The harm of watermelon to the human body. The benefits and harms of watermelon for the human body are the whole truth about what we eat. In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions are prepared from it, which are used as

Watermelon is a very juicy and sweet berry, which also has unique properties. Few pay attention to what watermelon consists of, whether there are benefits from eating it or not. Important, the question also remains whether the berry is harmful and what contraindications it has.

The benefits and harms of watermelon for human health began to be studied relatively recently, although the fruit has been very popular since ancient times. Images of vegetable berries can be found on the walls of the Egyptian pyramids, and there is evidence of the popularity of watermelon in ancient China. The fruit was brought to Europe only in the 17th century and immediately gained popularity as a very tasty dessert and after a while as a source of nutrients.

Beneficial features

Everyone knows how juicy the fruit is, the fact is that a watermelon is 90% water. It perfectly quenches thirst on hot summer days, cheers up and gives vitality. But this is not all the health benefits of berries:

  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Improves eyesight.
  • Prevents the development of cancer in the early stages.

The constituent components are very useful for the health of the body and often doctors recommend eating it for certain diseases. It contains a large amount of vitamins such as B1, B2, B9, C, PP, folic acid, carotene. With certain ailments, iron, sodium, potassium, and fiber are indispensable from the composition of watermelon. Due to the large amount of iron, experts recommend watermelon to those suffering from anemia.

The beneficial properties of watermelon are invaluable for diabetics. Studies point to the benefits of the fetus in gout, atherosclerosis and arthrosis. These qualities are associated with the fact that the fiber of the vegetable berry is able to remove cholesterol. The vegetable is an excellent substitute for sweets for obese people.

Watermelon is also useful for the human body because it has a strong diuretic effect, while it does not irritate the kidneys and esophagus. It is also an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and general tonic. Such qualities will be extremely useful for the liver in case of poisoning, hepatitis A, cystitis, cholelithiasis and even cirrhosis. Among the rest, the following main qualities are distinguished:

  • Stabilizes blood pressure.
  • Softens the course of seasonal diseases for colds, flu and SARS.
  • It also has benefits for the condition of the skin.
  • Removes waste and toxins from the entire body.
  • Low-calorie (indispensable for losing weight).
  • Stabilizes digestion.

With the preventive use of the product, we can talk about the general strengthening effect of the berry. The benefits and harms of watermelon are very similar to those of melon, but there is much more sugar in melon, so it is contraindicated for diabetics and people who are overweight or obese.

Berry-vegetable juice

Watermelon juice is not as popular as the berry itself, probably due to the appearance of a specific aftertaste. However, the benefits of it are no less. For medicinal and health purposes, this format of use is more practical, you can drink much more than eat.

Popular among girls is the method of rubbing the skin of the face and around the eyes with ice cubes with the addition of watermelon juice. After wiping, the moisture is left for 15 minutes and only then washed off with cool water.

Just 200 ml of watermelon juice will help get rid of heartburn. Such a drink is attributed to rehabilitation after serious illnesses. Juice can relieve stool during constipation.

Peel around the head

Tinctures from watermelon peels are used to cleanse the urinary tract. To do this, they are dried, cut and poured with boiling water. Just 100 milliliters 3 times a day will greatly increase urination. For headaches, it helps to apply fresh crusts to the forehead and leave it for 10 minutes. Another benefit of watermelon peels takes place with the bites of nosed insects.

What are the benefits of sweet vegetable seeds

The bones of watermelon have the same useful vitamins and minerals in their composition as the pulp, but to a lesser extent. Some housewives add seeds to various dishes: salads, muesli, soups.

A special recipe for roasted watermelon seeds. Select only black seeds, rinse and dry (you can under the sun). Separately, we prepare a brine from water and salt 50 ml / 1 tsp. Throw the seeds into a dry heated frying pan and fry for 5 minutes, then pour the brine and cook the watermelon bones until the liquid has completely evaporated. Ready!

During pregnancy

The benefits of watermelon during pregnancy, according to experienced doctors. Folic acid is found in large quantities in the berry and helps the expectant mother fight edema, gives vitality, and also fights heartburn.

