How to give up junk food mu. Getting your figure ready for summer or how to give up unhealthy foods. Taking photos of food “before”

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Nutritionists have long drawn our attention: cravings for junk food depend more on the habits of our brain than on the habits of the body. Sometimes the flavoring additives that are generously supplied with such attractive harmful substances are addictive, but not to such an extent that it is impossible to get rid of it through an effort of will. Let's try to train our will and brain?

We are in website We decided to collect working tips that will help us understand what we buy in the store and approach the choice more consciously.

1. Read labels

A way to buy less that works. junk food- is to realize what we get with it. And this does not mean that you need to completely give up, for example, cookies. After all, by spending a little more time near the store shelf to read the ingredients, you can find a product that contains less sugar and no harmful preservatives or additives.

Finding less than 5 ingredients on a sausage package is difficult these days, but not impossible. Please note: if you see more than 5 items on simple products(dairy, baked goods, juices), this is an alarming indicator.

Many additives are used to improve consistency, thicken, increase product weight, and extend shelf life.

It's worth knowing that:

  • Manufacturers also use natural analogues of chemical preservatives; look for them on the packaging: citric acid, honey, salt, vinegar.
  • Are pectin added to sweets instead of gelatin? Great, it is considered more useful; it is not for nothing that this ingredient is used in eco-products.
  • E labeling on products is alarming, but it must be taken into account that not all “eats” are harmful. For example, E260 is just acetic acid, E500 - baking soda.
  • For example, riboflavin E101, pectin E300, ascorbic acid E440 - the composition of a regular apple.
  • The additive E250, or sodium nitrite, in the sausage indicates that the product is protected from the formidable botulinum toxin. Only this substance can resist him. IN large quantities Sodium nitrite is found in spinach.

3. Take photos of food

Visualization helps you control your diet, which is why nutritionists advise keeping a food diary. If you are determined to lose weight or eat healthy, then you won’t be able to eat a cake and quickly forget about it. The diary will not forget, but the photo will remind you.

You can “sum up” the amount of food you eat during the day in the evening, and this will help you adjust your diet and quickly get rid of extra pounds.

4. Replace a harmful product with a healthy analogue

Who will voluntarily replace a cheeseburger with carrots?! At first, the prospect of replacing one food with another does not inspire enthusiasm. Until you notice that your health is improving and the weight is going away. Such a replacement will sweeten the bitterness of parting and will allow you not to change eating habits sharp and radically. Popular alternatives that quickly get used to are:

  • milk chocolate - dark chocolate;
  • chips - popcorn without butter;
  • french fries - baked potatoes;
  • ice cream - frozen yogurt;
  • sweets for tea - dried fruits;
  • cookies - whole grain bread.

5. Diet variety

It is a well-known fact: cravings for harmful things are caused by a lack of useful elements in the body. This is easy to notice in the summer: when your favorite berries are ripening, you are no longer so drawn to candy, right?

  • If you have an uncontrollable urge to eat something fatty, or your body lacks calcium and fat-soluble vitamins, add dairy products, cheeses, and broccoli to your diet.
  • Cravings for flour indicate a lack of nitrogen and fats; eat more legumes, meat and nuts.
  • Craving something sweet, especially chocolate? The body lacks magnesium - seeds, nuts, and buckwheat make up for its deficiency.
  • Are you craving coffee? The body needs phosphorus and sulfur - cranberries and seeds contain them.
  • If your passion is ice cream, try adding rabbit, chicken and turkey meat to your diet - you are missing calcium and tryptophan.

6. Add More Colored Foods

Research has shown that Red color of food makes it more attractive and tasty from our brain's point of view. We tend to consider red food more nutritious and tasty, while green food, on the contrary, is not very attractive, “immature”.

Have you noticed that junk food often doesn’t have a particular color? The brain perceives baked goods, chips, cookies, and fast food as one whole. We eat “beige food” and don’t monitor satiety; the body demands more and more.

Now try to remember. Have you probably been on a diet or followed proper nutrition at least once in your life? Have you noticed that after giving up harmful products the condition of the skin, face, and body improves, we feel lighter and our mood improves.

Let's now take a closer look at how our body changes after giving up harmful foods.

Cleansing the body

A large amount of unhealthy, unhealthy food causes the body to become clogged and the food is slowly digested. As soon as you start eating right, a cleansing process occurs: waste and toxins are removed, excess weight is lost and metabolism improves.

Clean skin

Secondly, watch your skin. Many people often wonder why they have acne and rashes from time to time if they do not have bad habits and take care of their facial skin. So, the reason for this could also be junk food. Fatty, high-calorie foods lead to oily facial skin, clogged pores, which causes pimples and an unsightly oily sheen to appear on the face. Once you eliminate certain foods, you will see your skin appear fresher and your acne will go away on its own.

Weight loss

Of course, after eating junk food, all people gain pounds. But as soon as you stop consuming such products, in a few weeks you will not even notice how you will lose excess weight, and several centimeters will be removed from your waist and hips. After all, there is nothing better than feeling slim and attractive (Kate Moss has been talking about this for a long time).

Not proper nutrition always leads to a set excess weight. And if in your youth it seems that you can eat anything - you still won’t gain weight, then at a more mature age you begin to understand: you can’t deceive the body, anyway, junk food will sooner or later lead to gaining extra pounds.

The hardest thing in the process of weight correction is to give up these harmful foods and switch to proper nutrition once and for all. But this turns out to be not so easy to do, especially if a person is accustomed to eating poorly in general, he does not know how to plan his time and easily succumbs to the opinions of others.

Often people themselves don’t understand that they have become hostages of junk food, they don’t know why they can’t pass by another fast food, and chips are again in their grocery basket.

Let's look at the main reasons for addiction to junk food and find ways to get rid of them...

Reason 1. Family traditions

Even in early childhood, we develop most of our food rituals and habits.
If your family is used to having three courses for dinner, then, as you grow up, you won’t be able to imagine dinner without the first one.

It is in childhood that the family habit of finishing everything, trying everything that is on the table, eating certain foods, and eating up on holidays is formed.

