A languid look. Physiognomy of the eyes. Eye makeup - step by step instructions

When a man wants a woman, she subconsciously feels it. But sometimes, in order to be convinced of her feelings, she needs confirmation, an objective look from the outside. There are certain signs that reveal a man’s desires and thoughts, even if he desperately tries to hide them. Special attention Looks, gestures, body language and unusual behavior should be noted.


Eyes are the mirror of a person's soul. Even if a person wants to hide his emotions, his gaze always gives him away. You just need to learn how to read eye expressions correctly. If a man wants a woman, he looks at her in a special way. Typically, a revealing glance lasts a fraction of a second, so an inattentive person may not notice it. But if you watch, or better yet, record a man on video, signs of lust will be visible:

Experiment. To confirm your feelings, you need to move a few tens of meters away from the man and observe (secretly) his behavior for 10-15 minutes. If he periodically glances in your direction, you can judge increased interest and a possible desire to get closer.

Body language and gestures

The human body can tell a lot. Posture, pose, gestures always mean something. The body gives vent to emotions through them. If a person tries to suppress his feelings, his blood pressure rises. Scientists use this fact for lie detector testing. But how do you understand that a man wants you? Look out for the following signs:

Your feet will tell the whole truth. For some women, confirming a man's desire is not enough. They want to know how serious and direct his intentions are. Feet speak most reliably about honesty. If a man has nothing to hide, then his feet will be brought together and his toes will be pointed in your direction.


A man who is burning with desire behaves differently than others. Hormones are boiling in his blood, he constantly thinks about how to get what he wants. These can be either direct actions of conquest or diligent efforts to hide their intentions. But nothing will escape an attentive person. So, how to understand that a guy wants you:

Author's advice. It is important to understand that each sign individually does not mean anything. For example, a dreamy look may indicate that a man is simply drunk. Tapping your fingers and shifting from foot to foot can indicate a rush, a desire to go to the toilet.

In order to form an objective opinion about a man’s thoughts and intentions, each individual sign must be perceived as a piece of a puzzle. If a woman is truly desired, they will come together.

What's next?

Well, now you have made certain conclusions about the desires of a man. The question arises, what to do next with this? You can’t come up and say directly that it has been revealed and you know everything. No, the girl should act differently. If she is interested in a guy and she also wants to have a relationship with him, she needs to demonstrate her readiness:

  1. When the guy looks at you again, look him straight in the eyes and smile. Your openness will help him relax.
  2. Wear more modest outfits. Let one thing be open - neckline, legs or thighs. Firstly, a man should not be oversatiated, and secondly, when you are in a revealing outfit, it is more difficult for him to think and act.
  3. Ask for advice or ask for help. A proven way to get to know each other better.
  4. Be simple and open. There is no need to pretend to be impregnable and touchy. In this case, the man will burn out faster than decide to approach and admit his intentions.

In conclusion, it should be recalled that being mysterious and intriguing is a woman’s prerogative. The stronger sex works differently. If a man really wants something (especially a woman), he will do everything to get it. Even the most modest guy becomes persistent, purposeful and decisive. Therefore, a woman just needs to wait and see how he shows himself.

Olga, Moscow

And how is it determined? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. The canons of beauty accepted throughout the world rarely turn out to be an expression of universal opinion. Is it possible to express it, because every person likes something specific? The most amazing thing is that a disadvantage for one for another is the very “zest” that the eye clings to.

Beauty of the eyes

Since ancient times, people have said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Sometimes you can argue with this statement, insisting that appearances are much more deceptive. However, to a large extent, it is the eyes that form the impression of a person.

They can be different - large, small, deep-set, etc. But each look is unique, and it is almost impossible to find another one like this. But even if you find similar eyes, they will look differently, because they belong to a completely different person.


What is the drag that changes the look so much? Academic dictionaries say that dragging is a cover, haze, veil. It becomes clear that the dragging is a kind of cover. In this way, one can gradually approach the concept of mystery. After all, it is she who is especially attractive to people with such eyes. A clouded gaze is always mysterious; it is almost impossible to catch it, follow it, or even understand it. It doesn't say anything, it's just beautiful in itself.

It follows that the smoky look gained popularity precisely because of secrecy and secrecy. After all, these are the qualities that have always attracted men. A certain mystery should always remain, and it is the languid eyes that allow a woman at any age to remain desirable and in demand.

What's wrong with a cloudy eye?

