Parmelia is used to obtain antibiotics. Parmelia medicinal properties and recipe. Medicinal properties of Parmelia lichen, use in folk medicine. Use in folk medicine

You may not have heard the scientific name of this plant, but there is no doubt that everyone has seen a lichen at least once in their life. The inconspicuous parmelia has many indications for use and almost no contraindications. It is actively used in folk medicine, and treatment with it gives quite good results.

Uses of parmelia lichen

This is a small perennial plant. It reaches a height of no more than six to seven centimeters. The leaves are gray-green in color, slightly wrinkled and, as a rule, closely packed together. In fact, Parmelia is a kind of symbiosis of green algae and the simplest class of mushrooms.

Lichen acts in many ways. It has the following actions:

  • bactericidal;
  • wound healing;
  • hemostatic;
  • antiseptic.

Very often, parmelia is used to combat the Koch bacillus that causes tuberculosis. During the Great Patriotic War lichen was used to treat wounds. Until now, some peoples eat the plant. Dried thalli make an excellent addition to flour. And upon contact with water, the powder swells and subsequently becomes jelly-like, so sometimes natural fruit jellies and jelly are prepared on its basis.

  1. If there are no contraindications to the use of parmelia herb, a decoction from it can be drunk from. The product helps quite quickly, but it acts very gently and harmlessly.
  2. Compresses with lichen heal even the deepest and long-term non-healing wounds resulting from injuries or due to dermatological diseases.
  3. Parmelia decoction makes an excellent rinse that can help with...
  4. Medicine knows a sufficient number of cases where lichen relieved patients from acute colitis, diarrhea, ulcers and other ailments of the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications to the use of parmelia

Like any other medicinal plant or medicine, parmelia herb, in addition to its indications for use, also has contraindications. But there are not as many of them as in the case of pharmaceuticals:

  1. The main caution is that lichen should not be used by people with individual intolerance to it.
  2. Although the mechanism of the plant’s effect on the body of pregnant women and nursing mothers has not been studied, it is not recommended to use it during these periods.
  3. It is better to find an alternative, safer therapy for children under six years of age.

Parmelia has a calming effect on the mucous membranes respiratory tract, is also used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

Indications for use of Parmelia lichen:

  • Tuberculosis, old cough;
  • Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, acute colitis;
  • Toxic dyspepsia;
  • External diseases: non-healing wounds, ulcers.

You can find parmelia lichen in deciduous and coniferous forests, growing on tree trunks. Parmelia moss can also grow on rocky slopes, the main thing for a medicinal herb is that there is plenty of sunlight. The dry parts of Parmelia sulcata taste bitter and pungent. There is practically no smell. Dry parts of lichen can be stored for up to four years, practically without losing their properties.

Where to buy parmelia lichen if you live in the city? You can buy parmelia in Moscow at a pharmacy, you can order it in our online store, or by mail.

Parmelia furrow (lichen) is a plant that has a strong bactericidal effect, that is it is capable of killing harmful bacteria that cause infectious diseases in the human body. It is also an excellent antiseptic, stops bleeding and heals wounds well. And in high concentrations it is capable of killing bacteria, such dangerous ones as Koch’s bacillus, which causes pulmonary tuberculosis. The herb successfully fights both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, and is also able to counteract some types of fungi.

Traditional medicine also uses the medicinal properties of the parmelia herb for coughs, especially for old coughs, for tuberculosis, and for the treatment of toxic dyspesia. Parmelia is also effective for coughs in children. There was a case when, in order to cure a baby of toxic dyspesia, it took only a few days of taking a decoction of Parmelia fissula.

Properties of herbs in folk medicine widely used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract caused by infection. Treat stomach and duodenal ulcers, acute colitis. Compresses with a decoction of Parmelia furrowata are applied to non-healing wounds and ulcers. They can also stop bleeding. For deep cuts, make a strong tincture and apply a compress to the wound. Even in ancient times, the parmelia lichen was called “cut grass.”

Ingredients: Parmelia lichen - 100%.

Parmelia sulcatata contains a lot of usnic acid (a powerful antibiotic), which it contains more than the famous lichen Icelandic moss. Parmelia also has a high content of vitamin C. Tannins and minerals are present in large quantities: potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Method of preparation and use of Parmelia lichen:

To treat tuberculosis or old cough, prepare decoction of parmelia furrow in milk. Take a couple of spoons of parmelia lichen per five hundred grams of milk. You cannot cook the decoction over an open fire, since at a decoction temperature of one hundred degrees, some beneficial substances disintegrate and it loses its properties. The decoction should be made in a water bath. Pour water into a large saucepan, boil it and place a smaller saucepan in it, in which the tincture will be contained. So the parmelia herb for cough will not be cooked over an open fire, with the temperature of the decoction being one hundred degrees, but due to the fact that the water will boil in a larger saucepan. In this case, the temperature of the prepared tincture will be about ninety degrees. So simmer the broth for up to ninety minutes. Then let it brew for a couple of hours. Squeeze through cheesecloth. Drink one hundred grams of tincture before meals five times a day. Last time you go to bed.

They also do decoction of water. Only this tincture is taken fifty grams before meals. Tincture of water is used in the treatment of other diseases.

Treatment with Parmelia grooveta is carried out for four weeks.

Parmelia lichen, or cut grass, grows in the desert-steppe zone, as well as mountainous regions. This plant is resistant to pollution environment, it is absolutely unpretentious. There are about 90 species of cut grass in Russia. This plant is widely used in folk medicine. Today the reader will learn a lot interesting information regarding parmelia lichen: use and contraindications, properties, composition. We will also find out how to prepare a decoction of chopped herbs.

What does it consist of?

Parmelia belongs to both the group of green algae and mushrooms. The body of this lichen consists of branched, grooved, leathery-cartilaginous lobes of greenish-gray color. Cut grass has the ability to photosynthesize and is very resistant to harsh climatic conditions.

Parmelia lichen, the properties of which can be read below, has a unique and healing composition:

  1. Usnic acid is a strong natural antibiotic.
  2. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant.
  3. Fiber and complex carbohydrates are very important for the normal functioning of the digestive system.
  4. Proteins, fats, ash.
  5. A large number of mineral elements, the main of which are potassium, calcium, phosphorus.

In what cases can it be used?

Parmelia lichen, the use and indications for which can be read in this article, has the following properties:

  1. Antiseptic.
  2. Bactericidal.
  3. Hemostatic.
  4. Wound healing.
  5. Immunostimulating.

Cut grass can be used in the following cases:

When coughing. Lichen helps to quickly, gently and harmlessly relieve a person of a protracted, incessant cough.

For bleeding gums. It is enough to make a decoction of chopped herbs and rinse your mouth with it.

For diarrhea, acute colitis, duodenal ulcer and other gastrointestinal diseases.

For hard-to-heal wounds resulting from trauma.

To combat bacteria that destroy the body, including Koch's bacillus.

To prevent the occurrence of acute respiratory infections viral infections.

To stop bleeding.

For the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Common types of parmelia

Where can I collect?

The branches and trunks of coniferous and deciduous trees are where parmelia lichens grow. Less often they can be found on stones and mossy soils. Lichen grows well where there is excellent access to the sun. Most often, cut grass can be found in mountain forests. If you don’t know where Parmelia lichens grow, you can find out at the market from grandmothers selling various herbs. They will tell you where you can collect healing cut herbs. And if you don’t want to go looking for it, you can simply buy it from the same lovely women at the bazaar.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

If you decide that parmelia lichen must be in your home medicine cabinet, then you need to know not only where to collect it, but also how to prepare it for long-term storage. The best time to collect cut grass is at the end of April and throughout May. The collected raw materials must be dried in the wind and sun. Dried parmelia has almost no smell, the taste is bitter, a little hot. You can store it for 4 years in a plastic bag or glass container away from dampness and moisture.

Restrictions on the use of parmelia lichen

Use and contraindications can be obtained from traditional healers. In general, cut grass has a minimal number of restrictions on its use. This plant should not be used if the body is individually intolerant. Also, if hives or itching on the skin appear, you should also stop treating with this lichen. With caution and only after consultation with your doctor, you can use cut grass in the following cases:

Pregnant and lactating women.

Recipe for tuberculosis

Parmelia herb is often used to treat such a serious infectious disease. Effective recipe:

  1. Chop dried parmelia (3 tablespoons) and pour in 0.5 liters of milk.
  2. Place the mixture on the fire, bring to a boil, and then simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.
  3. Strain the medicine.
  4. Drink up to 1/3 glass three times a day.

Cough decoction recipe

If a person cannot get rid of this unpleasant symptom of a viral infection, then parmelia will help him. The use and indications for prescribing this remedy can be found in many medical publications. But how to properly prepare a decoction is not written everywhere. Below is the correct recipe for preparing a healing cough drink:

1. Take 1 tablespoon of lichen, pour 1 liter of water into it.

2. Place the pan with the contents in a water bath (fill a large container with water and place a pan with chopped herbs inside). Keep for about 2 hours.

Drink the prepared broth 1/3 cup 3 times a day 0.5 hours before meals. Be sure to store the medicine in the refrigerator. Warm slightly before use.

Attention readers! Many sites write that to prepare a decoction, lichen can simply be boiled for an hour over a fire. But this cannot be done, because useful substances at a temperature of 100 degrees will simply decompose, without bringing any benefit in the future. Therefore, you should prepare cough medicine only in a water bath.

Recipe for washing wounds and compresses

Five tablespoons of lichen pour 500 ml of water.

Bring to a boil, cook over medium heat for 20 minutes.

Remove from heat and leave at room temperature until the medicine cools completely.

Strain, squeeze the raw materials into a healing decoction.

Use externally for poorly healing wounds.

Preparation of ointment

Take 200 g of interior fat. Add 2 tbsp. l. parmelia (you can buy it at the pharmacy or grind it yourself in a coffee grinder).

Mix all the ingredients, place them in a saucepan and place in a water bath for 5 hours.

The final medicine should be viscous.

You can use an ointment based on parmelia and interior fat to treat ulcers, cuts, and wounds.

Where can I buy it?

You can buy cut grass at the grandmother's market, on the Internet, and also at the pharmacy.

And there, by the way, you can find out important information regarding parmelia lichen: use and contraindications, storage conditions, expiration dates. If a person wants to save money, then it will be cheaper to buy cut grass from grandmothers.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

The famous children's pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky, who hosts a program about diseases that children suffer from, gave his assessment of the use of parmelia in relation to children. He notes that this lichen should not be used to combat persistent coughs in boys and girls. He says that the cut grass is best used topically to stop bleeding and disinfect wounds. And he categorically advises against conducting various experiments on children. Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky once again repeats that in order to eliminate a child’s cough, there is no need to run to the market and buy Parmelia lichen. Parents can save their son or daughter from this residual symptom of a viral infection simple methods: by humidifying and ventilating the room, giving the sick child warm tea or compote. And if mom follows these simple rules, she won’t need any cough parmelia or other drugs from the pharmacy. And by the way, Dr. Komarovsky notes one interesting fact: Americans generally do not know and do not understand why children should be given expectorants. And in post-Soviet countries this practice is quite common. The pediatrician urges parents not to buy cough medicine and not to feed their children chemicals or dubious herbs.


Now you know a lot of interesting information regarding Parmelia lichen: use and contraindications, appearance, places of growth. Cut grass has long been used in folk medicine to treat tuberculosis, cough, lingering wounds, etc. You can buy it at the market, in a pharmacy, or order it online. You can also collect this lichen yourself, prepare medicinal raw materials and later use it to prepare various decoctions.

The places where Parmelia lichen grows are limited mainly to the northern regions, where it forms entire large thalli. Its healing properties have been known to people since ancient times; previously it was ground into flour, from which bread was baked for diabetics.

Growth is typical for mountainous areas, dry pastures, coniferous forests (among moss and grass). The medicinal properties of Parmelia lichen are known mainly for their natural antibiotic effects.

The lichen has a scaly, greenish-brown insole.

Since it is known as one of the best natural antibiotics, it is often called “natural penicillin”, effective against many bacterial and viral infections. According to reviews of scientists who conducted research on the benefits and harms of this type of moss, it is able to slow down (not stop) the reproduction of the HIV virus and neutralize the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

In folk medicine it is used alone or in mixtures (mallow, calendula...) to enhance antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Important! Parmelia and - are they the same thing or not? This is a common question that interests many people who are faced with the need to use natural medicine. No, we are talking about different plants.


We are talking about a shrubby lichen belonging to the Parmeliaceae family, a branched thallus reaching a height of 5-10 cm. On the outside its color is lilac-greenish-brown, on the inside it is lighter with a slight reddish tint.

Collection and preparation

The collection is carried out exclusively in dry weather, when the thallus itself is completely dry. Collection time is late April and early May. It is during these months that it concentrates greatest number useful substances. Natural raw materials are carefully cleaned from various impurities.

It is important to remove other types of lichens and mosses! Drying is carried out by spreading in thin layers for about 3 days (can be dried in the sun to speed up the process). After drying, Parmelia lichen takes on a brownish color.

The natural antibiotic is stored in canvas bags. It is important to exclude access to sunlight and moisture! Shelf life – up to 1.5 years.

Usage history

The medicinal properties of the plant have long been used in folk medicine in Northern Europe. Until today, it is not only a valuable natural medicine, but also an important food product.

In the northern regions, moss is used to produce flour, which (mixed with other grains) is used to bake Christmas cookies. By fermentation, a sour drink beloved by northerners is prepared from it, which is diluted with water before use.

Lichen was also used as a salt substitute for preserving meat. Since the 18th century, records of the uses and contraindications of parmelia lichen have been found in many European pharmacopoeias. Modern instructions for use of the plant indicate its positive effects on asthma, tuberculosis, bladder and kidney diseases.

Active substances

Today, some types of lichens, incl. parmelia are undergoing intensive research. Due to their antibiotic effects, they may become an important source of antibiotics in the future. Parmelia contains a large amount of polysaccharides - membrane mucilages, glucans (lichenin - 64% and isolichenin), which makes it one of the best mucous agents (a valuable factor for mitigating the effect of mucous substances).
An important role is played by:

  • lichen acids (usnic acid, etc.), which have significant antibacterial activity;
  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • pectins;
  • bitterness;
  • enzymes;
  • mineral salts;
  • natural mineral dyes.

The mucous substances contained in the natural medicine have a softening effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. Membrane mucus protects the mucous membranes of the pharynx and other organs digestive system.

Bitterness and lichen acids stimulate the production of bile and digestive enzymes, increase stomach activity, improve digestion, increase appetite and nutrient absorption, thereby helping to improve metabolism.

Parmelia relieves gastric problems and affects certain microorganisms and viruses. The lichenic acids it contains have a strong antibiotic effect.
Therapeutic actions:

  1. Anti-inflammatory.
  2. Choleretic.
  3. Antibacterial.

Therapeutic effects

The beneficial properties of the plant are not limited to its effects on the respiratory tract. Therapeutic effects are broader:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • antibiotic effect against many types of bacteria - promoting the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, pharynx, upper respiratory tract and inflammation of the digestive system;
  • cough relief;
  • treatment of respiratory tract catarrh, bronchitis, asthma;
  • elimination of diarrhea, inflammation of the stomach, gastrointestinal catarrh;
  • increased appetite;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • strengthening the body during weakening and after illness;
  • beneficial effect on the activity of the thyroid gland (due to the high iodine content);
  • inhibition of neoplasms (due to the content of polysaccharides).

Basic recipe

There is no single way to brew Parmelia properly. The oldest recipe for preparing a natural therapeutic remedy is as follows.

Previously, traditional healers argued that if you want to prepare a concentrated infusion, it is best to do this by cold infusion. 2 tbsp. Rinse the raw materials well (for example, on a sieve), place in a glass jar, add 1/2 liter of cold water and leave overnight (about 8 hours). This preparation process is as gentle as possible on mucous and other substances that are leached from the lichen into the aqueous solution. According to ancient healers, when boiling, more mucus is destroyed, which reduces the beneficial properties of the medicine.

Natural inflammation fighter

Due to its antibiotic and antiviral properties, it is not surprising that parmelia is used for inflammation in the oral cavity, pharynx and digestive tract. She's capable. As a reason peptic ulcer doctors are considering the insidious bacterium helicobacter pylori.

Drinking tea from the plant is advisable for diarrhea, inflammation of the stomach (gastroenteritis), gastric or intestinal catarrh, i.e. a certain type of inflammation of the stomach and intestinal mucosa.

Natural medicine #1

This universal recipe helps treat diseases of the skin, eyes and digestive tract. Pour 10 g of dried raw material into 1/2 liter of boiling water. Stir. After cooling, strain. Drink 1/3 glass after meals (for gastritis and peptic ulcers - half an hour before meals, 50 ml).

Natural medicine No. 2

4 tsp moss, pour 1/2 liter of cold water, cook for 5-7 minutes. After cooling, strain and drink 3 times a day.


Pour 15 g of raw material into 250 ml of water, leave soaked for 10 minutes. Then cook for 2 minutes and leave in a warm place for 2 hours. Drain the liquid, and refill the remaining pulp with 250 ml of water. Boil again for 2 minutes and leave for 2 hours. Drain and combine both liquids. Add 1/2 kg of sugar and honey. Heat to approximately 60°C (not higher) and stir until the sugar and honey are completely dissolved. Pour into a clean jar and store in a cool place. For problems with mucous membranes, take 1/2 tsp 3 times a day. after meal.

