Good words for dad from daughter. Poems about dad from a son. “My dear father!”

My beloved daddy! Happy Birthday to You. Thank you for your endless support, love and for always being there. After many years, I always want to remain a little girl for my beloved dad. Good health and good luck to you.

Happy birthday greetings to daddy in your own words

Dear dad, maybe you once dreamed of a son... And you had me - and you became your beloved dad. I want you to smile every day for many, many years. May nothing make you sad, may a tear never run down your cheek, may no gray hair touch your head for a long time... I love you very much and I know that you love me most of all. I am always by your side - even if there are hundreds of kilometers between us. Happy Birthday daddy!

Short birthday greetings to dad in your own words

Dad, you are the bravest, bravest, strongest dad in the world! We love and value you! You are the best! Happy holiday!

Beautiful birthday greetings to dad in your own words

How much strength and patience does it take to big family! Our dad has always been the main one in the family, because he is the kindest, smartest and most attentive, he is the very person who can be entrusted with such a small but important society as a family! Happy Birthday daddy! Be happy, live long, never get sick, and may your dreams come true!

Congratulate dad on his birthday in your own words

Let me congratulate you on your birthday. Let him bring it to you Have a good mood, joy, warmth in the soul. I wish you all the best, brightest in your work, in your destiny. I wish you to always be on the rise, to be on the rise. Never get sick, never grow old in soul until you are ninety, and if you succeed, until you are a hundred. May all your wishes come true, may your plans and dreams come true. Be happy, dear!

Happy birthday greetings to father in your own words

Daddy, happy birthday! I wish you good health, joy, happiness, success in work, well-being, good mood, optimism. Always remain as energetic, cheerful, kind, caring. May your family always be next to you, and may you be surrounded by love and attention.

Happy birthday greetings to dad in your own words from your daughter

My beloved daddy! Today I flutter like a little bird and want to chirp to you about how happy I am that I grew up as a princess, and my father was a real king, with whom peace and tranquility always reigned in our kingdom, that is, in our family! Happy birthday! I wish you happiness, but not simple, not golden, but woven from the rays of the sun, stars and our love, because we all love you very much and value you!

Happy birthday greetings to father in your own words from daughter

My dear dad!
This day is very important for all of us - because today you are celebrating your birthday. I am very proud that I can call you with this warm and such a gentle word - daddy. I am immensely grateful to fate for giving me you!
On this Day, I want to wish you to always and in everything be true to yourself, not to be led by fleeting weaknesses, to move through life with your head held high.
Always remain as brave, courageous, strong man and, at the same time, so kind and sweet, my most beloved dad!
Happy Holidays to you!!!

Happy birthday greetings to dad in your own words from your daughter

Today I congratulate my father on his birthday, and on this bright holiday my chest aches a little from warm memories! After all, so many years have passed, we have experienced so much, and we have always been each other not only father and son, but also best friends! More than anything in the world I wish you many years to come happy life for your father! Be always healthy and cheerful!

Happy birthday greetings to dad in his own words from his son

Dad, today is a great opportunity to tell you the most good words and make a nice toast in your honor! I hasten to congratulate you and wish you wonderful and bright days, stability, success and good mood. Happy birthday, dad, may fate give you gifts as often as possible!

Happy birthday greetings to father in his own words from his son

On your birthday, I, my golden dad, wish that all your problems fly away, that all troubles melt away like sugar in tea, that all the pleasures and pleasures in the world spin you in their round dance! My daddy, I wish you true friends, stupid and funny enemies who can’t do anything to you! May all your wishes come true throughout the year! Happy Birthday! Your son.

Happy birthday greetings to dad in your own words from children

Dear daddy, we wish you a happy birthday! On this glorious and significant day, accept from all our big family Hearty congratulations and warmest wishes! Let everyone new day gives a sea of ​​smiles, an ocean of positive emotions and a storm of delight!

Collection kind words gratitude to dad from his daughter in prose (not in poetry), in his own words. These are examples of a thank you speech, touching to tears, sincere and warm words that can be said at any festive events(anniversary, wedding, professional holiday of the father or his birthday) in the presence of guests. Texts are also suitable for private conversations. With these words you can sign a postcard, a gift, or simply write a letter to dad including these words.

Dear daddy! I have grown up a long time ago, but you, as in childhood, remain for me the ideal man. Today I want from pure heart thank you:

  • Because you are an excellent father: kind, caring, wise and strong - the real head of the family;
  • For the fact that you perfectly fulfilled your fatherly tasks and helped my mother raise me, and at the same time took care of her;
  • For the fact that you often did the impossible for us;
  • For the fact that you taught me to be an independent girl, and not an infantile bore;
  • For trying (and you succeeded) to create a solid foundation for your family;
  • For striving for family prosperity, well-being and reliability

In a word, dad, I am very grateful to you for the fact that you have never been a destroyer and at all times remain a creator... And for teaching me this by your example. Be happy dad and please us with your health and love of life long years(and preferably forever).

Dad! I am glad today to say a few words of gratitude to you, because you, like no other man, deserve it. Thank you, daddy, for doing an excellent job as the family breadwinner. For the fact that we were all always well-fed, shod, dressed and calm about our tomorrow. Thank you for helping me get an education, for helping me cope with difficulties. For not turning away from me when I brought trouble from school.

Daddy, thank you for always being a real father and a true friend, assistant and support for me and my mother.

Dear daddy, gratitude to you has settled in my heart forever and will never leave me. I want to thank you for being you! And for the fact that you are a real dad. And for the fact that you regularly managed to work as a mother when she could not. For the fact that you are my guardian angel, intercessor, support, support and a true friend. I adore you daddy, you are a true example ideal man It won’t be easy for me and my husband to compete with you. However, I believe he will cope... After all, I chose him for myself in your image and likeness.

Be happy dad and live forever. I still need your strength, wisdom and love to this day, despite the fact that I have already grown up. And they will always be needed. I promise to take care of you the same way you take care of me.

