Working conditions in the workplace - classification. What are the working conditions: assessment system and classification

Many industries provide for some types of work that are somehow associated with negative factors for human health. Perhaps not the entire production cycle is unhealthy, but only some parts in the technological chain. In order to minimize negative factors, the employer is obliged to form a set of measures to optimize working conditions. Modern legislation provides for the classification of working conditions according to the degree of danger.

Classes of working conditions

The concept of negative conditions until 2013 was relevant in the framework of the holding. The purpose of this procedure was to reduce traumatic situations and to comply with the administration of the requirements of Rostrud to comply with safety conditions.

The practical task of certification was to strengthen social protection personnel. But the scope of attestation was not outlined by the legislation. This event was not mandatory and was not subject to strict reporting. The employer independently carried out primary, repeated and unscheduled (in special cases) certification, focusing solely on the interests of production and individual conditions for organizing jobs.

Since 2014, the assessment of the conditions in which personnel work has become strictly mandatory. The employer is required to federal law No. 426 holding . This means that the private opinion of an individual or only an employer is no longer relevant for determining the degree of harmfulness and nature of the health hazard of working conditions.

Since 2014, this procedure has been initiated by law, so its failure to comply (or insufficiently complete execution) is subject to a fine of up to 80,000 rubles.

For special evaluation a commission of competent experts is formed at the enterprise. Workplaces are inspected in terms of compliance with sanitary standards and the presence of negative factors. Based on the results of the work of the commission, Maps of all workplaces are drawn up, which reflect the specifics of the organization of work of personnel and complete list potentially negative events.

The working conditions that are the subject of expert research are divided into 4 :

According to the classification established by law, the 3rd class of working conditions is considered the most common. Its division into components determined the gradation of the risk to life and the ability to work from the staff.

Class of working conditions 3.1: what does it mean, what is supposed

The first stage of the 3rd hazard class is fixed in the regulatory documents with a digital designation: "3.1". Experts state a pronounced discrepancy with sanitary standards, which entails functional changes in the health of personnel. However, the changes in the body identified during the work of the commission are not irreversible.

That is, the employee is restored by the time the next labor task is completed, but not completely. At this level, interrupting interaction with negative moments is sufficient.

The work of the administration in this case is aimed at increasing this time period. If this condition is met, the personnel are created conditions for full recovery by the time of a new shift, and working conditions do not entail a deterioration in health.

Class of working conditions 3.2: what does it mean, what is supposed

The second stage of the 3rd hazard class is fixed in the regulatory documents with a digital designation: "3.2". In this case, the experts state stable functional changes in the body of the personnel associated with the organization of jobs. This increases the potential risk of occupational diseases. However, disability is not stated, we are talking about its minimization.

At the same time, the time period required to eliminate negative factors is longer than in level 3.1. As a rule, pathological manifestations become pronounced during a long stay in these working conditions: from 10 years or even more.

The work of the administration in this case is aimed not only at increasing the time period for interrupting contact with hazards but also on the organization of treatment for occupational diseases.

Class of working conditions 3.3

The third stage of the 3rd hazard class is fixed in the regulatory documents with a digital designation: "3.3". Experts ascertain the presence of occupational diseases. At the same time, a progressive pathology is established with the prospect of disability in full or in large part.

In this case, we are no longer talking about an increase in the time period for stopping interaction with harmful factors. The task of the employer is to provide sanatorium or profiling treatment and compensate for all costs associated with it.

What criteria are experts guided by when assessing working conditions

The created commission pursues the goal - to carry out the study of jobs as objectively as possible.

Monitoring involves working with indicators:

In addition, experts try to determine the presence of infrasound and ultrasound waves, which are produced or not produced by equipment in working order. Great importance is also given to X-ray exposure (if any).

Pneumatic equipment causes great harm to health. Its use also refers to negative phenomena, which obliges experts to inspect this factor.

Finally, using biological preparations strictly regulated by epidemiological supervisory authorities. The task of the commission created at the enterprise is also to inspect the list of biological preparations and study their effects on the body. This refers to the presence in the working area of ​​various biological microorganisms.

