Vegetative symptoms when concussing brain. After how much the brain concussion is manifested. Consequences, complications of a light shape of the brain injury

The concussion of the brain is the diagnosis that doctors are most often put in mechanical damage to the head.

Sharp movements or head blows cause a lung violation of the brain activity, which, fortunately, quickly passes.

Signs of brain concussion - the presence of injury, the head of the head, as a result of which the brain fabric hits the cranial box. During such a concussion, a short-term disorder of ties in the brain occurs, which manifests itself in disability.

Characteristic of the cranial and brain injury and their effect on the appearance of a concussion:

  • The mechanical component of the head damage is that the injury occurs not only from direct impact, but also from the load on the spine (jumping or drops from height to feet, buttocks), as well as sharp movements head. Since the brain is not firmly fixed attached to the walls of the skull, and all the time is in the "floating" condition, then at the time of mechanical injury, the brain strikes the wall of the skull.
  • The biological component is the reaction of the body to the resulting mechanical injury, namely the spasm of the brain vessels, pressure, violation of the full provision of blood, oxygen and energy. By shaking the brain of communication between the hemispheres are a bit broken, and therefore patients experience difficulties in speaking, reading and writing.

If there is a brain injury, symptoms of brain shaking in adults are manifested, which helps in the question of how to determine the concussion of the brain.

So, what they are, the symptoms of the brain shaking in an adult:

  1. The most common symptoms for a typical concussion are headache, which is localized in the navel, nausea, vomit, the patient is spinning the head with a sharp turning of the head.
  2. Also, most of its brain concussion "brings" the loss of consciousness along with itself. This feature can last a few moments, minutes or even hours.
  3. Mental disorders, apathy, light fear, lethargy, fatigue, insomnia or the presence of nightmares.
  4. A sharp expansion or narrowing of pupils.
  5. Redness of the face, unusual unpleasant well-being.
  6. When diagnosing the eyeboard, the expansion or narrowing of veins can be revealed, deviations from the usual state.
  7. Tachycardia, high pressure and excessive selection of sweat in the patient.
  8. Fracture of bones, bleeding and other global biological changes in the brain are absent.
  9. Rarely, but the symptoms of amnesia happen, in which a person may not remember how he was injured.
  10. In a serious degree of concussion there is a convulsion.
  11. Another sign - the temperature by shaking can increase, but slightly.

All these symptoms are the result of tangling ties in the brain, a certain failure in its work, in which it cannot fully function and "restore order" in the human body.

The symptoms of concussion in adults are distinguished by intensity to certain severity:

  • Easy concussion of the brain: the symptoms are weakly expressed, most often the pain is manifested in the place of injury, feeling of nausea and dizziness.
  • The concussion of the brain of the second degree implies more pronounced symptoms, the presence of memory loss. It is also possible to appear bleeding from the nose.
  • The very heavy stage of the concussion of the brain is a strong manifestation of symptoms, loss of consciousness and in rare cases possible.

What to do if there are signs of concussion of the brain?

  1. A concussion of the brain is not an ordinary injury, it is impossible to compare it with a finger cut when cooking food, and therefore the self-treatment and self-diagnosis is not to do what it is not worth it, but it is impossible. The fact is that the brain is a vital body in the body and its health is very important, and normal functioning. Therefore, the first thing to do is cause an ambulance carriage.
  2. In a traumatological point or at a primary inspection, the doctor at home establishes the cause and write the complaints of the patient. The patient is asked to look at different directions, tilt their head to the chest to evaluate pain. It happens that pain from the bruise and bad well-being is not talking about shaking.
  3. If necessary, to identify suspicion to concussion the brain, the patient is sent to the X-ray office to obtain snapshots of the skull. This procedure makes it clear about the presence or absence of fractures that could cause a concussion. If the fracture is found, it means that the concussion automatically goes to the degree of medium or heavy.
  4. The examination of the brain through neurosonography is a procedure for diagnosing a brain shaking of a third severity, which allows you to see the ears, bruises, bleeding in the brain with ultrasound.
  5. You can learn about the pathologies that arose from the impact in the brain can be using computed tomography, which results in a clear image of the state of the skull and brainstant.
  6. About the hemorrhages and inflammatory processes in the brain can in detail to tell the result of the lumbar puncture. This procedure is based on the study of the contents of the brain.
  7. A complete survey of the central nervous system makes it possible to diagnose the patient's condition in general and the presence of hemorrhages in the brain, in particular. This type of research is the most difficult, as a certain equipment and non-critical patient state is required.
  8. Also for the full picture in the patient check the eye bottom, reflexes and light tapping on nervous endings.

A concussion of the brain is very important to diagnose and start treatment in a timely manner, during the doctor's waiting need to provide a patient, bedding, abundant drinking. Bright light and noise can be annoyed, the TV is not desirable or listening to the radio. Brain concussion can not be transferred on the legs, and mental activity is generally contraindicated.

