Lunar calendar for August month of the year. Love and relationships according to the lunar calendar

August 1, 2017, Tuesday

9-10 lunar days, waxing Moon in Scorpio

A good day for familiar daily activities, but fresh projects should be postponed until a more favorable time. The first half of the day is fraught with conflicts with colleagues and unfamiliar people, but after lunch you can allow yourself to relax and call those people who are always happy to hear your voice.

August 2, 2017, Wednesday

10-11 lunar day, waxing Moon in Sagittarius

The happiest day of this year, when any activity goes well, and your charm allows you to easily get out of quite difficult situations, both at home and at work. Feel free to plan the most significant events and romantic dates for this day - Fortune will accompany you in everything. On this day

August 3, 2017, Thursday

11-12 lunar day, waxing Moon in Sagittarius

A perfect day to go to the bank for a loan or to court in order to get the truth. Transactions for the acquisition of real estate and other major purchases will also be successful. Today your head is working clearly, and the people around you are friendly. Long-distance travel is successful, and all financial investments or commercial acquisitions will yield good dividends.

August 4, 2017, Friday

12-13 lunar day, waxing Moon in Capricorn

A neutral day when you need to slow down the pace of life, smoothly going with the flow and not making desperate attempts to achieve hasty results. For the second half of the day, allow yourself to plan get-togethers with friends or a trip with the whole family to an entertainment venue. The stars foretell that you simply need rest now to recharge your energy.

August 5, 2017, Saturday

13-14 lunar days, waxing Moon in Capricorn.

Today you need to carefully analyze all the facts that have happened to you over the past five to seven days and draw conclusions for yourself. Feel free to make plans and enlist the help of more authoritative people. The process of unhurried conversation will allow you to relieve stress, gaining new ones for the development of individual talents.

August 6, 2017, Sunday

14-15 lunar day, waxing Moon in Capricorn

On this day, family values ​​and adherence to traditions will come to the fore. When dressing, give preference to the “classic” style, and when communicating with people, give preference to restraint and practicality. Tonight, communication with children and loved ones will bring joy and bring only positive emotions. Enjoy life and try to find reasons for joy even in small things. You will definitely hear in response kind word from loved ones or receive valuable advice, which will help you move forward more confidently.

August 7, 2017, Monday

15th lunar day, Full Moon in Aquarius

On this day, the second partial eclipse of the Moon will take place, so it is better not to take any responsible steps. gives advice to take care nervous system, consciously avoid communicating with people who are ready to provoke conflict. Don't overwork yourself and avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. In the sphere of love, unexpected changes may occur in the form of a meeting with a new life partner or a sudden separation.

August 8, 2017, Tuesday

16-17 lunar day, waning Moon in Aquarius

On the day the Moon passes the South Node, emotional sphere is unstable, and the desire to change the image and appear before colleagues at work in a new role will be stronger common sense. Do not take unnecessary risks and resolutely refuse to participate in dubious adventures, no matter how beautifully the prospects are described to you. Take care of your inner world from excessive interest from strangers.

August 9, 2017, Wednesday

17-18 lunar day, waning Moon in Pisces

The day is not suitable for active work, but it is good for making profitable acquaintances, as well as organizing sociable gatherings. Communication in an informal setting will be more beneficial than serious formal meetings. Today you may be unexpectedly repaid a debt or reminded of yourself by people who owe you something. Try to find positive aspects in all events and remain calm.

August 10, 2017, Thursday

18-19 lunar day, waning Moon in Pisces

An unfavorable day for weak individuals who do not know how to cope with difficulties on their own. Trials await the timid and lazy, but people with the makings of a leader will be able to reach new heights in their work. A day is not a suitable day for getting married or going to important government agencies. Beware of deception and two-faced people: they will try to use you trivially.

August 11, 2017, Friday

19-20 lunar day, waning Moon in Aries

The main problems of today are haste, as well as the desire to achieve everything by force. Failure to show flexibility and diplomacy in communication can result in disappointment in your business partners and depression. Don’t rush to relieve stress with alcohol; it’s better to devote this evening to watching a good movie.

August 12, 2017, Saturday

20-21 lunar days, waning Moon in Aries

Don't plan to move or start a responsible business trip for today. Everything will not go according to the scenario you had in mind, and you will literally have to get out of it on the fly. Intuition and the ability not to reveal true feelings will provide tangible help. Romantic dates scheduled for the afternoon will bring interesting news.

August 13, 2017, Sunday

21-22 lunar day, waning Moon in Aries

A conflicting day when the best thing to do is just rest. All types of active activities at home or at home will bring benefits. personal plot. Air baths, a sufficient amount of sleep and solar energy will return you to a cheerful mood, allow you to relax for a while, forgetting all the bad things.

August 14, 2017, Monday

22-23 lunar day, waning Moon in Taurus

A positive day full of news, encouraging you to move forward, boldly achieving your goal. Working as a team will allow you to more effectively build a business or make useful financial transactions. Today is a great day to start a diet and fight any bad habits. You can start the cycle cosmetic procedures aimed at acquiring more elastic facial skin.

