Physical culture physical education abstract on the topic of basketball, basketball, basketball basketball byuasketball, basketball in Russia, basketball in Russia development abstract development in Russia sports physical education Ostashkov. Report on physical culture on the topic: "B

Basketball is a 2-team game in which the ball is thrown into the opponent's basket. The task of the teams is to score more balls and resist the opponent. Points are awarded for goals scored. Basketball is the most popular sports entertainment.

Basketball is a great game. It is useful not only for the physical condition, but also for the emotional. After all, when you play basketball, feelings overwhelm you. All negative emotions seem to come out of you.

The history of the game

In 1891, one of the teachers of physical education in the United States, at the request of the director, decided to revive the lessons and create a new type of sports. He suggested throwing soccer balls into fruit baskets. To do this, he attached them to the balcony. There were no rules that exist now, so the game barely resembled modern basketball. The players changed and alternately threw the ball into the baskets. The victory was given to those who threw the most number of times. Only a year later, the creator of the game came up with rules that made it brighter.

Modern basketball rules

  • Officially, the game begins with a jump ball.
  • 2 teams play on the field. The number of participants is 12 people. Of these, 5 are directly playing, and 7 are set to be replaced.
  • Players who dribble the ball must move by hitting it on the floor.
  • A game match consists of 4 halves. The timing of each half differs depending on which association is being played.
  • The ball that is thrown can give the team different points. It depends on where the fields were abandoned and at what period.
  • If during the main game, the teams received the same number of points, repeated overtime may be assigned until a winner is determined.
  • 2 steps in basketball and the player must either pass the ball or shoot.

Interesting Facts:

  • There is an argument that basketball is best played when tall. But as time has shown, there are many players in basketball who are no taller than 170 cm or even 160 cm, such as the shortest player Mugsy Bogues.
  • Previously, as basketball was invented, there were only 13 rules. But in modern times there are more than 200 of them.
  • Some evidence suggests that according to the rules of the creator of basketball, the ball should not have been stuffed, but rolled.

Option 2

Let's start with the fact that basketball is a popular sport discipline. The task of the game is very simple: to throw the ball into the opponent's ring. A team consists of 5 people.

History of creation.

In 1891 in the USA, James Naismith came up with a game to dilute the lessons: it was required to throw the ball into a standing basket. This, of course, is far from modern basketball, but it was this game that gave rise to the first "sprouts". Later, the doctor forms the first rules of the game. With each game, new rules were introduced and adjusted. Years passed - the game gained its idols. After the US, the game conquered the East, and later - Europe. With each new game in various countries, their own champions began to form, as well as additional institutions for teaching the game were opened. In the United States, the NBA professional league is being formed, the year of formation is 1946.

The rules were rewritten and rewritten over and over again. Now the team should consist of 12 people, but all 5 people are also fighting on the field. As for the duration of the game, it consists of four quarters lasting 10 minutes.

Basketball rules.

It is worth noting that this game can be both simple and complex. It all depends on the perseverance of the player and his skills. And it is precisely the knowledge of the rules that is the foundation of the game of basketball.

Basic rule: basketball is not football! It is not allowed to dribble the ball with any other limb than the hands. But! You can only lead with one hand, alternating.

We will not allow aggressive contact with the players: do not hit, do not kick, do not push!

The ball must be in constant motion, unless of course the player plans to throw it into the basket or pass the pitch to an ally. Only 2 steps are allowed from the moment you stop dribbling.

It is forbidden to jump while holding the ball in cases where a throw is not made either into the ring or to an ally. The infringement will follow a jump without a throw, after which the ball automatically passes into the possession of the opponent.

This list of initial rules will freely allow both beginners to begin developing their skills in basketball, and will allow you to repeat the rules for professionals. Basketball itself is divided into two groups: European and American. Given the height of the development of this game in America, Europe is trying to catch up and overtake its competitors every time, in this regard, the rules can change every year, but it is the short set of rules above that will be relevant to this day for many years to come.

4, 5, 6, 7 grade

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  • The name "basketball" is borrowed from the English word, which is correctly spelled - basketball. It is a combination of words basket - "basket" and ball - "ball", literally - "ball in the basket".

    Currently, basketball is a contact team game in which players try to throw the ball into the basket with their hands.

