How to feed a chicken Non-dryer. Feeding the chicken meters at home by various types of feed. Features of nutritional nutrition

So that the nursing chickens be better carried eggs, their diet should be balanced, containing all the necessary micro and macroelements, vitamins. Do not forget that the performance of birds depends not only on the diet itself, but also from the power mode. There are those products that are contraindicated by the chickens and everyone should know about them. And in the winter it should be particularly responsible for the issue of feeding the flock. Feeding of nuclei hens at home is an important nuance, no need to feed less or more norm, as positive result It will not give.

So that the nursing chickens be better carried eggs, their diet should be balanced

So that the nursing chucks are better, their feed must have all the useful elements. To do this, it is necessary to give birds a variety of food, divided into dry, wet and combined.

So that the nursing chucks are better, their feed must have all the useful elements

Wet - these are the mixers who do people themselves adding in them:

  • cereal;
  • vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • bran;
  • cake;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • hay flour;
  • greens.

Dilsert all the above products with milk or water.

Under dry feed meant feed. If the poultry farmer gives a mixture of feed and wet feeding - this is called combined feeding.

In the form of grain, it is advisable:

  • corn;
  • oat bran;
  • millet;
  • rye;
  • barley;
  • wheat;
  • buckwheat;
  • oats;
  • wheat bran.

All grain crops have vitamins, fiber and carbohydrates, which is very useful for the body. But to enrich it with phosphorus, protein, calcium and other important elements, you should add to the diet:

  • beans;
  • sunflower;
  • crushed shell;
  • gravel;
  • celebration salt;
  • ash;
  • chalk, etc.

It all is given separately, does not mix with food.

Many vitamins and minerals have greens. In the summer, spring and autumn period is given fresh grass. In winter - hay, pine, fir needles.

An excellent option will be:

  • bombstorm;
  • pea leaves;
  • salad;
  • dill;
  • alfalfa;
  • clover, etc.

Positively affect the health of birds of vegetables, but they are pre-shared on the grater. Give a turnip, carrots, beets and radish in cheese and boiled form. Patchson, pumpkin and zucchini cut in half, and birds opened the flesh. Potatoes should be given only boiled.

Daily rate

Beginner birds can be focused on existing daily norms. How much do you need to give the feed of one chicken per day:

Middle Table (one bird flow):

These tables may vary depending on the time of year.

Feeding rates in the summer:

Feeding rates in winter:

Power frequency

Nutrition of nuclei hens must be regular and have a certain mode

Nutrition of nuclear hens must be regular and have a specific mode. From this depends on the growth of birds and its egg production.

Non-bulls should receive food three or four times a day. The first time - after the morning collection of eggs, the second - about 13.00-14.00, the third is 60-100 minutes before sleep. You can make another additional feeding between the main, and it will be a kind of light feeding.

Winter ration

Most difficult period - this is winter

The most difficult period is winter. Need not only to establish temperature mode In the chicken coop, but also adjust the diet of birds.

It follows to feed the nose more often: in the morning and daily watches give juicy feed and mixtures, and in the evening - dry food. Water in driller in winter time It is desirable to pour in warm form.

The diet should include:

  • roots;
  • potatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • hay;
  • oats, millet, etc.;
  • bakhchy cultures;
  • eggshell;
  • fish flour I. fish fat;
  • minerals;
  • feed shell;
  • sand;
  • various milk products, etc.

In the form of root plates in winter, it is advisable to give carrots and feed beets. These vegetables are very useful, they rub on the grater and give a bird. You can enter them into the diet both in fresh and in boiled form.

The pumpkin is used in demand among manthy crops, it can be kept for a long time, which makes it possible to use it even in the middle and late winter. Her pulp bird turns independently, the task of the poultry is to cut the fruit and put the pulp up.

Potatoes are cooked, presses and is given to the stack. The egg shell is valued by birds, it is crushed before serving.

Fish fat, like minerals, for non-masters are purchased in a pharmacy. There you can also find all sorts of vitamin complexes specifically for winter diet.

As for the chalk, sand and different stones, the owner must also worry about it too. In the summer, birds can find it all on their own, this is impossible in winter. For the quality of eggs and good egg production, the diet should be replenished with all the above additives.

Prohibited products

If the chickens will eat everything, including rotten and neglected food, then various diseases may occur.

If the chickens will eat everything, including rotten and torn food, then various diseases may occur ( intestinal infections, worms, clogging goiter, etc.).

You can not eat such chickem:

  • mold;
  • acidic food;
  • biting feed;
  • spoiled products;
  • raw potatoes and its purification;
  • whole roots;
  • sdoba;
  • poisonous plants (wormwood, cleanliness, field hand).

You must not forget to check all the waste that is given from your table bird. In no case there should be no cellophane, foil, metal, twine, etc.

Always when walking birds on the street, you need to follow what they eat. Most navels are infected various diseases It is during the walk.

If the bread is in the diet, then choose a grain or wheat, the dignity will only bring harm.

Requirements for feed

Food can be factory or cooked independently. To make it with your own hands at home, you need to know its composition.

