Rescue dogs. Search and rescue volunteers. What you should pay attention to

Dogs are friends and faithful helpers person for many years. They have many functions: nannies, guide dogs, service dogs, and, of course, rescue dogs.

Speaking of the latter, one immediately imagines a deathly - blue sky in the mountains, and dazzling - White snow. There, under the thick snow, a man. And who can find him, who will help? A large white and red St. Bernard or a fast and agile German Shepherd? Or maybe a cheerful and affectionate Labrador, or an intelligent smart spaniel? In a word, a dog whose mission is to save people, a dog proudly called a "rescuer".

Dedicated to the Saint Bernards...

“St. Bernards, you know, do not live long. They love one in life, and only to him. And then they go to Paradise together with him ... ”- the lines from the song of Diana Arbenina characterize this breed in the best possible way.

Good-natured, gigantic sizes, "teddy bears" - generalists for saving people in the mountains. The breed got its name in honor of the dangerous mountain pass of Great St. Bernard, located in Switzerland. In the area of ​​the pass there was a monastery where the inhabitants lived, and with them dogs. There was also a steep and dangerous road, at an altitude of almost 2500 meters above the ground. The weather conditions of those places were known for frequent snowstorms, therefore, those unfortunate travelers who were forced to go this way had a hard time. Many have lost their way and died. The monks provided shelter for travelers, and their four-legged assistants found noticed people, dug them up, and helped them get to the monastery. If, however, a person was so weak that he could not do it on his own, the St. Bernards returned to the monastery and brought help to the victims.

The most famous four-legged rescuer is a St. Bernard named Barry der Menschenretter, or simply Old Barry (1800 - 1814). For twelve years of his work, the dog has saved more than forty people. One of the rescued them was a little boy.

Barry found a freezing child in an ice cave, he had already passed out. The dog warmed him up and then dragged him along the ground to the monastery. When the child came to his senses, he was able to climb onto the back of the St. Bernard. Barry delivered the injured baby to the monastery. The legendary four-legged rescuer of old age died in Bern. To this day, a stuffed dog is in the Bern Museum of Natural History.

Rescuers of World War II

Dogs made a huge contribution to saving human lives during the war years. On account of the animals that were in the service of Soviet army, over 600 thousand wounded soldiers rescued from the battlefield. Dogs - orderlies had a stable psyche, they were not afraid of shots, they worked under shelling and during explosions, they found victims in fog, in smoke, at night. In general, when people could not come to the aid of their comrades, dogs did it. They carefully searched the area, finding wounded soldiers, informed their guides about this (with the help of a diaper pointer), and brought orderlies to the victims. The most famous orderly was a male German shepherd named Mukhtar. He saved about 400 wounded from the battlefield, including the shepherd's guide, corporal Zorin, shell-shocked from a bomb explosion.

The dog is a rescuer, what should it be?

For such dogs, a kilometer-long pedigree, or a special breed, is not important. Rescuers can be german shepherds, St. Bernards, Labradors, Newfoundlands and even collies. A four-legged rescuer must have a strong, stable psyche, have a keen sense of smell, developed hearing and vision. To work in the mountains, a thick woolen coat is needed. Any dog ​​is a rescuer strong and hardy, because her work is very hard and selfless. In no case should the dog show anger or aggression towards people and other animals. Ideal for search and rescue activities will be a dog of medium height (45-55cm), dry body type, with a pronounced tentative-search type of behavior. Each animal has its own positive and negative qualities, therefore, it is better not to look for an outstanding, ideal “ready” dog - a searcher or a rescuer, but to engage in serious, professional training for this type of activity with your puppy.