Watermelon is useful for pregnant women only with the right dosage. If you eat too much of it, then the number of trips to the toilet and the load on the digestive system may increase. It is better to avoid such loads of the expectant mother - it can deliver very unpleasant sensations.

Plus, excessive use of the fetus for food can lead to an allergy to it in the child in the future.

Eating with caution

“A lot of something is bad” - such a phrase refers to the benefits and harms of watermelons as well. Possible negative consequences with such contraindications:

  • Problems with the outflow of urine.
  • Stones in the kidneys.
  • Time of exacerbation of severe chronic ailments.
  • Pancreatitis, bloating.
  • Allergy and individual intolerance.

Bloating may occur due to improper use of the product. Such a vegetable is quickly pickled and begins to ferment.

Tip: Fresh fruits and vegetables are best eaten before or instead of meals.

Adhering to simple recommendations, you can avoid negative manifestations in the form of flatulence. As we can see, there are few contraindications to eating watermelon, but you always need to monitor the reaction of your body. At the beginning of the watermelon season, eat only 1 piece of watermelon per day, then you can increase the dose.

How to choose a good berry

When choosing a watermelon, you need to pay attention to the tail - it must be dry. When knocking, the sound from the watermelon should be sonorous and clear, but not dull.

Try to follow the recommendations given in this article so that you can get the most of the health benefits of watermelon. This popular, sweet vegetable will help you fight for your physical harmony. May this summer be as sweet as the sweetest watermelon for you!

This sweet giant berry is delivered to the most remote corners of the world. Its size is surprising. The benefits and harms of watermelon are considered in different aspects. Everyone agrees on one thing - before the taste of watermelon was different. Why has not only the taste changed, but also the size of the giant berry?

The secret of productivity and harmful additives

First of all, we note why it is necessary to choose a vegetable with reasonable apprehension. Useful properties and contraindications of watermelon depend on many reasons. In pursuit of profit, large agricultural enterprises have mastered the intensive technology of growing melons. By nature, watermelons gratefully accept nitrogen-containing top dressings. They fill up faster from them, but accumulate nitrates, which in the body turn into toxic substances. Therefore, a useful berry receives a harmful content.

This is the main reason why you should not buy early watermelons. They have not gained sugar content, have a pale appearance, yellow streaks, indicating overfeeding. Such a berry will not benefit anyone except sellers. It is possible to acquire watermelon with useful properties only in time from natural ripening, at the end of summer.

There are also a few other restrictions:

  • you can’t buy watermelon from the road from the ground - it absorbs harmful emissions and becomes polluted;
  • you can not cut an unwashed watermelon for testing;
  • you can not buy a watermelon with damage or cut;
  • when buying, you need to require a certificate of quality.

A verified batch of watermelons with formalized documents has normal quality indicators. In order not to get poisoned, it is better to buy a watermelon at an official point of sale or grow it yourself. At the same time, it is better to use an ecotester when buying green products, which will show the content of harmful components in watermelon.

Who shouldn't eat watermelon?

Watermelon contraindications are related to its composition and ability to activate the purification system. Even a conscientiously grown vegetable will harm people with problems:

  • urination disorders;
  • with urolithiasis, when neoplasms are large:
  • stones in the gallbladder can also move into the duct, causing incredible pain to the patient;
  • with loose stools and colitis.

There are no other contraindications to eating sweet berries, except for individual intolerance. In childhood, you need to limit a single serving of 100 grams of the product so as not to overload the gastrointestinal tract. Babies bought watermelon is better not to give. Signs of poisoning can be lethargy, nausea, vomiting. Sometimes the stomach hurts and there is diarrhea. It is best to see a doctor as the symptoms are similar to those of appendicitis.

What is useful watermelon for a person?

If the watermelon is grown on its own or purchased from a bona fide manufacturer, its benefits are invaluable. Knowing what a watermelon is useful for is surprising with a set of components. The content of the usual elements of vitamin products in it is presented almost in its entirety. Therefore, contraindications are associated with its very strong effect on the body.

Regular consumption of watermelon during the season strengthens the immune system and is the prevention of oncology. The main property of watermelon pulp is the ability to remove excess water from the body, and with it toxins and toxins. Salt deposits are washed out with excess liquid, and sand leaves the cleaning system. It is dangerous to eat it for those who have large stones, they can go too.

