Mobile games in physical education lessons. Outdoor games in physical education lessons in elementary school. "to your flags"

These games very well develop the child physically, as well as cheer up children


Draw two lines on the asphalt with chalk, a sharp object on the ground for each team. We draw the lines intricately, in zigzags, so that they either move away or move closer. The participant is given 2 gymnastic sticks, which are now skis. On a signal, the players run, placing their feet only on the drawn lines, back and forth. While moving, you can help yourself with sticks.


The player gets up in large galoshes and overcomes the distance back and forth.


The player sits on a stool, holding the edges and helping himself with his feet, overcomes the distance back and forth.


It is necessary to take a gymnastic stick (no more than 1 m). The first one squats down with a gymnastic stick in his hands. On a signal, he starts moving forward. At the same time, for each step, she must touch the ground with a stick: a step with her left foot - the right end, a step with her right foot - the left end - 10 m. She returns back by running.


The participant bends at the waist, takes the ball (ball) and puts it on his back. To prevent the ball from falling during movement, it must be held with your hands, while remaining in a half-bent state. But the participant will have to overcome obstacles, for example, three stools placed on the relay line will need to climb up, then jump off it.


The core is a ball on which it is written: “core”. Participants must saddle the core, holding it between their knees and holding it with their hands. At a signal in this position, they must make their way to the turning flag and back. If the balloon pops, the team is out of the game.


The first participant, on a signal, must quickly put on big boots and quickly run to the finish line. It can be complicated. Place 3 skittles along the way. Running past them, each participant must linger and bow, beautiful and original (3 bows)


Stretch an ordinary rope along the ground from start to finish. All players in turn will run along it to the turn, and on the way back they will try to jump the entire distance on one foot. At the same time, you need to be careful: each time you put your foot on the rope, and not past. Otherwise, the judge's clap is heard, with which he warns of the danger.


2 participants. One bends one leg at the knee and holds it with his hand, remaining on one leg. The second is blindfolded. The fox puts his free hand on the cat's shoulders, and on a signal they cover the distance back and forth.


The participant takes a bucket in one hand, in which balls, skittles, cubes, etc. The other is a ball. And he runs with them to the finish line, where the hoop is located. The player puts one item from the bucket into the hoop. Returning to the team, he betrays the bucket and ball to the next participant. He does the same.

for children of primary school age.

1-4 grade


This collection includes outdoor games that can be used in physical education lessons in elementary school, as well as in the preparation of various scenarios for sports holidays in the form of competitions and relay races. Many games can be included in the calendar-thematic planning as outdoor games in cross-country training, track and field training, gymnastics and when planning the variable part of the work program.

Purpose of the game: development of the eye, dexterity.

A circle with a diameter of 5-8 m is drawn on the playground (depending on the age of the players and their number).

All players are divided into two teams: "ducks" and "hunters". "Ducks" are located inside the circle, and "hunters" behind the circle. The Hunters get the ball.

On a signal or at the command of the teacher, the “hunters” begin to knock out the “ducks” with the ball. The “killed ducks” that were hit by the ball are out of the circle. The game continues until all the "ducks" from the circle are knocked out. While throwing the ball, the “hunters” must not cross the circle line.

When all the "ducks" are knocked out, the teams change places.

Game option: 3-4 “hunters” are selected from among the players, who stand at different ends of the site. Each "hunter" has a small ball. The players scatter around the court, but do not go beyond it.

On a signal or command from the teacher, all the players stop in their places, and the “hunters” aim and throw balls at them. Players can dodge a flying ball, but they cannot leave their place.

Knocked out "ducks" are out of the game. The "hunter" who knocked out the largest number of "ducks" wins.

Purpose and nature repeats the game ».

On the playground, children form a circle, standing at arm's length from each other. In the center of the circle there is a teacher who, in turn, throws the ball to the children, and then catches it from them, while uttering a rhyme:

"Catch, throw,
Don't fall down!.."

The teacher pronounces the text slowly so that during this time the child has time to catch and throw back the ball.

The game starts from a small distance (the radius of the circle is 1 m), and then gradually this distance increases to 2-2.5 m.

The teacher marks the children who have never dropped the ball.

Purpose and nature "(salka, ).

Two lines are drawn on the playground at a distance of 15-25 m (depending on the age of the players). From among the players, a "wolf" is selected (less often - two), which stands between the lines. Behind one line are the rest of the participants - "geese", and behind the other - the teacher.

The teacher addresses the geese: “Geese-geese!”

Geese answer:

- Ha-ha-ha!
- Do you want to eat?
- Yes Yes Yes!
- Well, fly!
- We are not allowed! The gray wolf under the mountain won't let us go home!
- Well, fly, beware of the evil wolf!

After these words, the geese rush home from one line to another, and the wolf (wolves) who ran out tries to catch (“tarnish”) as many geese as possible. The wolf takes the caught geese to its lair.

After two or three such “flights”, a new wolf is selected, and the captured geese return to the game, which starts over.

Purpose of the game: learning to ski (in the lower grades) in various ways.

On a playground covered with snow, the “start” and “finish” lines are marked with a distance of 25-30 m between them.

3-5 players line up at the start line at a distance of 1.5-2 m from each other and, at the signal or command of the teacher, they start skiing. The winner is the one who crosses the finish line first.

Game options:

    races can be carried out with the help of sticks or in a sliding step without them, determining the winner based on the results of two races;

    you can play the game by dividing the children into 2-4 teams with an equal number of participants, in the form of a relay race.

Purpose of the game: teaching the main types of movement (jumping), developing coordination of movement and dexterity, training the eye.

On the playground, children form a circle with a diameter of 4-5 m, stand at arm's length from each other. The teacher is in the center of the circle. He has a rod in his hand, the length of which should be equal to the radius of the circle. A bright ribbon or handkerchief (“mosquito”) is tied to the end of the rod on a rope up to 0.5 m long. The teacher holds the rod so that the “mosquito” is 5-10 cm higher than the outstretched arms of the child, and, smoothly moving the rod in a circle, makes the “mosquito” fly.

The task of the children is to bounce on the spot and be able to "slap a mosquito" with two palms.

