Merz special dragee for hair: description and reviews. Merz vitamins Special vitamins Merz

Among modern vitamin complexes, Merz dragees are in demand. They are produced by a German company with the same name Merz. According to numerous reviews, they effectively strengthen nails and prevent hair loss.

1 tablet contains the following balanced microelements necessary for humans:

IN comprehensive tool The German company Merz contains many B vitamins and antioxidants. One of the components of the drug is yeast extract, known for its beneficial effects on the hair structure.

Release form and packaging

The drug Merz is available in a glass bottle white with a convenient screw cap. One bottle contains 60 or 120 pale pink dragees that taste good. The glass bottle is sold in a white cardboard package with an orange Merz logo.

pharmachologic effect

The components of the vitamin complex influence important biological and chemical processes that constantly occur in the human body:

Merz vitamins for hair and nails, reviews of which confirm their effectiveness, are suitable for both women and men. The complex includes microelements necessary for a woman’s daily diet. They will help boost immunity, normalize and speed up cellular metabolism, replenish strength, add energy, and improve mood.


Each ingredient has separate pharmacokinetics. Together, the components cannot be traced using bioassays and markers. Most vitamins are quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and distributed in various tissues of the body.

Benefits for hair and nails

How vitamins affect nails and hair:

By replenishing the balance of essential microelements, with the help of rational intake of vitamin preparations, the appearance of nails and hair improves and the state of health stabilizes.

Merz vitamins, according to women's reviews, have a really effective effect on the hair structure - they become stronger and thicker, and nails stop peeling and grow much faster.

Indications for use

Vitamin preparation Merz is indicated for hypo- and vitamin deficiencies and iron deficiency in the body. It is not always possible to eat well; most people are deficient in minerals and vitamins.

Use of Merz vitamins according to the instructions promotes hair restoration and strengthens hair loss.

This affects the skin, hair and nails and manifests itself in the form of frequent irritation, constant feeling fatigue and apathy, which is felt most acutely in the spring and autumn periods. It's important to drink vitamin complexes 2 times a year to support your body and increase its protective functions.


Official contraindications include:

Merz vitamins should not be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women. The German company Merz has not conducted any research on the reactions of the mother and child during lactation or pregnancy. It is better to replace them with more suitable multivitamins that are specifically designed for use during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. breast milk.

Instructions for use, dosage

Merz vitamins are used in adults and children over 12 years of age. To reduce the risk of side effects or overdose, you must follow the correct dosage regimen.

Recommended dosage regimen: 1 tablet 2 times (morning and evening) during or immediately after meals (for best absorption in the body), washed down plain water without gas. To see positive result You should take a full course, which is at least 2 months.

Side effects

Merz vitamins for hair and nails, reviews of which can be found later in the article, can cause the following side effects:

Some women noted the appearance of frequent headaches, dizziness, and rapid heartbeat. If unpleasant consequences are detected after taking the drug, you should stop the vitamin course and consult a doctor for additional examination.


There have been no cases of overdose with this drug.

  • skin allergic reactions;
  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • dizziness;
  • joint pain;
  • constant feeling thirst;
  • increased blood pressure.

Symptoms may be associated with high levels of vitamin D or A in the body.

Drug interactions

It is not advisable to take Merz vitamins together:

  • with similar multivitamin complexes;
  • preparations containing iron (Fenuls, Sorbifer);
  • fish oil.

Merz vitamins for hair and nails, reviews of which are located later in the article, can be taken in combination with other B vitamins, for example, Magnesium B6.

The B vitamins contained in the Merz preparation are water-soluble - they are very quickly eliminated from the body. Therefore, there is no overdose of them. Merz multivitamins can be taken together with Magnesium B6.

special instructions

The results of taking a vitamin supplement do not appear immediately. According to women's reviews, to normalize the body's natural processes that affect the internal and external structure of hair and nails, it is necessary to take the complex for at least 3 weeks.

To increase strength and energy, shine hair and strengthen nails, you need to regularly take courses of multivitamins and monitor your diet.