    Games reminiscent of modern basketball were found among the ancient peoples of Scandinavia and the Indians of Mexico. The predecessor of this game can be considered the children's entertainment "duck on a rock", widespread in the 19th century.

    Reference. The founder of basketball is James Naismith (Canada). Then, according to the rules, it was required by throwing a pebble to hit the top of a large stone.

    Naismith formed the rules of the game while working as a physical education teacher at a college in Massachusetts. He wanted to create a game for the winter season, when as a result of weather conditions it is impossible to compete in baseball, football. The task was to develop a mobile sport for indoors.

    With his instructions in 1891 baskets for basketball matches were fixed in the gym of the educational institution. The prototype was the usual containers for those times, designed to store fruits and vegetables. They were pinned at a height of 3.05 m from the floor, which is the international standard to this day.

    At first, students used ordinary soccer balls, and only a little later did basketballs appear. The team consisted out of 9 people, according to the number of people in the group.

    The first official match took place in 1892 at Springfield College. The game has become very popular in a short time.

    Basketball fever literally swept the Northeast of America. Naismith's rules included just 13 items, becoming the basis for international basketball. Today these provisions hardly fit on 200 pages.

    All about the features of modern sports

    These include the need for excellent coordination of movements. For the purposes of an effective game process, it is required that the athlete has elasticity, jumping ability, and mobility. Teamwork must be coordinated. It requires a well-developed eye, an intuitive understanding of the intentions and strategies of other team members that require instant decision making. All this is relevant for effective team play, career advancement.

    Definition of goals, objectives and principles of the game

    The main purpose of this sport is maximum throwing the ball into the basket, while strictly guided by certain rules. Depending on the distance of the hit, different points are awarded.

    The regulations of international basketball have been officially established in 1932. The rules literally changed until 2004. are playing 2 teams of twelve participants (five on the field, the rest are substitutions).

    Only hands are allowed to play the ball. Violations of the provisions include running with the ball in your hands without hitting the floor.

    The team that can score the most points wins. In case of an identical score, overtime is played after the end of playing time ( provided 5 minutes). Maybe there are several overtimes for the final determination of the winner.

    How to play basketball

    A game like basketball has a certain set of rules.

    Player Characteristics

    According to the rules of basketball, there are 3 items, also called roles, including a defender, an attacker (forward) and a center. Based on a specific situation, the forward is divided into light and powerful, and the defender is point guard and attacker. There are certain requirements for the player of each position.

    Attention! point guard should be better than others to control the situation on the field, have excellent speed and jumping ability. Assess the weaknesses of your opponents, skillfully using them in the interests of your team.

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    Following the rule, the player must know that hitting the ball against the surface should not be done without a clear goal.

    Such movements in basketball are used to win over opponents. And also it is used when holding tight against opponents or approaching the ring.

    If it is possible to pass the ball, then this practice does not apply. The beginning of the introduction is considered to be throwing the ball into the shield and touching. The end of the process is touching the ball with both hands at once. It also includes holding the ball for a certain period in one or more hands.

    Match duration

    Technically, the NBA basketball game continues. 48 minutes. When taking into account timeouts and fouls, breaks, the duration varies within 1.5-2 hours. The game is divided into four quarters. Each can go on within 12 minutes. When there is a tie in the fourth quarter, additional five minutes. In a situation in which the score is equal, given 5 more minutes. This trend continues until the score becomes unequal.


    The winners are the players who were able to score the most points as a result of the rivalry. If the score of the teams is the same, they appoint more 5 minutes. All this continues until it becomes clear who won.

    One hit in the basket results in the same point assignment. One point awarded for a hit from the foul line, and 2 - for throwing at close range. Three assigned for throwing at a distance 6.25 m

    Meaning of the rule of seconds and two steps

    The essence of these rules is as follows: the athlete is given 5 sec. to throw in the ball and take a free kick. The countdown begins as soon as the basketball player began to hold the ball. Since then, he has been recognized as alive. This rule allows you to optimize the gameplay. A player is allowed no more than 5 second. When these norms are met, it is possible to eliminate the waste of time, which makes it possible to activate the game.