It can be:

  • bacteria;
  • viral chains;
  • mushrooms.

The mechanical factors of harsh conditions include the need to perform work tasks statically. Monotonous and repetitive gestures, static physical activity causes an extremely negative effect on the muscular corset. The spine is especially affected. The task of the experts in the commission is to identify and record all these facts.

The criteria for potential danger also include intellectual overload. For example, if during work shift an employee is forced to endlessly compile analytical reports for technologists or analyze production innovations, this can cause mental fatigue.

Repeating from day to day, this circumstance can also provoke emotional overload, which, based on the results of the commission's work, should be recorded in the Workplace Map.

Compensatory measures for personnel performing labor functions in the conditions of working conditions class 3

The result of the work of the expert commission is the formation of a Consolidated Statement, which reflects comprehensive information on all compiled Maps. It is the Card that becomes a guarantee of benefits and material compensation for the personnel.

If the expert commission assigned a qualification index of 3.2 or 3.1 to the workplace, then the workers employed in these places are entitled to a systematic reduction in the duration of the work shift. This measure is reflected in the work schedule of employees.

The ascertainment of negative factors leads to a reduction in workloads to 36 hours, while for grades 1 and 2 this value is 40 hours per week.

If an employee expresses a desire to work according to the generally accepted work schedule, then all additional hours should be reflected in the billing as overtime. In addition, one of the compensatory measures is additional leave for personnel involved in workplaces with an index of 3.2. Additional leave may consist of seven working shifts.

Material compensatory measures include an additional payment of 4% of the generally accepted tariffs. At the same time, the legislation provides for regional payments to personnel. They are fixed in intersectoral agreements. Often such agreements involve increased payments.

More detailed information on financial compensation is available on the public services website.

Compensatory measures also include early retirement. However, in the light of the draft pension reform under development, this provision is temporarily irrelevant. Previously, women could retire early due to the presence of negative factors in the workplace at the age of 50, and for men at 55. At the same time, the length of service of an employee in production with class 3 working conditions should be 12 years or more.

The employer must also organize scheduled medical examinations, which are carried out under the patronage of Rospotrebnadzor. For employees of hazardous production, the administration is obliged to provide the conditions for passing examinations for tuberculosis and nervous disorders. In regional conditions, this list can be expanded.

If workplace characterized by the presence of harmful chemical factors, then employees can count on a daily portion of milk. For miners, it is often replaced with a portion of meat broth.

Finally, the employer is obliged to provide employees with insurance against.

If an accident or injury during the performance of work duties in the workplace with a class of working conditions 3 nevertheless occurred, then the employer's obligations include:

  • full material compensation of expenses for the purchase of medicines;
  • full financial compensation for medical services;
  • providing a sanatorium course;
  • payment for rehabilitation measures.

It is forbidden to accept pregnant women and underage employees for a position characterized by an index of 3.2 or 3.1.

With regard to cash payments, the legislation allows for the replacement of a daily portion of milk with a fixed amount.

Since 2014, legislation has allowed employees involved in potentially hazardous industries to replace additional rest with financial compensation. This decision of Rostrud is explained by the fact that proper rest and restoration of the physical parameters of the body is allowed only if the employee is completely distracted from production with a class of working conditions of 3.3.

Both the employer and the employees can arrange a pre-compiled one, which specifies all of the above nuances.

The classification of working conditions according to the degree of harmfulness and danger is carried out according to the results of the SOUT. We will tell you how many classes are established, and how, in accordance with them, benefits and compensations to employees are assigned.

Read in the article:

Hazardous working conditions classes

Labor legislation of the Russian Federation requires that organizations take measures to improve working conditions. To identify what harmful and dangerous factors affect the employee, and what class his workplace belongs to, allows SOUT.

According to the law, if there is a GPPF, employees are entitled to certain benefits: salary increase, reduced working hours, and so on. Their presence, as well as , depends on the assigned class.

