The harvesting of mushrooms for the winter in the refrigerator is to freeze in a conventional freezer. How to freeze mushrooms for the winter. Cooking frozen mushrooms

In the season "Quiet hunting", many are wondering how to maintain the entire harvest of mushrooms. Great way for this is freezing. You can freeze the forest mushrooms and those that you purchased in the store or on the market. After all, everyone knows that in the summer, the price of mushrooms is significantly lower.

Frost at home is subjected to white mushrooms, chanterelles, hasslets, boravets, oysters, champignons and other types of mushrooms. The general principle of freezing for all mushrooms is the same.

The first thing mushrooms are sorted by the structure of the mushroom. At the same time distinguish:

  • temple (truffles, curls);
  • lamellar (for example, raw);
  • tubular (white mushrooms, stabberry).

Freeze in raw form preferably only tubular (or, differently, spongy) mushrooms. The inner structure of the cap of such mushrooms is a porous surface, which during boiling, absorbs a lot of fluids, and, as a result, mushrooms when defrosting will be watery. If I had to boil the spongy mushrooms, then before frosting them should be slightly squeezed.

Plastic types of mushrooms, such as whatever, is subject to boiling before frost.

The few kinds of sample mushrooms before the room in the freezer are definitely drunk and pierced well.

How to prepare mushrooms for freezing

After sorting mushrooms, the strongest copies are selected for subsequent freezing.

Mushrooms are cleaned with a knife or rough brush: the entire garbage and sticking leaves are removed, the lower, contaminated, part of the leg is cut.

If mushrooms selected for further freezing in the raw form, very dirty, then they need to rinse in water, but in no case soak. After, they need to carefully dry with a paper towel.

Those mushrooms that plan to boil can be safely rinsed under running water, without worrying for the fact that they absorb too much moisture.

Methods of freezing mushrooms for the winter

How to freeze raw mushrooms

As mentioned above, only tubular mushrooms are suitable for this method. The ideal option will be white mushrooms and redheads.

Small mushrooms are frozen completely, and large copies are cut by plates with a thickness of 1-2 centimeters.

See video from Lubov Kriuk - How to freeze white mushrooms

How to freeze boiled mushrooms for the winter

Mushrooms that will be pre-boiled, you must first cut. Next, they are lowered in boiling water and boiled from 5 to 10 minutes. Then they fold on the colander to give a track of an extra liquid. After a class as mushrooms cooled, they are shifted into portion packets, once use, and sent to the freezer.

Bouillon from the boiled themselves are poured, and from white mushrooms and boomines - used to prepare soup.

See video from the channel "Tasty and satisfying" - how to freeze mushrooms for the winter

Freezing of fried mushrooms

For this, the method will fit both tubular and lamellar types of fungi. Mushrooms are cut by pieces or plates. Then laid out on the pan with a small amount of vegetable oil, and roasted to ruddy crust. Salt and spices are not added. Roasting lasts about 20 minutes.

This freezing is fully ready for use after defrosting. It is worth adding such mushrooms, for example, to fried potatoes or salad.

Freezing baked mushrooms

Another way is freezing, pre-baked in the oven, mushrooms. Mushrooms are laid out on the baking sheet without adding oil, and baked until readiness. Then they are shifted into packets, and sent to the freezer for storage. Such mushrooms differ in particularly bright taste and aroma during defrosting.

Frost temperature and storage time frozen mushrooms

Temperature mode frost mushrooms -18 ° C. When complying with this requirement, mushrooms can be stored in the freezer all winter.

How to defrost mushrooms

Frozen raw mushrooms are thawed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator overnight, and then for another hour at room temperature.

Mushrooms that have passed preliminary heat treatment are not deflated, and immediately add to the dish during cooking.

See video - How to cook mushrooms for freezing

See video - How to freeze champignons

If the outcome of a quiet hunt exceeded all expectations, and you thought about to freeze mushrooms for the winter in the refrigerator, we recommend paying attention to a number of recipes that we offer. After all, a tasty fragrant soup with forest mushrooms or fringe potatoes will always come to the place in winter. But purchased copies may not satisfy your taste, because it is not known how much they lay in the supermarket and are not in thick ice crust.

