The declination of the impressive names in the m. Multiple attachment

Theme lesson : Declining the names of adjectives in multiple number.

purpose : to acquaint with the peculiarities of the declination of the impression of adjectives in the plural.


    to form skills to inclined adjective names in a plural,

    improve the ability to recognize the genus and case of impressive names; Clear end end.

This lesson refers to the "Adjective Name" section, the first lesson on the topic "Declination of the names of adjectives in a plural"

Planned results Formulated Wood:

Personal: educational and cognitive interest in educational material (understand the learning task in the lesson and strive to fulfill it); moral and ethical estimation of the digestible content, providing a personal moral choice on the basis of social and personality purposes; Evaluation of their achievements in the lesson.

Regulatory: Determine the goal learning activities With the help of a teacher, manifest initiative in educational cooperation.

Communicative : make up your thoughts in oral speech;

Cognitive : Independent allocation and formulation of a cognitive goal, searching and selection of necessary information, analysis, comparison, classification of objects by dedicated features.

Teaching methods : problem; Partial search.

During the classes

1. Self-determination for training activities.

Today we have guests at the lesson. Turn to the guests, say hello. I think that each of you today will delight yourself and me with your work at the lesson. So, proceed.

They sat down beautifully, opened the notebooks, put with a slope, the knobs took correctly.

And today's lesson of the Russian language, I would like to start with reading the statements by K.G. Poystovsky about Russian:

We are given to possession of the richest, tidy, mighty and truly magical Russian language.

What conclusion can we do by reading this statement?

And what words gave the most accurate characteristic of the Russian language?

What part of speech are they?

Now write in the notebook date.

How did you want to see a lesson? Pick the epithets to a noun "lesson. (Cognitive, interesting, cheerful, meaningful)

Who depends on? (From teacher and students and their mutual understanding)

2. Actualization of knowledge.

We picked up epithets to a noun "lesson, tell me which part of the speech expressed epithets? (Adjective names)

What do you know about the adjectives? (Adjective names are part of speech that means a sign of the subject and answers what kind of questions?, What?, What?, What? The adjectives are changed by numbers, childbirth and case)

Group work. (Attachment 1)

On sheets, book adjectives.

I group

Group II

III Group

I. p.

Interesting lesson

Cheerful lesson

Substantive lesson


Interesting lesson

Merry lesson

Significant lesson


An interesting lesson

Merry lesson

Substantive lesson


Interesting lesson

Cheerful lesson

Substantive lesson

T. P.

An interesting lesson

Cheerful lesson

Meaningful lesson

P. p.

On an interesting lesson

About cheerful lesson

On a meaningful lesson

What is common in these adjectives? (Singular, male Rod)

And what are the endings? (The same)

So how do the names of adjectives in the only number? (In the singular, the adjectives are changed by childbirth and case)

How to determine the case of adjective in the singular? (The adjective name is determined by the case of the noun, to which it applies)

Put the phrase interesting lesson in nominative Multiple number.

Is it possible to define the attitudes of adjectives in the plural. What is the difficulty?

It means that the adjective multiple number cannot be determined.

3. Statement of the educational task.

Is it possible to say that the names of the adjective multiple number change on cases? (well no-?)

What do you think about what we will work today in the lesson? Who will formulate the subject of the lesson? (Declining the names of adjectives in the plural)

4. Building an exit project from difficulty.

Book with now

I Option - Interesting Lessons

II Option - Merry Changes

I. p. (What?)

Interesting lessons

Merry change

R.p. (What?)

Interesting lessons

Merry change

D.p. (What?)

Interesting lessons

Merry change

V.p. (what?)

Interesting lessons

Merry change

T. P. (What?)

Interesting lessons

Merry change

P.p. (What?)

On interesting lessons

About funny change

And now attention. Working in pairs, compare paddle endings adjectives. What can be said about the endings of the adjective multiple numbers? (Endings coincide)

In what cases are the names of adjective multiple numbers have the same endings?

