Dream interpretation where. The meaning of dreams according to the correct dream book

© Book Club “Family Leisure Club”, 2015

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You are holding in your hands an unusual dream book. Its unusualness is not only in the record number of dream symbols, but also in the fact that with its help you can decipher the most outlandish dream you have ever had, putting together its interpretation like a mosaic or a construction set. And you can do all this based on one of the most ancient philosophies of our world - the philosophy that unites Macrocosm and Microcosm.

This book is based on a rigorous system similar to that used by professional astrologers to interpret astrological charts.

It is not at all accidental that all the dream symbols given in the book are distributed across twelve chapters. In the same way, in astrology, the entire diversity of the world and situations surrounding any person is divided into twelve parts.

The question is quite logical: with such diversity of the world, can everything that makes it up be divided into only twelve categories? It turns out that it is possible, and it was done many, many centuries ago. It’s just that each category includes a huge variety of topics and things from a wide variety of planes of existence. Moreover, this division is so harmonious and philosophically verified that the system created more than two thousand years ago has still practically not changed and to this day amazes its adherents with both strict logic and stable patterns.

Do not be surprised that, in introducing a book created for the interpretation of dreams, I talk so much about astrology. The fact is that humanity has never been able to come up with an alternative to this art of knowledge individual characteristics a person without any testing and direct exchange of information with him. Unfortunately, until recently, the word “astrology” evoked in most of us associations exclusively with horoscopes according to the signs of the zodiac in various means mass media. People who still think this way have a more than distorted view of astrology. After all, those published in the press supposedly astrological horoscopes have nothing in common with astrology itself except the names of the zodiac signs.

Astrology is first and foremost a philosophy. The rules and patterns that are known to professional astrologers are, by and large, aimed not so much at trying to predict the future, but at helping any person, through today’s actions, lay the foundation for his own better future with a fairly accurately predicted scenario for its development. To put it simply, to help a person build his life so harmoniously that he doesn’t need any forecasts in principle. So that every decision, every action naturally leads to exactly the results that need to be obtained. And at the same time, it would reduce to the maximum extent the danger of the influence of random factors that curtail these opportunities, slow them down or make them impossible.

Well, now let's get back to the interpretation of dreams.

And let us ask ourselves the questions: why interpret dreams at all? Why is the interest in this topic as stable and great as the interest in what astrologers do and what astrology can give a person?

The answer suggests itself: every person, even the most confident in his opinions and decisions, sometimes still needs a hint. After all, all our lives we have to make choices, and what exactly we choose in each special case, depends on what awaits us around the corner.

Dreams are visual images built on generally accepted and individual associations; they are generated by our subconscious in those hours when consciousness and logic take a break from active work while awake. But dreams are also a natural ability of every person, the result of brain activity corresponding to the period of sleep. Our waking life is subject to cosmic laws studied by astrology, and our dreams are subject to the same laws.

Thus, it turns out that every person who is able to remember and correctly interpret his dream receives an invaluable personal hint as to what awaits him in the future. A person who has learned to listen to himself can, through deciphering dreams and understanding their symbols, through which his subconscious is trying to tell him something, more often accept right decisions, act and live more successfully.

I hope that this dream book and the system on which it is built will help you find reliable clues regarding your future and learn to make exceptionally correct decisions.

Creating a complete picture of a dream. Each person is unique by nature. This uniqueness is manifested in everything - both in character traits and in fate. It cannot but manifest itself, among other things, in dream associations. Thus, it is apparently impossible to create a dream book that is ideal in all respects and would suit absolutely everyone.

Of course, there are some universal symbols that are interpreted almost identically in most dreams. But there are many that are based on everyone’s personal emotional experience, on personal associations. These symbols may have variable meanings. That is why each of the twelve chapters of this dream book begins with a description of what this or that dream symbol may generally refer to.

It may happen that the very interpretation of the dream you had, for some reason, does not seem to correspond to what you are used to understanding as a result of analyzing your dreams. In this case, you are faced with a situation that is the most common and widespread known interpretation a particular dream symbol does not suit you personally, since the interpretation of this dream for the most part should be based on personal associations, and not on standard and widely known ones. In this case, just read a short annotation to the chapter into which category your dream fell, according to the alphabetical index. This will help you understand what area of ​​life the dream relates to, where what it portends may appear.

Although such situations are possible, they are unlikely to constantly occur in your dream interpretation.

Also note that if you saw in a dream a certain symbol for which a redirection to the interpretation of another symbol with a synonymous meaning, but relating to a different section of interpretations, is indicated, then the final interpretation of the symbol you dreamed of should occur as follows: use the interpretation of the symbol on which will redirect you to the dream book, but in refraction to the topics indicated at the beginning of the chapter to which your dream relates.