A lot has been said about such eyes. They were sung in ancient times and are admired to this day. What is this mysterious look? It is believed that cloudy eyes are clouded. They look tenderly, playfully, languidly, as if caressing with one touch. Such eyes have been found in many recognized beauties of all times.

Physiological basis

Any person, any age and gender can have such eyes. It is impossible to explain the enchanting look from a scientific point of view. Today it is generally accepted that this is an innate feature that is either present or not. It is definitely worth noting that this is not the case and there are no problems with the eyes due to the glazing.

A distinctive feature of such eyes is the lack of focusing on anything. To a greater extent, this is what causes the mysterious and attractive effect. But there is one more small detail - the iris of the eye does not touch the lower eyelid

A similar highlight is found in many world-famous and beloved people, such as A. Abdulov, L. Guzeeva, O. Hepburn, etc. Also, the features of a mysterious look include the presence of fluffy and long eyelashes that “caress” anyone looking at them.

Meaning in physiognomy

Physiognomy is a science that deals with research. It claims that appearance can tell absolutely everything about a person as an individual. In this case, the smallest details are taken into account, such as shape, cut, color, location, clarity, brightness of the eyes. And this is only one part of the face. A detailed study of its characteristic features can provide complete information about a person’s inclinations, preferences, talents and weaknesses.

In the East, it is generally accepted that the eyes are the most important part of the face. When conducting the analysis, the reference point is the area around the eyes. This is explained by the fact that only they do not change throughout life, while the nose, mouth, forehead - all of this undergoes gradual change and aging.

A languid gaze is always distinguished by amazing clarity or brilliance. People with such eyes stand out from the rest because they seem truly alive, enthusiastic and happy. And this means the inner strength of a person. In addition, hooded eyes have a special shine that adds sexuality and charm to the look.

As for their sizes, there are no clear restrictions. A languid look enchants the beholder, even if the eyes are not located entirely harmoniously from the point of view of the developed canons of beauty. Naturally, at all times they caused a storm of praise. However, small female eyes speak of the spirituality of their owner and her inner strength. At the same time, we repeat, if a person has a smoky look, then the size of the eyes fades into the background.

What is a person with eyes like that like?

Physiognomy characterizes a person with a clouded gaze as a romantic, passionate person. It is about such people that books are written and poems are composed - they are capable of surrendering to the whirlpool of passions, violating any moral and social laws. But one should not assume that these are immoral or indifferent people - they devote themselves too much to what attracts them.

The description of the eyes in physiognomy is based on many factors that need to be analyzed comprehensively. You should not judge a person only by a mysterious and beautiful look - you can make a very big mistake.

There are many other features of the facial structure, and only a comprehensive approach can give a plausible picture of the character and habits of their owner. In addition, the cultural influence of the environment, upbringing, etc. should not be ignored.

Men's eyes with glaze

For men, such eyes are very rare. But nevertheless, you can also meet representatives of the stronger sex with a mysterious, enchanting look. As the female audience notes, droopy eyes in men evoke interest, admiration and excitement. Knowing how to manage his advantage, such a man could conquer more than one woman.

A man's gaze looks attractive if he is mysterious and cunning - this is what most representatives of the fair half of humanity think. But there is a group of women who are sure that it doesn’t matter what color, size and shape of the eyes, with or without eyelids, the main thing is that the male’s gaze is confident and thirsty.

A similar opinion is expressed by an increasing number of women, saying that the main thing in a man is not his appearance, but his strength of character. However, it is difficult to stop admiring men whose facial features and eyes are almost perfect.

In Hollywood, famous actors with beautifully defined eyes occupy top places in the lists of sex symbols. The most attractive are considered to be: Brad Pitt, whose eyes are blue and soft, green-eyed Channing Tatum, brown-eyed Keanu Reeves, and Jude Law with large blue eyes, as well as the sophisticated Jared Leto.

Famous people

Each person's eye color is unique. People just combined them into similar shades to make things easier. And yet, most people agree that the most attractive hooded eyes are green or brown. However, it is useless to judge tastes. It is worth noting that the brown color gives the look a special mystery and inspires confidence in the beholder. And beautiful green eyes evoke admiration, while suggesting the presence of cunning and playfulness in a person.

Many famous people Both women and men had a mysterious, charming look. Perhaps it was this feature that helped them achieve popularity?