IN daily diet Fresh fruits and vegetables should be present, food should not be fried or very spicy. Fast foods and other “harmful” foods should be excluded.

Terms of sale

Merz vitamins can be purchased at any pharmacy throughout Russia. No prescription required when purchasing, making it accessible means absolutely for everyone.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored in places inaccessible to children younger age And temperature conditions no higher than 25+. The shelf life is 36 months. After the expiration date, vitamins are no longer suitable for use.

Analogues of the drug

Merz vitamins have the following analogues:

Price of Merz vitamins in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

The multivitamin preparation Merz does not have the most low price In comparison with others by similar means. The high price tag is associated with strict quality control in production and application innovative technologies.

For a convenient comparison of the price category in Russia, a table is presented. Prices may vary significantly in different pharmacy chains, the amount indicated is for a package of 60 pieces.

Region Moscow Saint Petersburg Samara Kazan Krasnodar Khabarovsk
Price per package (60 pcs.) 790-1070 705-1050 750-1090 720-1020 750-990 740-1100

Abnormalities in the human body can be judged by its appearance. In this case, hair begins to fall out excessively, becoming brittle and faded, the nail plate peels and breaks, and the skin quickly fades, acquiring a pale gray appearance.

If hypovitaminosis makes itself felt, it’s time to rush to the pharmacy for vitamins

All this may be related to various diseases. But first of all, the diagnosis immediately suggests itself - hypovitaminosis.

At the first signs of deterioration in the condition of hair, skin, and nails, you should think about feeding the body with vitamins and active minerals.

In this regard, complex formulations are the best help. Among the various products sold in pharmacies, you can also find special vitamins - Merz, which have proven themselves very well.

Vitamin complex Merz

This is being released pharmacological agent in the form of dragees, including a large number of minerals and vitamins that are so useful for accelerated hair growth. It comes to the shelves of domestic pharmacies from Germany - these vitamins are produced there. You can purchase this drug through the Internet site, which will be cheaper.

The Merz vitamin complex is designed for people suffering from hypovitaminosis, as well as iron deficiency in the body.

Combined preparation for skin, hair, nails and the whole body Merz

Important nutrients and vitamins included in the drug allow you to establish the metabolic process in the body, while stopping structural and functional damage to the skin, nails and hair.

Merz is especially indicated for those who do not adhere to proper nutrition, as a result of which there is a deficiency of many components that make up the vitamin complex.

Components included in Merz

A drug called Merz is good auxiliary to solve problems with appearance and health. The elements included in its composition allow us to classify the product not only as drug, how many classify it as a dietary supplement.

The composition of the vitamin dietary supplement is optimally selected and includes everything you need:

  • Retinol acetate (or vitamin A) affects epithelial cells to ensure their integrity. Helps restore skin elasticity, firmness and blood supply.
  • Provitamin A (beta-carotene) is a good antioxidant.
  • Vitamin. C (ascorbic acid) helps blood vessels reduce the permeability of their walls.
  • Alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) is an antioxidant element necessary for tissue respiration.
  • Vitamin H (biotin) is the main component on which active growth of nails and hair depends.
  • Nicotinamide (PP) is responsible for all metabolism in the body (primarily carbohydrates and fats), and also helps cells breathe.

Vitamin composition of the drug Merz for the health and beauty of hair, skin and nails

As part of a dietary supplementMerzThere are several representatives of the B vitamin group:

  • B1 (thiamine mononitrate) is indispensable for dysfunctions nervous system, and is also an active participant in carbohydrate metabolism;
  • B5 (calcium pantothenate) helps enhance hydroexchange of skin cells;
  • B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) is an active participant in protein metabolism;
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin) helps the body in hematopoiesis.

In addition to the above vitamins, the Merz dietary supplement also includes the following elements:

  • cystine is an amino acid that occupies an important place in the processes affecting the strengthening of nail plates and the acceleration of hair growth;
  • riboflavin is an excellent catalyst for cell respiration;
  • Ferrous fumarate is responsible for the normal content of red blood cells in the blood and also affects the functioning of the adrenal glands;
  • Yeast extract itself is a natural source of minerals, amino acids and B vitamins. Helps maintain normal nails, strands, skin, and epithelium in the mucous membranes.

