Intimate washing gel. Intimate hygiene product with natural lactic acid and whey from Lactacyd. What is good for intimate hygiene gel

05/24/2017 at 04:42 PM · pavlofox · 5 930

The best intimate hygiene product

The intimate area of ​​a woman needs special care, as she has hypersensitivity. The use of regular shower gel can lead to dryness and burning, so for the care of the external genitalia, a special product is required that does not disturb the natural pH balance. The best intimate hygiene product also allows you to further soothe the irritated area and further moisturize it. The top ten includes cosmetic care products that have gained the greatest popularity among women.


Refers to the best products designed for women who care about their intimate hygiene. The composition of this gel included plant and safe extracts, including chamomile. This component soothes the skin in the delicate area and carefully cares for it, providing an antiseptic and protective effect against bacteria. The gel also contains lactic acid, which allows you to maintain the natural pH of the dermis. It does not contain any dyes, alkalis and other substances that could harm the skin and mucous membranes in the area of ​​the labia. The product is ideal for daily personal care.


Allows you to restore the acid-base balance of the intimate area. A product is produced in the form of a gel, the main component of which is lactic acid, which allows maintaining a protective barrier. Additional substances are milk protein, lactose and nut butter, which carefully care for delicate areas, cleanse them, providing a mild antiseptic effect that does not disturb the natural microflora. Lactacyd Femina is able to eliminate such unpleasant sensations as dryness, pain and burning in the intimate area, which may appear due to the local use of certain groups of drugs. The drug must also be used during the menstrual cycle to prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria.


It is produced in a gel form for a woman to perform intimate hygiene procedures. It has a delicate and light texture that gently cares for the genitals. The product does not dry out at all, but on the contrary, it is able to soothe and moisturize intimate areas. Most of the gel is made up of natural ingredients, including burdock extract, chamomile, hyaluronic acid. They carefully care for the mucous membranes and skin, maintaining their natural pH. The product also includes panthenol and chlorhexidine. The first of the components has a regenerating effect, therefore it relieves irritation well when cut by a razor or any other mechanical damage. Chlorhexidine is bacteriostatic and effectively fights pathogenic bacteria. The gel can be used daily.


This is a good and inexpensive tool that is specially designed for gentle care of intimate parts of the body. It perfectly cleanses and has a mild antiseptic effect. The gel is ideal for sensitive skin types. It does not contain soap alkalis, so it can be used for daily washing, as it does not disturb the natural pH. The product has passed all the necessary dermatological and gynecological tests.


This gel for the care of the genital organs is produced by a German company that produces a whole series of products for proper personal hygiene. The product contains an organic tenside complex, which is adapted to the natural pH of the intimate area, which allows it to carefully care for sensitive areas of the body without violating their natural pH. The gel not only gently cares, but also soothes the dermis, in case of irritation on it. It also has a bactericidal effect. This product is ideal for everyday use.


In the form of a gel, it can have an antiviral and immunostimulating effect. The remedy is indicated for women who often suffer from genital herpes. The product contains a complex of acids and other substances that have a bactericidal and antiviral effect. The drug can be used as a preventive measure after visiting the pools and during menstrual bleeding. Epigen Intim is not suitable for daily use.


It is a milky emulsion, which is ideal for intimate self-care. It does not contain alkalis, so it carefully cares and does not overdry even the most sensitive dermis. Calendula extract, which has regenerating, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, will help soothe irritated integuments. The tool belongs to a series of hypoallergenic, so it will suit most ladies. Among the active components of the product, one should also highlight lactic acid, which maintains the pH of the dermis and allantoin additionally relieves irritation and moisturizes.


Gel for the care of intimate areas is one of the best products on the cosmetology market. It is based on plant extracts and oils that absolutely do not harm the dermis and do not violate its natural microflora. The product has soothing, regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. After using it, you will not feel discomfort, as it does not dry out the skin at all and almost never causes allergic reactions. It is great for daily use.


It is a gel-like product used by women when caring for intimate parts of the body. The product is intended for daily use in order to maintain the natural pH balance. The composition of the drug includes glycerin, lactic acid, aloe extract, chamomile and other components that are designed for gentle care and cleansing of the external genital organs. The tool effectively relieves irritation and dryness in intimate areas, and also promotes the rapid healing of local microtraumas.

