How to get rich in Russia an ordinary person. How to get rich in Russia

  • 1 I want to get rich! What prevents people to get out of poverty?
  • 2 differences of thinking of a successful person from the worldview of the loser
  • 3 where do you need to start work on yourself?
    • 3.2 Self-development and self-improvement
    • 3.3 Neurobika
    • 3.4 Different relation to any process
    • 3.5 Responsibility for decisions
    • 3.6 Formation of the right attitude towards money
  • 4 How to quickly get rich: Learn habits of the rich
  • 5 How to get rich in a simple person in Russia: analysis of the best ideas
    • 5.1 Real Methods for creating financial abundance
    • 5.2 How to get rich sitting at home on the sofa. Ideas for lazy
  • 6 How to get rich from scratch: Tips for the most successful people
  • 7 How to succeed rich people who head top-100 Forbes in Russia
  • 8 Conclusion

Many who dreamshow to get richAfter all, in our country, only 20% of the population is satisfied with their own supply. What to hide, look into the keyhole and see how the life of someone else's family works and how much money in the wallet of the neighbor, love many of us. But, despite the external discontent and ropes toward "Power of Imusen", most of the population is not ready to leave the comfort zone and change their lives.

Why is this happening? Why do people stay in a broken trough, without changing life for the better? Why do money go past, and you can't catch good luck for the tail?

We will find answers to these questions in the first part of the article on the topic of achieving wealth in Russia.

I want to get rich! What prevents people to get out of poverty?

There is a common belief that if a person is born in a rich wealthy family, then his life has already succeeded. In fact, it is only partly so. Yes, according to statistics, the transition from one social status group to another, more comfortable, manages to implement a small percentage of the population. And this is due, first of all, not with the presence of money on the nominal account, but with the way of life and family values \u200b\u200bthat are specifically in this cell of society.

You can track which families are actually successful, and what, earning capital in one knee, was excited everything in the next 50 years. The first category includes Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Oppenheimer and many other magnificent surnames. For centuries, they have been transformed into gold everything, which will not touch, and have a real impact on the global economy.

On the other hand, the successful story of Walt Disney did not receive its continuation as a family business. To date, the company is managed by completely different people, despite the high-incidence of Disney stocks. This suggests that the presence of money does not give 100% guarantees in the fact that a person will be able to properly place them or invest.

The image of thought, approach to solving daily tasks and even the format of spending free time determine whether a person can organize his life and send it to a more favorable course.

The difference of the thinking of a successful person from the worldview of the loser

What are the thoughts of the average person? As the simple survey showed this:

  • Earnings
  • Relaxation
  • Family / Relationship
  • Parenting

In essence, the same thoughts occupy most of the time of successful wealthy people. The difference is only in the approach and scale of thinking.

We will analyze in detail. Imagine that we learned a magical way to read the thoughts of people from different layers of society regarding basic things. This, as we just found out, work, rest, relationship with a partner and the continuation of the kind.

So, what is the difference between life positionssuccessful person and loser.

The sphere of life Successful man Jonah

Business owner or professional top manager cannot afford only a certain piece of work. Only assessing all the elements and relationships of interaction within the Company, you can succeed and bring the enterprise to a new, the best level of income. Drawing concern for material and intangible assets - the property of this leader.

At best, this is the execution of your direct functionality, without initiative and find opportunities to optimize work. No desire to go work, depressive mood.

A successful person knows what she strives and, if he wants to get new emotions and diversify its horizons, makes aimed actions to achieve the goal.

It may be a vacation on the best resorts of the world or combining pleasant with useful when the training process enters the recreation program.

Establish from their capabilities is not the best quality to achieve a dream. Scold life for the lack of material well-being and constant inaction - this is what prevents the result of losers and lazy.
Family / Relationship

Respect, upbringing and love - Here are three whales on which strong sincere families are being built. When people appreciate their time and nerves, they arrange the relationship in such a way as to make each other better, learn from each other and help. You can pay attention that both spouses are mainly working in successful families. They have something to talk about, they are in demand at work, and a harmonious environment awaits them at home.

Frequent reproaches and systematic care from problems - this is what should not be in family relationships. But when the overall life approach is built on shifting responsibility to other shoulders and non-recognition of obvious things, it is logical that the same story will reign at home.

Only the leader can educate the leader. The approach to the educational process is the key to the entire future development of the child. When a little man understands what money is, and correctly forms attitudes towards the world around the world, he gradually can broadcast it already in adulthood.

The formation of curiosity, absorbing new information is laid in the first years of life. It is these family qualities assimilated by the child at the beginning of the life path, allow one family to own serious corporations in the long run.