The feed must be balanced, have vitamins, fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The composition of the feed differs depending on the time of year, the age category and breed of chickens, the conditions of their content.

Food may contain:

  • wheat (there are many vitamins and protein);
  • corn (it contains vegetable fat);
  • a mixture of carbohydrates (root crops, various grainburses, mudflows);
  • protein mixture (fish, bone and bean flour, nettle, yeast, cake, dairy products);
  • minerals (chalk, salt, shell, limestone);
  • vitamins (greens, vegetables, milk, vitamined fish oil).

Various vitamin, mineral supplements can be purchased in a specialized store or veterinary pharmacy. If the poultry selection of the diet for chickens seems to be too painstaking, you can purchase a ready-made product in which nothing needs to be added. In such compositions, there are already all the necessary elements, thanks to which the chicken grows well and is characterized by high egg stage. The content of birds becomes a very necropotable occupation.

The grass (namely - sorghum) significantly increases egg production.

Many give the birds dry food. In this case, the chickens should always drink a large amount of liquid. It is necessary to monitor drinking, do not leave them empty and timely change the water.

It should always be remembered that if it is right and in a timely manifold nuclear hens, then high performance will be at any poultry.

Full nutrition - the main condition for the high productivity of chickens and the rapid weight gain of brother rocks. Regardless of what purpose you are growing birds, their feeding must be properly organized, diverse and balanced. Than feeding chickens - detailed information about this is presented in this publication.

In the diet of chickens should contain a sufficient number of components important for health in strictly defined proportions:

Diversity of nutrition for chickens

Organize high-quality and variety miscellaneous meals So omnivorous feathered, like chickens, is not so difficult. One of the main rules is to maximize the use of waste, which will always be on any rural house:

Rules of cooking feed

To maximize the preservation of vitamins and trace elements, you must follow the rules for the processing of feed. If you cook food in accordance with the recipe, it will be better absorbed and the pets are more willing to go.

Wild food and methods of their billet

The best time for the billet of meadow herbs is spring and summer. It is during this period that clover, winch, alfalfa, chicken millet, a shrine, rank, mannik, horse sorrel is especially rich in useful substances. The grass is coated and folded in small rolls for drying (preferably in the shade, since vitamins are destroyed in the sun). The hay is ready when it starts to rustle.

In addition to herbs, in food, pine and spruce are added to the birds (it is better to collect it from November to March), as well as seeds, foliage and berries of wild trees - rowan, beech, birch, linden, ash, chestnut and shrubs - viburnum, rosehip, hawthorn Bosnes. In the late autumn and in winter, with a lack of greenery, the supplement from crushed wild plants becomes excellent for full nutrition.

Feeding rules in the conditions of a nursery

The main rule is to give food at least twice a day:

  • early in the morning after waking up;
  • approximately an hour before the moment the birds begin to prepare for sleep (enter the house and sit down on the volatile).

Cake chickens as early as possible in the morning and as possible in the evenings, and you will get a healthy livestock and excellent productivity.

In the morning it is better to give wet soft mixtures of boiled potatoes, flour, vegetables and greenery with mineral jams, and for the night - a grain mason, as it is digested longer.

Three- and four-time nutrition is recommended only for young individuals under the age of 8-10 months. The time of additional feed feed (wet and vitamin monolayers) is distributed evenly based on the length of the daylight. In late autumn and in winter, it is necessary to increase portions to protect against hypothermia and to obtain feathered intensity.

Key hygiene rules when feeding

For energizing in the muscular stomach, the birds require gravel. If it is not in a separate feeder for a month and more, the chickens can stop absorbing up to 20% of food, get sick with cuticulitis (rejection of the surface of the muscular stomach) and die.

It is impossible to replace gravel with fine-grained sand, because it irritates the intestinal mucosa, and in large doses it may cause its inflammation.

Rational norms

Consider as an example of the rate of diet for meat chickens. Such rocks are considered universal, more unpretentious and simple in care, therefore they are most often grown in farms and in the household sections. The percentage of measoy chickens is almost the same as the eggs, but the amount of food for each head is slightly higher (up to 15-18%).

The table below gives a daily nutrition for one adult chicken with weight 2, 6 kg depending on the time of year (in grams on the head).

Types of feedWinterSpringIn summerIn autumn
Whole grain (2 types)50 45 40 45
Crushed grain (2-3 types)50 55 60 55
Zhmii, Shreota12 13 12 12
Bran Wheat10 10 10 10
Boiled potatoes50 40 20 20
Yeast3 4 3 3
Silos or root40 20 - 20
Herbal flour and greens10 10 50 30
Bone flour5 7 5 5
Milk serum20 30 30 20
Shell, chalk4 5 4,5 4
Salt0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5

In the breeding period, to increase the reproductive abilities of roosters, it is necessary to add to the usual diet of 50 g of germinated grain enriched with vitamins A and E (20 mg per kg of feed). Feed in separate feeders inaccessible to chickens.

Compound feed for Kur.

It may well be the basis of the diet of chickens, since it contains a whole range of substances important for their organism. But in order for it to be really useful, it is important to know the composition and dosage.