The eyes of the famous Indian actress Aishwarya Rai belong to this mysterious type of eyes. In many photos of the girl you can see all the qualities listed above. It is worth noting the singer Adele, who also boasts a languid gaze. You can't ignore the amazing Amanda Seyfried, Brown eyes Mila Kunis, Kristen Stewart and Kate Winslet. Among the male celebrities we can mention John Krasinski.

To summarize, it should be said that women's eyes have great beauty. It doesn’t matter whether they are languid, green, brown, big or small. You shouldn’t get hung up on such standards; they only limit your own perception. A person must accept himself as he is; only under this condition is it possible to achieve harmony. As for the above, it should be remembered that the most charming look is possessed by loving and beloved eyes.

IN Everyday life Sometimes we really want to know a little more about someone. After all, what girl doesn’t dream of understanding a guy’s behavior and what guy doesn’t dream of finding out how his beloved treats him? And parents?

It is incredibly important for them to know as much as possible about their child. And the key to this is physiognomy - Chinese method determination of personality type. Based on the data obtained during scientific research, we perceive more than half of all the information around us through non-verbal communications - gestures, facial expressions, etc. And the most important demonstrator of the soul is the gaze.

It's no secret that when meeting eyes, this is exactly what is difficult not to pay attention to, what is truly called the “mirror of the soul.” They personify a person’s feelings, his experiences, what is so hidden in inner world. It’s even easy to determine one’s character by the eyes, since, having at least some idea of ​​physiognomy, one can understand at the first glance at a person’s eyes whether he is good or evil, whether he is positive or negative.

When meeting a person, you should first of all pay attention to the features of his eyes, since their structure is inextricably linked with his character. Having learned to determine character, guided only by the eyes, you can discover a lot about a person, get to know him inside and out. To do this, it is necessary to take into account everything, right down to the size of the eyes, their shape, color, planting depth, location, size of the pupils, their structure, length and thickness of eyelashes.

What do the features of the eyes tell us?

Large and expressive

A person with large and expressive eyes often has sincere intentions and an artistic nature; they are sociable, resourceful and easy-going, and do not hesitate to express their feelings and emotions. We can say with confidence that the beauty of such eyes undoubtedly attracts the opposite sex, which can consequently cause problems in personal life and in general complicate life itself, especially if we are talking about a girl.

Bulging eyes"

The owner of the so-called “bully eyes” is often characterized as a person prone to everything related to excitement. Energy, risk, determination, huge ambitions, success and incredibly accurate intuition are his constant companions. For female half humanity having this type eyes, characterized by excessive temper and impulsiveness, sociability and openness, a high self-evaluation, craving for power, they are also distinguished by a tendency to recklessness and risk.

Small eyes

People with small eyes, as a rule, are stress-resistant, punctual, stubborn, principled, have a strong character and a clear position in life. They are as loyal as love relationships, and in friendly ones, however, they are very jealous, since they are generally insecure and too strict with themselves, despite their complacency. Moreover, in this case, men are much more picky about themselves than girls, who can always raise their self-esteem through makeup.

Deep-set eyes

Both men and women with deep-set eyes are characterized by such traits as conservatism, vulnerability, daydreaming, lightness and gullibility. They are also characterized by prudence and attentiveness regarding financial issues, aversion to risk - this is exactly what allows them to maintain a stable and strong position in the financial sector. Such people are often very successful precisely because of their calm and creative nature.

Slant eyes

What can be said about the owners of slanted eyes? They are definitely very optimistic, decisive, relatively self-confident and overly bold, as their adventurism and carefree behavior can sometimes lead to a wrong step, but it should be noted that their incredible self-confidence is often the main key to success. Riskiness and recklessness are their two main companions in life.

Corners of the eyes

As for people with the outer corners of their eyes looking up, first of all we should note their sad expression on their faces because of this. A person with this type of eye tends to engage in charity work and generally care too much about others, while forgetting about himself. For him, the good of others will always come first. Often, this ultimately leads to self-destruction, and others begin to take advantage of their immeasurable kindness and take it for granted. Such people need to increase their self-esteem, strive to suppress their weakness and, most importantly, always remember their own interests.

Big eyes

The look of a person who has rather large eyes and at the same time a small iris seems to be frightened, and his eyes widen, as if at the sight of approaching danger. Their strengths are cunning, generosity, insight, they have an unbridled character, their temperament can sometimes shock, however, due to their unabated restlessness, they do not tolerate commitments, which is why they should consider working with frequent changes of place, and with a partner relax more often apart .