For example, you dreamed of “Excavations”. This dream refers to chapter No. 4. The dream book refers you to chapter No. 6 and the dream symbol “Dig”, which in interpretation means “hard work”.

As a result, the dream “Excavation” should be interpreted as follows: “you will have to work hard, but not at work, but at home.”

In general, working with this book when interpreting a dream comes down to the following.

Before you start interpreting a dream you had, it is advisable to write it down in the form of a short story. If the description of the dream fits into one phrase, that’s also not scary. The main thing in this process is that when you write down the dream, you will, as it were, relive it, perhaps even remember some important nuances, capable of either complementing the picture of the interpretation of sleep, or showing it in a new light.

In addition, when writing down your dreams regularly, try to do it not on separate sheets of paper, but in a notebook. As a result, after some time you will find that some of the symbols of your dreams are repeated, although the plots of the dreams themselves may be different. These recordings will subsequently help you better understand yourself and your individual dreams. Or rather, those dreams, the interpretation of which belongs to the category of individual ones.

So, the dream is recorded. Do not miss the description of the colors and sensations that you observed or experienced in the dream. All this can be very useful.

Now you can begin to interpret. As you flip through the alphabetical index, you will find that some words in your dream description refer you to various chapters of the book containing interpretations of the dream symbols themselves.

Write down each of the interpretations you find and try to compose a coherent story from them, using the plot line of your dream as a basis. Chapter introductions can also help to some extent here. They will determine the areas of life that your entire dream may relate to.

To make the described algorithm for working with the book more clear, I will give a couple of examples.

Example #1. I'm at the bus station and a stranger attacks me. I put my hand forward and say: “You cannot harm me, since I am stronger. I'm a witch!

To understand the meaning of this dream, you need to look at the alphabetical index and find in it the individual symbols of this dream - the key words in the description (underlined in the text). The following are key words indicating the numbers of chapters containing interpretations.

Bus station 9

Attack 8

Stranger 7

Witch 8

Therefore, you need to find the meanings of these symbols in chapters No. 3, 7, 8 and 9.

Chapter No. 9 – dreams about long journeys, distant relatives, patrons, protection.

Bus station- anticipation of travel.

Attack- threat, danger.

Chapter No. 7 – dreams concerning partnerships, marriage, rivalry and cooperation.

Stranger- something that frightens.

Hand- conversation with a person you know well.

Chapter No. 8 – dreams of threats, psychological effects, dangers, love passion, debts and big money.

Witch– the need to get together or get support.

In general, when interpreting of this dream the following interpretation is obtained: the dreamer has a journey ahead of him. He is frightened by dangers on the way or difficulties associated with the trip. Meeting a good friend and receiving support from him in a conversation will help dispel fears (after the conversation the dreamer will become stronger).

Example No. 2. I dreamed that I was running away from someone down stairs and basements. I don't see or hear anything. I feel like I’m in some kind of shroud that envelops me from all sides, like in a spacesuit.

Leafing through the alphabetical index, in order to interpret this dream, we find the following symbols.

Chapter No. 12 – dreams of lies and intrigue, dreams of self-sacrifice. Also dreams that indicate the need for rest.

Escape– you are trying to get away from something that annoys you, causes discomfort of any kind. The desire to forget something.

Chapter No. 3 – dreams concerning brothers, sisters, short trips, close surroundings, everyday communication, receiving information and news.

Ladder– up – to good luck, down – to failure. Many stairs - changeable success.

Chapter No. 4 – dreams about family, about place of residence, about parents, dreams indicating the end of something.

Basement- finishing something, perhaps in order to start a new business.

Chapter No. 1 – dreams of own desires, about the opportunity to prove yourself, about the need to take personal action. Dreams about personal recognition, about image.

Blindness(I don’t see anything) - unwillingness or inability to see something in real light. Excessive subjectivity in assessments. Unwillingness to see the obvious.

Deafness(I don’t hear anything) - you are not able to hear sound advice from the outside. Or you are afraid that someone else’s opinion may confuse you and interfere with your business.

Chapter No. 11 – dreams foreshadowing unusual situations, also dreams about friends and relationships with them. Dreams about the fulfillment of a dream and everything far from the ordinary and everyday life.

Spacesuit– dangerous isolation from reality.

From the selected interpretations of individual key words of the described dream, the following interpretation can be made: this dream suggests that there is a lot of fuss in the dreamer’s life - some things end, new ones begin, they all have varying success. Moreover, the dreamer really wants it all to end. And perhaps this would have happened if he had tried to look at the world more realistically or at least listened to the advice that those around him give him.