Folic acid strengthens the hematopoietic system and has a beneficial effect on the formation of the nervous system of the fetus in the womb. The action of this substance is healing for the whole organism, and its amount in watermelon is higher than in other vegetables. For a nursing mother, watermelon is useful because it increases lactation.

For patients with diabetes, the sweet berry is a source of enjoyment of taste without compromising health. At the same time, it is watermelon that will help remove cholesterol from the body of a diabetic, alleviate the course of gout and atherosclerosis.

Beta-carotene helps to cope with stress. For people who are constantly experiencing mental stress, it is an antidepressant. For the elderly, watermelon serves as a preventive measure against Parkinson's disease due to the presence of phenylalanine.

Lycopene prevents the development of oncological diseases of internal organs. Citrulline, a biologically active drug necessary for the stable functioning of the heart muscle. But it also dilates blood vessels and increases potency in men.

Watermelon is used in weight loss diets. In this case, the berry acts systemically. As a result of the use of watermelon, fluid is excreted from the body. The sweet taste gives a signal of satiety, so it becomes easier to reduce the intake of other foods, the body does not experience stress. Fasting day with watermelon is easier.

For the convenience of delivering striped berries over long distances, breeders bred square watermelons. They do not differ in taste from round and oblong varieties.

Rules for the use of watermelon

Knowing about the benefits and dangers of watermelon for health, the choice of a vegetable must be approached responsibly. When buying a berry, you should clarify where it came from and check for the presence of nitrates. Watermelon should not be large, 5 kg is the optimal size. The tail of the berry should be dry, the peel is whole, without points and damage. A hard rind, a yellow spot on the side, and a springy rind that responds with a ringing sound to a slap say that the watermelon is ripe.

It is impossible to cut a watermelon in the market, but at home you need to continue the study:

  1. Dip the watermelon completely into the water, and if it is ripe, it will float.
  2. Wash with soap and water and brush and dry the crust.
  3. After cutting, you should look at the pulp. If it is unnaturally red, there are yellow streaks, it is better not to use watermelon.
  4. A piece of pulp, mashed in a glass of water, gives a pink or red color - the watermelon is overfed with nitrogen fertilizers.

Such a berry can bring many problems, cause severe poisoning. But even if the studies were satisfactory, you need to throw away three cm from the peel of the pulp. Give children a piece from the very core and eat a tasty vegetable in reasonable quantities.

We are used to the fact that the pulp of watermelon is red. However, varieties of yellow watermelons appeared. They are still in low demand. They can only be found in supermarkets with organic products. Yellow watermelons do not have harmful components, but their taste is more like a pumpkin. However, all the useful substances in it are present in full.

Ways to store and preserve watermelons

To prolong the use of watermelons, they are stored at home in a cool, dry cellar for two months. The main condition is that the watermelons are whole, do not touch each other and lie in a container with sand until consumed. Another storage method is to dip each watermelon in hot paraffin and hang it in the cellar. At the same time, there should not be other vegetables in the basement.

But more often watermelons are salted. When salting, watermelons are immersed in the brine whole, over time, the liquid is absorbed into the pulp. Watermelons are fermented together with cabbage or cucumbers. In Ukrainian villages in winter, salted watermelons are considered a good snack and addition to the festive table.

Video about the beneficial properties of watermelon

Watermelon has been familiar to us since childhood with its sugary taste, only the sight of it makes you salivate and when you eat it, you just don’t stop. Almost everyone loves this miracle berry, and the benefits of watermelon are invaluable.

In 100 gr. watermelon contains the following trace elements:

  • Zinc (0.1 mg) is a microelement, without which the full functioning of the nervous system is impossible.
  • Iron (1 mg) is a well-known component of hemoglobin.
  • Sodium (1 mg) - active sodium ions perform an important job, maintaining the osmolar pressure of the intercellular space.
  • Calcium (7 mg) is an indispensable component for the construction of cells of the musculoskeletal system, as well as an element necessary to maintain neuromuscular conduction.
  • Magnesium (10 mg) - is involved in the construction of intracellular components, and is also necessary for the formation of DNA.
  • Phosphorus (11 mg) is a microelement of the energy metabolism of body cells.
  • Potassium (112 mg) - first of all, normalizes the work of the heart, participates in the regulation of the water-salt balance of the body, contributes to a better supply of oxygen to the brain.

