Ogue Rus language. Demonstration options OGE in Russian (grade 9)

On the official website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FII) published demonstration oGE options in Russian (grade 9) for 2009 - 2018.

Demonstration options OGE in Russian Consist of three parts.

The first part is a small written work on the listened text (compressed presentation).

The second and third parts contain tasks that are performed on the basis of the same read text. The second part contains the tasks of two types: tasks where you need to select one of the proposed answers, and tasks where you need to give a brief answer.

In the third part, you need to choose one of the three tasks and give it a detailed argumental answer on it (it is necessary to write an essay-reasoning).

The tasks of the second part are given the correct answers, and the tasks of the first and third parts are given the evaluation criteria.

IN demonstration OGE 2018 in Russian Compared to the 2017 Demonstration Option no changes.

Demonstration options OGE in Russian

Note that demonstration options OGE in Russian Presented B. pDF formatAnd to view them, it is necessary that on your computer installed, for example, a freely distributed Adobe Reader software package.

Demonstration OGE OGE in Russian for 2009
Demonstration OGE OGE in Russian for 2010
Demo version of OGE in Russian for 2011
Demonstration OGE OGE in Russian for 2012
Demonstration OGE OGE in Russian For 2013
Demonstration OGE OGE in Russian for 2014
Demonstration OGE OGE in Russian for 2015
Demonstration OGE OGE in Russian for 2016
Demonstration OGE OGE in Russian For 2017
Demonstration OGE OGE in Russian for 2018

Primary scaling scale

  • for the execution of examination work 2018. in the mark on a five-point scale,
  • primary score scale for the execution of examination work 2017. in the mark on a five-point scale,
  • primary score scale for the execution of examination work 2016. in the mark on a five-point scale,
  • primary score scale for the execution of examination work 2015. in the mark on a five-point scale,
  • primary score scale for the execution of examination work 2014. in the mark on a five-point scale,
  • primary score scale for the execution of examination work year 2013 In the mark on a five-point scale.

Changes in the demonstration options in the Russian language

IN demonstration version of OGE in the Russian language of 2009 Changes to evaluation criteria were changed.

In 2013 in demonstration OGE OGE in Russianthe following were made change:

  • it was changed Task C2.,
  • it was an alternative task is excluded (C2.2)

In 2014 in demonstration version of OGE in the Russian languageof course, there were no fundamental changes in comparison with the 2013 demonstration option.

In 2015 in democracy OGE OGE in Russian Yayk The following changes were made:

  • The number of tasks in the work was reduced from 18 before 15 .
  • The maximum score for the performance of work was reduced from 42 before 39 .
  • Numbering The tasks began through All over the option without alphabetic designations A, B, C.
  • An response recording form was changed in tasks with a response: the answer began to record numbers with the number of the correct answer (and not to circle a circle).
  • Were Added two alternative tasks 15.2 and 15.3 (writing-reasoning)

IN democracy options OGE 2016-2018 in Russian Compared to the 2015 Demonstration Option there were no changes.

Every nine-grader this year should take obligatory exams in order to enroll in the tenth class or in college, where the junior specialist will be able to receive a diploma. The most important subject is obliged to among other OGE, are tests in the Russian language. It is considered one of the most complex disciplines, because not all students in schools are ideally dealing with the grammar of the native language.

Features of the exam

Site Dunno Ogue in Russian

Among the main learning requirements that each examiner must meet, refers to the ability to write a statement or an essay with a reserve at least seventy words. It is important to dial the minimally fifteen points.

If the amount turns out to be less, the result can be considered unsatisfactory, and the schoolboy will remain in the ninth grade.

Points for the transfer of points in the assessment

Laying scales

There is a specific scale for which it can be seen how much from OGE points you need to dial in the Russian language to get a specific rating:

  • from 15 points to 24 - "3";
  • from 35 to 33, and 4 points for literacy - "4";
  • from 34 to 39 - "5".

Basic evaluation criteria

The very first task of OGE in Russian is called "compressed statement." Specialists check it using special criteria. The maximum mark can be "7" points.

Examination plan

In the second part of the OGE in the Russian language for each correct answer, the graduate receives one score. In this part, the maximum of scored points can reach 13. The following should be the task of the "writing-reasoning", for which you can get to "9 points". It is evaluated by experts using special criteria.

The maximum number of points that the schoolboy receives, reaches thirty-nine. To fulfill the examination work, it is given to three hours and fifty five minutes.

How to more effectively prepare?

To pass the OGE on the discipline of Russian, you need to properly prepare. To do this, use additional classes with the teacher at school, hire tutors and look out extracurricular literature.

Sites with tests and responses by OGE

It is extremely important to use this portal as " Yandex Og", Where always big choice Tests and all kinds of tasks. The schoolboy will be able to feel himself like on the exam: the same time and similar tasks are given.

Yandex Og

Site solu OGE

The teacher according to the received data will be able to evaluate how much the student is ready to go to the Russian language and what themes with it is better to complete.

OGE 2015.

Option 1.


We wish you success!

Part 1

Part 2

How to show love and kindness?

(1) Love is one of the greatest secrets of mankind. (2) It is devoted to her a great many works. (3) Everyone wants to understand the magic nature of love. (4) And most wish to feel the taste of this beautiful chance.

(5) What is the most valuable gift for any person? (6) Of course, it is love and kindness. (7) They always go there, they like one whole. (8) Love and kindness can be given unselfishly and with the most kind of intentions.

(9) How to do it? (10) Easy and simple. (11) Special efforts will not need. (12) The little things for which we sometimes do not pay attention, can raise the mood to heaven. (13) And it is in our power to make a day joyful and happy for others. (14) and therefore for themselves.

(15) Simple responsiveness to people already means good.

(16) You can smile, and you will definitely be guaranteed a smile in response! (17) Try to do this in public transport. (18) You can start with the baby. (19) This is the most grateful little man. (20) He will not think about anything bad, he will just smile in response, showing a couple of his toys.

(21) Support your colleague. (22) Help him fulfill a difficult job or make a sincere compliment.

(23) Men can serve a young mother with a child or an elderly old woman (an old man) coming out of the bus.

(24) Perhaps the patient or relative is waiting for the patient. (25) If it is not possible to visit in person, you can send a postcard, signed by my own, or a bunch of colors with a box of delicious candies.

