How does intestinal flu manifest in a child? Intestinal flu in a child: symptoms, treatment, prevention. Treatment of intestinal flu in children

Stomach flu It occurs in children at any time of the year, but maximum incidence rates are recorded in autumn and winter. The disease is widespread, large outbreaks often occur, which is associated with the high resistance of pathogens in environment. Risk group – children preschool age, by the age of 5, almost 95% of them suffer from intestinal flu in forms of varying severity. The disease usually ends favorably, but if the child is not helped in time, serious complications are possible.

Synonym: stomach flu. This is polyetiological viral disease, which can be caused by noroviruses, adenoviruses and astroviruses. The most significant role in the development of the pathological process is assigned to rotaviruses.

Being heterogeneous - heterogeneous - in antigenic composition, they successfully avoid traps immune system, over and over again affecting the body: it simply “does not recognize” the pathogenic particle and does not have time to prevent or reduce its harmful effects. Thus, the risk of becoming infected again for a child in the first year of life is 30%, and by the age of two, at least 70% of children experience intestinal flu twice.

Where could the virus come from?

Rotavirus is very stable in the external environment. It is not afraid of long-term freezing, up to several months, and is not affected by many cleaning products. Viable under normal chlorination of water, it remains on household items for a long time - it can be found on dishes, clothes, and toys. It dies quickly when heated to 80 degrees.

The source of infection is a sick person. In adults, the disease occurs in a mild or asymptomatic form; many do not even suspect that they are infected and are dangerous for children. Similarly, without symptoms, intestinal flu can occur in adolescents, but affects people over 60 years of age.

A viral particle can enter the intestine:

  • through dirty hands
  • through contaminated household items, including toys,
  • with water - unboiled spring water, from the tap, sea water and from the pool, which a child could accidentally swallow,
  • with contaminated food products - fruits, vegetables, dairy.

If the latter two mechanisms more often provide mass outbreaks, the first are usually “responsible” for point diseases within the family.

It should be remembered: a newborn only needs to be in a public place to “catch” a dangerous infection.

What's going on inside

Getting into oral cavity, rotaviruses rush to the small intestine and invade the cells lining its surface. The high rate of reproduction allows pests to simultaneously affect most organ, which naturally leads to a malfunction of the digestive tract. As a result, the absorption of water and electrolytes is impaired. Additionally, a number of complex biochemical processes necessary for normal food digestion suffer.


Initially, rotavirus gastroenteritis in 60-70% of children proceeds like a common cold - the child becomes weak, lethargic, and a slight cough, runny nose and sore throat appear.

Most frequent symptoms intestinal flu in children:

  • a sharp increase in temperature that lasts 2-4 days,
  • weakness, lethargy,
  • loss of appetite up to complete refusal to eat,
  • loose stool(diarrhea) – profuse, watery, foamy, yellow color, with an unpleasant sour odor, from 4-5 times a day in older children and up to 15 - 20 in children,
  • rumbling, bloating, especially pronounced in children under one year old,
  • dehydration, loss of important electrolytes - manifested by thirst.

Manifestation of main symptoms

In children early age The disease occurs with a number of characteristic manifestations:

  • dehydration develops quickly,
  • on the background elevated temperature Convulsions and fainting may occur.

Stages of the disease

Usually the disease ends in recovery within 5–12 days, but there may be cases when without medical care not enough.

There are three degrees of severity of rotavirus infection:

  • mild - intoxication is minimal, its symptoms disappear on the second day. The temperature does not rise above 38 o C, vomiting appears only 2 - 5 times. Loose stools for 1 - 3 days with a frequency of 2 - 5 times. Symptoms in children in this case disappear already on the 2-3rd day of illness,
  • moderate-severe – moderate intoxication, lasts up to 5 days, lasts heat. Vomiting is repeated, up to 10 - 12 times. Loose stools for 3 - 5 days with a frequency of 5 - 15 times. The child gets better only by the 4-5th day of illness.
  • severe - obvious intoxication, temperature above 39.5 o C, repeated vomiting, diarrhea. Severe dehydration, symptoms persist for more than 5 - 7 days.


If the disease progresses light type form, complications should not be expected. In other situations, dehydration and hypovolemic shock may develop as a result of rapid loss of a large volume of fluid. Damage to the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, otitis media, pneumonia, cystitis, etc. is possible.

If you suspect a rotavirus infection in an infant, you should immediately consult a doctor! If severe dehydration occurs due to the development of hypovolemic shock, the child may die!


Signs of stomach flu can be mistaken for food poisoning, colds(as you know, young children with ARVI may have nausea, vomiting, and loose stools). But you should be careful about these “habitual” symptoms - under the mask of stomach flu there may be a more dangerous acute intestinal infection, salmonellosis, dysentery, cholera,

Necessary tests for diagnosis:

  • General clinical blood test;
  • Analysis of urine.

And at a late stage of the disease, the following studies are included:

  • Immunofluorescence analysis;
  • Linked immunosorbent assay.

Under no circumstances should you treat your baby yourself! Only a doctor can make a final diagnosis and prescribe appropriate therapy that will not harm the little patient.

Hand washing - important procedure, eliminating the appearance of many viruses

First aid

Symptoms and treatment are closely related. At home, until a medical professional arrives, the baby’s condition can be alleviated in the following ways:

  • drinking plenty of water - warm water, compote, tea. The body loses a lot of fluid through vomit and bowel movements; its balance in the body must be maintained. Ideally, if you give a solution of the drug "Regidron",
  • temperature control, antipyretic use.

