Active points of su-jok therapy will help get rid of many diseases. Su-jok therapy: everything at a glance Su-jok therapy

Su Jok is a universal treatment method

The Su-Jok therapy method was created by a professor from South Korea Park Jae-woo in 1986. This healing system has deep roots in ancient Traditional Eastern medicine. Deeply rethinking the experience traditional medicine And modern achievements Science, Professor Park Jae-woo took a huge step in the development of reflexology.

His healing system is effective, simple and has won recognition all over the world.

History and ideology of the method

Modern medicine, having quite effective means to provide first medical care, prerequisite the effectiveness of its implementation requires the presence of special medical supplies and tools, as well as complex skills to perform assisting techniques. At the same time, some of the recommendations for providing medical care for a number of diseases do not involve any intervention and the victim must endure often unbearable pain and simply wait for an examination by a qualified medical professional. But why endure pain? Isn't it better to get rid of it and calmly wait for the doctor? Su Jok is a universal method of treating minor diseases without taking drugs, without harming the entire body. First aid method for emergency conditions. A method that is specific to each of this disease. The method does not require significant material costs and special medical knowledge, complex skills and tools. A method that every person at any age can master and apply in their daily life for the benefit of their health and the health of their loved ones.

Everyone knows acupuncture, which has a four-thousand-year history, and its varieties - acupressure, impact on biological active points heat, electricity, etc. These treatment methods are the prerogative of medical specialists and require lengthy training. In the hands of an amateur, attempts at treatment using them can not only bring benefits, but also cause irreparable harm. After many years of careful research and clinical experience, Korean Professor Park Jae Woo, Academician of the IAS (Berlin), President of the Korean Su-Jok Institute, President of the International Association of Su-Jok Physicians (London, 1991) introduced new system acupuncture, affecting only the hand and foot. Hands and feet are most often subject to mechanical and other types of irritation during walking or any work, which ensures the maintenance of health in the body. We owe it to them that we don’t get sick all the time. We start rubbing our brushes first in severe frost. Warm feet are the basis for a comfortable state in cold weather. When a disease occurs in some place of the body, points or zones appear in the correspondence systems of the hand and foot hypersensitivity, when exposed to which an impulse appears that goes to the area of ​​​​the disease, which indicates to the body the pathology, and the body takes measures to get rid of it.

The essence of treatment is to find the most painful points in one of the correspondence systems, in the zone corresponding to the diseased organ or place, and influence them using one of the methods available to everyone: mechanical massage, magnetic field, biological force of living seeds, heating, color. This alone is on initial stages diseases leads to recovery, helps prevent serious consequences from life-threatening conditions, prevents the development of exacerbations of chronic

Illnesses. When giving practical recommendations for treatment, we intentionally talk only about the impact on the hands, since it is easier and more convenient to act on the hands when providing self- and mutual assistance. Active points on the feet are also very effective in treatment. If desired, everyone can find points of correspondence on the feet, guided by the patterns of the hands, taking into account that the hands and feet have a fundamentally identical structure.

Video on the history of the Su Jok method

Basic compliance systems

The main ones are correspondence systems in which the entire body is projected onto the hand or foot. In this case, the thumb corresponds to the head, the palm and sole to the body, the III and IV fingers of the hands and feet correspond to the legs, and the II and IV fingers of the hands and feet correspond to the arms.

Basic brush matching system

When searching for points of correspondence, the hand is positioned with the palm facing forward. The index finger of the right hand and the little finger of the left hand correspond right hand. The middle finger of the right hand and ring finger the left hand corresponds to the right leg. The ring finger of the right hand and the middle finger of the left hand correspond to the left leg. Little finger of the right hand and forefinger the left hand corresponds to the left hand. Elevation of the palm at the base thumb corresponds to the chest, and the palm as a whole corresponds to the abdominal area.

Basic foot conformity system

Correspondence diagram of organs on the legs The correspondence system of the foot is based on the same principles as the basic correspondence system of the hand. The structure of the foot is similar to the hand, and the hand is similar to the body. Because the foot is subject to significant natural stimulation during movement, the correspondence system located there is especially effective.

The presented figure clearly displays the projection points of the organs of the human body on the sole and palm. To stimulate these correspondence points in living conditions You can use both special tools and seeds, small pebbles, beads, massagers, or perform simple acupressure stimulation with your finger.

Mini "insect" matching system on hands and feet

Mini-systems of correspondence of fingers and toes Each finger and toe is similar to the human body as a whole. The finger has 3 parts - phalanges, and the body without limbs has three parts - head, chest and abdominal cavity. These parts are clearly demarcated from each other both on the body and on the finger. This is the so-called “insect” matching system.

