Why it hurts to cough in the sternum and how to treat it. Why does the chest hurt when coughing Cough burns and hurts the chest

When it hurts while coughing rib cage and such sensations appear constantly - you should consult a doctor for advice. If this is not done, then there is real threat skip the development of pathology, the treatment of which can take a lot of time and effort.

Causes of pain

The causes of pain are ailments that a person has never suspected and, perhaps, has not heard of. Often patients do not pay attention to such symptoms until they become too intense.

Painful sensations when coughing in the chest area often occur against the background of a common cold. They signal that the mucous, lung tissue or pleura is damaged.

The causes of pain are:

  • Pleurisy Inflammation of the double membrane (pleural sheets) that surrounds the lungs and lines the chest. This pathological condition greatly complicates the work of the lungs. Pleurisy aggravates the course of many ailments in cardiology, phthisiology, pulmonology, oncology and rheumatology. Inflammation often accompanies pneumonia. Even a slight cough causes a painful tingling in the sternum.
  • Thoracic injury. As a result of blows, cracks, fractures of the ribs, dislocations of the shoulder joint are possible. Pain is felt not only during coughing, but also with slight turns of the body, while walking.
  • Dry pericarditis- inflammation of the outer shell of the heart (pericardial sac, pericardium). One of the reasons for its development is the application hard hit in the region of the heart, damage during injuries and operations. Chest pains are quite noticeable and become even more intense when a person coughs. At the same time, there is a violation of the depth of breathing, shortness of breath increases.
  • Contraction of the interpleural ligament-accompanied by constant coughing. It hurts his chest. The cough gets worse when the person is talking or exercising.
  • Intercostal neuralgia- irritation of the nerves located between the ribs, or their compression. The disease is accompanied by periodic or paroxysmal acute and piercing pain. It is aggravated by coughing, sneezing, a slight change in body position. It is important to distinguish an ailment from a heart attack, since the symptoms are very similar.
  • The appearance of a neoplasm in the lungs, during the development of which uncontrolled cell growth occurs, and the tumor spreads to neighboring organs.
  • Tracheitis- one of the ailments that affects the upper respiratory tract. The disease can appear during SARS, influenza, laryngitis or pharyngitis. Tracheitis often develops on its own. It can be caused by various allergens, staphylococci and streptococci. Pain in the chest, which is aggravated by coughing. Both symptoms disappear with the treatment of tracheitis.
  • Bronchitis- an ailment of the respiratory system, in which the inflammatory process penetrates the bronchi. The disease is accompanied by pain in the chest and burning sensation when coughing.
  • Tuberculosis- a dangerous infectious disease that is caused by Koch's sticks. A persistent cough is one of the classic symptoms of the disease. It is wet or dry, increases the pain in the sternum.
  • Crick- probably the most harmless cause of pain in the chest with a dry cough. A properly prescribed course of treatment will relieve painful sensations. They quickly pass without a trace.
  • With an attack of renal colic the center of pain is concentrated under the right hypochondrium and spoon. Gradually, its wave spreads over the entire surface of the abdomen, gives into the shoulder blade and shoulder. It increases not only with coughing, but also with a small breath.
  • Intervertebral osteochondrosis- a possible cause of chest pain when coughing and inhaling. The disease develops due to curvature or injuries of the spine, heavy loads on the spine.
  • Pneumothorax- an acute condition in which in the space between chest wall and the lungs accumulate air. It penetrates into the pleura. As a result, when inhaling, the lungs cannot expand enough. Breathing is reduced, pain appears, which is especially noticeable when coughing. Pneumothorax often occurs after trauma to the chest or as a complication of a viral disease.
  • Cardiovascular ailments. They can also provoke pain when coughing. Among such diseases: arrhythmia and angina pectoris; ischemic disease hearts; peripheral vascular disease; hypertension and stroke.

When a cough responds with pain in the chest area, it is necessary to consult a general practitioner, pulmonologist, neurologist.


The specialist will start treatment only after a thorough examination, during which real reasons pain in the sternum and diagnosed. Research consists of:

  • a general blood test and for the presence of infection;
  • expanded radiograph of the lungs (in several projections);
  • sputum culture;
  • electrocardiograms;
  • tuberculin test.

To exclude oncological diseases, a sample (puncture) of the lung tissue is taken, and histological examination.

The results of the tests will tell you what caused pain in the chest when coughing. They will help determine how deeply the inflammatory process has penetrated into the respiratory system, whether there are damage to the lung tissue and what is the degree of their severity. It is possible that the causes lie in the ailments of the heart and blood vessels.

Help with chest pain

When the cause of pain when coughing is muscle tension, then any warming ointment can be used. With its help, swelling of the muscles is removed. The ointment, penetrating under the skin, will remove pain, as it normalizes the contraction of muscle fibers. If the body temperature is normal, it is worth using compresses or mustard plasters.

Rubbing with agents that provide local anesthesia, for example menovazin.