It is necessary to monitor the child’s position in bed (a baby under one year old can choke on his own vomit) and under no circumstances leave him alone.


The treatment of intestinal flu in children is based on the following principles:

  • diet and drinking regimen,
  • restoration of water balance,
  • drug therapy with sorbents, probiotics, enzymes,
  • preventing the addition of bacterial complications

The doctor will prescribe a gentle diet that does not irritate the intestines damaged by the virus, and rehydration medications for recovery water-salt metabolism(“Regidron”, “Enterodez”, “Citroglucosolan”), sorbents for withdrawal harmful substances(including viruses and toxins) from the intestines ( Activated carbon, “Smecta”, “Polysorb”), it is possible to prescribe medications “Linex”, “Acilak”, “Lactobacterin”. The use of enzymes (Ermital, Pancreatin, Mezim, Creon) is associated with disruption of a number of biochemical reactions, and is advisable for more rapid restoration of digestive function.

During treatment, the doctor may prescribe activated charcoal for the child.


In the acute period of the disease, table No. 4 a according to Pevzner is prescribed, followed by transfer after 1-2 days to table No. 4 b until complete recovery. Compliance with the diet presupposes the absence in the diet of foods that enhance peristalsis, leading to fermentation in the intestinal lumen.


You can’t do anything that can’t be properly digested by a sick intestine:

  • whole milk (breastfed babies continue to eat mother's milk; correction of the mother's diet is possible),
  • fatty fermented baked milk and cream,
  • fiber-rich vegetables and fruits (white cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, grapes, plums, apricots, pears),
  • grain, rye bread,
  • sweet bakery and confectionery products,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • canned food, smoked meats, sausages,
  • fatty fish, meat, broths.


  • thermally and mechanically processed vegetables (for example, zucchini puree),
  • cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal),
  • hard-boiled eggs or scrambled eggs,
  • lean meat, boiled or steamed, lean fish - pollock, pike perch,
  • crackers, drying.

It is necessary to consume yogurt, kefir, acidophilus. It is acceptable to eat baked apples.

How to protect your child

Prevention of intestinal flu in children involves, first of all, vaccination. According to specialists from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, currently it is the only effective method protection from disease. The vaccination is allowed from six weeks of life, is safe, generally well tolerated, some post-vaccination reactions are extremely insignificant - only occasionally there may be diarrhea, vomiting, and fever.

But vaccination only protects against rotavirus infection, and other viral organisms can also cause “stomach flu”.

An important role is given to the simplest methods of prevention:

  • drink only boiled water,
  • wash your hands after walking, before eating,
  • wash fruits, vegetables, herbs, berries before eating,
  • increase overall resistance - harden.

Blueberries - excellent folk remedy against disease

  1. You should not start taking antibiotics on your own, without a doctor’s prescription - they will not help cope with the virus and can even worsen the condition by destroying beneficial bacteria in the intestines.
  2. After the symptoms of the disease disappear, it is still necessary to adhere to the diet, only gradually introducing prohibited foods - the intestines need time to recover.
  3. Don’t be afraid to take enzyme preparations - they will only help the digestive system and reduce the load on it.
  4. Don’t panic – “stomach flu” happens to almost all children, and complications can be easily avoided if you consult a specialist in a timely manner.


Intestinal (stomach) flu is a disease of viral etiology, which most often means rotavirus gastroenteritis. A common disease that becomes more active in the autumn-winter period, it is especially dangerous for children under 3 years of age and elderly people over 60. initial stage the infection behaves like a cold - the temperature rises, a runny nose, cough, headache appear, and then intestinal symptoms rapidly develop. In some cases it may be necessary health care, otherwise the development of formidable complications will not be long in coming.

Treatment is strictly as prescribed by the doctor. It is imperative to adhere to a gentle diet, even if external signs the diseases have passed. Vaccination will help protect against rotavirus infection, and following the rules of personal hygiene will protect against other viral particles that cause intestinal flu.

Caring mothers devote a lot of time to maintaining the cleanliness and hygiene of the home, making sure that the baby washes his hands thoroughly and eats only fresh food. But sooner or later, any child encounters signs of an intestinal infection - diarrhea and vomiting. Such manifestations do not always indicate poisoning caused by pathogenic bacteria. Often the cause of the disease is rotavirus, and the disease is popularly called “intestinal flu”.

Pediatrician, neonatologist

According to the World Health Organization, every person is familiar with rotavirus infection. Moreover, the first meeting with the pathogen in most cases occurred before 2 years of age, and by the age of 5 years, almost all children had already recovered from the disease. Although the disease is widespread, few parents know its manifestations and treatment features. Often they try to overcome the disease with completely inappropriate means, which increases the duration of the disease and leads to the development of complications.

About the causative agent of the disease

Rotaviruses belong to the Reovirus family and cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In total, 9 types of pathogens belonging to this genus are known, but viruses of groups A, B and C pose a danger to humans. Moreover, in 90% of cases of intestinal flu, rotavirus A is detected.

The pathogen got its name because of the round shape of the virus. The term "rotavirus" was derived from Latin word"rota", which translates as "wheel".

The features of these extracellular particles include high resistance to environmental factors. Viruses remain viable even when dried and repeatedly frozen. Ether, chloroform, and ultrasound are not able to overcome non-cellular particles. To destroy rotavirus you will have to resort to boiling, surface treatment with strong acids and alkalis, and 95% ethanol.

