Effective ointments for bedsores in the treatment of patients. Effective relief from bedsores using ointments Levomekol use for the treatment of bedsores

Bedridden patients often encounter a disease such as bedsores - soft tissue necrosis. It occurs as a result of poor circulation when a person remains in one position for a long time. Particularly dangerous are pressure ulcers of stages 3 and 4, which are not only difficult to treat, but also lead to the formation of deep necrotic lesions. Argosulfan ointment with silver – medicine, which is effective in healing purulent bedsores and other external skin lesions.

Pharmacological action of the drug Argosulfan

Antimicrobial agent with silver Argosulfan produced by the Elfa pharmaceutical plant (Poland) or the Valent company (Russia) is available in the form of a 2% ointment in an aluminum tube of 15 g and 40 g.

Ointment for bedsores with silver Argosulfan prevents infection of open wounds, has a wound healing effect, and also reduces painful sensations. With timely use of the drug, tissue transplantation can be prevented. The active substance, silver sulfathiazole, has an excellent antibacterial effect. Thanks to it, the area of ​​infection of the skin is reduced and the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms is prevented. The optimal acidity level of the Argosulfan ointment base ensures moisturization of the skin, relief of the body's condition and good tolerability of treatment in general.

Features of application

Argosulfan ointment with silver has a uniform consistency of light pink or white, which is in as soon as possible helps get rid of bedsores.

The drug can be applied openly to damaged areas of the skin or used for bandaging. The number of procedures and duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician (but no more than 3 times a day for 60 days).

To treat bedsores in a bedridden patient, it is necessary to prepare in advance workplace and that's all. Treatment of wounds should be carried out after water procedures. To action medicinal product was the maximum, you need:

  1. Clean and process skin using sterile instruments. During cleaning, it is important to remove all keratinized tissue, traces of pus and exudate.
  2. In the presence of weeping wounds and inflammatory processes in tissues, before application, the damaged areas of the skin should be treated with 0.1% aqueous solution chlorhexidine or others antiseptic.
  3. Apply the drug in a thick layer of 2-3 mm to the entire affected area of ​​the skin. If the ointment is partially absorbed, you can re-treat the wound.

Argosulfan for pressure ulcers should not be used to treat unconscious patients in in a state of shock or having extensive burns, since in all these cases it is impossible to assess the allergic reaction.

Remember! Argosulfan with silver should not be used together with other local medications.


Ointment with silver Argosulfan is prescribed for external treatment for:

  • thermal, chemical, electrical and other burns of any degree;
  • with mild frostbite;
  • tissue necrosis (including for the treatment of weeping wounds and bedsores of stages 3 and 4);
  • emergence purulent inflammation in open wounds resulting from domestic trauma (cuts);
  • chronic venous insufficiency and for the healing of the lower leg;
  • inflammation of the skin when exposed to chemical, biological or physical factors (various types dermatitis);
  • microbial or fungal infection skin.


  • with enzymatic deficiency (G6PD);
  • in self-treatment of wounds and bedsores;
  • for the treatment of premature infants and infants breastfeeding, younger than 6 months;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • when using folic acid and its structural analogues ( folic acid reduces the effectiveness of the active components of the drug);
  • at hypersensitivity to the components of the ointment, as well as in the presence of allergic reactions to silver.


Ointment with silver for bedsores Argosulfan is a unique product that has no structural analogues. To treat skin damage, you can use Advantan, Afloderm, D-Panthenol.

When caring for bedridden patients, it is important to comply with all established hygiene standards and provide timely treatment. Otherwise, a person’s health condition can be seriously aggravated. Bedsores respond most quickly to treatment at the initial stage of development. In cases where there were purulent discharge, tissue necrosis has begun, it is important to prevent necrosis of muscles and tendons. Ointment with silver Argosulfan – excellent remedy for the treatment of bedsores, which provides fast action and relieves throbbing pain in the affected areas of the skin.


They often appear in bedridden patients, being an unpleasant, painful and serious consequence of a bedridden lifestyle for a long period.

In most cases, they appear in older people.

Bedsores are treated with special healing ointments, which many experts call the most effective means when dealing with wounds on the body.

But how to choose an ointment for bedsores that will help more fast healing bedsores?

The most effective remedies for bedsores

Experts prescribe the ointment to patients if they have large, deep bleeding wounds on their body.

Several factors influence the choice of product:

  • depth of bedsores;
  • affected area on the body;
  • presence/absence of a process;
  • rate of wound formation;
  • presence of diseases;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • contraindications.

If the patient’s condition does not improve or even worsens when using the ointment against bedsores, it is worth contacting a specialist to prescribe another drug.


A drug intended for the treatment of deep wounds, which contains an antibiotic and a healing enzyme.