To reduce the intensity of the cough, appropriate preparations are used in the form of tablets or mixtures. They are able to reduce the number of attacks by blocking the cough center. But it should be noted that such drugs can be used only when there is no need for sputum to form and leave. They are relevant for diseases of laryngitis, pharyngitis, acute respiratory infections.

When is it hit bronchial tree, lung tissue and trachea, sputum is necessary in order to clear the respiratory tract from pathogens and various products of their vital activity. Therefore, cough suppressants should only be taken once, at bedtime. This is necessary so that the patient can sleep normally. In the daytime, drugs are used that dilute sputum and increase its formation.

The doctor prescribes antibacterial and antiviral drugs aimed at treating the underlying disease and helping to reduce the intoxication of the body. They will help the cough go away and eliminate the focus of the disease.

Great importance is given to the drinking regime. It is advisable to drink more fluids, including milk and mineral water with low alkali content.

In the presence of intercostal neuralgia, therapeutic exercises will help get rid of chest pains.

Determine the cause discomfort that occur in the chest when a person coughs, only a specialist can. Therefore, prescribing treatment on your own is dangerous and unacceptable.

There are many reasons for the appearance of pain in the chest when a person coughs. It is possible to prevent painful sensations if you lead a healthy and active life. Regular exercise, consumption useful products, rejection of bad habits help to increase immunity. This means that the body will be able to resist any disease, avoid many pathologies.

Cough is mainly due to colds or allergic diseases. Everyone without exception suffers from the disease, especially in the wet season. What causes intrathoracic pain when coughing, we will understand in the article.

Diseases associated with pain in the chest when coughing

Cough with a common cold or acute respiratory infections passes quickly enough without any complications. If pain is observed in the chest region, this indicates the presence of a disease:
  • Bronchitis. Bronchial inflammation is accompanied by a strong cough: at first dry, then with sputum. In this case, the painful condition is characterized by a burning sensation in the sternum and pain in the head.
  • Oncology of the lungs. A malignant formation in the pulmonary region is accompanied by a strong cough, sometimes prolonged and non-stop. It becomes difficult for the patient to breathe. This causes a sharp stabbing pain in the chest.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis. To date a large number of people suffer from this disease, especially those who refused vaccinations at one time. The disease is severe. The cough can be both dry and wet, giving into the chest, especially if a person is doing physical work.
  • Violation of the functionality of the spine in the chest area. Pericarditis- the most common disease of the chest. The patient, when breathing, begins to cough strongly with a certain frequency, experiencing sharp pain in the chest.
  • Inflammatory process of the trachea develops in the presence of influenza or SARS. The patient has a feeling of strong squeezing in the chest. The disease is quickly cured with timely seeking help.
  • Membrane, covering the lungs and chest inside, Sometimes becomes inflamed. Complication inflammatory process speaks dry pleurisy and pneumonia. Rapid cough accompanied by intrathoracic pain.
  • With normal muscle strain or chest cold, pain in the chest area is barely noticeable. Dry cough is eliminated quickly with the right approach to treatment.
  • Shortening of the interpleural ligament is a complication of the inflammatory process of the pleura. The patient is tormented persistent cough And pain syndrome in the chest. The disease is hard to bear. The patient begins to "choke" with a cough when talking and doing physical work.
  • Bronchial asthma. Cough occurs intermittently during attacks. The disease often becomes chronic form, especially in adults. Persistent attacks cause coughing, shortness of breath and chest pain, which is relieved by the use of an inhaler.
  • Allergic reactions. By analogy with asthmatic disease, the patient periodically suffers attacks that are removed antihistamines and using an inhaler.
  • Vascular and heart diseases are often complicated by heavy breathing, and as a result - chest pain mixed with a dry cough.
  • Intercostal neuralgia- proceeds with acute chest pains and cough.

With a strong cough, it is better to undergo an examination, including fluorography, in order to avoid serious consequences.

Symptoms of chest pain when coughing. The nature and localization of pain

Symptoms of the above diseases are different. Consider the main signs of the presence of a particular disease.

If this common cold, cough is dry. The sputum begins to come out effective treatment. A cold patient will feel weakness, chills, fever. There is noticeable discomfort in the chest area.

For lung cancer Feel . If the patient does not know about his illness and does not treat it, metastases begin to spread rapidly throughout the body.

Initially, the strongest pain syndrome is observed in one of the sides - on the right or, giving to the neck, abdomen and upper limbs. Then it moves to the next side. As soon as metastases penetrate the spine and under the ribs, the patient suffers powerful, intense pain in the sternum.

With tuberculosis chest pain are noted against the background of a strong cough with sputum, weight loss of the patient, shortness of breath, a constant temperature that does not decrease, weakness, expectoration of blood, inflammation of the lymph nodes.

In patients with pleurisy acute pain syndrome in the chest region increases with inspiration. The patient starts chills, general weakness in the body, the temperature goes off scale. Pain from the chest passes under the lower ribs.