(26) perhaps a neighbor-old woman is waiting - it will not wait for someone to bought her a bun fresh bread. (27) And it does not matter that she has children who love her very much. (28) Perhaps it is now they can not be nearby. (29) And you can deliver the joy to the elderly.

(30) And most importantly, do not forget about the closest - parents! (31) They are not less than others need our love and kindness. (32) It is them that they get fewer nice words from us. (33) Because most often our love exists as a fact, as something, of course, of course. (34) However, parents also have the right to our love and gratitude. (35) Call, tell them about it! (36) or write.

(37) And maybe someone just need to listen. (38) Even if it is a completely someone else's person.

(39) Perhaps it is now that it is very necessary for him. (40) Give love and kindness easy. (41) It is necessary to just start. (42) It will take place a little time, and you will not notice how good things will cover all your life.

* (From the article Victoria Bessonova "How to show love and kindness?". Internet magazine "School of Life.ru")

2. justificationanswer to the question: " How to show love and kindness? ".

1) Parents are not necessarily talking about their love, they know about it.

2) A neighbor-old woman needs to help if she has no close people nearby.

3) It is customary to smile only to familiar people.

4) You can sign a postcard or donate flowers.

3. epithet.

1) They are not less than others need our love and kindness.

2) Try to do it in public transport.

3) Love and kindness can be given unselfishly and with the most kind of intentions.

4) And most importantly, do not forget about the closest - parents!

Answer: ____________________________.

4. From Proposals 5 - 12 Write the word, spelling consoles in which it is determined by the rule "on the end of the console is written - with if after it should be deaf consonant."

Answer: ____________________________.

5. From Proposals 1 - 8, write out the word in which the spelling - N- (-nn-) obeys the rule "in the adjective formed with the help of a suffix - N- from noun with the basis of -N-,written -NN-.

Answer: ____________________________.

6. Replace bookcard "enchantress" In sentence 4 stylistically neutral synonymous.Write this synonym.

Answer: ____________________________.

7. Replace 22 phrases in offer « sincere compliment» , control.

8. You write grammar base offers 35.

Answer: __________________________________________.

9. Among the proposals 15 - 22 find the offer

Answer: __________________________________________.

10. denoting commas forintroductory word.

The little things, (1) on which we sometimes do not pay attention, (2) can raise the mood to heaven.

Perhaps (3) It is now they cannot be nearby.

Answer: __________________________________________.

11. Specify the number grammar foundationsin Proposition 12. Record the digit.

Answer: __________________________________________.

12. writingcommunication.

Perhaps (1) Neighbor-old woman is waiting - not wait, (2) To someone bought her a bun with fresh bread.

You can smile, (3) and you will definitely be guaranteed a smile in response!

Answer: __________________________________________.

13. Among offers 25 - 30, find a complex proposal with consistent

Answer: __________________________________________.

14. Proposals 33 - 42 find a challenge with writing and supervisorycommonwealth

Answer: __________________________________________.

Part 3.

15.1 . Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the statements taken from the dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Yohegova: "Introductory word or proposal - in grammar: an intonationally separate word or proposal within another sentence, expressing different types of relationship-speaking about what he says."

You can write work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You may begin with words from the dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Yohegova.

Work written without support for read text (not in this text) is not evaluated.

15.2 . Write according to the material of this article, an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of text proposals: "Give love and kindness easily. We just need to start. "

When applying examples, specify the numbers of the desired offers or use the citation.

The composition of the essay should be at least 70 words.

If the essay is retold or completely rewritten source, without any comments, then such work is estimated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3 . kindness? you definition. "What is kindness?", one example - argument to bringithan text, and the second

The composition of the essay should be at least 70 words.

If the essay is retold or completely rewritten source, without any comments, then such work is estimated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

OGE 2015.

Option 2.

Instructions for performing work

The work consists of 3-parts, including 15 tasks.

For execution diagnostic work In Russian, it is given for 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes). The work consists of 3 parts.

Part 1 includes one task and represents a small written work on the listened text (compressed presentation). The source text for compressed presentation is listened to 2 times. This task is written in the Blanche of Replies No. 2.

Part 2 is based on the text read. It consists of 14 tasks (2-4).

Answers to tasks 2-14 are written in the form of a word (phrase), numbers, sequences of numbers in the response field in the text of the work.

In the case of an entry response to the tasks of part 2, cross it out and write down the new one.

Getting Started 3 Works, select oneof the three proposed tasks (15.1, 15.2 or 15.3) and give a written expanded argumental answer. This task is performed on a separate sheet (answer blank number 2).

On the exam is allowed to use spelling dictionary.

When performing tasks, you can use the draft. Records in Chernovik are not taken into account when evaluating work.

The scores you received for all completed tasks are summed up. Try to perform as many tasks as possible and score as many points as possible.

We wish you success!

Part 1

Listen to the text and write a compressed presentation.

Note that you must convey the main content of both each microthem and the whole text as a whole.

The volume of the presentation is at least 70 words.

Write the presentation neatly, broken handwriting

Part 2

Read the text and execute the tasks 2 - 14.

(1) People want to be happy - this is their natural need.

(2) But where is the very core of happiness? (3) I remember right away, I only think, and not the confidence of truth, to which he himself only strives. (4) Does she lick in a comfortable apartment, good food, elegant clothes? (5) And yes, and not. (6) No - for the reason that, having all these shortcomings, a person can suffer from various spiritual adversities. (7) whether it lies in health? (8) Of course, yes, but in same time and no.

(9) Gorky wisely and Lukovo noticed that life would always be bad enough, in order for the desire for the best did not fade in humanity. (10) And Chekhov wrote: "If you want to be an optimist and understand life, then stop believing what they say They write, and watch yourself and deliberate "(11) Pay attention to the beginning of the phrase:" If you want to be an optimist ... "(12) And more -" Innight himself. "

(13) In the hospital, I lay flavored almost half a year on my back, but when unbearable pain passed, there was a fun.

(14) Sisters asked: "Roses, what are you so funny?" (15) And I answered: "What? This leg hurts, and I am healthy. "(16) My spirit was healthy.