Rules of the game: children must jump on two legs or push off with one foot, which depends on the conditions of the game. The child should not leave his place in the circle in pursuit of a mosquito. If the child managed to swat the “mosquito”, then the movement of the “mosquito” stops until the child releases it. The educator notes the most dexterous, who managed to “swamp a mosquito”.

Purpose of the game: learning to move in water, developing dexterity, the ability to throw a ball.

The game is played in a pool or in a limited area of ​​​​a reservoir with a waist-deep depth for playing children.

A leader is selected from among the playing children. The rest of the children stand in a circle at arm's length from each other. The driver becomes the center of the circle.

At the signal or command of the teacher, the children begin to throw the ball to each other across the circle, and the driver tries to catch it. If the driver catches the ball, then he takes a place in the circle among other players, and the child who threw the ball takes the place of the driver.

Rules of the game: while throwing (throwing and catching the ball), you can take a step forward or backward, fall into the water, but not pull the ball out of the hands of another; you can't push.

Purpose of the game: development of strength endurance, speed of reaction.

Two lines are drawn on the playing field at some distance from each other. Boys line up on one line, girls line up on the other. Between them is the leader. The boys' team is "night", the girls' team is "day". At the command "Night!" boys catch girls, on command "Day!" girls catch boys.

Rules of the game:"salted" go to the opposing team.

Purpose of the game: child learning to run with a rope.

A line is drawn on the playing field. At the same time, 2-4 children with short ropes can participate.

At the first signal of the teacher, they start running, jumping over the rope through each step, and at the second signal (after 1-1.5 minutes) they stop. The child who is in front wins.

Game option: two parallel lines are drawn on the playground at a distance of 4-3 m (depending on the age and ability of the children): the start and finish lines.

At the start line there are 2-4 children with jump ropes, who start running at the signal of the teacher. The first child to cross the finish line wins.

Purpose and nature is a type of game ».

In the middle of the playground, a circle or an oval is drawn, which depicts an ice floe. From among the players, two "polar bears" are chosen, who stand on the "floe". The rest of the players walk freely and run outside the "floe" on the playground.

At the signal of the leader (whistle, clap, etc.) or at his command, the “polar bears” go “hunting”. They walk, holding one opposite hand (left-right) and try to grab one of the players playing with their free hands. They take the caught player to the ice floe. When there are two caught players on the ice floe, they become the second pair of “polar bears”.

The game ends according to the agreement: when most of the players have become "polar bears" or when 2 - 3 players remain on the playing field.

Purpose of the game: learning to dribble (with feet, stick, hands), bypassing obstacles, developing dexterity and coordination of movements.

A line is drawn on the playing field. Perpendicular to it, 8-10 objects are placed in a row (pins, cubes, pegs driven into the ground, etc.) at a distance of 1 m from each other.

At the signal or command of the teacher, the child must dribble the ball with his foot from the line, bypassing all the objects with a “snake”, now to the right, then to the left, without ever losing the ball and not knocking down a single object.

The winner is the player who passes the "snake" without errors.

Game option:

    you can make two identical "snake" lines at a distance of 2 m from each other and simultaneously hold a speed competition between two participants;

    the child will lead a small ball from the line with a stick, bypassing the “snake” objects;

    the player will drive the ball from the line, bypassing all the objects of the "snake", while hitting it on the floor or ground.

Purpose of the game: learning in a playful manner jumping and running, agility and coordination of movements.

On the playground, two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 4-6 m (depending on the age of the children playing).

Playing children are divided into 3-4 teams with an equal number of participants. Teams line up in a column at the first line at a distance of 1.5 m from each other. Everyone standing first receives the ball and pinches it between their legs.

At the signal or command of the teacher, the children begin to jump on two legs to the second line. After crossing the line, they take the ball in their hands, run back, pass the ball to the next player, and themselves stand at the end of the column.

The team whose last player crosses the "start" line first with the ball in their hands wins.

Game option: on the second line for each team, they put a landmark around which the child should jump, and then also jump back with the ball sandwiched between the legs to the first line, passing it to the next player behind the first line.

Variety " ”, but the “dog” acts as a “trap”.

Before the start of the game, the “dog” is selected from among the players or the teacher appoints. The rest of the children are "hares". On one side of the playground, circles up to 50 cm in diameter are drawn - these are the “mink houses” of hares. On the opposite side of the site (at a distance of 10-15 m), another circle is drawn with a diameter of 1.0-1.5 m - this is the "dog" booth.

Located between the "minks" and the dog's booth, the playground is a garden with beds. If desired, it can be marked with dashes or circles of the beds.

At the first signal of the teacher, the "hares" run out of the minks and run into the garden, jumping over the beds. There they feast on carrots, cabbage ...

The teacher gives a second signal or command: “The dog is running! ..” After that, the hares rush to get to their “burrows”, hide in them, and the dog tries to catch the hare, “salting” it ”(touching him with his hand). The caught hare goes to the dog's booth and no longer takes part in the game.

When 3-6 “hares” are caught, the teacher can choose another “dog” from those playing, and the caught “hares” return to the game again, which starts over.

Variety of game ”, but the “cat” acts as a “trap”.

A line is drawn at the edge of the playground, behind which circles are drawn or hoops are placed - “mink houses of mice”. At a distance of 5-8 m from the line, a “cat” sits on a stump or on a chair, and the mice settle in their “minks”.

Showing the beginning of the game, the role of the cat is played by the teacher, and then the “cat” is selected from the playing children. When everyone has taken their seats, the teacher turns to the “mice” children: “The cat is sleeping! ..” You can use rhyming:

The cat guards the mice
Pretending to be asleep...

After these words of the educator, the “mice” leave their “minks” and begin to run around the playing field, coming close to the “cat”. After a while, the teacher says: “The cat is waking up! ..”

You can use rhyme:

Hush, mice, do not make noise,
Don't wake up the cat!

After these words, the “cat” gets on all fours, stretches, says: “Meow! ..”

This serves as a signal that he begins to catch mice. The cat takes the caught "mice" to its place, and the game starts all over again, but without their participation.