In total, the law establishes four such classes:

  • Optimal
  • Permissible
  • Harmful
  • Dangerous

If optimal conditions are an ideal, and acceptable ones are quite rare, then harmful and dangerous ones are what most often, with the supervisory authorities, the employers themselves. Negative production factors are present in almost any job, even in the office.

Classes of working conditions according to the degree of harmfulness and danger - table



Optimal (1)

There is no exposure to harmful or hazardous production factors, or it does not exceed the standards established as safe for humans.

Valid (2)

The impact of HSTF does not exceed the levels established by the regulations. The state of the employee's body is restored during the set rest time.

Harmful (3)

Harmful impact exceeds the levels established by the regulations.

The state of the body of the employee is restored during rest longer than before the start of the next working day (shift), the risk of damage to health increases.

Occupational diseases may develop initial forms or mild severity (without loss of professional ability to work) after 15 or more years of employment.

There is a risk of mild to moderate occupational diseases (with loss of professional working capacity) during the working period.

Possible development severe forms occupational diseases (with loss of general ability to work) during the period of employment.

Dangerous (4)

Threat to the worker's life, there is a high risk of developing an acute occupational disease.

How many degrees of harmfulness are divided into harmful working conditions

How the class of working conditions is established in terms of the severity of the labor process

Consider how UTs are classified according to the severity of the labor process. Here we will be helped by the methodology, which is prescribed in the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated January 24, 2014 No. 33n. In this document, the severity of the labor process is defined as the degree of load on the body as a whole and its functional systems in the course of the performance by the employee of his labor duties. What indicators should be based on?

These include:

  • weight ;
  • stereotyped labor movements;
  • working posture;
  • body slopes;
  • movement in space.
  • One physical activity the matter is not limited, it is necessary to take into account other types of loads on the body:

    • intellectual;
    • sensory;
    • emotional;
    • regime.

    All these factors are described in detail in Order No. 33n, and together they make it possible to determine working conditions with high accuracy.

    Classification of working conditions by factors of the working environment

    How to determine the class of working conditions according to the WOPF? It is important to find out whether their impact exceeds or does not exceed. The expert of the organization conducting the SOUT, together with the members of the commission, during the special assessment, must determine the degree of influence of harmful and dangerous factors on the employee during work. To do this, he compares the factors of the production environment available at the workplace with the factors from the classifier. If the identified factors match those given in the classifier, they are recognized as identified.

    Identification includes the following steps:

    • identification and description of factors of the working environment, sources of harmful or dangerous effects at the workplace;
    • comparison and establishment of their coincidence with the factors provided for;
    • conducting studies and measurements of the level of impact and its consequences;
    • registration of the results of identification by the commission for conducting the SATS.

    A clear division of workplaces into hazard classes helps management to take effective solutions to improve working conditions and to achieve full compliance with the requirements of labor legislation.

    Since January 2014, absolutely every official workplace must be assessed on a scale of harmfulness and danger of working conditions. This is the prescription of Federal Law No. 426, which entered into force in December 2013. Let's get acquainted in general terms with this current law, methods for assessing working conditions, as well as with a classification scale.

    Federal Law No. 426: general plan of the bill

    The law was approved on December 25, 2013, and has been amended three times to date: in 2014, 2015, 2016. It consists of four thematic chapters:

    1. General provisions. It's being parsed here:
      • the main subject of the bill;
      • the concept of "special assessment of labor conditions" and its regulation;
      • the rights and obligations of both the employee and the employer, and the organization that carries out;
      • application of the results of the assessment of the workplace in terms of hazard to life and health in practice.
    2. Evaluation of working conditions. The chapter is devoted to the evaluation process:
      • organization of work of the expert commission;
      • preparation for the start of work;
      • identification of potentially dangerous/ harmful factors;
      • compliance of the state of affairs with state standards for safe work;
      • testing/research/measurement of harmful and hazardous working conditions;
      • what is subject to mandatory research/measurement in order to put forward an assessment of working conditions;
      • activities;
      • the results of the work of the expert commission;
      • features of evaluation of individual jobs;
      • section on universal federal information system taking into account the results of these checks.
    3. Organizations and experts assessing working conditions. Within the chapter, the following topics are highlighted:
      • organizations and experts authorized to carry out this activity;
      • registers of mentioned experts and expert organizations;
      • independence and a number of obligations of an expert organization that evaluates the working conditions of any jobs;
      • qualitative examination of the assessment.
    4. Final provisions. Considered here:
      • trade union and state control over compliance with the provisions of this Federal Law;
      • resolution of disagreements arising from the assessment made by the experts;
      • transitional provisions;
      • section on the entry into force of this Federal Law.

    On the key provisions of the law under consideration

    The general provisions of the Federal Law "On Special Assessment of Working Conditions" are as follows:

    • The main subjects of this act are the relations that gave rise to the assessment of the conditions of the workplace, as well as the obligations of the employer to ensure the safety of their employees.
    • The law establishes both the norms and algorithm for conducting valuation activities, as well as the rights and obligations of all interested parties - the employee, employer, experts.
    • The special assessment of working conditions is regulated both by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and this Federal Law, as well as other acts and laws that should not contradict those mentioned in content.
    • If this FL contradicts international standards, then the latter will be the final authority.
    • - this is a single set of consistently carried out activities that determine the dangerous / harmful factors of industrial or other labor activity, as well as assess the level of their negative impact per employee - this is determined based on the deviation of the identified indicators from state standards.
    • The results of this special assessment give the experts a reason to determine the classes of working conditions in terms of hazard in the study area.

    Rights and obligations of the parties

    Consider in the table the rights and obligations of the parties - all participants in the process of assessing working conditions according to the degree of harmfulness and danger.

    Participant Rights Duties

    The requirement to substantiate the results of the assessment given to the workplace.

    Conducting an unscheduled special assessment of jobs in your organization.

    The requirement from the expert to present the documentation specified in Art. 19 of this Federal Law.

    Appealing in court the actions / inaction of an expert organization (Article 26 of this Federal Law).

    Ensure an assessment of working conditions in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 17 of the considered Federal Law.

    Provide the expert organization with all the information necessary to assess the degree of labor.

    Do not narrow down the range of issues that directly affect the final assessment of the expert.

    To acquaint the employee in writing with the results of the assessment of the conditions of harmfulness of his workplace.

    Make the necessary improvements/modernizations to establish more acceptable and safe working conditions.


    Presence at your workplace at the time of assessing the harmfulness / danger of the conditions of the latter.

    The right to apply to the employer, an expert with proposals for more successful identification of harmful factors in their work activity.

    The right to receive clarifications regarding the assessment of working conditions.

    Appeal against the hazard/hazard assessment issued by the expert organization.

    Familiarize yourself with the assessment that determines the degree of work in terms of harmfulness.
    Expert organization

    Refusal to carry out assessment activities if they threaten the life or health of employees of the audited institution.

    Appeal against the instructions of the officials involved in the process.

    Provide justification for the assessment of working conditions.

    Provide documents confirming your authority.

    Apply the methods and means of testing/measurement approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Do not start appraisal activities if:

    The employer provided insufficient information for the examination;

    The employer refused to provide proper conditions for the work of experts.

    Keep commercial and other secrets protected by law that become known during the assessment

    To determine how dangerous the work is, the expert commission, together with the employer, conducts a number of activities. Let's briefly analyze them.

    13 stages of labor hazard assessment

    The key steps in determining the degree of labor in terms of harmfulness / danger of its conditions are as follows:

    1. Issuance of an order determining the formation of an expert commission.
    2. Approval of the list of jobs requiring assessment.
    3. Publication of the order on the work schedule of the evaluation commission.
    4. Conclusion of an appropriate agreement with an expert organization.
    5. Transfer to experts of information necessary for their activity.
    6. Approval of the results of analyzes of harmful/dangerous factors.
    7. Approval of the report on the assessment activities carried out.
    8. Notification of the expert organization about the previous paragraph.
    9. Submission of a declaration of compliance of the actual situation with state standards for safe work.
    10. Familiarization of employees with the assessments.
    11. Placing information about grades on the official website of the employer.
    12. Notification of the results of the FSS RF.
    13. Application of the results of evaluation activities to improve working conditions, minimize harmful / dangerous work.

