about people and animals, as well as the question "What?", If we are talking about geographical names.


Unlike the names of their own, nominal names denote the name of a particular person and the name of a particular settlement, but the generalized name of a large group of items. Here are classic examples:

  • Boy, girl, man, woman;
  • River, village, village, village, Aul, Kislak, city, capital, country;
  • Animal, insect, bird;
  • Writer, poet, doctor, teacher.

Nortional nouns can be responsible as a question "Who?" And the question "What?". Usually in the exercises to distinguish younger schoolchildren it is proposed to choose suitable nominal names for the names of own, eg:

You can build a task and vice versa: pick up the names your own to the nominal.

  1. What do you know Dog Cleaver?
  2. Your favorite names of girls?
  3. How can the cow call?
  4. What are the villages in which you visited?

Such exercises help children quickly assimilate the difference. When students learned to distinguish some nouns from others quickly and correctly, you can move to the study of spelling rules. These rules are simple, and primary school students are well absorbed by them. For example, this can help the guys a simple and memorable poem: "Names, surnames, nicknames, cities - everything from the capital letters always writes!".

Rules of spelling

In accordance with the rules of the modern Russian language, all names are written only from the capital letter. This rule is characteristic not only for Russian, but also for most other languages \u200b\u200bof Eastern and Western Europe. Capital letter at the beginning Names, surnames, nicknames and geographical names are used to emphasize respect for each person, animal, settlement.

Nortional names nouns, on the contrary, are written from the lowercase letters. However, exceptions are possible from this rule. Usually it happens in fiction. For example, when Boris Sadded the book of Alan Milna "Winnie Pooh and all-all-all", the Russian writer deliberately used uppercase letters in writing some nominal names, for example: "Big Forest", "Great Expedition", "Farewell evening". The goal did it in order to emphasize the importance of certain phenomena and events for fabulous heroes.

This is often found in both Russian and translation literature. Especially often such a phenomenon can be seen in adapted folklore - legends, fairy tales, epic. For example: "Magic Bird", "Molding Apple", "Drevy Forest", "Gray Wolf".

In some languages, capitalization - using a capital letter - In writing names can be applied in different cases. For example, in Russian and some European languages \u200b\u200b(French, Spanish) traditionally, it is customary to write the names of months and days of the week with a small letter. However, in English, these nominal names are always written only from the capital letter. Also, writing nominal names from the capital letter is found in German.

When own names become nominal

In modern Russian there are situations when own names can become nominal. This happens quite often. Here is a classic example. Zoil is the name of an ancient Greek criticism, which very skeptical about many works of modern art and scared the authors with his ulcer negative reviews. When antiquity went into the past, his name was forgotten.

One day, Pushkin noticed that one of his works literary critics perceived very ambiguously. And in one of his poems, he ironically called these critics "My Zoila", implying that they are bile and disadvantaged. Since then, the name of the own "Zoil" has become nominable and used when it comes to a person who is unfair to criticizing something scolding something.

Many names from the works of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol became nominalized. For example, "plush" is often called stingy people, and "boxes" - the elderly women of the near-mind mind. And those who love to turn in the clouds and is not at all interested in reality, they are often called "manile". All these names came to Russian from the famous work "Dead Souls", where the writer brilliantly showed a whole gallery of landlord characters.

Own names become nominal quite often. However, it happens on the contrary. The name of the nominal can be own, if it turns into a nickname of an animal or a nickname of a person. For example, a black cat can call "Gypsy", and the faithful dog is "friend".

Naturally, these words will be written from a capital letter, according to the rules for writing their own names. Usually this happens if the nickname or nickname is given due to the fact that the person (animal) has some pronounced qualities. For example, the donut was called so because he had an overweight and looked like a donut, and the Sypropicon was due to the fact that he loved to drink sweet water with syrup.

Distinguish the names of their own from the nominative is very important. If younger schoolchildren do not learn to this, they will not be able to properly apply capitalization when writing their own names. In this regard, the study of nominal and own nouns should occupy an important place in the school program of the Russian language as a native and as a foreign one.

As part of any language, the name of its own occupies an important place. It appeared in distant times when people began to understand and differentiate objects that demanded to assign individual names to them. The designation of objects occurred, relying on its distinctive features or functions so that the name contains data on the subject in symbolic or actual form. Over time, the names of their own became the subject of interest in various fields: geography, literature, psychology, history and of course, linguistics.

The originality and content of the studied phenomenon led to the emergence of science on the name of their own - onomastics.

Own name is a noun that calls an item or a phenomenon in a concrete sense., distinguishing it from other similar items or phenomena, highlighting them from a group of homogeneous concepts.

An important feature of this name is that it is connected with the called object, it carries information about him without affecting the concept. They are written from the capital letter, and sometimes the names are taken in quotes (Mariinsky Theater, the Peugeot car, the play "Romeo and Juliet").

Own names are used, or oniques, in the only one or plural. The multiple number is manifested in cases where several items have similar designations. For example, the Sidorovy family, the same names of Ivanov.

