Physiotherapeutic treatment of lactostasis. How justified is ultrasound treatment for lactostasis? Ultrasound of the breast for lactostasis

Physiotherapeutic treatment was once treated only as an additional, rather preventive, auxiliary measure that did not deserve special attention.

Fortunately, doctors quickly noticed and re-evaluated their attitude towards physical therapy techniques for breastfeeding problems.

Today, physiotherapy for lactostasis is used as widely as possible.

And most women are immensely grateful to precisely these treatment methods, which were able to quickly and effectively correct their breastfeeding of newborns.

And all because modern medicine began to regard physiotherapeutic treatment as the most effective, time-tested procedures that allow adequate treatment for lactostasis.

Various physiotherapeutic techniques allow you to quite quickly and most importantly effectively get rid of painful lumps in the chest. And in addition, physiotherapeutic treatment helps prevent the development of more complex infectious processes of the mammary gland (mastitis, for example).

The main advantage of full-fledged physiotherapeutic treatment for lactostasis can be considered the absolute absence of even minimal pain during the procedure, and in addition, complete and unconditional safety similar treatment, both for the mother and her child.

In addition to full-fledged physiotherapeutic treatment for lactostasis, it has great value right breastfeeding. It is important that a nursing mother understands how to properly attach a baby to the breast, what the feeding regimen should be, and what positions to use. However, let's not get ahead of ourselves, and we'll figure it out in order.

Main types of physiotherapeutic treatment of lactostasis

As we have already noted, physiotherapeutic treatment methods are the most effective and in safe ways relieving women of painful congestive processes that occur in the mammary gland.

All physiotherapeutic techniques are absolutely safe, quite effective and can give the desired effect as quickly as possible.

Most often, with lactostasis, women who experience difficulties with the outflow of breast milk are recommended to undergo:

  • Several sessions of ultrasound therapy.
  • UHF therapy sessions.
  • Electrophoresis sessions with certain medicines, herbal infusions, etc.

It is these techniques that make it possible to eliminate dangerous stagnation phenomena as quickly as possible, avoiding the degeneration of the process into inflammatory forms. When using such physiotherapeutic techniques, along with congestion, painful nipple cracks can disappear faster and other microtraumas of the breast can be eliminated.

The mechanism of action of such procedures, first of all, lies in a noticeable improvement in the processes of outflow of breast milk, in improving blood circulation, in increasing lymphatic outflow, etc.

First of all, such reactions of the body to procedures occur due to a moderate increase in temperature in the treated areas, due to a moderate massage effect.

In addition, all three mentioned procedures have an important anti-inflammatory effect for this disease, which is excellent as an excellent prevention of the development of mastitis.

Note that in some cases, physiotherapy for congestion in the breast of a nursing mother can use methods of stimulating the adrenal cortex. It's about reconciliation this disease low-intensity high-frequency magnetic therapy.

Lymphatic drainage techniques, such as alcohol compresses and medicinal electrophoresis with the addition of oxytocin, can also be more than effective for milk stagnation.

But the most important thing that needs to be said about the choice of physiotherapeutic treatment for women suffering from lactostasis is the fact that such treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor who can first make sure that the soreness of the mammary gland is associated precisely with milk stagnation, and not with other, more dangerous , diseases.

How to adjust feeding during stagnation

It is believed that you need to put your baby to the breast as often as possible. It is very important to understand exactly how to apply infant, so that he is able to properly grasp the mother’s breast and, as a result, empty it as much as possible.

E. Malysheva: B Lately I receive many letters from my regular viewers about breast problems: MASTITIS, LACTOSTASIS, FIBROADENOME. To completely get rid of these problems, I advise you to familiarize yourself with my new technique based on natural ingredients...

  • Rule one is the mother’s convenience while feeding the baby. At the same time, it is important to try to ensure maximum comfort not only for the baby, but also for yourself. Feeding for both should be similar to rest!
  • Rule two is choosing the ideal pose. Literally in the very first days of meeting your baby, try to try several various options comfortable positioning of the baby when feeding him. In this case, you need to choose not one, but two or even three convenient positions, which it is advisable to alternate later.