Our parents play an important role, because they are the ones who decide how to build our relationship with food: scold us for poor appetite or allow us to leave the table half-starved, allow us to eat sweets before meals or forbid it, reward us with treats for good behavior or find something else encouragement

If there were incorrect food rituals and habits in your family, then you must analyze and correct them. This can be difficult to do. Psychoanalysis will help make the task easier.

Take a piece of paper and describe in detail how you sat down at the table as a child, what your mother most often cooked, how your holidays went, how your parents treated poor appetite, reluctance to eat certain foods, playing with food, whether you ate while watching TV.

Now carefully read what has been written and think about what eating habits are not considered healthy. Start getting rid of them today. Don’t worry - you will succeed, because you can get used to something new, forgetting about the old, in just 21 days.

Reason 2. Pressure from surrounding people

“Whoever you mess with, that’s how you’ll gain.” Are you familiar with this common expression? Indeed, our environment influences our habits, thoughts and behavior patterns.

It has already been proven that if you communicate among overweight people, then you yourself will be prone to gaining excess weight, and if there are slim people around, then there will be much more motivation to lose weight.

We all subconsciously copy the accepted model in the group in which we often find ourselves. Not many people agree to be a black sheep. That's why it's important to analyze your social circle and try to get away from common eating habits if they turn out to be harmful.

Is it common among your colleagues to dine at fast food? Do your colleagues drink beer on Fridays, often chip in and buy cakes and pies, and bring sandwiches with fatty sausage to work? Yes, you won’t lose weight with such habits.

In this situation, there are two ways out: take a leadership position and try to change group eating habits to the right ones, or, despite oblique glances, start following your own healthy habits.

The first is harder to do, but you won’t lose weight in society, but, perhaps, you will become everyone’s favorite and will be able to change to better life those around you.

It’s easier to act according to the second plan, but then you can lose a good relationship with colleagues and become a reason for unspoken discussions among colleagues.

In any case, maintaining the bad eating habits of those around you is more expensive for yourself, and you need to get rid of them. Try a soft tactic: start casually talking about how someone you know gave up junk food and was cured of some disease. Or, on the contrary, act on the principle of intimidation - tell horror stories about the consequences of poor nutrition. Fear is also contagious!

Reason 3. Taste tricks of manufacturers

It turns out that our addiction to junk food involves not only psychology, but also physiology. Receptors are responsible for the perception of tastes, and hormones are responsible for adherence to tastes.

For example, addiction to sweets is very easy to explain. Under the influence of sugar in the brain, dopamine receptors are irritated, which are responsible for the production of dopamine, the pleasure hormone.

Frequent consumption of sweets leads to dopamine addiction, the brain asks for more and more pleasure, and the person begins to indulge in sweets every day.

Fatty foods also affect our receptors in the brain. Research shows that fatty foods taste the best to our brains. This is where the craving for sausages, fatty meats, and fried foods comes from.

Spices added to food also interact with hormones and receptors. As a result, food seasoned with spices seems incredibly tasty to us, and we can no longer refuse spices when preparing homemade dishes.

Salt has a similar effect. We get used to salt, although we only need 5-10 g per day. Unsalted dishes seem bland and tasteless to us; our hand naturally reaches for the salt shaker, which only contributes to excess weight gain.

Another interesting fact is that different people have different attitudes towards bitter foods. There is a gene in our body that is responsible for the perception of bitter taste. Some people's DNA contains two copies of this gene, and as a result, such people are very sensitive to bitter tastes and avoid bitter foods: radishes, onions, beer, coffee, etc.

Changing physiological food habits is the hardest thing to do, but it is still possible. To do this, you need to gradually change your eating habits: reduce the amount of sugar and sweets consumed, replace sugar with healthy analogues (for example, stevia), reduce the amount of salt, reduce the use of spices, giving preference to dried herbs.

Reason 4. Replacing emotions with food pleasure

People who cannot or do not want to express emotions or who do not feel comfortable various reasons lacking emotions, they are often replaced with food pleasure.

Therefore, try to diversify your life, do what brings you positive emotions, what leaves a pleasant impression. Once your life becomes full, cravings for junk food will weaken or disappear altogether.

Have you noticed that happy people Do you stick to proper nutrition more often? Think about it!

Reason 5. Lack of control in life

Sometimes simple control makes it easy to overcome bad eating habits and cravings for unhealthy foods.

Keep a food diary and record in it what, when, in what quantity and under what circumstances you eat and drink. Now, using a calorizer, calculate the number of calories consumed per day and the B/F/U ratio. Analyze how your results differ from the norm and draw appropriate conclusions.

Now try to create a menu that meets your needs for proteins, fats and carbohydrates and does not go beyond your daily calorie needs. Again, use a calorizer.

Try to follow this menu. Even if it doesn’t work out right away, at least gradually move towards following the menu.

Advertising is the engine of trade, including trade in unhealthy food products. Marketers specifically show us chips on the entire screen, splashes from pouring cola, the golden crust of a freshly fried chop.

It looks delicious and makes you want to try it. And in the store, when you see a familiar package from an advertisement, your brain will dictate pleasant appetizing associations to you (those splashes, those crispy chips supposedly made from natural potatoes).

Advertisers know their stuff and can influence your choice. The only weapon that works against beautifully packaged advertising is your knowledge. Start carefully studying product labels, don’t be lazy to read what a particular product is made of, look for its calorie content and value in terms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Don’t let anyone or anything influence your eating habits, get rid of bad eating habits, act in a way that will be useful and beneficial for you. Good luck on your journey to a healthy lifestyle!

Did you find this article helpful? Then like us and write in the comments which foods you consider the most harmful, and how did you get rid of them?

Scientist Stephen Witherly studied the phenomenon of food and came to an amazing conclusion: it is our own brain that causes us to consume junk food.

A writer and activist healthy eating Michael Pollan, in his book The Omnivore's Dilemma, argues that the reason we love fast food lies in the great contradiction between the logic of nature and industrial food production.

In their books and reports, researchers not only share observations, but also give advice on how to overcome cravings for forbidden foods.

