Seeing small insects in a dream. Why dream of insects in the house. Dream Interpretation - Insect

The article on the topic: "a dream book why insects dream a lot" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Insects seen in a dream are often an unfavorable symbol associated with the dark side of human nature. You can learn more about what these creatures dream of with the help of an interpreter. The dream book advises to first recall the course of events, as well as the semantic and emotional load of the plot, in stages.

Beetles and butterflies

Modern dream book claims that the interpretation of the dream in which you saw the bugs depends on the variety of the insects themselves. Some beetles are harmful, while others have useful and medicinal properties and others are dangerous to human life. If you dreamed of dangerous insects, then in reality you should also expect certain problems.

Butterflies dreaming in a dream promise a short-lived relationship with a windy and frivolous person, from which even memories will not remain. Air creatures fluttering in a dream predict a meeting with a person who will achieve location, and then leave and disappear somewhere.

Lots of insects

If you dreamed of a lot of insects climbing or jumping around you, it means that you will soon have to face condemnation, intrigue and human malice. In some cases, such a plot is interpreted by the dream book as a harbinger of a deterioration in the dreamer's health.

The universal dream book is convinced that watching a large accumulation of fleas in night dreams is a financial gain. If you dream that these insects are in bed, then they maintain friendly relations with you only for the sake of profit.

If in a dream you were bitten by a flea many times, get ready to face unpleasant domestic conflicts.

Description of what insects dream of in large numbers, Miller also has it. A large swarm of bugs promises illness and grief. If you managed to get rid of them, this means that you will be able to successfully resolve the existing problems.

Spiders and gadflies

Spiders seen in a dream promise cunning and intrigue on the part of enemies. A dream in which such insects are in the house suggests that ill-wishers have gotten very close to you, and quarrels and misunderstandings in the family are caused by their deceit and intrigue.

If you happen to see and hear gadflies in a dream, this is a bad sign. A modern dream book warns of impending danger. A clear enemy has begun to act, so you should be on the alert and beware of deceit.

If you dream that these insects bite you, then in reality they want to deceive or set you up. Flying gadflies, according to Shereminskaya's dream book, portend unplanned household expenses.

If you dreamed that the insect was under the skin, health problems will arise. Keeping a spider in a fist is for profit.

Creature size

Why do big insects dream, Aesop explains. Aesop's dream book is sure that such a plot shows the dreamer's fears or fears, and also warns of impending danger.

Such small insects as midges are interpreted as annoying and obsessive people who do not allow the dreamer to work in peace. It is very difficult to get rid of such persons, especially if they are immediate superiors.

Lice and mosquitoes

Lice seen in a dream are interpreted as annoying household members or close relatives who sit on their necks, not wanting to make their own attempts to meet their needs.

If you dream of these lice in your hair, this means that in reality you will have to sort out the problems of loved ones, from whom you will not expect gratitude.

Dream Interpretation of Wanderers warns that crushing lice is a conflict with a freeloader, as a result of which he will leave you alone.

A dream in which mosquitoes overwhelm you stands for the presence in life of hostile and caustic people who deliberately poison life.

If you dreamed that mosquitoes were on the body, it means that soon you will have to face criticism and condemnation from your environment, the fruits of which will have to be disentangled for a long time.

A similar dream can mean the appearance of rivals, both in love and in business, who want to take away everything that belongs to the dreamer.

If flies dream, the plot personifies annoying and tedious people, from whom it is almost impossible to get rid of.

A dreamed insect bite can mean in reality serious illness which will take a long time to heal.

If in a dream it was possible to kill a creature, then it will be possible to avoid the disease or the disease will pass quickly enough.

Aesop's dream book is sure that insect larvae promise an open conflict with a person who is aiming for your place.

Hello! In a dream, I dreamed of black insect larvae, I collected them all in a jar, put them in some big doll and rode the bus to throw them away. And on the bus I met a pregnant woman who wanted this doll. I gave it to her along with the larvae. But I warned her about the larvae. Please tell me what this means, I will be very grateful to receive your answer!

Dream Interpretation Insects, why dream Insects in a dream to see

From this article, you can find out why you dream of Insects from the dream books of different authors. What does what you see mean, the analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you. And even more accurately, the lunar calendar will help to understand the dream.

Why Insects Dream: Interpretation of Sleep

What are insects dreaming of?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book: Insects - damage, illness, theft. Mercury and 12th house

Why do insects dream:

Insects - according to scientists, all harmful (poisonous, biting) insects are enemies in reality, which are as dangerous as insects.

Interpretation of the dream book: Insects - conscience; feeling of insignificance. Insects swarming - a disease; a lot of grief.

What do Insects dream about in a dream book:

Insects - Insects seen in a dream - to worries and troubles from secret enemies. Crawling insects portend grief from illnesses, flying insects - financial difficulties, floating - for pleasure and joy, blood-sucking - for a headache from children's leprosy. Seeing beetles in a dream portends poverty, losses and an unfavorable outcome of the disease. Crush beetles - get good news. A spider seen in a dream means that you will be attentive and active in your work, for which you will be fully rewarded with sensitive and generous guidance. A caterpillar in a dream portends a meeting with low, hypocritical people. Seeing worms is a very profitable and profitable place. Mosquitoes say that you are in vain resisting the offer to borrow more high post. To kill mosquitoes - having overcome obstacles, you can fully enjoy family peace and well-being. Dreaming of ants means that you will have a bad day and troubles will haunt you throughout it. Seeing flies in a dream portends a disease with contagious diseases. Catching a mole in a dream - you will have to defend your honor and dignity from false accusations. A dragonfly in a dream portends a carefree existence with a profitable marriage with a wealthy businessman. If you were stung by a bee, wasp or bumblebee, this is a sign of future misfortunes and remorse from your own arrogance. Seeing bedbugs or fleas on your body predicts illness and trouble at home. Lice mean that you will behave incorrectly with old acquaintances. Ticks crawling over your body are a sign of distress. Seeing in a dream ritual images of insects considered sacred - envious people will not let you live until you get rid of them yourself.

Dream Interpretation of Rick Dillon

Why do insects dream in a dream?

Insects - fuss around the house, getting rid of insects - to worries.

What do insects mean in a dream:

Insects - The meaning of sleep depends on the type of insect.

Why do insects dream in a dream?

Insects - Insects, large dense clusters of insects in the form of dark or multi-colored swarming masses - a dream image that arose as a result of contemplating the processes of decay in one's own body, their shape, the nature of the movement of individual insects - speak of a healthy, natural or dangerous, painful decay. To be in an area completely covered with insects (not locusts) - to be on the way to developing the ability to intuitively comprehend the state of the body of others; allegorical image of hell in its shadow. Just to see a lot of insects is to become a victim of slander. Insects mass climb on you - the onslaught of "sins". To see a corpse covered with insects is to focus too much on the physiological functions of the body.

Why do insects dream?

Insects - Dreaming about insects means that something annoyingly annoys the dreamer, perhaps some person or situation in his life.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine II

Why Insects dream, meaning:

Insects - You see a lot of insects in a dream, they are everywhere - your health will suddenly deteriorate, but this will not be the only chagrin for you. In a dream, you manage to get rid of the invasion of insects - a dream promises you luck in business; very burdensome duties will be placed on someone else; if you are a student and have not prepared for classes, you will get away with your carelessness this time.

Why do insects dream?

Seeing in a dream Eaten by insects - Seeing things eaten by insects, rotten, decaying at hand - dissatisfaction with a grossly material way of life; feeling of aging and spiritual loneliness; sometimes such a dream indicates a transition into a very special dream plane.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of insects in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why dream Insects in a dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If you dream of insects from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream of Insects in a dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do insects dream from Thursday to Friday
  • If you dream of insects in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why dream Insects in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

Sun March 12, 2017, 07:34:45 AM

Mon October 17, 2016, 06:48:28 PM

Thu April 07, 2016, 08:52:05 AM

Thu March 24, 2016, 04:15:01 AM

Sat January 23, 2016, 04:18:12 AM

Insects in the dream book. Tell your dream:

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Dream interpretation why insects dream a lot

If insects dreamed, this may indicate that the dreamer plunged headlong into a string of small troublesome affairs. At the same time, such cases will have neither financial nor moral value.

