How to pass the traffic police exam: tips and videos from professionals. How to get a driver's license quickly

Our interlocutor, the head of the regional traffic police with more than 20 years of experience, shared with us the secrets of how to pass the exam the first time. He talked about the most common mistakes and gave recommendations on what to do if you have already failed the exam.

New changes in the procedure for conducting an exam in the traffic police

In 2018, the law was amended and exams are now passed according to the new rules.

  • Passing the exam in the traffic police is possible by actual place of residence, and not at the place of residence, as it was before.
  • Only those who are allowed to take the exams who officially studied at a driving school and paid for the services of an instructor.
  • Driving Instructor Qualification Requirements:
    1. Not younger than 25 years old
    2. Have at least 5 years of driving experience,
    3. Relevant driving category
    4. Higher education.
  • The minimum age for a driver's license candidate is 16 years instead of 18 as before. This requires the written consent of one of the parents.
  • You can choose the car in which you will take the exam - with a manual or automatic transmission. But if you received the right to drive a vehicle with automatic transmission, then to drive a car with manual transmission you need to get another document.
  • Now after surrender theory exam its results will be valid within 6 months in order to pass the practice of driving in any department of the traffic police of your choice.
  • Disabled people can pass driving on specially equipped cars.
  • Opportunity to submit online exam application, on the website of the traffic police or the State Services.

It is allowed to record the driving test on video. This may be useful for you to resolve possible conflict situations!

What documents are required to take the exam

You will need the following documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Application (may be submitted electronically).
  3. Conclusion on the passage of the medical examination.
  4. Certificate of completion of driving school.
  5. If you are under the age of 18, written parental consent is required.
  6. Receipt of payment of the state fee (it is not necessary to take the exam).

How is the exam in the traffic police

Usually theoretical classes and a practical part last from 3 to 5 months, after which you can start taking exams.

The exam in the traffic police consists of several parts:

  1. Theoretical part. You need to answer 20 questions. For each mistake, 5 additional questions are given. If you make a mistake in them, then the exam is over for you. 2 errors in one block are not allowed. The decision is given 20 minutes + 5 minutes for additional questions in the presence of errors. It turns out 1 minute to answer the question.
  2. Driving practice on the track. It is necessary to perform at least 5 out of 6 exercises in 20 minutes on specially designated areas with special markings.
  3. Practice driving in urban environments. You go to the city by car with the inspector and clearly follow his instructions.

How to pass the theory in the traffic police on the first run?

In order to pass the exam on the computer the first time, you need to prepare well on the following topics:

  • rules traffic Russian Federation,
  • Laws of the Russian Federation relating to traffic safety on the roads,
  • Rules for providing first medical care in an accident,
  • Rules for the admission of the vehicle to operation,
  • Laws on administrative and criminal liability of drivers,
  • Fundamentals of safe driving.

You need to memorize 40 tickets. For everything about everything you will have 20 minutes for 20 questions. If you make one mistake, then five more questions are added to you, you can no longer make mistakes on them.

If you make two mistakes in different blocks, then 10 questions are added to you, which you need to solve in ten minutes. If two mistakes are made in one block, the primary exam is considered not passed.

In order to prepare well for the exam and remember the traffic rules, you can use applications on your phone, for example, such as " Tickets SDA 2018" and "UchiPDD".

At the exam, try to behave calmly and correctly, observing the rule of three "NOT": do not talk, gesture or distract the examiner. Do not drink sedatives before taking a driving test, it can do you a disservice.

How to pass your driving test on the first try

The first stage of passing the driving test begins with a test at the circuit. This will require many hours of practicing all the exercises included in the standard.

Their list includes:

  1. Stopping and starting to move on the rise - overpass or slide;
  2. U-turn in a limited space;
  3. snake;
  4. Check in the garage rear;
  5. Parallel parking in reverse;
  6. Turns at an angle of 90 degrees.

You need to do the exercises slowly, but not too slowly. Position the car as evenly as possible, at a certain distance from the borders and racks.

Since 2018, a change has come into force, according to which it is necessary to fulfill five elements at the choice of the examiner.

You will never get in the way of additional lessons from an experienced instructor, as there is not always enough time in driving schools to sufficiently work out all the elements.