I. p., V.p.
oh, IE

R. p., P. p.

s, im.

T. P.
oh, they

How can you determine the adjective case in the plural? (The adjective padege in the multiple number can be found by the name of the noun)

What new learned about the adjective multiple number? Take output. (The names of the adjectives in the plural change are changed by cases or inclined. The genus of the adjective multiple number is not determined)

5. Primary consolidation in external speech.

Let's check if the authors of the textbook agree with us. Let's open the tutorial on page 34. Compare your conclusions with data in the textbook.

Read the rules for yourself and out loud.

What did you find out about the change in adjectives in the plural?

6. Fizkultminutka.

I will call the phrase, which includes nouns and adjectives. If I call the names of adjectives in the plural pOST PAIDEYou are squatted if in the multiple number of the proposed case - a jump in place. Be careful.

Faithful friends (R.P.), on forest plants (p.p.), in dense snowdrifts (pp), bright stars (R.P.), deep rivers (R.P.), in huge cities (pp), from interesting books (R.P.), in dark caves (pp).

7. Work in pairs with self-test on the standard.

Work in pairs. (Appendix2)

You have a card on the table. Read the task and explain in your own words what you need to do. (Insert and highlight the end, determine the case)

Per balloons - T. P.
About summer holidays - P. P.
To neighboring boys - D.p.
From prickly bushes - R.P.
With trressing frosts - T. P.
To the first frost - R. p.
On the musical instruments - P. P.
On river waves - D. P

Enough. Check on the standard.

What pairs did the exact same?

How to determine the incidence of adjectives in a plural?

Guys! Look at the eyes down, upstairs, left, and now in the window and on the screen.

Winter does not want to give up his rights in spring. Proof of this is the most beautiful winter days with frost and sun!

Make a proposal using words on the slide.

Sparks, sparks, snow, multicolored, on, sun, bright.

Snow sparkles with multicolored sparks on the bright sun.

Write down the proposal.

Stress the main members of the sentence. Determine the genus and case of adjectives.

(Check at the board)

8. Differentiated homework (Appendix3)

Before you text.

Read it.

What part of speech is missing?

Who can independently choose the appropriate suitable, take a green card.

Who needs words - assistants, take a yellow card.

Who is not confident in their power, take a blue card.

Tasks on these cards you perform at home.

Green card.

You sleep text, inserting suitable adjectives. Determine the case of adjective multiple numbers.

Winter came with ... frosts, ... blizzards, ... with snowdrifts. In ... The forest in the snow is visible patterns ... traces. Crack ... frost.

Yellow card

I sleep text by adding the words suitable by meaning. Determine the case of adjective multiple numbers.

Winter came with ... frosts, ... blizzards, ... with snowdrifts. In ... The forest in the snow is visible patterns ... traces. Crack ... frost.

Words for references: Crack, walking, noisy, winter, animal, deep.

Blue card.

Specify the text by inserting the missed endings of the adjectives. Determine the case of adjective multiple numbers.

Winter came with a cracker ... frosts, nois ... blizzards, deep ... snowdrifts. In winter ... The forest in the snow is visible the patterns of Zverin ... traces. Frequently lyut ... frost.

9. Reflection of educational activities

Estimate the results of training activities.

Remember the topic of our lesson.

How do the names of adjectives in the plural change? (Only by case)

How do not change the names of adjective multiple numbers? (Do not change by childbirth).

How to determine the adjective padege in a plural? (As well as in units, the adjective case is determined by the case of the noun, to which it applies)

Objectives lesson:

  • Summarize students' knowledge of the adjective as part of speech;
  • Develop the ability to recognize the names of adjectives in the text, to establish the name of the adjectives with nouns names, identify the genus and the number of adjectives, correctly write the generic end of the names of adjectives, to recall the concept of "initial form of the adjective name", use reference literature;
  • Teach students to determine the name of adjectives in the plural; expand vocabulary students;
  • Develop critical and logical thinking, imagination, memory, speech.