For dry and productive cough

For both men and women, parmelia is most commonly recommended for the treatment of coughs and respiratory infections.

Carbohydrates (professionally called mucilages) have the ability to bind water and create viscous solutions. This helps dilute mucus and remove it. The plant is also useful for dry coughs, creating a coating on irritated mucous membranes, protecting them and promoting soothing.

  1. In addition to lichen, mixtures designed to improve mucus discharge include marshmallow, mallow, podbel, and flaxseed.
  2. For dry cough, a mixture of lichen with plantain, podbelom and flaxseed is suitable.

The following recipes will help get rid of cough and help treat bronchitis.

Recipe No. 1

1 tbsp. dry crushed raw materials, pour 1 glass of milk and cook for 15 minutes. Have a drink at night. Milk medicine has a softening, soothing and mucolytic effect.

Recipe No. 2

Pour 40 g of dry raw material with 250 ml of alcohol (60%). Leave for 7 days. Take 10 drops per day. Parmelia alcohol tincture inhibits inflammation and normalizes the metabolic functioning of the body.

As a preventive measure

Teas or preparations with Parmelia lichen are good preventive measures. They are part of the medical “arsenal” of supporters of a healthy lifestyle, because... Thanks to a good combination of active substances, they help strengthen the body's defenses. At the same time, they help alleviate moderate health problems:

  • in case of irritable cough and hoarseness;
  • the reception is advisable for people who often stay in air-conditioned rooms, where dry air dries out the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract;
  • Moss-based products are indicated for people prone to pus (teachers, speakers, singers, etc.).

External application

Externally, lichen is used to speed up the healing of poorly healing wounds. When used externally, it has no side effects and is suitable for people with hypersensitivity. Externally, the natural medicine is used as a wash.

Infusion for external use

Dried raw materials (1-2 g) pour 150 ml of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Strain. Do rinsing 2-3 times a day.

Contraindications and warnings

Despite a number of medicinal properties, parmelia also has contraindications for use. Hypertensive patients should be treated with caution, because it increases blood pressure to some extent.

Contraindications include lactation period. This natural medicine is not intended for pregnant women and children. In all 3 categories, the effects on the body have not been studied.
Excess therapeutic dose When taken internally, it can cause nausea, diarrhea and dizziness.

How I save myself from all sorts of diseases with parmelia (true story)

Parmelia| Parmelia| Parmeliaceae family|Parmeliaceae| lichen genus

Parmelia, or cut grass, is a perennial aerial lichen of small size (up to 5 cm in height), the body of which is a leaf thallus. The plant was formed due to the symbiosis of green algae and lower fungi, and is complex organism. The leafy thallus is cut-lobed, in the form of large rosettes, which are tightly attached to the substrate by rhizines, but can also be free. Greetings to all friends, guests and readers on my medical blog!

● The blades can be varied: narrow or wide, highly or poorly branched, flat or convex, closely closed or separate, wrinkled or smooth, the blades are differently colored. The upper side is whitish-grayish and yellowish to black and brown, matte or shiny; the lower surface is white or light brown to black, with rhizines. Rhizines are simple or branched, well developed. Soredia and isidia of various shapes develop quite often.

● Lecanorine apothecia are sessile or pedunculated, growing over the entire surface of the body (thallus), more abundantly in the center. The shape of the spores is elongated, colorless, elliptical. Straight conidia are fusiform or cylindrical in shape.

● Parmelia grows on branches (trunks) of coniferous and deciduous trees, less often on rocky substrates, bare wood, and mossy soils; more often - in well-lit places. The lichen is widespread in the desert-steppe zone and mountainous regions; It is very resistant to environmental pollution and unfavorable climatic conditions, and is not picky about soil. About 90 species of parmelia are found in the regions of Russia.

● Even in my distant youth, I began to experience cramps and pain in my stomach. Thank God, at that time a distant relative came to visit us. Having heard my story about the illness, he advised me to immediately go to the city market and buy from herbalists a herb similar to lichen, which people call differently: parmelia, cut, yellowtail, paws, etc. Without hesitating for long, I headed to the market and quickly I found the medicinal plant I needed. An elderly herbalist described to me in great detail how to use parmelia, and after two months of treatment I completely got rid of the disease in my stomach.

● To be honest, I don’t even know what my diagnosis was then – I didn’t go to the doctors or get examined. The most important thing is that I no longer suffer from pain and stinging. abdominal cavity. Some time passed, and at a bus stop I met an old friend who complained that her pancreas had been bothering her for a long time. She was diagnosed with "" at the clinic and was treated for a long time, dosing her with various chemicals, but she was never completely cured.

● I advised my friend to treat herself with a decoction of parmelia, while telling me how I myself was cured of the disease. Two or three months later I met my friend again, who said with delight: “Vitka, I remembered a thousand times and didn’t know how to find you to thank you - now I have absolutely no problems with the pancreas!”

● After this incident, I finally believed in the miraculous parmelia and began to collect Additional information about its application. By the way, you will not find this medicinal herb in a pharmacy - only at the herbalists’ market. Buy parmelia that has green color. Here are a few recipes that have helped me and my loved ones.

● I pour two tablespoons or three small pinches of lichen into a deep plate and rinse thoroughly to remove clay and sand. Next, I transfer it to a liter enamel mug, add half a liter of cold water and put it on low heat. When steam appears, I start stirring with a wooden spatula or spoon. Five minutes after boiling, I remove the mug from the stove, wrap it well and leave it to steep overnight. In the morning, I strain the broth, pour it into a half-liter bottle with a screw cap (or a half-liter glass jar with a plastic lid) and put it in the refrigerator.

● And now the most important thing is how to take parmelia decoction. Most herbalists recommend drinking the medicine with or milk. However, in my experience, I did things differently. If you are bothered by stomach and intestinal upset (with or without bloody diarrhea), pain in the intestines, and/or duodenum, then it is better to drink the decoction this way: heat half a glass of milk to 80˚C, take the finished decoction out of the refrigerator and pour it into warm milk. The warm mixture should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed.

● After taking the decoction, herbalists recommend not eating anything for half an hour, but I stood it for two hours and was treated for two months in a row. For young patients, most likely, one month is enough, but the older the patient, the longer the course of treatment. Of course, during the treatment process, alcoholic drinks are prohibited, including beer, spicy and salty foods. Patients with long-term organ diseases respiratory system(ARVI, acute respiratory infections, etc.), accompanied by a lingering cough, you need to drink half a glass of heated broth, eating a tablespoon or teaspoon of honey. After taking the medicine, do not eat or drink for two hours; after a week the patient will feel clear relief.

● If the recovery process is delayed, you can alternate taking the decoction - drink it with honey one week, and milk the next. If, due to certain circumstances, someone does not have the opportunity to buy milk or honey, then drink half a glass of warm broth, and after two hours you must definitely eat something.

● I use parmelia decoction in the most different situations. When my gums bleed, I drink it in small sips, after rinsing my mouth. Three to four days are enough for the bleeding to stop. I also use parmelia for compresses and for washing ulcers and wounds. I prepare the decoction in the same way as for oral administration, but I boil it not for five, but for ten minutes and, after letting it steep overnight, I filter. I soak a cloth in the broth and apply it to the sore spot.

● It can be used in another way: I wash the herb in cold boiled water, dry it a little and squeeze out the water through clean gauze; I place the remaining pulp on gauze or a bandage and apply it to the sore, cover the top with plastic wrap and bandage it overnight. After 3-4 days, as a rule, everything heals.

● These are the healing properties of this miraculous lichen - parmelia. In conclusion, I would like to note that the grass collected in the month of May has the greatest power, but it grows where the soil contains red clay.

Be healthy, God bless you!!!

Parmelia is a perennial lichen from the Parmeliaceae family. The plant is also called cut grass. The second name is due to the structure of its leaves. The plant is unique in structure; it has no vegetative organs.

Parmelia settles on any surface. Unpretentious to external conditions, resistant to harmful effects environment. Lichen can be seen on tree trunks, fences, and the ground. Its natural habitat is Europe, North and South America, Africa, and Australasia.

Composition and properties

There are two types of parmelia common in Russia: grooved and wandering. The first one has not been fully studied, so the wandering one is used more often.

Lichen contains a large number of useful elements:

  • antioxidants (vitamin C);
  • natural antibiotics (barbate, usnic, squamate and fumarprotocetraric acids);
  • fiber and complex carbohydrates ( important elements for proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • proteins, fats, pigments, tannins;
  • mineral inclusions (including phosphorus and calcium);
  • micro- and macroelements.

The most valuable part of the plant is the thallus. The greatest amount of useful substances is concentrated there.

Among the medicinal properties of cut grass are:

  • antiseptic;
  • bactericidal;
  • emollient;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating;
  • sedative;
  • hemostatic;
  • immunostimulating.

Lichen is used in medicine and cooking. In traditional pharmacology, the squeeze and extract of cut grass are included in the composition of modern medicines external and internal spectrum of action.

Benefits and contraindications

The plant is unique in its biochemical content. Taking medicinal infusions and decoctions gives noticeable results in the fight against diseases. At the same time, the side effects on healthy organs are minimal.

The plant is used to treat:

  • cough;
  • flu;
  • bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diseases of blood vessels and heart.

The presence of strong natural antibiotics in parmelia makes possible treatment drugs made on its basis, tuberculosis and any type of cough. Compositions from lichen are used as an additional agent to the main chemical preparations.


  • Parmelia systematically removes inflammatory processes at any stage of bronchitis. From the first day of use, significant improvements in health are observed. A competent approach allows you to defeat the disease in 7–8 days.
  • For stomach and duodenal ulcers, parmelia effectively relieves inflammation. Thanks to the gel-like substance lichenin, fast healing mucous walls. The herb has a calming effect and destroys harmful bacterial environments. At an early stage of the disease, cure occurs in a short time. When the case is advanced, there is obvious relief.
  • Cardiac dysfunction is another indication to start treatment with cut grass. While taking it, the heart muscle is strengthened. The use of decoctions and infusions will prevent heart attack and stroke and help regulate heart rhythm.
  • The immunomodulating effect of parmelia is due to the high content of vitamin C. External skin lesions are treated with infusions of the plant: ulcers, purulent boils, cuts, burns, frostbite, lichen.
  • It is recommended to drink a herbal infusion for the overall health of the body and tone. The product helps calm the nervous system, removes toxins and harmful substances.

The main contraindication to the use of cut grass is allergies. For hypertension, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. This is explained by the ability of the plant to increase arterial pressure. It is not advisable to use grass: during pregnancy and breastfeeding, for children under 6 years of age.


Proper preparation medicinal compositions guarantees complete safety healing properties. It is unacceptable to boil infusions for a long time. Because of this, most bioactive components decompose. There will be no harm from such treatment, but no benefit either. For this reason, the drug is prepared only in a water bath. When treating coughs, honey is considered an important ingredient.

  • 100 g of herbal raw materials are poured into 1 liter of milk and set to heat. Bring to a boil, keep on fire for 15–20 minutes. Filtered. Take the product 3 times a day (1/3 cup before meals). The use of the composition is useful for chronic tuberculosis cough. Its use helps relieve inflammation and makes breathing easier.
  • Milk or water is used as a basis. A tablespoon of dry herb is poured into 500 ml of liquid. Bring to a boil in a water bath. Leave for at least 2 hours. Strain and add a teaspoon of honey. Place in the refrigerator for storage. Drink the infusion every day before meals (1-2 tsp.) Pre-heat. The duration of treatment is 1 month.
  • For infectious pathologies with reflex cough, it is better to use lichen tea. A small spoon of herb is poured with water. Leave in a water bath for at least 30 minutes. Drink hot before bed, add honey.
  • 30 g of chopped grass is poured into 300 ml of cold water. Place in a water bath. Boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Treatment courses are repeated every three months. The breaks between them are 3 days.
  • Combine 1-2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials and 100 ml of alcohol (70% strength). Place the liquid in a dark, cool place for 1–2 weeks. The container is shaken periodically. Take 10–15 drops for a suffocating cough.

The result of treatment depends on the stage of the disease and the nature of its course. A positive effect is more often observed when fighting early forms of illnesses.

How I save myself from all sorts of diseases with parmelia (true story)

Parmelia| Parmelia| Parmeliaceae family|Parmeliaceae| lichen genus

Parmelia, or cut grass, is a perennial aerial lichen of small size (up to 5 cm in height), the body of which is a leaf thallus. The plant was formed due to the symbiosis of green algae and lower fungi and is a complex organism. The leafy thallus is cut-lobed, in the form of large rosettes, which are tightly attached to the substrate by rhizines, but can also be free. Greetings to all friends, guests and readers on my medical blog!

● The blades can be varied: narrow or wide, highly or poorly branched, flat or convex, closely closed or separate, wrinkled or smooth, the blades are differently colored. The upper side is whitish-grayish and yellowish to black and brown, matte or shiny; the lower surface is white or light brown to black, with rhizines. Rhizines are simple or branched, well developed. Soredia and isidia of various shapes develop quite often.

● Lecanorine apothecia are sessile or pedunculated, growing over the entire surface of the body (thallus), more abundantly in the center. The shape of the spores is elongated, colorless, elliptical. Straight conidia are fusiform or cylindrical in shape.

● Parmelia grows on branches (trunks) of coniferous and deciduous trees, less often on rocky substrates, bare wood, and mossy soils; more often - in well-lit places. The lichen is widespread in the desert-steppe zone and mountainous regions; It is very resistant to environmental pollution and unfavorable climatic conditions, and is not picky about soil. About 90 species of parmelia are found in the regions of Russia.

● Even in my distant youth, I began to experience cramps and pain in my stomach. Thank God, at that time a distant relative came to visit us. Having heard my story about the illness, he advised me to immediately go to the city market and buy from herbalists a herb similar to lichen, which people call differently: parmelia, cut, yellowtail, paws, etc. Without hesitating for long, I headed to the market and quickly I found the medicinal plant I needed. An elderly herbalist described to me in great detail how to use parmelia, and after two months of treatment I completely got rid of the disease in my stomach.

● To be honest, I don’t even know what my diagnosis was then – I didn’t go to the doctors or get examined. The most important thing is that I no longer suffer from pain and cramping in the abdominal cavity. Some time passed, and at a bus stop I met an old friend who complained that her pancreas had been bothering her for a long time. She was diagnosed with "" at the clinic and was treated for a long time, dosing her with various chemicals, but she was never completely cured.

● I advised my friend to treat herself with a decoction of parmelia, while telling me how I myself was cured of the disease. Two or three months later I met my friend again, who said with delight: “Vitka, I remembered a thousand times and didn’t know how to find you to thank you - now I have absolutely no problems with the pancreas!”

● After this incident, I finally believed in the miraculous parmelia and began to collect additional information about its use. By the way, you will not find this medicinal herb in a pharmacy - only at the herbalists’ market. Buy Parmelia, which is green in color. Here are a few recipes that have helped me and my loved ones.

● I pour two tablespoons or three small pinches of lichen into a deep plate and rinse thoroughly to remove clay and sand. Next, I transfer it to a liter enamel mug, add half a liter of cold water and put it on low heat. When steam appears, I start stirring with a wooden spatula or spoon. Five minutes after boiling, I remove the mug from the stove, wrap it well and leave it to steep overnight. In the morning, I strain the broth, pour it into a half-liter bottle with a screw cap (or a half-liter glass jar with a plastic lid) and put it in the refrigerator.

● And now the most important thing is how to take parmelia decoction. Most herbalists recommend drinking the medicine with or milk. However, in my experience, I did things differently. If you are bothered by stomach and intestinal upset (with or without bloody diarrhea), pain in the intestines, and/or duodenum, then it is better to drink the decoction this way: heat half a glass of milk to 80˚C, take the finished decoction out of the refrigerator and pour it into warm milk. The warm mixture should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed.

● After taking the decoction, herbalists recommend not eating anything for half an hour, but I stood it for two hours and was treated for two months in a row. For young patients, most likely, one month is enough, but the older the patient, the longer the course of treatment. Of course, during the treatment process, alcoholic drinks are prohibited, including beer, spicy and salty foods. Patients with protracted diseases of the respiratory system (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, etc.), accompanied by a lingering cough, need to drink half a glass of heated broth, with a tablespoon or teaspoon of honey. After taking the medicine, do not eat or drink for two hours; after a week the patient will feel obvious relief.

● If the recovery process is delayed, you can alternate taking the decoction - drink it with honey one week, and milk the next. If, due to certain circumstances, someone does not have the opportunity to buy milk or honey, then drink half a glass of warm broth, and after two hours you must definitely eat something.

● I use parmelia decoction in a variety of situations. When my gums bleed, I drink it in small sips, after rinsing my mouth. Three to four days are enough for the bleeding to stop. I also use parmelia for compresses and for washing ulcers and wounds. I prepare the decoction in the same way as for oral administration, but I boil it not for five, but for ten minutes and, after letting it steep overnight, I filter. I soak a cloth in the broth and apply it to the sore spot.