1. Check the ingredients

Michael Pollan advises avoiding foods with ingredients that a third grader couldn't pronounce. Most the right way Starting to buy less junk food means becoming more aware of what you're actually eating. If you dig deeper and find out the ingredients of your favorite products, it can become unsettling.

Chips don't always contain potatoes, and chocolate hazelnut spread is more than half sugar. The food additive E320 (butylated hydroxyanisole), which acts as an antioxidant and can be a potential carcinogen, is often added to sausages. And vitamin D3, which can be found on the yogurt label, is synthesized from sheep fat.

2. More colors

Have you noticed that healthy foods are often painted in the brightest colors, but junk food does not have an abundance of color shades (unless you use dyes)? Our vision perceives baked goods, chips, crackers and noodles instant cooking almost like one product, and, of course, requires supplements.

Food science and nutrition lecturer Susan Bowerman says too many people are on a "beige" diet of crackers, cereals and cookies. But we need to see at least three different colors food on their plates. So, instead of rushing out for another fancy bun, add a pop of color: a juicy red apple or a yellow banana.

3. Remember the five-ingredient rule

If more than five ingredients are listed on the label, this is a signal of a processed product. The “less is more” rule in in this case works without reservations.

Avoid products that contain ingredients you haven't heard of or wouldn't use in your home. Food emulsifier, lecithin, stabilizer - what is it? Many of the additives are used to extend the shelf life of the product, but even in this case, you can always find safe and natural analogues: salt, vinegar, citric acid, honey

Also avoid products that list sugar as one of the first three ingredients on the label.

4. Count down ten seconds before you throw an unhealthy product into your cart.

Michael Pollan advises asking the question before purchasing: “Would your great-grandmother consider this food?” Would she, for example, eat this poisonous-colored jelly from a plastic package?

Also, when purchasing, try to visualize the composition of this product. How it was prepared, how much sugar, flavor enhancers and preservatives were added, how much fat was used. Now put that pack of sausages back on the shelf.

5. Spend more time buying healthy food.

While walking through the market or supermarket, replenish your supplies of healthy foods. Fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts, natural yogurt, fresh herbs - the choice of foods for which the body will thank you is quite wide.

If you are used to chewing something, celery sticks will come to the rescue: you will never get better from them. And in order not to feel like a rabbit and get more pleasure from eating, you can prepare a light sauce for the chopsticks.

Store healthy foods where you can see them: in the front and center of the refrigerator, in a basket in the kitchen, on shelves and in desk drawers. Make sure you always have vegetables and fruits on hand to snack on. For example, dip pieces bell pepper in hummus.

6. Desserts can be healthy

The most a big problem, which probably everyone faces is a craving for sweets. It's not easy to give up a cake or cupcake. But high-carbohydrate foods can be replaced with their dietary counterparts, and Instagram is replete with pages about healthy eating with detailed recipes.

Make homemade ice cream. Put the berries in freezer, and then finish off your evening meal with them as a sweet dessert. Make granola bars at home: place two cups in a blender oatmeal, a large apple, a pear or a banana, a handful of dried fruits and nuts. Spread this mixture in a thin layer on a baking sheet and bake at 180°C until light golden brown crust. Now you won't need to run for buns.

7. Chew your food thoroughly

More than a hundred years ago, obese Horace Fletcher put forward an amazing concept: chewing food more than 32 times can help you lose weight. Japanese scientists studied this habit in even more detail and came to the conclusion that it is indispensable for health and longevity.

Insufficient chewing of food leads to metabolic syndrome: increased blood pressure, diabetes and obesity. The more attention is paid to grinding food, the easier it is for the body to digest it.

If you are able to chew longer and harder, you will eat less. Try chewing your food slowly and mindfully. One bite, 32 chews, swallowing and then the next bite.

8. Take more photos of your diet

Researchers led by Lydia Zepeda from the University of Wisconsin at Madison ten years ago concluded that photographing food helps you give up unhealthy foods and lose weight.

The results of an experiment with 43 volunteers confirmed that visualization helps you control your diet. Researchers believe that, armed with a phone camera and a food diary in which you record how you feel after eating, you can actually shed a few extra pounds from your waist.

Therefore, when you see another food photo on Instagram, don’t judge too harshly: perhaps this is how its author fights bad habits in nutrition.

Bonus: Why do we love junk food so much?

Stephen Witherly in his talk “Why do people like junk food?” says that there are two factors that make you particularly enjoy junk food.

Sensation of taste, smell and melting of food in the mouth

Food companies spend millions of dollars to understand what the ideal consistency of a particular product should be. In this they are helped by dynamic contrast (for example, a combination of a crispy shell with a soft filling), foods with hidden calorie content that quickly melt in the mouth (the brain does not even have time to understand how much you actually ate) and foods that cause active salivation (mayonnaise, various sauces, hot chocolate).

Food composition

Food manufacturers use the perfect combination of salt, sugar and fat that most excites your brain and keeps you coming back to eat this type of food again and again.

But the good news is that numerous studies show that the less you eat junk food, the less you crave it. Some people call this process "gene reprogramming."

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It often happens that a person who has been inspired by stories about how to eat healthy decides to do it abruptly. As a result, it lasts for a week, after which the stomach and tongue take over - and everything returns to normal. The person gets upset and gives up this idea altogether, but in vain, since a sudden transition is not the lot of all people. Many people switch to healthy eating gradually - I am a classic example of this.

How long did it take me to transition?

I really loved pancakes with condensed milk. Of course, I didn’t eat them every day, occasionally, and one day the following event happened: my wife baked delicious vegetarian pancakes, I looked at them and put them aside. How long do you think it took for this last frontier to fall?.. Several years….

In 2011, I ate everything. By the end of the year I gave up meat, chicken and fish and for the first 3 months I was constantly hungry. I devoured everything else with pleasure, without any special restrictions.

In 2012, I also gave up eggs, even if they were included in some products, for example, as egg powder. I could eat fried potatoes and thought it was normal.

In 2013 – drank black and green tea. I haven’t yet paid much attention to sweets or flour or meal times. I started doing yoga and various health practices irregularly. There was almost no fried food, but I could afford it.