Equipment: drawing of three stars, drawing of aliens, envelopes with tasks, explanatory dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegova, projection screen, leaflets for operational control, cards for work in pairs, table "definition of adjectives of adjectives in a plural", task for front work on the projection screen, a card with a saying, a memo to synissive.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment (psychological attitude) on the leaves for each child three clouds: sad expression, calm and cheerful.

Teacher: - Guys, look carefully on the asterisks. Circle the one that is more suitable for your mood at the moment. Survey of children.

Teacher: - It's great that you have a good mood, I hope, by the end of the lesson it will continue and increase.

II. Message Topics lesson

To find out the topic of our lesson, let's solve the "Word-assistant"

K - consonant, solid pair, deaf pair sound in the word "call"

A - unstressed vowel in the word "rolled"

K - Checked steam consonant in the word "fist"

Oh - vowel letter in a suffix in the word [Friendship]

Y - consonant, soft unpaid, deaf unpare sound In the word "layer"

Check each letter.

Teacher - what word did it happen?

Children: - What.

Teacher: - What part of speech answers this question, what?

Children: - Adjective name.

Teacher: - Does this question answer the names of adjectives?

Children: - No, what else? What? what kind? whose?

Teacher: - What are the adjectives mean? And why do we need them?

Children: - Adjective names indicate signs of items, and necessary in order to make our speech more painful, more expressive.

The subject of the lesson: - Today we will travel to the Planet "Adjective Name".

III. Theme lesson

Teacher: - Let's imagine that we all residents of this planet. All different: I, for example, cheerful, inquisitive, ... And what are you? And you?...

We listen to children. Write down on a narrow leaf, which lies with everyone in the envelope, and write your name - what are you?

Teacher: - And we all live in different cities in 1 state. Cities 8. Their names will be prompted by questions to which the adjectives are responsible.

Children: What, what, what, whose, whose, whose, whose.

Teacher: - To find out the capital of our state, take your cards with the task. (Work in working notebooks). Write out of the listed words adjectives.


Write out of the listed words the names adjectives

Timid, courage, appropriate, freedom, pollute, wet, meets idle, Think.

Teacher: - Are you understandable? What word caused the difference?

Children: - reverent. 1 student is looking for the meaning of this word in the dictionary.

  1. Idle - about the place, space; Unoccupied, empty, free, empty, empty "(V. Dal. Dictionary in 4 volumes, III t., M.: "Russian language", 1990, p. 380)
  2. Idle- 1. Not busy, without affairs, without useful classes. 2. Besleless, empty "(S.I. Ozhegov. Dictionary of the Russian language. Edited by N.Yu. Swedovaya:" Soviet Encyclopedia ", m., 1972.)

Teacher: - What is common to all these names of adjectives?

Children: All these adjectives answer the question what? They are in the singular, in male genus - it initial form The name of the adjective.

Teacher: - Sign the genus and number over these words. So, the capital of our state is the city "What"!

There is noise.

Teacher: - What happened? Who is it?

On the screen, the arriving aliens (Figure 1)

The message of aliens on the projection screen.

Welcome to you, residents of such a strange country "Name Adjective"!

Above your world hijling. This is meteorite giant sizes. You are all very different. You are doing more beautiful, expressive, more interesting. Therefore, we decided that it was you can save this planet from trouble. Change the meteorite trajectory can rocket. It will be activated by the cipher. To find out if you need to perform several tasks. For each correctly completed task you will receive the letter. After folding the letters to the word, you guess the cipher. In this case, residents of the neighboring country with which you are very friendly will be helped.

We wish you success!

Teacher: - Guys, what kind of neighbors I spoke alien, what do you think?

Children: - If we are the names of adjectives, then we are friendly with nouns names, since our genus, the number and case of directly depend on this part of speech.

Teacher: - Well done! Open an envelope with tasks.

IV. Definition of generic endings of adjectives. Development of logical thinking

Task 1. Children work in pairs, and 2 pairs at the board.

Option 1. ( Work in pairs).