Story Four: The Legendary Barry
Many St. Bernards entered the history of the monastery by name: Turk, Jupiter, Drago. On their account, more than a dozen saved lives. Probably the most famous dog in history was Barry. No other dog in the world had such a halo of glory. Poems, stories were written about him, odes were dedicated to him. Barry was a very well-mannered, intelligent dog. He knew how to navigate exclusively, was very hardy and was not afraid of frost. It happened more than once that he suddenly broke off from his place of rest and ran away, and a few minutes later an avalanche fell on this place. When he felt the approach of a fog or a storm, he became restless and often himself went to the mountains to help travelers. His most famous act, which inspired poets, artists, sculptors to create works about him, was the salvation little boy. Peasant woman Maria Vinzetti, despite the warning, went with her son through the pass in winter, without accompanying them. They were thrown into a crevice by an avalanche. Barry smelled them and hurried to help. When he found them, the mother, with the last of her strength, tied the child to the back of the dog with her shawl. Barry brought the child to the monastery and in doing so saved his life. In the spring, the abbot of the monastery descended from the pass and gave the boy to his relatives, who considered him dead.
His ascetic activity ended tragically. After the defeat of the Napoleonic troops in Russia, the remnants of the army fled to their homeland in complete disarray. One of these warriors was covered by an avalanche on the pass. Barry found it and dug it up, after which he began to warm it with his body. Having come to his senses, the freezing one saw Barry's huge head in front of him and, mistaking him for wild beast hit with an ice pick. The foreigner did not know anything about the dogs of the monastery of St. Bernard. The seriously wounded dog, leaving a wide bloody trail, crawled to the house, and along this terrible trail the monks found the would-be traveler. Barry's wound was treated, the bleeding was stopped. At that time, a passing merchant stopped at the monastery, who persuaded the monks to give him a dog so that he could take it to the animal hospital in Bern. The dog was put in a sleigh, all the inhabitants of the monastery came out to see her off. In Bern, they managed to treat Barry, but he never completely recovered - his advanced age had an effect. A city honoring merit famous dog, fed and supported him until his death. When he died, Barry's effigy was installed in the museum, where it is carefully preserved to this day.
One of Barry's monuments is an ode by the 19th-century poet Sheitlin, dedicated to the legendary St. Bernard:
“The most excellent dog that we know was not the one that woke the sentries of the acropolis in Corinth; and not Becerillo, who ripped apart hundreds of red Indians; not the executioner's dog, which, on the orders of his master, led a cowardly traveler through a gloomy and dangerous section of the path; not the Drydens of the Dragon, who, at the nod of his master, attacked four brigands, of whom he slew some, and thus saved his master's life; not the dog in Warsaw that jumped from the bridge into the Vistula and saved a little girl from death; not Orbi, who, in the presence of the king, rushed furiously at the murderer of his master and almost tore him to shreds; and also not Cellini Benvenuto, who immediately woke the jeweler when they wanted to steal his jewels - BARRY - a sacred animal in St. Bernard, the greatest of dogs, the greatest of animals. You really were the greatest and most intelligent of the dogs in man, having an ardent love for the unfortunate. You have saved over 40 travelers. With a basket, bread and a bottle of sweet and refreshing drink around your neck, you set off daily from the shelter, in the midst of a snowstorm and mudslides, looking for those covered in snow and littered with avalanches, you dug out the unfortunate, and if you didn’t succeed, then you quickly ran home in order to call for the help of the monks who, with the help of shovels, helped you find the perishing one. In contrast to the gravedigger - you raised the dead! Like a sensitive and sensitive person, you were also gifted with the ability to inspire unfortunate travelers with your sympathy and compassion for them, since otherwise the boy you saved would probably never have dared to sit on your back in order to be taken to a hospitable monastery. Arriving at the monastery, you rang the bell at the sacred gate to hand over your precious treasure to compassionate brothers. And so, when the sweet burden was removed, you immediately set off headlong into a new search.
You considered each success as a reward for yourself, from each success you became more joyful and sympathetic. Yes, this is precisely the blessing of a good genius, constantly doing only goodness. Barry, in what way did you convey this to the travelers you found, and in what way did you manage to give them courage and comfort?
I would give you a speech so that another person could learn all this from you. Yes, you never expected a message, you yourself always remembered your sacred duties, just like the pious and pleasant Mister Man. As soon as you noticed the approach of snowy weather or fog from afar, you immediately set off in search. What would become of you if you were a man? You would probably become St. Vincent and the founder of a whole hundred orders and monastic charity. For 12 whole years you performed your service without demanding any gratitude for it.
I had the honor of meeting you at St. Bernard. With respect, as it should be, I took off my hat to you. At that moment you were playing with your friend, like a game of tigers. I wanted to be friends with you, but you... grumbled because you didn't know me. I already knew both your fame and your name. If I were unhappy, you wouldn't grumble at me. You are now a scarecrow in the Bern Museum. The city acted quite rightly, that after you grew old and became weak to save people, it fed you until your death. Everyone who sees your stuffed animal in Bern should take off his hat, buy your portrait and hang it on the wall under glass in a frame, and also buy that picture in which you are depicted with a little boy on your back when you stand with him at the gate monastery and ring the bell. Everyone who bought this picture should show it to children and schoolchildren and say this: go and do the same as this merciful Samaritan did, and throw the portraits of Robespierre, Marat, Hannibal, Abellino, as well as other murderers and robbers, into window - and all this so that the child's soul learns from dogs what it has unlearned from people!
Barry (1800–1814) - the most famous dog of the St. Bernard breed, lived at a monastery on the Italian-Swiss border, worked with Alpine rescuers, saved 40 people in 10 years.
It is said that Barry was mistakenly killed by the last of those he saved. In fact, this is just a touching legend.
Barry's mummy is on display at the Natural History Museum in Bern, Switzerland. In addition, his statue is located at the entrance to the cemetery of dogs in the cemetery of pets in Paris.
The name Barry, in fact, has nothing to do with English name Barry, a comes from the Swiss-German "Bäri" (meaning bear), which, in Switzerland, is often given to black dogs. At the end of the 19th century, the name changed slightly to the English manner and turned into "Barry". This happened because the dog was almost a legend in the English-speaking world, which at that time was carried away by the Alps. The legend of Barry, like the fairy tale "Heidi", are examples of advertising clever enough to attract tourists.
Often the legends clearly embellished reality: for example, the story that Barry had a small bottle of liquid hanging on his collar to warm the rescued is fiction.
The dogs used by the monks in Saint Bernard's Gorge were very different in shape and color from those we call St. Bernards. After being accidentally killed most of dogs, the monks crossed the remaining ones with the mastiff, after which the modern St. Bernards appeared. That is why the color of Barry was not the usual light, but black.

