Brown candles. The magical meaning of the candle color is NameWoman. A candle can help you achieve your plans

Candle therapy is a simple system, like everything ingenious that has been tested for centuries: a burning candle, fragrant essential oils and smoking incense. Plus the limitless powers of the person himself - his mind, will, wave radiation of the body and spirit. It is important to be able to apply them correctly.

Color of candles and their purpose:

White- Purity, purification, protection. Any goals
Black- Revenge, curses, damage, love spell at any cost, getting rid of negative emotions.
Red- Love, happiness, improvement of health, expulsion of evil, improvement of fate. Passion and creativity.
Pink- Love, friendship, happiness
Orange- Attracting sympathy, success. Work, career.
Yellow- Predictions, fortune telling, removing obstacles and everything that brings misfortune. Intelligence.
Green- Prosperity, material well-being, rebirth, good luck. Money, healing.
Blue- Development and strengthening of parapsychic abilities
Blue- Fighting fear, protection from otherworldly forces. Calmness, wisdom
Purple- Strengthening fortitude, treatment of serious illnesses, magic. Spirituality.
Purple- Contact with otherworldly forces, achieving power, overcoming something.
Brown- Treatment of pets, all housing problems.


You can use a white candle in the same cases as church candles.

1. Cleansing the chakras. Near each chakra on four sides (except for 1 and 7 - here once each) cross-shaped movements are made, reading “Our Father...”.

2. Burning out negative energy from the diseased organ. The actions described above are performed around a specific organ.

3. Cleaning the premises. First, counterclockwise, then clockwise, they walk around the entire perimeter of the room, reading prayers.

4. Cleansing from negative thoughts. You need to look at the candle flame and ask for forgiveness from yourself, from those who were offended and from those who offended you.


Red is the color of blood, and, accordingly, of life and existence, courage, health, sporting achievements and success in general.
Red excites nervous system, causes increased breathing, stimulates muscle function. Represents desires and aspirations - to win, conquer, achieve success in life.

1. Used in exorcism (preferably red church ones)

2. Cleansing from the forces of evil. Negative entities are annealed from the energy field.

3. Cleaning the premises. A red candle is placed in the center of each room. Let it burn to the end. It is better to keep the windows open at this time.

4. To restore strength in case of fatigue and exhaustion. You need to look at the flame of the red candle, trying not to think about anything.

5. B love magic used during rituals and ceremonies.

6. In the treatment of hypotension, impotence and frigidity, depression and melancholy, sluggishness of the digestive organs, to enhance liver activity and stimulate the formation of hemoglobin.


Pink is a mixture of red and white, turning material red into the color of friendship, love, and anticipation of changes in your personal life.

1. Ritual of attracting friendship.
On the candle from the wick to the base in a spiral, in any magical alphabet, you write the name + name - an odd number of times and light the candle. Looking at the fire, you see the desired event has already happened.
Work an odd number of days until the candle burns out.

2. Sex magic ritual.
From svadhisthana, manipura, anahata, vishuddhi and ajna, it is necessary to release pink channels to the top of the candle light (reinforced by the element of fire and pink color) in the object on the same chakras with the necessary settings for each channel. Work 3-5-7 days.

3.Ritual of happiness.
Write what you want on paper, indicating their names, and place the paper under the candle. Look at the candle and mentally see what you want.
After the candle burns out, burn the paper and send it “downwind.”


On my own Orange color- joyful and optimistic.

1. Ritual of increasing calls for people working on a home phone.
A rune paper talisman is placed under the phone to attract cash clients.
Write the runes ANSUTS and FEHU on the candle in a spiral an odd number of times. Light a candle for at least 15 minutes a day, meditating on calls from money clients.

2.Building friendships and business relationships at work.
Write your name on one candle and your name on the other the right person(start writing from the wick side).
Place the candles at a distance of 10-12 cm from each other.
For 7 days, meditate on the desired situation, looking at the flame of a candle. Every next day, move the candles closer to each other. On the last day, write what you want on paper and place it under candles standing close to each other. When the candles burn out, burn the paper and let it go “into the wind.”


It is also the color of intellectual development, fortune telling, and prediction.

1. Light for fortune telling.

2. For depression, bad mood.
Light a candle and, looking at the fire, mentally release all negative thoughts and feelings from yourself and try to see them burn out - work until a positive result.


A green candle is traditionally used to attract material well-being and healing.

1.Healing. When treating, use a green candle.

2.Ritual to attract money.
Light a green candle. On paper, write a wish list indicating the price (preferably no more than 3 wishes) and the total amount. Read the list out loud three times while looking at the candle flame. Burn this list, saying as the paper burns out:
Let it be so!
So it will be! For my benefit and without harm to others!

Throw the ashes into the wind or carry them in a bag in your wallet.


We can see blue when looking at the sky on a clear day. This color, which is a mixture of white and blue, has characteristics of both. This is the color of a calm, uniform, fuss-free desire for knowledge of the unknown.

1. It’s good to look at the flame of a blue candle for calm.


Blue color represents peace, equal relationships, sensitivity, receptivity, the desire to achieve integrity.
This is a symbol calm waters and the evening sky, guardian of calm and mystery.

