Treatment for paint poisoning. What to do in case of poisoning with paints and varnishes Inhaled paint fumes

Exposure to chemicals, such as carcinogens, poisonous gases and pesticides, harms the human body. Many people use paint at home for repair work. Improper safety precautions when using the material can lead to dangerous consequences. Paint poisoning occurs. It is fraught with complications in the work of many internal organs.

Danger to the body

Painting walls can lead to poisoning. Materials have as components acetone, carbon tetrachloride, solvent, trichlorethylene. They are able to enter the lungs, deposited on the mucous membranes and absorbed into the bloodstream. In addition, intoxication is possible when old paint is removed or paint products accidentally get into the fire. Combustion of the material is harmful to the body due to the lead contained in the composition of the substances.

Poisoning for a child can cause a disorder in the internal organs. Initially, the cardiovascular and nervous systems are destroyed. If you do not seek medical help in a timely manner, such deviations in the functioning of the body are possible:

  • The blood pressure will drop and the heart beat will increase. Thus, the body provides a full supply of blood. As a result, cardiovascular insufficiency is formed.
  • Possible burns of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, leading to respiratory failure.
  • If acrylic paint gets inside, then the mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach are affected. This leads to the formation of renal and hepatic insufficiency and dysfunction of the pancreas.
  • If vapors of paints and varnishes fall on the mucous membrane of the eyeballs, visual impairment may occur.

The main causes of poisoning

Materials affect the human body in different ways. For example, alkyd, aerosol or oil paint can cause significant harm. If you breathe in their components (acetone and trichlorethylene) for 24 hours, then intoxication is possible in rare cases. More often, poisoning with these substances occurs with prolonged inhalation, if repairs in a residential building take a long time without a protective agent.

There are cases of children being poisoned by these substances. If you breathe in the components of paint and varnish products for a long enough time, then a deviation in the functions of the central nervous system. First of all, cognitive impairment occurs, and the victim feels dizzy and headaches. With further inhalation, there is a possibility of the formation of severe neurological diseases. This is a short-term loss of consciousness (up to several times a day), and in some cases, coma.

The main causes of paint vapor poisoning are non-compliance with safety precautions when using materials during home repairs. Basically, intoxication occurs in spring and summer, when work is done in summer cottages. It is possible to get poisoned by vapors both when painting some surfaces, and during their drying.

Paint poisoning symptoms

The characteristic features of intoxication are:

  • severe headaches;
  • irritated mucous membrane of the eyeballs, which is manifested by redness, burning and tearing;
  • damage to the upper respiratory tract;
  • dizziness;
  • from oral cavity smells like acetone;
  • strange taste in the mouth;
  • bouts of nausea and vomiting;
  • violation of the stool (diarrhea);
  • respiratory failure;
  • pale skin;
  • possibility of fainting.

If the above symptoms appear after intoxication with paints and varnishes, the first health care. The man who breathed harmful substances, repeatedly faints.

First aid

If poisoning with paints and varnishes occurs and negative signs appear, then therapeutic measures should be taken. To do this, do the following:

  1. Provide the victim with access to fresh air.
  2. If possible, the best option is to go outside with him.
  3. Give the breathless a drink alkaline water a lot.
  4. If the victim has fainted, lay him on his side and bend one lower limb at the knee to keep the position stable.
  5. Let me smell the cotton wool with ammonia.

If a person has a significant decrease in blood pressure, breathing becomes more difficult or completely absent, and the heartbeat also increases, then the case is quite severe. In such a situation, without fail, seek medical help.

If there is no breathing, put the person on his back, create accessibility of the upper respiratory tract, perform artificial ventilation of the lungs. If no pulse is detected on carotid artery, do chest compressions without delay. Only if you have quick and accurate action can you save a human life.

Principles of treatment

Therapy of poisoning with water-dispersion paint and its components is carried out only by a toxicologist. It consists of gastric lavage, release respiratory tract and lungs, as well as droppers with glucose. In case of complication of the condition, the patient is hospitalized in intensive care. The main task of physicians is to remove toxins from the body with the help of infusion treatment. In addition, the patient is prescribed a sedative and tablets that support the cardiovascular system.

If intoxication has acquired chronic form, a study of the body as a whole is recommended. After the diagnosis, the toxicologist prescribes the required medications and manipulations (a complex of vitamins, taking hepatoprotectors and immunomodulators), which neutralize the damage caused by toxic substances. If you work with paints and varnishes, then you should think about changing the workplace. If this is not possible, then often relax in the street and breathe fresh air.

How to prevent paint fumes poisoning?

Before you start painting work, protect yourself to the maximum. The main equipment is a mask or respirator. Be sure to get out for some fresh air from time to time. If you smell acetone from your mouth or feel dizzy, stop the workflow for a few days.