Good afternoon reader, not so long ago we came to the conclusion that we have absolutely no information on our portal dedicated to our smaller brothers, rescue dogs.

Yes, it is to them, the four-legged companions of the rescuer and the hope of a person in need of their help. Usually people call such heroes like this: “ Dogs of the Ministry of Emergency Situations“, “Rescue dogs”and other names, dogs would be more correct” Search and cynological service

Back in 1996, on June 20, an order was signed and issued on the creation of a search canine service of the Centrospas detachment, since that time, dogs have been taking part in any rescue operations that require finding victims. The development of this service began rapidly. At the time of this writing, more than 1,800 victims have already been rescued by four-legged fighters.

Rescue dog, who is it?

When we talk about rescuers, we imagine strong men in full technical equipment, but dogs don’t have this, their main “weapon” against it is their nose and sense of smell. Thanks to a good sense of smell, the dog will lead his master to the place of the blockage, where there may be a person, or help the rescue team to find people lost in the forest.

Almost every day for such a dog begins with training in the form of a game, because training and education is the basis for a successful operation to search for victims. For example, with a dog they go to an initially unfamiliar place (abandoned construction site, quarries, factories, forest), and hide from it. The task of the four-legged friend is to find you, if he does this, he will receive a reward in the form of a treat or a toy. It is worth noting that each dog (several dogs) has its own owner, who conducts training and raises a pet from puppyhood.