Brain concussion: consequences and complications

  • The consequences of the work of the central system may entail psychological disorders during alcohol intoxication or infectious disease. Such disorders usually rank delirium and vision of hallucinations.
  • Also in people who have undergone a concussion of the brain can develop a migraine or ordinary headache on an ongoing basis, unusual before that pallor and trembling. People with frequent concussions of the brain can arise problems with a concentration, the ability to read, write.
  • Increased emotionality occurs on the soil of the concurrent brain. The concussion of the brain and the consequences such as the attacks of rage, aggression, quick-temperedness, irritability - those concepts that can be safely considered close by the value.
  • Sleep impairment, the emergence of neurological diseases.
  • The development of paranoia, panic and fear without visible reasons.
  • With frequent concussions, people may violate coordination, inconsistency in the movements of the limbs, trembling syndrome, legs and some changes in behavior. Also, the consequences of the concussion can be attributed to the gaps in memory, loss of speech skills and other disorders.

Treatment of brain shake is rarely medicated, except to get rid of symptoms. All potent drugs are accepted according to the appointment of the doctor.

Usually, to improve the quality of life during the reconstruction of patients, use:

  1. The most important thing in the treatment of brain concussion is the compliance of the regime in which there is no place for anxiety and active activity. Sleeping, peace, communication with loved ones, hiking.
  2. In order for the patient to be able to fall asleep to the sleeping preparations in the form of tablets or solutions for intravenous administration.
  3. In people, mental disorders received from concussion, prescribed remedy: Valerian tinctures, Corvalol, mother-in-law and other herbs, teas with mint, chamomile, pills, injections.
  4. And for those who are tormented by unbearable headache, painkillers will be the best medicine, which will make it easier for symptoms and help being in healthy peace.
  5. To maintain and speedy restoration of the brain, a mixture of vascular and nootropic drugs is used. Such drugs are not subject to independent purpose, and they are selected by the doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the body.
  6. Also assistants in the way of resuming brain work will be vitamins and balanced nutrition. Special attention should be paid to nuts, fish, cocoa and eggs - these products contribute to improving the brain.
  7. Another interesting stimulating agent is antioxidants, which will improve the condition of the body.

Treatment and return to the normal flow of life on light degrees of concussion occurs 10 days later, and all the others - as health care caused. The neurological or vascular disease can be difficult for the exit from the hospital, which worsen the process of resuming the brain.

What needs to be done to avoid concussion brain?

  • During active team games or single extreme sports, you should not neglect the protection tools for the head: helmets, helmets and others. Also during the struggle, oversee precautions, both for yourself and for your sparring partner.
  • Try to avoid impacts, remember that the brain is the basis of life activity and it must be preserved as the Zenitsa Oka.
  • In automotive catastrophes, people often receive precious traumas, and therefore it is worth thinking about the widespread fastening of seat belts.
  • In the house, try to avoid buying and placement of furniture or items with sharp corners to avoid possible fall and injury.
  • For the prevention of drops, use a flashlight - this is a reliable way to keep your head on your shoulders.

The concussion of the brain has clearly pronounced symptoms and is subject to immediate examination of the doctor. Signs of brain concussion in adults are distinguished by their similarity with other diseases or simple poor well-being, however, if there was at least the slightest injury to the head, then it is worth checking out for a possible concussion. A concussion of the brain: the consequences can be different and differ in varying degrees of gravity, which means that it is not necessary to joke with this. It is regardless of which concussion of the brain of severity, it requires special attention. So, if at least a few of the symptoms of the shock you see at your own, then do not hesitate with a doctor call or handling a hospital. This justified action will save from complications and destructive consequences.

A concussion of the brain is the easiest severity of the cranial brain injury.

Classification of the cranial and brain injury:

Brain concussion - 80 - 90%
Brain injury - 5 - 12%
Brain compression - 3 - 5%.

For the flow of the cranknogo - brain injury happens:

Easy - concussion of the brain, injured a light degree;
Moderate gravity - the injury of the brain of the middle degree;
Severe - the injury of a severe brain and all types of compression - epidural, subdural, intracerebral, intracelace hematomas.

Causes of brain concussion

Injury can be obtained in everyday life, in the way to work and from work, in production, in road traffic accidents, during sports, when falling during ice, from height when working in the country and so on.

It is possible, for example, to obtain a concussion of the brain, slipping and hitting your head, or in a household quarrel, accompanied by manual design, in fight and rigid sports.

A concussion of the brain occurs with a straight impact or a sharp slowdown of the head movement. This leads to a violation of the brain (loss of consciousness, etc.)

Symptoms of concussion of the brain

As a result of the concussion of the brain arising from a height falling, the fall of heavy items from height per person, a military time barryrav, significant violations of the highest nervous activity in the form of proceedable braking spreading on the bark and a number of underlying departments of the central nervous system. In the future, with the release of various departments of the central nervous system from braking, which begged, there is a violation of the normal dynamic relationships of the bark and subcortical formations, often in the direction of the temporary and significant predominance of subcortex centers over the inhibited crust of large hemispheres: this causes the emergence of various neurological symptoms, Violation of the cortical regulation of vegetative functions.

For concussion, the loss of consciousness and amnesia is characteristic of the brain.

With a mild, there is a short-term or incomplete shutdown of consciousness (somnolence), the average degree (copor) is accompanied by the loss of consciousness within a few hours, with severe (coma) there is a deep and long loss of consciousness. After leaving the unconscious state, patients often observed retrograde amnesia (the victim does not remember the events preceding injury, injury and events immediately after injury), headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting.

