Fortune telling on critical days for women is accurate. Rules and methods of fortune telling by menstruation for women

If in ancient times only a witch and a seer could foresee events, today a touch of a sorceress can be revealed in every woman. It is no secret that there are many fortune tellings, the results of which actually come true in reality. But few people know how to correctly interpret such mysterious rituals, so it’s worth learning the technology of the skill before starting fortune telling.

Available in the arsenal wise women one specific fortune telling based on menstrual ovulation, which is performed according to the menstrual cycle and days of menstruation. There is a belief dating back to the ancient times of witches and sages, according to which it is possible to predict future events by the day of the week, the time and date of the start of menstruation.

Therefore, we can say that it’s worth trying, maybe many of the unpleasant moments that promise will be avoided. To do this, you just need to compare the exact time, day of the week and month of the beginning of menstruation for fortune telling with the data that will be given below in order to find out what fate has in store for the woman in the near future.

1 option of fortune telling

Option one: according to the time of day when menstruation begins.

If the onset of menstruation falls in the morning, the woman will soon experience the emergence of love, but not exclusively feelings for a man. Love can spread to relatives, children, close friends and surrounding people. Fortune telling only promises a flash of bright and intense love, which the woman herself will soon feel. If you already have feelings, fortune telling promises a long or completely endless feeling of affection, tenderness and love.

The daytime onset of menstruation promises a quick good and positive mood for the future cycle until its very end. Will be unfavorable evening hours days of the onset of menstruation, since in such a case a woman may face separation from her loved one, her life may become boring, dull and unemotional.

Second option

Option two: fortune telling by day.

IN in this case the onset of menstruation can be interpreted in two directions at once: according to the day of the week and according to the time of day, respectively, as in the first option.

So, let's take a closer look at each day:

  • Did your period start on Monday? You should expect some anxiety, but don't panic. Worry is not always caused by troubles; you can worry for positive and favorable reasons. (The second method promises a brilliant major victory in some serious issue).
  • Did Tuesday start with your period? In this case, a woman should expect a quick unexpected meeting with important person, perhaps still unfamiliar to her. (The second method promises the same events).
  • It's Wednesday and your period has arrived? In this case, you should prepare for events that are not entirely favorable, which will last throughout the entire cycle. (Contingency according to the second method).
  • Menstruation on Thursday - an invitation to visit from someone will soon follow, perhaps it will be an invitation to a get-together from a stranger. In general, there will be an unexpected change in plans. (The second method promises a feeling of shame for oneself).
  • Friday and menstruation? In this case, you need to prepare yourself for any surprise, be it pleasant or not so pleasant. (According to the second method, adverse events will occur.)
  • Did your period start on Saturday? Then fortune telling will prepare the woman to receive a declaration of love, and any secret desire can come true. (The second method treats the day similarly).
  • By critical days on Sunday you can predict upcoming pleasant gatherings with friends, there is a chance to get into a fun adventure. (The second method promises new friends).


You can also predict upcoming events in a woman’s life by the day of the month when her period began.

1 - the entire cycle will be accompanied by happiness and a euphoric mood.

2 - a woman will feel contempt for an event or a specific person.

3 - a quarrel that can be quickly stopped or escalate into a scandal.

4 - a bright, unforgettable day, the onset of a feeling of happiness.

5 - a quick good surprise.

6 - gossip and bad words on the side.

7 - there is talk about love for a woman.

8 - jealousy throughout the cycle.

9 - problems due to unpleasant words about a woman.

10 - upcoming love.

11 - a woman’s chosen one will be faithful to her, especially during this cycle.

12 - they will resort to seduction or magic towards a woman in order to capture her attention.

13 - misfortune.

14 - favorable news.

15 - unfavorable news.

16 - excessive talkativeness will backfire on a woman.

17 - parting with the chosen one.

18 - the same as for the 10th.

19 - upcoming love.

20 - a woman’s love without response.

21 - lies towards her.

22 - profit of the material plane.

23 - the same as for the 1st number.

24 - guests coming soon.

25 - quick acquaintance.

26 - a feeling of compassion for a woman.

27 - a previously made wish will come true.

28 - luck.

29 - upset about loved one, long tears and worries.

30 - the emergence of sympathy for a person, which will become mutual.

31 - an unexpected event will happen soon.

By comparing all three methods of fortune telling (time of day, day of week and day of month), you can predict upcoming events that may occur during the current cycle.

Even ancient people knew that our world and even our lives revolve in a certain circle, the same applied to a special female cycle.

Fortune telling by menstruation Feng Shui is an opportunity to interpret the signs of fate and find out what awaits you in the next month, starting from the ancient cycles that exist on earth. Even in the most distant times, women used this knowledge in order to look behind the veil of future events and know what they were preparing for.

Fortune telling by menstruation for a woman: feng shui and ancient methods

This fortune telling has one important feature- they tell fortunes using it only once a month and precisely on the day when menstruation begins. The rest of the time, fortune telling by menstruation does not work, or its interpretation will turn out to be unrealistic, distorted or completely untrue.

Fortune telling itself consists of three stages:

  1. Time of day when did your period start?
  2. Day of the week first day of menstruation;
  3. Numbers, which marked the beginning of the critical days.

First they look at the time - it can be morning, afternoon, evening or night. They study the interpretation of fortune telling and memorize it. For better interpretation You can write down the meaning of each stage on a piece of paper.

Time of day when critical days began

Times of Day

What does it mean

Morning Menstruation starting in the morning is the most ideal time. For a woman this means good changes and the emergence of new love, or the strengthening of existing connections. Fortune telling promises well-being for the family and warm relationships with all its members.
Day (before lunch) Also good time to start the menstrual cycle. Pleasant days await you, filled with love, harmony and good news. Your period, which begins in the afternoon before lunch, promises you carefree happiness in your relationship with your loved one.
Afternoon (afternoon) Menstruation that started in the evening or after lunch is not too good sign. Minor adversities, complications and difficulties are likely to appear. Increased risk If your coming month will be marked by sadness or melancholy, mild depression or apathy may develop.
Night An extremely unfavorable time for the start of the menstrual cycle. Most often it promises an unbearable and bitter separation from loved ones or a beloved man. It can also mean strife, discord in relationships or the departure of a loved one for another, cooling of feelings.

Day of the week when your period began

Day of the week

What does it mean

Monday Certain difficulties or hassles may arise. Also, menstruation on this day may promise the receipt of an expensive gift from a loved one or beloved man.
Tuesday Meeting with an old friend, long-time friend or loved one. Sometimes getting your period on Tuesday can mean meeting someone again who will become especially dear to you. Changes in life are also likely.
Wednesday Troubles may await you throughout the coming month. For a woman, this is a useful warning, meaning that you can overcome all these difficulties with your own efforts.
Thursday Double meaning: an upcoming holiday or a noisy event at a party or in your own home. Or a sudden celebration among new people, which may or may not be pleasant for you.
Friday Expect new events that will completely change your whole life. If troubles or difficulties arise, you can easily cope with them, but it will take a lot of effort.
Saturday This is a good and measured day, which foretells a harmonious life for you over the coming month. There is a high probability that you will hear a declaration of love or your long-standing wish will come true.
Resurrection A very good day to start your period. It means happiness and fun, idleness of life and ease of existence. Joy and success in relationships await you, and if there is discord in your family, it will soon be resolved.

At the very end, the fortuneteller checks the date of the month when her period began. This is the last one The final stage fortune telling. After this, you should check and correlate all three interpretations in order to get your own special, individual forecast.

For example, if your period began on the morning of Sunday the tenth, then this will almost certainly mean that happiness and only good events will await you over the coming month, as well as a new exciting meeting with an unfamiliar man, which will later result in marriage and a strong family.

The number of the month when the critical days began (for fortune telling by menstruation)


What does it mean

1 The whole month will bring you good events and pleasant meetings that will make you happy.
2 You will become disappointed in some person or event and begin to treat it with disdain.
3 Beware of a major quarrel or disagreement. How it all ends will depend only on you.
4 Your long-standing plans or dreams will come true, a pleasant surprise awaits you, and the coming month will be very successful.
5 A close, dear or loved one is preparing a desired gift or an unexpected surprise for you.
6 Expect dirty tricks or troubles from your enemy. Be careful and cautious during this period.
7 There is a person in the world who is ready to do anything for you, and he considers you the only meaning of his life.
8 This month will make you feel pangs of jealousy, and there will be a reason for your nerves if you are in love.
9 Someone really doesn’t like your union; the enemy wants to separate you from your lover. Be carefull.
10 A pleasant and unexpected meeting with a man and the beginning of a romantic relationship.
11 There is no reason to suspect any man of infidelity or dishonesty. He is faithful to you.
12 A magical meeting awaits you with a person you really like. But a man can be dangerous if he wants to completely capture your attention.
13 Difficulties and serious difficulties are likely to arise during the month. Get ready and brace yourself.
14 Soon you will receive pleasant and good news that will inspire and encourage you.
15 Tune in to easily cope with not-so-pleasant news. These are just temporary troubles.
16 Keep your mouth shut: this month may turn into troubles and adversities for you, which will give rise to your gossip.
17 A quarrel or separation with a man awaits you. It can be long and final, or short-term.
18 Open the doors of love. awaits you new love and a passionate romance. Sometimes this also means the return of former love.
19 Warm love and sincere feelings await you. But there is a danger that this love will turn out to be one-sided.
20 There is a high risk that unrequited love awaits you. Knowing this, try not to make grandiose plans so as not to be upset.
21 A close friend, relative, or loved one may be lying to you. Try to find out what the person is trying to hide from you and why.
22 A pleasant and successful month for everyone who is waiting for material income. There will be more money this month than you expected.
23 Positive changes and events will inspire you and make you truly happy. A good and pleasant month awaits you.
24 Expect a grand party or celebration under your roof. Fortune telling promises a noisy holiday and many guests.
25 An unexpected meeting with a stranger that will delight and captivate you. Both a romantic relationship and a new friend are possible.
26 A rare piece of luck: fortune telling promises you to find an interlocutor and a new friend who will understand you perfectly and share any of your grief.
27 Your long-time dream or desire will finally come true. This will be facilitated by a completely unexpected person.
28 The working month will be more successful than ever; you will receive a promotion, recognition in your career or increased profits.
29 Expect a big and unpleasant event or news. This may really make you sad, but sincere feelings and tears will help the grief go away faster.
30 There is a very high probability of a new relationship with an unfamiliar man. For women who already have a companion, this may promise the appearance of a lover or temptation.
31 You may soon go on an exciting journey. Sometimes such fortune telling can mean something else: be careful not to disgrace yourself.

In traditional Chinese medicine The woman's menstrual cycle was considered to be a kind of cleansing process. It was believed that waste blood leaves these days female body, and in return it is produced new, clean and fresh. In many ways, it is precisely this process of self-renewal that the beautiful half of humanity owes to the fact that they live longer than men.

Based on what day of the month, day and week this process of self-purification began, theories were put forward about what the woman herself could expect over the next month.

You may not believe in this or be skeptical, but every person knows that our world is cyclical. In addition, scientists themselves can predict almost any such earth cycle. For example, the onset of a thunderstorm is often facilitated by hot and stuffy weather with abundant evaporation of moisture from the surface of the earth, and after summer, autumn inevitably comes. If you take a closer look and study cyclical processes and observe them properly, you will be able to predict even the most complex of them.

This is exactly what witches and healers did in ancient times in many parts of our land. Then critical days were considered only general process from the cycle of things, and not a separate biological process. In addition, the first doctors noticed interesting feature– if a group of women is in close contact and communicates closely, and its members spend a lot of time side by side, then their monthly cycle shifts, which subsequently leads to complete synchronization of this process for everyone who was part of this group.

This means that our body is also influenced by external factors, including other people, phenomena, and incidents. That is, a woman’s period is not some separate area of ​​self-renewal, it is a cycle very sensitive to any changes. And from this it follows that it can not only be corrected or even controlled, but also interpreted what it means.

Fortune telling by menstruation is based on three factors for a reason. The whole world is cyclical, which means that the time of day (sunset and sunrise), and the day of the week, and the day of the month matter.

Many women confirm the veracity of fortune telling by menstruation, but it should be remembered that fortune telling is necessary only on the first day of menstruation. And do not forget that each of the three fortune-telling is important; it is on their basis that a general interpretation is created.

Five elements in the cycle of female self-renewal

As you know, in the traditional teachings of the Chinese there are five main elements - Wood, Water, Fire, Metal and Earth. Like all other elements on the planet, they obey certain rules, namely, circulate in our world. There are certain points when these elements are most active, and they occur at part of the time of day, week and month.

Even the Zodiac calendar works on the basis of similar cycles, only it counts for a larger cycle - for a year.

In the phase of female self-renewal, as in the cycle of the main five elements, the same processes are observed:

  • Wood gives birth to Fire;
  • Fire gives birth to Earth;
  • The Earth gives birth to Metal;
  • Metal gives birth to Water;
  • Water gives birth to a Tree.

Thus, the beginning of a new cycle is Wood, and it ends with the element of Water. However, immediately after the end of the Water activity, the Wood phase is born again, and this cycle is endless.

The element of Water is a kind of final stage of one cycle, and it is during this period that the stage of a woman’s self-purification occurs. Water is blood, it is a body fluid that gives life and gives rise to the development of a new cycle.

At the moment of the birth of the Earth - approximately in the middle of the female cycle, ovulation occurs. This is the most fertile period for conception and fertilization of the egg. Just as the Earth gives life, so does female body This period is most fruitful for the emergence of new life. After ovulation is completed, if fertilization has not occurred, the female body resembles Metal - this is a period of relative infertility, as on Metal, at this time nothing will take root in the woman’s body. Then this phase ends, giving rise to self-purification and the onset of critical days.

Feng Shui means fortune telling by menstruation is possible, because this is just one of many closed cycles and circulations occurring on our planet. Being able to interpret such a process in the female body is not an outlandish possibility, but rather a logical and natural phenomenon.

A woman’s menstrual cycle is a period that has long been associated with mystical events. It is known that signs based on menstruation can predict events in the near future and prevent the occurrence of health problems.

Positive signs

Signs may have positive meaning, because menstruation itself means that the female body functions normally and is capable of procreation.

Beliefs say that during menstruation a girl acquires an unknown power that protects her from the evil eye and affects everyone who is nearby, so for a long time there have been rituals that can be performed during this period:

  • a girl with her period should walk around the house 3 times, then natural disasters and fire will not be scary;
  • the threshold was smeared with menstrual secretions so that evil spirits would not enter the house;
  • By sprinkling livestock with menstrual secretions, you can expect excellent offspring.

Negative signs

Some signs tell us that during menstruation a woman’s energy changes for the worse. For this reason, there are beliefs about what not to do during menstruation.

In the old days, a girl was not allowed much during her menstrual cycle. She was not allowed to undertake responsible work, but was engaged in minor household chores. According to Slavic belief, a stream of forces capable of harming others passed through a girl during menstruation:

  • You cannot harvest from trees and fields so that they do not dry out;
  • a girl with menstruation was excluded from preparing food for the whole family - otherwise the dish would turn out too salty or bland;
  • It is unacceptable to roll up canned food during menstruation, it can break the jars;
  • a woman should not take up cutting meat, otherwise bleeding will occur for a month;
  • kneading dough and baking bakery products also contraindicated during the cycle, otherwise it will come out uncooked;
  • You should not be near wine barrels due to possible souring of the product;
  • In ancient times, it was believed that if a woman on her period looked at a naked man, he would get a skin rash.

A girl during her menstrual cycle has no right to attend church due to the prohibition of shedding blood inside the temple.

Beliefs by day of the week

Determining the value of menstruation by day of the week is a prediction for the coming month. By remembering what day of the week your menstruation began, you can predict the outcome of upcoming affairs or make an important decision.

  1. If menstruation began on Monday, then there will be a lot of worries. The woman will be tormented by anxiety over unfinished business or troubles at work throughout the coming week. There is another meaning for the start of your period on Monday - this is an upcoming discovery that will help you learn something new for yourself.
  2. Bleeding started on Tuesday - this is a reason for action and acceptance important decisions, which the girl could not decide on before. It means a change in image; a change in image or hairstyle is possible.
  3. The start of your period falls on Wednesday - be prepared for problems and troubles. Perhaps this is a long-standing conflict that will flare up during menstruation or in the next few weeks.
  4. Menstruation that begins on Thursday foreshadows the arrival of uninvited guests or a long trip.
  5. Friday promises unpleasant news, and also warns of secret conversations behind your back.
  6. Menstruation that begins on Saturday indicates a romantic relationship. The girl should expect the appearance of a fan or an early engagement.
  7. If a woman begins her menstruation on Sunday, you should expect sudden joy and good news. Over a period of several weeks there will be many meetings with friends or a trip on vacation.

Signs by date

Signs are divided by the dates of the month and mark its events and mood.

First half of the month

  • 1 - the beginning of a new one, meaning a favorable month full of joyful events;
  • 2 - the woman will expose the deceiver who for a long time did not show his true colors;
  • 3 - conflict situation in the family;
  • 4 - dream come true;
  • 5 is a strong number that attracts excellent energy; menstruation on this day promises an unexpected gain or replenishment of the budget due to additional earnings;
  • 6 - a woman may experience severe pain;
  • 7 is a lucky number, so menstruation on this day will bring good news and will positively affect family relationships;
  • 8 is a number that in some way means infinity; menstruation that begins on such a day can foreshadow an imminent engagement or declaration of love;
  • 9 - the number can predict discord in married couple, and for unmarried people it promises loneliness in the near future;
  • 10 - a boyfriend will appear in a girl’s life or she will receive a compliment from a stranger.

Mid month

Signs associated with “women’s” days that began in the middle of the month also have their own interpretation:

  • 11 means intrusive thoughts, difficulties in communicating with loved ones;
  • 12 - the number indicates upcoming difficulties in work;
  • 13 - a mystical date, but foreshadowing joy within a month;
  • 14 - means that problems that have been tormenting for a long time will be resolved;
  • 15 is a date that serves as the middle of the month and means positive emotions and condition inner peace and balance;
  • 16 - the number warns of possible gossip and conversations about you;
  • 17 - promises separation from a loved one;
  • 18 - the number tells the girl about upcoming changes, moving or changing jobs;
  • 19 - speaks of conflicts around the girl, which are best avoided;
  • 20 is a date that speaks of a romantic mood.

The end of the month

If your critical days occurred at the end of the month, then pay attention to the following interpretations:

  • 21 - the number warns of theft or deception;
  • 22 - the number foretells financial profit;
  • 23 - a date telling about the gloominess of the coming month;
  • 24 is a favorable period for buying clothes;
  • 25 - the number tells about upcoming acquaintances with interesting people;
  • 26 - warning about troubles and problems;
  • 27 - making new friends;
  • 28 is a lucky number, so menstruation on this day speaks of upcoming favorable events;
  • 29 - the date during which menstruation began means grievances and tears;
  • 30 - you should take a closer look at your health;
  • 31 - worries and surprises.

Folk signs about menstruation

Signs of menstruation, which are passed down from generation to generation, tell the story of the time of day when menstruation began. Each case has its own explanation; signs were very famous and revered among girls.

  1. The belief says that if menstruation begins at dawn, then the day will be successful and the month will pass peacefully. This was explained by the fact that at dawn the sun rises and nature awakens to a new day.
  2. Your period started during the day - the next month will pass smoothly and calmly, without incident.
  3. Beginning of the menstrual cycle in evening time speaks of the gloominess of the upcoming weekend and the following week. The belief was formed based on the daily routine of the housewife of that time. In the old days, people went to bed early, and the evenings passed languidly and boringly, which is why the onset of menstruation promised joylessness.
  4. The sign of menstruation that began at night did not bode well, because in the old days night was associated with fear and evil spirits. Legend has it that menstruation that begins at night predicts imminent separation from a loved one or illness.

Other signs

In addition, there are a number of signs that make sense to listen to:

  • to quickly relieve pain during bleeding, a girl should receive a slap in the face - this belief came from the Slavic people;
  • the main sign of the onset of menstruation is the absence of pregnancy;
  • An early age at the beginning of the cycle indicates motherhood of many children.

Fortune telling for periods

Beliefs and fortune telling period blood have enormous power. Fortune telling and conspiracies are read on the full moon to get maximum effect. A woman during menstruation is able to perform a magical effect to attract love and beauty.

To carry out a ritual to attract love, you will need a candle and a container to collect menstrual discharge. Carrying out the ritual:

  • go outside at midnight;
  • light a candle;
  • say the words of the spell:

“I break the cup, I find love, my little blood, bring love to me.”

Break the container and go home without looking back.

The sign says that menstrual blood removed from the body can give a girl youth and beauty, so during menstruation you should carry out a daily ritual: take a bath without dressing, stand in front of the mirror and say the words of the ritual:

“I stand in front of the mirror and see myself young, beautiful, healthy. The blood flows out - it will give me beauty.”


A woman's period is the main sign of her health. A girl's menstrual cycle has long been shrouded in many beliefs. Women during the period of bleeding have special abilities, and the blood released has magical powers.

For every girl and woman, fortune telling, fortune telling, mysticism and magic are often something natural; the fair sex is attracted and drawn to this area, and for good reason.

A woman, at her core, has a very subtle and strong connection with higher, mystical forces, and has a natural gift of foresight and subtle intuition. That’s why we like to guess so much, we want to find out what will happen, to look beyond the boundaries of everyday reality and lift the curtain of the secrets of fate.

Among traditional fortune telling - on cards, Tarot, runes, mirrors with candles and other methods, there are more simple methods predictions. For example, during the menstrual cycle, which is a common thing for a woman.

Fortune telling by menstruation using Feng Shui may seem stupid to some, but think about it for yourself. A woman's menstrual cycle is directly related to lunar phases, and this is a direct connection with the cosmic, subtle world.

Our ancestors knew this, and understood that a woman’s blood is her connection with nature, so fortune telling by menstruation did not seem stupid or a pun to anyone.

This is not one of those online fortune telling that is so popular on the Internet. Fortune telling online offers to find out fate and love for free, but fortune telling by menstruation is different from the rest.

All you need to do is “catch the moment” when your period began and check the list to see what it could mean. You can open the list of values ​​online every time, or print it out and keep it with you - it will come in handy every month!

Times of Day

An ancient fortune-telling according to the Feng Shui system for menstruation can consider both the time of day when they began, the day of the week, and even the exact time of the beginning. Feng Shui is a wise science; it will help you find out the relationship between the start of menstruation and real life and events to expect.

First of all, let's consider what time of day “these days” began and what this means for you.

1. Morning is the most wonderful time according to Feng Shui for any endeavors, because in the morning the sun rises and all living things wake up. Morning menstruation is a symbol of the fact that this month you will find great love and many reasons for sincere and pure joy.

Your heart will be filled with the best feelings, and the events around you will delight and pleasantly surprise you. Love will turn your head and become strong!

2. As fortune telling on critical days says, as well as the Feng Shui system, if menstruation began around noon, at lunchtime, then the month will be generally favorable, but minor difficulties may arise or unpleasant people who will want to spoil your joy. Think only about the good and don’t notice minor troubles!

3. Evening according to Feng Shui is money time. So, as this fortune-telling promises for your periods, if they started in the evening, expect an increase in your well-being. Yours financial situation will get better.

4. Fortune telling by menstruation and the science of Feng Shui consider night to be the most unfortunate time in this case. You should refrain from making big plans and not doing bold and risky things, because the period is not the most favorable.

Day of the week

Of course, in addition to the time of day, fortune telling by menstruation also takes into account what day of the week they occurred.

1. Monday is considered a difficult day, and fortune telling for women’s periods also confirms this. It is believed that if they come on Monday, you will experience anxiety and worry. However, fortune telling by menstruation does not promise you any troubles - you will just worry.

2. Tuesday, as fortune telling on the menstrual cycle indicates, suggests a meeting or even a pleasant new acquaintance. It is unknown whether this will be a new love, but anything is possible!

3. As fortune telling for menstruation indicates, if they started on Wednesday, an unpleasant period awaits you. But very short - as soon as it stops menstrual cycle, relief will come and troubles will pass!

4. If the bleeding appeared on Thursday, you will obviously be invited to visit. Also, fortune telling on women's periods indicates fun, communication in a pleasant company or a party.

5. But Friday fortune telling by menstruation considers a double day. There will definitely be news and surprises, but according to one version they are pleasant, according to the other they are not. Hope for the best!

6. Saturday is definitely love. This is what any fortune-telling says, not only about menstruation - Saturday in all mystical spheres is considered a very good day associated with romance. They will confess their love to you or propose to you!

7. Sunday, as any fortune-telling says, including menstruation, is a day of joy, renewal and new meetings, extremely pleasant ones.

Fortune telling and prediction of menstruation by day will help you know what to expect in the near future, but remember that everything always depends on you!

What time is it now?

Since you have decided to use fortune telling on your periods, it would be a good idea to learn a little more. If you managed to check and remember at what time the menstrual cycle began, use this, because fortune telling will help you learn much more new things by the time of day during your period!

The number used here is 12 o'clock, so one o'clock in the afternoon and one o'clock in the morning, for example, have a common meaning.

  • 1 – happiness, euphoria and unexpected joys, a successful month awaits you.
  • 2 – unpleasant person, which will cause you irritation, and then neglect and indifference. Try not to cause pain!
  • 3 - there is a possibility of a quarrel, this is what fortune telling on the menstrual cycle says, and indicates that the quarrel may not be serious, or may destroy a relationship that is valuable to you. Be more tolerant, wiser and think about the consequences!
  • 4 - very soon you will have great long-awaited happiness, and it is possible that happy events will begin to happen now.
  • 5 – wait pleasant surprise, you will be very surprised and delighted with something!
  • 6 – do not participate in gossip. People may gather around you who will slander and spread rumors - avoid this.
  • 7 – you are lucky if the cycle began at 7 am or pm. This means that soon you will receive a declaration of love from someone!
  • 8 – jealousy is a symbol of this time. Try to cope with it, because jealousy is often unfounded, but it spoils relationships and can even destroy them.
  • 9 – perhaps someone will say very unflattering things about you behind your back. At least try not to provoke and behave with dignity - so as not to give rise to gossip.
  • 10 – you have to experience falling in love! Tender romantic feelings will turn your head, and you will flutter on wings. Just don't lose touch with reality!
  • 11 – jealousy or distrust of a partner has no basis. Your chosen one is faithful to you and very devoted!
  • 12 – someone really wants to attract your attention, win your love and seduce you. Be on the lookout!

Be attentive to the lunar cycles, but always listen to yourself. Women's intuition is more powerful than any fortune telling, so listen to your heart, it will always tell you where the right way! Author: Vasilina Serova

It turns out that “critical days” can predict not only that you (fortunately or unfortunately) are not yet pregnant, but also many other very interesting things. We offer two options for fortune telling by “critical days” - more precisely, by the day and time of day when they began.


Times of Day

Morning will bring you pleasant communication with loved ones and love. This beginning promises warm, joyful contact with them until the end of the cycle.
Day is a favorable period for any business. Colors the entire coming period with joy.
Evening will bring boredom and Bad mood. Warm shower and peace will smooth out all negative emotions.
Night threatens separation.

Day of the week

Monday threatens with anxiety. It can be pleasant or not very pleasant, it can result in a lot of trouble. Of course, what day can we live without them in our current life, you say. But still, these particular ones predicted for this period may turn out to be not entirely ordinary. They may be associated with a gift.

Tuesday promises a meeting with a friend (whether familiar or unknown yet) or a rather tangible change in life.

Wednesday promises troubles, but there is no need to be upset - the cycle is not that long, the troubles will end with it, and the new one will probably be much more successful. In any case, this trouble will not be like a bolt from the blue for you, you will be able to tune in to the desired wave and react to it more or less calmly.

Thursday portends a surprise of a different kind. You will be invited to visit and you will have to go. Or you might accidentally end up at a feast in someone else’s house. Whether it will be pleasant or not depends on you and your friends or new acquaintances.

Friday is preparing a kind of original program. She promises some good news, but also grief, which time and patience will help you overcome.

Saturday promises pleasant things: declaration of love, fulfillment of desire. Moreover, the desire can be not only of an amorous nature, but also of a business nature.

Sunday promises that the coming period will be filled with fun. In addition, some memorable conversation with a friend may take place.

Day of the month

1 - you will feel happy throughout the entire cycle. The state during this period can be characterized with complete confidence by the common expression “flies as if on wings.”
2 - something or someone will cause you contempt and this feeling will not soon be forgotten.
3 - promises a quarrel. Whether it will become protracted or turn into a slight disagreement, of which there are many, will depend only on you. But you should still be more careful and avoid conflict situations.
4 is a good number, promises fun and happiness.
5 - foreshadows the inevitable receipt of some kind of gift.
6 - suggests preparing for a rumor or rumors. They may be about you or brought by idle gossips.
7 - promises that someone loves you devotedly.
8 - this number promises jealousy. This green-eyed monster will dominate you throughout the entire cycle, but you should try to keep it muzzled.
9 - you will have to worry a little: some kind of trouble threatens because of gossip. The calmer you react to their appearance, the easier this period will pass for you.
10 - this number promises that you will be in love in the coming period. In whom? Perhaps your own husband, but why not?
11 - assures. that your loved one will be devoted to you. Hardly anyone would dare to talk about their entire life, but the number promises you for the coming period.
12 is a difficult number. Perhaps someone will bewitch you, maybe they will simply enchant you, attract you with their charm.
13 - we often don’t like this number and consider it unlucky. Alas! His character doesn't change much. What can you do, if your period starts on such a day, you will have to wait a couple of weeks.
14 - but this number promises good news.
15 - also portends news, but this time bad.
16 - the number warns that you will have to get a scolding for “long tongue”.
17 - sadness and impending separation from your loved one.
18 - indicates that you will be in love throughout the entire period.
19 - no longer reports easy flirtations and fleeting loves. This number indicates that you will love.
20 - unfortunately, it brings a not very joyful prediction; you will love unrequitedly.
21 - warns that you should be more attentive and careful, deception awaits you. Beware of him, don't be gullible!
22 - promises material benefits, maybe cash receipts. In general, material security.
23 - the number assures that you will be happy. It's always nice to know about this. Is not it?
24 - suggests preparing to receive guests. Even if they visit you unexpectedly, be a considerate hostess.
An appropriate prediction will allow you to receive them well.
25 - promises a new acquaintance.
26 - indicates that you will be pitied. Well, this is necessary too.
27 - promises that your wish will come true.
28 - portends prosperity.
29 - promises tears and rather bitter ones.
30 - assures that your passion for someone is mutual.
31 - promises that unexpected love or an unexpected adventure will appear.


Day of the week

Monday - victory
- Tuesday - meeting
- Wednesday - surprise
- Thursday - shame
- Friday - troubles
- Saturday - declaration of love
- Sunday - introduction

Day of the month

1 - surprise
2 - news
3 - regret
4 - guests
5 - sadness
6 - vice
7 - hobby
8 - humiliation
9 - love
10 - love
11 - fidelity
12 - passion
13 - illness
14 - good news
15 is bad news
16 - letter
17 - invitation
18 - wish fulfillment
19 - love
20 - boredom
21 - letter
22 - reconciliation
23 - happiness, fate
24 - joy
25 - congratulations
26 - return
27 - wish fulfillment
28 - betrayal
29 - tears
30 - departure from previous views
31 - news

Well, if you are interested in less mysterious and mystical topics associated with “these days”, for example, why do they sometimes