The nature and causes of discharge in girls at an early age. Physiological and pathological discharge in girls Discharge in a 3 month old girl

Vagina- self-cleaning organ and vaginal discharge(leucorrhoea), is always there and at any age. Vaginal secretion consists of cells of constantly exfoliating epithelium and clear liquid that sweats through the walls of the blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, as well as mucus and microorganisms.

Vaginal discharge may be normal, but physiological reasons. On the 3rd–4th day after birth, a newborn girl may experience quite profuse vaginal discharge, sometimes even mixed with blood. This phenomenon is called "hormonal crisis" and is associated with a high concentration of maternal hormones in the blood.

Vaginal discharge may be accompanied by swelling of the girl’s mammary glands and the release of colostrum from the nipples. A hormonal crisis can last 2–3 weeks and be varying degrees expressiveness. It goes away on its own without any intervention. After this, a period of sexual rest begins, and all vaginal discharge will be pathological. Both pediatricians and pediatric gynecologists know that under no circumstances should children be treated in the same way as adults.

The health of a girl’s reproductive tract directly depends on the health of the body as a whole. And if it “shot” at intimate place, then it is useless to look for infection laboratory methods and treat her. You can't get away with candles here.

Vaginal discharge characterizes the breakdown of the body's compensatory mechanisms. We need to look for the reason. Laboratory research, tank crops, by the way, are not very informative in childhood. As a rule, they arrive sterile, even if purulent discharge is present. Therefore, we always, first of all, treat the child at the clinic, and not through tests.

The causes of vaginal discharge in girls are some kind of problem in the body:

The body can react to trivial discharge with vaginal discharge. There is only one mucous membrane in the body - it flows from the nose, and, sorry, from there.

- Allergic reaction. Light, transparent discharge, hyperemia. An allergic reaction can be caused by washing powder, chlorinated pool water, and children's cosmetics.

- Improper hygiene. Do not dry out the mucous membrane too much. Washed and overdried mucous membranes are an excellent basis for the development of vulvitis.

- Excess carbohydrates in food. Impaired glucose tolerance leads to the development of persistent vulvovaginitis, which is difficult to treat. But simple abuse of sweets can cause a reaction in the vulva in the form of irritation, redness and discharge.

- Dysmetabolic nephropathy, or simply, the excretion of salts in the urine will cause both urethritis and vulvitis.

Or a violation of the microflora of the colon. This is the most common reason vulvovaginitis. The vulva and vagina are populated by microflora from the intestines. If there is an imbalance in the intestines, the same fate awaits the vulva. Therefore, bacteriological will greatly help in the treatment of vulvovaginitis.

If a girl experiences vaginal discharge, she should first consult a pediatrician. The doctor will evaluate the color and composition of the discharge, rule out problems associated with allergies, helminthic infestations, improper care and imbalance of intestinal microflora, and also bring order to the child’s diet and daily routine. Since 90% of vaginal discharge in girls is associated with these problems.

What can you do before going to the doctor?

1. Diet. Eliminate sweets, products made from high-grade flour, spicy, smoked, salty foods for 2-3 weeks.

2. Maintain hygiene rules . Do not wash or over-dry. You need to wash the girl strictly from front to back with warm boiled water. Healthy children do not need any funds!

3. Redness and irritation of the vulva can be easily removed with a fatty product - vegetable (or kernel) oil, lanolin.

Every woman produces mucus from the vagina, which is produced by the influence of the hormone estrogen. If yellow-green discharge appears in a 4-year-old girl, this is a reason to consult a doctor. The cause of yellow discharge is infectious diseases, which occur when a girl’s immunity is reduced.

Mothers should understand that vaginal discharge in a girl and a woman are different phenomena. Most often, pathogenic pathogens are transferred to babies from the rectum to the labia area.

The nature of vaginal secretion

Small vaginal discharge is typical for females of any age, even for infants and infants. Such white discharge is the result of spontaneous cleansing of the vaginal microflora.

The components of vaginal secretion in women are:

  • epithelial cells that make up the vaginal mucosa wall;
  • mucus produced by the glands of the cervix;
  • microorganisms;
  • blood cells (leukocytes) and other components.

In a little girl, discharge can be physiological or pathological.

