Symptoms of intestinal flu in children - treatment of the disease. Intestinal flu in children symptoms and treatment Intestinal flu symptoms in children 3 years old

Stomach flu diagnosed in children quite often. At the same time, than younger child, the more difficult it is for him to endure the disease. After all, the baby’s body is not yet fully formed to adequately withstand the onslaught of viruses. Namely, they provoke the occurrence of illness in the body. Let's look at what intestinal flu is, what its symptoms are and how to deal with the pathology.

Characteristics of the disease

An acute viral pathology affecting the gastrointestinal tract is called intestinal flu. The disease is very common. The peak incidence occurs in autumn or winter. The disease is most often diagnosed in children preschool age. Teenagers practically do not suffer from intestinal flu.

Pathology is caused by viruses. There are many known pathogens of intestinal influenza.

But often the disease is caused by:

  • rotaviruses;
  • astroviruses;
  • caliciviruses;
  • noroviruses;
  • adenoviruses.

All of them lead to inflammation in the digestive tract. The symptoms of the disease, if you exclude intestinal problems, are very similar to the flu.

Routes of infection

The infection penetrates exclusively through the gastrointestinal mucosa. The rate of development of pathology and the severity of the disease depend on the concentration of the pathogen in the body and the state of immunity.

Because stomach flu is infectious disease, then it’s easy to understand how it is transmitted:

  1. Food route. The pathogen enters the body with unwashed fruits, vegetables, and low-quality dairy products. Intestinal flu is considered a disease of dirty hands. Water plays an important role in infection.
  2. Airborne. An infected person can release viruses into the air when they talk, cough or sneeze.
  3. Contact and household. The causes of infection can be quite commonplace. Sometimes it is enough for a child to pick up a sick person’s toy, and he already runs the risk of getting an unpleasant disease.

The causative agent of the pathology is very viable. It easily withstands impact detergents, freezing, heating to 60 C. It can be destroyed only with concentrated chlorine-containing agents.

Symptoms of the disease

Parents need to know how the disease manifests itself.

Initially, the child has:

  • runny nose,
  • slight cough
  • a sore throat.

These symptoms go away quickly. After them, literally a few hours later, dyspepsia occurs - a gastrointestinal disorder. It is this course that distinguishes intestinal flu from other pathologies of the digestive tract, which initially begin with diarrhea in a child.

Characteristic signs of the disease:

  • a sore throat;
  • catarrhal symptoms (minor runny nose, sneezing, cough);
  • redness in the throat;
  • diarrhea (about 5-10 times a day, stools are copious, clay-like, gray- yellow color, with an unpleasant pungent odor);
  • abdominal pain, periodic rumbling;
  • temperature (high or low-grade);
  • increasing weakness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dehydration in case of severe illness.

Types of pathology

Depending on the severity of the disease, intestinal flu can occur in:

According to the manifestations of symptoms, the disease is classified into:

  • typical (the signs described above are observed);
  • atypical (erased form or subclinical).

At home it is allowed to fight only a mild form of intestinal flu. In other cases, the baby needs hospitalization.

Possible complications

Intestinal flu is one of the few pathologies that does not cause serious complications. But provided that adequate therapy is started on time. Very young children and children with weakened immune systems may face unpleasant consequences.

  • dehydration (sometimes this can be fatal);
  • hemodynamic disorders;
  • renal failure.

The development of such unpleasant consequences can only be avoided by following the prescribed drug treatment and dietary nutrition.

Diagnosis of the disease

Fighting the disease on your own is strictly contraindicated. It is necessary to call a pediatrician at home. The doctor will refer the baby for treatment to a gastroenterologist or recommend treatment in a hospital.

Already by external symptoms and with a careful study of the course of the disease, the doctor is able to suspect intestinal flu. However, the symptoms of the pathology are similar to other, sometimes even dangerous, ailments such as dysentery, salmonellosis, cholera, food poisoning. Therefore you will need laboratory diagnostics to exclude serious illnesses.

The most reliable analyzes are:

  • immune fluorescence technique;
  • linked immunosorbent assay.

But these studies are complex and expensive. Therefore, they are used only in cases of severe stage of the disease.

  • general clinical blood test;
  • Analysis of urine.

Such studies can exclude the presence of a bacterial infection in the body.

Treatment of the disease

There is no specific therapy for intestinal flu. Treatment is based on the following areas:

  • reduction of intoxication;
  • protection against dehydration;
  • restoration of the urinary system;
  • cardiovascular support;
  • preventing bacterial infection.

It should be recalled that only a doctor can recommend how to cure the pathology. It is very dangerous to fight the disease on your own.

First aid

However, before the doctor arrives, parents are able to slightly alleviate the unpleasant symptoms.

  1. Drink plenty of fluids. As a result of diarrhea and vomiting, the child rapidly loses fluid. This is especially dangerous for infants. For them, this process develops at lightning speed. To protect the body from dehydration, you should provide your child with warm drinks ( boiled water, tea, compote).
  2. Correct position in bed. It is important to protect your child from the risk of choking on vomit. This is especially true for infants. It is recommended to turn the child's head to the side and not leave him alone.
  3. Temperature. Be sure to keep an eye on the indicators. For hyperthermia, it is recommended to give an antipyretic. It is best to use paracetamol medications. Paracetamol suspension can be given to a baby who is 1 month old.
  4. Nutrition. If your baby asks to eat, do not starve him. But give only natural, boiled products. Can be steamed. Water porridges or light soups are recommended.