● It can be used in another way: I wash the herb in cold boiled water, dry it a little and squeeze out the water through clean gauze; I place the remaining pulp on gauze or a bandage and apply it to the sore, cover the top with plastic wrap and bandage it overnight. After 3-4 days, as a rule, everything heals.

● These are the healing properties of this miraculous lichen - parmelia. In conclusion, I would like to note that the grass collected in the month of May has the greatest power, but it grows where the soil contains red clay.

Be healthy, God bless you!!!

Or Lichen

Family - Parmeliaceae - Parmeliaceae

The parts used are the thallus.

The popular name is lichen, cut grass.

Botanical description

Parmelia (lichen) is a perennial plant from the Parmeliaceae family, which is a symbiosis of two organisms, one of which belongs to the group of fungi, the other to green algae. Its body is called a thallus and consists of leathery-cartilaginous, narrow, branched, grooved, bare blades of greenish-gray color on the side facing the light.

The spores are colorless, elongated, elliptical or broadly elliptical in shape. The asci are eight-spored, the conidia are straight, fusiform or cylindrical. Parmelia does not bloom.

Parmelia grows on the trunks (branches) of deciduous and coniferous trees, less often on bare wood, rocky substrate, on mossy soils, usually in well-lit places. The plant is widespread in mountainous regions and desert-steppe zones. Lichen is very resistant to adverse climatic conditions and air pollution. About 90 species are found in Russia.

Collection and preparation

The thallus serves as a medicinal raw material; it is harvested at the end of April-May. Dry in the wind and sun. Raw materials are stored without reducing biological activity for 3-4 years.

Active ingredients

Usnic acid, carbohydrates, polysaccharides, tannins, some proteins, fats and ash, some calcium, potassium and phosphorus.

Healing effect and application

It has bactericidal, emollient, hemostatic, antiseptic and excellent wound healing effects.

In folk medicine, it is used to treat chronic cough, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, acute colitis, toxic dyspepsia, and as an immunostimulant.

Externally, a decoction of parmelia is used to cleanse ulcers and wounds of pus.

Lichen is used to prepare thick jelly, marmalade, jelly with the addition of berry juices due to its ability to swell in water and turn into jelly when cooled.


Pour 3 tablespoons of chopped parmelia into 0.5 liters of milk, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Strain and take 1/3 cup 3 times a day. ().

5 tablespoons of chopped herbs 500 ml of water. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Remove from heat and let sit at room temperature until cool. Then strain, squeeze out the raw materials, and apply externally. (For compresses and rinses).

Pour 1 heaped tablespoon of crushed lichen into 1 liter of water and place in a water bath. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 1.5-2 hours. Strain and take 1/3 cup warm 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The broth should be stored in the refrigerator. ().

Pour 3 teaspoons of crushed lichen into 300 ml of water and boil for 10 minutes, let it brew for 2 hours. Strain and take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is no more than 30 days. Store the broth in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. (, various gastrointestinal diseases, stomach ulcers, colitis and as a means of improving intestinal activity and stimulating appetite).

Parmelia is popularly called cut grass; it represents lower fungi and algae. It is considered a useful medicine if used correctly. On the pages of the website “Popular about Health” we offer detailed information about why Parmelia lichen is so useful: description and its medicinal properties. We’ll also tell you where lichen grows and how to brew it for health benefits.

Description of Parmelia

Parmelia is a low aboveground lichen plant with a characteristic leafy grey-green thallus. It can be recognized by its well-branched, wrinkled and slightly curly lobes, tightly pressed together. This is a fairly complex organism that attracts supporters of traditional medicine.

The main places where parmelia grows are mainly on tree trunks, on bushes and branches, on rocky mountain slopes. The plant prefers well-lit areas, but is not picky about environmental conditions. Therefore, if you find a lichen in places with polluted air, or in areas with infertile soil, and in almost any climatic conditions, then do not be surprised... Almost 85 are known in our latitudes different types this “grass”, and it is also widespread in the tropical zone, in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres.

The most famous types are considered to be::

- Parmelia wandering - a lichen 4-5 cm high with plates that swell during rains. On the side of maximum sunlight, narrow, bare or branched blades are formed. In this species, these blades are twisted. Strong winds can tear off parts of the plant and transport parmelia to places where this lichen will take root again.

- Parmelia fissula is a lichen with irregularly shaped rosettes found on the bark of any tree. It also appears on barns, on the walls of buildings, on fences.

With this we will finish the conversation about the appearance of the lichen, we will complete its description.

What are the medicinal properties of lichen??

Healers use medicinal recipes only mainly Parmelia wandering. The medicinal part is the thallus; it is prepared and collected in late April-early May. The raw materials are dried in the sun, outdoors, which is necessary to eliminate its sharp characteristic odor. The plant used will remain slightly bitter in taste, and the decoction will have a specific orange or brown tint.

The healing properties of lichen are due to its rich chemical composition, the presence useful acids(barbate, squamate, usnin), which are considered the most powerful natural antibiotic. The substances contained in the plant have a detrimental effect on staphylococci and a number of other dangerous bacteria and microorganisms.

The main beneficial properties of parmelia are:



Wound healing;


Bactericidal and disinfectant.

Due to the presence of vitamin C, lichen has an immunostimulating effect and increases the body's defenses. Drinking a decoction helps remove toxins and other harmful accumulations that clog the intestines from the body.

Parmelia is used by healers to treat colds and flu, stomach and intestinal diseases. The effectiveness of decoctions in the treatment of tuberculosis and cough of infectious origin has been revealed.

The possibility of external use allows you to restore the skin after frostbite, burns, accelerate wound healing and disinfect them. A gauze bandage is moistened with a strong infusion and applied to the affected areas on the body.

The disinfecting effect and hemostatic effect made dry lichen powder popular among the military. This component had to be included in the individual medical package.

Collected Parmelia raw material - how to brew it?

Pre-dried raw materials must be crushed before use. To treat a cough or pneumonia, prepare a decoction by brewing parmelia as follows:

Pour 1 tablespoon of the plant into 1 liter of water. Place the container over low heat and bring to a boil. Cook for another 20 minutes, stirring regularly and not allowing the mixture to boil too much. Strain the resulting product and pour into a glass container. Can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. For medicinal purposes, drink 100 ml (1/3 cup) of the prepared decoction before meals, 3 times a day. Continue the course until complete recovery.

Preparation of a composition for disinfecting wounds, treating burns and frostbite. In this case, you need to brew the lichen like this:

Mix 5 tablespoons of dry plant with 0.5 liters of water. Allow the mixture to boil over low heat, then increase the heat and cook for another 15 minutes at high bubbling.

Strain after cooking, cool until warm, use to wash wounds 7-8 times a day, and leave the lotions overnight. This effective remedy even with neglected wounds, and was previously used to get rid of tropical ulcers.

Who should not use it?

Parmelia lichen has a number of beneficial properties, but it may also be unsafe. It is not recommended for people with a tendency to allergies or patients with hypertension (due to the ability to increase blood pressure).

Healers do not advise pregnant women or children under 6 years of age to use the plant for treatment. In any case, it is better to discuss the use of parmelia recipes with a doctor or experienced herbalist.

This plant has certain characteristics. Before use, you need to read them carefully, because side effects and contraindications are possible.

Experts call Parmelia an aerial lichen. Its height is 4-6 centimeters. The plant looks like a leaf thallus. Color - gray-green. It has curly, highly branched lobes, closely closed together. You can meet parmelia in a warm, well-lit place. Grows on tree branches and trunks, slopes and mountains. The plant is resistant to oxygen pollution and unfavorable climate.

Most often found in the tropics, as well as in ecologically clean regions of Russia.

Medicinal properties

The plant has the following effects:

  • Eliminates colds.
  • Treats cough.
  • Helps get rid of colitis.
  • Fights diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Used for burns and frostbite.
  • May strengthen the immune system.
  • Saturates the body with vitamins. Increases resistance various diseases.

Men use this plant for treatment genitourinary system. The body is cleansed of harmful microorganisms and recovers faster from illnesses.

Experts advise children to use parmelia products to treat coughs. The cold will go away much faster, and discomfort will not bother the child.

What are the indications?

You should take remedies from this plant if you have the following ailments:

  • Cough.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Hard-to-heal wounds.
  • Colitis.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Cold.
  • Scratches on the surface of the epidermis.

Harm and contraindications

The plant does not cause harm, but allergies may occur. There are contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Hypersensitivity.
  • Lactation.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Children under six years of age are prohibited from using parmelia.

Dosage forms

Medicines based on this plant are rarely found in pharmacies. Tinctures and solutions are made. You can independently prepare healing infusions and tea from parmelia.

Instructions for use

There are many folk recipes, the main component of which is parmelia. The instructions must be read in advance, before starting treatment.

For adults

A decoction of such a plant helps cure diarrhea, gastrointestinal diseases, colitis, and cough. It is not difficult to prepare the product. You will need 3 teaspoons of dry raw materials. They pour 300 ml of boiling water, cook the mixture over low heat for ten minutes. Next, you need to infuse the solution for two hours and strain. The finished medicine is taken before meals 3-4 times a day, one tablespoon. The course of treatment should not exceed thirty days. The prepared broth cannot be stored in the refrigerator for more than two days.

If you need to cure the surface of the skin, eliminate wounds and scratches, you should prepare a special product. You need to mix 3 tablespoons with 300 ml of boiling water. The mixture is simmered over low heat for ten minutes, then infused for two hours. The solution must be filtered and used externally, in the form of compresses. The medicine cleanses the wound of pathogenic bacteria and promotes healing.

For stomach diseases, you should use a tincture from this plant. To prepare it, you need to use dried herbs. It is mixed with 200 ml of boiling water. The solution is infused for two hours and filtered. Take one tablespoon 3-4 times a day, half an hour before meals. Treatment lasts from 5 to 20 days. The strained infusion cannot be stored for more than one day. With proper preparation and administration of the product, you can quickly recover and become healthy.

For children

Children are allowed to use this plant for colds and coughs. The product helps you recover faster and get rid of discomfort.

The decoction does not take long to prepare. You need to mix one tablespoon of dry herb and one liter of water. The pan with the solution is placed in a water bath and left for about two hours. Then remove from heat and strain. You should take the medicine one-third of a glass three times a day, half an hour before meals. The solution is stored in the refrigerator for no more than one day; the product is heated before use. If your baby develops a rash on the skin after treatment with this plant, its use should be stopped. The child may be allergic to parmelia.

Parmelia should not be used during pregnancy. The plant can bring harm rather than benefit. During this period, a woman’s body is susceptible to various diseases and may be weakened. The product may cause diseases. Its use should be abandoned to avoid complications and side effects.

Reviews about the product

Dmitry, 27 years old:“I had stomach problems. I suffered from pain, and the hospital prescribed many medications. I took them for a certain time, but I was not able to recover completely. A friend advised me to make a parmelia tincture. I used the product for several days. It turned out to be so effective that I was able to fully recover. Now I recommend everyone to use this method, it is quite simple to prepare and really helps in eliminating diseases.”

Inna, 45 years old:“I was seriously injured while working in the garden. The wound turned out to be deep, so it was necessary urgent help. A friend advised me to prepare a compress based on parmelia. I had previously heard about this plant, but had not used it. I was pleasantly surprised when, after a few days, the surface of the skin was restored. I will now recommend this product to everyone, it helps in the best way, does not cause any unpleasant sensations, and acts gently and carefully. There is no itching or burning."

Natalya, 29 years old:“I had problems with the gastrointestinal tract, so I consulted a doctor. He prescribed many medications, some of which could not be purchased and turned out to be expensive. I found a recipe for parmelia decoction on the Internet. I followed the instructions and took the medicine regularly. I was able to recover within a few days. I am very grateful to this plant, it helped me recover, even medicines from the pharmacy turned out to be less effective in fighting diseases.”

Even ancient Greek healers noticed the healing properties of parmelia, but lichen constantly manages to reveal another facet of potential, maintaining its status as completely unexplored.

Initially, its bactericidal properties were used in the treatment of wounds, but later it turned out that it copes with coughs and ulcers. Now it is known that Parmelia lichen can even cope with tuberculosis, and the list of diseases subject to it has long consisted of many items.

Botanical description

More than 80 species of this plant are known, but from a medical point of view, only Parmelia wandering, or, as it is also called, cut grass, is of interest. This is a perennial lichen growing on steppe and semi-desert soils, the leaf thallus of which reaches 5 cm in height.

The body is branched, leathery-cartilaginous, slightly shiny. The narrow, grooved bare lobes are colored greenish-gray on top. The lower edge of the thallus is dark brown.

The species is named wandering for its ability to move to a new place with strong gusts of wind.

In central Russia, parmelia furrow is sometimes mistakenly called cut grass. This lichen, large rosettes of which are often found on the trunks and branches of deciduous trees, is not recognized as medicinal.

It can be distinguished by the foliose thallus tightly attached by rhizines to the substrate, the thinly branched, wide lobes of which can be colored yellowish or whitish-gray on top.


Parmelia loves light and warmth, is undemanding to the soil, and is resistant to adverse atmospheric and man-made phenomena. It is found on saline chestnut soils of steppes and semi-deserts, rocky substrate of mountain slopes, and occasionally temporarily attaches to the trunks and branches of deciduous trees.

Distributed in the southern regions of the former USSR.

Active ingredients

Parmelia wandering is valued for high content usnic acid, which has antiviral, antibiotic, analgesic and antituberculosis effects.

The cut grass also contains barbate, squamate and fumarprocertratic acids, which makes it suitable for the treatment of diarrhea and hemorrhoids.

Substances similar to tannin have a hemostatic effect and are even suitable for use as an antidote for lead and mercury poisoning.

The gelling substance lichenin is not absorbed by the human body and has an enveloping effect, due to which parmelia decoctions and jelly are used as an aid in the treatment of intestinal and stomach ulcers.

The high concentration of vitamin C and the acid-rich composition of the thallus do a good job of strengthening the immune system.

Potassium, calcium, phosphorus, isolichenin and evenin do not play a significant role.

Medicinal properties

For the antiseptic and regenerative properties of parmelia, they gave it a second name - cut grass. A strong decoction is used to wash wounds. Vaseline paste with lichen powder is suitable for dressings.

Parmelia is used for coughs due to its emollient and soothing effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. A decoction with milk is recognized by traditional medicine as an effective anti-tuberculosis remedy.

Parmelia wandering helps with gastrointestinal diseases, acute colitis, toxic dyspepsia. Often used as an immunostimulant.

Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties are used in the fight against hemorrhoids and cystitis. Antifungal and immunostimulating effects are used in the treatment of thrush, where the grass plays a supporting role.

Indications for use

Parmelia wandering- a case when the healing properties of a folk remedy are recognized by official medicine.

It is suitable for both external and internal use.

Washing with a strong decoction of lichen is indicated for damage to the skin, such as:

  • burn;
  • frostbite;
  • cut or abrasion;
  • bedsore;
  • trophic ulcer.

Dressings with bandages soaked in the broth are useful. Self-processing penetrating wounds and cuts are prohibited: in combination with the wound-healing properties of parmelia, insufficient sterilization of the internal layers of the damage leads to the formation of an abscess.

Oral intake of parmelia is indicated for diseases:

  • respiratory tract - chronic cough, bronchial asthma, influenza, tuberculosis;
  • digestive tract - infections, stomach and duodenal ulcers, colitis;
  • heart and blood vessels.

Like cetraria, it is used for douching for:

  • bacterial cystitis;
  • hemorrhoids.

Lichen is used quite rarely as an independent medicine. Usually it plays the role of an auxiliary tool. To prevent complications, it is better not to ignore this fact and not to get carried away with self-medication.

Especially if the patient is a child.

Parmelia, due to its medicinal immunomodulatory properties, is popular in East Asia and Central Europe, where it is used as a dietary supplement. It is possible to add a small amount of chopped grass, ground into powder, to the flour, or use it as a thickener when preparing jelly, jelly or jelly.

The slight heat and bitterness in the finished dish is interrupted by fruit juices.


Individual intolerance- the main contraindication. When urticaria or other forms appear allergic reaction you should stop taking the medicine and contact a medical facility.

The effect of Parmelia has not yet been fully studied, so contraindications include:

  • age up to 6 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

For hypertension, parmelia is used only as prescribed by the attending physician. To avoid side effects, special attention should be paid to carefully following the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Procurement and storage of raw materials

The concentration of usnic acid in lichen increases with increasing daylight hours, reaching a peak value of 8% of dry matter mass and decreases after the summer solstice. Therefore, it is recommended to collect parmelia in May-June.

The medicinal thallus is dried in the open air; shade is not necessary. Completely dried lichen loses its pungent odor and has a tart, pungent taste.

Properly prepared raw materials will not lose their healing properties for 3-4 years, regardless of temperature and lighting level.

Dry raw materials should be stored in tightly closed containers.

Where can I collect?

Parmelia- a complex organism, a combination of fungal and algal cells. Like all lichens, it does not filter water, but absorbs moisture completely, along with all the heavy metals and radioactive isotopes it contains.