Possible consequences

Poisoning the body with toxic paint can lead to serious complications. These include:

  1. Disorder of respiratory functions: insufficient amount of oxygen enters the lungs, which contributes to the appearance of severe headaches. Lacquer vapors can cause compression in the chest, shortness of breath, systematic dry cough.
  2. Disorder in functioning cordially- vascular system, greatly reduced blood pressure.
  3. Appetite disappears, nausea attacks all the time.
  4. There is indifference, a constant state of exhaustion, impaired sleep function, decreased brain activity.
  5. Bad feelings in eyeballs, sensation of dryness, redness. Vision is significantly reduced due to the regular penetration of toxic vapors into the mucous membrane of the eyeballs.


It is easier to prevent intoxication with paint and varnish vapors, and not to be further treated for diseases that may manifest themselves. Prevention measures:

  1. Carry out painting work in special clothing, always in gloves, a mask or a respirator.
  2. Immediately remove paint droplets that fall on exposed skin when applied to surfaces.
  3. Provide constant access to fresh air. Do not consume food or drink in the workplace.
  4. If you feel dizzy or feel acetone in your mouth, then stop the painting process for a while.


Based on the foregoing, it follows that working with paint requires some knowledge and experience. If you treat such a process lightly and carelessly, then irreversible consequences in the health of your own body are possible.

If you need to carry out painting work at home or in the country, then consider hiring a professional. At the same time, if you follow the rules and know how to behave in case of intoxication, you can protect yourself from the consequences.

Paints are widely used today in industry and everyday life. There is a wide variety of colors that are used in different situations. Many of them are approved for use even by children. The ubiquitous distribution of paints, their open sale make a person lose vigilance and carelessly treat them. Few people think about the fact that any paints, even the most harmless, watercolor paints, which are so widely used by children for drawing and decorating, basically contain toxic substances. It is their entry into the body, in most cases, that entails severe paint poisoning.

Neutralization is the cornerstone of poisoning therapy. active substance providing the victim with the necessary first aid. In this case, it is necessary to carry out a gastric lavage, in which the poison is removed from the body. Only after the threat to life has passed, you can proceed to maintenance and rehabilitation therapy. Rehabilitation treatment is mainly aimed at normalizing the composition and function of the blood, normalizing cardiac activity.

What to do in case of paint poisoning?

In case of paint poisoning, first aid should be provided to the victim as soon as possible, which should be aimed at removing toxic substance from the body. You can induce vomiting on your own. After that, you need to call as soon as possible ambulance, provide the patient with access to fresh air.

First aid for paint poisoning

It consists in the fastest possible removal of a toxic substance from the body. At the same time, gastric lavage is carried out with a 1% tannin solution, followed by the use of a 3% tannin solution. Tannin forms insoluble compounds with toxins and brings them out. Rinse the stomach to clean waters”, after which the remainder of the substance is removed from the body with the help of enemas. At the same time, tartaric acid, which dissolves tannin compounds with toxins, should be strictly avoided. Sometimes you have to give stimulants (wine, coffee, camphor). Milk, egg white, potassium iodide, magnesium are also appropriate.

What to drink from poisoning, inhaled paint?

For any poisoning, it is recommended to drink sorbents. Pharmaceuticals such as Activated carbon, sorbex, enterosgel and other means. Many experts prefer enterosgel, because it is the most safe remedy which can be used even during pregnancy.

The drug is an enterosorbent that has the ability to bind toxins and bring them out. It begins to act immediately after it has penetrated into the body, into digestive tract. It attracts toxins that are still in the stomach, and even absorbs those that have already entered the bloodstream. Then there is the binding of toxins, and their excretion through the feces.

This binding effect is due to the action of silicon as the main active substance. Often used in complex treatment severe poisoning provoked by medication, as well as ingestion of salts of heavy metals, acids, paints. Effective when ingested in any way - through the skin, mucous membranes, respiratory tract, digestive tract.

The drug begins its action immediately, as soon as it gets inside. The effect is noticeable after 30 minutes, the maximum effect appears after a 2-hour period of time. The action is enhanced if you drink intensively.

Enterosgel is taken orally, a few hours before meals, preferably in the morning, on an empty stomach. It is recommended to drink plenty of water. You can immediately dissolve in a glass of water and drink. Take three times a day. Adults are recommended to take 1.5 tablespoons of the drug at a time, which is one package.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity pathological process and usually ranges from 3 to 5 days. With minor poisoning, three days is enough; with severe intoxication, they drink about 5 days. If necessary, the course of treatment can be extended up to 7-10 days.


All medicines can only be used after prior consultation with a doctor - this is the main precaution that must be observed in the treatment of poisoning. The fact is that during intoxication, any combination of drugs, or the remainder of toxins in the blood, can form stable toxic complexes, as a result of which, intoxication only intensifies. In addition, any therapy begins only after the complete neutralization of the toxin and its removal to the outside. In addition to increasing the symptoms of intoxication, a number of side effects may occur. At the same time, the development of heart and kidney failure, liver pathology, violation of the composition and function of the blood, up to death are considered the most dangerous.