The latter cleanses tissues of microbes, allowing you to stop inflammatory process, works well for weeping purulent wounds.

Improvement after use occurs within 5-10 days, in some cases faster.

Most often, Iruksol is prescribed for:

  1. gangrene;
  2. varicose veins;
  3. bedsores;
  4. 2nd and 3rd degree burns.

The drug will help with long-healing wounds and the consequences of surgical or technical intervention.

Like any other drug that comes into contact with the skin, Iruksol has a number of contraindications, including:

  • fungal diseases;
  • individual intolerance to components;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • psoriasis;
  • blood diseases.

Side effects include allergies, rash, itching in the area of ​​the gauze bandage. But despite this, patients consider this remedy a good ointment for bedsores.


Main active substance– antibiotic sulfathiazole, due to which the proliferation of negative microorganisms is noticeably reduced within a few days after the start of use. The product contains silver ions, which enhance the effect of the antibiotic.

Among healing ointments for bedsores, Agrosulfan is considered the most effective, since in addition to its main purpose it is used as a painkiller.

Indications for use:

  1. burns;
  2. frostbite;
  3. cuts, abrasions;
  4. dermatitis;
  5. bedsores;
  6. ulcers

The contraindications for the drug are as follows:

  • prematurity;
  • hypersensitivity to components.

The substance must be applied 3 times a day to the affected areas of the skin. The cream is applied until the wound is completely gone.

Zinc ointment

The main substance is zinc oxide. Thanks to it, the ointment has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect.

Often, not only bedsores, abscesses and rashes, lichen, eczema, ulcers, herpes, etc. are treated with zinc cream.

Side effects occur infrequently, since this drug has been produced in Russia for quite a long time, therefore, during this time, experts have managed to study the components of the drug.

Zinc ointment - to combat bedsores

However, on the skin after frequent use zinc ointment A rash, redness and itching may appear. There are no contraindications other than intolerance to the components of the ointment.

The dosage regimen depends on the area and degree of skin damage, so before using the ointment you should consult a specialist.


Solcoseryl is an ointment that is designed to improve tissue regeneration.

The active substance is obtained from the blood of young calves, which makes this drug natural and therefore can be used by all patients.

The drug is applied to the area of ​​skin that is damaged due to a passive lifestyle twice a day.

Experts advise applying a cotton pad to the treated wound and bandaging it.

Remedy for bedsores - Solcoseryl

An ointment is used for bedsores until the wounds are completely healed.

Indications for use of Solcoseryl:

  1. minor damage to the epidermis;
  2. 1st and 2nd degree burns;
  3. frostbite;
  4. bedsores;
  5. ulcers

Solcoseryl gel is used to treat weeping wounds; it does not require a gauze bandage, as it forms a thin film on the surface of the wound, preventing pests from entering the wound.

Among the contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • postpartum period;
  • age up to 18 years.

Usually the drug does not cause allergic reactions, but in some cases the development of urticaria and rash is diagnosed due to the use of the drug. A change in taste sensitivity can also be called an abnormal reaction.


Levosin is most often used for deep, painful bedsores with purulent or bloody discharge.

In addition to the antimicrobial effect, Levosin has an analgesic and necrolytic effect.

Usually, within 2-3 days, pain and inflammation disappear and the healing process begins; methyluracil, which is part of the ointment, is responsible for this.

Indications are purulent, weeping wounds in the first days of the disease.

Levosin - ointment for the treatment of bedsores

Levosin is an ointment for the treatment of bedsores, which is used everywhere, externally and by patients of all ages.

A contraindication to the use of ointment is intolerance to the components.

Apply the ointment several times a day, applying it to gauze bandages and applying it to the skin.


This is a simple ointment for bedsores for bedridden patients, familiar to everyone since childhood.

With its help, you can cure many wounds, for example, abrasions, ulcers, wounds, bedsores.

Levomekol - to counteract bedsores

It has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, that is, it blocks the influx of hostile microorganisms that contribute to the deterioration of the patient’s condition.

Particles of the substance easily penetrate the wound and heal it. The only contraindications are intolerance to the components of the substance.

Folk remedies for treating bedsores

Bedsores should be treated by a specialist, especially if the case is really serious.

Experts often prescribe zinc ointment for bedsores, as it has good healing properties.

If the wounds are small and shallow, you can use traditional methods of treatment.

Among them:

  1. mixture vegetable oil and wax;
  2. soda-based compress - linen cloth must be moistened with the solution baking soda and place on the damaged area of ​​skin, repeat the procedure 4-5 times a day, each time the tissue should be clean;
  3. mattress with herbs - fill the mattress with dried meadow herbs, place a container of water under the bed (controversial method);
  4. ointment based on herbal ingredients;
  5. decoction of onions with butter - chop two onions very finely and boil, adding a tablespoon of vegetable oil, cook the mixture over low heat until it turns yellow, then catch the onion from the water and melt a piece of wax in it; Store the broth in the refrigerator.