The list of components is really quite extensive. This despite the fact that excipients have not yet been mentioned. So it’s not surprising that Merz has an excellent effect on the body’s condition.

Mode of application

Please note Special attention to take Merz due to individual characteristics human body. All this is specified in the instructions included with the drug. You need to follow it strictly, taking 1 tablet in the morning and evening with food.

You should take the Merz vitamin complex strictly following the instructions.

Increase daily dose In order to speed up the process, it is under no circumstances possible, because An overdose of some components included in the complex is not advisable:

  • extra ascorbic acid may inhibit the functioning of the pancreas and also lead to changes in renal secretion;
  • The auxiliary element of the pill is glucose, so people suffering from diabetes mellitus, you should consult your doctor before taking Merz;
  • An overdose of iron will affect the composition of the blood and can also cause vomiting, abdominal pain, and drowsiness. An excess of iron will also affect the skin, making it pale;
  • Excess vitamin A in pregnant women can provoke a teratogenic effect, which will lead to the development of deformities in the fetus.

For the same reason, women can plan to conceive no earlier than 12 months after finishing taking the drug Merz - it has a fairly prolonged effect.

Merz should not be given to children under 12 years of age due to functional features their body.

Breastfeeding mothers should not take this vitamin complex, so as not to provoke pathological abnormalities in babies.

To the use of this biological active drug should be used with caution by those operating vehicles. For some organisms, the vitamins included in Merz have not just a calming effect - they can cause lethargy and drowsiness.

Hypertensive patients should constantly monitor their blood pressure when taking this drug. And those who plan to take a blood test must warn their doctor about taking the drug Merz, because the ascorbic acid contained in the composition can affect the research results, somewhat distorting them.


The composition of the Merz vitamin complex is so rich that it will be difficult to combine it with any other elements. Therefore, before using the product to restore your hair or nails, as well as to refresh your skin, you should consult your doctor if the patient is undergoing any treatment.

Instructions for use of the special Merz dragee

As a last resort, there are instructions that you need to read thoroughly. These points are stated there:

  • knowing what vitamins and minerals are included in Merz, you will have to stop taking the same medications so as not to cause an overdose;
  • vitamin E and retinol in this product are well balanced, but if you use additional vitamin A or tocopherol, you can disrupt the functioning of organs that produce hormones, which leads to intoxication of the body;
  • tocopherol also enhances the effect of steroid drugs, which can lead to irreversible consequences;
  • vitamin C reduces the effect of anticoagulants and also increases the side effects of salicylates - this should be taken into account when combining these drugs with dietary supplements.
  • You should not take this medication if you are undergoing treatment with deferoxamine. This can lead to circulatory decompensation and tissue toxicity of the heart muscles;
  • contraceptives and Merz dietary supplements mutually weaken each other’s effect.

Do not take vitamin complex pills mineral water, vegetables and fruit juices, because this slows down the absorption of elements by the body. Unfortunately, the instructions included with the drug are silent about this point.


IN Lately You can notice a great passion for all kinds of dietary supplements. The German drug Merz did not go unnoticed either. It suited some people, but left others disappointed. But this is not surprising - the perception of each organism is always individual:

  • Irina : “I bought vitamins in Merz tablets - my friend praised them. The product helped her hair growth. I’ve been drinking for the second week now, but I haven’t noticed any significant changes in my appearance. Except that the nail plate has become stronger and breaks off less.”
  • Tatiana: “I saw an advertisement for the drug Merz, went to the pharmacy, looked at what the instructions said. I was impressed by the composition, so I decided to try it. My hair has really started to fall out, and this product contains just the right ingredients.”
  • Larisa: “I decided to strengthen my immunity a little - I was starting to get very tired. That’s why I went to the pharmacy for some dietary supplement. At first I liked the drug because of its attractive packaging. I read the composition and indications for use. This suited me, so I bought a bottle. I take vitamins, 1 tablet during the first breakfast and before bed, with a drink boiled water. I started to feel better.”