It is important to remember that there are situations when changing the baby’s position during feeding is not only desirable, but very important and even necessary.

We are talking about nipple injuries, when the baby needs to be positioned so that he does not injure the affected area, etc. So, we would like to dwell in more detail on choosing the right positions when feeding.

Which feeding positions are most preferable?

Of course, each mother must choose a comfortable and correct position for feeding her baby strictly individually. The choice of positions depends on the baby’s activity, the shape of the mother’s breasts, and the individual preferences of both.

However, we want to describe several of the most successful positions to make it easier for mothers to make their choice.

  • Cradle position. In this position, the mother sits comfortably, the baby’s head is located on the mother’s elbow, and the baby lies with his tummy facing the mother. The position provides maximum comfort for the newborn since he lies almost like in a cradle, but only in his mother’s arms.
  • Hand feeding position. When the baby lies on the pillow directly under the mother’s arm (like a bundle under the armpit), facing the chest. The position is comfortable with a complete lack of pressure on the mother’s abdomen and a comfortable grip on the breast for the baby.
  • Position – both on their sides. This is a position when the baby and his mother lie on their sides, facing each other. The position is most convenient for milk stagnation, since it allows you to avoid even minimal pressure on the affected breast and, in addition, the second breast will also be in the most favorable physiologically correct position.

Of course, we have not given all possible positions for proper feeding, but nevertheless, these are precisely the location options that allow you to most effectively combat the manifestations of lactostasis, resorting to the help of your baby.

Do you still think that it is completely impossible to heal your body?

How can you identify them?

  • nervousness, sleep and appetite disturbances;
  • allergies (watery eyes, rashes, runny nose);
  • frequent headaches, constipation or diarrhea;
  • frequent colds, sore throat, nasal congestion;
  • pain in joints and muscles;
  • chronic fatigue (you get tired quickly, no matter what you do);
  • dark circles, bags under the eyes.

Lactostasis, unfortunately, is not uncommon in women during lactation. It is a condition of the lactating breast in which the processes of milk formation and milk flow are disrupted.

Most often, it occurs 3-4 days after the birth (although it can appear at any stage of feeding) of the baby in mothers who do not breastfeed, put the baby to the breast too rarely and do not express milk.

This article will talk about why lactostasis occurs, how it manifests itself, what to do about it, how to prevent it, and also about the importance of physiotherapy for lactostasis.

What is the reason?

Lactostasis occurs as a result of:

  • pathological changes in the mammary glands, such as mastopathy, scarring, cracked nipples;
  • chest injuries;
  • developmental anomalies (inverted nipples);
  • anatomical features ─ when the mammary glands have excessively tortuous ducts;
  • decreased immunity;
  • violations of personal hygiene rules;
  • sleeping on the side or stomach, when the chest is in a compressed position;
  • wearing the wrong underwear or underwear that does not fit, hard parts of the bra or seams interfere with blood circulation in some areas of the mammary gland and can lead to swelling and pain;
  • improper feeding technique, when the baby is incorrectly applied to the breast, it is not completely released, which leads to stagnation of milk in some lobes of the mammary gland;
  • too long intervals between feedings, when a young mother feeds her baby by the hour, and not on demand; The share of this reason is especially large in the development of lactostasis in the first days after birth, when lactation is just establishing.


Lactostasis is manifested by a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the chest, pain, and hardening of areas of the mammary glands. The temperature of the breast skin increases, redness appears, and body temperature may rise. The process usually affects both mammary glands. Expressing becomes difficult and sharply painful.

To similar clinical manifestations It should not be taken lightly, because if a woman is not helped in time, then an infection easily develops, and a more serious condition develops - mastitis, which requires a more comprehensive approach to treatment.

How to fight?

