Initial osteochondrosis of the cervical spine treatment. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine: symptoms and treatment. Treatment at home

Osteochondrosis is a dystrophic-degenerative disease during which the structure and function of the intervertebral discs are disrupted. Osteochondrosis of the neck is a lesion cervical spine spine.

During the pathological process with osteochondrosis of the neck, the pulp of the intervertebral disc (its central, soft part) ossifies, eventually losing its shock-absorbing properties. The cervical spine loses flexibility and mobility, the canals between the vertebrae are infringed blood vessels and nerve endings. The peculiarity of this pathology is that its symptoms may resemble signs of other diseases, as a result of which diagnosis of the disease is difficult and adequate treatment is prescribed too late, when irreversible changes have already begun in the cartilage tissue.

Cervical osteochondrosis, the symptoms and treatment of which will be described below, as well as cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, develop in middle and older age, earlier in men, and somewhat later in women, and in recent years there has been a significant “rejuvenation” of neck osteochondrosis. Of course, over the years, even in a healthy spine, cartilage tissue intervertebral discs Over time, it is replaced by fibrous fibers, compacted and hardened. This is a natural process, it leads to a decrease in the mobility of the spine, but, as a rule, is not accompanied by pain, since fibrosis processes do not in any way affect the nerve endings and do not provoke their infringement. In contrast to natural physiological ones, pathological changes in the intervertebral discs, characteristic of osteochondrosis, spread beyond the cartilage, which provokes compression of blood vessels and nerve endings, pain and vascular syndromes.

Causes of cervical osteochondrosis

Upright posture is partly to blame for the development of neck osteochondrosis modern man and the corresponding distribution of loads along the spinal column, as well as the natural processes of aging of body tissues; in addition, there are a number of provoking factors that contribute to the development and progression of this pathology:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • staying in the same position for a long time while working;
  • excess body weight;
  • previous spinal injuries in the neck area;
  • chronic stress, constant nervous tension;
  • regular hypothermia of the muscles of the collar zone (for example, when being near the air flow from an air conditioner);
  • congenital anomalies vertebrae and intervertebral discs.

Why is osteochondrosis of the neck dangerous?

First of all, neck osteochondrosis complicates a number of movements, makes them painful, contributing to the patient’s physical inactivity, which in itself is harmful. A vicious circle arises: small physical activity provokes osteochondrosis, which makes the patient even less physically active, which in turn contributes to the progression of the disease.

In addition, the canals along the cervical vertebrae contain the most important nerve plexuses and vessels, irritation and infringement of which causes reflex headaches, chronic dizziness, destabilization blood pressure, which can make the patient incapacitated and significantly reduce his quality of life.

A particular danger of neck osteochondrosis lies in its difficult diagnosis and the high probability of incorrect, inadequate treatment.

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis

Manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis are erased, which greatly complicates diagnosis. As a result, the patient, as a rule, consults a doctor only when the processes in the intervertebral joints have become irreversible. TO the most important symptoms neck osteochondrosis include:

All of the listed signs are nonspecific; they can indicate not only cervical or cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, but also many other diseases. Therefore, it is very important for any of the listed symptoms to consult a doctor and undergo a full medical examination, to find out the real reason condition.

In addition, osteochondrosis of the neck is characterized by cervicalgia, or neck pain. It can either be localized in the back, “deep” of the neck, or radiate to the shoulder or arm. A sudden onset of a painful attack is typical - immediately after waking up, after sneezing or coughing, laughing, or sudden movement. The pain, as a rule, is moderate, combined with a crunch in the cervical vertebrae when trying to turn the head, and, if the process has not yet become irreversible, it subsides on its own after some time.

Separately, it should be said about fluctuations in blood pressure with cervical osteochondrosis. This is a nonspecific symptom, but there are some signs according to which it is possible to establish a connection between blood pressure surges and osteochondrosis. This connection is characterized by fluctuations in blood pressure throughout the day. Long-term hypertension, on the contrary, is not typical for osteochondrosis. The reason for pressure fluctuations is a reflex reaction of nerve endings in the walls of blood vessels in response to their irritation and compression. As a rule, surges in blood pressure during osteochondrosis are accompanied by headaches, pain in the limbs, and impaired sensitivity of muscles and skin in the collar area.

In addition, cervical osteochondrosis is characterized by a number of syndromes (combinations of several symptoms):

  • vertebral- a number of symptoms associated with damage to the bone tissue of the vertebrae (pain in the neck when trying to turn the head, impaired mobility of the cervical spine, morphological changes in the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs visually noticeable on the radiograph);
  • syndrome vertebral artery - a number of symptoms indicating a connection between the pathological process and the vertebral arteries. If there is insufficient blood flow in the artery when it is compressed, tinnitus, dizziness, changes in blood pressure, nausea and vomiting, and a feeling of stupor are disturbing. Irritation of the nerve endings in the walls of the arteries is manifested by migraines, flickering “floaters in the eyes,” and a temporary decrease in visual acuity. Oxygen starvation brain tissue that feeds the vertebral arteries, manifests itself in fainting, chronic drowsiness, mild constant headache, a feeling of weakness, decreased concentration and performance. The syndrome is characteristic not only of osteochondrosis, but also of atherosclerosis and other pathologies occurring with impaired circulation in the vertebral arteries;
  • radicular - occurs due to compression of the roots of the spinal nerves, a unilateral lesion is typical. Typical symptoms: pain, sensitivity disorders, paresis and paralysis of the arms, face and neck;
  • cardiac - a number of symptoms that arise as a result of reflex disorders of the heart (pain, burning behind the sternum, shortness of breath, tachycardia).

Degrees of neck osteochondrosis

First degree- characterizes the initial stage of the disease, clinically manifested by pain in the neck after sudden movements, sneezing. The pain is sharp, reminiscent of an electric current. In this case, damage to the capsule of the intervertebral disc is morphologically noted, which provokes irritation of the nerve endings. Neck pain may be accompanied by pain in the back of the head, tinnitus, and flickering of spots before the eyes.

Second degree- period of disease progression. At this stage, pain in the neck becomes constant, there is a narrowing of the intervertebral foramina and, in connection with this, regular infringement of the roots of the spinal nerves and the vessels passing through them. The capsule of the intervertebral joint becomes thinner, and pathological mobility of the spine occurs in this area. The muscles atrophy. Fluctuations in blood pressure are characteristic. In severe cases of the disease, a “falling head symptom” may appear - the need to support the head with your hand to relieve pain and fix it in a certain position.

Third degree characterized by the destruction of the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc, as a result of which complications of osteochondrosis may develop: vertebral dislocations, intervertebral hernias, spinal curvature. The pain is intense, radiating to the shoulder, arm, in addition to pain in the neck, headaches, dizziness, sudden jumps in blood pressure are disturbing, the patient loses his ability to work.

Diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis

The diagnosis of “neck osteochondrosis” is made on the basis of examination and questioning of the patient, the degree morphological changes in intervertebral discs helps establish X-ray examination and magnetic resonance imaging. In addition, it is important to exclude other diseases with similar symptoms: heart attack, hypertension, organic brain damage, migraine, which requires consultation with related specialists.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

The scope of therapeutic measures for osteochondrosis of the neck directly depends on the degree of the pathological process. Treatment will be more effective the earlier it is started, so it is especially important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, at the first episodes of neck pain or dizziness, without hoping that the painful symptoms will go away on their own.