It is very easy to understand why insects dream in ordinary routine dreams. This means that the number of tasks that need to be completed with a limited amount of time just rolls over. Moreover, everyone who has at least an indirect relation to these matters will constantly buzz about the importance of its implementation.

In general, almost every dream book explains insects seen in a dream as a small obstacle, communication with an annoying interlocutor or minor chores. The exception is small black insects on a clean white ceiling - such a dream is a sign of illness.

How different dream books interpret the appearance of insects in a dream

If you dreamed of insects

Almost all interpretations, even from very different sources, agree that insects in a dream can symbolize minor incidents in life, or reflect psychological condition dreamer.

To see or observe them in their natural environment - in a tree, in a field, in a meadow - good sign. Soon there will be, albeit minor events, but they will lead to positive changes in life.

If you dream that the dreamer wants to exterminate them or brutally kill arthropods in his apartment (in bed or on the body), then the sleeper is trying to fight with the peculiarities of his own psyche. It is possible that minor flaws prevent the dreamer from living, but their abrupt eradication can lead to injuries and the appearance of new, more severe ones in their place. severe forms addictions or phobias, warns Miller's dream book.

Freud's opinion about arthropods in a dream

A German psychotherapist with a pansexual interpretation of the symbolism of dreams, explains the appearance of insects in a dream as an image of children in reality. They are small, buzzing, annoying and can bite without causing much harm to humans. Partly similar behavior is inherent in children.

  • Seeing a lot of insects symbolizes a possible conception or meeting with children if the dreamer does not live with them.
  • If you dream that they are crawling over the body, causing irritation, children should spend more time so that they become more independent.
  • To kill is a desire for intimacy with minors.

Miller's dream book - psychological interpretation

Miller's popular and well-tested dream book to date suggests that insects appear in a dream when the consciousness tries to figuratively visualize the fears hidden deep in the subconscious. This is especially clearly manifested if a very large insect comes in a dream, simply unrealistic sizes.

  • If you dream of a lot of insects in bed - to lingering medical procedures that are diagnostic in nature. At the same time, there is no exact diagnosis or serious illness, but the doctors will double-check until they cause genuine irritation.
  • To see how they crawl in the bathroom - changes are coming in the dreamer's life, which he was really looking forward to. Although the desired is already almost in the palm of your hand, but a huge amount of small troubles will drive him just to madness. And then to exhaustion.
  • Kill them one by one - only a creative approach will help to avoid additional duties at work.

Modern dream book - a logical explanation

The modern interpretation of insects seen in a dream is already significantly different from the ancient one. If earlier, a fly on the table could mean profit or unexpected guests, then today, such a vision in a dream can mean chores or even a slight malaise.

  • Seeing a lot of insects in the kitchen or in the sink - someone wants you to take responsibility for an immoral business. It is necessary to sharply refuse this, otherwise the mark on the reputation will be irreparable.
  • To kill a large insect that has attacked, or to trample on many small ones - you want to shift your responsibilities to your relatives. Do not be surprised if they start to protest, this work may simply be beyond their power.
  • If you dream that a person mocks them: tears off his paws and wings - ego

Where have you seen insects?

The dreamer's ism can bring a lot of pain to family and friends.

What emotions did the dream evoke

Seeing crawling arthropods in a dream is not very pleasant. Although, on the one hand, this is a living being, which means it must carry positive interpretation. But on the other hand, it can tickle, sting, or simply annoy a person. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about an objective positive interpretation.

Feeling annoyed by a large number of small flies, according to Miller's dream book, means understanding a large number of fears in your life. They interfere with Everyday life: it is more difficult to carry out some assignments at work, there are difficulties in personal life, and there is no feeling of complete happiness.

With particular cruelty to kill them, trample on many insects and smear them with your feet - a tendency to self-abasement. Perhaps some aspects of life caused the dreamer irreparable mental trauma.

Do not pay attention to how they crawl over the body - the dreamer unquestioningly fulfills his duties both at work and at home.

Many different stings in a dream at one point on the body - you should spend medical examination this area. Perhaps a painful process begins in him, which can be stopped with the help of qualified medical care.

Why do insects dream?

For different insects, a person can experience radically opposite emotions. For example, butterflies can cause delight, spiders can cause fear, and fleas can cause disgust. Given this, we can say that insects are a multi-valued symbol in dreams. Therefore, to decipher them, it is necessary to take into account the main details of the plot. All this will allow you to learn a lot of interesting and important information about future and present events.

Often night visions of insects portend the emergence of numerous worries and troubles in which ill-wishers will be to blame. A dream where you want to get rid of various living creatures is a positive symbol that predicts good luck. I had to catch insects in a dream, which means that in reality you often waste time on unnecessary things that will not bring you what you want. Beautiful insects are a warning that you may be disappointed in your expectations, especially if they are associated with other people.

Why dream of an insect bite?

Night vision, in which a large insect wants to attack and bite, indicates that, due to numerous fears, you attract various problems and troubles. If you see insect bites, this is a warning that a disease will soon occur that will for a long time disturb the normal rhythm of life.

Why do small insects dream?

Small animals indicate that you are in anxiety. The dream interpretation recommends changing life, for example, to find new job or move. A large number of small insects indicates that many people tell a lot of gossip, rumors and other, in fact, unnecessary information. The dream book recommends not to accumulate it in yourself, so as not to provoke the development of various problems.

Why do a lot of insects dream?

Often such a dream is a symbol of the fact that in reality cases have accumulated that need to be resolved. Numerous insects predict the arrival of annoying guests. A night vision in which a swarm of insects surrounded you indicates that you are spending too much time on small things. The dream interpretation recommends shifting some of the responsibilities to another person. Watching a lot of insects means you will succeed in your work, especially when it comes to creativity.

Why dream of different poisonous insects?

Such a dream is a symbol of the fact that there are insidious and insincere people in the immediate environment. Even poisonous insects can be taken as a warning of danger, and during this period the risk of various losses is increased. There is also information that such a dream warns of some minor events that may adversely affect life in general.

Why do flying insects dream?

Why dream of killing insects?

If you were able to destroy all insects, then you should expect only happy events, but at the same time, the risk of health problems in relatives is increased. A dream where you were able to get rid of various living creatures is positive sign, which indicates that it will be possible to cope with existing problems. You can rejoice, the “white streak” in life will soon come.

Why dream of crawling insects?

Such a dream predicts the occurrence of illness, as well as various griefs. If insects crawl over you, this is a symbol of the fact that you are often annoyed due to numerous rumors.

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Why do insects dream in the house

What do insects mean in a dream?

Insects in a dream can mean both the events that await you and your state of mind.

Therefore, if you dreamed of bugs, flies, bees or other arthropods, open the dream book and read what insects dream of.

Little guests in the house

According to the dream book, to see insects on your bed means to think about your personal life. If you saw in a dream that bugs were crawling on the pillow, then you are ready for marriage. And if there are a lot of them on the sheet, this is a sign that it is time for you to make peace with your partner.

Sitting on a blanket means the dreamer's desire to start a new romance. And the larvae on the bed say that you are in love with a good person.

  • A lot of insects on the kitchen table - to an unexpected turn in intimate life.
  • In the toilet - to easily overcome difficulties.
  • To see them in the corridor is to the envy of employees, to gossip behind their backs.
  • A large beetle on a desk is a risk in a profitable business.
  • I dreamed that bugs were crawling in the bathroom - to meet a handsome guy.

If you dream about insects crawling on the carpet, wait for news from the employer. And to see them on the wall - to achieve good results at work.

A lot of bugs on the ceiling is a sign that a stranger is in love with you. And the dream book interprets the bugs on the parquet as your unwillingness to part with your past life.


To see a dream in which spider bugs crawl on the grass means to be jealous of your spouse for his colleague. And if there are a lot of flies, midges or mosquitoes flying in your yard, then you will receive an expensive gift from your boss.

According to the dream book, wasps or bees on flowers dream before a big holiday. And if they fly over plants, then soon you will be able to go on a long-awaited journey.