(17) Happiness lies precisely in the harmony of personality, they used to say: "God's kingdom inside us." (18) The harmonic device of this "kingdom" depends largely on the personality itself, although I repeat, the external conditions of human existence play an important role in its formation . (19) But not the most important. (20) With all calls to deal with the shortcomings of our lives, which has accumulated with excess, I still first allocate the fight with myself. (21) It is impossible to wait that someone will come from the part and Make you good life. (22) We must join the battle for "honest small" in itself, otherwise it is a matter. (V. Rosov)

* V.S. Ozov - Russian Soviet playwright, screenwriter.

Answers to tasks 2 - 14 are the number, sequence of numbers or word (phrase), which should be recorded in the response field in the text of the work.

2. In which version of the answer contains the basic information required for justificationanswer to the question: "Where is the very core of happiness? ”.

1) The core of happiness lies in health.

2) The core of happiness is in a comfortable apartment, good food, elegant clothes.

3) The core of happiness depends on the personality itself.

4) the core of happiness depends on the surrounding person good people

Answer: ____________________________.

3. Specify the offer in which the means of expressive speech is metaphor.

1 ) People want to be happy - this is their natural need.

2) J. i will always be bad enough, in order for the desire for the best not faded in humanity.

3) Sisters asked: "Roses, what are you so funny?"

4) Is it lies in a comfortable apartment, good food, elegant clothes?

Answer: ____________________________.

4. consoles in which the rule is determined by the rule "at the end of the prefix is \u200b\u200bwritten - Z-, if after it follows the ringing consonant."

Answer: ____________________________.

5. From Proposals 9 - 16, write out the word in which the spelling - N (-nn) subordinates the rule "in the full suffering gestances of the past time is written -N».

Answer: ____________________________.

6. Replace conversation "Vniki" in sentence 12 stylistically neutral synonymous.Write this synonym.

Answer: ____________________________.

7. Replace in the proposal of the phrase « in a comfortable apartment» , Built based on coordination, synonymous phrase with communication control. Write the resulting phrase.

Answer: __________________________________________.

8. You write Grammar baseproposals 4.

Answer: __________________________________________.

9. Among the proposals 1-8, find the offer. with a separate circumstance.Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

10. In the following suggestions from the read text numbered all commas. Write the digit denoting commas forcirculation.

Sisters asked: "Roses, (1) What are you so funny?"

Of course, (2) Yes, (3) But at the same time, there is no.

Answer: __________________________________________.

11. Specify the number grammar foundations

Answer: __________________________________________.

12. In the following suggestions from the read text numbered all commas. Write down the digit indicating the comma between parts complex offerconnected subordinationcommunication.

I note at once, (1) I only reflect on, (2) and not the occurrence of truth, (3) to which only striving.

And yes, (4) and no.

Answer: __________________________________________.

13. Among offers 2 - 10, find a complex proposal with consistentsubordinate to the apparent. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

14. Among the proposals 1-8, find a complex offer with non-union and supervisorycommunication parts. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

Part 3.

Using a read text from part 2, on a separate sheet only one of the tasks: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing an essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 . Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement Konstantina Georgievich Paustovsky: "There are no such sounds, paints, images and thoughts - complex and simple, - for which there would be no accurate expression in our language."

Arguing your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the read text.

When applying examples, specify the numbers of the desired offers or use the citation.

You can write work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You may begin to start writing Konstantina Georgievich Powesta. The composition of the essay should be at least 70 words.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.2 . "You can not wait that someone comes from the side and make you a good life ». Bring two arguments from this text confirming your arguments.

When applying examples, specify the numbers of the desired offers or use the citation.

The composition of the essay should be at least 70 words.

If the essay is retold or completely rewritten source, without any comments, then such work is estimated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3 . How do you understand the meaning of the wordhappiness? Word and comment yesyou definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: "What is happiness?", Taking the definition of you as a thesis. Iappling your thesis, bring 2 (two) examples - arguments confirming your arguments: one example - argument to bringithan text, and the second - From your life experience.

The composition of the essay should be at least 70 words.

If the essay is retold or completely rewritten source, without any comments, then such work is estimated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

OGE 2015. Option 3.

Instructions for performing work

The work consists of 3-parts, including 15 tasks.

For the implementation of diagnostic work in the Russian language is given 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes). The work consists of 3 parts.

Part 1 includes one task and represents a small written work on the listened text (compressed presentation). The source text for compressed presentation is listened to 2 times. This task is written in the Blanche of Replies No. 2.

Part 2 is based on the text read. It consists of 14 tasks (2-4).

Answers to tasks 2-14 are written in the form of a word (phrase), numbers, sequences of numbers in the response field in the text of the work.

In the case of an entry response to the tasks of part 2, cross it out and write down the new one.

Getting Started 3 Works, select oneof the three proposed tasks (15.1, 15.2 or 15.3) and give a written expanded argumental answer. This task is performed on a separate sheet (answer blank number 2).

The exam is allowed to use the spelling dictionary.

When performing tasks, you can use the draft. Records in Chernovik are not taken into account when evaluating work.

The scores you received for all completed tasks are summed up. Try to perform as many tasks as possible and score as many points as possible.

We wish you success!

Part 1

Listen to the text and write a compressed presentation.

Note that you must convey the main content of both each microthem and the whole text as a whole.

The volume of the presentation is at least 70 words.

Write the presentation neatly, broken handwriting

Part 2

Read the text and execute the tasks 2 - 14.