In violation of the functionality of the spinal column pain radiates to the ribs. It increases not only during coughing, but also when sneezing, breathing and laughing.

Tracheitis occurs both with a cold and with infectious diseases respiratory organs. Against the background of a burning sensation in the sternum, a high temperature rises, a dry cough begins, and the nose is blocked. Painful discomfort is observed in the intrathoracic space in the center in the form of compression.

It is characterized by a strong cough with rusty sputum. Against the background of high temperature, rising from the first days of the disease, weakness, nausea, chills occur, the face turns red, appear. The pain spreads throughout the sternum.

Bronchitis proceeds like pneumonia. The symptoms are similar. Distinctive feature is that cough for a long time may be dry. The temperature does not always rise. Wheezing is heard in the region of the bronchi. The pain is also concentrated throughout the space of the chest. With the right approach, this disease can be cured faster than pneumonia.

When stretching muscles and post-traumatic condition of the spinal column, the patient feels increasing pain in the chest. Such indicators are also characteristic of a fracture of the ribs.

Inflammatory process of the intercostal ligament accompanies pain in the sternum with a burning sensation. Appears in the center of the sternum when coughing. If a person decides to run, the pain syndrome increases, a painful tingling sensation is felt.

Bronchial asthma appears in periods. The temperature does not always rise. The main symptom is coughing and shortness of breath. The absence of an inhaler at the time of an attack can lead to irreparable consequences. Pain during an exacerbation of the disease is localized in the center of the chest.

Allergy attacks also occur at regular intervals. The disease is accompanied by intrathoracic pain with cough and severe shortness of breath. Patients carry antihistamines and an inhaler with them at all times.

Intercostal neuralgia accompanied by shooting pains in the center of the sternum, aggravated by inhalation. The pain is so severe that the patient cannot bear it. It can give under the ribs, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inflamed nerve.

Right side chest pain manifests itself against the background of injuries, severe physical activity, sprains and other injuries. During exertion, the patient feels pain of a pulling nature. Sudden movements and running pain only increase.

If it hurts in the chest on the right, accompanied by coughing and sneezing, this may indicate infectious diseases respiratory systems. Right-sided pain is also characteristic of more serious diseases, such as pleurisy, pneumonia, and lung cancer.

Left chest pain manifests itself in cardiovascular diseases and any diseases of the respiratory system: heart attack, pericarditis, pulmonary embolism, etc.

Pain in the middle of the chest occurs against the background of heart disease, diseases respiratory tract and oncology. The pain syndrome can first be localized in the center, then move to different sides chest, depending on the nature of the course of the disease.

Pain, which is localized behind the sternum in combination with a cough, manifests itself with spinal injuries, intercostal neuralgia, diseases of the respiratory system and oncology.

What to do if it hurts in the chest from coughing

It is possible to get rid of chest pain when coughing at home if you are sure that you have received a muscle or ligament sprain.

It is necessary to give up training for a while, and in the future to reduce the load in the exercises. To treat the disease, it is recommended to buy a warming ointment.

Sometimes chest pains with shortness of breath, turning into a cough, occur when walking or running fast. Here you need to stop, catch your breath, you can rinse your throat with water, but do not drink much. We continue on our way at a leisurely pace.

Sick, suffering chronic diseasesasthma or allergies are rescued by inhalers and antihistamines as needed.

In all other cases, be sure to consult a doctor. As we found out, a cough accompanied by chest pain can be the cause of more than a dozen diseases, in particular oncology.

The main reasons for contacting a specialist are:

  • an increase in temperature for several days in a row;
  • general poor health;
  • cough increases daily and does not recede within a week;
  • heavy breathing and shortness of breath;
  • expectoration of sputum with blood secretions;
  • the normal skin tone of the face changes to reddish, pale or cyanotic.


Diagnosis of diseases associated with chest pain when coughing occurs in several stages:

  • The patient gives general urine and blood tests, sputum analysis for culture.
  • Blood tests to detect viruses and infections.
  • An X-ray examination of the chest area is performed. Pictures are taken from several angles.
  • Testing for tuberculosis.
  • ECG to detect cardiovascular diseases.
  • A puncture of the lung tissue is taken if there is a suspicion of oncology.
  • In case of pain in the sternum that is not associated with diseases, the patient is sent for a consultation with a traumatologist, who, in turn, issues a referral for an x-ray examination of the places of pain concentration.
Based on the results obtained, an accurate diagnosis is made.

If we collect all the diseases on our subject into a single whole, we can find out that the main share is occupied by lung diseases. Physicians recommend to address first of all to the pulmonologist. This is a doctor who specializes in bronchopulmonary diseases, who can make a preliminary diagnosis by listening to the patient's breathing.

Pulmonologist about lung diseases (video)

After watching a short video, we will learn more about pulmonologists. How do experts diagnose disease? early stages. How can a pulmonologist help a patient with respiratory problems?


The purpose of drugs is determined by the type of disease, and how difficult it is.

Diseases of the bronchopulmonary direction treated with antibiotics, expectorants, painkillers, antihistamines. For a simple cough, cough syrup may be prescribed.

At cardiovascular disorders the patient is referred to a cardiologist, who prescribes vasodilators, sedatives, diuretics and other drugs aimed at restoring the vascular system and the heart.

Intercostal neuralgia treated with antibiotics, painkillers, sedatives.

Chest pain associated with bruises and trauma, pass after physiotherapy procedures. The patient is advised to temporarily refrain from physical activity, physiotherapy exercises and peace.

Tuberculosis and oncology lungs require hospital treatment. The patient undergoes a more thorough examination. Conduct a course of treatment to maintain the health of the patient. Such diseases in a neglected state are not always completely cured. The task of doctors in this case is to extend the life of the patient for the maximum possible period.

Often coughing fits accompanied by pain in the chest area. Some patients simply do not pay attention to such a condition, and do not even think about why there is chest pain when coughing. At the same time, there can be many reasons for such manifestations, and in most cases they indicate the course of any diseases in the human body. In such cases, the main task of the patient and doctors is to timely determine the presence of violations in the functioning of certain organs and systems, and to conduct appropriate treatment.

Why are coughing attacks accompanied by pain?

Chest pain when coughing is not considered normal and inevitably indicates certain disorders. Pain can occur in such cases:

It is impossible to let the disease take its course, since often chest pain that appears on the background of a cold may indicate damage to the mucous membrane, lung tissue or pleura.

Diagnosis of emerging pain

When health deteriorates, which is manifested by coughing and chest pains, it is necessary to visit such doctors as a pulmonologist, therapist, neurologist. In the case when the cause of the pain cannot be established, doctors can use a detailed x-ray of the lungs for diagnosis, general analysis blood, sputum culture, tuberculin test, blood test for the presence of a viral or bacterial infection.

To exclude the presence of a tumor in the lungs, it is necessary to make a puncture of the lung tissue for histological examination. If you suspect such diseases as tracheitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, SARS, x-ray of the lungs and sputum analysis are prescribed.

Having studied the indicators of a detailed blood test, it is possible to determine the depth of the inflammatory process in the organs respiratory system.

What measures to take?

If coughing attacks occur that cause pain in the sternum, you can slightly alleviate the patient's condition. But it's worth giving up self-treatment in cases where the cause of such a process is unknown. If the patient knows that the pain in the chest when coughing is due to stretching of the muscles, a warming ointment can be used. You need to buy an ointment as prescribed by a doctor, apply it to a sore spot and rub it well so that the affected area is hot. Such actions must be done for 3 days, during which time the inflammatory process will be removed.

It is also recommended to take drugs that suppress coughing attacks or drugs that increase the amount of sputum and promote its discharge. Chest pain when coughing, in any case, is an indicator of disorders occurring in the functioning of the body, which is why it is important to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

Chest pain when coughing

Squeezing, stabbing and other discomfort in the chest area, as a rule, indicate respiratory diseases, especially in the presence of a cough. However this symptom is not always a sign of bronchitis, pneumonia or tuberculosis. It happens that when coughing, it hurts in the chest due to pathologies of the heart, digestive, nervous system and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Why does my chest hurt when I cough?

The main causes of the condition under consideration are the pathologies of the respiratory tract:

  • acute, chronic bronchitis;
  • SARS;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • tracheitis;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • pleurisy (inflammation of the lung membrane);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumothorax;
  • pharyngitis;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • emphysema.

With these diseases, a strong dry or moist cough and chest pain. These clinical manifestations can occur in the form of seizures, often observed at night and in the morning.

In addition, the following diseases and conditions become the causes of pain in the chest area:

  • destruction, injury of the rib cage;
  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • tumors in the chest;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • hernia of the esophagus;
  • reflux esophagitis;
  • allergic reaction;
  • heart failure;
  • Availability foreign body in the respiratory tract;
  • epiglottitis;
  • shortening of the intervertebral ligament;
  • renal colic.

It is worth noting that the above list of pathologies is rarely accompanied by a cough. If this symptom is present, there are likely comorbidities.

What should I do if my chest hurts from coughing?

To start treatment, it is important to establish the cause of the described clinical manifestations. Therefore, you should contact several specialists:

  • therapist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • pulmonologist;
  • neuropathologist;
  • surgeon;
  • oncologist.

When the factor provoking the problem is clarified, you need to pay attention to the nature of the cough and the presence of concomitant symptoms.

If the cause of the pain syndrome is a neurological disease or osteochondrosis, it is necessary to reduce the load on the spine, perform warm-ups and take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

When dry painful cough the use of antitussive drugs is required. They contribute to the suppression of seizures, provide normal night sleep. Additionally, you can take NSAIDs to relieve pain.

A wet cough involves thinning and facilitating the excretion of sputum. For these purposes, mucolytics, bronchodilators are prescribed. It is important to observe the drinking regimen, which includes a plentiful amount of warm liquid.