For symptoms acute intoxication take activated charcoal. On the first day of treatment, 5-6 tablets are prescribed every 3-4 hours. In the following days, 5-6 tablets are prescribed every 4-5 hours. On the third day, take three times a day. The duration depends on the severity of the symptoms of intoxication.

IN acute phase poisoning, when probing a weak pulse, it is recommended to inject 1 ml of caffeine subcutaneously and call an ambulance.

In case of loss of consciousness, in violation of the activity of the heart muscle, adrenaline is used. It is a drug with direct sympathomimetic action. Active against alpha and beta adrenergic receptors. In doses used in resuscitation, adrenaline stimulates membrane receptors, causing peripheral vasoconstriction. It increases peripheral systemic resistance during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, thereby increasing the pressure of cerebral and coronary perfusion.

Adrenaline is available most often in two concentrations: 1 in 10,000 (10 ml - 1 mg of adrenaline). In the case of treating victims with defibrillation rhythms without a pulse, epinephrine is used at a concentration of 1 mg. It is administered after 3 fibrillations, then every 3-5 minutes (after one defibrillation). In the treatment of non-defibrillation rhythms, asystole, pulseless electrical activity, 1 mg of adrenaline is administered immediately, then every 3-5 minutes.

When carrying out cardiopulmonary resuscitation, 1 mg of adrenaline is administered intravenously. If it is difficult or impossible to provide intravenous or intraosseous access during circulatory arrest, use 3 mg of epinephrine in 10 ml of water for injection intratracheally.

The effect of adrenaline on the beating heart through beta receptors is to accelerate the frequency and increase the strength of contractions. It's potentially harmful effect, because myocardial oxygen demand increases, which can increase its ischemia. The beta-adrenergic action of adrenaline may increase cardiac and cerebral circulation regardless of the increase in perfusion pressure due to the action on alpha receptors.

Adrenaline increases myocardial excitability and therefore is a potentially arrhythmogenic substance, especially in conditions of ischemia or myocardial hypoxia. After resuscitation, adrenaline can cause ventricular fibrillation.

Lidocaine is an analgesic, antiarrhythmic agent that is widely used in resuscitation and first aid. Stabilizes membranes and acts by prolonging myocyte refraction time. Reduces automatism of the ventricles and reduces their ectopic activity. Reduces the activity of depolarized arrhythmogenic tissues, while minimally affecting the electrical activity of normal tissues.

Use in initial concentration 100 mg (1-1.5 mg/kg) in case of heart activity without a pulse. If necessary, you can additionally enter a bolus of 50 mg of the drug. total dose should not exceed 3 mg/kg during the first hour of treatment.

A high dose of the drug (over 3 mg / kg in the first hour) can provoke paresthesia, drowsiness, disorientation, muscle cramps, which can increase up to convulsions.

Calcium plays a critical role in the cellular processes that underlie the contractile activity of the heart muscle. There is a lot of evidence that confirms the positive effect of calcium in the treatment of intoxication, resuscitation, first aid. However, it must be taken into account that a high concentration of the drug in the blood can have negative impact to the ischemic myocardium.

The initial dose is 10 ml of 10% calcium chloride. Calcium can slow down the heart and cause rhythm disturbances. When circulatory arrest, it is administered quickly intravenously. It is impossible to inject solutions of calcium and sodium bicarbonate simultaneously through the same intravenous access. The initial dose can be repeated if necessary.


Vitamins are required during the recovery period, when the threat to life has already passed, and the main vital signs have stabilized. It is recommended to take vitamins in the following daily dosages:

  • Vitamin PP - 60 mg
  • Vitamin H - 150 mcg
  • Vitamin C - 500 mg
  • Vitamin D - 45 mcg
  • Vitamin K - 360 mcg.

Treatment of paint poisoning at home

At home, you can effectively cure poisoning and overcome its consequences. The main thing is to remember that when signs of poisoning appear, you need to provide first aid as soon as possible - remove the poison from the body, neutralize its effect and stabilize all vital signs. Only after that you can proceed to the restoration of the body, since the poison inevitably damages health, worsens general well-being. It is recommended that you first undergo an examination, consult a doctor in order to accurately identify the violations that have arisen in the body and take measures to eliminate them.

Below is an exemplary comprehensive program for the recovery of the body after intoxication, designed for 28 days (a complete biochemical cycle, during which the body is completely restored). You can do it yourself at home.

An important element of the program is the need to adhere to the principles healthy eating, because it lies at the heart of the full restoration of the body. When poisoned, almost always suffers digestive system Firstly.