  • Insects on a tree - to great, mutual love.
  • She dreams that they are crawling around you - to peace of mind.
  • Larvae on the ground - by a quiet evening in the company of loved ones.
  • A lot of creeping creatures on a bench - a long road to interesting places.
  • On a green sheet - to the opportunity to get what you want.

According to the dream book, the larvae that you see on the pavement is a sign that it is time for you to take a break from work. And to see them in manure is to wait for the visit of dear guests.

Spider bugs in the forest dream of independence in decision making. And if you dreamed that they were crawling along the road, it means that in the near future you will find a good job.

Other dreams

The dream book also describes such dreams in which you see insects on the body. If you dream that they are crawling on your face, then they will return to you ex-husband. And if they are sitting on your hands, then you will face a serious test in love.

Sitting or crawling on the stomach means baseless jealousy. And the larvae in your palm speak of your superiority over your colleagues.

  • Dreaming of a beetle crawling along the leg - to an insignificant cost.
  • Larvae in the hair - to a new, promising acquaintance.
  • A lot of insects in the mouth - to restore old connections.
  • They are under clothes - to organize a fun holiday.
  • The bug crawled into the ear - to obtain new, useful knowledge.

Killing an insect in a dream means trying to bring your work to perfection. It is a dream that you are afraid of cockroaches - to an unexpected decision of the leadership.

Beetles on the body of an animal dream of important meeting. And larvae on a cat or dog can be seen when you are concerned about problems in a romantic relationship.

If you dreamed about insects, the dream book will reveal a lot of interesting things about you and your future.

Why is the insect dreaming

ABC of dream interpretation

Insects - a feeling of insignificance, anxiety. It may be a manifestation of the disease. You will become a victim of slander. You will have troubles imposed by others.

Exception: ladybug - it means good luck.

American dream book

Insect - a slight annoyance. Inconvenience.

Idiomatic dream book

“Small, insignificant mosquito bite” - minor troubles; "swarm of thoughts" - a lot of mental work; “Intrusive as a fly” - they will get it; “works like a bee” - get tired; “buzz all ears” - get bored; "Drone" - a lazy person living at someone else's expense; "well, you and the beetle!" - about dexterous, cunning man; "cockroaches in the head" - about a frivolous, unreasonable or strange person; "dung beetle" - difficulties.

Italian dream book

If we consider insects as living beings, from the point of view of nature, this image is positive. However, in Imagogy it is not treated in isolation, but in the context of interaction with a person. Since insects are always harmful and dangerous for humans, this image is interpreted as negative.

The image of insects carries a great semantic load from the point of view of the analysis of our inner reality. The negativity of this reverse is always associated with such a phenomenon as negative psychology, vampirism, and "black vaginismus". The level or intensity of the negative manifestations of the subject depends on the type of insect that is visualized, and on the characteristics of the existence and functioning of this insect in natural conditions, as well as on the nature of the relationship of a person to this type of insect. When insects are on a person or invade a person (for example, a tick), he is interpreted as a person with an active negative psychology.

The latest dream book

Insects - to squabbles, family squabbles, quarrels.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Insects - a significant concern of the individual in connection with the association of insects and skin itching, self-destruction.

Russian dream book

Insect - for profit.

If insects suddenly fly away - flying away children, that is, dead children moved to the spiritual realm.

Family dream book

If you successfully got rid of them, your troubles will be limited only to worry for the future. And if not, your loved ones may have health problems.

Symbolic dream book

What flies, buzzes, stings, burrows, bites - distracts and is generally perceived as trifling, insignificant, intrusive, capable of delivering only minor troubles and, nevertheless, creating quite sensitive interference.

In general, insects are not strong (not deep), but repeated or obsessive sensations, thoughts, feelings that can lead to disharmony, deprive of peace and confidence.

The appearance of insects in a dream - can report troubles in the future, illnesses and minor mental disharmony.

Often, individual insects (ant, butterfly, bee ...) - act exclusively in a creative role (for example, lice or fleas - to receive money, and a butterfly - to meet a loved one).

dream interpreter

Dream Interpretation 2012

Insect - a reflection of aspects of shortcomings and shortcomings (pay attention to characteristics insect).

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Dream Interpretation Longo

If in a dream a swarm of insects circled above you, this indicates that in real life you are preoccupied with petty, vain things. They take away all your time and energy, so you just don’t have enough for the rest. Try to shift some of this fuss to your assistants.

Dream Interpretation of the Future

Insect - a disease and a lot of grief; but if you successfully get rid of insects, then you are in luck.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Insects, large dense clusters of insects in the form of dark swarming or multi-colored masses - a dream image that arises as a result of contemplating the processes of decay in one's own body.

Their shape, the nature of the movement of individual insects - speaks of a healthy, natural, or, conversely, a dangerous, painful decay.

To be in an area completely covered with them (not locusts) - to be on the way to developing the ability to comprehend the state of health of others / an allegorical image of hell and its secrets.

Just to see insects by me is to become a victim of slander.

They fly in mass at you - the onslaught of sins.

To see a corpse covered with insects is to focus too much on the physiological functions of the body.

Dense swarm of insects - evil forces and their actions.

A luminous swarm of them is a contemplation of the fiery power of nature in the environment and in yourself.

Seeing things eaten by insects, rotten, crumbling in your hands - dissatisfaction with the material way of life, feelings of aging and spiritual loneliness, sometimes such a dream indicates a transition to a very special dream plane.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

The meaning of this symbol - depends on the insect.

Fly larvae can - indicate decay and rot, butterflies - speak of a transitional period in your life.

Flies are carriers of minor troubles, and ants are a symbol of skill and diligence.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Insects - concern about the health of loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Insects in a dream - usually symbolize minor problems and troubles.

If there are too many insects, such a dream may mean that either too many unresolved problems have accumulated in your life, or you are too often irritated over trifles, which is why troubles in your life only increase.

At the same time, poisonous insects are a sign that some events that do not seem very significant to you in reality can poison your life.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

A horde of insects - to the hustle and bustle.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

A horde of insects - to annoying household members.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

To see a horde of insects in a dream - to annoying guests.

Miller's dream book

Seeing swarming insects in a dream means illness and a lot of grief.

If you successfully got rid of them, you are lucky, although such a dream can also be a cause for concern for the future: your loved ones may have health problems.

Chinese dream book

Insects crawl out of a sick organism - you will get the position of a charioteer, a job related to transport.

Insects crawl over a sick body - the disease passes, you will recover soon.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Insects seen in a dream - to worries and troubles from secret enemies.

Crawling insects - portend grief from illnesses, flying - financial difficulties, floating - to pleasure and joy, bloodsucking - to a headache from children's leprosy.

Seeing beetles in a dream portends poverty, losses and an unfavorable outcome of the disease. Crush beetles - get good news.

A spider seen in a dream means that you will be attentive and active in your work, for which you will be fully rewarded with sensitive and generous guidance.

A caterpillar in a dream - portends a meeting with low, hypocritical people. Seeing worms - to get a very profitable and profitable place.

Mosquitoes - they say that you are in vain resisting the offer to take a higher position. Kill mosquitoes - having overcome obstacles, you can fully enjoy family peace and well-being.

Dreaming of ants - means that you will have a bad day and troubles will haunt you throughout it. Seeing flies in a dream portends a disease with contagious diseases. Catching moths in a dream - you will have to defend your honor and dignity from false accusations.

Dragonfly in a dream - portends a carefree existence with a profitable marriage with a wealthy businessman.

If you were stung by a bee, wasp or bumblebee, this is a sign of future misfortunes and remorse from your own arrogance.

Seeing bedbugs or fleas on your body - predicts illness and trouble at home.

Lice - means that you will behave incorrectly with old acquaintances.

Ticks crawling over your body are a sign of distress.

Seeing in a dream ritual images of insects considered sacred - envious people will not let you live until you get rid of them yourself.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Seeing insects in a dream is a sign of illness and grief.

If you managed to get rid of them, good days await you. Your loved ones may have health problems.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing swarming insects in a dream can mean illness or a lot of grief that can suddenly fall on your head.