1. Constant burning of a blue candle helps recovery from serious illnesses.

2. Light candles in the house of the dead. 2 hours of burning “drives away” guests for 10 hours, and 1 month - they will leave completely.


It is a mixture of red and blue, respectively, contains the characteristics of both colors, nevertheless carrying its own meaning. The pressure of red and the calmness and pliability of blue give birth in this light to something incompatible, mystical, magical.
The color of intuition and understanding of the essence of things.
The color of completely erasing the boundaries between worlds, a magical performance in which you create magic.

1. Treatment of serious diseases.

2. Fortune telling by candles.


1.Contact with otherworldly forces.

2. Achieving power with the help of other forces.


Emotionally, it is a very calm color that carries virtually nothing in itself. Unrefined wax candles are brown.

1.Crude wax candles - lit for brownies.
Place a bowl of milk nearby and place a slice of freshly baked bread or a fresh flatbread on a clean napkin.
You need to loudly call the person you are addressing three times and, after offering a treat, express your request for help.

2. When animals are sick.


Black is the darkest of colors and can also be perceived as the negation of color.
It is the opposite of white.

1.To punish evil.
Calm your feelings and thoughts, look into the flame, imagine the face, the figure of the one who will be punished. Then repeat to yourself what he is guilty of and demand justice.


Gray is the color of incompleteness and understatement, midway between white and black. Having no pronounced characteristics of either one or the other, it is most often perceived negatively. Creates a feeling of unoriginality and boredom.

Often, sitting by the fire, we feel like life problems and troubles recede, appears peace of mind, balance. But if it is not possible to sit by the fire or fireplace, then you can always light a candle.

The candle contains enormous positive power. Light it up, share your worries, tell about your mistakes and sins. A small light will help cope with the consequences of quarrels and conflicts, restore mental strength and harmony with the world around you.

The cleansing properties of fire can be used to solve such mental problems. The soul will be cleansed - it will be easier for the body.


  • It is best to do meditation in the evening, in a dark or semi-dark cozy room.
  • A lit candle should be placed at eye level or slightly higher, the distance from the face should be from 0.5 to 1 meter.
  • After the exercise, be sure to give your eyes a rest.

The magic of candles: let grievances and fatigue burn to the ground

The candle will help cleanse the body of all the negative things that have accumulated throughout the day. Take a natural wax candle. Preferably from churches. Be sure to be alone and don’t let your family disturb you. Ventilate the room.

  • Now sit down comfortably. Calm down, enter a special state when your body relaxes. Keep your head and back straight. Calmly, without straining your eyes, observe the vibrations of the flame.
  • The head should be free from obsessive thoughts. Try not to think about anything extraneous. Just watch, nothing can interfere with your activity. If it’s hard to remove all thoughts at once, then think about the flame of a candle, watch how the light plays, deviating first to the left, then to the right, sometimes without moving.
  • Let the warmth of the flame penetrate the body, spread throughout it, and warm it. Soon you will notice that the candle begins to crackle and smoke. This is your fatigue, irritation and accumulated grievances. If the sadness passes, the pain will also pass, not allowing the disease to enter the body. Do you feel how the tension goes away, your soul becomes calmer and lighter? Balance and love of life returns again.


  • It is strictly forbidden to engage in meditation through force!
  • Lit candles must be supervised!

The magic of candle color

It is believed that medicinal and magical properties candles change depending on the color of the wax. After all, each color carries a certain symbolism and energy. Therefore, to fulfill our desires and goals, we need to choose the right candles.

  • A white candle provides cleansing and protection. It is recommended to light them when there are too many ill-wishers around. Or you yourself, in the heat of the moment, did something for which you sincerely repent. Just light a white candle, contemplate its flame, imagine that everything in it that interferes with life is burning.
  • A red candle will provide an influx vitality and will give you health. This is the color of blood and life. If you feel tired and unwell, or you just have important work ahead of you, sit in a comfortable chair, relax and just look at the flame, allowing yourself not to think about anything. Such a rest will quickly restore lost energy. The red candle is also used for love practices.
  • Blue is the color of healing. A blue candle can be placed in the room of a seriously ill person. Restoration of strength will go faster with continuous burning of the candle.
  • Blue and silver candles are lit to establish peace and harmony in the home. And to cure a sore throat, toothache and migraine.
  • Green color in candle magic helps in healing practices. Green candles relieve tension, provide calmness, give a feeling of peace and harmony, and reduce blood pressure. They meditate on them if they want to attract abundance.
  • Yellow and gold candles will fill you with the energy of joy, good luck and creativity. Yellow- a good antidepressant. Such suppositories treat inflammation and diseases caused by stress.

Burn the housee negative

Our home, room, place where we live and relax, requires special attention and worries. Washing floors and beating carpets is certainly a necessary procedure, but now we are not talking about physical dust, but about energy pollution.

They come to every house different people, With different moods. Sometimes accumulated negative energy does not make the owners feel comfortable. If you feel that something wrong is going on, that without obvious reasons relations between households are about to erupt into a scandal, that after a visit from a stranger, everything falls out of your hands - know that your house urgently needs to be cleaned.

With a lit candle, walk around the apartment, visit all the household and utility rooms. Start your path from front door, then make movements clockwise.

In the place where the candle will crack, it is important to pause and move it clockwise until the cracking stops.