Daddy! I have already thanked you so many times for everything that each time it becomes more and more difficult for me to choose the words and not repeat myself. Today I want to thank you for never being just the breadwinner in our family. Thank you for the fact that you also managed to actively participate in my upbringing and growing up. I know it wasn’t easy for you and you often didn’t have enough time. But you tried and you succeeded. I appreciate your contribution to me, dad, I remember all the good things and love you.

Thanks daddy. Be healthy, happy, still young and charming.

Dad, thank you for being the true head of the family. For your wisdom and patience, for your work that you put into my upbringing. For the efforts that you made during my time adult life, so that my world will always be rosy, joyful, calm and stable. Thank you, daddy, for your understanding, kindness and all the light that you bring into my life to this day. I always remember you, cherish you and will never leave you. And don't leave me.

Dad, I have already thanked you many times for your love, care and support... For everything bright that you generously shared with me... But today I want to thank you not for that. I say “thank you” to you, dad, for your rigor and willpower. Now I have my own child and I realized how difficult it was for you to put up with my stupidity and insolence, my reluctance to grow up and learn, with laziness and frivolity. Your punishments in childhood brought me almost more benefit than love, encouragement and gifts. Now I know that your severity was also caring for me. I want you to know, dad, there is no resentment in my heart against you. I understand you perfectly, I love you and be calm - I don’t blame you for anything.

Dad, gratitude to you always lives in my heart and I have already thanked you many times. But today I want to thank you for always being, as a real man should be, an excellent provider. The mammoths you mined were fat and of high quality. There were a lot of mammoths and we didn’t know the need. Thanks to your masculine qualities, my mother and I always had reliable support and a strong shoulder to lean on at any moment. You are a wonderful pillar of our family and a strong foundation on which I grew up. Thank you and be happy. I really hope that your daughter doesn’t upset you too often.

Daddy, I am very grateful to you for your love and care. For my prosperous childhood and for my education. Because I always had someone to come to and ask for intercession, even if I was wrong. Thank you, dad, for always being on my side - such support gives me strength and inspiration. thanks for wise advice and help with studies. Thank you for the beautiful dresses and smart books. They made my life rosy, and my childhood warm and cozy.

And most importantly, dad, I am grateful to you that you raised an independent girl. Thank you for my vitality. Be happy.

Dad, I want you to know: you are the most important man in my life. I am grateful to you that you have always been, are and remain with me and with my mother. We have a wonderful mother, but without you our family would not be as wonderful as it is. And my life could never become happy and as rosy as it is with you. Thank you, dad, for living and doing everything for me and for me. It warms my heart, inspires me and supports me.

Dear daddy! I will never tire of thanking you for warming me with your warmth. For generously giving me all the best that you manage to get in life. For sparing no time and effort to support me in difficult times. For being able to keep my secrets. Because with his wisdom and life experience you help me become independent and viable.

I love you dad and wish you good health, eternal love of life and a long happy life.

Dad, I want to thank you so much for so much that I don’t know where to start. Thank you for everything. But the main thing is that I have you. And because I was never ashamed of you. I have always been and will be proud of a dad like you, because you are the best. Be happy.

Dad, I want you to know: I have always been and will be grateful to you for the fact that you were not only my dad, but also my mother. And I know how difficult it is for you to be two people in one person and perform completely different (male) functions. But you did a great job and for that I thank you so much! Be kind daddy, live forever, never leave me.

Daddy, I hasten to tell you that if you decide that your adult daughter doesn’t need you, then you are seriously mistaken, my dear. Childhood has passed, but the need for you remains the same. I would never want this world to be left without you. You are an integral part of my life and it will never be any different. So, accept it and continue to be my beloved daddy... And I promise, I will also try to make your life enjoyable and not upset you.

Dad, I don’t have words to express how valuable you are to me and how grateful I am to you for being in my life. Thanks to you and your work, the life of our family was stable, smooth, smooth and prosperous. Mom and I love you, appreciate you, always remember you and constantly think about how else we can decorate your world. I hope we succeed at least sometimes. And I also hope that you will always be happy with us. Be kind - live long.

I have already thanked you many times, dad, for your love and care. And I will always thank you. But today I want to say: thank you, dad, for your friendship. For real, strong, your male friendship. For always lending your shoulder to me in difficult times. For being my protector and support. For lending a helping hand in time. And most importantly, for not leaving me despite the fact that I have already grown up and continue to do all this to this day.

Thanks, dad. And I wish you fulfillment of all your desires, health, success and many years to come.

Daddy, can you imagine? Lately I am so often praised at work and admired for my professionalism, energy and decisions that I make, that I am surprised at myself... Every time I hear another recognition of my merits addressed to me with the question “How do you do it?”, I always I say: “I got all this from my dad!”

Honestly, dad, I am grateful to you for giving me such willpower, such patience and perseverance. And I learned perseverance and the right attitude to work only from you, watching what and how you do, how you solve your problems. Thank you for teaching me courage in my profession and in life.

  • If you decide to include words of gratitude in a letter to your father, try to resist and not write several texts there at once. This is overkill. One or two (combined into one paragraph) will be enough. Of course, I would like to say all the words of gratitude to my dad at once (whichever ones I can find), but this will be “spam,” believe me.
  • If you say these words in public (at a wedding, anniversary, etc.) and the text seems too long for you to remember, you can use the shortest version or the one you like long text cut it in half, leaving only the main thing in the text that directly applies to your situation with your father.

The article will contain words of gratitude in poetry and prose for every taste.

In life you need to be able to say “thank you.” After all, words of gratitude help to express your gratitude to the people who were nearby at the right moment. It's not always possible to choose the right words yourself, don’t be afraid to use templates, but bring something of your own to them.

