A rare blood type is considered. The rarest blood group. Characteristics of people with rare blood types

Blood groups are important not only when transfusing blood from a donor to a recipient and when planning pregnancy. Scientists in the field of hematology have long identified a connection between the category of blood flow and a person’s lifestyle, nutrition and behavioral factors. It is known that each of the four blood groups was formed as a result of changes in habitat, nutritional structure, or due to interfaith marriages. Depending on the predominance or paucity of a particular blood group, one can judge which is the most rare group blood?

How did the AB0 blood classification system come about?

Many people probably know that the classification of blood fluid into groups began only a century ago. This event happened thanks to scientific research Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner, who discovered differences in the blood of the patients he examined.

During his observations, he identified the main differences that allowed him to classify blood flow into three groups:

  • I (0)
  • II (A)
  • III (B)

The features of the blood substance were the absence, as in the case of the first blood group, or the presence of antigenic properties of red blood cells, as in the second and third categories. But years later, a colleague of the famous scientist discovers another group of the bloodstream with the presence of both types of antigens A and B. This category was also included in the AB0 system as the fourth type of bloodstream.

The process of evolution of blood substance

To figure out which blood group is the rarest, you will need to consider the sequence of changes in the bloodstream from the first to the fourth category. Initially, according to scientific researchers, all people had the first type of blood, in which the erythrocyte antigen was completely absent. This race lived in conditions of disunity and survived, like many representatives of the animal world, by hunting.

After about 15-20,000 years ago, people switched to an alternative type of diet by taking up agriculture. Due to the change in diet to predominantly cereals, vegetables, fruits and berries, the composition of the bloodstream has changed, which now belongs to the second type. His behavioral style also underwent changes - from wild and aggressive he moved to more flexible and sociable.

But the rarest blood group in the world, the fourth, was formed largely as a result of a reaction to marital relationships mixed in groups. That is, as a result of the combination of the second “agricultural” and the third “nomadic, pastoral” categories of blood flow. The fourth type of blood substance is not only rare, its number is about 7% of all inhabitants of the planet. But it is also a mystery to scientists and doctors to this day due to its biological complexity. Partly because it combines the antigenic characteristics of red blood cells A and B. Researchers are still continuing to study this category of blood.

Features of the fourth blood flow group

It is generally accepted that the emergence of the rarest blood group in humans occurred only a thousand years ago as a result of incestuous marriages between the Indo-European and Mongoloid races. There is another version of the formation of the fourth variation of the blood flow. It lies in the fact that when humanity resolved all its everyday issues with shelter and food, people began to develop creative abilities. And this theory is not unfounded, because those who have the rare fourth blood category really stand out among their fellow tribesmen.

Rare personality traits of representatives of the fourth category:

  • pronounced creative abilities;
  • extraordinary spiritual organization;
  • sensitive perception of reality;
  • craving for everything beautiful;
  • developed intuition;
  • impeccable taste.

Carriers of the fourth type of blood flow are altruists, distinguished by kindness, compassion and selflessness. They take everything to heart and are always ready to help. But it is not only psychological qualities that group IV blood plasma is so remarkable for.

It is reliably known that it provides its owner with a special immunity, capable of exhibiting the properties of both types II and III blood flow, and less often unique ones.

The weak points of the fourth category of blood substance include the cardiovascular system, in addition, there is a risk of developing various oncological pathologies, “slow” infections and other abnormalities. In case of need for blood transfusion, this type stands out for its versatility. But you will need to take into account its compatibility with other types of blood fluid.

Compatibility table of 4 blood flow groups:

Group name Recipient Donor
AB (IV) 0 (I), A (II), B (III), AB (IV) AB (IV)

As can be seen from the table, people with the rarest blood group - the fourth category of blood substance - are considered universal recipients, even if they themselves are capable of being donors only for people with the same group as theirs. Along with the type of blood, the Rh factor is also important, whether it is negative or positive. Therefore, if you answer the question what is the most exclusive category of blood flow, then the answer will be that this is the fourth group of blood substance, which has a negative Rh factor.

In contact with

Landsteiner, there are four varieties that differ in composition:

Distribution in the world

According to statistics, approximately 40% of the world's population has type I blood, 32% have type II, 22% have type III, and the rarest blood type - fourth - is found in only 6%.

In addition, it can be Rh positive or Rh negative, depending on whether an antigen, called the Rh factor, is present on the surface of red blood cells. On average, 85% of people are Rh positive, 15% are negative. To be more precise, this ratio is true for Europeans; as for representatives of the Negroid race, 93% of them have Rh-positive blood, among the Mongoloids there are the most such people - 99%.

Sometimes they say that there is a predisposition to certain diseases depending on the group. However, these are just observations, not supported scientific evidence.

Theory of origin

There are several theories about the appearance different groups. According to one of them, at first all people on Earth had one, the rest appeared as a result of mutations, which is associated with a change in lifestyle.

The oldest is the first. The ancient people who hunted had it. Today it remains the most common on the planet.

The second appeared when a person’s diet changed: they stopped eating raw meat and added greens, roots, and plant fruits to their diet.

The third originated in Asia. Her education is also associated with the diet in those regions: milk and meat from livestock.

The youngest and rarest blood group is the fourth. It is believed that it appeared not due to changes in human conditions, but as a result of the fusion of species A and B in mixed marriages of Indo-Europeans with Mongoloids. Supposedly, she is only 1000 years old.

The rarest blood

Thus, group IV is the least common. Which blood type is the rarest based on the Rh factor? Again, the fourth one is negative. On Earth, approximately 0.4% of people have such blood, that is, one person out of 200 thousand. It is unevenly distributed across the planet. For example, in China such people make up only 0.05% of the population.