    Description of the basketball field

    You can play basketball on a special playground. According to the rules of the basketball game the platform must have a solid surface of a rectangular shape, without any interference. Since the game is mobile, falls are possible, which, unfortunately, lead to serious injuries.

    Reference. Much attention is paid to the quality of the coating. Used at many sites rubber coating (crumb). Such a surface does not slip, which is safe for sports training.

    For officially held FIBA ​​competitions, the size of the field must be 28 m long and 15 m wide.

    The measurement is carried out starting from the inner edge of the bounding lines. For competitions of a different level, a reduction in size is allowed. 26x14 meters.

    The ceiling height is seven meters. The surface of the matches requires good lighting. Light sources are located in such a way that they do not interfere with the players' vision.

    Site marking

    She has 207 linear meters of total length. It is allowed to raise the marking above the surface of the coating to a height not exceeding 2 mm. The marking is made using a special rubberized paint.

    Important! According to the new provisions, changes have been made to the markup regarding three second zone, touch line distance changed, additional faceoff lines included.

    Information about basketball equipment, its pictures

    Basketball requires special equipment.

    What ball should be

    Produced in the shape of a sphere. A traditional pattern is applied to the ball, consisting of 8 parts, which are separated by recesses not exceeding 0.6 cm. The projectile consists of leather, rubber, synthetic materials.

    Photo 1. Basketball ball from the manufacturer Nike. The shell is orange with black stripes.

    An established inflation rate is required, at which, from the height of the fall to the court, the ball must bounce to a height of 1.20 m. The circumference is 74 mm, and the weight is allowed within 567-650 grams.

    Shield and ring

    White shields are made of transparent material. Dimensions 180x105 cm. Error allowed 2-3 centimeters. The front surface is smooth. White line markings are applied to the shield. Behind the ring is a rectangle 59x45 cm.

    The basket (it is also called a mesh ring) is attached at a height 3.05 m from the floor. Made of durable steel, painted in orange. The nets use a white cord. When developing the design, it was taken into account that the ball, when it enters the basket, was delayed for a moment. Twelve loops mesh is attached to the ring. The upper part of it is made strong to prevent tangling and throwing the ball back.

    Photo 2. Shield and ring for playing basketball. The entire structure is installed at a height of 3.05 meters from the floor.

    The benefits of classes

    Practicing this sport requires extraordinary stamina.. The game process contains a large number of diverse techniques that require technical skills. The athlete uses many muscle groups necessary to perform certain maneuvers (run fast, jump high, etc.).

    Reference. Basketball helps to keep the muscles of the body in good shape. It is calculated that during a match a player commits up to 40% tense movements.

    When playing basketball sensitivity to the perception of light impulses increases by 40%. Training contributes to the development of the heart and respiratory organs.

    Danger of occupation

    This kind of sports included in the TOP 10 most traumatic. In terms of the number of injuries, they give way exclusively to boxing or taekwondo. Finger injuries are the most common.

    They give basketball players a significant amount of discomfort, which reduces their activity on the field.

    The athlete often has to face with knee injuries. This state of affairs is due to unexpected changes in direction and pace in close contact with rivals. Shoulders hurt while playing which is explained by the meeting of opponents.

    In addition, ankle, knee, and back injuries are common. To minimize them, it is necessary to pay increased attention to these parts of the body during the warm-up. As well as choose the right equipment(clothes, shoes, knee pads). They must be of high quality. Following the recommendations of experts will allow the basketball player to always remain in excellent physical shape.

    Basketball is athletics or not

    Basketball is a fast paced sport. Classes are held in a small area. An athlete must have many qualities. Among them are speed of reaction, agility and jumping ability. In athletics, basketball is considered part of the training events.

    Photo game

    Photo 3. Basketball competition. A player from one team tries to shoot the ball into the opponents' basket.

    Photo 4. Playing basketball. A player of one team dribbles the ball, while the opponent tries to take it away.

    Photo 5. Basketball game between women. The basketball player took the ball in her hands to pass it to another player.

    Useful video

    Watch a video that explains the basic rules of basketball.


    Basketball has been able to gain popularity in all corners of the world. The spread of this type of game is due to many factors, including the presence of diverse movements (walking and running). Sports activities have a beneficial effect on the entire body. Some exercises are considered quite useful, so they are present in most courses of therapeutic physical education.

