Why does a blow to the jaw cause knockout and loss of consciousness? My jaw hurts when chewing after a blow. My jaw hurts after a fight.

Not too often, but still Everyday life many of us have had to deal with facial injuries. Most often these are bruises. One of the most common pathologies of the facial part of the head is considered to be a bruise of the jaws, both lower and upper, as a result of mechanical or physical impact.

Such bruises are necessarily combined with injury to soft facial tissues. There may also be a bruise of the nose or. At the same time, the integrity of the facial skin and bone structure are not compromised.

Causes of damage

Bruises of the maxillofacial area can be caused by mechanical impact on soft facial tissues with a blunt heavy object, a blow to a hard surface, or a collision with a hard obstacle. Most often, patients of traumatologists with this injury are people who have been in an accident or become participants in a fight. The most common injury is considered to be lower jaw.

Symptoms and severity of injury

As a result of trauma, small areas are most often affected. blood vessels, which are located in the soft tissues of the facial part of the human head. Therefore, a patient admitted to traumatology most often indicates the presence of the following symptoms and manifestations of injury:

  • the formation of swelling, redness, abrasions and hematoma at the site of application of the main force of the blow;
  • expressed painful sensations, which are localized in the lower jaw and can be aggravated when trying to move it;
  • difficulty performing any natural actions: chewing, speaking, eating, etc.;
  • inflammatory reaction in the lymph nodes;
  • deterioration general condition patient, unwell.

These symptoms are characteristic of bruises of both the upper and lower jaw.

The severity of this injury depends on the following indicators:

  • the nature of the objects or surfaces with which the collision occurred: their weight, material, speed at which the collision occurred, etc.;
  • the collision area, the larger it is, the more severe the degree of pathology;
  • the condition of the soft facial tissues and jaw bones of the victim at the time of injury.

Collisions or falls of sufficient force may cause symptoms to become more intense. The connection of the skull bones is stable.

First aid

In case of injury, the following measures can be provided to the victim:

  • apply a tight bandage;
  • apply cold, for example, compresses of ice wrapped in polyethylene;
  • try to ensure peace;
  • if the pain is severe, the victim can take any painkiller that is in the home medicine cabinet;
  • transport the patient to the trauma department to make a diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

In this case, you should not allow the injured jaw to come into contact with heat sources, as this can only worsen the situation and increase the intensity of the symptoms.

Diagnosis and treatment

As a rule, minor jaw injuries with mild signs of bruise do not require hospitalization of the patient. Treatment can be carried out independently, since the injury does not cause him much discomfort.

An experienced doctor will be able to diagnose jaw bruises based on external signs and symptoms indicated by the patient. However, additional research will be required to rule out or dislocation. It is also very important when examining a patient not to lose sight of symptoms indicating consequences beyond the jaw and facial area. So, often, especially in cases of a fall, the victim may experience a concussion.

To avoid unwanted consequences and confirm the diagnosis, it is advisable to carry out X-ray examination maxillofacial region.

Only after this can you begin to treat the injury. First of all, the patient needs to create conditions under which the affected area will be at maximum rest. To do this, it is advisable to apply a pressure bandage. Applying cold to the bruise site will help stop bleeding in the soft fabrics and reduce pain syndrome. It is recommended to use cold for the first 2-3 days after injury.

This stage is followed by applying heat to the injury site. With the help of warming procedures, the process of hematoma resorption and regeneration of damaged soft tissues is accelerated. The following can be used as a warming effect:

Treatment with traditional medicine

Traditional medicine offers its own recipes for the treatment of jaw bruises, which have the desired therapeutic effect, especially if combined with traditional methods treatment. Some of the most common treatment methods folk remedies are the following:

  • applying plantain leaves, crushed onions or wormwood, previously crushed and crushed, to the bruised jaw, as it dries, it is necessary to change it or moisten it with water;
  • bodyaga has proven itself in the treatment of bruises, and it is recommended to dilute the powder with water and apply it in this form to the damaged area;
  • To resolve a bruise, use alcohol-water or vodka tinctures of bearberry leaves, horsetail, knotweed, corn silk, blue cornflower flowers, dried bean pods, and birch buds. To do this, the herbal ingredients used are crushed and filled with an alcohol-water solution or vodka. After this, they must be infused for about 3 days, the infusion must be strained and used for compresses.
  • A self-prepared ointment made from any animal fat, finely chopped onion and crushed sea salt granules is a great way to get rid of the consequences of a bruise.

