Ox-ox relationships in love and business. Friendship between Ox and Ox according to the Chinese calendar. Ox Man and Ox Woman: Compatibility in Love

If we compare the representatives of this sign with their zoological counterpart, then their character actually contains a large amount of stubbornness and the ability to overcome resistance. However, the Ox is slightly slowed down and needs time to “run up.”

For the Ox, proof of his worth is important, be it status, income, titles, etc., he is ready to do a lot for the sake of his career, and in general, clings to everything that can become a source of his pride. His megalomania grows in proportion to his achievements.

The Ox compatibility horoscope promises a favorable partnership between the Ox and the reptiles – the Dragon and the Snake, but the love relationship is far from ideal. In terms of love and marriage, the most harmonious unions are with the Pig, Cat, Rooster, as well as with a representative of your sign. Intellectual agreement is present with the Rat.

The Dog lowers the Ox's self-esteem, and Monkeys, Goats and Horses can involve the Ox in situations that do not suit him.

The energy of the Ox is similar to that of the tiger, but a strong one, for example, the Fire Tiger, can shake the “Olympic calmness” of the Ox and completely throw him off balance.

Chinese horoscope man Ox

The Ox is a fairly strong and persistent person, but in relation to many Ox men this does not sound like a compliment. If the Ox Man is confident that he is right, then it is useless to argue with him; it is almost impossible to influence his decisions. He is patient, but methodical third-party objections, and especially challenges, act like a red rag on him.

The Ox can go ahead towards its goal, without using detours, and as a result is capable of breaking a lot of wood, that is, making mistakes. So in relationships with women, he can behave like a bull in a china shop. This is the most worst psychologist, it is difficult for him to understand women's anxieties, spiritual needs and aspirations; it is difficult for him to give up his established principles and admit his mistakes. There are also more compliant, sensitive and sentimental Oxen men, but they rarely experience deep feelings. And only the constancy of the Ox makes him attractive in the grooms market; in addition, he is a good earner and saver.

The Ox man does not adapt well to changes, they scare him, he does not like innovation at all, and any creativity worries him. Men born in the year of the Ox should avoid excessive conservatism, which can transform into inertia of thinking, the desire to both follow strict rules and dictate them, like the barracks regulations of the “fall and do push-ups” type.

Chinese horoscope Ox woman

The Ox woman is characterized by rational, not creative, abstract thinking, however, this is sometimes not enough to develop the right strategy for your actions. She has the talent of an organizer, but even if she strives to demonstrate her power, inside she remains a rather inert creature. “You can’t hide an awl in a sack,” this iron lady can feel insecure even on the throne, is prone to hesitation before making decisions, and is not adapted to change, almost like a rushing bull, she does not cope well with unexpected sharp turns.

Downside This medal is the heat of its so-called offensive love. With a low level of coquetry and grace, the Ox woman is inclined to show love initiative, is assertive, straightforward, and frankly longs to love and be loved. In no case should she marry according to the principle “If she endures it, she will fall in love.” It is very important for her to feel her partner’s dedication, to be confident in his feelings, to feel his strong strong shoulder. In men, the Ox woman values, first of all, independence, determination and business acumen, but the paradox is that she often comes across weak, weak-willed partners.

Celebrities born in the year of the Ox (1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021): Mikhail Mamaev, Natalya Koroleva, Ariana, Yulia Volkova, Eva Herzigova, Kate Moss, Vladislav Stashevsky, Elena Yakovleva, Sergei Selin, Alexander Tsekalo, Nikita Dzhigurda, Eddie Murphy, George Clooney, Arina Sharapova, Viktor Tsoi, Jim Carrey, Yuri Kuklachev, Alla Pugacheva, Meryl Streep, Richard Gere.

People born under the sign of the Ox have only the best character traits. They have a love for their work, nobility and they are the most reliable people on Earth. The Ox man always achieves his goal. If he has failures, this does not affect his incentive in any way. There are often situations when the Ox guy becomes a victim of non-reciprocal love. To a greater extent, the compatibility of this symbol with other signs eastern horoscope depends on the age of the partners and how much they want to be together.