August 15, 2017, Tuesday

23-24 lunar day, waning Moon in Taurus

On this day, the star does not recommend starting new things, as well as being frank or gossiping with unfamiliar interlocutors. The consequences of any activity will be unpredictable. The first half of the day should be devoted to hard work and work for the future. In the evening, be sure to cleanse the aura of your apartment from negativity. will come to the rescue pure water, as well as the fire of lit candles.

August 16, 2017, Wednesday

24 lunar day, waning Moon in Gemini

A great day to start new projects and conclude long-term deals. Today, work is simply in full swing in your hands, and the desire to be on time everywhere is compensated by an excess of temperament. Use this day to expand your business, find new supporters, and solve large-scale work tasks. Your authority will increase if your words sound convincing and your actions look noble.

August 17, 2017, Thursday

24-25 lunar day, waning Moon in Gemini

A good day for business and the development of any kind of creativity. Your energy can only be envied, and your active drive will help you overcome any difficulties that come your way. However, do not forget that for such active work you need to get enough sleep and follow a diet.

August 18, 2017, Friday

26-27 lunar day, waning Moon in Cancer

A critical day when you will need to concentrate all your willpower to carry out your daily duties. You will find support in your family, among your loved ones. Do not neglect their help, encourage children with your attention. Analyze your dreams and find clues in them for a solution complex issues. Intuition will tell you how to get out of any difficult situation with dignity.

August 19, 2017, Saturday

26-27 lunar day, waning Moon in Cancer

A good day for relaxation and “heart-to-heart conversations” with your loved ones. The ability to get along with children will bring new positive moments in life. recommends active recreation that promotes mental and physical health. Even leisurely shopping will relieve stress and distract attention from sad thoughts.

August 20, 2017, Sunday

27-28 lunar day, waning Moon in Leo

An ideal day for shopping and fairly large acquisitions. Be sure to consult with your relatives on how best to develop your business or creative career. Try not to force things and go towards the goal with progressive movements. Make an action plan for the upcoming seven days and enjoy your vacation.

August 21, 2017, Monday

28-29-1 lunar day, New Moon in Leo

An unfavorable day and when unexpected breakdowns in agreements or business meetings. Today, your business partners may let you down, so you need to stop spending money for a while. Be content with little and do not rush to draw categorical conclusions, then the losses of this day will be minimal. Today is the longest solar eclipse in history. this phenomenon It will be good to watch in the USA.

August 22, 2017, Tuesday

1-2 lunar days, waxing Moon in Virgo

A suitable day for work that does not involve haste and intense thought processes. All mechanical activities go smoothly, but this can make some people depressed. Therefore, allow yourself a little holiday in the form of a cup of exotic tea and a sincere conversation in the company of a true friend.

August 23, 2017, Wednesday

2-3 lunar days, waxing Moon in Virgo

A positive day that attracts promising events with the prospect of active development in the near future. Business activities and signing of important papers go well. If you have scheduled a business trip or trip for this day, feel free to hit the road: circumstances will work out in your favor.

August 24, 2017, Thursday

3-4 lunar days, waxing Moon in Libra.

A happy day for business development and expansion of business connections. Your authority among like-minded people grows, and the opportunity to help people makes you happy and allows you to realize your desire to be in demand and loved. All financial transactions will be successful, and trips to government agencies will pass with a positive result.

August 25, 2017, Friday

4-5 lunar days, waxing Moon in Libra

Today you shouldn’t hope for luck and trust strangers too much. Debt obligations can be violated, and planned events can be disrupted due to everyday trifles. Beware food poisoning and eat in moderation.

August 26, 2017, Saturday

5-6 lunar days, waxing Moon in Scorpio

A great day for any activity and contact with people. All new business and the beginning of large business trips or trips are progressing successfully. You can trust dreams, and good omens today - they will definitely come true! advises you to make the most of this day for your personal benefit and be sure to visit a beauty salon.

August 27, 2017, Sunday

6-7 lunar days, waxing Moon in Scorpio

Favorable day for romantic dates and development personal life. Today you can meet your Destiny or significantly improve existing relationships. It is enough to show diplomacy and smile at your interlocutor more often. Your charm can conquer any heart and give you a chance to become happier.

August 28, 2017, Monday

7-8 lunar days, waxing Moon in Scorpio

A good time to work for the long term. By laying the foundation for new business today, you bring closer the prospect of becoming richer and more successful. All business ideas will receive 100% implementation, and financial investments will bring stable profits. Listen to the advice of influential people, this will allow you to quickly achieve success in any endeavor.

August 29, 2017, Tuesday

8-9 lunar days, waxing Moon in Sagittarius

A good day to start a new stage in life: whether it’s moving or moving to a more promising position, everything will work out well. The first half is a favorable period of time for resolving all business issues and actively working in a team. Today, activities related to jurisprudence, construction and signing of important papers are developing well. But the second half of the day should be devoted to taking care of your health and communicating with your family.

August 30, 2017, Wednesday

9-10 lunar days, waxing Moon in Sagittarius

An unfavorable day for any new business or important meetings. Dreams and omens today are deceptive and bring disappointment. Be patient and just float through life without reproaches and ambitious desires. Luck will smile only on patient and hardworking people who know how to work in a team and listen to the opinions of management. Avoid overwork, alcohol abuse and overeating, take care of your health.