After the “cat” has caught 3-5 mice, the teacher appoints a new “cat”, and the “mice” caught are returned to the game.

Purpose of the game: learning to run in a playful manner, developing dexterity and coordination of movement.

From among the children playing, two are chosen: a “hunter” and a “homeless hare”. The rest of the "hares" children draw for themselves on the playground mugs - "houses" with a diameter of up to 50 cm.

Each hare occupies its own "house"-circle. The teacher gives a signal by which the hunter begins to pursue the "homeless" hare. Running away from the hunter, the “hare” winds between the houses, and then suddenly it can jump into any house and stand behind the back of the “hare” living there. At the same moment, this "hare" turns into a "homeless man", must leave the "house" and run away from the hunter now chasing him.

As soon as the hunter caught up with the hare and touched it with his hand, they change places: the hare becomes the hunter, and the hunter becomes the hare.

Game option: the total number of hares decreases, and instead of circles, “houses” for “hares” are children, 3-4 holding hands.

They open the “doors” (raise their hands) in front of the “homeless hare”, letting him into the house, and close it in front of the “hunter”. At the same time, the hare that was in it leaves the house through other “doors”. The rest of the game follows the same rules.

Purpose of the game: learning in a playful way to walk, run, develop dexterity, coordination of movements.

A circle with a diameter of 5-8 m is drawn on the playground (depending on the age of the children playing).

From the playing children, a driver is selected, which is located anywhere inside the circle. The rest of the children stand around the circle at a distance of half a step from the line.

At the signal of the teacher, the children jump into the circle, run around it and jump back out. The driver runs within the circle and tries to touch the players when they are inside the circle. When the driver approaches, each player must have time to leave the circle.

The player who was touched by the driver within the circle receives a penalty point, but remains in the game (or is out of the game). After some time, the teacher calculates the number of penalty points and those players who the driver did not have time to touch. The driver is replaced, and the game starts over.

Game option: You can slightly change the conditions of the game. The first player who was touched by the previous driver within the circle becomes the driver, and the leader takes the player's place.

Purpose of the game: consolidation in a playful way of running skills, development of dexterity, coordination of movements.

A line is drawn on the playing field. There must be an odd number of players. Of these, one "leader" ("catching") is selected. The rest of the players are built in a column in pairs at arm's length, not reaching 2-3 steps to the drawn line, and join hands.

The leader stands on the drawn line 2-3 steps behind the column of players.

Children in a column say a rhyme:

"Burn, burn bright,
To not go out.
Look at the sky, the birds are flying
The bells are ringing!
One, two, three - run! .. "

After the word "run", the children standing in the last pair run on both sides of the column. They strive to run along the entire column and become the first couple to join hands.

The catcher tries to have time to catch one of them, until the children have time to meet and hold hands. If the catcher (leader) manages to catch one player, then he and this player become in the first pair, and the player left without a pair becomes the “catcher”.

The game ends after all pairs have run once, but may continue. In this case, when all the pairs have run, the column takes 2-3 steps back to the line.

Purpose and nature it reminds me of a game ».

Two straight or winding lines are drawn on the playground at a distance of 3-5 m. These are the banks between which the swamp is located. On the surface of the swamp, hummocks-circles are drawn at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. Children stand on one side of the swamp. Their task, jumping from bump to bump, is to get over to the other side of the swamp. You can jump on one or two legs.

Whoever of the playing children stumbles and gets his foot into the swamp, he is eliminated from the game.

Game option: each of the players playing instead of the painted bumps receives two planks, rearranging which and standing on them, you can cross to the other side.

Purpose of the game: in addition to strengthening walking and running skills, children develop dexterity and coordination of movements.

Two parallel lines are drawn on the playground at a distance of 5-10 cm (depending on the age of the players). These are the start and finish lines.

2-3 players go to the start line at the same time. Each child is given a tablespoon containing a ping-pong ball. The player holds the spoon in his outstretched hand, not holding the ball with his other hand.

At the signal of the teacher, the children begin to move from the start line. Their task is to reach or run to the finish line without dropping the ball. If the player drops the ball during the movement, he must pick it up, return to the place where he dropped it, put the ball in the spoon and only then continue the movement.

The winner is the child who crosses the finish line first and does not drop the ball. It is possible to arrange new races among the winners of each preliminary race.

Game variant: the game can be played in the form of a relay race, when all participants are divided into 2-3 teams, depending on the number of participants:

    the player must carry the ball in the spoon to the finish line, and return by running, passing the spoon and the ball to the next player;

    the player must carry the ball in the spoon to both ends, passing them to the next player.

The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Purpose of the game: training in the form of a game to jump on one leg, the development of coordination of movements.

On the playground, before the start of the game, parallel lines are drawn at the bottom at a distance of 6-10 m (depending on the age and capabilities of the playing children). These are the start and finish lines.

Depending on the number of participants, all playing children are divided into 2-3 teams with an equal number of players.

At the command of the educator, the teams approach the start line and line up in a column one after another with a distance between the columns of 1.5-2 m. Each player bends his leg at the knee. The child standing behind him puts one hand on the shoulder of the one standing in front, and with the other hand holds his bent leg. The last player's leg is simply bent at the knee. Thus, a chain command is formed. At the signal of the teacher, each of the chain teams begins to move forward, moving by jumping on one leg.

The team that quickly overcomes the distance between the lines and crosses the "finish" line wins.

Purpose of the game: mastering jumps on one leg, developing dexterity and coordination of movements.

A circle with a diameter of 1.5-2 m is drawn on the playground. Two players stand in the center of the circle facing each other. Everyone stands on one leg (the second is bent at the knee), arms are crossed on the chest.

The game begins at the signal of the teacher: clap, whistle, etc. The task of the player, jumping on one leg and pushing the opponent with his shoulder, is to make him lower his other leg or push him out of the circle.

The game is played in pairs, and the winners of the pairs meet each other.

Purpose of the game: learning in a playful way the types of movement (walking, running), the development of dexterity and coordination of movements.