If you successfully got rid of them in your dream, you will be lucky in reality, although such a dream can also be a cause for concern for the near future: you or your loved ones may have minor health problems.

Freud's dream book

Insects, like any small creatures, symbolize children.

If you destroy insects or poison them, you experience hostility towards your children.

If you physically destroy insects one at a time or dismember them, you dream of sex with minors.

If insects bite you, you are disappointed in life because of your children.

If you are considering insects, you are afraid to have children for fear that you will not be able to provide them with a decent existence.

French dream book

Seeing a lot of insects in a dream is a success in your business, especially in creativity.

Universal dream book

Some people may resemble annoying insects. They begin to pester you as soon as you are about to rest - do insects in a dream symbolize people who annoy you?

Insects are known to cause discomfort - where and with whom are you? How does this reflect what worries you in real life?

What insects did you see in a dream? If you saw mosquitoes, it means that someone or something is using you, feeding on energy from you.

If you saw ants, it means that you are upset because of the collapse of hopes.

If in a dream you saw grasshoppers - the dream speaks of your desire to "jump" away. Think about the insects you saw in your dream and the associations they evoke in you.

Do insects in a dream symbolize diversity? How do you feel about it? Does their number surprise you or confuse you?

Insects may also be associated with paranoia. How long have you been noticing that people eavesdrop on your conversations, follow you on your heels and pester you on the phone?

Gypsy dream book

You are haunted by small insects - you are in an anxious state and you need to change your job or place of residence.

Esoteric dream book

The insect is huge - from a horror movie, these are your fears of illness and other dangers.

If a huge insect attacks, know that with your emotions of fear you have drawn trouble to yourself, and if you do not relocate fear, then it will happen.

Small, annoying, flying - a lot of unnecessary information about other people flocks to you, do not accumulate it in yourself, “let it in one ear, let it out in the other”, then no one will accuse you of collecting “compromising evidence”.

Crawling on you - they talk a lot about you, and it annoys you. Here, the so-called astral phantom connections work, a phantom web, thanks to which one person “hears” another, even if he does not have clairaudience. Frequent contact with the phantom web - can lead to nervous exhaustion, hysteria.

Insects are very beautiful - you will be deceived in your expectations, especially if they coincide with the hopes of other people.

Erotic dream book

If you dream of insects that you kill, the dream suggests that in real life you are starting to get rid of sexual problems that have been tormenting you for a long time: this may be a long abstinence that will end with the appearance of a new sexual partner in your life.

Online dream book

Insects - promises you a lot of problems from your secret enemies.

If they crawl - you will be upset by some kind of disease, if they fly - financial difficulties will arise, if they swim - expect a lot of happiness and joy, if they suck blood - you will just have a headache from children's pranks.

Some pictures with rituals over sacred insects are dreaming - some very envious person will simply not give you peace. You need to get rid of it urgently.

If everything around you is teeming with them, you will get sick a lot. In addition, a lot of troubles will fall on you out of nowhere.

According to the dream book, if you safely get rid of them - wait minor illnesses some relatives.

The dream interpretation interprets insects that sting or bite you - as the personification of your enemies, similarly to them, they will bake you in real life.

If you crush them, it means that soon you will resolve all your difficulties in your personal (intimate) life, a new chosen one will appear who will help you become truly happy.

They saw in a dream, insects under their skin or even in oral cavity- be careful and selective in your surroundings, otherwise you will get yourself in big trouble.

I dreamed that they settled in your hair - which means that nothing good awaits you in reality, serious ailments will also be added to many problems and trials.

If you dreamed of insects that are innumerable - get ready for trouble, all sorts of difficulties will arise and the well-being of both yours and those dear to you will worsen. But everything will be resolved safely if in the end you exterminated them.

Why do insects dream? The dream book will explain everything

Someone likes to observe the life of insects, for someone they cause only disgust or fear, and someone treats them completely neutrally. But how to behave and what to expect if you saw these little creatures in a dream? Today we propose to figure this out together, resorting to the help of several dream interpreters at once.

If you dream of swarming insects, then this is a bad sign, portending illness and various afflictions. If in a dream you successfully deal with annoying little creatures, then in real life you will have quick luck. Although there is another interpretation such a dream, consisting in a possible serious illness of one of your relatives or relatives.

This dream book interprets dreaming insects as a sign of future troubles and worries, the cause of which will be secret enemies and ill-wishers. If insects crawl in a dream, then grief will be caused by illnesses, if they fly - money problems. Floating boogers predict imminent pleasure and joy. If you dreamed of an insect sucking blood, then expect some problems that children and their leprosy will be to blame for.

Dreaming beetles predict the unsuccessful completion of some business or a serious illness. The spider symbolizes the need to work hard at work, which will certainly be appreciated by your management. The caterpillar is a harbinger of a meeting with an insincere, hypocritical person. Dreaming worms prophesy good luck in business or a new promising workplace. Mosquitoes symbolize the need to accept some kind of job offer that will turn out to be a good income for you.

If you dream that a whole swarm of insects is circling above you, then in reality you pay too much attention to worries about small, vain things. Try to really focus important aspects. If in a dream you are trying to hide or run away from insects chasing you, then in real life you avoid some small assignments and deeds. Therefore, try, if possible, to rid your work of a routine that you absolutely do not accept. An attempt to catch an insect in a dream symbolizes some business that is obviously doomed to failure.

This source interprets dreaming insects as harbingers of worries, illnesses, disappointments and anxieties. But if in a dream you successfully get rid of the little creatures that annoy you, then you will be able to overcome all obstacles and solve all problems.

Gypsy dream book: insects

If in a dream you are annoyed by small insects, then in real life you are haunted by constant anxieties and worries. It is recommended to change the place of work or even residence.

Universal dream book: a lot of insects

A large number of these small creatures symbolizes the presence in your environment of some people who constantly annoy you, annoy you and make you nervous. Try to limit contact with them as much as possible, otherwise you may be threatened with a nervous breakdown.

what do insects dream of?

Irina Bulkina

Insects dreaming in a dream - mean illness and a lot of grief.

If you successfully got rid of them, your troubles will be limited only to worry for the future.

And if not, your loved ones may have health problems.

Poisonous insects seen in a dream mean evil and treacherous people.

Seeing a lot of insects in a dream means becoming a victim of slander.

Running away from insects in a dream - a dream means that in reality you are trying to avoid doing small things and assignments. You are a broad person, and routine work does not satisfy you.

Catching insects in a dream - you are wasting time and effort on a trifle unworthy of attention. Plus, it's a losing proposition.

To grief and trouble.

Henry Morgan

Drug addicts often dream that various insects - mostly spiders and cockroaches - get under the skin and crawl through the veins. I hope this is not your case.

here’s lice for me to withdraw for money - for sure it works for me)))

(I don’t know how the subconscious knows about this. There are opinions that there is an information field and the subconscious of every person in a dream communicates with him and reads, tells in images)

From the very the best dream book(in my opinion), from the book “ happy dreams” Evgenia Tsvetkova:

the body is covered with insects and itches - gold, silver, money (the more it itches, the more money or get it soon).

reptiles, amphibians and others (snakes, lizards, frogs)

Living beings in dreams often represent our sensual, emotional part of life associated with relationships. So, wild animals- These are enemies and a sign of enmity. Animals in the zoo ‘- unrest. The rat is a danger; hunt - anxiety. Thieves are disappointments. In a word, living beings, especially the animal kingdom, mean different states of our soul in interaction with reality and with other people, when all this is colored by feeling, emotion.

However, animals and animals have a special meaning in relation to us, if you look at them from the side of Man, and not look at Man from the side of the beast, according to Darwin, so to speak. The fact is that the behavioral side of animals and all living creatures in general, if you take a closer look at the huge accumulated ethological material (ethology is the science of the behavior of living beings), surprisingly imprints materially and visibly our most complex human plot structure. After all, a person in his manifestation is (as I wrote about it in the Introduction) a behavioral program, consisting of many different typical plots, inserted into the Life Machine. However, a program that is able to see its own behavior, define and realize its plot intent. If we take into account that to know means to become what you know, realize, then in animals we can see ourselves, as if disassembled into separate, simple actions-plots, embodied in the behavioral stereotypes of these living creatures.