Particular attention should be paid to ointments for bedsores, since they are the most effective.

A mixture of vegetable oil and wax

Boil one hundred grams of vegetable oil and melt a piece of wax in it (about the size of a matchbox).

Cook while stirring to bring the mixture to a homogeneous mass.

Wax and vegetable oil - for the treatment of bedsores

After this, let the ointment cool and smear the wounds several times a day.

The product will take effect after 5-7 days of regular use. Wax-based ointment also heals minor household wounds well.

Ointment based on herbal ingredients

The ointment contains scented vegetable oil, wax, spruce sulfur and onion.

The action plan is as follows:

  • Boil 100 grams of vegetable oil;
  • add sulfur and wax to it, mix thoroughly;
  • take 10 onions and cut off their lower part (roots), throw them one by one into the boiling mixture and cook for 40-60 minutes, until a thick ointment forms;
  • strain the mixture through cheesecloth and pour into clean glass jars.

The product must be applied 3 times a day in a thin layer to the wounds.


Bedsores are serious side effect many diseases. They are treated with silver ointment - menalind, zinc ointment, painkillers and decongesting ointments.

For simple cases, doctors trust ointments prepared at home. In any case, before using any product you should consult a specialist, sometimes traditional methods only harm, not improve the situation.

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Bedsores are areas of tissue necrosis that occur as a result of impaired blood circulation in them. Usually this problem appears as a result of prolonged contact of the human body with a hard surface.

Almost all people with limited activity are susceptible to developing bedsores, but they most often appear in severe exhaustion, overweight body, diabetes.

What are bedsores?

Bedsores are dangerous complication various diseases caused by tissue malnutrition or external compression with displacement. In medicine, bedsores are often called ulcers.

bedsores photo - development of the necrosis process

This disorder usually occurs when tissue innervation is disrupted due to pathology or damage spinal cord. Bedsores often affect the buttocks, heels, and other areas that receive the most pressure.

In bedridden patients, blood vessels and skin are compressed, which leads to stagnation. As a result, the tissues die. Constant pressure, which can disrupt the natural blood flow of the skin capillaries for 2 hours, provokes the appearance of initial signs necrosis. The likelihood of developing bedsores increases with increased dryness or excessive moisture of the skin.

Dryness of the epithelium provokes exfoliation of the stratum corneum, and excessive humidity leads to infectious infection. The situation worsens due to poor circulation in the compressed areas. That is why the treatment and prevention of bedsores of a bedridden patient is a very pressing problem.

Classification of bedsores, stages and photos

Doctors distinguish several stages in the development of bedsores. Each of them has certain features:

  1. Stage 1. In this case, certain areas of the skin become red. However, they do not turn white when pressed with a finger. Sometimes swelling appears in these areas. The first stage is considered the simplest form of the disease. In this case, it is easiest to treat bedsores of bedridden patients at home. If measures are taken in time, necrosis can be avoided.
  2. Stage 2. On at this stage Bedsores are accompanied by the appearance of small blisters or ulcers. It is very important to prevent the occurrence of inflammation or purulent process. To solve this problem, you need to use medicated dressings.
  3. Stage 3. Bedsores resemble a deep wound because the skin is affected by a necrotic process. As a result, a person's fatty tissue and muscles are visible. There is also purulent content in the affected area.
  4. Stage 4. The pathology affects the tendons and bone tissue. At this stage, the inflammatory process progresses, and the wounds are filled with purulent contents.

Treatment of bedsores in bedridden patients at home

For bedsore therapy to bring results, it must be comprehensive. Essentially, therapy should include several components:

  • preventing constant pressure;
  • local treatment;
  • elimination of the underlying pathology.

Medicines for the treatment of bedsores

Treatment of bedsores in bedridden patients at home is carried out only with initial stages, for this purpose local treatment is used - drugs and ointments. It is best if the doctor selects an ointment or cream for bedsores for a bedridden patient, based on the specific situation, and evaluates whether hospitalization is required.

Let's look at the drugs used. However, before applying these products, you need to treat the affected area with disinfectants and antiseptics. These include the following:

  • Hexicon. Active component This agent is chlorhexidine. With its help, it is possible to disinfect the wound and cope with pathogenic bacteria. Good results can be achieved in case of infection with fungal microorganisms and some viruses. However, the drug does not produce negative impact on the body.
  • Solutions with silver compounds. Thanks to the effect of silver ions, it is possible to stop the growth and reproduction of bacterial microorganisms. In addition, these drugs increase the effectiveness of antibiotics, cope with pain and local discomfort - itching or burning sensation.
  • Furacilin. Active substance This product is nitrofural. It binds to the proteins of pathogenic microorganisms and changes their configuration. As a result, bacterial cells lose the ability to use their own proteins for life and die.

