White discharge after insemination. Insemination - types and techniques. Possible complications after the procedure. Where do they do it? Blood after insemination

Insemination - types and techniques. Possible complications after the procedure. Where do they do it?

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How is the insemination procedure carried out?

Insemination carried out in a specially equipped room of a clinic or hospital. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, that is, a woman comes to the doctor immediately on the day of the insemination, and after it is completed, she goes home.

On what day of the natural cycle is insemination done?

To procedure artificial insemination proved to be the most effective, the doctor first studies the patient's menstrual cycle, calculating the time of the expected ovulation ( that is, the release of a mature egg, ready for fertilization, into the fallopian tube).
After leaving the ovary, the egg can be fertilized within about 24 hours. At this time, artificial insemination is prescribed.

On average, ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle, but in some cases it can occur earlier or later. However, it is impossible to predict the exact time of ovulation, and a woman cannot subjectively feel this. That is why, to maximize the effectiveness of artificial insemination, doctors use a number of diagnostic tests to calculate the time of ovulation.

To determine the time of ovulation, use:

  • Ultrasound of ovarian follicles. Under normal conditions, during each menstrual cycle, one main follicle is formed in one of the ovaries - a vial of fluid in which the egg develops. This follicle is visible with ( ultrasound) ultrasound examination already on the 8th - 10th day of the cycle. After this follicle has been identified, it is recommended to perform daily ultrasound. If the follicle was visible the day before, but it cannot be determined at the next procedure, this indicates that ovulation has occurred.
  • Determination of the level of luteinizing hormone ( LG) in blood. This hormone is secreted by a special gland ( pituitary gland) and is involved in the regulation of the menstrual cycle. An increase in the level of this hormone in the middle of the cycle indicates that ovulation will occur within the next 24 to 48 hours.
  • Measurement of basal body temperature. During the period of ovulation, there is an increase in body temperature by about 0.5 - 1 degree, which is due to hormonal changes occurring in the body of a woman. However, in order to notice such a temperature jump, a woman must regularly ( within a few months) keep a graph of basal temperature, measuring it twice a day ( morning and evening at the same time).
  • Study of cervical mucus. Under normal conditions, the mucus located in the cervical area is relatively dense, cloudy, and poorly extensible. During ovulation, under the influence of female sex hormones, it liquefies, becomes transparent and more viscous, which is used by doctors for diagnostic purposes.
  • Subjective feelings of a woman. During ovulation, a woman may experience pulling pains in the lower abdomen, as well as increased sexual desire, which, together with other signs, can be used for diagnostic purposes.

Stimulation of ovulation ovaries) before insemination

The essence of this procedure is that before insemination, a woman is prescribed hormonal drugs that stimulate the growth and development of the follicle, egg maturation and ovulation. The need for this procedure arises in cases where it is impossible to perform insemination in the usual way ( for example, if a woman does not have a regular menstrual cycle).

To stimulate ovulation before insemination, a woman is most often prescribed recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone ( FSH). This is an analogue of the natural hormone produced by the pituitary gland during the first half of the menstrual cycle. Under its influence, the follicles in the ovaries are activated and develop. The FSH preparation should be used within 8 to 10 days ( more precise instructions can be given by the attending physician after a full examination, determining the regularity and other features of the menstrual cycle in a particular woman), followed by ovulation.

The danger of using this method lies in the fact that when prescribing too high doses of FSH, the so-called ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome may develop, when several follicles mature at once instead of one. In this case, during ovulation, 2 or more eggs can enter the fallopian tube, which can be fertilized during the artificial insemination procedure. The outcome of this phenomenon may be multiple pregnancy.

Types and techniques of artificial insemination ( intracervical, intrauterine, vaginal)

To date, several techniques have been developed that allow the introduction of male seminal fluid ( sperm) in the female reproductive tract. However, to understand the mechanism of their action, it is necessary to know how insemination occurs in vivo.

With natural insemination ( occurring during intercourse) male sperm is erupted into the woman's vagina. Then the spermatozoa during one sexual intercourse, about 200 million of them are erupted), which have mobility, begin to move towards the uterus. First, they must pass through the cervix, a narrow canal that separates the uterine cavity from the vagina. A special mucus is located in the cervix of a woman, which has protective properties. Passing through this mucus, most of the sperm die. The surviving spermatozoa enter the uterine cavity and then reach the fallopian tubes. In one of these tubes is a mature ( ready for fertilization) ovum ( female sex cell). One of the spermatozoa penetrates its wall earlier than the others and fertilizes it, as a result of which pregnancy begins. The rest of the spermatozoa die.

Artificial insemination can be:

  • Intracervical ( vaginal). This is the simplest form of the procedure, which is as similar as possible to natural sexual intercourse. No special preparation before its implementation is required ( Naturally, before any insemination, one should refrain from smoking, taking alcohol, drugs, etc.). Insemination can be done with fresh unpurified seminal fluid ( in this case, it must be used no later than 3 hours after receipt), and frozen sperm ( from a sperm bank). The essence of the procedure is as follows. In the morning on the appointed day, a woman comes to the clinic, goes into a specially equipped room and lies down in a gynecological chair or on a special table. Special expanding mirrors are inserted into her vagina, which facilitates access to the cervix. Next, the doctor collects sperm in a special ( with a blunt tip) syringe, inserts it into the vagina and brings the tip as close as possible to the entrance to the cervix. After that, the doctor presses on the syringe plunger, as a result of which the sperm is squeezed out of it onto the cervical mucosa. The syringe and speculum are removed, and the woman must remain in the gynecological chair lying on her back for 60 to 90 minutes. This will prevent the leakage of seminal fluid, and will also facilitate the penetration of spermatozoa into the uterus and fallopian tubes. One and a half to two hours after the procedure, the woman can go home.
  • Intrauterine. This procedure is considered more effective than intracervical insemination. Its essence lies in the fact that after the installation of mirrors in the vagina, the sperm is collected in a special syringe, to which a long and thin catheter is attached ( a tube). This catheter is inserted through the cervix into the uterine cavity, after which the sperm is squeezed into it. When performing this procedure, it is recommended to use specially prepared and purified sperm. The introduction of fresh seminal fluid into the uterine cavity can cause contraction of the uterine muscles ( which will reduce the chance of conception) or even cause severe allergic reactions.
  • Intratubal. The essence of the procedure is that pre-prepared spermatozoa are injected directly into the fallopian tubes, in which the egg should be located. It should be noted that according to the results of recent studies, the effectiveness of this procedure does not exceed that of conventional intrauterine insemination.
  • Intrauterine intraperitoneal. With this procedure, a certain amount of previously received and processed ( purified) male sperm is mixed with a few milliliters of a special liquid, after which the resulting mixture ( about 10 ml) is injected into the uterine cavity under slight pressure. As a result, the solution containing spermatozoa will penetrate into the fallopian tubes, pass through them and enter the abdominal cavity. Thus, the probability of fertilization of the egg, which can be located in the path of the injected solution, is significantly increased. Such a procedure is indicated for unidentified causes of infertility, as well as for the ineffectiveness of intracervical or intrauterine insemination. According to the technique of execution, it is no different from the previously described procedures.

Does insemination hurt?

Artificial insemination is a completely painless procedure. Some women may experience discomfort during the insertion of speculums into the vagina, but there will be no pain. At the same time, it is worth noting that with vaginismus, a woman reacts painfully to any procedures associated with the introduction of any instruments into the vagina. Such patients are usually prescribed special sedatives, and if necessary, they can be introduced into a superficial medical sleep. In this state, they will not feel pain and will not remember anything about the procedure.

Is it possible to perform artificial insemination at home?

At home, you can perform the procedure of artificial intracervical ( vaginal) insemination, which is similar in mechanism of action and efficiency to natural insemination. The implementation of other variants of the procedure requires the use of purified sperm, as well as the intrauterine introduction of foreign objects, and therefore they should be carried out only by an experienced specialist in a polyclinic setting.

Preparation includes calculating the day of the expected ovulation ( methods have been described previously.). When ovulation has occurred, you should proceed directly to the procedure itself.

To carry out artificial insemination at home, you will need:

  • Disposable sterile syringe ( per 10 ml) - can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  • Sterile container for collecting seminal fluid- for example, a container for testing, which can also be purchased at a pharmacy.
  • Sterile disposable vaginal dilator- you can buy at a pharmacy, but you can perform the procedure without it.
It is recommended to perform the procedure in a place protected from sunlight ( best at night), as they can damage spermatozoa. After the donor ejects the seminal fluid into a sterile container, it should be left in a warm, dark place for 15 to 20 minutes to make it more fluid. After that, you should collect sperm in a syringe and insert its tip into the vagina. If a woman uses vaginal dilators, the syringe should be inserted under visual control ( You can use a mirror for this.). Bring it as close as possible to the cervix, but try not to touch it. If a vaginal dilator is not being used, the syringe should be inserted 3 to 8 cm into the vagina ( depending on the anatomical features of the woman). After the introduction of the syringe, you should gently press on the piston so that the seminal fluid passes to the surface of the mucous membrane of the cervix.

After the introduction of sperm, the syringe and dilator are removed, and the woman is advised to remain in the “lying on her back” position for the next one and a half to two hours. Some experts recommend placing a small roller under the buttocks so that the pelvis is raised above the bed. In their opinion, this contributes to the promotion of spermatozoa to the fallopian tubes and increases the likelihood of pregnancy.

Why is utrogestan and duphaston prescribed after insemination?

These drugs are prescribed in order to ensure the normal development of a fertilized egg after the procedure. The active component of both drugs is the hormone progesterone or its analogue. Under normal conditions, this hormone is secreted in the body of a woman in the second phase of the menstrual cycle ( it is produced by the so-called corpus luteum, which is formed at the site of a mature and ruptured follicle after ovulation). Its main function is to prepare the female body for implantation and development of a fertilized egg.