Apple falls near the apple tree not far away - this folk wisdom is perfectly visualizing all the above theses. A person lives in the usual environment and instills his children the same principles.

Summing up, you need to understand that in order to change the reality around yourself, you must first start changing yourself and your attitude to life.

How do you need to start working on yourself?

You can snatch yourself from the usual current, using simple techniques that will gradually change your consciousness. These are these effective ways:

The key to a successful start is the confidence that you will achieve the result. Perhaps not from the first attempt, and the path will be associated with a different kind of difficulties, but faith in itself and healthy optimism are the first points on the way to achieving the goal.

Self-development and self-improvement

The learning process does not end with final exams from the school and receiving a diploma of higher professional education. Improving the qualifications, learning the latest developments and research in its or related areas adds quality to your level as a specialist and trains brain activity. A versatile developed person will be able to support the conversation with any interlocutor and benefit from large sources.


The use of the methodology for applying non-standard solutions is an interesting and useful skill of the development of mental activity and unloading after a busy work day. Start changing your life from the easiest household items. Instead of a trip to work with a familiar stop, go on foot to the next station. During this time, you will subconsciously rate the new situation, tune on the working day, make up the task plan and run all the processes in the body, making a walk.

Different relation to any process

Performing tasks, try not alone, but at once several solution options. Each each, appreciate from the point of view of the head and performer and choose the best. Play similar role-playing games, put yourself on the role of your manager and take steps that improve your work.

At a minimum, you will be able to improve your performance and after some time make a dialogue about wage increasing. As a maximum, you can build your successful business and work on yourself.

Responsibility for the decisions

Do not look guilt in all the difficulties and the problems that accompany you in life. How often can I hear: "There is an ineffective power, a Samodor-boss, a non-painful wife ...", etc. to infinity. It is possible to influence the state device, you can not yet, but change your environment, attitude towards yourself and to others quite under the power of each person.

Learn to disassemble the situations and look for root causes. For example,"Why do I earn little?"

The response of a successful person will look like: The construction direction brings less profits, because many competitors appeared, and our pricing policy does not allow winning tenders. It is necessary to reduce the price for the services and increase the company's turnover.

Loser response / Lazy: My supervisor-tyrant is to blame. He is incomprehensible what demands, quit and does not want to increase me the salary.

Deciphered this text so : I do not want to develop and apply efforts to improve the qualifications. I'm scared / lazy to look for a new job, because it can be the same. I'm scared / lazily to start talking about increasing the salary, suddenly will be fired. I'm used to and do not want to leave the zone of my comfort.

Start be honest with you, and it will go to the way. Obschery yourself with contrived fears - because it is also an important aspect of work on yourself.

Formation of the right attitude towards money

The big mistake of most is that with the presence of money you can achieve everything. Thus, a painful cult of money is formed, which depreciates all other components of a successful and happy life. In fact, this is a real "disease" of a Russian person.

Money can earn and keep only one who understands that the ringing coin and rustling bills are not a goal, but the attribute goals.

As you can see, all the above steps are performed and adequate. Perhaps it will be not easy at the beginning, but within a few weeks you will form new habits that we will write about just below.

How to get rich quickly: we study the habits of the rich

The image of the thoughts of a rich man manifests itself in everything, even in such trifles as morning rituals. According to statistics collected by American researchers, people with a high level of income wake up long before the workplace.

This is logical. Morning - the most worn time for most people. Brain activity is much higher and the effectiveness of decisions made is increased at times. Therefore, we recommend waking up early, to carry out and turn on the head \u003d D

What other habits stimulate the process of making money?

Refuse to view the TV. Successful people do not look at the house 2. It is no secret to anyone that television esters are oversaturated with advertising. If you want to see something interesting, look on the Internet or go to the movies. Refuse the habit of coming home to include a zomboyask. Background programs annoy and clog your brain with unnecessary and non-optical information. Viewing a TV before bedtime can lead to insomnia and apathy. The evening is time to communicate with family, reading or drawing up plans the next day.

Read. Quality literature increases vocabulary and stimulates the work of the brain. Become an interesting interlocutor and to build my speech competently will help you reading multiple pages per day, but on an ongoing basis. Take a habit before going to sleep something, of interest specifically for you. Who knows, can it be a catalyst for the development of your full-fledged business?

Formulate your goals and make peculiar roadmaps with a gradual realization of the planned project. You must see where to strive. Think how goals should look for you? Perhaps it will be visualization in the form of a poster of desires or bright stickers, on which it is written to what to strive for. The correct setting of the task and its detailed study is half of success when achieving goals.

Do not carry tomorrow what can be done today. OUR, perhaps, your favorite character trait! Of course, it is not necessary to make a robot. It is sometimes necessary to give yourself the opportunity to relax, but you should not turn it into a habit. Laziness and procrastination are not brought to good.