Possible consequences and prognosis

Like any other injury, if untimely and improperly treated, it can lead to very disastrous results and quite serious health consequences.

An neglected bruise can cause the development of post-traumatic periostitis, which will subsequently provoke deformation. Correcting this pathology will be much more difficult, and treatment will take a long time.

Another undesirable consequence is the development of post-traumatic myositis, which is an inflammation of bone tissue. Often, against the background of advanced bruises, contracture develops - a restriction of the natural mobility of the jaw joints.

These consequences can be especially serious if you get a bruise in childhood. It is during this period that the periosteum is formed in the body. If not carried out in a timely manner surgical intervention, then the pathology can cause the formation of a malignant tumor - sarcoma.

Thus, in order to maintain your health and avoid all the unpleasant consequences of a bruise, you must correctly provide first aid. emergency assistance the victim, make a professional diagnosis in a medical facility and promptly use the correct treatment methods. If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, the prognosis is almost always favorable.

No one is immune from injury. The most common traumatic injuries include bruises. Few people consider it serious, but bruises, including jaw bruises, require timely diagnosis and proper treatment. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing serious and dangerous complications.

What is a bruise of the upper or lower jaw?

If the jaw has been subjected to traumatic damage due to mechanical impact, the structure of the bone tissue and skin were not violated, then we are talking about such a phenomenon as a bruise of the jaw. With such an injury, the soft tissues of the face and small blood vessels are damaged. There is very little difference between damage to the upper and lower jaw. The main one remains localization. Experts note that a bruise of the lower jaw is a more common injury than a similar injury to the upper jaw.


The causes of a jaw bruise are simple - most often, it is a consequence of a blow to the face with a hard object. This can happen when hitting the bottom or upper jaw during a fight, a traffic accident, an industrial accident, or become the result of an accidental coincidence. Sometimes a jaw injury occurs as a result of a collision of the face with a hard surface. For example, if a person fell on the asphalt or did not notice a slightly open door in the twilight and collided with it.


A bruise differs from other traumatic injuries to the maxillofacial area in that the connection of the injured part with the rest of the skull remains stable. Depending on the condition of the facial tissues and jaw bones of the victim at the time of the bruise, the location of the injury (on the lower or upper jaw) and the characteristics of the object to which this injury was inflicted, the damage may have varying degrees of severity and nature. The main symptoms of a jaw bruise include:

Diagnostic methods

In most cases, a jaw bruise is diagnosed during examination and interview of the patient, as it has pronounced symptoms. However, sometimes the injury needs to be differentiated from fractures, cracks, and dislocations. The doctor may prescribe comprehensive examination which includes:

  1. examination by the following specialists: traumatologist-orthopedist, dentist, maxillofacial surgeon;
  2. computed tomography (if necessary);
  3. X-ray examination of the injured area;
  4. if there is concomitant injury to the ENT organs, you will need to visit an otolaryngologist;
  5. If there is a suspicion of a concussion, you need to consult a neurologist.

First aid

If, after a blow or fall, the symptoms described above appear, you should immediately contact a qualified professional. medical care. To prevent the victim’s condition from worsening, before the examination begins, direct contact with the victim is contraindicated. sun rays and warming procedures. The rules for providing first aid for a bruise are as follows:

Treatment of bruises of the upper and lower jaw

Typically a bruise is a minor traumatic injury. The victim does not require inpatient therapy. In most cases, therapy is carried out at home. An injured jaw needs rest, so the first step is to apply a pressure bandage to the bruised area. Treatment is further divided into two main stages:

  1. Exposure to cold. Recommended in the first 48 to 72 hours after a jaw injury occurs. Reduces pain and helps stop subcutaneous hemorrhages.
  2. Heat therapy. Follows the cold treatment phase. Helps accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissue, and when exposed to heat, the hematoma resolves faster. To carry out warming procedures, UHF, ozokerite applications, and Sollux can be used. Dry heat is also popular.

Folk remedies

Facilities traditional medicine show high effectiveness in relieving unpleasant symptoms of jaw injuries. If a specialist has diagnosed a jaw injury, but a fracture or dislocation is completely excluded, then you can use one of the popular folk recipes(see also: jaw fracture: symptoms and treatment methods). The following methods will help cope with the consequences of injury:

  • "Fat ointment." Grind sea ​​salt in a coffee grinder, grate (or chop very finely) the onion. Mix the ingredients with any animal fat and apply regularly to the injured area.
  • Tinctures. Thoroughly chop birch buds, blue cornflower flowers, knotweed, bearberry leaves, corn silk or horsetail with a ceramic knife (you can use a metal tool, but this will negatively affect the quality of the finished product). Pour the crushed plant with vodka or alcohol diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Insist for three days. Strain. Use for compresses.
  • Pour bodyagi powder into warm boiled water and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting diluted bodyaga to the site of the jaw injury.
  • Attach a plantain leaf. It can be replaced with chopped wormwood or finely chopped crushed onions.