    • optimal;
    • valid;
    • harmful;
    • dangerous.

    Let's dwell on each of them in detail.

    Optimal working conditions

    Classes of working conditions according to the degree of danger and harmfulness begin with the first - the most favorable. Here, the impact of hazardous or harmful factors is absent / minimal / does not exceed the established safety standards. Working conditions do not interfere with retention advanced level human performance.

    Permissible workflow conditions

    The workplace, which was awarded class 2, is distinguished by the fact that the worker is exposed to dangerous and / or harmful factors, but in such an amount that official hygiene standards allow. moral and the physical state the employee is fully restored subject to the established regime of work and rest by the beginning of the next working day.

    Harmful working conditions and their varieties

    Accordingly, labor, according to Federal Law No. 426, will be those that exceed the established standards for harmfulness / danger of influencing the employee's condition. Class 3 has four additional subclasses inside:

    1. The state of the worker can fully recover with a long rest (more than a break between work shifts). There is a risk of harm to health.
    2. Exposure to harmful / dangerous factors in the process of work can lead to certain dysfunctions of the body (heavy physical work definitely belongs here). With a long (more than 15 years) work experience, a manifestation of initial stages occupational diseases that cause slight harm to the general condition.
    3. Working conditions can lead to both mild occupational diseases and diseases with medium degree severity, which may contribute to the loss of professional suitability.
    4. The conditions of the working process inevitably lead to the appearance of severe forms of occupational diseases, the consequence of which is the general loss of the worker's ability to work.

    Hazardous working conditions

    Class 4 includes such definitely harmful and dangerous conditions labor, which not only can contribute to the emergence and progression of severe forms of occupational diseases, inevitably leading to a total loss of ability to work, but also endanger the life of the worker during the working day.

    Federal Law No. 426 not only establishes general classification the harmfulness of working conditions, but also determines the procedure for making such an assessment of a particular workplace by a special expert, determines the rights and obligations within this process of the employee, employer and expert organization.

    It starts with a definition of this concept. The term implies a complex consisting of certain environmental conditions that accompany the production process and labor activity. It is the assessment of working conditions that allows you to determine how and to what extent they affect the level of working capacity and human life. This article will talk about these factors, which provide the operating mode.

    Conditional subdivision

    The classification of factors such as working conditions is largely determined by physiological and psychological features person. This is due to the fact that they form the basis of working capacity. These factors also affect the overall productivity and efficiency of the use of work resources. The principles of classification of working conditions are conditional. They can be divided into the following types:

    1. Socio-economic character. Such factors are fixed legislative framework and government regulations.
    2. technical and organizational nature. Their formation is influenced by the features of the production itself and the work process. Here, it is important how the administration manages and controls the safety of the labor regime and the observance of discipline.
    3. natural and natural character. The basis of this group is the phenomena environment. These may be biological, geographical, climatic or geological features.
    4. Socio-psychological character. The classification of working conditions according to the severity and tension of relations in the team refers precisely to this point. Here important points are personal and group values, as well as the way information is transmitted and exchanged in a working society.