I hope that you will be able (perhaps not the first time) to build fairly complete and comprehensive interpretations of your dreams, just as shown in the examples.

Chapter 1
Dreams about desires, about the opportunity to express yourself, about the need to take action. Dreams about personal recognition, about image

Dreams in this section indicate your personality, your natural inclinations and developmental tendencies, your individuality and way of expressing yourself. Essentially, they create an image of your “I” as, from your point of view, others should see it.

These dreams represent your stock vitality, personal activity, image, manner of behavior, as well as all actions based on first impulses and intentions. They reflect your life principles, worldview, yours appearance, all the undertakings, plans and methods of behavior that you use when faced with external circumstances. These are also dreams about problems of self-awareness, presenting oneself as an individual. They indicate a need for recognition and self-actualization.

In addition to the above, they may talk about your friends' sisters, brothers and neighbors, grandparents, your spouse's nieces and nephews, and adult grandchildren. They will also tell you about the life circumstances of your superiors, about threats to your subordinates, about the bosom friends of your neighbors and the close friends of your siblings. They will talk about the prospects for long-distance travel for your children and the goals of your parents.

But first of all, these are dreams about you, your reaction to what is happening in the real world and personal actions in connection with this. And finally, they reflect everything that is happening here and now.


Vanguard (to be in it). Stay ahead of events in your thoughts, feel impatient.

Unit (some device). Motivational force, activity, energy.

Aggressor, aggression (attack). Feeling in love.

Address. Stay in agonizing anticipation of news.

Excitement. Dangerous actions, risk.

Anatomy. The desire to understand the essence of what is happening.

Anonymous letter. To write is to be jealous of something or someone; to receive is to be jealous of you.

Arsenal. Willingness to take action, determination.

Artilleryman, artillery. There is a possibility that you will fall in love soon.

Architecture. Feeling hopeful about something, making plans.

Ataman of the robbers. Do something that goes against your personal moral code.


Whiskers. Financial success.

Run for office. Unsuccessful, hopeless planning.

Baobab. Wise and far-sighted thoughts and actions.

Drum beat, drum. Attention is required, important news, possibly related to the fact that someone needs your help.

Ram. A stupid or naive act.

Baron. To be one is to be capricious; communicating with him means there will be a misunderstanding and you may find yourself in an awkward situation.

Badger. Luck, success.

Runner. Rush. Fear of not being able to do something in time.

Bedlam. You are very tired - you need to rest, think about yourself. Errors in opinions and judgments.

Deserted or abandoned places. Lack of desire to do anything, apathy, lack of initiative.

Ugly appearance. Serious disease. Trouble.

Polar bear. The need to act decisively, no matter what.

barren land. Lack of prospects.

Anxiety (irritant). Fatigue from something that cannot be gotten rid of for some reason.

Shamelessness. Active behavior bordering on impudence.

Rabies (rage). Dangerous, very risky actions are coming, calculated for good luck.

Bat. Stubbornness.

Battle. Heated debates without reaching a consensus.

Pallor. You don't have the strength to make a breakthrough in business.

Martial arts. See Fight.

Fighter. Willingness to act or an active, energetic person.

The battle. Getting rid of illness, success in business and love, victory over enemies.

Pain. Signal from the subconscious: “Attention!”

Bomb. Personal success.

Bombardment. Chain of fatal events. Moral injury.

Bomber. A threat, the inevitable approach of something that frightens.

Fighter. See Boxer.

Flood control. Debunking rumors and gossip.

Fighting sleep. Disastrous delay in action.

Walk/run barefoot. A successful outcome of all endeavors. In women's dreams - Special attention from the opposite sex.

Razor. An important, very risky decision or action. See Cut, Surgical incision.

Brows. Thick - success. Losing means shame, regret, remorse.

Throw an item. Refuse to make promises.

Throw (swift movement). Desire.

Wake up. To get wish.

Bug. Your actions cannot change anything.

Buraw. Working as one means making an unpleasant decision for someone close to you. Seeing is an unpleasant forced wait.


Paddle. The need to deal with circumstances.

Spring. The beginning of something. Renewal in life. Optimism.

Lobby. Willingness to enter into a new romantic relationship, but lack of a worthy candidate for this.

Sight. Feeling it on yourself means great danger.

Burglar. Someone who wants to know the truth.

Explosives. Lethargy, need to shake yourself up.

Screech. The desire to speed up events, to bring a certain moment closer.