Drug therapy

Drugs are selected depending on the body, the patient’s age and the severity of the pathology.

Treatment is based on the use of the following medications:

  1. Rehydration drugs. They help you avoid dehydration. Such medications are prescribed for any intestinal ailments. Medicines may be recommended: Regidron, Enterodes, Tsitroglukosolan.
  2. Antidiarrheals. To neutralize the harmful effects of toxins, the child is prescribed enterosorbents: Polyphepan, Filtrum, White coal, Lactofiltrum, Enterosgel. The following medications will be beneficial: Hilak-Forte, Smecta, Baktisubtil.
  3. Probiotics. The drugs allow you to normalize the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. The following products will provide an excellent effect: Linex, Bion 3, Acipol, Atsilact, Bifiform, Bifistim, Bifidumbacterin forte.
  4. Antipyretic. In case of hyperthermia, it is advisable to give the child medications: Paracetamol, Efferalgan, Nurofen, Panadol, Calpol, Cefekon D.
  5. Enzymes. Medicines are aimed at reducing the load on the gastrointestinal tract and facilitating the digestion process. The following medications are recommended for use: Pancreatin, Mezim, Creon, Ermital, Micrazim.

Diet food

During illness, it is important to ensure a correct and gentle diet. It is recommended to adhere to diet No. 4.

Foods that are good for your child:

  • slimy soups;
  • pureed meat;
  • weak broths;
  • boiled fish;
  • stale bread;
  • omelettes, porridges;
  • unhealthy cookies.

During illness you should avoid:

  • dairy products;
  • smoked meats, canned food;
  • seasonings, spices;
  • green onions, garlic, radishes.

The return to a normal diet should be gradual. It usually takes about 4 weeks.

Prevention of the disease

How to protect a child from pathology? There is a specific prevention - vaccination. This method is very effective in combating the disease. But, unfortunately, it can only protect against rotavirus infection. Vaccination is powerless against other pathogens.

  • maintaining hygiene;
  • distance towards sick people;
  • disinfection of premises and household items;
  • thorough washing of food (fruits, vegetables);
  • drinking purified water;
  • food products that have undergone deep heat treatment (fish, meat).

Doctor pays attention

  1. Symptoms of dehydration may be masked by fever. Parents often mistake dryness, pallor, and rapid heartbeat as manifestations of hyperthermia. These guys are admitted to the hospital already in serious condition. Therefore, if your baby has loose stools more than 10 times a day, you should definitely contact a doctor and not reject the offer to be treated in a hospital.
  2. With intestinal flu, there should be no streaks of blood in the vomit and stool. If you observe such symptoms, this is a rather alarming sign. Contact your doctors immediately. The child may have a bacterial infection. And it requires a completely different approach.

Intestinal flu, despite its high contagiousness, is not classified as dangerous illnesses. The disease begins with symptoms reminiscent of ARVI. And only after several hours signs of dyspepsia appear. Timely treatment allows you to avoid the most dangerous complication - dehydration.

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Often when a child experiences nausea, parents may suspect poisoning or an upset stomach. But it is worth remembering that such symptoms may indicate the presence of intestinal flu.

Symptoms appear very violently and noticeably:

  • gray-yellow loose stools that can happen up to 10 times a day. It is important to ensure that the stool is free of blood;
  • frequent rumbling in the abdomen;
  • painful sensations when swallowing and redness in the throat area;
  • , and other symptoms that quickly pass;
  • weakness becomes stronger over time;
  • increased body temperature;
  • dehydration, which occurs with a long course of the disease.

Important! This list of symptoms is also typical for other diseases, so you should immediately consult a doctor for a diagnosis at the first manifestations of the disease.

Causes and sources of disease

The main cause of infection is the so-called, which easily attacks the body. The disease is transmitted by infected children or their parents. Therefore, when this type of influenza appears in a children’s group, better than a child isolate for a while.

The most dangerous period for transmission of infection is up to 5 days. This time is counted from the moment the first symptoms of such a disease appear. Often, the infection is transmitted from child to child through unwashed hands, on which the concentration of pathogenic microorganisms is simply off scale.

Important! The virus is not afraid low temperatures and feels quite comfortable within the walls of the refrigerator, while infecting everyone around.

The spread of intestinal flu, as a rule, occurs in autumn and winter. Therefore, doctors recommend that during this period you follow all the tips for preventing this virus.


There is simply no special therapy that can easily cope with it. Treatment mainly depends on the symptoms that are actively developing in the body of the sick child.

Restoring the balance of water in the body is of great importance when treating a sick child. It is after this infection that the body often suffers from dehydration due to prolonged diarrhea.