The youngest and rarest group in the world is the fourth

The fourth positive is much more common than the negative. If we talk about the prevalence in the world, then its carriers are about 5% of the population. This figure may be different in some countries. About 7% of residents of Turkey, China, Israel, Finland, and Poland have such blood.

Rare ones include the third negative - about 1.5%, the second negative - 3.5%, the first negative - 4.3%.

Bombay phenomenon

This name was given to a very rare variety that was first discovered in a resident of the Indian city of Bombay (nowadays Mumbai) in 1952. In the world it occurs in 0.0001% of the population, in India in 0.01%. It does not have A and B antigens and is defined as I, but at the same time it also lacks H antigen.


In addition to the above, there are other rare varieties that are still being researched. The rare species does not affect human life or health in any way. Difficulties may arise if blood transfusion is required. The ideal option is to donate your own blood in advance, in case a transfusion is required.

Characteristics by blood group and Rh factor

People with negative Rh are aliens

Blood types: pros and cons

“Tell me what your blood type is, and I will find out who you are,” this is roughly how one can formulate the idea of ​​recent research by foreign and Russian scientists. It is clear that any classification of people by type is conditional. And yet, the published results of observations by specialists seem to us very interesting. The very fact that people have four blood groups was established back in the twentieth century by the Czech scientist Jansky. The most common is the first group 0 (I) - 45 percent of all earthlings. 35 percent have group number 2 - A (II), and it predominates mainly among Europeans. Only 13 percent of people have the third group - B (III), and only 7 percent have the 4th group - AB (IV). Japanese scientists have found that intelligence does not depend on blood type, but character and, perhaps, fate do.

The oldest blood group

They say that the most ancient people had a blood type - first. The rest appeared later. What kind of person was this? A hunter, strong, hardy, accustomed to rough food and uncomfortable conditions.

A loner who could not stand competition and destroyed everyone who encroached on his hunting grounds. Needless to say, Cro-Magnons were non-contact, but very hardy.

Second blood group - characteristics

Just 20 thousand years later, the situation changed. The world's population grew, food became less and less, we had to unite into groups and take up agriculture.

Over time, a person adapted to new food and new living conditions - the composition of the blood also changed.

Blood fingerprinting

More and more people were born with the second group. Hardworking, practical and persistent people, guided in their actions by common sense.

The owners of the first group did not disappear - they lived and multiplied, passing on their qualities by inheritance. These natural leaders either continued to occupy their dominant position in society, since they were strong, purposeful and had a developed instinct of self-preservation, or they separated from society and became lone hunters.

Characteristics by blood type

Third blood group - characteristics

Another five thousand years passed - and people began to move from their places, engage in cattle breeding, and develop new pastures and lands.

A new type of Homo Sapiens has appeared - with the third blood group, who knows how to be mobile, not tie their everyday life and their lives to a certain specific place and quickly respond to rapidly changing living conditions.

Blood knows more than a person and remembers the innermost secrets of the universe

The nomads were adventurers by nature: inventive, cunning and aggressive. The third group is characteristic mainly of the peoples of Asia.

Fourth blood group - features

In the process of evolution, changes occurred within each blood group, but at the beginning new era, another one appeared - the fourth. This happened due to the global migration of peoples, the mixing of races, and the merging of different bloods.

The “good” students - AB (IV) - have excellent adaptability, like the “C” students B (III), balance and reliance on common sense, like the “B students” A (II), and many worthy qualities that they inherited from their most ancient ancestors - 0 (I).

IV group This is the rarest and newest group

However, people of the fourth group are sometimes indecisive and suspicious, vulnerable and, often, fanatical. But evolution does not stand still, and it is this group, which is the least studied, that continues to develop and improve.

We did not touch upon the Rh factor in this article only because there was already a post on this topic entitled “Alien intelligence - what they don’t talk about.” Indeed, some scientists believe that people with negative Rh are the descendants of aliens. And this is not a fiction or a figment of their sick imagination, but a scientific hypothesis that has a whole “bag” of evidence.

Four blood types: typical qualities

The table below summarizes the different nutritional needs of people with different blood types.

Group 0 is the most ancient, from which all other groups developed. People of this blood type have strong immune system, energetic, like the hunters and gatherers who inhabited our planet many years ago. Gathering and hunting provided enough food and meat permanent element nutrition.

People in this group are meat lovers, since animal protein was in abundance and, under the influence of this circumstance, people developed a type of digestive system that handled protein well.

  • Strong digestive system
  • Strong immune system
  • Difficulty adapting to changes in diet and environmental conditions
  • Sometimes the immune system is too active and acts against the body itself (allergies)

Blood type A appeared in agricultural associations and communities. It is characteristic of a sedentary lifestyle. This type originated 00 years ago in the Middle East and Asia. People learned to cultivate crops and raise livestock. The transition from hunter to sedentary farmer and herder caused a transition to a predominantly plant-based diet, which affected the digestive tract and immune system. People of this blood type are considered predominantly vegetarians. This blood type is the most common in Europe.

  • Adapts well to changes in diet and environment
  • The immune and digestive systems are effective if an appropriate diet is followed (vegetarian)
  • Tender (sensitive) digestive tract
  • Weak immune system, open to all infections

Travel brought people from Africa to Europe, Asia and the American continent. About 00 years ago this blood group appeared. Gene mutations occurred in people and group B was able to adapt better than others to a completely different climate. People in this group have a strong immune system that easily obtains energy from food.

Type B people are particularly adaptable, inherited from their ancestors. Dairy and agricultural products play a large role in the diet of people with group B, so they digest dairy products better than others.