(1) The compassion is an active assistant.
(2) But how to be with those who do not see, do not hear, does not feel when it hurts and badly? (3) Strying, what they consider everyone, besides themselves, yes, maybe their families, to which, however, are also often indifferent. (4) How to help and those who suffer from indifference, and indifferent themselves?
(5) from childhood to educate - first of all himself - so, to get to get back to someone else's trouble and hurry to help someone in trouble. (6) And in no way, nor in pedagogy, nor in art, do not consider sympathy with demagnetizing sensitivity, alien to us sentimentality.
(7) sympathy - great human ability and need, benefit and debt. (8) People, such a ability or anxiously felt the lack of her, people who cultivated the talent of kindness, those who know how to turn sympathy in assistance, live harder than insensitive. (9) And restless. (10) But their conscience is clean. (11) They tend to grow good children. (12) They are usually respected by others. (13) But even if the rule, it will violate and the surrounding them will not understand them, and children decese their hopes, they will not retreat from their moral position.
(14) Effective seems to be well. (15) They are endowed with armor, which protects them from unnecessary unrest and unnecessary worries. (16) But it only seems to them, they are not endowed, but are deprived. (17) Sooner or later - as it comes, it will respond!
(18) On my share recently fell away, happiness to get acquainted with the old wise doctor. (19) He often appears in his office on weekends and on holidays, not on emergency necessity, but for mental needs. (20) He talks with patients not only about their illness, but also for complex vital topics. (21) He knows how to instill hope and vigor in them. (22) Perennial observations showed him that a person who never sympathized with anyone, did not mind any suffering, finding himself before his own misfortune, it turns out to be unwashed to her. (23) He's miserable and helpless, he meets such a test. (24) Egoism, severity, indifference, heartlessness severely revenge for themselves. (25) blind fear. (26) loneliness. (27) late repentance.
(28) One of the most important human feelings is sympathy. (29) And even if it does not remain just sympathy, but will be actions. (30) Assistance. (31) To the one who needs it, who is bad, although he is silent, we must come to the rescue, not expecting the call. (32) There is no radios stronger and sensitive than the human soul. (33) If you set it up on a wave of high humanity.
(By S. Lvov) * S. Lvov - a well-known writer of articles on moral and ethical topics, critic, prose.

Answers to tasks 2 - 14 are the number, sequence of numbers or word (phrase), which should be recorded in the response field in the text of the work.

2. In which response version contains the information required for justificationanswer to the question: "How to help those who suffer from indifference?”.

1) Effective people do not need to help them and so well.

2) people endowed with sympathy, easy to live.

3) raise sympathy from the date of birth.

4) bring up sympathy when their children appear.

Answer: ____________________________.

3. Specify the offer in which the means of expressive speech is metaphor.

1) Insensitive it seems that they are good.

2) If you set it up on a wave of high humanity.

3) Sympathy is a great human ability and need, benefit and debt.

4) One of the most important human feelings is sympathy.

Answer: ____________________________.

4. From Proposals 24 - 33 Write down the word spelling consoles in which is determined by the value "approximation".

Answer: ____________________________.

5. From proposals 13 - 19, write out the words, spelling - N- (-nn-) in which it is subject to the rule "in brief suffering gestances of the past time is written -».

Answer: ____________________________.

6. Replace the word "wise" in sentence 18 stylistically neutral synonymous.Write this synonym.

Answer: ____________________________.

7. Replace in offer 19 phrase « according to mental need» , Built based on coordination, synonymous phrase with communication control. Write the resulting phrase.

Answer: __________________________________________.

8. You write Grammar baseoffers 20.

Answer: __________________________________________.

9. Among the proposals 24 -33 find the offer. with a separate circumstance.Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

10. introductory word.

Their, (1), as a rule, (2) respect the surrounding.

But even if the rule, it will violate and the surrounding them will not understand, (3) and children will decese their hopes, (4) they will not retreat from their moral position.

Answer: __________________________________________.

11. Specify the number grammar foundationsin Proposition 13. Record the digit.

Answer: __________________________________________.

12. subordinationcommunication.

From childhood to raise - first of all himself - so, (1) to respond to someone else's trouble and hurry to help this, (2) who are in trouble.

But it only seems to them, (4) they are not endowed, (5) and are deprived.

Answer: __________________________________________.

13. Among the proposals 18 -26, find a complex proposal with consistentsubordinate to the apparent. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

14. Proposals 14-21 find a complex offer with non-union connections in parts. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

Part 3.

Using a read text from part 2, on a separate sheet only one of the tasks: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing an essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the statements by Konstantin Georgievich Powestoys: "There is nothing like that in life and in our consciousness, which could not be conveyed by the Russian word."

Arguing your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the read text.

When applying examples, specify the numbers of the desired offers or use the citation.

You can write work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. Start an essay, you may with the words of Konstantin Georgievich Powesta.

The composition of the essay should be at least 70 words.

Work written without support for read text (not in this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is retold or completely rewritten source, without any comments, then such work is estimated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.2 . Write according to the material of this article, an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the text offer: "To the one who needs to be bad, although he is silent, it is necessary to come to the aid, not expecting the call." It is impossible to wait that someone will come from the side and make you a good life. " Bring two arguments from this text confirming your arguments.

When applying examples, specify the numbers of the desired offers or use the citation.

The composition of the essay should be at least 70 words.

If the essay is retold or completely rewritten source, without any comments, then such work is estimated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3 . How do you understand the meaning of the wordcompassion? Word and comment yesyou definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: "What is compassion?", Taking the definition of you as a thesis. Iappling your thesis, bring 2 (two) examples - arguments confirming your arguments: one example - argument to bringithan text, and the second - From your life experience.

The composition of the essay should be at least 70 words.

If the essay is retold or completely rewritten source, without any comments, then such work is estimated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

OGE 2015. Option 4.

Instructions for performing work

The work consists of 3-parts, including 15 tasks.

For the implementation of diagnostic work in the Russian language is given 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes). The work consists of 3 parts.

Part 1 includes one task and represents a small written work on the listened text (compressed presentation). The source text for compressed presentation is listened to 2 times. This task is written in the Blanche of Replies No. 2.

Part 2 is based on the text read. It consists of 14 tasks (2-4).

Answers to tasks 2-14 are written in the form of a word (phrase), numbers, sequences of numbers in the response field in the text of the work.

In the case of an entry response to the tasks of part 2, cross it out and write down the new one.

Getting Started 3 Works, select oneof the three proposed tasks (15.1, 15.2 or 15.3) and give a written expanded argumental answer. This task is performed on a separate sheet (answer blank number 2).

The exam is allowed to use the spelling dictionary.

When performing tasks, you can use the draft. Records in Chernovik are not taken into account when evaluating work.

The scores you received for all completed tasks are summed up. Try to perform as many tasks as possible and score as many points as possible.

We wish you success!

Part 1

Listen to the text and write a compressed presentation.

Note that you must convey the main content of both each microthem and the whole text as a whole.

The volume of the presentation is at least 70 words.

Write the presentation neatly, broken handwriting

Part 2

Read the text and execute the tasks 2 - 14.

(1) What makes a huge human love grow to everything grow, what fits in one word - the Motherland?