Mini-correspondence systems on the tips of the fingers and toes Considering the bony base of the fingers as a spine, it is possible to stimulate the correspondences of the affected vertebrae from different angles. This is one of the great advantages of this system. On each of the fingers and toes there is a healing system of an “insect”, in which the last phalanx corresponds to the head, the middle one to the chest, the first abdominal cavity. The correspondence of the joints of the hands and feet is in the flexion position at the Yin-Yang boundary of the fingers.

Video on the Su Jok compliance system

Treatment points Su Jok

In order to find a healing point corresponding to a diseased organ or diseased part of the body, you need to know how the body is projected onto the hand or foot. Then, by applying even pressure in the intended area with a match, a mildly sharpened pencil or a special diagnostic stick, you can determine the exact location of the treatment point of correspondence.

The healing point is always sharply painful!

Using a probe (or any object with a rounded end with a diameter of about 2 mm), press in the area corresponding to the disease until the pain is tolerable. The points where the pain will sharply increase with the same pressure force will be the points of correspondence, the points of treatment for this disease. The advantage of this system is its simplicity, safety and effectiveness. It can be used by both healthcare workers and trained people for self-medication.

The intended points should be pressed with equal force and, very importantly, not too hard from the very beginning. The healing point manifests itself by the fact that at the moment of pressure on it, a motor reaction appears (involuntary movement due to sharp pain). Precise definition points are only half the battle. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you must be able to stimulate it correctly. This can be done different ways.

Video search for matching Su Jok points

Methods of influencing correspondence points

Mechanical massage

Press the most painful point found until the pain is tolerable and massage it with a vibrating motion for 1-2 minutes. In this way, you can treat only one point or several, or massage the entire correspondence zone with a massage roller or massage ring. For mechanical impact on the correspondence points, you can use many available means: small pebbles, metal or other material balls, cereal grains, etc. These objects are glued with a sticky plaster to the correspondence points and massaged periodically - for example, every hour for 1-2 minutes.

After finding the point, you need to press it quite firmly with a diagnostic stick (instead, you can use any non-sharp object - a match, a pen, or even your own nail). After the pain under the diagnostic stick has passed, you can continue massaging the point rotational movements clockwise and counterclockwise, pressing the stick a little harder. It is necessary to massage the treatment point completely once until the residual pain disappears and a feeling of warmth appears in it. In the case of chronic diseases, a single impact on the points is not enough. Correctly found points need to be massaged forcefully for 3-5 minutes every 3-4 hours daily until the condition improves. Repeated massage of the correspondence zones leads to improvement, in some cases this happens very quickly.

Warming up

Heat, as expanding energy, has a stimulating effect, therefore, in a number of diseases associated with a lack of energy or excess cold, warming up the correspondence points gives good effect. Warming is carried out with special wormwood sticks (moxas), which are placed on the skin directly without additional devices or using special stands. The moxa is set on fire and smolders, warming the point of correspondence. Warming up the points or corresponding area on the hand and foot can be done simply with a warm object of the appropriate configuration and size.

Moxibustion therapy is very effective for colds, flu.

At the initial manifestations of a cold (flu), carry out 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 warmings of active points on the hands or feet with an interval of 12 or 24 hours. If it took more than one warming to eliminate the symptoms, then the disease without treatment would be more severe, the more warmings you performed before recovery. Moxibustion therapy will also have an effect if you are late with treatment and start it at the height of your illness. If you don’t have moxa, you can use any accessible method warm up the active points or the entire palm, including the palmar surface of the thumb. This can be done by placing your palms over a heat source or, for example, pouring glass jar hot water- cover it with your palms or feet and warm them for 10-15 minutes.

In the treatment of almost all chronic diseases, moxotherapy can be used as an auxiliary treatment method. Peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, chronic diseases intestines, chronic diseases skin (psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, indolent dermatitis, etc.), chronic respiratory diseases.

All weakened and elderly people are recommended to use moxotherapy as an auxiliary method of treating the disease or as a means of increasing the overall tone of the body and increasing its vitality. In these cases, treatment is carried out in sessions of 5-10 procedures.

Almost all people, especially people over 40 years old, who feel unwell, weak, exhausted, tired, or dissatisfied with their well-being, can conduct moxotherapy sessions. The number of procedures is chosen by the patient himself, depending on his state of health.

It is undesirable to use this technique for treatment hypertension and hyperthyroidism.

Wormwood cigars are also used to warm up correspondence points and energy points. Warming up of the points is carried out remotely, until a persistent warmth is felt in the heated zone.

Treatment with magnets

To stimulate correspondence zones, different magnets are widely used: ring, round, magnetic arrows, you can use magnets from road chessboards. The patch is used to attach magnets to treatment points on the hands and feet. The magnet is installed at the most painful point. The magnetic star combines two directions of influence on the correspondence point - mechanical and magnetic field.