On initial stage disease, treatment of cervical osteochondrosis comes down to eliminating the pain syndrome with the help of NSAIDs and painkillers of local (ointments, creams) or systemic (tablets, injections) action. In addition, the restoration of normal metabolic processes in the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral disc plays a huge role, for which chondroprotectors are used - drugs that stimulate metabolism in cartilage tissue and normalize its structure. In particular, the drug Dona® has shown its effectiveness in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis - its active substance, crystalline glucosamine sulfate, is a source of valuable components of cartilage tissue. It stimulates the production of proteoglycans in cartilage tissue, which form the structure of cartilage. At the same time, glucosamine sulfate suppresses inflammation and destructive processes in cartilage tissue.

As the pathological process progresses, antispasmodics and muscle relaxants can serve as an addition to the described therapy to eliminate muscle spasms. The doctor may recommend novocaine blockades to relieve pain, however this method can be classified exclusively as palliative, allowing the elimination of painful symptoms, but in no way affecting the course of neck osteochondrosis itself. In case of advanced osteochondrosis, the only effective means may become surgical treatment, since the possibilities of conservative treatment are limited at this stage exhausted.

Well proven: electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, ultrasound therapy, mud therapy. Traditionally, massage and manual therapy are considered important parts of the complex treatment of osteochondrosis. It should be remembered that all physiotherapy methods must be used only if neck osteochondrosis is in remission, otherwise the pathological process can only be intensified. Any manipulations during massage should be as gentle as possible.

Physical therapy (physical therapy) for cervical osteochondrosis

It plays an important role in the treatment of osteochondrosis. Methods of physical therapy are different, however general essence they are unchanged: careful restoration of healthy mobility of the affected area of ​​the spine and the associated stimulation of blood supply and nutrition of cartilage tissue. If you are diagnosed with cervical osteochondrosis, exercises should be as gentle as possible and the load on the spine should be minimal. Sharp turns are not allowed rotational movements, deep bends, which can contribute to damage to the capsule of the intervertebral joint and aggravate the pathological process.

Prevention of cervical osteochondrosis

Cartilage tissue is not restored, and therefore it is advisable to prevent its progression rather than try to treat the consequences later. The basis for the prevention of cervical osteochondrosis is healthy image life, reasonable mobility, balanced diet, body weight control, short breaks for gymnastics during sedentary professional activities. In addition, at the first signs of trouble in the cervical spine, you should consult a doctor and, if indicated, start taking chondroprotectors, for example, which will help normalize metabolism in cartilage tissue and significantly slow down the progression of the disease.

Sedentary work, incorrect posture, and constant tension can cause the development of osteochondrosis even in a young man of 25-30 years old. Today we will look in detail at the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.

Today, young people are hearing this diagnosis more and more often. The disease manifests itself in the form of degenerative dystrophic lesions of the intervertebral discs and occurs mainly in able-bodied people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, have a sedentary job and prefer traveling by transport to walking.

Osteochondrosis affects different parts of the spine, but osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is considered the most popular. The danger is that the weakened discs become dislodged, compressing the artery that supplies the brain. Hypoxia due to lack of oxygen can affect the organs of vision and hearing, leading to dizziness and strokes.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Patients with this disease usually complain of:

  • constant pain in the head, neck, arms, shoulders
  • loss of coordination, loss of balance
  • fatigue
  • sound when turning head
  • loss of vision clarity
  • sleep problems
  • hearing loss

Causes of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Can serve as a catalyst for the development of this disease various reasons associated with increased load on intervertebral discs:

  • excess weight
  • sedentary work
  • increased loads requiring sudden tension
  • scoliosis
  • flat feet
  • heredity
  • cervical injuries sustained in various circumstances

These reasons cause changes in the structure of the vertebrae, deterioration of the outflow and inflow of blood.

Dizziness with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

When the artery is compressed, oxygen stops flowing to the brain, namely to the posterior part, where the vestibular apparatus is located, as a result the person loses orientation in space and experiences dizziness.

The cervical vertebrae are small, they bear a serious load in the form of a heavy head, and they also must be mobile, so any even slight overstrain can affect their work.

Hernia of the cervical spine

Changes in osteochondrosis affecting the discs located between the vertebrae can cause a protrusion of the hernia. Patients with this disease experience pain in the cervical spine, shoulders, arms, and numbness in the fingers. In most cases, the protrusion forms between the fifth and sixth, sixth and seventh vertebrae. A hernia creates additional pressure on the nerve endings, and blood circulation worsens.

To diagnose a hernia, modern X-ray and tomography devices are used; treatment can be either conservative or surgical.

Protrusion of the cervical spine

A change in the internal structure of the discs located between the vertebrae, or protrusion, occurs as a result of severe overstrain of the muscles of the cervical spine, which also includes:

  • passive lifestyle
  • cervical injuries
  • obesity
  • excessive work
  • age-related changes and muscle weakness

Protrusion can cause the formation of a hernia.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

The doctor chooses a tactic based on the diagnostics and tests performed; at the beginning, conservative treatment methods are used; if they do not give effective results, then the next stage is surgical intervention.

There are 4 stages in total:

  • Initially, osteochondrosis manifests itself as very mild pain in the cervical region, changing strength when turning; at this stage, all changes are still reversible
  • Then there is an increase in pain, and may appear painful sensations in the forearms and hands, concentration decreases, fatigue increases
  • At the next stage, the pain becomes constant, hernias appear, the patient feels constant weakness and frequent dizziness
  • On last stage, in addition to pain, there is a lack of coordination, a stroke is possible, the organs of vision and hearing are affected

From the second stage, the disease becomes chronic; it is impossible to stop the process of disc destruction; the doctor can only slow it down.

Drug treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

First of all, doctors prescribe medications to relieve pain, mainly analgesics such as analgin. To stop the possibility of developing an inflammatory process in destroyed tissues, non-steroidal medications are prescribed. Within a few days, a person begins to feel much better, but treatment cannot be stopped there; the drugs only reduced the pain, but did not eliminate its cause.

To restore discs, you need to take courses of chondroprotectors and vitamin-mineral complexes.

Exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

After it's passed pain symptom The patient, together with the attending physician, chooses a course of therapeutic exercises. The lack of physical activity necessary for the formation of a muscle corset leads to weakened neck muscles, overloaded permanent job, cannot cope with the load. To prevent further development diseases, it is necessary to perform special exercises.

For example, to start your training, you can try simple exercises:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, look straight, while inhaling, turn your head to the left, pull your chin to your left shoulder, exhale. Inhale again and return your head to the starting position. Repeat the exercise, turning your head in the other direction. If you cannot reach your shoulder, then focus on the pain. Perform the exercise 8 times to stretch the large side muscles.
  2. Stand up, look straight, lower your head down, pull your chin to your chest as much as you can, hold the position for three seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times, the exercise is designed to stretch the back muscles of the neck.
  3. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart or together, put your hand on your forehead, press on your forehead with your hand while using your neck muscles, try to keep your head in its original position. Repeat 10 times to strengthen the anterior neck muscles.

It is better to start physical therapy under the supervision of a professional instructor who has experience working with injuries and diseases of the spine.

Gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Sedentary work affects not only the spine, but the entire body. Therefore, if you have already started taking care of your health, then why not get your whole body in order. It is best to do gymnastics in the morning, after a shower. Devote 15 minutes of time to yourself, and you will feel that ordinary work will be much easier for you.