    In particular, improves metabolic processes and the functioning of all body systems. The game process can be carried out both in the hall and on the site located on the street. Such a game does not require expensive equipment and forms.

    Basketball is one of the most popular ball games in the world. including in Russia. The history of this sport has more than one century, but officially it began in 1891. It was then that in the city of Springfield, Massachusetts (USA), a simple high school physical education teacher named James Naismith introduced his wards to the new game of basketball (translated from English - basket + ball) and at the same time opened it to all mankind. He also compiled and published 13 rules of this game.

    Aztec entertainment

    Historians say that before the beginning of our era, the ancient Aztecs had fun throwing the ball into the rings, which vaguely resembles basketball. The ancestors of the Mexicans loved to play ball. They had a mixture of modern football and basketball. Two teams lined up in front of the line, beyond which it was impossible to intercede on a platform up to one and a half hundred meters long. Behind the backs of the players were stands, and at a low height stone rings were fixed opposite each other. The object of the game was to hit the rubber ball into the hoop. enemy.

    This is what the Aztec game looked like.

    The rise of basketball as we know it

    The teacher James Naismith mentioned at the beginning of the message once tried to find a suitable sports activity for his students during the cold period, when physical education lessons were transferred to the hall. As a result, he came up with a game in which participants could win not only due to physical data, but also thanks to gaming skills and quick wits. This is how basketball was born. Many of Naismith's rules are still in effect today.

    The class was divided into two equal teams. Each of them was required to throw a basketball into their opponent's fruit basket hanging on the wall. At first, a soccer ball was used for the game, and only after some time they came up with a special basketball. By the way, baskets appeared in basketball by accident. At first, Naismith used boxes to play, but one day the school watchman could not find them, and therefore suggested using baskets instead.

    Now basketball is included in the school curriculum of physical education lessons.

    A year later, the first official basketball game was played. Two teams took part in it - 9 people each in one and the other. It's funny that after any successful throw, you had to climb a ladder to extract the ball from the basket, because then they had not yet guessed to cut through its lower part so as not to climb after it every time again. Dribbling also did not exist, the players threw it to each other, while one of them decided to throw a sports equipment inside the container.

    Development of the sport

    Gradually The game began to gain popularity and was further developed. She was carried away all over America, and then they learned about her in Canada and a little later in Europe:

    1. In 1932, the International Basketball Association, FIBA, was formed.
    2. In 1936, this sport was included in the program of the Summer Olympics.
    3. In 1946, the professional basketball league of the USA and Canada, the NBA, appeared, in which the strongest athletes at that time played. This state of affairs persists to this day.

    In many countries, national championships were organized, sports sections began to open everywhere to teach teenagers basketball skills and rules.

    The boys have a responsible match.

    The current rules of basketball were formed gradually and were often rewritten. Now the teams consist of 12 people, but five enter the court. The ball is dribbled so that it regularly hits the floor and returns to the hand. For hitting the basket, the team is given a different number of points:

    • a free throw for a violation is worth 1 point;
    • 2 points are awarded for hitting at close range;
    • For a successful throw from 6 meters or more, there are 3 points:

    Accurate throw, and the ball flies into the basket!

    The game consists of four quarters - 10 minutes each - and two-minute breaks between them. Between the second and third quarters a long break is organized - 15 minutes. The main violations are:

    • out - when the ball flew out of the field;
    • foul - push, holding an opponent with hands;
    • jog - when the player has taken extra legal steps.


      History of basketball

      Rules of the game

      Game technique




    In modern life, more and more use of physical exercises is aimed not at achieving high results, but at increasing their health-improving effect on the general population. To solve such a global problem, the most effective means are, first of all, sports games.

    Basketball is one of the means of physical development and education of youth.

    Basketball is one of the most popular games in our country. It is characterized by a variety of movements; walking, running, stopping, turning, jumping, catching, throwing and dribbling in single combat with opponents. Such diverse movements contribute to the improvement of metabolism, the activity of all body systems, and form coordination.