Treatment with natural stimulants-seeds

Everyone knows the power of germinating seeds when a delicate-looking seedling breaks through dense soil. This potential energy is used in Su Jok therapy. Seeds are glued with adhesive tape to the matching area pathological process. The action of the seed on the points of correspondence is also carried out in two directions - mechanical and bioenergetic influence. Seeds are the most commonly used naturally occurring surface applicators. As living biological structures, seeds have a large reserve vital energy necessary for the development of a new plant. When the seeds are attached to the points of correspondence, they awaken, and their biological fields interact with the “balls of correspondence” to diseased organs and parts of the body, restoring their energy potential.

For treatment, seeds that are intact and capable of germinating are selected. Usually the seeds of radishes, beets, buckwheat, peas, beans, peppers, flax, apples, grapes, pomegranates, viburnum, pumpkin, etc. are used. The seeds are attached to a piece of adhesive tape and then fixed on the hand or foot. When choosing seeds, you should consider their shape. For diseases of internal organs, it is better to use seeds with a similar shape. For example, heart disease can be treated with viburnum seeds, kidney disease with bean seeds, lung disease with buckwheat seeds, for pancreatitis, grape seeds are used, etc. The application time for seeds ranges from several hours to a day. You can apply additional pressure on them (at intervals of once or twice an hour for 3-5 minutes). If it is necessary to continue treatment, after a day the seeds are replaced with new ones and the procedure is repeated.

Treatment with color

Many diseases, especially diseases that have external manifestations, can be treated with color. If the disease manifests itself only as redness, there is no swelling or pain yet, it must be treated with black. If the disease manifests itself as swelling, itching, and weak dull transient pain, it should be treated with green. If the disease manifests itself with significant, but not constant pain, the appearance of erosions, it should be treated with red. If the disease manifests itself with severe constant pain, ulcers appear, the affected area acquires a grayish-black tint, it must be treated with yellow color. To apply color therapy, you need to paint the points or areas of correspondence with a felt-tip pen of the appropriate color, or stick colored paper with the colored surface to the skin.

You can get acquainted with other methods of influencing and treating Su-Jok therapy from books on Su-Jok by Park Jae-Woo and his followers.

Video about methods and means of Su Jok therapy


Prophylactic manual massage hands and feet

Using your index finger or thumb, carefully examine the surfaces of your hands and feet on both sides. In this case, you will find painful areas, various seals, and spasmodic areas of muscles. These are signals about the beginning of disorder in your body. Such areas must be massaged well with your fingers until a feeling of warmth appears in them, pain and hardening disappear.

If you know which of your organs is sick or weakened, then massage the areas where it corresponds especially carefully.

Remember that massage of the fingertips and nail plates of the hands and feet is very useful. These areas correspond to the brain. In addition, the entire human body is projected onto them in the form of mini-systems of correspondence. Therefore, the fingertips must be massaged until a lasting feeling of warmth is achieved. This has a healing effect on the entire body.

A person should not endure pain - relieve it yourself, thereby speeding up recovery and mobilizing the body’s strength to fight the disease, but if necessary, consult a doctor so that he can professionally assess your condition.

Examples of therapeutic effects using Su Jok methods

Video on examples of the therapeutic effects of Su Jok therapy

Su Jok
According to the matching system, used by Su Jok therapists, the head on the hand is represented by the nail phalanx of the thumb, and the neck is projected on its lower phalanx. Parts of a person’s face can be easily found on the pad of the thumb: in the place where the pattern on the skin meets there is a nose, on the sides above it there are eyes, and under the nose there is a mouth.
From the second phalanx of the finger (neck) the nasopharynx, part of the lungs, thyroid and parathyroid glands are projected onto the palmar surface.
According to the matching system, on the tenor of the palm (elevation above the thumb), there is an area chest with lungs, heart, trachea and skeletal system. On the remaining surface inside The hands contain the abdominal organs. If we conditionally divide this part of the palm into 3 horizontal sections, then the upper one will contain the liver, gall bladder, stomach, duodenum, pancreas and spleen. The small and large intestines are projected onto the central part of the palm. The lower level of the inner side of the hand is occupied by the zone corresponding to the pelvic organs (in women - the uterus and appendages, in men - the prostate gland).
The index finger and little finger are responsible for the health of the hands, and the middle and ring fingers are responsible for the health of the legs. Kidneys and the entire spine, starting from cervical spine and ending with the coccyx, located on the back of the hand.