1. Mulsan Cosmetic Gel For Intimate Hygiene

The winner in this category is rightfully the Intimate Hygiene Gel from Mulsan Cosmetic. The manufacturer completely abandoned harmful chemical components, such as sulfates, parabens, silicones, dyes, replacing them with exclusively natural ingredients. The composition is dominated by extracts - chamomile, calendula, almonds, wheat germ, fireweed. The gel restores the natural pH balance, relieves irritation and dryness in the intimate area. The product has passed all the necessary dermatological and gynecological tests.
Suitable for daily use. For purchase, we recommend the official online store

Readers' Choice:

However, many do not see the need for such an arsenal of tools that have appeared relatively recently.

So, are such funds necessary? What are the opinions of gynecologists?

The views of gynecologists on such a delicate issue differ, but most doctors tend to believe that the use of special intimate hygiene products is necessary, since ordinary soap and shower gels disrupt the pH balance of the mucosa, can dry it out and reduce the number of beneficial bacteria.

The normal microflora of the female intimate area is 90% composed of lactobacilli that secrete lactic acid, such an acidic environment protects against most pathogenic bacteria. That is why, in addition to extracts of plants and herbs, natural lactic acid is also added to feminine hygiene products. As we know, lactic acid is not found in soap or shower gel.

In pregnant women, the acidity of the microflora naturally increases (to protect against bacteria), but at the same time, too acidic environment is great for the development of fungi. In order not to upset this shaky balance that our body strives for, the use of products with lactic acid should be stopped for a while.

However, the most important criterion when choosing an intimate hygiene product is the composition. Buying even a specialized product from the mass market segment, we risk getting a huge set of aggressive surfactants in its composition. This will not affect the microflora of the mucosa in the best way.

We have prepared a selection of products, the composition of which is definitely safe for the most sensitive areas of the female body. They do not contain critical ingredients and aggressive surfactants.

Hydrophilic oil turns into a delicate emulsion upon contact with water, it has a pleasant aroma and is very economically consumed. Perfectly cleanses, does not leave a feeling of tightness, dryness and itching.

The composition includes a wide variety of oils: olive oil, almond oil, tamanu oil, which has bactericidal properties, as well as tea tree and lavender oil. The composition of the hydrophilic oil contains echinacea extract, which is a natural immunostimulating component.

This gentle gel has a pleasant unobtrusive smell. It has a neutral pH of 5-5.5, gently cleanses and soothes the skin thanks to chamomile essential oil. Calendula prevents irritation and inflammation of delicate areas of the body, while aloe vera helps to avoid redness and discomfort.

The no-rinse milk gently cleanses the skin and takes care of the pH while maintaining its natural level. The product eliminates unpleasant odors, itching and discomfort thanks to its natural composition, which includes rose hydrolate and essential oil, lactic acid, a complex of probiotics, and vegetable lanolin with neem wax to protect against micro-cracks. In addition, the milk contains sage extract, which has an antibacterial effect.

The main feature of this gentle foam is a patented lactocomplex, which is a whey with proteins, vitamins and acids designed to balance the pH level of the female intimate microflora.

Thanks to extracts of chamomile and calendula, the foam has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.

The gel has a very pleasant delicate aroma and is economically consumed due to its thick consistency. Comfortable to use: it foams quite well and is easily washed off, while doing an excellent job of gentle cleansing. Leaves behind a feeling of freshness and comfort. It takes care of restoring and maintaining pH balance. The composition contains white tea extract and white lotus milk, which perfectly fights irritation and cares for the skin. Cottonseed oil, which is also contained in this gel, ensures the density of the hydro-lipid barrier, softens the skin and has a calming effect. In addition, cottonseed oil has anti-inflammatory and protective properties.

This milk cream is suitable for sensitive and dry skin. Very soft and delicate product with a pleasant aroma. Does not require complete rinsing. gently cleanses without leaving a feeling of tightness. Geranium oil and lactic acid help maintain pH balance, while grape seed oil is responsible for moisturizing the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect along with chamomile extract. The composition also includes neem wax, which guarantees protection against micro-cracks, and sage extract, which is famous for its antimicrobial properties.