It's good when everyone is healthy

Causes of yellow and green discharge in girls

If the occurrence of white discharge becomes abundant, acquires a yellowish or greenish color at the age of 7 and a putrid odor, they speak of pathological discharge in a girl. The formation of yellow discharge with an odor indicates the presence of vulvovaginitis - an inflammatory process of the genital mucosa.

This process occurs due to the proliferation of pathological microorganisms, which is facilitated by a lack of mucous secretion.


After a long period of rest, at about 8 or 9 years of age, new stage sexual development, when discharge from the child’s organs appears again. This is explained by changes in hormonal levels in girls, who prepare the reproductive system for the appearance of the first menstruation.
Discharge of a physiological nature in children occurs 1-2 years before menarche, and when the cycle begins, it comes regularly. During this period they are abundant, mucous, odorless.


The inflammatory process that occurs in the genital area and involves the genitals is called vulvitis. In young girls, inflammation of the vulva and vagina is often combined - vulvovaginitis. Reason of this disease and the child’s discharge is an infection:

  • nonspecific – viruses, fungi, protozoa;
  • specific - chlamydia, gonococci, tuberculosis.

Normal discharge in girls of different ages

Sometimes parents notice vaginal secretions during the newborn period. Don’t worry, but figure out what is considered normal discharge and when you need to visit a pediatric gynecologist.

Serious conversations

Up to one year old

In a 6-month-old girl, discharge is the result of the activity of the reproductive system and the cleansing of the vagina from pathological microorganisms. Normally, clear mucus with thread-like elements is secreted.

1-2 years

Starting at the age of 1 month, a girl’s sexual development begins a period of rest. Sex hormones are present in minimal quantities, the cervical glands do not function, so nothing should be released during this period.
The duration of this period continues until the age of 8 years, when a new stage arrives - the prepubertal period, and the restructuring of the body begins under the influence of hormones. A year before menstruation, the girl has physiological discharge.

A child is 5-6 years old

The reproductive system is not functioning now, so a girl 2-6 years old should not have any discharge. At this time, vaginal diseases often occur, for which there are reasons:

  1. Immature immune system.
  2. Anatomical features of the body.

Therefore, orange discharge in 4- and 5-year-old girls indicates an inflammatory process.

Girl 7-8 years old

After a long pause of 7 years, the next stage of sexual development begins - puberty, and leucorrhoea is released again. This is explained by hormonal changes in the body, which prepares the body for the menstrual cycle.

Such discharge has a viscous mucous structure and does not smell.

See an endocrine system specialist

What to do if there is odorless purulent discharge on your panties

Purulent discharge is not normal. You need to urgently go to the hospital to find out the causes and treatment of the pathology.
Common reasons include:

  • inflammatory process in the ovaries;
  • colpitis;
  • inflammation of the cervix;
  • infectious diseases.

If you experience the following symptoms, you should consult a doctor:

  • thick discharge with pus;
  • foul odor;
  • itching of the genitals;
  • there is a burning sensation;
  • heat.

The gynecologist will examine the child and prescribe vaginal smears.

Main symptoms of pathologies

Green discharge in girls is not the only symptoms of the inflammatory process. Other signs include:

  • redness of the genitals and nearby areas of the skin;
  • swelling;
  • burning and itching that does not go away but intensifies with urination.

The discharge of yellow-green mucus in 3-year-old girls indicates bacterial vulvovaginitis.

Carefree childhood

If the vaginal microflora of a girl aged three to four years is disturbed, a creamy gray leucorrhoea with a rotten fishy odor appears.

A 14-year-old girl develops foamy discharge due to trichomonas infection.

Allergic vulvovaginitis provokes watery leucorrhoea, while the mucous membrane is dry.

Diagnostics of the child's body

Diagnosis of diseases accompanied by pathological discharge from the genital organs is carried out by a pediatric gynecologist. This doctor prescribes a number of studies and analyses:

  • general blood analysis;
  • a vaginal smear to identify the bacteria that caused the inflammation;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • stool analysis to determine dysbacteriosis and worms;
  • examination of the genitals for the presence of a foreign object;
  • blood for hormones;
  • PCR, which detects the type of pathogen and the presence of antibodies to these agents in the blood.

To clarify the causes of pathology

First aid

You cannot self-medicate - in this case you can provoke complications:

  • development of chronic inflammatory diseases;
  • violations menstrual cycle;
  • women's diseases;
  • bleeding during pregnancy in the cycle in adulthood.