The slowdown of the pulse - bradycardia is noted, the appearance of weak meningheal syndrome, an increase in temperature, the instability of blood pressure is possible. In case of examination, a neurologist will see scattered microsymptomatics - possibly light nystagm, a slight asymmetry of tendon reflexes, sometimes pathological signs - more often than the shield (in the position lying on the back when flexing his knee against the applied power - the first finger of the feet, and the rest are revealed by the "fan") Step into the pose of Romberg.

All these phenomena are not resistant. The headache and vegetative dysfunction are longer than the headache and vegetative dysfunction - increased sweating, no appetite, pulse and pressure, asthenia, increased fatigue, drowsiness, mood lability - from irritability to appia.

Survey by concussion

Upon receipt of the injury of the head, even insignificant, in your opinion, you need to refer to the doctor to eliminate the cranial and brain injury or timely treatment in the presence of brain injury. If the loss of consciousness, as a result of injury, you need to immediately cause ambulance. The necessary surveys will be a radiographic study - from the X-ray of the skull and the cervical spine to computed tomography (depending on the detected neurological symptoms), an inspection of the oculist, electroencephalography, an inspection of the neurosurgeon.

Treatment of concussions of the brain

In the treatment of brain concussion, neuroprotectors are used - nootropyl, piracetam at 1200 mg twice a day, cerebrolysis, momasic intravenous, antioxidants - Actovegin, SolkoSeril, Mildronat intravenous, dehydration - diakarb in tablets, vascular therapy - Cavinton, Memoplant, Vitamins B - Neurovitan , Milgamma, Neurorubin, Nordobex, sedatives - Dormiplant, Afobazol, Adaptol. It is not necessary to engage in self-medication because of the possibility of "pecking" a more complex injury, a fracture of the skull, and get a threat to life. Heavier than brain concussion, cranknogo - brain injuries have a delayed period in their clinical picture - "Light gap" - when you feel not bad and you don't want to go to the doctor, and after some time the condition deteriorates sharply. Therefore, it is better to immediately ask for help and in a timely manner and treated.

Complications of concussions of the brain

Complications of brain concussion can be asthenic syndromes, violation of liquorodynamics and the development of traumatic encephalopathy. After the brain concussion, regardless of the severity of the injury, possibly post-traumatic change in personality or constitutional features. This is an increased fatigue, sleep disorders, emotional lability - sharp mood differences, impassional, development of neurosis, anxiety, fears, reduction in memory, attention, scattered. Particularly adverse effects are possible at repeated and (or) untreated concussions of the brain. It is necessary to know about this athletes - boxing, struggle - replete with losses of consciousness. Repeated cranial injuries can lead to traumatic epilepsy.

Consultation of the doctor on the topic of concussion of the brain

Question: Can there be a fracture of the nose bones and not be a concussion of the brain?
Answer: Maybe With insufficiently strong (to obtain a cranial-brain injury), only the bones of the nose with a displacement or without displacement can suffer into the nose area, there will be a hematoma in soft fabrics of the face, nasal puffiness, nose-hazard. He is treated by a otolaryngologist (ENT).

Question: What is a "whip" injury?
Answer: This is an injury obtained with a sharp movement of the head "Forward - back". For example, with a very sharp braking in transport. At the same time, the brain injury is combined with possible injury of cervical vertebrae - from the displacement, sublifting and dislocation to fractures. Therefore, it is necessary for a survey and head and cervical spine.

Question: How long can the brain concussion begins?
Answer: Depending on the severity of the flow - from 10 days to the month. With a mild, there may be an outpatient treatment, with medium and severe severity, hospitalization in the neurosurgical department is shown.

Doctor neurologist Kobzeva S.V.

The manifestation of signs of concussion of the brain is most often fixed in the first hours after injury.. They can be maintained up to 3 days. In some cases, the concussion can appear only on 2-5 days. Sometimes the victim can ignore malaise, since it does not bind it with the previous injury.

It is because of the high risk of shaking after the injury of the head, you need to consult a doctor. Be sure to do this even in the absence of pronounced symptoms.

First signs

Distinctive features at different ages

In various social groups, the concussion is manifested by unequal. What distinguishing symptoms can be identified depending on age?

Breasts (from birth and up to year)

Most often, the concussion is diagnosed when dropping from a changing table, beds or sofas. It happens during the period of active turning and crawling (from 4 to 8 months).

How to recognize a concussion?

  • Long and strong crying.
  • The child vomiting.
  • Failure to eat, jeeping.
  • Capriciousness.
  • Willing sleep, waking up with crying.
  • Skin pallor.
  • No view concentration.
  • Nabulty Spring.

Attention! After injury, the baby is best to show the doctor. The lack of proper treatment can lead to problems with vision, hearing and further physical and emotional development.

We offer to watch an informative video about signs of concussion in infants:

Preschool children

In children, classic symptoms are manifested less expressed. Loss of consciousness is observed extremely rarely. It is important to carefully treat the kid's complaints, asking about the events in kindergarten or walk, especially why sick.

So how long does the signs appear after hitting? After injury, the first signs of concussion of the brain appear instantly:

  1. The skin's pallor is replaced by the redness of the face.
  2. Vomiting.
  3. The movements of pupils are not synchronized.
  4. Nose bleed.
  5. Lack of reaction to stimuli.