  • Strong immune system
  • Flexible system for adapting to changes in diet and environmental conditions
  • Balanced nervous system
  • There are no inherent weaknesses, but if the balance in the diet is imbalanced, autoimmune diseases and instability to rare viruses

The youngest blood group from a historical point of view is group AB. It's only been around for years. This blood type is very rare and occurs in only 5% of the world's population. This blood group combines many features of types A and B. Thus, people of this type can combine the most balanced elements in their diet. different products nutrition.

People with group AB are largely protected from autoimmune diseases such as arthritis and allergies. They have antibodies that protect well against diseases caused by bacteria. But they have a very sensitive digestive tract and are often susceptible to cancer.

  • Youngest blood group
  • Flexible, highly sensitive immune system
  • Combines the advantages of types A and B
  • Sensitive (tender) digestive tract)
  • Too “open” immune system, unstable to microbial infections
  • Combines the disadvantages of types A and B

All diets on the site are presented for informational purposes. If you would like to try any diet, we recommend that you consult your GP first. Instead of diets, introduce proper nutrition and sports into your life, and then overweight will never return.



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The famous glasses of the serf Vershinin, the secret of which has not been solved for 200 years.






It turns out that I have the most ancient blood, and you?

Blood type is your serial number

Our past, present and future depend on our blood type! Each blood group has a special characteristic.

There are four blood groups, with differing biochemical characteristics. This fact was established by science at the beginning of the twentieth century. Throughout the world, four blood groups are designated by symbols: I(0), II(A), III(B), IV(AB).

It is not for nothing that those with the first blood group are the bearers of leadership qualities and are endowed with excellent health and irrepressible energy.

A(II) blood type predominates among Europeans - approximately 35% of people are its carriers.

B(III) blood group is less numerous - it can be found in only 13% of us.

AB(IV) blood type is the rarest on Earth, found in only 7% of people.

“If you have blood type 1, it means that at heart you are a leader and an enthusiast.

Second, you will pay attention to detail, be hardworking and diligent.

Third, expect creativity and non-standard behavior.

The fourth is a good organizer with imaginative thinking.”

Large corporations such as Nissan, Toyota or Hitachi ask you to indicate your blood type in the application form. And not in order to make everyone donors, but they suggest using the employee’s personal characteristics as best as possible.

Jeanne Louis Degadenzi will help you determine by your blood type what kind of partner you are in love.

But to “discern” talent, character, mood - this is unlikely. And there is no leisure to do this, there is no money.

Speakers of the first group are the most purposeful. They are always striving for power and becoming informal leaders. The motto of the first blood group is: “Fight and search, find and not give up.”

Inflammatory diseases - arthritis, colitis,

· Ulcer duodenum gastritis, severe forms of disease gastrointestinal tract,

· Infants develop purulent-septic infections more often,

Bleeding disorders

· Thyroid dysfunction,

You love harmony, calm and order. You work well with other people. In addition, they are sensitive, patient and friendly. You tend to heightened feeling duty and justice. Your weaknesses include stubbornness and an inability to relax, being self-absorbed.

People with the second blood group feel great in subordinate positions, the main thing is that there are like-minded people nearby. They love comfort, spiritual and everyday, and hate conflicts. They are romantics at heart, but sometimes they can be stubborn and irritable.

· Cardiac ischemia,

Third blood group.

However, they have poor contact with other groups, are taciturn, and often suffer from depression.

You adapt to everything easily, are flexible, and do not suffer from a lack of imagination. However, the desire to be independent can sometimes be unnecessary and turn into weakness.

What diseases are you predisposed to?

Development of infections after surgery,

· Among women - purulent mastitis, sepsis after childbirth,

Radiculitis, osteochondrosis, joint diseases,

Chronic fatigue syndrome

· Multiple, multiple sclerosis.

The fourth blood group is perhaps the most balanced.

ARVI, influenza and other infections,

And woe to the one who tells him: “Not today, dear!” - She won't see him again.

What is the rarest blood type in the world and why

There are many classifications that divide blood into groups. All are designed to target different antigens and antibodies—small particles that are either attached to the red blood cell membrane or float freely in the plasma.

The first experiments with blood transfusion most often ended in the death of the patient. The thing is that then people did not have the slightest idea about blood groups. Today, the most common classifications are the AB0 system and the Rh factor system.

According to the ABO system, blood is classified as follows:

What determines the rarity of a blood group?

The rarity of blood groups, like many other features of our body, depends on natural selection. The fact is that throughout the entire two-million-year history of mankind, people have had to adapt to new conditions of existence.

The climate changed, new diseases appeared, and our blood developed with them. The oldest and most common group is the first. Scientists believe that it was she who was the original, and all the groups known today came from her.

Rare groups appeared much later, so they are not so common in the population.

Which group is the least common?

In the world, the leader in rarity is 4 negative blood group. Despite popular belief, 4 positive is approximately 3 times more common. There are more people with it than people with negative blood type 3.

Why is group 4 the least common?

The fact is that its very appearance can be considered a peculiar phenomenon. It combines the properties of two opposing blood types - A and B.

People with blood type 4 have a strong immune system that easily adapts to environmental conditions. By biological standards, this group is the most complex.

This type of blood appeared only a couple of thousand years ago. At the moment, it is the most in demand at any blood transfusion station, since there are still not many carriers of it.

The youngest and rarest group is the fourth to contain

What blood is most common?

The most common blood is the first group (or zero according to the AB0 classification). The second is a little less common.

The third and fourth are considered rare. The total percentage of their carriers in the world does not exceed 13–15.