  1. Start by warming up: turning and tilting your head, then making circular movements with your hands, elbow joint and shoulder, circular movements of the pelvis, feet, and knee joint. Do the exercises to the best of your ability without overexerting yourself. If you cannot perform any exercise, simply warm up the joint by vigorously rubbing it with your hands.
  2. Lie on your back, raise your head and stretch your chin to your chest, your feet do not leave the floor, your arms stretch forward or support your neck. Do it 5 times.
  3. Lying on the floor on your back, spread your arms perpendicular to your body, now right leg throw it at an angle of 90 degrees to the left side, you should feel the muscles of your back, abdomen and neck twisting, repeat with the other leg, you need to do the exercise 10 times in total.
  4. Lying on your back, bend your knees and place them as close to your pelvis as possible, pressing your lower back to the floor. Now slowly, one vertebra at a time, begin to raise your pelvis until you reach your neck, and also slowly lower yourself to the starting position, repeat 6 times.
  5. Turn over, stretch your arms forward, now lift your legs and arms and stretch them upward at an angle of 30 degrees, relying only on your abs, lock in this position for 8 seconds and carefully lower yourself. Repeat 3 times.
  6. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bending your torso forward, reaching first to one leg, then to the other. Try to relax as much as possible with your head down to relieve tension on your neck and give it a little rest after exertion. Repeat 5-7 times.

Massage for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

If gymnastics allows you to strengthen muscles with exercises and form a corset, then massage allows you to relieve spasms and increase blood circulation. Trust neck massage with such a serious diagnosis only to professionals. Inexperienced masters who perform ordinary non-therapeutic massage can only do harm.

Trusted specialists work at hospitals; perhaps your attending physician will be able to tell you who exactly to contact and give recommendations. Typically, massage is prescribed during the period of absence of pain and is carried out in a course of 10-15 sessions.

  • sit comfortably and rub your hands, fingers should be warm
  • start with light stroking of the neck and shoulders
  • then, increasing the intensity of the pressure, move on to rubbing movements from the base of the neck to the shoulders
  • in a circular motion, precisely pass the transition of the neck to the shoulders and along the vertebral discs
  • cover your shoulders and neck with a warm blanket after finishing the massage

If you are prescribed any ointments, then use them after the massage, the effectiveness will be much higher.

Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

One of the components of complex treatment is physiotherapy, modern equipment allows you to relieve pain and these procedures can be done even during an exacerbation as prescribed by a doctor.

  • The operating principle of the devices may be different; depending on the degree of damage, they may prescribe treatment with magnets, lasers, ultraviolet light and many other methods.
  • Sometimes mud, paraffin or ozokerite applications to relieve swelling and relax.
  • It is possible to combine several procedures to obtain maximum effect, but in any case, physiotherapy alone will not be able to eliminate the cause of pain without changing lifestyle.

Surgical treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

When conservative treatment does not give any results for more than six months, the patient continues to experience pain, a hernia has appeared, surgical intervention is performed, the volume of which depends on the degree of damage to the intervertebral discs.

The operations are carried out in neurosurgical departments, where the damaged disc is replaced with a new implant, titanium plate, which takes part of the load upon itself. Patients are admitted on the fifth day after surgery.

Sleep with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Insomnia and a feeling of constant fatigue often accompany osteochondrosis. In order for the rest hours to pass effectively and allow the neck muscles to relax and the whole body to rest, you need to sleep correctly:

  • If you sleep on your back, then place a small oblong pillow under your lower back, then all the back muscles will be relaxed; choose a comfortable pillow under your head, the height of which will allow you to relax your neck muscles.
  • If you prefer to sleep on your side, then it is better to press your knees to your chest in this position, the back muscles will be in a stretched position.
  • Sleeping on your stomach is undesirable because your neck will be turned to one side.
  • Choose only a semi-rigid mattress that will allow you to take a comfortable and comfortable position; the deflections of the mattress will follow the curves of the body.

Treatment of identified cervical instability

Increased stress on the cervical spine can lead to increased mobility of the vertebrae, which is called instability. The neck is the most mobile part of the entire spine; thanks to this ability, a person can turn his head. But this possibility is ensured by the small size of the vertebrae, so when increased load they find it difficult to cope and remain stable. The reason for the development of activity and mobility is osteochondrosis, this ability is constantly increasing, which can lead to displacement of the vertebrae and deterioration of blood circulation in the brain.

Treatment is carried out comprehensively:

  • medications (anti-inflammatory, analgesics, antispasmodics, chondroprotectors)
  • neck corset
  • physiotherapy
  • physiotherapy
  • surgical treatment in rare cases

Unfortunately, osteochondrosis is a chronic disease, but you can learn to live with it. Physical exercise will allow you to look at yourself and your life in a new way and will charge you with energy. Pay attention to your health and take care of your loved ones!

Video: How to massage the cervical spine with osteochondrosis?

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a degenerative disease that affects the intervertebral discs in the cervical spine.

Degenerative changes usually develop in the most mobile parts of the spine, therefore, in the cervical spine, due to disturbances in the structure of the vertebrae, the nerve roots at the level of C5, C6 and C7 most often suffer.

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis can be observed in people of any age, and especially among the working population from 30 to 50 years old. Some people suffer from this disease, sometimes without even knowing the cause of the ailment, because degenerative changes in the cervical spine occur unnoticed. Timely treatment of cervical osteochondrosis will return a person to excellent health and give him health in the future.

Causes of cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis has a number of features in comparison with lumbar and thoracic ones. They are determined by the structural features of the vertebrae of this department, the size of the structures of which is much smaller than the vertebrae of other departments. It must be taken into account that the cervical region is the most mobile; it is almost constantly loaded, since it supports the head. Osteochondrosis usually affects the most mobile segments, which subsequently determines the symptoms of this disease.

Despite the prevalence of this disease and achievements in modern medicine, the pathogenesis of cervical osteochondrosis has not been fully studied. It is known that the disease can develop against the background of metabolic disorders in the cervical spine, which over time leads to changes in the structure of the intervertebral discs and vertebral bodies.

Osteochondrosis can be caused by incorrect posture, excess weight, back injuries, and curvature of the spine. Excessive physical activity, improper training, stressful situations, and a sedentary lifestyle can also trigger the occurrence of osteochondrosis. And, of course, we must not lose sight of infectious diseases, as well as elementary hypothermia, since this can subsequently cause the occurrence of osteochondrosis.

Degree of development of osteochondrosis

The disease goes through several stages in its development, during which the spine undergoes pathological changes:

  1. Cervical osteochondrosis 1st degree. Symptoms are minor. Mainly there is tension in the muscle ligaments and slight pain in the area of ​​the nerve nodes. Therapy includes the use of physiotherapeutic procedures, vitamin complexes, and exercise therapy. Ointments for the treatment of neck osteochondrosis during this period are quite effective and efficient.
  2. Osteochondrosis cervical vertebra at the second stage characterized by disc protrusion. There is a decrease in intervertebral gaps and gradual destruction of the fibrous ring. Pain syndromes are likely to occur because nerve endings may be pinched.
  3. On the third degree all symptoms worsen - the pain becomes constant and severe, spreading to the shoulder area and upper limbs. When you feel the cervical area, the pain increases sharply, numbness of the fingers and muscles may occur, as dangerous hernial formations develop. Stiffness occurs in the joints, and their mobility deteriorates sharply.
  4. Fourth degree. Happening complete destruction intervertebral disc and its replacement connective tissue. Dizziness intensifies, and loss of coordination appears, since the vertebral artery that supplies the cerebellum and the occipital lobe of the brain is involved in the process.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine differ from the manifestations of this disease in other parts of the spinal column. This is due to the fact that in the cervical region the vertebrae are located closer to each other, the intervertebral discs have a relatively small height, which leads to the appearance of a clinic even with the most minor pathological processes. Also in the cervical region, compression of the nerve roots and spinal cord occurs more often.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis manifest themselves differently, depending on which vertebrae are damaged by the disease. First of all, most patients feel pain in the neck; pain can also occur in other parts of the body: in the arms, in the heart area, chin, and so on.

A person may also hear a crunching sound when turning the neck. Due to pinched nerves and blood vessels, a person may experience numbness in the tongue and fingertips. The patient will complain of decreased hearing and vision, high blood pressure and weakness in the muscles of the arms and legs.