You can prepare at home almost any fungus if you know how to do it right. Everyone has its own characteristics to be considered.

Recipe frozen subberezovikov

Before freeze the mushrooms for the winter in the freezer, you need to carefully go through them, removing places with signs of rottenness, as well as the diesel parts. Preference is worth paying small copies - more delicious dishes will turn out of these. Preparation of a semi-finished product - the optimal option for lovers to cook mushroom salads, because the booties should only be taken out of the freezer and wait until they are hidden.


Portions: - +

  • Podberezoviki 1 kg

For a portion

Calories: 87 kcal

Proteins: 2.9 g

Fats: 1.1 g

Carbohydrates: 1.3 g

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You can freeze any noble mushroom like this. The only minus is not such a rich fragrance. But Obabkovy do not necessarily boil - they can be prepared in the raw form. The technology of the process remains the same, with the exception of thermal processing.

Recipe for fried booties for the winter

This option is nothing more than a finished dish that can be used, warming up in a pan or in a microwave. Complete fried Obabki at their discretion to the onions immediately and in this form place in the freezer.

Number of portions: 15

Time for preparing: 1 hour

Energy value

  • calorie - 86.6 kcal;
  • proteins - 2.9 g;
  • fats - 7.8 g;
  • carbohydrates - 1.3 g.


  • pinbrazoviki - 1.5 kg;
  • sunflower oil - 100 ml;
  • salt to taste;
  • pepper black (ground) - to taste.

Step-by-step cooking

  1. Loaded booties cut into the segments of the average size and rinse with water. Do not be minted - consider that after processing they will be squeezed in size.
  2. Well heat the oil in the pan, pour mushrooms, a little salt and, if you want a black punch. Fry until complete readiness, regularly stirring with a wooden spatula.
  3. Place the Obabki on a dish, laptop-sized napkin - it needs to be done to remove an excess oil. Wait for a complete cooling. Plumb for portions and send to the freezer.

Tip: Do not hold mushrooms for a long time in the water - boomes have a spongy hats structure, which actively absorbs moisture. Otherwise, you risk getting a shapeless mass unpleasant to look and taste. If possible, wrap still solid tinbs with a wet towel or microfiber cloth.

Recipe Ice Cream Blinks for Winter

In addition to the noble mushrooms, it is possible to harvest the bruises, or as it is still called in the people - raw. True, without cooking in this case, do not do, despite the name, boil mushrooms for freezing for the winter is simply necessary.

Number of portions: 10

Time for preparing: 40 minutes

Energy value

  • calorie - 14.9 kcal;
  • proteins - 1.5 g;
  • fat - 0.6 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0.9.


  • syroezhka - 1 kg.

Step-by-step cooking

  1. The best option for freezing is large fleshy bruises. They need to cut part of the leg and carefully remove the skin from the hat. It is not so difficult to do it - you need to pose the edge of the skins and pull to the center. After richer and cut down with rather large pieces.
  2. We talk about five minutes, then leak on the colander. When the whole moisture stalks and mushrooms are cool, spread over cellophane crops and send it frozen.

Tip: Gently, not to remember the raw, release the air from the packages so that it does not occupy a lot of space in the refrigerator compartment.

The harvesting of mushrooms by freezing is the easiest way to stock up with a delicious product for the entire winter. This will provide you with the presence of ingredient inventory for a variety of delicious dishes and save funds. Good luck!