Before the game, the teacher prepares “fish” from cardboard (length - 15-20 cm, width - 5-7 cm), which are painted in the colors of the playing teams (for example, blue, red and green fish). A thread 50-60 cm long is tied to the tail of each fish.

The game involves the competitive nature of two or three (depending on the number of children) teams with an equal number of participants in each team.

Children line up on the playground and are divided into teams. Each team receives a "fish" of its own color. Each child receives a “fish” in the color of his team and tucks the free end of the thread behind his sock so that when walking or running, the “fish” stretches behind on the thread, touching the floor - “floating”.

After that, the teams enter the playing field. On a signal from the educators, the children begin to walk and run around the playground, trying to step on the enemy's "fish" and at the same time prevent their own "fish" from being "caught". The child whose fish was “caught” (the thread was pulled out of the sock) is out of the game, and the “fish” is taken by the player who caught it.

After the end of the game, the teacher sums up the results. The team that has more uncaught own fish left, but more "caught" foreign "fish" wins.

Rules of the game: during the game, you can not grab a player of the other team with your hands, push, step on the feet of other players.

Purpose and nature this game is close to the game ».

On the playground, two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 5-8 m (depending on the age of the players).

At the first line, the child leans forward, bending almost to a right angle. A bag of sand or a pillow is placed on his back. In this position, the child must go all the way to the next line without dropping the object from the back during movement.

Rules of the game: correct the object or support it while walking between the lines. A child who has lost the load is out of the game.

Purpose of the game: development of endurance and coordination of movements.

4-5 small bags filled with sand are prepared for the game. On the playground, two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 5-8 m (depending on the age of the players). The teacher sets the task for the children: to go with a bag on their heads from one line to another. At the beginning of the game, the speed of movement does not matter, but a child who drops the bag during movement is eliminated from further play.

After three or four such transitions, the teacher marks the children who have never lost their bag, and also encourages the others.

Rules of the game: it is possible to correct the pouch on the head only beyond the line, but it must not be touched while walking.

Game option: after the children show their skills, the teacher can hold a speed competition between 3-4 players!

Purpose of the game: development of the main types of movement (long jumps from a place), strengthening of the musculoskeletal system, development of coordination of movements.

Hoops are placed on the playground at a distance of 30 cm from each other. In the absence of hoops on the floor or on the ground, circles or squares can be drawn at the same distance from each other. Only 6-8.

Children line up in a column and, at the signal of the teacher, begin jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop, following each other at intervals, without interfering with each other. The child who has finished jumping and reached the last hoop returns at a run and stands at the end of the column.

At the end of the game, the teacher notes the quality of the jump and landing of the children, not forgetting to note the positive participation of all children in the game.

Purpose of the game: development of dexterity, strengthening the muscles of the hands.

For this game, two round sticks of the same length and the same diameter are taken. The end of a cord 8-10 m long is tied to the middle of each stick, and its middle is marked with a tied bright ribbon. Two players take a stick and move away from each other by the length of the cord so that it is in a taut state.

At the signal of the conductor of the game, the children begin to quickly rotate the sticks with both hands, winding the cord around them, and move gradually forward, keeping the cord taut. The participant who wraps the cord up to the ribbon first wins.

Any number of children can take part in the game. Each time a different pair plays.

Game options:

    The winner gets the right to continue the game with another partner until the first defeat. The participant who won more times is revealed.

    The losers are eliminated, and a competition is arranged between the winners of the pairs, followed by elimination until one winner is identified.

Purpose and nature is a kind of game ».

Two parallel lines are drawn on the playing field at a distance of 1 m from each other. For the game, a thick rope or rope is taken, in the middle of which a bright ribbon is tied.

All players are divided into two equal groups. Each of the teams takes a place behind their own line and grabs the rope so that the bright ribbon is in the middle between the two lines.

At the signal of the teacher or at his command, the players of each team pull the rope in opposite directions, trying to pull the ribbon over their line.

The team that manages to pull the ribbon across the agreed border wins. After that, the game is repeated.

Purpose of the game: strengthening of the musculoskeletal system, development of dexterity and coordination of movements.

Two parallel lines are drawn on the playground at a distance of 5-10 m (depending on the age of the children). 3-4 children approach the first line at the same time. In front of each on the line lies the same ball.

At the signal or command of the teacher, the children get on all fours and begin to move to the second line, while pushing the ball in front of them with their heads.

The player who crosses the second line first without losing the ball wins.

Purpose of the game: learning to throw the ball in a playful manner, developing the strength and accuracy of the throw.

A line is drawn on the playground at a distance of 1-2 m from the wall. Behind it, another 3-5 parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 20-30 cm between them.

Children take turns approaching the first line and, at the command or signal of the teacher, throw the ball at the wall, and then the teacher notes for which line the ball that bounced off the wall fell. The child who throws the ball the farthest wins.

Purpose of the game: development of speed, strength endurance.

Two teams of five people are created. The player standing first is the captain, he holds a bag with five potatoes (pebbles) in his hands. Five circles are drawn at a distance of twenty to thirty paces from each column. On a signal, the team captains run to the circles and plant potatoes, one in each circle, then return and pass the bag to the next player, who, having taken the bag, runs to collect potatoes, etc.

Rules of the game:

    captains start on signal;

    players do not go out of line without a bag. If a potato has fallen, it should be picked up and then run;

    you need to run up to the team from the left side.

Purpose of the game: development of strength endurance, strengthening of the musculoskeletal apparatus of the legs.

A line is drawn on the playground. At a distance from it (no more than 20 m), flags and racks are installed.

The players are divided into three or four teams and line up behind the line. On a signal, the first players of the teams start jumping, run around the flags and come back running. Then the second ones run, and so on.

Rules of the game:

    the team that finishes the relay first wins;

    you should jump correctly, pushing off with both legs at the same time, helping with your hands.

Purpose of the game: development of attention, dexterity, speed of reaction.

A line is drawn on the playground - a streamlet, on one side of which the selected shepherd and sheep gather, on the other side a wolf sits. Sheep stand behind the shepherd, hugging each other by the belt.