In 2014, I still did not hesitate to buy cookies, chocolates and various delicacies in the supermarket. I loved eating pizza at a restaurant. I hardly drank tea, and I didn’t drink coffee either. I did yoga and various health practices irregularly.

In 2015, I looked with horror at the delicious treats that were sold in the supermarket. Only specialized stores or home production. I didn't drink tea or coffee at all. Every day I performed health practices from yoga and special systems. Fried potatoes caused wild horror.

In 2016, I reduced dairy products to a minimum, and they are close to being completely eliminated from the diet. All that was left from the milk was sour cream; even cheese is a thing of the past. There are almost no flour and sugar delicacies left... Of course, I can very rarely treat myself to something, but I don’t really want to... and this pampering never goes beyond certain limits.

Look how slowly everything happened for me. Gradually, one after another, harmful foods were excluded from the diet, addiction and cleansing took place... This all did not happen in one day, most of my friends also followed approximately the same path.

Once upon a time it seemed scary and wild to me to exclude meat, but then I began to feel extreme disgust for it. I once thought that I couldn’t eliminate cheese, since I really love this taste, but the time came when the body itself began to ask for it. The trick is that the body itself asks, awareness increases, the transparency of feedback from the body increases, receptors are cleansed and little by little everything happens by itself.

Of course, you can’t go anywhere without willpower.

Willpower is definitely required, but it’s one thing when you simply forbid yourself to eat something, and another when you really realize the benefits of this action, an internal desire to do it appears, and then it becomes easier to come to an agreement with your tongue and stomach.

There are, of course, people who switch to a raw food diet at the moment, but I have met very few of them. Therefore, you should not be upset if you are unable to suddenly change your lifestyle in one day; it may take you several years, like me, before you radically change your lifestyle. But if you want to live a healthy and fulfilling life, then you have no other way than to start taking seriously what you eat.

  1. What you eat affects your entire body. On the gastrointestinal tract, all organs, vessels, joints.
  2. The purity of your food affects your energy levels and quality. The better you eat, the less stress, depression, bad mood. More positive, joy. More willpower!
  3. Nutrition seriously affects your thinking and worldview. More clarity, you see more truth, you better feel your purpose and where you should go in life.

Of course, you won’t get out on nutrition alone. You also need movement and a certain internal attitude, but nutrition is the foundation.

The most interesting thing is that my transition to a different type of nutrition was always closely connected with spiritual and personal growth: the more I gave life priorities questions about the soul, the meaning of life, the more I became calm, trusted life, my heart, the more I thought about what I eat, about how I feel my body.

If you decide to give up junk food, then you need motivation and parallel work on all aspects of your life.

What motivation could there be to stop eating everything indiscriminately?

Positive. Write down all the benefits that you will get from healthy eating, listen to the inspirational stories of those who already get great pleasure from healthy image life. It seems to me that for most this motivation will not work very effectively.

Through fear. This is a more powerful argument, especially when something really starts to hurt. If you don’t take care of your nutrition, then there are many chances that your life may quickly become not very joyful, because what joy is there when there is no health. Loss of health is not only pain, because it begins to interfere with earning money and actively spending leisure time.

Without parallel work on yourself, there is practically no chance.

As many successful and famous people have said, proper nutrition is more than just a diet. This is a way of life, a way of thinking, spiritual and personal growth.

It’s difficult to stop deciding how to give up junk food, stop eating cookies in the evenings, if you constantly watch TV, feel stressed, have no harmony inside, don’t spend time in nature, live someone else’s life, have a broken daily routine, a mess in business, depression.

It’s another matter when you are active and mobile, think about how to develop your soul, know how to work with your internal states, follow the path of your calling, get up early, and so on.

Agree that without putting your life in order, thinking that you will switch to healthy food in an instant is on the verge of the impossible.

Most people spend years banging their heads against the wall to get their diet in order, grinding their teeth to avoid eating all sorts of crap, and nothing works out. They break down and become unhappy from such restrictions. Why?

You need to work on all aspects of your life. This is not easy, since too many new and useful habits have to be introduced into life, too many “weeds” have grown in your garden of life, you often need to pull them out one by one, which means it takes time.

If you heard me and decided to take care of your whole life, and not just think about how to eliminate sugar or flour, then my following articles will help you:

Be healthy and have many years of active life!


Anna 06/15/2016

Thank you for the article! Very helpful information, I smoked for 20 years, 3 years ago I quit smoking, it only took a month, not years, but a clear reason why I was doing this led to good consequences. everything went painlessly and successfully. working with your consciousness undoubtedly bears fruit, I always read your articles and try to follow your advice. Of course, I immediately wanted to read about pancakes with condensed milk))) I love baking and all sorts of goodies))) I understand that the addiction is the same as from cigarettes, but today this is my weakness, but I’m working on it)))) thank you Once again, I wish you all enlightenment and spiritual growth!!! I love everyone, GOOD LUCK to everyone!!!


Orlova Anna 06/15/2016

    Admin 06/15/2016

    The whole set of vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, legumes, various greens, vegetable oils, seeds - a huge variety. There are only eggs, meat, fish, sugar, salt, and a minimum of flour. I don’t quite understand what “you don’t eat anything” means, I still eat!


    Ulyana 06/15/2016

    Michael, thanks a lot for the article! It never occurred to me that I could very gradually switch to a healthy diet, I thought that I needed to do it right away - here and now)) but this is really a great option to painlessly switch to a new lifestyle. Although the option of a raw food diet and vegetarianism is not at all close to me, I do not support it, but properly prepared food and a lot of fresh vegetables are certainly great! You feel lightness not only in your body, but also your brain begins to think faster)
    Good luck, love and strong willpower to everyone


    Igor 06/15/2016

    Thank you for the article! But most of us go through a similar path, some break down several times and rarely combine it with putting things in order and spiritual growth. This once again proves that the set goal can only be achieved within the framework of a system compiled individually. Your awareness is impressive Mikhail... Peace and health to you...)))