1-14 day

The first and second weeks are aimed at cleansing the body of accumulated toxins and toxins. It is recommended to carry out a garlic microclyster, which will quickly neutralize and remove toxins, decay products, metabolites formed during maintenance therapy. Allows you to restore the normoflora, eliminate the consequences of dysbacteriosis, normalize the state of the mucous membrane. To cleanse the intestines during the day, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of infusion. For cooking, you need to take a tablespoon apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon table salt, dissolve in 2 liters of warm boiled water.

Also, twice a day, you need to take pumpkin seed oil (a tablespoon), which has an enveloping effect, restores and protects the mucous membranes. Within 7 days it is recommended to drink sorbents, such as enterosgel (1.5 tablespoons three times a day).

In the morning and evening time it is recommended to carry out a complex of cleansing breathing techniques, as well as perform some static exercises. Various complexes of health-improving practices of hatha yoga, qigong, and Chinese restorative gymnastics have proven themselves well. In the evening, it is recommended to drink sbiten, or oatmeal jelly, which will neutralize the remnants of toxins and cleanse the body. In addition, due to the enveloping action, there is a rapid recovery of the body.

14-28 day

It is recommended to use cleansing and restorative herbal decoctions, performing breathing and static exercises at least 2 times a day. It is possible to connect and perform some dynamic recovery complexes. It is recommended to perform special passive gymnastics aimed at restoring the spine and gastrointestinal tract. At this time, hirudotherapy works well. Visceral massage and lithotherapy sessions, which can be attended at a polyclinic or special rehabilitation clinics, can have a positive effect. Depending on how you feel, cleansing enemas can be stopped or continued.

You also need to follow a healthy diet. The diet must include fresh vegetables and fruits. Food should be boiled or steamed. The menu includes first courses, various cereals, as well as honey and dried fruits. Milk, dairy and sour-milk products will have a positive effect.

Instead of pumpkin seed oil and sorbent, you can start taking vitamin-mineral complexes. About which remedy to choose, it is better to ask a doctor. Silicon supplements have proven themselves well, which restore and cleanse the body, normalize mineral metabolism and water-salt balance.

At the end of the week, it is recommended to carry out a microclyster with linseed oil, as well as an aromatherapy session with complete relaxation. This will help to mobilize the body's internal resources, increase the body's resistance and endurance, its ability to resist various diseases. After the procedure, it is recommended to drink a decoction of cloves.

Alternative treatment

One of the main means of rehabilitation therapy after poisoning is bowel cleansing. For this, various enemas are used. Colon cleansing is recommended from 5 am to morning. This is due to the fact that the normal physiology of the human body provides each organ with a maximum energy supply twice a day. This The biological clock. For the large intestine, the peak of its activity falls on the period of time from 5 to 7 in the morning. At this time, it is recommended to start the cleansing process, which leads to recovery normal physiology and defecation.

To conduct an enema, you will need an Esmarch enema with a volume of 2 liters. First you need to conveniently position the enema. It is recommended to attach an enema hook of the desired height, on which the mug is fixed. It is better to prepare the wash water in advance - in the evening.

Under the enema, a rug is laid on the floor, after which it is necessary to remove the tube from the enema, leave it for insertion into the anus 5-6 cm. The tip is lubricated vegetable oil. Then you need to take a position lying on your back or side with bent knees. The legs are slightly parted, the enema is introduced and the flow of fluid is ensured. Then for some time it is recommended to take the knee-elbow position, or the Birch pose.

Wash water recipes for detoxification and rehabilitation treatment:

For 2 liters of boiled chilled water, a tablespoon of cranberry juice is required, or lemon juice, as well as a tablespoon of table salt. Mix thoroughly until the salt is completely dissolved, conduct an enema.

In the presence of inflammatory processes, a decoction of chamomile is used as a wash water (about 3-4 tablespoons per 2 liters of water).

For ulcerative erosive processes, swelling and bleeding, the following infusion is used: 2 liters of boiled water, a tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil, a tablespoon of table salt.

Milk for paint poisoning

Milk is good sorbent. It has the ability to bind toxins and bring them out. For the treatment and prevention of poisoning, it is recommended to use warm boiled milk, drink a glass twice a day. It is especially useful in the morning, on an empty stomach and in the evening, before going to bed. You can add a tablespoon of honey to milk. Honey will enhance the effect of milk, and will also have an additional anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

Herbal treatment

For the treatment of poisoning, a tripartite sequence is widely used. It binds and removes toxins from the body, has anti-inflammatory properties, improves digestion, and normalizes metabolic processes. It has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect. It is used for liver diseases, as well as a vitamin and general tonic. It is used in the form of infusions and decoctions. Prepare at the rate of 3 tablespoons per cup of boiling water.

Common chicory is used in the form of decoctions and infusions. Promotes appetite stimulation, normalization metabolic processes, peristalsis and motility, improves the functioning of the heart, nervous system, normalizes the main blood parameters. Roasted ground roots can be added to tea and coffee. To prepare a decoction, take about a tablespoon per glass of water.