It is important to note that coughing and chest pain are just signs of an underlying disease. Without his therapy, it is pointless to deal with such manifestations.

Chest hurts during coughing - how to treat such symptoms?

Of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are recommended:

  • ibuprofen;
  • Ortofen;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Aspirin.

Antitussive drugs:

  • Codterpin;
  • Bluecode;
  • Terpincode;
  • Codelac;
  • Libeksin;
  • Stoptussin.

Expectorant drugs that facilitate the excretion of bronchopulmonary secretion:

  • Ambroxol;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Bromhexine;
  • liquorice root.

If necessary, the doctor may also prescribe antiallergic medications:

  • Diazolin;
  • Zodak;
  • Claritin;
  • Tavegil;
  • Zyrtec.

Antibiotics for bacterial cough:

  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Sumamed;
  • Unidox Solutab.

Sometimes antivirals are needed:

  • Interferon;
  • Oscillococcinum;
  • Amizon;
  • Remantadin.

Chest pain when coughing

Causes of chest pain when coughing can be diseases that a person is not even aware of. The most common causes are diseases of the area near or around the heart, or in its middle wall, which manifests itself in the form of pain. Pain during breathing and coughing can be signs of respiratory diseases, although they can be easily confused with heart disease. Such pains are most often localized on the side of the chest - on the right or left. They can be sharp, stabbing or, conversely, blunt, pulling. What specific diseases are indicated by chest pain when coughing?

Learn more about causes of chest pain when coughing

The causes of chest pain when coughing, in addition to diseases of the heart, blood vessels and respiratory system, can be infections. They cause coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath and other symptoms that are not very pleasant for a person and prompt him to immediately consult a doctor. Here is a partial list of the most common causes of chest pain when coughing.

  • Colds, seasonal flu (flu), swine flu, SARS (acute respiratory viral infection).
  • Epiglottitis (bloated epiglottis), tracheitis, acute or chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, and diphtheria
  • Tuberculosis
  • Respiratory tract infection
  • Asthma
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema.
  • Smoke inhalation
  • Allergy
  • foreign body
  • Tumors
  • Pleurisy, which can cause chest pain and cough when breathing deeply
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Heart failure.
  • Pulmonary embolism

What diseases cause chest pain when coughing?

Let's take a closer look at the diseases that can cause chest pain when coughing.

Inflammation of the membrane (pleurisy)

IN chest cavity and lungs there is a special membrane that acts as a kind of bedding. If this membrane becomes inflamed, a person may develop a cough that is dull and barking or dry and does not go away. Such a disease is most often diagnosed as pleurisy or dry pleurisy. Most often it is a consequence of pneumonia.


If a person is affected by dry pleurisy, he may experience the following symptoms.

  • Rolling over on the side that hurts can reduce pain.
  • It is difficult to breathe, especially one side of the chest suffers, in which pain appears.
  • Breathing may be weakened, especially if the person tries not to strain the sore side of the chest.
  • When listening to breathing, the doctor can determine the noise in the chest and lungs - this is due to friction of the pleural membranes.
  • May occur subfebrile temperature body (37.5 - 38 degrees Celsius)
  • Chills and night sweats, as well as rapid breathing and fatigue.

The destruction of the frame of the ribs

With this disease, a person can also experience chest pain when coughing.


Rib frame or thoracic region the spine may be destroyed or damaged as a result of an injury, causing it to become less mobile than it used to be. In this case, a person may also suffer from tumors of the pleura or a disease called pericarditis. Chest pain in such cases becomes stronger during coughing, elementary movements, running, even walking. There is shortness of breath, and the pain of shortness of breath can be either severe or weaken at times.

Too short interpleural ligament

If the interpleural ligament is shorter than physiologically necessary, the person may cough and have chest pain. The ligament is called interpleural because it is located between the two parts of the pleura - parietal and visceral, which are located near the so-called roots of the lungs. This ligament provides resistance to the lungs when the diaphragm moves with any effort. About what with light problems, can be judged by the displacement of the interpleural ligaments. For example, they shorten with the development of pneumonia.


Cough and chest pain is aggravated when a person talks, takes a deep breath, breathes actively, gives himself more physical activity than usual. He may experience chest pains in the form of tingling when running or walking.

Intercostal neuralgia

This disease is characterized by severe pain in the chest in the form of shots. They disturb the person so much that he can scream in pain. It is important not to confuse intercostal neuralgia with attacks of heart pain, because the symptoms are similar.


Chest pain with intercostal neuralgia increases sharply as soon as a person coughs or if he simply inhales sharply.

Renal colic

From this disease, pain can occur not only in the back, where the kidneys are located, but also chest pain when coughing. Renal colic may occur due to a violation of the outflow of urine, which develops due to bad work urinary tract and kidneys.


