Meditation to attract a loved one and happy events. Meditation to attract a loved one and happy events in your life

If your goal is to attract a loved one, you need to love yourself and radiate love to those around you. Give kindness to the world, enjoy the vibrations of love. Give love to your family, loved ones, friends, colleagues and strangers in your mind. Remember: positivity is contagious, and the positive that you give to the Universe comes back to you like a boomerang.

Everything in this world is interconnected and what you give to others will return to you at an unexpected moment and in an unexpected manifestation. Remember, the Creator rewards volunteers with love and kindness. Even if your good thoughts and good deeds are not noticed or appreciated by others, they strengthen your self-esteem. When you share with other parts of your positive energy, your heart and soul become a magnet that attracts love.

Many women dream and yearn for great and bright love, but it is very difficult for them to love themselves, and they are closed to receiving love from others. Some ladies subconsciously close their hearts to love relationships, predicting a terrible relationship ending. Their thoughts and actions are guided by low self-esteem, lack of confidence in their femininity, fear of making a mistake, fear of experiencing the pain of parting. Even if the previous experience of relationships with the opposite sex was negative, and you did not receive the much-needed love in return, you need to get rid of the inner ban on this most beautiful feeling.

If you are striving to attract a young man, you need to master the secret of unconditional love, which has a magical effect on others. Unconditional love implies unconditional acceptance of oneself and all, unique in their own way, people.

Simple but effective methods help to get rid of artificially created inhibitions and attract love into your life: visualization and meditation.

Visualization of a relationship with a loved one

The visualization method will be effective if you devote 15 minutes to this technique daily. Immediately after waking up, at lunchtime and before going to bed, retire to a calm, comfortable place. Nothing should distract and annoy you, you should be comfortable and cozy.

Close your eyes and mentally be transported to the seaside. Imagine, you are sitting in a small cafe, there is only the splash of waves, the rays of the gentle summer sun, the cry of seagulls and the pacifying sea surface. You admire the picturesque landscape of the sea and thank God for such perfection and harmony. You enjoy the taste of freshly squeezed juice and notice how the looks of others express their sympathy for you. You mentally send them words of gratitude. Among the visitors of the cafe is your future loved one. He comes up to you, sits down at a table, and you have a nice conversation. You feel joy and happiness in your heart.

Guy Attraction Meditation

Closing your eyes and achieving complete relaxation, the so-called alpha state, imagine yourself in a cozy place surrounded by loved ones. Your chosen one is also present among your acquaintances. All who are with you are calm and joyful. Imagine that the thoughts and desires of all are directed to one thing: to peace, harmony and love. Try to feel how happy your loved ones are, feel the love for all these people in your heart. Imagine how a powerful stream of love energy emanates from your heart and rushes into the hearts of others. This ray of light will fall into the soul of your loved one. Your positive vibrations are accompanied by sincere words that you can say either out loud or to yourself.

Make your own personal "conspiracy" for meditation, or use a ready-made formula. In a confident, calm voice say:

I, ..., a happy, kind, harmonious person. I am worthy of respect, understanding and love. I love and accept myself and the people around me. I am grateful to everyone for their kindness and attention to me. My heart is open to love, I appreciate life and everything that it gives me. All my relationships with people are honest, long lasting and imbued with love.

My chosen one is the best and most worthy man in the whole world. He is the center of my love. He has sincere strong feelings for me. He values \u200b\u200band respects my personality. We are happy together, our hearts are inseparable. My boyfriend loves me as much as I love him. I give my love and receive this divine feeling in abundance.

Thanks to the Creator that I can love and be loved. I thank all the people around me for understanding and recognizing my unique personality. I am surrounded by love and happy with my life.

Say the meditation 3 times, thank yourself for taking the time to yourself, and open your eyes.

By using the power of your thoughts and words, realizing that you value, respect your partner and cherish your existing relationship, you can reach an inner state of deep love and attract or renew love.

"I don't know when love ends, but if love ended, then it wasn't her."

These lines were written by Sergei Bodrov Jr. in a letter to his wife Svetlana.

These words made a deep impression on me. How strange it happens: some people come together almost from school, and live happily until a ripe old age, others change relationships, get married, get divorced and start all over again, and still others, often very beautiful, smart and kind-hearted, remain lonely for a long time time. Sometimes this loneliness can last for several years. Meditation on attracting a loved one and happy events will help open the way for a life partner and bring joy into life.