Complications after injury

If the victim is provided with first aid, a full diagnosis is carried out and complex therapy, and he follows all the doctor’s recommendations, then the prognosis for treatment of the bruise is favorable.

Soon the consequences of the injury will disappear without a trace. If treated incorrectly or refuse any therapy, a banal bruise can provoke the development of serious and dangerous complications:

  • sarcoma is malignancy may appear if the jaw was injured in childhood, during the formation of the periosteum (see also: what to do if the periosteum hurts after tooth extraction?);
  • contracture – leads to the fact that the natural mobility of the jaw joints becomes severely limited;
  • post-traumatic myositis - an inflammatory process in the tissues of the jaw bone;
  • post-traumatic periostitis is an inflammation of the periosteum that is aseptic in nature.

No person is immune from jaw injury; one of the most common injuries is a bruise. Moreover, you can get injured at any age. Jaw bruises occur various reasons: starting with accidents varying degrees severity and ending with injuries from a blow received as a result of a street fight.

A blow to the jaw affects the soft tissues of the face, blood vessels and capillaries. All this leads to the formation of hematomas and edema. At the same time, the person experiences severe pain and discomfort.

If appropriate measures are not taken in time, a person may face very serious consequences in the future. To prevent this, it is best to seek medical help immediately after an injury.

A properly functioning jaw plays an important role. It is involved in the digestion process. And if it does not work properly, a person will not be able to receive the required amount of well-chewed food.

Causes that lead to bruises

The main prerequisites leading to bruises and other injuries to the jaw include:

  • a fall, impact or other contact with any hard surface that occurs suddenly and unexpectedly;
  • a fight - it can be just children's fun or a serious adult showdown;
  • an accident, for example, a fall from a bicycle, scooter, motorcycle, as well as any traffic accidents in which the blow fell on the front of the head.

The severity depends on the following indicators:

  • the nature and surface of the object with which the collision occurred; important criteria include weight, material, composition, as well as the speed with which everything happened;
  • the area of ​​the face where the blow occurred, for example, the cheekbone, direct hit or chin;
  • the initial state of the face and bones before damage.

All these factors influence the severity of the jaw contusion and possible consequences. In any case, be it a minor or severe injury, you must see a doctor so that he can accurately determine the degree of injury, and then prescribe correct treatment. This will determine how quickly the jaw recovers.

Features of the clinical picture

First of all, the doctor must examine the area of ​​the face where the blow occurred; in some cases, a person’s bruise may have hidden more serious injuries that an unknowing person (or even) may not notice. First aid measures and further treatment depend on this.

Symptoms that help identify a jaw bruise:

  • severe pain at the site of impact, which intensifies when pressed;
  • visual changes. These may be abrasions, swelling, redness or bruising;
  • difficulty chewing, yawning, and in some cases even speaking;
  • lymph nodes may become inflamed;
  • general malaise.

Compared to more serious herbs, when the jaw is bruised, all the bones remain intact, which greatly facilitates the entire healing process.

The most the right decision It will be a quick visit to a doctor to find out the exact diagnosis. Using a computer tomogram, he will determine the condition of the jaw and be able to make the correct diagnosis.

Primary activities

A jaw bruise can be identified by external symptoms. After this, you need to apply a tight bandage and constantly apply

After an injury, you need to apply a compress to your jaw

cold compresses. In order for the treatment to proceed as quickly and painlessly as possible, you need to keep your entire face calm.

You can't do compresses. They have a warming effect, and this can provoke inflammatory processes, which will complicate the healing process.

Instead of a slight bruise, a person may have a fracture, a broken bone, or even a concussion - each case will require its own treatment. The confusion occurs due to the fact that the symptoms of all injuries are very similar and a simple person without medical education will not be able to distinguish between them.

Therefore, it is better to immediately go to the hospital for examination and consultation with a doctor. If a person cannot get to a medical facility himself, then he needs to call an ambulance at home. Further treatment and possible consequences will depend on this.

Providing medical care

In principle, there is no special therapy. There are just general recommendations. A trip to the doctor is most often limited to only the first visit, when diagnosis occurs using an x-ray or computed tomogram. An experienced specialist will immediately see the condition of the jaw; if there is only a bruise, then the main treatment will take place at home.