Common hops are used in the form of infusions, decoctions. It is recommended to cook at the rate of a tablespoon per glass of water. Improves digestion, removes toxins and toxins, restores the mucous membrane, normalizes the microflora. Weakens cramps, eliminates pain, relieves inflammation, improves sleep.


Homeopathic remedies will only work if taken with care. The best measure is to consult a doctor before starting any treatment. Otherwise, multiple side effects. It should be borne in mind that many medicinal herbs, which are part of homeopathic remedies, can have a toxic effect on the liver, which allows them to be classified as plant poisons. In combination with toxins that have not yet been completely eliminated from the body, intoxication can only intensify.

In addition, there may be side effects in the form of increased pressure, impaired renal function, the occurrence allergic reactions, which can cause even ordinary chamomile and mint. Potentially dangerous medicinal herbs containing alkaloids. They can negatively affect the heart, blood vessels and lungs. Many substances of animal origin can also have an adverse effect. Many of them, under certain conditions, disrupt blood circulation. It is impossible to make mixtures without the recommendation of a doctor, to combine homeopathy with prescribed medicines. So, if some products contain tannins, others contain alkaloids, then toxic compounds can eventually form.

To restore the mucous membrane, it is recommended to take a mixture of herbal ingredients. For cooking, take about 50 grams of dried currants, dates, dried apricots, prunes, pass through a meat grinder. Mix with two tablespoons of honey, mix until a homogeneous mass is formed. Top with half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, ginger. Before use, mix, take a tablespoon three times a day.

Vitaminized juice has also proven itself well. For preparation, 150 ml of cranberry juice, pomegranate and multivitamin juice are required. They are mixed, freshly squeezed lemon juice is added, about 50 ml of rosehip syrup. All this is mixed, give the opportunity to brew for an hour. Drink morning and evening 50 ml with the addition of a teaspoon of honey.

The recovery mixture is used for inflammatory processes and pain in the stomach and intestines. For cooking, approximately 100 ml of sea buckthorn oil, 2-3 large leaves of aloe, 1-2 leaves of a golden mustache are required. The leaves are passed through a meat grinder or finely chopped, added to sea ​​buckthorn oil, insist for 2-3 hours. After that, use a tablespoon on an empty stomach.

To eliminate the symptoms of intoxication, oatmeal with honey is used. So, to prepare a decoction, you need about 100 grams of oats per 500 ml of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes after boiling, then set aside, allow to cool to a warm state. Add a tablespoon of honey, stir thoroughly until the honey is completely dissolved. Drink 100 ml twice a day.

Paint is a chemical. It is often used by people during renovation work. Poisoning it can cause irreparable harm to human health. In this article, we took a detailed look at paint poisoning, causes, symptoms, first aid principles, and treatment for this condition.

The main causes of paint poisoning

Paint vapor poisoning most often occurs due to non-compliance with safety rules when self-fulfillment home renovation. The peak of such poisonings falls on the spring-summer period. A person can inhale paint while applying it to surfaces or while it dries.

In rare cases, poisoning develops as a result of ingestion of paint by children. Such conditions are dangerous, often ending in death.

Clinical manifestations of paint poisoning

When poisoning with paint vapors, symptoms appear within 1-2 hours after contact with it. The patient's condition is rapidly deteriorating, he develops:

  • weakness;
  • redness of the conjunctiva, lacrimation, burning sensation in the eyes;
  • severe, unbearable headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • profuse diarrhea;
  • tachypnea - rapid breathing, shortness of breath may be observed;
  • the smell of acetone from the mouth;
  • pale skin;
  • loss of consciousness.

What happens if you drink paint? In case of oral paint poisoning symptoms appear quickly, within 5-10 minutes. Signs of acute poisoning develop. These include:

  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • heartburn, burning sensation in the mouth, esophagus and stomach;
  • the smell of acetone from the mouth;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • profuse diarrhea;
  • tachycardia - rapid heartbeat;
  • impaired consciousness, coma possible.

What is the danger of paint poisoning

When intoxicated with paint, internal organs and systems suffer. First of all, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are affected. In the absence of urgent medical care, a person develops the following disorders in the body:

  • level reduction blood pressure(hypotension) and accelerated heart rate. With the help of these processes, the body tries to ensure a full blood supply. Further develops cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • a burn of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract leads to the development of respiratory failure;
  • when taking paint inside, first of all, the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach is affected. After the absorption of chemicals into the blood, hepatic and kidney failure, the pancreas suffers;
  • visual impairment occurs due to irritation of the eyes with vapors of paint. Prolonged contact with this chemical may damage the optic nerve.

How to help a person with paint intoxication

What to do in case of paint poisoning? First of all, you should take the person outside or into a room with clean air. The more he comes into contact with this chemical, the more poisoned he will be.

Remember that first aid to the victim can only be started in a room with clean and not poisoned air. Don't forget about your safety.