In the same way, all organs and parts of the human body are projected onto the foot. On the right and left limbs there are identical correspondence systems throughout the body.
In addition to the standard correspondence system, Su Jok therapy uses the insect system. According to it, the upper phalanges of each finger are responsible for the work of the head, the middle ones for the chest, and the main (lower) ones for the abdominal cavity. This system is very beneficial for treatment various diseases spine, since on the finger the spine is located in a straight line and is accessible from all sides.
Not only organs, but also the human energy system are projected into the correspondence system. In Eastern philosophy, there is a concept of 5 U-Xing energies, each of which is symbolized by its own color. Wind energy associated with green, it affects the activity of the liver and bile ducts. For heat energy the characteristic color is red, all microcirculatory processes in the body are associated with it, as well as the work of the heart and small intestine. Humidity energy associated with yellow. She is responsible for normal water exchange and the activity of the spleen, stomach and pancreas. Energy of dryness associated with brown and white colors. It controls the lungs, large intestine and all the mucous membranes of the human body. Cold energy symbolizes the color black. It controls the functioning of the kidneys, bladder, reproductive and skeletal systems. If any pathology occurs in the human body, then its cause must be sought at the energy level. Sujok therapists use different colors to treat their patients. Color therapy, combined with massage and other methods, gives excellent results in the treatment of many diseases. Any person, having studied the basic principles of Su Jok therapy, can provide himself with quick and effective self-help without turning to specialists. Any pathology is reflected in the correspondence system in the form of the appearance of painful points. To search for these points in sujok therapy, a special diagnostic stick is used. Using a stick, you can also massage the points, pressing on them with different forces. At home, diagnostics and massage of painful points can be carried out using a blunt pencil, match, key or any other object that does not have sharp ends. Experts use special massage rings and rollers as sujok tools. You can also perform a high-quality massage of the points using the fingers of your free hand. Massaging movements include stroking, pressing with varying strength and rubbing.
Sujok therapy is widely used medicinal properties seeds, plants, stones and heat. Very effective method impact on painful points is seed therapy. Seeds are used based on the influence of the color and properties of the plant.
For example, the red seeds of viburnum are shaped like a heart, and their color corresponds to the energy of heat, so they are used to treat cardiac pathologies by applying them to the projection area of ​​the heart. And hot pepper grains can be used as a warming agent, placing them in places corresponding to those where it is customary to place mustard plasters. Black beans resemble kidneys in shape, and their color symbolizes the energy of cold, which is also responsible for the functioning of these organs. By placing one bean grain on the hand in the area corresponding to the kidneys, you can achieve significant relief from the disease. It is not enough to just apply the seeds on top; they need to be fixed for several hours on the corresponding zones using an adhesive plaster and periodically massage the painful points with them throughout the entire time. Experts advise using the seeds of all available plants in treatment. People who want to provide effective self-help at home need to stock up on lentils, mung beans, millet, buckwheat, apple, lemon and grape seeds, and beans different colors etc. Instead of seeds, you can use mineral, precious and semiprecious stones various colors and sizes. To target painful points, it is useful to apply heat, which relieves spasms and relieves pain. Sources of such heat can be a small wormwood cigar or micromoxas, which are specifically used to warm painful areas.