Ointments for bedsores, list

Currently, there are quite a few medicines for local application. To cope with bedsores in the treating patient, ointments are often used to treat the affected areas. To the most effective drugs include the following:

  • Argosulfan. The effect of this product is due to the presence of silver ions in the composition. Thanks to the use of this ointment, it is possible to relieve pain, eliminate burning and tingling sensations. To get the desired results, before applying the ointment, the affected area should be treated with an antiseptic and dried.
  • Iruksol. The active component of the product is the enzyme collagenase. It also contains antibacterial components. Due to the presence of a proteolytic enzyme in the composition, it is possible to achieve a gentle and high-quality cleansing of the affected area without damaging healthy cells.

Antibacterial ingredients provide additional wound cleansing, which helps accelerate tissue regeneration.
It is recommended to apply the product in the form of a bandage, and then carefully fix it on the area where the bedsore is located.

  • Zinc ointment. This remedy has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Thanks to its use, it is possible to achieve a drying effect and protect the affected area from external factors.
  • Levosin. This medicine includes several components. Antibacterial substances, such as sulfadimethoxine and chloramphenicol, produce a disinfecting effect and stimulate healing processes. Trimecaine is an anesthetic and perfectly relieves pain syndrome. Methyluracil starts skin regeneration processes.

A useful property of the ointment is the ability to absorb excess moisture, which speeds up the cleansing of dead cells and pus. To get the desired result, it is recommended to use the product daily. After applying the ointment, the treated surface should be covered with a bandage or a clean napkin.

  • Solcoseryl. The effectiveness of the product is due to the presence of the blood of dairy calves in its composition. When applied to the affected area, the ointment starts the process of tissue restoration.

An important feature of the product is the presence protective action. This helps prevent negative impact external factors on the skin. It is important to remember that the ointment should not be used when copious discharge pus from the wound.

When bedsores form additional method therapy often becomes the use of folk remedies. With their help, it is possible to clean wounds and start the process of regenerating new tissue. Before using any folk remedy You should consult a doctor as they can provoke allergic reactions.

To the most effective recipes include the following:

  • Squeeze juice from lungwort leaves and treat the area of ​​the bedsore several times a day.
  • Cut the leaves of medicinal Kalanchoe into 2 parts and apply the cut side to the affected area. Secured with a bandage, it is recommended to leave them overnight.
  • Scald black elderberry leaves with hot milk and apply to the affected area twice a day.
  • Grind a tablespoon of calendula flowers and mix with 50 g of Vaseline. Treat bedsores twice a day.
  • Chop fresh potatoes and mix with honey in equal parts. Apply to an area prone to bedsores.
  • Treat diseased areas of the skin with sea buckthorn or tea tree oil. It is recommended to do this several times a day.
  • Combine aloe and celandine juice with honey in a ratio of 2:2:1. Apply the resulting mixture to the affected area twice a day.

Doctors' advice helps treat bedsores in bedridden patients at home:

  1. It is important to control the cleanliness of the skin. At the same time, it should not be wet or dry, therefore it is necessary to periodically use air baths.
  2. For hygiene purposes, you should not use antibacterial soap as it kills beneficial bacteria. To wash the patient, you need to choose regular soap, a natural sponge and water. It is not recommended to rub the skin. After washing, you need to gently pat it dry with a towel.
  3. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the skin. If it is dry, moisturizers should be used. If the skin has high humidity, you should use powders or ointments with a drying effect.
  4. If redness appears, do not massage this area. However, it is permissible to massage around the affected area.

To prevent such problems from occurring, you should use an anti-bedsore mattress. Doctors say that this device helps eliminate the main cause of such problems - compression of certain areas of the body.

Complications of bedsores

The main danger of this condition lies in the development of necrotic processes and the subsequent addition of infection. This leads to the following complications:

  • lower limb amputation;
  • excision of large areas of soft tissue;
  • development of periostitis or osteomyelitis;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • problems in treating the underlying pathology.

Preventing bedsores

Bedsores are much easier to prevent than to try to cure them. To do this you need to carry out preventive actions to prevent bedsores in a bedridden patient:

  • Every two hours the patient must be turned, changing the position of his body.
  • Several times a day you should massage the skin in areas high blood pressure. However, it is prohibited to treat reddened skin.
  • It is best to buy a special bed for the patient that can be adjusted. Thanks to this, it will be possible to significantly facilitate hygiene procedures.
  • All bedridden patients definitely need a special mattress with a compressor. It allows for constant tissue massage, which improves blood circulation and speeds up healing.
  • Bed linen should be made from natural materials with a smooth texture.
  • It is important to follow the rules of hygiene - regularly change underwear, use absorbent diapers, use urine bags and diapers.