You can continue this list to infinity, but start at least from these elementary things and see how your life changes. There will be free time, which can be fill in useful as an activity and development of projects for earning their first million.

How to get rich in a simple person in Russia: analysis of the best ideas

Russian people are the most enterprising comrades in the world. If we set ourselves the task and are aimed at a positive result, then success is not far off. Let's look at how and implement popular ideas at the start of entrepreneurial activity.

Real Methods for creating financial abundance

We live in the age of developing technologies. Almost all directions go to the Internet space, which makes it possible to develop an additional source of income without leaving the house. We will understand in the implementation methodsbest business ideas 2018, start working on which each of you can afford.

Extra popular among active Internet users is becoming a directioncoaching. If you are charismatic and you have a favorite hobby, try to make a business out of it.

How does this happen?

Suppose you understand cars. You can spout to say how to choose a used vehicle where to conclude an agreement on favorable conditions on CASCO or OSAGO. How to keep a dialogue with representatives of insurance services or traffic police. If this is all about you, then systematize your knowledge, write down the selling video and name your author's course -"Economy of 50 thousand when buying a used car." Make a single-page site and promote it on free venues and forums.

A similar topic on which people earn millions are -blogger. Despite the widespread opinion that all this is nonsense, attract a multi-million-dollar audience - this is not to write "Hello, dear editors!". An example of the popular blogger Nastya Ivel from St. Petersburg says that, only applying efforts and paying this case all his time, you can become a successful, famous and rich.

If we talk about more material things that can be implemented not only in the Internet, you can doinvesting in the car business . Do not be afraid of high-profile words - you can start a career in the investor without large capital investments. It is quite realistic to use borrowed funds as starting capital, and the payback from this business states from 50 to 6000% per annum. Extensive investment brings from 50,000 rubles a month from one machine. Dare!

Interesting and promising direction -business for sale chinese products . Even the leaders of mobile phones, tablets and Apple laptops produce their products in China. To date, there are several real ways to make money in Chinese products: resale, dropshipping and cachek. This is a capacious and not expensive direction for the start in work.

You can also consider the option - participation in electronic auctions byresale property bankrupt . Specialized electronic sites are placed proposals for buying bankrupt assets with a significant discount. This direction requires good development and starting capital to acquire property, but the difference in resale will leave good income in your pocket.

How to get rich sitting at home on the sofa. Ideas for lazy

If you do not attract work on yourself and you are absolutely not ready to change your life, try to make one of the solutions designed for those who want to get everything without doing anything.

Winning in the lottery or prize fund in gambling. To begin with, I would like to clarify that it is impossible to predict whether you will smile - it is impossible. You can lower money for lottery tickets or play cards and do not succeed. But the saved money can be at least to put on a bank cumulative account and take interest monthly.

Let's consider the positive development of events - you won 1,000,000 rubles. It's fine, but what's next? If you do not know how to dispose of money, then within a few months they will come to the end and ... again new attempts get a jackpot?

This is an unpromising path. In fact, you will not become rich, even if you get a large amount of winnings.

Good marriage or unequal marriage. Many girls and young people believe that in order to become successful and rich, it is enough to find a profitable partner. No need to assume that there is enough puppet appearance and a fitful character. Wealthy men and women are difficult to spend on such elementary approaches. In most cases, such relations end with nothing.

What's next? New attempts? But after all, the appearance with age does not improve, the character is spoiled and the habits of people are changing. Do not underestimate your capabilities. Even if you want to meet a successful person, to start thinking than you can, or interest it, so that your relationship has become not a one-time character, but ended with beautiful marriage.

If you are ready to develop and invest in your own development, then it may be the way for you. Why not? However, to achieve a positive result will need to make a mass of forces. But in this case, no one has canceled the marriage contract.

In order to start earning serious money, you need to "raise" your first million. This statement, of course applies to the category, will take, but his effectiveness has tried on himself many successful rich people.

What else needs to be done to become a successful person?

Invent extraordinary solutions. Surprise your target audience. For example, a recently wide popularity has acquired an unusual lease service for Selfie. I guessed to carry out such a non-standard idea an enterprising young man who never had a floral business before. He wanted to try to sell colors for holidays (March 8 or February 14), but he suddenly painted this extraordinary idea. Whether it is necessary to say that this young man could earn without starting capital and special skills and become popular for the entire Internet in a few days.

Learn to save. To postpone the part of the money earned can afford each, but do not climb into the piggy bank and not spend the accumulated savings on the purchase of something next (unnecessary) not every condition. But, the "similar attractive" phenomenon works fully. If you have an effective motive for a month to postpone a small amount, then for the year you can collect the desired amount of money for investment or large purchase. When you understand that you manage money, and not you, you can correctly plan the budget and increase your income.