August 31, 2017, Thursday

10-11 lunar days, waxing Moon in Capricorn.

A rather calm, smooth day, when you can easily turn to a more influential person for help and receive his support and blessing. Successfully passes any trip, both short and long distances. The positive energy of the lunar day will recharge you with vigor and give you the opportunity to show off your talents. You will be able to find new reliable friends and business allies.

In contact with

The lunar calendar for August 2017 predicts a busy month, in which there will be room for both experiences and vivid impressions. Everything will depend on your personal perception of what is happening. Attentiveness in work will allow you to open new horizons in your career. In August, there are Full Moon and New Moon (August 7 and 21) and eclipses - Lunar and Solar, which will occur on the same dates. The lunar calendar for August 2017 will tell you how to avoid losses, emotional instability and depression during these difficult days. The main thing is not to go on adventures, take risks and not take rash steps.

Lunar calendar for August 1, 2017
10th lunar day. Today the Moon is in Scorpio.

Before you start anything, you need to carefully develop an action plan. Mistakes are possible even in familiar matters, so be less nervous if you find yourself on the verge of failure. Communication with strangers is not recommended, but with relatives, as the lunar calendar for August 2017 predicts, there will be complete mutual understanding.

Lunar calendar for August 2, 2017
11th lunar day. Today the Moon is in Sagittarius.

Quite a difficult and psychologically unbalanced day. Limit your communication and keep your emotions under control. Disputes and disagreements with superiors are possible. It is not recommended to make promises and take responsibility for important matters. Physical labor will bring more benefits than mental labor.

Lunar calendar for August 3, 2017
12 lunar day. Today the Moon is in Sagittarius.

The less fuss, the better the day will turn out. Go on a nature holiday with friends or relatives. Many plans and desires are destined to come true faster than you expected. The main thing is to direct your thoughts in the right direction and not give in to despondency.

Lunar calendar for August 4, 2017
13th lunar day. Today the Moon is in Capricorn.

A favorable day to look at yourself from the outside and change some habits. Come to terms with what has already happened in life, then it will reward you what you deserve. It is possible to implement long-standing plans and interesting ideas. Carefully approach communication with people, especially unfamiliar ones.

Lunar calendar for August 5, 2017
14th lunar day. Today the Moon is in Capricorn.

The lunar calendar for August 2017 recommends being reserved, generous and sincere. This is not the best day for new things, but if they are already on your list, then start implementing them. You can’t take risks even in small things, otherwise it’s inevitable difficult situations and problems.

Lunar calendar for August 6, 2017
15th lunar day. Today the Moon is in Capricorn.

A wonderful day to live chaotically, not according to plan. A trip to nature will fill you with energy and inspire you to interesting work. Creatively, people will achieve incredible heights and universal recognition. Don't be afraid to ask people about what's bothering you. You will receive honest answers.

Lunar calendar for August 7, 2017
16th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius. Full moon at 21:09.

A good day for dating, business contacts and searching new job. If you want to accumulate positive energy, then go to nature or visit friends. Relax, have fun and be optimistic! If you were in a quarrel with someone, then be the first to reconcile - everything will normalize faster than you thought.

Waning Moon in August 2017

Lunar calendar for August 8, 2017
17th lunar day. Today the Moon is in Aquarius.

Focus on your tasks and problem solving, and then help other people achieve what they want. Work hard and act according to a clear plan, then everything will work out with a plus sign. The main thing is not to be nervous or upset because of failures. Everything is temporary, so be patient.

Lunar calendar for August 9, 2017
18th lunar day. Today the Moon is in Pisces.

Today you will want to dramatically change your life, not only professionally, but also personally. The lunar calendar for August 2017 does not advise you to be offended by people who criticize you and scold you for something. If it is deserved, then try to change for the better and listen to advice.

Lunar calendar for August 10, 2017
19th lunar day. Today the Moon is in Pisces.

If you put maximum effort and enthusiasm into everything you do, success and profit will not keep you waiting. Don't cling to people who aren't worth it. Avoid conflict situations, and also do not attend events where there are many people. Some decisions will require endurance and wisdom.

Lunar calendar for August 11, 2017
20 lunar day. Today the Moon is in Aries.

Most time should be devoted to family, loved ones and outdoor recreation. Summer is ending, so take advantage of its last sunny days. When receiving new information, listen to your intuition. When talking to people, act as a listener. Don't rush to conclusions!

Lunar calendar for August 12, 2017
21 lunar day. Today the Moon is in Aries.

You can’t leave even small things until tomorrow, otherwise they will turn into a huge lump. When doing work - physical and intellectual, be extremely careful. If he makes mistakes, they will be difficult to correct. The internal potential is high, so feel free to take on everything new and creative.

Lunar calendar for August 13, 2017
22nd lunar day. Today the Moon is in Aries.

On this day, sincerely enjoy life, because it is beautiful, no matter what. Creative projects will turn out to be promising, but you shouldn’t relax. Possible important meetings and negotiations, as predicted by the lunar calendar for August 2017. Treat people kindly and help those in need.