Let's see what breeds are rescue dogs and their place of service.

Service in the structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is carried out by dogs of the following breeds

  • labradors
  • shepherd dogs
  • spaniels
  • terriers
  • pit bulls
  • ridgebacks
  • rottweilers
  • Giant Schnauzers
  • likes
  • staffordshire terrier
  • fox terriers and even spitz.

Dog calculations are divided into:

  1. Mine Investigation Service
  2. Mountain avalanche service
  3. Search for the bodies of the dead
  4. search and rescue service
  5. Water rescue service
  6. Search for victims by scent trail

At the time of this writing, the search and cynological service of Russia has 470 cynological crews, including volunteers. It should be noted that in Russia one of the highest levels of dog training.

Given the fact that canine calculations cannot be provided systematically, but young dogs and new participants require long, painstaking training, the situation with the involvement of dedicated volunteers suits everyone. When volunteers need specific assistance, specialists help in training, for example, safety measures. As a result, competently operating groupings are obtained, from among which, on the whole, groups of Moscow and the region, Kaliningrad, Kazan, and Crimea stand out. The nicknames of individual dogs and their trainers are well known - outstanding experts in their field. These are Labrador Irga and cynologist Mikhail Tipukhov from Stavropol, who won the "Constellation of Courage" competition in 2015, Irina Fedotkina and her pupil Belgian Shepherd Farta from Kazan, who won over 300 effectively carried out rescue operations, 1st class rescuer Alexei Bochkarev and his labrador retriever Bernie (veteran of his craft) from Moscow, they distinguished themselves during rescue operations in Beslan and other places. And how many still unnamed names!

Dogs rescue people affected by man-made disasters, look for missing mushroom pickers, being on duty at the beaches and stations of the State Inspectorates for Small Vessels and in other hot spots.

Since its inception, canine crews of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation have taken part in a huge number of rescue operations:

  • they found mines in places of military operations, such as Croatia, Kosovo, the Chechen Republic;
  • they rescued people in Neftegorsk (Sakhalin, 1995) after earthquakes;
  • 1999 was the time of mass disasters that occurred in Turkey, Greece, Taiwan, Colombia, Russia (terrorist acts);
  • they found victims of the 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka and so on.

Cynologists say that medals, unfortunately, are not given to brave and smart dogs. But the realization that they are helping the owner is above all for them.

Essential Skills for Rescue Dogs

  • Socialization (friendly attitude towards others)
  • Obedience
  • complaisance
  • Strong constitution (not for all breeds)
  • Endurance
  • Do not be afraid of an aggressive external environment (frost, wind, showers)
  • Psychological preparation (the dog during the task, nothing should be distracting)

All these qualities are determined by special tests that are carried out with a puppy from the age of 3 months!

How do you know that a puppy can and has the talent of a rescuer?

Probably it's like people, from birth, a dog should be born a rescuer. Do not forget about the physical and psychological qualities of the pet. If a puppy is very mobile from childhood, loves to play, and is always interested in something new, these are good signs.

During further training, game form it will be easier to instill search skills. It is worth noting that for a dog, the realization that he saved a person comes only with the first real case. The rest is just a game. When it is not possible to smell a person (heavy smoke, building dust, other extraneous odors), dog training plays an important role.


  1. It takes up to 1.5 years to train a four-legged specialist. Game form of learning. Pet preparation starts from 6 months, the dog can pass its first qualifying tests not earlier than its age reaches 1 year.
  1. Rescue dogs are used in different situations: search for dangerous explosive devices in mined areas, search for victims of blockages, avalanches, landslides.
  1. A four-legged pet works only in tandem with its cynologist. This is called cynological calculation. The owner understands his own pet well, conducts classes with him and can help to adapt to different conditions such as flying in an airplane, helicopter, or staying in a mountainous area for a long time.