Symptoms can not appear immediately, but 2-3 days after impact. At the same time, the kid can complain about headache and dizziness. For any suspicion of the cranial injury, you should contact the doctor.

In adolescents and people older

  1. In this age group, the loss of consciousness is observed much more often. Pronounced amnesia after injury is an explicit signal to appeal to the hospital.
  2. Nausea, vomiting, eye pain, coordination disorders and dizziness are most often fixed by concussion the brain in the first hours after injury.

In the elderly

The diagnosis of concussion in this age group is extremely difficult. After hitting the people of senile age, there is often no sharp deterioration of the state. The victim feels perfectly, remains in consciousness, its reactions are not inhibited.

In some cases, the following first symptoms of the brain can be observed:

  • Noise in the head and ears.
  • Pain when moving chalk
  • Disorientation in space and time.
  • Violation of the convergence act - in the eyes of "bone".

Important: Vascular disorders in the elderly will be burned much more difficult. Head injury can be an impetus to the development of stroke. Older people need hospitalization and observation of doctors.


The victim is strictly shown by peace and bedding. Failure to comply with recommendations entails major consequences: Memory disorders, cognitive disorders, emotional instability. Treatment is aimed at relieving pain, improved blood circulation and restoration of brain functions, but if the patient has a constant vomiting, then how to treat, only the doctor in the hospital solves.

What are prescribed to patients:

  1. Package preparations.
  2. Soothing.
  3. Nootropics and vasotrops.
  4. Vitamins.
  5. Stimulators work nervous system.

Useful video

FMT from all kinds of injuries, perhaps the most common, especially in childhood, when "adults" proportions have not yet been determined, and the head pulls the body down and suffers first. Any blow on the head is perceived as a serious injury, even if at first glance everything is in order. People located next to the fallen kid, immediately begin to look for signs of concussion from the child in order to quickly call "ambulance" if necessary.

The brain shake can be obtained and landed on the buttocks, so the THMT is very often accompanied by other damage to the body (chest, shin, pelvis) and less often are isolated. Here the question is only the authority to save first? But the head is always important, so:

Even a slight brain concussion requires a thorough examination in a hospital in order to determine the real harm to the health and prevention of probable consequences.

Shaking - one of their forms of CMT

Usually, people under shaking brain imply any cranial injury and this, of course, cannot be put in reproach, since all these CMT are the competence of doctors. In medical circles a concussion of the brain is called a lightweight degree of cranial injury, For which focal neurological symptoms are not characteristic, there are no signs of damage to vessels, and functional disorders that have come after injury are reversible. However, given the interest of readers not only to this form of pathology, we will try to stop and explain the essence of those head damage, which in the people it is considered concussion, since everyone interprets this term in its own way and often confuses with the concept of brain injury or intracranial hematoma compression.

As experience shows, each of us may be in a situation where it becomes very important to determine the degree of damage, since it often depends not only the human life, then its quality in the future. The symptoms of the brain shaking are both scarce and very diverse, it all depends on the strength of the impact or strength of the head of this person.

Thus, the concussion of the brain is the result of shaking the soft substance and its impact of a solid cranial box, inside which it is located. In the process of motion of the brain to the bones of the skull cells (their processes) stretch and have a certain discomfort, which affects their functional abilities, which are lost on time.

Doctors have not yet come to a common opinion that actually happens in the head at the moment of impact, so there are several versions of possible events that knock out the work of the central nervous system from the habitual track:

  • Neurons lose touch with each other.
  • Violations in the nervous tissue of the brain occur at the molecular level.
  • The sharp spasming of the vessels of the microcirculatory bed makes it difficult for the nutrition of the brain.
  • Examination of the interaction between the bark and other structures of the brain.
  • Changes in the chemical composition of the cerebrospinal fluid.
  • A short-term increase in intracranial pressure due to physicochemical disorders and colloidal equilibrium disorders.
  • The violation of the movement of the liquor, which, when hit, leaves the brain ventricular cavity and is sent to interventricular spaces.

Which of these hypothesis is correct, probably not to judge us, but it is important that they all converge in one - with a reversible functional disorders occur with CMM, but brain structures do not suffer, morphological changes in them are not marked. The truthfulness of such an approval is also evidenced by the data of computer tomography, which is usually prescribed during the injuries of the head.

Danger can tide at every step

In adults, the concussion of the brain often occurs against the background of alcoholic intoxication: it lost its balance, then the fight was actively involved in a fight, then I got into an accident. Alcohol in such cases becomes a factor that aggravates the condition of the patient and impede early diagnosis, since it simplifies the clinical signs of the main pathology. It is difficult to understand: the inhibition and other manifestations are a consequence of intoxication or indicate the development of the symptoms of the brain concussion. True, there are other options when an adult, quite a sober person receives a CMT in transport, on the road, at work on the circumstances independent of him.

Scuffers are often pursuing children in games and adolescents due to carelessness (slamming by a book or a briefcase on the head, other fun) or reassessing opportunities when conducting leisure, after all, it's so you want to show an adult delete, seeded to the "iron horse" or jumping along the roofs and fences.