Video - make up a diet for adult chickens

What ingredients and in what proportions should be in the feed?

We offer you an exemplary composition of a balanced feed, which is easy to prepare at home.

Composition and proportions can change slightly depending on the breed and age of chicken livestock.

Big plus nutritional preparation with their own hands is your confidence in the quality of both each component and the final product. In addition, it will help save up to 60 percent of the funds in comparison with the finished feed.

In winter, the honeycomb must be warm, it is advisable to germinate barley. If you have a slight population, then such food can be prepared in ordinary dishes. For large volumes, you will need at least a small mixer.

If you cook the feed on your own, there is no possibility or desire, you can always buy ready-made in specialized stores or on the market.

Industrial feed

Compound feed on specialized enterprises, there are two types:

  • Kk (concentrated feed);
  • PC (full-fledged feed).

In the concentrate feed, no more than 12% of the digestible protein is contained, and for the full nutrition of the chickens, a minimum of 18% is required. This means that in QC additionally need to add cake, meal, animal proteins and other additives.

In fact, it is a ground and compressed grain, waste of the fleet industry, in which it is sometimes contained to 1.5% premix preparation P-1 or P-2 (a mixture of vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids and antimicrobial drugs).

If the QC already has a premix, its additional additive is extremely undesirable (look carefully on the packaging).

As for PP, its composition is fully balanced, includes all the necessary components and does not require any additional additives. However, its cost is quite high.

Video - Compound Feed: Secrets Poultry Facility

How to feed non-bumps to increase productivity?

On egg production, any deviations from the feeding rate are negatively affecting, whether it is malnutrition or overeating, so it is desirable to weigh before serving the portion.

The composition of the egg shell, consisting of 90% of calcium carbonate, resembles the composition of bones and teeth of man

Fast masonry and a set of optimal body weight by nursing chickens ensures a sufficient amount of grain, greenery, vegetables, mineral additives. To increase productivity, the daily menu should be diverse and competently balanced. If we talk about the variety of grain, it is not to alternate wheat, barley and oats, and so that all cereal crops are obtained daily.

Proper nutrition - the pledge of egg production and the optimal mass of chickens

Excellent sources of protein for non-bumps are meak-like flour and mineral feeding. So, calcium for the hardness of the skeleton and the eggshells they should receive from seashells, wood coal, food chalk, burnt bones, as well as from wood ash, lainning in an open-air at least a month.

Daily diet of adult nursing chicken

The cultivation of chickens is one of the most interesting and profitable agricultural industries. Anyone, be it an amateur-a poultry farmer or a novice farmer, is not at all necessary to buy expensive feed for growing healthy and productive livestock. The main thing is to have a great desire and a minimum of necessary knowledge.

Feeding chickens exclusively industrial feed - is unprofitable and inexpedient.

In order for the bird to be healthy and rolled well, you need to be able to competently compose its diet. And first of all it is worth understanding which grain, in what form and the number of chickens should use.

What grain gives chickens - useful recommendations

Usually at home the owners of the chickens give them a mixture of grain and it is correct. You just need to know which grain it should be in it and in what quantities. Standard grain mixture components for chip feeding:

  • Oats - contains a lot of protein, which is quickly and fully absorbed poultry. But only 10% oats can be introduced into the grain mixture, as it is characterized by a large content of fiber - the chicken will spend too much energy on its digestion, which will negatively affect the egg production.
  • Wheat is an indispensable grain that causes a high level of egg production. In the mixture of it should be at least 70%, only in winter, part of this amount (no more than 30%) can be replaced by corn.
  • Barley - the best grain for chickens, at least, so they say experts. But it is not worth giving it in the "clean" form - the chickens are badly eaten because of the sharp tips of the grains, but in the grain mixture he goes "with a bang."
  • Corn - Gives a bird only in crushed form, is a valuable source of carbohydrates. It is impossible to give corn too much - it contains a lot of fat, which leads to the obesity of the bird.
  • Rye - contains vitamins and proteins, but the mixture is rarely included because of a considerable value.

Feeding chickens grain In the summer and winter it is somewhat different. In the warm period of the year, the bird itself finds in the flowing courtyard greens and sources of protein, they can be limited to corn and barley.

Many specialists and poultry farms are generally limited to wheat in one piece - This approach to feeding chickens is fully allowed.

In winter, the bird requires more energy, so it is better to give a grain mixture in full - wheat, corn, oats and barley will ensure the organism of the chicken by all trace elements and vitamins.

The only nuance - if the feed is present in the poultry house not constantly, then for the night (the atmosphere feeding per day) should be given to non-drying grain in solid form - so the chickens will not remain hungry until the morning.

How many grains need a chicken per day

The grain rate on the chicken is variative and depends on which breed of this poultry is on the maintenance.

How to germino grain for chickens

It is possible to add germinated grain to the grain mixture, it may be wheat, and barley.

  1. For germination you need to soak in warm water The selected type of grain culture for 10-20 minutes, then lay it out on trays / baking / boards, covered with a damp cloth and put it in a warm place.
  2. During the day, it should be sprayed with warm water - it is convenient to do from the spray gun, and on the second-third day it will germinate.