The wolf addresses the shepherd with the words: “I am a mountain wolf, I will carry it away!” The shepherd replies: "But I'm a brave shepherd, I won't give it back." After these words of the shepherd, the wolf jumps over the stream and tries to reach the sheep. The shepherd, spreading his arms to the sides, protects the sheep from the wolf, preventing him from touching them. In case of luck, the wolf takes the prey with him. The game starts over, but the roles change.

Rules of the game:

    the wolf crosses the line only after the words of the shepherd "I will not give it back";

    a sheep touched by a wolf must follow the wolf without resistance.

Purpose of the game: development of attention, the ability to respond to a signal.

A leader is selected from the total number of participants in the game. The rest of the players run around the court. The driver walks and says:

"The sea is worried - once,
The sea is worried - two,
The sea is worried - three,
All the figures are in place - freeze!

After these words, all the players stop and freeze in the position in which the driver's team found them. The driver goes around the players and tries to find someone who moves. This player takes the place of the driver, and the rest of the figures are given the command: "Fat off!", And the game continues.

Game option: players who have moved are eliminated from the game, and the game continues with the previous driver until 3-4 players remain.

Purpose and nature the game is a kind of ».

Of the playing children, a leader is selected - a salt. The rest of the players line up. The driver goes to the middle of the playground and says loudly: “I am a tag!”.

At this signal, the players scatter around the court, and the driver must catch up and touch the players with his hand (“sock”). The one whom the tart has touched stops, raises his hand and says loudly: “I am a tart!”.

The new tag cannot immediately touch the former leader with his hand. The game can continue, or at the command of the leader, everyone gathers and lines up, and the game starts all over again.

The conditions of the game can be complicated: it is not allowed to “salt” the player if, when approaching the driver, he managed to squat down, or stand on any hill, or join hands with one of the players.

Purpose of the game: teaching the basic types of movement (walking, running), developing the imagination and discipline of children.

For the game, several thin sticks 50-60 cm long with non-pointed edges are prepared (according to the number of participants in the game). Each child is given such a stick and is invited to sit on it, holding one end with his left hand, and the other end of the stick should slide freely on the floor or ground. A child riding a stick is a "rider on a horse."

At the signal of the educator, the "riders" can walk in a circle, keeping a distance, then slowing down, then accelerating the movement, the rhythm of which is regulated by the educator. "Riders" can "jump" across the entire playing area, swinging their right arm and chasing "digging", they can change the rhythm.

Rules of the game: the main rule is that the “riders” must manage so skillfully that the “horses” do not collide during the movement, do not interfere with the movement of others.

Game option: after a short training of "riders" you can arrange competitions. Two parallel lines are drawn on the playing field at a distance of 5-10 m (depending on the age of the players). At the signal of the educator, the "riders" will have to overcome this distance. The rider who comes first wins.

Purpose of the game: development of dexterity, the ability to slide on ice.

Children are divided into 3-4 groups-teams. According to the number of participating teams, a playground is prepared: at a distance of 2-3 m from the starting line, ice tracks are rolled according to the number of teams playing, 1-1.5 m long. After 2-3 m from the ice tracks, there are snow banks (according to the number of playing teams) 40-50 cm, length - 1.5-2 m, top width 25-30 cm. Bells lie or hang at the finish line.

At the signal of the teacher, the first team members run from the starting line. They must slide along the ice path from a short run, go sideways along the snow bank and, successfully jumping, run 8-10 m to the finish line and ring the bell. After the bell rings, the second team numbers start running, etc.

The winner of this relay race is the team that completed all the tasks faster, while avoiding falls on the track and correctly performing deep jumps from the shaft.

Purpose of the game: development of dexterity, attention.

A line is drawn on the playground, beyond which all the players gather. At the beginning of the game, a leader is appointed. He has a ball in his hands. On a signal or at the command of the teacher, the driver throws the ball forward. All players run out from behind the line and try to grab the ball. Whoever grabs the ball first runs back with it, trying to cross the line. If another player blocks the path and touches the ball (force, pushes - do not apply), then the player holding the ball throws it to the ground. The ball is picked up by any other player and rushes to the line. They can also knock the ball out of him by touching it.

The player who manages to cross the line with the ball gets the right to be the driver and throw the ball.

The winner is the one who more often than others during the game will be the driver.

Purpose of the game: development of speed, attention.

Two lines are drawn in the clearing or two parallel ski tracks are laid at a distance of 60 m - these are the starting lines. The players are divided into two teams with an equal number of participants, who line up in columns on opposite starting lines.

On a signal or command, the teachers standing first in the columns start running in the forward direction towards each other, trying to reach the opposite line as quickly as possible.

At the moment of crossing the line, the player gives a conventional sign (raised hand, shout, etc.), along which the next team member starts running. The winner is the team whose players are the first to gather behind the starting line of the other team.

Purpose of the game: training in the form of a game to throw and catch the ball, the development of dexterity and coordination of the child's movement.

On the playground, between two vertical posts or two trees, a rope is pulled at the height of the child's raised arms. The teacher explains and shows how to throw the ball over the rope, run after it under the rope and catch it without letting it touch the ground. Having caught the ball, you can throw it from the other side and catch it again. 1-3 children can play at the same time, and then pass the ball to other children. The teacher observes and notes successful throws and catching the ball.


On the playground, a rope is pulled between two uprights or trees at about 1 m from the surface. At a distance of 1-1.5 m from the rope, a line is drawn, in which 3-4 small balls lie. 3-4 children come to the line (according to the number of balls).

At the signal or command of the teacher, each child takes the ball with both hands and throws it over the head over the rope, and then catches up and catches the ball. Running under the rope, the children try not to hurt her. Having caught the ball, the children return to the line by running and throw again. Dropping the ball is out of the game. The child who throws and catches the ball the most times wins.

Game option: children play in pairs. On both sides of the rope, at a distance of 1-1.5 m, lines were drawn, in which there are children playing in pairs. First one throws the ball, and the other catches, and then vice versa. The winner is the pair that throws the ball over the rope more times without dropping it.

Purpose of the game: training in movement in water, development of dexterity, speed of reaction.

The game is played in a pool or in a limited area of ​​a reservoir with a depth to the hips or waist to the children and has two options.