Lunar calendar for August 14, 2017
23 lunar day. Today the Moon is in Taurus.

A great day to analyze the past and set the pace for everything new. There will be a lot of new information, so select what will help you and be useful for further work. Some things will require effort, but you can cope with them without outside help.

Lunar calendar for August 15, 2017
24 lunar day. Today the Moon is in Taurus.

Don't trust rumors, and brush gossip aside. If you dissemble and lie, you yourself will end up in the same situation. An in-depth understanding of life will allow you to avoid numerous mistakes. Communicate with those people with whom you are interested and mentally comfortable.

Lunar calendar for August 16, 2017
24 lunar day. Today the Moon is in Gemini.

A great day for traveling and planning a vacation. Concluding contracts will bring profit in the future and open the way for new achievements. Think carefully about the words spoken to you. To understand the meaning of life and set priorities, look inside yourself.

Lunar calendar for August 17, 2017
25th lunar day. Today the Moon is in Gemini.

The lunar calendar for August 2017 advises you to carefully consider every word and action. A good day for sports. You shouldn't overeat, and you shouldn't get irritated and nervous. It is possible that someone will diligently provoke you into conflict, so be more restrained. Less resentment, and more trust in loved ones!

Lunar calendar for August 18, 2017
26 lunar day. Today the Moon is in Cancer.

Those who are active, proactive and confident will have good luck on this day in everything they plan to do. Creative projects will not only be successful, but can also attract influential people. Vivid impressions are expected in love, so do not isolate yourself, but communicate more with your partner.

Lunar calendar for August 19, 2017
27 lunar day. Today the Moon is in Cancer.

The day is difficult and ambiguous, so be realistic and don’t get hung up on your worries. Food poisoning is possible, as well as betrayal by a close friend. Do not be led by love and intimate temptations. It is advisable to do monotonous work, or be alone.

Lunar calendar for August 20, 2017
28 lunar day. Today the Moon is in Leo.

If you are easily led by other people, then today it is better to isolate yourself from society. Make decisions in your personal life yourself, without prompting or help from even close people. Avoid attending events, both public and private.

Lunar calendar for August 21, 2017
29, 1 lunar day. Moon in Leo. New moon at 21:29.

The lunar calendar for August 2017 predicts a favorable day for those who are confident in themselves and their talents. Get plenty of rest, absorb positive energy, and surround yourself with sincere people. The new moon stimulates active work, hobbies and acquaintances. Cleanse yourself spiritually and physically.

Waxing Moon in August 2017

Lunar calendar for August 22, 2017
2nd lunar day. Today the Moon is in Virgo.

Dedicate this day to searching for spiritual harmony and generous deeds. Eliminate heavy physical labor, and instead meditate and relax. If there are unfinished tasks, then do not push their implementation to the future. You can spend the evening with your family.

Lunar calendar for August 23, 2017
3 lunar day. Today the Moon is in Virgo.

All changes will be for the better, and active work will bring joy and financial profit. If you have long wanted to quit smoking, then choose this day. Solve problems, make peace with people and situations that fate will present to you.

Lunar calendar for August 24, 2017
4 lunar day. Today the Moon is in Libra.

The more generous and kind you treat people, the more sincere your relationships will be. Wise decisions will be needed in the personal sphere. Relying on the prompts of your inner voice, you can overcome a lot of obstacles on the way to achieving your goal. Gather information and listen to what they advise you.

Lunar calendar for August 25, 2017
5 lunar day. Today the Moon is in Libra.

The lunar calendar for August 2017 predicts a difficult day when you need to keep your emotions in check. Conflicts with superiors are possible, which will lead to a desire to quit. Don't do anything you'll regret later. Physical labor will bring more benefits and satisfaction than intellectual.

Lunar calendar for August 26, 2017
6th lunar day. Today the Moon is in Scorpio.

On this day, it is necessary to avoid conflicts, disputes with management and relatives. The best tactic is solitude and reflection on past situations. Home activities such as repairs, moving and cleaning will be favorable. Be extremely careful on the road - accidents and fines are possible.

Lunar calendar for August 27, 2017
7th lunar day. Today the Moon is in Scorpio.

Today you need to be open to the world and people, then fate will reward you with generous gifts. Don’t be sad for no reason, but do what you love. A good day for radical changes in different areas life. If you are planning a trip, then pack everything you need for the trip.

Lunar calendar for August 28, 2017
8 lunar day. Today the Moon is in Scorpio.

You should not be too proud of your merits, especially in front of colleagues and business partners. Be a little secretive - it will do you good. Risky ventures will not lead to success, so exclude adventures and gambling. You can engage in spiritual practices.

Lunar calendar for August 29, 2017
9 lunar day. Today the Moon is in Sagittarius.

The lunar calendar for August 2017 promises a difficult and conflictual day. Although, you have to argue more with yourself, and not with the people around you. Live and work according to a clear plan, otherwise spontaneous actions will lead to problems. Avoid communication with strangers.

Lunar calendar for August 30, 2017
10th lunar day. Today the Moon is in Sagittarius.