Characteristic syndromes for cervical osteochondrosis are:

  • radicular syndrome;
  • vertebral artery syndrome;
  • cervical migraine syndrome;
  • hypertension syndrome.

All these syndromes are accompanied, first of all, by different types pain.

Radicular syndromes

When a nerve is pinched, the patient experiences acute pain that is descending in nature. The pain spreads from the neck to the shoulder, from the shoulder to the forearm, then affects the fingers or both hands.

A person experiencing radicular syndrome in the neck may feel “goosebumps” and tingling sensations. The elasticity and firmness of the skin decreases, paleness and slight swelling appear.

Vertebral artery syndrome

With this syndrome of cervical osteochondrosis, a throbbing or burning headache appears, spreading to the superciliary region, back of the head, temple and crown. As a rule, the pain is constant, although in some cases it can be paroxysmal.

Increased pain is observed after prolonged movement or being in an uncomfortable position for a long time. If the body is weakened, nausea and loss of consciousness may occur. Auditory disturbances may occur: noise, decreased hearing acuity, disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus. Possible effects on vision: decreased visual acuity, eye pain.

Cervical migraine syndrome

In case of “cervical migraine” syndrome, irritation of the sympathetic nodes is observed, which leads to impaired reactivity of cerebral vessels and impaired circulation.

As a result, hypertension may develop, often accompanied by:

  • stuffy ears;
  • noise in the head;
  • ringing in the ears.

Hypertension syndrome

In case of hypertension syndrome it is determined. The headache is more of a bursting nature and may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. With exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis, an increase in temperature and.

Why is osteochondrosis of the neck dangerous?

If the disease occurs at a young age, one should expect possible complications in all parts of the spine:

  1. Herniation of the cervical spine (intervertebral disc);
  2. Radiculopathy of the cervical roots;
  3. Intervertebral protrusion (protrusion) in the cervical region;
  4. Vertebrogenic cervicalgia, cervicothoracalgia, cervicobrachialgia, cervicocranialgia;
  5. In advanced cases, large osteophytes of the cervical spine, paresis, problems with the vertebral arteries, etc. can form.

If treatment for osteochondrosis is started in the later stages, it will only relieve pain and inflammation. It will be more difficult to completely get rid of negative changes. This is only possible with long-term and complex treatment.

A specialist will tell you how to treat neck osteochondrosis. He may recommend pharmacopuncture, vacuum, manual or laser therapy, dry traction or electrical stimulation. After several sessions the pain goes away. But it is important to carry out the full course of treatment.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and its complications must be treated using conservative methods that are aimed at eliminating pain syndromes, dysfunction of the spinal roots, as well as preventing the progression of degenerative changes in the structure of the spine.

In cases where conservative treatment is ineffective, surgical treatment is performed for certain indications, where the extent depends on the clinical manifestation of osteochondrosis and the level of the lesion. The most effective result in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is considered complex treatment diseases musculoskeletal system generally.

Drug treatment

At home, treatment of cervical osteochondrosis with medications may include:

  1. (for example, indomethacin) for 1-2 weeks 2-3 times a day. These medications are usually taken after meals.
  2. Muscle relaxants (sirdalud, miolastane) to improve muscle tone and relieve muscle spasm.
  3. Corticosteroids used for intense pain in combination with analgesics.
  4. Diuretics, reducing swelling in the area of ​​inflammation - diacarb.
  5. Novocaine and lidocaine blockades– subcutaneous or intramuscular injection the drug at several points around the cervical vertebrae.
  6. Chondoprotectors for the restoration of hyaline cartilage (artra, rumalon, alflutop).
  7. B vitamins. They improve metabolic processes in nervous tissue and normalize neuromuscular conduction.

Some healing effect provide ointments and gels for external use (Finalgon, Fastum gel and others).

Physiotherapeutic and alternative treatment

Non-drug treatment is prescribed for any stage of cervical osteochondrosis and may include:

  1. Amplipulse therapy (treatment with modulated currents);
  2. Reflexology;
  3. Orthopedic gymnastics;
  4. Classes on special simulators;
  5. Massage;
  6. Methods of manual influence;
  7. Electrophoresis (administration of medicinal substances through the skin using electrodes);
  8. Magnetotherapy (exposure to magnetic fields);
  9. Ultrasound therapy;
  10. Laser therapy.

In advanced cases and in the presence of complications, doctors resort to surgery.


It is required if all measures aimed at relieving the inflammatory process at stages 3-4 of the disease have not led to any results. The usual period of therapy in this case is about six months. But the course of treatment for cervical osteochondrosis can be reduced if the patient experiences a stable deterioration in health.

Paralysis of the limbs and unbearable pain are indications for early surgery.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at home

At home, cervical osteochondrosis can be treated with no less success than in a clinic. The main thing you need for effective treatment- This is a systematic and competent approach.

It is important to include dosed physical activity and neck exercises in the treatment program. It should also be taken into account that the increase in the number and intensity of exercise should be gradual so as not to cause harm to the weakened spine.

And if you don’t yet know how to treat cervical osteochondrosis at home, we will be happy to give you a few useful recommendations. From folk remedies for osteochondrosis of the neck, it is recommended to take decoctions or infusions of herbs, as well as rub ointment into the problem area.

  1. Horseradish leaves. If the vertebrae in the neck are inflamed, take a fresh leaf of horseradish, apply it to the problem area and wrap a scarf around your neck. In a similar way you can use cabbage leaves, which should be slightly beaten with a kitchen hammer before application.
  2. Ointment with hops for osteochondrosis of the neck. To prepare it, grind a tablespoon of hop cone powder with a tablespoon of fresh butter or unsalted lard. The resulting ointment is applied to the sore spot and insulated well. With regular use of the ointment, the pain subsides and inflammation goes away.
  3. Elecampane root. It is important to use the roots of plants of the second year of life. Proportions for preparing the decoction are 2 tablespoons of raw materials per glass of boiling water. Boil the roots for 10 minutes over low heat, then strain. Use a decoction of elecampane for compresses on the spine twice a day for 20 minutes. The same decoction is useful for baths, just increase the amount of raw materials to ten tablespoons.
  4. Rubbing. Half a glass of elderberry and two glasses of alcohol are infused for seven days in a dark place. Then rub this remedy into problem areas of the neck.
  5. Compress of honey and grated potatoes: mix the ingredients and place on the neck-collar area for 20 minutes, after wrapping the mass in gauze (to make it easier to clean). Apply it while at rest so that your body position is still and comfortable. It is enough to apply a compress once a week.

Once again I would like to remind you that cervical osteochondrosis can only be treated with complex actions. You need to not be lazy, develop a system and stick to it every day. Treatment at home can provide a significant impact on the healing process. And, of course, you should seek the help of professionals, if possible.

Video exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

Therapeutic exercises have no less effect than drug treatment of osteochondrosis, and are the basis of recovery. The exercises will not take much time, especially since they are easy to do at home.

Gymnastics is aimed at reducing pain in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, spraining ligaments and relaxing neck muscles. But you need to perform the exercises only after consulting a doctor and very carefully so as not to harm the body.

Article publication date: 08/03/2016

Article updated date: 10/13/2019

Introduction and general description of the disease

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a chronic, slowly progressive disease of the spine, which affects and destroys the vertebrae, intervertebral joints and discs. The vertebrae from the first to the seventh, which belong to the cervical region, are affected.

As the disease progresses, the intervertebral discs lose their elasticity and strength, become flattened, stratified, and their shock-absorbing properties deteriorate. This deformation occurs due to changes caused by malnutrition and tissue depletion.