Characteristics of the Ox

The characteristics of an Ox man are based on the fact that such people have high level communication skills. They're pretty easy to find mutual language with others. Thanks to this, the opposite sex is directly attracted to them. If a guy is in love with a girl, he will try to win her, and no obstacles will be able to stop him. Such men are quite amorous. As soon as they start a relationship, they completely drown in it. They don't care who will be next to them all their lives. The main thing is that the couple has passion and tenderness. If an Ox man experiences non-reciprocal love as a teenager, he will in no way be upset. He will try to establish relationships with other signs of the Chinese horoscope, and will seek happiness with them.

The Ox man has more feelings in love than his woman. He can devote the whole evening to dreaming about a pleasant future, and life together. If the love of his future partner does not manifest itself, he begins to suffer and try to win her. This becomes an incentive to achieve the most important goal in life - meeting your loved one.

As soon as a man begins to approach adulthood, the main thing for him is not emotional condition his women. Now he will pay attention to her life priorities, and how much she wants to create a strong family. Ideal relationships begin with those signs of the eastern horoscope that have a gentle and patient character. Those people who put freedom and independence first will not be suitable.

The influence of the elements

The element under which the Ox was born also has its influence on the character of a man.

  1. Wooden Ox, born in 1925 and 1985, is characterized by leadership in all his endeavors. He knows how to win over his colleagues and relatives.
  2. The Metal Ox, born in 1901 and 1961, has charm and enterprise.
  3. The Fire Ox, who was born in 1937 and 1997, is characterized by assertiveness, strength and hard work.
  4. But the Water Ox, born in 1913 and 1973, has range and organizational skills.
  5. Earth bull 1913 and 1973. This is a calm and homely representative.

Requirements in relationships and marriage

As soon as they get married, they begin to show their character. This zodiac symbol is characterized by strength and power. His woman must be a mistress and constantly please her husband. Of course, not every girl will agree to such a relationship. That is why they do not marry early age. Such a man will earn money and bring it home. The wife will feel protected.

There is no romance in the character of this horoscope sign. A woman must understand the fact that flowers and serenades under her window do not shine for her. The Ox man has a completely different concept of showing love. It’s easier for him to do a general cleaning of the house or prepare dinner together. As soon as he begins a relationship, he forgets about noisy parties and constantly spends time at home.

Of course, he may be attracted to cheerful and independent women. But, he can enter into friendship with them, or a short-term relationship. No one will think about seriousness, because such people are complete opposites. Quarrels will often arise between them due to dominance in the family.

Compatibility with other signs

When considering the compatibility of the Ox with other zodiac signs, one should always take into account their character traits, because only gentle and sensual natures are suitable for the Ox.

  1. Compatibility with the Rat is quite good. There will always be harmony in relationships between these people. Regardless, in family, friendship or love, they will always be able to understand each other and come to the rescue. In sex they have a good union. Each of them knows what exactly their partner loves. Therefore, it is much easier for them to satisfy each other. But no one forgets about himself, and asks to satisfy his needs first.
  2. The union with the Ox is generally ideal. These natures complement each other perfectly on an emotional level. Despite the fact that their characters are quite strong, they will not fight for primacy in a relationship. These are fighters for equality, so they will not have conflicts in bed, family or love.
  3. Connection with the Tiger. Such compatibility can happen, but very rarely, because the strength of character of the Ox will infringe on the Tiger. There is a gap in understanding between them. Firstly, they have different outlooks on life. Secondly, everyone is trying to prove their own opinion. An alliance is only possible if Vol learns to make concessions.
  4. Compatible with Rabbit. A relationship can begin between them, but for this they will have to reconsider their position. Each of them must learn to understand their partner and make concessions. In sex, conflicts often arise between them, because the Rabbit is not as passionate as it might seem at first glance.
  5. Bull and Horse. This union is impossible due to two strong characters. Despite the Horse's strength, the guy will infringe on her needs. In this pair he can act as a tyrant and despot. But in sex they will be able to achieve incredible results. Passion in bed will never stop.
  6. Bull and Sheep. Due to the fact that the Sheep is capricious and imaginary, building relationships with her is quite difficult. There is no connection in family or friendship, and there cannot be.
  7. Compatible with Monkey. Despite the fact that these characters are simply drawn to each other like a magnet, it is difficult for them to get along with each other. This is influenced by different personalities of people.
  8. Connection with the Dragon. This couple has every chance of creating a happy family. They complement each other perfectly and always find a common way out of a difficult situation. In life, they are considered the most emotional couple, but this does not prevent them from creating strong marriages.
  9. Bull and Pig. These relationships are quite harmonious, because each of them puts family ties first, and not their own priorities.
  10. Bull and Rooster. There is always a spark between them that can burn out into something more. But for this they must learn to listen to each other. In sex, they will always have intense passions.
  11. Bull and Snake. This is a perfect union. Partners understand each other perfectly. But, difficulties may arise in the Snake’s betrayal. Therefore, it is better for her to keep her adventures a secret.
  12. Bull and Dog. This union is very rare. It's all about strong different characters who cannot make concessions from their partner. Difficulties may also arise against the background of the Dog’s frequent infidelities.