After taking the victim to Fresh air call an ambulance immediately, to the dispatcher by phone, describe in detail the symptoms of the patient, the circumstances of contact with the paint and name your location correctly. Treatment of poisoning with the smell of paint is carried out in intensive care or toxicological department. While the SMP team is coming to you, start providing first aid to the victim. This can slightly improve the patient's well-being.

Please note that self-treatment for paint poisoning is dangerous. It can lead to severe disruption of the internal organs and death.

First first aid for paint poisoning:

  1. Provide the patient with free access to air. Unbutton his shirt, tie, open wide open all the windows in the room.
  2. Rinse eyes, face and hands with running water. If the paint gets on the skin, try to wash it off.
  3. Cleanse your stomach. To do this, you need to drink a liter of plain water and provoke vomiting. Do not add potassium permanganate or any other substances to the solution for gastric lavage.
  4. After washing the stomach, the patient can be given sorbents. It can be activated carbon, smecta, atoxil, sorbex or enterosgel. Sorbents should be taken to relieve intoxication of the body.
  5. Give the person a drink. It can be warm sweet tea, mineral or table water, compote, milk.
  6. If the victim is unconscious, lay him on a flat surface, turn his head to one side, control his breathing and pulse. It is most convenient to check the heartbeat on the carotid artery, which runs on the anterolateral surface of the neck. Breathing can be checked by placing your hand on chest sick. When breathing and pulse stop, an indirect heart massage should be started.

First aid

The ambulance team, having arrived at the call, will first of all assess the condition of the victim, check his pulse, respiration, saturation and blood pressure. You should tell the doctors about what happened and about the help that you managed to provide on your own.

Doctors will connect the patient to oxygen, a dropper and will carry out immediate hospitalization for further treatment.

Treatment in a hospital

The duration of treatment in the hospital depends on the condition of the victim. With mild poisoning, it can last 2-3 days. First aid consists of:

  • intravenous administration of solutions to relieve intoxication;
  • stabilization of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • gastric lavage and sanitation of the respiratory tract;
  • hemodialysis - blood purification using an artificial kidney, is carried out in case of severe intoxication.

To identify complications from the internal organs, a detailed laboratory and instrumental examination patient, which consists of:

  • general blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • ultrasound examination of internal organs;
  • radiography of the lungs;
  • electrocardiograms.

In case of burns of the mucous membrane of the lungs, bronchoscopy may be necessary. During this procedure, the doctor inserts a bronchoscope through the nose or mouth and examines the inside of the airways with it.

Paint poisoning most often occurs during repair work. A person can inhale its vapors during application or during the drying period of the paint. Intoxication with paint manifests itself after 1-2 hours with headache, nausea, shortness of breath, and the smell of acetone from the mouth. In case of severe poisoning, breathing and heart function may be disturbed. Treatment is carried out in a hospital. Its duration depends on the degree of damage to the internal organs and on the condition of the patient.

It is known that any chemicals (carcinogens, poisonous gases, pesticides) pose a serious health hazard. It is safe to add paints and solvents to this list, which a person periodically uses in the household.

Paints and varnishes are hazardous to health

Painting a gate in a private house or walls, a radiator, a threshold, doors in an apartment is a familiar activity and, it seems, does not require certain knowledge. However, the often underestimated danger posed by dyes ends in poisoning.

Evaporation of vapors containing in its solvent, trichlorethylene, enters the respiratory tract, mucous membranes, is absorbed into the blood and quickly delivered to all organs, which causes a disruption in the work of each of them. Paint poisoning can also occur when old coatings are scraped off or present when they are burned, posing a risk of lead toxicity in the paint.

Types of poisoning

In medicine, paint poisoning is divided into acute and chronic.

Acute intoxication is most often observed in the summer, when a person has more opportunities to make repairs on his own, correct home interior details by painting. Few people care about safety precautions at the time of performing such work, and at this time, paint vapors penetrate the body, gradually causing a deterioration in overall well-being. Symptoms of poisoning are observed literally in the first hours after the start of work with paint materials.

Chronic paint poisoning is characteristic of professional painters and other professions who are forced to contact paintwork materials for a long time and often and inhale their toxic fumes. Unlike acute intoxication, the symptoms of chronic intoxication do not manifest themselves immediately, sometimes after several months: fatigue gradually accumulates, signs of depression are observed. Such people are advised to periodically contact medical institutions for diagnosis and receiving correct and timely therapy.

Paint poisoning: symptoms

Intoxication with paints and varnishes is determined by primary and remote symptoms.

The primary ones are:

Paint poisoning, the symptoms of which depend on the type of poisonous substance, may be accompanied by specific manifestations. So, intoxication with acetone and trichlorethylene causes a state similar to alcohol intoxication: confusion, general weakness, moments of euphoria. The victim's breath acquires a specific smell. With inaction on the part of others, damage to the nervous system will continue, and the victim may even die.