Propeller (propeller, air). Active activity aimed at changing someone’s attitude towards oneself.

Rifle. Readiness for changes in life or a specific situation. Confidence that you will be able to adapt to new circumstances. See Weapons.

Dent or scratch. The feeling that you are unworthy of someone or something.

Attention (care). Someone who takes responsibility for something.

Ambulance driver. Someone who shows a desire to help.

Joyful excitement. Something that will make you sad.

Sexual arousal. Success in business.

Militancy. Lack of self-confidence.

Ox. Well-fed – growth of well-being. Tired and thin - you have taken on an unbearable burden. A pair of oxen is near you loving person. The oxen are stepping on you, crowding you - hard times are coming.

Hair. An important nuance.

Gray hair. We need to be careful. Special skills, special knowledge.

Armament. The need to be careful.

Scream (scream). Risky actions that cannot be avoided.

Gate (entrance). Progress in business, reaching a qualitatively new level.

Wax figures. The feeling that you are not understood, not recognized.

Entrance. Ready for action.

Entrance door. The start of something.

Selection (range). A feeling of newness in life.

Shout. You need to be more careful.

High blood pressure . Nervous tension.

Shot. Important news. Love.


Haberdasher (seller of haberdashery goods). A superficial attitude towards something.

Gum. To see - big profits, winnings. To be in a crush means squabbles, grief, obstacles.

Extinguish. Fire - you will have to abandon your plans. A fire is a blessing; you can identify the intruder. Light - to feed vain hopes. Lamp - you need to be patient.

Noise (noise). Nervous state, irritation that is difficult to hide.

Gladiator. Actions aimed at protecting an idea or belief.

Eyes. You need to be careful. Strange – serious problems. Oblique - to profit. Beautiful and alluring - love.

Deafness. You are unable to hear sound advice from the outside. Or you are afraid that someone else’s opinion may confuse you and interfere with your business.

Anger. Devastation, exhaustion.

Nasty. Hindrances and obstacles on the path of self-development.

Head. You should first think carefully and only then do something. Severed - you don’t have to worry about attacks.

Dizziness. Losses, disruption of plans, destruction of relationships.

Naked. Being naked means illness. Seeing someone naked means illness for someone else or for the dreamer - debilitating troubles.

Race. Watching – personal success, popularity. Participating in them means a desire to be noticed.

Fee. Arrogance, inflated self-esteem.

Hump. To see it at home is a big profit from business. Others are surrounded by wealthy people.

Combustion. Something is burning - financial losses, losses.

Horn. An attempt to attract attention.

Hot. Eating something hot means illness. Touching something hot or seeing something heating up means moving towards a goal using your abilities.

Grenade. Bad news.

Grader. Fighting obstacles.

Thunder. Psychological imbalance, anxiety that everything may not go as smoothly as planned.

Bolt. Danger for the dreamer. Threats against you.

Gnaw. Pursuit of profit.

Lips. Unpleasant meetings. It will be difficult for you to resist harsh assessments.

Buzzing. Unexpected meetings.

Car horn. An unexpected visit.

There are many techniques for interpreting dreams. But in such a wide variety of sometimes polarly different sets of rules, it is very difficult to single out one that would be optimal for the majority of readers and would not mislead anyone. Dreams are probably the most individual things a person can tell another person about. In fact, everything that a person sees in a dream is the result of his independent thoughts and conclusions. In some cases, the images that a person sees in a dream are so individual that a general approach to their interpretation will be extremely destructive. From this position, most modern dream books do not appear in a very rosy light.

Features of the “Correct Dream Book”

“The Correct Dream Book” was compiled to help readers independently evaluate their dreams. This result was achieved through the use specific method constructing dream interpretations.

The fact is that the vast majority of dream books provide readers with an extremely concise and specific explanation of this or that image and its meaning. Taking into account the fact that the meaning of the symbols contained in dreams is laid down at the level of subconscious knowledge, such an approach would be appropriate if human consciousness is presented as something absolutely identical for each person. In practice, it becomes obvious that the consciousness of each person is absolutely individual, because a person is a person.

Interpretations "The correct dream book" are constructed in such a way that the reader seems to follow the path that he chooses based on his personal experience, the collection of interpretations only gives certain laconic hints, pointing to the correct sequence of solving the dream.

This method of interpretation is, perhaps, the most optimal if the dreamer is able to assess with the utmost impartiality everything that his dream contains. If, however, the reader prefers to think more limitedly than suggested by the interpretations of this publication, the solution to the meaning of the dream may turn out to be completely erroneous.