Think about the future, plan and don’t doubt your achievements. On this day, you cannot refuse to help people, as well as follow desires and passions. In order to cleanse yourself of negativity, you can go to the bathhouse, chat with worthy people, or do yoga.

Lunar calendar for August 31, 2017
11th lunar day. Today the Moon is in Capricorn.

On the last day of the month emotional condition may be “on edge”, so eliminate stress, quarrels and rash actions. Cleanse your body of toxins and your soul from dark thoughts. Include in your diet healthy foods, which will strengthen the immune system and increase hemoglobin. Develop a meal plan with a nutritionist.

The waxing Moon is a period during which the apparent size of the lunar disk increases.
The growth of the Moon begins at the New Moon and ends at the Full Moon.

When the Moon waxes in January 2017

In January, the Moon will be waxing for 371.4 hours (15.5 days), which is 49.9% of the duration of the entire calendar month. The growth time of the January Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
The first period of lunar growth in January 2017
The Moon will begin to grow from the New Moon on December 29, 2016 and will continue to grow until the Full Moon on January 12.
During this January growth period, the Moon transits the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer.

From what date will the Moon begin to wax at the end of January 2017?
The Moon waxes from the New Moon on January 28th to the Full Moon on February 11th.
During this time, the waxing Moon will pass through the zodiacs of Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Leo.

When the Moon waxes in February 2017

In February, the Moon will be waxing for 297.6 hours (12.4 days), which is 44.3% of the duration of the entire calendar month. The growth time of the February Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
The first period of lunar growth in February 2017
The Moon will begin to grow from the New Moon on January 28th and will continue to grow until the Full Moon on February 11th.
During this February waxing period, the Moon moves through the signs of Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Leo.

From what date will the Moon begin to wax at the end of February 2017?
The Moon waxes from the New Moon on February 26th to the Full Moon on March 12th.
During this time, the waxing Moon will pass through the zodiacs of Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo.

When the Moon waxes in March 2017

In March, the Moon will be waxing for 371.9 hours (15.5 days), which is 50% of the duration of the entire calendar month. The growth time of the March Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
The first period of lunar growth in March 2017
The Moon will begin to grow from the New Moon on February 26th and will continue to grow until the Full Moon on March 12th.
During this March waxing period, the Moon transits the signs of Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo.

From what date will the Moon begin to wax at the end of March 2017?
The Moon waxes from the New Moon on March 28th to the Full Moon on April 11th.
During this time, the waxing Moon will pass through the zodiacs of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra.

When the Moon waxes in April 2017

In April, the Moon will be waxing for 353.9 hours (14.7 days), which is 49.2% of the duration of the entire calendar month. The growth time of the April Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
The first period of lunar growth in April 2017
The Moon will begin to grow from the New Moon on March 28th and will continue to grow until the Full Moon on April 11th.
During this April waxing period, the Moon moves through the signs of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra.

From what date will the Moon begin to wax at the end of April 2017?
The Moon waxes from the New Moon on April 26th to the Full Moon on May 11th.
During this time, the waxing Moon will pass through the zodiacs of Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio.

When the Moon waxes in May 2017

In May, the Moon will be waxing for 386 hours (16.1 days), which is 51.9% of the duration of the entire calendar month. The growth time of the May Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
The first period of lunar growth in May 2017
The Moon will begin to grow from the New Moon on April 26th and will continue to grow until the Full Moon on May 11th.
During this May waxing period, the Moon transits the signs of Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio.

From what date will the Moon begin to wax at the end of May 2017?
The Moon waxes from the New Moon on May 25th to the Full Moon on June 9th.
During this time, the waxing Moon will pass through the zodiacs of Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius.

When the Moon waxes in June 2017

In June, the Moon will be waxing for 370.6 hours (15.4 days), which is 51.5% of the duration of the entire calendar month. The growth time of the June Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
The first period of lunar growth in June 2017
The Moon will begin to grow from the New Moon on May 25th and will continue to grow until the Full Moon on June 9th.
During this June waxing period, the Moon transits the signs of Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius.

From what date will the Moon begin to wax at the end of June 2017?
The Moon waxes from the New Moon on June 24th to the Full Moon on July 9th.
During this time, the waxing Moon will pass through the zodiacs of Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn.

When the Moon waxes in July 2017

In July, the Moon will be waxing for 402.3 hours (16.8 days), which is 54.1% of the duration of the entire calendar month. The waxing time of the July Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
The first period of lunar growth in July 2017
The Moon will begin to grow from the New Moon on June 24th and will continue to grow until the Full Moon on July 9th.
During this period of July growth, the Moon transits the signs of Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn.

From what date will the Moon begin to wax at the end of July 2017?
The Moon waxes from the New Moon on July 23rd to the Full Moon on August 7th.
During this time, the waxing Moon will pass through the zodiacs of Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius.

When the Moon waxes in August 2017

In August, the Moon will be waxing for 407.7 hours (17 days), which is 54.8% of the duration of the entire calendar month. The waxing time of the August Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
The first period of lunar growth in August 2017
The Moon will begin to grow from the New Moon on July 23rd and will continue to grow until the Full Moon on August 7th.
During this August waxing period, the Moon transits the signs of Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius.