These disorders are one of the natural processes of aging of the body, but various overloads, poor posture, injuries, congenital anomalies of the spine and some other reasons provoke early wear of cartilage and discs.

The stages of development of pathology in the cervical spine are similar to those affecting other parts of the spine, but the symptoms and some nuances of treatment differ (read more about this later in the article).

Cervical osteochondrosis is diagnosed much more often than thoracic osteochondrosis: this is due to a rather weak muscle corset and high mobility of this section, so the intervertebral discs and vertebral bodies of the neck are most susceptible to injury and overload.

The disease develops in people starting at the age of 20–30 years. Stage 1 intervertebral disc lesions are often detected during a routine examination or medical examination in relatively healthy people (these people have radiological signs of the disease, but it is still asymptomatic). In people aged 40–50 years, deformation of the vertebrae and discs is now observed in almost everyone.

The disease affects the quality of life due to its manifestations. Neck pain, dizziness, tinnitus, headaches, darkening or “spots” in the eyes - this is not the entire list of manifestations of this disease.

If such signs occur periodically, you should consult a neurologist or vertebrologist. They are the ones who diagnose and treat this disease.

The disease can be stopped and unpleasant symptoms eliminated, but treatment is long-term (can easily take years) and labor-intensive (taking medications, daily exercises, lifestyle adjustments, physiotherapy, etc.). It’s better not to delay visiting a doctor and getting timely treatment: this will make it easier for you to recover.

Further in the article - Full description diseases: you will learn about provoking factors for the development of osteochondrosis, symptoms, diagnostic methods and modern ways its treatment (one of the clinics where complex treatment of osteochondrosis is carried out - SL Clinic).

Causes of development of cervical osteochondrosis

Previously, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine (and others) was considered a “disease of the elderly” due to an age-related decrease in metabolism, a slowdown in the processes of tissue renewal in the discs, a decrease in the elasticity of the discs and their gradual destruction. Nowadays it is increasingly diagnosed in young people aged 18 to 30 years. The reason for this is physical inactivity: more and more young people are choosing sedentary work. Lack of properly organized regular loads leads to a weakening of the muscles that fix the spinal column, a decrease in metabolism and blood circulation in the intervertebral spaces. As a result, as a result of one-time physical activity, pinching of the spinal nerves may occur or an intervertebral hernia may form.

The table shows the factors that provoke the development of cervical osteochondrosis:

Causes of osteochondrosis Details

Congenital pathologies of the spine

Arnold-Chiari malformation is a congenital malformation of the brain with a violation of the structure and location of the brain stem and cerebellum relative to the spinal canal and skull

Kimmerle's anomaly is an abnormal deformation of the first cervical vertebra with the appearance of a bone ring around the vertebral artery

Acquired deformities of the spinal column

Kyphosis, scoliosis and others

Old age

Age-related changes with deformation of vertebral discs and proliferation of osteophytes (bone growths on the articulating surfaces of the vertebrae)

Poor posture

Prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, stooping

Cervical injuries

Consequence of traumatic brain injury

Any injury to vertebrae 1–7

Regularly carrying a heavy bag slung over one shoulder.

The habit or forced need to lift or carry heavy objects with one hand.

Using a large soft pillow to sleep on, causing your head to long time bent at the neck.

Spinal deformities (lordosis, kyphosis, scoliosis) are one of the reasons for the development of osteochondrosis

Other factors:

  • excessive physical activity during sports or heavy physical labor;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • hypothermia of the neck (walking without a scarf in winter);
  • stress;
  • working on a computer;
  • obesity.

Some of the above reasons cause osteochondrosis in other parts of the spine.

Characteristic symptoms

The severity of the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis depends on the degree of destruction of the vertebral structures. Symptoms are aggravated by the proliferation of bone tissue with the formation of osteophytes, radicular syndrome (radicular pain due to a pinched nerve), intervertebral hernia(protrusion of the disc into the spinal canal).

The first signs of the disease are periodic headaches in the back of the head, pain in the neck, crunching and clicking in the vertebrae when turning the head, and sometimes a slight tingling of the shoulders. Over time, symptoms increase and the intensity of pain intensifies.

Pain syndrome is the main manifestation of osteochondrosis. Pain in the neck can be dull, constant or sharp with shooting below the back of the head when turning the head. The entire cervical spine or the projection area of ​​the modified vertebra may hurt, as well as the collarbone, shoulder, scapula, and heart area.

Irradiation of pain into lower jaw, teeth, hand, ear, eye area. The muscles of the neck and shoulders are tense and painful on palpation. It is difficult to raise the arm on the affected side - a lumbago immediately occurs in the shoulder or neck. Limitation of head movements due to pain often occurs in the morning after sleeping in an uncomfortable position.

The disease leads to compression of the roots peripheral nerves(radicular syndrome) and causes pain along these nerves. There may be numbness of the hands or fingers, impaired sensitivity of certain skin areas innervated by the pinched nerve.

According to some characteristic symptoms we can guess which vertebrae are affected:

  • The narrowing of the lumen between the C4 and C5 vertebrae leads to pain in the collarbone, heart, decreased tone of the neck muscles, and breathing problems.
  • If C6, C7 are affected, cervicobrachial radiculitis may develop: weakness in the arms appears, the patient is not able to squeeze the doctor’s hand as much as possible.
  • Destruction of C3 is accompanied by impaired sensitivity of the tongue, and in severe cases, loss of control over it.

Cervical vertebrae (C1-C7). Click on photo to enlarge

Cervical osteochondrosis is always accompanied by headache. Severe, persistent pain increases with turning the neck or sudden movements. Some patients complain of heaviness in the head. Compression of the vertebral artery leads to attacks of dizziness and nausea. There is noise, ringing in the ears, flashing black dots before the eyes. Deterioration of cerebral circulation provokes a progressive decrease in hearing and visual acuity, numbness of the tongue, and changes in taste sensations.

Clicking or crunching when moving the neck almost always accompanies cervical osteochondrosis and is observed in every patient. A crunch appears when you sharply turn your head or throw it back.


The periodic appearance of the above symptoms is a reason to consult a neurologist or vertebrologist. To determine the cause of your complaints, he will order a comprehensive examination.

During the examination with neurological tests, the doctor will assess the degree of mobility and pain in the neck, as well as impaired blood flow in the vertebral artery.

Cervical osteochondrosis requires not only examination of the vertebrae themselves, but also nearby tissues, vessels, and nerves. Only then can we judge the full picture pathological changes occurred due to illness.

Diagnostic methods:

(if the table is not completely visible, scroll to the right)

Study title, description Indications

X-ray of the cervical vertebrae in two projections

Mandatory diagnostic method

Discography is a more targeted study of specific vertebrae compared to radiography

It is carried out with the preliminary introduction of a contrast agent into the intervertebral disc. Indicated for studying multi-level disc damage, distinguishing scar changes from hernia

MRI or CT scan of the cervical spine

Tomography helps to identify complications of osteochondrosis, assess the condition of the spinal cord, determine the presence and exact location intervertebral hernia. Indispensable for differential diagnosis to exclude other pathologies of the spinal column (for example, osteomyelitis or syringomyelia - the formation of cavities in the substance of the spinal cord)

Myelography - x-ray of the subarachnoid space after administration of a contrast agent there

Rarely prescribed when it is impossible for one reason or another to undergo a tomography

Electroneurography - determination of the speed of passage of an electrical impulse along the fibers of peripheral nerves

Allows you to identify pinched or other nerve damage and monitor its recovery during treatment

Ultrasound Dopplerography of neck vessels - studying the condition of blood vessels using ultrasound

Indicated for deterioration of blood flow in the vertebral arteries

Rheoencephalography of cerebral vessels - graphical registration of the value of tissue resistance during the passage of electrical impulses through them

Prescribed for impaired blood supply to the brain due to osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Allows you to obtain information about the tone of blood vessels, the elasticity of their walls, and measure the value of pulse blood filling

Treatment methods

Cervical osteochondrosis is treated with conservative methods, and the treatment is always complex.