The most common types (1 and 2) arose at the dawn of mankind. Their carriers are considered the most susceptible to allergies of various origins, autoimmune processes and other diseases. Blood of this type has changed little over hundreds of thousands of years, so it is considered the least adapted to modern conditions.

The percentage of blood types is also determined by the Rh factor. Positive is much more common than negative. Even 1 negative group, which is the leader among negative blood types, occurs in 7% of people.

The distribution of blood groups also depends on race. A person of the Mongoloid race will have Rh positive blood in 99% of cases, while for Europeans, Rh positive is about 85%.

Europeans are the most common carriers of group 1, Africans are carriers of group 2, and group 3 is the most common among Asians.

Blood types: percentage prevalence

As statistics show, different kinds blood types vary greatly in prevalence throughout the world. People with type 0 can be found without much difficulty, and type AB blood is unique in its own way.

The following table will help you finally understand which groups are the most common and which are much less common:

Study: which blood type is considered the best: positive and negative aspects

Seven to eight percent of a person’s body weight is occupied by blood - the most important participant in life, performing a huge number of functions. The blood of all people is divided into groups; today there are four of them. The Rh factor is taken into account separately: it is either positive or negative. Some people know blood data from birth, while others receive this information at some point in life. But what is the difference between the different types, and which blood type is the best? Each variety has its own disadvantages and advantages that are worth knowing about.

How do you know which blood type is the best?

According to the data medical statistics, the most common group is considered to be the first - 50%, and the second - 40% of all people. This means that during blood transfusion there will be no problems with the donor material. 8% of people have the third type and only 2% have the fourth. It is worth noting that people in every corner of the world have a positive Rh factor - four-fifths have such blood and only one part has it negative - there is no specific protein on the surface of their cells in their blood.

For convenience in medical practice Each group has a letter and number designation:

The Rh factor is marked with + (positive) and – (negative) signs. Thus, humans have eight types of blood in total.

When discussing which blood group is better, it is worth highlighting two reasons:

  1. donation and transfusion issues;
  2. predisposition and resistance to diseases and pathological conditions.

In addition, we emphasize that the group and Rh factor influence the conception of a child. The blood of the parents must match each other. Favorable situations:

  • If both partners have the same groups, the woman has a positive Rh factor;
  • The man has group 0 (first);
  • The expectant mother has the fourth group.

Pregnancy occurs with complications; there is a danger to the fetus if a woman has a negative Rh factor and the unborn child has a positive one. IN in this case a conflict arises and the chance of miscarriage increases, since the mother’s body perceives the fetus as a foreign phenomenon.

Note! Awareness of blood compatibility when planning pregnancy helps to avoid a number of negative consequences.

Is versatility the key?

Many people believe that the best group is the first, since the person in this case is considered universal donor. This type does not have antigens on the surface; as a result, the transfusion recipient does not produce antibodies against these cells. However, today the use of 0 (I) blood for transfusion has become much less common in order to reduce the risk of rejection. It is used only in cases of urgent need.

When transfusing, the coincidence of both indicators is taken into account: both the group and the Rh factor. From this point of view, the best blood type is the first positive, since its number is in the lead in all donor databases. Starting from this point, it becomes possible to answer the question: which blood type is the worst? The fourth is negative because it is always missing.

Important! Every person should know their blood data in case of emergency situations.

Highlighting strengths and weaknesses

Many people, when they come to the hospital, ask doctors a question: which blood type is considered the best for health? However, there is still no definite answer, since each species has its own characteristic features.

First type

There is an opinion that the best blood group is the first, because this type the most ancient and universal. In emergency cases, it can be used for transfusion to others, so this blood is in demand at transfusion points.

  • Strengths: mental stability,
  • Negative aspects: predisposition to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, increased stomach acidity, risks of arterial hypertension. Carriers of this blood are susceptible to viral and infectious pathologies.

Patients with 0 (I) are prone to bleeding disorders. When transfusing a patient with group 0, only the same blood can be used.

Second type

The next, slightly less common group is the second. A person with this type, according to cardiologists, should pay increased attention to the condition of the heart and blood vessels. According to medical data, people of this type are more likely to suffer from coronary disease, heart defects and have increased risk to the development of myocardial infarction.

  • Benefits: Strong liver and organs genitourinary system;
  • Flaws: bad condition teeth, susceptibility to caries, heart disease, predisposition to gastritis, thyroid pathologies.

Third type

Carriers of the third group are distinguished by poor mental health, neuroses and psychoses are common among them. The next weakness is the increased risk of developing infectious diseases of the genitourinary system in women, which carries Negative consequences during pregnancy.

Fourth type

Another group of people singles out as the most best group the fourth, since with a negative Rh factor it is considered the most rare. Many scientists still consider it a mystery, because it arose as a result of a combination of extremely different types: A and B. The youngest and rarest blood type. Scientists note that people with such blood have flexible and strong immunity.

The uniqueness of this type lies in the fact that its appearance was influenced not by environmental factors, but by mixed marriages, therefore AB (IV) can rightfully be considered the most biologically complex.

  • Strengths: strong immune system, resistance to infections, pneumonia and bronchitis, strong and healthy teeth, strong genitourinary system;
  • Flaws: increased level cholesterol, risk of developing atherosclerosis, cardiovascular pathologies, obesity, increased coagulability, which leads to the formation of blood clots, thrombophlebitis.

Since the AB type is mixed, it is considered a universal recipient, which means that contact with other types does not cause rejection.

The listed positive and negative aspects of each group do not guarantee that the carrier of a particular blood has precisely these characteristics.