(2) Motherland is a lot. (3) This is a path with a brod through the stream, and the space in one sixth of the whole earthmap. (4) This is the aircraft in the sky, and birds flying to the north over our house. (5) Motherland is growing cities and small, in ten yards, villages. (6) These are the names of people, the names of rivers and lakes, memorable dates of history and plans for tomorrow. (7) This is you and me with our world of feelings, our joys and worries.

(8) The Motherland is similar to a huge tree, on which not to count the leaves. (9) And everything that we do good is adding to his strength. (10) But every tree has roots. (11) Without the roots, it would have pushed the mesmer wind. (12) The roots nourish the tree, bind it from the earth. (13) The roots are what we lived yesterday, a year ago, one hundred, thousand years ago. (14) This is our story. (15) These are our grandfathers and rapids. (16) These are their cases that are silent next to us, in steppe stone babes, carved platbands, in wooden toys and wonderful temples, in amazing songs and fairy tales. (17) These are the glorious names of the commander, poets and fighters for the national work.

(18) It is important to know my roots - a separate person, family, the people - then the air that we breathe will be healing and tasty, the earth will be more expensive, it will be easier to feel the appointment and meaning of human life.

(19) Without the past, it is impossible to understand well, nor appreciate the advantage of the present. (20) The tree of our homeland is one whole: green crown and roots, deeply flowing into the ground.

(21) with children's toys, with folk fairy tale, From the first school conversation about the world around ... (22) the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Motherland in humans should be made up of the past and present. (23) Only at the same time will grow by a person who can look into tomorrow, able to be proud of his fatherland, to believe in him, protect him ...

(24) A person must grow up the son of his country.

(25) Making the great things, we need to know where it comes from and where it all began. (26) Our cases in aggregate with the past, in conjunction with the outside world of nature and the fire of a homemade focus are expressed by the dear Name. (27) Loving Fatherland It is impossible to make decree. (28) Love must be raised. (V. M. Peskov)

* Vasily Peskov is a famous journalist, photocondant, writer.

Answers to tasks 2 - 14 are the number, sequence of numbers or word (phrase), which should be recorded in the response field in the text of the work.

2. In which version of the answer does not contain text information required for justificationanswer to the question: "What does love for homeland grow from?”.

1) Growing cities and small villages.

2) Toys, fairy tales, the whole world around you.

3) Symbol of Russia - Birch.

4) Pride for their Fatherland.

Answer: ____________________________.

3. Specify a proposal in which a means of expressive speech is epithet .

1) A person must grow up the son of his country.

2) This is you and me with our world of feelings, our joys and worries.

3) The roots nourish the tree, they connect it from the earth.

4) These are the glorious names of the commander, poets and fighters for the population.

Answer: ____________________________.

4. From Proposals 1-8 Write the word, spelling consoles in which it is determined by the rule "at the end of the prefix is \u200b\u200bwritten - Z-, If after it follows a ringing consonant. "

Answer: ____________________________.

5. From Proposals 8 - 16 Write the Word, spelling - N- (-nn-) in which it obeys the rule "- N-written in adjective suffixes -An- - - denoting "from what is done" (word-exception).

Answer: ____________________________.

6. Replace bookcard "Pratzur" In sentence 15 stylistically neutral synonymous.Write this synonym.

Answer: ____________________________.

7. Replace 16 phrases in sentence « in wooden toys» , Built based on coordination, synonymous phrase with communication control. Write the resulting phrase.

Answer: __________________________________________.

8. You write Grammar baseoffers 12.

Answer: __________________________________________.

9. Among the proposals 19 - 25 find the offer. with a separate circumstance.Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

10. In the following suggestions from the read text numbered all commas. Write down the number (s), denoting (s) comma (s) with Separation of clarifying members of the sentence.

Making the great things, (1) we need to know (2) where they went and how they started.

Motherland is growing cities and small, (3) at ten yards, (4) villages.

Answer: __________________________________________.

11. Specify the number grammar foundationsin Proposition 9. Answer Put the number.

Answer: __________________________________________.

12. In the following suggestions from the read text numbered all commas. Remove the number (s), denoting (s) comma) between parts of a complex offer associated subordinationcommunication.

This is an aircraft in the sky, (1) and birds, (2) flying north over our house.

And all, (3) What we do good, (4) adds his strength to him.

Answer: __________________________________________.

13. Among the offers 19 -25, find a complex proposal with uniformsubordinate to the apparent. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

14. Among the proposals 12 - 19, find a complex offer with the non-union and allied supervisory connections. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

Part 3.

Using a read text from part 2, on a separate sheet only one of the tasks: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing an essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement by V.V. Vinogradova "High culture of spoken and written speech, good knowledge and development of the native language, the ability to use his expressive means is the best support, the most faithful help, the most reliable recommendation of each person in his own life and creative activity. "

Arguing your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the read text.

When applying examples, specify the numbers of the desired offers or use the citation.

You can write work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You may begin to begin the writing by V.V. Vinogradova. The composition of the essay should be at least 70 words.

Work written without support for read text (not in this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is retold or completely rewritten source, without any comments, then such work is estimated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.2 . Write according to the material of this article, an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the sense of text offer "Making the great things, we need to know where they went and and where it all began." Bring two arguments from this text confirming your arguments.

When applying examples, specify the numbers of the desired offers or use the citation.

The composition of the essay should be at least 70 words.

If the essay is retold or completely rewritten source, without any comments, then such work is estimated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3 . How do you understand the meaning of the phrase love to motherland ? Word and comment yes nameYou definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: "What is love for homeland?", Taking the definition of you as a thesis. Iappling your thesis, bring 2 (two) examples - arguments confirming your arguments: one example - argument to bringithan text, and the second - From your life experience.

The composition of the essay should be at least 70 words.

If the essay is retold or completely rewritten source, without any comments, then such work is estimated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting

Option 1. Key

Per faithfultask performance part 2 incorrect answeror Him absencezero points are exhibited.

Task number

Correct answer





Option 2. Key

Per faithfultask performance part 2 diagnostic work The student receives one point for each task. Per incorrect answeror Him absencezero points are exhibited.

Task number

Correct answer



understand, understand. Think

in the apartment with amenities

she lies (she lies)

Option 3. Key

Per faithfultask performance part 2 diagnostic work The student receives one point for each task. Per incorrect answeror Him absencezero points are exhibited.