Enclourty eggs in different baskets. It is not worth all your savings to invest in one project and wait for the return, holding yourself on bread and water. Use the progressive experience of many successful investors - risk a maximum of 30 percent of their assets. There are many tools to start an unproofy business, such as a loan, etc. Developing one direction or, working at the main place of work, start doing cautious steps in a new business, be sure to have a competent business plan and a spare output, B. option

Optimize. Time management. To be able to build plans and competently distribute your time - the most important skill capable of bringing you to the cherished dream to achieve material well-being. Enter the account of the cases that you managed to fulfill the day, program yourself to increase the indicators of completed tasks and see how your performance will increase.

If you harmoniously allocate the time between rest and active activity, you can release precious hours for self-development and planning your own business projects.

More likely, you can earn that you can enjoy. All successful people get satisfaction, applying efforts in their form of activity. Do not raise yourself, considering that you need to become an entrepreneur and a businessman, if you do not feel the predisposition to this area.

If you are a good hire specialist, then increase your qualifications, learn from new techniques in your field and reaches the vertices of professionalism. Good frames are always valued. You can go to a great income, working as a top manager in a large holding or company with a world-famous name. This is also a working version to achieve material well-being.

Communicate with those who have already achieved success. Immersing on Wednesday, where big money is spinning. You take the experience of communication, habits and promising themes for development. This is a school of life in which instead of a diploma you get practical skills to form yourself as a businessman.

How to succeed rich people who head top-100 Forbes in Russia

Let's look at the real stories of the success of people who are years, and some for decades confirm their right to refer to the strong world of this world.

Vladimir Lisin Does not leave the list of richest people in Russia for decades. But few people think about how he became a successful businessman. Only due to its hard work and perseverance in achieving the goals, it turned into a billionaire, owner of the factories and transport holding from the girlfriend.

Andrei Melnichenko - A vivid example of a talented entrepreneur who achieves success in any industry. In the piggy bank of its achievements - the creation of banks and diffil multi-billion dollar companies. At the moment, its sphere of interest is fertilizers and energy. I started the future billionaire in the MSU hostel, where the first step of his career path did from the organization of the currency exchange office. He also did not have starting capital, but he couldearn six-digit income and achieve success, thanks to faith in yourself and self-improvement.

Gennady Timchenko It does not seek popularity, although even during the restructuring period earned its first million. He does not like to advertise a personal life, giving preference to work and communicate with the family. The sphere of his interests includes natural resources, construction and investment. His relatives and he himself do a lot of charity and socially significant projects.

As you can see, rich people are engaged in investing in themselves, constant development and do not stop, earning a sufficient amount of funds for a comfortable life. They have a clear understanding of their goals and the desire to become the best in their field of activity.


Congratulations! After reading this article to the end, you have already taken a step towards wealth!

It is possible to achieve well-being with a certain warehouse of the mind that can be developed to everyone. The stories of the richest people of Russia are clearly explained that even without having secured parents or starting capital in tens of thousands of dollars, you can achieve good luck. The key to success is a constant work on itself, an increase in the knowledge base and practical techniques.

We showed you than the difference between the views on the lives of successful people and losers, gave recommendations, where to start working on themselves to definitely get into the first category. You learned several major habits of rich people, and now nothing prevents you from developing in the same direction!

We wish you certainly achieve this level of welfare, in which your life would have become a full bowl!

Evan Asano (Evan Asano)

General Director and founder of Mediakix - Marketing Agency to promote top brands through social networks and mediachannels. Popular blogger, whose notes publish Huffington Post, Forbes, Time, Fortune. He graduated from Stanford University (USA).

Somehow the Italian billionaire asked how he did if he had to start a business from scratch again. He replied that he would take for absolutely any job, just to accumulate $ 500 on, in which it would be possible to get into the light.

Calculation is to meet a person who will offer a good job or will help something else.

I have no short forty years. Before you start your own business, I built a career for hire five times. And only once I got a job, looking through the vacancy bank.

But communications do not appear from nowhere. Without simple communication skills, do not do. And when I talk about the acquisition of simple skills, I mean a couple of hours reading Dale Carnegie "How to conquer friends and influence people." Read and try tips in business. You will be amazed at how effective the book is. You just spend a conversation with several people, and they will want to help you, even if you don't ask you about anything.

Once I asked my old boss, the most steep sales manager, which I met what he did to grow in a professional plan. He replied that he left the college, having no experience, nor a diploma, and got a job as a limousine driver.