  • Words of gratitude can be in poetry or prose. In poetry, the words sound more solemn and are suitable for special occasions
  • Also, words of gratitude in verse can be written on a postcard so that the person to whom they are given can keep them
  • Words in prose sound more natural. You don’t need to memorize them, just memorize the frame of the speech
  • If you are not shy in front of the public and easily find the right words, then you can make a speech in your own words
  • Before giving a speech, practice in front of a mirror. This will give you confidence in public.
  • The main thing is not to be nervous, pronounce the text clearly and take your time. Then any words of gratitude will sound worthy

Kind beautiful words of gratitude to friends in poetry and prose

There are no better friends in the world
Than those next to me
You bring light to my soul
And fill it with love.
Thank you dear friends
Because we are together in life
And I can't imagine
Without you, not a year of my life

A person needs friendship like air
There are so many different problems in the world
Well, friends are like the sky and space
They will save you from despair and troubles.
With them you easily forget about fear
Always a lot of fun and jokes
A friend won't leave you without a shirt
Will lend a hand if there is trouble

Many poets and writers note that friendship is the greatest wealth in life.And this is not easy. After all, a friend is not a relative who should be close by blood ties.
A friend is a soul mate who has chosen to be with you.
A true friend can be hundreds of kilometers away, but worry about you as if the trouble had happened to him.
I am very happy that in my environment there are precisely such people whom I can safely call my friends!
Thank you just for being you!

Kind beautiful words of gratitude to a woman in poetry and prose

I want to say “thank you” to you
For your kind words
And the world became a little brighter,
And there is more warmth in it

And even if it rains,
Or maybe a thunderstorm
I will remember those words
Where is there a lot of goodness?

Thank you from the bottom of my heart
For everything you've done for us
And I will repeat it a hundred times
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Thank you from the heart
I want to express it now.
Describe delight and happiness
I don't have enough phrases these days.

It's always nice to say words of gratitude to something good. to a person and from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate your patience, understanding and concern. You are a real lady who surrounds everyone around with an aura of sincere support. And I want you to know that we are all extremely grateful to you. Thank you!

Kind beautiful words of gratitude to a man in poetry and prose

Thank you for being there dear friend
And that you give me joy every minute
And even if something happens suddenly
You will be there and help great.

I'm sure that you are my wall
That you are my support and hope
And I will always be grateful to you
And I will repeat this forever

Thank you for your help and patience
For your kindness and correct advice
Thank you for being there at the right time
And that you give light to everyone around.

Your deeds will not pass by
Everyone will receive the world in full
And for your work and efforts
I wish you only the best!

A man has always been and will be a support in any society. You are the same person who encourages everyone around you to do better. You will always give the right advice and find the necessary words of support. Your strength helps us to be stronger. You are the embodiment of a real man, strong and responsible. Thank you for being with us and helping us in difficult times!

Kind beautiful words of gratitude to your husband in poetry and prose

My dear and sweet husband
I thank you for everything
For being always with me
I truly love you.

And I'm happy that we're together
That fate brought us together one day
Why do you always give me flowers?
And remember what is important to me

You are my example, my ideal
My husband and the best of men
Thank God for giving you to me
And what love gave us together.

I won't tire of repeating that you -
This is the best I had
Even the best worlds cannot replace you
After all, you are my world, and I will always be with you

Saying “I love you” is much easier than saying “thank you”! After all, what you do for me requires gratitude every minute. Your tenderness, care and support have already become a part of my life. I may not always express my gratitude. But I want you to know that I see everything you do for me. And I am incredibly grateful to you for this, my precious husband!

Kind beautiful words of gratitude to your wife in poetry and prose

You are my dear wife
You are my light, my passion and friend
I'm ready to do anything for you
For gifts and even concessions.

You are always with me, dear
And that's why you're dear to me
And my endless weakness
It's you, my tender joy

Thank you, my love
For being always with me
That you are sweet with heart and soul
You surround me with warmth

Even though I know few beautiful words,
Even if I rarely give flowers,
But I understood what love is,
For me, love is you!

My precious wife, you and I have already been there a lot together. Together we are family and friends. We had quarrels, misunderstandings and even scandals. But we survived everything thanks to our sincere love. Thanks to your kindness, tenderness and responsiveness. Thank you for being with me. Thank you for your care and support. With you I feel stronger. And I know that together we are capable of almost everything.

Kind beautiful words of gratitude to your father in poetry and prose

Thank you, our beloved dad
That you support us
Thank you for always being there
You are our pride, our dear dad.

You are the best, the strongest
You protect us from harm
And can we say openly
That dad is the best person!

Dad is my best friend!
Worth a thousand friends!
There is nothing cooler in the world
What to be your daughter!

Thank you our dad
Why do you live in this world?
You are our pride and joy
And you give the best advice.

We come to you so often
For help, for a kind word
And we rarely say thank you
But we’re just asking for something new.

But now the moment of reckoning has come
Today we give thanks
You for being there
And we want to wish you happiness!

Dear daddy, you help us so often! You are the kindest, the most darling and you don’t even know it yourself. You have given us the best advice so many times and protected us from life’s difficulties. And thanks to you we can live happily, you taught us a lot. Thank you, dad, for your work and care. You're the best in the world!

Kind beautiful words of gratitude to mom in poetry and prose

Beloved mommy
There's so much warmth in her
She gave birth to you
Cherished, waited.

And only mother's heart
Capable of telling
As much as possible
Love and expect.

Thank you dear
Thanks for the warmth
For what is nearby in life
Native is a shoulder

It's wonderful to have a mother in the world
She will always support and understand
And in case of some failure
With love and tenderness he will hug you.

I want to say thank you, mom
For the fact that you are always with me
I'll be forever grateful
You are my dear little man!

Today before I go to bed,

I will ask God for health for YOU!
I am only grateful to YOU ​​that I am alive!
I gave YOU my smile first,
And when things were bad, YOU were the only one who loved me!
I trusted only YOU with my secrets.
After all, only YOU accepted me in any way!
YOU dedicated your life to me, preserving my peace!
And despite this, YOU brought me into the public eye!
I know YOUR life was not easy and difficult,
But I pray... I pray... dear for you!
Today before I go to bed,
I want to pray for my mom.

Mommy, no words in the world can express that gratitude. which I am experiencing. I know how many difficulties you had to go through to give birth to and raise me. Sorry if I am not always understanding and patient. But every minute in my soul I know that you do only the best for me. Thank you, my dear!