Eyes with sclera

Sometimes you can meet people with sclera, in other words, with the white of the eye, surrounding the iris on all sides. A person with this type of eye has an unbridled temperament and often loses control over himself, after which he can easily fall into rage and hysterics.

Upward sloping eye edges

The upward sloping edges of the eyes indicate to us the sentimentality and “fragility” of a person, but here we should also note his courage and determination. So, for example, a man who is good-natured and optimistic will have the edges of his eyes slanted downwards, while a man who is insightful and intelligent will have the outer corner of his eye pointed and long. The brave, reckless and greedy are distinguished by a corner bent upward. Humble and submissive - a corner looking down.

To more accurately characterize a person by their gaze, it is necessary to take into account the following features::

- Eye location

The way the eyes are positioned relative to each other is important for the harmony of facial features. In the most good case the eyes should be located at a distance of approximately 2-2.5 cm. This indicates that the person is sociable and highly communicative, and has good relationships with others.

In the case when the eyes are set too close to each other, we can conclude that the person is weak-willed or weak-willed, and easily falls under the influence of others, in particular close people, who have a tangible impact or, in other words, influence on his life. If, on the contrary, the eyes are disproportionately distant from each other, this means that such a person has a strong and strong character and is not influenced by his parents; he is even more likely to have a cold relationship with them due to a lack of care and attention from his relatives.

- Eye and white color

The lives of those with dark brown eyes are filled with inexhaustible energy and unshakable optimism. Blue-eyed people tend to be incredibly kind, and people with green eyes are characterized by a certain mystery and high intelligence. The yellow tint tells of a person’s bright temperament, while the violet tint is characteristic of people who are not deprived of natural charm.

Thanks to the eyes, one can judge the state of human health, for example, the sclera is clean white are an indicator healthy body, while yellowish or reddish whites indicate problems. Sometimes the owners brown color The eyes have a bluish tint to the whites from birth, which gives such a person a little mystery.

- The relationship between eyelashes and temperament

People with short and sparse eyelashes are often sedentary and inactive. Short and thick eyelashes indicate the opposite - a person is full of energy, has a fairly aggressive temperament and a strong character. Long eyelashes speak of the kindness, openness and good heart of the owner.

- Wrinkles around the eyes

Oddly enough, wrinkles on the outer corners of the eyes, the so-called “ crow's feet”, testify to a person’s sexuality, his bright and passionate temperament. If the crow's feet are directed upward, we can conclude that the person has a persistent character, which always gives him the opportunity to achieve his goals. However, if these wrinkles are directed downwards, this may indicate possible failures in your personal life.


Heavy eyelids speak of a person’s determination, sensual nature, insight, sexuality, attractiveness and, most likely, a cold heart. If the upper eyelid falls from the middle to the corner of the eye, the so-called “dragging look,” this indicates a person’s pessimistic character. Warm and feminine ladies will be distinguished by a slightly drooping lower eyelid, but if it is swollen in the middle, this will indicate that the woman is overly self-centered. Swollen lower and upper eyelids they only talk about fatigue.

Basic Keys of Nonverbal Communication

The intentions and thoughts of the interlocutor are often very easy to determine just by a characteristic look. For example, a direct gaze indicates enthusiasm for the conversation, and a running glance to the opposite side indicates uninteresting communication, although, with rare exceptions, this may indicate a desire to express something or a feeling of guilt.

You should not look closely at a stranger; very often this demonstrates aggression. By quickly looking at someone, a person will involuntarily show his dissatisfaction with his presence.

Lost in their thoughts and memories, people usually look up to the left. Looking up to the right speaks of the mental design of any actions and events. They say that a person has his head in the clouds if his gaze is unfocused and directed straight ahead, but he is simply focused on his problems.

Looking down and to the right demonstrates a person completely immersed in thoughts about sensations and touches, and if the gaze is completely lowered to the floor, this indicates deep internal philosophical reasoning.

What does a man's look at a woman say?

If a guy looks to the side, imperceptibly following the girl’s gaze, this indicates his interest, while strong love is distinguished by direct and gaze. A man probably lacks any romanticism towards a woman when he looks as if “above” her; such a look only speaks of his narcissism. Also, a man is clearly not interested in communicating with this or that woman if his gaze is fixed on third-party things or objects, or if he is looking at his feet.