If in the period after ovulation the concentration of this hormone in the blood of a woman is reduced ( which can be observed in some diseases of the ovaries, as well as in patients older than 40 years), this can disrupt the process of attaching a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus, as a result of which pregnancy will not occur. It is in such cases that patients are prescribed utrogestan or duphaston. They prepare the uterine lining for egg implantation and also support the development of the fetus throughout pregnancy.

How to behave after insemination ( do's and don'ts)?

Immediately after the procedure, the woman should lie on her back for at least an hour, which is necessary for the normal penetration of spermatozoa into the uterus and fallopian tubes. In the future, she should follow a number of rules and recommendations that will help increase the effectiveness of the procedure and reduce the risk of complications.

Can I take a bath after artificial insemination?

Immediately after intracervical insemination ( including at home) taking a bath is not recommended, as this may reduce the effectiveness of the procedure. The fact is that with this technique, part of the spermatozoa is located in the vagina.
If during the first hours after the end of the procedure a woman will take a bath, water ( together with the soaps, gels or other substances it contains) can enter the vagina and destroy some of the sperm, which will reduce the likelihood of pregnancy. That is why it is recommended to bathe in the bathroom no earlier than 6 to 10 hours after insemination. At the same time, it is worth noting that a light shower under clean water ( without the use of hygiene products) will not affect the outcome of the procedure.

When performing intrauterine or other types of insemination, the patient is allowed to take a bath immediately after returning home. The fact is that in these cases, the seminal fluid is injected directly into the uterine cavity or into the fallopian tubes, which are normally reliably separated from the environment by the cervix. Even if the woman takes a bath immediately after the end of the procedure ( that is, after lying in the gynecological chair for one and a half to two hours), water or any other substances will not be able to penetrate the uterine cavity and in any way affect the fertilization of the egg.

Can I swim and sunbathe after insemination?

A woman is allowed to swim in a river, lake, sea or other body of water no earlier than one day after the procedure. Firstly, this is due to the risk of water entering the vagina and destroying the spermatozoa located there. Secondly, during the artificial insemination procedure, the vaginal mucosa may be slightly injured by the objects introduced into it ( dilators, syringe). At the same time, its protective properties will significantly decrease, as a result of which infection can occur when swimming in polluted reservoirs.

There are no specific guidelines for tanning. If a woman has no other contraindications, she can sunbathe in the sun or visit a solarium immediately after the procedure, which will not affect its effectiveness in any way.

Is it possible to have sex after artificial insemination?

Having sex after artificial insemination is not prohibited, since sexual contact will in no way affect the process of sperm advancement and egg fertilization. Moreover, if the cause of the couple's infertility was not reliably identified before the procedure, regular sexual intercourse may increase the likelihood of pregnancy. That is why it is not necessary to limit or somehow change your sex life after performing this procedure.

How many hours after insemination does fertilization occur?

Fertilization of the egg does not occur immediately after the insemination procedure, but only 2-6 hours after it. This is due to the fact that sperm cells need time to reach the egg, penetrate its wall and connect their genetic apparatus with it. Under normal conditions ( with natural insemination) the sperm must pass from the cervix to the fallopian tubes, which averages about 20 cm. It can take him 4 to 6 hours to do this. Since intracervical insemination is as similar as possible to natural insemination, with this type of procedure, the time to fertilization is about the same.

With intrauterine insemination, male germ cells are injected directly into the uterine cavity. They do not waste time getting through the mucosal barrier in the cervix, as a result of which, with this type of procedure, fertilization may occur earlier ( after 3 - 4 hours). If intratubal insemination is performed ( when sperm are injected directly into the fallopian tubes), the egg located there can be fertilized in a couple of hours.

Signs of pregnancy after artificial insemination

The first signs of pregnancy can be detected no earlier than a few days after the procedure. The fact is that immediately after fertilization, the egg moves into the uterine cavity, attaches to its wall and begins to actively increase in size there, that is, grow. This whole process takes several days, during which the fertilized egg remains too small to be detected by any means.

It is worth noting that after artificial insemination, pregnancy proceeds in exactly the same way as with natural conception. Therefore, the signs of pregnancy will be the same.

Pregnancy may be indicated by:

  • change in appetite;
  • taste disorders;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • increased fatigue;
  • increased irritability;
  • tearfulness;
  • an increase in the abdomen;
  • engorgement of the mammary glands;
  • absence of menstruation.
The most reliable of all these signs is the absence of menstrual bleeding for 2 or more weeks after ovulation ( i.e. after the procedure). All other symptoms are associated with hormonal changes in the female body during pregnancy, but can also be observed in a number of other conditions.

On what day after insemination should I do a pregnancy test and donate blood for hCG?

After fertilization, the egg enters the uterine cavity and attaches to its wall, the field of which the embryo begins to develop. From about 8 days after fertilization, embryonic tissues begin to produce a special substance - human chorionic gonadotropin ( hCG). This substance enters the mother's bloodstream, and is also excreted in her urine. It is on determining the concentration of this substance in the body fluids of a woman that most early pregnancy tests are based.

Despite the fact that hCG begins to be produced approximately 6-8 days after the fertilization of the egg, its diagnostically significant concentrations are observed only by the 12th day of pregnancy. It is from this period that hCG can be detected in the urine ( for this, standard express tests are used, which can be bought at any pharmacy) or in the blood of a woman ( To do this, you need to donate blood for analysis to the laboratory.).

Why is ultrasound prescribed after insemination?

A few weeks after the procedure, the woman should undergo an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

The purpose of ultrasound after insemination is:

  • Confirmation of pregnancy. If a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus and begins to develop, after a few weeks the embryo will reach a significant size, as a result of which it can be determined during an ultrasound examination.
  • Identification of possible complications. One of the formidable complications of insemination can be an ectopic pregnancy. The essence of this pathology lies in the fact that the egg fertilized by the sperm is attached not to the wall of the uterus, but to the mucous membrane of the fallopian tube or even begins to develop in the abdominal cavity. Lab tests ( determination of hCG in the blood or urine of a woman) at the same time will indicate that the pregnancy is developing. At the same time, the prognosis in this case is unfavorable. With an ectopic pregnancy, the embryo dies in 100% of cases. Moreover, if this condition is not detected in a timely manner, it can lead to the development of complications ( for example, to rupture of the fallopian tube, to bleeding, and so on), which would endanger the woman's life. That is why during an ultrasound examination, the doctor not only detects the presence of an embryo in the uterine cavity, but also carefully examines other parts of the reproductive system in order to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy early.

Can twins be born after insemination?

After artificial insemination, as well as after natural fertilization, one, two, three ( or even more) child. The mechanism of development of this phenomenon lies in the fact that during the procedure several mature eggs can be fertilized at once. The likelihood of this is significantly increased when carrying out insemination after ovarian stimulation, during which in them ( in the ovaries) several follicles can develop at once, from which several mature eggs ready for fertilization can be released at the same time.

Much less often, multiple pregnancy develops when one egg is fertilized by one sperm. In this case, at the initial stages of development, the future embryo is divided into 2 parts, after which each of them develops as a separate fetus. It should be noted that the probability of such a development of events is the same for both artificial and natural insemination.

Complications and consequences after artificial insemination

The procedure for performing insemination is relatively simple and safe, as a result of which the list of associated complications is rather small.

Artificial insemination may be accompanied by:

  • Genital tract infection. This complication can develop if during the procedure the doctor used non-sterile instruments or did not comply with hygiene standards. At the same time, the reason for the development of infection may be a woman's failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene immediately before or after the procedure. It is important to remember that any infection is much easier to cure at the initial stage of development. That is why if you experience pain, burning or redness in the genital area, you should immediately consult with your doctor.
  • Allergic reactions. May occur with intrauterine or intratubal insemination, when poorly prepared ( poorly cleaned) seminal fluid. Allergies can be manifested by anxiety, skin spots, muscle tremors, a marked drop in blood pressure, or even loss of consciousness. Extremely severe allergic reactions require immediate medical attention, as they pose a danger to the patient's life.
  • A drop in blood pressure. The reason for the development of this complication may be careless, gross manipulations with the cervix during intrauterine insemination. The mechanism of development of this phenomenon is the irritation of special nerve fibers of the so-called autonomic nervous system, which is accompanied by a reflex expansion of blood vessels, a slowing of the heartbeat and a decrease in blood pressure. With the development of this complication, a woman is strictly forbidden to get up, as this will cause an outflow of blood from the brain, and she will lose consciousness. The patient is shown strict bed rest for several hours, drinking plenty of water, and, if necessary, intravenous fluids and medications to normalize blood pressure.
  • Multiple pregnancy. As mentioned earlier, the risk of multiple pregnancy increases when insemination is performed after hormonal ovarian stimulation.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. The essence of this phenomenon is described above.

Drawing pains in the abdomen

During the first hours after intrauterine insemination, a woman may complain of pulling pains in the lower abdomen. The cause of this phenomenon may be irritation of the uterus caused by the introduction of poorly cleaned sperm into it. In this case, there is a strong contraction of the uterine muscles, which is accompanied by a violation of the blood microcirculation in them and the appearance of a characteristic pain syndrome. A few hours after the end of the procedure, the pain disappears on its own, without requiring any treatment. At the same time, it is worth noting that a strong contraction of the muscles of the uterus can disrupt the process of moving sperm to the egg, thereby reducing the likelihood of pregnancy.

Chest pain ( sore nipples)

Breast pain may appear several weeks after insemination and is most often a sign of an ongoing pregnancy. The cause of the pain syndrome is a change in the mammary glands under the influence of progesterone and other hormones, the concentration of which in the blood of a woman increases during gestation. In addition to pain in the nipples, slight white discharge may appear, which is also absolutely normal during pregnancy.