People born in the year of the Ox (Ox) differ from others in that they have inexhaustible optimism. They very rarely pay attention to troubles, so it is quite easy for them to cope with difficulties. Compatibility between Ox and Ox is very rare. This is justified by the fact that each of the partners has their own perseverance, so they will never make concessions to each other.

Characteristics of the Ox woman

Such women have masculine character, but at the same time, have feminine cunning. This helps her achieve her goal within a short period of time. At first glance, it may seem that she is defenseless and needs help. But this is a deceptive opinion, because inside she has a core and unshakable character. Such women value their own freedom very much and need independence. Therefore, in love and friendship he can take the reins of power.

Her man will never face situations such as a girl’s constant depression, tears or unusual clothing style. The Ox woman will never allow herself to be weak, because she is a follower of the classics. Like any other person, such girls are characterized by weakness and tears. But, they will never show their weakness to others, and accept difficulties with a calm expression.

Characteristics of an Ox man

As soon as a girl thinks about building a relationship with an Ox man, she must understand several main traits of his character. Firstly, such guys have internal self-doubt. Secondly, he needs a companion who will constantly support him in difficult situations, and guide you on the right path.

They are distinguished from other horoscope signs by the fact that they greatly love being alone and reading philosophical books. Therefore, such men will look for a girl who will normally accept their love for privacy.

The influence of natural elements on the sign

In order to understand why Oxen are rarely compatible with each other, one should consider the influence of the elements on their character. This will also allow you to look for a partner who would satisfy all your requirements.

  1. Wooden Ox, born in 1925 and 1985, is characterized by a desire to lead and gain the respect of others. He always knows what to do correctly in a given situation.
  2. The Metal Ox, born in 1901 and 1961, has charm, a sense of caring for others, and straightforwardness. He always has a lot of friends, which he can forget about if he has to work on an interesting case.
  3. Fiery Ox, born in 1937 and 1997, has hard work and assertiveness in his character. He never stops halfway and tries to quickly achieve his goal.
  4. The Water Ox, who was born in 1913 and 1973, is characterized by talent, fairness and is very difficult to bribe. Such people often occupy leadership positions.
  5. The Earth Ox, born in 1949 and 2009, is characterized by determination and always achieves its goal.

Union of Oxen in love

Compatibility between Ox and Ox in love is quite rare. But there are certain reasons for this, due to the eastern horoscope. The thing is that people born in the same year always have similar character traits. At first everything will be fine, but literally after a few years of relationship, their love will begin to fade. The whole point is that they will want variety and something new. After all, each of them will be bored by the monotony. At such moments, love fades into the background.

Oxen women know who is right for them to live with and prefer to have relationships with strong boys. Only bullies can make her love. It is the Vol man who has a strong and capricious character. Of course, initially it may seem that everything is perfect in this couple. But this is not entirely true.