So, in conclusion, it should be noted that thanks to the science of physiognomy, we have the opportunity, even at the first meeting, to draw certain conclusions about a particular person, which can subsequently greatly simplify communication with this person and help us easily establish productive relationships. You should just be a little more attentive to the little things, because it is in them that the truth lies.

Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011 ... Dictionary of synonyms

dragging - (wrongly dragging). Occurs in the expression with a drooping eye... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian

POVOLOKA - POVOLOKA, and, female. Light veil, haze (1 value). Foggy p. Eyes with a cloudiness (about a clouded or languid look). Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Povoloka - w. 1. A light veil, a haze covering something. 2. A light veil, a film covering the eye; cloudiness. 3. Lines in the snow left by the paw of an animal, going in the direction of the trail (in the speech of hunters). Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova.... ...Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

povolok - povolok, povolok, povolok, povolok, povolok, povolok, povolok, povolok, povolok, povolokyu, povolok, povolok, povolok (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

dragging - Original. Pref. education from dragging general slav. *velka (e before the hard l o, ol olo), derived from *velkti voloch (from the st. word to attract). Of the same origin as shell, cloud, envelop, drag, pillowcase... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language

wire - POVOLOK|A (1*), Y s. Covering, binding (of books): even if you harden the books, do not paint them with paper. (τὸ ἔνδυμα) PNC chapter XIV, 97... Dictionary of the Old Russian language (XI-XIV centuries)

Here are the glazed eyes:

The pupils of glazed eyes should not be clearly visible, and such eyes also need eyelashes that shade and hide them.”

When we don’t know where a girl is looking, it has a provocative effect on us men, but we urgently need to call “fire on ourselves”!

To put it simply, a clouded look. Drift - haze, veil, etc.

Droopy eyes - what kind of eyes are these? What is dragging?

Droopy eyes - what kind of eyes are these? What is dragging?

These are so deep, deep, as if velvety, not shiny and not shining, but on the contrary))) Very rare and beautiful eyes, probably, off the top of my head, I can’t remember a person who had these))) I went looking for a suitable photo and came to the conclusion that Angelina Jolie has just such eyes, and not dark, but gray-blue)))

Here are the glazed eyes:

The pupils of eyes with clouds should not be clearly visible, and such eyes also need eyelashes that shade and hide them.

When we don’t know where a girl is looking, it has a provocative effect on us men, but we urgently need to draw fire on ourselves!

The photo is not very beautiful, but on topic.

Anyone can have cloudy eyes, regardless of their gender and age, for example, a man (a woman, by the way, also in a similar situation) who madly wants a woman can have such eyes, barely standing on his feet, he simply dissolves in his sensations. Feature- no focusing.


The meaning of the word Povoloka according to Efremova:

Drift - 1. A light veil, a haze covering smth.

3. Lines in the snow left by the paw of an animal, going in the direction of the trail (in the speech of hunters).

The meaning of the word Povoloka according to Ozhegov:

Drape - Light veil, haze N1

The meaning of the word Povoloka according to Ushakov’s dictionary:

The meaning of the word Povoloka according to the Brockhaus and Efron dictionary:

What does "glazed eyes" mean?

What does “glazed eyes” mean?

Povolok is a veil, a light, barely noticeable film covering something, in in this case eyes. “Dark eyes” is an outdated, figurative (in some cases, natural) expression, which speaks either of a flirtatious, passionate, languid look, usually of a fatal beauty. Either about a tender, clouded or clouded look, beautiful woman. This expression can also be used to describe a person who is in a state of extreme fatigue or illness (blurred, filmy eyes, “discolored” from fatigue). “Dark eyes” can also be considered a cloudy look formed after taking alcohol or drugs. And also the clouded eyes of a person who is in a state of blissful euphoria from physical contact or as a result of falling in love (deep emotional satisfaction).

What kind of glazed eyes are these?

POVOLOKA, and, many, no, w.

Advantage in the expression:


flair, veil, cover, shroud, haze, veil, canopy

What is POVOLOKA, POVOLOKA is, the meaning of the word POVOLOKA, origin (etymology) POVOLOKA, synonyms for POVOLOKA, paradigm (forms of the word) POVOLOKA in other dictionaries


1) A light veil, a haze covering smth.

2) A light veil, a film covering the eye; cloudiness.

3) Lines in the snow left by the paw of an animal, going in the direction of the trail (in the speech of hunters).