In addition, this method can be used to clean shoes and clothes from negative deposits.

After the first time of using candle magic, you will notice a difference in the atmosphere, tension will decrease, problems will resolve themselves. It is also useful to carry out this procedure for those who have moved to new apartment where strangers lived.

The conversation is worth the candle

Wax candles are lit not only for a romantic date, but also for business communication. The number of candles and the state of the flame helps to influence the course of the conversation and better understand your partner, business or love.

  • During a business or friendly meeting, the purpose of which is agreement, the desire to agree on some issues, place only one candle on the table. Fire is a symbol of the hearth around which people have gathered since time immemorial. One candle is the fire of one tribe, it unites and unites.
  • For a romantic conversation between a man and a woman or a meeting where you need to “probe” the interlocutor, light two candles. The purpose of such a conversation is to get to know the person, “get inside,” and conquer. Two candles are two camps of two “tribes”. They form a straight line, an obstacle that must be overcome. The candles burn out and the barrier decreases. Catch the moment when she sinks very low and increase the impact on your partner - say a compliment, give a gift.


  • Whose candle burns out faster will have stronger emotions.
  • Whose candle goes out before it burns out is irritated or tired.

Candle magic and color magic are two simple yet powerful forms of magic. Each color carries a different energetic frequency. In the spell, the energy of flowers is used to attract certain energies according to the principle of sympathetic magic.

For rituals, you can use purchased candles or make them yourself. I order very beautiful colored candles on Aliexpress.

The most common candle colors and their uses:


It is the color of purity and new beginnings. Use a white candle for rituals related to healing, new beginnings and spiritual growth. White candles are also associated with prayer, remembrance and devotion. White can be substituted for any other colored candle when that color is not available.


A strong, expelling color, it is associated with transition and rest. Light a black candle to absorb negativity and get rid of bad habit or mark the end of a phase in your life. Many protection spells include a black candle.


The color red represents love, strength, sex and vitality. A red candle attracts these qualities to you and helps in any spell that requires strong, fiery energy. A red candle is often used in combination with a black one. To drive out negativity, light a black one, and then use red to attract fresh energy.


The color blue helps to invoke peace and patience of the water element. The color blue carries a gentle yet powerful energy. If you want to achieve truth and justice, choose a blue candle. It is also suitable for spells related to emotional healing. The very spiritual blue color will help awaken and heal the psyche.


Yellow is associated with the element of Air and the powers of the mind. Light a yellow candle for success in school or art, to improve relationships. Yellow color also enhances intuition. Yellow candles– This is an excellent choice for business spells. If you need fresh ideas and inspiration, perform a ritual with yellow candles.


Green is the color of money magic and symbolizes growth in every sense. Green candle attracts abundance and earthly well-being. Use for prosperity, health and work with Nature. Green color also a good choice for spells related to luck.


The vibrant shade of orange evokes ambition and creativity. Orange candles are well suited for a career, or for any rituals to assert one’s strength and individuality.


This is the color of mystery and magic, purple associated with mental issues. Use a purple candle for predictions, astral travel and to strengthen your connection with the unseen realms. Historically the color of royalty, purple is also suitable for magic associated with wishes, ambition, power and authority.


Pink is the color of emotional well-being, sensuality and matters of the heart. Choose a pink candle when you want to attract compassion and love to yourself or others. Forgiveness and reconciliation spells also require the color soft pink.


Halfway between white and black, gray is the color of neutrality and balance. A gray candle can be used in protective magick when you want to neutralize negative energy that may be directed at you. Also used to gain insight and wisdom.


Calming, cleansing energy blue color Used for healing spells as well as to dispel anger. Light blue evokes the calming properties of the water element, without its deeper, more dangerous properties. The color of daylight is light blue, also good for seeking truth.


Turquoise is the color of the sea. It carries the calming, healing qualities of light blue. Turquoise also stimulates creativity and the spirit of exploration. Turquoise candles are sometimes used to connect with Ondines and Fairy water.


Lavender combines the innocence of white with the spirituality and passion of purple. Lavender lavender candles are used for love, intimacy and friendship spells.


This color is similar in meaning to white, but with a tint of earthy brown. Ivory is good for working with full moon, dedications, or any time you need an alternative to bright white. Since this color corresponds to pearls, it is also used to attract luxury and abundance.

Light green

Light green is used to evoke the lighter qualities of the earth element - good luck, prosperity and celebration.


Purple, dark pink candles take on the loving energy of pink and push it upward. While pink candles convey compassion and tenderness, strong pink hues convey passion. Use the purple candle for spells related to increasing sexual confidence and for flirting. They are also used to attract a lover.


Brown is the color of the earth. It is used to achieve emotional stability, balance and build confidence.

Ruby (Burgundy)

This hair color is full of expression, chic, boldness and sophistication. Rituals on it help bring your passionate desires to life.


Silver is associated with the Moon, psychic sensitivity, dreaming, love, rest and healing. On a Wiccan altar, a silver candle is often used to represent the Goddess.


Gold corresponds to the Sun, wealth, confidence, willpower, generosity and optimism. A golden candle can be used to represent God. A gray or white candle can be replaced with silver, but there is no substitute for the attractive shine of gold.