The bird is enough 1-2 cm of wheat sprout or barley, so that its body will receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and protein that contribute to the acceleration of weight gains and an increase in egg production.

Where better to buy grain for chickens

When buying grains, you need to pay attention to its quality. It should not be smelling mold and damp, be raw or damaged rodents. From how high-quality grain will be given a poultry, its health and performance depends.

Of course, it is possible to purchase food from private owners, but it is more expedient to pay attention to larger suppliers who will be able to provide quality certificate to familiarize.

  • Agromadovod - a company that sells and solid grain, and already ready-made feed for chickens different breeds. Possible pickup, or delivery within the Moscow region.

Address: 14 km of Moscow Ring Road, Moscow, Gardener Market. You can coordinate the purchase and delivery or pickup by calling 8926108 64 77 or 8926156 75 88.

  • Alex-grain - is engaged in the implementation of not only grain and combined feed, but also by all accompanying goods that may be needed to grow birds at home. Delivery is carried out in Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Moscow regions and Moscow.

Address: city of Alexandrov, ul. Soviet 33. Telephone for a preliminary order and receipt of information: 8919017 06 93.

  • TD VEDREGIONKOR LLC - the company, the central office of which is in Vladimir, but carries out the delivery of grain almost throughout Central Russia.

Address: city Vladimir, ul. Mostostroevskaya, house 3g. Telephone for order: 8930743 19 45.


Various food

Each poultry farmer is both a beginner, and with experience - must correctly organize the feeding of nuclear hens in home. If the diet of the bird contains the necessary useful material, the farmer has every chance to get high-quality eggs - delicious, large sizes, smooth form. Consider how to feed the smashing hens in order to rush well.

Poultry farms can use food for lacking three varieties:

  • dry;
  • wet;
  • combined.

Dry food

To the category of dry food refers to feed. It is manufactured and sold thoroughly crushed. This allows the bird not to overeat and avoid obesity. One night, which is powered by a feedback, should eat average norm from 120 to 130 g.

Wet food is called homemade mixer. According to the norms, wet chicken feed must be included in the composition: macuha, boiled potatoes, other vegetables, shrots, wheat cut, flour from herbs, cereals, cakes.

An important point is a way of kneading wet mixes. The basis for it is water, milk products. Experienced poultry farmers recommend using serum. It is not necessary to knead great portions, because the chickens may not be achieved all the wipes immediately. And such food for chickens is shisking soon.

For the preparation of combined feeds for Curia, various nutrition is used. There is a practice in private farms to feed pets and wipers, and dry mixtures. Grain, as well as mineral impurities are added to the mixtures. Useful feed should consist of 2/3 of grain, and 1/3 of protein impurities.

What is part of the feed?

Composition of a feed for non-masters requires special attention farmers. The factory feed feed is manufactured according to special technologies strictly according to GOST. They contain beneficial substances in the amount that requires full bird feed.

Compound feed for nuclear hens is a special feed mixture, which consists of such components:

  • grainseas and other vegetable elements;
  • elements with animal type of origin;
  • trace elements;
  • natural vitamins.

In the most general embodiment, the mixing feed is characterized by such a composition:

This is a list of necessary components that are necessarily present in the feed. The composition of the same combined feed can vary depending on their purpose - it is a feed for chickens or for adult chickens, for the cold or warm season. But this basis persists.

Balanced food for hens churches should include grain scenes from 60 to 75% of the total diet. Corn (from 40 to 50% diet) is especially valuable in broiler feeding. Predes the body of birds with carbohydrates and vitamins, in particular, carotine, contributes to the bright yellow yolk color.

Barley for chickens (about 30%) is used so that the meat is juicy. Wheat (from 40 to 70%) supplies a bird with vitamins E, B, protein. Useful for non-bumps is gentle wheat, especially in winter, when there is no greens. It prevents avitaminosis, contributes to better digestion and assimilation of the feed. How to germinate wheat for feeding chickens, tells the video:

Add vitamins and premix in the feed

Oats is used to prevent outline, often in the form of bran (no more than 15% of the total mass of the mixture), since the bird is hard to digest. Millet (from 10 to 20%) as a source of carotene is added to the feed for chickens and an adult bird.

Sunflower, flax and legumes provide an increase in egg production. The cake and the meal are added to the grain for nuclei hens for increasing the level of protein and protein. Age, Bird breed - indicators of what grain is better to use for it.

The composition of the naval feed is complemented by premixes and vitamin complexes. But they should not be used as independent feed. This is fraught with overdose, diseases and extinction of birds.

The required component for the organism of Non-Calcium. It provides a solid egg shell. It is contained in limestone, gravel, shell, salt, bone flour. Chalk for chickens is the most famous source of calcium (37%). Therefore, to give chamchairs as an impurity to the main feed is extremely important.

Amino acids help to avoid excavation. They are contained in soy shroke, meat and fish waste, which are also common to the main stern. Calcium sulfate is contained in the gypsum and also prevents cannibalism. Such impurities should always accompany food chickens from the first days of their lives.

