Stylistic analysis of the story of Ernest Hemingway 'Cat in the rain' ('Cat in the Rain'). Summary Cat in the rain Hemingway Cat in the rain brief

In the setting lesson on literature in the 11th grade, you can spend on a small story of E.Hehmingway "Cat in the rain" (from the book of the stories "in our time", 1925). So we introduce graduates into the literature of the twentieth century.

What is this story? This story about the husband and wife, which travels in Europe and stop in the Italian hotel. In the center of the story - a trivial conversation "Nothing."

But is it a subject of an image? Pupils on the works of A.hehkhov familiar to the concept of "subtext", "underwater flow", so we will try to find out the hidden meaning of the story, paying particular attention to the interaction of the said and implied. "If the writer knows well what he writes about, he may lower a lot of what he knows, and if he writes truthfully, the reader will feel everything lowered as much as if the writer said about it. The magnifier of the iceberg movement is that he only towers over the surface of the water, "so characterizes E. Hehemingway himself his own art manner.

So, this is a work of loneliness - loneliness together. The story permeates the atmosphere of spiritual emptiness and the brewing crisis in relations between two close people. The conversation of the spouses is the "deaf" dialogue. Two close people do not understand each other.

The author knows his heroes, their lives, feelings, interests and builds a story as a musical work, alternating sounds and pauses. The narrative elements are closely connected, and the "underwater" course of the plot reports the meaning of the visible. Pauses, individual details, symbols are particularly important. The lyrical dominant story becomes a symbolic image of rain.

Is it possible to remove without prejudice to understand the work of the first paragraph?Celement, isolation of heroes, their alienation, some intuitive desire to burn out from a foreign world, someone else's culture is underlined in the first phrase: "there was only Two Americans "(here and then ours. - Z.L.). In addition, "they did not know anyone ..." But it should be noted that at the very beginning of the story of the heroes are closer to each other ("Two", "they", "their room"). Starting from the second paragraph we are talking only about the American and its relationship with what surrounds it.

At the beginning of the story, not only bright Italian nature is described (the sea whose waves "rolled back and again Round ", high palm trees), but also a public garden, a monument to the victims of war. Why is this a writer? It seems to us, here everything speaks of established European culture, about careful attitude towards its history. Not in vain appears the word "always", related to both artists, and to the Italians-tourists, and the Americans are only guests in this sustainable world, they are outside it.

What does the heroine feel?With the advent of the heroine to the lyrical sound of the story, the tight alarming feeling of sadness, inequacy and unpleasant begins to mix. An American sees a cat, which "hid" and "squeezed in a lump." This phrase will repeat in the story already due to the heroine itself: "Something in it squeezed in a lump." And the reader begins to understand why American woman wants to take this cat: the heroine feels like the same defenseless and homeless. Passionate desire to change something in his uneven life, stop wing from the hotel to the hotel, have your home, children, be happy reflected in the words she repeats like a spell: "I want to pull your hair hard ... I want a cat ... I want to eat behind my table ... I want to burn candles ... and I want a cat, and I want a new dress ... "

How is the image of the hero unfold? The hero is given in the perception of the heroine. If she is just "American", then he has a name (George), which is first mentioned when the heroine felt "very small and at the same time significant." It seems that at this moment she will experience the desire to change something in a relationship with her husband.

American is attentive and open to dialogue, while the hero speaks very little. Two words, often repeated, dominate its characteristic: "Book" and "Read". Everything that says about the hero creates the impression of staticness, immobility, unwillingness to change something in his life: He "responded from the bed", "continued to read," "lay on the bed and read," "asked, lowering a book ... for a second Running from the book "," already read again "," changed the pose "," not listened. " This is complete inattention to his wife, its problems and experiences. He moves in passing only the external changes in it ("you are pretty today", "I like the way now").