Gel "Organic people" has a very gentle, subtle aroma, gently cleanses the skin, leaves a feeling of freshness for the whole day and does not cause dryness. It is economically consumed, has a pleasant consistency, moderately thick and foams quite easily. Thanks to the chamomile extract, which is present in the composition, the gel will relieve irritation of sensitive areas of the body, and white tea extract will take care of your skin.

The balance of female microflora is a very important thing. A special acidic environment protects us from various diseases, infections, so you need to approach the choice of intimate hygiene products with skill.

Most mass-market products, unfortunately, are not suitable for these purposes due to their alkaline composition, in addition, such products may contain aggressive surfactants, even if this is a specialized product for intimate hygiene.

Listen to your body, the choice of the right remedy is always very individual, but never forget to pay attention to the composition!

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One of the important factors for the successful treatment of vaginal candidiasis is proper intimate hygiene. How to wash with thrush, what means and methods of intimate hygiene to choose in order to prevent complications and remission soon come are important aspects of the complex treatment of this disease.

Reasons for the development of thrush

The cause of the development of candidal vaginitis is a yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida. Most people are exposed to thrush pathogens in early childhood and even in utero. The causative agent of a fungal infection is conditionally pathogenic - it is constantly present in the normal microflora of the vaginal mucosa of a healthy woman and becomes pathogenic with a decrease in general and local immunity or as a result of an already pathogenic strain of the fungus entering the body.

The manifestation of the clinical picture of candidiasis may be the result of the use of strong broad-spectrum antibiotics that kill not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also the normal microflora of the mucous membranes. The reason for the increased reproduction of fungi with the formation of pseudomycelium - white curdled secretions - can be:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • violations of metabolic processes;
  • the use of hormonal contraceptives and corticosteroid drugs.

The result of the pathological development of fungi is inflammatory processes - vulvovaginitis in women, balanitis (inflammation of the head of the penis) and balanopastitis (inflammation of the head and foreskin) in men.

Competent intimate hygiene should be aimed at preventing the development of genital candidiasis, maintaining a balance of normal microflora on the surface of the mucous membranes, and strengthening local immunity.

Hygiene is especially important for people at risk - those who are forced to use aggressive drugs, those with diabetes, who have a promiscuous sex life, and others.

Intimate hygiene in the treatment of thrush

For the treatment of thrush, there are special medical protocols that include drugs for internal and external use. The use of external agents should be preceded by the release of curdled secretions - the result of the vital activity of the fungus. This should be facilitated by high-quality washing with thrush with special means.

Wash your hands thoroughly before washing. This simple procedure, before cleansing the genitals, will protect the irritated, inflamed and susceptible mucous membrane from complicating infections, and after - from the spread of the pathogen and infection of loved ones.

For washing, you should not use ordinary soap - it will dry out the already affected shells. It is better to give preference to mildly acting foams and gels with a special label - “intimate hygiene product”.

Washing with thrush with antibacterial agents is not carried out, because this will only exacerbate local dysbacteriosis and prevent the settlement of tissues with beneficial microflora.

The selected gel or foam should not contain dyes, flavors, have a pH of 4–5, that is, have acids in its composition.

It is possible to douche with a solution of baking soda to free the vaginal cavity from curdled secretions. Despite the immediate relief after the procedure, douching should not be abused. The constant washing out of microflora from the walls of the vagina can significantly aggravate the course of thrush.

With thrush, it is better to limit yourself to a shower, frequent bathing can help wash out beneficial microorganisms and spread the pathogen to neighboring organs - the bladder, ureter, anus. It is necessary to take a hygienic shower twice a day and after each sexual intercourse. Water procedures should not be abused - this will lead to leaching of lactobacilli and other beneficial microorganisms.

Intimate hygiene for thrush involves the use of individual products and towels, which must be washed and ironed after each use to prevent re-infection. It is necessary to wipe yourself carefully - do not rub, but blot, so as not to violate the integrity of the tissues and thereby not open the gate for new infections.