Any person located for a long time in a motionless state, faces such an unpleasant illness as bedsores - injuries associated with constant pressure on the same areas of the skin, which leads to their necrosis. Even regular massage and stroking, as well as others preventive measures do not always give results.

Ointments and creams for bedsores come to the rescue, improving blood circulation, preventing blood stagnation in tissues, healing small cracks and even extensive damage.

It is recommended to use anti-bedsore products at all stages, both at the initial stage, when damage to the skin has not yet occurred, and when active wound healing is required. But, depending on the stage of the disease, ointments and creams will be different.

Prevention of bedsores - choosing the appropriate means

As is the case with many other diseases, it is worth trying to prevent bedsores using preventive measures. Ointments and creams can be a good help in this matter.

Menalind for bedsores

One of the most popular means for the prevention of bedsores. Available in the form of foam, shampoo, cream, lotion, sanitary napkins. The entire series is designed specifically for the care of bedridden patients who are at risk for bedsores.

Menalind cream is used along with other products in the series. It has a bactericidal effect, preventing small wounds from festering and accelerating the healing of minor injuries. Helps improve local skin immunity, removes bad smell. After applying the cream, a protective film remains on the skin, which protects it from factors such as irritation caused by contact of feces and urine. Therefore, this remedy is especially often used for bedsores on the buttocks and thighs, as well as in the lumbar region.

The price of Menalind cream with zinc is 400-500 rubles.

Actvegin ointment for bedsores

The active substance, obtained from the blood of calves, helps to activate metabolic processes, starts the regeneration mechanism if necessary, saturates tissues with oxygen, activates metabolism, increasing the energy resources of skin cells.

The medicine is approved for use in older people.

It is used in the form of bandages, which are applied to the areas most affected by the patient’s bedridden lifestyle, 2-3 times a day. You should not continue using the ointment if you experience an allergic reaction. Actovegin gel and cream are also suitable for the prevention of bedsores. The price of ointment in different pharmacies usually does not exceed 200 rubles per tube.

"Solcoseryl" for bedsores

Contains the same active ingredient as Actovegin. But it has less shelf life because it contains no preservatives. Due to this factor, it is less likely to cause allergic reactions.

The mechanism of action is due to the activation of metabolic processes at the cellular level. The ointment helps initiate tissue regeneration and improves cell nutrition useful substances and oxygen, stimulates the development of new cell cover in place of the damaged one.

You need to lubricate damaged areas 2 times a day. If there are open wounds, the ointment is applied to a bandage, which is applied to the sore spot. The wound must first be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide or another antiseptic.

The price of Solcoseryl ointment is 200-250 rubles. for the tuba.

Sulfuric ointment

It is used both at the stage of prevention and for the treatment of bedsores.

Has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. Prevents infection and inflammation of affected areas, and also disinfects wounds. Apply to affected tissue 2-3 times a day until symptoms disappear.

In general, the drug is safe for patients. Allergic reactions occur most often.

The price of Sulfur Ointment is from 20 to 50 rubles, it may vary in different pharmacies.

"Bepanten" for bedsores

Pantothenic acid, which is formed in skin cells after applying Bepanten ointment to it, triggers tissue regeneration processes, normalizes cell metabolism, and improves their nutrition. The main effect of the ointment on the skin is moisturizing and regenerating, that is, promoting the healing of small wounds and cracks. There is also a weak anti-inflammatory effect of the drug on the skin.

To prevent bedsores, Bepanten is used 2-3 times a day. It is important that it can be used on almost any area of ​​the skin, including areas covered with hair.

The price of Bepanten is quite high, so it is more profitable to buy it in large packaging (100 g), which will cost from 600 to 750 rubles. The cost of a small tube of ointment (30 g) is about 400 rubles.

Camphor alcohol for bedsores

Very affordable and effective remedy, used topically in the absence of damage or small wounds on the skin. It is recommended to rub it on previously cleaned areas 2-3 times a day using a cotton swab.

The local irritating effect of the drug promotes blood flow to the skin, and the antiseptic component prevents microbes from penetrating microscopic cracks, thereby preventing deep infection and the development of deep bedsores. The price of camphor alcohol ranges from 20 rubles.

Bedsores in patients: how to treat them

Do not forget that bedsores are not just small wounds. In the fourth, very last stage of the disease, complete decomposition of the soft tissues is observed, up to the exposure of the bone. One can imagine how much suffering such a wound causes to a sick person.

Methyluracil ointment for bedsores

An inexpensive medicine that promotes rapid regeneration of damaged skin. Treats and prevents inflammation, increases local immunity, accelerates the process of epithelization.