Susceptibility to the causative agent of intestinal flu is very high, and although the diagnosis of “rotavirus infection” is rare, 100% of people suffered from it in childhood. Due to the diversity of serovars of the infectious agent, a child may get sick several times without developing stable protection against infection. But thanks to the development of cross-immunity, subsequent infections with rotavirus do not cause severe manifestations, the disease progresses more easily each time. Therefore, primary infection with this infectious agent is considered the most dangerous.

About the reasons

The source of rotavirus infection is always a sick person. Moreover, you can become infected not only from a sick person with obvious clinical manifestations, but also from an asymptomatic carrier of the infection.

The greatest danger is posed by a patient in acute period illness, the average duration of which is 5 days. But virus shedding can persist for up to 20 days from the onset of the disease. Sometimes, with reduced immunity, the patient remains infectious for up to a month or develops virus carriage.

Viruses enter the environment through feces and saliva, and infection occurs mainly when the pathogen is swallowed by a child.

Just 1 gram of feces of a sick person can contain more than 10 trillion viral particles, and 100 units are enough to infect a child. Therefore, the risk of contracting intestinal flu if basic hygiene rules are not followed is enormous.

Most often, the virus enters the baby’s body through infected things - toys, underwear, household items. But it is possible that an infectious agent can penetrate through the consumption of unboiled water or contaminated food.

The virus can also spread through airborne droplets, sneezing, coughing, or kissing. But such cases of infection are less common.


Most often, manifestations of rotavirus disease in a child can be detected in the autumn-winter period. Often large outbreaks of the disease occur during seasonal respiratory infections.

Its unofficial name is "stomach flu" “received due to the highest prevalence of infection on the eve of influenza epidemics.

Due to its high contagiousness (infectiousness), the disease often occurs en masse, and group diseases are observed in children's institutions and hospitals. Predisposing factors for the development of the disease include the cold season, overcrowding in hospitals, and frequent contacts of children in groups.

Cases of rotavirus infection in children under 3 months are very rare. Infants have immunity received from the mother during pregnancy or.


The pathogen enters the baby’s body and reaches small intestine. Invading the cells of the surface layer of the intestinal wall, the infectious agent begins to actively multiply. The process of breakdown and absorption of nutrients is disrupted, and diarrhea occurs.

A distinctive feature of rotavirus is the ability of the pathogen to cause. Normally, the enzyme is synthesized by intestinal cells and is necessary for the absorption of lactose. If there is a deficiency of the substance, dairy intolerance occurs, which lasts for several weeks.

How to suspect the disease?

The first manifestations of the disease occur at least 12 hours after contact with the source of infection. Duration incubation period V different cases ranges from 1 to 5 days. The main symptoms of the disease are:

  1. Vomit.

Often this sign precedes acute manifestations of the disease. The baby experiences vomiting once or twice, nausea, weakness, dizziness, and minor symptoms of intoxication.

After the prodromal period, acute manifestations of the disease occur; the child’s body temperature rises to 38 - 39 degrees, which is difficult to bring down using conventional means.

  1. Diarrhea.

Repeated liquid stools of a yellow-green color with a pungent odor appear. Diarrhea in a child can persist for 3–7 days, and its frequency can reach 20 times a day. Starting 2–3 days after the onset of the disease, the stool acquires a gray-yellow tint and becomes clay-like. Feces usually do not contain pathological impurities or blood, but sometimes mucus appears.

If you find bloody contents in your baby's stool, you should immediately consult a doctor.

  1. Respiratory manifestations.

With the appearance of dyspeptic symptoms, most patients develop signs of acute respiratory infections. The baby complains of a sore throat, runny nose, cough, discharge from the eye slits often appears, and conjunctivitis develops.

Often, after an intestinal infection, a baby is diagnosed with a lung disease - pneumonia. This complication of the disease is a consequence of improper treatment of the child and the development of dehydration. Low fluid content in the baby’s body affects the functioning of all organs, including the respiratory system. Thick, difficult-to-remove mucus appears in the bronchi, followed by a bacterial infection and pneumonia occurs. It turns out that a serious complication can be prevented by simple desoldering and rational treatment.

  1. Abdominal pain.

The baby notices the appearance of pain, usually in the upper half of the abdomen. The intensity and severity of the symptom depends on the degree of intestinal damage. Almost always the pain is accompanied by rumbling in the stomach and symptoms of flatulence.

  1. General symptoms.

Children suffering from intestinal flu inevitably experience signs of intoxication. In mild cases of the disease, the baby complains of weakness, drowsiness, headache, dizziness, and loss of appetite. If the symptoms of the disease are severe, the disease may occur with cramps in the limbs, fainting child, damage to the cardiovascular system.

  1. Dehydration of the body.

The infection is accompanied by vomiting, repeated watery stools, increased sweating with fever. All this leads to excessive fluid loss and deterioration of the child’s condition. The situation is complicated by the baby’s reluctance to drink water due to intoxication syndrome and sore throat.

Rotavirus infection is dangerous due to the development of dehydration of the body. Parents don't always notice in time dangerous symptoms, because the baby’s condition is changing quickly. Lack of fluid is especially dangerous for children under one year old. Infants quickly develop serious complications: lesions nervous system, pneumonia.

When the first symptoms of dehydration appear in a child, you should urgently call a doctor. Before the specialist arrives, parents should try to give the baby water or oral rehydration solution. The main signs of a lack of fluid in a child’s body include: dry mouth, crying without tears, lack of urine and sweat.