The mother must immediately take the child to a gynecologist, who will conduct an examination, take smears and tests. If necessary, the doctor will refer you to other specialists: pediatrician, endocrinologist, etc.
To reduce the likelihood of leucorrhoea, Dr. Komarovsky advises ensuring that girls maintain hygiene:

  • always wash your hands with soap after using the toilet and going outside;
  • wash children's clothes separately with special powder or laundry soap;
  • teach your child proper nutrition, buy more vegetables and fruits.

Individual treatment

If the pathology is detected in a child at 6 years old, then it can be treated using the following methods:

  • if necessary, remove foreign bodies that irritate the vaginal mucosa;
  • as soon as the type of pathogen is determined, local or general therapy with the help of medications. Each case requires an individual approach to treatment in accordance with the characteristics of the disease, medical history and at what age the pathologies begin. As medicines prescribe antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral agents;
  • started helminthic infestation, except for a newborn boy or girl, all family members are also treated. This must be done to prevent re-infection;
  • in case of hormonal imbalance, hormonal therapy is prescribed;
  • Foods that provoke allergies are excluded from the child’s diet;
  • appoint local therapy from baths and washes antiseptic solutions, herbal decoctions. Sometimes ointments or creams are prescribed;
  • Regular changes contribute to a speedy recovery underwear;
  • at acute pain and bloody discharge may require bed rest;
  • If bleeding caused by diseases urinary system, which means antibiotic therapy is prescribed. You will also need to comply with the drinking regime: drink at least 2 liters of water per day, including fruit drinks and decoctions.

When mom is nearby, nothing is scary

Medication methods

Why there is pathological discharge in girls at 3 or 5 years old is determined by the doctor by conducting medical research. After which he prescribes drug therapy. This treatment is aimed at eliminating the causative agent of the disease and normalizing the intestinal microflora.

Depending on what kind of discharge appears, the doctor prescribes various medications:


Recipes from the people are aimed at eliminating the disease, the symptoms of which are leucorrhoea. As local treatment use douches, suppositories and baths.

  1. Take 100 grams of pine buds and 10 liters of boiling water. Pour boiling water over the herb, keep on low heat for half an hour and leave for another 1 hour under the lid. Add the decoction to the bath when bathing. You can buy pine extract.
  2. Take 15 grams of juniper and 1 tablespoon of boiling water. Pour boiling water over the herb and leave covered for 4 hours. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times/day.


For preventive purposes, the baby should:

  • stick to the right image life;
  • do not contact with infected children;
  • maintain personal hygiene;
  • if the disease occurs, begin surgical treatment.

Let's look at what doctors advise:

  • wash the girl every morning and evening. Babies under 1 year of age should be washed after each bowel movement;
  • washing is carried out from front to back so that intestinal microflora does not enter the vagina;
  • use soap when absolutely necessary, because it contains alkaline components that destroy the protective fat layer;
  • do not use washcloths and sponges that damage the baby’s skin;
  • after washing the genitals, blot the towel rather than rub it;
  • change underwear daily.

Thank you 2

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Vaginal discharge occurs not only in adult women, but also in little girls. Already from the neonatal period, physiological discharge appears from the child’s genital tract. Vaginal leucorrhoea in girls is divided into 2 groups: physiological and pathological.

Physiological discharge (present normally) is light, mucous in nature and may have thread-like inclusions.

Pathological leucorrhoea is most often profuse, mixed with blood and pus, and has bad smell. And in most cases they are accompanied by inflammatory diseases of the vulva - vulvitis and vagina - vaginitis. These pathologies are most common in young girls. The acidic environment of the female genital tract is a barrier to all kinds of infections. In a girl’s vagina, the environment is alkaline, containing a small amount of lactobacilli, which perform a protective function. And therefore, any decrease in immunity due to any diseases can provoke vulvovaginitis.