Merz dragee packaging design

Video about hair loss

The video below will tell you how to stop hair loss.

Those who want to try Merz for themselves should take all of the above into account in order to truly achieve good results in the care of hair strands, skin and nails. First of all, vitamins are recommended as a medicine for use in case of a lack of iron and a number of vitamins in the body.

For each modern woman appearance plays a significant role. Only well-groomed hair, hands and nails can give self-confidence and strength. U beautiful woman everything works out, and no experiments with appearance not scary if she has helpers. To protect beauty, there are Merz pill vitamins against hair loss, developed according to a special formula by German scientists.

Here is an article in which you will find information on use, user reviews on forums, side effects of the substance, etc.

Hair is subject to aggression from environment. Constant styling, drying with a hot hairdryer, straightening with an iron or perm - all this has an adverse effect on the hair. They become dull, brittle, ends split, and thickness is lost.

In order to restore shine, thickness to your hair and prevent hair loss, it is not enough just to wash it with special professional cosmetics. Masks, decoctions, rinses only work externally. In order to strengthen hair from the inside, you need a complete vitamin complex that will fill the need female body in vitamins and mineral elements.

Merz vitamins are a multivitamin complex created specifically to prevent hair loss, strengthen nails and give freshness to the skin. More suitable for women than men. However, such vitamins for hair growth for the stronger sex may also be suitable as prophylactic.

The effects that special has. vitamins are multifaceted. Among them highest value have:

  • antioxidant. Due to the sufficient content of vitamins A, C and E, the dragee helps slow down the aging process of the skin and promotes the renewal of cellular composition;
  • hair growth due to the content of biotin, beta-carotene, B vitamins and L-cystine. At the same time, weak and brittle hair becomes stronger and takes on a healthy appearance;
  • delivery nutrients, amino acids and vitamins structural components hair thanks to the content of yeast extract.

Merz special dragee: instructions for use

Vitamins are produced in the form of tablets of 60 pieces in a frosted glass bottle. Manufacturer: Frankfurt factory in Germany. There is no protective film on the neck. The lid is screw-on and has a shiny stripe. The bottle is in a cardboard box along with instructions. Sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Shelf life – three years.

Special dragees are round in shape, have biconvex edges with a smooth and shiny surface. The color is light pink.

The drug belongs to the group of multivitamins and minerals.

How to take the special Merz dragee? Directions for use: 1 tablet 2 times a day. The course of administration and how long to take is determined by the doctor.

Merz special dragee: composition of the drug

Merz vitamins for hair and nails receive very positive or satisfactory reviews. Merz dragee has a wide composition, which has a beneficial effect on the woman’s body in general, in particular on skin covering, hair and nails. You can even take it during menopause, but it is recommended to do this under the supervision of a doctor.

The product contains:

  • cystine is an amino acid that is necessary for hair growth and nail strength;
  • Vitamin A is necessary to improve the condition of the skin by giving it firmness and elasticity. In addition, it leads to improved blood supply;
  • beta-carotene and vitamin E are necessary as components of the body's antioxidant system;
  • vitamin C is necessary to reduce the permeability of the vascular wall;
  • B vitamins are essential for recovery metabolic processes in organism;
  • iron is necessary to improve oxygen saturation of cells by increasing hemoglobin;
  • yeast extract is needed to maintain general condition skin, hair and nails and enhancing the effects of all components of the drug;
  • Excipients.

Merz vitamins for nails and hair: indications for use

Merz special dragee can be used for the following purposes:

  • preventive – to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and mineral components;
  • treatment of hypo- or vitamin deficiency;
  • improving metabolic processes;
  • complex treatment of hair loss, brittle nails.

Contraindications for use

  • allergic reactions to the components of the pill;
  • symptoms of overdose of vitamins A and D.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding are not a contraindication to the use of the vitamin complex for hair and nails. Reviews from readers also testify in this favor. However, due to the lack of clinical trials on pregnant women and the possible teratogenic effect of vitamin A, the special pill is not recommended for use.