Keep in mind that the spell can be effective even if you don't have the "right" colored candle. (In Dorothy Morrison's book Magic in Modern Life, a story is described when she urgently needed a brown candle for a spell, she stapled a beige rag found in her wallet to the white candle.) You can also decorate the candle with ribbon or cord in the colors you want, or just use your imagination.

· Magic matches for candle colors

White - Purity, purification, protection. Any goals
Black - Revenge, curses, damage, love spell at any cost, getting rid of negative emotions, contact with the dead
Red - Love, happiness, improved health, expulsion of evil, improved fate. Passion and creativity.
Pink - Love, friendship, happiness
Orange - Attracting sympathy, success. Work, career.
Yellow - Predictions, fortune telling, removing obstacles and everything that brings misfortune. Intelligence.
Green - Prosperity, material well-being, rebirth, good luck. Money, healing.
Blue - Development and strengthening of psychic abilities
Blue - Fighting fear, protection from otherworldly forces. Calmness, wisdom
Violet - Strengthening fortitude, treatment of serious illnesses, magic. Spirituality.
Purple - Contact with otherworldly forces, achieving power, overcoming something.
Brown - Treatment of pets, all housing problems.
Silver - Animism, animal powers

You can use a white candle:
1. Cleansing the chakras. Near each chakra on four sides (except for 1 and 7 - here once each) cross-shaped movements are made, reading “Our Father...”.
2. Burning out negative energy from the diseased organ. The actions described above are performed around a specific organ.
3. Cleaning the premises. First, counterclockwise, then clockwise, they walk around the entire perimeter of the room, reading prayers.
4. Cleansing from negative thoughts. You need to look at the candle flame and ask for forgiveness from yourself, from those who were offended and from those who offended you.

Red is the color of blood, and, accordingly, of life and existence, courage, health, sporting achievements and success in general. Red stimulates the nervous system, causes increased breathing, and stimulates muscle function. Represents desires and aspirations - to win, conquer, achieve success in life.
1. Used in exorcism (preferably red wax ones)
2. Cleansing from the forces of evil. Negative entities are annealed from the energy field.
3. Cleaning the premises. A red candle is placed in the center of each room. Let it burn to the end. It is better to keep the windows open at this time.
4. To restore strength in case of fatigue and exhaustion. You need to look at the flame of the red candle, trying not to think about anything.
5. In love magic it is used during rituals and ceremonies.
6. In the treatment of hypotension, impotence and frigidity, depression and melancholy, sluggishness of the digestive organs, to enhance liver activity and stimulate the formation of hemoglobin.

Pink is a mixture of red and white, turning material red into the color of friendship, love, and anticipation of changes in your personal life.
1. Ritual of attracting friendship. On the candle from the wick to the base in a spiral, in any magical alphabet, you write the name + name - an odd number of times and light the candle. Looking at the fire, you see the desired event has already happened. Work an odd number of days until the candle burns out.
2. Ritual of sexual magic. From svadhisthana, manipura, anahata, vishuddhi and ajna, it is necessary to release pink channels to the top of the candle light (reinforced by the element of fire and pink color) to the object on the same chakras with the necessary settings for each channel. Work 3-5-7 days.
3. Ritual of happiness. Write what you want on paper, indicating their names, and place the paper under the candle. Look at the candle and mentally see what you want. After the candle burns out, burn the paper and send it “downwind.”

The color orange itself is joyful and optimistic.
1. Ritual for increasing calls for people working on a home phone. A rune paper talisman is placed under the phone to attract cash clients. Write the runes ANSUTS and FEHU on the candle in a spiral an odd number of times. Light a candle for at least 15 minutes a day, meditating on calls from financial clients.
2.Building friendships and business relationships at work. Write your name on one candle, and the name of the person you want on the other (start writing from the wick side).
Place the candles at a distance of 10-12 cm from each other. For 7 days, meditate on the desired situation, looking at the flame of a candle. Every next day, move the candles closer to each other. On the last day, write what you want on paper and place it under candles standing close to each other. When the candles burn out, burn the paper and let it go “into the wind.”

It is also the color of intellectual development, fortune telling, and prediction.
1. Light for fortune telling.
2. For depression, bad mood. Light a candle and, looking at the fire, mentally release all negative thoughts and feelings from yourself and try to see them burn out - work until a positive result.

A green candle is traditionally used to attract material well-being and healing.
1.Healing. When treating, use a green candle.
2. Ritual to attract money. Light a green candle. On paper, write a wish list indicating the price (preferably no more than 3 wishes) and the total amount. Read the list out loud three times while looking at the candle flame. Burn this list, saying as the paper burns out: “So be it!” So it will be! For my benefit and without harm to others!” Throw the ashes into the wind or carry them in a bag in your wallet.

We can see blue when looking at the sky on a clear day. This color, which is a mixture of white and blue, has characteristics of both. This is the color of a calm, uniform, fuss-free desire for knowledge of the unknown.

The blue color represents peace, equal relationships, sensitivity, receptivity, and the desire to achieve integrity. This is a symbol of calm waters and evening skies, the keeper of calm and mystery.
1. Constant burning of a blue candle helps recovery from serious illnesses.
2.Light candles in the house of the dead. 2 hours of burning “drives away” guests for 10 hours, and 1 month - they are completely abandoned.