Causes of discharge in girls

  • Very often in the background past diseases respiratory tract Bacterial vulvovaginitis occurs.
  • With frequent use of antibiotics and dysbiosis, the vaginal microflora is disrupted and bacterial vaginosis develops.
  • Frequent use of antibiotics in the treatment contributes to the pathological growth of fungal flora and, as a result, fungal (mycotic) vulvovaginitis.
  • Many childhood infections can be accompanied by the development of vulvovaginitis.
  • Cases of vulvovaginitis, in which the causative agents are ureaplasma, chlamydia, virus, and mycoplasma, have become more frequent. The reason for this is the prevalence of all these infections among the adult female population. In this case, infection can occur already in the prenatal period. Infection is also possible during childbirth and through household means.
  • Vulvovaginitis is often accompanied by allergic manifestations. At the same time, the resulting atopic vulvovaginitis is protracted and with frequent exacerbations.
  • Fungal vulvovaginitis often indicates diabetes mellitus.
  • Inflammation of the vagina can be traumatic. Small objects can get into a child’s vagina during play and damage the mucous membrane.
  • Worms (most often pinworms) can cause inflammation of the external genitalia.
  • Little girls can spread the infection with dirty hands.

Symptoms of “bad” discharge

  1. The main manifestations of the inflammatory process are itching, hyperemia of the vulva and pathological discharge from the vagina. The nature of the discharge directly depends on the causes of the disease.
  2. If present in the genital tract foreign body The discharge will have an unpleasant odor and even streaks of blood.
  3. Trichomonas infection is characterized by heavy discharge foamy nature and redness of the genital tract.
  4. If the inflammation is caused by a fungal infection, a cheesy discharge accompanied by itching is observed.
  5. If the discharge is not abundant, but there is redness and severe itching, then this may indicate a helminthic infestation.
  6. Herpetic vulvovaginitis is characterized by blisters and ulcers on the external genitalia. There is hyperemia and pain in the vulva area. With an atypical course of the disease, scanty vaginal discharge and redness appear. If the mother has symptoms of herpes or the child frequent colds and herpetic rashes on the face, it is recommended to conduct a targeted examination.
  7. With bacterial vulvovaginitis, a yellowish discharge appears, accompanied by itching and redness.
  8. Infections of ureaplasma, chlamydia and mycoplasma nature are characterized by minor mucous discharge. But at the same time, exacerbations of diseases are possible urinary tract and kidneys.
  9. With allergic vulvovaginitis, slight discharge and characteristic thinning of the mucosa are observed.
  10. If the microflora in the vagina is disturbed and bacterial vaginosis occurs, a milky or grayish liquid discharge appears, emitting the smell of rotten fish.


  • To identify the cause of inflammation, bacterial culture of the vaginal flora is performed.
  • With help PCR method(polymerase chain reaction), RIF (immunofluorescence reaction) can detect mycoplasma, chlamydia and ureaplasma.
  • The herpes virus is isolated from the lesion. The presence of antibodies in the blood is also determined.
  • Be sure to do a stool test
  • When the intestinal microflora changes, a stool test is performed.
  • If there is a foreign body in the vagina and in order to exclude tumor formations, the vaginal walls are examined using a special device - a vaginoscope.


  1. The specialist prescribes general or local drug treatment only after determining the cause of vulvovaginitis (the causative agent and its sensitivity to antibiotics). To do this, an individual approach is used, which takes into account the child’s age, the presence of chronic diseases, etc. Treatment uses antibiotics, antifungal and antiviral drugs.
  2. Mechanical irritants of the genital tract are eliminated.
  3. With concomitant helminthiases, the underlying disease is first treated not only in the child, but also in all members of his family.
  4. Allergens are completely excluded.
  5. If your child is obese or

There is an opinion that “female” diseases can only occur in girls and women who are sexually active, so the appearance of discharge from the genitals of a little girl causes surprise and great concern among parents. What discharge from the genital tract is normal, and in what cases should the baby be shown to a pediatric gynecologist?

Vaginal discharge (Latin name fluor - “leucorrhoea”) is a phenomenon characteristic of women of different ages, including newborn girls. Discharge from the genital tract is the result of the functioning and self-cleaning of the organs of the woman’s reproductive system. The basis of vaginal secretion is made up of desquamated cells of the constantly renewed epithelium lining the internal genital organs and clear liquid that sweats through the vaginal epithelium from the underlying blood and lymphatic vessels; the secretions also include mucus formed by glands located in the body and cervix and the vestibule of the vagina, microorganisms , blood cells (leukocytes) and other components. The composition and amount of discharge normally depends on the general physical condition the body, especially its nervous system, psychogenic factors and on the hormonal status of the woman. Vaginal discharge is divided into physiological and pathological.

This is fine.