It is unlikely that dogs, desperately rushing into water or fire to save a person, think about any rewards. Animals are completely devoid of vanity. Therefore, such dogs are real heroes.

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hero's path

History knows many examples of how dogs helped people out of trouble on their own impulse. People realized that such qualities of dogs as fidelity, courage, sacrifice can serve to save more than one human life. So the dogs got a job: "rescuer". And the services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have unique assistants, devoted and reliable.

However, the first rescue dog appeared long before the Ministry of Emergency Situations. We know her name - Barry, her breed - St. Bernard. And its history, which is already more than two hundred years old and which, from generation to generation, was passed on by French monks.

Barry was brought up at the monastery along with other rescue dogs, whose duties included searching for lost vagrants. Every morning on the neck of each of four-legged rescuers the monks fixed a barrel of brandy and sent it in search of the poor.

On account of Barry - dozens of saved lives of people who could have died on a deserted road in a snow storm. But they survived, having met in Barry the one who at a critical moment gave them a sip of a warming drink and brought them under the roof of a hospitable monastic cell.

Even accurate information about the number of lives saved by Barry has been preserved: 40. Among them is the life of a child. Barry found it in the Alps, under the snow of an avalanche. He warmed the half-frozen baby with his body and licked his face until he woke up.

Barry's fate is tragic. He was wounded by a man who, in the dark, took a huge shaggy dog for a bear. Barry survived, but his career was over. He was no longer able to do the work of a lifeguard.

Any resident of the modern suburb of Paris will gladly show a visitor a stone with a carved image - a monument to the legendary rescue dog Barry.

Monument to Barry in the suburbs of Paris

Rescue dog skills

Despite the fact that today rescue dogs work side by side with the same heroic people, no one calls them rescue assistants. After all, each such dog is an independent unit. And it rarely happens that human rescuers save the same number of lives as their four-legged counterparts.

After all, nature itself gave dogs unique, almost mystical abilities:

  • search for people buried alive at a depth of up to 9 meters;
  • to find the victims by smell even in the fire, when this is prevented by the pungent smell of burning.

Ta search work, which takes twenty people 4 hours, is completed in 10 minutes by a trained dog!

Nature endowed dogs with intelligence, endurance, strength, and adaptability to adverse weather conditions.

And people, having selected the best of them, educate rescuers from dogs capable of:

  • report the fact of finding victims;
  • lead people to the location of the victims.

The video clip of the Morning with You program tells about how rescue dogs are brought up.

Fire, water and copper pipes

During the Great Patriotic War they were not only military. They not only undermined trains and delivered cartridges and secret papers, making their way where not a single person would pass. They were nurses on the battlefield. - with a canvas bag with medicines and a stretcher, on which seriously wounded fighters were pulled out of the hell itself.

On account of one of them - a nurse named Mukhtar - more than four hundred wounded soldiers pulled out of the battlefield. The total number of wounded found by four-legged orderlies during the Great Patriotic War is 500 thousand people!

AT post-war years many dogs became, so to speak, unofficial healers of the souls of surviving soldiers. But there are also qualified therapy dogs. They help ex-military people overcome PTSD. One of the most famous is a dog named Ricochet.

This Golden retriever also works with children with emotional problems or chronic illnesses. He… teaches them to surf. By developing a taste for life in children, Ricochet returns them to mental and physical health.

Special programs to help children with severe autism include work with rescue dogs for small patients. Dogotherapy is the name of a very effective method of treating the most complex diseases in children.

Friendly, lively and active, dogs help children socialize. Four-legged healers also contribute to the creation of a favorable emotional background during treatment emotional disorders, severe forms chronic diseases psychosomatic nature.

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Avalanches, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, terrorist attacks, man-made accidents - the destruction and losses that they entail are enormous. But they would have been great if not for the heroic work of special services and rescue dogs. Most often these are German Shepherds. Animals of this particular breed adapt to extreme conditions more easily than others.