In this turn, animals (and not only animals, but also insects and fish) appear in our dreams as a simplified mirror of images and actions of bad and good people, their plans for us. The dog becomes a friend, patron (if very large). A horse is a love relationship, a bride or an occasional woman (for a man), depending on the circumstances. Butterfly - hope, date (if fluttering). Worms - intrigues of treacherous friends.

It is very difficult to understand why some living beings mean one thing, and others - another, except for the most obvious. Let's say the flies are annoying relatives, and the Fox is a secret enemy.

But what is surprising, if you look at highly enlarged photographs of insects, they look surprisingly similar to what we endow them with qualities. So the fly looks like a dirty bandit. Mosquito - a sadist, a murderer. A butterfly or a grasshopper - the very harmlessness and touching, despite the ugliness (except for night butterflies and moths, which look like Monsters). And the ant is a typical soldier. The question is, how did Nature and Evolution guess our idea of ​​these creatures and express it in enlarged photographs? After all, our idea could not have been born from observing the appearance of these insects before the invention of the magnifying glass.

And, finally, how do animals acquire their mystical totemic essence, if this essence would not be contained in ourselves and our unconscious stereotypical behavior? It is this totem essence that peeps through in many dream interpretation meanings, although it is not always easy to catch it, not to mention the fact that totem animals have different peoples- differ.

A female figure in men's dreams (as a male figure in women's) can also mean relationships, but the designations of these relationships are more literal. As a rule, the figure is similar to That or Those women with whom the sleeping person has a connection. Moreover, this connection can be expressed in the form of a need to somehow resolve.

Why dream of creepy insects?

Seeing insects in a dream is a disease. If you dreamed that an annoying insect was circling around you, then in real life you are tired of problems that are growing like a snowball. If you managed to get rid of this insect, then in real life you will be able to overcome all the difficulties that have arisen. If in a dream you are considering some unusual beautiful insect, then in the near future you will find the joy of communicating with friends and having a good time. A dream in which you see terrible insects of incredible size symbolizes your fears.

If you successfully got rid of them, then you are lucky, although such a dream can also be a cause for concern for the future: your loved ones may have health problems.

If you dreamed that an annoying insect was circling around you, then in real life you are tired of problems that are growing like a snowball. If you managed to get rid of this insect, then in real life you will be able to overcome all the difficulties that have arisen.

If in a dream you are considering some unusual beautiful insect, then in the near future you will find the joy of communicating with friends and having a good time.

A dream in which you see terrible insects of incredible size symbolizes your fears.

Insects - worries and troubles.

small insects

Dream interpretation Small insects dreamed of why Small insects dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Small insects in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Insect

Dream Interpretation - Insect

Insect - Huge, from a horror movie - these are your fears of disease and other dangers. If a huge insect attacks, know that with your emotions of fear you have drawn trouble to yourself, and if you do not relocate fear, then it will happen. Small, annoying, flying - a lot of unnecessary information about other people flocks to you, do not accumulate it in yourself, “let it in one ear, let it out in the other”, then no one will accuse you of collecting “compromising evidence”. Crawling on you - they talk a lot about you, and it annoys you. Here, the so-called astral phantom connections work, a phantom web, thanks to which one person “hears” another, even if he does not have clairaudience. Frequent contact with the phantom web can lead to nervous exhaustion, hysteria. Insects are very beautiful - you will be deceived in your expectations, especially if they coincide with the hopes of other people.

Dream Interpretation - Insects

Insects in a dream are endowed with the properties inherent in them in life. Some of them are considered harmful, others are useful, we fight with the third, welcome the fourth. You can find more information about each insect in separate chapters of the book. If you dream that insects are swarming around you, then grief and trouble await you.

Dream Interpretation - Insects

Insects seen in a dream - to worries and troubles from secret enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Insects

What flies, buzzes, stings, burrows, bites, distracts and is generally perceived as trifling, insignificant, intrusive, capable of delivering only minor annoyances and, nevertheless, creating quite sensitive interference. In general, insects are not strong (not deep), but repeated or obsessive sensations, thoughts, feelings that can lead to disharmony, deprive of peace and confidence. The appearance of insects in a dream can indicate future troubles, illnesses and minor mental disharmony. Often, individual insects (ant, butterfly, bee ...) act exclusively in a creative role (for example, lice or fleas to receive money, and a butterfly to meet a loved one).

Dream Interpretation - Insect

If a swarm of insects circled above you, this indicates that in real life you are preoccupied with petty, vain things.

Dream Interpretation - Insects

according to scientists, all harmful (poisonous, biting) insects are enemies in reality, which are as dangerous as insects.

Dream Interpretation - Insects

Usually they symbolize minor problems and troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Insects

Feeling of insignificance, anxiety May be a manifestation of the disease. You will become a victim of slander. You will have troubles imposed by others.

Dream Interpretation - Insect

You are haunted by small insects - you are in an anxious state and you need to change your job or place of residence.

Why do insects dream in the house? Especially the ants.


The one who dreamed of ants can expect many small unfortunate incidents and general dissatisfaction with his position.

Seeing is a lot of work to invest in a business that will bring some profit; to trample - to undermine one's own happiness; being bitten is a misfortune.

success, family joy; invest a lot of work in a business that will bring profit; to trample - to undermine one's own happiness; to be bitten - misfortune

Housework, chores.

to trouble in the family. home.

Insect - Huge, from a horror movie - these are your fears of disease and other dangers. If a huge insect attacks, know that with your emotions of fear you have drawn trouble to yourself, and if you do not relocate fear, then it will happen. Small, annoying, flying - a lot of unnecessary information about other people flocks to you, do not accumulate it in yourself, "let it in one ear, let it out in the other", then no one will accuse you of collecting "compromising evidence". Crawling on you - they talk a lot about you, and it annoys you. Here, the so-called astral phantom connections work, a phantom web, thanks to which one person "hears" another, even if he does not have clairaudience. Frequent contact with the phantom web can lead to nervous exhaustion, hysteria. Insects are very beautiful - you will be deceived in your expectations, especially if they coincide with the hopes of other people.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation - Insect

If a swarm of insects circled above you, this indicates that in real life you are preoccupied with petty, vain things.

They take away all your time and energy, so you just don’t have enough for the rest.

Try to shift some of this fuss to your assistants.

Run away from insects: a dream means that in reality you are trying to avoid small tasks and assignments.

You are a broad person, and routine work does not satisfy you.

Catching insects: you are wasting time and effort on a trifle unworthy of attention.

Plus, it's a losing proposition.

Interpretation of dreams from

Very often, insects that appear in a dream do not bode well, especially when there are a lot of them or they cause a feeling of disgust. In general, insects do not symbolize the best human qualities, and you can find out in more detail what they dream of by reading various interpretations, which often contradict each other. Well, how many people, so many opinions ...

Why do insects dream according to Miller's dream book

If you happened to see malicious insects in a dream, then you will have to suffer greatly from the machinations of secret enemies. Crawling insects are harbingers of diseases that will greatly upset not only the dreamer, but also his relatives, because they will have to take all the care of the sick on their shoulders. The arrival, or rather, the arrival of flying insects in a dream will cause financial difficulties, and if you dream that insects suck blood, then this promises headache, which will cause not quite normal children's fun.

Dreaming beetles portend impending poverty, but crushing them in a dream is good, because such a vision promises some kind of joy, even fleeting. But the spider is a symbol of hard work. And if you happened to see him in a dream, it means that a colossal work will soon be carried out, which the authorities will appreciate. Caterpillars dream of an early meeting with hypocrites and hypocrites, and worms in a dream appear to someone who will soon change their job to a higher paid and promising one.

Insects in a dream - Vanga's dream book

Dreaming insects are a very bad sign, with the exception of butterflies and ladybugs, which are harbingers of the birth of new ones. love relationship(which are unlikely to differ in duration), as well as happy moments in life. When an ant dreams, it means that the dreamer will soon acquire some useful skills that will be very useful to him in life.