A very beautiful, “otherworldly” color - purple. It is a mixture of red and blue, respectively, contains the characteristics of both colors, nevertheless carrying its own meaning. The pressure of red and the calmness and pliability of blue give birth in this light to something incompatible, mystical, magical. The color of intuition and understanding of the essence of things. The color of completely erasing the boundaries between worlds, a magical action in which you create magic...
1. Treatment of serious diseases.
2. Fortune telling by candles.

1.Contact with otherworldly forces.
2. Achieving power with the help of other forces.

Brown is the color of the earth, the color of roots, home, hearth, the color of calm and sedentary life, the color of “herd feeling.” Emotionally, it is a very calm color that carries virtually nothing in itself. Unrefined wax candles are brown.
1.Crude wax candles - lit for brownies. Place a bowl of milk nearby and place a slice of freshly baked bread or a fresh flatbread on a clean napkin. You need to loudly call the person you are addressing three times and, after offering a treat, express your request for help.
2. When animals are sick.

Black is the darkest of colors and can also be perceived as the negation of color. It is considered the color of mourning, grief, misfortune. It is the opposite of white.
1.To punish evil. Calm your feelings and thoughts, look into the flame, imagine the face, the figure of the one who will be punished. Then repeat to yourself what he is guilty of and demand justice.
2. Working with the world of the dead.

Gray is the color of incompleteness and understatement, midway between white and black. Having no pronounced characteristics of either one or the other, it is most often perceived negatively. Creates a feeling of unoriginality and boredom.

Candle colors for each day of the week

It is possible that you may need to know the color of the candle and the day of the week on which you should perform certain rituals.

Sunday is favorable for love rituals, rituals for personal development, career growth and increasing wealth.

Monday is for meditations, predictions, reflections and rituals aimed at influencing the human psyche and emotions.

Tuesday – for any active actions, perfect for rituals aimed at removing obstacles and getting rid of enemies.

Wednesday – you can carry out any creative personal actions. In addition, it is suitable for rituals aimed at developing one’s own business and activating personal talents.

Thursday – increasing personal attractiveness, personal growth, achieving success and favor of fate.

Friday is for matters of love magic and rituals aimed at interpersonal relationships. On this day, rituals are performed for children, as well as for those who want to conceive a child.

Saturday – just like Mars, it is perfect for actions of destruction and removal of obstacles. In addition, you can perform rituals aimed at subduing the will and controlling a person.

But there are times when time is pressing, and it is not possible to wait for the required day of the week on which the ritual will be most effective. In this case, select a candle for the corresponding day of the week, which will become central to your ritual. It will create the influence of the day.

Of course, this is a kind of gimmick that will not replace influence the right day, but will only make the ritual more effective.

So, if you have time, wait for the right day and do the work.

Sunday – yellow

Monday – white

Tuesday – red

Wednesday - purple

Thursday - blue

Friday - green

Saturday - black

A candle can help you achieve your plans.

It should be noted that only new, unused candles are suitable for such rituals. They must be of high quality, completely painted. Before the ritual, the candle can be blessed. To do this, lower it into a vessel with mineral water, then pass through the smoke from a smoking lamp.

The mechanism of fulfilling a wish with a candle is quite simple. Light a candle, watch the flame while thinking about your goal, and leave it to burn out. You can “scratch” your wish and the names of those people with whom it is connected on a candle with a sharp object. The main thing is the strength of your intention: you must do everything with a warm heart. You can think out loud over a lit candle. And one more thing: let the candle burn down. An extinguished candle means abandonment of the plan. It must be borne in mind that to achieve results, such actions with a candle should be carried out more than once.

Huge magical power herbal candles have. They are often made independently by adding plants to melted wax. In this case, the properties of the herbs themselves also work to achieve the plan. Scented candles are good to use to create a certain atmosphere in the house: smells and fire will help you relax, get rid of a bad mood, and tune in to the positive.

Choosing the timing of the ritual

We partly raised the question of the timing of the ritual in the previous chapter, when we talked about the colors of candles and how you can help yourself if you cannot do the ritual on the appropriate day.

But now we will talk about when and at what time it is better to do certain actions, without helping yourself with tricks, but strictly observing the canons of candle magic.

The first thing you need to understand is that the time for the ritual can be determined either by Sunny days, and according to the Lunar ones. It all depends on what kind of ritual you are performing.

Lunar rituals

We will begin our description of the time of rituals with a description Lunar rituals, since all other rituals, by the principle of simple exclusion, will be classified as Solar.

Lunar rituals in their composition, in the very structure of the ritual, necessarily contain water. This can be spoken water or water into which wax is poured for a spell (but not a prediction, since it can be done at any time). This could be a spell about water, in which there is a candle as an element of the ritual; in any case, there is water in the ritual.

And then you should turn to the following recommendations.

Waxing Crescent

Rituals aimed at creation, development, active growth, prosperity, good luck, improving health (of course, if a person is sick, then first you need to cure the disease and then improve your health, otherwise the disease will become more active), rituals related to interpersonal relationships, love rituals.

Waning moon

Rituals of a destructive and destructive nature, for destroying or getting rid of something, overcoming obstacles, for treating diseases (getting rid of illness).

The magic of a church candle.