To determine the disease, it is carried out comprehensive examination child, which includes:

  1. History of the disease.

To suspect a viral cause of the disease, you should pay attention to the signs of rotavirus infection. It is necessary to take into account the age of the child, the presence of infection among his environment, family, and the seasonality of the disease. The development of intestinal flu is also indicated by the staged occurrence of vomiting and the combination of signs of a cold with intestinal disorders. The diagnosis is easier to make if outbreaks or familial outbreaks are detected.

  1. Examination of the patient.

Upon further examination, the child reveals signs, pain in the abdomen, dyspeptic disorders and other clinical symptoms of the disease.

  1. Laboratory research:
  • General blood analysis.

When testing blood, it is important to take into account the period of the disease. At the beginning of the disease, when the symptoms are most pronounced, changes in the blood formula are manifested in an increase in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin, and blood thickening.

Ditto for acute phase The disease is characterized by an increase in the number of leukocytes and ESR. During treatment and infusion therapy, the number of leukocytes decreases, but the number of lymphocytes remains high. After recovery, the blood formula is completely normalized.

  • Stool analysis.

During illness, the nature of the stool changes, the feces become copious, foamy with particles of undigested food, and foul-smelling. In the coprogram there are no signs of inflammation - leukocytes, erythrocytes, mucus, but starch grains, fiber, and neutral fat are found.

The composition of the fecal microflora is also disrupted, the number of beneficial bifidobacteria decreases, and the growth of microbial associations increases. Signs of lactase deficiency and acidic stool pH values ​​are detected.

  • Immunochromatography.

The rapid diagnostic method for identifying rotavirus infection works very well. Using the rota test, the intestinal influenza virus is detected in the patient’s feces within 15 minutes. The method is easy to perform and can be used at home, and the reliability of the method is close to 100%. To perform the test, it is enough to take some of the baby’s feces and place it on the diagnosticum; 2 strips will indicate the viral nature of the infection.

  • Other methods.

The virus can be detected in stool using the latex agglutination reaction, passive hemagglutination And enzyme immunoassay. But these methods are used only in research laboratories and are considered expensive. Antibodies to infection can be found in the blood using serological reactions. These studies are used more often in children who have recovered from the disease and are necessary for analyzing the epidemiological situation.

Treatment of intestinal flu in children

At the first appearance of symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to begin treatment measures:

  1. Fight dehydration.

Parents are obliged to do everything possible to give their baby something to drink. Children younger age It is very difficult to tolerate a lack of fluid in the body; the development of serious complications or even the death of the child is possible.

According to statistics, about 2% of registered cases of rotavirus infection worldwide end in fatal. The disease is especially dangerous for children with weakened immune systems, chronic diseases, premature babies and children with low birth weight.

It is worth giving your baby frequent and frequent drinks, and preference should be given to saline solutions and drinks. Oral rehydration products (Regidron, Humana Electrolyte), which should always be in your home medicine cabinet, effectively cope with the symptoms of dehydration.

If there is no special solution, parents can prepare a medicinal drink themselves. It is enough to add 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon each of salt and baking soda to 1 liter of warm boiled water.

You can determine whether your baby is consuming enough fluids by counting the frequency of urination. If the baby runs to the potty every 3 hours, then there is nothing to worry about. In case of rare urination and dark color urine, you need to take measures to restore the body’s water balance.

If the parents cannot replenish the fluid deficiency on their own, the child is hospitalized in a hospital. There the baby is given infusion therapy and solutions are administered intravenously.

  1. Antipyretics.

Since the disease occurs with a significant increase in temperature, children are advised to use anti-inflammatory drugs based on paracetamol and ibuprofen. These medications are widely used in pediatric practice and have the fewest contraindications and side effects.

  1. Detoxification therapy.

To reduce intoxication, the use of enterosorbents, such as Polysorb and Activated Carbon, is recommended.

Antiemetics and antidiarrheals should be prescribed by a doctor after examining and examining the patient. Self-administration of these drugs can lead to a worsening of the child’s condition.

  1. Improved digestion.

For more efficient digestion of food, enzyme preparations are prescribed - “Pangrol”, “Creon”, which are administered during meals or immediately after meals. To restore the intestinal microflora, the use of probiotics is recommended - “Linex”, “Bifiform”.

Often during treatment stomach flu» means are prescribed to fight the virus and strengthen the immune system, as well as antimicrobial drugs. Around antiviral agents there is a lot of debate about their effectiveness in treatment "stomach flu"not proven. And the purpose antibacterial drugs at " stomach flu “is fraught with the development of complications.

  1. Diet for intestinal problems.

To speed up recovery and alleviate unpleasant symptoms in your baby, you should adhere to a certain diet. Parents should understand what to feed their child and know the specifics of the diet for “stomach flu” in a child:

  • You should give preference to liquid and light foods;
  • Rice water, dietary soups, and uzvar have a good effect on the intestinal wall;
  • you need to remove smoked, fried, sweet foods from the menu;
  • It is unacceptable to consume carbonated drinks, cola, raw vegetables and fruits;
  • It is forbidden to give your baby foods containing lactose.

A special feature of rotavirus is its ability to cause lactase deficiency. Eating dairy products will slow down your recovery and make your diarrhea last longer. Infants under one year of age who are formula-fed should replace the product with a low-lactose or fermented milk analogue. If the baby only receives, you will have to reduce its amount, but remove it altogether breast-feeding not worth it.