Answer: Cold and I weather, Glas. oE Ring, Square oh Character, hospitality and I Mistress, Golub oE sky, gentle oh Kitten, Spere oE Apple, Palach and I Heat, Tartka iY smell

Together check the guys at the board.

Teacher: - Well done! We coped with this task and get the first letter "P".

Option 2. ( Work in pairs).Pick up a pair of "the adjective one + name noun" and insert the missing endings of the adjectives.

Answer: Absolute oh Rumor, Gladk. and I Road, carriage oE Depot, Berezov and I grove, Pestr. oh Tie, Linen oE Cloth, paintings and I Gallery, Chetk oE Image, convenient oh table.

V. Fizkulminutka

Teacher: - Stand, go away from the party, hands on the belt. I will call the names of adjectives, and you, if you hear the name adjective female - Sat, male - jump, middle - Turn.

The words: sly, Beautiful, Paddle, Bright, Funny, Pensive, Winter, Thoughtful, Warm, Friendly.

Vi. Definition of the genus and number of adjectives

Teacher: - Open the second envelope. Here is a poem and task.

Task 2. Find the names of the adjectives in the poem, determine their genus and number.


There is an initial autumn
Short but wonderful time -
All day costs as crystal,
And radiant evenings ...
Where the cheerful sickle walked and fell sick
Now everything is empty - space everywhere,
Only cobwebs thin hair
Glitters on idle furrow.
Empty air, birds do not hear more
But far before the first winter storms -
And pour clean and warm azure
On the resting field ...

(F.I. Tyutchev) *

* F.I. Tyutchev. Poem: "Fiction" M., 1985.

The answer is hidden on the board: (c) the initial - Zh.R., units, Short - Zh.R., E.C., Wing - Zh.R. E.Ch., Khrustalny - M.R., E.C., Bodry - M.R., E.C., Slim - M.R., E.C., (for) Celebrated - Zh.R. , units, (up to) first - J.R.,, (up to) Winter - Zh.R., MN., Clean - Zh.R., units, warm - Zh.R., E.C.

Teacher: - What 2 words are allocated in this list? Why?

Children: - (up to) first, winter - MN.

Teacher: - How to determine the name of the adjective in the plural?

Children: - You need to put the name noun with which the adjective is associated, put into a single number and determine the genus. The same genus will be the name of the adjective with which it is connected. (up to) the first storms - storm (units), railway, it means (up to) first too Zh.R.

Determination of the kind of names of adjectives in the plural

Warm evenings

Evening - South., M.R., units, it means evenings - SUB., M.R., MN.C.

Evenings (what?) Warm, warm - name Admission, M.R., MN.C.

Teacher: - Wonderful! We coped with this task. Next letter "M". And the last task.

VII. Development of logical thinking and imagination

The teacher reads the last task of aliens, which is recorded on the board.

Task 3. Imagine how our planet looks like.

The work is performed frontal. After discussion, the teacher fits the best option in the gaps.

On the ………. The planet lives .......... Men, they have .......... Eyes, .......... Hair, .......... ears. But very .......... character. Lodges in the little men .........., With .......... roofs. Near each house sits .......... dog. Dogs on this .......... planet instead of chickens, because .......... Houses guard .......... Drakets and .......... Ostrich. They sit on .......... Ropes and growls. On the ………. Trees sing .......... songs ………. Flies. IN ………. Forests are found .......... Turtles.

Teacher: - Excellent !! And the last letter "and". So, they received the letters "p", "m", "and". What word did it work?

Children: "Rome" and "Peace".

Teacher: - In the envelope there is still a note. "To check the resulting cipher, substitute ... Beauty will save ...". Well done !!! We really saved our planet!

VIII. Summing up lesson

Today at the lesson we remembered what the adjective name is.

Children: - This is part of speech that answers what questions? What? What? what kind? whose? Indicates a sign of the subject.

Teacher: - How to determine the name of the names of adjectives?

Children: - It is necessary to determine the name of the noun, with which the name adjective is connected. The name of the adjective will be the same.