How many proteins, fats and carbohydrates should receive a lack of a day?

It is properly feeding the nuclei chuckles means giving them a balanced feed that contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats.

The ability to carry eggs, the intensity of the bird's egg laying depends on the fact that nesheks eat. Feed 4 varieties:

  • protein - source of vegetable and animal proteins;
  • carbohydrate - consist of grain sesters, croup, bran, vegetables and root, flour mixtures;
  • mineral - contain minerals;
  • vitamin - replenish the stock of vitamins, provitamins.

For one nose, the nutritional value of the feed of the feed per day is: from 60 to 70% of carbohydrates, from 15 to 18% proteins, from 3 to 5% fat, from 4 to 6% fiber. Such a female navigation per day is enough to replenish its energy stock. It is important that the protein goes into the body of nurses in the desired quantity. Since 80% (about 18 g) it goes to the formation of an egg.

The diet of nursing chicken is replenished with vegetable proteins through feeding in mixtures with cake, sunflower, rapeseed, bean. To ensure the flow of animal proteins, it is necessary to feed the chickens using fish and meat waste, bone flour, insects, earthworms.

The diet of hens chuck needs fats, which are also involved in the formation of eggs. Their sources are corn, sunflower, oats, pumpkin. Carbohydrates - this is the basis providing life chicken organism generally. Feed the nurses to produce them with root-roots, grain, bran.

Diet for chickens depending on the time of year

So that the nursing churches had a high egg production, you need to know how to feed the bird to the seasons correctly. The diet of chickens depends on the time of year. Below is a table in which seasonal poultry feeding rates are calculated.

No. p / p Feed Norm for one navel per day
Fall Winter Spring Summer
1 Grain 85 g 70 g 98 g 99 g
2 Flour (Fish, Meat and Summer) 5 g 13 g 11 g 10 g
3 Bone flour 2 g 3 g 2 g 2 g
4 Flour hay of legumes 7 g 10 g 7 g 0
5 Green Herbs (Lucerne, Nervice, Clover) 40 g 0 40 g 60 g
6 Bran from wheat 10 g 10 g 10 g 10 g
7 Cake 10 g 15 g 12 g 11 g
8 Potatoes (boiled) 40 g 50 g 40 g 0
9 Vegetables-rootplodes 40 g 50 g 40 g 0
10 Chalk stern, crushed shell 5 g 3 g 5 g 5 g
11 Yeast bakery 1 g 1 g 1 g 1 g
12 Milkproducts 14 g 100 g 10 g 10 g
13 Food salt 0.5 g 0.5 g 0.5 g 0.5 g

The feeding of non-masters in the winter is different from the nutritional nutrition in summer in that crushed vegetables are added to the stern. Also in larger quantities in the diet of nurses include sunflower cake, stare Makuhi. Such nutrition for hens chuck allows you to fill substances, which in winter is especially not enough.

Poultry age and diet

The bird's age determines the feeding of nuclei hens at home. This is due to the intensity of the egg laying. It is known that the most produuctive period in chickens - the first year of their egg production with a peak on such weeks: 27 and 28th. At this time, there is plenty of nutritional nuns.

In the period of high egg production in the daytime diet, it is necessary to include carrot, pumpkin, boiled potatoes, yeast, barley grain, millet, fishing (bone) flour, seashells, green grass. Such feed contains maximum nutrients. It is also recommended gradually, approaching the peak of egg production, to introduce protein into the forage to improve the quality of eggs.

When the age of bird reaches from 48 to 50 weeks, its egg production indicators begin to fall. The chicken navel is no longer required energy in former quantities. To feed the nose at this time should also be replaced with fish flour, barley corn, pumpkin.

The rate of feed for churring hens for a day depending on the age of the bird is presented in the table below:

No. p / p Feed Nonaching from 22 to 47 weeks Nonaching from 47 weeks
1 Bakery yeast 1 g 14 g
2 Waste meat, fish 5 g 10 g
3 Bone flour 1 g 1 g
4 Flour fish 4 g 0
5 Boiled potatoes) 50 g 50 g
6 Pumpkin 0 20 g
7 Carrot 10 g 0
8 Cross-shell 5 g 5 g
9 Mel Quamov 3 g 3 g
10 Greens 30 g 30 g
11 Sunflower meal 11 g 14 g
12 Corn 40 g 0
13 Barley 0 30 g
14 Wheat 20 g 40 g

The correct feeding of nuclei chuckles at different stages of their life allows you to get a high-quality, large egg.

Finished Feed Compound: Common Types

The market presents a wide range of combined feeds, which are used to feed non-bumps in private farms. The age of the bird is a factor, which depends on which animal feeding to choose for their pets. Consider the most popular options.