List of gross violations, in case of which the exam will not be counted:

  • Failed to move for more than half a minute;
  • When hitting the border line more than 2 times or if the racks were knocked down;
  • Departure outside the boundaries of the exercise area;
  • Crossed the stop line;
  • Did not reach the control line;
  • Gone from the correct trajectory;
  • Did not meet the time limit;
  • More than 3 times the engine stalled;
  • On the rise after braking, the rollback is more than 30 centimeters;
  • Ignored the red traffic light.

How to immediately pass driving in the city

After successfully passing the theoretical and practical parts of the exam at the autodrome, the applicant is allowed to pass the third stage - driving in urban conditions. What you need to pass the exam at the traffic police the first time and not fail, we will tell further.

  1. Significant;
  2. Medium importance;
  3. Minor.

The rating system is as follows:

  • Significant error = penalty - 5 points.
  • 1 error of average significance = penalty - 3 points.
  • 1 minor mistake = penalty - 1 point.

With a set of five or more penalty points, the exam is considered failed.

  • Before driving:
    1. Adjust the seat to suit you
    2. Check mirror adjustment,
    3. Start the engine
    4. Fasten your seatbelt
    5. Turn on the low beam
    6. Check if your passengers are wearing seat belts - otherwise it's a 3 point penalty.
    7. Remove the car from the handbrake and start moving.
  • Before giving up driving in urban conditions, try to find out and explore the route in advance, study the location of markings and signs.
  • Be sure to take additional lessons from the instructor, this will add to your experience and self-confidence.
  • It's no secret that the inspectors love to cheat - to give instructions that are contrary to traffic rules. Do not succumb to provocations and follow only those orders that do not contradict the rules. If they try to attribute to you a mistake that you did not make, apply all your knowledge and prove your case. Do it correctly and convincingly, appealing to the necessary points of the traffic rules.
  • Do not forget to look in the mirrors, while turning your head noticeably.
  • Remember to lock the machine with the handbrake, especially when stopping on an incline.
  • Forget about the smartphone, you can get additional fine points for using it.
  • More confidence and peace of mind at the exam in the traffic police, because you are well prepared and everything will go smoothly.
  • Get enough sleep before the exam, otherwise your concentration will decrease.
  • Try to take the exam in the first rows, as there are rarely people from the tail of the queue who pass it.

What to do if you didn't pass? Retake

You can retake the failed exam in the traffic police unlimited number of times.

First retake possible 7 days after the failure of the first exam.

Second time retake is also possible after 7 days after an unsuccessful attempt.

After three failures retake in a row is possible after a month from the date of the last failure. Subsequent attempts are possible with an interval of at least a month.

It is important to remember that the theory exam is valid for 6 months. And if in six months you failed to pass the practice, then the theory will have to be retaken.

Where to study law

It's worth taking the course at a licensed driving school, therefore, be sure to check the availability of a valid license for the right to educational activities and approach the choice of a driving school responsibly.

Self-learning to drive is not possible, because in order for you to take an exam, you needed official document about graduation.

We do not consider here dubious attempts to buy a course completion certificate.

  1. Firstly, it is illegal, and we do not recommend that you go beyond the legal field in resolving such issues.
  2. And, secondly, with insufficient theoretical and practical training You are putting yourself, your loved ones and those around you in great danger.

We are also obliged to warn you that this illegal act falls under Article 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and threatens up to 2 years in prison.

We hope that this crazy thought will not come into your bright head. Normal learning is impossible without a competent and experienced teacher, only a specially trained person can teach you how to drive a car well and reliably. That is why now It is forbidden to take exams for rights without having completed training.

What threatens for buying a fake driver's license

The illegal acquisition and use of a fake driver's license is a serious offence. It falls under Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and involves from administrative to criminal liability. For this crime, a fine of up to 80,000 rubles is imposed. or correctional labor, as well as possible arrest up to six months.

Video: passing the exam in the traffic police

Rules for the delivery of traffic rules in 2018:

Typical mistakes in the exam in the traffic police:

How to buy a driver's license:

How to pass driving in the city:

How to pass the exam for the rights in the traffic police:

Any driving school instructor will confirm that even a person ideally prepared for the “rights” exam can easily fail on it. The reason for this kind of most offensive incidents is, as a rule, the inattention of the candidate for drivers to trifles. It is quite easy to prepare for the exam. It is enough to “click” exam tickets every day for an hour and a half in some application on your mobile phone. However, the computer in the examination department will “slightly” differ from the interface familiar to the gadget. Therefore, before proceeding to the exam, carefully study it, remembering which keyboard buttons to press in which case. And during the exam, constantly monitor yourself for the correct pressing of them.