It is necessary to wash from front to back in order to avoid complications due to the transfer of intestinal microflora to the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

Underwear should be made of natural fiber and in size, it should be changed as needed, but at least 1-2 times a day - after morning and evening showers. Linen after washing must be disinfected - ironed at the maximum allowable heating temperature of the iron.

If it is not possible to wash yourself after the toilet, with thrush, you should have special intimate hygiene wipes containing lactic acid with you. Toilet paper should also be soft and free of fragrances and dyes. Pads should be changed every 2 hours, tampons should not be used for thrush.

Features of male procedures

Men's intimate hygiene with genital thrush is to carefully release the folds of the foreskin and the surface of the glans penis from candidal plaque.

After each urination, it is necessary to wash and blot the genitals dry. The basic principles of feminine hygiene apply to men as well.

It is important to remember that only the simultaneous treatment of both partners will lead to recovery. Otherwise, it is possible to re-infect each other and relapse the disease or its transition to a chronic form with the involvement of other organs of the small pelvis.

Compliance with these simple rules will speed up recovery and prevent recurrence of the disease. After washing, you can already use special gels, ointments, suppositories, vaginal tablets and capsules prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of genital candidiasis.

Personal hygiene products for candidiasis

95-98% of all microorganisms living on the vaginal mucosa of a healthy woman of reproductive age are lactobacilli of aerobic and anaerobic origin. The most important are acidophilic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria:

  1. These microorganisms in the course of their life activity secrete lactic and acetic acids, lysozyme and other substances of antibiotic action (reuterin, lactocidin, lactolin and others).
  2. The main tasks of lactic acid bacteria are to maintain an acidic environment in the vagina and suppress the growth of opportunistic microorganisms, including fungi of the genus Candida.

For successful treatment of thrush, it is necessary to populate the mucous membranes of the genital organs with lactobacilli as quickly as possible. This means that in order to create optimal conditions for the life and reproduction of lactobacilli, it is necessary to create an acidic environment on the surface of the mucosa. To do this, use a gel, foam, emulsion or other intimate hygiene product containing lactic acid.

At first glance, it does not matter which acid to wash with, the main thing is to create an acidic environment on the surface of the vagina. At home, citric, boric and even acetic acids are used for this. Various acids are also included in special cleansers: hyaluronic, glycyrrhizic and others.

But it is lactic acid that is an ideal prebiotic for lactic acid bacteria, because it is a product of their vital activity, creates an ideal acid-base balance necessary for their reproduction, has a mild antiseptic effect against pathogenic microorganisms, thereby increasing the protective properties of the mucous membranes of the genital organs. Intimate gels with lactic acid can reduce the discomfort caused by thrush - itching, pain, burning.

Do not forget that only an integrated approach will achieve a stable and long-term remission, avoid relapses and complications of thrush. Therefore, the exact implementation of the appointments of the attending physician and a serious attitude to intimate hygiene are key factors in the successful treatment of genital candidiasis and its prevention.

To date, there are all kinds of means to care for any part of the body.. Soap gradually fades into the background, giving way to more gentle gels, foams and other products that gently care for the skin. One of the delicate areas that you need to constantly and properly care for is the intimate area. The leading position in this matter is occupied by a gel for intimate hygiene. It allows you to gently cleanse the skin, eliminate unpleasant odors and maintain women's health.

What is it needed for

The walls of the vagina are home to many beneficial bacteria and microorganisms.. They have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect, destroying harmful microbes, and preventing their further appearance and reproduction, and do not allow the infection to penetrate into the internal organs. In addition, beneficial bacteria create the desired acid-base balance. But this balance can be easily upset if you use soap or the wrong gel for washing, as they are too alkaline and can kill not only harmful microbes, but also beneficial microorganisms. And in the absence of a proper protective barrier, infections can get inside, cause discomfort, or even worse, cause diseases. It is better to use the right remedy for your health, it will not disturb the state of the female microflora.

You can break the alkaline environment not only with soap, but with too hard or chlorinated water, and also if you do not follow the hygiene of intimate places. The right gel will gently and efficiently remove impurities, preserve the acidic environment of the intimate area, give a feeling of freshness and have a healing effect.