Teacher: - How to determine the name of the adjective in the plural?

Children: - Put the name noun, with which the name is adjective, in a single number and define its genus. The same genus will be the name of the adjective.

Teacher: - We care about to establish the name of the names of adjectives with the names of nouns, correctly writing the generic end of the names of adjectives and slightly muggy.

Teacher: - Now take your narrow leaves with your "names" and fill Sinwen. Next to select a star, which matches your mood at the moment.

All syncewing children are hanging on the board.

Adjective names vary in numbers. In the plural, they answer the question "what?".

Mountains (what?) High

Only in the only number of adjectives change according to childbirth. In the multiple number by childbirth, this part of the speech does not change.

As in the only number, the adjectives of the plural change are changed by cases, i.e, inclined.

Here is a table, which shows the declination of the names of adjectives in the plural:

Find examples in this table confirming the findings about the declining names of adjectives in the plural:

1) What is the question? - This is a question of adjective multiple numbers in and and V. P

2) Compare the adjectives in both V.P. They noticed that they may have different endings: -th; -Ih.

It depends on which the adjective multiple number is used with what kind of nouns: if with inanimate, then the ending will be; If with animate, then the end will be.

3) in IP and in VP (with inanimate nouns) End of adjective multiple numbers. It is not difficult to guess what is written after solid consonants, and after soft

4) The table clearly shows that in R. V. PP adjective multiple numbers are responsible for one question: what? And the endings in these cases are also the same - and

5) In the first column of examples of the table, adjectives with the impact gradation are inclined, and in the second with unstressed. If they compare them, it can be seen that unstressed endings adjective multiple numbers are written in the same way as shock

6) How to identify the case of adjective multiple number? Very simple: the adjective plural depends on the case of the nouns with which this adjective is connected. So, the adjective multiple number will stand in the same case as the noun to which it belongs.

All these findings are needed in order to competently build their speech, to write well.

Discuss the results of work in pairs. What was the text about?

What new did you learn from this text for yourself?

Is everything clear? What questions appear?

Let's return to the game "Danque". Read the questions, in the answers to which you doubted, did not know how to answer.

Answered those questions that caused difficulties with us?

How do you need to act to determine the padege name of the adjective? Try each compilation of the algorithm for the definition of the case of the arrival in the number.

Now discuss it in pairs.

Check algorithm

On the desk:

1) I find a noun ...

2) I put a question ...

3) I will define the case ...

4) Call ...

Let us estimate our work on the algorithm.

On the desk:

1) Task?

2) Result?

3) right?

4) independently?

5) Mark?

1.What did you need to do in the task?

2. Did you get the result? Found the answer?

3. Will it fulfilled the task? Or were there errors?

4d with the task completely independently or helped comrade? What questions?

5. What mark do you put yourself?

Why do we need these skills?

1) Insert adjectives in phraseologism.

crow in .... feathers, professor ... sew, find ... language

Words for references: acid, common, peacock

Explain the meaning of each phraseologist.

To find mutual language - to agree I. P

Crow in peacock feathers - Lock P. P

Professor of an acidic - unlucky bad master R. P

Defined the case of adjectives, acting on the algorithm.

2) Find arrival in the sentences in the following offers, write out, highlight the end and write in what case it is worth it

Under the windows there are many branched trees → (what?) Trees (what?) Branchy RP

We approached K. wooden houses → (to whom?) To houses (what?) Wooden DP

Aircraft flew over fluffy clouds → (what?) Over the clouds (what?) Fluffy TP

Cost high buildings → (What?) Houses (what?) High IP MN.C.

3) Sleeping of chainvord.

Ever the word here - the appearance of the case of the unit or Mn number. You need, using our tilt, applied in need

1) Scarlet - DP, E.C.

2) Impact - TV.P., un. h.

3) Mighty - im.p., units, cf.r.

4) Single - V.P., E.C., J.R.

5) Yoy - R.P., E.C.

6) Experienced - TV.P., MN.C.