Someone came up with the myth that a beautiful girl cannot be lonely. She must have a line of fans, vying with each other to offer a hand and heart. However, in practice, everything is completely different: a beautiful, intelligent, kind girl, ready to turn inside out for the sake of a relationship, is often lonely. My friend Olya also belonged to such girls. During our gatherings with sweets and cookies, she complained that another of her potential boyfriends had chosen a girl with bright makeup, a vulgar short dress and not too distant mind, and she once again, as they say, “flew by”.

Unable to endure such injustice any longer, I invited her to try meditation to attract love. Olya is a passionate fan of tarot cards, she readily responded to the call. After a couple of weeks, I noticed a change in her. She became beautiful from the inside, her eyes shone even when the companion had not yet come into her life. After a while, the very "one" appeared and now they plan to live together and have a dog. What techniques can be used to achieve the result and what needs to be done, I will tell you further.

Self love

Meditation on happiness and love will certainly attract a bright feeling into your life, but relationships will become fulfilling when you yourself can love yourself. The most eminent authors of books on self-development argue that as a person treats himself, so do others. If you often neglect yourself for the sake of someone and your partner will neglect you, if you consider yourself ugly, "not like that", then men will not appreciate you. Accept yourself, your body, as it is. Yes, with all the flaws in the figure and freckles on the nose. Accept your explosive, or overly bland nature. Forgive yourself for not knowing how to cross stitch or bake cakes.

Everything is fine in you and there will be someone who will be delighted with how you look in the morning and cook dumplings. All the flaws are in the head. Allow yourself the greatest luxury in the world - to be yourself without the desire to fashion an ideal invented by your head. Think about what is attractive about you, what do you like? Walk up to the mirror and admire these features. Regularly recall compliments, or how great you did with something. Savor the sensations. Remember the most "delicious" kisses, touching moments that brought happiness and focus on them. Go deeper into the sensations.

Forget a loved one

The Forgetting Beloved Meditation will help in working through the past negativity and resentment that prevent you from moving forward and meeting new love:

  • take a comfortable position, make sure that your back is straight;
  • close your eyes, focus on breathing;
  • relax;
  • breathe deeply until thoughts are left aside;
  • imagine the inner environment and the man who needs to be released;
  • say hello to him and tell him that you want to express feelings that have remained suppressed, words that have remained unsaid, in order to become free and happy in a new life;
  • i take offense at you very much for ... and list all the reasons;
  • when everything is listed, say: I am angry with you because ...;
  • i'm disappointed…;
  • i was scared…;
  • it hurts ...;
  • i'm sad…;
  • i forgive you here and now no matter what. I want to start a new life, I forgive you ... forgive me and you for .... I didn't do it out of malice;
  • i accept you for who you are, with all the flaws, because you will not become different. I accept you. I accept myself for who I am. I love myself this way and thank you for all the good and warm and for the experience. I thank you for ... And for our parting;
  • i let you go here and now. Give me all that I gave you, that belonged to me. Let the man hold something in his hands. Take it as your own, returned to yourself and feel it in your hands;
  • and now, I want you to take everything that is yours - and give him what will be in your hands. Let him accept it, be grateful for what you received.

Give thanks and let go, feel complete. Say goodbye, gently return to reality.

Breaking energy ties

Meditation on breaking energy ties with a man helps to make sure that your energy does not go to a person who has long been in the past or is simply negative.

  1. Tune in to cleansing, close your eyes, breathe slowly and deeply.
  2. Keep breathing until your thoughts stop.
  3. Imagine a white, radiant space.
  4. You see people connected to you from different periods of your life, even those you have forgotten.
  5. Look at them.
  6. With each person you are connected by threads from the solar plexus. Some have them bright, others neutral. Dark threads are people who take energy. These are both men and ex-girlfriends.
  7. Say goodbye to them.
  8. Cut these strands with a purple beam of light one at a time.
  9. Look these people in the eye and say "forgive and let go, thank you."

Attraction of a loved one

I tried this method several times and every time it surprised me a lot. Speaking about self-love, I already mentioned the point that you need to focus on the sensations. Then the law of attraction comes into play, which always works. This is a kind of meditation to attract love, but it is performed without reading mantras and paraphernalia. Although, mantras will not spoil the matter. This method is especially good when you need to restore relationships. I used it as a meditation on returning a loved one after a quarrel, but it can be used in other areas of life. Subtracted in the book by Niko Bauman:

  1. Turn off your phone and computer.
  2. Try to turn off the internal dialogue.
  3. Imagine the image of a loved one, his smile, eyes, whatever you like about him.
  4. Remember the pleasant moments associated with it. Concentrate on the pleasant sensations, again feel the hugs, kisses, eyes and surroundings.
  5. After a while you will feel that you are beginning to "lift", as it were. This means that you have re-tuned to a different energy frequency associated with a loved one and the law of attraction has begun to work. Stay in this state for a while.