The dosage and method of application of the ointment should be determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the symptoms.

The price of the ointment does not exceed 100 rubles per tube.

Mephenat ointment

Used to treat fairly deep bedsores. The product is applied to the wound 1-3 times a day. For shallow injuries, once a day is usually sufficient; the more serious the wound, the more often the ointment can be applied (maximum 3 times a day). Both surface application and application of a bandage with ointment to the affected area are allowed.

The price of Mephenat ointment is about 100 rubles. for the tuba.

Vinilin (Shostakovsky balm) for bedsores

It is one of the stimulants of reparative processes. It has a beneficial effect on bedsores due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. It also promotes faster restoration of damaged epithelium.

Promotes rapid healing of wounds, kills microbes, envelops the wound surface, protecting it for some time from damaging factors ( feces, sweat, urine, etc.). promotes cleansing of the wound, displacement of necrotic masses, and growth of healthy skin.

The price for 1 bottle varies within 200 rubles.

Calendula ointment for bedsores

At the stage of preventing the appearance of bedsores, it is possible to use alcohol tincture calendula for disinfection of tissues at risk. But as soon as you notice wounds, you should switch to calendula ointment to treat shallow bedsores.

Calendula for bedsores has an anti-inflammatory and reparative effect, kills microbes at the sites of application, heals wounds, and disinfects them.

You need to apply the ointment several times a day. The only side effects reported are allergic reactions.

The price of ointment with calendula is about 60-100 rubles.

Antibiotic ointment for bedsores Argosulfan

Used for deep damage to the skin. The antibiotic penetrates the tissue, ridding it of pus and inflammation, promoting wound healing.

It is also important that Argosulfan has an analgesic effect. After all, deep wounds usually cause a lot of discomfort to the patient.

Apply under a bandage, which needs to be changed several times a day. You can use the product until the purulent wounds disappear completely.

The price of Argosulfan ointment is 400-500 rubles.

Ointment for bedsores Stellanin

Kills germs in infected wound, helps relieve inflammation and regenerate damaged tissues.

The dosage, method of administration and duration of therapy should be determined by the attending physician.

The price of the ointment ranges from 400 rubles. per package.

Ointment for bedsores with zinc

Zinc is known for its drying and antimicrobial effects. The ointment relieves inflammation, thereby promoting rapid wound healing.

Zinc ointment is applied to bedsores 2 times a day, therapy continues until the damaged areas of the skin are completely healed. Usually used for shallow damage.

The price of the ointment is no more than 50 rubles.

Vishnevsky ointment for bedsores

An antiseptic that has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, bactericidal, as well as local immunomodulatory effects.

Treatment of bedsores with Vishnevsky ointment is possible on different stages diseases, as well as at the prevention stage, since applying the ointment to intact skin helps improve blood microcirculation in this place. The drug heals wounds well and promotes skin regeneration.

On bedsores, ointment is applied 2-3 times a day in the form of a bandage. It must be applied so that the drug completely fills the wound surface.

The price of the ointment is on average 50 rubles.

Creams and ointments for bedsores with silver

Products containing silver help prevent suppuration of small wounds, but they are not used at the stage of the appearance of grade 2-3 bedsores.

Dermazin for bedsores

Has antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. Effective against all types of microorganisms that cause infection of wound surfaces. It can penetrate into the wound even through dead tissue.

Apply a thin layer of ointment to the wound 1-2 times a day, preferably under a bandage. The product has virtually no side effects.

The price of the drug in pharmacies varies between 250 rubles per tube.


The silver contained in the drug kills many strains of bacteria, as well as fungi of the genus Candida. Before applying the ointment, the wound surface is cleaned. Next, the ointment is either applied directly to the damaged surface, or applied to it in the form of a sterile bandage, which needs to be changed 2-3 times a day.

The duration of treatment can be from 2 to 3 weeks.

The cost of the ointment is 300-400 rubles.


Helps fight germs, including antibiotic-resistant strains. Fights fungi and viruses, which also often affect wound surfaces. Relieves inflammation, stimulates reparative processes in tissues.

The drug is applied externally after dilution boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 3. A sterile bandage is impregnated with the product, which is applied to the wound and secured with a bandage.

The bandage needs to be changed 1-2 times a day. As the wound heals, the drug is diluted in more water, thereby reducing its concentration.

The price of the drug is approaching 1,000 rubles. per bottle.


A silver-containing drug that can be used both for the prevention and treatment of bedsores in the initial stages.

Apply it to the wound after preliminary cleansing. You can apply bandages with Argocream to the wound.

For prevention, the drug is rubbed into areas with altered pigmentation resulting from constant pressure on the skin. It is in such places that bedsores develop over time. The price of the drug is 150 rubles.