First aid for injury is to apply a bandage that will fix all the bones in the desired position. After this, you need to make and apply cold compresses to the affected part of the face. They can be made from ice and snow, which will first be wrapped in sterile cloth or gauze, and cold water will also help.

You cannot make compresses that will have a warming effect. Since this can lead to the onset of the inflammatory process, which means rehabilitation period will be much more difficult and take longer.

For a speedy recovery, you should follow a few simple rules.

These include:

  • constantly apply cold objects to the site of injury;
  • keep the jaw at rest;
  • If necessary, take a painkiller tablet.

If you follow these simple rules, then the bruise will pass quickly and will not leave any consequences.

Possible consequences

Every injury, even the most minor one, if treated incorrectly and not following the doctor’s recommendations, will lead to negative consequences. A jaw bruise can develop into a post-traumatic one or cause deformation requiring long course complex treatment.

Post-traumatic myositis is an extremely unpleasant disease

If the injury occurs in the area of ​​the masticatory muscles, then the bruise may in the future develop into post-traumatic myositis, because of this the person will have difficulties with the mobility of the lower jaw, and therefore problems with chewing.

If a small child’s jaw is bruised, at the time of its formation, they may even develop malignant tumors. Treatment in this case should be immediate and only surgical.

You should also definitely visit a dentist, who can accurately identify if there is a risk of developing dental problems against the background of injury.

Prevention measures

In order to reduce the risk of injury to the facial bones, you need to follow some rules. Necessary:

To minimize the risk of a child bruising his jaw, parents should take care of this in advance. That is, arrange the apartment in such a way that the child cannot injure himself during active games or simply moving around it.

Much attention should be paid to the interior of the children's room. In addition, the child must always be under the close supervision of his parents. When a child goes outside or goes to the gym to play sports, he should be suitably equipped for maximum safety. Helmets, masks or special mouth guards will help with protection.

It is necessary to take all precautions so that later you do not have to seek medical help and undergo a long course of rehabilitation.

Getting a jaw bruise as a result of any physical impact is a fairly serious injury. Any form of influence on this area requires timely diagnosis and surgical treatment.

Recovery from damage is quite problematic and painful. It can take quite a long time, depending on the overall severity of the injuries received, the characteristics of the body, age, gender and the characteristics of proper treatment. For treatment to take place in mild form and without consequences you need to have some understanding of such an injury.

What is a jaw bruise?

Injuries to this area include mechanical damage varying degrees, without any changes in the integrity of the skin and bones. Open injuries are also combined with a bruise. Belongs to the category of facial injuries.

The main reason for such consequences is the receipt strong blow when falling, or in a rather strong and sudden collision with solid objects. This injury is not considered complex, but is accompanied by severe compression of the soft tissue at the site of injury. Recovery from such exposure occurs mostly without serious consequences, but only in the case of prompt diagnosis and proper treatment.

Accurate diagnosis of injury

Independent of external visual symptoms arising from jaw injuries, it is necessary diagnose them correctly. With any damage there are certain characteristic features. It shapes necessary treatment and helps to find out if there are any more serious damages, for example, a break, a crack, etc. To do this, you immediately need to undergo an x-ray, and based on the resulting image, the doctor will form a conclusion on the problem.

Using the information received, the doctor will be able to accurately indicate the cause of discomfort or other side effects. If a visit to a doctor is delayed, various inflammatory processes in the surrounding muscles, teeth and gums are possible.

What is the characteristic of a bruise?

When complaining of rather unpleasant pain in the jaw area, it is quite difficult to immediately determine the category of injury and its scale. In the absence of a fracture, but in the presence of an injury to the upper or lower part, the pain is not as pronounced. Despite the painful effect, movement may not be difficult.

In case of fractures, such actions are almost impossible to carry out. In addition to the painful effects on the bone, impacts also injure small blood vessels. Depending on the intensity of exposure, various abrasions may appear on the skin. The main manifestations of a bruise are:

  • Appearance acute pain at the site of injury due to pressure or any physical impact.
  • Various degrees of swelling and redness of the skin and the presence of hematomas are possible.
  • When moving, painful symptoms appear. Pain can appear both at the site of the blow and throughout the face, a manifestation of toothache.
  • The presence of general malaise, a slight increase in body temperature, low tone and weakness throughout the body.

Similar symptoms may appear in other cases of injury, so if you suspect critical consequences of a fall or impact, you should immediately seek medical help.