How to use Su Jok therapy in practice and provide self-help? Let's look at a few simple examples treatment of the most common diseases. Colds We get rid of a runny nose by stimulating the points corresponding to the nose, which are located on the palmar and plantar surfaces in the center of the nail phalanges of the pads thumbs. To influence the painful point, you can use color therapy by activating wind energy. To do this, you need to draw a small green circle at the point corresponding to the nose or attach a green grain to it and massage it. Massaging the points corresponding to the larynx (the center of the thumb pad) and the tonsils (below the projection of the corners of the mouth) will help get rid of a sore throat. Cough can be cured by stimulating the correspondence points of the larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. You need to find the most painful places in the correspondence zones and massage them with a diagnostic stick or finger for 3-5 minutes, then warm them with a wormwood cigar or micromoxa. Long-term stimulation can be achieved by attaching black pepper, radish, buckwheat, lentil or lemon seeds to the points using a patch. From elevated temperature we get rid of it by influencing the points of the brain, which, according to the insect system, are located at the tips of all the fingers. Pieces of ice should be attached to them, and then painted over with black. Or you can draw black lines on the palm surface index fingers, which will begin in the corner of the nail plate and end at the level of the fold located between the middle and main phalanges. Bronchitis Bronchitis can be treated with an intense warming massage of the corresponding points of the larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs, then put buckwheat, rosehip, beet, apple or black pepper seeds on the painful areas. You can apply pieces of mustard plasters to the areas corresponding to the lungs and hold them until a burning sensation appears. To facilitate the discharge of sputum, you need to massage the correspondence zones respiratory tract using the seeds of apple, melon, watermelon, zucchini, and grapes. Headache Headache can be eliminated by paying attention to the area where it is localized. According to the insect system, the head corresponds to the nail phalanges of the hand and foot. If you are concerned about pain in the frontal part of the head, you need to massage the upper third of the nail phalanges. The parietal region corresponds to the fingertips, and the temporal region corresponds to points on the lateral surfaces of the fingers. The back of the head is projected onto the back of the fingers. Stimulation of painful points should be carried out with a diagnostic stick, pen or fingernail for 2-5 minutes. If after the massage the pain has decreased but has not gone away, you can attach a patch with buckwheat, millet or rice seeds to the painful points and leave them for 6-8 hours, massaging the points with them from time to time. Often headache cause diseases of internal organs. Problems with gallbladder can provoke pain in the temporal region, cervical spine and bladder can cause pain in the back of the head. The culprit discomfort an unhealthy stomach may appear in the frontal part of the head. In these cases, it is necessary to stimulate the points corresponding to the diseased internal organs in the same way as for a regular headache. In cases where the pain in the head is caused by increased blood pressure, the middle part of the thumb must be tightly bandaged with an elastic band and abruptly removed after the color of the finger changes. After this, the fingertips should be painted black and attached to the painful points corresponding to grains of rice, buckwheat or millet. Pain in the heart You can also get rid of pain in the heart yourself using sujok methods. According to standard system correspondence, the projection of the heart is in the lower part of the tenor of the palm. If sudden pain occurs, you should immediately massage the correspondence zone with your finger or a massager for 3-5 minutes, then attach viburnum, cucumber, zucchini or pumpkin seeds to the most painful points. Pain in the spine For pain in the spine an insect system should be used. Compliance zones different departments spine are located on the dorsum of all fingers. To alleviate the condition, it is necessary to influence the painful points using a massage ring or fingers for 3-10 minutes, and then apply black pepper, buckwheat or radish seeds in a chain to the corresponding zone and secure them with an adhesive plaster. Toothache To find points corresponding to teeth and eliminate toothache, it is most convenient to use the “animal head” system, in which the projections of all teeth are located along the edge of the nail plate of each finger. To relieve pain, you need to find the most painful point in the indicated area and stimulate it with a diagnostic stick for about 2-5 minutes, then attach a buckwheat grain to the point and press on it until the pain completely stops. Insomnia For insomnia, it is useful to perform light stimulation of the correspondence zones of the back of the head, cervical spine and kidneys. You can also, while lying in bed, put an elastic band on the lower part of your thumb without tightening it too much and leave it until you fall asleep. As already written above, Su Jok therapy techniques are aimed primarily at providing self-help and always give positive result. In addition, they have no contraindications and side effects and can be used even in childhood. Considering the fact that most Su Jok methods contradict official medicine, not all doctors recognize them. But there are also doctors who, after unsuccessful attempts at treatment with conventional drugs, advise their patients to turn to su jok specialists. As a rule, after visiting them, a person manages to regain lost health. Perhaps among the readers of the publication there are people who managed to heal with the help of wonderful techniques of Su Jok therapy. I would like them to personally comment on the article and share their methods of treatment using this technique.

Su-jok is relatively young - it was developed about a quarter of a century ago South Korean professor Park Jae-woo. However, it is based on the extensive traditions of ancient Tibetan medical knowledge. With its help, you can increase the body's resistance to stress and launch self-healing processes in it.

Translated from Korean, “su-jok” means “hand and foot.” Why is this strange name did the Korean doctor choose for his method? The fact is that these parts of the body represent extensive reflex zones. The nerve endings concentrated here are connected by nerve fibers to all human organs. On the hand and foot you can find a point corresponding to any part of the human body, all its organs.

Feedback principle

When a pathology occurs in a particular organ, energy flows are disrupted and peculiar short circuits occur. These short circuits also appear on the reflexively associated “points of correspondence” located on the hands and feet: they become especially painful if you press on them. It is this pain that helps to find the right point that corresponds to the diseased organ. By influencing these points, we, according to the feedback principle, launch recovery processes in the diseased organ.

Reach the point

These points can be stimulated in different ways - using massage with a special diagnostic probe, a mini-massager, warming with wormwood, charcoal or juniper cigar (moxa), placing small magnets (elongated or in the form of stars). These devices can be found in health stores or ordered online. However, if you don't have special tools, don't despair. You can activate reflexogenic points with a pencil with a dull lead, covered with writing. ballpoint pen, a wooden stick, turned into a cone (but not sharp), a match, a fingernail, the tip of a key (it’s convenient that these items are always at hand in case of emergency), and also by gluing to the right points plant seeds using adhesive tape.