1st option: from among the playing children, a “pike” (leader) is selected, and the rest of the children are “carp”. At the beginning of the game, the teacher can play the role of "pike".

At the beginning of the game, "carp" move around the pool in different directions, helping themselves with strokes of their hands. "Pike" at this time is in the corner of the pool or at the rope fence.

At the signal of the teacher or his command: “The pike is swimming! ..” all the children rush to the sides of the pool or the ropes of the fence (perhaps they run ashore, depending on the conditions of the game) and plunge into the water to the chin. Some children can dive headfirst into the water by occasionally raising their head out of the water and inhaling.

The task of the "pike" is to catch (touch with a hand) the gaping "carp". The game ends when about half of the “crucians” are caught, or the first “crucian carp” caught becomes a “pike”, and the game starts all over again.

2nd option: after a “pike” was chosen from among the players, the rest of the children are divided into two identical groups: one is “pebbles”, and the other is “carp”. Pebbles, holding hands, form a circle in which at this time “carp” swim and play.

"Pike" is outside the circle.

The teacher gives a signal or command: “Pike! ..” After this command, the “pike” quickly runs into the circle, trying to catch (touch with his hand) the gaping “crucians”, who are also in a hurry to hide behind the “pebbles” (stand behind their backs). "Pike" catches only those who did not have time to hide, and takes them outside the circle.

The game is repeated until 3-4 (or more than half) "carp" are caught. Then the “pike” changes, and the game starts all over again.

Purpose of the game: teaching children to quickly and fearlessly dive under water, developing dexterity.

The game is played in a pool or on a section of a reservoir with a waist-deep depth for children.

Children form a circle, standing at arm's length from each other. In the center of the circle is a teacher who plays the role of a leader, he has a rope in his hands, the length of which is equal to the radius of the formed circle. A small inflatable toy is tied to the end of the rope. This is a "rod".

On a signal or command, the teacher begins to rotate the rope so that the toy makes circular movements at a level of 10-15 cm above the water. The task of the playing children, when the toy approaches, has time to sit down and plunge into the water. The child hit by the toy receives a penalty point.

At the end of the game, the teacher sums up the penalty points and determines the most dexterous children who do not have penalty points or score the least.

Purpose of the game: development of attention, coordination of movements, strengthening the muscles of the trunk, back, abdomen.

For the game, the driver-womb - "crane" is selected. On the playground, the children line up in a chain, the uterus is facing them. The column moves all the time, slowly at first, then picking up the pace. At the same time, she follows the instructions of the leader. For example, when the driver says: “Yellow-bellied snake”, the column of “cranes” lines up in a wedge-shaped figure. If he talks about frogs, then the semi-squat column jumps forward, etc.

Rules of the game:

    the loser is the one who could not complete the task and broke the circle;

    the losing player stands at the very end of the column;

    the “crane” uterus changes by agreement.

Purpose of the game: development of attention, training of coordination of movements.

Two lines are drawn on the playground at a distance of 1-1.5 m. The distance between them is a ditch in which there is a leading wolf. The wolf can only move between these lines.

The rest of the players - "goats" - at the signal of the teacher, run from one side of the site to the other, jumping over the moat. At this time, the wolf tries to catch the goats by touching them with his hand. Players touched by the wolf stop and are out of the game.

Game option: leading can be 2-3. A competition is held between the wolf (wolves): who will catch more goats in a certain number of runs (4-5), and goats are also noted that have never been caught by wolves.

Purpose of the game: learning in the form of a game the main types of movement, the development of dexterity.

8-12 children take part in the game, of which two are chosen: a “kite” and a “brood hen”. The rest of the children are "chickens".

A circle with a diameter of 1.5-2 m is drawn on the side of the playground. This is the “nest” of the “kite”. He goes to his nest, and the "hen" takes the "chickens" for a walk to the playground. They walk in a chain: they hold on to each other (by the hands or by the belt).

At the signal of the teacher, a “kite” flies out of the nest and tries to grab the last “chicken” in the chain. The mother hen, spreading her arms, does not let the kite near the chickens.

Rules of the game: neither the kite nor the mother hen use force. "Kite" should try, running around, to deceive the "brood hen", grab and carry the caught "chicken" to his house. If the "kite" grabbed the "chicken", then he should follow him.

Purpose of the game: development of dexterity, the ability to maintain balance, mastering the coordination of arms and legs, the correct position of the body when moving on skis.

Under the terms of this game, the child must ski down a low hill. In the middle of the descent, there is an object prepared in advance (a fir cone, a pin, a flag, etc.), which the child must lift, crouching and bending over while moving, without losing balance.

Game option: a child can go down this hill on a sled, and while moving, pick up a certain object. There can be several items, and points are awarded for each of them.

Purpose of the game: in its tasks and character resembles a game " ».

Circles with a diameter of 50 cm are drawn on the playground. These are “houses” for the players. Their number must be one less than the number of players. From among the players, a driver is selected, who is left without a "house". All the children occupy their “houses” mugs, and the driver becomes in the center between the mugs and says loudly: “One, two, three - run! ..”

After the driver’s word “run”, the children begin to change their “houses” mugs, and the driver at this time tries to occupy any of the vacated “houses”. A child who did not have time to take a free circle - "house" becomes a driver and goes to the center of the playground. The game starts over.

Purpose of the game: training in throwing and catching the ball, passing it to a partner in motion, developing dexterity and coordination of movement.

On the playground, six children selected from among the players stand in a line and hold five hoops in outstretched hands. The rest of the children are divided by the teacher into playing pairs.

At the signal or command of the teacher, each pair in turn starts the game from the first person in the chain, passing the chain at a distance of 1 m from both sides and throwing the ball to each other through the hoop.

During the movement, the children must throw the ball through each hoop. If the child drops the ball, he must pick it up and continue the game from the hoop where the mistake was made (or from the first hoop, depending on the conditions of the game). The winner is the pair that has covered the distance faster than the others and did not drop the ball, throwing it through all five hoops.

When the game is repeated, the children playing in pairs change the children standing with hoops.

Summing up the results of the game, the teacher notes not only the speed of movement, but also the accuracy of the players' throws.