The theoretical exam is usually passed by most of the candidates for drivers. The main "screening" occurs later - on the "site" and "in the city". First of all, dress in albeit not the most fashionable, but the most comfortable clothes and shoes. Nothing should pinch, rub, or otherwise restrict movement. While driving, it can distract your attention at the most inopportune moment.

You should also not take things with you to the exam that you can do without - bags, umbrellas, etc. Excess junk and concern for its safety will distract you from the process. A number of "experts" advise going to take the automotive part of the exam in the forefront of the group. Allegedly, later on, the inspector-examiner may have an attitude like - “something is too much for me who passed” - and he will begin to “cut off” the candidates for drivers with nit-picking. Maybe. However, events can develop according to the mirror version.

Be sure to adjust the seat, mirrors and, if possible, the position of the steering column when driving the examination vehicle. You should be comfortable in the car. Discomfort can turn into a mistake when maneuvering. In no case do not forget to fasten your seat belt and turn on the dipped headlights. Even if it seemed to you that the car had daytime running lights, do not be lazy and flip the switch - it's still better to play it safe.

Before starting the movement, do not forget to remove the "handbrake" - many have already embarrassed you on this. When handing over the “city”, before starting to move, be sure to turn on the “turn signal” and, making sure that the maneuver is safe, move off. So that the police examiner does not doubt that you did this, do not just cast a sidelong glance in the side mirror, but defiantly turn your head to the left.

During the city test, driver candidates most often come across the following mistakes: did not give way to another car, did not let through, violated the rules for turning or turning, parked in violation of the requirements of signs or markings, crossed a solid marking line when changing lanes. Therefore, these aspects of traffic should be monitored with particular care.

As it turns out, training in a driving school goes very quickly for many, and the day is not far off when you have to go to the traffic police department in order to start passing exams. For starters it will be surrender state exams on knowledge of the Rules of the road, and then, with luck, and a test of driving skills.

In today's material, we will talk about how to pass the exam in the traffic police the first time. In such life situation in fact, there is nothing complicated, you just need to know certain and logical rules, as well as some other tricks and subtleties that will help you pass your driving license the first time and without problems.

By itself, the exam in the traffic police includes three stages: knowledge of the theory of traffic rules, driving on the autodrome and driving in urban conditions.

Theoretical exam

The first stage on the way to obtaining a driver's license is passing a theoretical exam on knowledge of the rules of the road. Initially, it is worth paying attention to such points:

  1. Knowledge theory of traffic rules. Of course, the basis successful delivery theoretical examination is a confident knowledge of the rules of the movement themselves. There is no need to reinvent the wheel here and you will need to do some cramming. This is necessary in order not to get confused during the exam itself in the formulation of such fundamental concepts as “vehicle”, “overtaking”, “crossroads”, “main road”, “pedestrian” and others;
  2. Ability to use computer technology. When passing, it is important not to be nervous, not to wave your arms, as you can simply press a random button on the keyboard and spoil your grade. Focus on your work and don't get distracted while answering a question;
  3. The ability of a person to behave when passing an exam. During the exam, you should not turn to the examiners for nothing, you do not need to chat or talk, and even more so behave defiantly.

And one more simple tip: before passing the exam, you do not need to take any sedatives even if you are very worried.

Better do it breathing exercises- it certainly won't do any harm. After all, if sedatives even help you at the first stage of the exam, then at the second and third stages you will need maximum concentration plus a good reaction. But if any sedative medications are taken, problems may arise with this.

At the stage of preparation for the theoretical exam in the traffic police, the following practice has proven itself quite well: exam tickets online. Such online testing can be done directly on our website in the "" section. Checking for knowledge of traffic rules via the Internet will consolidate your theory and hone your computer skills upon delivery.

At the first stage of the exams, everything, in general, everything depends only on the candidate, so how to pass the exam in the traffic police the first time in terms of theory should be easily overcome.