  • constant drinking;
  • Regidron will perfectly help restore the water balance; it contains a large amount of mineral salts;
  • homemade compote made from dried fruits has a beneficial effect on restoring moisture levels in the child’s body;
  • drink mineral water often, but in small portions;
  • in case of illness infant Experts recommend feeding more often breast milk mother, which contains the antibodies necessary to fight intestinal flu;
  • may be attributed to Mezim or Festal, which bring the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract back to normal;
  • It is recommended to use such sorbents as Activated carbon or ;
  • it is important to ensure that Small child did not choke on his own vomit;
  • the high temperature must be brought down.

It is considered beneficial to take probiotics, which will saturate the intestines and stomach. beneficial bacteria necessary to fight the virus.

Important! Start taking antibiotics for the treatment of intestinal flu in case of urgent need and the recommendation of the attending physician.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine knows a huge number of recipes against intestinal flu. Here are some of them.


Dissolve a tablespoon of honey in a glass of water and add a slice of lemon. Take this liquid at least three times a day.

Pine buds

Pour about 10 grams of boiling water over pine buds and simmer in a water bath for about half an hour. Then you should infuse this mixture, and then take one hundred grams after meals.

St. John's wort

Brew a tablespoon of St. John's wort herb in a glass of boiling water, then let it steam for half an hour. Then you need to strain the mixture and add another glass hot water. You should drink the decoction half an hour before meals, a third of a glass three times a day.


Important! Take into account the individual characteristics of the child’s body and the presence of allergies to certain foods.

Medicines for the treatment of intestinal flu

Treatment of intestinal flu depends directly on the symptoms that appear during the illness. If there is prolonged and profuse diarrhea, it is necessary to restore the body's water balance. For this purpose, Regidron is used and salt solutions which are given to a child as a drink.

Doctors often prescribe for children, which helps the child’s body cope with an unpleasant infection. The complex prescribes:

  • Mezim;
  • Smecta (read);
  • Activated carbon;
  • enterosgel, etc.

But the most important thing in treatment will be plenty of fluids, given to the child very little, but often.


Due to the presence of nifuroxazide, enterofuril has an antimicrobial effect and copes well with intestinal flu in children's bodies. According to research results, enterofuril activates the child’s immunity, thereby helping to independently defeat the infection.

Important! The use of the drug does not cause intestinal dysbiosis in a child and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Residues of the drug are absolutely safely removed from feces without causing harm to the body.

Given medicine prescribed to children who suffer long-term diarrhea due to the development of intestinal flu. The positive thing is that the drug is available both in capsules and in syrup form, which is perfect for young children.

In principle, the drug has no special side effects except for mild allergic reaction in rare cases. Therefore, among the contraindications one can find only individual intolerance to some components of the drug. Also, Enterofuril is not prescribed to children under one month of age.


Since it is the digestive organs that are affected by intestinal flu, the diet should be as gentle as possible. In order to saturate the body with the necessary beneficial bacteria, it is recommended to consume fermented milk products, only with a small percentage of fat content.

Vegetables cooked exclusively by steaming and porridge cooked in water will be very useful at this stage of the disease.

What not to do with intestinal flu:

  • pickles and pickled foods that contain more acidity than is currently needed for the child’s body;
  • products famous for their laxative effect;
  • sweet sparkling water;
  • confectionery;
  • fatty and fried meat and poultry;
  • fatty fish;
  • mushrooms and legumes.

You should start following the diet when the first symptoms of the disease appear. After the peak of the disease has passed, you can add broths and lean meat to the child’s diet.

Important! A child can eat bread only two weeks after the flu has passed and the symptoms have completely disappeared.

As you understand, when the first symptoms of intestinal flu are detected in children, it is important to begin its treatment in a timely manner and not to make the disease worse.

Intestinal flu is a group of viral infectious diseases occurring with symptoms of acute gastroenteritis. They were so named due to the similarity of a number of clinical signs with:

  • Autumn-winter seasonality;
  • Highly infectious;
  • The presence of catarrhal changes in the oropharynx;
  • One of the transmission routes is airborne droplets;
  • The average duration of the disease does not exceed 7 days.

Children under 3 years of age are most susceptible to infection. in this age group More than half of cases of gastroenteritis are caused by intestinal influenza pathogens. Infants under one year old who are breastfed rarely get it, thanks to the protective antibodies they receive from their mother. Among the children on artificial feeding cases of intestinal flu are registered starting from 3 months of age. As you get older, the incidence decreases somewhat, which is associated with the acquisition of immunity after the first episode of the disease.

By the age of 15-17, 90% of young people have antibodies to intestinal influenza viruses in their blood, indicating a previous infection.

Adults suffer from intestinal flu somewhat less frequently: their share of acute intestinal infections is about 25%.

Viral gastroenteritis poses the greatest danger to patients with immunodeficiency conditions:

  1. HIV-infected;
  2. Taking cytostatics, glucocorticoids;
  3. Cancer patients;
  4. Pregnant women;
  5. People with transplanted organs;
  6. Patients with chronic somatic diseases, especially the digestive system.

In addition, intestinal influenza viruses are involved in the development of traveler's diarrhea. A sharp change in climatic zone and a transition to unusual food products lead to a decrease in immune defense factors, which gives the pathogen the opportunity to multiply unhindered in the intestines. In older people, the incidence increases slightly due to gradually increasing immunodeficiency, which naturally develops in old age.