    Anna Kucherova 06/15/2016

    Your experience with gradual weaning over 5 years was somehow comforting)). Some issues of healthy eating, such as fish and meat, generally went unnoticed. Moreover, a year later I noticed that there was a clear aversion to food that had eyes. But it’s difficult with treats... But there is hope))


    Vyacheslav 06/15/2016

    Wonderful way! Yes, you can “adjust” your body and desires to suit your goals. Now tell me WHAT did you get in return besides “achieving your goals” in your confidence that you began to eat “correctly”? What exactly has changed in your life? It is clear that you will answer that you have more vigor, energy, more time and opportunities... but I would like to know WHY?
    Let me explain more specifically, I allow “harmful” foods for pleasure, because... I really get a lot of positive emotions from this, and I don’t feel any “harm” to my health (I can admit that these “pleasures” shorten my life). Hence the eternal question - do we “play” to live as long as possible or as “better” as possible?
    PS I hope I expressed myself clearly enough and we won’t cling to terms


      Admin 06/15/2016

      Vyacheslav, most do not fully understand the consequences of these “pleasures”, that’s the problem, and when does this lead to serious illnesses, then there can be no talk of any “better” life. That is, you can indulge in these pleasures for n number of years, and then punishment may overtake you, and then you’ve arrived.

      The body does not break down immediately, it accumulates poisons in itself, and then these poisons must be removed, but few people do this. Most people pick up the pills and sign their own death sentence.

      Therefore, the choice is this: satisfy your taste buds for part of your life, and suffer for the other part of your life, and suffering is putting it mildly. Or take care of your health and enjoy life all your life, right up to old age: breathe, move, create...

      If there is KNOWLEDGE about the consequences, causes and effects, about how to remove these consequences, then the attitude is completely different.

      And further important point. Health, a healthy lifestyle makes a person happy all the time! And food brings pleasure low level per unit of time.

      Answering your Question:

      HAPPINESS has appeared!!! And it is possible to live with this happiness as much as possible most life. Happiness - which those people who live only for the pleasures of food, sex and running after banknotes do not know.

      This is a direct consequence of diet and lifestyle. Being determines consciousness.

      And one more moment. There is simply a lot of pleasure in a healthy lifestyle and nutrition. An ordinary apple, with cleansed receptors and a clean gastrointestinal tract, can bring such sensations that more than one pizza was not even close.


      Anastasia 06/15/2016

      Thank you for the article! She is the direct answer to my question. I have been a vegetarian for a year and a half now, and since March I have been striving for a raw food diet, but without fanaticism. In principle, I don’t limit myself in anything, but I notice that I no longer want what I used to. And I began to treat fasting days very calmly, I constantly increase my awareness and more and more often there is a feeling of unity with all that exists.
      Sometimes, out of old habit, I eat something harmful, for example bread with cheese, and then my body becomes uncomfortable and I think, did I need it? I’ve been reading your articles for a long time and I’m very glad that you are growing spiritually so much!


      DMITRY 06/16/2016

      Everything is fine, but it’s not clear what exists then. Just vegetables and fruits?
      You can eat monotonously, of course, only then you need some kind of source pleasant emotions in life that will replace the abruptly departed regular food. Because the brain will experience “emotional hunger.” The topic is much, much broader than what the author writes. Since all these tasty treats for many people are not only calories, but also “joy” in life. For many, they are among the “top 3 joys” of life. Those. In order to switch to a raw food diet, a healthy diet without withdrawal symptoms, you need to solve the question “where is the joy? After all, the usual sources of joy will dry up...”


        Admin 06/16/2016

        JOY and pleasure are two different things. I already answered about this. You can continue to “pleasure yourself” and then be sick for half your life. Everyone chooses their own path. And in proper nutrition (everyone can have their own) there is a lot of joy that cannot be compared with any delicacies.

        The TOP 3 joys of life speak only about how a person lives. Tongue, stomach, genitals, but there is still a lot to be happy about)))


        Andrey 06/16/2016

        Of course, the topic of a healthy lifestyle, and nutrition in particular, is very relevant. I went through vegetarianism for half a year. A friend of mine for several years. I started eating meat and fish after health problems began precisely because of the lack necessary substances in organism. Although the person is literate in this matter, he lives in the south of Ukraine and has his own garden. That is, the vegetable and fruit diet was rich.
        In my opinion, the question is not only how to switch to vegetarianism. This transition must be clearly justified from a scientific point of view. And the opinions of experts here are different and not unambiguous. Dairy and meat dishes contain substances that are difficult to replace with plant foods. And some are not allowed at all. For example, some amino acids can only be obtained from animal protein. In general, animal protein is better processed and absorbed. The only question is moderate consumption and correct cooking technology.
        I understand that perhaps many vegetarians feel better and even their thinking becomes clearer. But the fact is that the result of such nutrition can generally affect old age.
        Let me summarize. The article is good, but there is absolutely no opinion from nutritionists and doctors on how safe vegetarianism is.


          Admin 06/16/2016

          The article is not about vegetarianism, so I’m not covering this topic here. But about essential amino acids... you see, in fact, children grow up without meat without consequences, what kind of irreplaceable amino acids can we talk about...

          My children and my friends are growing up. Dozens of children who have never put anything meat in their mouth. I don’t know what other proof is needed)))) Not a single opponent of vegetarianism has been able to explain to me so far how it is possible that entire organisms are built from scratch without meat and everything is fine.

          There are many people who are vegetarians from birth. We cannot close our eyes to these facts.

          And so you need to approach everything with your head. An acquaintance began to feel unwell, what exactly was she missing? Causes? If she ate only apples, then this is natural.

          I take tests all the time, saving them up so that I can show them to everyone later. The only thing that requires special control is B12, but again a separate conversation.

          All in all separate topic about giving up meat and eggs.

          The article is actually not about vegetarianism, but about healthy eating and LIFESTYLE!!! Most people have no time for vegetarianism))) And without it, there is so much nasty stuff in the diet that it’s just a nightmare.