But the rationality that is present in both partners can become a problem for love and future relationships. Moreover, all this is “seasoned” with stubbornness, willfulness and steadfastness in decision making. As a result, it will be difficult for them to achieve harmony and mutual understanding in love. Both the man and the woman will fight for leadership in the relationship, which will cause the search for love with other symbols of the eastern horoscope. Even sincere love cannot keep their relationship together.

Compatibility of Oxen in marriage

An Ox man and an Ox woman, while married, remain with their own preferences in life. These zodiac signs have their own preferences in a partner. The girl tries to evoke a feeling of love in the guy, but he wants to find a good housewife who would love him without memory. Despite this, a man will never demand unusual food from his wife, or complete order in the house. He is satisfied with life, even if the room is messy.

It is difficult for an Ox and an Ox to get along in the same house. Of course, if they can agree among themselves on the distribution of responsibilities, then there is every chance of good life married. If each of them has strong character, and will try to gain dominance in the family, then compatibility in marriage is doomed to failure. If you believe Chinese horoscope, then that's two strong man who will very rarely make concessions to each other.

Compatibility of Oxen in bed

Compatibility between an Ox woman and an Ox man is interesting; they achieve complete harmony in bed. First of all, it's justified appearance partners. Secondly, each of them is trying to bring something new into their sexual life. The compatibility of the Ox and the Ox in bed is so high that it amazes with its results. After all, a guy and a girl will never have sex with other characters if they don’t have feelings for them. Therefore, they take the search for a partner with particular seriousness, and as soon as an Ox woman and an Ox man find each other, they are doomed to a happy sex life. It is very difficult for such people to readjust and look for a new partner for sex. It is better for them to step over themselves and their principles than to expose their body and soul again to another person.

Many people do not believe horoscopes, but in vain. Quite often, the incompatibility of zodiac signs leads to serious consequences in the form of deep quarrels and a complete break in relationships. Find out how suitable you are for each other, and what compatibility you have if both an Ox woman and an Ox man.

Regardless of age, the Ox man and woman will always give those around them the impression of a burden of experience, old school, and solidity. However, they will always be conservative under any circumstances. They will never like loneliness, and they are not able to come to terms with it. However, crowded places literally kill them, which forces people of this zodiac sign to look for a quiet street, an abandoned area of ​​the city, a quiet entrance, a quiet apartment.

Within the walls of their home, both of them will not tolerate any innovations, because the territory of the house for them represents the most important place in their quiet and peaceful life.

Surprisingly, both the woman and the Ox man are always for the majority. They do not know how to stand out from the crowd, but sometimes, although quite rarely, such an overweight and leisurely zodiac sign can easily be enraged, and anyone who gets in their way will suffer great grief. Bullfights cannot be avoided.


A few words about the Ox woman

Among these two identical zodiac signs, the woman is naturally endowed with a calm disposition. She is kind and sensitive. All her thoughts are completely devoid of fantasy and hover closer to earthly reality. You can rely on such people in any case. Despite the fact that the work she performs is absolutely disgusting to her, she will complete it conscientiously and within the specified time frame. However, the Ox woman cannot stand any kind of work. She prefers to keep the hearth exclusively at home.

Any chance that promises to create a family will be used by her to the fullest and without the slightest hesitation.

Quite often, people around her are surprised by her isolation, as well as her excessive thriftiness, but her priority is exclusively one - family.

In terms of compatibility of two identical signs, we are still holding back the necessary information, because we did not say that such a woman would be an excellent wife to her husband and a wonderful mother to her children.

A few words about the Ox man

By nature, the Ox man is nothing more than a contemplator. He likes to criticize and, because of his conservatism, he really likes to do it systematically. He is in constant search of a new conservatism and, probably, that is why he is not prone to romance. To his wife’s complaints in this vein, he will answer that he is not going to waste a minute of his life on such nonsense. However, if you hook him and he wants to spend money, he will do everything simply on the fly.