The time required to completely cure the “stomach flu” ranges from 8 to 10 days. But it takes about a month to combat the consequences of the infection, so it is important to follow a diet, even if there are no longer signs of infection.

Prevention of intestinal flu in children

TO general rules prevention of intestinal infections include:

  • comply with hygiene standards and rules;
  • monitor the cleanliness of toys and household items;
  • avoid contact with sick children;
  • drink only boiled water;
  • sterilize baby dishes and pacifiers;
  • increase the body's resistance to infections.

But, unfortunately, even if you follow all the listed rules, you cannot be guaranteed to avoid infection with rotavirus. Due to its characteristics, the pathogen affects almost all children; only vaccination will help protect against infection.

There are 2 types of vaccines against “intestinal flu” – the American “Rotatek” and the Belgian “Rotarix”. Both of them are administered orally, in the form of drops in the mouth, and are well tolerated.

Often, infection with the virus occurs starting from 6 months of a baby’s life. To form reliable immunity, the baby must receive all doses of the vaccine before six months of age. Immunization with Rotatek is carried out three times, and with Rotarix twice with an interval of 45 days.

The intestinal flu vaccine helps reduce the risk of disease by 80% and guarantees a milder course of infection in the event of infection with the virus. Unfortunately, vaccination against rotavirus is not yet included in the vaccination calendar in Russia.


Intestinal flu in children is a widespread disease that every child will inevitably get sick from. Although every inhabitant of the planet encounters it, few parents know its symptoms and features of its course.

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She graduated from Lugansk State Medical University with a degree in Pediatrics in 2010, completed an internship in the specialty “Neonatology” in 2017, and in 2017 she was awarded category 2 in the specialty “Neonatology”. I work at the Lugansk Republican Perinatal Center, previously in the neonatal department of the Rovenkovsky Maternity Hospital. I specialize in nursing premature babies.

Intestinal flu is a common disease among children different ages. Actually, this disease is called rotavirus infection or gastroenteritis, which clearly indicates the minimal similarity of intestinal flu with influenza itself. According to statistics for 2017, intestinal infections claim about 4,000 children’s lives every year. Therefore, symptoms and treatment of intestinal flu in children - important information for any parent, since the likelihood of the child suffering from this infectious pathology is quite high. Statistics indicate that almost all children under 5 years of age experience intestinal flu. In this case, both a child under one year old and a child 3 years old can become infected.

The disease itself is provoked by the active activity in the intestines of viruses from the Reoviridae family, where they enter through the fecal-oral route, and there is also a possibility of infection through airborne droplets. Perhaps this is the similarity between rotavirus infection and influenza, since both diseases are provoked by viruses, but rotaviruses and influenza viruses are completely different. Rotaviruses replicate, infecting a number of villous epithelial cells, provoking a local inflammatory process and subsequent cell death. The result is structural changes and disruption of intestinal function.

Intestinal flu is characterized by several stages of development:

Symptoms of intestinal flu appear very aggressively at the onset of the disease and often clinical picture make up respiratory symptoms and symptoms of gastrointestinal dysfunction. Symptoms may include:

  • Initially, intestinal flu manifests itself as a common acute respiratory infection. There are symptoms such as discomfort in the throat, especially when swallowing. Mild rhinitis and sneezing may also be observed;
  • Weakness, there is a decrease in the child’s activity;
  • Body temperature rises sharply and can reach 39 degrees. At the same time, the temperature is stable and remains throughout the entire acute period, decreasing towards the end of this stage;
  • Vomiting, appearance of vomit;
  • Pain syndrome in the abdominal area;
  • Headache is common;
  • Diarrhea. This symptom is perhaps the most characteristic of rotavirus infection. Bowel movements occur up to 10 times a day, feces have a specific color (the 2-3rd day of illness is accompanied by a gray-yellow color and has a clay-like shape). At a certain stage, the feces are light in color and the urine is a rich dark yellow color. May be observed in stool blood clots. When you defecate more than 10 times a day, the feces resemble foam and consist practically of liquid;
  • There is a decrease in appetite in the child. May be expressed in complete/partial refusal to eat;

Separately, it is worth mentioning the dehydration of the body of children with this infection. With intestinal flu, it is very important to drink plenty of fluids, since exicosis becomes the main cause of death in rotavirus infection.

It should be understood that treatment of this infectious disease can be carried out both at home and in a hospital ward. Hospitalization of young patients with rotavirus infection is not uncommon. The following symptoms are indications for hospitalization:

However, treatment for this disease is aimed at reducing the intensity of symptoms and speeding up the body's recovery. In fact, today, specific medications There is simply no targeted action against rotaviruses (and many other viruses, among others).

Therefore, treatment of rotavirus infection in children comes down to the following:

  • It is necessary to provide the child with peace to reduce the burden on the body weakened by the disease. If the child is still very young, it is necessary to seriously approach the issue of controlling the urge to vomit, since the baby may simply choke on vomit;
  • It is imperative to increase your fluid intake. The word “liquid” should be understood as various compotes from berries, fruits and dried fruits, weak tea, jelly, water, natural juices (not store-bought, but made from fruits and vegetables);

The tense epidemiological situation is due to a sharp change in the antigenic structure of viruses. This pathological process also called stomach flu, rotavirus infection. The disease is often misdiagnosed by parents. The pathology is easily confused with poisoning.

Pathogens and routes of infection

The disease in question can be contracted at any time of the year. The main cause of intestinal flu in a child is the penetration of calivirus, rotavirus, and norovirus into the body.