Functions of own names

Names Own, as units of language, perform various functions:

  1. Nominative - assigning names subjects or phenomena.
  2. Identifying - Isolation of a specific subject from the set.
  3. Differentiating - the difference between the object from homogeneous inside the same class.
  4. Expressive-emotional function - An expression of a positive or negative attitude towards the object of the nomination.
  5. Communicative - facial nomination, subject or phenomenon during communication.
  6. Detective - Indication for the subject, at the time of the pronouncement of its name.

Onimov classification

Own names in all of their own are divided into many types:

  1. Anthroponyms - people's names:
  • name (Ivan, Alexey, Olga);
  • surname (Sidorov, Ivanov, Brezhnev);
  • patronymic (Viktorovich, Aleksandrovna);
  • nickname (gray - for the name Sergey, Chrome - by external sign);
  • pseudonym (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov - Lenin, Joseph Vissarionovich Jugashvili - Stalin).

2. Toponyms - Geographical names:

  • okonimi - settlements (Moscow, Berlin, Tokyo);
  • hydronime - rivers (Danube, hay, Amazon);
  • oronyms - Mountains (Alps, Andes, Carpathians);
  • khoronima - large spaces, countries, regions (Japan, Siberia).

3. Zonima - animal nicknames (Murka, Ball, Kesha).

4. Documentons - Acts, Laws (Archimedes Act, World Covenant).

5. Other names:

  • television and radio broadcasts ("Blue Bird", "Time");
  • vehicles ("Titanic", "Volga");
  • periodicals (magazine "Cosmopolitan", Times newspaper);
  • literary works ("War and Peace", "Nonmennica");
  • names of Holidays (Easter, Christmas of Christ);
  • trademarks ("Pepsi", "McDonalds");
  • organizations, enterprises, teams (Abba Group, Bolshoy Theater);
  • natural phenomena (hurricane "Jose").

Communication of nominal names with names

Speaking about the name of one's own it is impossible not to mention the name is nominal. Distinguish them on the object nomination.

Thus, the name is nominal, or an appeal, calls objects, faces or phenomena that have one or more general features and are a separate category.

  • cat, river, country - name is nominal;
  • cat Murka, Ob River, Colombia Country - Name Own.

The differences between the names of their own from the nominal, are also of great interest in scientific circles. This question was studied such lingules as N. V. Podolskaya, A. V. Superanskaya, L. V. Shcherba, A. A. Ufimtseva, A. A. Reformed and many others. Researchers view these phenomena from different sides, coming, sometimes, to contradictory results. Despite this, the specific signs of onims are distinguished:

  1. They call items inside the class, while the nominal names are the class itself.
  2. Your own name is assigned to a separate object, and not a set to which it belongs, despite the general features characteristic of this set.
  3. The nomination object is always specifically defined.
  4. Although the names of their own, and the nominalnatives are associated with the framework of the nominative function, the first - only call objects, while the second also allocate the concept of them.
  5. Onima are derived from aplatives.

Sometimes own names can be transformed into nominal names. The process of transformation of onim in the name is nominal called appeal, and the opposite action - onminisation.

Due to this, words are filled with new shades of meaning and spread the framework of their meaning. For example, the eigenvalue of the creator of the pistol S. Colt has become nominal and often in the "Colt" speech is used for the nomination of this type of firearms.

As an example, applyting can be given to the transition of the name of the nine "land" in the value of "soil", "land", in Oim "Earth" - "Planet". Thus, using the name is nominated as a name of something, it can become onim (revolution - the area of \u200b\u200bthe revolution).

In addition, the names of literary heroes are often misunderstood. Thus, in honor of the hero of the same name, I. A. Goncharov, Oblomov, the term "Oblomovshchina" arose, which denote the inactive behavior.

Features of translation

Of particular difficulty is the translation of the names of your own, both in Russian, and from Russian to foreign languages.

Onims are impossible to make, relying on semantic meaning. It is carried out using:

  • transcription (recording translated by Cyrillic with the holding of the original sound row);
  • transliteration (correlation of the letters of the Russian language with foreign with the help of a special table);
  • transposition (when different from the form of onyms have the same origin, for example, the name Mikhail in Russian, and Mikhailo in Ukrainian).

Transliteration is considered the least used method of translating onims. It is resorted in the case of registration of international documents, passports.

An incorrect translation may cause misinformation and misinterpretation of the meaning of said or written. When transferring, you should adhere to several principles:

  1. Use reference materials (encyclopedias, atlases, reference books) to clarify words;
  2. Try to make a transfer based on the exact option of pronunciation or meaning of the name;
  3. Use transliteration and transcription rules to translate onims from the source language.

Summing up We can say that they are different and variety. The originality of the types and the extensive system of functions characterize them, and consequently, onomastics, as the most important branch of linguistic knowledge. Own names enriched, fill, develop Russian, maintain interest in studying it.

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