However, despite what has been said, and despite the fact that these signs have such a significant difference, the Ox man, while married, will completely devote himself to the family. He will act as the creator of a prosperous unit for the sake of a wealthy family.

He will work like an ox, but in this world he will earn everything by his labor.

Compatibility of Ox signs

This warm word compatibility. Quite often there is a marriage between these signs. An Ox woman feels calm and good when a man of the same zodiac sign is next to her. They understand each other literally from half a word, half a glance, but despite their compatibility, the danger lurks precisely in their calmness.

Yes, the Ox man, like the woman, are stable people. However, even they are capable of getting bored surrounded by such an idyll. Their relationship is not in danger. The compatibility between them is so strong that they will definitely look for opportunities to refresh their love, present mutual surprises, surprises, some kind of spontaneity, sprinkling all this with carelessness and a kind of irresponsibility.

The life credo of such a couple is absolute compatibility, and their days will be simply a cornucopia.

By their nature, these signs are economical. After all, capital was created through hard work. However, the word compatibility here is better understood as a business relationship. After all, together they create an excellent team ready to cope with the most difficult life conditions.

The eastern horoscope not only provides the symbols of the year, but also determines the character of people born at this time. The Ox endows its charges with an amazing temperament. The character of the horned horoscope resident is especially evident in his male form. What an Ox man will be like depends not only on the patron of his year, but also on the symbol of the Western Zodiac.

A man born in the year of the Ox is strength multiplied by perseverance. This is an incredible concentration of energy, carefully saved and directed in a reasonable direction.

This man is extremely serious attitude to life. He is used to reducing emotions, actions and information to a functional minimum. Only the essence, only the facts. The emotional dryness inherent in this man plays a dual role in his fate. For a career, the lack of sentimentality is an undeniable plus. This is a huge minus for relationships.

Behavior of a guy in love

A desperate workaholic, this man in every possible way pushes his personal life to the margins of his leisure time. His consciousness is geared towards self-realization and success. Kissing under the moon is for romantics. The bull has no time to sing serenades.

Behavior of a man in love:

  • Shyness;
  • Thoughtfulness;
  • Romance.

Complete dedication to work leads to the fact that the Ox’s attention is worth more than gold. Arrange a meeting with him and hit the jackpot. In this case, the date will most likely be similar to an interview. A man with zodiac horns does not have his head in the clouds. He considers a potential partner only from the position of a future spouse.

The horned character will not openly show his feelings. He is either secretive, shy, or simply saves his words. It will be difficult to guess his sympathy. However, his words are always crystal clear. If he gave a compliment, it means that the girl really struck him to the core.

As a rule, a man does not go out on a love hunt until he reaches a financial situation that is satisfactory to him. Seeing material well-being as the foundation of relationships, which is quite natural, he prefers to realize himself in work and only after that build relationships.

Such prejudices lead to the fact that an Ox, experienced in work, by middle age may turn out to be absolutely clueless in love. His advances are often ridiculous and even sweet. But be sure to be sincere!

The symbol is in the grip of strong prejudices and complexes, so it takes a long and painful time to reveal itself. Only the one who inspires a man with his own magnificence is destined to see the true feelings of the Ox.

And don’t let the guy’s coldness scare the girl who is in love with him. The romantic period for this symbol serves only as a sketch of love. He will write a real masterpiece while in a permanent relationship. The consciousness of the sign is not focused on temporary phenomena. He only values ​​consistency. A purposeful Ox is ready to invest in them. Compatibility with other signs plays a huge role when it comes to this unique attitude towards love.

Permanent relationship with the symbol

The Eastern Ox is a true family man. A supporter of traditions and rules, he is somewhat conservative and old-fashioned. But loving cheesecakes is not a sign of weakness. In marriage, he is reliable, like a rock.

Briefly about the sign in the family:

Monogamous and devoted to his chosen one, the Ox marries once and for all. Needs to true friend in the person of his wife, therefore he seeks, first of all, spiritual kinship. He makes considerable demands on his companion, because he truly considers himself worthy only of the most noble lady.