What is very important here: it is better to do this work before going to bed, I will explain why: most of us are attached to the result. Endless checking of mail and SMS will have the opposite effect: you will be upset that there is no result, the law of attraction will respond and everything will be in vain. During my first practice of this method, I stayed in memories for about forty minutes, after which I went to bed. Four hours later, my beloved stood on the threshold of my apartment. Until that day, I tried to talk to him for about four months. This is a holistic meditation for attracting a loved one and happy events.

Sending love

Meditation of tenderness and love suggested by Klaus Joule:

  • imagine that your heart has an imaginary valve;
  • open it and start sending love from your heart to another person;
  • keep doing this for three to four minutes every day;
  • send love to the person, but don't overwhelm him.

Most likely, you will immediately notice the result, but do not rush to rejoice very much. You have discovered the most powerful source of energy of all. The love that you will experience will begin to wash out from your soul all the worst that has accumulated in your entire life. You and your partner will experience outbursts of emotional outbursts. This is normal. In this way, a negative experience will come out. Allow yourself and your loved one to release all the burden that prevents you from going forward.


The feeling of gratitude is the shortest meditation for getting married and finding any good. When we are grateful, a transition is made to that frequency of reality where the desired is already there. With the help of gratitude for future benefits (love, health, prosperity), other people managed to achieve what they wanted, and you will succeed.


Meditating on a man's forgiveness can help overcome resentment and guilt:

  • close your eyes, breathe deeply and evenly;
  • imagine the image of your beloved, as you stand on different banks, the water is muddy and dirty, there is a lot of mud there are frogs. This is energetic stagnation;
  • look at a loved one or a former lover, what is he ?. Pay attention to his eyes, emotions, feelings;
  • pay attention to yourself and your feelings, image;
  • look at each other;
  • mentally say hello and express yourself;
  • ask for forgiveness and say that you feel guilty, talk about emotions;
  • let the healing light flow from your heart and body, say "I'm sorry, I'm sorry";
  • the water becomes clean and transparent;
  • light energy goes to him;
  • look at the reaction and change of image;
  • look at clear water;
  • everything is healed between you;
  • hear that he also asks for forgiveness;
  • thank;
  • see how the image dissolves in water.

Repeat this practice twice a day for two weeks.


The best love meditation before bed. Imagine how happy you are with a man. Feel it in every cell. Look at your shared home, pets, garden, or whatever. See how happy your loved one is and focus on your feelings. Do the practice for at least 10 minutes before bed. Then the subconscious mind itself will build the necessary circumstances.

Meditation on attracting your significant other will save you from having to punch through the outer walls. It can help you attract new relationships, or heal old ones. The main thing is to believe in the result.

If in the last century meditations and mantras were the lot of exclusively adherents of the "new age" movement, today many people meditate.

To do this, it is not necessary to visit any special places or go to some teachers, because you can meditate right at home. Is there meditation to attract a loved one? Yes, and we will talk about how to properly conduct such a session in this article.

Spiritual interest

Despite the senseless wars that are still fought on Earth, there has been a great surge of interest in spirituality since the beginning of 2000. In 2012, many expected the end of the world, according to the predictions of the Mayan calendar, but this did not happen. On the contrary, the proximity of such an event as a possible apocalypse made even more people begin to take an interest in enlightenment and search for themselves. There is a version that in fact the calendar was about the end of the era of the Dark Ages and the transition to the Golden time for mankind.

Meditation is a way to achieve awareness. People who are considered enlightened in society say that prayer, as we are used to presenting it in the form of endless monologues to God with complaints and requests, is wrong. A person should pray without thinking about anything and certainly not asking - and then he will hear the answer in the form of fulfilling his desire. This is meditation. There is a meditation to attract happy events, to find harmony or love.