Kind beautiful words of gratitude to your daughter in poetry and prose

I am grateful to God that I have
Wonderful daughter, my star
You are always beautiful, sweet and nice
You are my beloved, desired girl.
We love you so much that it is impossible to say
And in ordinary words to convey feelings
We are always with you, our dear child
No matter what happens to you and me, kitten

You are great for us, daughter.
And we want to say thank you
Because you are kind and smart
And your beauty is unique.
You help us with everything
And mature beyond her years
You are our support in everything
Thank you for giving us a daughter!

Our beloved daughter. You are our ray of sunshine and reliable support. You always lift our spirits and teach us something new and unknown. Thanks to you, we feel younger. Thank you, daughter, for being with us, for loving us and giving us your care!

Words of gratitude: SMS

Thank you sincerely
I tell you with all my heart
There is no end to gratitude
I will repeat it to you a hundred times!

For your kind words
Wasted strength
I thank you
I want to say thank you!

Thank you very much
For everything you've accomplished
I am with a sincere soul
I say thank you!

THANK YOU, true friends!
What, we were in difficult times.
That they really believed in me,
Without letting go of your heart.

THANK YOU to everyone who prayed so much,
For my life, asking God.
Who went to the Temple for me,
Having placed candles at the Saint.

THANK YOU to everyone who remembered.
There are many such people in the world!
Who believed, knew and understood,
How difficult my path is.

Video: Words of gratitude to parents


Happy child 02.12.2017

Dear readers, today we will talk about very important people in our lives - about dads. Somehow we talk more and more about mothers, poems are dedicated to them, gifts are made, we are now even very actively celebrating Mother’s Day, a relatively new holiday for us. But what about dads? After all, they also play a very important role in the lives of each of us. And when some holiday approaches, you want to congratulate them too, say a lot of good words to them and even, perhaps, choose poems that correspond to the occasion. This is exactly what our article today will be devoted to - poems for dad. Together with my blog reader Olga Kozhevnikova, we have prepared a whole selection of a wide variety of poems for dads, for a variety of occasions.

Let's thank our dear dads and dedicate poems to them - tender and touching, kind and funny. You can learn them with babies and older children. And teenagers will be happy to please their dads with kind poems.

It's great to be with him, he's so lively

“Dad comes home from work, dad takes off his boots,” he enters the room, and there... It’s a big holiday in the family - it’s dad’s birthday. Everyone is in a hurry to hug, kiss, eat delicious food, and the children, of course, will recite good poems. And let it be assumed that dads are not too emotional. But every head of the family, even the strictest one, will be extremely pleased to hear congratulations in verse from his son and daughter.

Do you remember, in our childhood, we stood on a chair or stool to recite poems for the holiday? We stood high above everyone (if the guests were sitting) and read like artists from the stage. And it seemed to us that we were the most talented and beautiful. The children may not be able to stand on their chairs now, but in any case they will be proud of such a performance.

Short poems about dad for little ones

Drawing for dad

Daddy, my dear,
I love you so much!
I'm the best to you
I'll give you the drawing.
Marta Morozova

I walk and walk all day
And I sing for daddy.
And when I become an adult,
I'll write the song myself!

Me and my whole family
Congratulations dad.
We love you, dad!
Me and our whole family!

Congratulations daddy
Happy holiday to you.
Be healthy and happy,
Take care of yourself.

Dad has work!
Dad is busy!
And no time with us
He should play.
And we love him!
And we are waiting for him!
But if our dad
Takes a day off
How great it is to be with him
He's so groovy!

Birthday poems for dad from his 5-7 year old daughter

How fathers love and pamper their daughters. For dad, a daughter is a little princess, the most beautiful, the most obedient, the most wonderful. And for a daughter, dad is always a hero and the best man in the world. He will always protect his princess and help. And how proud dads can be if they have several daughters at once!

Invite your daughter to learn these poems. No dad will remain indifferent when looking at his little beauty reading poetry for him.

I'm daddy's daughter, and you're my hero,
I want you to always be next to me,
So that you are young as always,
And they did not have power over you for years.

Dad, health and warmth to you,
So that life is fullest and brightest,
So that there is more love and kindness,
And you were never sad about anything.

Among all the men in the world,
Dad is the best for me
Happy Birthday Greetings
My daughter sends you yours.

You are the support of our family,
Our strong wall
My husband looks like you
I would like it for myself.

I wish you, dad,
Cheerful and be healthy,
Achieve your goals
And be friends with luck.

Dear daddy, I'm so glad
Say that dads no better,
After all, you will break all barriers,
To protect me from harm!

I wish you on your birthday
To be happy and not to be sick
But only right decisions
Always accept in life!

Thank you, dear daddy,
Why did you get me!
I love a clear smile
She's like light in a window!
I want you to be happy
Successful and healthy!
You are the most wonderful
And the best of fathers!

My beloved daddy
You are very dear to me.
You are strong and beautiful
Like a knight on a horse!
You can do it, I know for sure
Help and protect
Such a wonderful dad
Only you can be.
I wish with all my heart
Health, long years,
And I'm proud of you
After all, there is no better dad!

Birthday poems for dad from his 5-6 year old son

As boys love to repeat: “I will grow up and be like dad.” After all, dad is big and strong, he will always help and teach boyish wisdom. And when you ride on daddy’s shoulders, you can see everything to the horizon.

And, of course, a loving son will be happy to express all his delight and admiration for his father through one of the poems about his hero.

My dad is the best
I congratulate him now.
And honestly, I'm very, very happy
That we have such a dad.
He is kind, cheerful and brave,
He is handsome and very smart.
My dad - not in word, but in deed.
My dad is a champion in everything.

The cabinet is heavy, who will move it?
Who will fix our sockets?
Who will nail all the shelves,
Who sings in the bathroom in the morning?
Who's driving in the car?
Who will we go to football with?
Whose birthday is it?
At my dad's!
Happy Birthday, Daddy!
I'm flying towards you like a bullet
I'm in a terrible hurry
I'm afraid I'll be late for you!
Because on this day
Getting up early is not at all lazy.
Now you will open your eyes,
I will be the first to say:
– Happy Birthday, hurray!
It's time to celebrate the holiday!