As a result, the cut grass dies, but rather slowly and it is difficult to distinguish a healthy specimen from a contaminated one. Therefore, an important condition for proper collection of thallus is distance from industrial zones, large cities and highways.


By purchasing lichen, the confusion with its species has become widespread, not in a pharmacy, you risk harming your health. The same applies to self-medication without prior consultation, so use the recipes below homemade only after coordinating the actions with the attending physician.

For external use:

1 tbsp. l. chopped herbs pour a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes. Leave for 30 minutes and strain. Used for washing injuries, douching, and dressings.

Gastric decoction:

1 tbsp. l of raw materials pour 300 ml. water and brew in a water bath for 60 minutes. After 2 hours, strain. Take a tablespoon before meals 3-4 times a day for a month. Helps with diseases of the stomach, pancreas and intestines, stimulates appetite.

Breast decoction:

1-2 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 l of lichen. milk and cook in a water bath for 60 minutes. Leave for 2 hours, strain and add a little honey if desired. Directions for use: 100 ml. regardless of meals, 4-5 times a day. The benefits are clearly visible for colds and weak immunity. Treats pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis and other lung diseases, including tuberculosis.


Parmelia powder is mixed with petroleum jelly until the mixture has the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply to the damaged area of ​​skin and bandage. It is recommended to use at night.

ratings, average:

Parmelia, which is also known as cut grass, is a useful lichen. It is considered a complex and medicinal organism that consists of small green algae and lower fungi. Parmelia lichen has beneficial properties that explain the use of the herb to treat coughs, tuberculosis and influenza. But, like any medicine, Parmelia has contraindications for use, which are worth knowing before starting treatment.

Description of the medicinal plant

This aerial lichen, 4-6 cm high, is a leafy thallus of gray-green color, with highly branched, curly and slightly wrinkled lobes that are closely closed together.

Since Parmelia is a complex organism, it attracts the attention of nature lovers and traditional healers, who have constantly strived to unlock the potential of this plant, but have not yet reached the end in this matter.

Parmelia grows in a warm, lit place. You can notice grass on tree branches and trunks, bushes, rocks, slopes and mountains.

This lichen is undemanding to the soil, highly resistant to unfavorable climate and oxygen pollution.

Parmelia is found in the tropics, Northern and Southern Hemisphere. More than 80 species of this plant grow in our country, most of which will grow in ecologically clean regions of Russia.

Types of grass

The most common 2 types of lichen are Parmelia wandering and Parmelia furrowed.

  • Parmelia wandering

    This lichen grows 3-5 cm in height. In appearance, the grass resembles many gray-green plates that swell after rain. The lichen itself consists of narrow, grooved, branched and bare lobes of greenish color on the side facing the sun's rays. These lobes of Parmelia wanderens are twisted. At strong wind Lumps of this type of lichen are able to break off and are transported over a long distance, where they take root for some time.

  • Parmelia furrow

    It is a leaf lichen that forms rosettes irregular shape on the wood of any tree. In addition, it lives on dry branches, walls of houses, sheds and fences.
    The reticulate-wrinkled thallus of the lichen is bluish-gray in color, with soredia. It is black below, generously covered with straight or branching rhizines.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

The medicinal properties of Parmelia have been known for a long time, but only Parmelia wandering or cut herb is endowed with a healing effect, which is used in traditional medicine recipes not only in Russia.
The medicinal raw material of Parmelia wanderensis is the thallus, which is harvested at the end of April. The collected raw materials are dried in the open air for at least 3 days. After the lichen dries thoroughly, it will lose its pungent odor.

The finished product tastes bitter, slightly hot. The herbal decoction differs from others in its brownish-orange color. It should be prepared according to a prescription prescribed by a doctor.

Composition of Parmelia

The second name of Parmelia - cut grass appeared due to the appearance of the leaves, which look cut. Before determining the indications for the use of Parmelia and its contraindications, you should study the chemical composition of the herb. Important: it is the thallus of the cut grass that provides an effective therapeutic effect in the treatment of cough. Parmelia fissula contains useful substances important for humans, which make up a rich set of chemical elements that can have a healing effect.

It is worth knowing that the medicinal properties of Parmelia have been known since the times of Ancient Egypt. Although in those days they had not yet thought about the chemical composition of plants, a positive result was already noticed after using this lichen.

Since the mid-twentieth century, scientists began to carefully study the properties and chemical composition of Parmelia, as a result of which barbate, usnic, squamate and fumarprocetraric acid were discovered in its composition, which are contained in some types of lichens that have a strong antibacterial effect. Scientists also went further and found out the consequences of the antibiotic effect: specific groups of antibiotics contained in lichen suppress the growth of staphylococci. Other groups affect other bacteria and microorganisms dangerous to humans.

For example, usnic acid is considered a powerful antibiotic, which contains a huge amount of vitamin C. In addition, it contains tannins and carbohydrates, which cause the raw material to swell when placed in hot water.

Beneficial features

The rich composition of Parmelia grooveta determines its use. Therefore, this lichen is used today to treat most pathologies. Many modern medicinal preparations contain a squeeze or extract of cut grass, so there are many options for using the herb.
Infusions, decoctions and preparations of Parmelia have the following healing properties:

  • bactericidal;
  • hemostatic;
  • antiseptic;
  • wound healing;
  • emollient.

What does it treat?

Parmelia preparations in folk and official medicine are used externally or internally, since this lichen has a wide range of healing effects on the human body.
The main indications for the use of Parmelia fissula for medicinal purposes:

  • tuberculosis;
  • cough;
  • ulcer;
  • burns and frostbite;
  • colitis;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

But before you start treating diseases (tuberculosis, cough), you must study the contraindications and consult with your doctor. Instructions for use of a specific drug imply the use folk ways treatment in combination with traditional medicine, so you should not categorically refuse medications and switch to lichen treatment.
In folk medicine, the use of this plant is suitable for the treatment of:

  • old cough;
  • stomach ulcers;
  • dyspepsia;
  • duodenum;
  • infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heart disease;
  • tuberculosis;
  • flu

Vitamin C gives the flower immunostimulating agents that can have a calming effect on the body and specific organs. In addition, with the help of lichen it is easy to cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances found in the intestines.

Externally, Parmelia decoction is used to wash festering wounds, burns, ulcers and frostbite, resulting in a strong wound healing effect and anti-inflammatory effect. With the help of this lichen, you can quickly stop bleeding and disinfect wounds. To do this, use a strong infusion of lichen, in which the fabric is moistened and applied as a bandage. It is for this reason that powder from dried cut grass was a mandatory component of the individual medical package of soldiers at the beginning of the 20th century.

Indications for the use of Parmelia sulcata for the treatment of cough are recommended in the presence of contraindications or individual intolerance to milk. It is recommended to add anise or fennel seeds to this decoction of this lichen. Children aged 6-14 years old should take 1 teaspoon of raw materials instead of a tablespoon to prepare a medicinal drug.

During the Second World War, a special Vaseline paste was prepared to treat the wounded, which consisted of lamp oil and parmelia powder. The paste, reminiscent of the consistency of thick sour cream, helped heal non-healing wounds, bedsores and trophic ulcers. To do this, the paste was applied in a thick layer to the wounds, bandaged and left overnight.

But Parmelia is also used in cooking. Sometimes it becomes the main component of jelly, jelly or jelly, resulting in an extremely healthy dish.


This plant should be used with caution. The main contraindication for use is individual intolerance, as a result of which the patient experiences allergic reactions - itching, hives, runny nose, etc. These manifestations are considered the body’s reaction to usnic acid, which is part of the cut grass.

Hypertension is another contraindication to treatment with Parmelia. Although when high blood pressure Cut grass can be used, but it is recommended to take medications after a prescription is written by a doctor.

Children under 6 years of age, pregnancy and lactation are also considered contraindications for the use of Parmelia fissula, since the effect of the herb has not yet been fully studied by current medicine.

When treating pathologies (ulcers, cough, tuberculosis, etc.) and taking Parmelia infusions and decoctions orally, you must carefully follow the dosage to avoid possible unpleasant consequences for the body.

Parmelia is a perennial lichen from the Parmeliaceae family. The plant is also called cut grass. The second name is due to the structure of its leaves. The plant is unique in structure; it has no vegetative organs.

Parmelia settles on any surface. Unpretentious to external conditions, resistant to harmful environmental influences. Lichen can be seen on tree trunks, fences, and the ground. Its natural habitat is Europe, North and South America, Africa, and Australasia.

1 Composition and properties

There are two types of parmelia common in Russia: grooved and wandering. The first one has not been fully studied, so the wandering one is used more often.

Lichen contains a large number of useful elements:

  • antioxidants (vitamin C);
  • natural antibiotics (barbate, usnic, squamate and fumarprotocetraric acids);
  • fiber and complex carbohydrates (important elements for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • proteins, fats, pigments, tannins;
  • mineral inclusions (including phosphorus and calcium);
  • micro- and macroelements.

The most valuable part of the plant is the thallus. The greatest amount of useful substances is concentrated there.

Among the medicinal properties of cut grass are:

  • antiseptic;
  • bactericidal;
  • emollient;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating;
  • sedative;
  • hemostatic;
  • immunostimulating.

Lichen is used in medicine and cooking. In traditional pharmacology, the squeeze and extract of cut grass are included in the composition of modern medications with external and internal spectrum of action.

Reindeer moss (moss) - medicinal properties and uses

2 Benefits and contraindications

The plant is unique in its biochemical content. Taking medicinal infusions and decoctions gives noticeable results in the fight against diseases. At the same time, the side effects on healthy organs are minimal.

The plant is used to treat:

  • cough;
  • flu;
  • bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diseases of blood vessels and heart.

The presence of strong natural antibiotics in parmelia makes it possible to treat tuberculosis and any type of cough with drugs made from it. Compositions from lichen are used as an additional agent to the main chemical preparations.


  • Parmelia systematically relieves inflammatory processes at any stage of bronchitis. From the first day of use, significant improvements in health are observed. A competent approach allows you to defeat the disease in 7–8 days.
  • For stomach and duodenal ulcers, parmelia effectively relieves inflammation. Thanks to the gel-like substance lichenin, rapid healing of the mucous walls occurs. The herb has a calming effect and destroys harmful bacterial environments. At an early stage of the disease, cure occurs in a short time. When the case is advanced, there is obvious relief.
  • Cardiac dysfunction is another indication to start treatment with cut grass. While taking it, the heart muscle is strengthened. The use of decoctions and infusions will prevent heart attack and stroke and help regulate heart rhythm.
  • The immunomodulating effect of parmelia is due to the high content of vitamin C. Infusions of the plant are used to treat external skin lesions: ulcers, purulent abscesses, cuts, burns, frostbite, lichen.
  • It is recommended to drink a herbal infusion for the overall health of the body and tone. The product helps calm the nervous system, removes toxins and harmful substances.

The main contraindication to the use of cut grass is allergies. For hypertension, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. This is explained by the plant’s ability to increase blood pressure. It is not advisable to use grass: during pregnancy and breastfeeding, for children under 6 years of age.

3 Application

Proper preparation of medicinal compositions guarantees complete preservation of healing properties. It is unacceptable to boil infusions for a long time. Because of this, most bioactive components decompose. There will be no harm from such treatment, but no benefit either. For this reason, the drug is prepared only in a water bath. When treating coughs, honey is considered an important ingredient.

  • 100 g of herbal raw materials are poured into 1 liter of milk and set to heat. Bring to a boil, keep on fire for 15–20 minutes. Filtered. Take the product 3 times a day (1/3 cup before meals). The use of the composition is useful for chronic tuberculosis cough. Its use helps relieve inflammation and makes breathing easier.
  • Milk or water is used as a basis. A tablespoon of dry herb is poured into 500 ml of liquid. Bring to a boil in a water bath. Leave for at least 2 hours. Strain and add a teaspoon of honey. Place in the refrigerator for storage. Drink the infusion every day before meals (1-2 tsp.) Pre-heat. The duration of treatment is 1 month.
  • For infectious pathologies with reflex cough, it is better to use lichen tea. A small spoon of herb is poured with water. Leave in a water bath for at least 30 minutes. Drink hot before bed, add honey.
  • 30 g of chopped grass is poured into 300 ml of cold water. Place in a water bath. Boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Treatment courses are repeated every three months. The breaks between them are 3 days.
  • Combine 1-2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials and 100 ml of alcohol (70% strength). Place the liquid in a dark, cool place for 1–2 weeks. The container is shaken periodically. Take 10–15 drops for a suffocating cough.

The result of treatment depends on the stage of the disease and the nature of its course. A positive effect is more often observed when fighting early forms of illnesses.

Medicinal raw materials are harvested in the spring (April-May). It was during this period that the maximum filling of the lichen with microelements was noted. Only the thallus is suitable for collection; it contains the largest accumulation of useful components.

Freshly cut grass has a specific smell. When dried, it is neutralized. The collected lichen is cleaned and laid out in a well-ventilated area. The shelf life of dry collection is no more than 3 years.

Parmelia furrow, in Latin Parmelia sulcata, a genus of lichens of the Parmeliaceae family Parmeliaceae.

Parmelia is a perennial aboveground lichen, the height of which is about 4-6 cm, with a leaf thallus of gray-green color with highly branched lobes, curly, closely closed, slightly wrinkled. This is a very interesting and complex organism, which is a symbiosis of lower fungi and green algae.

Parmelia grows on the trunks of coniferous and deciduous trees, sometimes on mossy soils and rocky slopes, but always in a well-lit place. Lichen is not picky about soils and is found in vast areas of the South and South-East of our country, especially in ecologically clean mountainous areas.

The medicinal raw material of parmelia is the thallus, which is harvested in late April - early May. Dry outdoors. When dried, the raw material is practically odorless. The taste of dry lichen raw materials is bitter, slightly pungent, with some feeling of mucousness. The decoction is brown-orange with a characteristic burning taste. Dried parmelia raw materials can be stored for 3-4 years without losing their biological activity.

The chemical composition of parmelia is unique. Thallus lichen contains usnic acid - the strongest natural antibiotic and a lot of vitamin C. The composition also contains a lot of tannins and carbohydrates, which in their chemical composition are closest to fiber; they ensure the swelling of the raw material in hot water. The lichen starch lichenin, evenin and isolichenin were found in the composition of parmelia polysaccharides. There is also a small amount of protein, fat and ash, as well as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and pigments.

Medicinal properties of parmelia

Due to the combined presence of usnic acid, vitamin C and tannin compounds in the parmelia thallus, the plant has powerful bactericidal, emollient, antiseptic, hemostatic and excellent wound healing effect.

Extracted from parmelia usnic acid- well studied, the strongest antibiotic. The drug "Binan" (aka sodium salt usnic acid), obtained from lichen, even at a concentration of 1:2000000 has excellent bacteriostatic properties, and in higher concentrations it has a detrimental effect on tuberculosis bacteria (Koch bacilli). The content of usnic acid in Parmelia is higher than in Icelandic moss (cetraria). The antibiotic properties of lichen are well preserved for several years; it is very heat-resistant (not afraid of high temperatures). This substance has a detrimental effect on gram-positive, gram-negative, as well as some acid-resistant bacteria and certain types of fungi.

In folk medicine, the plant is widely used for treatment pulmonary tuberculosis And old cough, gastrointestinal diseases of an infectious nature, including acute colitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers (caused by Helicobacter), toxic dyspepsia. Due to its high vitamin C content, it is used as an immunostimulating agent. It also has a calming effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract.

When used externally, parmelia decoction is good for clearing pus. wounds and ulcers. Stops bleeding. For wounds and cuts, use a strong decoction of lichen, moisten the cloth and apply bandages. To treat the wounded during the Great Patriotic War, Vaseline paste with parmelia powder was made. After all, it was not for nothing that it was called “cut grass” in those distant years.

In Germany, Japan and France, parmelia is still used as food: the powder of the dried thalli is mixed with flour and other products. Lichen has the ability to swell in hot water, and when cooled, it turns into a jelly-like consistency (jelly). This property is used in the preparation of medicinal thick jelly, healthy marmalade and jelly with the addition of berry juices.

Parmelia recipes

Parmelia decoction with milk for the treatment of tuberculosis and chronic cough: 1 heaped tablespoon of chopped thallus per 0.5 liter of milk. Simmer in a water bath for 1 hour. Leave for 2 hours. Strain. Add 2 teaspoons of any honey or propolis syrup. Take half a glass of decoction (about 100 ml) 15-30 minutes before meals 4-5 times a day. The last dose is before bedtime.

The literature describes a unique case of rapid recovery acute colitis with three doses of lichen decoction for only 2 days.

Parmelia decoction in water: lichen 1 tablespoon per 300 ml of water, boil for 1 hour in a water bath, leave for 2 hours and strain. Take 2 tablespoons before meals 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is exactly 30 days. Even if relief came much earlier. It is advisable to store the prepared broth in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

This decoction should be used:

As a means of stimulating appetite and improving digestion;

For colitis accompanied by diarrhea, diarrhea of ​​a viral and infectious nature, various gastrointestinal diseases(even an exact diagnosis has not yet been established), stomach and duodenal ulcers, toxic dyspepsia;

- for any cough(as a replacement for a decoction with milk or if milk is contraindicated, you can add fennel or anise seeds);

Children from 6 to 14 years old the dose should be taken at the rate of 1 teaspoon of raw material instead of a tablespoon.