As shown medical research, it is impossible to definitively answer the question of which blood type a person has the best. Because each type has its own disadvantages and advantages. For a deep dive into this topic, we recommend watching this video:

Blood groups

Blood type (phenotype) is inherited according to the laws of genetics and is determined by a set of genes (genotype) obtained from the maternal and paternal chromosomes. A person can only have those blood antigens that his parents have. Inheritance of blood groups according to the ABO system is determined by three genes - A, B and O. Each chromosome can have only one gene, so a child receives only two genes from his parents (one from the mother, the other from the father), which cause the appearance of two genes in red blood cells ABO system antigens. In Fig. 2 is presented.

Blood group inheritance scheme according to the ABO system

Blood type I (0) - hunter

If you are interested in the relationship between blood groups and body characteristics, we recommend that you read the article The influence of blood type on stress and physical activity.

Determination of blood groups

There are 4 blood groups: OI, AII, BIII, ABIV. Group characteristics of human blood are a permanent feature, are inherited, arise in the prenatal period and do not change during life or under the influence of disease.

It was found that the agglutination reaction occurs when antigens of one blood group (they are called agglutinogens), which are found in red blood cells - erythrocytes, stick together with antibodies of another group (they are called agglutinins) that are found in plasma - the liquid part of the blood. The division of blood according to the AB0 system into four groups is based on the fact that the blood may or may not contain antigens (agglutinogens) A and B, as well as antibodies (agglutinins) α (alpha or anti-A) and β (beta or anti-B) .

There are no agglutinogens in the OI blood group, both agglutinins are present, the serological formula of this group is OI; blood of group AN contains agglutinogen A and agglutinin beta, serological formula - AII blood of group VSh contains agglutinogen B and agglutinin alpha, serological formula - BIII; blood of the ABIV group contains agglutinogens A and B, there are no agglutinins, the serological formula is ABIV.

By agglutination we mean the sticking together of red blood cells and their destruction. “Agglutination (late Latin word aglutinatio - gluing) - gluing and precipitation of corpuscular particles - bacteria, erythrocytes, platelets, tissue cells, corpuscular chemically active particles with antigens or antibodies adsorbed on them, suspended in an electrolyte environment"

Blood antigens appear in the 2-3rd month of intrauterine life and are well defined by the birth of the child. Natural antibodies are detected from the 3rd month after birth and reach their maximum titer by 5-10 years.

Blood group inheritance scheme according to the ABO system

It may seem strange that blood type can determine how well the body absorbs certain foods, however, medicine confirms the fact that there are diseases that are most often found in people of a certain blood type.

The method of nutrition based on blood groups was developed by the American doctor Peter D'Adamo. According to his theory, the digestibility of food and the efficiency of its use by the body is directly related to the genetic characteristics of a person, to his blood type. For normal functioning of the immune and digestive systems, a person needs to eat foods that match his blood type. In other words, those foods that his ancestors ate in ancient times. Excluding substances incompatible with blood from the diet reduces slagging in the body and improves the functioning of internal organs.

Types of activities depending on blood types

The results of the study of blood groups thus stand among other evidence of “consanguinity” and once again confirm the thesis about the common origin of the human race.

Various groups appeared in humans as a result of mutations. Mutation is a spontaneous change in hereditary material that decisively affects the ability of a living being to survive. Man as a whole is the result of countless mutations. The fact that man still exists shows that at all times he has been able to adapt to environment and give offspring. The formation of blood groups also occurred in the form of mutations and natural selection.

The emergence of racial differences is associated with advances in production achieved during the Middle and New Stone Ages (Mesolithic and Neolithic); these successes made possible the widespread territorial settlement of people across various climatic zones. Varied climatic conditions thus influenced various groups of people, changing them directly or indirectly and influencing a person’s ability to work. Social labor acquired more and more weight in comparison with natural conditions, and each race was formed in a limited area, under the specific influence of natural and social conditions. Thus, the interweaving of the relative strengths and weaknesses of the development of material culture of that time revealed the emergence of racial differences between people in conditions when the environment dominated the person.

Since the Stone Age, further advances in manufacturing have freed humans to a certain extent from the direct influence of the environment. They mixed and roamed together. That's why modern conditions lives often no longer have any connection with the various racial constitutions of human groups. In addition, adaptation to environmental conditions, discussed above, was indirect in many respects. The direct consequences of adaptation to the environment led to further modifications, which were both morphologically and physiologically related to the first. The cause of the emergence of racial characteristics should, therefore, be sought only indirectly in the external environment or in human activity in the production process.

Blood type I (0) - hunter

The evolution of the digestive systems and immune defense of the body lasted several tens of thousands of years. About a year ago, at the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic, Neanderthals gave way to fossil types modern man. The most common of these was the Cro-Magnon (from the name of the Cro-Magnon grotto in the Dordogne, Southern France), distinguished by pronounced Caucasian features. As a matter of fact, during the Upper Paleolithic era, all three modern large races arose: Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid. According to the theory of the Pole Ludwik Hirszfeld, fossil people of all three races had the same blood type - 0 (I), and all other blood groups were separated through mutation from the “first blood” of our primitive ancestors. Cro-Magnons perfected the collective methods of hunting mammoths and cave bears, known to their Neanderthal predecessors. Over time, man became the smartest and most dangerous predator in nature. The main source of energy for Cro-Magnon hunters was meat, that is, animal protein. The digestive tract of the Cro-Magnon man was the best way adapted to digest huge amounts of meat - that’s why modern humans have type 0 acidity gastric juice slightly higher than in people with other blood groups. Cro-Magnons had a strong and resilient immune system, which allowed them to easily cope with almost any infection. While the average lifespan of Neanderthals averaged twenty-one years, Cro-Magnons lived significantly longer. In the harsh conditions of primitive life, only the strongest and most active individuals could and did survive. In each of the blood groups, it is encoded at the gene level vital information about the lifestyle of our ancestors, including muscular activity and, for example, type of nutrition. This is why modern carriers of blood type 0 (I) (currently up to 40% of the world's population belong to type 0) prefer to engage in aggressive and extreme sports!