During the first 2-3 days after insemination, a woman's body temperature can rise to 37-37.5 degrees, which is absolutely normal. An increase in temperature by 0.5 - 1 degree is noted during ovulation and is associated with hormonal changes occurring in the female body.

At the same time, it is worth noting that an increase in temperature to 38 degrees and above, which occurs during the first or second day after insemination, may indicate the development of complications. One of the common causes of fever may be the development of an infection introduced during the procedure ( for example, if the doctor or patient does not comply with hygiene standards). The development of the infection is accompanied by the activation of the immune system and the release of many biologically active substances into the blood, which determine the temperature increase 12-24 hours after infection. The temperature can then reach extremely high values ​​( up to 39 - 40 degrees and more).

Another reason for the increase in temperature may be an allergic reaction associated with the introduction of poorly purified seminal fluid into the uterus. Unlike infectious complications, with an allergic reaction, body temperature rises almost immediately ( within the first minutes or hours after the procedure) and rarely exceeds 39 degrees.

Regardless of the cause, a temperature increase of more than 38 degrees is a reason to see a doctor. It is not recommended to take antipyretic drugs on your own, as this can distort the clinical picture of the disease and make it difficult to make a diagnosis.

Will there be periods after insemination?

The presence or absence of menstruation after insemination depends on whether the sperm can reach the egg and fertilize it. The fact is that under normal conditions, during the menstrual cycle, certain changes occur in the uterus of a woman. During the first phase of the menstrual cycle, her mucosa is relatively thin. After the maturation of the egg and its release from the follicle, the concentration of the hormone progesterone increases in the woman's blood. Under its influence, certain changes are observed in the mucous membrane of the uterus - it thickens, the number of blood vessels and glands increases in it. Thus, it is prepared for the implantation of a fertilized egg. If implantation does not occur for a certain time, the concentration of progesterone decreases, as a result of which the superficial part of the uterine mucosa dies and is excreted through the female genital tract. The resulting bleeding is associated with damage to small blood vessels and is usually moderate.

Considering the foregoing, it follows that if menstruation appeared after insemination, conception did not occur. At the same time, the absence of menstruation may indicate in favor of a developing pregnancy.

Brown spotting ( bleeding)

Under normal conditions, no vaginal discharge should be observed after insemination. If in the first hours after the procedure a woman has slight white discharge, this indicates that the seminal fluid introduced to her ( certain part of it) leaked out. The likelihood of pregnancy is significantly reduced, since most of the spermatozoa will not reach the fallopian tubes.

The appearance of brown bloody) discharge, accompanied by moderate pain in the lower abdomen, can be observed 12 to 14 days after insemination. In this case, we will talk about menstrual bleeding, which normally begins 2 weeks after ovulation ( if the egg has not been fertilized). At the same time, it can be said with certainty that the attempt to conceive failed.

This bleeding does not require any treatment and usually stops on its own after 3 to 5 days, after which the next menstrual cycle begins.

Why is the pregnancy test negative after insemination?

If 2 to 3 weeks after insemination, a pregnancy test and a blood test for chorionic gonadotropin show a negative result, this indicates that the fertilization of the egg did not occur, that is, pregnancy did not occur. It is important to remember that successful fertilization on the first attempt is observed only in half of the cases, while other women need 2 or more attempts to achieve a positive result. That is why, after a single negative result, one should not despair, but should try again during the next ovulation. This increases the chances of successful fertilization.

Where ( in which clinic) is it possible to do artificial insemination in the Russian Federation?

In the Russian Federation, prices for artificial insemination vary widely ( from 3 - 5 to 60 and more thousand rubles). The cost of the procedure will be determined by its type ( the cheapest will be intracervical insemination, while other methods will be somewhat more expensive), source of sperm ( insemination with the sperm of a donor will be much more expensive than with the sperm of a husband or a permanent sexual partner) and other factors.

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Without waiting for the delay, the girls begin to observe how their body is changing, follow the nature of the discharge and their feelings. The secretion will help determine if pregnancy has occurred or a disease is developing in the body. In this article, we will consider what will be the discharge after ovulation if conception has occurred.

What happens during ovulation

During the period of ovulation, due to estrogen, ordinary cervical mucus is secreted - white and plentiful, in consistency, like egg white.

Before ovulation, body temperature rises from 36° to 37°, the amount of discharge increases. If conception has occurred, the temperature drops sharply, but then it also begins to rise sharply.

When the follicle ruptures, the egg moves through the fallopian tube to the reproductive organ. If she does not meet the sperm along the way, then she begins to leave the body along with the layer of endometrium formed on the uterus. On the 4-5th day after ovulation, the amount of the hormone progesterone increases.

What kind of discharge to expect after ovulation is influenced by the individual characteristics of the female body. For each representative of the fair sex, they will be different, but there are average norms.

The secret becomes creamy. White, yellow or odorless. You can even see blood, but it should be a little - a few drops. Allocations are abundant - up to 4.5 ml per day.

A few days before menstruation, the mucus will become clear and watery, may acquire a yellowish tint. Before menstrual bleeding, the genital tract is cleansed.

ovulatory bleeding

Some girls may experience ovulatory bleeding. With intense contraction of the muscles of the genital organs, the blood that is secreted from the follicle comes out along with the secret. Pink discharge appears in the middle of the menstrual cycle - one of the characteristic signs of ovulation. If the blood is clotting rapidly, brown discharge may occur.

Signs of successful conception

Pregnancy occurs when the male and female gametes merge. As a result of fertilization, a zygote is formed. She begins to move into the uterine cavity and divide. This process is called "crushing". A week later, implantation occurs - the zygote is introduced into the inner layer of the uterus - the endometrium. The endometrium is a loose tissue, it is very easy to damage it. This is how pinkish discharge appears during a delay.

IMPORTANT! The discharge can be of different colors, not only pink: bright yellow, brown, reddish.

Liquid mucus with an alkaline environment is a favorable environment not only for the fertilization of the egg, but also for the reproduction of bacteria. In the second half of the cycle, it is most likely to catch diseases.

Progesterone is a hormone that increases several times during the gestation period. Allocations with successful conception will gradually become thick. They protect the uterus from external influences and are a kind of “barrier” so as not to let in new sperm: after fertilization, the egg is no longer needed. There are several signs of successful fertilization:

  1. In the first or second week after conception, abundant creamy white discharge appears. There are many more of them than usually happens in the second phase of the cycle.
  2. Implantation bleeding.
  3. Drowsiness.
  4. Nausea and vomiting on the eve of menstruation.
  5. The chest is firm and sensitive.
  6. 3 weeks after unprotected PA, there is a frequent urge to urinate.

Possible comorbidities

The mucous consistency and the neutral smell of discharge after conception before the delay indicate that everything is going well in the female body. Any changes should be considered in conjunction with associated symptoms.


White discharge, similar to cottage cheese, accompanied by itching and burning of the genitals. The smell is very unpleasant - sour.

The cause of thrush is:

  1. Decreased immunity. During the “position” it is easiest for bacteria to multiply.
  2. Change in the acidity of the vagina. This is achieved through the use of hormonal drugs and antibiotics.
  3. Lack of essential substances and minerals. This problem affects women who adhere to a strict diet.
  4. Infections in the vagina.

IMPORTANT! The partner should also be treated to prevent re-infection.

The danger of candidiasis for the fetus

Thrush is dangerous to the fetus. During childbirth, it can be transmitted to the child in the oral cavity, and this will greatly complicate feeding. Against the background of thrush, more diseases and infections may appear, which will lead to the death of the fetus.

The doctor will prescribe topical medications. Thrush should be treated very carefully so as not to harm the child.


During sexual intercourse, microorganisms are transmitted from an infected person to a healthy one. This is how they get trichomoniasis.

Symptoms of the disease are indicated only in 30% of those infected. They may appear and disappear. The girl may not even know that she has trichomoniasis.

  1. Itching and burning of the genitals.
  2. Pain when urinating.
  3. White, yellowish or green discharge with a fishy odor.

Pregnant women with this condition give birth to premature babies. Most often they have a small weight - only up to 2.5 kg.

Trichomoniasis is treated with metronidazole and tinidazole. These are drugs in the form of tablets, absolutely safe for pregnant women. You can have sex only a week after treatment. If symptoms reappear, re-evaluate.

IMPORTANT! Both sexual partners should be treated.

Bacterial vaginosis

With bacterial vaginosis, the microflora of the vagina changes, inflammation does not occur. A copious yellow, white or green secretion with a strong fishy odor is secreted. At first, the discharge is liquid, and with the progression of vaginosis, it becomes thicker.

Causes of bacterial vaginosis:

  1. Frequent change of partners.
  2. Too frequent washing of the genitals.
  3. Washing the genitals too infrequently.
  4. The use of hormonal drugs.
  5. The disease can also appear after scraping.

It is necessary to undergo treatment with vaginal suppositories or apply local preparations that the doctor will prescribe.

Cervical erosion

With erosion of the cervix, its outer mucous membrane is damaged. This happens when the epithelium disappears from the membrane.

Causes of the disease:

  1. Infections.
  2. Local inflammatory processes.
  3. STD.
  4. Cervical injury.
  5. Early onset of sexual activity. The mucous membrane of the uterus is strengthened by 20-23 years. If a girl begins sexual activity at the age of 13-14, then an infection enters the body.
  6. Hormonal disorders.

Erosion does not always turn into cancer, but other infections develop against the background of the disease.

With erosion, a bloody daub occurs. The discharge is profuse and with a specific, unpleasant odor. During urination and sexual intercourse, the girl feels discomfort, pain.

Other causes of heavy discharge

If you use birth control, have been treated with vaginal suppositories, or have an intrauterine device, you may experience discharge in the middle and at the end of your menstrual cycle. See your doctor to find out the cause and get a prescription for treatment. Sometimes only a correction of therapy is needed.