    Hazard groups

    The classification of factors of working conditions is also determined by the degree of their harmfulness and danger. The most harmless, at first glance, phenomena can cause a violation of human life. If the conditions are of a specialized nature, then even compliance with all established standards can lead to work-related injuries. Such factors are mainly determined by the use of complex moving mechanisms and machines, as well as chemical environments, critical temperatures, electric shock. The classification of working conditions that have an increased hazard class is the following groupings:

    1. Sanitary and hygienic. They have a production character and are conditioned by the external objective environment. These include sound exposure, microclimate and degree of illumination.
    2. Physiological and psychological. Factors of this type depend on the specific load on human vital functions. Here, first of all, the influence of factors on the motor and nervous system workers.
    3. Organizational. The root cause of their occurrence is the method of organization and control of safety in the enterprise. How this process is formed affects the level of probability of occurrence of accidents.
    4. Aesthetic. A group of factors depends on the establishment of a person's attitude to his work. Their impact is explained by the artistic perception of reality.
    5. Social and psychological. They are determined by the relationship in the team and the policy of communication between management and subordinates.

    The cumulative impact and their proportional relationship ultimately form an indicator of the degree of severity of working conditions. That is, how the external environment is able to influence a person’s ability to work, his life-supporting functions and mental abilities, characterizes the harmfulness production process.

    Characteristics of the production process

    The criteria and classification of working conditions are also determined by the characteristics of the production process itself, which include:

    • equipment used;
    • products or services provided;
    • technological processes;
    • way of serving jobs.

    The process also depends on the environment in which it is carried out. It is determined by sanitary and hygienic factors, as well as the provisions of life safety, set time for work and rest. As has been repeatedly stated, relationships in the team also play an important role.

    An indicator of the efficiency of the production process is the intensity of labor. It represents the power and mental resources that were expended in a certain unit of time. This value depends on the level of employment of employees during the shift, the pace and effort applied to the implementation of a specific task, the number of planned cases, the volume of objects, the specifics of the workplace, sanitary and hygienic conditions and the ways in which employees interact.

    First class conditions

    According to certain established criteria, a classification of working conditions according to the degree of harmfulness has been formed. Depending on the this sign There are four categories of factors.

    The conditions of the first class are considered the most optimal for the implementation of production activities. Thus, it is understood that the environment is the most favorable for all the functions of the human body to be normal, and the level of working capacity to be optimal.

    Second class terms

    Conditions of the second class are considered acceptable for the implementation of production activities. This category refers to such factors that can occur only with their certain degree of severity. That is, their implementation is allowed only if the established norms are observed. The changes that occur in the human body in the course of his labor activity should not be too critical. That is, they should not be reflected in the complex general condition the human body and, accumulating, do not lead to pathological changes in the next generation. Conditions in this category are defined as conditionally safe.

    Harmful Conditions

    Two more classes fall into this category - the third and fourth. The third class of danger characterizes harmful working conditions. These include such factors, the impact of which will inevitably lead to irreversible consequences for human health. The degree of harmfulness, in turn, is divided into four categories. All of them are characterized by hygienic standards, and if they are exceeded, then such a production environment corresponds to the third class of conditions.

    The fourth class includes extreme factors. In this case, an environment consisting of hazardous elements affects employees and increases the risk of developing occupational diseases, as well as the likelihood of accidents.

    Hygiene standards

    The hygienic classification of working conditions also leaves its mark on their division into hazard classes. To be more precise, the above categories are determined by the degree of deviation from prescribed and established norms. These parameters were set not just at random, they clearly fix the permissible limits within which the state and vital activity of a person are in the optimum zone.

    From this it follows that the hygienic standards are a set of values ​​that are acceptable when a number of other conditions are met. They are prescribed for working hours, which are distributed on all days except weekends. This time for normative documentation is set as forty hours for seven days. It is believed that if such activity is carried out on a permanent basis, then throughout the entire length of service it should not cause consequences either for the health of the worker himself or for his descendants. Deviations in the functions of the body are not fixed throughout the implementation of the entire labor activity. The exception is people with inherently poor health and hypersensitivity. This concept is also defined by hygienic criteria.

    Comfortable environment

    In many ways, it is the microclimate that determines and characterizes working conditions. The classification of these factors depends on the degree of provision of the environment with the necessary parameters. Naturally, the weather has a significant impact on the level of work capacity of the team. The latter depends on the characteristics of production and equipment, the season, the premises and its design. All these moments have a direct impact on the human body and are characterized by many indicators. Temperature is the most important factor as it describes how warm the air is. It depends on kinetic energy molecules, the source of which are different surfaces. They radiate warmth. Convection also plays a role in this moment.