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  • All edible mushrooms are suitable for freezing, but more others are strong and non-worm young white mushrooms, booms, boomes, champignons, chanterelles, woven.
  • Mushrooms are a very delicate product and therefore requires an attentive relationship and as soon as possible processing. The best thing is to lay them on the same day when they were collected in the forest or purchased in the market.
  • How to freeze mushrooms? The principle of frost forest mushrooms is generally similar to freezing of berries. Mushrooms must carefully go through, throwing dubious and worm mushrooms, trim, remove damaged parts and rinse thoroughly, changing water several times. It is best to freeze the whole young strong mushrooms that are rarely worm. Wash mushrooms dry on a towel, large - cut, then lay out on a baking sheet or tray in one layer and place in the freezer. The answer to the question "How to freeze white mushrooms" exactly the same.
  • Frozen mushrooms transfer to a package or container, tie, label (be sure to write the date of bookmarks and the grade of mushrooms), possess storage in the freezer.
  • Remember that frostbed mushrooms are a favorable medium for breeding various microorganisms, so after thawing mushrooms, it is necessary to immediately use for the preparation of mushroom dishes.
  • Frozen mushrooms are stored in the freezer at temperatures -18 ° C to one year.

Is it possible to freeze mushrooms in the latest form?

If you are afraid to freeze mushrooms with fresh, boil them in front of the frost for 5 minutes in boiling salted water, leak on the colander, dry and only freeze.

Sign containers and packages with frozen mushrooms - in the cooked form they look a homogeneous mass. Fill the entire containers. The smaller the air remains in the container, the better the products will be saved. The same rule concerns and plastic bags: to the maximum, squeeze air from them, tie, then lay in the freezer. Now you know everything about how to freeze the mushrooms!

Sew and frosting mushrooms need fresh, just collected. It is best to collect mushrooms yourself, and not to buy on the market or worse by the road. You do not know when and where they were collected, as kept. And mushrooms instantly absorb all harmful substances if they grow or just lie near the cars.

Before processing mushrooms, you need to go through, check again, whether poisonous or inedible mushrooms were caught in your "prey". All non-freight, heavily buried, remembered mushrooms should be postponed. Some of them, by the way, can be used in a salting, and some will have to throw out. But for drying and freezing mushrooms should be selected.

What does fresh mean? White and boosts will live in the refrigerator after assembling a maximum of a day, and that if you collected young and strong. Oclay boomes are better to handle on the day of collection. Chanterelles will be able to "hold out" in the refrigerator a couple of days.

All mushrooms should be cleaned from twigs and dirt, the ground on the leg gently trimmed. For drying and freezing in the fresh form, mushrooms are better not to wash. They absorb water very well, therefore, they will dry up badly and can be molded, and during freezing the water will turn into ice.

How to freeze mushrooms

Method 1. Raw

White, boosions, boletus and all mushrooms, having a sponge under hat - it is better to frost in a fresh form. So they will retain freshness and elasticity. In the boiled form, these mushrooms will get watery and will greatly lose in taste after defrosting. In the same way, you can freeze myself and chanterelles.

To save space in the freezer mushrooms should be cut, the smallest better leave the whole, in the winter they can decorate your dishes.

Mushrooms distribute a thin layer on the tray or the bottom of the freezer, which is included on the maximum so that the mushrooms are frozen very quickly. After 12 o'clock the mushrooms can be pissed into the package and return the freezer into normal mode.

Method 2. Boiled

Before frosting mushrooms you need to boil, in accordance with the recommendations for the preparation of each type. For example, you need to cook at least half an hour, otherwise they can cause disorder in the body. After cooking mushrooms, throw back to the colander and give a track. Long - half an hour, or even an hour. You can still squeeze the mushrooms with your hands to remove excess moisture.

After that, put the mushrooms into a dense package or a freezing container and remove into the freezer.

Important! Mushrooms can not be repeated freezing - get a tasteless watery porridge at the exit.

It is best to defrost mushrooms slowly - just shifting into the refrigerator chamber and leave for the night. If you are not rejoicing, then you can defrost already at room temperature.

Council: If you are afraid that large white and boominuses are watery, after frost cut the sponge.

How to put mushrooms

Usually dried white, but also boosts are perfectly obtained in dried, sometimes dried oil and chanterelles.

Mushrooms for drying are needed to cut large: they are shaking 3-4 times. Small mushrooms can be dried entirely. If the mushroom is medium, then split just a hat and leg.