And today is dad's holiday,
Today is my birthday.
I want him to be happy
And ate a jar of jam!
I made a cake today
Together with our mother,
Today our dad has grown up,
Today I'm older!
But a year is not a problem,
Our dad is still young!
Be happy, always joyful,
Moreover, there is a reason!

If you go on the road with dad -
There is no fear in the heart.
Go around with dad
Maybe the whole planet.
Dear dad comes into the house -
Like a ray of sunshine.
Let everyone around know
That my dad is the best!
I'll hug daddy
With tender love,
I wish him
Happiness and health,
So that he is full of strength,
To love my mother and me,
To bring gifts,
Dad is the best!

Birthday poems for dad from adult children

How often, in the whirlpool of our problems and joys, we forget about dad and mom. And only the holidays bring the family together again. Sometimes you don’t need to buy something expensive at all - a simple verse congratulating dad on his birthday will give him more emotions than expensive gifts. So it’s better for adult children, too, not to forget how easy it is to please their father, but how much words of love, gratitude, and appreciation from an always beloved child will mean to him.

For me, father, you are the most beautiful of all,
As a daughter, I tell you openly!
Let festive, cheerful laughter flow.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart

For always being by my side,
I shared my successes and shared my sorrows,
Gave me a dream both in summer and winter,
You played with me and always joked...

Among deception, evil and vanity
He taught good and was selfless.
I wish you eternal kindness,
May you value life as before!

Thank you, daddy, for your childhood, for your love!
Thank you for the piece of your heart that you give me again!
For the warm memories, for taking me to the park!
For making your wishes come true, for everything you gave!

And you gave me a lot - love and kindness,
A little tenderness and happiness, a cherished dream!
You gave me humanity and taught me to believe in people!
He taught me to be fair and gave me a lot of ideas!

Today I congratulate you! Today is your birthday!
I wish you good health, don’t go to the doctors again!
Let your smile be tender, never hide it!
Don't be afraid for my mistakes! You taught me everything!

You know, dad, on this day I will say a lot.
Let's remember, dad, on this day about something so distant.
Do you remember, dad, you rocked my crib at night?
And the designer assembled and played hide and seek with me?
I remember, dad, how you solved problems with me,
And he taught me to write beautifully in a checkered notebook.
And I was happy about the fives in my diary, like a boy,
And I never scolded him too much for getting bad marks!
I want to tell you - dad, happy birthday!
Strength to you, good luck, goodness, happiness and luck!

Dad dear,
Here are our congratulations,
And read it, dear
Our instructions.

Live a hundred years
Catch luck by the tail,
Give advice to everyone
How to solve a problem

Love children
Forget your worries
Funny ideas,
Straight road

Never grow old
Don't give up on the years
Know everything in the world
And give us your love.

Father... What does this word mean?
It has love, peace and fear...
Fear of losing you, dear...
And I want not in words
Tell me how dear you are to me, friend!
How I love being next to you,
Scold, argue, or suddenly
However, I understand what I need.
After all, I am your son - and that means blood!
And you will be dear to me forever...
I give you my love...
Thank you, I made a man!

Poems touching to tears about dad

The birthday is over. The guests left, the tired but happy kids fell asleep, and only dad was still impressed by such touching gifts in verse. And let there be more reasons to please dad. Although do you really need a reason to do something nice? to a loved one? Of course not.

Any poems about dad are touching, sometimes to the point of tears. Tell your daughter how pleased dad will be to know that she tried to learn and recite a poem for him, and she will take on this sometimes difficult task with great joy. And this section of our article is dedicated to just such touching poems about dad.

My dear daddy,
My close person,
Thank you for everything,
For this life, light.
For loving me
You give everything in life
For being with mom
You bring me happiness.
For your eyes there are splinters,
Your hands are warm,
I live for sincerity,
And my soul is light.
Let the years fly by
I will save tenderness
And for dad in a stormy hour,
I'll extend my hand.

About dad

You are strong and brave
And the biggest one
You scold for the matter
And you praise with all your heart!
You are the best friend
You always protect
Where you need to teach
You'll forgive me for the prank.
To our questions
You know the answers.
You smoke a cigarette,
You are reading a newspaper.
I love any damage
Easily eliminated.
And a puzzle
You decide quickly.
I'm walking next to you
I'm holding your hand!
I imitate you
I'm proud of you!

There is a person in the world
More expensive than all coins
His smile is heart
It has kept me warm for many years.

His care is in his hands,
Responsibility to family
He will always help me
Tell me something.

When I get older
He will suddenly grow old
I'll pour him some tea,
Sheltered from white blizzards.

I will be the best
Caring for him
After all, more than this life
I love daddy!

My dad

My dad is handsome
And strong as an elephant.
Beloved, attentive,
He's affectionate.
I look forward to
Dad from work.
Always in my briefcase
He brings something.
My dad is resourceful
Smart and brave.
He can handle it
Even a difficult matter.
He's also a naughty guy
A mischief maker and a prankster.
With him every day
It turns into a holiday.
My dad is funny
But strict and honest.
Read books with him
And it's fun to play.
And it's boring without dad
Nobody knows how
Laugh so loud.
My dad is a wizard
He's the nicest.
He instantly turns
Whatever you ask.
He can become a clown
Tiger, giraffe.
But best of all
He knows how to be a dad.
I'll hug him
And I whisper quietly:
My daddy, I love you
I love you so much!
You are the most caring
The most native,
You are kind, you are the best
And you are only mine!

Let it rain all day long
Let the sky frown in the morning.
My dad will come to me
And will hide from the rain.
He will hug me tenderly
He will say tender words.
And the sun will smile again,
Will disperse the clouds!
I'll sit in his arms
And I whisper, looking into your eyes:
“Dad, you are my best!
Dad I love you!"

Poems in memory of dad

Sooner or later our dads leave us. But we never stop loving them, remembering them with warmth and telling our children about our fathers. And although our feelings and thoughts are not without sadness, we are still grateful for everything that our dads did for us, for loving, raising, teaching us and being the best for us.