Consequences of paint poisoning

The long-term consequences of poisoning with dyes include:

  • dysfunction respiratory system: the required amount of oxygen ceases to flow into the lungs, which causes the appearance of sharp headaches. Vapors of paint cause a feeling of tightness in the chest, heavy breathing, regular dry cough;
  • failures in the functionality of the cardiovascular system, lowering blood pressure;
  • lack of appetite, constant nausea;
  • apathy, chronic fatigue, insomnia, decreased mental activity;
  • discomfort in the eyes, dryness, redness. A noticeable decrease in vision due to constant irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes with paint vapors.

Necessary measures in case of poisoning

If paint poisoning occurs: what to do?

When observing the victim, urgently, first aid should be provided, including a number of the following measures:

  • ensuring the maximum influx of fresh air: it is required to open all doors and windows for ventilation, it is better to carefully take the patient (take out) to the street;
  • remove outer clothing from the victim, about the reason for the accumulation and retention of toxic substances by the fabric;
  • rinse eyes, face, open areas of the body with water;
  • organize a plentiful warm drink and induce vomiting. Give a sorbent (for example, activated carbon);
  • when the victim is in an unconscious state, it is required to lay him on his side and, in order to ensure a more stable position, bend in knee joint one leg. You can bring the patient to life with a cotton swab dipped in ammonia, which should be brought to the nose.

How to give first aid

Poisoning with paint vapors is accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure, intermittent or absent, weak heartbeat and poses a threat to the life of the victim. Therefore, it is urgent to call the emergency medical team.

What to do if severe paint poisoning occurs? Treatment at home consists in placing the patient on his back, which causes the patency of the upper respiratory tract. The mouth-to-mouth method requires artificial ventilation of the lungs. If the pulsation of the carotid artery is not palpable, an indirect heart massage is required. Prompt, clear, thoughtful actions on the part of others can save the victim's life.


Intoxication with paint vapors is treated by a toxicologist in a hospital and is reduced to gastric lavage, lung cleansing and intravenous drip of glucose. Also, the victim is prescribed sedatives and drugs to support cardiovascular activity. In severe cases, the patient is hospitalized in the intensive care unit.

In case of chronic intoxication, it is recommended to be examined comprehensively, after which the attending physician will prescribe necessary procedures and drugs ( vitamin complexes, hepatoprotectors, immunomodulators) to neutralize the harm caused by poisonous drugs. You should seriously think about changing jobs. If this event is not possible, frequent good rest in the fresh air should be provided.

Preventive actions

Paint vapor poisoning is easier to prevent than to subsequently deal with the damage caused to health. Necessary preventive measures when working with paints and varnishes are:

To work with paint, you must be guided by certain knowledge and skills. A frivolous attitude to painting work, carelessness and carelessness in handling paints can lead to irreversible consequences.

Everyone knows that chemicals are dangerous to health and can cause the strongest. Carcinogens, pesticides, pesticides immediately come to mind ... In fact, everything is much simpler - even ordinary paint can be poisoned, which happens quite often.

Work on painting some details in an apartment or a private house should be done at least once every 2-3 years. Many simply ignore the safety rules for this process - they paint without protective equipment, they do not provide fresh air to the room. And the result of such a careless attitude is poisoning with paint fumes.

Table of contents:

Classification of paint vapor poisoning

In medicine, two types of the condition under consideration are distinguished - acute and chronic.

Acute paint fumes poisoning

This type of condition under consideration is diagnosed most often, the “peak” occurs in the spring and summer periods - at this time people massively begin to repair their homes. The problem is that in case of acute poisoning, a person may not immediately notice the symptoms, and this leads to a deterioration in health and the development of complications.

Chronic paint fumes poisoning

This kind of condition in question is diagnosed in people who constantly inhale paint fumes through the upper respiratory tract - this may be due to professional activity. Most often, in chronic poisoning with paint vapors, doctors also note such people, and this does not go away even after a long weekend and a good rest.

Note:in case of acute poisoning with paint vapors, the first symptoms will appear within a few hours, but with chronic form of this condition, the symptoms will appear only after a few months.

Paint fumes poisoning - symptoms

Acute and chronic paint fumes poisoning will differ in symptoms. In the first case, the following signs of intoxication of the body will be present:

IN individual cases when the poisoning is acute, and the human body is too weak, confusion, a feeling of euphoria, the patient may develop, his skin becomes pale, and breathing is frequent and shallow.

Signs of chronic paint poisoning

In general, it is very difficult to diagnose this condition in time - the symptoms in the first months are either completely absent or not sufficiently pronounced. First of all, a person should pay attention to general well-being - in case of chronic poisoning with paint vapors, weakness and lethargy will be present, but the usual cheerfulness that is available immediately after waking up from good sleep, will be absent. Against this background, a person may notice rapid fatigue even after performing physical and / or mental work in small quantities. But others can pay attention to the sudden absent-mindedness and forgetfulness of a person who develops chronic poisoning with paint fumes.