Parmelia decoction for external use: crushed lichen 2 tablespoons per 300 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Use the prepared decoction externally for compresses or rinses. purulent wounds and ulcers, including bleeding ones, the use of a decoction effectively eliminates pus and promotes speedy healing.

Vaseline paste for treatment trophic ulcers, long-term non-healing wounds, bedsores: Mix lamp oil (purified petroleum jelly) with parmelia powder (very finely ground) until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Apply a thick layer to ulcers and wounds, bandage with a regular bandage or thin cotton cloth at night.

Even ancient Greek healers noticed the healing properties of parmelia, but lichen constantly manages to reveal another facet of potential, maintaining its status as completely unexplored.

Initially, its bactericidal properties were used in the treatment of wounds, but later it turned out that it copes with coughs and ulcers. Now it is known that Parmelia lichen can even cope with tuberculosis, and the list of diseases subject to it has long consisted of many items.

Botanical description

More than 80 species of this plant are known, but from a medical point of view, only Parmelia wandering, or, as it is also called, cut grass, is of interest. This is a perennial lichen growing on steppe and semi-desert soils, the leaf thallus of which reaches 5 cm in height.

The body is branched, leathery-cartilaginous, slightly shiny. The narrow, grooved bare lobes are colored greenish-gray on top. The lower edge of the thallus is dark brown.

The species is named wandering for its ability to move to a new place with strong gusts of wind.

In central Russia, parmelia furrow is sometimes mistakenly called cut grass. This lichen, large rosettes of which are often found on the trunks and branches of deciduous trees, is not recognized as medicinal.

It can be distinguished by the foliose thallus tightly attached by rhizines to the substrate, the thinly branched, wide lobes of which can be colored yellowish or whitish-gray on top.


Parmelia loves light and warmth, is undemanding to the soil, and is resistant to adverse atmospheric and man-made phenomena. It is found on saline chestnut soils of steppes and semi-deserts, rocky substrate of mountain slopes, and occasionally temporarily attaches to the trunks and branches of deciduous trees.

Distributed in the southern regions of the former USSR.

Active ingredients

Parmelia vagusum is valued for its high content of usnic acid, which has antiviral, antibiotic, analgesic and anti-tuberculosis effects.

The cut grass also contains barbate, squamate and fumarprocertratic acids, which makes it suitable for the treatment of diarrhea and hemorrhoids.

Substances similar to tannin have a hemostatic effect and are even suitable for use as an antidote for lead and mercury poisoning.

The gelling substance lichenin is not absorbed by the human body and has an enveloping effect, due to which parmelia decoctions and jelly are used as an aid in the treatment of intestinal and stomach ulcers.

The high concentration of vitamin C and the acid-rich composition of the thallus do a good job of strengthening the immune system.

Potassium, calcium, phosphorus, isolichenin and evenin do not play a significant role.

Medicinal properties

For the antiseptic and regenerative properties of parmelia, they gave it a second name - cut grass. A strong decoction is used to wash wounds. Vaseline paste with lichen powder is suitable for dressings.

Parmelia is used for coughs due to its emollient and soothing effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. A decoction with milk is recognized by traditional medicine as an effective anti-tuberculosis remedy.

Parmelia wandering helps with gastrointestinal diseases, acute colitis, toxic dyspepsia. Often used as an immunostimulant.

Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties are used in the fight against hemorrhoids and cystitis. Antifungal and immunostimulating effects are used in the treatment of thrush, where the grass plays a supporting role.

Indications for use

Parmelia wandering- a case when the healing properties of a folk remedy are recognized by official medicine.

It is suitable for both external and internal use.

Washing with a strong decoction of lichen is indicated for damage to the skin, such as:

  • burn;
  • frostbite;
  • cut or abrasion;
  • bedsore;
  • trophic ulcer.

Dressings with bandages soaked in the broth are useful. Self-treatment of penetrating wounds and cuts is prohibited: in combination with the wound-healing properties of parmelia, insufficient sterilization of the internal layers of the damage leads to the formation of an abscess.

Oral intake of parmelia is indicated for diseases:

  • respiratory tract - chronic cough, bronchial asthma, influenza, tuberculosis;
  • digestive tract - infections, stomach and duodenal ulcers, colitis;
  • heart and blood vessels.

Like cetraria, it is used for douching for:

  • bacterial cystitis;
  • hemorrhoids.

Lichen is used quite rarely as an independent medicine. Usually it plays the role of an auxiliary tool. To prevent complications, it is better not to ignore this fact and not to get carried away with self-medication.

Especially if the patient is a child.

Parmelia, due to its medicinal immunomodulatory properties, is popular in East Asia and Central Europe, where it is used as a dietary supplement. It is possible to add a small amount of chopped grass, ground into powder, to the flour, or use it as a thickener when preparing jelly, jelly or jelly.

The slight heat and bitterness in the finished dish is interrupted by fruit juices.


Individual intolerance- the main contraindication. If urticaria or other forms of allergic reaction occur, you should stop taking the medicine and contact a medical facility.

The effect of Parmelia has not yet been fully studied, so contraindications include:

  • age up to 6 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

For hypertension, parmelia is used only as prescribed by the attending physician. To avoid side effects, special attention should be paid to carefully following the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Procurement and storage of raw materials

The concentration of usnic acid in lichen increases with increasing daylight hours, reaching a peak value of 8% of dry matter mass and decreases after the summer solstice. Therefore, it is recommended to collect parmelia in May-June.

The medicinal thallus is dried in the open air; shade is not necessary. Completely dried lichen loses its pungent odor and has a tart, pungent taste.

Properly prepared raw materials will not lose their healing properties for 3-4 years, regardless of temperature and lighting level.

Dry raw materials should be stored in tightly closed containers.

Where can I collect?

Parmelia- a complex organism, a combination of fungal and algal cells. Like all lichens, it does not filter water, but absorbs moisture completely, along with all the heavy metals and radioactive isotopes it contains.

As a result, the cut grass dies, but rather slowly and it is difficult to distinguish a healthy specimen from a contaminated one. Therefore, an important condition for proper collection of thallus is distance from industrial zones, large cities and highways.


By purchasing lichen, the confusion with its species has become widespread, not in a pharmacy, you risk harming your health. The same applies to self-medication without prior consultation, so use the homemade recipes below only after consulting with your doctor.

For external use:

1 tbsp. l. chopped herbs pour a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes. Leave for 30 minutes and strain. Used for washing injuries, douching, and dressings.

Gastric decoction:

1 tbsp. l of raw materials pour 300 ml. water and brew in a water bath for 60 minutes. After 2 hours, strain. Take a tablespoon before meals 3-4 times a day for a month. Helps with diseases of the stomach, pancreas and intestines, stimulates appetite.

Breast decoction:

1-2 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 l of lichen. milk and cook in a water bath for 60 minutes. Leave for 2 hours, strain and add a little honey if desired. Directions for use: 100 ml. regardless of meals, 4-5 times a day. The benefits are clearly visible for colds and weak immunity. Treats pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis and other lung diseases, including tuberculosis.


Parmelia powder is mixed with petroleum jelly until the mixture has the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply to the damaged area of ​​skin and bandage. It is recommended to use at night.

This plant has certain characteristics. Before use, you need to read them carefully, because side effects and contraindications are possible.

What kind of plant is this?

Experts call Parmelia an aerial lichen. Its height is 4-6 centimeters. The plant looks like a leaf thallus. Color - gray-green. It has curly, highly branched lobes, closely closed together. You can meet parmelia in a warm, well-lit place. Grows on tree branches and trunks, slopes and mountains. The plant is resistant to oxygen pollution and unfavorable climate.

Most often found in the tropics, as well as in ecologically clean regions of Russia.

Medicinal properties

The plant has the following effects:

  • Eliminates colds.
  • Treats cough.
  • Helps get rid of colitis.
  • Fights diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Used for burns and frostbite.
  • May strengthen the immune system.
  • Saturates the body with vitamins. Increases resistance to various diseases.

Men use this plant to treat the genitourinary system. The body is cleansed of harmful microorganisms and recovers faster from illnesses.

Experts advise children to use parmelia products to treat coughs. The cold will go away much faster, and discomfort will not bother the child.

What are the indications?

You should take remedies from this plant if you have the following ailments:

  • Cough.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Hard-to-heal wounds.
  • Colitis.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Cold.
  • Scratches on the surface of the epidermis.

Harm and contraindications

The plant does not cause harm, but allergies may occur. There are contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Hypersensitivity.
  • Lactation.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Children under six years of age are prohibited from using parmelia.

Dosage forms

Medicines based on this plant are rarely found in pharmacies. Tinctures and solutions are made. You can independently prepare healing infusions and tea from parmelia.

Instructions for use

There are many folk recipes in which parmelia is the main component. The instructions must be read in advance, before starting treatment.

For adults

A decoction of such a plant helps cure diarrhea, gastrointestinal diseases, colitis, and cough. It is not difficult to prepare the product. You will need 3 teaspoons of dry raw materials. They pour 300 ml of boiling water, cook the mixture over low heat for ten minutes. Next, you need to infuse the solution for two hours and strain. The finished medicine is taken before meals 3-4 times a day, one tablespoon. The course of treatment should not exceed thirty days. The prepared broth cannot be stored in the refrigerator for more than two days.

If you need to cure the surface of the skin, eliminate wounds and scratches, you should prepare a special product. You need to mix 3 tablespoons with 300 ml of boiling water. The mixture is simmered over low heat for ten minutes, then infused for two hours. The solution must be filtered and used externally, in the form of compresses. The medicine cleanses the wound of pathogenic bacteria and promotes healing.

For stomach diseases, you should use a tincture from this plant. To prepare it, you need to use dried herbs. It is mixed with 200 ml of boiling water. The solution is infused for two hours and filtered. Take one tablespoon 3-4 times a day, half an hour before meals. Treatment lasts from 5 to 20 days. The strained infusion cannot be stored for more than one day. With proper preparation and administration of the product, you can quickly recover and become healthy.

For children

Children are allowed to use this plant for colds and coughs. The product helps to recover faster and get rid of unpleasant sensations.

The decoction does not take long to prepare. You need to mix one tablespoon of dry herb and one liter of water. The pan with the solution is placed in a water bath and left for about two hours. Then remove from heat and strain. You should take the medicine one-third of a glass three times a day, half an hour before meals. The solution is stored in the refrigerator for no more than one day; the product is heated before use. If your baby develops a rash on the skin after treatment with this plant, its use should be stopped. The child may be allergic to parmelia.

Parmelia should not be used during pregnancy. The plant can bring harm rather than benefit. During this period, a woman’s body is susceptible to various diseases and may be weakened. The product may cause diseases. Its use should be abandoned to avoid complications and side effects.

Reviews about the product

Dmitry, 27 years old:“I had stomach problems. I suffered from pain, and the hospital prescribed many medications. I took them for a certain time, but I was not able to recover completely. A friend advised me to make a parmelia tincture. I used the product for several days. It turned out to be so effective that I was able to fully recover. Now I recommend everyone to use this method, it is quite simple to prepare and really helps in eliminating diseases.”

Inna, 45 years old:“I was seriously injured while working in the garden. The wound turned out to be deep, so urgent help was needed. A friend advised me to prepare a compress based on parmelia. I had previously heard about this plant, but had not used it. I was pleasantly surprised when, after a few days, the surface of the skin was restored. I will now recommend this product to everyone, it helps in the best way, does not cause any unpleasant sensations, and acts gently and carefully. There is no itching or burning."

Natalya, 29 years old:“I had problems with the gastrointestinal tract, so I consulted a doctor. He prescribed many medications, some of which could not be purchased and turned out to be expensive. I found a recipe for parmelia decoction on the Internet. I followed the instructions and took the medicine regularly. I was able to recover within a few days. I am very grateful to this plant, it helped me recover, even medicines from the pharmacy turned out to be less effective in fighting diseases.”

Parmelia is a perennial lichen from the Parmeliaceae family. The plant is also called cut grass. The second name is due to the structure of its leaves. The plant is unique in structure; it has no vegetative organs.

Parmelia settles on any surface. Unpretentious to external conditions, resistant to harmful environmental influences. Lichen can be seen on tree trunks, fences, and the ground. Its natural habitat is Europe, North and South America, Africa, and Australasia.

1 Composition and properties

There are two types of parmelia common in Russia: grooved and wandering. The first one has not been fully studied, so the wandering one is used more often.

Lichen contains a large number of useful elements:

  • antioxidants (vitamin C);
  • natural antibiotics (barbate, usnic, squamate and fumarprotocetraric acids);
  • fiber and complex carbohydrates (important elements for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • proteins, fats, pigments, tannins;
  • mineral inclusions (including phosphorus and calcium);
  • micro- and macroelements.

The most valuable part of the plant is the thallus. The greatest amount of useful substances is concentrated there.

Among the medicinal properties of cut grass are:

  • antiseptic;
  • bactericidal;
  • emollient;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating;
  • sedative;
  • hemostatic;
  • immunostimulating.

Lichen is used in medicine and cooking. In traditional pharmacology, the squeeze and extract of cut grass are included in the composition of modern medications with external and internal spectrum of action.

Reindeer moss (moss) - medicinal properties and uses

2 Benefits and contraindications

The plant is unique in its biochemical content. Taking medicinal infusions and decoctions gives noticeable results in the fight against diseases. At the same time, the side effects on healthy organs are minimal.

The plant is used to treat:

  • cough;
  • flu;
  • bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diseases of blood vessels and heart.

The presence of strong natural antibiotics in parmelia makes it possible to treat tuberculosis and any type of cough with drugs made from it. Compositions from lichen are used as an additional agent to the main chemical preparations.


  • Parmelia systematically relieves inflammatory processes at any stage of bronchitis. From the first day of use, significant improvements in health are observed. A competent approach allows you to defeat the disease in 7–8 days.
  • For stomach and duodenal ulcers, parmelia effectively relieves inflammation. Thanks to the gel-like substance lichenin, rapid healing of the mucous walls occurs. The herb has a calming effect and destroys harmful bacterial environments. At an early stage of the disease, cure occurs in a short time. When the case is advanced, there is obvious relief.
  • Cardiac dysfunction is another indication to start treatment with cut grass. While taking it, the heart muscle is strengthened. The use of decoctions and infusions will prevent heart attack and stroke and help regulate heart rhythm.
  • The immunomodulating effect of parmelia is due to the high content of vitamin C. Infusions of the plant are used to treat external skin lesions: ulcers, purulent abscesses, cuts, burns, frostbite, lichen.
  • It is recommended to drink a herbal infusion for the overall health of the body and tone. The product helps calm the nervous system, removes toxins and harmful substances.

The main contraindication to the use of cut grass is allergies. For hypertension, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. This is explained by the plant’s ability to increase blood pressure. It is not advisable to use grass: during pregnancy and breastfeeding, for children under 6 years of age.

3 Application

Proper preparation of medicinal compositions guarantees complete preservation of healing properties. It is unacceptable to boil infusions for a long time. Because of this, most bioactive components decompose. There will be no harm from such treatment, but no benefit either. For this reason, the drug is prepared only in a water bath. When treating coughs, honey is considered an important ingredient.

  • 100 g of herbal raw materials are poured into 1 liter of milk and set to heat. Bring to a boil, keep on fire for 15–20 minutes. Filtered. Take the product 3 times a day (1/3 cup before meals). The use of the composition is useful for chronic tuberculosis cough. Its use helps relieve inflammation and makes breathing easier.
  • Milk or water is used as a basis. A tablespoon of dry herb is poured into 500 ml of liquid. Bring to a boil in a water bath. Leave for at least 2 hours. Strain and add a teaspoon of honey. Place in the refrigerator for storage. Drink the infusion every day before meals (1-2 tsp.) Pre-heat. The duration of treatment is 1 month.
  • For infectious pathologies with reflex cough, it is better to use lichen tea. A small spoon of herb is poured with water. Leave in a water bath for at least 30 minutes. Drink hot before bed, add honey.
  • 30 g of chopped grass is poured into 300 ml of cold water. Place in a water bath. Boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Treatment courses are repeated every three months. The breaks between them are 3 days.
  • Combine 1-2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials and 100 ml of alcohol (70% strength). Place the liquid in a dark, cool place for 1–2 weeks. The container is shaken periodically. Take 10–15 drops for a suffocating cough.

The result of treatment depends on the stage of the disease and the nature of its course. A positive effect is more often observed when fighting early forms of illnesses.

Medicinal raw materials are harvested in the spring (April-May). It was during this period that the maximum filling of the lichen with microelements was noted. Only the thallus is suitable for collection; it contains the largest accumulation of useful components.

Freshly cut grass has a specific smell. When dried, it is neutralized. The collected lichen is cleaned and laid out in a well-ventilated area. The shelf life of dry collection is no more than 3 years.

You may not have heard the scientific name of this plant, but there is no doubt that everyone has seen a lichen at least once in their life. The inconspicuous parmelia has many indications for use and almost no contraindications. It is actively used in folk medicine, and treatment with it gives quite good results.