The danger of these microorganisms lies in their ability to multiply quickly and adapt to a new environment. If treated incorrectly, the pathological microflora becomes resistant to active substances drugs. Therefore, only a doctor should select therapy.

Several routes of transmission of the virus have been identified. You can become infected through contact with a sick person or with contaminated household items. Infection also occurs through consumption of low-quality food.

In the first case, direct infection is implied healthy child during hugs or handshakes with a sick person. In the second case, the intestinal flu virus enters the body through toys, towels, surfaces of door handles and furniture.

Quite often, children become infected through dairy products. Their contamination is explained by the processing features of this type of product. In addition, pathological microflora is able to maintain vital activity during low temperatures, in a refrigerator.

The carrier of the virus may not yet feel the acute manifestations of the disease, but is already a source of infection for other people.


The symptoms of stomach flu generally develop gradually, which cannot be said, for example, about. The incubation period is up to 5 days, acute - from 3 to 7 days. It takes about another week to recover.

The symptoms of this virus are not typical of the symptoms of regular flu. A sick child has the following symptoms:

  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • cramping abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • weakness and malaise;
  • due to lack of appetite, refusal to eat or drink liquids.

In addition to manifestations of digestive tract dysfunction, patients are bothered by a runny nose, sore throat, sore throat, and cough.

The main signs of intestinal flu in children appear one day after the end of the incubation period. On the first day - yellowish liquid stool, on the second - already yellow-gray. The consistency of feces is clay-like. Then the situation worsens with the addition of other symptoms of infection.

Diagnostic methods

Stomach flu in children is not so easy to identify, especially in isolated cases. Modern laboratory research allow you to identify the pathogen by conducting several types of analysis. However, these studies are quite expensive. Therefore, when the first symptoms of intestinal flu appear, doctors recommend submitting materials for examination.

The following tests are carried out:

  • blood test for general indicators;
  • general urine analysis;
  • bacteriological examination of stool.

Based on the data obtained, the doctor can already diagnose intestinal flu and prescribe therapy. But, if confirmation of the presence of rotavirus in the body is required, then innovative diagnostic methods cannot be avoided. Polymerase tests are carried out in the laboratory chain reaction, determine complement fixation, an indicator of passive hemagglutination, immunofluorescence.

Treatment methods

Treatment of intestinal flu in children involves taking medications to relieve symptoms. If the disease has a bacteriological etiology, then antibacterial agents are used.

First aid

If you have intestinal flu, it is prohibited to give your child painkillers without a doctor’s prescription. At the first suspicion, you should call your treating pediatrician.

To relieve intoxication and restore water balance, rehydration therapy is used. Experts recommend drinking water, or better yet saline solutions. Take them in small portions, every half hour.

You can prepare your own rehydration solution. For 1 liter of water 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. soda To stir thoroughly. While taking the product, watch your urination. A sick baby should go to the toilet at least once every three hours.

Provide your child with bed rest. Severe forms of intestinal flu require hospitalization.

Drug therapy

Medicines for stomach flu reduce toxicity, restore digestive system, prevent dehydration. Let's look at the most commonly used drugs for stomach flu:

  • Antipyretic rectal suppositories (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol). Tablets in in this case are not used because the gastrointestinal tract is not able to absorb active substances.
  • Antidiarrheal drugs (Loperamide, Enterofuril, Enterol).
  • Sorbents (, Enterosgel,).
  • To stabilize digestion, preparations with enzymes (,).
  • To maintain water balance, Regidron is prescribed.
  • Antiviral drugs (Viferon, Acyclovir).
  • If needed antibacterial therapy for intestinal flu, Tinidazole, Metrinidazole, Vancomycin are prescribed.

The regimen is selected by the doctor, taking into account the severity of the disease, the patient’s age and others. individual characteristics patient.


When the disease occurs, appetite decreases, but there are exceptions. Doctors recommend reducing food intake by more than half. During treatment of intestinal flu in children, it is important to follow a special diet.

To avoid vomiting, there is no need to give liquid immediately after eating. Canned food, smoked meats, vegetables and fruits are strictly prohibited. Sweets, baked goods (fatty, rich), dairy products.

Possible complications

In case of severe pathology and incorrect therapy, there is a possibility of developing unpleasant and sometimes dangerous consequences:

  • Dysfunctions in the cardiovascular system.
  • Development of hypovolemic shock.
  • Pathological changes in the liver, kidneys.
  • Urogenital infections (cystitis).
  • Otitis.
  • Pneumonia.

Intestinal flu in a child can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Lack of treatment is dangerous as there is a possibility of death.


With basic hygiene rules, the spread of intestinal flu can be prevented. The carrier of the infection must be isolated from healthy family members. For prevention, they can use simple sorbents, for example, activated carbon, once a week.

General rules for preventing infectious diseases of the digestive tract:

  • Balanced diet. In addition to vegetables and fruits, the children's diet should contain yogurt, kefir, and fermented baked milk (they form microflora in the intestines).
  • Keep an eye on product expiration dates.
  • Drink quality water.
  • Do not allow your child to touch unwashed objects; hands should always be clean.
  • When swimming, be careful not to swallow water.
  • Meals are organized in exclusively designated areas.

Having information about the routes of infection, manifestations, and prevention of intestinal flu in children, parents will be able to protect their child from infection. Correct behavior when the first symptoms appear and timely assistance ensures fast recovery baby.