Task number

Correct answer

to come

we are endowed


he is talking

Option 4. Key

Per faithfultask performance part 2 diagnostic work The student receives one point for each task. Per incorrect answeror Him absencezero points are exhibited.

Task number

Correct answer





effilitate bind

Basic general education

Russian language

OGE in Russian. Test part

OGE "Russian Language" in 2018 will be held quite soon. In the view of the experts, it is more difficult for the exam in grade 11. The topic "Ogue in Russian in 2018, the test part, grade 9 was analyzed in one of Tatiana Zakharov's regular webinars: the teacher and the author of methodological benefits presented general training tips and an unusual sequence of testing test tasks.

How to prepare for OGE 2018

  • Decide which sequence you will prepare students to three parts of the exam: presentation, solving tests and essay.

  • Teach nine-graders to distribute time and quickly switch from one part of the OGE to another.

  • Give students to install the tasks according to certain algorithms (if any). At the same time, it is important that the examiners worked on questions consciously, not "customized" answers.

  • Offer children training projects: for example, to develop tasks themselves oGE format. It helps to identify problem areas and causes errors.

To the attention of schoolchildren and teachers is offered tutorial To prepare for the main state exam (OGE) in grade 9, which contains 40 training options Examination work. Each option is compiled in full compliance with the requirements of the State summary certification and includes tasks different types and difficulty levels. Significant in volume, the Bank of Examination Materials provides an excellent opportunity for intensive training and mastering necessary for successful delivery Exam Skills and Skills. The book provides answers for self-test for all tasks of part 2, information about the text of compressed presentation and recommendations for performing the tasks of part 3.

How to solve the test part in the Russian language. Debriefing of tasks from demolism and explanation

Test part of the fire Russian language in 2018 includes 13 tasks. For the correct execution of each task, the examiner gets one point. For the wrong answer or its absence is set to zero points.

Task 8. Grammatical basis of the sentence. "Ensure the grammatical foundation of supply № ..."

  1. Find out if all students understand the meaning of the term "grammatical basis".

  2. We work out the ability to determine the grammatical foundation in which the leakage is a verb. Explain that the search for the grammatical foundation is better to start from the verb, and then set it to it.

  3. Pay attention to the disciples into two common errors: the word skip and expect an extra word. Typically, the confusion occurs if the words "be", "seem," appear as a verb-bundle or auxiliary verb. Explain that you need to go from the meaning of the proposal itself: the verb "it was" is a surehead if it entered into a lexical meaning of the legend, if it indicates that the phenomenon really had a place to be.

  4. Eat examples of proposals in which errors are often allowed: "It was at the beginning of the last lesson," "Was it a consequence of fortune telling?", "I will be a pilot of the spacecraft", "here, in the House of Culture, there is such a studio."

  5. Discuss with students that the grammatical foundation may not contain the subject. Children, as a rule, are firmly confident that in the sentence must be subject to both. This stereotype is laid in primary school And to get rid of it, you need to perform a lot of training exercises.

  6. Observe examples of offers without subject to: "I didn't have other treasures", "the girl was called Alice," "Mostly Lunch would have been", "I don't have a new glass."

  7. Explain to Axiom: if a proposal met with the word "no", then this word is scaled in an impersonal offer.

  8. Explore proposals in which the failed is not expressed by the verb. Examples: "I'm cold", "the lesson of the Russian language".

  9. Thus, gradually complicate the didactic material.

Task 11. Syntactic analysis of a complex offer. "Specify the number of grammatical foundations in the proposal number ..."

  1. Recommend to the disciples to consider verbs in the sentence, but do not forget about uniform faugored. The guys often take homogeneous fadies related to one subject to different grammatical foundations.

  2. Secure knowledge of speech parts. Students can take a serious turn for the grammar basis.

  3. We work carefully and, desirable, individually, introductory offers. Take them for the grammar basis - another common mistake in Justice No. 11.

To the attention of graduates of 9 classes of educational organizations is offered a new manual for preparing for the main state exam in the Russian language. It is dedicated to the most difficult and high standings on the topic themes - writing summary (Task 1) and writing-reasoning (task 15).

Task 12. Punctuation analysis. "In the suggested sentences from the read text are numbered all commas. Write down the numbers denoting the commas between the parts of the complex offer associated with writing / subordinate link. "

  1. Explain that the first thing you need to find numbers, after which there are unions specified in the task: writing or subordinates.

  2. Disassemble the basic writing Unions: And, but, but.

  3. Remind that in addition to unions, allied words are also subordinating communication.

Task 13. Syntactic analysis of a complex offer. "Among the proposals ... find a complex proposal with homogeneous subordinate toaders."

  1. Explain that the desired offer should consist of at least three parts due to the fact that this is a proposal with several apparent. We read the wording of the task: "Podep" ( plural) - So, there must be at least two more.

  2. Please note: if the task states that in the sentence of several types of reciprocal communication (for example, homogeneous and inhomogeneous submission), then in the courtesy of the proposal should be at least 4 parts.

  3. Note that at the heart of the successful task execution lies the ability to find grammatical foundations.

  4. Teach children to use punctuation when searching for an answer. For example, if two parts of a challenging offer are associated with the Union andnot separated by the comma - it means that this is a complex proposal with a total secondary member, or we are talking about two apparent related uniform submission.

  5. Observe examples of offers: "When, imagining that I am going to hunt, with a stick on my shoulder, I went to the forest, Volodya lay down on his back, threw his hands under his head and told me that he would have walked", "Mom without the end He invites her daughters so that she was easier and the head looks careful, but the Thane does not want, "the grandfather led Athous wilderness, and they went out on the pasture where the sweet clover grew, where herbs and blooming flowers were gone."

Task 14. Complex proposals with different types of communication between parts. "Among the proposals ... Find a challenge offer with the nonsense and allied writing bond between parts."

  1. Train your task execution by passing the program "Syntax of a Complex Offer".

  2. Use when preparing the exercise, helping students to get away from formalism.

  3. Task from the textbook M.M. Razumovskaya "Russian". Answer questions, bring examples:

  • What types of complex offers do you know?

  • What types are complex suggestions? non-union?

  • In what cases in the letter between parts of a complex sentence is used by the comma? semicolon? colon? dash?