As a result, “The Correct Dream Book” can be called an excellent remedy dream interpretation for those who are free in their prejudices and can afford to expand the boundaries of their own understanding of interaction with the world of dreams.

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Interpretation of dreams according to: Correct dream book

Do you want to know what your dream means? Use the Correct Dream Book for quick interpretation of dreams! Write your dream in the form below and the meaning of the dream you saw will be revealed to you. Try it!

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    I had a dream from Thursday to Friday, I don’t remember where in some room I stole a lot of rings, they were hidden in a small pile of hay, I took them all and started measuring them and I definitely remember one very large ring for the entire finger, either middle or index finger, of the old style, I took it I put it on and extended my hand forward like a pointer, the tip of the ring was pointed, in the dream I really liked it, why such a dream?????

    Hello. I dreamed of icons painted on stones, a river bank. I swam in the water of a wide river. She obtained seeds from an unprecedented plant fruit. Broken wrist watch. I walked through the green garden. Kiss a man.

    Good afternoon. In a dream, I was walking near the house and saw bars standing in even rows, on which dead black cats were hanging at one angle. When I looked at them a second time, a voice said that they were coming to life. I went further, uttering something like a curse against those who did this to the poor animals.

    IN Lately I too often see dreams that came to me ten to fifteen years ago, when I was still a girl. Then I again see how Blade is chasing me, and then again in a dream I feel bad. This time I saw how my hair was cut off long hair almost to the root. The interpretation of the dream inspires optimism, but the fear due to the fact that I do not understand why these dreams return after so many years does not go away.

    I saw a guy in a dream, he’s 32 right now. I loved it very much! Then when he said that he was very far from him, and we would just remain friends. I was in a lot of pain and wanted to cross him out of my life)) crossed him out…. although my heart was always open to him. I just recently had a dream. I saw him where I live, where he spoke far away, I saw him at the station, with a large bag... which men carry. He was wearing a suit, and it was a sports bag. My sister and I were a friend, my sister and I. My sister said, look, he’s coming, she called him by name. Although she doesn't know him. And it was evening, everyone was dancing, I wanted to dance and went up to them, and it was as if I wasn’t there at all. This is one dream, tell me what does it mean? Is it that I haven’t forgotten him or what? ALLAH ALWAYS KNOWS HOW MUCH I LOVE HIM!! But I recently heard that he is married.

    I'm married. We are now expecting our third child. Last night I dreamed that the neighbor on the landing rang our doorbell and asked for my husband. I told him that he was at work. To which he wanted to leave silently. I stopped him and asked what he wanted. To which he replied that my husband told him that I should not know anything about their conversation. I insisted that the neighbor tell me everything. He looked at me and only because I was pregnant told me that my husband wants to wait until the baby is born so that we can buy an apartment and leave me with the children and divide the apartment in half. And he negotiated with his neighbor to find him a well-paid job. So that he can live and not deny himself anything.
    So what could this mean? Otherwise I haven’t been walking around like myself since this morning.

    I had a dream from Thursday to Friday...
    My boyfriend cheated and left me... He left for his friend’s girlfriend.

    We saw her, she is not his type, but jealousy did not leave me and does not leave for a long time..

    On Friday I had a very vivid dream with the following content.
    I was visiting a friend with whom I had not spoken for about 10 years and I stole fabric from her, satin, gray-pearl color... I decided to sew shoes from it... my friend and her husband rushed after me. I ran away and thought, what a shame , why did I steal this fabric, and what should I do now... along the way I hid this fabric... And I woke up in horror and tears and was relieved that it was just a dream.
    What could this dream mean?

    Today, from Tuesday to Wednesday, in the morning I dreamed of a middle-aged gypsy woman, it seemed to me that she was a very close relative from past life, she told me about the man with whom I am now communicating, that we will be together, but I will regret it, from her lips it sounded like a warning. I don’t know how to interpret this now, with this man, we understand each other perfectly, we have the same outlook on life, the same values, I feel him, I find him very pleasant and sincere, our age difference is 18 years. I will be very grateful to you and appreciate your answer.

    Hello. I dreamed that I was in the bedroom of my deceased parents. The room is dark and in disarray. Some woman offers me to change the white curtains in the room at her expense, I agree, but on the condition of paying expenses in the future. Then it turns out that this is the mother of my brother’s wife, they now live in their parents’ house. Next, I begin to sweep away the cobwebs in the room with a broom; they are all over the ceiling and walls, black with dust. I didn’t see the broom in my hand. After that, I find a lot of black beads in some niche, the thread is torn, some scattered on the floor. I collected all the beads from the floor and cleared the niche of them; there were still grapes there, they were stale. I threw all the beads and grapes into the trash. I ask this woman (in the dream she is different from my brother’s real mother-in-law, a complete stranger) to talk to her daughter about the need to maintain order in the house.