Black peppercorns, buckwheat grains, pea seeds, beans, lentils, radishes, beets, and apples can be used. The main thing is that the seeds are alive, that is, they have the ability to germinate. They are left for no longer than a day and periodically pressed on them, massaging the points. If necessary, change to new seeds after a day.

Thumb Boy

In order to master the Su Jok therapy method, you need to understand the principles of correspondence inherent in the technique and study the topography of the points.

According to the standard correspondence system, the entire body is projected onto the hand and foot. In this case, the thumbs correspond to the head, the 3rd and 4th fingers of the hands and feet correspond to the legs, the 2nd and 5th fingers correspond to the arms, and the torso is projected onto the palm and sole.

But there is also an auxiliary system - the “insect system”, according to which all parts of the body and internal organs can be projected onto each of the fingers and toes. In this case, the upper phalanx of the finger corresponds to the head, the middle one to the torso, the lower one to the legs: a real Thumb Boy.

Where to press when there is a problem?

Headache can be removed by pressing on the most painful point on the pads of the thumbs. Following this, you can also activate it by massaging the balls of your big toes. Press intensely on the points for 3-5 minutes until a feeling of warmth and redness appears.

With increased blood pressure The tips of all fingers must be painted black with a felt-tip pen or Brown color. Also on the most painful point on upper third You can secure buckwheat or radish seeds with a bandage on your fingertips. Additionally, you can apply pepper plaster or mustard plasters to the areas corresponding to the shins (on the inner surface of the middle phalanges of the 3rd and 4th fingers) until redness and a burning sensation appear.

For a cold- it all depends on the symptoms you are experiencing.

If you have runny nose, you need to look for the point corresponding to the nasal sinuses. It is located in the middle of the upper phalanx of the thumb. To enhance the effect, you can stimulate the corresponding points on other fingers, as well as on the pads of your big toes, with a diagnostic probe.

At sore throat Find and stimulate pain points corresponding to the larynx, tonsils and trachea. They can be found at the very base of the first phalanx (almost at the bend) and at the top of the second phalanx of the thumb. To maintain the effect, stimulate the points on each finger using pressure.

At difficulty with sputum discharge You need to massage the bases of the thumbs of both hands with squeezing movements directed upward. You can use the thumb of your free hand, a small roller massager, or a diagnostic probe. To enhance the effect after a massage on the projection of the bronchi and lungs, you can stick apple seeds (with the point up) with an adhesive plaster for a day, put warming moxas, glue a pepper plaster or mustard plasters, cutting out pieces of the required shape. Mustard plasters should be kept for 5 to 20 minutes until the skin turns red and a burning sensation appears.

At dry paroxysmal cough you need to activate the points corresponding to the medulla oblongata, you can use pieces of garlic. The dots are located at the base of the thumbnails in the middle.

At ear pain you need to look for the most painful points to the right and left of the thumbnail and massage them until warmth appears. Do the same on the big toes.

Su Jok acupuncture is a universal way of using needles or other similar devices on the feet and hands, helping to cure pathologies without the use of drugs, that is, harmlessly for the entire human body.

Many people are familiar with acupuncture as a method that has ancient history. And its varieties are massage, the influence on points with electricity, heat, etc. Only a real specialist who has undergone extensive training can carry out such treatment. If manipulations are carried out by an amateur, this may harm human health.

A Korean doctor named Park Jae Woo discovered a unique way to heal the body thanks to its effects on a person’s legs and arms. He proved that on the feet, palms and hands there are areas that correspond to all systems and organs. Pathological changes in a specific organ are caused by painful sensations at the appropriate point. When the right influence is exerted on this point, healing occurs.

The essence of the therapeutic effect is to find the point corresponding to the affected organ. These points are affected by a special needle, massage, heating, magnetic fields, electricity, etc. Such manipulations in the first stages of the development of the disease promote recovery and help prevent exacerbation, acute or chronic course.

IN practical recommendations For treatment with this technique, it is indicated that it affects only the hand, since it is easier and more comfortable to carry out treatment on it. Also, active points on the soles of the feet are no less effective. Each person can find such points in himself in accordance with special schemes.

Translated from Korean, Su Jok means hand and foot. It is on these parts that there are many receptors and points that correspond to various organs.

When any disease develops in the body, points appear on the cyst or on the foot where pain is felt - these points are associated with the organ in which the pathology arose. When these points are discovered, the therapist can help the patient overcome the disease by stimulating the found points using needles, magnets, seeds of special plants, etc.

Point detection

Painful points are detected by palpation with fingers or any object with a rounded tip and a diameter of about 2 mm. In this case, it is necessary to press on the areas until the pain becomes tolerable. Initial search pain points It should be done with gentle pressure, because it may happen that all points turn out to be painful.