      History of basketball

    The United States of America is considered to be the birthplace of basketball. The game was invented in December 1891 at the Christian Youth Association training center in Springfield, Massachusetts. To spice up gymnastics lessons, a young teacher, Dr. James Naismith, born in 1861 in Ramsey, Ontario, Canada, came up with a new game. He attached two peach fruit baskets without a bottom to the railing of the balcony, into which it was necessary to throw a soccer ball (hence the name basket - basket, ball - ball). The concept of basketball was born in his school years, while playing duck-on-a-rock. The meaning of this game, popular at that time, was as follows: throwing one, small stone, it was necessary to hit the top of another stone, larger in size, with it. Already, as a physical education teacher, a college professor in Springfield, D. Naismith was faced with the problem of creating a game for the Massachusetts winter, the period between baseball and football competitions. Naismith believed that due to the weather of this time of year, the best solution would be to invent an indoor game. A year later, D. Naismith, in less than an hour, sitting at a table in his office, developed the first 13 points of the basketball rules:

    1. The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands.

    2. The ball may be hit with one or both hands in any direction, but never with the fist.

    3. A player cannot run after the ball. The player must pass or throw the ball into the basket from the spot where he caught it, except for a player running at good speed.

    4. The ball must be held with one or two hands. You can not use the forearms and body to hold the ball.

    5. In any case, hitting, grabbing, holding and pushing the opponent is not allowed. The first violation of this rule by any player shall be called a foul (dirty play); a second foul disqualifies him until the next ball has been potted and, if there was an obvious intention to injure the player, for the entire game, no substitution is allowed.

    6. Hitting the ball with the fist - violation of paragraphs of rules 2 and 4, the penalty is described in paragraph 5.

    7. If both sides commit three fouls in a row, they must be called for a goal, for the opponents (this means that during this time the opponents must not commit a single foul).

    8. A goal is counted - if the ball thrown or rebounded from the floor enters the basket and remains there. Defending players are not allowed to touch the ball or basket while shooting. If the ball touches the edge and the opponents move the basket, then a goal is scored.

    9. If the ball goes into touch (out of bounds), then it must be thrown into the field and the first player to touch it. In the event of a dispute, the referee must throw the ball into the field. The thrower is allowed to hold the ball for five seconds. If he holds it longer, then the ball is given to the opponent. If either side tries to play for time, the referee must give them a foul.

    10. The referee must monitor the actions of the players and fouls, as well as notify the referee of three consecutive fouls. He is given the power to disqualify players under rule 5.

    11. The referee must watch the ball and determine when the ball is in play (inbounds) and out of bounds (out of bounds), which side should be in possession of the ball, and perform any other actions normally performed by the referee.

    12. The game consists of two halves of 15 minutes each with a break of 5 minutes between them.

    13. The side that scores more goals during this period of time is the winner.

    But already the first matches under these rules caused them to change. Although most of them are still active today. Fans on the balconies caught flying balls and tried to throw them into the opponent's basket. Therefore, shields soon appeared, which became protection for the basket. On February 12, 1892, having studied the rules and mastered the basics of technology, the students of Springfield College, in the presence of a hundred spectators, played the first "official" match in the history of basketball, which ended peacefully with a score of 2: 2. Its success was so resounding, and the word about the new game spread so fast that soon the two Springfield teams began to hold exhibition meetings, gathering hundreds of spectators at their performances. Their initiative was picked up by students from other colleges, and the very next year the entire American Northeast was in the grip of basketball fever. Already in 1893, iron rings with a grid appeared. The new game turned out to be so interesting and dynamic that in 1894 the first official rules were published in the USA. At the same time, basketball from the United States first penetrates to the East - to Japan, China, the Philippines, and then to Europe and South America. In 1895, free throws were introduced from a distance of 5m 25cm. Dribbling in all its variants was legalized in 1896.

    The spontaneous formation of amateur teams and leagues led students to aspire exclusively to basketball, preferring it not only to such traditional games as American football and baseball, but also to gymnastics, beloved by college trustees. Officials of the Youth Christian Association, heeding the complaints of the opponents of the new trend, practically slammed the doors of student sports halls. However, their desire to ban the rapidly gaining popularity of a new sport was like trying to manually stop a speeding train.

    Ten years later, at the Olympic Games in St. Louis (USA), the Americans organized an exhibition tournament between teams from several cities.