POVOLOKA, -i, f. Light veil, haze (1 value). Foggy p. Eyes with a cloudiness (about a clouded or languid look).


POVOLOKA, drags, many. no, female preim. in the expression: drooping eyes - about a languid and gentle slow gaze. “The eyes are brown and glazed, with thick eyelashes.” A. Turgenev.


A thin covering veil, film.

The clouds are light and high. The sun is in a pale haze. Bunin, Pomors.

The life of a new person had already been counted for weeks. His eyes cleared up, the cloudiness disappeared from them, and his pupil became defined. Korolenko, Blind musician.

All spring the sky was not clouded by a cloud, not even a cloud. A. Kozhevnikov, Living Water.

What kind of glazed eyes are these?

How do you understand the term “dry eyes”. What kind of eyes are these? And why? Better with a photo.

People whose eyelid droops and their eyes appear half-closed.

or maybe low-set eyebrows and a slightly lowered upper eyelid?

I asked MCH, he said that these are the eyes behind which you will be dragged to the ends of the world))

But this is if you say it nicely, but if it’s like the people, then it’s from under the forehead..

POVOLOKA, and, many, no, w.

Advantage in the expression:

droopy eyes - about a languid and tender slow gaze. The eyes are brown and glazed, with thick eyelashes. Turgenev.

A thin covering veil, film. P. fog, smoke. The horizon became cloudy. Languishing eyes

(foggy, with a languid, gentle expression).

It seems to me that Georgians, Armenians, and Indians often have these. Here's Kim, for example, a master of languid looks. Sometimes even too languid)). “Clap your eyelashes and take off!”

Four secrets of sexy makeup (PHOTOS) / lipstick, shadows, effect, sex, men like:: JustLady.ru

Sexy Makeup: Win-Win Retro

Those glazed eyes, those alluring plump bright lips, that matte skin. The screen image of the legendary Marilyn Monroe laid the foundation for one of the most popular types of sexy makeup under the motto “less is better, but hotter!” This look has been replicated for many decades, but does not lose its power over men and, most importantly, does not cease to be a model of good taste.

Sometimes a person can have eyes that vary in size and shape. Women with such eyes are usually very sexy and popular with members of the opposite sex, as they know how to please a man. If the difference between the eyes is too great, then it will not be difficult for a woman to correct this defect with makeup. Men with such eyes are sociable, ambitious, incredibly lucky and quite successful in finance.

Facial physiognomy - small eyes

Such eyes are found mainly in artistic people. If strength and inner spirit are felt in the gaze of a person with small eyes, then their owner is an extraordinary person, but he is not always able to agree with other people’s opinions and adapt to those around him. Rarely achieving success in their youth, they later realize themselves through hard work, colossal willpower and diligence. The chances of a good career will increase if the owner of small eyes receives a good education.

Large eyes

Large eyes (both in women and men) have always attracted and attract attention. It is easier for people with such eyes to go through life. Men with very big eyes emotional, artistic, they can even be figuratively called “warriors” or “knights”. As a rule, they are energetic, act and think radically, but they do not always have the stamina due to their susceptibility to frequent mood swings.

Girls, young women and women with large eyes, especially those with intelligence, often use their appearance in communicating with others, which allows them to easily achieve personal goals. Such representatives of the fairer sex always have higher chances in everything (be it happy marriage, career, creativity, self-realization in society) than girls or women with smaller eyes. As a rule, these are sensual, sensitive and artistic natures, such people can be found in show business or cinema. Getting used to worship, women with large eyes often encounter problems - it is difficult for them to build harmonious relationships with men. The independence of such women frightens men. But with proper control of their behavior, they are able to enter into very happy marriages.

POLOVOKA - POVOLOKA, wolves, many. no, female preim. in expression: eyes with a languid and gentle slow look. “The eyes are brown and glazed, with thick eyelashes.” A. Turgenev. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. ... Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary

Drift - see Inflorescence... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

And, as if he had drawn blood from heaven (.)

I dreamed of autumn in the half-light of glass,

Friends and you are in their buffoonish crowd,

And, like a falcon drawing blood from heaven,

The heart descended onto your hand.

But time passed, and grew old, and became deaf,

And, dragging the silver frame,

The dawn from the garden washed over the glass

Bloody tears of September.