Scammers on the Internet and life

As usual, as soon as a large number of people become interested in something, scammers immediately appear who want to make money on it. Meditation is no exception. Do you think that you just like that, just by desiring it, will not be able to approach God? Well, at your service there are a lot of paid seminars, trainings, Internet lessons, the creators of which promise to teach you everything. Well, of course, the one who earns a tidy sum for you knows exactly what the right meditations are like to attract a loved one or good health. So don't be in a hurry to pay for ephemeral promises! Remember that really conscious people possess such knowledge.

Such individuals understand perfectly well that happiness is not in money, and therefore they write free books and give free lessons. If you decide to pay for the knowledge gained, then this is your decision, but do not try to make mandatory monetary contributions or payments.

Factors of good meditation

If you want to learn how to meditate, then take note of the following rules:

  1. You should meditate in a place where you can relax most quickly. Perhaps the ideal place for you is your room with curtains drawn to create a pleasant twilight.
  2. It is best to meditate alone. It is for this reason that group sessions are not quite suitable for sessions.
  3. If you are doing meditations to attract a loved one or to your health, then visualizations will help you. Try to draw such an image in your head before the start of the session - you are happy, loved, so you put your head on someone's shoulder, laughing .. These are the images you will use during the session.
  4. Sound images, special aromas help some people to concentrate. If you are not distracted by such factors, then turn on a pleasant soft lounge-style melody or smoke incense.

What will meditation give?

Meditation will allow you to relax, rest as if you had a good night's sleep. If you are alarmed by something, your thoughts are distracted by some problem, meditation will give you the opportunity to look at the problem from a completely different angle.

Does meditation work to attract men or to attract health? Of course, you will not see the effect immediately after a session or after two. But if you work to fulfill your desire and believe in luck, you will achieve your goal.

Moving on to technology

As you read the next paragraph, you will be amazed at how easy it is to meditate! Someone asks for money for lessons, someone comes up with complex techniques .. Why? Meditation is simple and natural.

So, get into a comfortable position. It doesn't have to be the popular lotus position. Sit in whatever is comfortable for you. Going to bed is not recommended for the reason that you may fall asleep. Close your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing. Just focus on how you breathe in the air, how it fills your lungs, lingers in your body, and then you release it. Of course, out of habit, thoughts will creep into your head, but do not be distracted, do not try to restrain them or “not think”.

Keep focusing on the breath, watching the thoughts come and go. That's all. This is how your first meditation will go.

Meditation to attract a loved one

If this is not the first time you meditate, then thoughts come less and less, and the mind remains pure. It is when you have a little experience in concentration, try this way of fulfilling your desires, as meditation to attract a loved one.

First of all, it should be noted that it will not be possible to meditate on something bad. That is, if you think about how your enemy is unlucky, then you will simply lose concentration. Meanwhile, bright, good desires that do not affect someone else's will, can easily coexist with our "pure" mind without thoughts.

So, you are still focused on your breathing and at the same time draw in your imagination an image of yourself, happy and loved with someone. Let these pictures be in golden light colors.

Meditate several times a week, for ten to twenty minutes, and you will surely meet your love.

Is it possible to "attract" a specific person through meditation?

One of the basic principles of meditation is the freedom of your and others' will. Will you be happy if someone attracts you and your feelings? Vedas, you want to fall in love yourself by choosing your chosen one. Therefore, you should not represent a specific person during a relaxation meditation session. Attraction of love will be much more effective if you imagine your happiness, feel your love, harmony, happiness during the session.

Meditation as such was introduced to Europe from the East as an integral part of the spiritual practices there. At the moment - this exercise on concentration of consciousness is used separately as a certain way to achieve desires - the Internet is full of articles on the topic of meditation to attract love, to obtain wealth, happiness and joy. Unfortunately, their authors, who are not at all on the path of spiritual improvement, have lost the true meaning of meditation, which in yoga means the concentration of the entire human being on his Creator.

There is a concentration of the mind on some object - in meditation on love, the object, naturally, is the above feeling. But love cannot appear in the heart just like that - the scriptures of yogis speak of the need to open the heart for the flow of Universal Love, which will allow a person to become a conductor of this feeling. Without it, meditation to attract love will be a simple drawing of soothing pictures in the tired brain of a modern person.

Much has been written about opening the flow through the application of various spiritual practices aimed at opening the chakras (human energy centers). According to yogic teachings, love is an energy that cannot be produced by a person on his own, without the help of higher powers. That is, anyone who wants to attract this feeling into his life needs to accept as an absolute truth the existence of this energy in the Universe and the opportunity to become its conductor himself.