  • What other cases are the listed punctuation marks are used?

Task 7. The phrase. "Replace the phrase (" wooden box "), built on the basis of coordination, synonymous phrase with communication with communication."

  1. Discuss with students the meaning of the task. Replace - it means to choose to the dependent word Single word of another part of speech: Adjective → Noun / Noun → Instant. Sometimes children simply change words in places.

  2. Explain that first of all you need to determine which part of the speech is the dependent word. Next - to re-read the task, understand, the phrase with which type of communication should turn out.

  3. Disassemble a common mistake with students: the wrong choice of the pretext ("well water": "Water in a well", "water from the well").

Task 9. Complicated simple offer. "Among the proposals ... find an offer with separate homogeneous definitions."

  1. Present two ways to determine which one minor member Offers stand out:

  • Only on what question? - definition; Semantic questions where? where to? where? and others - the circumstance; The case is an addition.

  • According to the main word in a separate part: the sacrament, adjective - definition; Temploying, adverb; Noun, pronoun - addition.

  • Pay attention to the scarce of the application. Explain that the application is a definition expressed by the name nouns. If the student has forgotten everything that he knew about the application, he needs to determine a part of speech separed member offers. Use the Association with digital applications for gadgets: Annex (what?) Weather forecast is an application from a syntactic point of view. Do not forget to clarify that some applications are allocated not commas, but dash.
  • Task 10. Punning analysis. "In the suggested sentences from the read text are numbered all commas. Write the numbers denoting the commas in the introductory word. "

    Explain that the introductory words are divided into 4 groups, and the answer must approach one of them:

    • Introductory words denoting the degree of self-confidence.

    • Introductory words, denoting feelings and emotions of the speaker.

    • Introductory words indicating the message source.

    • Introductory words helping to arrange talkative.

    Task 4. Spelling consoles. "From Proposals 1-7, write out the word in which the spelling of the console is determined by its value -" approximation ".

    Explain that if the prefix needs to search by value, then we are talking about and when. If the task is associated with the bellivity or deafness, you need to seek the console ending on Z or C-.

    Task 5. Spelling suffixes. "From the proposals ... write out the word in which the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200ban exception to the rule."

    1. Explain to the disciples that you need to first allocate the main task information, to understand the word of which part of speech, with how many "H"

      Task 2. Text Analysis. "In which answer is the information required to substantiate the answer to the question: ..."

      Teach children to read into the text so as to catch the meaning and be ready to answer the question. There are no other secrets of this task.

      Task 3. Analysis of the means of expressiveness. "Specify the proposal in which the means of expressiveness of speech is metaphor."

      1. Explain to students the concept of "nature of the image", which is based on figurative meaning the words.

      2. Remind the metaphor with which students get acquainted in 5-6 classes ("Sickle Moon", "Kudri Berez"). The metaphor - rapprochement of distant in the reality of words, is created at the level of phrases.

      3. Give the similarities and differences in metaphor and phraseologism (sustainable combination of words).

      The presented structure of work with the test part corresponds to the course M.M. Razumovskaya "Russian language" (edition of the Corporation "Russian Tutorial"). This training program Allows you to keep spelling in the 9th grade on a par with punctuation, and in general contributes to the successful preparation for OGE.

    GIA in Russian 9th grade with answers.

    GIA in Russian for grade 9 with answers.

    Part 1.

    Listen to the text and perform the C1 task.

    Text for listening.

    Not so long ago, scientists believed that success in life is directly related to our intellectual abilities. Than more man He knows and knows how much the likelihood that he will achieve a lot in life.
    However, it turns out that future professional prospects are determined not only by the volume and quality of everything that we managed to learn at school. According to modern scientists, the head filled with knowledge is not yet salvation from serious life failures and failures. Intellectual abilities and skills necessary for subsequent work is just the basis, foundation. On this foundation building professional success can be built only if a person has defined personal qualities.
    And one of these of most important qualities is the ability to understand others, feel their mood, empathize with them. Through empathy, a person feels his involvement in those who live next to him, participates in what is happening around. Consequently, having the ability to understand, feel and empathize, a person will be able to support harmonious relations With the world, and therefore will be able to succeed in this world.
    How to develop this ability? Psychologists concluded that the perception of art can help this, in particular, can help it. A person who enjoys the beautiful or sculptural images, feels the beauty of a verse or melody, feels the rhythm of the pattern, - such a person is capable of the easiest experience required for life. And in the fact that these experiences are vital, scientists do not doubt. Just need to be able to feel. And through the perception of art, we refer our feelings, bring them up. Cinema, theater, music - everything enriches a person, because thanks to the perception of any type of art, we develop the so-called emotional intelligence, that is, the optimal combination of emotional and intellectual abilities of our personality.

    Listen to the text and write a compressed presentation. Note that you must convey the main content of both each microthem and the whole text as a whole. The volume of the presentation is at least 90 words.

    Part 2.

    Read the text and perform A1-A7 tasks.

    (one). The correspondence saw a little violinist on the last day of August, when he walked to the market behind the potatoes.
    (2). At first he heard music.
    (3). The fear of an abandoned construction was a semiring guys and adults, a person fifteen.
    (four). And on the background of dark and torn posters played a girl's violin.
    (five). One with a fiber age.
    (6). She was thin, smoky, with short and rashpaded, like a boy, hair.
    (7). She swayed on tanned legs, as on the stalks, thoughtfully looked past people past and drove a bow.
    (eight). At the feet of the girl, in dusty plantains, lay a violin case, in the covered lid his whites paper sheet.
    (nine). It was written on it large:
    (10). "I earn a violin."
    (eleven). Probably the current violin in the girl was alien.
    (12). Or not very good.
    (13). But even her girl played delightfully.
    (fourteen). At least, the feeder sad and bright music captured immediately, and the girl herself is also.
    (fifteen). The figuer looked at the young violinist, and his heart went in a sweet melancholy.
    (sixteen). There was something surprisingly sweet in this violin melody and in who played it - in fast thin fingers, in hair shake, in thoughtful eyes and strict eyebrows.
    (17). And she was still in the girl trusting defenselessness and loneliness.
    (eighteen). And there were people around.
    (nineteen). People listened carefully, and in the violinized case there were already a lot of crumpled pieces.
    (twenty). The feeder in his pocket was only the money that Grandfather gave and which could only be spent on potatoes.
    (21). And if he has his money - at least one hundred rubles! - He immediately posted them in the case, to the legs of the girl.
    (22). Although ... would he stay?
    (23). All immediately began to look at him.
    (24). And she would have looked - on an awkward, shredded by the Arrest Hedgehog, in the mint, a knot on the bubble shirt ...
    (25). He is already so standing here, probably half an hour, so everything, of course, guessed about his awesome ...
    (26). The fifth bastard, feeling how the ears and cheeks are poured.
    (27). And went, went, not deciding to look back.
    (28). And for a long time I heard a violin ...
    (According to V. Krapivina).