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What role does the hotel host play in the story? The owner of the hotel is the only character we can imagine, "see", as his portrait is given: this is a "high old old man," he has a "honorable appearance", "old massive face and big hands." It is this person that will understand the experience of the heroine and will try to help her. The owner of the hotel appears only in a small episode, but the impression of his constant presence is created: he sends a maid to heroine, he transmits an umbrella, sending a cat ... At the beginning, it was said about the owner: "He stood at the desk ... he liked the American." Then the refrain goes the phrase: "She liked ... She liked ... She liked ..." The heroine as if he felt a relative soul in this man. With her husband, she speaks one (English) language, with the owner of the hotel - in Italian. The paradox is that someone else's person understands the heroine from the Poluslov.

How do you explain the meaning of the title?In the artistic world, E.Hhemingue, as in the World of Chekhov, the details belong to two areas: real and symbolic. The stories heroine feels like a "cat in the rain" - defenseless and weak, dreaming about her house, about warm and affection. It is not by chance that a completely alien person, the owner of the hotel, feeling it, sent a cat "Signore".

So, as a result of the conversation in the story, we come to the idea that no disordex, inexplicity, implicit meaning, the symbolism of details is the features of the literature of the twentieth century. As homeworkpupils get a task to reveal the symbolic image of the rain in the story.


Ernest Hemingway
Cat in the rain

(L. Kislova translation)

The hotel had only two Americans. They did not know anyone from those who met on the stairs, rising into their room. Their room was on the second floor, the sea was seen from the windows. From the windows of the public garden and a monument to the victims of war were also visible. The garden had high palm trees and green benches. In good weather, there was always some artist with an easel. Artists liked the palm trees and bright facades of hotels with windows on the sea and the garden. Italians came from afar to look at the monument to the victims of the war. He was bronze and glitter in the rain. It was raining. Rain drops fell from palm leaves. On the races of gravel tracks stood puddles. The waves in the rain with a long strip were broken by the shore, rolled back and ran again and broke under the rain with a long strip. On the square at the monument there is not a single car. On the contrary, at the door of the cafe, the waiter stood and looked at the empty area.

American was standing by the window and looked into the garden. Under the most windows of their room, under the green table, from which the water dripped, the cat hid. She tried to squeeze in a lump so that drops did not fall on her.

I will go down and brought pussy, - said American.

Let me go, "her husband responded from the bed.

No I myself. Poor pussy! Hiding from the rain under the table.

Watch not promoted, "he said.

The American descended on the stairs, and when she passed through the lobby, the owner of the hotel got up and bowed to her. His desk stood in the far corner of the lobby. The owner of the hotel was a high old man.

Il Piove [rain goes ( italian.)], - said American. She liked the owner of the hotel.

Si, Si, Signora, Brutto Tempo [yes, yes, Signora, terrible weather ( italian.)]. Today is very bad weather.

He stood at the desk in the far corner of the native room. He liked the American. She liked the extraordinary seriousness with which he listened to all the complaints. She liked his honorable appearance. She liked how he tried to serve her. She liked how he belonged to his position the hotel's owner. She liked his old massive face and big hands.

Thinking about what he likes he, she opened the door and looked out. The rain was even stronger. On the empty area, heading towards a cafe, a man went in a rubber coat. The cat should be somewhere here, to the right. Maybe it will be possible to go under the cornice. When she stood on the threshold, an umbrella suddenly opened over her. Behind the back was the maid, who always cleaned their room.

So that you are not wet, - smiling, she said in Italian. Of course, this owner sent it.

Together with the maid, who kept an umbrella over her, she went along the path under the window of her room. The table was here, bright green, washed out, but there were no cats. American woman suddenly felt frustration. The servant looked not her.

Ha Perduta QualQue Cosa, Signora? [Did you lose anything, Signora? ( italian.)]

There was a cat here, "said a young American woman.


Si, Il Gatto [Yes, Cat ( italian.)].

Cat? - The maid laughed. - Cat in the rain?

Yes, she said, "here, under the table. - And then: - And I so wanted her, so I wanted pussy ...

When she spoke in English, the face of the maid became tense.

Let's go, Signora, "she said," I will return it better. You promo.

Well, let's go, - said American.

They went back along the trim and entered the house and entered the house. The maid stopped at the entrance to close the umbrella. When the American passed through the lobby, Padrone [Host (Italian)] bowed to her because of his desk. Something in her convulsively sank in a lump. In the presence of Padrone, she felt very small and at the same time significant. For a minute she felt unusually significant. She climbed the stairs. Opened the door to the room. George lay on the bed and read.