Dragee Merz: side effects

Side effects of Merz dragees for hair include individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Combination with other vitamins is contraindicated due to the risk of developing overdose symptoms.

In order to avoid overdose, the permissible dose of the drug must not be exceeded.

Advantages and disadvantages of Merz dragees

Like any other drug, Merz tablets have their advantages and disadvantages.

Among the advantages are:

  • use of the complex to improve the condition of the skin;
  • application in complex therapy against hair loss and strengthening the nail plate;
  • use in a wide age group of women.

Among the disadvantages it should be noted:

  • individual intolerance;
  • the possibility of overdose if the rules of administration are not followed;
  • purchase costs.

For every woman, hair health is an important component of her health. Bad habits, a diet with insufficient amounts of vitamins, weak immunity, and frequent colds negatively affect the condition of the strands. Facing various problems associated with them, one has to resort to various methods their elimination. In addition to a variety of external products, it is important to nourish your hair from the inside. Dietary supplements come to the rescue with this. And Merz dragee is one of them.

Briefly about the drug

Merz special dragee is a complex of vitamins that was developed back in the 60s of the 20th century. Due to its composition, the drug has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and the whole body.

The dragee comes in the form of biconvex circles. Their surface is smooth and shiny, the color is light pink. The drug is packaged in a bottle placed in a cardboard package in quantities of 60 or 120 pieces. The average cost of a vitamin complex is 657-720 rubles (60 pieces) and 1050 rubles for 120 pieces.

Open packaging should be stored at room temperature (no more than +25 degrees) away from children. Shelf life: 3 years.

Composition of the vitamin complex

Merz dragees contain a lot useful vitamins and elements:

Cystine is an amino acid that promotes the synthesis of keratin, which is the basis of hair.

Yeast extract is a storehouse of B vitamins, which improve the condition of the skin, hair, and mucous membranes.

Iron is involved in the process of blood formation. With a lack of this mineral, hair begins to fall out.

Vitamin A is responsible for the integrity of the epithelium, improves blood circulation, restoring elasticity to the skin.

Vitamin C – does vascular walls less permeable.

Vitamin E – improves tissue respiration and is a good antioxidant.

B vitamins are responsible for carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism and are needed for the normal process of hematopoiesis.

Biotin is a beauty vitamin. With its deficiency, it develops seborrheic dermatitis, and hair falls out.

Beneficial properties and effects on hair

About this Swiss drug, buyers mostly give positive reviews. It is noted that hair loss decreases, ends do not split, smoothness and shine appear. New hair growth is also observed, making it thicker. Observations show that By taking special Merz tablets, you can delay the appearance of gray hair.

The effect of the drug was studied by scientists thanks to special research. 21 women participated in the experiment. For 6 months, each took the pills according to the instructions. Testing has shown that this dietary supplement reduces dry scalp by 78%, eliminates split ends by 74%, and strengthens hair by 18%.

Thanks to its components, the Merz vitamin complex has the following effect on the hair and scalp:

  • Improves blood circulation to follicles, strengthening and preventing hair loss.
  • Promotes the synthesis of keratin - the building material of strands.
  • Normalizes metabolic processes, restoring the structure of damaged hair.
  • The Merz complex is useful for those whose curls are often exposed to high temperatures, dyes. It protects them from destruction.
  • They nourish the roots and shafts with microelements, which ensures healthy hair.

When is it still necessary to take Merz tablets:

  • When there is a lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet, which causes vitamin deficiency.
  • During recovery from serious illnesses. Then the body needs an increase in the amount of nutrients.
  • After reception antibacterial drugs and a course of chemotherapy.
  • During heavy physical activity.
  • As a prophylactic to avoid hypovitaminosis.

Contraindications and possible side effects

The drug should not be used if:

  • May occur allergic reaction on some components of the additive.
  • With an excess of vitamins in the body (hypervitaminosis). Otherwise, you can only worsen the condition by taking Merz.
  • Pregnant and lactating women should take the drug with great caution and under the strict supervision of a doctor. Taking pills can negatively affect a child's development.
  • The product should not be taken by children under 12 years of age.