Sexy oriental makeup allows for variations - for example, you can use a third eyeshadow color on the border of a dark line and a light base (but do not overdo it so as not to look vulgar), glitter and rhinestones - for exceptional festive occasions. Don't forget about eyebrows - they should be dark, clearly shaped, well-groomed, and adequately shade the eyes.

Since the eyes definitely dominate the face, a very light touch of blush and a matte lipstick in a calm shade will be enough to complete the sexy Arabian Nights-style makeup.

Eyes with thin, drooping lower eyelids

According to Chinese analysis, such eyes have positive personalities With pleasant character, tactful, gentle and friendly. Women love men with such eyes. As for women, they are happy in marriage, they love their work, and it comes easily to them; such women are wonderful mothers.

eyes with feminine characteristic

Region lower eyelids, according to tradition, is considered a female characteristic. If the lower eyelids are thin and sag at the inner corners of the eyes, then women with such eyes rarely experience a feeling of love, they are cold and do not know how to enjoy life. They are unhappy in marriage because they cannot create an atmosphere of love for either their husband or their children. In Japan, such eyes are called “the eyes of an unhappy woman.”

Eyes with typical age signs

If, even with age, the outer side of the lower eyelid is raised, and the skin around the eyes is smooth (as in youth), it means that people with such eyes will be able to maintain energy and vigor until very old age.

Eyes with signs of fatigue

dragging - dragging an eye, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

wire - (1 g) ... orthographic dictionary Russian language

The meaning of the word dragging

drag in the crossword dictionary


Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov

dragging, many no, w. Advantage in the expression: drooping eyes - about a languid and gentle slow gaze. The eyes are brown and glazed, with thick eyelashes. Turgenev.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.

And, well. Light veil, haze (1 value). Foggy p. Eyes with a cloudiness (about a clouded or languid look). ROTATE rotate and rotate.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

A light veil, a haze covering smth.

A light veil, a film covering the eye; cloudiness.

Lines in the snow left by the paw of an animal, going in the direction of the trail (in the speech of hunters).

Examples of the use of the word dragging in literature.

Mrs. Delman was a tall and stately woman of about forty-eight with smooth, dark skin, mattely shiny even in the dark, with a cap of curly dark hair, almost untouched by gray hair, and dark purple hair. dragging round shaped eyes.

Those who arrived a moment later rushed towards the beast, whose eyes had already darkened with death. dragging.

Somewhere near Kolomna veil dragging enveloped the wings, the earth drowned in fog, and then a dazzling white lush world appeared under the belly of the glacier, all consisting of tightly inflated pillowcases.

He bent down, pulled out the board, dirty to the waist, and dragged her to the shore.

Dragged above the ironing boards, above the stoves and rollers in the laundry room, above the wringer press, above the washing machine.

Clean-shaven and with his head cropped due to dysentery, his father kept his eyes on the hairdresser and the woman’s wobbling gait, the bald patches that looked like fried eggs, the shy girl’s eyes, dragging, Julia learned.

Like a bird of prey clawing its prey, a lighter dragged helpless cargo truck across the lake - to the mountains.

When Schober, slightly trembling with his thin crooked legs and playing with his huge ones, with languid dragging eyes, approached the girl and invited her to dance, the girl melted.

Her eyes are tired of blinking Under the languid darkness dragging sleep, Sand has clogged one lens, Blueness creeps into the other, The blood-drenching mouth is drawn to the last tremors of life, And the tail, with gestures of farewell, shows us an example of forgiveness.

Stepan Razin got to his feet, jumped off the porch, caught the girl by the big hands, dragged to the side, he quietly asked hastily: “Olena, why are you there?”

He wanted to say something else, but the driver leaned over the seat and also dragged Larionov into the car, holding his hand over his mouth, and I only heard the heavy panting of the guards and Larionov’s terrible guttural scream.

I saw Yashin during the break dragged it for the canteen and sold it to Kobelev for three liters of alcohol.

As soon as he put down his weapon to take the camera, the lion cub jumped on the gun and dragged him away.

Dad will never forgive Masha for bad grades at school, the hundred rubles stolen for lipstick, and also, of course, her blatant pregnancy, which he quickly learned about dragged I'm heading all the way to the city of Kyiv - away from the dirty fascist punk, the boy who, as dad assumed, defamed his little darling right in the elevator, without even taking off his tattered leather pants.

Before the injured man had time to come to his senses, Mokin grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and dragged to the apartments they had just left.