Blood type II (A) - agrarian (farmer)

Towards the end of the Ice Age, the Paleolithic era was replaced by the Mesolithic. The so-called “Middle Stone Age” lasted from the 14th-12th to the 6th-5th millennia BC. Population growth and the inevitable extermination of large animals led to the fact that hunting could no longer feed people. The next crisis in the history of human civilization contributed to the development of agriculture and the transition to permanent settlement. Global changes in lifestyle and, as a consequence, type of nutrition entailed the further evolution of the digestive and immune systems. And again the fittest survived. In conditions of overcrowding and living in an agricultural community, only those whose immune apparatus was able to cope with infections characteristic of a communal way of life could survive. Along with further restructuring of the digestive tract, when the main source of energy became not animal, but plant protein, all this led to the emergence of the “agrarian-vegetarian” blood group A (II). The great migration of Indo-European peoples to Europe led to the fact that currently Western Europe Type A people predominate. Unlike aggressive “hunters,” those with blood type A (II) are more adapted to survive in densely populated regions. Over time, the A gene became, if not a sign of a typical city dweller, then a guarantee of survival during epidemics of plague and cholera, which at one time wiped out half of Europe (according to the latest research by European immunologists, after medieval pandemics it was mainly A-type people who survived). The ability and need to coexist with others like oneself, less aggressiveness, greater contact, that is, everything that we call socio-psychological stability of the individual, is inherent in the owners of blood group A (II), again at the gene level. That is why the overwhelming majority of A-type people prefer to engage in intellectual sports, and when choosing one of the styles of martial arts, they will give preference not to karate, but, say, aikido.

Blood type III(B) - barbarian (nomad)

It is believed that the ancestral home of the group B gene is in the foothills of the Western Himalayas in what is now India and Pakistan. Migration of agricultural and pastoral tribes from East Africa and the expansion of the warlike Mongoloid nomads to the north and northeast of Europe led to the widespread spread and penetration of the B gene into many, primarily Eastern European, populations. The domestication of the horse and the invention of the cart made the nomads especially mobile, and the colossal population size, even at that time, allowed them to dominate for many millennia in the endless steppes of Eurasia from Mongolia and the Urals to the present day. East Germany. The method of production cultivated for centuries, mainly cattle breeding, predetermined a special evolution not only digestive system(unlike 0- and A-types, milk and dairy products are considered no less important for B-type people than meat products), but also psychology. Harsh climatic conditions left a special imprint on the Asian character. Patience, determination and equanimity are considered almost the main virtues in the East until today. Apparently, this can explain the outstanding success of Asians in some moderate-intensity sports that require the development of special endurance, for example, badminton or table tennis.

Blood type IV (AB) - mixed (modern)

Blood group AB (IV) arose as a result of the mixing of Indo-Europeans - owners of the A gene and barbarian nomads - carriers of the B gene. To date, only 6% of Europeans have been registered with blood group AB, which is considered the youngest in the ABO system. Geochemical analysis of bone remains from various burials on the territory of modern Europe convincingly proves: back in the 8th-9th centuries AD, mass mixing of groups A and B did not occur, and the first any serious contacts of representatives of the above-mentioned groups took place during the period of mass migration from the East to Central Europe and dates back to the X-XI centuries. The unique blood group AB (IV) lies in the fact that its carriers have inherited the immunological resistance of both groups. AB type is extremely resistant to various types of autoimmune and allergic diseases However, some hematologists and immunologists believe that mixed marriage increases the predisposition of AB-type people to a number of oncological diseases(if the parents are A-B types, then the probability of having a child with blood type AB is approximately 25%). Mixed blood type is characterized by mixed type nutrition, and the “barbaric” component requires meat, and the “agrarian” roots and low acidity require vegetarian dishes! The reaction to stress of the AB type is similar to that demonstrated by those with blood type A, so their sports preferences, in principle, coincide, that is, they usually achieve the greatest success in intellectual and meditative sports, as well as in swimming and mountaineering and cycling.

Determination of blood groups

Currently, there are two methods for determining blood type.

Simple - determination of blood antigens using standard isohemagglutinating sera and anti-A and anti-B tsoliklones. Tsoliklons, unlike standard sera, are not products of human cells, therefore contamination of drugs with hepatitis viruses and HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is excluded. The second method is cross-sectional, which consists in determining aglutinogens using one of the indicated methods with additional determination of agglutinins using standard erythrocytes.

Determination of blood groups using standard isohemagglutinating sera

To determine blood groups, standard isohemagglutinating sera are used. The serum contains agglutinins, which are antibodies of all 4 blood groups, and their activity is determined by the titer.

The technique for obtaining serums and determining the titer is as follows. Donor blood is used to prepare them. After settling the blood, draining and defibrillating the plasma, it is necessary to determine the titer (dilution), i.e., the activity of isohemagglutinating sera. For this purpose, a series of centrifuge tubes are taken in which the serum is diluted. First, 1 ml of physiological sodium chloride solution is added to clean test tubes. 1 ml of test serum is added to the 1st test tube with saline solution, the liquids are mixed, the ratio of liquids in the 1st tube is 1:1. Next, 1 ml of the mixture from the 1st tube is transferred to the 2nd, it is all mixed, the ratio is 1:2. Then 1 ml of liquid from the 2nd test tube is transferred to the 3rd test tube, mixed, the ratio is 1:4. Thus, the serum dilution is continued to 1:256.