          About old age:

          The problem is not only what we eat, but how it is absorbed and how many poisons the body has accumulated over its lifetime. Many people bring their body to such a state (in society this state is considered normal) that even if you eat too much meat, it will only get worse. By the way, an interesting statistic is that with age, the number of vegetarians per thousand people increases fivefold! Most older people are generally advised to eat a meat-free diet. About age, forgive me, but I don’t believe it, I don’t see the logic. Why would a vegetarian suddenly experience problems in old age if his body is minimally polluted? Just the opposite, problems will come from those who messed it up as much as possible and did everything to ensure that the food was digested as poorly as possible.


          Valentina 06/16/2016

          Mikhail - You wrote such a wonderful article. Nutrition, proper nutrition is a matter of life. I tried more than once to switch to proper nutrition and it got to the point that the smell of meat (boiled) was disgusting. And yet it gradually came back. My daughter does not eat meat or soups with meat broth, but she does eat dairy products and eggs. The body needs protein, right? Of course it is in legumes. I understand that we need to eat more vegetables and fruits (ecologically friendly), which we don’t have enough of in Siberia. We will try to eat more cereals, vegetables and fruits. Thank you for the article!


            Admin 06/16/2016

            There are a lot of questions about vegetarianism in the comments))) Although I didn’t talk about it in this article, although indirectly it is also related to the topic. Still, the message of the article is healthy food! In whatever coordinate system we consider this issue, it almost always comes down to giving up well-known harmful foods, eating at the right time, and a certain balance in the diet.

            Protein is everywhere, its content just varies. Not only in legumes. If we talk about vegetarianism, it does not exclude dairy products, then this is not a problem at all. The topic of a separate article: “What is?”

            In Siberia there live a lot of not only vegetarians, but also raw foodists, I don’t see any problems with this. Cereals, legumes, etc. are available in any region.


            Yuri 06/16/2016

            Mikhail, although I understand the importance of the topic, I have a different attitude towards its solution. To date, I have not seen a single representative of this or that teaching who could confirm with 100% certainty the absolute benefits for the human body. I will not argue. Please take it for granted.
            I'm talking about something else. About the experience of giving up certain products. I have a sweet tooth. Associated with health products. There is an experience of refusal. I also include mercantile interests, such as “I pay money in order to harm my health, etc.” ultimately resolve the issue. The rejection of the “white death” was painless and calm. Without withdrawal. I understood one thing: I need to maintain the topic in my head and give my brain simple confirmation of the need for a solution. He's not a fool. He can handle it himself. The main thing for us then is to keep his decision. And now it’s a different story.


            Julia 06.16.2016

            My path is similar to yours... Even the dates are temporary... But during this time I realized that I am a real food addict(((. My struggle with sugar has been going on for 3 years now... Of course, I don’t eat it like before. And I hardly even eat it at all... But I can still treat myself to a baked cake or pie((
            I recently read an excellent book, “The End of Gluttony,” which reveals main secret food industry... This is not boiled food, this is not sugar and white flour.... These are the combinations: FAT-SUGAR-SALT. After that, it became somehow more conscious to look at what I put in my mouth... But still, I’m still just at the beginning of my journey... Although there is great progress.


              Admin 06/16/2016

              Marina 06/16/2016

              Mikhail, I really envy you! Everything works out so smoothly for you!!! I am also for healthy eating, but not with such asceticism as you. Maybe consciousness and giving up more foods will come later, if you really follow this path... we'll see... But for now I am faced with 2 problems: 1. My family, who crave treats and tempt me. 2. Fear that by ridding myself of meat, eggs, cheese... I don’t get enough proteins, calcium, etc. and thereby, on the contrary, I will harm my body!
              P.S. I would be offended if my husband didn’t eat my pancakes...
              I don’t even understand how you eat at a party? Do you bring food with you? How, in this case, not to offend the hospitable hosts?


                Admin 06/16/2016

                Honestly, I don’t see asceticism))) I don’t starve all day long))

                About resentment and pancakes. This is one example of how our family lives. My wife is only glad that her husband will be healthy. No one gets offended by such things, so in five years of marriage we have never had a fight.

                When visiting, we take it with us and treat it. Usually no one can believe, for example, that the pie we brought was made without eggs, but it’s so delicious!! Hospitable owners have been warned in advance))) Among our friends there is no one who does not understand that we have our own eating habits and they must be respected. This is hospitality - RESPECT for the habits of another, and not in stuffing a guest with poison (I don’t mean meat), even if it’s delicious.


                Vyacheslav 06/16/2016

                Thank you for your comprehensive answer! You are right, this is a good "way". Only a small detail remains - everyone should be able or learn to “feel/know” which food is healthy/necessary, and which only “seems” to be so. After all, the same Evenks will agree that the Chukchi will not live on vegetables and fruits without meat and fat, because... their gastrointestinal tract is adapted to process other products from which it receives everything it needs. Therefore, there is no universal recipe for what you can and cannot eat. But this is, of course, a completely different topic.


                  Admin 06/16/2016

                  Marian 06/16/2016

                    Admin 06/16/2016

                    I am all for taking nutrition very seriously and making sure you have enough of everything. If there is a shortage, especially in the spring for many (regardless of the type of diet), then this issue must be resolved; if it can be solved only with vitamins, then good. There are different vitamins.


                    Mishanya 06/16/2016

                    I started with alcohol. For 4 months now, not a gram, no alcohol in any form or quantity. 😛 and it’s not that I was forced to give it up, it’s just that the inner conviction came naturally that I didn’t need it at all, absolutely.


                      Admin 06/16/2016

                      Anna 06/16/2016

                      Mikhail, thank you very much for the articles, and especially for this one! Our family has been smoothly switching to a raw food diet for a year now. At first, from vegetarians (I have been a vegetarian since birth), we switched to veganism for 3 years; it was difficult to give up cheese, but it worked! I have a vegan baby growing up, we are seeing doctors - the tests are excellent! From my own experience, I realized that a lot is imposed by advertising and society, but how to live is up to me to decide.