By finding contact with customers, he asked the question: "What do you do?". Notice, he did not ask: "Where do you work?". This is a subtle distinction. If you ask about the company, many people will simply describe you with several words. If you ask for a reason for classes, then, most likely, get a long story.

At the beginning of the career, I studied in the field of medicine and understood that I don't have the future in this profession. I wanted to make well earn in the present business.

Therefore, almost nine months I tirelessly wrote accompanying letters, I was looking for suitable companies and tried to get a job. I did everything wrong.

One night, my neighbor was offered to go to the party. I immediately agreed, although not a single person knew there.

Everyone drank a little, and I went to the kitchen to grab beer. The room was another guy. I introduced myself, after which we talked. I wondered what he was doing, and it turned out that he was working on the Niva. I mentioned the search for work, after which he heard that people now hire people.

After this meeting, I sent a resume by the personnel manager and a couple of weeks passed an interview. As you guessed, the place remained for me.

There are a million ways to wealth. Even more people who are already treated: Doodles, despots, manipulators, cunning and just complete assholes. When you work in different directions, it will seem to you that all successful people from their number. In fact, these people unites others: the strong impression they leave. And this impression is by no means associated with the high status of a person.

So, let's return to our question.

How to get rich quickly

1. Constantly learn

Read books, including success, social skills and everything related to prosperity and wealth. Pay attention to the personal stories of successful people.

In his autobiography, Mark Kububan says that he wants to buy and read every book about business, which, in his opinion, can benefit. Drew Houston from Dropbox tells how he holds every weekend, reading books about commerce, sales and marketing throughout the day.

2. Learn to understand people

This skill can be learn. No one is born a great seller. Of course, someone has natural abilities, for example, as it often happens among athletes. But it is best to learn, read, learn and practicing again. Tirelessly.

The unnecessary number of people with congenital talent did not climb on top only because it was too easy for them. On the other hand, people who plow without stopping, once in the morning woken by qualified marketers or managers. Their dream has become a reality.

3. Work diligently

I say as an employer: Employees allocate good working ethics. Throw your requests and ego, concentrate on painstaking work. You will see how pleasant events will immediately begin to happen.

4. Risk

But without nonsense and adventure. Ideal smart, calculating risks, when you have a good chance of success. Not always luck will be on your side, but along the way you will take a lot for yourself and collect a lot of respectful reviews about yourself from others.

5. Arrange to work in a rapidly growing industry.

Focus on quick money and opportunities. In short, catch a wave that will lead you to the top. The promising industry or a rapidly developing company is the same wave.

6. Work in the best or recognizable company

It will give you an instant professional weight. Start internship in the right organization will send your opportunities to the right track.

7. Become an expert

Select the area within your interests and read it in the smallest items. Share your blog knowledge or profile sites in the circle of other specialists. You will quickly understand that your qualifications opens up many doors.

8. Create several sources of income

Start, do the tutoring, repair things, that is, find an additional influx of money. It will wake up in you thirst for profit, and you double the strength for training. You will see that the work on the side can put the beginning of your own business.

9. Be too busy to spend money

Feel that fly away to the wind? Can't postpone? Direct all your forces to work, learning, communication, additional earnings. Then you will spend less than before.

10. Start your business

Name a billionaire who has not launched a startup. Okay, there are several such, but they ultimately led the companies to which they joined (Cheryl Sandberg, Steve Balmer, Eric Schmidt).

The company's launch may seem an absolutely unattainable and incomprehensible goal, but the translational movement forward will still lead to the only logical outcome - your own business.

Successful companies do not start their way with 50 employees and 10 million dollars of income. They start with small, with crumb. They are born in hostels and garages. The founders are asked to be borrowed and steal in order to get their own.

Walmart has grown across the country from a single store in Newport. Have you ever heard about this town at all? Me neither.

Michael Dellage began selling computers from a room in a hostel. distributed music by mail. Do not look at the most successful people and companies in the present - you will be wanted. Rate how they originated, - then it will become clear that there is nothing impossible.

If you think that the eternal lack of money is a curse and a grave cross, which will have to be held until the end of days, do it and make anything to correct the position. There are many people in the world who managed to turn the situation.

From the entire population of the world, only two percent of people never have problems with money. Of course, some pearls are small, and the other is missing for potatoes, but Torzania about ladies are familiar with almost everyone. I would like to get rich, at least in order to gain freedom from the circumstances as possible.

Promotes the fact that there are real people who managed to significantly improve their financial condition. So, there are rules whose observance will help to create a miracle. Some methods seem impossible, others - fantastic, but positive experience makes seriously consider the likelihood of success.

1. The easiest

Go to the category of secured people can be married with a secured partner. The method is popular and known for a long time, in explanations does not need and are actively used by representatives of both sexes.