From what date will the Moon begin to wax at the end of August 2017?
The Moon waxes from the New Moon on August 21st to the Full Moon on September 6th.
During this time, the waxing Moon will pass through the zodiacs of Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

When the Moon waxes in September 2017

In September, the Moon will be waxing for 385.5 hours (16.1 days), which is 53.5% of the duration of the entire calendar month. The growth time of the September Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
The first period of lunar growth in September 2017
The Moon will begin to grow from the New Moon on August 21st and will continue to grow until the Full Moon on September 6th.
During this September waxing period, the Moon moves through the signs of Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

From what date will the Moon begin to wax at the end of September 2017?
The Moon waxes from the New Moon on September 20th to the Full Moon on October 5th.
During this time, the waxing Moon will pass through the zodiacs of Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and Aries.

When the Moon waxes in October 2017

In October, the Moon will be waxing for 407.5 hours (17 days), which is 54.8% of the duration of the entire calendar month. The waxing time of the October Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
The first period of lunar growth in October 2017
The moon will rise from

The full phase band of which will pass through the United States. In August, the moon will begin its movement across the sky in the constellation Libra in its waxing phase towards the full moon. The moon is visible in the sky in the evenings from August 1 to 2, and at night from August 3 to 15 ( August 7 - full moon and eclipse!), August 16-17 - after midnight (August 15 - last quarter), August 18-19 - in the morning (August 21 - new moon and eclipse!), August 24-31 - in the evening (August 29 - first quarter). The luminary will finish its movement across the August sky in the constellation Sagittarius in the waxing phase after the first quarter in the evening sky.

The Moon in August will pass next to the following bright planets: Saturn conjunctions on the evening of August 3 and 30, in the morning sky on August 19, the waning crescent moon will pass next to Venus, with Jupiter on the evening of August 28.

The Moon will reach its largest size in the sky this month (“supermoon of the month”!) on August 18 in its waning phase three days before the new moon (morning visibility).

The material contains a summary of all the most interesting phenomena Moons: sunrises, sunsets, passage of perigee and apogee, onset of major lunar phases and eclipses (lunar and solar), dates of occultations and conjunctions of the Moon with bright stars and planets, dates of greatest librations in latitude and longitude, as well as the occurrence of such popular phenomena as the Supermoon and Blue Moon.

MOON IN CONSTELLATION. The Moon moves across the sky near the ecliptic and within a month passes through all twelve constellations of the Zodiac, sometimes running into neighboring constellations, such as Orion or Ophiuchus. The moon moves every hour by approximately 0.5° relative to the stars (the size of the diameter of the lunar disk), and per day it moves by 13 degrees in east direction. In a month, the Moon travels about 390 degrees across the celestial sphere and thereby manages to visit some constellations twice within a month.

August 02 - Scorpio, Ophiuchus
August 04 - Sagittarius
August 06 - Capricorn
August 09 - Aquarius
August 11 - Pisces, Whale
August 13 - Pisces, Whale
August 14 - Aries
August 15 - Taurus
August 17 - Orion
August 18 - Gemini
August 19 - Cancer
August 21 - Leo
August 24 - Virgo
August 27 - Libra
August 29 - Scorpio, Ophiuchus
August 31 - Sagittarius


date Sun VC Sun VC° phase radius of the lunar disk

1 15:52 20:28 00:31 +18° 0.68 14’46”
2 16:56 21:14 00:57 +16° 0.77 14’45”
3 17:55 22:01 01:27 +14° 0.84 14’45”
4 18:49 22:49 02:04 +14° 0.91 14’48”
5 19:36 23:38 02:48 +14° 0.96 14’53”
6 20:16 - 03:41 - - -

7 20:50 00:27 04:42 +15° 0.99 15’00”
8 21:17 01:15 05:48 +18° 1.00 15’07”
9 21:41 02:04 06:59 +21° 0.99 15’15”
10 22:03 02:51 08:13 +24° 0.96 15’24”
11 22:23 03:39 09:28 +29° 0.90 15’32”
12 22:44 04:27 10:45 +33° 0.83 15’40”
13 23:06 05:16 12:03 +38° 0.73 15’49”

14 23:30 06:06 13:23 +42° 0.63 15’57”
15 - 06:59 14:43 +46° 0.51 16’04”
16 00:00 07:54 16:00 +49° 0.39 16’11”
17 00:38 08:51 17:13 +52° 0.28 16’16”
18 01:26 09:51 18:17 +53° 0.18 16’18”
19 02:25 10:50 19:10 +52° 0.09 16’18”
20 03:35 11:49 19:51 +50° 0.03 16’15”

21 04:52 12:46 20:24 +47° 0.00 16’08”
22 06:12 13:40 20:51 +44° 0.00 15’58”
23 07:32 14:31 21:13 +39° 0.03 15’46”
24 08:50 15:19 21:34 +35° 0.08 15’34”
25 10:06 16:06 21:53 +30° 0.15 15’21”
26 11:19 16:52 22:13 +26° 0.23 15’09”
27 12:29 17:37 22:34 +22° 0.32 14’59”

28 13:38 18:22 22:59 +19° 0.41 14’52”
29 14:43 19:08 23:27 +17° 0.51 14’48”
30 15:45 19:55 - +15° 0.61 14’46”
31 16:41 20:42 00:01 +14° 0.70 14’48”

MAIN PHASES OF THE MOON. The change in the phase of the Moon is caused by changes in the conditions of illumination by the Sun of the dark globe of the Moon as it moves along its orbit. Although the Moon rotates around its axis, it always faces the Earth with the same side, that is, the rotation of the Moon around the Earth and around its own axis is synchronized. Below are the moments of the onset of the main phases of the Moon: new moon (0.00), first quarter (0.5), full moon (1.00) and last quarter (0.5).