As a side effect of the drug Merz, an allergic reaction in the form of itching, rash, and swelling may occur. In this case, you should stop taking this drug.

Instructions for use and dosage

Each package contains instructions for the drug detailed description and dosage. The average course duration is 2 months. You may need to use the complex for a longer period of time, depending on your health condition and the desired effect. But The duration should be determined only by the attending physician.

How to take the special Merz dragee? The daily dose of the drug is 1 or 2 tablets twice a day. It is better to take it after meals (after 20-30 minutes), drinking plenty of still water. It is advisable to drink a lot of water throughout the day while taking vitamin complexes. This allows the components to be better absorbed and penetrate into the cell structure. One package of 60 pieces is enough for a month of use on average.

You should be very careful not to exceed the permissible dosage. This can lead to hypervitaminosis, and medical intervention will be required. Women in the 1st trimester of pregnancy should be especially careful when taking the drug. Excess vitamin A can provoke a teratogenic effect.

Attention! The composition of Merz dragees provides the body's daily need for vitamins. Therefore, it is not advisable to take it at the same time as other multivitamins!

During the period of using Merz dragees, it is better not to dye your hair with aggressive coloring compounds. It is necessary to avoid the influence of ultraviolet rays, which destroy the structure of the strands. In parallel with taking vitamins, you should enrich your diet healthy products, sleep at least 8 hours a day, and walk in the fresh air more often.

It will take time to completely heal your hair. Typically, the results of using Merz dragees can be observed after 2-3 months.

Effective analogues of the drug

Today, pharmacies offer a wide selection of multivitamins, which are analogues of Merz dragees. Their action is aimed at replenishing the lack of elements necessary for the body. They allow you to restore hair, strengthen it, and restore shine.

  • Complivit Radiance is a complex of vitamins and minerals with the addition of green tea extract. The use of this drug helps improve the general condition of hair, nails and skin.
  • Revalid – In addition to vitamin-containing substances necessary for the health of curls, this drug contains wheat germ extract. This is an additional source of lecithin, sterol and silicon for the body. There are 30 tablets in a package. It is recommended to take the complex 3 times a day.
  • Alerana – the composition is almost the same as that of its analogues. The advantage of this product is its affordability. You can get beautiful, healthy hair for little money.
  • Phyto– this dietary supplement belongs to the expensive category. But its effectiveness is very high. In addition to vitamins and minerals, the composition of the drug includes antioxidants and fatty acids, which the body does not synthesize itself. The course of treatment is usually 1 month.

Merz special dragee – vitamin and mineral complex with high content substances necessary for hair. It is important to strictly adhere to the instructions for use and not exceed the permissible dosage. Reception of any medicines requires mandatory supervision by a specialist. Treatment of hair from the inside in combination with external procedures will make hair healthier in a fairly short time.

Review of the use of Merz dragees against hair loss in the following video:

This is a small line of specialized vitamins for solving specific, highly targeted problems. These are vitamin complexes for women (but men can also use them) in the form of capsules and dragees. The vitamins and minerals in these preparations make it possible to saturate the body with substances necessary for healthy hair, skin and nails.

There are only 3 vitamin preparations:

  • Merz special dragee
  • Merz Special Anti-Age
  • Pantovigar

Since Merz drugs are very different both in composition and function, we described each type separately.

The only thing worth pointing out is that all these drugs are not intended or intended for children. These are products for adults over 20 years of age only.

Vitamins Merz for hair, nails and skin - Special dragee Merz

Brief instructions:

Feminine beauty product. Enriched with cystine, beta-carotene and yeast extract. Designed to maintain good condition of the skin (promotes the renewal of epidermal cells), nails (helps improve the structure of the nail plates, thereby removing layering and fragility) and hair (improves growth and fights hair loss), for general strengthening of the body, slowing down the aging process.

First of all, what indications for use:

Hypovitaminosis and avitaminosis, iron deficiency (iron deficiency anemia).

How to use:

Adults: 1 tablet 2 times a day (morning and evening) orally.