The content of vitamins in 100 gr. watermelon:

  • E (0.1 mg) - tocopherol - a well-known antioxidant that prolongs our youth. Responsible for the maintenance of life and restoration of skin cells.
  • B5 (0.2 mg) - pantothenic acid - is involved in the synthesis of fatty acids in the cells of the body.
  • PP (0.2 mg) - nicotinic acid - is responsible for the restoration of damaged cells of the vascular system, improves nutrition and heart function.
  • A (0.2 mg) - retinol, a fat-soluble vitamin - another powerful antioxidant, an indispensable element in the metabolism of liver cells. It is part of the sex hormones, forms glucocorticosteroids.
  • C (8.2 mg) - well, who does not know about ascorbic acid, which nourishes our immune system and is responsible for the body's resistance to various diseases.
  • B9 (20 mcg) - folic acid - ensures the full development of the body

The benefits of watermelon are increased by the presence of the substance circullin, which in the human body is transformed into arginine, which dilates blood vessels. The same effect is produced by ... Viagra, which increases potency. Scientists from the Texas Center for the Study of Fruits and Vegetables are sure that watermelon is very useful for men's health.

Useful properties of watermelon

The health benefits of watermelon are huge, the tasty berry, which consists of 85-90% water, has amazing properties:

  • Antioxidant - the substances that make up the berry prevent the oxidation of various compounds, literally prolonging a person's youth.
  • Diuretic - everyone knows how well taking a large amount of watermelon "works". This is a wonderful cleansing of the body and stimulation of the kidneys.
  • Choleretic - a very useful action that facilitates the work of the liver.
  • Laxative - the abundant water content, oddly enough, promotes soft stools, which is useful for people suffering from constipation. Improves intestinal motility, which contributes to the removal of toxins.
  • Metabolic - actively affects the metabolic processes of the body, improving the metabolism of carbohydrates and reducing the level of free fats in the blood.
  • Immunostimulating - vitamin C improves the body's resistance to infections and viruses.
  • Anti-anemic - iron contained in watermelon compensates for its deficiency in the body, contributing to the production of hemoglobin.

The concentrations of nutrients and vitamins in watermelon, of course, are low. Probably because it is very tasty, nature has taken care of itself and we will not eat too much, no matter how much we want to.

Why can watermelon be unhealthy?

In addition to natural contraindications for people suffering from various diseases, watermelon may well cause a lot of trouble to a completely healthy person ... if it was grown in violation of the norms for fertilizing.

  • Damage to the nervous system (convulsions, disorientation in space).
  • Diarrhea (sometimes with blood) and vomiting.
  • Shortness of breath, decreased blood pressure, darkening of the eyes.

In a poisoned person, the lips and nail plates turn blue. In subacute conditions, a person is simply very ill, weakness is felt, the skin turns blue, the whites of the eyes turn yellow, pain is felt in the liver and stomach, vomiting and diarrhea are present.

If you feel bad after eating a watermelon, immediately take any absorbent (Enterosgel, Enterosorb) or drink activated charcoal. In case of serious violations, an ambulance is urgently called.

Given the increased danger of watermelons due to the threat of containing nitrates in them in exorbitant doses, doctors do not recommend eating berries for children under two years of age, and it is dangerous for older babies to give more than 100 grams. product.

How to choose a healthy watermelon?

The risk of purchasing a low-quality product increases significantly if watermelons are sold in the "off season": in spring, early summer or late autumn, in November. The fact is that watermelons ripen naturally in the second or third decade of August and not earlier. There are two ways to change the ripening time: grow seedlings, plant them in greenhouses or film tunnels, or ... use chemicals that accelerate ripening. The first method is very expensive, but chemistry is quite affordable.