Intestinal flu is caused by viruses that can multiply in epithelial cells small intestine. The causes of infectious gastroenteritis are:

  • Norwalk viruses from the calicivirus family;
  • Astroviruses;
  • Toroviruses.

The source of infection is a sick person who releases pathogens into the external environment with feces and, in some cases, with droplets of saliva.
They are transmitted to surrounding people through the fecal-oral route, that is, through contaminated food, through dirty hands and contaminated household items. In preschool institutions, household contact plays an important role: children become infected through toys, door handles, and pots contaminated with the pathogen.

Water transmission plays an important role, for example, rotavirus persists in cold water within months. Outbreaks of rotavirus gastroenteritis associated with the consumption of contaminated bottled water have been described.

Below we consider the most common pathogens, symptoms and treatment of intestinal flu.



The virus was discovered in the 70s of the 20th century in the epithelial cells of the duodenum of children who died from acute gastroenteritis. Virions have the shape of a wheel, inside of which there is an RNA molecule - the hereditary information of the pathogen. On the outside, it is covered with a double protein shell, to which adhesion receptors are attached. They selectively bind to cells of the intestinal epithelium and upper respiratory tract, securing the virion on the surface of the mucous membrane. Receptors determine the tropism of rotovirus to the small intestine and oropharynx. Research recent years indicate that the virus at the height of the disease enters the bloodstream and spreads to all human organs. In particular, rotavirus infection affects liver cells, which is associated with a persistent increase in liver enzymes after the illness.

Rotavirus is very stable in the external environment, especially in the cold season. It lasts up to one month on vegetables and fruits, up to 2 weeks on bed linen, clothes, carpets. The virus is not destroyed by exposure disinfectant solutions, ultrasound, low temperatures, but quickly dies when boiled. Its damaging ability increases when treated with enzymes of the stomach and duodenum.

Norwalk virus

A little-studied virus that caused an outbreak of “vomiting disease” (otherwise known as “stomach flu”) in the American city of Norwalk. Virions are small, consisting of a single strand of RNA surrounded by a protein capsule. The pathogen is stable in the external environment, does not die when exposed to disinfectant solutions, and is sensitive to heat. The infection is transmitted by water and food routes through contaminated seafood.


Adenoviruses are large DNA-containing viruses that are extremely stable in the external environment. Most of them cause upper respiratory tract infection in combination with conjunctivitis, but there are 2 types (serovar 40 and 41) that selectively affect the intestinal epithelium. Adenoviruses are dangerous for children under 2 years of age, Most adults acquire lasting immunity to them.

The infection is transmitted through the fecal-oral route, through contaminated water, food, and household items. Most disinfectants do not affect adenoviruses; they successfully withstand freezing and remain in water for up to 2 years. Virions die when heated above 60 degrees C and when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

Mechanism of disease development

The virus enters a person’s mouth through contaminated food, water, dirty hands, or droplets of saliva. at aerogenic route transmission and is swallowed by it. Virions are resistant to acids, so they easily overcome the acidic environment of the stomach and enter the duodenum. The main function of the duodenum and the small intestine as a whole is enzymatic breakdown nutrients into the smallest components and their further absorption into the blood.

Diagram of the gastrointestinal tract

The area of ​​this section of the gastrointestinal tract is colossal: the small intestine is about 5 meters long and is dotted with villi - outgrowths of the mucous membrane - over its entire surface. They enter each villus from the side of the intestinal wall blood vessels- Nutrients are absorbed into them. On the side of the intestinal cavity, villi are covered with special epithelial cells - enterocytes. Enterocytes have an elongated shape and at the pole facing the intestinal lumen they, in turn, have outgrowths of the cell membrane in the form of microvilli. Thus, the absorption area of ​​the intestine is additionally increased by 30 times.

Intestinal influenza viruses penetrate enterocytes, shed their protein coat and send their hereditary information (DNA or RNA) to the cell nucleus. The synthesis of viral proteins is launched and this process completely suppresses all other cellular processes. As a result, a huge number of virion components accumulate in the enterocyte, they are further assembled and released into the external environment. Viral particles rupture the cell membrane, which leads to the final death of the cell.

Massive infection of neighboring cells occurs, they die and are sloughed off from the main villous graft. As a result, the processes of cell-cell digestion, the breakdown of oligosaccharides into monosaccharides and their absorption are disrupted. Carbohydrates accumulate in the intestinal lumen, increasing osmotic pressure chyme - a paste of partially digested food. An increased concentration of oligosaccharides leads to a compensatory entry of water into the intestinal cavity in order to dilute the chyme and normalize its osmotic pressure. A large volume of liquid contents in the intestinal lumen irritates the nerve endings in its wall and a reflex increase in peristalsis occurs.

As a result, the diluted chyme quickly passes through the entire intestinal tube, the excess liquid does not have time to be absorbed and diarrhea develops - copious loose stools. Overflow of the duodenum, in turn, disrupts the normal movement of the food bolus from the stomach. Antiperistaltic waves arise in the stomach and food finds its way out through the esophagus in the form of vomiting.