  • children under 12 years old.

During pregnancy, use this drug only in recommended doses and do not combine it with other supplements containing vitamin A. Such a combination may cause an overdose of retinol and a taratogenic effect.

Vitamins Special dragee Merz: composition

Vitamins - 11 and minerals - 1.

One dragee contains:

Vitamins Minerals
A (retinol acetate) 1500 IU Iron (fumarate) 20.0 mg
E (α-tocopherol acetate) 9.0 mg
B1 (thiamine mononitrate) 1.2 mg
B2 (riboflavin) 1.6 mg
B5 (calcium pantothenate) 3.0 mg
B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) 1.2 mg
B12 (cyanocobalamin) 2.0 mcg
C (ascorbic acid) 75.0 mg
PP (nicotinamide) 10.0 mg
D (colecalciferol) 50 IU
Biotin 0.01 mg
Cystine 30 mg
Beta carotene 0.9 mg
Yeast extract 100 mg
Component name 1 tablet / 2 tablets / per day
Beta carotene 0.9 mg/1.8 mg 5 mg 10 mg
Vitamin A 1500 IU/
0.9 mg (3000 IU)
0.9 mg 3 mg
Vitamin B1 1.2 mg/2.4 mg 1.5 mg 5 mg
Vitamin B2 1.6 mg/3.2 mg 1.8 mg 6 mg
Vitamin B3/PP 10 mg/20 mg 20 mg 60 mg
Biotin 10 mcg (0.01 mg) / 20 mcg 50 mcg 150 mcg
Cystine 30 mg/60 mg 1.8 g 2.8 g
Vitamin B6 1.2 mg/2.4 mg 2 mg 6 mg
Vitamin B12 2 mcg/4 mcg 3 mcg 9 mcg
Vitamin B5 3 mg/6 mg 5 mg 15 mg
Vitamin C 75 mg/150 mg 90 mg 900 mg
Vitamin D (colecalciferol) 1.25 mcg (50IU)/
2.5 mcg (100 IU)
5 mcg 15 mcg
Vitamin E 9 mg/18 mg 15 mg 150 mg
Yeast 100 mg/-
Iron (per women) 20 mg/40 mg 18 mg 40 mg

*data from the official website of the manufacturer of the Special Merz dragee.

Vitamin A - 1 mg = 3300 IU
Vitamin D - 1 mcg = 40 IU
Vitamin E - 1 mg = 1.21 IU

Vitamins for women over 35 years old - Merz Special Anti-Age

Brief instructions:

Women's health product. Enriched with soy protein isolate, cysteine ​​and methionine. Designed to maintain healthy skin, nails and hair - supports the process of cell renewal and restoration, stimulates collagen synthesis, improves metabolism, slows down the aging process (fights free radicals).

First of all, what indications for use:

Hypovitaminosis and avitaminosis of various vitamins and minerals.

How to use:

Adults: 1 tablet 2 times a day (morning and evening) after meals.


  • allergy or sensitivity to the components of the vitamin complex;
  • hypervitaminosis of vitamins A and D;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Vitamins Merz Special Anti-Age: composition

Vitamins - 11 and minerals - 2.

One dragee contains:

Vitamins Minerals
A (retinol acetate) 400 mcg Iron (fumarate) 2.5 mg
E (α-tocopherol acetate) 6.7 mg Zinc 2.5 mg
B1 (thiamine mononitrate) 1.2 mg
B2 (riboflavin) 1.3 mg
B5 (calcium pantothenate) 3.6 mg
B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) 1.6 mg
B9 (folic acid) 200 mcg
B12 (cyanocobalamin) 1 mcg
C (ascorbic acid) 60 mg
PP (nicotinamide) 15 mg
D (colecalciferol) 50 IU
Biotin 30 mcg
Soy protein isolate 25 mcg