If a person, even in a dream, somehow comes into contact with insects (catches them with his hands, they crawl on him and strive to bite), then this promises serious illness, loss of work and deterioration in relations with relatives and friends. A person, covered in a dream on all sides by flying insects, should think about his behavior and attitude towards the world and the people around him. Probably. That he is not in harmony with himself, so the whole world for him appears only in black and gray colors.

What does it mean to dream of insects according to Freud

Insects in a dream symbolize children. If the dreamer dreamed that he mercilessly destroys insects in a dream, then in reality he does not like children and does not at all strive to have them. The use of contraceptives during sex, abortion and even voluntary sterilization - superfluous to that confirmation. To mock insects in every possible way in a dream: tear off wings for flies, legs for cockroaches, tear caterpillars and worms in a dream - this is a sign that the sleeper secretly wants to have sex with a child.

Biting insects dream of those who are disappointed in their own offspring. And if in a dream I had a chance to carefully examine insects, then this indicates that a person does not want to have children because of his own financial insolvency. That is, he is very afraid that he simply will not be able to feed them. When insects crawl around the house in a dream, and the dreamer carefully crushes them with his foot, it means that he fundamentally suppresses all attempts of the second half in the matter of acquiring offspring.

Why do insects dream according to Loff's dream book

If a person is engaged in any kind of creativity, then any insect seen in a dream is a good sign for him. This means that he will be able to realize all his plans, for which he will receive universal recognition. When insects stick around him from all sides, and he feels as if in a shell, but does not have the strength or ability to brush them off, then such a plot clearly indicates that the dreamer will soon fall into some kind of incomprehensible story, from which it will be very difficult to get out.

If insects brazenly crawl over the sleeping person, it means that he will soon be drawn into some kind of scam. Maybe it will financial Pyramide maybe credit scams. But when such a vision is dreamed married woman she is at risk of getting sick. gynecological disease Or even worse, an STD. Garden pests dreamed - there will be a scandal on love grounds. Most likely, the lady will convict her gentleman of treason, and maybe vice versa.

Insects dreamed - interpretation according to the Spring Dream Book

Anyone who desperately crushes insects in a dream is waiting for small, insignificant victories in various fields. And if an insect crawls over a sleeping person and he simply throws it off himself, then this is a fright. I had to kill some kind of harmful insect, which means that you need to run to the store for insecticides, because cockroaches or bedbugs will soon start up in the house.

The ant dreamed, which means that the coming day will be unsuccessful, and the dragonfly is dreamed of by someone who will soon enter into a marriage of convenience and will peacefully sit on the neck of her husband until old age, until he dies and leaves a huge inheritance. Stinging insects in a dream portend misfortunes and late repentance, and fleas, bugs and lice crawling over the body and frolicking on it dream of trouble, illness, ruin and other troubles.

Why dream of a big, huge insect?

If a person saw a giant insect in a dream, it means that in reality he is very afraid of getting sick or remaining poor. When this colossus on chitinous legs is preparing for an attack, you should learn to control your emotions, because vain fears literally attract trouble.

Why dream a lot of insects

If a whole swarm of assorted insects is circling over the head of a sleeping person, it means that he devotes a lot of time to things that are not worth it. special attention. Why let yourself be sprayed if you need to concentrate on something important and urgent.

Dream Interpretation - insects in a house or apartment

A lone ant seen in a dream crawling around the apartment is a symbol of good luck. If, however, insects unknown to science stuck around the entire dreamer's house from the outside and from the inside, then he will soon be a rich man. Vile bugs and cockroaches, hordes of which scurry around the dwelling, symbolize the dreamer's enemies. If they are very active, then the ill-wishers will soon become active too.

Why else do insects dream - dream options

  • insects on the body - someone will soon judge and dress the dreamer in every possible way;
  • insect bites are an intractable disease;
  • small insects - overly annoying citizens will prevent the dreamer from doing his job;
  • insect larvae - entry into open conflict;
  • insects on the head, in the hair - close people will throw problems;
  • flying insects - unplanned expenses;
  • crawling insects - condemnation;
  • kill an insect - the disease can be defeated;
  • an insect under the skin - feeling unwell;
  • flies - there will be communication with boring and annoying people;
  • crush lice - come into conflict with a financially dependent person;
  • blood-sucking insects - there will be people who want to pretty spoil life;
  • lice in the hair - you have to solve other people's problems;
  • a huge insect is a danger;
  • an insect in a fist - unexpected income;
  • buzzing insects - the enemy has already begun to implement their insidious plans;
  • spiders - ill-wishers weave intrigues;
  • a swarm of beetles - chagrin;
  • poison insects - the problem has a solution;
  • flea bitten - domestic difficulties;
  • a lot of fleas or lice - for money;
  • a lot of locusts or cockroaches - soon you will have to face inhuman hatred and anger;
  • butterfly - romantic relationships will be short-lived;
  • dangerous insects - a whole bunch of problems;
  • images of insects - envious people will not be able to calm down for a long time, because there will be something to envy;
  • stuck tick - distress;
  • beautiful insects - a rotten essence is hidden under the external gloss.

Why do insects dream

Miller's dream book

Seeing swarming insects in a dream means illness and a lot of grief.

If you successfully got rid of them, you are lucky, although such a dream can also be a cause for concern for the future: your loved ones may have health problems.

Why do insects dream

Freud's dream book

Insects, like any small creatures, symbolize children.

If you destroy insects or poison them, you experience hostility towards your children.

If you physically destroy insects one at a time or dismember them, you dream of sex with minors.

If insects bite you, you are disappointed in life because of your children.

If you are considering insects, you are afraid to have children for fear that you will not be able to provide them with a decent existence.

Why do insects dream

Family dream book

Insects seen in a dream mean illness and a lot of grief. If you successfully got rid of them, then your troubles will be limited only to worry about the future. And if not, your loved ones may have health problems.

Why do insects dream

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Insects in a dream - usually symbolize minor problems and troubles.

If there are too many insects, such a dream may mean that either too many unresolved problems have accumulated in your life, or you are too often irritated over trifles, which is why troubles in your life only increase.

At the same time, poisonous insects are a sign that some events that do not seem very significant to you in reality can poison your life.

Why do insects dream

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Insects - to squabbles, family squabbles, quarrels.

Why do insects dream

Spring dream book

A horde of insects - to the hustle and bustle.

Why do insects dream

Summer dream book

A horde of insects - to annoying household members.

Why do insects dream

Autumn dream book

To see a horde of insects in a dream - to annoying guests.

Why do insects dream

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Insects seen in a dream - to worries and troubles from secret enemies.

Crawling insects - portend grief from illnesses, flying - financial difficulties, floating - to pleasure and joy, bloodsucking - to a headache from children's leprosy.

Seeing beetles in a dream portends poverty, losses and an unfavorable outcome of the disease. Crush beetles - get good news.

A spider seen in a dream means that you will be attentive and active in your work, for which you will be fully rewarded with sensitive and generous guidance.

A caterpillar in a dream - portends a meeting with low, hypocritical people. Seeing worms - to get a very profitable and profitable place.

Mosquitoes - they say that you are in vain resisting the offer to take a higher position. Kill mosquitoes - having overcome obstacles, you can fully enjoy family peace and well-being.

Dreaming of ants - means that you will have a bad day and troubles will haunt you throughout it. Seeing flies in a dream portends a disease with contagious diseases. Catching moths in a dream - you will have to defend your honor and dignity from false accusations.

Dragonfly in a dream - portends a carefree existence with a profitable marriage with a wealthy businessman.

If you were stung by a bee, wasp or bumblebee, this is a sign of future misfortunes and remorse from your own arrogance.

Seeing bedbugs or fleas on your body - predicts illness and trouble at home.

Lice - means that you will behave incorrectly with old acquaintances.

Ticks crawling over your body are a sign of distress.

Seeing in a dream ritual images of insects considered sacred - envious people will not let you live until you get rid of them yourself.

Why do insects dream

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Insects are a nuisance.

Why do insects dream

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing swarming insects in a dream can mean illness or a lot of grief that can suddenly fall on your head.

If you successfully got rid of them in your dream, you will be lucky in reality, although such a dream can also be a cause for concern for the near future: you or your loved ones may have minor health problems.