If lactostasis is detected at its earliest stage, then it is quite possible to cope with it at home, on your own, without going to the doctor. At the first signs of milk stagnation, you should:

  • Increase the number of times the baby attaches to the breast and monitor the technique. If for some reason it is impossible to feed your baby more often, you should often but carefully express a small amount of milk from the affected breast.
  • Before feeding, apply a warm compress to the affected area of ​​the mammary gland (for about 15 minutes), it will help relax the muscles and ducts, which are most likely in a spasmodic state.
  • Before putting the baby to the breast, gently massage the affected breast, this helps improve local circulation and speed up the resorption of seals.

Within 2-3 days after such actions, the symptoms decrease or disappear completely, but if it doesn’t get better, there is no need to delay seeing a doctor.

Sometimes it is necessary to use medications that have anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, and analgesic effects. But the use of all medications occurs only with the permission of the treating doctor, because this disease occurs at the most ambiguous time for treatment ─ during lactation. Since the use of drugs is limited, physical therapy is often prescribed for lactostasis.

Physiotherapy methods for lactostasis

From a variety of physiotherapeutic procedures, the physiotherapist individually selects the one that is needed in each specific case.

Most often prescribed:

  • Ultrasound therapy for lactostasis. Ultrasound, having a gentle effect on breast tissue, improves local blood circulation, facilitates the outflow of lymph, relieves pain, relieves swelling, and has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Centimeter and decimeter wave therapy. It has effects similar to ultrasound, but they are achieved using ultra-high-frequency electromagnetic oscillations of a certain range, with a certain wavelength. Has a warming effect on the area of ​​application.
  • Magnetotherapy. The clinical effect is achieved through the use of pulsed and alternating magnetic fields. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, hypocoagulating, vasodilating, and strengthening local immunity effect.

To obtain a good clinical effect, it is necessary to do about 8-10 procedures (relief occurs after approximately 2-3 sessions).

If desired, they can be carried out at home. To do this, you need to purchase the necessary equipment and learn how to conduct a session from a doctor or nurse in the physiotherapy department.

Contraindications to physical methods of treatment

Physiotherapy for lactostasis is not carried out if the following contraindications are present:

  • acute stage of mastitis;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • mastopathy;
  • fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands.

Lactostasis is not only discomfort and pain for a young mother, but also, in advanced cases, a threat to health. This is a condition that all expectant mothers should know about, because it is easier to prevent than to treat. But even if lactostasis occurs, timely and correct actions women will help you quickly cope with the problem.

Previously, physiotherapeutic methods of treatment were considered only as adjuvant therapy, whose role is not so great.

However, later, after more detailed research, medicine began to treat such treatment differently.

Nowadays, physiotherapy is used very widely, including for lactostasis.

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Benefits of the procedures

Treatment methods of this kind provide quick and painless relief, and they are absolutely harmless to the bodies of a nursing mother and her baby.

But to fully realize the potential of physical therapy, patients are required to adhere to the correct feeding regimen for newborns during treatment, as well as the use of special positions that ensure a complete outflow of all the milk secreted by the mammary glands.

Main types of therapy

Most often, to combat this pathology, gynecologists and mammologists prescribe the following methods of physiotherapeutic effects on the mammary gland:

  1. Ultrahigh frequency radiation.
  2. Darsonval currents.
  3. Ultrasound therapy.
  4. Electrophoresis.

Using the methods listed above, you can very quickly save a woman from hazardous phenomena stagnation, preventing the development of the inflammatory process in the mammary gland. In addition, with the help of physiotherapy, various microtraumas of the breast are effectively eliminated, including such common ones as cracked nipples.

The impact of this type of procedure is based on stimulating blood circulation, improving lymph circulation and milk outflow. It is possible to achieve such results due to a slight increase in temperature within the treated areas, as well as a light massage and anti-inflammatory effect from the above procedures.

Sometimes congestion in the mammary gland can be successfully combated by stimulating the adrenal cortex. Low-intensity high-frequency magnetic therapy will help achieve this.