The cause of abundant discharge can be hormonal imbalance, oncology, inflammation, trauma to the walls of the vagina.

When does ovulation occur

Most women ovulate in the middle of their cycle. Depending on the girl's lifestyle, her emotional state, nutrition and health, the date may shift.

The first signs of pregnancy do not appear immediately in the first days after conception before menstruation. You need to wait two or three weeks to feel the change.

Pregnancy after menstruation

For many girls, the risk of pregnancy immediately after menstruation is excluded, so they are not protected during intercourse. But there are exceptions. Some women can conceive right after their period.

You can get pregnant during menstruation only in the last days of bleeding.

The most common reason for a non-standard ovulation date is irregular menstruation. Regularity is affected by the following factors:

  1. Abrupt climate change.
  2. Reception of hormonal preparations and antibiotics.
  3. Diseases of the pelvic organs.
  4. Stress. Under stress, the body defends itself and starts various processes. The displacement of the female cycle is an example of such protection. "Vitality" of spermatozoa. The egg cell lives up to 36 hours, and the sperm cell lives for a week. It entered the body before ovulation, but the last, seventh day of the sperm's life could coincide with the date of ovulation.
  5. anovulatory course. An anovulatory cycle is a cycle in which there is menstruation but no ovulation. This happens during the formation of the menstrual cycle, during menopause. The cause in girls 20-40 years old can be a common hormonal failure. Anovulatory bleeding is taken for menstruation, and the girl incorrectly calculates the date of conception.
  6. New egg. At the end of menstruation, or even in the middle, a new egg may begin to mature. After she safely leaves, and the girl, unaware of anything, conducts unprotected intercourse. The reasons for this phenomenon are hormonal failure and stress.

Can pregnancy begin in the first days after menstruation

Day Probability of getting pregnant
First +
Second ++
Third +++

Can pregnancy occur after menstruation? The risk of getting pregnant is very high. Use contraceptives to avoid problems.

You can not use protection during menstruation only when you are completely healthy and the cycle is stable.

Pregnancy a week before your period

Many girls wonder if conception occurred a week before the expected menstruation, will menstruation come. Here everything is the same as in the previous paragraph. It all depends on the regularity of the menstrual cycle.

The egg can only mature on its 20th day, and you may not even be aware of it. After conception, they will appear, indicating successful fertilization.

The estimated due date is calculated from the first day of your last menstrual period.

Signs of pregnancy appear after menstruation. In the early stages, the girl will complain of severe pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, and frequent mood swings. Signs can be mistaken for the onset of PMS.

The first time the test may show a negative result. Spend it 8-10 days after the onset of pregnancy - the result will be much more accurate.

Allocations are transparent and not abundant. They have no smell. And also not dangerous in the first days of pregnancy, mucous discharge, which is similar to chicken protein. The secret protects the genitals from infection.

If there are 4-5 days left before menstruation, how to find out if a girl is pregnant or not is simple: all the symptoms of PMS will appear. In this case, you just need to wait for the expected date of menstruation. If PMS does not start after five days or more, feel free to assume that you are pregnant.

A month later, a fetal egg is formed, and all the above signs are intensifying, making themselves felt more and more often.

How to calculate the gestational age

The baby is in the tummy for 40 weeks, 9 calendar months, 280 days. Some women give birth at 38, 39, 40, 41, or 42 weeks. Such a run of two weeks is normal and should not arouse suspicion.

The due date is calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period. To do this, add seven days, one year, and subtract three months to the date. It should turn out like this:

2 + 7 = 9. This is the approximate day of delivery.

12 - 3 = 9. This is the approximate month of childbirth.

If you know the date of ovulation, add 280 days to it.

Ultrasound will help determine the exact date of birth. The doctor will comment on proper nutrition, regimen, lifestyle.

When you find signs of the disease, you need to go to the gynecologist so as not to harm the fetus and yourself. Do not delay your visit in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. Keep a calendar, mark in it the date of the beginning and end of menstruation, so that you know how long your cycle lasts. Reviews of folk remedies on forums and photos of discharges on the Internet will not give you accurate information. You can use the material for informational purposes only and in cases where you cannot contact doctors. The signs of pregnancy that you will find in the first days of conception before menstruation will remind you of the upcoming menstruation, but it will not happen. After conception, menstruation does not go, only a bloody secret appears.

Hormonal substances released in the uterine cavity ensure the safety of the female germ cell at various stages of its development and life after maturation.

  • From the beginning of menstruation to ovulation, the main functions are assigned to the estrogen hormone, and after the release of the egg, to progesterone. It is these hormones that affect the nature and abundance of vaginal discharge in the absence of pregnancy.
  • Upon reaching maturation, the female cell leaves the follicle to participate in possible fertilization. These processes may well be accompanied by minor bloody spots.
  • Even if conception does not happen, when the egg is released, changes occur in the structure of the cervical mucus, which affects its character, abundance and composition.
  • If conception has occurred, then the body releases the hormone necessary for safe and high-quality implantation.

From the first minutes after conception, serious hormonal changes occur, which lead to edema and increased production of clear cervical mucus. While the fertilized germ cell of a woman moves into the uterus and implants into the endometrium, all this time special protective compounds are actively produced in the genitals.

When the zygote is fixed to the uterine wall, umbilical and placental tissues begin to form. Immune structures perceive the embryo, if conception has occurred, as a foreign, foreign body, therefore, it tries to remove it from the patient's body, which also causes the appearance of specific secretions.

The body system responsible for the reproductive function of a woman has its own principle of operation. Once a month, she prepares for fertilization and the future birth of a child. Menstruation is part of this preparation for ovulation, and a woman's ability to have a baby depends on it.

Ovulation is a natural physiological process, after which conception occurs.

To find out the time when conception occurred and plan the day in advance, the girl must have a regular cycle and keep a special menstruation calendar.

There are reasons why ovulation may occur later:

  • History of chronic diseases or past pathologies.
  • Taking medication.
  • Acclimatization.
  • Overexcitation or stressful situations.
  • The presence of cystic neoplasms in the pelvic organs.
  • A sharp change in the temperature regime of the external environment.

For the best representation of the conception process, it is necessary to know how long the egg and sperm are active. The reproductive cell of a woman lives no more than a day, in contrast to the male - the activity of which can be several days.

Fertilization must take place in a day, since the life of the egg is one day. If it does not happen, the female cell dies, and fertilization does not occur.

The discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred, may not differ from normal whites during the fertile period. The only difference may be a thicker discharge, reminiscent of raw egg white, their number can increase significantly.

Provided that the girl keeps a special calendar and knows the date of ovulation, the measurement of basal temperature values ​​helps to determine cell fusion. In the first phase of the cycle, the indicators reach 36.5 degrees, in the period of ovulation up to 37.3. If there is a pregnancy, a decrease is noticeable first, and then an increase in temperature.

In the absence of fertilization, the temperature does not change.

Features of whites in the first time after conception:

  • Large amount of discharge.
  • Thickness and viscosity.
  • The color of the white is from transparent to beige, without inclusions of other shades.

A foreign smell or the presence of various clots and lumps in the whites may indicate a pathology, they may indicate the development of inflammation and other abnormalities. If left untreated, there is a threat of termination of pregnancy or complications in the future.

At conception, you can notice changes in the nature of the whites with each subsequent day.

How the discharge differs depending on the days from which the conception occurred:

  • On the first day, they are liquid and have a large volume, have no color or are slightly whitish.
  • On the second day, the liquid may become thicker.
  • Usually there is a discharge with a creamy consistency, which is odorless and has a small volume.
  • On the fourth day, the discharge is the same as on the third.
  • From the fifth to the seventh day, a fetal egg enters the uterus, pregnancy occurs if the embryo is fixed on the uterine mucosa.

In the event of foreign inclusions in the whites or an unpleasant odor, it is recommended to contact a gynecologist to find out the reasons.

It is not always possible to find out about pregnancy by secretions, since the secret may not differ in a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy and in the absence of conception.

A more correct and reliable way to recognize pregnancy is a test.

Confirmation of the onset of pregnancy can be discharge resulting from implantation bleeding, which occurs almost always.

There are other signs that should alert a woman:

  • Delayed menses.
  • Change in taste for food.
  • False urge to go to the toilet.
  • Nagging pain.

Measurement of basal temperature is one of the most reliable options for determining the onset of conception. The norm is 37 degrees, but the value may increase, this is due to the creation of conditions for the formation of a zygote.

Often one of the signs is a change in the density of the mammary glands.

You can most accurately determine the onset of conception by consulting a gynecologist.

The fallopian tube, in which the female gamete ends up after leaving the ovary, is lined with small villi. They help the movement of the female cell to the uterus. In most cases, the sperm reaches the female gamete in the tube, where conception occurs. Referring to the duration of the functioning of the egg, ovulation and conception occur in a day or two.

If sexual intercourse happened before ovulation, the spermatozoa “wait” for the egg and conception will occur immediately.

The probability of conception on the day of ovulation is high, the next day it decreases slightly. Fertilization with this option occurs somewhat later.

With individual characteristics and the most comfortable conditions, the egg can function up to 4 days, which is very rare. With a long lifespan of the female gamete, conception after ovulation can occur after 2-3 days, but no more.

The process of fertilization occurs regardless of the desire of a woman or a man. No one can say exactly when this moment comes. But the discharge that appears even before the delay signals the conception of a new life. Although in most women, the secret from the reproductive organs practically does not change, there may be deviations during pregnancy.

On the seventh or tenth day after sexual intercourse, small smears of blood can be seen on the day pad. Their appearance indicates that the fertilized egg has invaded the uterine endometrium. Since small vessels are torn during this process, blood mucus comes out. If the embryo fails to establish itself, the process is repeated. At this stage, the blood coagulates inside the uterus, and brown discharge comes out.