In response to cell death and virus replication immune cells begin to produce protective antibodies. They bind viral particles, gradually clearing them from the infectious focus. Some of the virions come out along with the feces to continue their development cycle.

Clinical picture

The incubation period for intestinal flu depends on the pathogen. With rotavirus infection, from the moment of infection to the first signs, it takes from 1 to 7 days, adenovirus infection develops longer - 8-10 days. The patient begins to release the pathogen into the external environment at the end of the incubation stage, before the appearance of a typical clinical picture.

The disease begins acutely with an increase in body temperature to 38-39 degrees C, vomiting of eaten food and loose stool. Sometimes its onset occurs gradually: first, signs of intoxication develop - weakness, headache, lack of appetite, increased fatigue, fever. The next day they are accompanied by loose stools, nausea and vomiting. The listed symptoms of intestinal flu are characteristic of the typical course of the disease. The infection can also occur with erased clinical signs: abdominal pain, rumbling, loss of appetite, mild weakness. In some cases, carriage develops, in which outwardly healthy man sheds the virus in feces.

Diarrhea with intestinal flu occurs in 90% of cases. The stool is copious, liquid or pasty, yellow in color, with unpleasant smell, may be foamy. The frequency of diarrhea varies from several times a day to countless times. In the latter case, the stool loses its fecal character, its portions decrease, and it acquires a greenish color. The body loses a large amount of water and electrolytes in feces, which quickly leads to dehydration. This process is especially dangerous in children, since the volume of fluid in their body is less than in adults.

Vomiting occurs simultaneously with diarrhea, but may occur later. At first, the vomit contains previously eaten food, then only gastric juice. The patient cannot drink enough - the liquid irritates the intestinal walls and repeated vomiting occurs. As a result, the body only loses water without the ability to replenish its supply in the body.

The initial sign of dehydration is dry mucous membranes and severe thirst. The tongue becomes dry and rough, salivation decreases, and the conjunctiva of the eyes becomes dull. Dry skin, decreased skin turgor, severe weakness, unexpressed cramps calf muscles- these are signs of loss of 4-6% of body fluid. Further progression of the process leads to hoarseness, falling blood pressure, decreased volume of urine excreted, loss of consciousness. An extreme degree of dehydration is confusion, sharpening of facial features, a bluish tint of the skin, a decrease in body temperature to 35 degrees C. It corresponds to the stage of hypovolemic shock and quickly leads to the death of the patient. In children, the described changes can develop within a day with severe diarrhea and frequent vomiting.

With rotavirus infection, catarrhal syndrome is added to the symptoms of damage to the gastrointestinal tract. It is manifested by hyperemia of the pharynx, granularity back wall pharynx and pain when swallowing. Nasal congestion occurs with scanty mucous discharge, and young children sometimes develop acute otitis media.

Fever with intestinal flu rarely persists for more than 2-4 days, its presence after this period may indicate the addition of bacterial microflora. Adenovirus infection characterized by a more severe and persistent course than rotavirus. Norwalk infection, as a rule, occurs without diarrhea: with fever, intoxication and vomiting. With rotavirus infection, vomiting may not occur; in this case, they speak of its intestinal form.


The diagnosis is made by a pediatrician or infectious disease specialist. He collects an anamnesis of the disease, finds out if anyone from his immediate environment has similar symptoms. Intestinal flu is supported by the outbreak of illness in groups and families, especially during the cold season. The doctor takes into account the time of onset of symptoms, their severity, and pays attention to signs of dehydration. On examination, he reveals diffuse tenderness on palpation of the abdomen, rumbling in the intestines, an increase in heart rate and a decrease in blood pressure.

The final diagnosis is established based on the results laboratory research. In feces and vomit, DNA/RNA of the virus or antibodies to it are detected using PCR using ELISA. Specific antibodies appear in the patient’s blood on the 5-10th day of illness; their presence and titer are determined by ELISA and RNGA methods. For acute infection characterized by a sharp increase in Ig M during the first two weeks of the infectious process, after which their titer decreases and is replaced by IgG. The latter circulate in the blood for several years after intestinal flu.

To determine the severity of the patient’s condition and further substantiate the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes:


Patients with intestinal flu are hospitalized in a hospital for moderate and severe illness, as well as for epidemic indications.

These include all cases in which the patient cannot be isolated from others: living in a barracks, boarding home, or orphanage. Employees of food enterprises, water utilities, teachers of preschool institutions and medical staff of children's departments are being hospitalized, as they pose an increased danger for the spread of infection.

Treatment of intestinal flu includes a gentle diet, restoration of water and electrolyte balance, stimulation of interferonogenesis and detoxification. Specific antiviral therapy has not been developed to date. The diet for intestinal flu is aimed at normalizing digestion.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that irritate the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Raw vegetables and fruits;
  • Natural juices;
  • Grain bread;
  • Whole milk, butter, cheeses;
  • Cereals;
  • Smoked meats;
  • Legumes;
  • Canned foods;
  • Chocolate and coffee;
  • Fat meat;
  • Seasonings;
  • Alcohol.