Drug therapy is the same for osteochondrosis of any department: drugs from certain pharmacological groups are used, but the choice of specific drugs from these groups, dosages, and duration of administration are selected individually for each patient.

From the table you will learn about the standard treatment regimen for cervical osteochondrosis:

(if the table is not completely visible, scroll to the right)

Treatment methods Pharmacological groups, drug names


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Nise, diclofenac, movalis

Non-narcotic analgesics: sedalgin, novocaine. Rarely opioid analgesics: fenadone, tramadol

Corticosteroids: methylperdnisolone, hydrocortisone

Muscle relaxants: miolastane, sirdalud

Novocaine blockades in places of greatest pain. Sometimes local administration of the hormonal agent Kenalog

Vitamins: C, A, E, group B

Nootropics (drugs that improve brain function, memory, thinking) – piracetam, actovegin, picamilon

Local treatment

The use of anti-inflammatory and warming gels, ointments, solutions: menovazin, bystrum gel, capsicam, applications with dimexide


Massage, magnetic therapy, UHF, acupuncture, etc.

Exercises help develop vertebral mobility and strengthen neck muscles

Hardware traction of the spinal column

Can increase the clearance of intervertebral spaces


Types: puncture valorization of the disc, microdiscectomy, disc replacement with an implant, laser disc reconstruction

X-ray of the cervical spine after surgical treatment vertebrae C5–C7

Treatment is supplemented by temporary wearing of a Shants collar or its varieties. Due to the fixation of the cervical vertebrae, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is treated faster. This additional orthopedic device helps cope with pain, normalizes blood flow through the vessels of the neck, improves general state patient.


If you have been diagnosed with cervical osteochondrosis, be sure to undergo the treatment prescribed by a neurologist to relieve the exacerbation and stop the progression of the disease. Change your lifestyle: start moving more, do exercises, sleep on a flat, hard surface with an anatomical pillow, limit your intake table salt, smoked meats.

Qualified medical assistance plus your actions aimed at recovery will help maintain health for many years.

Owner and responsible for the site and content: Afinogenov Alexey.

If you list the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis, almost every adult will say that he felt them. This disease really has a significant prevalence: in developed countries it occurs in 60-80% of the population. In order to distinguish whether a person really has cervical osteochondrosis or whether it is a manifestation of another condition, it is necessary to have information about this pathology. The article describes the causes of the disease, its characteristics and manifestations, methods of diagnosis and treatment. Having information about the pathology, patients will be able to recognize it in themselves and seek help in a timely manner.

What is cervical osteochondrosis?

The disease is degenerative in nature and damages the spinal structures through primary and secondary mechanisms. The pathogenetic mechanism of the pathology is that the structure of the vertebral joint is damaged.

Normally, between these areas there is a layer - pulpous tissue. It cushions the spine and optimizes the motor process. With cervical osteochondrosis, this soft substance calcifies and turns into hard, ossified tissue. This damages nerve endings and blood vessels, impairing their function.

Depending on the level of damage, osteochondrosis may manifest as pain or high blood pressure, disturbances of consciousness or numbness of the tongue. This may be a symptom from chest or back. This greatly complicates the diagnostic process. Patients may undergo several diagnostic consultations before being seen by a specialist. In the process of making a diagnosis, several methods are used that make it possible to exclude pathology from other organs and systems.

The pathology affects that part of the spine that is targeted by most daily static and dynamic loads. This is especially true for those who spend a lot of time at the computer or other gadgets. The combination of the mass of the head and the angle of its inclination is about 17 kg of pressure on the cervical spine. Add to this the duration and intensity of the load and we get a wide prevalence of cervical osteochondrosis in middle-aged and older patients. This is facilitated by both the anatomical feature of the exit of nerve endings from the vertebrae and the vertical direction of the axis of the spinal column.

Gradually, cervical osteochondrosis becomes “younger” and is increasingly found in young patients. Today's young people begin to experience neck problems much earlier than their parents.

This is also due to the widespread use of various gadgets, a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and structural features of the musculoskeletal system.

Osteochondrosis is a degeneration of the cervical spine, which is usually considered from two perspectives:

  • Physiological changes. Indeed, cartilage degeneration is a natural part of development, which is regulated by neuroendocrine mechanisms and is irreversible. The process begins from the center of the pulpous layer and gradually moves to the periphery. Soft tissue is replaced by fibrous fibrous elements. This process practically does not bother the patient and appears only when it affects the nerve endings.
  • Pathological changes. Destruction of the vertebrae as a result of exposure to a complex of factors. This process outpaces physiological changes and leads to dysfunction of the spine. Symptoms almost always accompany this condition, because they spread beyond the cartilaginous structure and damage nerve endings and blood vessels.

The course of the disease may be different character: sometimes the pathology compensates on its own, or vice versa - there are periods of exacerbations. Simultaneously with the pathological process, compensation mechanisms are activated, which temporarily prolong the function of the vertebrae and eliminate symptoms.

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However, the further course of the disease leads to the destruction of the fibrous ring and the appearance of microcracks. The vertebrae lose stability and fixation, which is manifested by the clinical picture of the disease.

In addition, cervical osteochondrosis is the impregnation of the pulp of the intervertebral space with calcium. This forms a kind of hernia, because the damaged vertebra is pressed into the body of the neighboring one. These structures wear out and eventually massive ossification of adjacent structures occurs.

The course of cervical osteochondrosis has several stages:

  • Stage 1 is instability of vertebral structures and disc damage;
  • Stage 2 - reduced fixation of the spine and disc protrusion;
  • Stage 3 - rupture of the fibrous ring, severe symptoms and pain;
  • Stage 4 is accompanied by difficulties in movement, acute pain and a wide distribution of bone tissue.

Features of the anatomical location of muscles and blood vessels make the neck a vulnerable area of ​​the body. The long course of osteochondrosis leads to numerous complications, including those of a vascular nature. Many of them can cause significant harm to the patient’s health and pose a significant risk.


The danger of cervical osteochondrosis is that it does not show symptoms for a long time. This is facilitated by masking the signs of the disease under another pathology, as well as self-administration of analgesic drugs. This makes the diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis time-consuming and difficult. It is important not to delay making a diagnosis until the vertebral structure has been replaced by bone tissue.

Let's consider the main groups of symptoms that occur with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and their features.


As mentioned above, most of the symptoms of osteochondrosis can be characteristic of other conditions. So, dizziness is accompanied vascular pathologies central nervous system, damage to the hearing aid, malfunction of the vestibular apparatus, cardiovascular diseases. Dizziness is accompanied by intoxication, inflammatory processes. It is important to take into account the entire clinical picture rather than individual symptoms. Also, you should learn to distinguish between the main types of dizziness based on the reasons for its occurrence.

With osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, a systemic type of dizziness occurs. It seems to the patient that surrounding objects begin to move. This disorder can occur after a head and neck injury, as well as against the background of diseases of the vestibular apparatus.

A non-systemic type of dizziness occurs against the background psychogenic disorders and is combined with poor health and unsteadiness. There is no sensation of objects rotating with this type of dizziness.


Again, it is extremely difficult to call this symptom specific. Pain in the head can accompany overwork, increased blood pressure, as well as serious acute conditions. With osteochondrosis, headache occurs as a result of compression of nerve endings. This leads to spasm of the arteries that supply blood to the brain, as well as increased pressure in the central nervous system. The result is a pronounced headache.