The most dangerous thing about this is that a person quickly gets used to unpleasant sensations ceases to pay attention to the symptoms. He tries to solve the problem on his own - for example, in the morning a person drinks a large cup of strong, in the evenings (“with a fit”) - a couple of glasses of alcoholic beverages. And such behavior seems to help, but the improvement is temporary, after a short time a person with chronic intoxication experiences all these symptoms, and they become more intense.

It is also worth noting some atypical signs of chronic paint vapor poisoning:

  • appetite decreases;
  • there is no desire for sexual intimacy;
  • sweating increases;
  • hair becomes dull and brittle;
  • (briefly but regularly)
  • joints swell after hard work.

Note:in case of acute poisoning with paint vapors, first aid should be given to the patient. And this help must be correct so that the development of severe consequences of such a sharp intoxication of the body can be avoided.

Help with acute paint vapor poisoning

If there are symptoms of the condition in question, then the patient needs to be given first aid. This concept includes the following:

  • provide an influx of fresh air - for example, open a window wide open, a door, make a draft;
  • provide the patient with a plentiful alkaline drink;
  • in the case of patients, it is necessary to lay it on the floor, turn on its side and torso, and head - this will prevent the ingestion of vomit;
  • to the nose of the patient you need to bring a cotton swab moistened with ammonia.

Note:if poisoning with paint vapors has led to a too severe course of intoxication, then you need to immediately call an ambulance brigade. If the poisoned person has stopped breathing, then he needs to do artificial respiration"mouth to mouth", in the absence of a pulse on the carotid artery - an indirect heart massage.

After the first aid is provided to the patient, he is placed in a medical institution, where doctors carry out full treatment.

Principles of treatment for paint vapor poisoning

First, the victim is given full examination- in the laboratory, they find out which toxins have entered the body. The fact is that in different types of paint and even in different brands of this finishing material, completely different chemical components can be present. And the treatment of poisoning with chlorine, lead or ammonia is radically different.

Secondly, the patient must be injected intravenously with glucose. At the same time, doctors wash the patient's stomach, carry out activities aimed at cleansing the lungs of accumulated toxic substances.

Thirdly, as part of therapy for paint vapor poisoning, special medications are prescribed that will support the cardiovascular system and improve the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Be sure to carry out and.

Note:many people, when the first symptoms of acute poisoning with paint vapor appear, try to restore their health with folk remedies - they drink in large quantities (“provides sediment and removes toxins”), use activated charcoal and infusions / lemon balm. Such self-treatment is fraught with the development of serious consequences, so it is advisable to seek help from professionals.

Help with chronic paint fumes poisoning

With the development of chronic poisoning with paint vapors, only a qualified doctor can provide competent assistance - there should be no self-treatment, and even more so, there should not be any stimulant drugs.

IN medical institution the patient will undergo a full examination, then only a specialist will be able to choose effective treatment. It consists in the appointment of detoxification therapy, maintenance therapy to improve the functioning of the heart, vascular system, liver and kidneys.

Note:treatment of a patient diagnosed chronic poisoning paint vapors should take place only in a hospital - the doctor will regularly conduct examinations, observe the course of the disease and monitor the tests over time.

With proper therapy, the patient's health is fully restored, toxins are gradually eliminated from the body. Of course, it will be necessary to stop working in close contact with paints and regularly undergo preventive examinations, Spa treatment(at least once a year).

Possible consequences of poisoning with paint fumes

If paint vapor poisoning is chronic, or professional medical care has not been provided for acute poisoning, then in the future there may be serious problems with the health of the victim. TO possible consequences condition under consideration include:

  1. Disorders of the cardiovascular system - developing or chronic.
  2. Problems in the functioning of the respiratory system - when inhaling paint vapors, a burn of the upper respiratory tract can occur, which leads to the inability to take a full breath, and this is fraught with chronic oxygen starvation, which affects the vessels and the brain.
  3. Pathologies of the ophthalmological direction - even a slight burn of the mucous membrane of the eyes leads to a decrease in vision.

In addition, if the action of toxins on the body occurs in a chronic manner and no therapeutic measures are taken, then pathologies of the liver and kidneys develop - the main "filters" of the human body.

Prevention of paint vapor poisoning

To avoid poisoning with paint vapors, when working with this finishing material, you must follow the safety rules.

These include:

  • work only in a well-ventilated area;
  • be sure to wear a respirator or mask, which must be changed frequently in case of a large amount of work;
  • take frequent breaks in work - every 60-90 minutes you need to go out into the fresh air and rest for 20-30 minutes.

Paint vapor poisoning is a serious condition that requires professional medical attention. hope for folk remedies, advice from grandmothers and some fashionable health magazines is not worth it - only well-conducted detoxification therapy will help to fully restore health.