Physiological “clean” discharge from the genital tract is light, mucous in nature, and may contain thin stringy threads or crumbly impurities. The first physiological discharge from the genital tract can be observed in girls during the neonatal period. In some cases, approximately in the second week of a child’s life, quite abundant mucous discharge may appear from the genital slit, sometimes it can be bloody, somewhat reminiscent of menstruation. The discharge may be accompanied by swelling of the nipples of the mammary glands and the appearance from them, when pressed, of a cloudy, thick liquid - colostrum. This phenomenon is completely safe and is called sexual or hormonal neonatal crisis. In this way, the girl’s reproductive system reacts to the presence of high levels of maternal sex hormones that enter the child’s body, first through the placenta and then through breast milk. This condition does not require special treatment, you just need to more carefully monitor the baby’s hygiene. Normally, as the concentration of maternal hormones in the child’s blood decreases (usually by the end of the first month of life), discharge from the genital tract completely disappears.

Starting from the age of 3-4 weeks, a so-called “neutral” period or a period of hormonal “rest” begins in a girl’s sexual development. At this time, the concentration of sex hormones is minimal, the glands of the cervix and the vestibule of the vagina almost do not function, so physiological discharge is not typical for this period. The “neutral” period lasts approximately until the girl reaches the age of 7-8 years, when the next stage of her sexual development begins - the prepubertal period, at which time the hormonal changes body and under the influence of its own hormones, about a year before the start of the first menstruation, the girl begins to experience physiological vaginal discharge. With the establishment of the menstrual cycle, this discharge intensifies and becomes cyclical.

Pathological discharge

Pathological leucorrhoea is usually profuse, mixed with pus, blood, and often with an unpleasant odor. In most cases, during the period of hormonal “rest” (between the ages of 1 month and 8 years), the discharge is pathological. The main reason for the appearance of pathological leucorrhoea in early childhood is inflammatory processes external genitalia and vaginal mucosa - vulvitis and vulvovaginitis. This is due to some features of the physiology of the children's vagina and vulva. The mucous membrane lining the vagina in young girls is extremely tender and loose. Due to the structural features of the epithelium in the vagina, babies do not have the conditions for the existence of the lactic acid fermentation rod, which is normal in adult woman creates an acidic environment that prevents the development of pathogenic fungi and bacteria. The girl’s vagina is populated by conditionally pathogenic (conditionally pathogenic) microorganisms (usually Staphylococcus epidermidis), the scanty mucous secretion of the vagina has alkaline reaction. Due to these features, the vaginal mucosa in babies is easily vulnerable, sensitive to all kinds of irritations and susceptible to infection.

The following factors can cause the appearance of pathological discharge:

decreased immunity. Any decrease in the child’s body’s defenses that occurs after any disease can be viral infection upper respiratory tract or exacerbation chronic disease, as a rule, kidneys and Bladder, leads to an imbalance between the vaginal microflora and the child’s body. Under these conditions, opportunistic microorganisms that are part of the vaginal microflora can become pathogenic, i.e. capable of causing disease. In addition, when the body's defenses are reduced, bacteria from the intestines and from the surface of the skin can easily penetrate into the vagina and cause inflammation. A decrease in local immunity can also lead to disruption of the vaginal microflora with the development of so-called bacterial vaginosis (vaginal dysbiosis). Predisposing factors for the development of vulvovaginitis and bacterial vaginosis are poor nutrition of a child with a lack of vitamins in the diet, hypothermia, stress, etc. “Childhood” infections not only reduce the body’s immune defense, but can also manifest as rashes on the skin and mucous membranes of the vulva and vagina , mucopurulent discharge from the vagina.

lack of personal hygiene. Pathogenic microorganisms can enter the vagina through dirty hands, untidy clothing, improperly washing a child, sitting without panties on the floor or on other contaminated surfaces, and also when swimming in contaminated bodies of water.

candidiasis (“thrush”). The causative agent of vulvovaginal candidiasis is yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida; they live on the skin and mucous membranes of humans and are considered conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. In cases of decreased immunity, development of intestinal and vaginal dysbiosis, for example, against the background of long-term or irrational antibiotic treatment, these microorganisms acquire aggressive properties and cause inflammation. An important factor in the development of fungal infection, according to experts, is incorrect hygiene care for the child: frequent washing in the bathroom or washing the genitals using shampoos, gels, foam, insufficient rinsing of the girl’s underwear after washing with synthetic detergents, excessive wrapping, leading to overheating and hyperhidrosis (sweating) in the external genital area.