You can eat spreadable porridges (semolina, oatmeal, rice) cooked in water or diluted milk without adding butter. It is necessary to include in the diet soups with a weak broth made from dietary meat: skinless chicken, turkey, rabbit, lean beef. Allowed to eat White bread, including in the form of crackers, steamed cutlets from lean meat. Food should be taken in small portions, often, warm.

From medications prescribe:

  1. Electrolyte solutions (saline solution, trisol, tetrasol, lactasol) intravenous drip and orally (rehydron) - restore water and electrolyte balance;
  2. Enterosorbents – bind toxins and excess liquid in the intestinal lumen (smecta, enterosgel);
  3. Pancreatic enzymes – improve the breakdown of nutrients in the small intestine (pancreatin);
  4. Inducers of interferonogenesis – enhance the production of protective antibodies (cycloferon);
  5. Preparations of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli - restore normal intestinal microflora (atsipol, bifiform).

Treatment of intestinal flu during pregnancy is carried out with drugs that are safe for the fetus. Basically, women are prescribed strict adherence to the diet, electrolyte solutions and means for restoring the intestinal biocenosis. It is irrational to treat intestinal flu with antibiotics, since they do not act on the cause of the disease - viruses.

Patients are discharged after the symptoms of intestinal flu disappear, on average 5-7 days from the onset of the disease. After recovery for 2-3 weeks they need to follow therapeutic diet, gradually switching to the usual diet.

Specific prevention to date has been developed only for rotavirus infection. The vaccine is on sale, but is not included in the national vaccination schedule. Nonspecific prevention consists of careful adherence to personal hygiene rules and drinking only boiled water.

The main complications of intestinal flu are dehydration and dehydration shock. In adults, the infection is rarely so severe, but in children and the elderly, similar conditions develop in a short time. Lack of medical care in such cases quickly leads to death from large loss of water.

Video: intestinal flu, rotavirus - Dr. Komarovsky

Rotavirus infection is called intestinal flu. This disease is caused by rotaviruses that enter the body through contact and household contact. The disease is characterized by an acute onset. Patients experience symptoms of enteritis and gastroenteritis, which are usually mild. On initial stage a combination of respiratory and intestinal symptoms. Rotavirus infection requires timely diagnosis and proper treatment; only effective measures can eliminate the complications that the disease causes.


The occurrence of intestinal flu is associated with the penetration of rotaviruses into the body. Most often, the causative agent of the disease is rotavirus A, but the disease is often caused by viruses B and C, which can penetrate the body both individually and collectively. Rotaviruses enter directly into the intestinal tissue, where they begin to multiply. Because of this, it begins in the intestines inflammatory process, which leads to intoxication of the body.

Rotaviruses easily attack even an adult body, but young children are especially at risk, since they the immune system does not yet have sufficient repellent functions. Rotavirus is transmitted through household contact. A child can become infected with intestinal flu:

  • due to poor hand hygiene;
  • through water;
  • through food (if the rules of heat treatment were violated or the products were of poor quality).

Rotavirus spreads quickly in children's groups. The infection is transmitted from a sick child to a healthy one through unwashed hands.


Once rotaviruses enter a child's body, the first symptoms of the disease usually appear within twelve to twenty-four hours. Sometimes incubation period lasts for five days. Intestinal flu is characterized by an acute onset; signs of the disease are both intestinal and respiratory in nature. The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • temperature increase (occurs sharply);
  • frequent vomiting;
  • diarrhea (watery stools up to 15 times a day);
  • general malaise;
  • lack of appetite;
  • throat damage, expressed by redness;
  • runny nose of varying intensity.

As the disease develops, the body becomes intoxicated and dehydrated. In a sick child, the number of urinations decreases, the urine becomes dark in color and has a pungent odor. There are three forms of the disease: mild, moderate, severe. With a mild form of rotavirus infection, there is a slight deterioration in health, while with a severe form of intoxication, the symptoms of intoxication are extremely pronounced, the temperature rises to forty degrees. Typically, children experience mild and moderate forms of the disease, severe forms are quite rare.

Diagnosis of intestinal flu in a child

Diagnosing intestinal flu in young patients is not difficult: unlike adults, their disease occurs with well-defined symptoms, and atypical manifestations are rare. Diagnosis comes down to:

  • interviewing the patient or parents;
  • examining the child;
  • stool tests.

When making a diagnosis, the doctor takes into account the epidemiological situation in the city. Differential diagnostic methods are also used, because clinical picture intestinal flu resembles manifestations of other diseases


Danger of this disease lies in the fact that it leads to dehydration child's body. This condition can occur even a couple of hours after the first symptoms of an intestinal infection appear. Due to frequent vomiting and diarrhea, useful minerals and water quickly “leave” from the body, against the background of which the baby’s condition is rapidly deteriorating. Dehydration in a child's body can lead to:

  • damage to the nervous system (manifested by convulsions, which may cause respiratory arrest);
  • lung damage;
  • disruption of cardio-vascular system(occurs due to loss of potassium during dehydration).