    I dreamed that many small black spiders were attacking me. They crawl all over my body, I try to throw them off, I kill them. One larger spider (female) again sends many smaller ones at me and everything repeats itself again.

    I dreamed about it deceased mother-in-law upset. They told me that my husband had died and we should go there. I can't find the key to lock the house. I found one, it was bent, another one, also bent. It looks like some man is helping. We arrived somewhere, a young nurse led me to where my husband was lying. He is in a glass sarcophagus, it says frozen. He's alive there, smiling.

    I saw the dream on Thursday for Friday (09/15/16-09/16/16). I am in a large spacious room with a group of young people: boys and girls. I don’t know what kind of room this is. I know that in the village where I have a dacha. It’s as if we’re preparing a bombing against our enemies and we need an explosive device. I don’t make a bomb myself and I don’t see how others do it; in my dreams I only see a sheet of paper with some kind of diagram. We sit, wait, and along the way, I approach one of the guys. He’s sitting, and I’m standing, hugging him from the back, I didn’t really see his face. The hair was blond. And suddenly I hear the sound of an explosion, but not strong, and we run away. No one was hurt and nothing was destroyed. Along the way, I put on one foot and then run alone along the familiar road. I also see red planes - the image is like on a radar. I run to the house, and there, on a large platform nearby, a folk dance ensemble is dancing, for some reason Havu-Nagilu. Dancers in black and white costumes, with red belts: young men and women. And I stand on the sidelines and watch. I see this scene close-up and in color.

The author of this large dream book is a hereditary healer Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova, which has long established itself as a professional in its field. The advice that she gives to those who turn to her can help protect themselves from a variety of problems that the machinations of dark forces can bring. Before you is a unique means of interpreting dreams; among its own kind it simply has no equal. Interpretations of dreams in this publication are presented depending on when the dreamer was born, dreams are grouped by month. This approach becomes clear and justified when a person turns for information to various sources that claim that it is the date of birth that determines the main events in the life of a particular person. This dream book contains clues to the mysteries of dreams, interpretations of the most mysterious images.

Information about the author of The Big Dream Book

Natalya Ivanovna devoted most of her life to studying the traditions of dream interpretation, but this does not mean that she did not use her own experimental techniques and methods. Over a long period of time, she carried invaluable knowledge, the discoverers of which had long since sunk into oblivion. With her works, Natalya Stepanova made accessible to our contemporary people what could have been lost or forgotten by imprudent people.

The interpretation of dreams according to Stepanova’s dream book is based on an analysis of one’s own abilities and the search for methods for directing them for the benefit of other people. A huge contribution on the part of the author is considered to be teaching his own knowledge and introducing young interpreters to his own unique experience.

« Big dream book» is able to lift the veil of secrecy over the meaning of a wide variety of images, from traditional native Russian ones to more modern ones. This collection of dream interpretations can help you achieve harmony between your physical and spiritual being. In this way, you will be able to understand the true essence of the priceless signs in your dreams.

Working with this publication does not require any special skills or abilities. It includes special calculation tables containing information about how important a particular dream is, whether it should be trusted or whether it should be ignored.

Natalya Ivanovna was of the opinion that prophetic dreams can be seen directly on Christmas Eve, as well as under the old New Year or on other holy holidays. In addition, the author suggests focusing attention on those dreams that are repeated quite often. Such dreams can carry a lot of important information for you.

Key features of Stepanova’s dream book

The “Big Dream Book” is not like its other brothers, which are a dry list of explanations of the meanings of symbols and images. It is structured in such a way that each of your dreams will have an absolutely unique interpretation, because they are all based on many different factors, except for the meaning of the dream symbols.

One of these factors is the date of birth, and its significance is not in the calendar date, but in how close the date of birth is to certain Christian holidays. So, according to the author, people born on days close to holidays are stronger and more successful.

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Compiled by Svetlana Kuzina, who put a lot of effort into penetrating the mystery of dreams. When interpreting images, she used psychoanalysis (Sigmund Freud), analytical psychology (Carl Gustav Jung and Robert Johnson), ontopsychology (Antonio Meneghetti) and Gestalt psychology. According to the compiler, “only those interpretations are collected here that have already been repeatedly tested, and in fact the fact that they work has been confirmed.” And one more thing: “A dream is the work of your subconscious on your current problems. In essence, you order yourself a dream so that it tells you correct solution. But since our brain can only talk to us in images, we have to solve them."