This combined feed in the form of cereals from the PC-1 group is intended to feed the chicken age of 20-45 weeks. Begin to apply it since the start of the egg layout. The composition has a beneficial effect on egg shell. If you clearly know how to give animal feed, egg production reaches high indicators and without impurities. The composition of the feed for churls such:

No. p / p Component Share in composition
1 Grain of Wheat 50
2 Grain corn 9
3 Grain barley 10
4 Meal from soy 5
5 Sunflower meal 13
6 Flour from bones 4,7
7 Flour from fish 1
8 Gluten from corn 1
9 Defluatorized phosphates 1
10 Flour from limestone 2
11 Food salt 0,3

Cost: 20 rubles / 1 kg.


Compound feed for PK-1-3 churls is used as a diet for the bird after 45 weeks of life. It has the kind of small granules. On the package it is indicated how to feed the chickens with this mixture. Thanks to her, the bird is saturated faster. It consists of such components:

No. p / p Component Share in composition
1 Grain of Wheat 14,1
2 Bran from wheat 12
3 a piece of chalk 3
4 Grain barley 30
5 Sunflower meal 8,1
6 Grain oats 15
7 Food salt 0,3
8 Flour from limestone 1,5
9 S / PR from wheat feed. 2
10 Premixes 1

Price: 16 rubles / 1 kg.


This is a mine feed feed, which takes 1-7 weeks. Made in the form of fine cereals. It contains useful substances that ensure the formation of a young healthy organism future lacking at an early stage. Composition of a feed for chickens such:

No. p / p Component Share in composition
1 Grain of Wheat 43,72
2 Grain corn 30,41
3 Lysine 0,45
4 Meal from soy 11,15
5 Cake from sunflower 8
6 Feed methionine 0,2
7 Flour from fish 1,8
8 P5-1 (Premix) 1
9 Flour from limestone 1,61
10 Phosphate monocallation 1,33
11 Food salt 0,24

Cost: 25.5 rubles / 1 kg.


Compound feed for PK-3 chuckles is used as a basic diet for a bird age of 8-20 weeks. Like the previous version, it is a cereal that prepares a bird to intensive egg production. The composition of the nasthell feed is as follows:

No. p / p Component Share in composition
1 Grain of Wheat 73,5
2 Flour from bones 2
3 Lysine 0,31
4 Meal from soy 5,5
5 Sunflower meal 13
6 Feed methionine 0,16
7 Sunflower oil 8
8 Food salt 0,25
9 Flour from limestone 0,38
10 Yeast bakery 1
11 Baking soda 0,1
12 Tricalcium phosphate elements 2
13 P2 (premix) 1

Price: 21.5 rubles / 1 kg.

In addition to these varieties of feed, there is still a feed of PC-4, PC-5, PC-6, and others. You can also prepare the combined food for nuclear hens at home, knowing the basic composition.

Mode and power regulations

The diet for smashing hens at home also provides a clear mode and feeding rates.

How much feed is required by one Nonushka over the day?

The average daily rate for churring hens of the desired feed is: from 120 to 130 g of food.

But do not forget that the air temperature directly affects how much chicken eats. If the temperature begins to exceed the rate for chickens by 1 degree, they are already 1% less. In winter, on the contrary. Therefore, in the summer, less feed can be included in the daily diet, but use such varieties, which contains more nutrients, based on how much the chicken eats.

Some farmers to find out how much feed is a bird, practicing the calculation of the average daily rate depending on its weight. On a bird from 1.5 to 1.8 kg, feed consumption will be about 120-125 g, and the daily diet requires a two-kilogram nose for 130 g.

How many times to feed the chickens during the day?

How many times to feed chickens, depends on the time of year: in the summer - twice, in winter - three times a day.

Dry mixtures the feeder is filled only at 1/3 - how many chickens eat, so that there is less feeding the bird. The monolahanka is superimposed by such volumes so that the chickens can consume it throughout the hour before the displacement. Must be sure to follow the presence clean water in drinking in sufficient quantity.

In the morning and give lunch wet food, and in the evening - grain for hens chuckles. Mashanka in the evening is contraindicated. Evening feed should be easy, so the bird is recommended grain to feed overnight. Clean the feeders need as much as the feed changes in the day.

In winter, feeding mode is this: Morning feed at 08.00, dinner - about 13.00, and evening - at 18.00. In the summer, the feeding of non-masters is carried out twice, if there is the possibility of walking and grazing on green grass. In this case, the feeders are filled at 08.00 and around 18.00. In the morning, the diet consists of a mixture, and for the evening - from dry cereals. If the chickens are contained in the cells and are not launched, then in the summer it is necessary to provide lunch feeding. These factors determine how many times a day and how often feeding pets.

How to feed the bird for high egg production?

If in the summer vitamins in abundance due to the riot of greenery and herbs that feed on a bird, then in winter with special care, you need to pick up the diet of feeding nuclei hens for maintaining egg production. We define how to feed the chickens in order to get better in the cold. Sources of vitamins in this case are juicy vegetables and root, germinated grain, cakes and flour substances, hay and silo, as well as milk products in large quantities - About 100 g per day. Mowing can even be prepared on the basis of fish broth.