Why do insects dream

Esoteric dream book

The insect is huge - from a horror movie, these are your fears of illness and other dangers.

If a huge insect attacks, know that with your emotions of fear you have drawn trouble to yourself, and if you do not relocate fear, then it will happen.

Small, annoying, flying - a lot of unnecessary information about other people flocks to you, do not accumulate it in yourself, “let it in one ear, let it out in the other”, then no one will accuse you of collecting “compromising evidence”.

Crawling on you - they talk a lot about you, and it annoys you. Here, the so-called astral phantom connections work, a phantom web, thanks to which one person “hears” another, even if he does not have clairaudience. Frequent contact with the phantom web - can lead to nervous exhaustion, hysteria.

Insects are very beautiful - you will be deceived in your expectations, especially if they coincide with the hopes of other people.

Why do insects dream

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Seeing insects in a dream is a sign of illness and grief.

If you managed to get rid of them, good days await you. Your loved ones may have health problems.

Why do insects dream

Modern dream book

Seeing insects in a dream is a disease. If you dreamed that an annoying insect was circling around you, then in real life you are tired of problems that are growing like a snowball. If you managed to get rid of this insect, then in real life you will be able to overcome all the difficulties that have arisen. If in a dream you are considering some unusual beautiful insect, then in the near future you will find the joy of communicating with friends and having a good time. A dream in which you see terrible insects of incredible size symbolizes your fears.

Why do insects dream

Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

worries and troubles.

Why do insects dream

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Insects - You see a lot of insects in a dream, they are everywhere - your health will suddenly deteriorate, but this will not be the only chagrin for you. In a dream, you manage to get rid of the invasion of insects - a dream promises you luck in business; very burdensome duties will be placed on someone else; if you are a student and have not prepared for classes, you will get away with your carelessness this time.

Why do insects dream

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Insects, large dense clusters of insects in the form of dark swarming or multi-colored masses - a dream image that arises as a result of contemplating the processes of decay in one's own body.

Their shape, the nature of the movement of individual insects, speaks of a healthy, natural, or, conversely, a dangerous, painful decay.

To be in an area completely covered with insects (not locusts) - to be on the way to developing the ability to comprehend the state of health of others / an allegorical image of hell and its secrets.

Just to see insects with me is to become a victim of slander.

Insects mass fly at you - the onslaught of sins.

To see a corpse covered with insects is to focus too much on the physiological functions of the body.

A dense swarm of insects - evil forces and their actions.

A luminous swarm of insects is a contemplation of the fiery power of nature in the environment and in yourself.

Seeing things eaten by insects, rotten, crumbling in your hands - dissatisfaction with the material way of life, feelings of aging and spiritual loneliness, sometimes such a dream indicates a transition to a very special dream plane.

Why do insects dream

Old dream book

Insects - Insects, large dense clusters of insects in the form of dark or multi-colored swarming masses - a dream image that arose as a result of contemplating the processes of decay in one's own body, their shape, the nature of the movement of individual insects - speak of a healthy, natural or dangerous, painful decay. To be in an area completely covered with insects (not locusts) - to be on the way to developing the ability to intuitively comprehend the state of the body of others; allegorical image of hell in its shadow. Just to see a lot of insects is to become a victim of slander. Insects mass climb on you - the onslaught of "sins". To see a corpse covered with insects is to focus too much on the physiological functions of the body.

Why do insects dream

Insects and small animals - Children and siblings.

Why do insects dream

Dream Interpretation of Rick Dillon

Insects - fuss around the house, getting rid of insects - to worries.

Why do insects dream

Ladies dream book

Interpretation of the dream book: Insects - conscience; feeling of insignificance. Insects swarming - a disease; a lot of grief.

Seeing in a dream Eaten by insects - Seeing things eaten by insects, rotten, decaying at hand - dissatisfaction with a grossly material way of life; feeling of aging and spiritual loneliness; sometimes such a dream indicates a transition into a very special dream plane.

Why do insects dream

Islamic dream book

Insects - according to scientists, all harmful (poisonous, biting) insects are enemies in reality, which are as dangerous as insects are dangerous.

Why do insects dream

Big dream book

Insects - Insects seen in a dream - to worries and troubles from secret enemies. Crawling insects portend grief from illnesses, flying insects - financial difficulties, floating insects - to pleasure and joy, blood-sucking ones - to a headache from children's leprosy. Seeing beetles in a dream portends poverty, losses and an unfavorable outcome of the disease. Crush beetles - get good news. A spider seen in a dream means that you will be attentive and active in your work, for which you will be fully rewarded with sensitive and generous guidance. A caterpillar in a dream portends a meeting with low, hypocritical people. Seeing worms - to get a very profitable and profitable place. Mosquitoes indicate that you are in vain resisting the offer to take a higher post. Kill mosquitoes - having overcome obstacles, you can fully enjoy family peace and well-being. Dreaming of ants means that you will have a bad day and troubles will haunt you throughout it. Seeing flies in a dream portends a disease with contagious diseases. Catching moths in a dream - you will have to defend your honor and dignity from false accusations. A dragonfly in a dream portends a carefree existence with a profitable marriage with a wealthy businessman. If you were stung by a bee, wasp or bumblebee, this is a sign of future misfortunes and remorse from your own arrogance. Seeing bedbugs or fleas on your body predicts illness and trouble at home. Lice mean that you will behave incorrectly with old acquaintances. Ticks crawling over your body are a sign of distress. Seeing in a dream ritual images of insects considered sacred - envious people will not let you live until you get rid of them yourself.

Why do insects dream

Astrological dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book: Insects - damage, illness, theft. Mercury and 12th house

Why do insects dream

Christian dream book

Insects - The meaning of sleep depends on the type of insect.

Why do insects dream

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Insects - Feeling of insignificance, anxiety. It may be a manifestation of the disease. You will become a victim of slander. You will have troubles imposed by others. Exception: ladybug - it means good luck.

Why do insects dream

Women's dream book

Insects - Seeing insects in a dream - to illness and grief. If you managed to get rid of them, good days await you. Your loved ones may have health problems.

Why do insects dream

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

If you dream of insects that you kill, the dream suggests that in real life you are starting to get rid of sexual problems that have been tormenting you for a long time: this may be a long abstinence that will end with the appearance of a new sexual partner in your life.

Why do insects dream

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Insects - Significant anxiety of the individual due to the association of insects and pruritus, self-destruction. Perhaps sexual reflections, in which case there is an association of sex and insects (bacteria) as dirty. Little creatures and therefore children. If insects suddenly fly away - flying away children, that is, dead children moved to the spiritual realm. Bees. Fierce love. Beetles. Fear. Self. Foresight of changes in connection with the mantic meaning of the beetle's behavior in archaic culture (scarab). Butterfly. Mind, soul, including the soul of the deceased. And also an airy, beautiful image. The dream can go back to childhood, to the period of collecting butterflies and / or beetles. (The word psyche comes from the Greek butterfly). A symbol of free love, a stage of transformation and metamorphosis. Mosquitoes. Swarm of mosquitoes. Irritability as a result of auditory hypersensitivity (hyperacusia). Butterfly. The night moth is a dark, hidden aspect of experiencing behavior. Spiders and cobwebs. A female figure whose aspect is absorption (some females eat males). Terrible Mother. Mother preventing her son from possessing a woman and destroying him new love. The pressure of social norms. Obstacles to freedom. Fear of spiders is associated with fears of the Self, into which the Terrible Mother archetype is integrated. The web symbolizes obstacles in achieving awareness of unconscious motives or protecting consciousness from destructive impulses (a spider guarding a sword). Web. Trap home life. Anxiety, which also represents a trap and binds the individual, this is how the interpreter reports the essence of the dream that you are dreaming of.

Why do insects dream

Dream interpretation of catchphrases

INSECTS - "small insignificant mosquito bite"; “a swarm of thoughts”, “annoying like a fly”, “works like a bee”, “buzz all ears” (get bored). Drone "- a lazy person living at someone else's expense; "well, you and the beetle!" (about a clever, cunning person). "Cockroaches in the head" - about a frivolous, unreasonable or strange person; "dung beetle". See fly separately.