Considering the serious consequences that rotavirus infection can lead to in a child, it is important to immediately consult a doctor at the first symptoms. Timely diagnosis and follow-up effective treatment will help avoid complications.


What can you do

If a child exhibits symptoms of rotavirus disease, it is necessary to immediately call a doctor. Before his arrival, you need to take the child away, because the body loses a lot of fluid. You can use special pharmaceutical solutions, dried fruit compote, rosehip decoction or still mineral water. When there is nothing like this in the house, you can give simple boiled water. You need to desolder according to the following recommendations:

drink frequently, but in small portions. This is very important, because large volume liquid can cause vomiting; the temperature of the liquid and body temperature should be the same, so the liquid will be absorbed into the blood as quickly as possible.

If a child has a fever, it is necessary to undress him to reduce heat transfer. Medications should not be given to a child before consulting a doctor. If the doctor determines that treatment can be carried out at home, then in the future you need to follow all the recommendations he gives:

provide bed rest; dietary nutrition (exclude dairy products and fried foods for a while; preference is given to porridge with water, steamed meatballs from lean meat, jelly); a course of medications.

What does a doctor do

The doctor determines in each specific situation whether it is possible home treatment intestinal flu or the disease can only be treated in a hospital. Hospitalization is necessary if:

the child is not yet one year old; there is severe dehydration; there are concomitant infections and severe diseases; life threatening symptoms (loss of consciousness or convulsions).

There is no therapy specifically aimed at treating intestinal influenza. Treatment depends on the symptoms that the child has. Antibiotics are not prescribed for rotavirus and antiviral drugs. All medications, which the doctor prescribes, are aimed at eliminating the symptoms:

rehydration drugs; children's antipyretics; lactobacilli drugs.


Intestinal flu in a child can be prevented if prevention is approached correctly. The following recommendations will help you avoid illness:

ensure that the child always maintains personal hand hygiene; do not allow the child to drink tap water; wash vegetables and fruits, observe the thermal regime for cooking; do wet cleaning at home as often as possible; exclude contact with patients with rotavirus (if it has started intestinal flu, it is better to leave the child at home during this time).


Rotavirus, or intestinal flu, is an infectious disease that affects the intestinal mucosa (diarrhea occurs); both children and adults are susceptible to it (usually it occurs in a mild form). For children, the main and insidious symptom flu - frequent and watery stools. The disease is contagious. Find out about the causes of its appearance, how to treat and prevent it.

What is stomach flu

Intestinal or stomach flu is an infectious disease caused by rotaviruses. The disease manifests itself as intestinal, respiratory syndromes. Intestinal pathogens are viruses of the Reoviridae family, which are similar in antigenic structure. When viewed under a microscope, they resemble wheels, with a clear rim and short spokes. This viral pathology began to be studied in the early 70s of the last century, when they were discovered in the mucous membrane of the small intestine of sick children.

The source of infection is a sick person or carrier. In the younger age of the child, the source is the mother, and in the older age - the surrounding children, an epidemic in kindergartens, outbreaks of intestinal virus in schools, clubs, etc. In the first days, symptoms of intestinal flu appear, and the patient is dangerous to others, because during this period the content of virus colonies in feces reaches colossal numbers. Animals this virus they don't transmit.

How is it transmitted?

The main mechanism of transmission of rotavirus infections is the fecal-oral route (the virus enters through the mouth). It is popularly called “the disease of dirty hands” (like any poisoning). The virus lives in food and any water, so it can be massively transmitted through it. The contact and household route of transmission occurred only sporadically. Rotavirus infection occurs through dairy products: this is due to life cycle virus and the processing features of milk products. The pathogen feels great in the cold and can remain this way for a long time.

Once in the body, the virus, as a rule, penetrates the intestinal mucosa (usually affecting the small intestine) and starts the process of destruction of intestinal villi. Digestive tract enzymes are synthesized that help break down food. As a result, incoming food cannot be digested normally, and disaccharides accumulate in the intestinal lumen, which attract water and salts. This entire mixture is excreted by the body through severe diarrhea, the body gradually becomes dehydrated and weakens.

Incubation period

The so-called incubation period is the time interval from the moment the virus enters a biological object until the first symptoms of inflammation appear. Sometimes it is called latent. Influenza has a short incubation period: the disease lasts from 15 hours to three days, followed by acute period– 3-7 days, and recovery period – from 4 to 5 days.


Symptoms of intestinal infection are varied. In many children, the infection is severe and is accompanied by an increase in body temperature to 39°C or higher. If the disease is in adults, children with strong immunity It is mild, no significant fever is observed. Nuances:

  1. Patients complain of pain in the stomach, frequent nausea and severe vomiting. Sometimes upon examination a slight redness of the throat and an increase in lymph nodes on the neck.
  2. Characteristic is the appearance of copious loose stools with a pronounced, sharp, sour odor, without blood or mucus. If blood or mucus is added, this indicates the presence concomitant disease. Inflammation of the stomach and small intestine foodborne infections are called gastroenteritis.
  3. Children have frequent vomiting. In adults, frequent vomiting may not occur or may occur only once.
  4. There are signs of damage to the upper respiratory tract (nasal congestion, difficulty swallowing).
  5. Possible manifestations of ARVI with intestinal syndrome in adults.