Meanwhile, I want to remind you that the concussion can be without impact. The sharp braking of the vehicle or attempt to keep the balance in the winter ice, sometimes ends with a known diagnosis.

Everyone knows that there are no cases of obtaining CMT and injury from other parts of the body among those whose "Sport is life." Chess are not pulled out an athletic figure and do not add physical strength, but "a person is committed to excellence," therefore he is searching for new sports exercises, borrowing them from the overseas peers. What it can turn out - hereinafter.

Signs of concussion of the brain in a child who already knows how to speak and knows his "I", practically no different from those in adults. And here recognize the symptoms of brain concussion in infants is very difficult even a health worker, If he is not a children's neurologist, so if this pathology is suspected, parents are better not to try to take responsibility and independently diagnose. The baby should immediately show a doctor who is able to distinguish the normal behavior of the kid from the behavior of a sick child.

How to recognize the concussion of the brain in young children?

In general, the shaking of the brain in the infants - the phenomenon is quite rare, they are all so soft and elastic that the risk of getting a concussion is quite small, and as the saying says: "The child falls - God straw straw." However, it is not necessary to relax unnecessarily yet, parents must be constantly alert and know the main signs of concussion of the brain in a child:

  1. Frequent jigging, rejection of food, which, however, can be caused by other reasons (intestinal colic, change in weather, ORVI).
  2. Increased excitability, concern or, on the contrary, lethargy and drowsiness also says a lot.
  3. Twitching the muscles of the limbs.
  4. Unnatural pallor or redness of the face.

Especially it should be paid to the appearance of unusual signs, if the child hit his head on the eve. More often, this happens with children who have learned to turn over, sit and crawl, but the sense of danger has not yet purchased. For such an e-eye, it is necessary for such an eye, but the symptoms of the concussion is already greater than that of very small, for example:

  • The child struck, paused, and then he began to cry bitterly (perhaps he lost consciousness for a few seconds).
  • Such "big" children is easier to distinguish vomiting from jerking and notice a sleep disturbance, since the time of games and wakefulness has lengthened.

In short, with children, who came out of the newborn condition, somehow can be "arranged" and understand the cause of concern.

Unfortunately, there are often cases when the appeal to the doctor is postponed or completely canceled, the time passes and everything seems to be normalized, but harm to health caused, seemingly minor impact, can be essential, and the consequences are lowered:

  1. Intensive headaches after concussing the brain, which occurred many years ago, can torment all their lives.
  2. Disorder of thinking processes, poor learning school program.
  3. Convulsive syndrome.

Clinical picture of lightweight cranial injury

Symptoms of CMT are not always present together and give a bright clinical picture. In general, the symptoms of brain concussion depend on the severity of the state and manifest themselves:

Considering that such a diagnosis, as a concussion of the brain, is in itself the first and easiest degree of serious pathology, united by the overall name "Card-brain injury", then in modern classification it is not provided for dividing this form in terms of gravity separately. However, it can be agreed that not all blows and bruises proceed the same, so there are some kind of varieties, allowing to determine and convey (rather, orally) the degree of damage than other times doctors use and quite often patients:

  1. Easy concussion of the brain It costs without loss of consciousness and amnesia, signs of disadvantage in the head (inhibition, nausea, severe headache) usually pass for a quarter of an hour.
  2. With 2 degrees Loss of consciousness, as a rule, is missing, but stupidness, memory loss and other symptoms take place.
  3. For severe degree A concussion can also be characterized by loss of memory, and loss of consciousness in combination with the entire set of objective clinical manifestations of pathology, because the complaints of the patient can only make it possible to return to real life (restoration of consciousness).

Harm to health, applied, may be significant and depends on what injury a person got: a slight brain concussion in an adult at a timely rendered first aid and adequate further treatment can pass and forget. However, it only seems. The attacks after concussion - the phenomenon is common and explained, but the patient itself these events rarely binds each other, considering that too much time has passed. As for the injury of the brain, then, depending on the degree of severity, he can leave the most serious consequences.

What consequences can be expected from the THMT?

Why, when collecting anamnesis, to establish any diagnosis that is not related to the brain, the doctor never forgets to ask for the presence in the past of cranial injuries? And all because the CHMT in any form and severity is often giving far-reaching consequences:

The consequences of any forms of CMT, even the easiest, can be very serious, so know what to do with a shock of the brain, be able to provide first help to every person.

Lay out and watch and wait

It is unlikely that the affected in the state of inhibition can quickly navigate and independently assess the situation. It should be noted that the first SMT symptoms and in the case of shaking, and in the case of a brain injury or may be identical, so the first aid in the situation arising is to observe the behavior of the patient, which must be laid, since excessive activity can bring additional harm to health.

What to do when concussing the brain? For this It is necessary to have confidence that it is still a shaking, and not the other, heavier, Form CMT, Therefore, with the slightest signs of the cranial and brain injury (the clinic is described above), a person should show a doctor. If the accident occurred at home, the patient consciousness did not lose, the condition was not changed for half an hour and is estimated as well as satisfactory, then you should contact a neurologist at the place of residence. Unfortunately, often patients are all descending "on the brakes" and do not turn anywhere, and then they are surprised where undue headaches come from? After the brain concussion, of course, which was not diagnosed on time.
Loss of consciousness or its absence, nausea and vomiting, deterioration, Which initially no particular concern caused - alarming symptoms that require immediate intervention of medicine. Such patients need hospitalization, but do not need to try to transport the patient on their own, if there is no acute need (lack of means of communication, a remote area). Meanwhile, having decided on self-transport, if there is no other output, it should be borne in mind that the affected, in addition to the head, other organs may be damaged (spine, for example), so all actions should be as small as possible, but fast.