chlamydia, trichomonas, mycoplasma, herpes, etc. . sexually transmitted infections . A little girl can become infected with these “adult” infections already in the prenatal period or during childbirth, if the causative agents of this infection were present in the mother’s body during pregnancy. In this way, infection with yeast-like fungi (thrush) can occur. Some microorganisms (for example, trichomoniasis) can be transmitted to the baby after birth by contact (through hygiene products, shared towels, toilet seat). Mom always needs to remember this possibility of infection and get tested for these infections in a timely manner in order to carry out treatment if necessary. If a mother discovers a sexually transmitted infection, she must take her daughter to a pediatric gynecologist.

allergic diseases. Sometimes the cause of vulvovaginitis and discharge from the genital tract lies in allergies. So-called atopic vulvitis and vulvovaginitis most often occur in children with allergic manifestations, exudative diathesis, but it happens that inflammation of the external genitalia is the only manifestation of a general allergic reaction of the body. Against the background of increased irritability, vulnerability and increased susceptibility of the skin and mucous membranes to infection, with an allergic mood of the body, a secondary infection easily attaches and a sluggish inflammatory process occurs, which either worsens or almost disappears. Such girls are often predisposed to viral and viral-bacterial respiratory tract infections, intestinal tract, genitourinary organs. Usually the situation improves when contact with the allergen is stopped and the causes that contribute to the intensification of allergies are eliminated (hypoallergenic diet, treatment of intestinal dysbiosis).

entry of a foreign body. The cause of the development of vulvovaginitis can be foreign bodies that get into the vagina: grains of sand, threads from clothes, pieces of cotton wool, toilet paper. There are cases when girls, out of curiosity, insert various objects into their vaginas, for example, a button, a mosaic, a hairpin, a pen cap... Often the child gets scared and hides this incident from his parents or simply forgets about it, and only the appearance of genital discharge paths leads worried parents and their baby to the doctor. Only a pediatric gynecologist can detect and remove a foreign body using special pediatric gynecological instruments.

obesity and diabetes. The appearance of discharge from the genital tract can occur against the background of diseases associated with metabolic disorders and is quite common symptom in obese girls. Vulvovaginitis, especially caused by the growth of fungal flora, may be the first manifestation diabetes mellitus.

trauma to the external genitalia , which a girl can get during games or when she falls. Moreover, against the background of swelling and cyanosis of the mucous membrane and skin around the external genitalia, there may be bloody issues. In such a situation, the child must be taken to the hospital as soon as possible. medical institution for examination by a doctor, who will determine whether there are any tears in the labia, vaginal walls, or anus and, if necessary, treat the wound. Untimely provision medical care can lead to rapid infection of wound surfaces and the development of complications.

Symptoms of inflammation

So different…

The main manifestations of the inflammatory process are hyperemia (redness) and swelling of the external genitalia and the skin around them, a feeling of itching and burning that increases with urination and pathological discharge from the genital opening. Depending on the cause that caused the inflammatory process, the nature of the pathological discharge may be different:

- Bacterial vulvovaginitis is characterized by yellowish and yellowish-greenish discharge, accompanied by itching and redness.

- when the balance of microflora in the vagina is disturbed and bacterial vaginosis develops, milky or grayish creamy discharge appears, emitting the smell of rotten fish.

- if the inflammation is caused by a fungal infection, a cheesy white discharge accompanied by itching is noted.

- Trichomonas infection is characterized by copious mucopurulent discharge of a “foamy” nature with an unpleasant odor.

- with herpetic vulvovaginitis, scanty vaginal discharge may be accompanied by the appearance of blisters and ulcers on the external genitalia.

- light discharge accompanied by severe itching may indicate helminthic infestation.

— infections of ureaplasma, chlamydia and mycoplasma nature are characterized by slight mucous discharge, often occurring against the background of exacerbation of diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys.

- with allergic vulvovaginitis, slight mucous-watery discharge is observed against the background of characteristic thinning and dryness of the mucous membrane.

- if there is a foreign body in the genital tract, abundant purulent discharge appears with an unpleasant putrefactive odor, often streaked with blood.

Whatever the nature of the discharge from the genital tract of a little girl, you should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, determine the cause of the disease and prescribe correct treatment Only a doctor can. The mother should carefully monitor the condition of her girl’s genitals and, when the first symptoms of inflammation appear, immediately contact a pediatric gynecologist. It is important to understand that late diagnosis and treatment inflammatory diseases genitals in girls can have very serious consequences and cause further infertility.