Purpose of the game: training in running jumps, development of coordination of movement and eye.

On the playground on a vertical stand or on a horizontally stretched cord at a height of 1.5-2 m, hang a basket (2-3 baskets are possible) so that it is 5-10 cm above the child's outstretched arm.

Before the start of the game, the teacher explains to the children that a squirrel lives in this basket (in the "nest"), which loves nuts very much. Then each player is given round-shaped pebbles or ping-pong balls, which replace the nuts. To treat the squirrel with a nut, the child must jump up and throw the “nut” into the basket.

Rules of the game: at the discretion of the educator, children can jump from a place or from a running start for a distance of 2-3 m) Each child makes 3-5 attempts to put a "nut" in a squirrel's basket. The teacher notes the technique of jumping and landing, as well as the one who put more "nuts".

Purpose of the game: development of coordination of movements. Two lines (can be winding) are drawn on the playground at a distance of 1.5-3 m from each other (depending on the age of the children playing). This is a "brook". Pebbles are laid through the "brook" at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other (pieces of cardboard, planks or mugs simply painted on the floor). They are located in such a way that the child can easily move from one pebble to another, and then from one bank of the stream to another.

The teacher brings the playing children to the line (the bank of the stream) and explains that you need to cross the pebbles to the other side without getting your feet wet. Then the teacher shows how to do it. Behind the teacher, the children take turns, jumping from pebble to pebble, moving to the other side of the stream. The child who stumbled and got past the pebble, which means he got his feet wet, goes to dry them on a bench and is temporarily out of the game.

The game continues several times. Then the teacher praises all the children, at the same time noting the fastest and most dexterous.

Purpose of the game: training in the form of a game in the main types of movement (walking, running), development of coordination of movements, strengthening of the musculoskeletal system.

Before the start of the game, the teacher builds all those playing in a column along one of the sides of the playground and briefly recalls how the train is moving, driven by the “locomotive”. In order to show the game, the educator becomes the head of the column, and the rest of the playing children are the “cars”. In the future, after a short distance, the place of the “locomotive” is taken by one of the children.

At the signal of the educator, the “locomotive” gives a whistle “Uuu! ..” and the “train” slowly moves off. The cars move one after another with a certain interval (without clutch), while the children make movements with their arms bent at the elbows and pronounce the sounds “choo-choo-choo! ..”

The teacher regulates the speed of the “train”, gradually accelerating the movement, moving to fast walking, and then to running.

The teacher gives the command: "The train is approaching the station ..." The movement of the train slows down.

The teacher gives the following command: “Station ... Stop ...” The train stops. At the station, during a stop, it is possible to replace the “locomotive”: another child becomes the head of the train, and the former “locomotive” takes the place of the “car”.

The teacher gives the signal again, and the "train" sets off on its way. So during the game the train passes through several stations with the change of "engine".

Rules of the game: children should during the game, especially when changing the rhythm of the “train”, strictly observe the interval between the “cars”, do not bump into each other, do not push each other, do not leave the “train” while moving.

Game option: the movement of the train can be with clutch: during the movement, only the "locomotive" makes the movement with its arms bent at the elbows, and the hands of all the children - "cars" are on the belt of the one in front.

After the end of the game, the teacher praises all the children, while noting the best "cars" and the best "locomotive".

Methodical collection "Games for primary school students"

Physical education teacher - Sazonov Alexey Sergeevich
School - MBOU lyceum No. 26, Shakhty, Rostov region

Collection of outdoor games for children of primary school age.

INTRODUCTION This collection includes outdoor games that can be used in sports and during walks in kindergarten, in physical education classes in elementary school, as well as in the preparation of various scenarios for sports holidays in the form of competitions and relay races. In the first part of the collection you can find games of any orientation, both for the hall and for the sports ground. Many games can be included in the calendar-thematic planning as outdoor games in cross-country training, track and field training, gymnastics and when planning the variable part of the work program.
The second part of the collection presents only those games that were included in my calendar-thematic planning for physical education for grades 1-4 (3 hours).


grandpa horn
By purpose and character, it is a kind of game "Trap".
Two lines are drawn on the playground at a distance of 10-15 m. A circle with a diameter of 1-1.5 m is drawn between them in the middle to the side.
From among the players, a leader is chosen (“fifteen”), but he is called “grandfather-horn”. He takes his place in the circle. The rest of the players are divided into two teams and stand in their houses behind both lines.
The driver loudly asks: “Who is afraid of me?”
Playing children answer him in chorus: “No one!”
Immediately after these words, they run from one house to another across the playing field, saying:
Eat a pie with peas!
Eat a pie with peas!”
The driver runs out of his house and tries to “spot” (touch with his hand) the running players. The one whom the driver "tarnishes" goes with him to his house-circle.

Don't drop the ball
Purpose of the game: learning in a playful manner jumping and running, agility and coordination of movements.
On the playground, two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 4-6 m (depending on the age of the children playing).
Playing children are divided into 3-4 teams with an equal number of participants. Teams line up in a column at the first line at a distance of 1.5 m from each other. Everyone standing first receives the ball and pinches it between the legs.

Free place
The purpose of the game: the development of speed qualities, dexterity, attention.
A leader is chosen from among the players. The rest of the children stand in a circle, also outlining a small circle (40 cm in diameter) around their legs. The driver runs up to one of those standing and touches him with his hand. After that, the driver runs in one direction, and the player in the other. Each of them tends to go around the circle faster and take the vacant place. The remaining of the two without a place becomes the driver, and the game continues.

Motion- the natural state of the child. However, with the entry into school, a lot of time for children is occupied by lessons and preparation for them. A sedentary lifestyle negatively affects their health and mental development. The lack of movement can be one of the reasons for the slowdown in their mental and physical development, which will also affect academic performance. Outdoor games can largely compensate for the lack of movement, and also help prevent mental fatigue, increasing efficiency during study.
The outdoor games offered by us are easy to organize and do not require long preparation. They can take part from two students to a whole class, at school during breaks and after school.
Children love games with a ball and a rope, with a hoop and a rope. Play with children in the classroom, after school, at recess, on weekends in the air.