Additional information on admission and standards:*

Component name 1 tablet / 2 tablets / per day Adequate level of consumption Upper permissible consumption level
Vitamin A 400 mcg (0.4 mg)/0.8 mg 0.9 mg 3 mg
Vitamin B1 1.2 mg/2.4 mg 1.5 mg 5 mg
Vitamin B2 1.3 mg/2.6 mg 1.8 mg 6 mg
Vitamin B3 15 mg/30 mg 20 mg 60 mg
Biotin 30 mcg/60 mcg 50 mcg 150 mcg
Vitamin B6 1.6 mg/3.2 mg 2.0 mg 6.0 mg
Vitamin B12 1 mcg/2 mcg 3 mcg 9 mcg
Vitamin B5 3.6 mg/7.2 mg 5 mg 15 mg
Folic acid 200 mcg/400 mcg 400 mcg 600 mcg
Vitamin C 60 mg/120 mg 90 mg 900 mg
Vitamin E 6.7 mg/13.4 mg 15 mg 150 mg
Iron 2.5 mg/5 mg 18 mg 40 mg
Soy protein isolate 25 mcg/50 mcg
Zinc 2.5 mg/5 mg 12 mg 25 mg

*data from the official website of the manufacturer Merz Special Anti-Age.

Vitamins Merz for the treatment of diffuse hair loss – Pantovigar

Brief instructions:

Feminine beauty product. Enriched with keratin, cystine, para-aminobenzoic acid, as well as medical yeast. Designed to maintain healthy hair primarily and treat excessive hair loss, supports the process of cell renewal and restoration, stimulates the growth of new hair (and provides nutrition, the necessary elements for this), improves metabolism and energy metabolism around the roots, stimulates collagen synthesis.

First of all, what indications for use:

diffuse hair loss of non-hormonal origin, changes in hair structure (as a result of exposure to the sun, wind, chemical reagents, etc.), disruption of the structure of nails.

If present infection nails or androgenic alopecia, this is not an indication for the use of Pantovigar. Only together in complex therapy with other drugs.

How to use:

Adults: 1 tablet 3 times a day with meals, without chewing, with water.

The course of treatment is from 3 months to six months, but can be extended for a longer period (if necessary).


  • allergy or sensitivity to the components of the vitamin complex;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • pregnancy (especially the first half) and breastfeeding.

Side effects:

  • allergies (itching, rashes)
  • sweating
  • uneven pulse
  • nausea
  • increased gas evolution
  • pain in the gastrointestinal tract

If bad condition hair or nails does not decrease, but on the contrary progresses, then you should immediately consult a doctor, as these may be signs of completely different diseases that require immediate treatment.

Vitamins Merz Pantovigar: composition

Vitamins - 2 and minerals - 0.

One capsule contains:

Vitamins Merz reviews

There are quite a lot of reviews: some are positive, some are negative. Co Special dragees In terms of reviews, everything is clear, the majority speak well of them, but there are also a number of opinions about the ineffectiveness of the reception. In addition, many note that the effect is only with the initial dose (and quite good and noticeable), but subsequent courses can be absolutely zero. Also, many are confused by the price (3 times more expensive than regular vitamin complexes), and the composition is not very rich.

The majority of those who were helped by this complex either had not very advanced cases, or it was a preventative spring treatment. In case of chronic conditions or already serious baldness, there was no effect (sometimes there was a worsening of the condition). Of course, there can be many reasons for poor hair health and vitamins cannot help in severe cases (often the reason is not a banal lack of microelements, but perhaps a third-party disease that causes such problems with hair), and people should take this into account and identify in their particular case why this is happening baldness. And if the complex does not help in their case, this does not mean that it is ineffective - it’s just that the problem was not a lack of vitamins, but something completely different.

With reviews of Pantovigar, the situation is not so clear. There are many reviews, neither positive nor negative. It seems like there is an effect, but not what was expected for such a high price (90 capsules - from 1500 rubles, 300 capsules - from 4000 rubles). By the way, it is the price that scares off many people and they never dare to purchase this product, and there are also a lot of reviews where this drug did not help people at all. Also present are side effects, but not very often.

In addition, I would like to note the fact that a fairly large number of people purchased these vitamin complexes not in Russia, but, for example, in Germany. And vitamins from Europe, according to reviews, are more effective and not much more expensive.