At the same time, he may well seek satisfaction of his fantasies outside the home. In order to keep both the body and consciousness of the Ox in the family, his chosen one will need a willingness to experiment and considerable sensuality, which is also characteristic of the Ox himself.

This symbol in a relationship is an uncompromising leader. He sets the tone, commands and solves all problems. Strong and brave, the man feels great responsibility for his loved ones. Perhaps there will be no unexpected gifts or surprises in a relationship with him, but his chosen one is guaranteed confidence in the future.

Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting jealousy on the verge of cruelty. The symbol categorically refers not only to flirting, but also to the male friends his significant other has before marriage. He sees a lie in any understatement, so the wife will have to prove her devotion for a long time and constantly.

He is very attached to his family, which makes his love more like possession. He tries in every possible way to protect his love from the world, so it is possible that a weak-willed partner will have to lead a hermit life. The only exceptions are strong-willed ladies, whom no Ox can conquer.

Combination with zodiac signs

A man with oriental horns is considered a difficult partner in a relationship. But the Ox is different from the Ox, which is fully proven by the Western horoscope. Being under the auspices of various zodiac constellations, Ox’s pets can be different beyond recognition. Differences are also observed in their ways of loving.

The versatility of the Western horoscope demonstrates how different the same eastern symbol can be. Compatibility with other signs should be built precisely on the combination of eastern and western signs in character.

Combined horoscope

Aries. This is the Ox squared. Strong and self-confident, domineering and impulsive. Known for his straightforwardness and sincerity. In love he is looking for a karmic soul mate, so he often encounters disappointment. Unlike most Aries, he knows how to forgive his chosen one. Love is the only area where he allows himself gentleness and kindness.

For an Aries born in the year of the Ox, a Leo lady or a Sagittarius girl is ideal as a soul mate. Good compatibility is observed in combination with Air signs. For example, Libra or Aquarius.

Taurus. In this character, stubbornness and purposefulness have intensified. In relationships, he seeks stability and confidence in his partner. Prefers girls who are modest and economical. More faithful than other Bulls. Caring and gentle with your other half. However, he is extremely jealous and distrustful.

Taurus with double horns:

  • Stable;
  • Stubborn;
  • Silent;
  • Sensual.

Often falls in love with Cancer or Scorpio, which is certainly fortunate. These signs understand him perfectly and are ready to provide the desired stability to this modest nature.

Twins. The sociability of the sign played into the hands of the silent Ox. He knows how to carry on a conversation and interest any lady. But in this character’s relationship, a life swing awaits, where his own inconstancy will provoke constant changes. In the first half of life, Geminis are driven by superficiality. They begin to understand the value of relationships already in adulthood, when they often decide to finally find their true soul mate. They are looking for a competent interlocutor and an active personality in their chosen one.

In love, a combination with a Libra girl will be successful. Love will be dynamic and unpredictable fiery Aries or strong-willed Sagittarius.

Cancer. This sign is influenced by emotions. But the Cancer's experiences cannot penetrate the reserved fortress of the Ox, which is why he finds himself eaten from the inside by his own demons.

In love, the Cancer Ox is so tender that it may well serve as a prototype for a love affair. Caring to the point of dizziness, he protects his chosen one like a treasure. However, this character is not without its shortcomings. Cancer's mood changes too often, which provokes sudden changes in the weather in relationships. Requires constant proof of love and devotion.

Compatible with Scorpio and Pisces. A good relationship will also develop with Taurus if both manage to pacify their capriciousness and stubbornness.

a lion. Noble Bull. Gallant manners beautiful gestures and unprecedented generosity. Leo is the only one among the Bulls who managed to cultivate these qualities in himself. A hot lover and an indescribable owner.

In relationships he is harsh, but easy-going. He prefers to command, but forgives those who disobey generously and demonstratively. Loves to solve the problems of loved ones, taking care of his pride. Sensual and tender in love, responsible in marriage.

There is no woman who could not be made happy by the Leo-Ox man. His compatibility is favorable with the charming Sagittarius and loyal Libra. It may happen that Leo will fall in love with Aries, but such a marriage will be a spicy dish in the lives of both.