Features of headache in this case- dull character and pulsating sensation. Sometimes the pain syndrome can manifest itself in attacks, and sometimes it is permanent. The parameters of pain in osteochondrosis resemble those of hypertension, angina pectoris. The differences between headaches in cardiac pathology are that they are accompanied by pain in the chest, heart rhythm disturbances, and changes in the ECG. Therefore, only a doctor can finally determine the cause of pain.

Pain syndrome of various localizations

In addition to headaches, the patient is often bothered by neck pain. This is called cervicalgia and is a complication of osteochondrosis. Painful sensations may radiate to the upper limb. Patients note that pain in the arms occurs after waking up, against the background of sudden movements. The pain goes away on its own after a short rest.

It is important to remember that you should not try to eliminate neck pain through massage. With osteochondrosis, it can be dangerous and sometimes leads to aggravation of the situation.

Listed below characteristics pain syndrome in cervical osteochondrosis:

  • unpleasant sensations are localized in the deep tissues of the neck;
  • turning the head is often accompanied by pain and crunching;
  • observed muscle weakness, numbness, cold hands.

Most often, osteochondrosis of the neck affects the two lower vertebrae - 6 and 7. For a little self-diagnosis, this method is recommended. It is necessary to pay attention to the combination of pain in the neck and in the fingers. Most often, if the 6th vertebra is affected, pain will also be felt in thumb, and changes in the 7th vertebra are accompanied by discomfort in the middle finger.

Changes in blood pressure

This symptom appears when changes in the vertebrae affect nerve endings and blood vessels. How to distinguish this phenomenon from hypertension? First of all, hypertension in cervical osteochondrosis is not a constant phenomenon and has its fluctuations throughout the day.

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Also, changes in pressure with damage to the cervical spine are combined with headache, soreness in the arms, and discomfort in the collar area. Most often, pressure numbers increase after the patient has been in the same position for a long time, has experienced stress and muscle tension.

The clinical picture of cervical osteochondrosis fits into several syndromes. A syndrome is several symptoms that occur together.

Osteochondrosis consists of the following syndromes:

  • Vertebral. It is also called vertebral, which indicates that bones and cartilage tissue are involved in the pathological process. This leads to the formation of the following symptoms: limitation of motor activity of the neck, pain when turning it, radiological changes in the image of the cervical spine. It is the simultaneous appearance of these signs that is vertebral syndrome. Similar set clinical signs observed in myositis (pathology of muscle tissue), and painful movements are a companion to many other pathologies.
  • Vertebral artery syndrome. Appears when vascular bundles, which are responsible for the blood supply to the tissues of the central nervous system, are involved in the process. Symptoms indicate that brain tissue has ceased to receive the proper amount useful substances. How to recognize this syndrome? The first signs are dizziness, a feeling of tinnitus, changes in blood pressure, and the appearance of a “veil” before the eyes. This indicates that one of the vertebral arteries is compressed. Each vessel has its own nerve endings. If you squeeze those that innervate the vertebral artery, a migraine, numbness, and short-term decreased vision on one side will appear. As a result, changes in the vessel lead to the brain needing oxygen. At this time, a person feels drowsiness, short-term disturbances of consciousness, loses attention and control, works worse and remembers information worse. With such clinical picture it is necessary to differentiate cervical osteochondrosis with atherosclerosis of the vertebral arteries, and compression by a tumor or inflammation.
  • Cardiac syndrome. It manifests itself as a burning sensation in the chest area and shortness of breath. A person feels his heart beating rapidly, becomes tired and irritable. This picture is also typical for cardiac pathology, for example, angina pectoris, coronary syndrome, and heart attack. An accurate conclusion about the causes of such symptoms can be made after the patient undergoes an ECG.
  • Radicular syndrome. The cervical spine innervates 8 pairs of nerves, each of which has roots - the place where the nerve exits the vertebra. When they are involved in osteochondrosis, the patient feels a decrease in sensitivity or vice versa - severe pain. There may be numbness or pain in the back of the head, decreased sensitivity of the tongue, behind the ear, pain in the supraclavicular region. Sometimes there are disturbances in swallowing and movements in the waist upper limb, numbness of fingers.

Causes of cervical osteochondrosis

The main reason for the development of osteochondrosis is improper distribution of the load on the spinal column. The reasons may be different - a person may carry a bag or weight in one hand, or take an incorrect posture when sitting or sleeping on an uneven surface. Both high cushions and shoes that do not match increase the load. anatomical features feet. Such reasons may seem insignificant, but they act for a long time and, ultimately, lead to a logical consequence in the form of osteochondrosis.

Risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing the disease include:

  • low level of physical activity;
  • increased body weight;
  • previous spinal injuries;
  • poor posture or foot pathology;
  • reduced blood supply to the cervical spine.

All this leads to the formation of an incorrect position of the vertebrae. The weight is not distributed evenly to all areas of the cervical spine and some parts of it suffer heavy loads. The response is a change in tissue.

To one degree or another, the situation can be aggravated by:

  1. Suffered a serious illness or injury that led to a debilitated state of health;
  2. Frequent stress;
  3. Metabolic disorders in the body, reduced consumption of microelements, their increased consumption or lack of absorption in the intestines;
  4. Occupational diseases (in particular, vibration disease);
  5. Hereditary tendency to osteochondrosis;
  6. Scoliosis and other musculoskeletal disorders;
  7. Violation of drinking regime;
  8. Poor nutrition and bad habits;
  9. Pregnancy.

As you can see, there is no single cause of osteochondrosis. There are only a set of factors that can provoke it. Again, the same cause has different effects on different people. The state of health, duration, intensity and number of risk factors, background pathologies, and lifestyle play a role.

Modern methods of treatment

Even before prescribing therapy, the patient must modify his lifestyle. To do this, it is necessary to change the level of stress experienced by the cervical spine. You need to monitor the quality of your diet, allocate the necessary time for sleep and rest, and protect yourself from stress. if there is a background pathology in the body that aggravates the course of osteochondrosis, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment and eliminate it. The choice of treatment method depends on the stage of osteochondrosis and the patient’s well-being.

Treatment may be:

  • non-medicinal;
  • medicinal;
  • surgical.

They also consider separately traditional methods and rehabilitation measures.

Non-drug treatment methods consist of using therapeutic exercises, special simulators or devices, manual therapy, as well as physiotherapeutic techniques. Correct administration helps improve blood supply to the vertebral area or slow down the ossification process.

As for manual therapy or massage, be sure to consult your doctor about their appropriateness. You should not prescribe these methods to yourself. At some stages of osteochondrosis, massage can only cause harm and lead to long-term immobilization. If manual therapy carried out according to indications, it can relieve symptoms and improve the patient’s well-being.

Of the physiotherapeutic techniques used for cervical osteochondrosis, the following are used:

  1. magnetic therapy;
  2. medicinal baths;
  3. healing shower;
  4. mud therapy;
  5. electrophoresis.

You should undergo physical therapy in specialized institutions, in courses. The attending physician should monitor the results and evaluate the effectiveness of a particular method. If cervical osteochondrosis is advanced, radiological changes are observed or severe symptoms- conservative treatment with medicines.

The use of medications is indicated when the situation worsens. Many of them eliminate inflammation and sharp pain, improve blood supply to tissues, restore cartilage structures, and ensure joint mobility. This is an integrated approach to the causes and symptoms, and not a one-sided solution to the problem. After taking properly selected medications, the patient is again able to move his neck, stops experiencing irritation, worsened mood, and returns to normal work and sleep.

Let's consider the groups of drugs that are used for cervical osteochondrosis:

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

They are used to reduce inflammation in tissues, eliminate pain, and relieve compression of roots and blood vessels. For minor symptoms, ointments and gels are used; more intense pain syndrome is relieved with tablet forms. Injection administration is prescribed for severe pain intensity and its sudden onset.