The stools are frequent, have a watery texture, a strong foul odor, and are green or cloudy white. The intestinal form of influenza is accompanied by loud rumbling in the stomach, the urge to defecate is frequent and productive. If there are bloody streaks in the stool or loss of mucous lumps, you should think about adding other respiratory infections, serious illnesses, bacterial infections, such as shigellosis, escherichiosis. Dehydration develops due to frequent diarrhea different degrees. In adults intestinal infection without diarrhea is not uncommon.


Another dangerous one characteristic symptom, which is caused by an intestinal virus, quickly leads to dehydration. Manifestation clinical symptom in adults, as a rule, it occurs once, and in children it is combined with diarrhea. Interestingly, the manifestation of acute diarrhea occurs immediately after vomiting or simultaneously. Vomiting due to rotavirus can persist for up to 3-5 days, which leads to loss of vitality in the child’s body.

Symptoms in children

In children, due to weak children's immunity, the disease is more complex and in a more severe stage. The intoxication of the body is severe, vomiting is frequent and watery, diarrhea appears, which can reach 10 times a day, sometimes more. Flu with diarrhea and fever leads to dehydration, which develops in 75-85% of examined children, and often provokes the development renal failure and hemodynamic disorders.

The amount of urine excreted by the child is significantly reduced, and albuminuria (albumin in the excreted urine) may be observed. Often the appearance of leukocytes and red blood cells in the urine, and residual nitrogen in the blood serum increases. The onset of the disease is accompanied by leukocytosis (an increase in white blood cells), after a period of height - leukopenia (a decrease in the number of blood white blood cells).


Often the disease occurs when eating unwashed fruits; they become infected with an intestinal virus through insufficient processing of meat and dairy products, through dirty hands and water. Bacterial causes of infection:

  • coli;
  • Shigella;
  • salmonella.

Viral causes:

  • caliciviruses;
  • noroviruses;
  • adenoviruses;
  • astroviruses.

Stomach flu during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is difficult to detect influenza in time. Symptoms can be confused with toxicosis of pregnant women early stages, with gestosis - in the later stages. The virus does not pose a serious threat to the fetus, but for a woman the condition is dangerous due to dehydration and weakening of the body. The main prevention during pregnancy is careful attention to food and lifestyle.


The symptoms are similar to those of other gastrointestinal diseases (common flu, gastritis, viral gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, dysbacteriosis, etc.). Diagnosis is not easy. A definitive diagnosis can be made once the virus is detected using laboratory methods– polymerase chain reaction(PCR), reactions passive hemagglutination, complement fixation reaction (FFR), ELISA methods, etc. All changes in blood and urine are normalized after the patient recovers.

Available diagnostic methods:

  • complete blood count (increased white blood cell count, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate);
  • general urinalysis (appearance of protein, leukocytes, erythrocytes, and sometimes hyaline casts).

Treatment of intestinal flu

All treatment comes down to symptomatic therapy (elimination of symptoms) and prevention of dehydration. Apply:

  • antipyretics;
  • enzymatic preparations;
  • detoxification therapy.

It is recommended to take adsorbent or astringent medications (from intestinal disorders), if your stomach hurts badly, painkillers and antispasmodics help. Mild or one-time vomiting or diarrhea does not require treatment. It is recommended to take antibiotics in case of respiratory infections (cough), infectious diseases to avoid the spread of infection, dangerous complications, the main one is intoxication, which is difficult to treat.


For drinking, use an effective solution of rehydron (capable of normalizing water-salt metabolism). Additional tools:

  1. The drug paracetamol can be prescribed as an antipyretic.
  2. Enzyme preparations: mezim, festal.
  3. Adsorbents and astringents: activated carbon, polysorb, smecta.
  4. Lactic-containing bacterial preparations: acylact, lactobacterin, linex (to restore intestinal microflora).
  5. Antispasmodics or painkillers: spasmolgon, no-shpa, citramon, analgin.


It is necessary to follow a diet: give up any dairy or fermented milk products. If a person feels hungry, you can give a small amount of liquid chicken broth or rice porridge with water without oil. Food is taken in small portions with frequent breaks. At first, it is necessary to limit or eliminate foods rich in carbohydrates.

Treatment in children

It is necessary to isolate the child from other children. Against dehydration of the body it is necessary to use special saline solutions. Approved adsorbents for children and lactose-containing preparations are used to restore microflora. With prolonged diarrhea and persistent vomiting, signs of underlying complications may develop. It is recommended to call a doctor; hospitalization is possible.

  • physical methods: wiping with water;
  • chemical: taking drugs by mouth or as rectal antipyretic suppositories (which is more acceptable in childhood).

Prevention of intestinal flu

In Europe and the USA they conduct specific prevention with the help of vaccines. We do not have such vaccines. There is a standard set of preventive procedures that are aimed at preventing viruses from entering the body:

  • isolation of patients;
  • hand hygiene, washing vegetables, fruits;
  • eating only fresh dairy products and fermented milk products;
  • sanitary control of public catering places, food products, markets and shops with dairy products.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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