2. Lottery

Good luck can smile anyone, especially since rich people do not feel happiness in a similar way. In tempting, right? There is a little chance to get rich, but they are.

A certain fifty-year-old driver from Normandy Alexander in 2010 won the Loto lottery super prize. The amount of winnings - € 10,000,000. Lucky, but continued to work. He bought on the verge of collapsed the company in which many years worked. The newly-made millionaire left the position of the Director General, and he himself continued to drive a car. Alexander explained such a decision by the fact that he just likes his work and another life he does not imagine.

3. Criminal

4. Inheritance

Everything is legally, but the corrections are not subject to. If you have relatives who can leave you a good inheritance, you will get it. Well, and if there are no such, you can relax and look for other ways to enrich.

5. Save

So that money is always watered, you need to spend less earned - everything is simple. In practice, it's still easier: we get 20,000 rubles. - spent 20,000 rubles. Thought up and earned 40 000 rubles., Immediately bought clothes for more expensive or replaced quite still "live" household appliances for a new one. Etc. The result is one - money is missing.

No need to confuse savings with a chance, but the money still loves the bill. The standard of living should increase proportionally with income growth, but expenses should be taken into account. Knowing where money goes, you stop doing optional purchases. Even if Fortuna smiles to you and you unexpectedly get rich, winning a million, money will end very soon, leaving pleasant memories and repentance if you do not save.

6. persistent work

Secured old age is better than beggar. But from the works of the righteous, you will not erect the chambers of the stone, as they say wise people. It is necessary to work, but not with an eye on the long term, and so that the income allowed not to experience the needs today. Just do not overdo it, otherwise you will come to the long-awaited maturity in the state of excessive loads, and enjoy only expensive drugs.

7. Intellect and talent

Gifted people are far from always rich, but on the way to financial independence they receive maximum pleasure. The secret is simple: a talented person is engaged in his loved business and gets money for it. If you have a clear inclination to something publicly useful, do not instill your talent, but try to earn on it.

The state of Gi Lalibert today is estimated at $ 2.5 billion, and he began to be southern ideas. Circus swallowed fire and played on the accordion, entertaining the audience. In 1987, Gi Lalibert brought a group to the Festival in Los Angeles, bought tickets to one end. The risk was justified - the circus liked and received an invitation to Las Vegas. Now every sign of Zirk du Soleil.

The creator of Harry Potter Joan Rowling after a divorce with her husband lived with a child for social benefits. Once she decided to tell a story about the life of wizards, most of the first book was written on a cafe table. The fairy tale made an unexpected effect, and now Joan has no material problems, its condition reached $ 1 billion.

8. Investment

This method is suitable for those who have already been able to earn a decent amount. Money should work for you, so invest them in deposits, stocks, business, etc. But be careful.

9. Business

The most reliable way, but it requires considerable effort. If you can choose the right niche, organize the case, put the goal and attach strength to its implementation, you will certainly get rich.

For example, David Gold was born in London's slums and nothing foreshadowed a bright future. The boy grew in poverty and the main pleasure for him was a game of football with friends. True, young David had a useful passion - reading books, which were often not affordable. Then the idea appeared to exchange books, and the future millionaire opened a kind of library at home. When the books became a lot, Gold realized that they could earn them. He lent a little money and began to buy used books, after a while his first bookstore appeared, then new books appeared on the shelves. Business turned out to be successful so much that David was able to open the Star football magazine, which brought him the first million. Over the years, the business has grown to the network of bookstores, and David Gold became a respectable businessman known to the UK.

Motivation - engine, without which it is difficult to overcome the inevitable difficulties on the way to success. You can dream of wealth, lying on the sofa, but the probability of waiting for the dream of a dream is close to zero. Therefore, start with a fully achievable goal, for example, try to earn the first 100,000 rubles, then also. Over time, you learn how to make money and make them work on you. Insert the money and make a profit, wait with the mind and never stop - just so you once reach a state that will allow you to feel confident.

Many citizens of our country believe that in order to become rich, you need to have influential patrons or wealthy relatives. But if you figure it out, people who have achieved great success and have received financial independence, achieved this thanks to their purposefulness and hard work. How to get rich from scratch In Russia, we will try to figure out this article.

How does the path to wealth begin?

Do not know how to get rich in Russia? Everything is very simple. For example, you earned 500 dollars for a month, but spent only three hundred. The remaining 200 dollars to invest in some profitable business. Next month, set off 200 dollars. Thanks to this, you can braid a small starting capital, which will help you create a source of passive income.

If a person earns a lot of money and spends them right away, he will never become rich. Therefore, try to reduce your costs to get the opportunity to invest in the future. Each of us earns money until there is forces. To secure a comfortable old age, you need to create sources of passive income, because it is unrealistic to live on one pension.