During the molting period, there are also special requirements for what to feed the hens chuckles. It is necessary to increase the content of juicy and protein (in particular animal origin) feed. The feeding itself should be not so abundant, like when the peak of the egg laying, but diverse. At this time, such components of feed, such as shell, carrot, pumpkin, potatoes, cabbage, chalk, gaured lime, bakery yeast should be provided. Vitamin additives to the diet are also introduced.

What can not be used as chickens?

Despite the fact that chickens are subject to unimportant birds feeding with the foot feed, questions arise whether it is possible to feed the hens chuckles by some products.

Contraindicated, for example, fishery, which causes nasty smell Eggs. Not used too tough food - peel of watermelons, orange, potatoes. Chours can not digest this food, which is fraught with the development of encephalopathy.

Pubrils of birds with vegetables can cause diarrhea and disorder of digestion. If this happened, you need to save the diet from vegetables for a while.

Consider more than it is impossible to feed nuclear hens, the better sacrifice from the products, so as not to create problems for the health of the bird.

Boiled potatoes: can it or not?

Cute is useful to feed the potatoes. It must be boiled, sophisticated in the composition of the mixtures. Middle norm Potatoes per day - about 50 g.

Danger represents potatoes, which is sprouted or discovered. It contains a harmful to the body of Solan. And boiled potatoes of this kind, and water from under it, on which a mixture is made, it is impossible to give chickens so as not to be poisoned.

Zucchini: are allowed or contraindicated?

Many farmers have a question, is it possible to give some zurakachka. This is a good component for the mixture, especially in the winter season. They serve as excellent replacement with green herbal feeds.

Caution consists of this: it is necessary to hold on the feeding of birds with kabachki as a monocorme. And also avoid their use for birds under the age of 3 weeks. Rubbing zucchini is also fraught with disorders of digestion and diarrhea.

Bread: use in food chickens or not?

Bread chicken can not be given as an independent feed. It must be mixed with other elements of nutrition - a bearing, grain, etc. But such feeding is suitable for a bird that has the opportunity to walk and move a lot. If the chickens are contained in cells, then the bread can lead to the blockage of blood vessels and cause death.

Dangerous nurses give bread fresh. He has a property to swell in the stomachs of birds, to create lumps in Zob, which can endure.

Do not feed the birds with black bread, because it contains too many yeast and salt. The level of acidity of this product is very high for the bird. This may cause fermentation processes in the stomachs. Perfect option - Dried white breadWhat is useful to feed pets.

Dangerous chickens feed and bread covered with mold. The hit of such a product in the body can cause severe poisoning. The answer to the question is whether it is possible to feed the smashing chuckles, is strictly "no". This will end blood thickening, diarrhea and poisoning.

Apples: are allowed or prohibited?

Apples are another dangerous product for non-bumps, if used is irrational. Excessive feeding with apples can cause scoring of chicken stomachs, and how to ensure problems for the digestive tract.

The best option is to give nurses every two weeks one apple into four individuals so that there are not many of them.

Diseases, bad taste of eggs, low egg indicators are the most common consequences of incorrect, unbalanced bird feeding. The content at home birds puts the task in front of the farmers - to provide food for its pets, filled with the necessary amount of useful substances for high nursing productivity.

Many of those who start on their panstone poultry, know than feed chickens, and know the direct dependence of the productivity of birds from high-quality and balanced nutrition. If the feed for chickens is sufficiently nutritious, and the diet is compiled correctly, then the bird will ride all year round. Fortunately, at home to ensure proper feeding chickens is much easier than on a large-scale poultry farm. All the necessary products are free.

In no case should not forget that the Kura is not an omnivorous creature. That is why it is strictly forbidden to use them as home processing machines. The chicken should not get into food various waste, only high-quality food. If you use a threatened grain, it can negatively affect the health of the herd and reduce the overall egg production.

Among the most important components of the feed for chickens will always be grain. Thanks to him in the body of the birds are filled necessary vitamins, carbohydrates and fiber. If you are thinking about to feed chickens, then oats, wheat, as well as supplements from barley, millet or corn are ideal. Corn should not be underestimated, because if it is properly introduced into the diet, then the chicken will receive the required amount of carbohydrates. The best way Uses in a grinding form. The only condition of its application is small rare portions due to high content Fat.

Wheat is best feed For chickens, thanks to which the bird not only receives a sufficient amount of energy, but also begins to take it better. Oats are necessary to stimulate the growth of feathers, it is better to add it better in a steady or germinated form. The grain has many advantages, but it is impossible to feed only, since it is not enough minerals, for example, calcium and phosphorus. That is why it is better to collect feed feed for chickens, diluting grain with various additives.

The familiar to any breeder's feed feed for chickens may consist of green and vegetable mixtures, as well as acquired single mixes. For those who deal with the divorce of the birds on their own inadequate plot with a garden, the question of how to feed chickens is definitely not arising. From the garden and kitchen, you can take part of the waste, which perfectly complement the feed feed.

The concept of such an additive as greens is quite extensive, as the fresh grass can be included in it, which the chicken uses during walks, or blanks made in advance. The second category includes vegetables tops, various herbs and greenery of legumes. Such food is needed to grind well. It is possible to feed them only in the raw form. Greens improves the quality of digestion processes in the body of the chickens and guarantees eggs the correct form without defects.