Change of lunar phases during the month

Time - universal UT:

07 August 18:13 - full moon
August 15 01:00 - last quarter
August 21 18:32 - new moon
August 29 08:00 - first quarter

Lunar phases in AUGUST 2017

Depending on cultural backgrounds and folk beliefs, some countries had a tradition of giving proper names full moons. For example, in Native American customs, the full moon in February was called the Snow Moon, and in August, the Sturgeon Moon. Read more about North American folk names for full moons in the material Full moon. Names and their meanings...

The previous blue moon period occurred on July 2 and 31, 2015, the next ones - January 2 and 31, 2018, March 2 and 31, 2018.

COVERINGS OF THE MOON -a phenomenon where the Moon passes in front of a star or planet as it orbits the Earth. There are occultations with a dark and light edge, as well as openings when a star appears from behind the dark or light edge of the Moon. The occultations of the dark edge of the Moon look most impressive. Since the Moon has no atmosphere, the disappearance of a star during occultation occurs almost instantly - as if someone “turned off” the star. The ability to see the coverage depends significantly on the observer's location on Earth - depending on geographic longitude one can observe the disappearance of the same stars (planets) at different distances from the center of the lunar disk.

Differences in the circumstances of the Moon covering the planet Venus in 2012 in different cities of Russia

MOON ECLIPSE - the phenomenon when the Moon enters the cone of the shadow cast by the Earth into space. A lunar eclipse can be observed over half of the Earth's territory (where the Moon is above the horizon at the time of the eclipse). The diameter of the Earth's shadow spot at a distance of 363,000 km (the minimum distance of the Moon from the Earth) is about 2.5 times the diameter of the Moon, so the entire Moon may be obscured.

The previous four lunar eclipses on Earth took place on March 23, August 18, September 16, 2016 and February 10, 2017, and were penumbral, barely noticeable to the eye and observable only with the help of photographic equipment.

Nearest quotient moon eclipse will happen on the night of 7 to 8 August 2017 with an immersion depth of northern part the earth's shadow by 0.25 lunar diameter.

Residents of the globe will be able to see a total lunar eclipse next time only on January 31, 2018 (visible in Russia).

SOLAR ECLIPSE - a phenomenon when the Moon completely or partially blocks the Sun from an observer on Earth. Moon shadow on earth's surface does not exceed 270 km in diameter, so a solar eclipse is observed only in this narrow strip along the path of the shadow.

The previous solar eclipse on Earth occurred on February 26, 2017, and it was annular. The band of the annular phase of the eclipse passed through the territories of southern Chile and Argentina, the Atlantic and southwest Africa. The maximum duration of the annular phase of the eclipse will be only 44 seconds at a phase of 0.992. The eclipse was not observed in Russia.

The next solar eclipse will occur August 21, 2017 and it will be complete. The total phase of the eclipse will pass through the United States. The maximum duration of the total eclipse phase will be 2 minutes 40 seconds at phase 1.016. In Russia, the eclipse will be observed on the Chukotka Peninsula in the form of partial phases.

CONJUNCTION OF THE MOON WITH.... Sometimes for an earthly observer, the Moon and other bodies (bright stars, planets) in the sky line up in such a way that it seems that they are approaching each other at a close distance; this phenomenon is called a conjunction. Such compounds are especially interesting when they can be observed in one field of view of ordinary binoculars, i.e. from 6 degrees apart and closer.

The Moon this month will pass near the following planets of the solar system:

August 03 in the evening with a growing phase of 0.74 - with Saturn,
August 10 in the morning with a waning phase of 0.96 - with Neptune,
August 13 in the evening with a waning phase of 0.66 - with Uranus,
August 19 in the morning with a waning phase of 0.10 - with Venus,
August 21 in the afternoon with a new moon - with Mars,
August 22 in the afternoon after the new moon - with Mercury,
August 28 in the evening with a growing phase of 0.15 - with Jupiter,
August 30 in the evening with a growing phase of 0.61 - with Saturn.

Connections bright stars and planets with the Moon for the point Bratsk (Irkutsk region):

Aug 3 (evening) Saturn (+0.4) 4° to the right of the Moon (Ф=0.84)
August 16 (morning) *Aldebaran (+0.85) 5° to the left of the Moon (F=0.41)
Aug 19 (morning) Venus (-4.0) 4.5° to the left of the Moon (F=0.11)
Aug 19 (day) Venus (-4.0) 2.8° north of the Moon (F=0.09)

Aug 21 (morning) Mars (+1.8) 4° to the left of the Moon (F=0.01)
Aug 25 (evening) Jupiter (-1.6) 2.7° below the Moon (F = 0.16)

PERIGEE and APOGEE. Accordingly, the passage of the Moon through the closest and most distant point of the lunar orbit from the Earth.