Method 1. Under the Sun

If the balcony comes out on the sunny side and on the street - heat, then you can dry the mushrooms just in the sun. Hang them on the threads and hang in the sun. The main thing is that they are blown away by the wind. For three to four days dried, but if the weather has spoiled, you can learn in the oven.

Method 2. In the oven

It is necessary to post mushrooms on a baking sheet in one layer, the door of the oven to open to have air access, you can turn on the convection mode. Put an oven at 70-80 degrees and dry for several hours. You can in several techniques, but the door does not close the oven.

Method 3.. In the oven

If there is a furnace in the country - then the most comfortable to dry in it. Moreover, it has to trample often. One party will need several furnaces: first the mushrooms need to be put in the already fitted furnace, there should be about 50 degrees in the furnace oven. And leave for 3-4 hours - the mushrooms are rapidly, they will become soft, but the juice will not be allocated. It is necessary to dry at the next furnace of the mushrooms at a temperature of 70-80 degrees. When they become dry and brittle - ready.

Attention!Do not put mushrooms in the furnace during the firebox and immediately after it, otherwise everything burns.

Store dry mushrooms are best in a dry place in a glass or ceramic jar. You can grind some of the fungi in a coffee grinder, they will be useful for sauces and flavoring dishes, and the places will occupy much less.

Before cooking mushrooms, you need to rinse well and soak in hot water for 2 hours. After soaking, water should be changed, cook in new water.

Neither drying nor the conservation of this product will give the opportunity to get such a large range of use and high benefits: dried lifts of the forest will suit except for giving the flavor and taste with soups and second dishes, and it's hard to cook from pickled and saline to cook something except for snacks. For example, it is quite possible to make from frozen whole fungi, but it will not work out of salty.

What mushrooms are suitable for freezing?

Lovers of independent conservation and freezing products for the winter are constantly looking for new recipes and ways to preserve the benefits of nature of nature.

It is important to understand with mushrooms - each type has its own rules and features of the workpiece.

Ryzhiki, champignons, chanterelles or freaks have their subtleties in the preparation process.

Some of them need to pre-boil or fry:

  • you can freeze mushrooms without glowing, if it is champignons, oysteries, white mushrooms;
  • chanterelles, watches, oil, podbotzoviki - before shipping you need to boil;
  • in the grilled form, almost all lamellar are otious.

Mushrooms excreasing milky juice and having bitterness must necessarily need to be soaked for several hours before sending to the freezer. Ideally - boil

Before freeze the mushrooms for the winter, it is necessary to pre-prepare them regardless of whether they are, boiled or pickled and salted:

  • freeze in the raw form should be immediately after harvesting, but to store before processing in the refrigerator no longer than a day;
  • from primary raw materials, all the leaves, grass, extraneous elements are cleaned;
  • mushrooms are thoroughly washed, you can lower them into the water, but for a while to wash garbage from under the hats;
  • they also purify them, cut parts of the legs, once again rinsed and folded on a terry towel to dry;
  • clear all damaged instances, as well as those that with specks.

Is it possible to freeze raw mushrooms?

The correct frost of mushrooms for the winter begins with the definition of species that can be laid in the freezer with raw or, on the contrary, processed thermally.

Well frozen raw, belonging to tubular species, - white mushrooms, birchings, boosities. But only if they are young and drumming.

Some lamellar - champignons, weighs - can also be frozen fresh.

If they are for a long time to keep in water or boil, they will absorb a lot of fluid and after defrosting will be tasteless, sluggish, sprinkled.

Freeze fresh white mushrooms or other suitable are very simple - they are placed in bags or containers after careful cleansing and drying.

Pluses such freezing a lot: minimum preliminary hassle; Preservation of practically unchanged the form of useful qualities, fragrance, taste. But there are disadvantages: raw gifts of the fields and forests occupy a lot of space, in addition, it is with such a frost in mushrooms often remains sand, garbage.

How to freeze fried?