Pain under the ribs on the right in the chest increases with coughing and movement. Pain renal colic it can also bother in the pit of the stomach (a common symptom) and a person also has pain in the entire abdomen. Pain in renal colic can give under the scapula with right side or right forearm. If the doctor examines the patient and checks the work of the gallbladder by palpation, the pain may also bother there. The tenth and twelfth vertebrae of the chest can especially signal pain.

chest injury

They can also cause chest pain that gets worse when you cough. Chest injuries may include fractures or bruises of the ribs, as well as dislocations and subluxations of the shoulder joint.


Pain in chest injuries is usually sharp, shooting, intensifying with each movement. It is important not to confuse such pain with osteochondrosis. In this disease, chest pain also increases with coughing, but is treated in a completely different way.

Chest pain when coughing due to a cold

Causes of chest pain when coughing can be colds caused by viruses or bacteria. The diseases themselves are influenza, SARS, whooping cough, inflammation of the trachea (tracheitis) and other cold-related diseases.


  • Dry cough that doesn't go away
  • Chills
  • Sore throat
  • Heat
  • Fast fatiguability
  • Sensation as if someone is scratching the inside of the chest

As a rule, such pains disappear immediately as soon as a person eliminates the source of the disease - the bacteria or viruses that caused the pain and cough.

Lungs' cancer

Lung cancer is a disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells in the tissues of the lungs. If the cancer is left untreated, this growth can spread outside the lungs (metastasize) to nearby tissues and other parts of the body. The most common cause of lung cancer is long-term exposure to tobacco smoke. It is important to know that non-smokers account for 10-15% of lung cancer cases, and doctors often attribute these cases to a combination of genetic factors. The remaining 80-85% of lung cancer cases are the consequences of smoking.


The nature of chest pains when coughing, which occur due to lung cancer, is sharp, tingling, encircling the entire chest. Pain can disturb a person in only one part of the chest or give it to the arm, stomach or neck. If metastases penetrate into the ribs or spine, a person experiences very strong, unbearable pain in the chest, which is aggravated by the slightest movement.


A collapsed lung, or pneumothorax, is air bag in the space around the lungs. This accumulation of air puts pressure on the lungs so they cannot expand as much as they need to breathe normally. A collapsed lung occurs when air escapes from the lungs and fills the space outside the lungs, inside the chest. This disease can be caused by a gunshot or stab wound to the chest, broken ribs, or medical procedures. In some cases, a collapsed lung occurs for no reason. This condition is called spontaneous pneumothorax.


Intolerable pain in the chest, which sometimes goes away on its own, and sometimes requires surgical intervention. Chest pain can be moderate, but worsen with coughing or sudden movements.

Diagnosis of chest pain when coughing

To completely exclude serious damage to the lung tissue or to find out that the causes of chest pain when coughing are diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the doctor may prescribe the following diagnostic methods

  • detailed x-ray of the lungs in several projections;
  • general blood analysis
  • sputum culture
  • tuberculin test
  • a blood test to check for a bacterial or viral infection

When suspected of having oncological disease need a puncture of the lung tissue for histological examination. Only after that it will be possible to talk about what kind of disease bothers you.

In the presence of obvious symptoms of bronchitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis and SARS, an x-ray of the lungs, a tuberculin test and sputum analysis are performed. The doctor may also prescribe a detailed complete blood count. According to its indicators, it will be possible to judge the depth of the inflammatory process in the respiratory organs.

Chest pain when coughing, as you already understood, may occur due to various diseases. Therefore, the treatment in each case is different. The method of treating chest pain when coughing depends entirely on the qualifications of the doctor, so it is important to find a specialist whom you can completely trust.

Many people pay attention to a cough only if it is accompanied by a fever. In other cases, they do not take the symptom seriously, they expect the unpleasant phenomenon to pass by itself. They don't even think about going to the hospital, but prolonged cough without fever haunts them for months.

A frivolous attitude to the signal of the body in most cases ends rather badly:

The severe consequences of ignoring a prolonged cough without fever are explained by the fact that it is often a companion of quite serious and dangerous processes occurring in the body. They may affect various bodies and worsen the condition immune system generally.

Prolonged cough, chest pain without fever due to chronic bronchitis

Reflex spasms of the airways are often a sign of ailments that do not necessarily have sharp shape. Prolonged cough (more than a month) without fever is very often observed with bronchitis in chronic stage. Its main features are:

  • Parallel occurrence of pain in the chest.
  • Strengthening in windy and wet weather.
  • Excretion of copious sputum.

Prolonged ignoring of the symptom and the lack of adequate treatment of the underlying disease can lead to the occurrence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Long cough without fever with tuberculosis

In addition to prolonged bronchitis, there are more serious illness respiratory system, which may be evidenced by bronchospasm, haunting for a long time. Prolonged cough (3 weeks) without fever may be a sign of such terrible disease like tuberculosis. The symptom accompanying this disease has the following characteristics:

The danger of ignoring a prolonged cough without fever caused by tuberculosis lies in the fact that during reflex spasms, which become more and more intense, the respiratory organs can be injured and pulmonary hemorrhages occur. The main disease, in the absence of adequate treatment, will progress, developing into a more severe form.