In most cases, a pregnant lady does not feel any pain or discomfort. After 5 hours, the secret disappears.

Hormonal adjustment

Throughout the female cycle, vaginal discharge changes. Many representatives of the weaker sex do not pay attention to this. But if you listen to yourself, you can notice these unusual changes. The nature of vaginal discharge depends entirely on the day of the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels.

In a healthy woman, estrogen predominates in the first phase of the cycle. Allocations during this period are scarce, dryness in the vagina is felt. Before ovulation, the mucus becomes more liquid and slippery. The final - the second - phase of the cycle is characterized by thick creamy whitish secretions. The merit of their appearance belongs to progesterone.

Fertilization always occurs at the time of ovulation or a few hours after. From the time the spermatozoon has merged with the egg cell, a new stage begins. Women notice unusual discharge during this period. After conception, they can become more intense and change with increasing gestational age. Let us consider in more detail what cervical mucus is found in a woman after fertilization.

Discharge during fertilization of the egg changes by day

What discharge after conception predominates in the fairer sex? As soon as two cells (egg and sperm) have merged, a new process begins in the body of the expectant mother. For several days, the discharge, rather, will not differ from the usual ones present in the second phase. The mucus is like a thick white cream.

It has no unpleasant odor and does not cause irritation. It appears due to the abundant secretion of progesterone by the adrenal glands and the corpus luteum. Within 3-7 days after conception, a woman cannot determine her new position by vaginal discharge. They can change only through this interval, but not for everyone.

Implantation of the ovum

Pink or brown discharge after conception may indicate the attachment of the fetal egg to the wall of the reproductive organ. At this point, the amnion membranes are introduced into the loose area of ​​the endometrium. The inner surface of the uterus is permeated with vessels. Single capillaries at the time of implantation are damaged, and blood is released from them.

If such discharge comes out immediately, then they have a pinkish-red tint. More often found as streaks in white or clear mucus. When the discharge lingers in the uterus, the blood coagulates. A few days later, it comes out in the form of a brown or beige daub. Such discharge does not last long: from several hours to 1-2 days.

physiological process

Discharge after ovulation (if conception has occurred) becomes more abundant. Immediately after implantation, there is a sharp jump in progesterone. This hormone is necessary to maintain uterine tone. Without progesterone, the reproductive organ will begin to contract and simply push the fetal egg out of its cavity. A high concentration of this hormone contributes to the formation of clear mucus and whitish discharge.

They are necessary for the formation of a cork in the cervix. This substance will protect your unborn baby from infection. Therefore, do not worry. Abundant discharge, if they are odorless and of an unusual color, is not a pathology. Their formation is a natural physiological process.

Do not use tampons with such discharge. Opt for disposable sanitary napkins.

What does the color of the discharge say after conception and before menstruation

Vaginal discharge in a woman can vary depending on the hormonal background, pregnancy or menstruation, and also talk about possible diseases. That is why you need to be careful about the nature of the discharged whites, they can be a symptom of a deviation or indicate the development of various physiological processes.

The white mucus discharged after conception is normally homogeneous and does not cause discomfort or pain in intimate places. Such secretions eventually form a plug that protects the cervix from infection.

The formation of beige or brownish discharge during conception may be one of the options for the normal course of pregnancy. Often they are associated with bleeding inside the implant and because of it they have such a shade. It occurs as a result of a violation of the endometrium by a fetal egg.

As a result, small vessels are damaged, and cervical mucus acquires such a shade.

White curdled

Leucorrhea, which has a characteristic smell of sour milk and inclusions in the form of lumps or flakes, is the first symptom of candidiasis. This pathology may be accompanied by itching and discomfort in the intimate area, causing redness and swelling of the vaginal mucosa. This fungus tends to quickly spread over the entire surface of the penis, significantly worsening the patient's quality of life. Thrush requires prompt therapy, which will avoid complications and the spread of the fungus.

Traces on linen from whites of a yellow or green hue are not the norm and indicate the presence of inflammation, subject to color saturation.

Sometimes yellow mucus can be released before the delay of menstruation, it is not necessarily a sign of conception, but there is a possibility of fertilization.

transparent secret

At any period of the cycle, you can notice a transparent discharge, as a rule, this is a normal phenomenon. Mucus may become thicker after ovulation.

Red, brown, or pinkish mucus may normally stain with implantation bleeding. Other causes require therapy and are not natural.


Often, bleeding from the genitals is a dangerous symptom, if we are not talking about menstruation. The most dangerous complication can be an ectopic pregnancy, which requires immediate intervention by surgeons, as well as cancer, polyps, endometriosis, vascular pathologies and STDs.


A clear discharge resembling water is one of the first signs of pregnancy. Normally, they should not have a foreign smell and do not cause discomfort to a woman.

Signs of pregnancy

The body gives the first signals of pregnancy approximately 7 days after the release of the female cell. Fertilization occurs in the tube, then the zygote needs to reach the uterus and implant in it. This process takes, on average, a week.


At different stages of the cycle, vaginal secretion has a specific consistency and color. It is easy to calculate the ovulatory phase from secretions: the secret becomes viscous, like egg white. But what does the discharge after ovulation look like if conception has occurred?

After fertilization, as in the second phase of the normal non-pregnant cycle, the secretion becomes white and relatively thick. But pregnancy can be determined due to a slightly noticeable process. Many girls do not know about it and take it for too early a period that never starts.

The first symptom of pregnancy is implantation bleeding, which occurs in 70% of girls. A few drops of blood appear on the underwear as a result of damage to the vessels of the uterus at the time of the introduction of the embryo. It is painless and the blood may be pink or brownish in color. Mucus with red streaks after 7-10 days also refers to discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred.

The absence of implantation bleeding does not indicate that ovulation and conception did not occur.


After the embryo is implanted, the body tries to hold it, so the muscles of the uterus relax. The neighboring intestine undergoes the same process. Due to the inactive work of the muscles, digestion slows down, bloating and increased gas formation appear.

Over time, the condition will normalize. An unpleasant symptom occurs in almost every pregnant woman. During this period, it is recommended to eat easily digestible food.

Cramps in the abdomen

Discomfort, pulling pains and cramps in the abdomen after ovulation can mean both the attachment of the embryo and the tone of the uterus. If discomfort persists for several days, you should consult a gynecologist.

The breast can undergo changes even before the delay, less often - only before childbirth. It depends on individual characteristics. Many girls, according to the symptoms listed below, guess about the completed conception:

  • breast swelling;
  • darkening and enlargement of the nipples;
  • soreness when touched;
  • drops of a white liquid that stand out when pressed - colostrum.

With the help of basal temperature, it is easy to control ovulation, the conception of a child and the course of pregnancy.

After ovulation, progesterone synthesis begins. Due to the increased production of the hormone, the temperature rises. Before the introduction of the embryo into the uterus, implantation retraction occurs on the graph - the temperature drops sharply by 0.4 degrees or more.

After implantation, the temperature rises to a mark of 0.2-0.5 degrees higher than before implantation. With the correct course of pregnancy, the temperature of 37 and more degrees is kept for a very long time. A decrease in temperature with positive tests means a lack of progesterone and a threat of miscarriage.

The basal temperature chart helps to control the course of pregnancy. With the timely appointment of progesterone, nothing threatens gestation.


This is necessary so that the body does not reject the fetus. The consequences of reduced immunity and increased production of hormones are fatigue, poor health, drowsiness and fatigue.

Due to constant fatigue and a sharp hormonal surge, a woman becomes nervous, reacts sharply to any stimulus. This symptom is also one of the first signs of pregnancy.

After the end of the first trimester, when the body "gets used" to pregnancy, the baby's organs will be formed and they will begin to call him the "fetus", strength and vigor will return.

The first signs of conception after ovulation and the symptoms of PMS differ very slightly. Before menstruation, the conditions described below are less pronounced than during pregnancy.

The main symptoms of PMS include:

  • soreness of the chest;
  • sipping the lower abdomen;
  • unexpected mood changes;
  • chronic fatigue.

If a woman feels changes in the mammary glands more acutely than before, sudden changes in mood and irritability, increased drowsiness - the likelihood of conception after ovulation is very high.

But pulling pains in the lower abdomen are an unfavorable symptom. Tension of the muscles of the uterus means tone. It can lead to spontaneous miscarriage. With constant discomfort, you need to visit a doctor. You may need to take progesterone, which supports gestation.

Stomach ache

Short-term acute pain in the abdomen after ovulation sometimes occurs when the embryo is introduced into the uterus in especially sensitive women. It is also possible to sip in the lower back during the same period.

Pronounced pain after ovulation during conception occurs in 2 cases:

  1. during pregnancy outside the uterus;
  2. at risk of miscarriage.

Another symptom of these adverse conditions is vaginal secretion with blood. If, after the implantation of the embryo, red, pink, brown spots appear on the underwear, you should immediately consult a doctor. The gynecologist must rule out an ectopic pregnancy. After that, the doctor will prescribe examinations and drugs that support pregnancy.

Gastrointestinal dysfunction

Disorder in the work of the gastrointestinal tract can mean pregnancy no earlier than a week after implantation. In connection with the relaxation of the muscles of the uterus, a hormonal surge, a woman can feel the following phenomena:

  • constipation, increased gas formation;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • change in taste preferences;
  • heaviness in the abdomen;
  • heartburn.
  • Usually, the first signs of toxicosis appear at 6-7 obstetric weeks of pregnancy (from the beginning of the last menstruation). By the beginning of the second trimester, the condition returns to normal.


Due to reduced immunity, many pregnant women develop cystitis. It is important to avoid hypothermia to reduce the risk of illness. Cystitis can disturb a girl throughout the entire period of gestation. To treat the disease, antibacterial drugs are used that do not affect the fetus.