Many Christians have long noticed the special power of the flame of a church candle, and even felt its influence on themselves. Therefore, not a single church, temple or cathedral can do without using a large number of candles.
Why can many of us stare at the fire for quite a long time without stopping? But before we reveal the secret, we’ll tell you what a church candle is.
Typically, a church candle contains animal fat and beeswax. In the center there is a wick - the source of fire. Fire is the basis of life. A candle is its miniature representative in our home. The flame of a candle calms, stabilizes the flow of thought, reacts to our presence, and sometimes smokes and smokes completely inexplicably.....

For Christians, a church candle is a gift to reinforce prayer. St. Seraphim compares a candle with human life: wax is faith, a lamp is hope, fire is love. For a believer, a church candle is an expression of love for God and neighbors. This is part of the power of God to help in difficult moments of life.
Church candles define the worship service, are used to express worship of God, and are a symbol of divine light.

The power of a church candle lies in its cleansing property, which is exerted, first of all, by the all-consuming flame. Negative thoughts, negative energy, illnesses - everything is burned by fire.
Since ancient times, people began to use a candle as a magical tool. Now not a single ritual is complete without a candle. The composition and energy of a church candle contribute to the purification of not only space and thoughts. Therefore, it is especially important that they are in every home. It is advisable to choose a day and light church candles in each room on this day every week to cleanse the room.
Since lower entities of the subtle world are always present in a person’s home, which cannot stand the power of a church flame, when a candle burns they leave the house, taking with them negative, destructive energy. After energy cleansing of the room, being in it becomes much easier and calmer. The beneficial influence of a church candle is strengthened and consolidated by prayer.
Church candle has the power to cleanse the human energy field. Any intractable problem will seem insignificant when working with a candle. The flame of a church candle relieves mental heaviness, provides peace of mind and harmony.

A church candle knows how to keep secrets, tell it everything that has been accumulating in your heart for so long. Mental connection with a candle flame allows you to cleanse your thoughts and soul. Fire burns pain, despair, melancholy. Prayers will be heard, requests will be fulfilled much faster if you speak them to a church candle.
The spatial power of fire is represented in a small candle flame. Therefore, do not underestimate the power of a church candle. It contains enormous energy potential.
In magical practice, church candles are a separate category in a number of magical attributes. They can be used in any ritual. Working with church candles is especially effective during rituals of purification and forgiveness: when removing damage, healing, as well as the lapel ritual.

All church candles are divided according to their composition. But any candle must be blessed. Sometimes, when burning, a candle makes a characteristic crackling sound; this is considered the most positive result of the work, since you can visually monitor the destruction of the negative. In an energetically dirty room, a church candle should crackle, splash and smoke a lot. The effect of burning negative energy will be noticeable to a person. In an energetically clean room, the candle flame burns evenly and calmly. Exactly the same as with a person with a pure biofield.

The church candle itself carries a very large charge of positive energy. Therefore, it is necessary to work with candles only with good intentions and pure thoughts. Any dark forces retreat before the power of a church candle. Fire does not allow evil to enter the house and even the heart of a person.
A church candle is a representative of the Christian faith, a small guard to protect peace and quiet in your home.


In addition to church candles, you can use ordinary candles to achieve your goals, but you should know some features. There is a huge variety of candles: in size, shape and design, as you can see by visiting a good candle store. In a magical sense, beeswax candles are ideal - because of the symbolism of the bee and because it is a natural product. Since each color has its own distinctive property, you will need to choose a candle for your need. Knowing the meaning different colors candles helps to achieve certain goals more easily. For rituals, and in general it’s worth buying good candles, from colored paraffin or wax. You should not take dousing candles; with them you will not be able to feel the energy. Proper use of the color of a candle allows in many cases to reduce one’s own work to creating an intention, and everything else is done “according to the program” by a burning candle.

Magic matches for candle colors
White - Purity, purification, protection. Any goals
Black - Revenge, curses, damage, love spell at any cost, getting rid of negative emotions, contact with the dead
Red - Love, happiness, improved health, expulsion of evil, improved fate. Passion and creativity.
Pink - Love, friendship, happiness
Orange - Attracting sympathy, success. Work, career.
Yellow - Predictions, fortune telling, removing obstacles and everything that brings misfortune. Intelligence.
Green - Prosperity, material well-being, rebirth, good luck. Money, healing.
Blue - Development and strengthening of psychic abilities
Blue - Fighting fear, protection from otherworldly forces. Calmness, wisdom
Violet - Strengthening fortitude, treatment of serious illnesses, magic. Spirituality.
Purple - Contact with otherworldly forces, achieving power, overcoming something.
Brown - Treatment of pets, all housing problems.
Silver - Animism, animal powers

You can use a white candle:
1. Cleansing the chakras. Near each chakra on four sides (except for 1 and 7 - here once each) cross-shaped movements are made, reading “Our Father...”.
2. Burning out negative energy from the diseased organ. The actions described above are performed around a specific organ.
3. Cleaning the premises. First, counterclockwise, then clockwise, they walk around the entire perimeter of the room, reading prayers.
4. Cleansing from negative thoughts. You need to look at the candle flame and ask for forgiveness from yourself, from those who were offended and from those who offended you.