    Tasks A1-A7 follow the analysis of the content of the read text.
    For each task A1-A7, 4 answers are given, of which only one is correct.

    A1. Which of the utterances below contains the answer to the question:
    "Why did the hero immediately" captured "a little violinist?"

    1) The girl who played on the violin possessed an extraordinary appearance.
    2) The girl called sympathy at the hero primarily by the fact that he knew how to earn money herself.
    3) The girl appeared to the hero of defenseless and at the same time independent, deep.
    4) The girl did not pay attention to the hero, and it touched him and awakened interest in her.

    A2. Why did he consider the hero that "the girl played delightfully"?

    1) The girl played confidently and loudly, although she had someone else's or bad violin.
    2) The hero affected the fact that many stayed to listen to the game girls.
    3) for poor game People will not pay money, and the girl sketched them a lot.
    4) The girl knew how to put the soul into the melody, as if merging with music into a single whole.

    A3. How does the hero characterize the information prisoner in the sentences 20-21?

    1) The figuer was a man of calculating, able to economically spend money.
    2) The film was a responsible person, but it was capable of mental impulses.
    3) The correspondence was able to find an excuse in a difficult situation.
    4) Funteller did not understand anything in music and therefore was ready to pay for girls a lot of money.

    A4. Specify, in which value is used in the text of the word "Warning" (Proposal 25).

    1) Charm
    2) Witchcraft
    3) Love
    4) immobility

    A5. In what version of the answer content of the second sentence is opposed to the content of the first?

    1) (1) The figuer saw a little violinist on the last day of August, when he walked to the market behind the potato.
    (2) At first he heard music.
    2) (11) Probably, the current violin in the girl was alien.
    (13) But even her girl played delightfully.
    3) (17) and was still in the girl trusting defenselessness and loneliness.
    (18) And there were people around.
    4) (23) Everyone would immediately begin to look at him.
    (24) And she would have looked - on an awkward, shrieked by the Arrest Hedgehog, in mint,
    The knot on the bubble shutter ...

    A6. Choose a true continuation of the answer to the question: "Why is the author and hero call a violinist not" girl ", not" Girly ", and" Girl "?" This form of a word says ...

    1) On the pity of the author and the hero to a small violin.
    2) The absence of genuine sympathy of the author and hero to the young violinist.
    3) about the indulgence of the author and the hero to the poor street violin.
    4) about the serious and respectfulness of the author and the hero to the violinist.

    A7. Specify the offer containing a metaphor.

    1) She swayed on tanned legs, as on the stems, thoughtfully watched past people past and drove a bow.
    2) At least, the factory sad and bright music captured immediately, and the girl herself is also.
    3) There was something surprisingly cute in this violin melody and in who she played her, in fast thin fingers, in hair shake, in thoughtful eyes and strict eyebrows.
    4) And if he has his money - at least one hundred rubles! - He immediately posted them in the case, to the legs of the girl.

    Tasks B1-B14 follow the text of the text.

    IN 1. Replace the word paper from offer 19 synonym for officially business or scientific style. Write this synonym.

    AT 2. From Proposals 6-7, write down the word with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

    IN 3. From Proposals 6-10, write down the word in which the spelling of the console depends on the deafness / wallele of the sound indicated by the letter next after the console.

    AT 4. In Proposals 24-25, find the word in which the Spelling NN is determined by the Rule: "If with the adductive formed from the verb imperfect species, There are dependent words, then this adjective passes into the communion and in its suffix is \u200b\u200bwritten by NN. " Ensure the found communion with the dependent word.

    AT 5. In the following suggestions from the read text numbered all commas. Write the numbers denoting the commas with a refineering circumstance. She swayed on tanned legs, (1) as on the stalks, (2) thoughtfully watched people past and drove a bow. At the feet of the girl, (3) in dusty plantains, (4) lay a violin case, (5) in the covered lid, his white paper sheet.

    AT 6. In the following suggestions from the read text numbered all commas. Write down numbers denoting commas between parts complex proposal. At least (1) the factory sad and bright music captured immediately, (2) and the girl herself is also. The figuer looked at the young violinist, (3) and his heart went in a sweet melancholy.

    AT 7. In the following suggestions from the read text numbered all commas. Write down numbers denoting commas between parts complex sentence. He is already standing here, (1) probably (2) half an hour, (3) Therefore, all, (4), of course, (5) guessed about his wardriness ... The fifth manifests, (6) feeling, (7) as Purge the warmth of ears and cheeks.

    AT 8. Replace the phrase listened carefully (proposal 19), built on the basis of adjustment, synonymous phrase with communication with the management. Write the resulting phrase.

    AT 9. Write out the grammatical offer of supply 23.

    Part 3.

    Using a read text 2, follow only one of the tasks: C2.1 or C2.2.

    Get acquainted with the opinion of Anton and Cyril about the role of punctuation marks1 in writing speech.

    Help Anton to prove his point of view. Write an essay-reasoning: "Why do I need punctuation signs?" Hovering the answer to the question, read the text of V. Krapivina again. Give 2 examples from the read text illustrating different functions of punctuation marks. When applying examples, specify the numbers of the desired offers or use the citation.

    You can write work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic only on linguistic material and / or in general cultural plan. You can start an essay as a phrase belonging to Anton and its own statement. You can write work on your own behalf or on behalf of Anton.

    Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final of the text: "The fifter backed, feeling how the ears and cheeks are poured. And went, went, not deciding to look back. And for a long time I heard the violin ... "

    Bring two arguments from the read text confirming your arguments in writing. When applying examples, specify the numbers of the desired offers or use the citation.
    Operations should be at least 50 words.