It is important to know: physiotherapeutic procedures should be prescribed by a mammologist or gynecologist, who can determine whether we are talking about lactostasis or another, more serious pathology.

Also, a positive therapeutic effect can be achieved through the use of physiotherapeutic procedures that enhance lymph drainage:

  1. Compresses with alcohol.
  2. Electrophoresis with oxytocin.


This procedure is regularly used in complex therapy lactostasis and helps to effectively eliminate compactions in the breast tissue.

In cases where pumping does not lead to the disappearance of pain and discomfort, it is recommended to use ultrasound, which breaks up stagnant milk and easily massages the mammary glands.

In addition, lymphatic and blood flow increase significantly.

Darsonval currents

Darsonval is an excellent remedy that copes even with advanced cases of lactostasis.

The technique is based on dosed delivery of impulses electric current to compacted areas.

Resorption of pathological foci occurs due to the complex influence of several factors:

  1. Mechanical.
  2. Thermal.
  3. Physical.

Ultra high frequency field

The UHF technique is based on the use of ultra-high-frequency alternating electric current, which has a very high ability to penetrate deep into tissues.

Its effect leads to the dilation of blood vessels, as well as the intensification of oxidation and metabolic processes. Processing is carried out using devices UHF-62, “Impulse-3” and others.

Physiotherapeutic techniques are prohibited from being used for,.

Preferred feeding positions

Each mother makes her own choice of a comfortable position when breastfeeding. It is influenced by a number of factors:

  1. Child activity.
  2. Woman breast shape.
  3. Individual preferences of both.

However, there are several positions that are better than others for feeding children with lactostasis:

  1. "Cradle" The woman sits down in a position that is comfortable for herself, puts the baby on her tummy, and places his head on the bend of the elbow. The position is as comfortable as possible for the child, as it provides him with a position in the mother’s arms similar to the one in which he lies in the cradle.
  2. Underhand feeding position. The mother places her baby on the pillow under her arm, turning his face to his chest. The convenience of the position for a newborn lies in the fact that it is convenient for him to grasp the mother's breast, and for the mother - there is no pressure on her stomach.
  3. Both are on their sides. The woman and her child are positioned on their sides opposite each other, face to face. The best position for lactostasis, since the affected breast does not experience any pressure, and the location of the second breast is physiologically correct. Best Reviews Mommies are concerned with this particular position.

Note: There are other positions suitable for feeding with lactostasis, but those listed above are the most effective and help combat this pathological condition with the help of a newborn.

What positions are comfortable when feeding a baby, see the following video:

According to WHO, half of breastfeeding women experience problems associated with breastfeeding their babies. These are diseases of the mammary glands that lead to premature cessation of breastfeeding.

One of the main breast pathologies in the first 6 months postpartum period is lactostasis. Lactostasis or lactation mastitis is a painful and debilitating condition that negatively affects a new mother's desire to breastfeed her baby for as long as possible. Medical workers responsible for postpartum period in the life of women, they must, with their practical help and moral support, help the young mother overcome this difficult period in her life.

Read in this article

Causes and signs of lactostasis

Various forms of lactostasis occur during breastfeeding in 4%-35% of women. This dispersion in statistical data indicates the absence of clearly defined clinical signs lactostasis, its differential diagnosis with mastitis of various etiologies.

Breast diseases that occur during breastfeeding are usually associated with the physiological conditions of the first postpartum weeks, although their manifestations can be expected at any time during breastfeeding. This includes any injuries to the nipples, cracks, or the occurrence of milk edema, which signals a blockage of the thoracic duct in the nipple area.

Any nipple injuries are caused by improper attachment of the baby to the breast; their occurrence reduces the possibility of normal breastfeeding. If a nursing woman experiences pain during feeding, the risk of premature cessation of feeding increases 10 times.

Violation of the integrity of the skin of the nipple or areola occurs in 20% of women in the first postpartum days. Infection causes complications pathological process and prolongs the treatment period.