It should not be offered to man a medicine on his or (even worse) his discretion if he is conscious. It is necessary to simply put the patient, to provide first help, call the "urgent" and wait for her arrival.

The actions of a random witness of the incident and trying to somehow help should look like this:

  1. Gently put in a horizontal position, but if a person is in an unconscious state, then during injury of the head can not be excluded vomiting, so the patient is better to flip on the right barrel, bent the hand and leg on the left side.
  2. Unbutton the collar, weaken the tie, in general, remove unnecessary accessories and give the victim to breathe freely.
  3. Put the cold on the bruised place, handle wounds, make dressings, stop blood.
  4. Follow the pulse (frequency, filling, voltage) and arterial pressure, if there is such an opportunity.
  5. In the event of a respiratory stop, proceed to the implementation (artificial respiration, indirect heart massage).

Unfortunately, life is full of surprises, sometimes very unpleasant, and situations in which sometimes brain concussion may be so different ....

Diagnosis and treatment - hospital problem

As a rule, a neurologist will suspect a Majt degree, that is, the concussion of the brain, even 2-3 signs.

However, to correctly treat the patient, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis by conducting a number of studies:

  • Craniography (survey R-graphs of the skull) to eliminate fractures of the bones of the skull;
  • Study of blood vessels of the eyeboard (consultation of an ophthalmologist);
  • Lumbal (spinal) puncture to study the composition of the cerebrospinal fluid;
  • or ;

In the hospital, the patient is mainly in order to observe him, where he is carried out preventive and symptomatic treatment:

In the hospital, the victim, if everything is safe and cost only a concussion, will spend about a week, but this does not mean that all questions are closed, and he can consider himself completely healthy. For a whole year, he will be observed at the neurologist, visiting the clinic every quarter and receiving a treatment that the doctor will appoint.

In this way, treat the concussion of the brain on their own, take some medicine is not recommended, Moreover, it is often sick, reacting to all external influences (people's voices, light, etc.), even more annoying, lose their ability to correctly assess their condition. They negatively relate to hospitalization and believe that they themselves know how to better cope with an unexpected problem. This should take into account relatives or people by the will of the case found nearby.

Brain Break and Other CMT

At the beginning of the article it was noted that not all CHMT - concussion of the brain, but all shocked - the cranial and brain injury. What does it mean? People often range to the concept of "concussion of the brain" all injuries, including bruises, brain compression, intracranial hematoma. Card-brain injury is a collective term. At first, except for shaking, the brain structures can be damaged, the brain-brain nerves, the paths on which the cerebrospinal fluid moves, as well as the blood vessels with blood and oxygen.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that a dangerous for the victim may be not only a blow to the brain, when the brain is damaged at the place of the application, but also shutdown from fluctuating the liquor or from the impact on the process of a solid cerebral shell. Thus, not only large hemispheres can be affected, but also a trunk, in which the centers responsible for the activities of many of the most important organs and systems are localized, and the exchange processes will violate. To help the reader correctly assess the situation and navigate in such diagnoses if necessary, we will try to briefly stay on other CMT:

  • Brain injury Which, unlike concussion, in addition to the general-selling symptoms, gives local and focal symptoms depending on the location of the bruise. The brain injury has 3 degrees of gravity, affected by light and medium degree sent to the separation of the neurosurgical profile, and with 3 degrees are subject to hospitalization in hospitals having intensive therapy, resuscitation and neurosurgery.
  • Brain compression, As a rule, arises against the background of severe branch of the GM and is usually a consequence of the formation of intracranial hematoma. It is manifested by psychomotor excitation, an increase in general-selling symptoms, the development of convulsive syndrome.
  • Intracranial hematoma Requires urgently surgery in the neurosurgery department. She can show himself some time after the injury why apparently at first glance welfare after the CMT actually does not give grounds for calm. It is this symptom called light gapThese are important and insidious signs of hematoma, and its underestimation is fraught with the development of affected consequences.

Of course, the therapeutic approach to the states of this kind is noticeably different from the treatment of concussion of the brain:

The victim requires not only emergency hospitalization, but also the immediate start of all activities, including surgery, if the intracranial hematoma is diagnosed, which is capable of "fooling" and others, and the doctor who arrived an ambulance brigade.

Often misleading introduces a light gap that comes immediately after injury (The man came to himself and claims that he has a normal well-being). The thing is that the post-traumatic intracranial hematoma can at the initial stage leak without special suffering of the brain, especially if the source of bleeding is venous (when bleeding from the arterial vessel, the light gap lasts a minute). Intensive growth of symptoms of disturbances of respiratory and vascular activity, the development of mental disorders,from nizhenization of heart rate against the background of an increase in blood pressure increases suspicions in favor of intracranial hematoma, so the patient cannot be left without hospitalization.

typical hemorrhage zones and hematomas due to head injuries, or

Card-brain injury - the phenomenon in our life frequent, because there are so many dangers. Often it is limited to an easy degree - a concussion of the brain, which, however, does not allow to relax. It is always necessary to keep in mind the possibility of harsh damage and the development of serious complications. Ignorance and underestimation of the entire Cwerndom of CMT can be a tragic mistake who interrupted someone's life, so in all cases the injuries of the patient should not be left without attention, even if he confidently argues that he is all right.