At the driving stage, the risks are already much higher. In fact, this is where the exam really starts. After all, as life shows, practice is the criterion of truth. Just the autodrome becomes the first place for a real demonstration of practical driving skills.

There are a number of the most common mistakes that may well lead to unsuccessful results.

  1. First: do not try to hold the car tightly, clinging to the racks. It is not worth risky to demonstrate how perfectly you feel the dimensions of the car.
  2. Second: no need to rush. Of course, fines are not charged for “recklessness”, and this may not lead directly to the failure of the exam. But for such tricks, the inspector will draw in his mind an extra minus for you. In addition, in any situation, there is more time to react when the speed is low.
  3. Third: when performing the exercise “entry into the box” or “parallel parking”, be sure to put the car straight! Having stopped within the boundaries of a certain zone, it is possible to earn a positive score even when the car is standing and not quite level. But here there is such a nuance: by placing the car not level, you will show that you cannot use the rear-view mirrors in fully, and you have problems using the steering wheel. All this means that such a style of management can easily lead to an accident in the city, and the examiner will even try to prevent such a candidate from entering the third stage of knowledge testing! It is quite possible that the inspector will launch all his nit-picking and tricks on the exam, so much so that the exam cannot be passed in any case.

Even in the case when you manage to pass the autodrome, at the third stage the inspector will surely find an opportunity to “fill up” such a sloppy driver candidate. If you have a persistent desire to get your license as soon as possible and pass the exam in the traffic police the first time - just listen to our simple, but vital advice.

It is clear that the future driver will have to perfectly use all the techniques and elements of driving. But after all, not always a driving school devotes enough time to classes in driving practice.

The advice is this: if you still have some gaps in the “pilot” of driving, try, if possible, to practice driving additionally, even before the exams in the traffic police begin.

driving in the city

The third part of the exams is the most hard part- just happens to her most of failures in the delivery of rights. That is why, when passing exams in the traffic police, city driving presents the greatest difficulties. Of course, if the city is small, you can know in detail the features of all the streets, some tricks that the traffic police use, complicating the tasks for future drivers. But what if you live in a large metropolis where it is difficult to determine the future route on the exam?

The conclusion follows from this: it is necessary not only to know the rules of the movement as much as possible, but, in addition, to be able to quickly put them into practice, focusing on the examiner's commands. This is the only way to really justify your any actions behind the wheel. Many traffic police officers actually positively consider the convincing arguments of the future driver, so if he is sure that he is right, a polite explanation to the inspector can really decide the situation in favor of the student. It is no secret that there are situations when the inspector intentionally provokes a violation of traffic rules in order to assess the adequacy of the driver or with the intention of deliberately “filling him up”. Be on the lookout and do not give in to such wishes!

History from life. Two young friends took the exam on the same day. One succeeded, the other did not. The route section was the same for both. The first friend passes, he drives normally and then the examiner tells him to stop. The man stops the car. The inspector tell him: “You didn’t pass. Stop at the bridge. The candidate signs, gets upset and leaves. Well, then I went to retake. Renting a second friend, the same route, the same situation, the bridge. The inspector again for his own: “We didn’t pass. Stop at the bridge. The person is not lost and says: “Why? Three lanes means you have the right to stop. Paragraph 12.4 of the rules says that stopping is prohibited in tunnels, at crossings, overpasses, bridges, when traffic in this direction has less than three dividing lanes. The inspector thought about it and said: "Well done, passed." The very next day, one of the friends was with the rights, and the second without. Such knowledge of traffic rules came in handy when passing the exam. Learn the materiel!

When preparing to take your city driving test, please Special attention to the following sections of traffic rules:

  • passage of a pedestrian crossing;
  • passage of a public transport stop;
  • car stop in the city;
  • overtaking rules;
  • rebuilding rules;
  • intersection sequence;
  • left turn, turn.