But how to get rich from scratch to those people who earn some money, and it is almost impossible to cut costs. In this case, you need to search for sources of additional income. Take any idea that came to your mind, and proceed to its implementation. If you just sit at home and watch the video how to get rich from scratch in Russia, from this your life will not change. Many people know how to make money, but unfortunately they do nothing in order to become rich. If you can not choose the idea on your own, consult with successful people. Surely they have several cases of earnings that cannot be implemented due to their employment.

Own business

When a person begins to think about how to get rich in our time, the easiest way is your own business. But in order to launch a profitable promising business, you need to have a decent capital. If you start literally from scratch, you have to be patient because you have to spend a lot of time and efforts to develop an enterprise. You can also search for investors. Your friends or friends who are looking for, can act in their role. But in this case, you will have to share a profit with them.


Such a business idea is considered the most difficult in implementation, although many argue that this type of activity brings a million profit. If you have any knowledge that can be useful for people, create a video course or e-book. Such a project can be an excellent source of additional income and with time will lead you to wealth. In order to achieve success, you need to understand well in the chosen topic, otherwise people will not buy your information material.


This is traditional and, at the same time, the most popular way to get rich as quickly in our country. If you correctly make forecasts and competently express priorities, you can buy and sell securities and get a decent profit from it.

In this case, you will not need any supernatural abilities. It all depends on the events occurring in the world and laws of the economy. But, if you want to successfully trade securities, yet you need to get certain knowledge. Therefore, before making a decision, you need to collect maximum useful information about this investment instrument.


If you have any creative abilities and think about trying to turn your talent in your profession. Actors, scripts and other representatives of "Bohemia" are secured people who earn decent money with their work. This is the easiest way to make money from scratch in Ukraine or any other country. Listen to yourself, analyze your suggestions, develop them, and you will definitely succeed.

If you do not know how to sing or write books, you can make money on your own hobbies. Experts believe that the most profitable business can be built on their hobby. Let's try to figure out ,. In order to make such a thing, do not need industrial machines or a large amount of money for the purchase of raw materials. Offer consumers what can surprise them. It can be confectionery prepared on unusual grandmother's recipes or exclusive clothing made in a single instance.


If you have savings and want to increase your capital, ask,. The most profitable option is new promising projects or innovative ideas of young professionals. Such craftsmen can be found in scientific institutes. Often the authors of bold and profitable ideas do not have the opportunity to realize them in life, so many promising developments die on the root.

In order for investment activities to bring good income, you need to develop your own strategy and regularly invest in various projects. Consult your experienced financiers, and proceed to business. Thoughtful investment is a direct road to secured life.


The property

Now let's talk about. If you have decent startup capital, you can get rich for real estate. Buy an apartment or house and rent it. This type of investment will bring good passive profits. In addition, you can buy emergency properties at a low price, put them in order and sell much more expensive.

Patent for development

If you are well versed in the technique, you can come up with some kind of useful device, arrange copyright on it and make money on this decent money. Sell \u200b\u200bdrawings with explanations to interested parties or create a mechanism yourself and offer its large company at a good price. It can be a device for sorting products or a fixture for car cleaning. If you manage to realize several profitable interesting ideas, with time, you can become a secured person.


According to experts, tourism is one of the most highly profitable activities. If you have never come across this area, at first you can try to work as a manager in a major travel company. When you get experience, open your own agency. Recently, tourist tours to the countryside began to be very popular. Start with small and gradually develop your business. Such a road will lead you to great success.

Video: How to get rich? Video: How to get rich?

Many citizens of our country are often thinking about how to quickly get rich from scratch in Russia. Psychologists argue that in order to become rich, it is necessary, first of all, develop new features of character. We bring to your attention a few simple rules based on the experience of successful people. If you become adheres to, your life is gradually changed for the better.

5 ways to get rich from scratch. Act! After all, the person is subject to everything if he really wants it!

Today we will talk to you about how to get rich from scratch.

Why people are concerned about how to get rich from scratch?

Losers love to repeat the phrase "not in money happiness", to which successful people respond to them "Yeah, not in money, but in their quantity."

Of course, I consider it an abnormal existence of Gobsek, Plushkin or another fictional character, which is needed only to save them, and not use them.

But it is impossible to deny the fact that those who managed to get rich from scratch lives much easier than the poor. They can buy really all.

Do not believe?

Well, call me at least something beyond the rich.

Yes, a rich man is much more likely to conquer a beloved woman than an ever-noar loser.

And the mercy of the ladies is not absolutely nothing.

Why is it a beggar of a bulk student to love, but a pretty rich in an expensive costume - no?