St. Bernards are trusted to search for missing skiers and climbers. Much less often, dogs of other breeds are used in searches during avalanches. Among these breeds is the same German Shepherd. A celebrity was a dog of this breed named Ajax.

In figures and facts, his feat can be described succinctly: 96 hours of continuous work, frostbitten paws, 12 lives saved. The hero of Dachstein is what Ajax is now called in Austria, where this battle of the dog with the elements took place for the life of eleven children and one school teacher.

In the Alpine cliffs, a dog named Titus saved his master, risking starvation. Titus found his owner on top of a cliff and dug out from under the snow. Six long days the shepherd did not eat anything, being on duty near his owner in trouble and warming him with the warmth of his body. A special group of rescuers rescued both from the snow captivity - both the climber and his faithful dog.

Over the past fifty years, two dozen natural disasters have been recorded, about which dogs warned their owners in one way or another. So, an earthquake in Ashgabat in one of the families was predicted by the “irrational”, as the owners regarded it in the first minute, the behavior of a shepherd dog. A few minutes before the collapse of the house, the dog managed to drag the sleeping child out, grabbing him by the hem of his nightgown.

The name of the rescue dog Balta, which delivered medicines to the village in Alaska that saved hundreds of children from diphtheria, became a legend.

At a time when fire brigades got to the place of extinguishing a fire on horseback, rescue dogs (they were Dalmatians) worked on a par with draft power. They had a calming effect on horses that are terribly afraid of fire. The dogs ran in front of the horse team, clearing and showing the way. This allowed firefighters to get to the place without delay. Today, when horses have been replaced by fire engines, these dogs are the living mascots of fire brigades in their homeland.

AT water element Newfoundlands and Leonbergers can provide the most effective help. The training they receive rescue dogs in specialized centers, lasts about a year.

Up to four people a day have to be found by rescue dogs working in the forests of the Moscow region. Inexperienced mushroom pickers, overplayed children, people with not very good orientation skills in the area get lost in a 40-minute drive from the capital. And this happens regularly, even despite the cellular connection.

According to the stories of volunteers working with rescue dogs in the forest, a person can walk a few meters from a lost person without noticing him. This happens when the search drags on, the missing person is exhausted, or even completely lost consciousness.

Rescue dogs can smell someone lost in the woods long before humans can. In this they are helped by their excellent sense of smell and the ability to make their way through thickets better than a person. Having found a lost person, rescue dogs give a sign to the search party.

Breeds of four-legged rescuers

Rescuers can be dogs of any breed. But there are among them more capable of this work. What breeds of dogs are most often exploited by rescue services?

  • Diver (Newfoundland);
  • Doberman;
  • Drathaar;
  • Labrador Retriever;
  • Leonberger;
  • German Shepherd;
  • Rottweiler;
  • St. Bernard;
  • Spaniel.

The spaniel was a dog named Lenya, who, at the age of one, rescued 18 people from the rubble formed during the Sakhalin earthquake in 1995.

If the abilities of German shepherds, St. Bernards are used in the mountains, then divers specialize in rescuing drowning people. The latter are able to swim in very cold and even icy water! Their abilities as divers are amazing: Newfoundlands dive to a depth of a good three dozen meters!

Note that Labradors, Rottweilers and Shepherds also make excellent specialists in a related profession - guides.

Photo gallery

Video "Hero of Russia Elga"

The video of the program “Such a Life” tells about a dog awarded the title of a four-legged Hero of the country.

Requirements for a dog

What a PSS dog should be like can be seen from the case that happened with the shepherd dog Ajax. After the catastrophe in the mountains, when an avalanche overtook 11 schoolchildren and 2 teachers on the way, the shepherd worked 96 hours in a row. Rescuing people, she scraped with her claws and tore through tightly packed snow until she collapsed from exhaustion. The dog's paws were frostbitten. Rescuers carried Ajax to a mountain hut to get dressed. But he could not be kept under the roof. The dog rushed at the locked door of the hut, trying to break out. In the end, Ajax was released, and he rushed headlong to the place of the avalanche. With wounded paws, Ajax found another person buried alive in a snowy grave ...