During the search process, it is necessary to gradually increase the pressure. At those points where the pain noticeably intensifies, they become points for treatment.

Methods of influence

    1. Mechanical massage. In this case, they press on the most painful point until the pain is tolerable, and then massage it with vibrating movements for one to five minutes. This can be done with one or several points, and you can also massage the entire hone with a special roller or massage ring. For the purpose of mechanical influence on the points, many improvised objects are used - small pebbles, balls of metal or other materials, grain, etc. These objects are glued to the detected points with adhesive tape and periodically massaged. If the application contains live grains, then they should be changed after a maximum of a day and no longer.
  1. A magnetic field. Sometimes magnets are placed on the points and secured with adhesive tape. The magnet is placed on the most painful point. If the condition worsens when installing the magnet, then its polarity should be changed.
  2. Live seeds. Many people are familiar with the power of germinating seeds - it is this power that is used in this therapy. Using a patch, the seeds are glued to the points that correspond to the affected organ. The seed acts both mechanically and bioenergetically.
  3. Warming up. Heat is expanding energy. It has a stimulating effect on biologically active points, so for many pathologies that correlate with a lack of energy, warming up gives good results. Warming is done using special wormwood sticks - moxas. They are placed on the skin without additional devices or using stands. Then the moxa is set on fire and it smolders, thereby warming up the point. Sometimes the heating of points on the feet and hands is carried out with an object that generates heat.

Methods of treatment in Su Jok therapy

  1. Self-regulating method, when the impact is made on the corresponding pain points of the organs. When the flow of energy is disrupted in the affected organ, special energy short circuits are formed, and an electromagnetic wave is generated. Such energy closures are aimed at all correspondence systems and are therefore presented in the form of pain points. Both artificial and natural stimulation of such points of correspondence contribute to the manifestation electromagnetic waves with a healing effect, which are directed to the affected area, thus eliminating physical and energetic abnormalities.
  2. Metaphysical method, when energy exchange processes are realized through biologically active points various organs, as well as between the environment and internal organs. Impact on such points with special needles in the event of a discrepancy in the energy balance changes the speed of energy flow - its quantitative and qualitative flow changes. All this contributes to a change in the speed of physiological processes in the human body as a whole or in a specific organ.

Su Jok therapy is currently quite diverse, and its methods have proven themselves positively in the treatment of various pathologies.

When organizing Su Jok seed therapy, it is important to take into account that the seeds of different plants differ in their properties, therefore they have individual characteristics in use and therapeutic effect. In this regard, when selecting a specific seed for therapy, it is necessary to take into account the properties of the plant, the shape of the seeds, their color and other properties.

If you choose the right seeds, the results will be especially successful. But even in the case where the seed does not somewhat correspond to the disease or organ, the effect will be noticeable thanks to the universal vitality, which is embedded in the seeds, and also due to the stimulation of a specific point.

There are more and more fans of non-standard methods of therapy in the treatment of various diseases and weight loss. Acupressure massage is very popular now. There is a theory that one or another point on the body is responsible for the health of a certain organ.

Today we will talk about Sujok therapy, tell you which points on the palm are responsible for other organs of the body, as well as the effectiveness of Sujok in losing weight.

What is Sujok?

Sujok therapy is a technique developed South Korean professor Park Jae-woo. While studying oriental medicine, he noticed that our hand in its structure resembles the structure of the human body as a whole.

Look closely at your brush. The human body has a head, two arms and legs. The brush also includes five protruding parts. After carefully studying the issue, the Korean professor developed innovative methodology treatment of various diseases, based on the effect on certain points on the palm.

On the foot and palm of a person there is a large number of receptor zones that are associated with a particular organ.

In the presence of a disease, they become overgrown with painful points that are associated with the diseased organ; the professor calls them points of correspondence. When you find them, you help the body overcome the disease by pressing on them or massaging them.

The points are affected through the following tools:

  • needles;
  • magnets;
  • warming sticks;
  • seeds

The seeds are a natural and biologically active point stimulant. This is very convenient for home Sujok therapy procedures.

Benefits of Sujok Therapy

Sujok therapy has many benefits. It is becoming more popular, especially among those people who have become disillusioned with classical methods of treatment or weight loss. Now this method is known all over the world.

The benefits of Sujok therapy are as follows:

  • availability of practice at home;
  • safety;
  • efficiency;
  • no need for financial investments.

The only point is that the technique will not be effective if used incorrectly. Feedback from practitioners about Sujok says that this therapy helps very well and quickly when losing weight or treatment, but you need to master the theory. You do not need to know any special medical skills.

The main thing is learn the atlas of points.