Useful video about intestinal flu

Intestinal flu in children is a common disease, often occurring in the autumn-winter period. The severity may depend on the age of the child. The younger you are, the more severe the disease. The child’s body is not formed and does not resist the invasion of a viral infection. Viruses cause stomach flu symptoms in children. The article discusses in detail the intestinal flu and its symptoms.

Stomach or intestinal flu is an acute viral pathology that affects the gastrointestinal tract. The disease has become widespread. The frequency increases during the cold seasons of the year. Young children in the first years of life are often susceptible. Intestinal flu is rare in adolescents and young adults.

Symptoms and causes of intestinal flu are often caused by an invading viral infection. Described by professors a large number of strains of viruses. The causative agents of intestinal flu are known, often the causes are:

  • Rotaviruses.
  • Astroviruses.
  • Noroviruses.
  • Caliciviruses.
  • Adenoviruses.

Viral strains cause an acute inflammatory process in the digestive tract. There are clinical symptoms of intestinal infection, symptoms of acute respiratory infection, similar in symptoms to influenza.

Similar symptoms of E. coli in children.

Routes of infection

Infection occurs when the microorganism penetrates the epithelial cells of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The severity of clinical symptoms depends on the number of pathogens in the body and the state of the child’s immune system. Symptoms and treatment vary depending on the nature of the pathogen.

Routes of infection are determined based on the nature of the disease:

  1. Infection through nutritional routes. Pathogens penetrate into children's body with unwashed fruits and vegetables. You can become infected with low-quality, expired dairy and meat products.
  2. can be transmitted through unwashed hands.
  3. Stomach flu in children can be transmitted through water contaminated with the corresponding strain of virus or bacteria.
  4. Available airborne infection with viral stomach flu. The pathogen is transmitted from a person by talking or sneezing.
  5. Signs of intestinal flu are observed through contact and household infection of a child. It is enough for the baby to hold in his hands the toy with which the sick child played the day before, hold on to the door handle in kindergarten, school.

Virus persistence in the environment

Rotavirus influenza is resistant and viable. This type of infectious pathogen can withstand heating up to 60 degrees and freezing.

Not all cleaning products kill the virus in the environment. Prevention of spread in the environment is carried out with chlorine-containing antiseptic solutions high concentration.

Clinical manifestations of the disease

Parents should understand what the symptoms of intestinal flu mean in a child and how to treat intestinal flu. The first clinical manifestations of intestinal flu are signs similar to respiratory infections. The child has a sore throat and cough. There is mucous discharge from the nasal passages.

Clinical signs resolve on their own. Symptoms appear intestinal disorder. Sequence distinguishes stomach flu from other infections that affect digestive tract child. The latter begin with manifestations of dyspepsia.

Typical clinical symptoms

Rotavirus infection and stomach flu proceed according to a characteristic pattern:

  1. The appearance of pain, congestion in the throat and nose. When examined, the throat in young children may be hyperemic.
  2. Catarrhal phenomena of the upper respiratory tract– cough and runny nose, sneezing, hoarseness of voice.
  3. Diarrhea develops on days 2-3. In mild stages of the disease, diarrhea occurs up to 10 times a day. The stool is grayish in color and has a pungent odor. In severe forms of the disease, the number of urges to defecate reaches 50 times a day.
  4. The child complains of pain in the abdomen. From time to time, the baby feels turbulence in the tummy and bloating. The child is in excruciating pain. He screams and knocks his legs.
  5. The temperature in newborns is subfebrile, reaching febrile levels.
  6. Nausea and vomiting, frequent diarrhea lead to the development of dehydration in the child.
  7. Signs of intoxication - the child is lethargic, sleeps poorly or is excessively sleepy. Skin color is pale. Facial features are pointed.

Clinical forms of intestinal influenza

To understand the intestinal flu symptoms, you need to know the different forms of severity of the disease.

Classification of the disease according to characteristics:

  1. According to the severity of the condition, the disease is mild, moderate, severe.
  2. Clinical manifestations are divided into typical and atypical forms of the disease. The first form proceeds according to the scheme described above. The second form may not have clinical symptoms, leak erased. A typical form also occurs in menstruation, one year old child. The atypical form is typical for adolescents. In adults, the disease may not have clinical symptoms.

Treatment of intestinal flu in children at home is allowed if the disease is light form. Other forms of the disease require hospital treatment.

Possible complications

Rotavirus is an infection that is rarely accompanied by serious complications. This happens if timely treatment is started.

Lack of adequate care for children under one year old leads to the development of unpleasant complications from intestinal flu. It happens if a child has a significant decrease in the body’s immune defense.

A complication is severe dehydration, which can lead to the development of hemodynamic disorders. Intoxication at a severe stage can lead to the development of acute renal failure.

A secondary bacterial infection may occur. These are Escherichia or other types of pathogenic rods. Antibiotics with a wide therapeutic spectrum are prescribed for the treatment of children.

With careful supervision of the child and adequate treatment, you will avoid the development of the listed conditions. The attending physician will examine the child and determine what to do and whether antibacterial drugs can be taken.

Diagnosis of intestinal flu

An experienced pediatrician or infectious disease specialist can determine the diagnosis based on the first clinical manifestations. Often, viral and bacterial infections exhibit significant external similarities. Salmonellosis and dysentery can be hidden under the guise of the flu. Possible development food poisoning. To differentiate between intestinal infections, bacteriological studies are prescribed.

Viral particles are too small to be visible under a microscope. Are revealed bacterial infections. The pathogen is distinguished by the characteristic color of the cell nucleus.