The performance of such hard, selfless work by a dog is possible only if it has good innate data, developed and reinforced by special training. The PSS dog must have a keen sense of smell, good hearing and vision, strength and endurance, a thick but short coat. The best way- average height data, 45-55 cm at the withers, making it easier for the dog to move along difficult terrain, blockages; strong, balanced mobile type of GNI; strong, strong-dry type of constitution; orienting-search type of behavior. She should not be aggressive and vicious towards strangers, dogs and other animals - be good-natured.

Although the PSS service is not an easy one, it does not require that dogs of any particular breed be selected for it, without fail with “rich” pedigrees. Collies, service huskies, German shepherds and other breeds, as well as various mestizos, can be used for this service. Science has established that it is laikoids, numerous varieties of huskies and breeds close to them, that have the greatest vitality (hardiness) and adaptive abilities.

Of the service breeds, undoubtedly, the collie is the best for the PSS. Dogs of this breed perfectly produce all types of search, never show aggression towards strangers. They have a great "intelligence", that is, a pronounced rational activity. In the homeland of these dogs, in Scotland, there are 4 varieties of the breed - Rough Collie, Smooth-Coated, Bearded and Border. Best for search service is a border collie. With good visibility, these small dogs(height at the withers - 50 cm) work independently, being at a great distance from the conductor.

Service likes for their work entered the history of our country. During the Great Patriotic War, there were no better sanitary and draft dogs than huskies. Currently, dogs of this breed are in the "service" in our Armed Forces, they are highly valued abroad. For use in the PSS in any region of the country, likes have no drawbacks. Chukotka huskies, as stronger and more enduring, it is more expedient to use in the northern and eastern regions, reindeer (Nenets) can be used everywhere. In terms of endurance, “passability” in the rubble, activity and mobility in work, there are no breeds similar to huskies.

It is not necessary to purchase a puppy, you can also take an adult, well-grown and developed dog under the age of 2 years. As a rule, males are more energetic and enduring when working in difficult conditions, females are more thorough in their search, less responsive to distracting stimuli.

Each dog has its own individual characteristics behavior - the work performed, movement, etc., that is, their own "manner". Each dog has its positive and negative sides. Therefore, the main thing is not to look for any outstanding dogs, but their correct, serious training. The concept of "training" includes all types of influence on the dog, which ensure its readiness for official use, and practically constitute a single complex: cultivation, education, maintenance, training, training.

The individual neuropsychic characteristics of the trainer have a strong effect on the puppy being raised, which is usually likened to its "leader", but not always and to the same extent. Timely education is the key to the success of any puppy. But acquiring adult dog, it is necessary to take into account its already established individual neuropsychic characteristics, their compatibility with the characteristics of the trainer.

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V.V. Bogdanov, V.A. Ermolaev Horse harness - basic elements, requirements and features

From book Domestic bird author Vlasenko Elena

1.2. Basic requirements for the harness The harness should be: durable, light, easy to manufacture and repair; universal for various kinds economic use. The harness should not cause damage or pain, bind the horse's movements, impede

From the author's book

BASIC ZOOHYGIENIC REQUIREMENTS FOR KEEPING CALVES UNTIL 6 MONTHS OF AGE It should be remembered that a healthy, highly productive animal can only be raised with an attentive, caring and affectionate attitude towards it, strictly following a certain routine

From the author's book

Room requirements Floor area depends on the occupants age groups. If young animals are grown without a hen, then in the first 2–3 weeks of life, up to 10 goslings are placed per 1 m2. Upon reaching the age of 9 weeks, the need for space increases by 1 m2