7) Interesting - R.P., MN.C.

8) Good - DP, MN.C.

9) Mirny - R.P., units

10) Excellent - DP, MN.C.

What topic are we studied?

Let's try to reflect the knowledge gained in the scheme that got the name "Fishboon" - fish skeleton.

We make such a scheme for the first time, so we will take care of doing it together. This scheme is similar to the fish: this is the head, here is the ribs, and this is the tail. A question is written in the head, the topic. On the ribs - conclusions. They must consist of proposals built like this: if ... then ... and the tail is the main conclusion on the lesson, the outcome of the topic

If ... then ...

Who will repeat our basic conclusions on the topic?

Finish proposals - Evaluate the results of work in the lesson.

I managed ...

I was surprised ...

I like it…

I was pleased with ...

I want to thank ... for ...

I can praise myself ...

I think I ...

What do you think about the conversation on the lesson r. Language tomorrow?

Maybe we will learn a new part of speech? Or will continue talking about adjective?

Why did we get today knowledge about the number of numbers? Does it come in handy somewhere? Where?

Differentiated work.

1 task.

Considerable data in the adjectives with noucent, mark the case, the endings.

Winter came with (cracked) frosts, with (deep) snowdrifts. Ried pine magician and ate in (heavy, snow) fur coats. To the most eyebrows stepped up to them (snow-white) caps.

2 task.

Suppose suitable in meaning of adjectives. Defended the case, filmed

Covered with snow .... Birches. Frequently from ... frost ... trunks. Them …. Branches are similar to ...., .... Lace.

Words for references: strong, flexible, slender, frightened, thin, beautiful, bizarre.

3 task.

Mini - an essay on the topic "Care of birds"

1 Offer - Krasnogrudoy Snegiri (IP), snow (etc.)

2 Offer - Trees (pp)

3 Offer - Winter Park (pp), caring guys (IP)

4 Offer - Hungry Birds (DP), Feed (V.P.)

Kalinina O.P.

6 cl. Topic: declining names of adjectives in MN. number.


Introduce students with the peculiarities of the declining names of adjectives
in plural.

Develop speech, attention, memory, shallow motorcy, vocabulary.

Rail a positive motivation to teaching.

During the classes

1. Actualization of knowledge and difficulty in individual activity


Update learning and skills necessary for perception
new material

- What do you know about the names of adjectives? (Adjective names are
part of speech, which means a sign of the subject and answers what questions?,
what?, what?, what? Adjective names vary by numbers, childbirth and

1. Add to the court. Patch. Apple-cucumber - Mama - Friendship - Table

Add to arr. SUD Level- soft-round-rigid-sweet-

2. On the board. Book with adjectives.: Delicious tomato. Deliven baby,

- What is common in these adjectives? (Single number, male genus)

- And what are the endings? (The same)

- So how do the names of adjectives in the singular change? (IN
the only number of adjectives change according to childbirth and case)

- How to determine the case of the adjective in the singular? (Padezh.
the adjective name is determined by the case of the name of the noun to which
it applies)

- Put the phrase interesting lesson In the nominative case
multiple number.

- Is it possible to define the attitudes of adjectives in the plural. In what
difficulty? (Genus is not determined)

It means that the adjective multiple number cannot be determined.

2.New material

Agree the goal and theme lesson.

- Is it possible to say that the names of the adjective multiple number change
by cases? (well no-?)

- What do you think about what we will work today at the lesson? Who
word the subject of the lesson? (Declining the names of adjectives in multiple

Book with now

I Option - Interesting Books

II option - fun days

Those who wish to try their forces independently pass to the board.

- In what cases the names of the adjective multiple number have the same

- How can you determine the case of adjective in the plural?
(The adjective perm can be found in the name of the name

- What new learned about the adjective multiple number? Take output.

3. Primary fixing work with a textbook (exercises)

- Read the rules for yourself and out loud.

- What did you know about the change in adjectives in the plural?