Uses of parmelia lichen

This is a small perennial plant. It reaches a height of no more than six to seven centimeters. The leaves are gray-green in color, slightly wrinkled and, as a rule, closely packed together. In fact, Parmelia is a kind of symbiosis of green algae and the simplest class of mushrooms.

Lichen acts in many ways. It has the following actions:

  • bactericidal;
  • wound healing;
  • hemostatic;
  • antiseptic.

Very often, parmelia is used to combat the Koch bacillus that causes tuberculosis. During the Great Patriotic War, lichen was used to treat wounds. Until now, some peoples eat the plant. Dried thalli make an excellent addition to flour. And upon contact with water, the powder swells and subsequently becomes jelly-like, so sometimes natural fruit jellies and jelly are prepared on its basis.

  1. If there are no contraindications to the use of parmelia herb, a decoction from it can be drunk from. The product helps quite quickly, but it acts very gently and harmlessly.
  2. Compresses with lichen heal even the deepest and long-term non-healing wounds resulting from injuries or due to dermatological diseases.
  3. Parmelia decoction makes an excellent rinse that can help with...
  4. Medicine knows a sufficient number of cases where lichen relieved patients from acute colitis, diarrhea, ulcers and other ailments of the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications to the use of parmelia

Like any other medicinal plant or medicine, parmelia herb, in addition to its indications for use, also has contraindications. But there are not as many of them as in the case of pharmaceuticals:

  1. The main caution is that lichen should not be used by people with individual intolerance to it.
  2. Although the mechanism of the plant’s effect on the body of pregnant women and nursing mothers has not been studied, it is not recommended to use it during these periods.
  3. It is better to find an alternative, safer therapy for children under six years of age.

Parmelia has a calming effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and is also used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

Indications for use of Parmelia lichen:

  • Tuberculosis, old cough;
  • Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, acute colitis;
  • Toxic dyspepsia;
  • External diseases: non-healing wounds, ulcers.

You can find parmelia lichen in deciduous and coniferous forests, growing on tree trunks. Parmelia moss can also grow on rocky slopes, the main thing for a medicinal herb is that there is plenty of sunlight. The dry parts of Parmelia sulcata taste bitter and pungent. There is practically no smell. Dry parts of lichen can be stored for up to four years, practically without losing their properties.

Where to buy parmelia lichen if you live in the city? You can buy parmelia in Moscow at a pharmacy, you can order it in our online store, or by mail.

Parmelia furrow (lichen) is a plant that has a strong bactericidal effect, that is it is capable of killing harmful bacteria that cause infectious diseases in the human body. It is also an excellent antiseptic, stops bleeding and heals wounds well. And in high concentrations it is capable of killing bacteria, such dangerous ones as Koch’s bacillus, which causes pulmonary tuberculosis. The herb successfully fights both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, and is also able to counteract some types of fungi.

Traditional medicine also uses the medicinal properties of the parmelia herb for coughs, especially for old coughs, for tuberculosis, and for the treatment of toxic dyspesia. Parmelia is also effective for coughs in children. There was a case when, in order to cure a baby of toxic dyspesia, it took only a few days of taking a decoction of Parmelia fissula.

Properties of herbs in folk medicine widely used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract caused by infection. Treat stomach and duodenal ulcers, acute colitis. Compresses with a decoction of Parmelia furrowata are applied to non-healing wounds and ulcers. They can also stop bleeding. For deep cuts, make a strong tincture and apply a compress to the wound. Even in ancient times, the parmelia lichen was called “cut grass.”

Ingredients: Parmelia lichen - 100%.

Parmelia furrow contains a lot of usnic acid (a powerful antibiotic), which is more abundant in it than in the famous Icelandic moss lichen. Parmelia also has a high content of vitamin C. Tannins and minerals are present in large quantities: potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Method of preparation and use of Parmelia lichen:

To treat tuberculosis or old cough, prepare decoction of parmelia furrow in milk. Take a couple of spoons of parmelia lichen per five hundred grams of milk. You cannot cook the decoction over an open fire, since at a decoction temperature of one hundred degrees, some beneficial substances disintegrate and it loses its properties. The decoction should be made in a water bath. Pour water into a large saucepan, boil it and place a smaller saucepan in it, in which the tincture will be contained. So the parmelia herb for cough will not be cooked over an open fire, with the temperature of the decoction being one hundred degrees, but due to the fact that the water will boil in a larger saucepan. In this case, the temperature of the prepared tincture will be about ninety degrees. So simmer the broth for up to ninety minutes. Then let it brew for a couple of hours. Squeeze through cheesecloth. Drink one hundred grams of tincture before meals five times a day. Last time you go to bed.

They also do decoction of water. Only this tincture is taken fifty grams before meals. Tincture of water is used in the treatment of other diseases.

Treatment with Parmelia grooveta is carried out for four weeks.

Parmelia lichen, or cut grass, grows in the desert-steppe zone, as well as mountainous regions. This plant is resistant to environmental pollution and is absolutely unpretentious. There are about 90 species of cut grass in Russia. This plant is widely used in folk medicine. Today the reader will learn a lot of interesting information regarding Parmelia lichen: use and contraindications, properties, composition. We will also find out how to prepare a decoction of chopped herbs.

What does it consist of?

Parmelia belongs to both the group of green algae and mushrooms. The body of this lichen consists of branched, grooved, leathery-cartilaginous lobes of greenish-gray color. Cut grass has the ability to photosynthesize and is very resistant to harsh climatic conditions.

Parmelia lichen, the properties of which can be read below, has a unique and healing composition:

  1. Usnic acid is a strong natural antibiotic.
  2. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant.
  3. Fiber and complex carbohydrates are very important for the normal functioning of the digestive system.
  4. Proteins, fats, ash.
  5. A large number of mineral elements, the main of which are potassium, calcium, phosphorus.

In what cases can it be used?

Parmelia lichen, the use and indications for which can be read in this article, has the following properties:

  1. Antiseptic.
  2. Bactericidal.
  3. Hemostatic.
  4. Wound healing.
  5. Immunostimulating.

Cut grass can be used in the following cases:

When coughing. Lichen helps to quickly, gently and harmlessly relieve a person of a protracted, incessant cough.

For bleeding gums. It is enough to make a decoction of chopped herbs and rinse your mouth with it.

For diarrhea, acute colitis, duodenal ulcer and other gastrointestinal diseases.

For hard-to-heal wounds resulting from trauma.

To combat bacteria that destroy the body, including Koch's bacillus.

To prevent the occurrence of acute respiratory viral infections.

To stop bleeding.

For the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Common types of parmelia

Where can I collect?

The branches and trunks of coniferous and deciduous trees are where parmelia lichens grow. Less often they can be found on stones and mossy soils. Lichen grows well where there is excellent access to the sun. Most often, cut grass can be found in mountain forests. If you don’t know where Parmelia lichens grow, you can find out at the market from grandmothers selling various herbs. They will tell you where you can collect healing cut herbs. And if you don’t want to go looking for it, you can simply buy it from the same lovely women at the bazaar.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

If you decide that parmelia lichen must be in your home medicine cabinet, then you need to know not only where to collect it, but also how to prepare it for long-term storage. The best time to collect cut grass is at the end of April and throughout May. The collected raw materials must be dried in the wind and sun. Dried parmelia has almost no smell, the taste is bitter, a little hot. You can store it for 4 years in a plastic bag or glass container away from dampness and moisture.

Restrictions on the use of parmelia lichen

Use and contraindications can be obtained from traditional healers. In general, cut grass has a minimal number of restrictions on its use. This plant should not be used if the body is individually intolerant. Also, if hives or itching on the skin appear, you should also stop treating with this lichen. With caution and only after consultation with your doctor, you can use cut grass in the following cases:

Pregnant and lactating women.

Recipe for tuberculosis

Parmelia herb is often used to treat such a serious infectious disease. Effective recipe:

  1. Chop dried parmelia (3 tablespoons) and pour in 0.5 liters of milk.
  2. Place the mixture on the fire, bring to a boil, and then simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.
  3. Strain the medicine.
  4. Drink up to 1/3 glass three times a day.

Cough decoction recipe

If a person cannot get rid of this unpleasant symptom of a viral infection, then parmelia will help him. The use and indications for prescribing this remedy can be found in many medical publications. But how to properly prepare a decoction is not written everywhere. Below is the correct recipe for preparing a healing cough drink:

1. Take 1 tablespoon of lichen, pour 1 liter of water into it.

2. Place the pan with the contents in a water bath (fill a large container with water and place a pan with chopped herbs inside). Keep for about 2 hours.

Drink the prepared broth 1/3 cup 3 times a day 0.5 hours before meals. Be sure to store the medicine in the refrigerator. Warm slightly before use.

Attention readers! Many sites write that to prepare a decoction, lichen can simply be boiled for an hour over a fire. But this cannot be done, because useful substances at a temperature of 100 degrees will simply decompose, without bringing any benefit in the future. Therefore, you should prepare cough medicine only in a water bath.

Recipe for washing wounds and compresses

Five tablespoons of lichen pour 500 ml of water.

Bring to a boil, cook over medium heat for 20 minutes.

Remove from heat and leave at room temperature until the medicine cools completely.

Strain, squeeze the raw materials into a healing decoction.

Use externally for poorly healing wounds.

Preparation of ointment

Take 200 g of interior fat. Add 2 tbsp. l. parmelia (you can buy it at the pharmacy or grind it yourself in a coffee grinder).

Mix all the ingredients, place them in a saucepan and place in a water bath for 5 hours.

The final medicine should be viscous.

You can use an ointment based on parmelia and interior fat to treat ulcers, cuts, and wounds.

Where can I buy it?

You can buy cut grass at the grandmother's market, on the Internet, and also at the pharmacy.

And there, by the way, you can find out important information regarding Parmelia lichen: use and contraindications, storage conditions, expiration dates. If a person wants to save money, then it will be cheaper to buy cut grass from grandmothers.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

The famous children's pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky, who hosts a program about diseases that children suffer from, gave his assessment of the use of parmelia in relation to children. He notes that this lichen should not be used to combat persistent coughs in boys and girls. He says that the cut herb is best used topically to stop bleeding and disinfect wounds. And he categorically advises against conducting various experiments on children. Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky once again repeats that in order to eliminate a child’s cough, there is no need to run to the market and buy Parmelia lichen. Parents can relieve their son or daughter of this residual symptom of a viral infection by simple methods: humidifying and ventilating the room, giving the sick child warm tea or compote. And if mom follows these simple rules, she won’t need any cough parmelia or other drugs from the pharmacy. And, by the way, Dr. Komarovsky notes one interesting fact: Americans generally do not know and do not understand why children should be given expectorants. And in post-Soviet countries this practice is quite common. The pediatrician urges parents not to buy cough medicine and not to feed their children chemicals or dubious herbs.


Now you know a lot of interesting information regarding Parmelia lichen: use and contraindications, appearance, places of growth. Cut grass has long been used in folk medicine to treat tuberculosis, cough, lingering wounds, etc. You can buy it at the market, in a pharmacy, or order it online. You can also collect this lichen yourself, prepare medicinal raw materials and later use it to prepare various decoctions.

The places where Parmelia lichen grows are limited mainly to the northern regions, where it forms entire large thalli. Its healing properties have been known to people since ancient times; previously it was ground into flour, from which bread was baked for diabetics.

Growth is typical for mountainous areas, dry pastures, coniferous forests (among moss and grass). The medicinal properties of Parmelia lichen are known mainly for their natural antibiotic effects.

The lichen has a scaly, greenish-brown insole.

Since it is known as one of the best natural antibiotics, it is often called “natural penicillin”, effective against many bacterial and viral infections. According to reviews of scientists who conducted research on the benefits and harms of this type of moss, it is able to slow down (not stop) the reproduction of the HIV virus and neutralize the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

In folk medicine it is used alone or in mixtures (mallow, calendula...) to enhance antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Important! Parmelia and - are they the same thing or not? This is a common question that interests many people who are faced with the need to use natural medicine. No, we are talking about different plants.


We are talking about a shrubby lichen belonging to the Parmeliaceae family, a branched thallus reaching a height of 5-10 cm. On the outside its color is lilac-greenish-brown, on the inside it is lighter with a slight reddish tint.

Collection and preparation

The collection is carried out exclusively in dry weather, when the thallus itself is completely dry. Collection time is late April and early May. It is during these months that the greatest amount of useful substances is concentrated in it. Natural raw materials are carefully cleaned from various impurities.

It is important to remove other types of lichens and mosses! Drying is carried out by spreading in thin layers for about 3 days (can be dried in the sun to speed up the process). After drying, Parmelia lichen takes on a brownish color.

The natural antibiotic is stored in canvas bags. It is important to exclude access to sunlight and moisture! Shelf life – up to 1.5 years.

Usage history

The medicinal properties of the plant have long been used in folk medicine in Northern Europe. Until today, it is not only a valuable natural medicine, but also an important food product.

In the northern regions, moss is used to produce flour, which (mixed with other grains) is used to bake Christmas cookies. By fermentation, a sour drink beloved by northerners is prepared from it, which is diluted with water before use.

Lichen was also used as a salt substitute for preserving meat. Since the 18th century, records of the uses and contraindications of parmelia lichen have been found in many European pharmacopoeias. Modern instructions for use of the plant indicate its positive effects on asthma, tuberculosis, bladder and kidney diseases.

Active substances

Today, some types of lichens, incl. parmelia are undergoing intensive research. Due to their antibiotic effects, they may become an important source of antibiotics in the future. Parmelia contains a large amount of polysaccharides - membrane mucilages, glucans (lichenin - 64% and isolichenin), which makes it one of the best mucous agents (a valuable factor for mitigating the effect of mucous substances).
An important role is played by:

  • lichen acids (usnic acid, etc.), which have significant antibacterial activity;
  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • pectins;
  • bitterness;
  • enzymes;
  • mineral salts;
  • natural mineral dyes.

The mucous substances contained in the natural medicine have a softening effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. Membrane mucus protects the mucous membranes of the pharynx and other organs of the digestive system.

Bitterness and lichen acids stimulate the production of bile and digestive enzymes, increase stomach activity, improve digestion, increase appetite and nutrient absorption, thereby helping to improve metabolism.

Parmelia relieves gastric problems and affects certain microorganisms and viruses. The lichenic acids it contains have a strong antibiotic effect.
Therapeutic actions:

  1. Anti-inflammatory.
  2. Choleretic.
  3. Antibacterial.

Therapeutic effects

The beneficial properties of the plant are not limited to its effects on the respiratory tract. Therapeutic effects are broader:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • antibiotic effect against many types of bacteria - promoting the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, pharynx, upper respiratory tract and inflammation of the digestive system;
  • cough relief;
  • treatment of respiratory tract catarrh, bronchitis, asthma;
  • elimination of diarrhea, inflammation of the stomach, gastrointestinal catarrh;
  • increased appetite;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • strengthening the body during weakening and after illness;
  • beneficial effect on the activity of the thyroid gland (due to the high iodine content);
  • inhibition of neoplasms (due to the content of polysaccharides).

Basic recipe

There is no single way to brew Parmelia properly. The oldest recipe for preparing a natural therapeutic remedy is as follows.

Previously, traditional healers argued that if you want to prepare a concentrated infusion, it is best to do this by cold infusion. 2 tbsp. Rinse the raw materials well (for example, on a sieve), place in a glass jar, add 1/2 liter of cold water and leave overnight (about 8 hours). This preparation process is as gentle as possible on mucous and other substances that are leached from the lichen into the aqueous solution. According to ancient healers, when boiling, more mucus is destroyed, which reduces the beneficial properties of the medicine.

Natural inflammation fighter

Due to its antibiotic and antiviral properties, it is not surprising that parmelia is used for inflammation in the mouth, pharynx and digestive tract. She's capable. Doctors consider the insidious bacterium helicobacter pylori as the cause of peptic ulcers.

Drinking tea from the plant is advisable for diarrhea, inflammation of the stomach (gastroenteritis), gastric or intestinal catarrh, i.e. a certain type of inflammation of the stomach and intestinal mucosa.

Natural medicine #1

This universal recipe helps treat diseases of the skin, eyes and digestive tract. Pour 10 g of dried raw material into 1/2 liter of boiling water. Stir. After cooling, strain. Drink 1/3 glass after meals (for gastritis and peptic ulcers - half an hour before meals, 50 ml).

Natural medicine No. 2

4 tsp moss, pour 1/2 liter of cold water, cook for 5-7 minutes. After cooling, strain and drink 3 times a day.


Pour 15 g of raw material into 250 ml of water, leave soaked for 10 minutes. Then cook for 2 minutes and leave in a warm place for 2 hours. Drain the liquid, and refill the remaining pulp with 250 ml of water. Boil again for 2 minutes and leave for 2 hours. Drain and combine both liquids. Add 1/2 kg of sugar and honey. Heat to approximately 60°C (not higher) and stir until the sugar and honey are completely dissolved. Pour into a clean jar and store in a cool place. For problems with mucous membranes, take 1/2 tsp 3 times a day. after meal.

For dry and productive cough

For both men and women, parmelia is most commonly recommended for the treatment of coughs and respiratory infections.