Go to an appointment with a gynecologist!

Although an examination by a pediatric gynecologist is not included in the list of specialists required to visit, for preventive purposes it is advisable to show the girl to this specialist during the first month of life, then when the baby turns one year old, before entering the kindergarten, school, at 12 years old. The following symptoms and diseases should also be a reason to visit a pediatric gynecologist:

  • redness and swelling of the skin and mucous membranes of the external genitalia;
  • any discharge from the genital tract;
  • restless behavior of the child when urinating (due to a feeling of itching and burning),
  • the presence of urinary tract and kidney infections (detection of bacteria and an increased number of white blood cells in urine tests);
  • suspicion of abnormal structure of the child’s external genitalia;
  • the presence of acute or chronic pain in the abdomen or changes in its shape and size;
  • Availability endocrine diseases(diseases thyroid gland, adrenal glands, diabetes), obesity;
  • presence of allergic diseases;
  • detection inguinal hernias, especially double-sided;
  • the presence during pregnancy or currently in the mother of the child of fungal, chlamydial, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, trichomonas, herpetic, etc. infections.

Intimate hygiene for the little ones.

When caring for a young girl, compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is extremely important. To maintain the health of the baby and avoid the occurrence of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, every mother of a girl needs to monitor the cleanliness of her daughter’s genitals, know and follow the rules hygiene procedures taking into account the structural features female body:

- it is necessary to care for a girl’s external genitalia every morning and evening (babies up to one year old should be washed as they become dirty after each bowel movement and after each diaper change)

— the girl should be washed with warm running water from front to back, so that the bacteria inhabiting the intestines do not enter the vagina. During the procedure, mother’s hands should be washed clean with soap. It is necessary to rinse only the area of ​​the external genitalia that is visible to the eye, while slightly spreading the labia and avoiding friction. You should not try to remove “impurities” deeper from the vagina with your fingers or anything else.

- It is not recommended to use soap to wash the child, since its alkaline components disrupt the natural balance of the vaginal microflora, which creates conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, frequent use of soap leads to the destruction of the protective water-fat layer and dries out the mucous membrane. All kinds of fragrances and fragrances that may be included in soap or gel can cause an allergic reaction in the form of itching and redness of the vulvar mucosa. Therefore, soap with a purpose intimate hygiene You should use it as little as possible and only wash the skin around the vagina. Due to the risk of developing allergic reactions Do not unnecessarily wash your child with herbal infusions. You should also not unnecessarily use a solution of potassium permanganate for washing, as it causes dryness of the skin and mucous membranes;

— to care for the baby’s genitals, it is not recommended to use sponges and washcloths, as they can injure the delicate baby skin, which is especially sensitive in this area. In addition, microbes multiply well on sponges and washcloths, so these hygiene products themselves can become a source of infection;

- after washing, the genital area is not wiped, but blotted with a towel; it must be clean, soft and necessarily individual (it is better if it is a clean diaper, which after one use will go in the wash). First, the area of ​​the genital slit, labia is dried, then the skin around them, then the inguinal folds and, lastly, the area anus. After this, to protect the skin of the perineum from inflammation, you can apply cream under the diaper or use special protective creams;

- Children's underwear must be changed daily (and also during the day as it gets dirty). Panties for girls should not be tight and should be made of natural cotton fabric.

It is very important from a very early age to instill in the future woman the necessary skills to maintain intimate hygiene and accessible language Explain to the baby their importance for women's health.

The birth of a daughter brings extraordinary joy to parents. Now they have an assistant, a friend and a joy. From the very first day they carefully monitor her development and growth. The first smile and the first sounds, a new tooth and firm steps. It’s sad, but in addition to joyful events, the girl is accompanied by various ailments.

Parents get very upset when they see green discharge in girls. Lacking experience and knowledge, they try to get rid of them on their own. What will help you respond correctly to the changes that constantly occur in children's body? Accurate information about the nature of vaginal secretions inherent in girls of different ages.

Development of the reproductive system

The development of the reproductive organs in girls is accompanied by natural secretions from the vagina. It represents the result of work internal systems, as well as the product of their purification. Biological studies show that vaginal fluid contains the following elements:

  1. Various microorganisms that make up the vaginal microflora.
  2. Spent epithelial cells located inside the vaginal mucosa.
  3. Mucus that comes out of the cervix.
  4. Leukocytes and other blood components.