Such simple steps will help you successfully pass all the stages of the exams in the traffic police. It is necessary not only to learn and understand educational material, but at the same time feel confident at all stages of the examination marathon. General simple tips:

  • Shoes and clothes should be as comfortable as possible, especially in the cold season. It is advisable to carry out all preliminary training trips in the same equipment that will be used for the exam.
  • Take only the best for the exam Required documents and things. Handbags, purses, umbrellas, other accessories are best left at home. Besides the fact that they will distract and interfere, it is quite possible to forget them somewhere in a state of nervous tension.
  • Before starting and moving the car, adjust the seat position. Such a simple moment is very important, so feel free to do it without fear of the inspector's reaction. If the driver's feet do not reach the pedals, the path can be dangerous and short.
  • Be sure to fasten your seat belt before you start driving. By the way, the same maneuver can be demanded from the traffic police inspector.
  • Remember to use the handbrake when stopping on a hill. When starting the car, you need to simultaneously release the handbrake, adding engine speed with gas.
  • Headlights. If the car is not equipped with daytime running lights, turn on the low beam headlights. If you are not sure whether the car has daytime running lights, turn on the low beam headlights anyway. It definitely won't get worse.
  • Before starting the drive, turn on the left turn signal of the car and look around in the rear-view mirrors. Movement can only be started if there are no obstacles. Express a clear look back by turning your head, which will be additional evidence of such a look for the inspector.
  • If possible, show that you know how to drive a car using all gears. If possible, go to fourth gear.
  • Try to pass the exam at the beginning, one of the first. As life testifies, among the first candidates there are the most who passed. After the first ten, the examiner understands that the people have already passed enough and the stream of “success” ends.

It is quite possible to pass the exam in the traffic police the first time, it is important to learn the rules as much as possible, to be able to quickly apply them in practice, not succumbing to the examiner's tricks. Many inspectors react positively to the convincing arguments of driver candidates - explain and defend your decisions calmly and constructively. If something went wrong and the first attempt failed - this is not a reason for frustration. Reveal your weak sides, learn more and optimistically go for a second try. Surely it will turn out better and more successful than the first. Good luck!

Many Russians who study at a driving school or are just about to go to training dream of getting a license today. If you are waiting for the exam requirements to become easier, you should go and apply to a driving school today, because the legislative features and exam programs only become more complicated over time, and the price of training is also growing regularly. That is why you should go to study as soon as possible. You should not worry about passing the exam, because it is for this day that you will be prepared throughout the entire training at the driving school. Of course, everything depends on you personally, on the desire, desire and opportunities to learn new information, but also remember that ninety-five percent of visitors to a driving school will leave the learning process with rights, and the remaining five will receive their document after additional training and retake exam.

Today, Russian citizens are entitled to two mistakes in the theoretical part of the exam, as well as two mistakes in practice. After the third unsuccessful approach, you will have to go back to study in order to be allowed to pass a repeated series of exams. As you prepare, keep in mind that there are two parts to the exam, and it's important that you complete the two parts well enough so you don't have to retake the exam. There is also a set of certain tricks and unusual tools that will help you pass the exam in the traffic police quite simply and get the rights that you so dreamed of. It is enough to adhere to simple and understandable rules so that you never have problems that delay obtaining the document you need to drive a car.

The exam is the hardest part of the whole learning process. But if learning is not so difficult for you, the process of learning something new brings pleasure, then you will experience real joy from the learning itself, as well as from successfully passing all the tests. And if during the practical part of the exam your ability to act behind the wheel in specific situations is important, then at the stage of passing the theoretical test, you will only need knowledge and self-confidence. To gain this confidence, you can use the advice of experts, as well as those people who pass the theory without problems the first time:

  • attend all classes in a driving school, if you missed a lesson, go to the teacher and ask where you can read information on this lesson;
  • do a lot of theoretical exercises that will allow you to prepare directly for the exam, practice with the help of computer programs;
  • read the set of rules of the road to learn the logic of building this document, and the logic in it, of course, is present and structures all the features;
  • try to ask questions to your teacher when the topic is unclear or in doubt, understand the subject so that the exam is naturally passed with excellent marks;
  • use additional literature to study the rules, use various sites, programs, textbooks and other assistants in training;
  • on the practical exercises always project the learned theory onto the road, ask the instructor why such and such a rule and such and such a sign were necessary here.

By building your training in this way, you can easily get to the exam itself and easily pass it, without straining about various inaccuracies. Many say that some tickets for the exam initially contain two errors. That is, you answer correctly, but the computer says that this answer is not correct. It is most difficult to imagine such a situation, since this moment is quite difficult for the perception of modern traffic police, since such a step would mean a violation of several laws at once. If this were true, all traffic police departments would have been in prison for a long time on charges of corruption and other impartial actions.