Mushrooms for long-term storage can be preheated, and for this any varieties will fit.

There are 2 ways to prepare:

  • large mushrooms are cut, and small, for example, wall, fried entirely on vegetable oil, after which it is allowed to drain on the napkin, and unfold products by packages;
  • you can freeze the roasted mushrooms. Prepare them for 30-40 minutes in the oven, covering the tank with foil (after 20 minutes it is cleaned). For the process products you need to cut. After 30 minutes begin to check availability - all moisture should be evaporated from the tank.

You can freeze fried mushrooms with onions, but the bow after defrosting is usually too watery and mild, so it needs to be hinged as much as possible.

Defrost fried forest gifts, heated in a frying pan. Immediately use the whole mass, the semi-finished product is not suitable for re-frost. It is recommended to send roasted products into the freezing chamber.

This method is especially appreciated by economical hostesses, because in the freezer, you can send what, for example, did not eat at dinner. I use this method, even if it remains.

The only drawback is a relatively short shelf life. That is, it will not work fried in the summer in summer - a maximum of the new year.

Mushrooms after salting and marinion in the freezer?

If you drag the whole brine from the cans with mushrooms, you can freeze and pickled or pickled.

Only not always the result after defrosting will be satisfactory.

It is better to leave pickled mushrooms in banks.

If you are afraid to store canned mushrooms in winter, then you can freeze the boiled, and then get the bags and marinate for your favorite recipe.

Therefore, you can always please yourself with an excellent snack, without fear of health.

Sleeping tolerate freezing perfectly! Squeeze the extra liquid, pack hermetically and hide in the freezer. This will prolong the shelf life essentially.

Freezing fresh, salt or fried foods, translate the freezer into the appropriate quick frost mode!

Freezing boiled mushrooms

In stores there are often frozen widespit and champignons, but a little is known about the methods of their pre-processing. Ideally, these gifts of forests should be bored before frost.

Other lamellar or spongy are boiled. Temple, that is, the smurches and their "relatives" are bothering necessarily! Sometimes, if the mushrooms are clean or grown independently, you can not cook them, but simply pour boiling water for half an hour.

Plus boiled mushrooms: they are welded and occupy less space in the freezer.


Minus boiled mushrooms: the mushroom fragrance is lost during cooking.

Recipe for boiling mushrooms

Do you know where to collect mushrooms? Then soon go to the "quiet hunt" in the season! This will allow you to prepare your favorite dishes in winter, for example, from real fragrant and delicious fungi, and not from purchased, whose winter from mushrooms is only a name.

So at the very beginning you need to prepare a "catch". We swore, throwing old, worm and spoiled. After that, it is necessary to pour water and leave for an hour or two to make it easier to remove all the dirt. Well, then then mushrooms should be rinsed thoroughly under running water and move to the main stage.
We put them in a saucepan, fill with water, we sat down a bit. We put on the stove and after boiling, cook another 10 minutes.

We learn everything on a colander, waiting for it when they are cool and get rid of extra liquid.

Portion folding mushrooms by packages. By the way, in stores today sell special packages for freezing with a lock that protect semi-finished products from strangers. We send to the freezing chamber.

In winter, when you decide to cook or something else, just leave the semi-finished product in the refrigerator for the night, and in the morning you can use them.

So you can freeze the boiled mushrooms of any kind.

Terms and rules for storing frozen mushrooms

If the mushrooms were frozen correctly, then their storage time is enough and depends only on the method of initial processing:

  • fried guaranteed do not lose taste for 4-5 months, after borrowing due to fat may appear;
  • fresh and boiled mushrooms are stored for a whole year, but only if they are processed and frozen within 1-2 days after the collection;
  • some species can begin to lose their fragrance and taste after half a year of storage - it depends on the place of collection and freshness of mushrooms.

The storage temperature should be not lower than -18 degrees for the full preservation of the beneficial properties of the forest gifts.

Useful video

Raw mushrooms more convenient to frow? After finishing them with pieces. The roller below shows the entire process of frosting fresh champignons: