Guard dogs: photos, names of breeds, description. The best guard dog breeds: review and characteristics of pets Watch dogs

Since the main purpose of such animals is to protect the house from evil people, then, first of all, they must have excellent hearing, vigilance and sensitivity in order to give a voice at the slightest hint of danger. At the same time, such guards must have intelligence and know when they really need to bark, and not mindlessly bark at all the people passing by the yard.

The size of animals used for protection, in principle, does not have of great importance, because their task does not include attacking and detaining suspicious people located in a protected area. All a guard dog has to do is to warn the owner about the intrusion with his voice and scare away uninvited guests. In many cases, this is enough for not-so-brave attackers to give up their idea and retreat.

Therefore, a guard dog does not have to be large, but also very small. The ideal option is medium in size, with a fairly powerful voice, but does not require too much food for its sustenance.

By nature, the guard dog must be moderately aggressive so as not to attack all people entering the territory of the protected area. At the same time, he should not be cowardly in order to protect the owner and his property in case of danger.

The density and length of the animal's coat also matters. For a guard dog, it is important that it be long and dense enough, because she will have to sit outside all the time, including in winter frosts.

For this reason, representatives of short-haired breeds, no matter how attractive protective qualities they possess, are unlikely to be suitable for areas with harsh climatic conditions. But such guard dogs are suitable for southern regions, where they can withstand slight cold without harm.

The best guard breeds

Perhaps the best home guard is the German Shepherd. She in to the fullest endowed with all the qualities that a guard dog should have, and they are in a “balanced” state. This is a universal breed, the purebred representatives of which are famous for:

  1. sharp mind and resourcefulness;
  2. balanced character;
  3. excellent trainability;
  4. good performance at work;
  5. obedience and unquestioning submission to the owner.

These animals are quite large and strong, have a menacing appearance and have thick fur, which makes them one of the best watchdogs.

Moscow Watchdog is a dog breed bred in the USSR in post-war years specifically for security purposes. Among her ancestors are Caucasian Shepherds and St. Bernards, from which she inherited:

  • large sizes;
  • powerful body;
  • thick wool;
  • excellent service qualities.

This is a large dog, calm and balanced, confident in its abilities. It quickly makes contact with people, but, nevertheless, recognizes only one owner. In case of danger, he protects him fearlessly, without hesitation. Due to its large size, a rather large territory is required to maintain the Moscow watchdog.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog - ancient breed dogs, bred by the Caucasian mountaineers, which from ancient times helped them herd sheep. Animals have:

  • large body;
  • physical strength;
  • courage;
  • determination.

Dogs are loyal to their own and suspicious of strangers. The animals' thick coat protects them from hypothermia and allows them to be kept outside all year round.

Asian Shepherd or Alabai. This breed of wolfhound dog was bred for the same purpose as the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, so its representatives are distinguished by their impressive growth, strong and muscular body, and aggressiveness towards other dogs, as well as strangers.

The South Russian Shepherd is a dog whose homeland is considered to be the southern regions of Ukraine. This is a large animal with long light hair.

Characterized by devotion, intelligence, independence and self-sufficiency. Excellent for protecting a large garden area.

Other large guard breeds for the home

Not only shepherds, but also other, smaller breeds of dogs are suitable for security service. For example, you can safely entrust your home and everything in it to a Rottweiler. This is a rather large and strong animal, well-built, hardy and muscular. It has bottomless energy, fearlessness and a clear understanding of the task assigned to it. At the same time, dogs of this breed are aggressive, serious and stubborn, and therefore require competent training.. They are loyal and obedient to the owner only if he is recognized by them as the unconditional leader.

The Giant Schnauzer is a large and loyal black dog with a well-developed territorial instinct. Representatives of the breed are easy to train and learn. It is not easy to deceive them - they are smart, incorruptible and immediately recognize deception. These dogs are equally good at protecting any area of ​​territory, both small, just a few hundred square meters, where private houses are located, and huge industrial facilities.

Dobermans are a breed bred in Germany to guard people, so they can also be kept as guard dogs in private ownership. They are not as powerful as shepherds, but have a harmoniously built slender body, tall and strong legs. They are friendly towards the owner's family and friends, but do not favor strangers. When they see them, they bark loudly, but if this is not enough, they can attack. The fleeing man is pursued and attacked.

Bullmastiffs are guard dogs bred in the British Isles to guard forests. They are the result of crossbreeding of large mastiffs and tenacious bulldogs. Animals large sizes, with a massive head, have an impressive and threatening appearance. But by nature they are calm and balanced, so they do not show aggression without reason.

Bullmastiffs are capable of making independent decisions and learn quickly, are distinguished by patience and understanding of discipline, and take their responsibilities seriously.

The Border Collie is another English breed. Its representatives are considered one of the smartest guard dogs. These are strong and strong animals of black and white color, insightful, intelligent, but in order to maintain health and mental abilities they require constant physical and intellectual stress.

Akita Inu. This is the original Japanese breed guard dogs, whose devotion the whole world knows. Animals are brave and vigilant, calm and not aggressive. They are silent and will not bark without a reason, but they will not ignore a real danger. They protect the territory entrusted to them well.

Who else can be used as guards?

Not only huge wolfhounds or versatile German shepherds are capable of guarding their owner’s property. Smaller dogs can do this too. For a small private house the following are quite suitable:

  1. Airedale Terriers. These are guard dogs originally from the English county of Yorkshire. The animals are medium in size, with a build and curly coat characteristic of several terrier breeds. Airedale Terriers are brave and intelligent, non-aggressive and fearless, so they can become excellent guards of the house and yard.
  2. American Staffordshire Terrier. The breed was bred in the USA in 1936. The dogs are also medium-sized, stocky, strong, with a large head. They are active, fearless, endowed with a unique intelligence and contradictory character, so they are suitable only for an experienced dog owner. They are well trained, not aggressive, but do not like to be chained, so they must live in an enclosure.
  3. Miniature Schnauzer or Miniature Schnauzer. In appearance and character they are very similar to the larger Giant Schnauzer and have all its advantages: serious, fearless, easy to train, reliable and loyal to the owner.
  4. Welsh Corgi. This is an old Welsh breed, originally used as a herding dog, and therefore belongs to the sheepdog family. These are squat animals with short legs, a long body and a medium-sized head topped with large erect ears. They are mostly kept simply as family pets, as they are characterized by liveliness and love of life, love for people, especially children and even cats. But the calm, docile nature of these dogs, their small stature and “unrepresentative” appearance do not prevent them from performing their duties with honor if the owner suddenly decides to entrust them with the protection of his home.
  5. Schipperke. This Belgian breed guard dogs. Animals of small stature, with thick black wool, nimble and energetic. Despite their small size, Schipperkes are brave and will never let strangers into the territory they guard. Those who do not take them seriously and ignore the warning in the form of a high-pitched bark may be bitten painfully. These animals are very affectionate and patient towards their own.

As you can see, a lot of dogs are absolutely different breeds can become excellent watchdogs, you just need to prepare them for this.

How to raise guard dogs

In order for a puppy to grow into a good guard, you need to train him. Just like that, without proper training, a dog will not learn anything. IN best case scenario She will not obey her owner well and will carry out commands every now and then, and at worst she will become completely uncontrollable.

You need to start training a guard dog from a very early age. She is able to remember elementary commands already at the age of 3 months, and after 4 months she can begin full-fledged training. It is better if this is done by a professional who knows exactly how to deal with dogs. Well, if this is not possible, then the animal will have to be trained independently. Information on how to do this can be found on thematic forums or purchase educational materials: CDs and books.

In contact with

The term guard dog breeds usually means service four-legged dogs that have innate skills or good results in training in the following “disciplines”: protective guard, sentry, escort, sentinel and sentry service. In the common understanding, guard dogs are bred to protect property, territory or a person (owner). Differences in the theory and understanding of the “majority” give rise to a lot of controversy. Let us immediately note that all service breeds are universal to one degree or another, and a good trainer will teach any dog ​​to guard. The question is whether the four-legged animal feels that guarding is his duty and calling or whether he “defends” the object because it is necessary. Below, we will look at the photos and names of breeds that are worth having for protection.

What kind of dog should be for a private home?

Having a dog in a private home is not easy pet, but also a serious security guard. The animal should feel comfortable both at home and outside.

The requirements for a dog for your home are somewhat broader than for an animal for keeping in an apartment. Among them:

  • Breed-based character: There are dog breeds that are adapted to outdoor conditions and have good guarding qualities. If Labradors are valued as family companion dogs, they are unlikely to become guard dogs. This also applies to hunting dogs.
  • Temperament: Even within the same breed, dogs can be completely different. Having chosen a breed, you should not buy a puppy based on the first advertisement. He can grow up absolutely calm and domestic, even if representatives of his breed have opposite qualities.
  • Size: the most obvious requirement. For a private home you need a dog of at least medium size, ideally large.
  • Prospects for education: the dog must be formidable towards strangers, but allow them into the territory at the first request of the owner. Therefore, you need to choose an animal that is prone to obedience training. We are not talking about basic commands (for example, “Lie down”), but about more serious things. Given this requirement, it is worth looking not so much at the breed as at the puppy’s parents.

Large breeds for private sector protection

German Shepherd

If you need a dog to guard a house on the street, or an apartment, then a German Shepherd is the ideal choice. This breed is very trainable, remembers commands for a long time even after a long period of inactivity, is good with children and is an unsurpassed protector. The fury of a German Shepherd is enough for a gang of robbers, and the affection is enough for all family members.

When adopting a German Shepherd, remember that this breed is incredibly active and requires increased physical activity. Any owner who has adopted a dog for protection and security must take care of the physical development of the pet. By the way, Germans take third place in the list of the smartest dogs.

Giant Schnauzer

For him, guarding a private home is his favorite pastime. Unpretentious, loyal and incredibly brave, the Giant Schnauzer is a formidable guard who will not be afraid of the devil or God when it comes to protecting his owner. Rizens are easy to train, gentle towards children and affectionate towards their owners.

This breed is very active and will not miss the opportunity to frolic with its owner. Be sure to physically exhaust the dog so that all the dog’s energy is directed in a peaceful direction, and also contributes to the recruitment and maintenance muscle mass. Perhaps the only drawback of the Giant Schnauzer may seem to be grooming.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The breed is one of the largest, so there is no need to say what will happen to those who decide to visit you with bad intentions. The strength of the Caucasian Shepherd will be enough to defeat a pack of wolves in the face of ill-wishers, devotion - so as not to abandon the owner in difficult times, and kindness to steadfastly endure any childish pranks and rejoice at every step of the owner.

Being a very large breed, the Caucasian Shepherd does not require long walking. 1-1.5 hours of walking a day with the opportunity to frolic is enough to maintain the pet’s physical strength at a level.

Alabai or Asian Shepherd

In some ways, these dogs are similar to Caucasian Shepherds, they are also very ferocious and big dogs. True, they are not as shaggy as Caucasian Shepherds. Alabai are difficult to train, they can be stubborn and are happy to demonstrate this character trait to everyone. Therefore, we advise you not to get this dog if you do not have experience in training such animals. If you have no experience, but you have already got a dog, then we advise you to apply for training to special schools where experienced instructors work. The Asian Shepherd is a reliable protector of your family and home.

Apartment security guard

A more stringent selection is required here, because the pet will live side by side with a person. Sometimes the main criterion is the size of the animal, especially if we are talking about modest areas. But for fans of large and giant breeds, this factor is not decisive, and they get a mastiff or Great Dane while living in a small apartment.

If we talk about average indicators, most future owners pay attention to the following:

  • the dog must be medium or small in size;
  • it is desirable that the animal sheds little or does not have this tendency at all and does not have the characteristic smell of a dog;
  • short coat;
  • the pet should not have excessive salivation;
  • the dog must be clean;
  • the animal should not be hyperactive and require a lot of space.

Of course, the owner himself determines what is important to him and what he can “turn a blind eye to.”

Breeds of dogs for apartment security:


There is still debate about the real homeland of this breed, but most are inclined to believe that it is Egypt. There she was involved in herding livestock, protecting farms and politicians, as well as transporting letters and parcels. The dog's height is 60 cm at the withers, weight is 70 kg. A massive beast that will obey only its owner.

He is very easy to train and loves children; he can give little ones rides on his back. Unpretentious to environmental conditions, it can live both in an apartment and in a private house. Doesn't bark at cats or chase cars. He is friendly towards other dogs.

Separately, it is worth noting these two breeds, which are beyond competition.


The fastest guard dog, strong, beautiful, graceful, smart and brave. The Doberman is extremely sensitive; he even sleeps with half his eyes open. This is an excellent option for protecting private property or apartments. However, in order to teach this dog to be obedient, it should be trained from infancy.


The Boxer is a very strong and strong dog. He quickly remembers all commands and always obeys his owner. This breed of dog is popular all over the world, and very often, these dogs are bred as guards. The Boxer gets along well with children and other pets, he will always true friend and an excellent bodyguard.

Cane Corso

Cane Corso is a very expensive and rare breed dogs. Animals of this breed are very kind, well-mannered and patient. But when it comes to the life and health of the owner, Cane Corsos turn into a ferocious beast that is capable of tearing anyone apart. That is why, this breed dogs are suitable for guarding apartments and private houses.

Bodyguard dog for humans

Any dog ​​that has security and guard skills can become protection for a person. Moreover, even if these skills are weakly expressed and the pet is not a worker. Thanks to his boundless devotion and love, he is able to protect his master in any dangerous situation.

Sustainable nervous system and the pet’s psyche is another important factor. For example, a dog that is afraid of everything will be able to bite an enemy, but only if it is he who is in danger. In turn, a large and kind dog will get involved in a squabble, defending its owner.

Thus, we can conclude that a properly raised animal with a balanced psyche can become an excellent bodyguard for a person.

The guard dog is entrusted with a special mission - protection, protection of the owner and his property. With the right approach, the dog will cope with this task perfectly. In fact, a representative of any breed is capable of becoming a guard, but for this each dog must be trained. It is important not to forget, whatever the character of a four-legged friend, a person takes full responsibility for his behavior and upbringing.

What to consider when raising a puppy

  • It is necessary to completely or at least partially limit the animal’s communication with strangers. In such conditions, the pet will treat every stranger with distrust and suspicion: without this feeling, full-fledged protection of the territory is impossible.
  • Don't forget to take your dog for walks and introduce him to new places. She must behave calmly and confidently in different situations.
  • A protective dog cannot help but be a leader. Allow the puppy to win games, but only until a certain age (6-7 months), otherwise the desire to overcome the owner may develop into aggression.

This is interesting! A good option for those who want to achieve ideal training are special courses in which the animal is taught obedience and following various commands.

After all, the dog must constantly be on the territory of the house or business, and not near the owner.

Also, the best guard dogs from our list have the following features:

  • the dog does not come into direct contact with the attacker, but only notifies the owner about it;
  • animals live in a separate house or booth, usually kept on a chain;
  • small and small dogs they can guard no worse, but a large pet inspires more fear;
  • a watchdog needs to be constantly trained and trained;
  • the dog must be able to make decisions on its own and react to strangers;
  • inherent endurance and unpretentiousness in terms of climatic conditions;
  • the dog must be incorruptible;
  • A guard dog must have a high level of intelligence and a physically developed body.

The best pets for protecting a house or apartment who are included in the top watchdogs consider:

  • Moscow watchdog.

Although they are more suitable for a private home rather than an apartment.

It is important to understand that when guarding an apartment, the dog must have its own place, insulated and with bedding.

  • Height – 67 cm
  • Weight – 58 kg

This is a large breed of dog, with muscles and a strong body, a wide chest. The coat is short and lies close to the body. The main color is brindle, fawn, red. By nature, these animals are distinguished by affection and love for their owner, they are active, learn quickly, and are hardy. The owner's commands are carried out the first time, ready to stop the attacker or stranger.


  • devotion;
  • simplicity in training.


  • often make decisions independently, without obeying commands.

  • Height – 70 cm
  • Weight – 45 kg

  • Height – 65 cm
  • Weight – 35 kg

Also the best watchman for houses and apartments The German Shepherd is considered to have a high level of intelligence and good memory. It has a large body, strong paws, and thick, black, spotted fur. The breed was bred for guarding, hunting, searching for people and drugs. Character is characterized by activity, obedience, balance, and leadership. A German Shepherd can be taught several types of commands at once.


  • maybe even a companion and guide;
  • loves children and the whole family.


  • The dog needs approval and attention from the owner.

German boxer

  • Height – 60 cm
  • Weight – 30 kg

The coat is short and smooth, the color is red, brindle, and has strong paws. German boxer characterized by loyalty, obedience, calmness, loves children and his family. Learns quickly and follows all commands the first time. Used as a guide, companion, guard, detective or watchman. Distrustful and suspicious of strangers.


  • learns quickly;
  • almost never gets sick.


  • protects the owner and family rather than the house.

  • Height – 68 cm
  • Weight – 50 kg

Large, service dog, the coat is short and shiny, the color is black with red spots. It has a wide back and a large neck. The dog is active, hardy, ready to work hard and endure different climatic conditions. inherent loyalty, ingenuity and fearlessness. But they can be aggressive and require training, training, long walks and attention from the owner.


  • hardy and can withstand even humans;
  • learn quickly.


  • you need to walk a lot and pay attention.

  • Height – 75 cm
  • Weight – 60 kg

A medium sized dog with a strong body and good health. The paws are muscular, the fur is thick and dense, the color is black, sometimes with gray spots. The Russian easily tolerates any climatic conditions, does not go overboard with food, and almost never gets sick. Easy to learn, quickly remembers commands, but requires attention from the family. The dog makes its own decisions, is friendly towards other animals, and is reliable.


  • hardy, not pretentious in choosing a place to live;
  • reacts calmly to familiar people.


  • will require training and attention.

  • Height – 70 cm
  • Weight – 50 kg

The dog has a massive body, short neck, strong paws and a large head. The coat is straight and hard, the color is black, red, fawn and brindle. The instinct is based on security and protection, and they are able to learn new commands. His character is characterized by strength, endurance, devotion, moderate aggression and suspicion of strangers.


  • basic commands do not need to be taught;
  • listens only to the owner.


  • long and constant training.

  • Height – 55 cm
  • Weight – 30 kg

The dog is one of the oldest breeds and was bred for security and protection. It has a wide back, a massive body and a large head, and short legs. The coat is thick and soft, the color is cream, black, blue. loyal to the owner, almost not aggressive, but very suspicious of strangers. They are difficult to learn, stubborn and make their own decisions. It is better to keep it in an apartment, because the pet is not very active.


  • quickly remember commands and get used to their place in the house;
  • do not require long walks.


  • without training and training they become lazy and disobedient.

  • Height – 63 cm
  • Weight – 40 kg

The dog has a large body, strong paws and long hair, the color is white, gray, gray-piebald. By nature, this is a smart, self-confident and active dog that makes its own decisions. It gets along easily in any conditions, is devoted to its owner, but is aggressive and careful with strangers. The South Russian Shepherd considers the house to be its own, so it begins to guard it at the age of two. Requires education and attention, otherwise it will attack even family members.


  • protective qualities are inherent from birth;
  • loves her family and doesn’t let strangers near her.


  • constant training and training.

If you are choosing a protector for an apartment or small cottage, then it is better to pay attention to medium-sized breeds, but with fighting and security qualities. Such pets are easier to keep and train.

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The first idea of ​​a dog that should guard the house is that it is an angry, large animal. In fact, there are a lot of criteria for choosing a dog for a private home. In many ways, it is necessary to take into account wealth, the environment of the dog’s place of residence, age characteristics family members, active life position and personal preferences.

When choosing a dog, you need to take into account that many breeds are completely unsuitable for protection, only because they do not have a guard instinct. Guard breed dogs are endowed with a common set of certain qualities: a balanced nervous system, independence in decision-making, vigilance towards strangers, prudence, speed in learning, an indifferent attitude towards dogs and other types of animals, a tolerant attitude towards the owner’s loved ones, the presence of a dense coat for protection from cold and heat.

It is worth considering that the characteristics only theoretically apply only to a purebred dog that has a pedigree. Not purebred dogs, even if the puppy was purchased from purebred parents without documents, this will not be a guarantee that everything will meet your expectations.

Very large dogs

Fila Brasileiro

The Fila Brasileiro is a molossoid breed developed in Brazil. Large, with folded skin. According to the standard, height is from 60 cm to 75 cm at the withers and from 40 kg to 50 kg in weight, depending on the gender of the dog. The dog is classified as a working dog, and it is also an excellent guard for a private home, because it treats strangers with wariness and aggression. She is friendly to the owner's family and other pets, quickly becomes attached and trains well. In some countries, keeping this breed is prohibited.

Advantages of the breed:

  • is suspicious of strangers;
  • no difficulties in care.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • follows the instructions of only a balanced person with leadership qualities;
  • sometimes aggression manifests itself, this is due to the genetic characteristics of the dog.


Bullmastiff - dogs of this breed are very gentle and love their family, friendly to other domestic animals. Size does not at all prevent the animal from being agile, dexterous, and fast. The Bullmastiff is a non-aggressive dog, always ready to follow the commands of its owner. Standard height is 61-68 cm, weight 41-59 kg depending on gender. Has a soft, dense coat.

Advantages of the breed:

  • excellent sense of smell;
  • ability to learn;
  • intelligence.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • Small children should not be left alone with the dog;
  • requires long walks and intense physical activity.

Dogue de Bordeaux

The Dogue de Bordeaux is a large, folded dog bred in France. Dogs of this breed are calm, reserved, hardy, savvy, have a strong character. According to the standard, height is 58-68 cm, weight 45-50 kg in accordance with gender.

Advantages of the breed:

  • do without intensive training;
  • love to spend time in the company of family.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • dyspepsia, predisposed to eye diseases.

Dogo Argentino

The Dogo Argentino is an excellent breed for hunting and guarding, bred in Argentina. Dogs of the Dogo Argentino breed are courageous, hardy, strong and very powerful, and have well-developed body muscles. Dogo Argentinos are very intelligent, loyal to their owners, balanced, and strictly follow commands. Height 60-68 cm, weight 40-45 kg corresponds to gender. The breed is banned in some countries.

Advantages of the breed:

  • learns quickly;
  • accuracy in the execution of the owner’s commands.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • manifestation of aggression;
  • intolerance towards other pets, the hunting instinct prevails.

Black Russian Terrier

Black Russian Terrier is unpretentious, with good immunity dog bred in Russia. An excellent guard breed, easy to train. Loves to be in constant contact with the owner and all family members. Russian Terrier large dog, with a stable psyche, good-natured disposition, they are loyal to their owner and very hardy. It has great dignity, reliability and ease of operation. Height 68-76 cm, weight 45-60 depending on gender.

The Black Russian Terrier is an excellent guard breed and is highly trainable.

Advantages of the breed:

  • treats family well;
  • has good health, stable immunity to colds.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • cannot stand being tied up;
  • very demanding of attention and communication between owner and family.

Giant Schnauzer

The Giant Schnauzer is a balanced, active, loyal and courageous dog from Germany. It has endurance, unpretentious maintenance, excellent health, and is easy to train. The dog has well-developed senses. Self-confidence, non-fatigue and prudence are also characteristic of this breed. Height 60-69 cm, weight 36-47 kg.

Advantages of the breed:

  • remarkable security skills;
  • search and investigative qualities are well developed.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • the need for long walks and heavy physical activity.

Moscow watchdog

The Moscow Watchdog is a powerful, long-haired dog. A balanced, independent and sociable animal. Excellent security guard and watchman. The dog has fearlessness and the desire to protect all family members and the protected territory. Height 66-68 cm, 45-55 kg depending on the gender of the dog.

Moscow Watchdog is an excellent security guard and watchman

Advantages of the breed:

  • normal conditions of detention;
  • does not require intensive training.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • coat care required;
  • sometimes aggressive;
  • predisposition to dyspepsia, obesity and hip diseases.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a favorite breed in security activities. The animal is very persistent, brave, decisive, fearless. It is necessary to show the dog who is the leader, as well as to stop any attempts to display aggression. Education should be from an early age, diligent and gradual. If you do not immediately control the dog, then after two years of age it will be impossible to correct the character. Height 64-68 cm, weight 45-50 kg.

The Caucasian Shepherd is a brave, decisive, fearless animal.

Advantages of the breed:

  • Great for protecting a private home;
  • obedient and acts on command.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • intensive education is required;
  • long and regular intensive exercises.

Central asian shepherd dog

The Central Asian Shepherd is a powerful dog with good dense hair. By the age of 3, dogs are fully developed physically and intellectually. A dog tends to take a long time to react to an external stimulus, so the animal needs to be switched to another action. Education is important in a dog’s life; this is the only way to instill in it endurance, patience, loyalty and protective qualities. Height 65-70 cm, weight 40-50 kg depending on gender.

Advantages of the breed:

  • good house guard;
  • can overpower a person.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • needs intensive training and careful care of appearance.

Large guard dogs

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is a versatile breed with a balanced psyche. Mobility, ability to do a variety of training, and ability to work as a team with another person. Has contact with animals and enjoys spending time with family. Height 55-65 cm, weight 22-40 kg depending on the gender of the dog.

Advantages of the breed:

  • well developed sense of smell and search quality;
  • devoted to the owner;
  • friendly.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • requires the owner's attention;
  • long-term strength training.

Belgian Shepherd

Belgian Shepherd - have excellent memory, smart, obedient, brave, calm, reserved, hardy and easily adapt to various weather conditions and situations. Belgian Shepherds much more energetic than the German ones, but just as loyal to their owner. Height 56-66 cm, weight 20-30 kg according to gender.

Belgian Shepherds are very intelligent, calm and reserved.

Advantages of the breed:

  • follow commands accurately;
  • very friendly.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • weak, straightened hocks;
  • aggressiveness.


Rottweilers are hardy, energetic, hardworking dogs bred in Germany. The breed is not suitable for beginners, as it is very aggressive and requires a lot of experience and time to train. Dogs tend to form close relationships with their owners, so leaving them with small children is extremely dangerous. Due to its short fur, it will not be able to guard outdoors; an insulated room is required. Height 56-70 cm, weight 45-50 kg.

Advantages of the breed:

  • ability to learn quickly;
  • easy to maintain and care for.

Disadvantages of the breed:


The Doberman is a strong, balanced dog bred in Germany. Dobermans are able to respond adequately to any stimuli; they can be safely left near small children. They are friendly, loyal, non-aggressive and have a graceful appearance. Like the Rottweiler, Dobermans cannot guard while living outside. Height 63-72 cm, weight 32-45 kg.

Advantages of the breed:

  • friendly with children;
  • adequately assesses the situation;
  • search qualities are well developed.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • requires long and intense training.

Italian Cane Corso

Italian Cane Corso – powerful, hardy, strong, clever dog, which intuitively determines the gameplay or real threat happens at a certain moment. The Cane Corso will never show aggression without a reason, which is why it is a wonderful guard dog. The dog knows how to make decisions independently and react in time to protect the owner and family members. The breed requires leadership qualities from a person, because it is often stubborn. Height 60-68 cm, weight 40-50 kg.

Advantages of the breed:

  • independence in decision making;
  • not aggressive.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • requires tough upbringing.

Guard dogs of medium and small sizes


The Airedale Terrier is an emotional, intelligent, brave, non-aggressive, fearless dog bred in England. Airedale Terriers are friendly, sociable, savvy, persistent and suspicious of strangers. Height 56-61 cm, weight 18-29 kg.

Advantages of the breed:

  • does not show aggression;
  • No training or long walks are required.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • wavy coat requires attention and careful grooming.

Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzer - dogs of this breed are excellent guards and companions. Dogs have a lively temperament, fearlessness, poise, good behavior, playfulness and great devotion to their owner. This breed cannot be bribed; it is always on the alert and wary of strangers. Dogs tolerate any weather conditions well. Height 45-50 cm, weight 14-20 kg.

Advantages of the breed:

  • endurance in different weather conditions;
  • bravery;
  • developed intellectual abilities.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • special processing of wool.

Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzer - the difference between this dog and other schnauzers is only in size. They are also hardy, loyal to their owner, fearless, attentive and quick to train. Miniature Schnauzers love children and are ready to protect them at any cost. Animals are very active and distrustful of strangers. Height 30-35 cm, weight 4-8 kg.

Advantages of the breed:

  • not aggressive;
  • is not difficult to care for.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • aggressive behavior towards strangers.

Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier is a strong, muscular dog that has a balanced, calm character, leads an active lifestyle and is loyal to its owner. Height 38-43 cm, weight 7-11 kg.

Advantages of the breed:

  • friendly;
  • ability to learn quickly.
  • predisposition to glaucoma and digestive disorders.


The Jagdterrier is an independent, calm, fearless and loyal dog to its owner. It has excellent hunting and guard qualities. Height 33-40 cm, weight 7-12 kg.

Advantages of the breed:

  • easily adapts to weather conditions;
  • can be excellent hunting helpers.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • may show aggression towards other dogs;
  • need careful education.

What you need to know! If you like a short-haired dog of a guard breed that does not have a dense undercoat, then this choice will not be correct. Dobermans, Rottweilers, Boxers, Cane Corsos are wonderful guard breeds, but only for apartments and yard areas. Such dogs cannot spend all their time outside; they need an insulated room.

Video - 10 best security guard dogs

Proper training of a guard dog

You need to start training your dog in the very beginning. early age. First of all, you need to pay attention to the toilet, where the puppy is and team training. Creating a daily routine will be a logical step, so the dog will know what time there will be a walk, games, training and feeding. It is imperative to show the puppy that the owner is the leader in the house, and not she:

  • The owners enter the house first, and then only the pet;
  • the owner makes the first meal and only then does the dog feed;
  • if there are children, attention is also paid first to them, and only then to the dog;
  • all game processes are started and completed only by the owner;
  • you cannot give in and allow yourself to be defeated;
  • the puppy must learn where his place is, and this command must be carried out unquestioningly;
  • if a puppy is bred to guard a private home, then excessive affection must be avoided so as not to develop the dog into a sweet, trusting creature. Guard dogs must be treated strictly and at the same time given moderate amounts of love so as not to become spoiled.

If you have already purchased adult dog, then it will take longer to adapt. First you need to analyze the character of the animal. If before acquisition the animal was intimidated (the dog is pressed to the floor from every sudden movement and raised tone), then training will be difficult and long. An aggressively intimidated animal also crouches to the floor, and then tries to carry out an attack - such a dog is uncontrollable in a state of panic. A dominant-aggressive dog, which without any chance can attack the owner, as well as other people while walking, can only be retrained by a canine service specialist. A dog without a psychologically disturbed upbringing will be able to re-educate if it allows itself to be stroked and sniffed by its future owner during the first interaction. If a dog does not show interest in a person, then this is a sign of self-confidence and such a dog can be accepted into the family.

Causes of dog aggression towards its owner

If a dog shows aggression towards its owner, this can happen for a number of reasons:

  • trying to become a leader;
  • feels afraid;
  • warns the person.

With warning aggression, the pet does not cause pain, grabs clothes, tries to pull and barks loudly. The manifestation of leadership and fear must be corrected. Aggression is formed due to incorrect upbringing. It is necessary to suppress all attempts at aggression, especially during the period of eating (if the owner is nearby), as well as when the dog takes a position above the person, while the owner indicates the place. Growling while fixing the collar and unfulfilled commands are also suppressed and corrected. When retraining a dog, you should not scream; only a raised tone would be appropriate, hitting the animal and depriving it of water or food. Locking yourself up and leaving alone is not an example good upbringing. If a dog’s behavior is not corrected at all, then it must be sent to a specialist for training, otherwise it may be a danger to others.

If, on the contrary, you need to achieve aggressive behavior in an animal, then you should contact a special trainer. You should not set the dog on yourself or your loved ones - this is not correct solution. Here you need to clearly be able to loudly stop aggressive behavior. Before training aggression, you need to completely achieve clear obedience from the dog. Sometimes the dog itself takes the initiative and goes to protect its owner and family members, this proper development connection between pet and owner, this is how it should be.

To properly raise a guard dog, you first need to choose the appropriate breed with the desired qualities. The animal must be mentally stable and undergo special training with a specialist. It must be taken into account that not all guard breeds can live on the street. If the dog does not have the necessary dense coat that will protect it from cold or heat, then it is worth placing it in a heated room, but it will not lose its skills. If the breed allows you to stay in a kennel outside, then you need to provide maximum visibility to the pet to protect the territory.

Training with an experienced canine service specialist will bring many benefits and will raise your pet to be a worthy guardian, and most importantly, the training will be correct and will not cause harm psychological health dogs.

Education is long and hard work, depending on the desires and goals of the dog owner. That is why the phrase “a dog is similar to its owner” is a determinant and even a guide in education. Look at your dog's behavior and you will see a part of yourself in it, as the animal imitates the leader of the pack.

Raising a dog is long and hard work.

What you need to know! It must be remembered that a guard dog in a private house must move freely around the yard. If you decide to put it on a chain, then it would be wise to install an alarm in the house, since the animal will not be able to help in protecting the house, but will only degrade. The chain has a temporary restraining effect.

Tips for choosing a dog to guard a private home

When choosing a pet, it is worth considering the criteria of external data:

  1. Wool cover. To live outside, the dog must have warm fur to protect it from frost, wind, heat and rain. But even with a good coat, the dog must be provided with a kennel for shelter from bad weather.
  2. Size parameter. To protect a private home, it is worth purchasing breeds - giants and large breeds dogs, so that, given their impressive size, an ill-wisher will think about entering the protected area.
  3. Excellent health and ease of maintenance.

What character traits should a guard dog have:

  1. Equilibrium.
  2. Quickly assess the situation and make an independent decision.
  3. Wariness towards strangers.
  4. Tolerance to domestic animals and birds.
  5. Ability to learn.
  6. Friendly communication with children and other family members.

All of the above qualities make the dog an ideal guard. When purchasing a puppy, it is worth asking the breeder in detail what percentage of success his pets have. There are situations when the puppy’s parents have absolutely no experience in guarding activities, but only attend exhibitions, then all the qualities inherent in guard breeds will be lower in the puppy.

Dog breeds that will never become home guards

IN modern world a wide variety of breeds that can never be guards, even if they are of enormous size.

Video - How to choose a dog for a private home

Difference between a guard dog and a guard dog

General qualities:

  1. Territorial instincts are well developed.

Distinctive qualities:

  1. Responding to potential danger. Guard breeds are the first to start making noise, barking loudly as a warning to take action. Guard breeds choose a different tactic - they come as close as possible to the stranger and, crouching to the ground, bare their teeth, warning that big trouble awaits if the person goes further. If the person does not heed this warning, the dog will attack.

Security and guard breeds are well trained and trainable. Watch dogs, when they are left alone, they immediately switch to home security functions. Actions guard breeds– warn the stranger in advance that a master of security is on the territory, and if the person does not accept the warning, then the dog goes on the attack. The animal will hold the intruder until the owner arrives or the police arrive, but will not cause serious injuries

In this case, the peculiarity of the breed plays a special role. For security assignments, you need to select a dog with a very lively, developed intellect and an easy ability to learn. German Shepherds and Dobermans are excellent for this role.

The best guard dog breeds have been perfecting their skills for centuries. Weak individuals died in battles with opponents, the strongest, smartest and most balanced dogs survived and gave birth to offspring. The so-called aboriginal dogs show excellent results in work, although there are a number of specially bred breeds for home protection.

All guard breed dogs have a number of similar qualities:

  • Cold mind - the dog quickly gets angry, but knows how to pull itself together.
  • Desire to learn.
  • Balance - does not attack until he sees a clear threat.
  • Innate territoriality (not to be confused with sexual or dominant aggression).
  • Focused on the owner, that is, on one person. Most guard dogs for private homes once defended flocks and spent months communicating only with the shepherd (shepherd).
  • Endurance.
  • Sensitive hearing.
  • Acutely developed intuition.
  • The ability to make your own decisions and cunning is very important qualities, since the typical behavior of a security guard is predictable for an enemy.

Some breeds do not need special training; their main mission is protection. Universal four-legged animals must clearly understand their task, that is, the owner will have to place emphasis in the process of basic education.

The future owner should know that not every barking dog is a guard dog. There are a number of breeds that were bred for other work:

  • dogs They guard their territory only in packs. If a four-legged animal lives alone, it can imitate protection, but you should not expect full protection from it.
  • Cops bred for hunting, this is their passion, their excitement... and guarding is something boring.
  • They need serious exercise, they happily run around the yard and chase birds, but they do not have a pronounced protective instinct.
  • – they adore people and are completely devoid of aggression.
  • Burrows dogs are very capable of learning and can begin to guard, but when the choice arises: hunting or guarding, the pet will succumb to instincts.

It is quite difficult to list all the breeds “suitable” for protection; it is more reasonable to highlight the twenty most worthy and “proven” ones. For convenience, we will divide our TOP into groups, depending on the size of the dogs. So, names, photos and descriptions of the best security breeds for apartments and houses.

Large breeds are suitable for keeping in a house, but some can live in an apartment. Most large guard breeds are strongly discouraged from being kept on chains or otherwise having their will limited. Dogs that have worked over large areas for generations need activity and daily work.

- by right, one of the best security guards. An independent and confident dog. Needs an experienced owner, basic training and active socialization. He knows how to protect by nature and does not need specialized training. The breed is suitable for the street. The Caucasian Shepherd can sleep in a snowdrift and feel comfortable. If you decide to purchase a booth or build an enclosure, place the shelter in the center of the yard. If the dog does not have a view, he will not rest in the “house”.

– a “light version” of the Caucasian Shepherd. SAOs are more sociable and patient than Caucasians, and they are easier to train. Representatives of the breed need walks and communication with their relatives. Similar to Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, Alabais were bred to guard large flocks of livestock. Dogs are distinguished by their balance and endurance.

- a deliberately bred service breed. The state project was not completed, and the Moscow Watchmen were not recognized in the world. The breed is bred successfully in Russia and former countries CIS, but is not popular. Many people compare the Moscow Watchdog with the St. Bernard; the breeds are similar only in appearance. In terms of character, it is more logical to draw an analogy with the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.

Note! The Moscow Watchdog is officially recognized in Russia, but the FCI (Canine Federation Internationale) has not registered the breed. The reason for the refusal is the similarity with St. Bernard and the not always stable psyche in the blood lines.

Black Russian Terrier- a relatively rare breed of dog due to its size and complex nature. The four-legged animals were bred according to a government project as a working breed for service at important sites. Having received a large, powerful and restive dog, dog handlers were faced with the difficulties of training. Similar to the Moscow Watchdog, Black Russian Terriers take a long time to mature and require an individual approach.

This is interesting! The Black Russian Terrier is recognized by the FCI, and its second name by which the breed was recognized for a long time- This is “Stalin’s dog”.

Read also: Nova Scotia Retriever (Toller): breed standard, health, maintenance and care of the pet (+ photo)

South Russian Shepherd– the breed was bred to work with herds and protect the property of farmers. Rich hair allows the South Russian Shepherd to work in any weather conditions, and White color wool, protects the four-legged from overheating during a long stay in open areas. Representatives of the breed have only one drawback - the required care; otherwise, Yuzhaks are excellent guards and companions.

Bullmastiff– the breed originated from two legendary ancestors – the English Mastiff and the Old English Bulldog. Mastiffs belong to the group of Molossians, that is, service (in the past), fighting and guard dogs. The bulldog was bred to bait animals (bulls). The poisoning dogs were hardy, ferocious and fearless. The Bullmastiff was bred intentionally to guard and patrol territory. Despite their size, representatives of the breed are quite compact and can live in an apartment. A nuance that the future owner should know about is profuse drooling, which is characteristic of the breed.

– a breed that has a close connection with gladiator dogs, which became famous for their fighting qualities during the times of Ancient Rome. After serving in the Roman army, the Cane Corso was actively used in hunting large animals. Having become an object of admiration, the breed spread throughout Europe and was retrained as a guard dog. Large four-legged animals helped with moving livestock and guarded the flocks and houses of their owners. Even during the war, Cane Corso continued to carry out their usual service.

After the fighting, the economic crisis elevated the Cane Corso to the rank of luxury; such large tailed animals were difficult to feed. The breed became very rare and was even on the verge of extinction. Today breeders are restoring the Cane Corso population.

This is interesting! The Hungarian Guard (Komondor) is an excellent guard dog and a very smart dog, but due to difficulties with care, the breed remains rare.

Medium sized dogs Suitable for protecting houses and apartments. It is worth noting that a security guard and a bodyguard are different areas of training. The former protects the house and property, the latter protects the owner. Almost any companion breed can act as a bodyguard. Even if the four-legged dog does not have a developed instinct for protection, dogs are trained in ZKS courses to protect their owner. American Pit Bull Terriers and Staffordshire Terriers can be considered bodyguards, but they (most likely) cannot be trained as security guards.

For many dog ​​lovers, medium breeds are the perfect combination of strength and efficiency. Most four-legged animals are listed as universal working breeds, that is, hypothetically, they can be trained to do any job.

Note! Shorthair guard dogs must be kept in a home or have an insulated enclosure.

– the most smart breed, among its fellow station wagons. Shepherd dogs are rightly called universal because they work in special services, are trained in rescue and guide work, are excellent guards, protectors and excel in any type of dog sport.

The breed appeared in the USSR as a war trophy. There was a crisis in the country, there were few dogs, and importing them from abroad was expensive. Having trophy ones at hand German Shepherds, cynologists of the USSR tried to breed their own breed - East European Shepherd(VEO). Soon, work on improving the new breed was abandoned. Today, the breeds are not separated, although at international exhibitions, a German with VEO blood may be rejected.

– it is believed that the breed originated from Roman fighting dogs that came to Germany during the wars. The breed was named after hometown- Rotville. It is known that the ancestors of modern four-legged animals worked for butchers, helped drive cattle to slaughterhouses, transport meat to the market, and after work, guarded the wallet of the drunken owner.

The breed has been widely used by the police for quite a long time. It must be said that the reputation earned during service in the German police continues to this day. Many characterize the breed as aggressive and dangerous, but in fact, the Rottweiler is a serious dog that should be owned and raised by one owner. With a sensible approach to socialization and education, a better companion and watchman cannot be found.

Read also: TOP 10 most beautiful breeds dogs according to the website website

Doberman- a four-legged animal bred to intimidate others and protect the owner. A well-groomed Doberman evokes mixed feelings, but few would doubt its physical strength and fighting ability. Representatives of the breed are excellent for keeping in an apartment, but are capable of protecting a large territory. When kept in an apartment, Dobermans need to be productively walked, near water bodies in the summer, and on training grounds in the winter.

Four-legged animals cope well with general course training (OKD) and ZKS. When properly socialized, Dobermans are indifferent to other people's animals, distrustful of strangers and ruthless towards bullies. The dog gets along well in big family and patient with children.

– another great breed for an apartment. Representatives of the breed differ greatly in character depending on gender. Males are more decisive, females are more patient and affectionate. Boxers are very territorial, and they protect not only the home, but also the owner’s belongings. A trained dog will guard your left bicycle or bag left near a store or entrance.

Boxers are great with children. During a walk, the dog makes allowances for the young owner, does not pull on the leash and avoids conflicts in every possible way. If the child is in danger, the Boxer is decisive, but reasonable. The dog will not touch a young bully, but will boldly rush into battle if the owner is confronted by stray dogs or an adult.

This is interesting! With proper upbringing and maintenance, Akita shows itself to be an excellent security guard and bodyguard.

– a cute bear with a blue tongue has an unexpectedly decisive disposition. Even as a puppy, the four-legged dog is not shy in its actions and can get involved in fights. At the time of the birth of the breed, four-legged animals were kept in monasteries and faithfully guarded their homes. Chow Chow is one of the excellent guards that does not belong to the "clan" service breeds».

– representatives of the breed were dubbed dogs with a human mind. Dogs are capable of mastering literally any skill and serving with dignity throughout their lives. Representatives of the breed honor and instinctively protect the owner. The Miniature Schnauzer will successfully guard your home if you let him. The dog should feel confident, receive enough attention and freedom of choice.

There are also nuances of keeping, for example, dogs are very active and if they don’t let off steam, you need to expect trouble. An overstayed mittel turns into a destroyer and a fugitive, poorly trained and cunning. The Miniature Schnauzer needs to be cut and trimmed. In winter and autumn, the dog needs to be dressed, otherwise frequent bathing will ruin the dog's coat and harm the dog's skin.

Airedale– Despite its harmless appearance, the Airedale’s wavy coat hides an athletic build and impressive strength. The true purpose of the breed is hunting large animals. Erdels were bred to be hardy, courageous, strong and controllable dogs. The closest ancestors of the breed hunted otters, and this is very hard and exhausting work.

The Airedale Terrier gets along comfortably in urban environments. There are no problems with keeping it in an apartment, since the dog does not shed. For the sake of preservation appearance, the dog needs to be cut and trimmed.

Small breeds are traditionally viewed as companions. It would seem, what can such a baby do if he finds himself in a critical situation? You shouldn’t “meet them by their clothes”; among the small dogs there are worthy guards.

Welsh Corgi – A small service dog with enviable endurance and developed intelligence. There are two varieties of the breed:

  • – larger, with small ears, the neck is well arched, the back is wide, the abdominal line is slightly tucked. Some puppies are born without tails. They are emotional, active and very sociable.
  • – have large ears, the body tapers towards the croup, the groin line is well drawn out. All dogs have a long tail. By nature they are more reserved than their fellows and are distrustful of strangers.

Representatives of the breed were used to herd small livestock and were used in search work. Today, Welsh Corgis are viewed as sporting companion dogs, although they have not lost their working skills.

Schipperke– funny shepherd dog small size. Representatives of the breed are famous for their courage and desperation when guarding. A cute dog with sparkling button eyes suddenly turns into a teeth-snapping gladiator. Schipperkes always act unexpectedly. Before an attack, the dog weighs its tactics for a few seconds, and as a deception maneuver, it can pretend to be scared.