Excellent feed for chickens are potatoes, cabbage and waxed beets, mixed with bone flour. This is the perfect feeding of chickery in winter, as the resulting porridge not only quenches the birds hunger, but also saturates their body with the required minerals and fiber.

How to make a balanced nutrition

The main rule for each breeder - the feeding of chickens should be carried out twice a day. This rule is valid in winter and summer. In this case, each portion of feed includes all the necessary components. Let's go back to the fact that the most simple decision In this situation there will be a feed feed for chickens in the form of a mixture. With its use, the breeder remains only to accompany feeding with additives from vegetables, greenery and certain types of grain. In some cases, you can use high-quality waste, as the homemade chicken is completely unpretentious.

In many villages, feed chickens accepted with a wet mixer. But it is very important to remember that such a chicken food is spoiled pretty quickly, so it is always preparing at a time.


Remember that during feeding the feeders are filled with only two thirds. Such a precaution will allow to significantly save on the procurement of the feed for chicken, since the birds will no longer scatter and dry the grains. As vitamin supplements, the grass and tops from vegetables are suitable. The amount of them in the stern for chickens depends on the way of keeping the bird, that is, from the bird has the opportunity to walk on green lawns. Greens in winter is very important when the lack of vitamins can cause the occurrence serious diseases Due to the overall reduction in the level of immunity.

Another point for those who are thinking about to feed chickens at the age of forty-eight weeks, when they become young nurses, is that the diet is not different in such a special way. Only the feeding mode is different - three or four times a day.

Continuing the theme of nurses, it must be said that for high-quality eggs it is necessary and good feeding chickens. We have already figured out that the daily diet chickens should include greens, grain, vitamin bait and feed. Best of all, when the daily feed rate for chickens is packed or germinated. So feed the bird is much better and easier, since everything is absorbed without problems. Very often raises the question of how to feed chickens, if you need to save on beans. IN daily norm Course feed can be replaced by a grain rate of twenty-five grams of wheat bran or millet, as well as twenty grams of sunflower cake.

Always remember that mainly on the health of birds and their productivity affects how to feed them - you cannot be allowed or disadvantaged. Back in mandatory requirements, it is always a me to feed the chickens in a certain mode.

The first feeding of chickens should be carried out immediately after the awakening of birds or the inclusion of light, that is, early in the morning. For this meal, a wet mixture is perfectly suitable with the inclusion of potatoes, ground grain, salt, bone flour and food waste. In the evening, the chicken feed is out of an hour before turning off the light. For this meals, food is ideal for chickens, since from it the bird should get all those beneficial substances that did not get in the morning.

Also necessarily the content of one-piece grain, but without mixing, as the chicken will drench only what she liked more, and the rest is flooded. It is better to alternate, and feed in one day oats, in another - wheat, and in the third - millet. Such a compliance of the regime is an excellent addition to common care For poultry. The breeder must remember that care is a whole set of activities, including cleaning, and nutrition, and inspection of individuals, and much more.

Dosage and storage of feed

In the process of drawing up the diet, it is necessary to pay attention to the breed of birds, as some of them them have features and require various mineral feeding and their genetic deposit to maintain health and its genetic deposit. But some breeds must have an automatic unloading day made to the diet. Such precaution will save the bird from obesity. True, the unloading day does not mean at all that it is not necessary to feed the chicken, only replacing the grain rate for greens and vegetables occurs.

The standard diet of the chicken per day should consist of a hundred twenty gram grains, thirty grams of honeycomb, one hundred grams of vegetables, seven grams of cake, two grams of bone flour, one gram of yeast and half of the salty gram. Yeast is necessary in order to provide the process of yeast as one of the poultry digestion stages.

Another way to calculate the diet is based on the average mass of the bird. Each breed has its own average weight, respectively, each needed its feed rate. For example, for a standard individual with a weight of 1.8 kilograms, which gives a hundred eggs in a year, it will take a hundred twenty-five grams of food, but there is an individual with the same productivity indicator, but weighing already two kilograms, you will need a portion in a hundred Thirty grams.

Keep the feed for chickens need in a dark and dry place, as this substance can be covered with mold or bent due to high humidity. In addition, the principle is stored and harvested herbs, without which the question of how to feed chickens in winter, remains unanswered for a long time. It is best for such billets to use beveled even before flowering grass, but to give a bird in a grinding form, mixing with other ingredients.

Continuing the theme of how to feed chickens in winter, it must be said that the important component will be pine and firing needles. It is stored in a dry form in a warm, dry and dark room, and in front of the feed, it is molded with a meat grinder and added to the grain mixtures. Actively applies to the storage of the greenery method of silaps, especially it is relevant for home household plots. For silo, only fresh beans, tops of vegetables and greens are used. After grinding, all ingredients are packaged in barrels or bans, which are then sealed.

Video "Compilation of diet for adult chickens"

This video shows and tells. How to make a diet for adult chickens: what ingredients include in the ingredients, what are the proportions of the feed, when to set feed.