Ultrasound in diagnostics

The main purpose of the ultrasound method in mammology is differential diagnosis liquid and acoustic dense formations of the mammary gland, as well as visual control of invasive and therapeutic manipulations. TO positive properties The method can be attributed to its harmlessness, speed, painlessness, and the possibility of frequent repetitions. An extremely important property of echography is the ability to specify the location of breast formations and the sectors of regional lymph flow zones.

Ultrasound is quite informative. The phenomena of lactostasis on scanograms are represented by sharply dilated milk ducts. Dilatation of the distal ducts and sinuses is most clearly defined. Lactostasis differs from mastitis in the preserved structure of the mammary gland and the absence of infiltration changes in the tissues.

Usually a distinction is made between compensated and decompensated lactostasis. A pharmacosonographic test with pituitrin helps to distinguish between these conditions. The patient is asked to thoroughly express the mammary gland, after which an ultrasound examination is performed, the diameter of the milk ducts is recorded, and 1 ml of pituitrin is injected intramuscularly. After 15-20 minutes, the ultrasound is repeated.

The test is considered positive if, upon repeated examination, a decrease in the diameter of the milk ducts is noted. In the absence of such a result, we can confidently speak of decompensated lactostasis, which requires appropriate drug treatment.

Ultrasound as a method of physiotherapy

The use of physiotherapeutic methods of treatment for problems with the mammary glands during breastfeeding has recently become quite widespread. One of them is ultrasound. This one is painless and effective method brings relief to a young mother after the first 2-3 sessions. With its help, work improves significantly thoracic ducts, milk production increases and the risk of developing inflammatory processes in the mammary gland. The procedure is combined with mandatory pumping, which is performed by an experienced specialist.

Ultrasound has a complex effect on the mammary gland. With its help, the patency of the thoracic ducts increases, expansion occurs blood vessels breast and the pain syndrome is completely relieved.

This effect is achieved due to the massage properties of ultrasound and its contribution to enhancing the nutrition of breast tissue by dilated blood vessels.

The procedure itself is carried out by a functionalist doctor. Using the ultrasound device's sensor, it processes the entire surface of the mammary gland, with the exception of the nipple and areola. The entire therapeutic effect on the breast lasts about 15-20 minutes, and the sessions themselves require 4-8, depending on the severity of the condition and the neglect of the process.

After the manipulation, a mandatory pumping procedure takes place, which, provided the mammary gland is warmed up and softened, does not cause any discomfort. pleasant sensations. If necessary, the young mother will be assisted in pumping by an experienced medical professional.

Contraindications to ultrasound sessions

Despite the simplicity and harmlessness of ultrasound, there are also contraindications to its use. First of all, this various pathologies central nervous system in a woman. Exposure to ultrasound, especially in the area of ​​the heart and mediastinum, can cause various disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system.

Various neoplasms of the mammary glands are also a contraindication for this method. Any thermal procedures usually cause cancer cell growth and degeneration benign tumors into malignant ones.

Mastopathy in the tissues of the mammary glands is also a possible focus of a future oncological process and should not be exposed to ultrasound.

Well, of course purulent mastitis of various origins. Any congestive inflammation of the mammary gland requires first of all contacting a specialist to eliminate the need surgical treatment and massive therapy.

Before starting ultrasound treatment sessions, you must seek advice from an appropriate specialist. Like any other method of intervention in the physiology of the body, ultrasound can provide both positive and negative result. Self-medication should be excluded, especially in a young nursing mother.

Physiotherapy, and in particular ultrasound therapy, is used to treat many diseases of the mammary glands. Ultrasound allows you to eliminate seals in the human body, which is why it is so effective for lactostasis. This is a disease in which milk accumulates in the milk ducts and leads to stagnation.

Ultrasound allows you to quickly get rid of lumps in the breast and avoid the development of mastitis, which is accompanied severe pain, increased body temperature and a sharp deterioration in health. Mastitis can lead to tissue necrosis and sepsis. That is why it is very important to start treatment of lactostasis on time.