Accordingly, it will be pointless to practice meditation to attract a loved one if the person using it thinks exclusively about his own selfish desires. Love will not come into his life if he himself does not radiate it. Therefore, you need to start not with a request to send you a specific man or woman, but with an inner change by distracting from vain thoughts and concentrating on this feeling. Thought can become material only when a person has the confidence that only good awaits him.

Practical recommendations for sending love to the world around you begin with the fact that a person should set aside time every day for meditation of love, during which he should be distracted from the worries of this world and try to achieve a sense of tranquility. It is usually recommended to imagine yourself in a quiet place - in a field or meadow, where flowers bloom, butterflies fly and the soul rests. Also on this field there should be a lake or a stream - it is necessary to submerge in this water in order to wash away all the negative accumulated there from the soul. This is the first part of meditation on attracting love.

You can say the following words:

Hello my beautiful Angel! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued help to me. I am (say your name) very nice. I strive for love and harmony in my life. I ask you, oh my bright Angel, to send me my ideal loved one. I believe that you will find the best moment for him or her to appear in my life. Thank you again for your help

After that, you need to concentrate on the fact that a ray of love and tenderness emanates from the heart, which will shine for absolutely everyone - even for those you don't like. At the same time, it is necessary not to pay attention to your ego, which will say that there are those people who do not deserve this at all. The sending of this energy should be unconditional - like the rain that falls equally for the righteous and sinners. Love, kindness, tenderness should always come from the heart - this is the only way it can return to your life. Opening the flow of love in your heart cannot be done quickly - but one who is persistent in his intention will be able to achieve results.

After achieving results in meditation on attracting love as energy into your life, you can move on to more specific things. Meditation to attract a loved one is based on the representation of a specific type with specific personality traits. You need to clearly determine who you really need in order to concretely present his image and subsequently get it in reality. Clearly articulated desires are a guarantee that after achieving the goal you will not be disappointed. Connecting with someone who is truly meant for you will not be based on fleeting desires of the flesh, but on a conscious choice.

Meditation on attracting love can be used by everyone, without exception - it is unlikely that in our crazy world there are many people who love the world and everyone who lives in it, and expect only good from life. Sending love, by the way, does not contradict the postulates of other world religions - in Christianity, for example, it is she who is considered the most powerful weapon that overcomes absolutely everything.

Meditation is a way to temporarily escape from the bustle of the world and hear yourself, your feelings and desires. There are different ways of meditation, they differ in the way and the goals pursued. So, for example, there are techniques that pay great attention to correct breathing. And the ability to breathe will improve health and stabilize the nervous system. Other techniques help a person tune in to achieve goals and bring closer the realization of cherished desires.

Love and happiness are something without which a person cannot imagine himself. They say that thoughts are material. And in order for what you want to happen, you need to believe in it, realize and present in detail what you want. This will help meditation to attract a loved one and happy events.

In fact, it is not that difficult to immerse yourself in a special state. To do this, you don't even need to leave the house. The main thing is to create a comfortable environment. Subdued light, silence or pleasant music, fragrant incense, everything that creates a relaxed atmosphere.

What the meditation process includes:

  1. A comfortable posture.

You can sit down, lie down, stand up. The main thing is to take a comfortable position.

  1. Breath.

For 10 minutes, deep, unhurried breaths are made.

  1. Purification of consciousness.

One must try to drop all worries and worries, to leave all extraneous outside of immersion in the inner world. In fact, it is not so easy to do it the first time. An exercise from yoga will help you learn to free your mind: you need to imagine yourself as a bird soaring in a clear sky without clouds and other objects. Just a bottomless blue around. At first, the mind will try to impose additional images, but over time it will be possible to do without them.

  1. Visualization of the desired.

If in dreams a meeting with a loved one, you need to imagine his appearance, character traits, tone of voice, the feeling of his touch, kiss. In the same way, you can imagine events that will make your life happy. For example, a trip to a tropical island. Imagine getting on a plane and it takes you to a distant shore. Hear the sound of the ocean, feel the warmth of the sun and the scent of tropical flowers.

The technique must be repeated regularly, thanks to this, the brain is programmed to achieve the set goals and they cease to seem unrealistic.

To enhance the effect of the exercise, you can make a "Poster of Desires" - hang a collage on the wall, consisting of images symbolizing your goals: a car, a bag of money, career growth and others. Look at it every day, meditate and believe that everything you have planned will definitely become a part of your life.

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