How to mentally prepare for the driving test?

It is necessary to take a theoretical test quite calmly. To do this, you need to acquire a certain mental attitude. For example, you can listen to soothing music just a few minutes before the exam. But you need to prepare the moral state long before the actual passing of the test. You need to develop confidence that you know the material perfectly, approach the exam with the understanding that this is not an obstacle, but only a test of your knowledge, which is quite adequate. Among the main tips for developing the necessary morale at the theoretical exam in the traffic police, the following recommendations can be distinguished:

  • be initially confident in yourself, do not repeat in your mind or out loud that you will not be able to pass the exam, you will have to look for workarounds to get a driver's license;
  • talk to those who have already successfully passed the test, ask them practical advice about how you should act in a given situation on the exam;
  • you should not repeat the material all night the day before the exam - do a few practice tests in the evening, this will be quite enough for you;
  • get enough sleep before the exam - this will help you much more than reading the material and repeating the rules of the road for a long time at night;
  • take advantage of relaxing activities for you, reduce tension as much as possible and get satisfaction from the fact that you have done your best;
  • use the recommendations and advice that a teacher in a driving school gives you, often these people know their job very well and recommend very useful things.

The most interesting opportunities for passing the test will appear when a person is not too tight and focused on the answers. It will be much easier to pass the test of the theoretical part of the exam in the traffic police, when you come in a completely relaxed state, get additional confidence from communicating with colleagues in a driving school and go to the exam hall with the maximum conviction that you will come out with an excellent result. Only such a conviction can make you remember all the rules, and the rest to judge logically. This attitude allows you to achieve a lot, including passing the most difficult tests.

How to behave directly on the exam?

To get complete confidence in the quality passing of the entire test, you must be confident. But do not confuse this feeling with false pseudo-confidence. If you haven't studied anything, it's likely that you won't pass the exam, even if you exude confidence to the contrary. If you have learned and mastered the material, you will be able to fully state it in the answers only if you are calm and do not panic. To remove the panic element from your consciousness, it is enough to work on yourself before passing the exam. Techniques for bringing consciousness into order for each person may be different. In technical terms, you will have to act in the traffic police exam like this:

  • after an invitation to the exam hall, you should calmly go into it, take the indicated or chosen place at the computer and wait for instructions from the inspectors;
  • then they will turn on the program and give you a few seconds to fully get used to the workplace, as well as understand the format of the test;
  • after the inspector announces the start of the exam, your time will begin to expire, but you should not rush and look at the timer, you will have time;
  • then you need to give answers to all questions, if you are mistaken, just continue on, you have the right to make two mistakes, only after the third exam will stop;
  • after successfully answering all questions, raise your hand and call the inspector to you, who will record your successful result and give further instructions.

In order not to get into trouble directly when passing the test, you should approach the exam in a fairly simple frame of mind. Too much tension and excessively unpleasant emotions, anxiety or confidence in failure will do their job and make you seriously suffer from excessive emotions and put yourself in the way of passing the exam. Be calm and confident, and before that, work and learn all the material so that your emotions do not become your enemies during the exam. In any case, even if you do not pass the exam the first time, do not be discouraged and expect to retake. Watch a video about what theoretical exams the Germans take at the theoretical part of the police exam:

Summing up

The theoretical part of the driving license exam is a difficult stage for most applicants for a driver's license. Right choice driving schools, adequate work on all the materials provided and positive calm emotions at the exam itself - this is the formula for the success of everyone who passes the test the first time. The theoretical part of the exam is one of the rather difficult stages on the way to the rights, but with the right approach, this stage will be simply interesting and unusual. You will most likely pass the theory on the first try if you follow the tips presented above in the text.

It should be noted that many applicants fail the theory not for the reason that they do not know the answers to the questions. They try to see some kind of deception and some kind of trick in every question. Remember that it is important for the state to test your ability to drive a car and your knowledge of the rules of the road before letting you out on the road. Therefore, there are no tricks in the exam. There is only not too skillful handling of the program for passing the exam. How did you give theoretical part your exam?

For most novice drivers, the main difficulty in obtaining a license is passing city driving without errors. At the training ground, many can complete all exam tasks without errors. The main factor is Environment. Indeed, at the training ground there are no passing cars, prying eyes, so many feel more confident and do not forget how to properly perform the exercises.