When dad is away

Most best advice- father's advice
Wise and clear. Neither take nor take away, period.
I remember the features of your face
And I remain the same beloved daughter.
I remember you a hundred times a day
Or I chat with you in my sleep for hours,
I still haven’t come to terms with it... I blame myself
And that’s why I’m talking about you to heaven.
I remember with warmth the kindness of your eyes.
A cherished door awaits everyone in heaven,
I really believe that you are protecting us.
People leave their lives, but not their hearts.

Words of gratitude are a special sign of attention that people strive to show between each other. This is not only a rule of good manners, it is a good tradition in communication and finding contacts.

Gratitude can be different: verbally, in writing, in the form of a present and even an SMS message. It doesn’t matter which way of gratitude you choose, the main thing is which side you show yourself. Attention and the desire to say “thank you” are welcome always and everywhere!

  • Earning kind gratitude is not at all easy, but all good deeds must be rewarded at a minimum - verbally. Words of gratitude can be spoken to family, close friends, colleagues and even simple acquaintances.
  • You need to say words of gratitude to people in order to let them know that you respect them and appreciate their work.
  • Words of gratitude must be sincere, tender and eloquent. Only then will your recipient be able to understand how much you want to say “thank you.”
  • Such words can take different forms: prose or poetry, and in any case they will be beneficial for you.
words of gratitude, beautiful and kind words of gratitude

Beautiful words gratitude in prose:

  • I want to say a huge “thank you” to fate, which introduced me to you. Only now I understand: what a great happiness it is that our paths crossed on the same road. Thank you for all the good things you have created!
  • Now I think that I need to thank fate for our meeting. It was she who brought you and me together and thereby made me happy. Thank you for your sincerity, thank you for your loyalty, for your friendship and understanding, for your kind words and for being always there!
  • Thank you for the fact that after so many years, you have never let me down And was always there at the right time. Over all the years of our acquaintance, you and I have developed the most better relationship: You trusted friend and a faithful partner and therefore I will forever thank you!
  • We would like to thank you for your excellent and fruitful cooperation! Behind Having spent a year together, you and I have developed a favorable relationship as good partners. We wish you further prosperity and good luck in your work!

Beautiful words of gratitude in verse:

Thank you all so much
I speak from the heart and from the soul.
Unfortunately, I don’t have the strength to keep my words
You are so kind and good!

My “thank you” is a small thing,
And may you not understand me,
My great gratitude
Capable of conveying feelings!

Thank you very much, thank you so much
Today we sincerely tell you.
For being able to support us beautifully
We thank you so sincerely and from the bottom of our hearts.

You know, good will always come to good
In nature we do not destroy the response “boomerang”
Please accept our friendship and trust
In our actions, feelings and words!

Kind beautiful words of gratitude in poetry and prose to friends

  • Friends are an invariable component of every person, they help in difficult times and are always a kind of “outlet” that saves you from boredom, sadness, problems, and melancholy.
  • Friends deserve individual words because, after family, they are the closest people who always worry about you and are ready to help.
  • Various life situations make us find ourselves in cases where a faithful friend provides the necessary support and protection, and at such moments, words of gratitude in any form are more relevant than ever: in poetry or prose.

words of gratitude for friends in any form: in poetry and prose

Beautiful words of gratitude for friends in prose:

  • My beloved friend, thank you for always being there in difficult times. here, you are always near. I want to tell you so much, but all my feelings will be replaced by just the word “thank you.” Thank you for your kindness and honesty, for your sincerity and loyalty, for your love and understanding!
  • There is no one else like you, my friend, in the world! You are my safety net You my “help”, you are my “support”, but most importantly, “you are my soul”! If it weren’t for you, I would be stewing in a hot cauldron of my problems and sadness... Thank you for being there!
  • Thank you, (person's name), for being mine best friend and comrade. You always there and always ready to help me just like that, without profit or guile. I will endlessly thank you for your human love, understanding and pure, truthful words. You are the best friend in the whole wide world!

Beautiful words of gratitude for friends in verse:

I want to say “thank you” to all my friends today
There are simply no more beautiful and more accurate ones in the world!
It's so good that I was so lucky to meet you
You are what brings me light in this life!

Thank you for saving me so many times
They were always there for troubles.
I will keep our friendship forever
And she won’t be afraid for many years!

I know that my friends are my support,
They are my reliable and strong wall.
I will probably thank them forever,
After all, I don’t feel like myself without friends.

Accept all my words as a gift today,
After all, there is a reason for “thank you” and not always,
And you are alone, you won’t find others like you
For this I appreciate you, love you and am devoted to you, friends!

Kind beautiful words of gratitude in poetry and prose to my husband

  • Men are always demanding for signs of attention, and even if they never say so, receiving special gratitude for them is incredibly pleasant.
  • Such words must be filled with tenderness and affection. They should emphasize your man's masculinity and uniqueness.
  • Words of gratitude can be expressed in any form, the main thing is that you do not forget to say “thank you” to your beloved man.

words of gratitude for a man in the form of poetry and prose

Words of gratitude for a man in prose:

  • My dear, you know how long we have been together. All this time I keep true love and only the most sincere feelings for you. I want to tell you a huge “thank you” for the fact that in happy and sad moments you are next to me, trust me and endlessly support me. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know how to live. Love you.
  • (Male's name), I want to thank you for everything you have done for us. No the price of your golden hands, your wisdom, your strength and strong character! There are simply no more people like you in the whole wide world.
  • Dear (man's name), I want to tell you thanks a lot for everything that You you do for us. Your patience is limitless and it always saves us from any problems. In your arms it’s not scary to be a fragile woman, weak and feel protected. Thank you for all your courage and nobility.

Words of gratitude for a man in the form of poems:

Thank you, dear, for making life so pleasant,
To be your wife, to receive your affection.
Sometimes I look and it’s clear to me without words,
Why did you give me a beautiful fairy tale!

I like to melt in tender embraces,
I want to say “thank you” for this.
May there be many halcyon days
And everyday life will not be able to drive away sadness!