Attentive girls can assume conception by specific changes in the body. Soreness in the chest, lethargy and fatigue, sudden mood swings, bloating, specific discharge and other symptoms help to know about conception before the test shows two red lines. Having studied the article and listening to her own feelings, any girl can almost certainly find out about pregnancy before the end of the cycle.

Mucus may be absent after ovulation - this is not a pathology. Each organism is arranged differently and has its own characteristics, this is the main reason for this phenomenon. Often, hormones affect the features of the secret, their deviation from normal values ​​\u200b\u200bcan be manifested in the discharge of mucus from the genitals.

In most cases, the secret is still present and watery mucus appears before menstruation.

Usually pregnancy is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Frequent urge to urinate.
  • Pain in the abdomen and chest.
  • Drowsiness and constant fatigue.
  • Changes in behavior and eating habits.

With a high probability, conception will help determine a special test or a trip to the antenatal clinic.

If a week has passed after conception, the discharge may become the same as during menstruation. What does it say?

Every fifth representative of the weaker sex is faced with such a phenomenon as a biochemical pregnancy. With it, natural sequential processes occur in the body: ovulation, conception, implantation. Selections appear appropriate. A week later, for some reason, the fetal egg is rejected from the uterine wall, and menstruation begins.

The woman is definitely surprised. After all, all the signs speak of the onset of conception. For some representatives of the weaker sex, even pregnancy tests already show a positive result. In fact, there is nothing unusual in such a situation. Probably, the rejection of the embryo occurred according to the principle of natural selection. With biochemical pregnancy, menstruation comes on time or with a delay of 2-3 days, it is more abundant and has impurities of mucous clots.

Discharge after conception may acquire an unusual color, smell and texture. Expectant mothers experience a decrease in immunity in the first weeks of pregnancy. This can lead to an infection. Often the first days after conception are accompanied by thrush. With it, the discharge acquires a curdled appearance and a sour smell.

Less often, expectant mothers complain of discharge after conception with impurities of pus. Such mucus has a yellow or green color, accompanied by a fishy smell. This situation is very similar to a sexually transmitted infection, such as gonorrhea. After conception, a woman may develop vaginosis. In the vagina, there is a quantitative change in beneficial and harmful bacteria, itching, irritation, dryness and unusual yellow or white discharge.

What is implantation bleeding

Bleeding of the implant is called discharge that appears after conception approximately 5-6 days after fertilization.

If the bleeding is prolonged and the discharge has a significant volume, you should consult a doctor, as these are symptoms of intrauterine bleeding.

Usually, the process of implantation of a fertilized cell into the endometrial uterine layer may be accompanied by the release of a small amount of blood.

  • The reason for this phenomenon is that in the walls of the uterus there is an abundance of the smallest blood vessels, which, when the embryo is fixed, are damaged, which causes the appearance of blood droplets.
  • Such a bloody daub is sometimes accompanied by minor painful sensations, but after a couple of hours everything goes away.
  • After some time, bleeding may occur again. This is possible if the embryo could not immediately consolidate from the first run.
  • Shades of implantation secretions are usually dark, because the blood coagulates even inside the uterus.

Therefore, with the appearance of a slight dark spotting, you should not immediately suspect pathology or menstruation that began ahead of time. At conception, such discharge indicates that the implantation process is proceeding normally. Usually, such discharge can appear about a week and a half after the ovulatory period. In general, such a daub is distinguished by a dirty character and short duration.

If the bleeding becomes profuse or disturbs for three or more days, then you should seek the advice of a gynecologist. Such abnormal discharge can be caused by cystic formations, polyps or erosion, and also occur against the background of rough sexual contact.


If you are concerned about discharge after conception, then you should definitely contact a gynecologist. The doctor will take a swab to determine the purity of the vagina and, if necessary, prescribe tests for infections. Remember that some pathological processes can become a serious threat to the life and health of the unborn baby. If, in addition to unusual discharge, malaise has joined, the body temperature has risen, then this is a very alarming signal.

Despite the fact that the discharge after conception and implantation changes, few people manage to establish the fact of pregnancy from them. Being very attentive, you can only assume your new position. It is possible to reliably confirm implantation only after 2-3 weeks using ultrasound scanning.

If the discharge after conception has acquired a pinkish tint and does not go away for several days, then we can talk about the threat of termination of pregnancy. Also, similar symptoms indicate a possible erosion. Only a gynecologist can reliably determine the cause of the appearance of unusual cervical mucus.

The vast majority of women have never encountered the concept of implantation bleeding (abbreviated IR), considering the first and proven sign of pregnancy to delay menstruation.

However, it is embryonic (or IR) bleeding that is the main and earliest indicator of (possible!) conception. Only 20-30% of women of childbearing age experience this phenomenon.

A complete description of the process: everything about this, what it is, how to determine and what happens in the female body at the time of ovulation, we offer to find out in this article.

This phenomenon is observed only during conception, but before pregnancy. A fertilized cell, after being introduced into the uterine cavity, will have to try to take root in it so that the mother's body accepts the embryo to continue normal development.

The egg persistently begins to look for its place - this is a recess where you can gain a foothold. During exploration through the mucosa, it injures the delicate surface, causing spotting. This process is called implantation.

Difference from monthly

There are no practical differences

Due to the similarity in external signs, it is quite difficult to determine how implantation bleeding differs from menstruation. To understand what it is you need to know what happens in the body before and after conception.

For a complete understanding, let's explain what distinguishes ovulation from implantation. This is important when planning a pregnancy. In the middle of the menstrual cycle, an egg is released from the ovary, the maturation of which lasts two weeks (plus or minus 2 days).

After meeting with the sperm, the process of fertilization occurs, which forms the embryo. If this happens, then in some women the implantation of the cell occurs.

Without ovulation, conception is impossible. Physiologically, it is easy not to even notice or confuse bleeding with menstruation.

The vast majority perceive the appearance of drops of scarlet blood on the pad or pinkish, sometimes beige streaked secretions for premature menstruation.

Dark brown daub is rare. With a high degree of probability, the dark secret speaks of side symptoms, see the photo of the discharge. Recognizing bleeding and distinguishing it from ovulation is quite difficult, especially since the process may coincide with your cycle. But there are additional signs.

Very easy to confuse with menstruation

Bleeding during embryo implantation does not have an unpleasant odor. The amount is usually scanty, it is not strong or very copious as during menstruation. The intensity is short-term - from a few strokes to 48 hours. Thrush may occur due to increased secretion from the vagina.

Symptoms and signs (feelings)

As a rule, embryonic discharge is not accompanied by pronounced manifestations and often goes unnoticed. However, in 20 out of 100 girls, the following feelings may occur as a sign of pregnancy:

  • the most reliable and accurate indicator that is impossible without implantation bleeding is a decrease in basal temperature. At the very beginning of the process, when the cell is fixed, the indicators necessarily change;
  • heaviness, aching or pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • spotting discharge or droplets of scarlet blood (sometimes so insignificant that they do not cause attention);
  • color from cream or pinkish to light brown;
  • general well-being may be accompanied by weakness, dizziness, slight malaise, sometimes nausea;
  • the duration is short - from several hours to a maximum of 2 days.

Knowing how the implantation process goes is especially important for couples who decide to resort to IVF reproductive technology.

How to determine

In order not to wonder whether you have menstruation or implantation bleeding, it is enough to know the manifestations of some features. We remind you that this process is not considered the norm and is not found in all women.

  • at the time of implantation, the stomach may hurt, the feeling lasts no more than 15 minutes;
  • the main aspect is that the discharge always begins 3-6 days before the onset of menstruation;
  • duration no more than 48 hours;
  • a small amount, which is usually not given importance;
  • pay attention to the color, which is not bright red like menstruation.

What does it look like

Small amount

It should be understood that a specific phenomenon occurs only when pregnancy occurs, that is, it is a guarantee of fertilization. If implantation has not occurred, then embryonic bleeding is excluded.

Let's try to identify all the signs, symptoms and indicators of what this process may look like and how this process manifests itself:

  • happens in no more than 30% of women;
  • begins 3-6 days before menstruation, at this time even the analysis of hCG is useless;
  • scarlet blood or smearing mucus with streaks, but homogeneous, without clots and other inclusions, as shown in the photo;
  • the color is different - from beige to brown, but not red;
  • no unpleasant pungent odor;
  • the amount of discharge is small, often this fact goes unnoticed;
  • for a short time there is a change in basal temperature;
  • within 3-4 days, sometimes there is a feeling of weakness, fatigue, pain in the lower abdomen or dizziness;
  • are found 4-6 days after sexual intercourse and only in the case of a successful conception;
  • duration from 2 hours to 2 days.

If you know what this phenomenon looks like and happens, then you can no longer confuse it with menstruation, the process is shown in the original video.

Abundant discharge a reason to go to the doctor

Please note that in case of severe pain, a longer cycle, or a suspiciously dark color of bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor. With a high degree of probability, this is a pathology.

How many days after conception

If you know the timing when implantation bleeding usually begins, it is much easier to understand what exactly you are facing.

This will help to determine pregnancy earlier, prevent miscarriage, not overlook the disease or find out the diagnosis.

Usually, the fetal egg is attached to the uterine endometrium 4-5 days after conception. Add about two more days to the implementation process itself.

But it is not necessary that fertilization occurs exactly when sexual intercourse occurs. It happens that within 3 days the spermatozoa hide in the fallopian tubes, as shown in the photo.

In this case, the first symptoms of implantation appear only on the 8th day after sexual activity.

All women have a personalized monthly cycle schedule. On average, IC occurs on the 21st-26th day of menstruation or a week before it.

Does it always happen

As mentioned above, implantation bleeding during pregnancy may not be present in all women. This is not considered the norm, but it is not a deviation either. More common with multiple fertilization (twins or triplets)

There are no visible reasons for the occurrence of IC, the process occurs asymptomatically and is recognized as an individual feature of the female body.