The safest watermelons will be in mid-late August and in September, at the height of the season. However, it is worth remembering that the threat still remains: fertilizers applied "by eye" can cause an excess of nitrates in fruits.

According to the agrotechnics of cultivation, fertilizers are applied in doses. Traditional mineral fertilizers used on melons with watermelons:

  • Ammonium sulfate
  • Superphosphate
  • Potassium salt

Unfortunately, application rates can be violated, which is why grown berries accumulate harmful substances, most of which are nitrates. The benefits of such a watermelon are very doubtful: even a slight excess of the norm poses a threat to health, because the berry is always eaten in large quantities. It is impossible to visually determine whether a watermelon for sale is safe. Modern varieties are distinguished by their impressive size, juicy color of ripe pulp. Therefore, the old "identification marks" of dangerous products no longer work.

Watermelon: to eat or not to eat - that is the question...

It turns out a real dilemma: the health benefits of watermelon are undeniable, it is very tasty and adored by almost everyone. But the increasing cases of poisoning make even incorrigible optimists think. How to be? Is it possible to give up your favorite berry?

Taking care of your health, and especially of our children, has now become the most important task. Too many dangers lie in wait for a modern person in a grocery store. I think the best way out is to check the berries every time before eating them. I suggest how to check vegetables and fruits for nitrates at home.

For 10 months a year, we live in anticipation of the appearance on the shelves of a beautiful and extraordinary...

For 10 months a year, we live in anticipation of the appearance on the shelves of a beautiful and unusually juicy berry grown on melons.

  • For children and men, a dense green "ball" with black stripes and red flesh is an autumn treat.
  • For the fair sex, a low one is more attractive. watermelon calories and the opportunity to try out a new diet.

Girls are counting the days until August, so that they can enjoy the unique properties of gourds for 2 months later. They have already read information about the benefits of watermelon in weight loss, it's a dream - to eat sweets and not gain weight!

But there are also opponents of watermelon addictions. In their opinion, the berry is not as wonderful as it seems...

Where is the truth? You will find it below - we openly reveal high-calorie secrets so that your love for watermelon will only benefit!

Watermelon, is your low calorie weight loss a determining factor?

“Meet watermelon (calorie content for weight loss is an important factor, and it corresponds to it)! You will quickly get rid of excess kilograms, saturate the body with microelements and normalize metabolism. Eat as much as you can and flush out toxins and fluids!

A watermelon weekly mono-diet will permanently remove up to 5 kg in 7 days, if you follow the recommendations. Eat 1.5-2 kg of pulp per day, add brown bread to the diet (no more than 200 g). Get ready for the correct exit from the diet period: give up sweets and buns. 10-14 days - minus 8 kg!

All the highlighted information is a myth, a delusion of ignorant "nutritionists". Health after such a mono-diet will not thank you.

  • You will "magically" begin to lose precious muscle mass at an accelerated rate;
  • Fat burning will be a hundred times slower;
  • Apathy of the body will appear, strength and tone will be depleted.

We do not advocate the absolute uselessness of watermelon when losing weight - as a means for fasting days, it is ideal! It is for the day that its benefits will be maximum.

You will object that it is impossible to achieve such a low caloric content of the diet with other products. Wrong! Let's take the average figure of 1000 kcal:

  • From such a quantity of watermelon, you will swell like a balloon, we can say with confidence that stomach discomfort will accompany you everywhere.
  • Collect in the daily “basket”: an egg, porridge, vegetables and milk for the same calorie amount, and you will get 3 good servings for a full meal + a snack.

Love watermelons? Do not refuse them in the long-awaited period of the end of summer - autumn. One big bite a day is enough to get the most important minerals and vitamins, flavored with the pleasure of savoring!

Did you know that watermelon can make you feel better?

“It has been confirmed that the calorie content of watermelon per 100 grams is only 25-38 kcal. This is a one-of-a-kind sweetness that will never lead to fullness ... "

Believe it? Then, when you see the increased numbers on the scales, look for other options that provoked the sad fact.