Well, brought a cat? He asked, lowering the book.

She is no longer.

Where did she go? - He said, beside the book for a second.

She sat on the edge of the bed.

I so wanted her, "she said. "I don't know why, but I so wanted this poor pussy." Poor such poor pussy in the rain.
George has read again.

She walked over to the toilet table, sat in front of the mirror and, taking a manual mirror, began to look at himself. She carefully examined her profile first on the one hand, then on the other. Then she began to consider the head and neck.

What do you think, do not let me go to your hair? She asked, looking at her profile again.

George raised his eyes and saw her heads with briefly chosen, like a boy, hairs.

I like the way now.

I'm tired, "she said. - I'm so tired of being like a boy.

George changed the pose. Since she spoke, he did not give her eyes off her.

Today you are very pretty, "he said.

She put the mirror on the table, went to the window and began to look into the garden. It was getting dark.

I want to pull my hair tight, and that they were smooth, and that there was a big knot on the back of the back, and so that you could touch it, she said. - I want a cat so that she sat on my knees and purr when I stroke her.

Mm, "said George from the bed.

And I want to eat behind my table, and so that there were our knives and forks, and I want to burn candles. And I want to be spring, and I want to calculate the hair in front of the mirror, and I want a cat, and I want a new dress ...

Saluch. Take a read book, "said George. He read again.

American woman looked out the window. It was already very dark, and rain was rinsed in the palm trees.

Still, I want a cat, she said. - I want a cat now. If you can not do long hair and it is fun, so at least a cat can you?
George did not listen. He read the book. She looked out the window, on the square, where the lights were lit.

On the door knocked.

Avanti [Sign in ( italian.)], "said George. He raised his eyes from the book.

In the doorway stood a maid. She firmly pressed to himself a big spotted cat, which was seriously drowned in her hands.

Sorry, she said. - Padrone sends it to Signore.

E. Hemingway
Cat under the rain
The action takes place in Italy, in the seaside hotel.
The main characters are Americans, married couple. Muga is the name of George, the name of his wife does not mention. The husband lies on the bed in the hotel's room and reads the book. American stands at the window and looks into the garden. It's raining. On the street, under the most windows of their rooms, under the green table, from which the water dripping, the cat hid. She tries to squeeze in a lump, so that the raindrops do not fall on it.
An American is sorry for a cat and she wants to bring her to the room. Going down the stairs, she notices

The owner of the hotel, which is respectfully bowing. The owner of the hotel likes the American. In his presence, she feels "very significant."
An American together with the maid go to the street, under the rain, but no cats are no longer. American returns to the room. George, as a second, torn from the book, asks where the cat was moved.
"I wanted it so much," American woman answers - I don't know why, but I wanted this poor pussy so much. Poor such poor pussy in the rain. " But the husband does not listen, he again deepened in reading.
The wife sits in front of the mirror and says that he wants to change her hairstyle, wants to eat behind his table, I want to have my knives and forks, wants his cat, who would sit on his knees and purred when she was stroking.
The husband is indifferent. "Socket. Take read book! " - Here is his answer to the requests of the wife.
Knock on the door. On the doorport of the maidel firmly presses a large spotted cat, which is seriously breathed in her arms. "Sorry," she says - the owner of the hotel sends it with Signore. "

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Summary Cat in the rain Hemingway

E. Hemingway
Cat in the rain

The action takes place in Italy, in the seaside hotel.

The main characters are Americans, married couple. Muga is the name of George, the name of his wife does not mention. The husband lies on the bed in the hotel's room and reads the book. American stands at the window and looks into the garden. It's raining. On the street, under the most windows of their rooms, under the green table, from which the water dripping, the cat hid. She tries to squeeze into a lump so that the raindrops did not fall on it.

An American is sorry for a cat and she wants to bring her to the room. Going down the stairs, she notices the owner of the hotel, which is constantly bowing. The owner of the hotel likes the American. In his presence, she feels "very significant."