                        Admin 06/16/2016

                        Marina 06/16/2016

                        Mikhail, thank you very much for the article! Very relevant for me.. about a smooth transition) I’ve been switching to vegetarianism for almost a year now (sometimes I eat fish, eggs) and I’m worried about this (that this has been happening to me for so long)).. I’ll listen more to my body) I’m sure everything it will be fine)) Everything is already fine))


                        Tamara 06/16/2016

                        Dear Mikhail! After your articles I want to contact you exclusively like this. It's like you're reading my thoughts. I just wanted to ask, but you already answered my questions. If possible, advice from me to those who want to change their taste preferences. And not through an effort of will, but with pleasure. Start eating bee pollen, and you must absorb it, otherwise it will come in and come out. Honey is also possible, but pollen is more powerful. And there is also a wonderful Ayurvedic product Chyawanprash. It harmonizes all tastes. You will be able to distinguish between good and bad food without any testers.


                        Marina 06/16/2016

                          Admin 06/16/2016

                          It depends what you mean by tasty. She doesn’t eat or ask for any chips, Snickers, lollipops or anything else, because she knows that we don’t eat those things and that we won’t buy them. We never have anything like this in our house.

                          Most of all she loves fruits, nuts, cereals, seeds, she loves flaxseed oil)), milk.. She and I don’t have any problems with food, as it often happens that children don’t want to eat anything except cookies. Flour-based delicacies are only vegetarian and homemade, but not very often.

                          I’ll probably write a separate article about the dishes we prepare.


                          Alex 06/16/2016

                            Admin 06/16/2016

                            There is this joke:

                            - I will never eat mushrooms again!
                            - Why?
                            - I promised them yesterday!

                            Mushrooms are delicious, of course. I haven’t decided yet, but for now I eat, although very rarely - a couple of times a year, since there is nowhere to get fresh and real ones. White ones especially! Wow!


                            Nina 06/16/2016

                            Good article, I agree! I like the way you present your experience - calmly and without pathos, and without lectures (as is sometimes the case with some militant vegetarians). But I do not agree with the definition of harmful-beneficial. No harmful or healthy food, everything that is created by nature is not harmful. Everything is poison and everything is medicine. Measurement is important. (Although yes, all sorts of chemical substitutes and additives are probably still harmful and you should strive to minimize them). It's all about the quantity and quality of the product itself. Stale grass or vegetables will definitely be more harmful than the freshest steak. But if you “eat” ten of these steaks at a time, this will also not bring any benefit. Everything is good in moderation.
                            Pancakes with condensed milk are wonderful and never harmful. Why introduce false installations? I think it’s much more harmful to forbid yourself to eat pancakes if you really want to. It’s another matter if your attitude has changed naturally and you simply don’t want to eat them anymore for some reason of your own. I also used to eat a lot of things that I don’t eat now, in principle, they don’t taste good to me now.
                            In addition, all people are too different for everyone to benefit from the same diet. If someone is “rushing” with vegetarian food, he feels happy, healthy and full of energy - great! But this is not a reason to claim that this is the only healthy diet and that meat is poison and so on! By the way, those who believe that the absence of meat deprives a person of some useful substances, is wrong because all these substances are also contained in plant foods, sometimes in greater quantities than in meat. And this has been proven. After all, meat initially receives these substances from plants, which are the only ones capable of producing them through photosynthesis. And regularly checking the condition of your body is useful for everyone.
                            But there are also a huge number of other people for whom meat is both useful and necessary for good health, and there is nothing bad or strange about it. I’m a non-vegetarian, and I feel bad if I don’t eat meat or dairy for a long time. Once or twice a week I need animal food to feel good. especially in winter. But this does not stop me from doing yoga and meditation. And feel a surge of energy, be cheerful and healthy.
                            As for health, it definitely depends on diet, but has little to do with vegetarianism. Everyone, if he wishes, will find examples of healthy (meaning “healthy”, not “fat-ruddy”) meat-eaters, as well as vegetarians who died from cancer (which is often considered a “consequence” of eating meat).


                              Admin 06/16/2016

                              I agree that everyone decides for themselves what to eat. This is everyone's right and I try to simply share my thoughts and feelings.

                              There are different types of meat and you can eat it in different ways. Most often, it is eaten uncontrollably, which causes rotting in the gastrointestinal tract and poisons the body with various chemicals with which it is stuffed. There are a lot of nuances that people usually don’t know. For me personally, this is no longer a question of benefits or diet, but a question of feelings of body and spirit.

                              Pancakes with condensed milk. Fried food never did any good + useless and harmful sugar+ dead meal + processed food. There is nothing even a little bit useful, just taste sensations, which only accelerate the desire to eat something else like that. I am sure that if a person eats them often, this will definitely negatively affect his health and his desire to eat them in large quantities. And the question of refusal lies in the plane of UNDERSTANDING and the body’s feeling that this is a bad thing. This is not a limitation in the full sense.

                              Refusal or asceticism is also control of the body, when you are the master of yourself, and not your stomach or tongue. This is a very important component of human growth. I can write a lot about this, everything is very deep here.

                              It's good that each of us has a choice!


                              Liana 06/16/2016

                              Thanks for the article, Mikhail. I’m not against a healthy diet, I don’t switch to it simply because it’s expensive, I haven’t eaten sausage for a long time, if I suddenly want to, just read the ingredients on the label and the desire will disappear. And when vegetables and fruits begin to ripen in your garden, you automatically become a vegetarian, because everything is fresh and tasty, and you don’t want any store-bought treats. Now the berries have begun: so aromatic and sweet!


                              Tamara 06/16/2016

                              I re-read Mikhail’s comments and answers. It’s great that many people were simply touched by this topic. Among my friends there are vegetarians, vegans, and even one raw foodist. And they all changed a lot mentally after they changed their diet. The only thing, but not least, is that it is very expensive to eat like this in our climate. Not India and not Thailand. All heavy, sweet, floury foods are historically the food of the poor. For hard physical labor, and now so that there is Full time job from pharmaceutical companies, fitness centers and others like them. But still, Mikhail, in terms of money, is it expensive to be a vegetarian family?