To test the effectiveness of this therapy, try rubbing the nail a little, first on your big toe, and then on the others. This will immediately relieve drowsiness and give you vigor.

Atlas of points on the palm according to Sujok therapy

Below we suggest that you familiarize yourself with which points on the palm correspond to certain parts of the body:

  • the nail phalanx on the thumb corresponds to the head;
  • pad of the thumb - the front part of the head;
  • the lower phalanx of the thumb is responsible for the condition of the neck;
  • drop onto your palm just below neck level - this is the point of the nasopharynx, thyroid and parathyroid glands and partially the lungs;
  • tenor of the palm, the place of elevation next to the thumb is the point of the chest with the heart, lungs, skeletal system and trachea;
  • the other surface of the inner part of the palm is responsible for the abdominal organs. Conventionally, it is divided into three parts horizontally. The upper is the point of correspondence to the spleen, stomach, gallbladder, liver and duodenum, the central part is the large and small intestine, and the lower is the pelvic organs in men and women, respectively;
  • the index finger and little finger are responsible for the hands;
  • middle and ring fingers - feet;
  • The back of the hand is responsible for the condition of the kidneys and spine.

By analogy with this arrangement of body parts and human internal organs have points effects on the feet.

Insect system in Korean therapy

We have looked at how the points on the palm correspond to certain human organs in Sujok therapy. It also contains another direction of therapy called the insect system.

It provides the following:

  • the upper phalanges of each finger have points of influence on the condition of the head;
  • the middle ones are responsible for the condition of the chest;
  • the lower phalanges - for the condition of the abdominal cavity, respectively.

How are the points located in both systems? works in therapy. For example, if your spine hurts, you can use not only the back of your hand, but all your fingers. This is good because the spine is placed straight and can be influenced from all sides.

Energy system during treatment

According to Sujok, the correspondence system includes not only human organs, but also his energy system. If this or that pathology is present, then the cause must be sought at the energy level. For this purpose, different colors are used for treatment.

In oriental medicine there are five types of energies, each has its own color:

  • green – wind energy, which helps treat diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
  • red – heat energy, relates to the work of the heart, small intestine and circulatory processes;
  • yellow - moisture energy. She is responsible for the stomach, spleen, pancreas and water metabolism;
  • white and brown – the energy of dryness. It is associated with the work of the lungs, large intestines and mucous membranes;
  • black – cold energy. She works with bladder, kidneys, reproductive and skeletal systems of the human body.

How does Sujok work for weight loss?

This method of losing weight is completely safe. Even if the wrong points are stimulated, it doesn’t work. will not negatively affect your condition.

When losing weight, most of us make huge sacrifices, giving up our favorite foods and going on exhausting diets. But Sujok therapy at home will help get rid of extra pounds without any noticeable dietary restrictions.

But remember that there will be no quick results. Weight will be lost slowly but steadily. And if you follow strict diet, then you can lose an average of 15 kilograms within a month. This is effective, but not very good for health, so rushing is not recommended.

If, as part of Sujok therapy for weight loss, you apply seeds and stimulate active points, then you you will achieve the following results:

  • get rid of fences and get work back to normal digestive system;
  • speed up your metabolism;
  • reduce your appetite.

At home, for the procedure using this method, you will need:

  • small plant branches;
  • apple, flax, rice or buckwheat seeds.

Impact points on the palms when losing weight they are in the following areas:

  • gastric;
  • food;
  • umbilical cord;
  • colonic;
  • pituitary and others.

Find the given points. Massage them with your fingers for the first 2-3 minutes, then secure the seeds on them with a band-aid. You can reduce your appetite by applying buckwheat seeds to the pituitary gland or navel area.

You can also fasten plant branches at the points corresponding to the esophagus and stomach, that is, in the area of ​​the thumb and its pad. Remember that the natural direction of growth of a branch should be straight opposite of food promotion. This procedure will help you quickly feel full during meals. Also, in order to quickly saturate, you can fix the seeds (preferably apple) with the narrow side down.

And to improve intestinal peristalsis, attach buckwheat grains, placing them along the movement of food through the intestines.

But remember the following:

  • if you replace buckwheat seeds with flaxseeds in the appetite suppression zone, you will cause constipation;
  • barley grain attached to this area will help relieve aggravation of hemorrhoids;
  • Grape grain will help actively burn fat.

Each The application is done for a week, then the seeds need to be replaced with new ones. And to enhance the effect, reduce the total calorie content of foods and give preference proper nutrition. Also drink more water.

Perhaps you knew about the existence of Sujok therapy before reading this article, but perhaps not. In any case, this information will be interesting for you, especially if you are looking for new methods of losing weight and treating various diseases.