4. Fizkultminutka

I will call the phrase, which includes nouns and
adjectives. If I call the names of adjectives in the plural
then you are squatting. If in the unit. then then hands raise

Loyal friends, on forest plants, in the deaf steppes, in dense
forests, warm April, bright stars, deep rivers, blue pencil,
in huge cities, fragrant flower, in dark
caves, small village, good hearts, bright sun.

5. Work in groups

You have a card on the table. Read
task and explain in your own words what you need to do. (Insert and highlight
ending, determine the case)

On a blue sofa

To the old house

With red ball

Highly trees

On wide space

According to the seeker road

- How to determine the case of adjectives in a plural?

Make a proposal from these words.

South, C, flew, with, birds, spring, onset.

- Emphasize the main members of the sentence. Determine the genus and case of names

6. Differentiated task

Green card.

You sleep text, inserting suitable adjectives. Determine the case

Spring came with ... birds, ... streams, ... flowers. In ... The forest in the snow is visible patterns ... traces.

Run ... streams.

Red card

I sleep text by adding the words suitable by meaning. Determine the case
adjective multiple numbers.

Winter came with ... frosts, ... blizzards, ... with snowdrifts. In ... The forest in the snow is visible
patterns ... tracks. Run ... streams.

Blue card.

Specify the text by inserting the missed endings of the adjectives. Determine the case
adjective multiple numbers.

Spring came with singer .. ... birds, with call ... streams, with bright ... flowers. In Spring ...
the forest in the snow is visible patterns of zerin ... tracks. Begging call .. streams.

7. Reflection of educational activities

- How do the names of adjectives in the plural change? (Only by

- How do not change the names of adjective multiple numbers? (Not
change by childbirth).

Let us open the mystery of the endings of the end, Ie. To do this, it is necessary to determine which sound ends the basis of the adjective name. The basis is part of the word without end.

Merry roads, sad,

Then neighbor, then distant,

And lungs, and a car

Winding, mountainous.(S. Mikhalkov)

(Thorny means smooth, smooth)

In words merry, sad, caring, winding, mountain The base ends on solid sound l., n., t..

In words middle, Far, Light The base ends on a soft consonant sound n.", to" .

If the basis of the adjective name ends on a solid sound, the end is written: s.

If the base ends on soft sound, Ending Other: Ie.

There are exception words. Find them in riddles.

In the summer in the garden of fresh, green, and in the winter in the barrel salty.(Cucumbers)

When she looks into the garden,

Transparent will become grapes,

Large apples - red,

And pears later are delicious. (Autumn) (I. Kulsk)

Fresh, large, green, salty - the base ends on a solid consonant, but live-shi write with the letter and, so it is written ending.

Late - the base ends on the soft consonant, the ending. Another orfogram is an unpainted consonant sound, the test word is late.

Choose the names of the adjectives and write, performing the commands of the names of nouns.

Paradise birds.

Feathers birds ..., .... , ...., ... .. in shape they .... : Some - ..., others - .... With tassels on wings, third - .... Legs …. And ...., After all, they live in trees. .... birds!

Reference Bureau: Yellow, orange, green, black, unusual, wide, narrow, fluffy, strong, chain, fabulous. (see Fig. 2)

Paradise birds.

Feathers birds (what?) Yellow, orange, green, black. In the form they (what?) Unusual: Some are wide, others are narrow with tassels on the wings, third - fluffy. Legs (what?) Strong and chain, because they live on trees. Fabulous birds!

People, admiring the beauty of paradise birds, often surprised by their carcass. And there is nothing surprising: these birds are close relatives of our ordinary crow.

What nouns can be used with adjectives delicious?



Delicious oranges, zucchini, candy, cucumbers, pies, salads.

National names from the first column do not change in numbers. Nouns names bread, oil, milk, jumped, chocolate, vermicell They have the unique form.