Not everyone knows which symptoms arise when concussing the brain in adults, and sometimes such knowledge can save from serious complications and even save their lives.

A concussion is called an injury that is not accompanied by damage to the nervous tissue. It occurs when the head is hit (drop from the height, a blow of a hard object, whining). At the same time, if the impact force is insufficient for organic brain damage, but functional disorders are developing.

In the mechanism for the development of the effects of injury, molecular disorders, micro-damage fabrics, violation of the transport of water and salts in the nervous tissue. All these pathologies are reversible, especially if medical assistance was provided in a timely manner. The injury is manifested by general-selling disorders.

Diagnosis, no changes are detected - there are no volume formations, hematomas, displacement or brain edema.

Similar results give the basis to classify injury as more serious. At the same time, the patient's well-being suffers, and strongly strongly.

Due to the features of symptoms, the brain concussion often remains without proper treatment, and due to the lack of visible injuries, the injury is perceived as a non-serious and not requiring treatment for medical care. It is important to remember that the diagnosis of the doctor can only put "hot pursuit", for the first two days. If you ask for help later, the diagnostic measures will be less effective. This is especially important if you need to establish the fact of a fight, an intentional strike on the head, production injury or safety disruption.

What kind of symptoms can you find out?

For the concussion of the brain, common-in-country symptoms are characterized - reduced performance, general ailment, irritability from bright light and loud sound, drowsiness, fatigue. Possible memory disorders relating to short time intervals before or immediately after injury.

The most typical set of symptoms is headache, nausea and vomiting. They may occur immediately after injury or within 1-2 hours after it. In this case, the effectiveness of the anesthetic drugs is quite low - the headache is preserved despite the reception of the tablets. Nausea is enhanced after meals and in transport.

Signs of brain shell irritation - light and sounding, coordination disorders. The patient has a breakdown, orientation in space, drowsiness appears. The mental activity is reduced - the patient cannot fulfill complex mental tasks, it is not always able to get to the house independently.

Memory disorders are manifested by two types of disorders - retrograde and anterograde amnesia.

Retrograde amnesia is called the loss of memory for events immediately before the injury - the patient cannot remember how the concussion received, sometimes not able to recall the fact of injury. Anterograd amnesia by shaking is rare. This is a loss of memory for events that happened after injury. As a rule, such a period lasts long - no more than a day. Sometimes there is a mixed form of amnesia.

The patient may have emotional disorders - irritability, depression, whims. If the patient goes to bed, then sleep will be alarming, with frequent awakening. A stupor is possible - the patient with the receipt reacts to the external stimuli, difficulties arise with the assessment of the situation and decision-making.

Neurological symptoms:

  • Pallor or redness of the skin.
  • Hand shake.
  • The narrowing of pupils.
  • Sweating.
  • Nistagm when assuming the eye to the side.

The expiration of the liquor from the ears or nose, loss of sensitivity in certain areas of the body or other focal symptoms is signs of brain bruises or subdural hematoma.

Severity of concussion and their signs

Allocation of several degrees of concussion - a controversial issue. Some experts consider it superfluous and allocate only one degree of concussion.

Others indicate the need to allocate three varieties depending on the severity of violations and further consequences:

  • Easy concussion (1 degree) is manifested only by the main signs of injury - headache, fatigue, nausea. Emotional disorders and lights are possible, a slight tremor hand. If the patient is located at the same time, these signs pass within an hour. Memory and consciousness remain unchanged, drowsiness is expressed moderately or no completely.
  • The average degree is manifested by neurological symptoms, sleep disorders and appetite, light-and-thease, intensity. It is possible to loss of memory, most often - retrograde. Attention is impaired, the patient is not able to concentrate on the task. Perhaps temporary impairment of vision or hearing. In this case, the patient is conscious.
  • The main feature of a heavy brain concussion is. They can last from a few seconds to 6 hours. The severity of neurological symptoms is different - from moderate to strong. Retrograde or anterograde amnesia may be present, the mental performance is sharply reduced. Loss of consciousness more than 6 hours - a sign of brain bruise. In practice, the temporary criterion is not used as determining, since in 6 hours there may be irreversible changes in the nervous tissue.

How to render first assistance to the victim?

Properly rendered assistance helps to avoid remote consequences of concussion, as well as contribute to the most rapid recovery of the patient.

The most important thing is what you need to remember those who turned out to be next to the victims - the patient is not always able to adequately assess the damage, it can be addicted to them or exaggerate, and this does not intentionally. Some patients even deny the fact of injury, because they do not remember it.