Carbohydrates (professionally called mucilages) have the ability to bind water and create viscous solutions. This helps dilute mucus and remove it. The plant is also useful for dry coughs, creating a coating on irritated mucous membranes, protecting them and promoting soothing.

  1. In addition to lichen, mixtures designed to improve mucus discharge include marshmallow, mallow, podbel, and flaxseed.
  2. For dry cough, a mixture of lichen with plantain, podbelom and flaxseed is suitable.

The following recipes will help get rid of cough and help treat bronchitis.

Recipe No. 1

1 tbsp. dry crushed raw materials, pour 1 glass of milk and cook for 15 minutes. Have a drink at night. Milk medicine has a softening, soothing and mucolytic effect.

Recipe No. 2

Pour 40 g of dry raw material with 250 ml of alcohol (60%). Leave for 7 days. Take 10 drops per day. Parmelia alcohol tincture inhibits inflammation and normalizes the metabolic functioning of the body.

As a preventive measure

Teas or preparations with Parmelia lichen are good preventive measures. They are part of the medical “arsenal” of supporters of a healthy lifestyle, because... Thanks to a good combination of active substances, they help strengthen the body's defenses. At the same time, they help alleviate moderate health problems:

  • in case of irritable cough and hoarseness;
  • the reception is advisable for people who often stay in air-conditioned rooms, where dry air dries out the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract;
  • Moss-based products are indicated for people prone to pus (teachers, speakers, singers, etc.).

External application

Externally, lichen is used to speed up the healing of poorly healing wounds. When used externally, it has no side effects and is suitable for people with hypersensitivity. Externally, the natural medicine is used as a wash.

Infusion for external use

Dried raw materials (1-2 g) pour 150 ml of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Strain. Do rinsing 2-3 times a day.

Contraindications and warnings

Despite a number of medicinal properties, parmelia also has contraindications for use. Hypertensive patients should be treated with caution, because it increases blood pressure to some extent.

Contraindications include lactation period. This natural medicine is not intended for pregnant women and children. In all 3 categories, the effects on the body have not been studied.
Exceeding the therapeutic dose when taken internally may cause nausea, diarrhea and dizziness.

How I save myself from all sorts of diseases with parmelia (true story)

Parmelia| Parmelia| Parmeliaceae family|Parmeliaceae| lichen genus

Parmelia, or cut grass, is a perennial aerial lichen of small size (up to 5 cm in height), the body of which is a leaf thallus. The plant was formed due to the symbiosis of green algae and lower fungi and is a complex organism. The leafy thallus is cut-lobed, in the form of large rosettes, which are tightly attached to the substrate by rhizines, but can also be free. Greetings to all friends, guests and readers on my medical blog!

● The blades can be varied: narrow or wide, highly or poorly branched, flat or convex, closely closed or separate, wrinkled or smooth, the blades are differently colored. The upper side is whitish-grayish and yellowish to black and brown, matte or shiny; the lower surface is white or light brown to black, with rhizines. Rhizines are simple or branched, well developed. Soredia and isidia of various shapes develop quite often.

● Lecanorine apothecia are sessile or pedunculated, growing over the entire surface of the body (thallus), more abundantly in the center. The shape of the spores is elongated, colorless, elliptical. Straight conidia are fusiform or cylindrical in shape.

● Parmelia grows on branches (trunks) of coniferous and deciduous trees, less often on rocky substrates, bare wood, and mossy soils; more often - in well-lit places. The lichen is widespread in the desert-steppe zone and mountainous regions; It is very resistant to environmental pollution and unfavorable climatic conditions, and is not picky about soil. About 90 species of parmelia are found in the regions of Russia.

● Even in my distant youth, I began to experience cramps and pain in my stomach. Thank God, at that time a distant relative came to visit us. Having heard my story about the illness, he advised me to immediately go to the city market and buy from herbalists a herb similar to lichen, which people call differently: parmelia, cut, yellowtail, paws, etc. Without hesitating for long, I headed to the market and quickly I found the medicinal plant I needed. An elderly herbalist described to me in great detail how to use parmelia, and after two months of treatment I completely got rid of the disease in my stomach.

● To be honest, I don’t even know what my diagnosis was then – I didn’t go to the doctors or get examined. The most important thing is that I no longer suffer from pain and cramping in the abdominal cavity. Some time passed, and at a bus stop I met an old friend who complained that her pancreas had been bothering her for a long time. She was diagnosed with "" at the clinic and was treated for a long time, dosing her with various chemicals, but she was never completely cured.

● I advised my friend to treat herself with a decoction of parmelia, while telling me how I myself was cured of the disease. Two or three months later I met my friend again, who said with delight: “Vitka, I remembered a thousand times and didn’t know how to find you to thank you - now I have absolutely no problems with the pancreas!”

● After this incident, I finally believed in the miraculous parmelia and began to collect additional information about its use. By the way, you will not find this medicinal herb in a pharmacy - only at the herbalists’ market. Buy Parmelia, which is green in color. Here are a few recipes that have helped me and my loved ones.

● I pour two tablespoons or three small pinches of lichen into a deep plate and rinse thoroughly to remove clay and sand. Next, I transfer it to a liter enamel mug, add half a liter of cold water and put it on low heat. When steam appears, I start stirring with a wooden spatula or spoon. Five minutes after boiling, I remove the mug from the stove, wrap it well and leave it to steep overnight. In the morning, I strain the broth, pour it into a half-liter bottle with a screw cap (or a half-liter glass jar with a plastic lid) and put it in the refrigerator.

● And now the most important thing is how to take parmelia decoction. Most herbalists recommend drinking the medicine with or milk. However, in my experience, I did things differently. If you are bothered by stomach and intestinal upset (with or without bloody diarrhea), pain in the intestines, and/or duodenum, then it is better to drink the decoction this way: heat half a glass of milk to 80˚C, take the finished decoction out of the refrigerator and pour it into warm milk. The warm mixture should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed.

● After taking the decoction, herbalists recommend not eating anything for half an hour, but I stood it for two hours and was treated for two months in a row. For young patients, most likely, one month is enough, but the older the patient, the longer the course of treatment. Of course, during the treatment process, alcoholic drinks are prohibited, including beer, spicy and salty foods. Patients with protracted diseases of the respiratory system (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, etc.), accompanied by a lingering cough, need to drink half a glass of heated broth, with a tablespoon or teaspoon of honey. After taking the medicine, do not eat or drink for two hours; after a week the patient will feel obvious relief.

● If the recovery process is delayed, you can alternate taking the decoction - drink it with honey one week, and milk the next. If, due to certain circumstances, someone does not have the opportunity to buy milk or honey, then drink half a glass of warm broth, and after two hours you must definitely eat something.

● I use parmelia decoction in a variety of situations. When my gums bleed, I drink it in small sips, after rinsing my mouth. Three to four days are enough for the bleeding to stop. I also use parmelia for compresses and for washing ulcers and wounds. I prepare the decoction in the same way as for oral administration, but I boil it not for five, but for ten minutes and, after letting it steep overnight, I filter. I soak a cloth in the broth and apply it to the sore spot.

● It can be used in another way: I wash the herb in cold boiled water, dry it a little and squeeze out the water through clean gauze; I place the remaining pulp on gauze or a bandage and apply it to the sore, cover the top with plastic wrap and bandage it overnight. After 3-4 days, as a rule, everything heals.

● These are the healing properties of this miraculous lichen - parmelia. In conclusion, I would like to note that the grass collected in the month of May has the greatest power, but it grows where the soil contains red clay.

Be healthy, God bless you!!!

The places where Parmelia lichen grows are limited mainly to the northern regions, where it forms entire large thalli. Its healing properties have been known to people since ancient times; previously it was ground into flour, from which bread was baked for diabetics.

Growth is typical for mountainous areas, dry pastures, coniferous forests (among moss and grass). The medicinal properties of Parmelia lichen are known mainly for their natural antibiotic effects.

The lichen has a scaly, greenish-brown insole.

Since it is known as one of the best natural antibiotics, it is often called “natural penicillin”, effective against many bacterial and viral infections. According to reviews of scientists who conducted research on the benefits and harms of this type of moss, it is able to slow down (not stop) the reproduction of the HIV virus and neutralize the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

In folk medicine it is used alone or in mixtures (hyssop, mallow, calendula...) to enhance antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Important! Are parmelia and Icelandic moss the same thing or not? This is a common question that interests many people who are faced with the need to use natural medicine. No, we are talking about different plants.


We are talking about a shrubby lichen belonging to the Parmeliaceae family, a branched thallus reaching a height of 5-10 cm. On the outside its color is lilac-greenish-brown, on the inside it is lighter with a slight reddish tint.

Collection and preparation

The collection is carried out exclusively in dry weather, when the thallus itself is completely dry. Collection time is late April and early May. It is during these months that the greatest amount of useful substances is concentrated in it. Natural raw materials are carefully cleaned from various impurities.

It is important to remove other types of lichens and mosses! Drying is carried out by spreading in thin layers for about 3 days (can be dried in the sun to speed up the process). After drying, Parmelia lichen takes on a brownish color.

The natural antibiotic is stored in canvas bags. It is important to exclude access to sunlight and moisture! Shelf life – up to 1.5 years.

Usage history

The medicinal properties of the plant have long been used in folk medicine in Northern Europe. Until today, it is not only a valuable natural medicine, but also an important food product.

In the northern regions, moss is used to produce flour, which (mixed with other grains) is used to bake Christmas cookies. By fermentation, a sour drink beloved by northerners is prepared from it, which is diluted with water before use.

Lichen was also used as a salt substitute for preserving meat. Since the 18th century, records of the uses and contraindications of parmelia lichen have been found in many European pharmacopoeias. Modern instructions for use of the plant indicate its positive effects on asthma, tuberculosis, bladder and kidney diseases.

Active substances

Today, some types of lichens, incl. parmelia are undergoing intensive research. Due to their antibiotic effects, they may become an important source of antibiotics in the future. Parmelia contains a large amount of polysaccharides - membrane mucilages, glucans (lichenin - 64% and isolichenin), which makes it one of the best mucous agents (a valuable factor for mitigating the effect of mucous substances).
An important role is played by:

  • lichen acids (usnic acid, etc.), which have significant antibacterial activity;
  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • pectins;
  • bitterness;
  • enzymes;
  • mineral salts;
  • natural mineral dyes.

The mucous substances contained in the natural medicine have a softening effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. Membrane mucus protects the mucous membranes of the pharynx and other organs of the digestive system.

Bitterness and lichen acids stimulate the production of bile and digestive enzymes, increase stomach activity, improve digestion, increase appetite and nutrient absorption, thereby helping to improve metabolism.

Parmelia relieves gastric problems and affects certain microorganisms and viruses. The lichenic acids it contains have a strong antibiotic effect.
Therapeutic actions:

  1. Anti-inflammatory.
  2. Choleretic.
  3. Antibacterial.

Therapeutic effects

The beneficial properties of the plant are not limited to its effects on the respiratory tract. Therapeutic effects are broader:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • antibiotic effect against many types of bacteria - promoting the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, pharynx, upper respiratory tract and inflammation of the digestive system;
  • cough relief;
  • treatment of respiratory tract catarrh, bronchitis, asthma;
  • elimination of diarrhea, inflammation of the stomach, gastrointestinal catarrh;
  • increased appetite;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • strengthening the body during weakening and after illness;
  • beneficial effect on the activity of the thyroid gland (due to the high iodine content);
  • inhibition of neoplasms (due to the content of polysaccharides).

Basic recipe

There is no single way to brew Parmelia properly. The oldest recipe for preparing a natural therapeutic remedy is as follows.

Previously, traditional healers argued that if you want to prepare a concentrated infusion, it is best to do this by cold infusion. 2 tbsp. Rinse the raw materials well (for example, on a sieve), place in a glass jar, add 1/2 liter of cold water and leave overnight (about 8 hours). This preparation process is as gentle as possible on mucous and other substances that are leached from the lichen into the aqueous solution. According to ancient healers, when boiling, more mucus is destroyed, which reduces the beneficial properties of the medicine.

Natural inflammation fighter

Due to its antibiotic and antiviral properties, it is not surprising that parmelia is used for inflammation in the mouth, pharynx and digestive tract. It can relieve problems with stomach ulcers. Doctors consider the insidious bacterium helicobacter pylori as the cause of peptic ulcers.

Drinking tea from the plant is advisable for diarrhea, inflammation of the stomach (gastroenteritis), gastric or intestinal catarrh, i.e. a certain type of inflammation of the stomach and intestinal mucosa.

Natural medicine #1

This universal recipe helps treat diseases of the skin, eyes and digestive tract. Pour 10 g of dried raw material into 1/2 liter of boiling water. Stir. After cooling, strain. Drink 1/3 glass after meals (for gastritis and peptic ulcers - half an hour before meals, 50 ml).

Natural medicine No. 2

4 tsp moss, pour 1/2 liter of cold water, cook for 5-7 minutes. After cooling, strain and drink 3 times a day.

Pour 15 g of raw material into 250 ml of water, leave soaked for 10 minutes. Then cook for 2 minutes and leave in a warm place for 2 hours. Drain the liquid, and refill the remaining pulp with 250 ml of water. Boil again for 2 minutes and leave for 2 hours. Drain and combine both liquids. Add 1/2 kg of sugar and honey. Heat to approximately 60°C (not higher) and stir until the sugar and honey are completely dissolved. Pour into a clean jar and store in a cool place. For problems with mucous membranes, take 1/2 tsp 3 times a day. after meal.

For dry and productive cough

For both men and women, parmelia is most commonly recommended for the treatment of coughs and respiratory infections.

Carbohydrates (professionally called mucilages) have the ability to bind water and create viscous solutions. This helps dilute mucus and remove it. The plant is also useful for dry coughs, creating a coating on irritated mucous membranes, protecting them and promoting soothing.

  1. In addition to lichen, mixtures designed to improve mucus discharge include marshmallow, mallow, podbel, plantain and flaxseed.
  2. For dry cough, a mixture of lichen with plantain, podbelom and flaxseed is suitable.

The following recipes will help get rid of cough and help treat bronchitis.

Recipe No. 1

1 tbsp. dry crushed raw materials, pour 1 glass of milk and cook for 15 minutes. Have a drink at night. Milk medicine has a softening, soothing and mucolytic effect.

Recipe No. 2

Pour 40 g of dry raw material with 250 ml of alcohol (60%). Leave for 7 days. Take 10 drops per day. Parmelia alcohol tincture inhibits inflammation and normalizes the metabolic functioning of the body.

As a preventive measure

Teas or preparations with Parmelia lichen are good preventive measures. They are part of the medical “arsenal” of supporters of a healthy lifestyle, because... Thanks to a good combination of active substances, they help strengthen the body's defenses. At the same time, they help alleviate moderate health problems:

  • in case of irritable cough and hoarseness;
  • the reception is advisable for people who often stay in air-conditioned rooms, where dry air dries out the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract;
  • Moss-based products are indicated for people prone to overstrain of the vocal cords (teachers, speakers, singers, etc.).

External application

Externally, lichen is used to speed up the healing of poorly healing wounds. When used externally, it has no side effects and is suitable for people with hypersensitivity. Externally, the natural medicine is used as a wash.

Infusion for external use

Dried raw materials (1-2 g) pour 150 ml of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Strain. Do rinsing 2-3 times a day.

Contraindications and warnings

Despite a number of medicinal properties, parmelia also has contraindications for use. Hypertensive patients should be treated with caution, because it increases blood pressure to some extent.

Contraindications include lactation period. This natural medicine is not intended for pregnant women and children. In all 3 categories, the effects on the body have not been studied.
Exceeding the therapeutic dose when taken internally may cause nausea, diarrhea and dizziness.

Parmelia is a perennial lichen from the Parmeliaceae family. The plant is also called cut grass. The second name is due to the structure of its leaves. The plant is unique in structure; it has no vegetative organs.

Parmelia settles on any surface. Unpretentious to external conditions, resistant to harmful environmental influences. Lichen can be seen on tree trunks, fences, and the ground. Its natural habitat is Europe, North and South America, Africa, and Australasia.

There are two types of parmelia common in Russia: grooved and wandering. The first one has not been fully studied, so the wandering one is used more often.

Lichen contains a large number of useful elements:

  • antioxidants (vitamin C);
  • natural antibiotics (barbate, usnic, squamate and fumarprotocetraric acids);
  • fiber and complex carbohydrates (important elements for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • proteins, fats, pigments, tannins;
  • mineral inclusions (including phosphorus and calcium);
  • micro- and macroelements.

The most valuable part of the plant is the thallus. The greatest amount of useful substances is concentrated there.

Among the medicinal properties of cut grass are:

  • antiseptic;
  • bactericidal;
  • emollient;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating;
  • sedative;
  • hemostatic;
  • immunostimulating.

Lichen is used in medicine and cooking. In traditional pharmacology, the squeeze and extract of cut grass are included in the composition of modern medications with external and internal spectrum of action.

Reindeer moss (moss) - medicinal properties and uses

2 Benefits and contraindications

The plant is unique in its biochemical content. Taking medicinal infusions and decoctions gives noticeable results in the fight against diseases. At the same time, the side effects on healthy organs are minimal.