Red is the color of blood, and, accordingly, of life and existence, courage, health, sporting achievements and success in general. Red stimulates the nervous system, causes increased breathing, and stimulates muscle function. Represents desires and aspirations - to win, conquer, achieve success in life.
1. Used in exorcism (preferably red wax ones)
2. Cleansing from the forces of evil. Negative entities are annealed from the energy field.
3. Cleaning the premises. A red candle is placed in the center of each room. Let it burn to the end. It is better to keep the windows open at this time.
4. To restore strength in case of fatigue and exhaustion. You need to look at the flame of the red candle, trying not to think about anything.
5. In love magic it is used during rituals and ceremonies.
6. In the treatment of hypotension, impotence and frigidity, depression and melancholy, sluggishness of the digestive organs, to enhance liver activity and stimulate the formation of hemoglobin.

Pink is a mixture of red and white, turning material red into the color of friendship, love, and anticipation of changes in your personal life.
1. Ritual of attracting friendship. On the candle from the wick to the base in a spiral, in any magical alphabet, you write the name + name - an odd number of times and light the candle. Looking at the fire, you see the desired event has already happened. Work an odd number of days until the candle burns out.
2. Ritual of sexual magic. From svadhisthana, manipura, anahata, vishuddhi and ajna, it is necessary to release pink channels to the top of the candle light (reinforced by the element of fire and pink color) to the object on the same chakras with the necessary settings for each channel. Work 3-5-7 days.
3. Ritual of happiness. Write what you want on paper, indicating their names, and place the paper under the candle. Look at the candle and mentally see what you want. After the candle burns out, burn the paper and send it “downwind.”

The color orange itself is joyful and optimistic.
1. Ritual of increasing calls for people working on a home phone. A rune paper talisman is placed under the phone to attract cash clients. Write the runes ANSUTS and FEHU on the candle in a spiral an odd number of times. Light a candle for at least 15 minutes a day, meditating on calls from financial clients.
2.Building friendships and business relationships at work. Write your name on one candle, and the name of the person you want on the other (start writing from the wick side).
Place the candles at a distance of 10-12 cm from each other. For 7 days, meditate on the desired situation, looking at the flame of a candle. Every next day, move the candles closer to each other. On the last day, write what you want on paper and place it under candles standing close to each other. When the candles burn out, burn the paper and let it go “into the wind.”

It is also the color of intellectual development, fortune telling, and prediction.
1. Light for fortune telling.
2. For depression, bad mood. Light a candle and, looking at the fire, mentally release all negative thoughts and feelings from yourself and try to see them burn out - work until a positive result.

A green candle is traditionally used to attract material well-being and healing.
1.Healing. When treating, use a green candle.
2. Ritual to attract money. Light a green candle. On paper, write a wish list indicating the price (preferably no more than 3 wishes) and the total amount. Read the list out loud three times while looking at the candle flame. Burn this list, saying as the paper burns out: “So be it!” So it will be! For my benefit and without harm to others!” Throw the ashes into the wind or carry them in a bag in your wallet.

We can see blue when looking at the sky on a clear day. This color, which is a mixture of white and blue, has characteristics of both. This is the color of a calm, uniform, fuss-free desire for knowledge of the unknown.

The blue color represents peace, equal relationships, sensitivity, receptivity, and the desire to achieve integrity. This is a symbol of calm waters and evening skies, the keeper of calm and mystery.
1. Constant burning of a blue candle helps recovery from serious illnesses.
2.Light candles in the house of the dead. 2 hours of burning “drives away” guests for 10 hours, and 1 month - they will leave completely.

A very beautiful, “otherworldly” color - purple. It is a mixture of red and blue, respectively, contains the characteristics of both colors, nevertheless carrying its own meaning. The pressure of red and the calmness and pliability of blue give birth in this light to something incompatible, mystical, magical. The color of intuition and understanding of the essence of things. The color of completely erasing the boundaries between worlds, a magical action in which you create magic...
1. Treatment of serious diseases.
2. Fortune telling by candles.

1.Contact with otherworldly forces.
2. Achieving power with the help of other forces.

Brown is the color of the earth, the color of roots, home, hearth, the color of calm and sedentary life, the color of “herd feeling.” Emotionally, it is a very calm color that carries virtually nothing in itself. Unrefined wax candles are brown.
1.Crude wax candles - lit for brownies. Place a bowl of milk nearby and place a slice of freshly baked bread or a fresh flatbread on a clean napkin. You need to loudly call the person you are addressing three times and, after offering a treat, express your request for help.
2. When animals are sick.

Black is the darkest of colors and can also be perceived as the negation of color. It is considered the color of mourning, grief, misfortune. It is the opposite of white.
1.To punish evil. Calm your feelings and thoughts, look into the flame, imagine the face, the figure of the one who will be punished. Then repeat to yourself what he is guilty of and demand justice.
2. Working with the world of the dead.

Gray is the color of incompleteness and understatement, midway between white and black. Having no pronounced characteristics of either one or the other, it is most often perceived negatively. Creates a feeling of unoriginality and boredom.

Candle colors for each day of the week

It is possible that you may need to know the color of the candle and the day of the week on which you should perform certain rituals.

Sunday is favorable for love rituals, rituals for personal development, career growth and increasing wealth.