In order not to be confused with PMS, you should know what spotting looks like, how many days it lasts, be able to disassemble color, uniformity without clots, and other indicators.

Don't get upset over trifles

Can it be abundant?

We remind you that implantation bleeding cannot be as strong as menstruation. Like everything inexplicable, such a pathology occurs in exceptional cases.

A similar picture with monthly menstruation during pregnancy. Phenomena belong to the category - one in a million.

Implantation is rarely accompanied by headaches or malaise. Even if your stomach hurts and it seems that it's just a meager period, there are many other distinguishing features. For example, color and timing.

In case of strong doubts, get pregnancy tests or get tested for hCG levels, but only after clots have ended.

During ovulation

On average, implantation bleeding occurs on 25-27, less often on 29-30, 31 days of the cycle, a week or 2-4 days before menstruation.

But for implantation to occur, the egg must be fertilized. This can only happen when you ovulate during your period in the middle of your cycle. It depends on the calendar of critical days.

Given the chronology of events, cell fixation can occur at different times after ovulation:

  • medium (common): 7-10 days;
  • early (rare): 6-7;
  • with late implantation (more often occurs with IVF): after 10.

Women in anticipation of pregnancy often ask themselves the question: is it always possible to determine the IC and whether there may be no signs of manifestation.

Depending on the individual cycle, implantation sometimes coincides with the onset or may occur on the day of the expected period.

The next cycle will answer your questions

In this case, it is difficult to figure out whether it is bleeding or menstruation. In the absence of obvious symptoms, the results will have to be known only before the next cycle.

With an ectopic pregnancy

The first signals appear 2-3 days after conception. The beginning of the manifestation of symptoms, doctors call a decrease in immunity.

On the 4-10th day, implantation occurs, when the basal indicators change, pain in the lower abdomen and discharge are possible.

However, tragic life situations also occur. In 2-3% of girls, an ectopic pregnancy is detected. In this case, the attachment of the embryo occurs outside the endometrium.

Then implantation bleeding is out of the question. The process is accompanied by severe pain and dark, brown-black discharge. It is recommended to urgently call an ambulance.

How much time goes by

Let's take a closer look at the basic points that are worth remembering:

  • how many days before menstruation occurs implantation bleeding depends on the menstrual cycle. On average, from 3 days to a week before the onset of PMS;
  • lasts from 2 to 48 hours;
  • how much daubing can occur during implantation manifests itself individually - this is one drop of blood or slight discharge of a pale color;
  • the maximum duration of embryo attachment during IVF is 10 days.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

Intrauterine or artificial insemination is a procedure in which sperm is introduced into the female genital tract. For purposes, donor or sperm of a specific partner is used. It is considered an assisted reproductive technique in case of difficulties during pregnancy. A high probability of achieving a result is possible only with 2-4 repetitions carried out by day. There are practically no sensations after insemination, it is painless.

Pain after insemination

At the moment after the insemination, the woman feels a slight tightening in the lower abdomen. For many, symptoms occur only 1-2 days after the procedure.

In cases of prescribing hormonal drugs, progesterone, there is a sharp weakness, drowsiness. Hormonal changes can cause fever. In the presence of symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor to lower the hormonal background. The drugs are often administered vaginally.

Some women complain of nausea, but the symptom is not at all related to the AI. A negative result is indicated by the presence of menstruation. It appears on the 13th day after insemination.

With pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, uterine tone, allergic reactions to drugs that stimulate ovulation are possible. In rare cases, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome or exacerbation of sexual diseases is observed. With insemination, pain after surgery is a common symptom. If the discomfort lasts only the first 1-2 days, then such a reaction is considered normal. The reason for this is the rapid changes in the female body associated with pregnancy.

During fertilization, a large number of hormones are produced, due to which the egg is attached to the uterine cavity. As a result, the woman feels pulling pains, a slight increase in size, as well as swelling and pain in the chest.

In case of unbearable intensity of pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. High risk of developing complications.

To alleviate the condition, you need to rest more, eat right and be in the fresh air. Harmful, fatty foods are excluded from the diet.

See the opinion of a reproductologist about insemination:

Discharge after artificial insemination

The main symptom, often disturbing, is the appearance of brown or bloody discharge. In the normal course of pregnancy, they should not be. This pathology occurs in a number of cases, which include:

  1. Implementation of hearth implantation.
  2. Getting damaged when injected with sperm.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy.
  4. There was a miscarriage.
  5. Unsuccessful pregnancy outcome.

In each of these cases, bleeding has a different character. Therefore, if a discharge is detected during insemination, it is recommended to inform the doctor about it.

Under normal conditions, bleeding occurs on the 5-7th day. Occurs due to the attachment of the embryo to the uterine cavity. In the process, damage to small vessels occurs, which causes a symptom. The discharge is small, scarlet or light in color.

Sign up for a free consultation with an IVF reproductologist at Petrovka and find out detailed information on whether insemination is required in a particular case.

Brown indicates an ectopic pregnancy. Accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea. In this case, urgent help is required.

Menstruation after AI occurs on the 11-15th day. Indicates no pregnancy. Abundant bleeding on days 5-8 indicates fertilization, but rejection of the embryo for unknown reasons.

Temperature after insemination

A normal phenomenon for the body is an increase in temperature after insemination. The reason is hormonal changes in the body, as well as an increase in progesterone levels.

Normally, the increase is up to 37.5 degrees. Has a short duration. During this period, the woman also complains of a sharp decline in strength, constant drowsiness. Doctors recommend during this period to rest more, to exclude physical overload.

If the increase reaches 38 or more, additionally there is a headache, discharge, nausea, then it is necessary to consult a therapist. High chance of contracting an infectious disease.


There are cases when a woman complains of nausea after AI. This symptom is completely unrelated to the procedure. Under normal conditions, fertilization takes place without nausea. No hormones cause sensation.

If a woman feels sick after AI, then this can only indicate malnutrition, stress. Therapy is aimed at compiling the right diet, eliminating the nervous state.

If nausea, vomiting, fever, abdominal pain are also present, this indicates the progression of the pathology, for example, an intestinal infection. treated separately.


An important question after insemination is how to determine the first signs of pregnancy? In the first days, the whole process is asymptomatic. In the beginning, all the process occurs at the hormonal level.

You can accurately determine the onset of pregnancy only after two weeks. For this, a standard text for pregnancy is carried out (only with the onset of at least 16 days), and then an analysis is given for hCG.

Thus, do not be upset in the absence of any signs of pregnancy. You can determine that a pregnancy is still successful by the following classic signs:

  1. Absence of menstruation. The most accurate sign that pregnancy has come. If absent two weeks after the AI, then a high probability of a positive result;
  2. Slight rise in temperature. Sometimes fever, drowsiness and weakness indicate pregnancy;
  3. Sensitivity of the chest. An inaccurate sign that also indicates the upcoming PMS;
  4. Vomiting, nausea, upset. There is a consequence of hormonal changes due to pregnancy. Occur on the 5-7th day of pregnancy. The main thing is not to confuse toxicosis and classic food poisoning;
  5. Decreased blood pressure. Often there is dizziness, headaches.

The female body is individual, symptoms can occur during pregnancy or fertilization occurs asymptomatically.

You can get a service for artificial insemination at the IVF clinic on Petrovka. For more than five years, the medical institution has been helping women determine the causes of infertility, as well as solve the problem of childbearing.

The patient is treated by highly qualified specialists who have undergone medical practice in leading clinics in the USA and Israel. With the help of modern equipment, on which all European medical centers operate, it is possible to conduct accurate analyzes on the spot, determine various kinds of pathologies, and then prescribe therapy for pregnancy. Clients can independently choose a reproductologist, use the recommendations of the administration of the center.

Complications after intrauterine insemination

Complications may arise during IS. Often the use of native, that is, unpurified sperm causes anaphylactic shock in the body. Inducing ovulation with medication often entails polycystic ovary syndrome, the development of an allergic reaction. As a complication after insemination, multiple or ectopic pregnancy occurs, as well as a number of other pathologies.

polycystic ovary syndrome

Occurs as a result of dysfunction of the ovaries. It develops due to the active stimulation of the ovulation process with the help of hormonal medications. As a result, polycystic ovary syndrome or Stein-Leventhal syndrome is formed. Almost 70% of women suffer from pathology.

Pathology entails a complete collection of the work of the endocrine system. There is a sharp jump in the secretion of estrogens and androgens, the level of insulin rises, androgens are produced in large quantities in the adrenal cortex. As a result, the work of the pituitary and hypothalamus is disrupted. Among other pathologies, the following are distinguished:

  1. Complete disorder of the menstrual cycle. Amenorrhea develops, which causes the absence of menstruation for six months, or oligomenorrhea, in which menstruation occurs no more than once every 40 days. Menstruation is irregular, the discharge is extremely scarce or, conversely, excessively abundant. Most often, menstruation is completely absent;
  2. Often, violations lead to severe obesity, most of the adipose tissue accumulates in the abdominal and lower abdomen;
  3. An increase in the level of male hormones, which causes secondary signs such as active hair growth, their appearance on the face, an increase in muscle mass, a decrease in the level of the vocal cords, an increase in the clitoris, an increase in sexual desire, etc .;
  4. In many cases, doctors diagnose infertility, which entails a complete cessation of ovulation, irregular manifestations;
  5. There may be symptoms that last a long period: nausea, swelling, breast enlargement, emotional instability;
  6. Sometimes depression develops, accompanied by lethargy, dizziness, apathy;
  7. Ultrasound reveals an increase in cysts on the ovaries, a thickening of the outer capsule;
  8. There is a thickening of the endometrium of the uterus;
  9. The level of globulin that binds the genitals decreases.