An American together with the maid go to the street, under the rain, but no cats are no longer. American returns to the room. George, as a second, torn from the book, asks where the cat was moved.

"I wanted her so much," American woman answers - I don't know why, but I wanted this poor pussy so much. Badly such a poor pussy in the rain. " But the husband does not listen, he again deepened in reading.

The wife sits in front of the mirror and says that he wants to change her hair, wants to eat behind his table, I want to have my knives and forks, wants his cat, which would sit on his knees and purred when she was stroking.

The husband is indifferent. "Socket. Take read book! " - Here is his answer to the requests of the wife.

Knock on the door. On the doorway of the maidel firmly presses a large spotted cat, which is seriously breathed in her hands. "Sorry," she says - the owner of the hotel sends this Signore. "

Have you heard anything about the "black tube"? Not about the pipe from the chimney and not about the sewer, but about the black tube in the water park. You can hear about it everywhere: in the theater, in the museum, on the beach. With the first opportunity, we pulled the whole family to the water park. There is no longer such a variety of water entertainment anywhere. These are large and small slides, water tarzans, labyrinths, caves, fountains and pools. And over this glossy, the main highlight is towers - "Black pipe", similar to the huge octopus, whose tentacles are predatory spread over tiny basins. Upstairs to her entrance, on the Red Spanish Sun

Ostrovsky spoke with his plays on a fracture from the 40s to the 50s. It was a critical playwright in the history of the Russian scene, when it turned out to be filled with or pompous tragedies, or watervilles and sensitive melodramas partially borrowed from the West. Actually Russian, the people's theater, which would widely display life of Russia, was not. What did the Ostrovsky gave Russian drama? Ostrovsky spoke in his plays, primarily as a first-class realist artist. Excellently knowing the Russian life, especially the life of merchants, the Ostrovsky moved to the scene Russian life in her whole

Settling in Italy, Bayron joined the secret revolutionary organization of Italian patriots - carbonaries. They conceived to free their country from the Austrian yoke, but in 1821 they suffered defeat. In the summer of 1823, Bayron went to Greece to take part in the struggle of the Greek people against the rule of the Turks. The poet died in Greece, her people mourned Bairon as his national hero. In the "Palcommunication of Childord Harold" (the first two songs - 1812, the third - 1816, the fourth - 1818) Byron, exposing the reaction, glorified the peoples of Spain, Italy, Greece, who fought for their liberty

Lermontov's creativity is unusually peculiar. The face, dividing Pushkin and Lermontov, is December 14, 1825. Lermontov entered the literature when revolutionary hopes were dispelled. From here and the originality of his lyrics - irreparation, loneliness, premonition of the tragic death. However, faith in the people, in his powerful forces, in many ways helped the poet to win these sentiments, and in his lyrics approved the theme of the poet and poetry, the theme of the Motherland, Nature. Patriotic lyrics occupies an important place in Lermontov's poetry. In 1830, the poet writes the "Borodin field", on the same topic as the later "Borodino".

American married couple is resting on the seashore in the Italian hotel.

The head of the George family, half a walk on the bed, enthusiastically reads the favorite novel, and the wife, languishing rainy weather and through the raindrops, admires the view from the window.

Suddenly she notices a spotted cat with bad weather, hidden from the rain under the table standing in the garden.

A woman feels sincere pity for an unfortunate animal and decides to pick up a cat in the room. Fishing to the garden on the stairs, the American faces the owner of the hotel, which crumbles in front of it in greetings. A woman is nice to the attention of the honorable man, and she smiles in the soul.

Going to the street, the American woman does not discover the cat, apparently she already ran away.

Woman returns to the room and shares her thoughts with her husband. However, the American does not share the senses of his wife and continues reading.

American again returns to the window and begins to dream of a cozy house, beautiful furniture and a cat, gently purring on her knees.

There is a knock at the door and an employee of the hotel with a spotted lump in his hands appears on the threshold, a gift from the hotel owner.

After reading the story, the reader will immediately feel that there are situations in life when an unfamiliar man feels much better than the most native people.

Picture or drawing a cat in the rain

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