    Humidity indicators

    Meteorology largely characterizes working conditions. Their classification also implies such a thing as humidity. It is determined by the content of water vapor in the atmosphere. In order to express this indicator in full, three more quantities are taken, such as relative, absolute and maximum humidity.

    Other indicators

    Other indicators are also important for assessing working conditions. These include:

    1. Air flow mobility. It is caused by the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors. Movement is artificially created by means of ventilation.
    2. Intensity of thermal irradiation. The indicator is equal to the amount of energy that is emitted by any source and accepted by a unit of the surface of the human body.

    Illumination degree

    Vision is an important organ for the implementation of work activities. For this reason, the degree of illumination is also normalized by hygienic requirements. This condition defined in two ways:

    1. Natural lighting, which is necessary in those rooms where people are constantly. Lighting can be side, top and combined. Its presence is optional, unless it is provided for by the technological process.
    2. Artificial lighting, which is divided into three categories: general lighting, local and combined.

    Thus, we can say that only the optimal combination of all parameters can provide a comfortable working environment and, accordingly, an increased degree of working capacity.

    Any profession can have a negative impact on human health. However, there are certain branches of labor activity where employees directly risk life and health. The list of professions with harmful working conditions is established at the legislative level, such lists were compiled back in the days of the USSR and approved by the Cabinet of Ministers. For citizens employed in such industries, a number of social benefits are provided, including early access to a well-deserved rest.

    Employers are now using a more productive system of rewards and compensation for physical injury. In addition, there are special government programs aimed at supporting this category of employed citizens.

    Classification of working conditions

    According to the current legislation, all labor activity is conventionally divided into 4 categories, each of which is based on the degree of risk factors for health and life:

    • optimal - a healthy microclimate is maintained and maintained on the territory and in the interior, which positively affects labor productivity;
    • valid - saved normal conditions, the level of harmful factors does not exceed acceptable standards;
    • harmful - permissible norms are exceeded, which causes harm to human health;
    • dangerous - working conditions can cause serious bodily harm, sometimes pose a threat to life.

    In turn, harmful and dangerous industries are divided among themselves into 4 degrees of severity:

    1. The changes that have begun in the human body are reversible and usually appear after the end of work. Such ailments are called "occupational diseases" in medical slang;
    2. Pathological changes are more pronounced and often lead to temporary disability (a person regularly goes on sick leave). This is where most of the development chronic ailments caused by professional activity;
    3. Irreversible processes take place in the body that can lead to partial disability;
    4. Severe functional impairment occurs internal organs and systems, which in advanced cases leads to the assignment of a non-working disability group.

    It must be understood that the classification of harmful working conditions is carried out at the legislative level, and the degree of harmfulness of a certain production is assessed by authorized organizations and supervisory authorities. Typically, inspections in this area are carried out by representatives labor inspectorate and Rostrud.

    The activities of the employees of these departments are based on the following legal framework:

    1. Articles Labor Code RF;
    2. Government Decree No. 198;
    3. Government Decree No. 188;
    4. Federal bill No. 426 regulating the procedure for assessing working conditions.
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    These regulations govern labor Relations between employers and employees engaged in hazardous industries.

    Determination of the degree of harmfulness

    The following factors are considered to be normative indicators that determine the degree of harmfulness:

    • increased concentration of dust on the territory and inside the premises, which leads to its settling in the lungs, making it difficult for the respiratory system to work;
    • poor-quality lighting, depressing effect on the psyche, negatively affecting the organs of vision;
    • loud noise;
    • radioactive and other wave radiation capable of causing harm to health;
    • constant vibrational vibrations;
    • high humidity and high temperatures;
    • interaction with pathogenic microorganisms, dangerous viruses, chemically active ingredients and highly toxic substances;
    • difficult working conditions, strenuous labor activity that can lead to mental disorders.