Why do insects dream

Italian dream book Meneghetti

They represent a negative image for the inner reality of a person, since communication with them does not bring him much joy. Their negativity is always associated with vampirism and negative influence aimed at mental "absorption". Insects inside a person clearly indicate his active negativity. The level of negativity, and thus the danger, is determined by the type of insect and the degree of hostility experienced by a person towards them. Therefore, insects, even positive for nature, are considered as a negative symbol, only based on the attitude of the person himself towards them, to whom they harm, destroying the results of his work.

Why do insects dream

Dream interpretation of Shuvalova

Since insects are almost always harmful and dangerous for humans, this image is interpreted as negative. And the negativity of this image is associated with such a phenomenon as vampirism. Simply - a dream suggests that someone feeds on your energy and vitality. the level and intensity of these negative manifestations are associated with the type of insect seen in a dream, and the features of its existence in nature, as well as with the attitude of a person towards this insect. For example, if you dream that a tick is being introduced into you, this indicates the presence in your environment of a person who is active, very mobile, aggressive, but with a negative, vampiric psychology, who seeks to use you for his own purposes.

Why do insects dream

Dream Interpretation of the Future

Insect - a disease and a lot of grief; but if you successfully get rid of insects, then you are in luck.

Why do insects dream

Idiomatic dream book

“Small, insignificant mosquito bite” - minor troubles; "swarm of thoughts" - a lot of mental work; “Intrusive as a fly” - they will get it; “works like a bee” - get tired; “buzz all ears” - get bored; "Drone" - a lazy person living at someone else's expense; "well, you and the beetle!" - about a clever, cunning person; "cockroaches in the head" - about a frivolous, unreasonable or strange person; "dung beetle" - difficulties.

Why do insects dream

Italian psychoanalytic dream book A.Roberti

If we consider insects as living beings, from the point of view of nature, this image is positive. However, in Imagogy it is not treated in isolation, but in the context of interaction with a person. Since insects are always harmful and dangerous for humans, this image is interpreted as negative.

The image of insects carries a great semantic load from the point of view of the analysis of our inner reality. The negativity of this reverse is always associated with such a phenomenon as negative psychology, vampirism, and "black vaginismus". The level or intensity of the negative manifestations of the subject depends on the type of insect that is visualized, and on the characteristics of the existence and functioning of this insect in natural conditions, as well as on the nature of the relationship of a person to this type of insect. When insects are on a person or invade a person (for example, a tick), he is interpreted as a person with an active negative psychology.

Why do insects dream

Online dream book

Insects - promises you a lot of problems from your secret enemies.

If they crawl, you will be upset by some kind of disease if they fly

Some pictures with rituals over sacred insects are dreaming - some very envious person will simply not give you peace. You need to get rid of it urgently.

If everything around you is teeming with them, you will get sick a lot. In addition, a lot of troubles will fall on you out of nowhere.

According to the dream book, if you safely get rid of them, expect minor illnesses from some relatives.

The dream interpretation interprets insects that sting or bite you - as the personification of your enemies, similarly to them, they will bake you in real life.

If you crush them, it means that soon you will resolve all your difficulties in your personal (intimate) life, a new chosen one will appear who will help you become truly happy.

If you saw in a dream, insects under your skin or even in your mouth - be careful and picky in your environment, otherwise you will get into big trouble.

I dreamed that they settled in your hair - which means that nothing good awaits you in reality, serious ailments will also be added to many problems and trials.

If you dreamed of insects that are innumerable - get ready for trouble, all sorts of difficulties will arise and the well-being of both yours and those dear to you will worsen. But everything will be resolved safely if in the end you exterminated them.

Why do insects dream

Universal dream book

Some people may resemble annoying insects. They begin to pester you as soon as you are about to rest - do insects in a dream symbolize people who annoy you?

Insects are known to cause discomfort - where and with whom are you? How does this reflect what worries you in real life?

What insects did you see in a dream? If you saw mosquitoes, it means that someone or something is using you, feeding on energy from you.

If you saw ants, it means that you are upset because of the collapse of hopes.

If in a dream you saw grasshoppers - the dream speaks of your desire to "jump" away. Think about the insects you saw in your dream and the associations they evoke in you.

Do insects in a dream symbolize diversity? How do you feel about it? Does their number surprise you or confuse you?

Insects may also be associated with paranoia. How long have you been noticing that people eavesdrop on your conversations, follow you on your heels and pester you on the phone?

Why do insects dream

American dream book

Insect - a slight annoyance. Inconvenience.

Why do insects dream

Dream Interpretation of Symbols

Insects are something that flies, buzzes, stings, burrows, bites, distracts and is generally perceived as trifling, insignificant, intrusive, capable of delivering only minor annoyances and, nevertheless, creating quite sensitive interference. In general, insects are not strong (not deep), but repeated or obsessive sensations, thoughts, feelings that can lead to disharmony, deprive of peace and confidence. The appearance of insects in a dream can indicate future troubles, illnesses and minor mental disharmony. Often, individual insects (ant, butterfly, bee ...) act exclusively in a creative role (for example, lice or fleas - to receive money, and a butterfly - to meet a loved one).

Why do insects dream

Russian dream book

Insect - for profit.

If insects suddenly fly away - flying away children, that is, dead children moved to the spiritual realm.

Insects seen in a dream are often an unfavorable symbol associated with the dark side of human nature. You can learn more about what these creatures dream of with the help of an interpreter. The dream book advises to first recall the course of events, as well as the semantic and emotional load of the plot, in stages.

Beetles and butterflies

The modern dream book claims that the interpretation of the dream in which you saw the bugs depends on the variety of the insects themselves. Some beetles are harmful, the second ones have useful and healing properties, and the third ones are dangerous for human life. If you dreamed of dangerous insects, then in reality you should also expect certain problems.

Butterflies dreaming in a dream promise a short-lived relationship with a windy and frivolous person, from which even memories will not remain. Air creatures fluttering in a dream predict a meeting with a person who will achieve location, and then leave and disappear somewhere.

Lots of insects

If you dreamed of a lot of insects climbing or jumping around you, it means that you will soon have to face condemnation, intrigue and human malice. In some cases, such a plot is interpreted by the dream book as a harbinger of a deterioration in the dreamer's health.

The universal dream book is convinced that watching a large accumulation of fleas in night dreams is a financial gain. If you dream that these insects are in bed, then they maintain friendly relations with you only for the sake of profit.

If in a dream you were bitten by a flea many times, get ready to face unpleasant domestic conflicts.

Miller also has a description of why insects dream in large numbers. A large swarm of bugs promises illness and grief. If you managed to get rid of them, this means that you will be able to successfully resolve the existing problems.

Spiders and gadflies

Spiders seen in a dream promise cunning and intrigue on the part of enemies. A dream in which such insects are in the house suggests that ill-wishers have gotten very close to you, and quarrels and misunderstandings in the family are caused by their deceit and intrigue.

If you happen to see and hear gadflies in a dream, this is a bad sign. A modern dream book warns of impending danger. A clear enemy has begun to act, so you should be on the alert and beware of deceit.

If you dream that these insects bite you, then in reality they want to deceive or set you up. Flying gadflies, according to Shereminskaya's dream book, portend unplanned household expenses.

If you dreamed that the insect was under the skin, health problems will arise. Keeping a spider in a fist is for profit.

Creature size

Why do big insects dream, Aesop explains. Aesop's dream book is sure that such a plot shows the dreamer's fears or fears, and also warns of impending danger.

Such small insects as midges are interpreted as annoying and obsessive people who do not allow the dreamer to work in peace. It is very difficult to get rid of such persons, especially if they are immediate superiors.

Lice and mosquitoes

Lice seen in a dream are interpreted as annoying household members or close relatives who sit on their necks, not wanting to make their own attempts to meet their needs.

If you dream of these lice in your hair, this means that in reality you will have to sort out the problems of loved ones, from whom you will not expect gratitude.

Dream Interpretation of Wanderers warns that crushing lice is a conflict with a freeloader, as a result of which he will leave you alone.

A dream in which mosquitoes overwhelm you stands for the presence in life of hostile and caustic people who deliberately poison life.