First aid and treatment

In the absence of serious bone damage, special therapy in in this case No. In fact, you need to visit the doctor once to diagnose the consequences of the blow, and after his recommendations you can go to home treatment. General recommendations during treatment:

  1. For any strong physical impact without critical consequences, it is recommended to apply cold compresses to the sore spot. Their regular use will reduce pain and prevent bleeding of soft tissues, and help relieve swelling.
  2. If in the first days there is constant aching pain, then you can use an anesthetic.
  3. The main condition for rapid relief and recovery is the creation of conditions of complete peace. To do this, you need to use a tight bandage that will help ensure proper fixation. In no case is it recommended to warm up the sore spot, as this will only increase the inflammatory effect.

Possible complications

There are situations when various negative consequences can arise as a result of a bruise. They occur infrequently if the patient strictly follows the doctor’s instructions and maintains speech rest. If the inflammatory processes in the bone are not removed in time, then deformation may occur in the future. In this case, treatment can be significantly extended.

If the affected area was in the area of ​​the masticatory muscles, then as a result of post-traumatic inflammation, the natural mobility of the jaw joints may be disrupted. To avoid the occurrence of varying degrees inflammatory processes gum problems, it is recommended to visit a dentist. This will help you be sure that any negative aspects of tooth loss will be excluded.

A blow to the jaw is considered one of the most painful. One of the most common injuries from a direct blow is to the jaw. Others include dislocations and fractures bone tissue one or both jaws at once. After a blow to the jaw, severe swelling occurs and the face becomes blue. Such injuries do not always result in damage to bone structures, but in any case, compression of soft tissue occurs, that is, a bruise.

Trauma code according to ICD 10

A bruise of the upper jaw rarely occurs on its own, but even with such an exceptional violation, all the manipulations indicated above will be useful. For other bruises, first aid consists of urgently transporting the victim to the clinic. It is especially important not to delay treatment in children. If your baby hits his face, you should seek qualified medical help.

Diagnosis and treatment

It is important to accurately diagnose the damage. Behind the bruise there may be a more serious injury - a dislocation or fracture. At the clinic, the victim is offered to undergo an x-ray examination. If a severe bruise to the jaw was received as a result of an accident, then disorders such as concussion, neurological injuries, etc. cannot be ruled out. In this case, the consequences can be disastrous.

An experienced doctor will distinguish a fracture, dislocation and bruise from other injuries. For example, if there were injuries during the impact, then open wounds from fragments of hard tissue cannot be ruled out. Treating such damage can be difficult. For complicated injuries, soft tissues take longer to heal, and treatment is carried out jointly by an oral surgeon and a dentist.

The duration of the recovery period for a bruise is determined by the nature of the damage. Minor injury within 10-14 days, how long a complicated bruise will heal depends on additional disorders. If the submandibular gland is bruised, surgery may be required to restore glandular activity. Swelling is removed with cold, but how to remove residual swelling and bruises? In this case, thermal procedures, which are prescribed from the 3rd day, will help.

How to treat a jaw bruise

When saving painful sensations seek dental care. There are no problems finding a dentist near your home. If we talk about the capital’s clinics, the choice is so great that you can get confused. There are 10 clinics along Starokachalovskaya Street, on Dm. Boulevard. Donskoy there are 19 dental institutions, at the station. Savelovskaya - more than 20, on Ryazansky Avenue - 24.

If the treatment was carried out in a medical institution, then the patient is sent home to restore the affected jaws at home. To resolve a bruise, ointments are used to disperse the blood. Compresses made from plantain or wormwood leaves help eliminate swelling of the cheeks.

How to treat a jaw bruise with complications? Your doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory and wound-healing agents for home use.

Complications and consequences

If bone tissue damage occurs in the area of ​​the collision, myositis may develop over time. To the consequences of unsuccessful or untimely treatment include inflammatory diseases gums and teeth. Chewing functions may be impaired. Clicking and pathological jaw mobility indicate an undiagnosed dislocation.

Serious consequences of a jaw bruise include:

  • tumor processes;
  • jaw deformities;
  • education purulent infiltrate inside the cheek;
  • contracture of the jaw joint.

In childhood, the possible consequences of a bruise can be of an oncological nature. It is extremely rare, but still there is such a complication of a contusion of the lower jaw as sarcoma.

If we are talking about an ordinary bruise, then complications are rare, and the prognosis for treatment is favorable. By following medical instructions, speech rest and proper diet, the recovery period is reduced and the risk negative consequences is reduced to a minimum.

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