At the next stage, the titer of the diluted serum is determined. From each test tube, 2 large drops are applied to the plane. Add obviously different erythrocytes to each drop (in a ratio of 1 to 10), mix, wait 3-5 minutes. Next, the last drop where agglutination occurred is determined. This is the highest dilution and is the titer of hemagglutinating serum. The titer should not be lower than 1:32. Storage of standard serums is allowed for 3 months at temperatures from +4° to +6 °C. periodic monitoring in 3 weeks.

Method for determining blood groups

The plate or any white plate with a wetted surface must be marked with the numerical designation of the serum group and its serological formula in the following order from left to right: I II, III. This will be required to determine the blood type being tested.

Standard serums of the ABO system of each group of two different series are applied to a special tablet or plate under the appropriate designations to form two rows of two large drops (0.1 ml). The test blood is applied one small drop (0.01 ml) next to each drop of serum and the blood is mixed with the serum (the ratio of serum to blood is 1 to 10). The reaction in each drop can be positive (presence of red blood cell agglutination) or negative (absence of agglutination). The result is assessed depending on the reaction with standard sera I, II, III. Assess the result after 3-5 minutes. Various combinations positive and negative results make it possible to judge the group affiliation of the blood being tested using two series of standard sera.


Blood loss - dangerous phenomenon, fraught with a sharp deterioration in health and death. Thanks to advances in medicine, doctors are able to compensate for blood loss by transfusion of donor biomaterial. Transfusions must be carried out taking into account the type of blood of the donor and recipient, otherwise the patient’s body will reject the foreign biomaterial. There are at least 33 such varieties, of which 8 are considered basic.

Blood type and Rh factor

For a successful transfusion, you need to know exactly the blood type and Rh factor. If they are not known, you need to do special analysis. According to its biochemical characteristics, blood is conventionally divided into four groups - I, II, III, IV. There is also another designation: 0, A, B, AB.

The discovery of blood types is one of the most significant events in medicine over the last hundred years. Before their discovery, transfusions were considered a dangerous, risky business - only sometimes it was successful, in other cases the operations ended in the death of the patient. During the transfusion procedure, another important parameter is also important - the Rh factor. In 85% of people, red blood cells contain a special protein - an antigen. If it is present, the Rh factor is positive, and if it is not, the Rh factor is negative.

85% of Europeans, 99% of Asians, 93% of Africans have a positive Rh factor, while the rest of the people of the listed races have a negative Rh factor. The discovery of the Rh factor took place in 1940. Doctors were able to determine its presence after long studies of the biomaterial of rhesus macaques, hence the name of the antigen protein - “Rhesus”. This discovery made it possible to sharply reduce the number of immunological conflicts observed during pregnancy. If the mother has an antigen and the fetus does not, a conflict occurs that provokes hemolytic disease.

Which blood group is considered rare: 1st or 4th?

According to statistics, the most common group is the first: its carriers are 40.7% of the world's population. There are slightly fewer people with type “B” biomaterial – 31.8%, these are mainly residents of European countries. People with the third type make up 21.9% of the world's population. The rarest blood type is considered to be the fourth - this is only 5.6% of people. According to available data, the first group, unlike the fourth, is not considered rare.

Due to the fact that not only the group of biomaterial is important for transfusion, but also the Rh factor, it must also be taken into account. Thus, in the world there are 4.3% of people with a negative Rh factor of biomaterial of the first variety, 3.5% of the second, 1.4% of the third, and only 0.4% of the fourth.

What you need to know about the fourth blood group

According to research data, the AB variety appeared relatively recently - only about 1000 years ago as a result of mixing blood A and B. People with the fourth type have a strong immune system. But there is information that they are 25% more likely to suffer from heart and vascular diseases than people with blood A. People with the second and third groups suffer from cardiovascular diseases 5 and 11% less often than those with the fourth.

According to therapists and psychologists, carriers of AB biomaterial are kind, selfless people who are able to listen, show sympathy and provide help. They are able to feel the full depth of feelings - from Great love to the point of hatred. Many of them are real creators, they are people of art, sensitive to music, appreciating literature, painting, and sculpture. There is an opinion that among representatives of the creative bohemia there are many people with this type of blood.

Their creative nature is in constant search of new emotions, they easily fall in love, and are characterized by a heightened sexual temperament. But they have their drawbacks: they are poorly adapted to real life, are absent-minded, take offense over trifles. Often they cannot cope with their emotions; their feelings take precedence over reason and sober calculation.

Features of transfusion

The transfusion procedure should be carried out taking into account the Rh factor - both the donor and the recipient. If these laws are neglected, the recipient’s immune system will reject the donor’s biomaterial, which causes renal failure, adhesion of red blood cells, shock and death of the patient.

In order for the donor biomaterial to be ideally combined with the recipient’s immune system, it must be of the same type and Rh factor. However, in some cases, blood of different types and Rh factors combines well, as can be seen from the red blood cell compatibility table (horizontal - recipient, vertical - donor).

I Rh-

I Rh+

II Rh-

II Rh+



IV Rh-

IV Rh+

Blood has not been fully studied, so research is still ongoing. Nowadays, it is customary to determine it by group and Rh factor. According to the AB0 system, proposed at the beginning of the last century by K. Landsteiner, there are four varieties that differ in composition:

  • 0 – first;
  • A – second;
  • B – third;
  • AB is the fourth.