Due to the development of polycystic ovary syndrome, the likelihood of developing cancer of the mammary glands and genital organs increases. In addition, diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, increased blood clotting develop. Women are often obese, are at risk of developing a heart attack, stroke. In the future, there is a high probability of miscarriage, the development of infertility. At the first sign of an insufficient or unstable menstrual cycle, you should consult a doctor. Modern methods of treatment allow to exclude the development of any complications. Therapy is aimed at resuming the menstrual cycle, as well as restoring the woman's reproductive abilities for further pregnancy and gestation. If necessary, a diet is prescribed to reduce excess weight.

Multiple pregnancy

Stimulation of ovulation leads to the maturation of several eggs. During artificial insemination, there is a possibility of fertilization of several eggs at once, resulting in a multiple pregnancy. The development of several fetuses at once often leads to different complications than with the bearing of one fetus. Depending on the state of health of the woman and her desire, the issue of maintaining a multiple pregnancy or carrying out selective reproduction is decided, as a result of which the healthiest fetus is preserved, which can develop well in the future. The operation is carried out in the period of 10-12 weeks.

See the opinion of a reproductologist on the occurrence of multiple pregnancy:

Ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic or ectopic pregnancy is a common occurrence in natural and artificial conception. To exclude such a pathology, before fertilization, the patency of the fallopian tubes is checked, an examination for the presence of infection, inflammatory processes. Determining an ectopic pregnancy is difficult. At the initial stage, it proceeds as normal gestation. Mostly diagnosed in the clinic. For this, the following manipulations are carried out:

  1. Gynecological examination, during which a discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the gestational age is detected.
  2. Tests for hemoglobin, the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes are given.
  3. Establishment with the help of ultrasound examination of the localization of the fetus.
  4. Testing for hCG levels.
  5. Conducting laparoscopy to determine the condition of internal organs.

If timely measures are not taken to eliminate ectopic pregnancy, then there is a high probability of complex pathologies such as infertility, adhesions in the small pelvis, the development of infection, etc.

Carrying out artificial insemination in the IVF clinic on Petrovka eliminates the likelihood of complications after the procedure.

Complications after IUI due to the use of native sperm

The use of native or unpurified sperm in artificial insemination leads to a number of consequences. It contains a large number of substances foreign to the female body, which often cause a strong response with minimal contact. Sperm can be infected, contains many foreign proteins. The entry of unpurified sperm into the body causes a strong inflammatory process, an allergic reaction, and in rare cases, anaphylactic shock.

During natural fertilization, the cervical canal serves as a filter through which sperm pass, after which purification occurs. In the case of cervical infertility, the composition of the mucus changes, as a result of which it becomes too thick and sperm cannot penetrate into the uterine cavity through it. In this case, intrauterine insemination is prescribed.

In order to avoid the reaction of the female body, anaphylactic shock or inflammation, the native sperm is cleaned. After sampling, the sperm undergoes a quality assessment and is incubated at a temperature of 37 degrees. The incubation period lasts 30 minutes. Then, a washing composition is introduced into the sperm, precipitated in a centrifuge. Only then are placed in a nutrient medium.

During the centrifuge, the liquid part is cleansed, which most often causes an allergic reaction. It also eliminates immature sex, immune or epithelial cells, as well as damaged, weak or dead sperm. All existing viruses and microorganisms are removed.

How many days does implantation take after IUI?

Although the introduction of sperm occurs artificially, the rest of the fertilization processes are no different from natural conception. On the first day after insemination, sperm move through the fallopian tubes.

On the 2nd day after insemination, cell division occurs, and on the third day after insemination, the fetus is formed in three stages - zygotes, morula, blastocyst. A lengthy process that takes several days.

A week (7 days) after insemination, the final formation of the embryo occurs, completing the processes of implantation in the uterine cavity. The final attachment comes on the 9-10th day. After this period, a woman may observe slight discharge, which is sometimes perceived as menstruation, since in case of an unsuccessful pregnancy, the cycle falls on the 12-15th day.

The given data are conditional, since each female body is individual, there may be errors in terms of 2-3 days.

How to behave after intravaginal insemination

After the procedure, women are wondering how to behave after insemilation. In the first hours after the procedure, the woman must lie quietly. Bed rest is recommended for the first few days. Gradually, the accustomed way of life is resumed, but adjustments are made to it. Be sure to normalize the hours of sleep and wakefulness, the diet contains vegetables, fruits, a lean source of protein in accordance with the season.

A woman is prescribed a lot of lying down for quick and normal penetration of spermatozoa. Be sure to exclude stress, physical activity, you can not lift weights, any injury to the abdomen is avoided.

How long to lie down after insemination?

The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. During ovulation, the woman is injected with purified sperm using a special catheter. How long do you need to lie down after insemination with a just performed procedure. After the session, be sure to rest for at least half an hour. Then the woman goes home. In the presence of various pathologies, bed rest is observed for some time.

The first procedure gives a result of 15-30%, therefore, to increase the likelihood of pregnancy, it is recommended to carry out several procedures.

Can I take a bath after artificial insemination?

Immediately after insemination, it is forbidden to take a shower or bath due to a decrease in the effectiveness of fertilization. With the introduction of sperm, some of them are in the vagina. While taking a bath, some of the water with soap and foam can get inside, which will lead to the death of a large part of the spermatozoa. As a result, the chance of pregnancy is reduced.

With the introduction of sperm intrauterine, all hygiene procedures are allowed to be carried out, as before. This method of administration is considered the most reliable. Without environmental influence on the processes of conception. However, do not take a bath in excessively hot water.

Can I swim and sunbathe after insemination?

Swimming, as well as sunbathing artificially or on the beach is allowed no earlier than a day after the event. This is primarily due to the risk of water ingress from the environment, which will lead to the death of the spermatozoon. In addition, during insemination, there is a high risk of injury to the vaginal mucosa. Swimming in the water or sunbathing on the beach can lead to infection. As a result, there is a high probability of abortion, the need for additional treatment to eliminate sexual infection. Therefore, doctors recommend the first day to refrain from this kind of rest.

Carrying out insemination in the IVF center on Petrovka allows you to determine the quality of the biological material of a man, determining the ability to conceive. If necessary, a woman can use the service of sperm donation to increase the likelihood of conceiving. When introducing sperm, a thorough examination of the biological material is carried out, excluding diseases such as HIV, urogenital infections, etc. After insemination, a woman can stay in the hospital if her health worsens. Watch a video about a large medical institution:

Is it possible to have sex after artificial insemination?

Doctors do not prohibit sex, since sexual intercourse will in no way affect the quality of spermatozoa, the process of sperm advancement, and egg fertilization. Sometimes sex is an additional chance of pregnancy if, for example, the exact cause of infertility has not been established. Therefore, it does not make sense to change or exclude sexual life.

On what day after insemination should I do a pregnancy test and donate blood for hCG?

At the time of fertilization, the egg descends into the uterine cavity and gradually implants into the endometrium. Then comes the period of embryo formation. From about the 8th day of its development, the tissues of the embryo produce a substance that then enters the female body and is contained in the blood, excreted in the urine. It is the high concentration of hCG that allows you to determine pregnancy at an early stage. All existing pregnancy tests work to detect this substance.

Although production occurs on the 8th day of embryo development, the right amount of the hormone in the blood is produced only on the 12th day of development. Only then can you accurately confirm the presence of pregnancy. From this period, home pregnancy tests are carried out or blood is taken for analysis at the clinic.

As a rule, first a standard text is carried out at home, only then an analysis is given in the clinic for an accurate analysis.

Ultrasound after insemination

A few weeks after the AI, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is prescribed. There are several tasks for which the survey is carried out. These include the following:

  • Confirmation of pregnancy. 3-4 weeks have passed since the introduction of spermatozoa, then this period is enough for the embryo to be sufficiently formed and attached to the uterine cavity. Its dimensions are accurately determined by ultrasound;
  • Determining the risk of complications. The most terrible pathology that can occur during pregnancy is ectopic maturation. Occurs in the case of fertilization of the egg, which then had to move into the uterine cavity, but for some reason attaches to the fallopian tube or develops in the abdominal cavity;
  • Lab tests. They are prescribed to determine the level of hCG, confirming the presence of pregnancy. If the level does not correspond to the term, then this indicates an ectopic pregnancy, in which in 100% of cases the fetus dies. However, when determining the pathology in the later stages, there is a high probability of developing complications. For example, a fallopian tube rupture or severe internal bleeding.

In order to avoid the development of ectopic pregnancy and other pathologies, it is important to be examined by a doctor in a timely manner. Rapid detection of complications allows you to quickly solve the problem and recover the body. Otherwise, infertility occurs.

Can twins be born after intrauterine insemination?

As with a normal pregnancy, twins, triplets, or more babies can be born. The principle of operation is due to the fact that two or more eggs can be fertilized at the same time. Before fertilization, a woman undergoes a course of hormonal drugs that cause ovulation. In the natural course of the disease, one egg matures, but drug provocation leads to the maturation of several eggs. As a result, the risk of multiple pregnancy increases 2-3 times. However, if several developed embryos are found, a woman’s body is examined, a decision is made to preserve the life of all embryos or only the most healthy, capable of surviving, will be preserved.

Getting pregnant after the first insemination - what is the probability?

Insemination refers to an auxiliary fertilization technique. Doctors cannot give an accurate result on what the chances of pregnancy are. The probability that a woman becomes pregnant after the first insemination is 5-15%. Studies show that the average success rate ranges from 15-30%. The procedure does not cause any harm to the body. To increase the chances of pregnancy, 4-6 treatments are recommended.

Insemination increases the pregnancy rate if the introduction of spermatozoa is carried out in several cycles. In this case, a cumulative effect is formed, the possibility of pregnancy increases. In addition, doctors often recommend using donor sperm to achieve results.

Conducting insemination by IVF specialists at Petrovka will increase the chance of pregnancy by 10% due to the professionalism and extensive experience of doctors.