Gustavus Hindman Miller(1857 - 1929) compiled this dream book at the end of the 19th century. Many comments say that " most of interpretations of this dream book still remains relevant for a wide range of ordinary people." Perhaps, in more than 100 years, we, in fact, have not gone so far: “vodka”, “drugs”, “envy”, “slander”, mentioned in the dream book, accompany us even now.

Vanga(Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, née Dimitrova, 1911-1996) - blind Bulgarian prophetess and clairvoyant. Many people turned to her for predictions. famous people: poet Sergei Mikhalkov, writers Leonid Leonov and Yuri Semenov, artist Sergei Roerich, poet Evgeniy Yevtushenko, actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov...
Vanga believed that dreams are connected with real life. But I didn’t compile dream books. This selection of dream interpretations was compiled based on her individual phrases and sayings.

Sigmund Freud(1856-1939) - famous Austrian psychologist, was one of the most diligent researchers in the world of sleep. His work “The Interpretation of Dreams” reveals many interesting mechanisms of dream activity and contains many examples and analyzes of his dreams and the dreams of his patients. This dream book has nothing to do with this psychologist. Perhaps it was compiled to discredit this scientist and create the stereotype “he was obsessed with genitals.” Judge for yourself, a third of the interpretations in this dream book, without further ado, begin with the phrase “is a symbol of the genitals.”

Evgeniy Tsvetkov has been researching dreams and visions professionally for 25 years. His dream book is based on Slavic associativity, and therefore it seems to be most suitable for a Russian person.

Michelle Nostradamus(16th century) - French physician, astrologer and fortune teller. The interpreter argued that every image seen in a dream reflects not only a person’s experiences, but also the future of the world as a whole. There are very few interpretations in it, but... someone might be really interested in them.

Yuri Longo(Golovko Yuri Andreevich, 1950-2006) - known as an astrologer, folk healer, master of practical white magic, member of the Australian Association of Magicians and Sorcerers, founder of the school of magicians and sorcerers.

Schiller-Shkolnik H.M.- Polish scientist, palmist, physiognomist and phrenologist. Despite the fact that he compiled his dream book at the beginning of the twentieth century, the interpretations set out in it are still relevant. Every person, thinking about the meaning of his dreams, can find all the answers in his book. Simplicity and conciseness are what is valued by readers of this dream book today.

Compiled by Elena Iosifovna Anopova, the author of the Teaching of the Third Ray, an adept of Ophiuchus Magic and a famous soothsayer. Designed to help you understand your internal, subconscious experiences, find inner harmony and understanding of what is happening around us, and lift the veil over the secrets of the future.

IN pre-revolutionary Russia A popular dream book was the publication “Scientifically Based Interpretation of Dreams, Compiled by the Famous Medium Miss Hasse.” Miss Hasse lived and predicted in the 19th century. She worked not only on compiling a dream book, but also performed a lot on stage throughout Europe, earning big money. This allowed her to create her own publishing house and publish books on esoteric topics.

The main feature of the dream book David Loff is that it is based not on symbolic, but on individual interpretation of dreams. According to David Loff's theory, each person has his own dream scenario, determined by life experience, the characteristics of the sleeping person’s character, his way of life, current events and how he relates to others. That is why the same dream seen by two different people, can be interpreted in different ways. And it is completely incomprehensible how, in this case, he offers thousands of people the same interpretations of the images.

Every dream book interpretation of dreams offers a common database of images - completely free. That is, on one page you can watch excerpts from different dream books dedicated to one image. It is this feature that distinguishes our resource from others. dream books online. Don’t forget to read the opinions of our guests who share their dreams and impressions of their interpretations.