Distribution in the world

According to statistics, approximately 40% of the world's population has type I blood, 32% have type II, 22% have type III, and the rarest blood type - fourth - is found in only 6%.

In addition, it can be Rh positive or Rh negative, depending on whether an antigen, called the Rh factor, is present on the surface of red blood cells. On average, 85% of people are Rh positive, 15% are negative. To be more precise, this ratio is true for Europeans; as for representatives of the Negroid race, 93% of them have Rh-positive blood, among the Mongoloids there are the most such people - 99%.

Blood groups are unevenly distributed among representatives of different races. It is believed that Europeans most often have the second one, the inhabitants of the African continent have the first one, and Asians mostly have the third one.

Sometimes they say that there is a predisposition to certain diseases depending on the group. However, these are just observations and not supported by scientific evidence.

Theory of origin

There are several theories about the emergence of different groups. According to one of them, at first all people on Earth had one, the rest appeared as a result of mutations, which is associated with a change in lifestyle.

The oldest is the first. The ancient people who hunted had it. Today it remains the most common on the planet.

The second appeared when a person’s diet changed: they stopped eating raw meat and added greens, roots, and plant fruits to their diet.

The third originated in Asia. Her education is also associated with the diet in those regions: milk and meat from livestock.

The youngest and rarest blood group is the fourth. It is believed that it appeared not due to changes in human conditions, but as a result of the fusion of species A and B in mixed marriages of Indo-Europeans with Mongoloids. Supposedly, she is only 1000 years old.

The rarest blood

Thus, group IV is the least common. Which blood type is the rarest based on the Rh factor? Again, the fourth one is negative. On Earth, approximately 0.4% of people have such blood, that is, one person out of 200 thousand. It is unevenly distributed across the planet. For example, in China such people make up only 0.05% of the population.

The youngest and rarest group in the world is the fourth

The fourth positive is much more common than the negative. If we talk about the prevalence in the world, then its carriers are about 5% of the population. This figure may be different in some countries. About 7% of residents of Turkey, China, Israel, Finland, and Poland have such blood.

Rare ones include the third negative - about 1.5%, the second negative - 3.5%, the first negative - 4.3%.

Bombay phenomenon

This name was given to a very rare variety that was first discovered in a resident of the Indian city of Bombay (nowadays Mumbai) in 1952. In the world it occurs in 0.0001% of the population, in India in 0.01%. It does not have A and B antigens and is defined as I, but at the same time it also lacks H antigen.


In addition to the above, there are other rare varieties that are still being researched. The rare species does not affect human life or health in any way. Difficulties may arise if blood transfusion is required. The ideal option is to donate your own blood in advance, in case a transfusion is required.

Human blood is distinguished by groups, there are 4 of them, and by the Rh factor, which can be positive and negative. According to statistics, 80% of the world's population have a positive Rh factor. Only 20% of people in the world have a negative Rh factor. Therefore, Rh with a "-" sign is less common. In addition, there is a blood type that is common, and there is one that is rare. Which group is considered the rarest - this is the question we will consider further.

According to statistics, the first blood group is more common in the world. 40% of the population have it. 32% of people in the world have the second blood group. Then comes the third blood group, which accounts for 22%.

The rarest blood group is group 4. Only 6% of all people in the world have it. And the rarest group with Rhesus is fourth group Rh negative, it affects 0.4% of people.

She appeared later than everyone else, so she is considered young. This blood type arose due to mixed marriages, and not external influence, like the others. It has a complex chemical composition, due to which a laboratory technician with little experience may confuse it with the second or third blood group. The only group with which the fourth group has nothing in common is the first. Even a doctor who does not have much experience in conducting tests will not confuse them.

Very rare blood

The first blood group is common, and the fourth is the least common. As for the Rh factor, there are some nuances here. Yes, fourth positive blood more common than negative. If we talk about exact data, then group IV with Rh “+” is present in 5.6% of the world’s population, and group IV with Rh “-” accounts for only 0.4%.

From the point of view of the Rh factor, there are other rare blood groups - this is the first negative. 4.3% of the world's population has it. Then comes the second group with a Rh factor with a “-” sign; 3.5% of the population has it. As for the third negative blood group, only 1.5% of the population has it. Groups with a positive Rh factor are quite common, as already mentioned.

The uniqueness of the fourth blood group

The fourth blood group is the rarest and most unique. If a person with such blood needs a transfusion, then any other blood will do. Therefore, there is no point in looking for a donor with this particular blood type, which would be difficult, since it is rare. You can take any other blood type from the blood bank and use it for transfusion. In this case, only the Rh factor is taken into account. If a person has the fourth negative blood group, then they take any other negative Rh blood, and vice versa, if a person has the fourth positive blood, then any other group, but positive, will be required.

However, such blood can only be transfused to people with the fourth blood group. This is where its uniqueness lies. It will not suit a person with the first, second or third blood group, even if they have the same Rh factor. Even doctors don’t know why this happens.

This blood group is “responsible” for human creativity. For such people, emotions dominate over reason. They are prone to fantasy, they have developed intuition and are distinguished by impeccable taste and a thirst for beauty. There are many artists, poets and musicians here. Therefore, the fourth blood group is considered bohemian. Such people are compassionate and kind. They are unlikely to remain indifferent to someone else’s grief and will try to come to the rescue. They easily forgive insults, although they take everything to heart. However, communicating with such people is not easy. They require increased attention. They are ready to be offended even by an innocent remark made to them. A harsh word can hurt them. Among people with this blood type there are many fanatics and people with unstable psyches.

Still, it cannot be said that people with the fourth blood group are more talented than people with the first or any other blood group. It’s just that in this case there are some characteristics, which are hard to miss.