  • diclofenac
  • ibuprofen
  • ketoprofen
  • meloxicam
  • nimesulide

They may have different trade names, but the active ingredient remains the same. The patient should take medications in a course only after the approval of the treating doctor. Please note that these medications must be taken after meals, as they may irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.


Their function is to dilate blood vessels that are narrowed due to the course of osteochondrosis. Drugs - pentoxifylline, actovegin, berlition. These drugs will relieve vertebral artery syndrome, improve blood flow to the vertebrae and the patient’s well-being. It is necessary to ensure that the patient has no contraindications to these substances, as well as their compatibility with other medications that the person is taking.

Muscle relaxants

The purpose of this group is to reduce spasm of the neck muscles. This speeds up and optimizes the treatment process, since muscle tension affects both blood vessels and nerve endings. Regular use normalizes vascular tone and reduces pain. Among the medications are mydocalm, baclofen, sirdalud.


It is taken to improve the condition of the cartilaginous elements of the spine and protect their structure from destruction. Long-term use of these substances is necessary, otherwise they will not have the desired effect. Patients may not like that the effect occurs only after 6 months of use. However, if this effect is achieved, it will be persistent and will significantly improve the clinical picture.

Here is a list of modern chondroprotectors: glucosamine, chondroitin, a combination of glucosamine and chondroitin, alflutol. Various combinations of these substances, as well as compositions with vitamins, are used.


Used as an auxiliary substance to eliminate symptoms of depression and stress. In mild cases, valerian, motherwort, mint and lemon balm are used. If depression progresses, more serious substances are needed: Cymbalta, Donormil. They will improve sleep and mood, and help the patient tune in to effective treatment.


It is recommended to take B vitamins. They can be obtained from food - this route of administration of vitamins is the most physiological and does not place a special burden on the liver. If vitamin deficiency or hypovitaminosis is observed, you can use vitamin complexes and drugs. This will improve sensitivity and innervation, speed up the process of tissue restoration.

Since the treatment process is long and brings effect gradually, all stages of taking medications are important. Make sure that medications are stored in the correct place as indicated on the package. If the box says that you need to store medications in a dark or cool place, do so, otherwise the drug will lose its properties. Observe the duration of the course and frequency of use - some substances tend to accumulate in the body, and only then have the desired effect.

If the route of administration is injection, the procedure should be carried out by medical personnel or a trained person, as proper administration increases effectiveness. Tablet forms should be taken after meals with water. Please pay attention to this point, as other liquids are not suitable for this. The combination of grapefruit juice and medications is especially dangerous - the enzymes contained in this fruit slow down the liver and reduce the delivery of medications to the tissues.

The combined use of medications will help not only relieve symptoms. but also to stop osteochondrosis. And this is the prevention of complications of cervical osteochondrosis, which are hypertension, heart attack, stroke.

Surgical treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

This method is used when cervical osteochondrosis has led to a narrowing of the lumen of the spinal column. This can occur as a result of a herniated or bulging disc. The narrowing of the canal is accompanied by significant vascular stenosis and compression of the nerve bundles. If an isolated herniation of intervertebral discs is observed, this is also an indication for surgical intervention. Surgery is necessary for spondylolisthesis - displacement of the vertebrae from the axis. In addition to these indications, the doctor pays attention to the patient’s quality of life, his condition, and the severity of symptoms.

Types of surgical interventions:

  • supporting spinal fusion. The idea is to remove the damaged disc and replace it with a movable joint, a prosthesis, which performs the function of the removed structure;
  • dynamic stabilization of the spine. A silicone implant is inserted between the spinous processes along the spine, which correctly distributes the load and stabilizes the vertebrae;
  • vaporization of the disk core using laser beam. This modern technique which shows good results. The laser acts on the core of the disc, reducing its size and eliminating the hernia. The intervention is atraumatic and can be performed under local anesthesia. However, the range of indications for such manipulation is limited; it can only be done at that stage. when the size of the hernia is no more than 6 mm. This once again emphasizes why early consultation with a doctor and timely diagnosis is beneficial.

Surgical interventions take place in a hospital setting. Depending on the degree of complexity of treatment, the duration varies postoperative period and rehabilitation. Carrying out surgical intervention involves an additional set of medications - medications to prepare the patient, analgesics, antibacterial therapy for the prevention of septic complications.

The subsequent period is a long-term recovery of the patient, fixation of the spine, use of orthoses and corsets. This is necessary for the structures to recover and begin to function again. The more innovative the method, the shorter this period and the more comfortable the patient’s condition.

The diagnosis of “cervical osteochondrosis” implies that the patient is under the care of an orthopedist and neurologist. It is necessary to regularly undergo diagnostics and courses of treatment that will prolong remission and eliminate exacerbations of the disease. Treatment is indicated even when the symptoms have subsided, because this is the prevention of the next stages of cervical osteochondrosis and the occurrence of complications.


The beginning of making a diagnosis is when the patient goes to the doctor and lists the symptoms. The doctor listens to the patient’s complaints, details them, and forms syndromes from the symptoms. Also, the specialist needs details about clinical manifestations: time of occurrence, whether treatment methods were used and what effect they had, the nature of the pain, periods of increased pressure, etc. Equally important is information about uncomfortable postures during sleep, work, bad habits, background diseases. All this becomes clear during the conversation.

After carefully collecting anamnestic data, the doctor examines the affected area and applies physical methods. In addition to the cervical spine, the orthopedist studies the features of posture, gait, and foot position. If the patient consults a neurologist, the doctor examines the function of sensitivity and motor activity, checks balance and reflexes.

To confirm or exclude the diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis, the doctor performs an X-ray examination. However, more accurate data will be provided by methods such as magnetic resonance and computed tomography.

X-rays are performed in frontal and lateral projections. A functional x-ray examination is performed simultaneously with neck rotations. Contrast enhancement of the spinal canal is used to better visualize the affected areas. Contrast can be injected into the vessel or the disc itself, depending on which the method is called angiography or discography. In the image you can see tissue compaction, calcification deposits, and displacement of spinal structures.

Regarding magnetically resonance tomography- this is the most informative method, which is also painless and quick. The doctor can see the damage and determine the severity of the process. Tomography scans will help the surgeon prepare for surgery, identify hernia, changes in nerve endings and blood vessels.

MRI is performed in the absence of contraindications, such as metal objects in the body or claustrophobia. pregnancy.

Computed tomography also provides an accurate diagnostic picture. The study does not take much time - about 10 minutes and does not require special preparation. The radiation exposure in this study is small, which makes tomography safe for health. Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, childhood.

Modification of tomography - a study with the introduction of contrast. The patient needs to take a test to check kidney function, because the contrast agent is excreted by this organ. It is also advisable to take an allergy test. On the day of the study, the patient must arrive on an empty stomach.

In addition to methods that allow visualization of the pathological process, it is necessary to use additional diagnostic procedures.

These include ultrasonography vessels of the head and neck. Indications for diagnosis are dizziness, headache, and pressure changes. the specialist will determine the patency of blood vessels and the state of blood flow. The most informative method, in this case, is duplex scanning of blood vessels.


As you can see, cervical osteochondrosis has a varied clinical picture, many syndromes and requires a serious approach in both diagnosis and treatment. If you pay attention to your feelings, listen to your body and respond to its signals, an early diagnosis is possible. In the first stages of the disease, treatment has a high effect.

To do this, you need to contact a specialized specialist and undergo the necessary research methods. High quality and timely treatment will avoid complications, improve well-being and quality of life, eliminate depression and normalize sleep. Tune in to a positive mood and you will again be able to feel freedom of movement.

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