    The birthplace of domestic basketball is St. Petersburg. The first mention of this game in our country belongs to the famous Russian propagandist of physical culture and sports, Georgy Dupperon from St. Petersburg, and it refers to 1901.

    Already in 1909, an event took place that became a milestone in the history of not only domestic, but also world basketball. A group of members of the American Christian Association came to St. Petersburg. Of these, a basketball team was made up, which, to the general joy of St. Petersburg, lost to the local team of the "purple" with a score of 19:28. This historic meeting is called the first international basketball match. Thus, it turns out that it was Russia that became the venue for the first international basketball match on the planet.

    In 1920, he was included in the school curriculum, in which he studied along with football as a compulsory discipline. Also at this time, national basketball federations began to be actively created, the first international meetings were held. So in 1919, a basketball tournament was held between the army teams of the USA, Italy and France. In 1923, the first international women's tournament was held in France. The game is gaining more and more popularity and recognition in the world, and in 1935 the International Olympic Committee decided to recognize basketball as an Olympic sport. Teams from 21 countries participated in the basketball tournament. Matches were played on outdoor tennis courts, all subsequent Olympic tournaments were held indoors. The United States became the first Olympic champion

    In the first half of the 1950s, basketball began to lose its inherent sharpness of the struggle. It was necessary to make a number of changes and additions to the rules to revive it. The most important of these additions were:

    - introduction of the 30 second rule (the team in possession of the ball must throw the ball into the basket within this time);

    Expanding the area of ​​the zone in which offensive players were not allowed to stay for more than three seconds.

    The debut of women's basketball at the Olympic Games took place in 1976 in Montreal. Six teams participated in the tournament. The first Olympic champions were the basketball players of the USSR national team.

    The first European Women's Championship was held in Rome in 1938, which was won by Italian basketball players. The USSR national team - 21 times became the champion of Europe (1950-1956, 1960-1991).

    James Naismith created the game of all the peoples of the world, the game of speed, agility and ingenuity.

      Basketball rules.

    Here are some excerpts from the official basketball rules.
    Basketball is played by two teams, each with five players. The goal of each team in basketball is to shoot the opponent into the basket and interfere with the other team, take possession of the ball, and shoot it into the basket.

    The winner in basketball is the team with the most points at the end of playing time.

    The playing basketball court must be a flat rectangular hard surface without any obstructions. Dimensions must be 28 meters long and 15 meters wide.

    Basketball backboards with a basket must be made of an appropriate transparent material or painted white. Basketball backboards must measure 1.80m horizontally and 1.05m vertically.

    Basketball hoops must be made of strong steel, with an inner diameter of 45 cm. The hoop bar must have a minimum diameter of 16 mm and a maximum of 20 mm. On the bottom of the ring there should be devices for attaching nets.

    The basketball must be spherical and orange in color with the traditional pattern of eight inlays and black stitching. The circumference of the ball must be at least 74.9 cm and not more than 78 cm. The weight of the ball must be at least 567 g and not more than 650 g.

    According to the rules of basketball, the game consists of four periods of ten minutes with breaks of two minutes. The duration of the break between halves of the game is fifteen minutes. If the score is tied at the end of the fourth period, the game is extended by an additional period of five minutes, or by as many periods of five minutes as necessary to break the balance in the score. The teams must switch baskets before the third period. The game officially begins with a jump ball in the center circle when the ball is legally tapped by one of the jumpers.

    In basketball, the ball is played only with the hands. Running with the ball, intentionally kicking it, blocking it with any part of the foot, or punching it is a foul. Accidental contact or touching of the ball with the foot or leg is not a violation.

    If a player accidentally throws the ball from the court into his own basket, the points are recorded to the opposing captain.

    If a player deliberately shoots the ball from the court into his basket, it is a violation and no points are scored.

    If a player forces the ball into the basket from below, it is a foul. A turn occurs when a player has a live ball on the court and steps one or more times in any direction with the same foot while the other foot, called the pivot foot, maintains its place of contact with the floor.

    Whenever a player gains control of a live ball on the court, a shot attempt must be made by his team within twenty-four seconds.

    Here are just some important excerpts from the rules of basketball. In general, the official basketball rules of the International Basketball Federation are a large one hundred-page manual that outlines all the nuances of the rules.

      Game technique.