Driving around the city - traffic police exam

At the present time, when cities are full of automobile vehicles, few people succeed in passing the driving test without mistakes the first time. Basically, those who have no doubts, decisive and who do not pay attention to what the people around them think can pass.

Each driving school informs its students where and on what route the driving test will take place. This should be used and in advance to study the route. If it is not possible to travel along the route with a driving instructor, then at least sitting in the passenger seat with someone to travel along the given routes, remember the location and types of signs, and other details regarding the traffic rules 2018.

Tips such as drinking a sedative before an exam do not help, but only harm. These are useless recommendations. On the contrary, it is necessary to activate the brain, not to be sleepy and lethargic. And you can activate the brain by drinking tea or coffee, and doing a simple physical exercise- squat. This will ensure blood flow and drowsiness will go away.

  • If there is still time before the exam, do not skip driving. Ride, ride and ride again, with an instructor throughout the city, and not just one street.
  • Learn all the rules. To pass the theory exam effective technique is such a way of memorizing - first you solve all the first questions of all tickets, then all the second questions, then the third ones, etc. Since the numbers refer to the same topic, this is the most effective method. To pass driving, it is not enough to know the theory perfectly well, you must be able to see and apply them.
  • Learn the traps from the traffic police inspector who takes the exam. We'll talk about this below.
  • Wear comfortable clothes. If you are used to a sporty style, then you should come in it. Whoever is used to always walking in a suit, it is better for him to come in it.
  • From my own experience, I can say that it is easier to pass the exam among the first ones. Maybe just a coincidence, or maybe the instructor wants to fill up more in the afternoon.
  • Do not follow all the instructions of the instructor, think first.

How not to fail city driving

The assessment of a novice driver begins as soon as he gets into the car in the driver's seat. Even before you start, you can get demerit points. If you don’t want to get an unsatisfactory grade (didn’t pass) right away, then you need to follow these rules:

Mistakes when passing the city exam

The most common mistakes during the exam to the traffic police inspector in the city are mistakes when turning and turning. Due to increased nervousness, if, for example, drivers of neighboring cars honk, some forget to turn on the turn signal and give way to cars that have the advantage.

Of course, it is extremely rare in a driving test, but it is necessary to know all his gestures.

List of common driving mistakes:

Pitfalls when passing a driving test due to circumstances

Here are 4 common pitfalls that cause you to fail your city driving test:

    1. Turn left at the crossroads. The instructor told me to turn left. The intersection in this case is not regulated (there is no traffic light and no traffic controller). You drive along the main road and enter the intersection, wait and let oncoming vehicles pass and complete the maneuver (pass through the intersection), and at this time people pass at the crosswalk of the intersection. Stay? But then there will be interference with cars on the main road. Drive? But then there will be a hindrance for pedestrians. This case is typical for a small intersection where the zebra is located right next to the carriageway of the main road. If you find yourself in this situation, then most likely the exam will fail, depending on the instructor. In order not to get into this situation, when turning left, give way to oncoming cars and wait immediately until the pedestrians leave.
    2. Unregulated intersection or adjacent area. The inspector said to turn left at an unregulated intersection of equivalent roads. The main thing here is not to confuse, and not to drive into the yard. It is not always possible to immediately distinguish the intersection from the adjacent territories. If you pass the intersection, then the exam is not passed. If you go to the yards, then the exam is not passed. Therefore, one must be able to determine whether it is an intersection or not.
    3. Didn't miss a pedestrian. During the movement, we assessed the situation, there is no one on the zebra, and there are no suitable zebras either. But, when there was about a meter of distance left to the zebra, a pedestrian suddenly appeared. Have time to slow down and stop or pass, as the pedestrian is still walking only in the other lane. If he does not have time to stop, then the exam is not passed. If you pass, even if the pedestrian is walking in a different lane, the exam is not passed. So here it helps. important rule- slow down before pedestrian crossings even if they are empty.
    4. Turning into the oncoming lane. If the street is narrow, a residential area, all two lanes (forward and backward), cars are forced to the right. You have to go in the opposite direction. The inspector commands: turn left at the crossroads. You drove into the intersection from the oncoming lane - the exam was not passed. There is an empty area in front of the intersection itself. Immediately, behind the last parked car, you need to take your right lane and perform a maneuver from this lane.