The plant is used to treat:

  • cough;
  • flu;
  • bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diseases of blood vessels and heart.

The presence of strong natural antibiotics in parmelia makes it possible to treat tuberculosis and any type of cough with drugs made from it. Compositions from lichen are used as an additional agent to the main chemical preparations.


  • Parmelia systematically relieves inflammatory processes at any stage of bronchitis. From the first day of use, significant improvements in health are observed. A competent approach allows you to defeat the disease in 7–8 days.
  • For stomach and duodenal ulcers, parmelia effectively relieves inflammation. Thanks to the gel-like substance lichenin, rapid healing of the mucous walls occurs. The herb has a calming effect and destroys harmful bacterial environments. At an early stage of the disease, cure occurs in a short time. When the case is advanced, there is obvious relief.
  • Cardiac dysfunction is another indication to start treatment with cut grass. While taking it, the heart muscle is strengthened. The use of decoctions and infusions will prevent heart attack and stroke and help regulate heart rhythm.
  • The immunomodulating effect of parmelia is due to the high content of vitamin C. Infusions of the plant are used to treat external skin lesions: ulcers, purulent abscesses, cuts, burns, frostbite, lichen.
  • It is recommended to drink a herbal infusion for the overall health of the body and tone. The product helps calm the nervous system, removes toxins and harmful substances.

The main contraindication to the use of cut grass is allergies. For hypertension, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. This is explained by the plant’s ability to increase blood pressure. It is not advisable to use grass: during pregnancy and breastfeeding, for children under 6 years of age.

3 Application

Proper preparation of medicinal compositions guarantees complete preservation of healing properties. It is unacceptable to boil infusions for a long time. Because of this, most bioactive components decompose. There will be no harm from such treatment, but no benefit either. For this reason, the drug is prepared only in a water bath. When treating coughs, honey is considered an important ingredient.

  • 100 g of herbal raw materials are poured into 1 liter of milk and set to heat. Bring to a boil, keep on fire for 15–20 minutes. Filtered. Take the product 3 times a day (1/3 cup before meals). The use of the composition is useful for chronic tuberculosis cough. Its use helps relieve inflammation and makes breathing easier.
  • Milk or water is used as a basis. A tablespoon of dry herb is poured into 500 ml of liquid. Bring to a boil in a water bath. Leave for at least 2 hours. Strain and add a teaspoon of honey. Place in the refrigerator for storage. Drink the infusion every day before meals (1-2 tsp.) Pre-heat. The duration of treatment is 1 month.
  • For infectious pathologies with reflex cough, it is better to use lichen tea. A small spoon of herb is poured with water. Leave in a water bath for at least 30 minutes. Drink hot before bed, add honey.
  • 30 g of chopped grass is poured into 300 ml of cold water. Place in a water bath. Boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Treatment courses are repeated every three months. The breaks between them are 3 days.
  • Combine 1-2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials and 100 ml of alcohol (70% strength). Place the liquid in a dark, cool place for 1–2 weeks. The container is shaken periodically. Take 10–15 drops for a suffocating cough.

The result of treatment depends on the stage of the disease and the nature of its course. A positive effect is more often observed when fighting early forms of illnesses.

Medicinal raw materials are harvested in the spring (April-May). It was during this period that the maximum filling of the lichen with microelements was noted. Only the thallus is suitable for collection; it contains the largest accumulation of useful components.

Freshly cut grass has a specific smell. When dried, it is neutralized. The collected lichen is cleaned and laid out in a well-ventilated area. The shelf life of dry collection is no more than 3 years.

Even ancient Greek healers noticed the healing properties of parmelia, but lichen constantly manages to reveal another facet of potential, maintaining its status as completely unexplored.

Initially, its bactericidal properties were used in the treatment of wounds, but later it turned out that it copes with coughs and ulcers. Now it is known that Parmelia lichen can even cope with tuberculosis, and the list of diseases subject to it has long consisted of many items.

Botanical description

More than 80 species of this plant are known, but from a medical point of view, only Parmelia wandering, or, as it is also called, cut grass, is of interest. This is a perennial lichen growing on steppe and semi-desert soils, the leaf thallus of which reaches 5 cm in height.

The body is branched, leathery-cartilaginous, slightly shiny. The narrow, grooved bare lobes are colored greenish-gray on top. The lower edge of the thallus is dark brown.

The species is named wandering for its ability to move to a new place with strong gusts of wind.

In central Russia, parmelia furrow is sometimes mistakenly called cut grass. This lichen, large rosettes of which are often found on the trunks and branches of deciduous trees, is not recognized as medicinal.

It can be distinguished by the foliose thallus tightly attached by rhizines to the substrate, the thinly branched, wide lobes of which can be colored yellowish or whitish-gray on top.


Parmelia loves light and warmth, is undemanding to the soil, and is resistant to adverse atmospheric and man-made phenomena. It is found on saline chestnut soils of steppes and semi-deserts, rocky substrate of mountain slopes, and occasionally temporarily attaches to the trunks and branches of deciduous trees.

Distributed in the southern regions of the former USSR.

Active ingredients

Parmelia vagusum is valued for its high content of usnic acid, which has antiviral, antibiotic, analgesic and anti-tuberculosis effects.

The cut grass also contains barbate, squamate and fumarprocertratic acids, which makes it suitable for the treatment of diarrhea and hemorrhoids.

Substances similar to tannin have a hemostatic effect and are even suitable for use as an antidote for lead and mercury poisoning.

The gelling substance lichenin is not absorbed by the human body and has an enveloping effect, due to which parmelia decoctions and jelly are used as an aid in the treatment of intestinal and stomach ulcers.

The high concentration of vitamin C and the acid-rich composition of the thallus do a good job of strengthening the immune system.

Potassium, calcium, phosphorus, isolichenin and evenin do not play a significant role.

Medicinal properties

For the antiseptic and regenerative properties of parmelia, they gave it a second name - cut grass. A strong decoction is used to wash wounds. Vaseline paste with lichen powder is suitable for dressings.

Parmelia is used for coughs due to its emollient and soothing effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. A decoction with milk is recognized by traditional medicine as an effective anti-tuberculosis remedy.

Parmelia wandering helps with gastrointestinal diseases, acute colitis, toxic dyspepsia. Often used as an immunostimulant.

Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties are used in the fight against hemorrhoids and cystitis. Antifungal and immunostimulating effects are used in the treatment of thrush, where the grass plays a supporting role.

Indications for use

Parmelia wandering- a case when the healing properties of a folk remedy are recognized by official medicine.

It is suitable for both external and internal use.

Washing with a strong decoction of lichen is indicated for damage to the skin, such as:

  • burn;
  • frostbite;
  • cut or abrasion;
  • bedsore;
  • trophic ulcer.

Dressings with bandages soaked in the broth are useful. Self-treatment of penetrating wounds and cuts is prohibited: in combination with the wound-healing properties of parmelia, insufficient sterilization of the internal layers of the damage leads to the formation of an abscess.

Oral intake of parmelia is indicated for diseases:

  • respiratory tract - chronic cough, bronchial asthma, influenza, tuberculosis;
  • digestive tract - infections, stomach and duodenal ulcers, colitis;
  • heart and blood vessels.

Like cetraria, it is used for douching for:

  • bacterial cystitis;
  • hemorrhoids.

Lichen is used quite rarely as an independent medicine. Usually it plays the role of an auxiliary tool. To prevent complications, it is better not to ignore this fact and not to get carried away with self-medication.

Especially if the patient is a child.

Parmelia, due to its medicinal immunomodulatory properties, is popular in East Asia and Central Europe, where it is used as a dietary supplement. It is possible to add a small amount of chopped grass, ground into powder, to the flour, or use it as a thickener when preparing jelly, jelly or jelly.

The slight heat and bitterness in the finished dish is interrupted by fruit juices.


Individual intolerance- the main contraindication. If urticaria or other forms of allergic reaction occur, you should stop taking the medicine and contact a medical facility.

The effect of Parmelia has not yet been fully studied, so contraindications include:

  • age up to 6 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

For hypertension, parmelia is used only as prescribed by the attending physician. To avoid side effects, special attention should be paid to carefully following the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Procurement and storage of raw materials

The concentration of usnic acid in lichen increases with increasing daylight hours, reaching a peak value of 8% of dry matter mass and decreases after the summer solstice. Therefore, it is recommended to collect parmelia in May-June.

The medicinal thallus is dried in the open air; shade is not necessary. Completely dried lichen loses its pungent odor and has a tart, pungent taste.

Properly prepared raw materials will not lose their healing properties for 3-4 years, regardless of temperature and lighting level.

Dry raw materials should be stored in tightly closed containers.

Where can I collect?

Parmelia- a complex organism, a combination of fungal and algal cells. Like all lichens, it does not filter water, but absorbs moisture completely, along with all the heavy metals and radioactive isotopes it contains.

As a result, the cut grass dies, but rather slowly and it is difficult to distinguish a healthy specimen from a contaminated one. Therefore, an important condition for proper collection of thallus is distance from industrial zones, large cities and highways.


By purchasing lichen, the confusion with its species has become widespread, not in a pharmacy, you risk harming your health. The same applies to self-medication without prior consultation, so use the homemade recipes below only after consulting with your doctor.

For external use:

1 tbsp. l. chopped herbs pour a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes. Leave for 30 minutes and strain. Used for washing injuries, douching, and dressings.

Gastric decoction:

1 tbsp. l of raw materials pour 300 ml. water and brew in a water bath for 60 minutes. After 2 hours, strain. Take a tablespoon before meals 3-4 times a day for a month. Helps with diseases of the stomach, pancreas and intestines, stimulates appetite.

Breast decoction:

1-2 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 l of lichen. milk and cook in a water bath for 60 minutes. Leave for 2 hours, strain and add a little honey if desired. Directions for use: 100 ml. regardless of meals, 4-5 times a day. The benefits are clearly visible for colds and weak immunity. Treats pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis and other lung diseases, including tuberculosis.


Parmelia powder is mixed with petroleum jelly until the mixture has the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply to the damaged area of ​​skin and bandage. It is recommended to use at night.

Parmelia (cetraria, Icelandic moss, cut grass, reindeer moss, lobed moss, moss, fritillary moss, lung moss, Icelandic moss) is a low perennial plant from the Parmeliaceae family. As a rule, cut grass has a gray-green color. Two types of lichen are widespread in our open spaces: parmelia sulcata and wandering.

Lichens exhibit the ability to photosynthesize, are absolutely unpretentious, and resistant to harsh climatic conditions. Today, more than 700 species of plants from the above family are known. They differ from each other in shape, size, color, and growth characteristics. Lichens can grow on different surfaces.

The greatest diversity of species is found in the tropics. There are about 100 species of Parmelia grass found on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Botanical characteristics

Parmelia is characterized by a unique structure. This plant does not have vegetative organs - it has no roots. Their functions are replaced by special outgrowths called rhizoids. These formations help the plant in fixing itself on the bark of trees or on the ground.

In most cases, the fungal mycelium for algae performs a protective function. It protects it from drying out and provides unhindered access to photosynthesis, CO2 and water. The fungus itself feeds on the products of algae assimilation, since it itself is not capable of producing organic compounds.

The body of the plant (thallus, thallus) has different colors: greenish, yellowish, grayish, brown. Most often, the illuminated side of the thallus has a gray-green color. The color of the thallus correlates with the concentration of lichen acids in the plant. Carboxylic acids are deposited in the form of grains or crystals on the surface of the hyphae.

Parmelia wandering is a small lichen, the height of which does not exceed 5 cm. The thallus consists of fairly narrow and branched lobes. Strong gusts of wind easily tear off lumps of lichen and transport them over a considerable distance, where in the future they take root quite well.

Parmelia furrow forms abnormally shaped rosettes on the bark of any tree. However, most often such plants are found on living wood. different breeds trees (birch, spruce, aspen, pine). Sometimes this plant is found on old wooden houses, barns, fences, and dry branches. Reproduction of lichens is carried out by single-celled spores, which are formed in fruiting bodies (apothecia), or by vegetative means (soredia, isidia).

The preparation of medicinal raw materials is carried out in the spring. It is best to do this at the end of April and at the beginning of May. The collected raw materials should dry in a well-ventilated area. The dried potion can be stored for 3-4 years, with virtually no loss of biological activity. A properly prepared drug is odorless, tastes bitter and is slightly hot.

Biochemical composition of parmelia

The medicinal properties of thorn have been known since ancient times. Full laboratory studies of the biochemical composition began to be carried out only in the 60s of the last century. The plant contains the following compounds:

  • monosaccharides (mainly pentoses, trioses and hexoses);
  • oligosaccharides (disaccharides and trisaccharides);
  • polyalcohols (mannitol, sifulin, erythritol);
  • enzymes (amylase, invertase, catalase, lichenase, urease);
  • reserve polysaccharides (starch, isolichenin, lichenin, evenin);
  • structural polysaccharides (cellulose, hemicellulose);
  • ascorbic acid;
  • biotin;
  • cyanocobalamin;
  • lactones;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • luteolin;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • proteins, lipids in small quantities;
  • triterpenoids;
  • dexidons;
  • quercetin;
  • depsides;
  • xanthones;
  • dibenzofurans;
  • carotene;
  • diketopiperazine;
  • micro- and macroelements;
  • hyperoside;
  • pigments;
  • tannins (ellagogen tannins, catechudic acids, tannin, epicatechin);
  • other organic compounds (protocetranic, consalacinic, gallic, barbate, squamate, lecanoric, lobaric, chlorogenic, fumarprocetrararic, usnic, fisodonic carboxylic acids).

Therapeutic properties of the plant

Parmelia lichen, the use and indications for which can be read in this article, exhibits the following effects:

  • antimicrobial;
  • antiseptic;
  • sedative;
  • expectorant;
  • hemostatic;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • wound healing.

Medicines based on parmelia are widely used in both folk and official medicine. Indications for use of the above plant are:

  • cough;
  • ulcer;
  • decreased immune resistance of the body;
  • tuberculosis;
  • duodenitis;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • enterocolitis;
  • toxic dyspepsia;
  • trophic poorly healing ulcers;
  • frostbite or burn.

Before using parmelia to treat a particular pathology, you should consult a therapist, as the plant has some contraindications for use.

In order to relieve a child of a cough, it is not at all necessary to use lichen. There are many ways to help restore a child's health. For example, in some cases, it is enough to give the child warm tea or compote and ventilate the room well.

When using parmelia, the following contraindications must be taken into account:

  • hypertension;
  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • age (herbalists do not recommend prescribing lichen to children under six years of age).

Time-tested recipes

If a person long time is bothering you with a cough, then Parmelia will help. The use and contraindications for the use of this medicine can be found in many specialized publications.

It is known that in order to maximize the preservation of the healing properties of the plant, it must be properly prepared. There is information online that to prepare a medicinal extract, parmelia needs to be boiled for a long time. But this cannot be done, since most of the plant’s bioactive substances are thermolabile; when the temperature rises to 70–80°C, they are destroyed.

There will be no benefit from such treatment. Therefore, the medicine should be prepared only in a water bath. Used in treatment various shapes. Parmelia for cough is used either in combination with herbs or independently. In the process of preparing healing solutions, herbalists and herbalists recommend adding honey.

  1. Recipe No. 1. 6 tbsp. spoons of medicinal raw materials are poured into 1 liter of milk, after which the solution is boiled for 15-20 minutes, then filtered. Drink 1/3 cup three times a day. This medicine helps against “tuberculosis” cough. It is best to consume it 15-20 minutes before meals.
  2. Recipe No. 2. To prepare a medicinal potion, you can use water or milk. One tablespoon of dried raw materials is placed in a bowl and poured with 500 ml of liquid, then boiled for five minutes in a water bath. The solution is infused for at least an hour, after which it is filtered and tbsp. a spoonful of honey.

    The resulting decoction is consumed daily before meals, 1-2 tbsp. spoons. The medicine is stored in the refrigerator. Before use, the solution needs to be warmed slightly. The course of treatment is no more than a month.

  3. Recipe No. 3. In the presence of infectious pathologies that are accompanied by a reflex cough, experts recommend using herbal tea. One teaspoon of chopped herb is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and kept in a water bath for 30 minutes. Drink this decoction very hot at night. You can add a little honey to a glass of tea, as the taste of this drink is a little bitter.
  4. Recipe No. 4. Pour two teaspoons of chopped herbs into a glass of cold water, place on low heat and bring to a boil. Next, the solution is filtered. It is recommended to take the medicine for decades at three-day intervals. In total, the decoction is consumed for 30 days, 2 tbsp. spoons a day.
  5. Recipe No. 5. 20 g of dried potion is poured into 100 ml of 70% ethanol. For one week, preferably in a dark place, this solution is infused, and then taken during severe coughing attacks, 15 drops per day.
  6. Recipe No. 6. To obtain the medicine, parmelia and coltsfoot herbs are mixed in equal proportions. Next, 2 teaspoons of the resulting mixture are poured into glasses of boiling water and brought to a boil, filtered. Drink ½ glass per day. The presented remedy improves sputum discharge and reduces coughing attacks.

The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the stage of development of the disease and its etiology. At timely diagnosis achieve good therapeutic results.

Bondarenko Tatyana

Expert of the project