Virgo. This character is doubly conservative and hardworking. In my own personal life he acts as an observer because he rarely finds time to participate in it. Modest and coldish. Rarely takes the initiative, more often becoming a victim of some clever predator.

Once in a relationship, he looks around in confusion and begins to build a strong, traditional marriage. The role of a breadwinner suits him very well. What this guy lacks is only tenderness and sexuality, which his chosen one will have to develop in him.

He does not strive to openly lead, which somewhat contradicts the principles of the Ox. Therefore, often the authoritative features of this man are simply not immediately visible, but they certainly timidly peek out from under the curtain in the bedroom.

Astrologers advise this man to fall into the trap of Capricorn or Cancer. Compared to other marriages, this family will look like a cruiser against the backdrop of kayaks.

Scales. Harmony and stability are the traits of the Ox born under the constellation Libra. Values ​​beauty more than inner world. He regularly breaks his rose-colored glasses about the harsh reality and everyday life. In relationships, he strives for pleasure, bypassing responsibility and the need to make decisions.

An eternal child seeking refuge in a relationship. Having entered into marriage, he strives for stability, but often stumbles over his own frivolity.

Will find the desired harmony when paired with Gemini, Aries or Aquarius.

Scorpion. Passionate and furious Ox. It is more difficult for him to contain his energy than for other Bulls. Sexy and insatiable. The only one of his tribe who practices short-term relationships.

Having met a soul mate, he sincerely repents and devotes himself to the relationship. Ready for experiments if they do not contradict his ambition. Diplomat in love. Deftly smooths out sharp corners. As a rule, this happens in bed.

It’s not bad if on the path of a Scorpio Ox man, whose compatibility is curious, he meets Cancer or Pisces. Such a union will give both the fulfillment of all their dreams, which often turn out to be mutual.

Sagittarius. A strong-willed Ox harnessed to the cart of his own ambitions. Sagittarius's thirst for adventure and the Ox's stability give rise to an amazing homebody who is ready for any feat, as soon as another ridiculous idea comes to his head.

In relationships, he craves change, but is terribly afraid of it. Often finds himself misunderstood by his other half. Often he does not understand himself, but defends his own opinion with foam at the mouth. Fortunately, it is extremely true, which in the case of Sagittarius borders on an anomaly. Relationships with Aquarius, Libra and Leo are favorable.

Capricorn. While all the Bulls were standing in line for tenderness, this one was waiting for the distribution of shovels. He is hardworking to the point of bloody blisters, so he practically does not find time for love. Perceives relationships coldly and pragmatically.

Expresses concern in the form of financial gifts. I'm not familiar with tenderness. The emotional coldness of this Ox will be the reason for constant clarification of who loves whom more. As a rule, the half will win. Especially if her sign turns out to be Taurus or Virgo.

Aquarius. Fears change, although secretly yearns for adventure. Freedom-loving, unpredictable and stubborn Aquarius Ox. A man whose compatibility with other signs is ambiguous is a difficult partner.

In relationships, he values ​​personal space more than the chosen one. He is unusual in his preferences, so he often enters into dubious love unions. It can also go to unconventional extremes. A favorable alliance with Gemini and Libra. Disastrous - with Capricorn.

Fish. Timid and gentle Ox. Entirely family-oriented and caring. He sees the meaning of his existence in relationships, so he is never lonely.

Pisces is true by default. They adore their significant other and indulge their whims in every possible way. We are even ready to abandon our conservatism if the chosen one demands changes or experiments. Dependent on tactile sensations and touches. Romantics and dreamers. The best match for a timid Pisces would be a cozy Cancer or a passionate Scorpio.

By the way, the female appearance of the Ox is radically different from the male one. For example, an Ox woman and a Pig man, whose compatibility is favorable, would not be so harmonious if they exchanged roles.

The Ox Man is a brave and strong hero. Not every woman is suitable for him. But when Great love this guy will be able to make his chosen one happy, no matter what constellation she was born under.

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