    Of course, these are rather vague formulations, and for sure many citizens can classify their profession as harmful and dangerous. To avoid labor disputes and misunderstandings, there is a list of professions established at the state level, which takes into account all potentially dangerous areas of labor activity.

    A complete list of professions that are recognized as harmful and dangerous

    According to the technical and legal norms in force in Russia, the following industries are recognized as harmful and potentially life-threatening:

    1. Mining;
    2. Metallurgical, associated with ferrous and non-ferrous metals;
    3. Coke chemical and producing thermoanthracite substances;
    4. Engaged in the production of generator gas;
    5. Dinas products;
    6. Chemical enterprises;
    7. Production lines for the production of ammunition and explosives;
    8. Oil and gas processing, including the extraction of gas condensate, coal, shale;
    9. Metalworking;
    10. Electrotechnical, including repair of electrical devices;
    11. Production of radio equipment and complex electronics;
    12. Enterprises engaged in the production of building materials;
    13. Manufacture of products made of glass or porcelain;
    14. Pulp and paper mills;
    15. Producing medicines, medicines and biomaterials;
    16. healthcare enterprises;
    17. Printing;
    18. Transport and technical services;
    19. Research laboratories related to the study of radioactive radiation, any profession whose representatives are exposed to ionizing radiation;
    20. Nuclear industry and energy;
    21. Diving works;
    22. Employees directly associated with dangerous viruses and bacteria;
    23. Electric and gas welders performing work inside closed compartments, metal containers and tanks;
    24. Enterprises engaged in etching of metals in chemically hazardous solutions;
    25. Employees of workshops and production lines involved in cleaning metal surfaces with sandblasting machines using quartz sand;
    26. Mercury substations;
    27. Personnel employed at power plants and power trains;
    28. food industry;
    29. Organizations performing repair, restoration, restoration and construction work;
    30. Enterprises engaged in the provision of communication services;
    31. Film copying enterprises;
    32. Agrochemical complexes;
    33. The teaching staff involved in the training of personnel for the chemical industry.
    Important! The definition of those employed in hazardous and hazardous industries includes representatives of professions that are directly involved in the performance of official duties associated with the threat of harm to health.

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    Professions that give the right to early retirement

    The second list includes less harmful professions, but long-term employment in this area can adversely affect health. These include:

    • positions related to the processing of minerals;
    • metallurgy;
    • gas electric welders;
    • railway workers;
    • persons employed in food industry enterprises;
    • health workers;
    • peat mining;
    • employees of agrochemical complexes;
    • communication enterprises;
    • electrical engineers and specialists involved in the repair of electrical equipment;
    • construction specialties.

    The following conditions apply for early retirement benefits:

    1. Men - at least 12 and a half years of experience, retirement at 55;
    2. Women - at least 10 years of experience, retirement at 50.
    Download for viewing and printing: Important! Both lists do not require additional documentary evidence of employment in hazardous and life-threatening industries. To apply for benefits and reduce the retirement age, an entry in work book.

    List of benefits and compensations

    For representatives of dangerous and harmful professions, a number of benefits are provided, which must be strictly observed by the employer. This includes the following items:

    • free and regular provision of overalls, footwear and personal protective equipment in accordance with the regulations of the enterprise;
    • providing additional days to paid annual leave;
    • surcharge for special conditions labor: not less than 4% of the official salary;
    • shortened work week: such citizens cannot be employed more than 36 hours a week;
    • extradition medical nutrition: dairy and sour-milk products, material compensation paid monthly is allowed;
    • annual medical examination at the expense of the enterprise, in some cases additional medical examination before performing certain duties.

    These measures are mandatory for every employer whose employees are involved in industries hazardous to health and life. The heads of enterprises have no right to refuse to issue medical nutrition to employees or material compensation for not receiving it. In addition, the employer cannot oblige such employees to purchase personal protective equipment and other equipment necessary for the safe performance of work at their own expense.

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    February 27, 2018, 20:20 Mar 3, 2019 13:38