                                Admin 06/17/2016

                                If we talk about vegetarianism with the exception of meat, fish and eggs, then there is no difference. Meat is replaced with legumes: mung beans, chickpeas, lentils, beans. 1 kg of lentils costs less than 1 kg of meat, so I don’t see any special problems here. Nuts are more expensive, but you don’t need a lot of them. Good vegetable oils, olive oils, are expensive, but there is no need to drink them in liters, 1-3 tablespoons per day. In general, there is not much difference. There will be a difference if you order farm products, buy fresh berries all the time, and so on, but this is a different level. For " ordinary person“This will not be a problem if he replaced the meat with legumes, seeds, and nuts.


                                Alexander 06/16/2016

                                It’s strange, of course, that there is so much talk around food: some people see such joy in it that they cannot refuse, others practice “refusing” by training the body/spirit and counting, among other things. fried potatoes with pancakes cause early illnesses.

                                My grandfather drank large quantities of vodka all his life (unless, to give credit where credit is due, he never smoked), cursed loudly, ate only pasta, sausage, dumplings, potatoes, soups, meat of course. And he lived healthy, strong, powerful, robust, and energetic until he was almost 80 years old (except that his teeth often bothered him during his life). And he died almost without getting sick.

                                So the question is: is it the food?

                                P.S.: I myself am interested in issues of healthy eating, I conduct some experiments on myself, so in no case do I argue with the author. But I will be glad to hear his comment on the above. Thank you in advance.


                                  Admin 06/16/2016

                                  This issue cannot be considered only according to one parameter. Of course, an INCREDIBLE amount depends on food, there is evidence of how people who change their eating habits become much healthier, but genetics also matters.

                                  My great-grandfather lived 97 years and never heard about what is right and wrong to eat, but if he had also cared about nutrition, he would have lived even longer, and last years I would have spent my life much more active. My grandmother is 89 years old; she was killed by sweets and coffee - intestinal cancer.

                                  Nutrition + genetics = this is generally a bomb, of course, but in the present generation I have not seen cases where genetics pulled out, but among my own relatives there are plenty of past generations. Our ancestors ate normal food again! We didn’t know GMOs, poisoned meat, stale fruits and vegetables from fields with pesticides. We breathed air, we were active, we didn’t sit in front of the computer...

                                  So no matter what, nutrition is still extremely important, ESPECIALLY in the long term. Clean air and activity too.


                                  Alexander 06/16/2016

                                  There is also an observation that the question of FAITH in the correctness of your diet is very important. If you are a vegan with a fear of animal protein deficiency, most likely there will be little benefit (perhaps this fear explains the health problems of the vegetarian from the comments above).

                                  And of course, in this context, I remember Richard Branson’s book “To hell with everything, get out of it and do it!” In which the author, throughout the entire book, enthusiastically tells how he was raised in the spirit of service and helping others, and concludes “the secret to success is simply take it and do it."

                                  It is the difficulty, and sometimes the impossibility, of comparing true causes and consequences that gives rise to contradictions between people, different experiences, different points of view, different views on life and mutual misunderstanding on many issues.

                                  The same goes for feeding. Relatively speaking, you can eat a lot of meat and pancakes, but enjoy life, love life, appreciate what you have, give thanks, enjoy life and serve/help people - and you will have a long, healthy and happy life.
                                  And “vegan” (let’s call them that in general) types of nutrition, as a rule, are simply impossible without all (or at least part of) the above. Because almost no one, probably, suddenly becomes a vegan. As a rule, this is preceded or accompanied by some kind of practice, awareness, understanding of the need for a “near-Igai” existence (I don’t know how to briefly describe this, so in order not to add additional writing to 3 pages, I use this somewhat strange term, but whoever is in the subject, will understand, but for those who are not in the know, look on Google for “ikigai” to see what it’s about, it’s better written there and even with pictures, I’m not kidding).

                                  So think about what it is the real reason prolongation of active and healthy longevity))


                                    Admin 06/17/2016

                                    Victor 06/17/2016

                                    The article is good, although the information is generally known. But here's what I want to draw your attention to. Many people write about changing their diet from a position of denial: they gave up this, then gave up that, etc. But few people write about ways to fully replace what was abandoned. It is clear that not all products require replacement, but in general, if, for example, we refuse a conventionally “dirty” source of certain substances, microelements, then emptiness is a bad replacement. It is important not only to refuse, but to replace it, and most importantly, to accustom the body to adequately absorb this replacement. Otherwise, many will stumble on this thorny path, because... will feel Negative consequences from changes in nutrition.
                                    For example, a fairly common, although rarely voiced, problem when switching to vegetarianism-veganism-raw food diet. In addition to a bunch of positive effects that no one denies, many fairly young people experience a decrease in libido. It is not customary to discuss this, and it manifests itself differently for everyone and, as a rule, after a year or two of giving up animal proteins, eggs and milk. It’s easier to show off your toned waist, tone and lack of colds. But people are indeed becoming more asexual. Men prefer to just be friends with women, and women may develop problems along the female side.
                                    Should I say that the raw food diet is to blame? Hardly. Rather, having become fixated on the topic of abandoning the old type of nutrition, we pay too little attention to the topic of forming a full-fledged and balanced new type.
                                    It turns out that most raw foodists are pioneers. I have not yet seen second-generation raw foodists. Moreover, I have not even seen raw foodists living permanently in northern countries with more than 10 years of experience. In Australia, in America, in warm European countries, yes. What about Russia, Norway, Finland?
                                    The fact is that by touching on the topic of the natural food system, we exclude the related topic of natural habitat. After all, the bottom line is, if we throw off all the husks, physiologically we will look like naked monkeys, which in the conditions of Siberia or even St. Petersburg would not last long. This means that our diet should be different from classic version raw food diet, which is possible in countries with warm climates.
                                    I am writing this because... I personally encountered many of the pitfalls of a raw food diet. Now two-thirds of my diet consists of raw vegetables and fruits, but I began to include eggs, occasionally milk, and even less often animal protein. For me personally, this departure from the classics allowed me to preserve the positive effects and remove the negative ones. But this was done intuitively, through trial and error, which is generally undesirable.