It has a more liquid consistency compared to cream. Apply a thin layer after preliminary thorough cleansing of the skin or wound. You can rub in until completely absorbed (if there is no damage to the skin) or apply under a bandage, changing it twice a day.

The price of the drug is 130-150 rubles.

The problem of many bedridden patients is the formation of bedsores, when some areas of the skin begin to die and necrosis, reaching deep tissues. Therefore, it is necessary to use special ointments for bedsores. They prevent the appearance of skin lesions and eliminate already formed areas of tissue necrosis.

Why do bedsores appear?

Bedsores usually appear where bony protrusions touch the skin. Often, deep bedsores go unnoticed until the lesion reaches the skin. As a result, blood flow in these places is disrupted.

Due to the disruption of the patency of small vessels, gradual death of cells in this area occurs. Such dead cells are easily exposed to pathogenic microorganisms, resulting in the development of an infectious process.

Bedsores are mostly observed in places where the skin rubs against bed sheets. In most cases, these are elbows, knees, shoulder blades, hips, and back.

The trigger for the development of bedsores is poor nutrition. As a result, due to weight loss, the volume is reduced muscle tissue and soft tissues.

They also contribute to their occurrence elevated temperature body, swelling and other related ailments.

First, individual areas on the body become pale, followed by swelling and blistering formations. If a complication begins, doctors often diagnose gangrene, sepsis, or erysipelas.

According to medical data, not all bedridden patients develop bedsores; the risk group includes the following categories of people:

  • Elderly patients.

  • Those diagnosed with diabetes.

  • If you are overweight.

  • People with pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

  • Patients who find it difficult to control the process of urination and bowel movements.

External irritants that accelerate the process of bedsores include:

  • Reduced or increased temperatures.

  • Exposure to various chemicals.

  • Mechanical effects such as friction, prolonged pressure or trauma.

Names of the most effective ointments for treating illness

Exists a large number of various ointments for bedsores.

They relieve a person from such troubles with great effect, as they have a number of advantages:

  1. They speed up the healing process.
  2. They are not that expensive.
  3. Improve tissue trophism.
  4. I help eliminate pain and other unpleasant sensations.
  5. Effectively eliminate bacteria.

Attention! Bedsores must be treated at all stages. The drugs are used both in the early stages of wound formation and at the time of their activation. The only difference will be in the drug prescribed.

It is worth considering the list of the most popular and effective ointments of our time:


Main active ingredients of Iruksol:

  1. Enzyme collagenase.
  2. Antimicrobial additives.

Iruksol deeply and gently cleanses the contents of bedsores. At the same time, the integrity of healthy tissues is not compromised. The antimicrobial components included in the drug enhance the process of wound cleansing and also promote the rapid formation of healthy cells.

After applying Iruksol, a bandage is applied to the skin, and the latter is fixed tightly to the bedsore itself. The bandage must be changed to a new one every day. The course lasts no more than 10 days. The next use of Iruksol is permissible only after 2 weeks in order to avoid addiction to this drug.

The ointment supplier is the English company Smith & Nephew. The cost of the ointment is around 1800 rubles.

With silver

This is a series medications, which contain silver elements. They are quite effective when used at the very beginning of the formation of bedsores. The most popular ointments include:

  • Dermazin- antibiotic ointment. The main active ingredient is silver sulfadiazine. This ointment can be used with or without a bandage. If a dressing is used, it should be changed daily. The drug is not recommended for people with intolerance to the components of the ointment, children under 1 year of age, and pregnant women. Sometimes the product causes itching and burning.

  • Sulfarginantimicrobial agent. The ointment is also based on silver sulfadiazine. If there is pus on the necrotic area, it must be removed and only then ointment should be applied. During the day, ointment with silver can be applied up to 2-3 times, both with and without a bandage. The product is applied in a thick layer. The duration of the course is calculated by the doctor and is at least 3 weeks. Contraindications are the same as for Dermazin. Side effects are rare and include gastrointestinal upset, nausea, allergic reactions, itching and burning.

The cost of these drugs is relatively low (Dermazin costs about 600 rubles, Sulfargin – about 300 rubles, the cost depends on the volume of the ointment).


This antibacterial agent. It contains sulfathiazole. This substance can inhibit the activity of bacteria and reduce their numbers. The characteristics of sulfathiazole are enhanced by silver ions, which are also contained in the ointment.

The drug can relieve pain. If desired, the product should be applied together with a bandage. This is done up to several times a day.

If the patient does not tolerate the main component of the ointment, then the use of the drug is discontinued. The drug is also prohibited for very young and premature babies. Side effects may develop, such as itching and burning, as well as allergic reactions.

Argosulfan is a Polish drug that costs around 600 rubles.