Useful and reliable diagnostic information is obtained from studies:

  1. Polymerase chain reactions.
  2. Methods of immunofluorescence analysis.
  3. Enzyme immunosorbent studies.

These tests will detect rotavirus. Research is expensive and rarely used.

For intestinal flu, a standard list of diagnostic procedures is prescribed:

  • General blood analysis.
  • General urine analysis.
  • Stool analysis for coprogram, bacteriological culture.

Tests identify signs of inflammation in the body and check for possible bacterial infection.

Principles of treatment

No specific medicine has been developed to treat the cause of the disease. Therapeutic measures differ in the following areas:

  1. Detoxification therapy.
  2. Measures to eliminate signs of dehydration.
  3. Restoring the functions of the urinary system.
  4. Restoration of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Symptomatic therapy.
  6. Preventive measures aimed at preventing secondary bacterial infection.

You can take medications with the permission of your doctor. You should not put your baby’s life and health in danger by engaging in self-medication. Having discovered signs in a child under one year old intestinal disease, call a pediatrician at home. The doctor will give a referral to the hospital if necessary. In case of a mild form of the disease, children are kept on sick leave on an outpatient basis. The moderate or severe form requires treating patients with intestinal pathology in an infectious diseases hospital.

Before the doctor arrives, give the child first aid.

First aid at home

If you find signs of a respiratory infection in your child combined with symptoms of an intestinal disorder, let’s drink more.

If vomiting does not stop, drinks are given one teaspoon at regular intervals. A large amount of water is not retained in the baby’s stomach and provokes a new attack of vomiting. Pour boiled water and tea. Saline solutions such as Regidron have an effect. Brew medicinal herbs from folk recipes. You should drink a lot, but in small doses.

Monitor your child's position in bed so that he does not choke on vomit. Turn the baby's head to the side and do not leave it unattended. Choose the right pose! Lying on your back is harmful for infants.

Check your child's body temperature. If it rises from 38 degrees, do not tolerate it, take antipyretic drugs based on Paracetamol. Such medications are given to a child who is one month old.

A healing condition is a gentle lactose-free diet. Do not force your child to eat if he has no appetite. Offer to drink regularly. Dishes should be prepared steamed or boiled. Nutrition for patients with intestinal infection– gentle, fractional.

Drug treatment

The full course of drug therapy is carried out over 10 days. Anti-epidemiological drugs help raise the body's immune defense and prevent the spread of the disease. Pathogenetic treatment is selected individually for the child based on his condition.

To eliminate signs of dehydration, saline solutions are used orally, parenterally. If, after treatment with drinking solutions, vomiting does not stop and dehydration increases, switch to intravenous infusions. They are carried out in the infectious diseases department of a hospital for acute life-threatening states. Use Enterodes, Regidron internally. You can make your own drinking mixture at home.

To remove pathogenic particles from the body, drugs from the group of sorbents are used. Medicines– Polyphepan, Lactofiltrum or Enterosgel. The purpose helps to quickly cleanse the body of viral particles and bacterial toxins.

To speed up the restoration of non-pathogenic intestinal flora, give your child probiotics. They will help to quickly restore epithelial cells affected by intestinal infection and normalize intestinal activity. Acipol and Linex are effective. The preparations contain lyophilized live cultures of beneficial intestinal bacteria and quickly restore normal microflora in the intestines.

If the child has a fever, fever, or chills, give medications with an antipyretic effect. Paracetamol, Efferalgan, Nurofen - medications for children are available in the form rectal suppositories, mixtures, syrups for oral administration.

Enzymes are prescribed to the child to normalize digestive processes. With rotavirus infection, there is a decrease in the normal enzymatic function of the intestine - it must be maintained so that the child’s body can sufficiently absorb the incoming nutrients. Enzymatic preparations Creon, Mezim, Pancreatin have proven their effectiveness.

Diet food

The diet for stomach flu is considered gentle. The child is fed slimy, boiled soups, semi-liquid porridges with water. Serve meat dishes pureed, boiled, and steamed.

Strong meat broths are strictly contraindicated in the acute period of the disease. Cook the soup in vegetable broth. It is recommended to give your child boiled fish and fish dishes. Prepare fish soufflé and steamed cutlets from low-fat fish.

It is better to give yesterday's bread, slightly stale. Cookies or crackers are low-fat and not rich. Give your baby biscuits for tea or compote. During the illness, it is strictly forbidden to give the child whole fresh milk and dairy products. Fresh vegetables, fruits, pickles, and marinades are excluded from the diet. Smoked, fatty dishes prohibited. Serve vegetables and fruits baked or boiled. Prepare the puree with a pinch of salt and sugar.

You need to return to your usual diet gradually. The whole process takes a month.

Prevention of disease

Intestinal flu caused by rotavirus infection is characterized by specific prevention through vaccination. For other viruses specific prevention not highlighted. It remains to follow the general rules preventing infection digestive tract.

To avoid contracting intestinal flu, follow general hygiene rules:

  1. Avoid contact with people with intestinal infections. During the epidemiological peak, it is better to limit contacts. You can get infected both from a sick child and from a healthy carrier.
  2. If there is a patient with an intestinal infection in the house, he uses separate dishes and household items. The premises and household utensils are disinfected.
  3. Wash your hands when coming from the street or from public places, as well as after contact with a sick person or carrier of viral intestinal flu. In addition, carry out this procedure after visiting the toilet and before eating.