Prices there are now such that the only treatment that can afford the poor is a plantain, everything else is for people with money.

So this is a very abstract concept, in which everyone invests something.

But I think that the opportunity to buy what you want, travel, dressing well and eat any person will make it happier, so why not try to get rich?

Is it possible to get rich at all from scratch?

My answer is yes"!

In general, I think that a reasonable persistent person is subject to everything if he really wants it.

You can get rich from scratch.

Naturally, it is not easy: you need to work a lot, find a way that will lead you to big money, sincerely believe that you will be successful in front of you, but do not definitely argue that it is unrealistic and not available to ordinary people.

Favorite hits of Nodikov-losers - "I have unhappy fate," "Bogachi was already born with a gold spoon in the mouth," "The rich and parents are rich", "the millionaires are constantly lucky, but I do not" and the like.

But look at the stories of success of modern millionaires, what the way went to wealth:

    Peter Daniels was born in a disadvantaged family.

    I ruined several times until finally managed to build a profitable business in real estate.

  • Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerburg, Evgeny Kaspersky were born in the average families and managed to accomplish an incredible in the field of IT technologies.
  • Steve Jobs was adopted by an auto mechanic and an Armenian emigrant, no one helped him go to the top.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger went a long way from the Austrian immigrant illegal to the star Hollywood and the Governor of California.
  • Oleg Tinkov, the Russian businessman-original, was born in the slaughterhouse of the mining village in the family of workers.
  • Gennady Balashov, Igor Kolomoisky, domestic oligarchs, were born in ordinary Soviet families and made the first steps in the business in the era of socialism.

And so someone do not look at.

Most successful people are really rich from scratch only thanks to their hard work, brainstorms and persistence.

So why do you think that you do nothing?

How to get rich from scratch: lazy ways

That's what an interesting thing, most of those who do not know how to get rich from scratch, on standard recommendations (las in a large company, start your business, invest in mind, etc.) are crying.

They don't really want to work, they want both in a fairy tale: he fell asleep on the furnace, but he woke up Tsarevich.

For them, I can offer three ways to get rich from scratch.

They, however, are not too likely, but sometimes they work:

    Win the lottery.

    You can turn out to be lucky to buy a lottery ticket to bring a million (or two).

    The main difficulty is to wait for the win, so get ready to buy a lot of lottery tickets.

    Get inheritance.

    An even more problematic way, because not everyone has rich relatives, whose testament can be hoped.

    I have, for example, there are no such.

    Some are looking for ways to get started at the expense of other people, for example, care for an elderly person in exchange for his apartment.

    Doesn't you like a similar way to get rich from scratch?

    Then - dare.

    Successful marriage.

    For girls, this way to get rich from scratch is more likely, but men are harder to find a rich lady, which to agree to contain Alphonse.

How to get rich from scratch: proven ways

And now we will move to more real and, as for me, more human ways to get rich from scratch:

    I no longer wrote articles on the topic exactly how to launch a startup, what business today is the most profitable, where to look for investors, etc.

    Wait - find articles that will help you get rich from scratch

    Get a job in a major promising company.

    If you are already a super-duper by a specialist with extensive experience, you can immediately qualify for a leadership position.

    Otherwise, you will have to go through a long path through a career ladder.

    Cooperation with a prosperous company.

    In order to get rich in this way, it is necessary to interest the owner of this company some innovative promising idea so that he agrees to invest in it.

    Game for forex.

    It's not worth looking here, so the way to your wealth will slow down the study of theory and work with simulators.

    Competent investment.

    You can not do it yourself, but to invest money in the face or in the PAMM account.

    The main difficulty is to collect the amount for starting investment.

What else should you invest money to get rich?

The answer will be found in the video:

Complete the conversation on how to get rich from scratch, I would like a couple of useful tips for those who are aimed at success:

  1. What you earn.
  2. Constantly look for new sources of income and how to get rich from scratch.
  3. Do not be satisfied with the work for the minimum salary, change it if the money is not enough even the most necessary.
  4. Be sure to postpone at least 10-30% percent with each money supply to invest them in your future.

    In order to get rich from zero need starting capital

  5. Get a cumulative bank account, so it will be more difficult for you to succumb to your own weakness and spend your money on some garbage.
  6. Do not take loans on fashionable boots or refrigerators, we need to borrow money only on really necessary, for example, - opening your own business.
  7. Do not listen to those who tell you that you can never get rich from scratch, and even better - run from such advisers.
  8. Believe in yourself and that you will definitely become rich!

If you did not suit my recommendations, how to get rich from scratchYou can search other ways to wealth: crime, gambling, magic, the invention of something vital people, selling your talent - the choice is unlimited.

The main thing is not sitting, folded.

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