Monday is for meditations, predictions, reflections and rituals aimed at influencing the human psyche and emotions.

Tuesday – for any active actions, perfect for rituals aimed at removing obstacles and getting rid of enemies.

Wednesday – you can carry out any creative personal actions. In addition, it is suitable for rituals aimed at developing one’s own business and activating personal talents.

Thursday – increasing personal attractiveness, personal growth, achieving success and favor of fate.

Friday is for matters of love magic and rituals aimed at interpersonal relationships. On this day, rituals are performed for children, as well as for those who want to conceive a child.

Saturday – just like Mars, it is perfect for actions of destruction and removal of obstacles. In addition, you can perform rituals aimed at subduing the will and controlling a person.

But there are times when time is pressing, and it is not possible to wait for the required day of the week on which the ritual will be most effective. In this case, select a candle for the corresponding day of the week, which will become central to your ritual. It will create the influence of the day.

Of course, this is a kind of trick that will not replace the influence of the desired day, but will only make the ritual more effective.

So, if you have time, wait for the right day and do the work.

Sunday – yellow

Monday – white

Tuesday – red

Wednesday - purple

Thursday - blue

Friday - green

Saturday - black

A candle can help you achieve your plans.

It should be noted that such rituals are only suitable new spark plugs, never used. They must be of high quality, completely painted. Before the ritual, the candle can be blessed. To do this, lower it into a vessel with mineral water, then pass it through the smoke from a smoking lamp.

The mechanism of fulfilling a wish with a candle is quite simple. Light a candle, watch the flame while thinking about your goal, and leave it to burn out. You can “scratch” your wish and the names of those people with whom it is connected on a candle with a sharp object. Main - the power of your intention: You must do everything with a warm heart. You can think out loud over a lit candle. And one more thing: let the candle burn down. An extinguished candle means abandonment of the plan. It must be borne in mind that to achieve results, such actions with a candle should be carried out more than once.

Herbal candles have enormous magical powers. They are often made independently by adding plants to melted wax. In this case, the properties of the herbs themselves also work to achieve the plan. Scented candles are good to use to create a certain atmosphere in the house: smells and fire will help you relax, get rid of a bad mood, and tune in to the positive.

Choosing the timing of the ritual

We partly raised the question of the timing of the ritual in the previous chapter, when we talked about the colors of candles and how you can help yourself if you cannot do the ritual on the appropriate day.

But now we will talk about when and at what time it is better to do certain actions, without helping yourself with tricks, but strictly observing the canons of candle magic.

The first thing you need to understand is that the time for the ritual can be determined both by Sunny days and by Lunar days. It all depends on what kind of ritual you are performing.

Lunar rituals

We will begin our description of the time of rituals with a description of the Lunar rituals, since all other rituals, by the principle of simple exclusion, will be classified as Solar.

Lunar rituals in their composition, in the very structure of the ritual, necessarily contain water. This can be spoken water or water into which wax is poured for a spell (but not a prediction, since it can be done at any time). This could be a spell about water, in which there is a candle as an element of the ritual; in any case, there is water in the ritual.

And then you should turn to the following recommendations.

Waxing Crescent

Rituals aimed at creation, development, active growth, prosperity, good luck, improving health (of course, if a person is sick, then first you need to cure the disease and then improve your health, otherwise the disease will become more active), rituals related to interpersonal relationships, love rituals.

Waning moon

Rituals of a destructive and destructive nature, for destroying or getting rid of something, overcoming obstacles, for treating diseases (getting rid of illness).

Full moon

On full moon days there is a balance between creative and destructive energies. If the ritual is mixed, containing both aspects of the action, then it is better to perform it at this time.

It is most effective to carry out rituals on the full moon aimed at achieving success, good luck, personal growth - for the reason that in addition to active movement and development, all these aspects of human life imply the presence of enemies, external or internal, from which it is good to get rid of.

New moon

The time of the new moon is perfect for rituals associated with the birth or appearance of something new, a new turn in fate, a new and interesting proposal.

Solar rituals

These are rituals that do not use water in their structure and are performed on the day of the week that corresponds to the ritual.

In the chapter “Candle Colors” we provided this list, so there is no point in repeating it. But it makes sense to discuss with you exactly what hour is best to perform the ritual.

For fire magic rituals, there are four times in which the rituals are performed. These are morning, noon, evening and midnight.

Morning rituals

Morning is considered to be an hour before sunrise and an hour after sunrise. That is, every time you need to look at the calendar to find out the right time.

In the morning hours, the so-called first rituals are performed, that is, rituals that you do for the first time in relation to a situation or person. This time helps you make an impact more effectively, while minimizing the errors that are always possible.

Daily rituals - noon

At this time, complex rituals are performed that take a long time and require a lot of energy from you.

Time of day is the time an hour before midday and an hour after. But keep in mind that noon is not 12 hours, but the time from sunrise to sunset divided by 2. This is exactly half of the daylight hours.


In the evening, that is, an hour before sunset and an hour after it, it is best to conduct personal rituals, that is, something for yourself and for your needs. These can also be predictive rituals.


Midnight - an hour before and an hour after - is usually used for rituals of a destructive nature.

In addition, at this time it is worth carrying out rituals aimed at controlling a person or his emotions.