    You can get the greatest pleasure from the game if you learn how to correctly perform the basic techniques of the game - passing, dribbling, throwing into the basket, defending, rebounding and finishing off the ball bouncing off the backboard. The most important first rule is when holding the ball, hold it with your fingers and never wrap your hands around it.

    Transfers - the easiest and most effective way to move the ball to the opponent's basket. Their main types are transfers with two hands from the chest, two hands from below, one hand from the shoulder, one and two hands with a rebound from the floor.

    To catch the ball, you need to stretch your arms towards him with fingers apart and, as soon as he touches your fingers, bend your arms, pulling the ball to your chest.

    The transmission technique is simple. They require, as a rule, a small swing and a “shooting” movement of the hand with the ball in the direction of a partner.

    Dribbling . The player can move with the ball on the court only by successively hitting it on the floor with one or the other hand. When dribbling, you need to follow a few simple rules:

    The push of the ball to the floor is carried out mainly by the movement of the fingers and hand. Hitting the ball with the palm of your hand will be a mistake.

    Do not look down at the ball - keep your head up so you can see other players and the court as a whole.

    When dribbling with the right hand, the ball is held slightly to the side, in front - to the right, and with the left side, in front - to the left.

    The dribbling player must be positioned between the ball and the defender. His legs are bent, and his body is tilted forward. This position covers the ball from the defender, provides sufficient speed and avoids dribbling errors.

    Throwing the ball into the basket .

    There are the following ways to throw the ball into the basket:

      Throw from under the basket with one hand from above

      Throw with one hand

      Jump shot

      Shield Throw


    Basketball, as a means of physical education, has found wide application in various parts of the physical culture movement.

    In the public education system, basketball is included in the programs of physical preschoolers, general secondary, secondary, vocational, secondary specialized and higher education.

    Basketball is an exciting athletic game that is an effective means of physical education. No wonder it is very popular among students.

    A variety of technical and tactical actions of the game of basketball and the actual game activity have unique properties for the formation of vital skills and abilities of schoolchildren, the comprehensive development of their physical and mental qualities. The mastered motor actions of playing basketball and the physical exercises associated with it are effective means of health promotion and recreation and can be used by a person throughout his life in independent forms of physical culture.


    1.Basketball. Directory. M., 1993

    2. Basketball. Competition rules. M., 1996.

    3.Basketball: Textbook for institutes of physical culture// Pod. Ed.

    Yu.M.Portnova. - M: Physical culture and sport, 1998.

    4. Basketball: Textbook for high schools of physical culture// Pod. Ed. M. Portnova. - M: Physical culture and sport, 1997.

    5. Valtin A.I. "Mini-basketball at school" .- M .: Education, 1996.

    6. John R., Wooden Modern basketball.- M: Physical culture and sport, 1997.

    slide 2

    Basketball. History of occurrence. What do you need to play basketball? Techniques: 1. main rack; 2. dribbling; 3. throws on the ring; 4. transmission; 5. protection; 6. catching the ball. Major violations of the rules. Express test. Resources used.

    slide 3

    The United States, namely Springfield, is considered the birthplace of basketball. In the late 19th century, in 1891, James Naismith (1861-1932) accidentally came up with a new game. On one of the usual January days, he attached at a height of 3.05 m (by the way, the standard installation height for basketball now) two baskets into which it was necessary to throw a soccer ball. Then there were two teams of players - 9 people each. Dribbling, as in the modern version of the game, did not exist, the players stood still and, throwing the ball to each other, tried to get them into the basket. It's funny, but after each successful throw, one of the players climbed up and took the ball out of the basket. The history of the game

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    The site, measuring 28m long, 15m wide, has markings: front (limit the width of the site), central, side lines (limit the length of the site), penalty. Under the rings are three-second zones. In the center of the site is the central circle. The rings are located at a height of 3m 05cm. The ball weighs from 567 to 650g. For the game, special shoes are used - sneakers that tightly fix the foot (ankle joint) to prevent injuries. What do you need to play basketball

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    Main stand. Ball dribbling (dribbling). Ring shots. Ball passes. Protection. Catching the ball. Technique