Persistent cough without fever in smokers

Reflex spastic expiration, continuing long time, can be caused not only directly by diseases of the bronchi or lungs. Often they develop due to the presence bad habit - nicotine addiction, provoking the beginning of the development of various pathological processes in the respiratory system.

If the cough continues for 3 weeks (there is no temperature), and the person has a long smoking experience, then you should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • Are there signs of any infectious diseases?
  • Does cough appear most often in the morning, after physical exertion (even brisk walking), with sharp breaths.
  • Are bronchospasms accompanied by the release of dense clots of mucus.

If a long cough without fever in a smoker is accompanied by similar symptoms, then there is a high probability that the unpleasant phenomenon is caused precisely by the constant inhalation of tobacco smoke.

The only way to get rid of a prolonged cough without fever in this case is to stop smoking. All other methods (inhalations, mint or eucalyptus sweets, soothing gargles) can slightly weaken the intensity of reflex spasms, but they cannot completely get rid of them.

Just as it is impossible to stop the pathological processes that have begun in the respiratory system without giving up a bad habit. After all, very often a long-term cough in smokers develops into chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which threatens with serious health consequences.

Protracted cough without fever in heart disease

Reflex spasms of the diaphragm that do not stop for a long time can be caused not only pathological processes occurring directly in the respiratory organs. If, for example, a cough continues for 2 weeks without fever, then you should pay attention to other sensations and signs:

Prolonged cough without fever with allergic reactions

Hypersensitivity of the body to various stimuli can also cause reflex spasms of the airways. The unpleasant symptom that has arisen from exposure to allergens can be quite long. He pursues a person until contact of the patient with the provocateur is excluded. If the cough continues for two weeks (without fever), then it will not be superfluous to visit the hospital and take tests to identify various intolerances.

For an unpleasant symptom caused by an allergy, the following course is characteristic:

  • Occurs after contact with a specific stimulus.
  • The absence of such signs of disease states as: temperature, fever, pain, weakness.
  • Possible itching, runny nose, sneezing.
  • Absence of mucus.

Prolonged cough without fever may be evidence allergic reaction body on such ordinary things as:

  • Plant pollen.
  • Wool.
  • Freezing.
  • Sun.
  • Cosmetical tools.
  • Household chemicals.

The reasons for the development of allergies and the occurrence of a prolonged cough without fever may be:

  • Excessive hygiene, which reduces the protective functions of the immune system.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Foods rich in chemicals.

Unfortunately, there are no drugs that treat allergies. Therefore, the only way to get rid of a prolonged cough without fever is to completely eliminate contact with the irritant that causes intolerance.

Of course, general knowledge about the causes of reflex spasms of the airways is not enough to independently diagnose and prescribe treatment. Only a doctor can correctly understand why an unpleasant symptom arose, analyze all the available clinical picture and determine the disease that causes an unpleasant prolonged cough without fever. Only after that, the specialist prescribes the optimal treatment regimen that will help the patient to get rid of the unpleasant symptom and the underlying ailment as soon as possible.

What do chest pains indicate when you inhale?

The pleural membrane of the chest contains many nerve endings, so pain when inhaling can occur with many diseases and injuries.

Not always chest pain felt when breathing indicates lung disease. Pain can be felt in the respiratory muscles after an excessive load on it - this happens, for example, after severe repeated vomiting.

If the onset of pain was preceded by a fall or blow to the chest (for example, in a traffic accident), then the cause of the pain is a bruise or fracture of the ribs. In this case, the victim must be urgently taken to the hospital. It should be transported in a semi-sitting position, applying cold to the chest.

lung diseases

Chest pain when breathing feature pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs). Other manifestations of this disease are high fever, cough with sputum, hard, wheezing breathing.

An equally serious danger is a pulmonary embolism - blockage by a blood clot of one or more arteries that feed the lungs. Along with sudden pain when breathing, there is shortness of breath, sweating, blue skin coughing up blood.

Pain when inhaling, as well as when coughing, is characterized by pleurisy - inflammation of the membrane that surrounds the lungs. The pain may be dull or sharp, like a burning sensation. Other symptoms of pleurisy are dry cough, chills, fever, labored breathing.

All these diseases are quite serious and can be life-threatening, therefore, if such symptoms appear, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor without resorting to self-medication.

Diseases of other organs

Pain when breathing can occur with an exacerbation of osteochondrosis that has affected the thoracic spine. In this case, there is a stabbing pain in the chest, "forcing" the patient to take a certain position and hold his breath. Pain can occur not only when inhaling, but also when exhaling. You can remove this condition only with the help of an injection of an anesthetic - this will be done by an ambulance doctor, after which you should contact a therapist.

Dull pain on breathing and coughing, associated with high temperature indicates costal chondritis - inflammation of the cartilage at the junction of the ribs with the sternum. The deeper the breath, the stronger the pain. When you press your fingers on the chest, the pain intensifies.