Miller's dream book is the most complete dream book existing today, it has been reprinted many times from minor changes and it provides the interpretation of about 10,000 dreams. Despite the fact that the dream book was compiled even before the revolution, it does not lose its relevance. The main thing is to be able to read correctly and apply to yourself the interpretation of dreams offered to you. Intuition, imagination, a logical assessment of what you see and Miller’s famous dream book at hand will help you solve even the most complex and confusing dream. Freud's dream book is not an ordinary dream book. It helps you get to know yourself better, understand your hidden desires and fantasies, and does not directly tell you what will happen to us in the future. It is not for nothing that the interpretation of dreams proposed by this great scientist is also called erotic. It is no secret that his main research was aimed at studying the psychology of love and relationships between men and women. All interpretations of the dream book are psychological in nature and proceed from the fact that a dream, with the help of images and symbols, tells us about what is happening (often unconscious) in a person’s life, and therefore a remembered or recorded dream is a unique document testifying to the dreamer’s fate. Vanga's dream book was compiled by a Bulgarian clairvoyant and fortuneteller, known throughout the world for her prophecies. The language in which the dream book is written may seem somewhat confusing at first. However, having learned to analyze the interpretation of dreams proposed by Vanga, you will see that all the knowledge that she received thanks to her supernatural abilities is reliable and has great practical use. Dreams can be interpreted in different ways, but if you rely on Vanga’s experience, her wisdom and knowledge of universal and earthly laws, then in Vanga’s dream book you can see the whole picture of the future. Tsvetkov's dream book is more than just a dream book. This book teaches us not only the art of dream interpretation. It turns out that it is extremely important to learn how to behave correctly in dreams, and then through sleep we will be able to control Destiny. Tsvetkov’s dream book gives the answer to the question: “How to ward off a bad dream and prevent trouble?” Tsvetkov’s dream book is based on Slavic associativity, and therefore, it can be assumed that this particular dream book is most suitable for the Slavic peoples. The dream book of Nostradamus helps in practice to interpret each dream symbol and gives the key to the dream as a whole. The dream book of Nostradamus is compiled on the basis of premonitions, predictions and interpretations of the famous astrologer. It covers a fairly wide range of signs - animals, mythical creatures, elements, etc., and is based primarily on the symbolic interpretation of dreams. Despite the fact that Nostradamus’s dream book appeared five centuries ago, its relevance is not in doubt today. The interpretations in the French dream book are very subtle and elegant. For example, if you see an empty coffin in a dream, you will have success in business. And being in a hospital in a dream is real life, means living is profitable. Porcelain seen in a dream foreshadows the opportunity to succeed in something. In general, the art of reading dreams originated in ancient times, when there was no mass media yet. In Europe, the Christian interpretation of dreams was in force. For attempting to develop new interpretations, the Inquisition burned him at the stake. In many ways, this predetermined the fact that in the old French dream book everything is based on Christian symbolism. Odd numbers generally portend good luck (3, 11 and 7 in particular). Fire, in the understanding of the French, is a kind of foreshadowing of love, passion, relationships or something like that. Hasse's dream book was compiled on the basis of modern and ancient sources by the famous medium Miss Hasse. In printed form, the dream book contains more than 5,000 dreams. The materials from this dream book are used by many magic salons. This dream book is suitable for those who believe in the magic of numbers. When using Miss Hasse's dream book, you should take into account that not all dreams have the same probability of fulfillment. The probability with which a particular dream can come true is determined by the number of the month when it took place, counting from the new moon. David Loff's dream book is different from other dream books and has the most detailed interpretations dreams Loff's theory is based not on the symbolic meaning of each element of your dreams, but on the fact that there are just as many dream interpretations as there are people dreaming. Simply put, David Loff starts from the fact that a dream is a kind of subjective picture of the world or a single event specific person, and therefore the same dream can be interpreted differently, based on the conditions, events and even the character traits of each individual person. An intimate dream book will help you decipher your dreams in order to better know yourself and establish a connection with your unconscious, without understanding which it is impossible to achieve inner harmony. A culinary dream book helps to interpret images of products or situations related to food that we see in our dreams. It does not have any one authorship, as it has been supplemented over the years by many interpreters. And largely thanks to this, today this is one of the most significant collections of interpretations, including more than a thousand different images, united by various topics. This includes meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, dishes, ready meals, etc. Modern dream book, as the name implies, is adapted to consciousness and thinking modern man. In addition to the traditional interpretations of the standard set of symbols, the authorship of many of which belongs to famous soothsayers of the past and present, the “Modern Dream Book” includes a number of new definitions, for example, such as “computer”, “telephone” or “auditor”. The author of the esoteric dream book is Elena Anopova. Esoteric dream book will help you penetrate your own inner world, discover the secrets of the subconscious and develop hidden potential. The esoteric dream book contains not only a decoding of certain symbols, but also a description existing techniques working with dreams, as well as necessary advice, which will help you achieve certain results faster. Yuri Longo's dream book allows you to understand yourself and foresee various situations based on subtle signs and signs that do not lend themselves to traditional rational analysis. Longo argued that our dreams are very often the key to understanding future events and our own inner world. Longo's interpretations are interesting in their depth, surprising in their accuracy and detail. The Islamic dream book is based primarily on the work of the great Arab alim Imam Muhammad Ibn Sirin Al-Basri, as well as Imam Ja'far As-Sadiq and An-Nablusi. And most of the interpretations are selected from the Koran and Sunnah of the Messenger s.a.