Beneficial features

Let's look at why intimate hygiene gel is so useful for women:

  1. Cleans gently and gently, since the composition contains a very small amount of active ingredients that easily remove dirt, but do not adversely affect the natural environment.
  2. Does not violate the acid-base balance. The pH level of your cleanser should be neutral so as not to kill the beneficial bacteria. The gel has a neutral acidity, so it does not harm a woman.
  3. Antibacterial effect. Useful microflora must be maintained. It is broken quite easily, for example, a long stay in the cold or heat, frequent wearing of underwear made of synthetic materials, an active sex life. The composition of the product must necessarily contain useful trace elements that help maintain and maintain women's health. They will prevent the growth of microbes that can get on the mucous membrane.
  4. Eliminates an unpleasant smell and the reason of its occurrence. The cause of an unpleasant odor can be a lack of proper hygiene and care or pathogens. Therefore, you need to pay more attention to maintaining the purity of your body. The gel contains components that destroy harmful bacteria.
  5. Calming effect. Every day, our skin is exposed to perspiration, and on hot days this is especially pronounced. The intimate area is no exception. As a result of profuse sweating, redness or inflammation may occur in it. Lactic acid and extracts from medicinal herbs, which are necessarily present in the composition, are called upon to eliminate these phenomena.

Composition features

The stores offer a wide range of intimate care products. And when choosing, you can get confused and confused. In order not to harm your body, study the composition written on the label - it should not contain irritants or components that can cause an allergic reaction. If you are not aware of these possible problems, then you can first go to an appointment with a doctor who will help clarify this issue. In addition to the cosmetic cleansing effect, it is advisable to choose a gel that will also have a therapeutic effect. It must be with lactic acid, extracts from medicinal herbs and antiseptic substances.

Composition features:

  • Lactic acid maintains the necessary pH level of the mucous membrane. It is she who sets the structure of the gel - it should be moderately slippery and pleasant to touch. In addition, acid kills pathogenic microorganisms that can harm the body.
  • Herbal extracts soothe and moisturize the skin. Plants can be different - calendula, chamomile, lavender, aloe, etc. They relieve redness that may occur due to rubbing of the skin, after depilation or sexual intercourse.
  • antiseptic ingredients. If you see furatsilin or chlorhexidine on the label in the composition, then you should not be very scared. These substances kill pathogens, but they can also harm useful ones, so you should think about purchasing such a tool.

In addition to all these components, it is advisable to choose a gel that contains substances such as panthenol - it eliminates irritation and does not dry out the mucous membrane, tea tree oil - will have a calming effect on redness and protect against infection in the genital tract.

But in no case should the composition of the selected product contain alcohol, dyes, alkalis, flavors, since all these components will adversely affect the state of beneficial microflora. You should also look at the shelf life, if it exceeds a calendar year, then preservatives are included in the composition, therefore, it is also better not to purchase such a tool. The more chemical ingredients, the more harmful and beneficial bacteria will be destroyed, which is not always good for comfort.

Knowing what should be, and what is better to refuse, you can easily navigate when choosing a tool and get the right one.

How to choose according to age

So, with the composition of the gel, everything is more or less cleared up, but you should not immediately run to the store for a purchase. There are some more nuances that you need to consider when buying. For example, the age of the woman who will use it. After all, the gel for a young girl and a grandmother cannot be the same, because it does not meet all the conditions.

In order not to doubt the quality of the product, it is better to purchase it in pharmacies or in the women's departments in specialty stores.

Children's gel. Before the onset of the menstrual period, girls have a very vulnerable mucous membrane, since the pH level is neutral and the natural bacterial defense has not yet been formed. This means that care for the intimate area must be extremely delicate. For its implementation, it is necessary to purchase a product with a neutral pH value and soft ingredients in the composition. A large number of plant components will only be a plus, as they will create a protective barrier and provide comfort.

Yes mom Those who have reached childbearing age should remember that during this period the acid-base balance of the vagina changes - from neutral it becomes acidic. This creates a natural protective barrier for women's health. The composition should contain lactic acid and plant extracts, as they prevent the appearance of irritation.