In the distance ... Times in Russia lived fun ... People - fun. Holidays, Peoples ... Gullya did not work out without these people. The chomoroids arranged puppet ... Representations right on the streets. Friendly ... Vatagi could be seen in the villages and cities. Flowers carried the balls of multicolored ... Yes, the drawers are rubber ..., there was a rowed ... goat goats on the chains. Musicians carried their musical ... Tools.(By I. Nikitina)

In times what? distant, -I, people? Cheerful, what are the walking what? Folk, which presentations what? Puppet, vatagi (these are noisy crowds) what? Friend, what are the balls? Multicolored, what are the boxes? Carved, what goats? Out, what tools? Musical.


Matryoshka is (wooden) doll. (Russian) Masters have endowed Matriots Beauty. Matryoshka (ruddy) face, (blue) eyes, (scarlet) sponges, (sable) eyebrows. (Elegant) shawl and (bright) dress complement the beauty of toys. (Russian) Matryoshka - (best) gift.

What a doll (she)? Wooden, units, J.R.

Masters what? Russian,

Face (it) What? Ruddy, units, cf.r.

What eyes? Blue,

Whisk sponges? Scarlet,

Which eyebrows? Sablet,

Shawl (she) what? Elegant, units, J.R.

Dress (it) What? Bright, units, cf.r.

Matryoshka (she) what? Russian, units, J.R.

What a gift (he)? Best, E.C., M.R.


Matryoshka is a wooden doll. Russian masters have endowed Matriots Beauty. Matryushki ruddy face, blue eyes, scarlet sponges, sobular eyebrows. Elegant shawl and bright dress complement the beauty of the toy. Russian Matryoshka is the best gift.

Put the adjectives in the desired form. Determine the number of adjectives and delivery in the singular.

Tundra in summer.

Multicolored summer ... Tundra. On Malnaya Water Pystro ... Birds. On bumps bright ... Flowers. Lazily lie swell ... deer. Their branches ... horns on the golden sunset as a fabulous ... bone forest. And the circle is infinite ... silence. (On N.Semladkov)

Tundra in summer.

Multicolor summer (what?) Tundra ( On melt water, birds (what?) Birds ( On the barks are bright (what?) Flowers (many). Lazily lie full (what?) Deer ( Their branches (what?) Horn (MN. And the circle is infinite (what?) Silence. ( (by N. Slakov)

At the lesson, you learned that the name of the adjective in the multiple number the team is always alone - what? The adjective name, submitting to this team, is used in a plural. The names of adjectives in the multiple number does not differ, since the endings are always the same: -8 or IE.

  1. MSSolovechik, N. S. Kuzmenko "To the secrets of our Language" Russian language: Textbook. Grade 3: in 2 parts. Smolensk: Association of the XXI century, 2010.
  2. MSSolovechik, N. S. Kuzmenko "To the secrets of our Language" Russian language: Workbook. Grade 3: in 3 parts. Smolensk: Association of the XXI century, 2010.
  3. T. V. Koreshkova Test tasks In Russian. Grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association of the XXI century, 2011.
  4. T. V. Koreshkova Penate! Notebook for independent work In the Russian language for 3 cl.: In 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association of the XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V.Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya creative tasks in the Russian language. - SPb.: Karo, 2003
  6. T. Dyachkova Olympic tasks in Russian. 3-4 classes. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008
  1. ().
  2. ().
  3. Pedagogical ideas festival " Public lesson" ().
  • Insert letters. Guess what characteristic words are merged. Find a "unnecessary" combination of words.

quick ... River

dalued ... Mountains

soul ... Lrangessi

moti ... pine

rARK ... Forest

autumn ... Mushrooms

  • Write phrases in the plural.

Friendly team - …

Friendly family - …

Friendly link - ...

City Park - …

Town Square - …

City building - ...

  • Solve spelling tasks in the endings of the adjectives.

Walk Chuka and Geek.

Children went to a splinter in narrow ... path. Over them shone cold ... Blue sky. As a fabulous ... Castles, rose to the sky high ... clutches. In Frost ... Silence sharply shredded curious ... Soroki. Between the cedar branches jumped Ser ... Yurk ... Proteins.