Parents should not worry if they notice mucous vaginal discharge in their daughter. They should be transparent in appearance or whitish in color. In addition, they do not smell and do not bother the baby. This often occurs in the 2nd week of a child’s life.

Sometimes it happens that blood elements are mixed into the secretion, like menstruation. Along with this, there is swelling of the nipples of the mammary glands, which, when pressed, release a cloudy substance. This is also normal.

Helpful information for parents.

At birth, a girl receives from her mother high level sex hormones through the placenta or breast milk. The resulting discharge does not need to be treated in any way. It is enough to keep the baby’s body clean.

Starting from the age of one month, the baby, one might say, does not develop sexually. Her hormonal levels do not change while in a state of “rest.” This period lasts up to approximately 7 years, after which a new stage of restructuring begins.

Under the influence of hormones of the reproductive organs, an 11-year-old girl develops vaginal fluids of various nature. Over time, they are repeated regularly until the start of the menstrual cycle.

The appearance of yellow discharge in a girl, in some cases, indicates puberty. They are not dangerous if they are not accompanied by an unpleasant odor or change in color.

Abnormal vaginal secretions in little girls

Discharge of an abnormal nature in newborn babies often occurs in large quantities. In addition, they are mixed with elements of blood mucus, pus and an unpleasant odor. This also happens during the period of hormonal “sleep”, which lasts on average up to 7-8 years.

A yellow-green discharge indicates inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vaginal wall or the external intimate organs of the baby. The thing is that in newborn girls, the vaginal mucous wall has a delicate structure. If you ignore the rules of cleanliness, allergies or decreased immunity, a yellowish secretion immediately appears. It is accompanied by redness of the vulva, swelling and itching.

Memo for mom.

Yellow vaginal discharge in infants should not be ignored. Since they always indicate infection in children's organs. Timely treatment protects the child from serious problems in future.

Yellow discharge and illness

Infectious diseases in children under 5 years of age occur due to an immature reproductive system. During this period, the vagina lacks lactic acid bacteria, which protect the young body. Because of this, pathogenic microbes enter the body and lead to vulvovaginitis. A disturbance of the microflora on the vaginal mucosa causes a girl to yellow discharge. In addition, they are accompanied by swelling and inflammation of the labia.

There are times when, while attending a preschool, a child is diagnosed with worms. Sadly, they provoke inflammatory processes in the vagina. Even a girl who is only 3 years old can suffer from this. Pathogenic microbes enter the vaginal mucous walls from the intestines. It leads to painful sensations in the perineum, especially during sleep.

A serious cause of unexpected discharge is the entry of various objects into the vagina. Children aged 4 or 6 years old can insert household objects into their genitals during various games. Toilet paper, balls, threads often damage the uterine cervix or vaginal wall. Increased temperature and pain along with discharge are indicators foreign objects in the genitals.

A 10-year-old girl may have yellow discharge without unpleasant odor. Most often they arise as a reaction to detergents. Modern intimate hygiene gels or soaps contain chemical additives, causing allergies. IN in this case It would be nice to choose another option for washing the intimate area.

Venereal infection can become a serious problem for a girl. The acquisition of infection sometimes occurs during childbirth from mother to child. In some cases - through everyday means. An indicator of infection is green, foamy discharge.

First aid from mother

Of course, no one likes it when a child gets sick, especially with gynecological ailments at a young age. But if this happens, the mother is the first to come to the rescue.

First of all, it is important to teach your daughter to wash herself properly after using the toilet. This should be done from front to back to prevent germs from entering the vagina. If you show this regularly, by the age of 9 the child will be able to take care of himself.

It is important to buy high-quality underwear for your daughter, which would not adversely affect the development of the reproductive system.

If you are allergic to detergents, be sure to replace them with suitable ones. If there is a large amount of vaginal secretion, it is advisable to wash the child with potassium permanganate or decoctions of calendula or chamomile. If the procedures do not help, then it’s time to see a doctor.

Girls aged 12 are usually able to seek help themselves. Therefore, sensible and attentive mothers will guide the child in the right direction. Careful monitoring of the formation of the reproductive system will protect the girl from serious illnesses in adulthood.