Young ladies leading an active lifestyle should remember that the high rhythm of life has its own characteristics. The pH level is adversely affected by hard water, sweat, and tight clothing. These factors create all the conditions for increased reproduction of pathogens. An intimate hygiene product should actively protect against pathogenic microbes and maintain the acid-base environment at the right level.

Women during pregnancy should remember that all the resources of their body are focused on the health of the child they are carrying. The pH level becomes even more acidic, which is good protection against pathogens. But in an acidic environment, fungi survive, which are difficult to eliminate. Lactic acid and natural ingredients that will fight fungi can help to cope with this task.

Menopause. During this period, changes occur in the reproductive function of women. The number of beneficial bacteria decreases, which causes dryness and even burning. To support women's health during this period, a gel with a neutral pH, without lactic acid, is needed.


Gel for intimate hygiene is a very soft and gentle product that can be used by almost everyone and always. But even for him there are contraindications, in which it must be used carefully or completely abandoned:

  • postoperative period. During this period, you should stop using any soap-based products, as they can cause rashes and irritation.
  • Childbirth by caesarean section. In this case, sutures are applied, which should not interact with soap or soapy water. The seams are treated with antiseptic preparations.
  • Allergic reactions. Allergies may well occur to some plants and herbs that are part of the composition, which will provoke irritation.
  • Intolerance to dairy components. Lactic acid and lactulose are very useful ingredients, but if you have an intolerance to them, then choose a product without them.



It is impossible to determine exactly which gel will be the most effective for intimate care, since it must be selected based on the state of women's health.

The most vulnerable female body becomes after childbirth., and then it is important to properly take care of the microflora of intimate areas so as not to catch the disease. The gel should have strong cleansing properties, but should not cause inflammation or allergies. In addition, it should have an antibacterial effect.


Dry mucous can be caused by menopause or hormonal failure. This reduces the protection of the intimate area and can cause diseases. Moisturizing gels will help.

"Siberian Health"- an inexpensive remedy, it contains many extracts from plant components. It does not contain lactulose.

"Vagisil"releases a series of products for the care of the intimate area. The gel restores the microflora, suitable for use every day.

Company Faberlic is a product suitable for sensitive skin. It gently removes impurities and soothes the skin. Maintains bacterial balance in the vagina.

"Ivomed"- a natural gel that has a complex healing effect, eliminates dryness and heals irritation.

"Femofit"Contains in its composition a large number of herbs for women's health. Helps prevent inflammation, the effects of hormonal disruptions. Can be used every day.

Saugella takes care of women's health during menopause. The gel eliminates dryness, discomfort and normalizes the acidic environment.


Cleansing gels contain many antibacterial components. Such funds are well suited for women who lead an active lifestyle and during menstruation. They cleanse well and maintain health.

cosmetic company Oriflame produces a special tool that maintains the acid-base environment in the normal range. The composition includes natural antiseptics - aloe extract and chamomile extract, which protect against pathogenic microbes. The gel is hypoallergenic, suitable for owners of very sensitive skin.

"care free"It foams well and is easily washed off. The composition is almost natural. It cleanses well without irritation, softens the skin. Suitable for daily use. The price is quite democratic.

Firm Nivea produces an inexpensive product for daily use. Its washing composition contains lactic acid and chamomile, thanks to which the gel removes impurities and moisturizes and heals minor damage.

Company Avon produces a whole line of products for the care of intimate places. The gel has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates unpleasant odors, provides freshness for the whole day.

Gel called " Bliss"relieves irritation on the genitals, perfectly moisturizes. Heals microtraumas and restores the microflora.

Armelle provides gentle care, freshness and comfort for the whole day. It contains many natural ingredients that prevent dryness and irritation. Despite the antibacterial ingredients, the natural microflora is not disturbed. The gel is recommended for daily use.

How to use

Finding the right gel is only half the battle. For care to be truly effective, it must be used correctly. Instructions for use are written on each bottle, but they are not always informative. Care should be as follows:

  1. Wet your genitals thoroughly.
  2. Squeeze a drop of gel into the palm of your hand and lather it up.
  3. Apply the resulting foam with circular massage movements to the intimate area, clean it.
  4. Rinse off with plenty of warm water.
  5. Pat your skin dry with a clean towel.
  6. It is necessary to apply the remedy twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Compliance with intimate hygiene is the key to women's health. You will learn how to choose the right intimate hygiene products and take proper care of yourself from this article.