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    Taking a stance, the basketball player puts his feet parallel at shoulder width, on the same line or putting any foot forward. The legs are bent, the body is slightly tilted. The weight of the body is evenly distributed on both legs, the arms are bent in a comfortable position for catching and holding the ball. Mistakes to be avoided: - do not narrow the area of ​​support; - do not move the center of gravity on one leg; - do not stand on straight legs; - Do not tilt your body forward excessively. The stand when playing defense differs from the stand when playing attack in the position of the hands, which changes depending on the game situations. Basketball stance

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    Dribbling is the primary mode of individual movement for the ball carrier. It is used when the partners are closed, it is necessary to distract the defenders towards themselves, change their position. There are two types of management - high and low. The dribbling is performed by a jerky movement on the ball, unbending it in the elbow joint. The player meets the ball bouncing off the floor with fingers wide apart and forearm down. Bending his arm, he accompanies the ball up a little, and then again vigorously pushes it to the floor at a certain angle. With low dribble, the legs bend more strongly, the dribble is carried out by frequent movement of the hand with a rebound no higher than the knee. The main thing when conducting is the ability to continuously observe changes in game situations. Dribbling

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    The result of the game depends on the accuracy of throwing into the basket. There are throws: 1. throw with one hand from the shoulder - the most common way. They take free throws. 2. throw with two hands from the chest. Used to attack the basket from a place, from close and medium distances. 3. Throw with one hand from above in a jump - the main means of attack in modern basketball. 1 Ring shots 3

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    Catching the ball is the key to successfully mastering the technique of playing basketball. You have to catch the ball during the game in a variety of conditions and in difficult situations. In this regard, the player must be able to catch the ball not only while standing still, in a calm environment, but also in the fight against the enemy, and while running fast, jumping or when the ball bounces off the backboard. Catching the ball

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    Passing the ball

    Passing the ball is the main technique by which the interaction between partners is carried out. Surprise and secrecy, speed and accuracy with any opposition from defenders are the main requirements for passes. There are ball passes: two-handed and one-handed. with two hands from the chest is used to interact partners at short and medium distances; with two hands on top, it is used with active resistance of a defender who does not prevail in height. a one-handed shoulder pass is the most practical way to pass the ball. Hidden passes are characterized by a shorter swing and an unexpected direction for the opponent to fly the ball, which makes it difficult to intercept.

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    Personal defense - guardianship of a player by a defender personally. Zone defense - all players are located in the zone of defense and each player controls his part of the court. All team members must be able to defend effectively. Defense techniques are divided into two groups - movement technique. Ball possession technique: interception; tearing out; knocking out; covering. Protection

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    "Zone" When the ball crosses the center line while the team is playing in attack, it is a violation of the rules of the game to transfer the ball back. "Violation of the 3-second zone" In the attack inside the trapezium, the players of the attacking team cannot be more than three seconds. Running The player holding the ball has taken more than two steps. Double dribble The player who takes the ball in his hands after the dribble has the right to make a pass or throw into the ring. Re-driving is a violation of the rules. Breaking the rules

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    1/Date of the introduction of the game of basketball? a) 1885 b) 1887 c) 1889 d) 1891 2 / Country of origin of the game of basketball? a) Argentina b) Brazil c) America d) Russia. 3/Who was the founder of the game of basketball? a) P. Coubertin b) D. Naismith c) A. Nielsen d) V. Vasiliev 4/Catching the ball in basketball is one of the techniques of the game. Which of these methods is the main one? a) catching the ball with both hands b) with one hand c) with the feet d) with the head 5/During the game, basketball players use different ways of passing the ball with both hands. What is the main method? a) two hands from below b) two hands from above c) two hands from the side d) two hands from the chest 6/Size of the basketball court? a) 20 x 10 m b) 22 x 15 m c) 20 x 40 m d) 28 x 15 m 7/ Basketball throws are most often performed with one hand. What is the basic one-handed throw? a) from below b) from above c) from the head d) from the shoulder 8/ During the game of basketball, the player moves around the court in various ways. The main way of movement is: a) crawling b) jumping c) side step d) cross step Express test

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    Sport games. Textbook for physics. in-ov. Ed. Portnykh Yu. M. M., "Physical culture and sport", 1975. Physical education in vocational schools. Toolkit. M., "Higher. school”, 1976. Resources used

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    Training is over, long live training!

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