Pain in the chest area during breathing also occurs with heart disease - for example, with an attack of angina pectoris, which is popularly called "angina pectoris". Pain occurs suddenly during physical or emotional stress, accompanied by shortness of breath, a feeling of fullness in the chest, the attack lasts up to 15 minutes.

If the pain is felt in the middle of the chest or on the left, accompanied by shortness of breath in the supine position, malaise, temperature 37-37.5, we are talking about pericarditis - inflammation of the serous membrane that surrounds the heart.

The pain felt in the middle of the chest at the time of coughing indicates the presence of an acute inflammatory process in the central segment of the lungs, provoked by infection with pathogenic microorganisms, or as a result of prolonged hypothermia of the body. Only in some cases, the presence of other pathologies not related to the functioning of the respiratory system is possible. Let's try to understand in more detail all possible reasons the appearance of such unpleasant sensations, as well as in ways to eliminate pain in the chest during coughing.

The main causes of pain in the middle of the chest during a cough in most cases are precisely the presence of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. But at the same time, the pathologies of the digestive organs, the heart muscle and nerve endings, which are in close proximity to the respiratory receptors, cannot be discarded. In general, the following causes of these chest pains can be distinguished, namely:

Chest pain when coughing, no fever

Dry cough followed by chest pain in the middle

  1. Angina. This is one of the few diseases of cardio-vascular system which is always accompanied by a dry, choking cough and acute pain in the middle of the chest. At the same time, the patient feels a lack of air, which is most acute during physical exertion. This state of the body is justified by a lack of oxygen and the inability of the heart to pump a sufficient volume of blood.
  2. Mitral valve prolapse. IN this case pain begins to occur first in the center of the chest, and then evenly spreads over its entire surface. A person experiences an attack of suffocation, which turns into a dry cough. These sensations are provoked by the deflection of the walls of the mitral valve into the inside of the heart muscle.
  3. Thromboembolism. In patients with an increased concentration of platelets in the blood, there is a risk of blood clots that clog large and medium main vessels. If a blockage occurs pulmonary artery, then the person experiences a strong burning pain in the middle of the chest. Dry cough occurs already as a result of a lack of oxygen, because due to the lack of movement of the bloodstream through the pulmonary artery, natural gas exchange and oxygen saturation of all body cells are disrupted.
  4. Ulcer disease. When this disease of the digestive organ is in acute phase of its development, it irritates not only the mucous membrane of the stomach, but also the esophagus. Then a aching pain is felt in the chest, which lasts 5-10 minutes, and then subsides for a while to resume as the peptic ulcer worsens.
  5. Pleurisy. In most cases, with inflammation of the pleural sheets strong pain when coughing more felt from the back. But it happens that the patient feels absolutely no discomfort in the back of the chest, but at the slightest urge to cough in the middle of the chest, a strong pain syndrome begins.
  6. Tumor. The presence of an oncological process in the central part of the lungs is always a 90% guarantee that, starting from the 2nd stage of the development of a malignant formation, the patient will experience not only a strong dry cough, but also spasmodic attacks inside the chest. As the disease progresses, these symptoms only get worse.

This list of pathologies of the human body is not exhaustive. The factor of individuality of each organism should never be discarded. It is quite possible that pain in the middle of the chest, present during a cough, is a symptom of another disease, or a consequence of a spasm of the muscle fibers of the chest on a nervous basis.

Do I need to see a doctor and which one?

No matter how pronounced the pain in the middle of the chest during coughing, you should still seek medical care to a healthcare facility. The patient will need to visit a pulmonologist. If this specialized specialist is not available in the clinic, then you need to get an appointment with a therapist. The urgent need for examination by doctors of this specialty is due to the fact that a variety of pathologies can be hidden under the pain syndrome in the middle of the chest. At the same time, diseases of a pulmonological nature are not always the cause of the painful condition of the chest.

Timely examination and clarification of the cause of the presence indicated symptoms will help not only to quickly get rid of chest pain associated with coughing, but also to prevent the onset severe complications, especially when it comes to the presence of an oncological process.

How to remove pain?

In order to prevent pain in the middle of the chest at home, measures should be taken to organize additional blood flow to the chest. In order to achieve these therapeutic manipulations, it is recommended to perform the following actions, namely:

  1. Lie on your back, remove the pillow from under your head and expose your torso. In this case, the coating should be firm so that the chest does not fall into the inside of the bed.
  2. Make a warming massage of the outer part of the chest. It is enough to perform smooth circular movements for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Apply a warming ointment to the surface of the chest. Doctor Mom or Asterisk is perfect.
  4. Wrap the chest with a thick terry towel or woolen scarf. If necessary, you can additionally cover yourself with a blanket.

As the warming effect sets in, more blood flows to the lungs. This allows you to reduce the inflammatory effect, improve blood circulation and temporarily stop pain in the middle of the chest during coughing fits. Similar manipulations can be done not only with the help of warming ointments, but also by installing a water-alcohol compress or mustard plasters on the chest.