Every woman should take care of intimate hygiene.

A little about the culture of hygiene

Unfortunately, most of the beautiful ladies in our country do not know how to properly care for their intimate areas. Some simply do not know how to keep them clean, others, on the contrary, completely deprive their body of protection with the help of chlorinated water, douches and alkaline soaps. The use of special products for intimate hygiene in our country is not accepted, and the use of conventional products, such as cosmetic soap, leads to vaginal dysbacteriosis.

Secret #1: Scientists have proven that a woman with a healthy vaginal flora has a minimal risk of contracting AIDS (1:150).

If a woman experiences dryness, irritation and other sensations in the intimate area, this only means that her intimate hygiene product does not cope with the task, in other words, it does not provide: moisturizing, softening and protection.

High-quality gel for intimate hygiene should:

  • restore natural microflora;
  • consist of natural ingredients;
  • have an acidic pH.

Any intimate hygiene product contains lactic acid, which maintains the normal acid-base balance of the intimate area. The fact is that the mucous membrane has an acidic pH level, and therefore soap for intimate hygiene is completely unsuitable - it can cause the manifestation of thrush.

Active ingredients for intimate products

Lactic acid, which is included in almost all gels for intimate hygiene, protects the mucous membrane from irritation and inflammation, since it acts on the body as a mild antiseptic. This is one of the active ingredients. Even such funds include phytosphingosins and activated glycyrrhizic acid, which is released from licorice root.

Glycyrrhizic acid, like lactic acid, has an antibacterial effect, but it not only prevents redness and irritation of the skin, but also prevents their appearance.

Phytosphingosins are natural substances that are secreted from yeast cells, they have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

For moisturizing, glycerin is added to intimate hygiene products.

Secret number 2: Fragrances and dyes in them are unacceptable, because they cause irritation of the skin and mucous membranes.

Means for intimate hygiene can be made independently

Means for intimate hygiene at home

If there are no special means for intimate hygiene at hand, then it is quite possible to prepare them at home. Boiled water is suitable for this, into which a little calendula tincture or a weak solution of potassium permanganate is added. Long before the appearance of the first means for intimate hygiene, people began to pay special attention to cleansing the delicate areas.

So in ancient Egypt, people were reverent not only to their body, but also to its beauty and health. At that time, girls used ordinary linen pads and washed themselves with ordinary spring water, and intimate hygiene products appeared much later, after several centuries. The main purpose of such gels is not only the prevention and removal of unpleasant odors, but also the daily maintenance of women's health.

Intimate soap cannot be replaced with ordinary shower gel, since the latter is absolutely not intended for caring for the delicate mucous membrane of the genital organs. The acid-base balance of the shower gel is pH 5.5, it is not intended for intimate use and gradually destroys the balance of the vaginal microflora. The acidic environment is gradually destroyed and leads to alkalization, which creates favorable conditions for the development of the disease.

Problems arise due to insufficient protection

The cause of women's problems

The cause of most women's problems (inflammatory processes, sexually transmitted diseases, cervical cancer) is an imbalance in the microflora of the vagina. The fact is that the normal microflora is acidic (ph-3.3), it is provided with a sufficient amount of lactic acid and prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria.

A bacterial violation of the microflora of the vagina can manifest itself as gardnerellosis, bacterial vaginosis, or thrush. The essence of all these diseases is the same - the protective function is reduced, and the useful milk bacillus is replaced by not very useful bacteria. In such a situation, the infection easily enters the vagina and even the uterus and causes inflammation.

When soap foam enters the vagina, the acid-base balance is disturbed. It's not scary if it happened once. However, regular alkaline "attacks" lead to vaginal dysbacteriosis, its main symptom is an unpleasant "fishy" smell, which cannot be dealt with at home. This is a reason to go to the gynecologist. But it also happens that dysbacteriosis develops without visible symptoms, then the woman continues her normal life and does not even suspect that she is carrying a time bomb.