My favorite handsome man,
I want to tell you honestly
You are smart and incredibly beautiful,
I'm lucky to become your wife!

And of course, darling, thank you,
Both in summer and snowy winter
You are with me, my beloved man,
And I am also forever with you!

Kind beautiful words of gratitude in poetry and prose to a man

  • Very often, men are the bosses of organizations that employ an endless number of women. On a professional holiday or birthday, you always need to choose beautiful words that can convey all your respectful and respectful attitude towards his person.
  • You need to say “thank you” to a man confidently, intelligently and eloquently. Only such words can leave an impression and, as they say, “do their job.”
  • You can express gratitude different ways, but the most successful words are the right ones.

how to thank a man? beautiful words of gratitude for men in poetry and prose

Beautiful words of gratitude to a man in verse and prose:

Dear (man's name)! Let me thank you for your enormous work. which you have invested in our joint business. Without your participation, we will not see success. Your masculinity, responsibility and self-confidence are worth envying. There are no more leaders like you in the world and there never will be! “Thank you” from my heart and soul!

Thank you, (man's name), for your help. Couldn't finish without your help no matter what we do would be a success. Your confidence, optimism and fortitude could convince us and inspire us! Thank you for your sensitive guidance and understanding, for your trust and human attitude!

We are short of words and time,
Say “thank you” for what you do,
After all, everything that you have done for us all,
Much more than words.

Thank you for your courage,
She is like an ideal for us.
You a big heart Kind
And as pure as the crystal itself!

It's very difficult to thank a man
But now I want to say
It’s impossible to imagine without you,
How can we be controlled?

So devoted to your person,
Ready not only for water, but for fire
To follow you quietly and faithfully,
Your work, boss, is perfect!

Kind beautiful words of gratitude in poetry and prose to my father

  • The father is always the head of the family, always a respected person and a beloved parent. To thank your father, you don’t need a special occasion; you can do it not only on holidays, but also just like that.
  • It is especially pleasant for a father to receive words of gratitude on his birthday. Then these words are perceived with special trepidation and sensuality.
  • You should definitely thank your father from the bottom of your heart, say only warm words, emphasize his uniqueness, kindness, and be sure to say that his work is not in vain.
  • It doesn’t matter in what form you express gratitude to your father: in poetry or prose. The main thing is that you will not forget to do this on a special day or on an ordinary one.

Words of gratitude for the father, a beautiful “thank you” to dad.

Words of gratitude to my father in prose:

  • Father, you have always been an example for me! You are my support and protection. I know, What V In any case, in any situation, you will take my side and always support me. Thank you, dad, for the strength that you give to your family every day - it’s priceless. Know that I am grateful to you only for the fact that it was you who were given to me by fate!
  • Dad, you mean so much to us! I will endlessly thank God for that he protects you and protects you from troubles. Thank you, dad, for your work and care, for your affection and worries, for your love and understanding. You are the best dad in the whole world!
  • My beloved father! You are true nobility, sent to us in order to to cope with everyone life's difficulties. Thank you for your trust and many life lessons, without which your children would not have such experience and courage. Thank you, father, for your courage and true parental love!

Words of gratitude to my father in verse:

Accept, father, these are my lines,
I want to say thank you.
You did everything and a lot for us,
May we live happily on earth.

Of all the fathers, you are the best dad,
You are the pride of a mother, the respect of children.
I don’t know what to do without you anymore,
I wish you more bright days!

Thank you father
For being always with me.
You're a real good guy
And I'm proud of you alone.

I have never met anyone like you
Which means I'm so lucky
That you gave me your life,
Gave me tenderness and love!

Dear my parent,
My father, dad, best friend,
I want to thank you
That you are nearby and you are around.

I keep your wisdom in my heart
I keep the lessons in my soul.
And accept it from me as gratitude
My “thank you” and warm lines!

You, dad, are the best
You are what will illuminate my difficult path.
I know that thunderstorms, rains and clouds,
They won't be able to ruin my path in life.

Thank you my dad
That even on a stormy day.
You were always there
You are next to me now!

Kind beautiful words of gratitude in poetry and prose to a woman

  • Women never forget words of gratitude; they perceive every word with trepidation and appreciate the entire meaning given to them verbally.
  • Saying “thank you” to a woman properly is not difficult; to do this, you need to choose pleasant, gentle words that will reveal all your feelings and experiences.
  • If you reinforce your verbal gratitude with flowers, expect a reward in the form of sincere tears of happiness, tenderness and love.

gratitude to a woman, how to express gratitude to a woman with beautiful and kind words?

Words of gratitude to a woman in prose:

  • Dear (woman’s name), I really want to thank you for tenderness and understanding, for the trust and real strength that you have invested in each of us. Thank you for your sensitive guidance, creative approach and ability to smooth out the sharpest corners in relationships.
  • Dear (woman's name)! I would like to thank you for your kind heart, for your open soul and the fact that you always know how to support in difficult times. In our team without you there would be emptiness and strife, you are what holds us together and gives us the strength not to give up.
  • Our dear (woman's name)! You are always beautiful and fresh, confident and optimistic. Always be on top and always be by our side. Thank you for the fact that throughout our work together, you never lost faith in your team and gave us positivity. Thank you for your warm, friendly heart and trust.

Words of gratitude to a woman in verse:

I can say a lot of warm words
On a fun day and even in difficult times.
I am sure that there are almost no people like you left,
So thank you from us.

Let the sun shine brightly through your window,
Let things be easy, let them be good.
May your friends, family, children love you,
Thank you, dear, from the bottom of my heart today!

I want to say “thank you” very much,
Even if I don’t thank you often,
Today I will hide my joys from you,
I love you, I believe in you, I appreciate you.

Thank you for your concern and attention,
Which you give not only to me.
I really want there to be prosperity
For you always and doubly joy!