Rules for assistance:

  • The first thing to be done is to inspect the victim for various injuries, special attention is paid to the head, face and neck. Injuries in this area indicate that violations of the brain functions may be more serious than it seems at first glance. Fractures of the bones of the person except the lower jaw say that the brain injury is likely. It should be accepted with the patient, ask him questions and follow his reaction. These signs are approximately indicated by the severity of the state.
  • If there is at least one sign of injury - headache, nausea or vomiting after hitting the head - the patient needs medical care. If the patient is able to get to the hospital, it should be left there (send the victim for help one can not - on the way it can be worse). If not - you need to call an ambulance.
  • Before the arrival of the medical team of the patient, it is necessary to put in a convenient position on the bed or any smooth surface. Under the head there should be a pillow, fresh air access is needed - you need to unbutton interfering clothes, if there is no possibility to bring the patient to the street - open the windows.
  • If the patient is unconscious, it must be put on the side. The hand and leg from the opposite side should be bent and not to give the patient to turn over the stomach. (If you put on the right side, the left leg and left hand). It is not necessary to move it, especially if there are other injuries besides hitting the head.
  • Regardless of the patient's condition, you need to process the antiseptic of wounds on your head and face. If there is bleeding - you need to stop it.
  • With the patient you need tojanno talk, follow his reaction, if he is unconscious - behind the pulse and breathing. If light and sound cause irritation - you need to drain the curtains indoors or cover the patient's face with a cloth, avoid loud sounds.

After the arrival of experts, it is necessary to describe in detail all the well-known circumstances of the injury and the peculiarities of the patient's well-being. Most likely, the doctor will offer hospitalization - no need to refuse her, even if the patient claims that he feels well.

What tests and surveys need to go through?

The patient's hospitalization is necessary for a full-fledged study. As a rule, for this you have to lie down in the hospital about a day. The patient is prescribed a skull radiography, blood tests (general and biochemical) and cerebral fluid.

If they do not reveal any changes in the brain, but the general and neurological examination indicates disruption of the function of the nervous system, the patient is diagnosed with a brain. Further medicinal tactics depends on the severity of the state.

Neurological signs for which the doctor is focused when diagnosing is oriented:

  1. The phenomenon of Gurevich (in the standing position, the patient can not look up or down, not falling towards the view).
  2. Asymmetry of the Mimici.
  3. Instability in the pose of romberg (in position standing hands stretched forward, eyes closed).
  4. Reducing the chin muscles in response to touching the high-finger elevation.

These signs may not be present or being expressed weakly. It should be noted that some healthy people with coordination disorders combined with severe stress can be revealed to similar results.

Features of therapy - hospital and home treatment

After the survey, the hospitalization period depends on the severity of the patient's condition. In easy cases, there is enough day under the supervision of a doctor, and then the patient is treated outpatient. By shaking medium and serious degree, hospitalization is required to the neurological department. In any case, the patient is assumed to a hospital leaf for two weeks or more.

The patient requires complete peace and semi-noar (and in the first 2-3 days - bedding) mode. A strict diet is prescribed with the exception of all products capable of excite the nervous system (caffeine, tannin, carbonated water). Physical activity is limited. If there are signs of the lights, you need to drain the curtains and avoid loud sounds. Visual load is not recommended (reading, working at a computer, watching TV).

Soothing means are prescribed from drugs (Valerian, dyeing, if necessary, Afobazole), painkillers, nootropic agents. If there is a dizziness, prescribe medications for its removal (betagistic), with sleep problems - small doses of sleeping pills. In the later stages of treatment, it is permissible to use stimulating agents - Eleutherococcus.

With a lightweight, all the necessary conditions can be provided at home, periodically visiting the clinic, and in the early stages - causing a doctor to the house.

With the average and severe degree of concussion, there is a risk of developing complications - seizures, falling blood pressure, re-loss of consciousness, so you need to observe the doctor before stabilizing the state.

For more information about the concussion of the brain, you can learn from the video:

Restrictions - what should not be done?

To avoid concussion, a number of restrictions should be observed.

  1. Immediately after injury, it is impossible to fall asleep, you can easily move, especially alone to get to the hospital, eat and drink (you can make a few sips of water), take any medication before they will write their doctor.
  2. Over the next few days, depending on the severity of the state, physical exercises cannot be performed (activity should be strictly limited), to use exciting substances (coffee, alcohol, strong tea, energy), drink gashed water (including mineral), smoking.
  3. The visual load is contraindicated - you can not read, watch TV and work at the computer. Under the ban, loud music and other stimuli.

After discharge from the hospital, the hospital leaf is assumed and the foundation of the house. At the same time, the visual and physical exertion is strictly limited, retains its relevance of the diet. Smoking and alcohol is strictly banned. The expansion of the mode occurs gradually.

Nearest and remote consequences

The consequences of concussion are combined under the name of the post-commercial syndrome. It includes a number of pathological conditions - insomnia, repeating headaches, worsening memory and attention, reducing mental performance.

Some patients celebrate rumor or vision after injury. Such syndrome is manifested for 10-20 days after a shock. Also among early processes, the development of coma, encephalitis, epileptic foci. If complications are left without treatment, they carry a threat to life.

Among the remote consequences that can develop within a month after injury -, emotional disorder, reduced intellect, persistent. Characteristic violations in the work of the vestibular apparatus are the appearance of disease and equilibrium disease. Gait can change, break the coordination of movements.