Violation of the acid-base balance in the vagina is not only the consequences of improper washing. Hormonal disorders, somatic diseases, as well as the most natural physiological processes in a woman's body lead to the same result: pregnancy, menstruation. The age of the woman also matters. The younger the young lady, the weaker her protective functions work. During menopause, a woman's natural defenses also decrease.

You need to follow simple rules

Basic rules of intimate feminine hygiene

    On critical days, you can not bathe in the bath, swim in the pool or in natural reservoirs.

    Linens and towels should be soft cotton.

    Personal hygiene items and underwear must be individual.

    You need to wash yourself no more than 2 times a day from front to back with warm water without using a sponge and washcloth.

    When washing, the water jet should be directed from front to back, and a strong jet of water should not be directed directly into the vagina.

    Moisture after washing should not be wiped off, you can simply pat it lightly with a soft towel to avoid injury to the delicate mucosa.

    Wash only the skin at the entrance to the vagina.

    Gel for intimate hygiene should not contain dyes and fragrances.

    Pads need to be changed 4-5 times a day, and tampons - after 2-4 hours (by the way, they should not be used constantly).

    For any gynecological disorders (cervicitis, vaginitis, endometritis), pads should be changed more often, and tampons should be abandoned altogether.

    Sexual intercourse during menstruation should be completely excluded, as this significantly increases the risk of inflammation of the uterus and appendages.

    Panty liners should also not be worn all the time, as they disrupt air microcirculation and prevent the skin from breathing freely.

TOP 5 most popular gels for intimate hygiene

You can easily choose the right tool

Intimate gel Lubricant for men and women from faberlic

Universal intimate gel has a stimulating, bactericidal and moisturizing effect. It sufficiently improves the condition of the intimate zone and eliminates the decrease in the tone of men and women.

The gel has a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect, in addition, it significantly increases the blood supply to the tissues of the genital organs. With it, you can easily maintain the tone of intimate areas for a long time. Intimate Hygiene Gel is a gentle cleanser designed specifically for daily care of the delicate area. It is made on the basis of extracts from medicinal plants: calendula extract, tea tree oil and chamomile decoction, which have regenerating, anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties.

Also, such funds have pronounced antifungal, antimicrobial and antiviral properties, they help in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the intimate area and gently cleanse it of impurities. Recommended as a daily cleanser for delicate areas.

Soap for intimate hygiene Balyan

The soap is specially designed to care for delicate areas, it contains a high concentration of tea tree oil and has been successfully used to prevent infectious diseases of the intimate area in men and women. The products that are part of it are natural preparations and contribute to the prevention of fungal diseases of the delicate area.

Liquid soap for intimate hygiene Cliven

Liquid soap is most optimally used for cleansing the skin and mucous membranes of the delicate area, it does not disturb the natural acid-base balance and is recommended for daily use. Calendula and chamomile extracts, which are part of the soap, are natural antiseptics, they help to destroy pathogenic bacteria and prevent inflammation of the delicate intimate area. Soap eliminates unpleasant odors and prevents its reappearance.

Gel Deo Intim

This luxurious intimate gel was developed in collaboration with dermatologists, bacteriologists and cosmetologists. For two years, clinical trials were conducted in which women from twenty to sixty years old participated. As a result, an intimate hygiene gel was released to the domestic market, which reliably protects and deodorizes the delicate area for a long time. It does not irritate the skin, maintains an acidic environment and prevents the appearance of a fungal infection. It can be used on critical days after each change of pads.

Lactacid gel for intimate hygiene

Lactacyd gel is presented in the form of a gentle soft soap-free emulsion, which is specially designed for daily care of the intimate area. It does not cause irritation and contains hypoallergenic chamomile extract, which promotes gentle cleansing, and lactic acid, which maintains an optimal balance of the vaginal microflora. With regular use, the product helps to cope with the irritation that occurs when deodorants and antiseptics come into contact with the skin. Recommended as a daily care during pregnancy and on critical days.

Any gel for intimate hygiene is just a means to maintain your health and beauty. The most important thing that every woman should remember is that you need to love and appreciate yourself for who she is. Only true love gives her the opportunity to be beautiful, healthy and attractive in spite of any obstacles.