For now, we’ll tell you how a low-calorie watermelon “dessert” gives an unexpected increase in kilogram equivalent:

  • Together with a long loaf, white bread, rapid weight gain is guaranteed. A cool option for bodybuilders (they often use it). For those who want to have a slender silhouette, the scarlet pulp in alliance with flour products is “deadly”!
  • Watermelon does not satisfy hunger, its glycemic index is very high - the appetite will definitely break out an hour after eating the berry. It is important to refrain from indiscriminate consumption of fatty and protein foods.
  • It's easy to master a whole green striped "ball" in one sitting. But the arithmetic of "sugar delight" will give a disappointing result. 38 kcal is a small piece; a ripe watermelon itself weighs an average of 6 kg. Multiply and calculate the total calorie content of the berry - 2280 kcal (this is the optimal rate of all calories consumed per day). Are you limited to just watermelon? The counter creeps up along with the kilograms!

How not to fall into this stream of weight gain?

  • Practice fasting watermelon days without mixing the juicy pulp with other foods. There will be a cleansing of toxins with excellent assimilation of useful elements, with which watermelon is rich. Limit salt in the diet, then avoid swelling in the morning.
  • This berry should act as a snack, and not an addition to the main menu of the table. Observe an interval of 1.5-2 hours before and after the main meals - this is the best time for treats.
  • Add variety to any boring diet when hunger strikes and eating something essential is forbidden. The life-giving moisture of watermelon bowels will give a feeling of satiety and sweetness. Maybe not for long, but still. You will become more positive, the motivation to lose weight will not disappear!

The calorie content of watermelon is important, but let's think about the benefits and harms of eating it ...

This section of the article will touch on several nuances combined in a chain: “ watermelon - calories - benefits and harms " so that all the dots over the "i" were dotted.


  • Magnesium in the composition of watermelon is a heart assistant and the best companion for the nervous system (for this, the berry is popularly called an antidepressant and a “mood pill”). Due to magnesium, muscle work and good absorption of vitamins and minerals are activated.
  • Folic acid from the pulp is involved in the construction of DNA, the overall development of the body. Improving memory, clear thoughts and brain activity are embedded in a watermelon slice.
  • Watermelon is effective as a diuretic (in case of kidney failure, a doctor's consultation is required!).
  • The berry is filled with "energetic" vitamin substances.
  • Due to its rapid absorption, watermelon juice is preferable to water for heat strokes, it is characterized by amazing electrolyte capabilities. Febrile seizures and vomiting will also subside.
  • Dietary fibers with their high amount prevent constipation. They also successfully fight high cholesterol.
  • The lycopene in watermelon is recognized as a good adjuvant option in the treatment of male infertility.
  • Cleansing the liver of toxins, the green berry is ideal for recovery after long-term use of antibiotics.
  • Brewed watermelon seeds have an anthelmintic effect.
  • In skin care cosmetology, scarlet juice is used in tonic masks, the purpose of which is to refresh the face and even out skin tone.

The list of benefits of watermelon can be continued with a positive “contribution” in the treatment of: gout and gallbladder, atherosclerosis and anemia, gastritis and obesity, Botkin’s disease and heart defects, hypertension and nosebleeds ...


Let's start with the patterns - the consumption of "bad", nitrate watermelon will negatively affect you. Chemicals in fertilizers, saltpeter injected into the pulp with a syringe through the peel - all this gives an impetus to the rapid ripening of fruits. For a person, an increased level of harmful substances is detrimental - frequent poisonings in early August only confirm this.

Expect high-quality watermelons with melons no earlier than mid-August. Do not rush to the "early" fruits that lure bored buyers to the shelves!

Let's move on to the advice of scientific medicine, which is against the abuse of juicy pulp by people suffering from pressure, heart spasms. This is due to fructose - it carries "turmoil" into the digestive tract, gives rise to bloating and gas formation. Internal pressure changes critically, problems can spread to the heart rhythm. If you don't want to deny yourself the pleasure of watermelon, go to the treating specialist...

The ban on regaling with watermelon applies to:

  • Exacerbations of colitis and diarrhea;
  • Difficulties in the outflow of urine (the doctor may give permission in individual cases);
  • Pyelonephritis (specialist advice is also needed);
  • Kidney stones (watermelon can begin to move large stones);
  • Diabetes (the treat is rarely available in very small portions)
  • Problems with the prostate and pancreas;
  • Infant age (up to 3 years) - the origin of the watermelon and confidence in its quality (the absence of chemical “pumps”) are important here. Try to introduce the baby, starting with small slices (70-150 g / day).