Traps from the driving inspector in the city:

  • The inspector says to stop where stopping is prohibited.
  • The inspector says to turn where the turn is prohibited, to enter the territory (in Soviet time This sign was called No through traffic).
  • We passed a zebra, the inspector says: stop. You stopped the car. Then he says: give back. If you go back, then the exam is not passed. Reversing is prohibited at the pedestrian crossing.
  • The same at the crossroads. If the inspector said to drive back at the intersection,

How did I give

I decided to take one of the first. He knew the theory very well. In general, I did not drive a large area. I got behind the wheel, the inspector on the right in front and three passengers behind. One passes a segment, he is told whether he passed or not, then the second goes, etc. After all novice drivers have passed the exam, the car goes to the parking lot and the next 4 people drive.

The inspector wrote down something in his notebook, told me to get under way. I went, at the first uncontrolled intersection, the inspector told me to turn left, which I did. This road turned out to be a one-way two-lane road. We drove to the next regulated intersection, at the traffic lights I was told to turn left. And then I remembered that if the road is one-way, then the left turn must be made from the leftmost lane. Before the intersection, I managed to change lanes to the left lane, waited for the green traffic light and turned left. While turning on the right, I noticed a "No Stopping" sign. We are driving, I moved alone " ", after which the inspector told me: stop here. I said: stopping here is prohibited. We drove a few more meters and the inspector said again: stop here. Without stopping the car, I said: the sign is valid until the next intersection, stopping here is also prohibited. Then he said: stop, I allow. I said: with your permission and stopped. As a result, I passed, but my brother did not pass that day, he knew the rules perfectly, but he was too gullible, what the inspector said, he did. I passed in 2005 at the VAZ 2107. It is a pity to look at the faces of those who did not pass, so there was not much joy from passing the exam. It's good when the whole group hands over at once.

Please write in the comments how you passed, on what car and on what the examining inspector tried to catch you.

One more case. Uncle told me that a girl rented with him. She got behind the wheel and drove off. In general, everything is according to the rules. But, there is one thing — she was driving only in first gear. The car was buzzing, it didn't even think of putting it into second gear. In the end, she didn't give up.

Error table

Errors for 1 point (minor violation) Errors by 3 points (medium violation) Errors for 5 points (gross violation)
Didn't turn on headlights Not wearing a seat belt Ignored the requirements of the inspector. If he says something that cannot be done, then you should say so.
Forgot to look in the mirror I did not see that other persons in the car closed the doors and buckled up Didn't miss a pedestrian
Late turned on or turned off the turn signal late Turn signal not on Obstructed or did not let cars with advantage pass
stalled Used the phone while driving the vehicle Went to the opposite
Drove insecurely Violated road markings Drove through a red traffic light
Drove into someone else's lane, drove in the middle Didn't turn on the hazard warning lights while reversing Did not comply with the requirements of markings and signs
Driving fast, regardless of the weather Stopped where it was impossible to stop (bridge, zebra, no stop sign) Crossed the stop line
Drove too slowly and interfered with other road users I went to the intersection, behind which the traffic jam. According to the new rules - went to the waffle iron Incorrectly performed a turn, U-turn or movement back
Slowed down hard. This should only be done to prevent an accident. Didn't take action to stop when it should have Incorrect overtaking of the vehicle
Violated other traffic rules. Wrong railway crossing
Exceeded the speed limit
When there was danger, did not try to slow down
When cars in adjacent lanes stopped, you didn't try to slow down
The examining inspector intervened in management.

In the city driving test, you are allowed no more than 4 demerit points - this is the answer to the frequently asked question: how many mistakes are allowed while driving. Anything over 5 points is a retake ticket. Rather, you will have to pay for a second retake.

In Appendix No. 8 of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2015 N 995, you can see which errors correspond to penalty points.


Don't be lazy, study, prepare. The main thing is not to get a driver's license, but to be able to drive according to the rules. After receiving the water rights, periodically, or by car number, unless, of course, you drive, and did not put your rights in the safe.


This is a video from an auto pro: a difficult city exam. 9 intersections, 1 U-turn - within 15 minutes.

This video is about deciphering all categories of driver's licenses.

Turnaround option.