"Hunters and Ducks"

The players are divided into 2 teams: one is hunters, the other is ducks. A large circle is drawn, behind which are the "hunters", and the "ducks" inside. On a signal, the “hunters” try to hit the “ducks” with a volleyball, which, running inside the circle, dodge the ball. The player hit by the ball is out of the game. When all the "ducks" are knocked out, the teams change places and the game continues. Games can be played on time. It is noted which team knocked out more "ducks" in the same time. The “duck” touched by the ball is considered tagged.

"Handed - sit down!"

The game is played in the hall or on the court. For its implementation, 2-3 volleyballs are required. The players are divided into 2-3 equal teams, which are built behind the line in a column one at a time. Ahead of each team at 6-8 meters is the captain with the ball in his hands. On a signal, the captain passes the ball to the first player of his team. He, having caught the ball, returns it to the captain and crouches. The captain throws the ball to the second player, etc. Having received the ball from the last player, the captain lifts it up, and the whole team quickly gets up. The team that completes the task first and its captain lifts the ball up wins. The player who dropped the ball must sculpt it, return to his place and continue passing. Also, players should not skip their turn.

"The ball is average"

Participants are divided into 2-3 teams that form circles. In the center of each circle is the captain of the team with the ball in his hands. On a signal, the captain throws the ball to the first player of his team. He catches the ball and throws it to the second player, etc. Having received the ball from the last player of the team, the captain raises his hands with the ball up. Then another captain is chosen and the game continues. The ball can be passed in a certain way (two hands behind the head, from the chest, bouncing off the floor, with one hand) or arbitrarily. During the game, you can not step on the circle line behind which the participants stand. The player who dropped the ball must take it, stand outside the circle line and continue the game. The first team to throw the ball correctly wins.

"Ball to the neighbor"

Play on the court or in the hall. The game requires 2 volleyballs. Participants stand in a circle, the balls are on opposite sides of the circle. On a signal from the manager, the players begin to pass the ball in one direction as quickly as possible so that one ball catches up with the other. The participant who has both balls at the same time loses. The balls are then passed to opposite sides and the game continues. After the game, participants who passed the ball well are noted. The player who dropped the ball must take it, stand in his place and continue the game. Players must not be allowed to pass while passing the ball.


The game can be played on the court or in the hall. For its implementation, a volleyball or rubber ball is required. The players stand in a circle and are calculated in numerical order. The driver with the ball in his hands stands in the center of the circle. He tosses the ball high up and calls any number. The called player tries to catch the ball, and the rest scatter to the sides. If the player catches the ball without letting it fall, he calls another number and throws the ball up again. A player who catches the ball bouncing off the ground (or floor) yells "Stop!" Everyone stops, and the driver tries to hit the nearest player with the ball, who tries to dodge the ball without moving. If the driver misses, then he runs after the ball again, and taking it in his hands, again shouts “Stop!” and tries to hit the nearest player with the ball. The salted player becomes the leader, and the players again become in a circle, and the game continues. After the command "Stop!" all players stop, and until the driver has caught the ball, the players are allowed to move around the court in any direction.

Bachaev Igor Borisovich
    Game card number 1
    Name of the game: "River and Moat"
    Content: Those involved are built in the middle of the hall (platform) in a column one at a time. To the right of the column is a moat, to the left is a river. You need to swim across the river (walk, imitating the movements of a swimmer with your hands), jump over the moat. At the teacher's signal, "The ditch is on the right!" children turn to the right and jump forward. The one who jumped in the other direction is considered to have fallen into the river. They help him get out by giving a hand. Everyone returns and lines up in the middle of the hall. At the signal "River - on the right!" children turn to the left and "sail to the other side." A hand is given to the one who has fallen into the ditch, he returns to his comrades. The player with the fewest mistakes wins.

    Game card number 2
    Name of the game:"Owl"
    Content: The players are positioned randomly on the court. The "owl" is chosen. Her nest is away from the site. After the words of the teacher “The day is coming - everything comes to life”, the children walk, run, imitating the flight of birds. After the words “Night is coming - everything freezes”, the players stop in the position in which the signal caught them. The owl goes out to hunt: it takes those who have moved to its nest. The teacher says "Day ...". The owl goes to the nest, the players "come to life".

    Game card number 3
    Name of the game:"Trap in the Circle"
    Content: A circle with a diameter of 4–5 m is drawn in the middle of the site. The trainees stand in a circle. The driver (trap) is selected. He becomes the center of the circle. At the signal "One, two, three - catch!" children run across the circle. The driver must touch them without leaving the circle. The salted one is considered caught and is temporarily out of the game. After 1 - 1.5 minutes, the signal “Stop!” is given. Those caught are counted. A new driver is selected from the unsalted ones.
    Rule: You can only fish in a circle.

    Game card number 4
    Name of the game:"Trap with Ribbons"
    Content: The players stand in a circle. Each of them has a colored ribbon tied behind a belt or collar. There is a trap in the center of the circle. At the signal "Run!" children run around the playground. The trap runs after the players, trying to take a ribbon from someone. The one who has lost it temporarily steps aside. At the signal of the teacher "In the circle!" everyone runs in a circle. The trap counts the ribbons taken and returns them to the children.
    Options:"Feet off the ground". It is impossible to catch those who managed to stand on some towering object.
    "With a ball". The driver must knock down the fleeing ball.
    "With a squat." You can not catch a crouched player.

    Game card number 5
    Name of the game:"Burners"
    Content: The players become pairs one after another, holding hands. Ahead at a distance of 3 - 4 m - leading. The children say in unison:
    Burn, burn brightly so that it does not go out.
    Look at the sky, the birds are flying
    The bells are ringing,
    One, two, three - run!
    After the word "Run!" the children standing in the last pair lower their hands and run forward along the column: one on the left and the other on the right. They run forward, try to hold hands again and stand in front of the driver. He tries to catch one of the couple before the kids can meet and hold hands. If the driver manages to do this, he forms a new pair with the one caught and stands in front of the column. The one left without a pair is the driver. The game ends when all couples run once.