Date and time of the Moon's passage through the apogee and perigee of the lunar orbit. Time is universal UT.

02 August 17:56 - apogee (405024 km from Earth)
August 18 13:16 - perigee (366127 km from Earth)
August 30 11:26 - apogee (404305 km from Earth)

SUPERMOON and MINIMOON - the coincidence of the Moon's passage of perigee and apogee, respectively, with the phase of the full moon. The moon in a supermoon is at the minimum distance from the Earth and has the largest angular diameter in the sky on the full moon of the year; in a micromoon - vice versa (maximum distance from the Earth and, accordingly, smallest size in the sky in a year). When passing full moon At perigee, the Earth's satellite looks 14% larger and 30% brighter than when passing the most distant point - apogee.

Differences in visible sizes The moon when it is at its apogee (micromoon) and perigee (supermoon):

Dates of the nearest super/minimoons:

Year Apogee/Perigee Distance Minimoon/Supermoon
.... (time - UT) from Earth (time - universal UT)

2016 21.04 16:06 406 350 km (A) 22.04 05:25 (M)
2016 11/14 11:24 356,511 km (P) 11/14 13:54 (S)

2017 06/08 22:22 406 401 km (A) 06/08 13:11 (M)
2017 04.12 08:43 357 495 km (P) 03.12 15:49 (S)

LUNAR LIBRATIONS. Although the Moon rotates around its axis, it always faces the Earth with the same side, that is, the rotation of the Moon around the Earth and around its own axis is synchronized. The libration phenomenon makes it possible to observe about 59% of the lunar surface. The fact is that the Moon revolves around the Earth with a variable angular velocity due to the eccentricity of the lunar orbit (it moves faster near the perigee, slower near the apogee), while the rotation of the satellite around its own axis is uniform. This allows the observer to “look” a little into the hemisphere turned away from the Earth, alternately from the eastern and western edges (libration along longitude). In addition, due to the inclination of the Moon’s rotation axis to the plane of the Earth’s orbit, one can see from the Earth either the south or north pole of the Moon (latitudinal libration).

Apparent oscillatory motion of the Moon as seen from Earth

Dates of maximum librations of the Moon:

August 01 - southern libration at latitude 7° (lower edge of the Moon)
August 11 - western libration in longitude 5° (left edge of the Moon)
August 15 - northern libration at latitude 7° (upper edge of the Moon)
August 24 - eastern libration at longitude 6° (right edge of the Moon)
August 28 - southern libration at latitude 7° (lower edge of the Moon)

RESEARCH OF THE MOON. Read about the exploration of the Moon by automatic interplanetary probes in the material: Conquest of the Moon. Currently, the following spacecraft are studying the Moon: in orbit - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (NASA) and on the surface - No.

Clear skies and interesting observations!

When preparing the material, the following resources were used:

Not everything in our life lends itself simple explanation, that’s why it’s common to think that it’s simply impossible to know your fate. However, there are methods by which it is possible to trace trends affecting people and other living organisms on the planet, and one such method is the observation of the Earth's natural satellite, the Moon.

The sequence of the phases of the Moon, together with several other factors, such as the location of the ruling constellation, the order of the lunar day and days of the week, help determine which aspects of a person’s life deserve special attention, which are at the peak of energy, and which are on the decline. The lunar calendar will help you find out what awaits us in August 2017.

Moon phases in August 2017

New and full moons in August

August 7 (Mon) – Full moon. One of the apogee points. On this day, the energy power of the Moon is at its peak.

August 21 (Mon) – New moon. On this day, the night star is practically invisible to the naked eye. This is a time of new beginnings.

August 15 (Tue) – Last quarter. Characterizes a decline in physical and emotional strength.

Lunar phase calendar for August 2017

Favorable lunar days

August 2 and 3 (Wed, Thu) – waxing moon in Sagittarius. An ideal period to deal with the most important matters: issues related to jurisprudence, law, real estate.

August 9 (Wed) – waning moon in Pisces. This day will be dedicated to finding answers to your internal questions. Pay attention to the signs that chance sends you, and you can solve any problem.

August 14 (Mon) – waning moon in Taurus. On this day, money issues will be at the peak of popularity, because Taurus is a sign of material stability. Any transactions scheduled for this day will be for your benefit.

August 16 (Wed) – waning moon in Gemini. The period of greatest activity. An influx of strength guarantees a positive attitude towards victory in any business or dispute. Take advantage of the opportunity and direct your energies to the implementation of the most difficult tasks.

August 26, 27 (Sat, Sun) – waxing moon in Scorpio. In these favorable days , social tasks will be especially active when the personal will fade into the background. Communication and help to loved ones and even strangers is extremely welcome.

Unfavorable lunar days

The most unfavorable lunar days in August 2017 there will be: the 7th and the 21st, since it is on these days that there will be eclipses: 7.08 - lunar, and accordingly 21.08 - solar eclipse (see everything in 2017).