The ointment has a triple effect on wounds:

  1. Provides antimicrobial effects.
  2. Relieves the inflammatory process.
  3. Regenerates tissue.

When applying the ointment, you must ensure that the product covers the entire area with bedsores. The duration of treatment and dosage of the medication will be determined by the doctor depending on how far the destructive process has progressed.

There are also contraindications to the use of Stellanin:

  1. Thyrotoxicosis.
  2. Acute renal failure.
  3. The period of bearing a child.
  4. Infancy up to 1 year.

Allergies are quite common side effect when using this drug.

The approximate price of the drug is 450 rubles.

Watch a video about the treatment of bedsores using the innovative Stellanin-PEG ointment and gives feedback on it:


Main components of the ointment:

  1. Levomycetin.
  2. Sulfadimethoxine from microbes.
  3. Methyluracil for wound healing.
  4. Trimecaine is an anesthetic.

Levosin is successfully used in the fight against bedsores, as it has a pronounced healing effect. The wounds are gradually cleared of purulent formations and dead skin. After which the healing process occurs faster.

The drug is not very expensive, around 72 rubles.

With zinc

Zinc-based ointment, in addition to relieving inflammation and eliminating bacteria, can dry out weeping wounds and protect them from adverse effects. Apply the product in a thin layer to the skin. Course duration is 60 days.

The product is relatively cheap; you can buy it at any pharmacy for 15-20 rubles.


The ointment is based on the blood of dairy calves. Thanks to this composition, the drug is able to regenerate tissue. When the medicine is applied to the skin, it creates an invisible human eye film. It serves as a barrier to destructive influences from the outside.

Solcoseryl is used in the presence of dry rather than wet wounds. The product is used twice a day, it is applied to the affected area that has been previously treated with an antiseptic composition. The ointment can be used until the bedsores go away.

Online pharmacies offer the product at a price of 224 rubles.


The ointment base consists of the following components:

  1. Chloramphenicol.
  2. Methyluracil.

Levomekol improves recovery processes in tissues and is a good antiseptic. This is especially true for infected bedsores.

The cost of levomekol is approximately 98 rubles.


The basis of the ointment is a substance of the same name, which has a healing effect. The product is able to normalize intracellular metabolism and initiate regeneration processes. Due to these properties, the processes of granulation and tissue healing begin.

The price of the drug is within 70 rubles.

Metrogyl gel

The drug contains the antibiotic metronidazole. It stops growth and further development bacteria. In particular, this ointment must be used at a time when anaerobic microorganisms begin to develop. The foul odor is eliminated, the release of fluid and pus from open wounds is reduced.

Price medical product in pharmacies 105-167 rubles.


This medicine is used as a preventative against bedsores. The substance itself is produced not only in the form of an ointment, but also in the form of foam, lotion, sanitary napkins, etc. All these products are produced for the purpose of high-quality care for bedridden patients.

Menalind has a bactericidal property; when applied, small wounds do not have time to fester, and their healing accelerates. The product increases local defense mechanisms, eliminates unpleasant odor. After applying the cream, a film is created on the skin that protects against the penetration of microbes.

The cost of Menalind cream is in the range of 400-500 rubles.

Prevention against skin lesions

If there is a bedridden patient in the house, then in addition to treatment, it is also necessary to take care of the prevention of bedsores. There are potentially dangerous places where bedsores most often form. As already mentioned, this is where the bones come into contact with the tissue surfaces, that is, the elbows, hips, shoulder blades, etc. These areas should be wiped regularly camphor alcohol, vinegar solution, a mixture of ammonia and water (1 to 4).

If bedsores have already formed, care must be taken to ensure that a secondary infection does not occur. To do this, treat diseased areas with antiseptics and antibacterial solutions. They are usually prescribed by a doctor.

Caring for a person who cannot get up should include the following:

  • Constant change of body position of a bedridden patient. If the patient's condition is stable, then it is advisable to do this every 2 hours.

  • Bed linen is changed every day.

  • If a person lies on his back for a long time, then it is advisable to place a rubber circle in this area.
  • If redness is noticed in a dangerous area, then it should be wiped with a dry towel, or it is better to immediately carry out quartz treatment.
  • You can wash these places warm water with soap, then wipe dry or wipe with alcohol.
  • It is necessary to use a special mattress for bedridden patients. It consists of certain longitudinal sections. The anti-decubitus mattress is covered with one sheet so as not to lose its therapeutic effect.

  • It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room, since the process of tissue destruction begins against the background of humid and stale air.

  • The patient should eat well if the body allows it. This way, recovery from injury or illness will be faster.

You will learn more about preventing bedsores from this video:

You need to know that bedsores appear unnoticed and sometimes unexpectedly. Therefore, if there is a bedridden patient in the house, care for him must be thorough. Then recovery will come faster and without consequences.