What a woman should do at the first symptoms of the disease is, first of all, to consult a gynecologist or mammologist.

The essence of the procedure

With lactostasis, stagnation of milk occurs, which causes unpleasant and painful sensations. This leads to tissue swelling and can cause inflammation.

This can happen if:

  • A young mother, due to lack of experience, cannot properly attach her baby to the breast.
  • There are long breaks between feedings, and the baby does not suck all the milk.
  • A woman wears tight underwear, which injures her breasts, or sleeps on her stomach, which causes compression of the milk ducts.
  • The baby cannot latch on.

Physiotherapy allows you to quickly get rid of painful sensations and is completely safe for a nursing mother.

Ultrasound works in this way:

  1. Milk liquefies in the mammary glands.
  2. Its outflow improves.
  3. Blood circulation improves.
  4. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, which helps prevent mastitis.
  5. Fights cracks and microtraumas in the nipple area.

Treatment of the mammary glands involves the use of a special device emitting ultra-high frequencies of the order of up to 3000 kHz. The procedure should be performed by an experienced professional.

Experts believe that several stages of the impact of ultrasound on the body can be distinguished:

  • The first stage is the impact itself, during which microscopic restructuring is observed cellular structures.
  • The second stage begins a few hours after the procedure. An increase in the protective functions of leukocytes can be observed.
  • The third stage is characterized by increased metabolism in tissues.
  • At the last stage, carbohydrate metabolism increases and blood circulation improves.

Based on this reaction of the body to ultrasound, we can assume that its use for lactostasis is more than appropriate.

How many procedures will have to be done depends on the degree of development of the disease. Treatment must be done every day. Usually a woman needs to do 5-8 procedures. One session lasts only 15 minutes. After its completion, the woman must express breast milk. This will be very easy, as ultrasound clears the milk ducts. This milk cannot be used to feed a baby.

The treatment does not cause any discomfort. A special device allows you to gently influence the breasts, creating the effect of a pleasant massage, in which the woman feels only relaxing, pleasant warmth.

It may be painful when pumping after the procedure. But its intensity is much lower. It can’t be compared to what a woman feels when trying to strain at home without resorting to treatment.

Ultrasound for lactostasis is actively used all over the world. It allows you to quickly improve the condition of the mammary glands. You don’t need to do many procedures for healing to occur. You feel better after just two or three sessions.

What to do at the first signs of lactostasis?

Physiotherapy is prescribed in advanced cases when there is a threat of mastitis.

To avoid this condition of the mammary glands, you must:

  1. Monitor feeding technique: the baby must latch onto the breast correctly and should be applied to the sore breast more often.
  2. During feeding, it is necessary to massage the breasts to completely empty them of milk.
  3. You can’t pump too often, otherwise more milk will come in and the condition of the mammary glands will worsen even more.
  4. Before feeding, you need to put a warm diaper on your chest. This must be done in order to improve milk flow.
  5. When expressing, you need to try to free the areas of compacted mammary glands from milk as much as possible.

If you are unable to correct the situation on your own, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible. The hospital will prescribe the necessary medications, physical therapy, and help you express your sore breast.

Who is not suitable for treatment?

Despite the undoubtedly positive effect on the body, ultrasound cannot be used by everyone.

This treatment is contraindicated for those who:

  1. Suffering various diseases nervous system.
  2. At malignant tumors.
  3. For mastopathy. Ultrasound treatment in this case can lead to the formation of cancer cells.
  4. Suffering from fibroadenoma of the mammary glands.

If there are no such health problems, ultrasound will be a real salvation for milk stagnation.

Experts have proven that the use of ultrasound is absolutely safe, so no matter how many procedures a woman has to undergo, she need not be afraid that this will negatively affect her future condition.

Ultrasonic waves transform stagnant masses of milk into an emulsion, thereby improving outflow. This allows you to get rid of the symptoms of lactostasis in a short period of time. That is why ultrasound treatment is the best solution to this problem.