Conclusion about the "healthy" amount of watermelon consumption per day

Did you understand that calorie content of watermelon in 1 kg low (250-380 kcal). But this is not a reason to start thoughtlessly eating the long-awaited berry. The opinion of nutritionists on the daily rate is the same - no more than 2-2.5 kg. Not at once - you should not arm yourself with spoons, surrounding the watermelon flaunting on the table with the whole family. Only in portions from morning to early evening.

You need to enjoy delicacies wisely, the discomfort from overeating is not appropriate!

The end of summer, the long-awaited watermelon season has come. August, early September is just the time for the full ripening of this wonderful striped berry. It is at this time that we can enjoy the juicy and healthy pulp of a watermelon, and not a ripe fruit stuffed with chemicals that contains a bunch of harmful impurities.

Watermelon is loved by everyone, both adults and children, but, like any other product, it can not only benefit our body, but also harm it. Whether watermelon is good or bad for your health will depend on a number of reasons:

  • Conscientious cultivation;
  • Storage conditions;
  • Implementation rules.

In this article, we will talk about all the qualities of watermelon.

A bit of history

Many mistakenly believe that the fruit of a watermelon is a berry, but more correctly, a watermelon is a vegetable berry from the pumpkin family - pumpkin. The fruit of a watermelon can be of different shapes, not only spherical, but also oval, cylindrical, square, flattened. The color of the bark is white, green, dark green, yellow, with characteristic stripes and spots.

Watermelon pulp also comes in different colors - red, raspberry, pink, yellow or pearl.

The world has known about this miracle berry since the time of the Pharaohs. Inside the pyramids, drawings of watermelons were found on the walls. Often, watermelon was placed in tombs as a source of food in the afterlife.

South Africa is the birthplace of watermelons and it is still found there in the wild. In South North Korea, they celebrate "watermelon day".

Watermelons were brought to Europe during the time of the Crusades, and in Russia they appeared in the 17th century, immediately gaining universal recognition and popularity.

Watermelon calories

It is very pleasing that such a tasty product is low in calories, but you should know that watermelon has a high glycemic index, which stimulates appetite.

Watermelon pulp contains - in 100 gr. - 38 kcal.

  • Water - 90%
  • Sugar - 10-12%
  • Fats - 0.1 g.
  • Proteins - 0.6 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 5.8 g.

Composition of watermelon

The composition of watermelon includes fiber, fructose, useful for the body, which makes it possible for diabetics to use it.

Vitamins - A, C, E, B1, B6, B9, PP.

Trace elements - calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus.

Separate the white pulp from the crusts, cut into cubes and prick with a fork.

Dissolve baking soda in a glass of hot water.

Put the sliced ​​​​pieces in a saucepan, pour 4 cups of water and one glass of water with soda.

Mix everything and leave for 3-4 hours, after which rinse the crusts well from soda, pour clean water and leave for 30 minutes. , rinse and again fill with water for the same time. Now drain the water and pour the crusts with sweet syrup.

Cooking syrup:

In a saucepan, mix 600 gr. Sugar and 3 cups water, bring to a boil and add the washed rinds.

Cook the jam while stirring for 20 minutes. Remove the pan and leave for 10 hours to infuse.

After the time has elapsed, pour the remaining sugar and cook for 30 minutes. Again we leave for 10 hours to infuse. In the third cooking, add the juice of one lemon and leave to infuse again.

Arrange cold jam in sterile jars. Store in a cool place.

Watermelon smoothie

To make a smoothie you will need:

  • Watermelon pulp - 2 cups
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon
  • Yogurt - 1 cup
  • Fresh mint leaves - 1 tablespoon
  • Cinnamon - a little.

Mix the watermelon, honey and mint in a blender on low speed, gently fold in the yogurt and cinnamon.

These wonderful fruits can be used in various recipes and for various purposes, the main thing is that they bring beauty and health to your body.

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How to choose a watermelon video