Kind beautiful words of gratitude in poetry and prose to mom

  • Saying “thank you” to your mother is an important thing; it is a mandatory thank you to the woman who gave you life.
  • You can thank your mother with or without reason, on any occasion, but you need to do this only with beautiful words.
  • It is customary to thank your mother on her birthday, on the Eighth of March, on Mother's Day, and accompany all your words of gratitude with a bouquet of flowers, delicious sweets, kisses and hugs.

words of gratitude to mom, how to thank mom with beautiful words?

Words of gratitude for mom in prose:

  • Dear mommy! I really want to thank you just like that, for patience and love, for loyalty, for trust and for your endless affection! You are what makes me move, you are what gives me strength, teaches me to live and accomplish even the most difficult things. Thank you, mom, for every day of yours, because there wasn’t a day in your life that you didn’t remember about your children.
  • Mom, I want to say thank you for the fact that once you gave me life, you didn’t she was afraid to invest all her strength, all her knowledge, all her capabilities and all her love in me. Forgive me for all the problems that arose in the way of our communication with you, forgive me for the violence and playfulness, for the uncertainty and rudeness... Only now I realize how much I love you and how grateful I am to the judge for the fact that you are my mother .
  • Darling, mommy! You are a strong and confident person, you are real pride for your children. You taught us to eat, live, take care of ourselves and just be good people. Unfortunately, we cannot fulfill absolutely all your dreams, but we ourselves dream that you will always be healthy and only happy! Thank you mom for your love and for being there for us.

Words of gratitude for mom in verse:

My beloved mother,
I'm sorry that sometimes I'm not me
I'm angry, offended, screaming,
But I love you very much!

You know how happy I am,
When you're next to me.
My words are the smallest thing,
But I thank you!

I thank you from the bottom of my heart,
I need you like the sun,
I love you, my mother
And I wish you long days!

Let my words be like luck
Everything will work out and give you peace.
You are with me and that means
I'm happy, I'm your son and I'm yours.

Kind beautiful words of gratitude in poetry and prose to your daughter

The best way to say thank you to your daughter is in simple words, the main thing is to pronounce them with sincerity, love and reverence. Like all women, daughters are very sensitive to affectionate speeches and will never forget everything nice that you did.

how to thank your daughter? Beautiful words of gratitude in prose and poetry for your daughter

Beautiful words of gratitude in prose for your daughter:

  • My daughter, thank you for being able to grow up so kind and a sensitive person. You are always ready to help and give your last to your parents. I thank you for the devotion, love and fidelity that you bestowed in full!
  • My beloved daughter, I want to thank you for the huge amount pleasant gifts and words that you gave me. Without you, my world would not be so colorful and rich, so kind and bright. You are my pride and my love. Thank you!
  • Daughter, thank you for your help and support. I'm so glad to have such a devotee And true friend, How are you. You are always my protection and support, you are the embodiment of my hopes and my pride!

Beautiful words of gratitude in verse for your daughter:

She is beautiful and smart, there is no doubt about that.
You are the best thing in the world.
Thank you for no matter what
You are there, as children always should be.

I thank you with my heart and soul,
Because you give me help for free.
I want to tell you that I feel so good
That you are mine and you are my love forever!

My daughter, my beauty,
You are like a clear and clear song.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart,
That you were able to grow into a kind person.

I love you and I tell you honestly
There is no sweeter and more attractive person in the world.
I love you so passionately
You are my golden angel, my little one!

Thank you, daughter, for your attention
I thank you from the bottom of my heart,
You gave me understanding
And I keep love for you in my heart.

I always wanted so much, so that aspirations
Fate has blessed you
And so that all people, without a shadow of a doubt,
You were loved as much as I was!

Beautiful words of gratitude: SMS. How to thank with a short SMS?

You can also thank someone you know or are close to you using SMS. Such messages usually cause a lot of pleasant emotions, warm feelings and read many more times. A thank you SMS must be sincere, beautiful and sensitive. You need to write SMS in simple, but at the same time strong words that have great meaning.

words of gratitude in SMS, how to thank a person via SMS?

Thank you from the bottom of my heart
I will repeat it hundreds of times,
101 times gratitude,
I'll give you mine!

My “thank you” has no end,
I am very grateful to you from the bottom of my heart.
Your help to me is so priceless,
In your business, you are brave and good!

Thank you very much from me,
I sincerely thank you!
I won’t hide my admiration
I appreciate your work and care!

Thank you for attention,
What did you give me?
I wish you prosperity,
Good luck in your business - doubly!

You deserve my gratitude
Thank you - I couldn’t exist without you!
You gave me so much strength,
That joy simply cannot be hidden!

Thank you for warm words,
Thank you for your efforts.
I am truly so grateful to you!
Thank you so much and honestly!

Thank you for your careful attention
I thank you from my heart and soul,
You gave me love and understanding,
Which I will keep forever.

How should you thank loved ones, relatives, colleagues?

  • Gratitude is a special expression of feelings. As a rule, gratitude is preceded by a certain good deed that one person does for another.
  • Gratitude is not required condition, this is a person’s voluntary desire to leave about himself pleasant impressions and win over.
  • You can thank absolutely everyone: colleagues at work, parents, children, friends and just acquaintances with whom a common cause brought you together.
  • As a rule, if gratitude is not sent in the form of an SMS message, it is accompanied by some gifts: sometimes large, sometimes symbolic.

What is gratitude? how to thank loved ones?

If gratitude is diluted with flowers and other gifts, it has more strong meaning for others. Such gratitude is perceived differently and can be remembered for a long time.

  • You need to thank your children’s teachers and educators for their work and attention. kindergarten, superiors, administration, loved ones for congratulations on the holidays, friends for providing assistance.
  • Generous gratitude always endears people to each other and makes them more open. In addition, whenever you thank a person, you show your concern for him and your respect.
  • You can “strengthen” a thank you speech with such gifts as: a bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates, a bottle of a noble alcoholic drink, or a symbolic keepsake.
  • By expressing gratitude to a person, you agree with him in absentia that in the future you will be able to help each other more than once and accomplish a task together.

Gratitude never goes unnoticed and is always a rule of good manners. If you want to win someone over, be sure to make sure your gratitude is special and unique.

Video: “Gratitude, answers, poems