How to properly rub nicotinic acid into your hair. Using niacin to accelerate hair growth. Vitamin mask to strengthen curls

A nicotinic acid- a widely known vitamin that promotes active growth and strengthening of hair. This is one of the simplest, most proven and cheapest cosmetics hair care at home. At the same time, it is important to know how to properly use nicotinic acid for hair growth and what contraindications exist.

This article contains a selection of material about the beneficial properties of nicotinic acid and the rules for its use. And recipes for masks with vitamins and a photo selection of the effectiveness of using the drug will help complement the overall impression and make a choice. Most reviews after using acid at home are positive, which proves the undeniable benefits and effectiveness of this remedy.

Nicotinic acid for hair, description of the vitamin

  • Nicotinic acid is water soluble vitamin, participating at the cellular level in lipid-carbohydrate metabolism, redox reactions and the formation of enzymes.
  • Nicotinic acid has a lot of synonyms: niacin, niacinamide, nicotinamide, vitamin PP, vitamin B. All this is the same medicinal substance.
  • IN natural form the vitamin is found in fish, liver, milk, yeast, buckwheat and some other foods.
  • There are many ways to use this vitamin preparation. medical indications. Nicotinic acid has anti-allergenic properties and is used in the treatment of the liver, heart, gastrointestinal tract, poorly healing wounds. The drug has a significant vasodilating effect.
  • In addition to the usual medicinal properties, nicotinic acid is an affordable and effective remedy for hair growth and strengthening at home.
  • This vitamin is often one of the main components of skin and hair care cosmetics. This popularity is due to the positive effects of the vitamin on the scalp and hair follicles.
  • Nicotinic acid is an inexpensive, affordable drug that improves hair condition, sold in ampoules or tablets.
  • To treat hair, nicotinic acid is used in ampoules; it is sold in pharmacies, in a package of 10 pieces.

Nicotinic acid, positive properties and benefits

  • Nicotinic acid dilates and strengthens blood vessels, accelerates metabolic processes. This action of the vitamin helps to increase nutrition and blood flow to the hair follicles, strengthening them and activating their activity. At the same time, the intensity of hair growth increases significantly.
  • In addition to stimulating hair growth, acid prevents hair loss and helps strengthen the root part of the hair. The solution is quickly absorbed into the skin, providing it with valuable nutrients.
  • Vitamin PP provides better oxygen access to hair follicles and necessary hydration of the scalp.

  • The drug reduces the oiliness of hair, so for quickly oily hair, the use of nicotinic acid is especially indicated. The vitamin slightly dries the skin and regulates the production of sebum by the subcutaneous glands.
  • External use of nicotinic acid has a beneficial effect on the appearance and general condition of hair. They become lush, shiny, healthy.
  • Nicotinic acid does not dry out or pollute hair. After application, the structure of the hair practically does not change, it does not stick or fade, which is very convenient for daily use of the vitamin.
  • The vitamin is suitable for all hair types, preventing dryness and brittleness.
  • Nicotinic acid promotes the production of pigment, so the natural hair color after its use becomes richer and deeper.
  • The positive effect of hair treatment with nicotinic acid will be noticeable after just a few weeks of use. The average rate of hair growth acceleration is about 3-4 cm per month.

The drug has a number of contraindications, so before using it it is better to consult a trichologist.

Nicotinic acid for hair, contraindications

There are a number of restrictions under which you cannot use nicotinic acid, so as not to harm your health.

  • Individual intolerance to the drug ( allergic reaction).
  • Diseases and damage to the scalp (psoriasis, scabies, lichen, ulcers).
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Children under 12 years old.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Serious liver and heart diseases.

The drug should not be used by people who have suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. Otherwise, the person’s health may deteriorate.

Nicotinic acid for hair, use at home

  • A vitamin preparation, nicotinic acid, is used to treat hair only externally.
  • The contents of the ampoules are rubbed into the skin head light, massaging movements of the fingertips. Literally one drop of the drug should be placed on your fingers. For better contact with the scalp and hair roots, you can use a pipette or syringe (without a needle).
  • Nicotinic acid can be rubbed in as a single independent remedy, and as part of cosmetic masks (scrubs).

  • The drug is used daily on clean and dry hair. With contaminated hair, nicotinic acid will open access to the hair follicles to particles of dirt and dust, which will have an undesirable effect on the condition of the hair.
  • The vitamin should be used immediately after opening the ampoule, as it quickly dissipates and loses beneficial features.
  • The drug is evenly applied to the scalp, starting from temporal lobe, moving to the crown and back of the head, carefully dividing the hair into partings.
  • To get a stable positive effect from the vitamin, it must be used regularly. When caring for your hair, it is recommended to take a 30-day course of applying nicotinic acid. It is enough to use one ampoule for each procedure. Thus, for such a daily course you will need 30 ampoules.
  • There is no need to use more than one ampoule per procedure, since the solution is very active and vasodilation occurs reflexively over the entire surface of the head.
  • To enhance the positive effect, after a month's course of hair treatment, you should take approximately the same break and repeat the nicotinic acid therapy again.
  • There is no need to wash off the vitamin preparation. It is quickly absorbed without leaving any traces.
  • It is important to pay attention to the reaction of the scalp after the first use of the solution. There may be a slight burning sensation or redness of the skin. This is not considered an allergic reaction and is accepted as normal as a consequence of vasodilation and blood flow. If signs of severe allergies appear (itching, rash, headache), in the future you should stop using the vitamin or always dilute it with water, reducing the concentration. You can also add it as a minor (in quantity) component of masks for hair and scalp.

Thus, the method of using nicotinic acid for hair treatment is absolutely not complicated, accessible, and most importantly - effective.

Nicotinic acid for hair, recipes

Let's consider the most popular and proven recipes for masks for hair and scalp using nicotinic acid. The main advantage of the recipes is the ease of preparation and use, as well as the presence of natural and affordable ingredients. An important condition for a successful result in the form of lush and beautiful hair is the regular use of masks in the course recommended in the recipe.

Basic rules for using masks:

  • After applying the mask, your head should be wrapped in a warm towel. To enhance the effect, you can wear a cellophane cap underneath.
  • The mask is applied to dry (or slightly damp) clean hair.
  • Keep the mask on your head for 1 to 2 hours.
  • Wash off the mask with a small amount of shampoo, rinse warm water with addition apple cider vinegar.

Masks with nicotinic acid for hair loss

Nicotinic acid strengthens the hair roots, helping not only to prevent hair loss, but also to treat an already partially bald part of the head. For baldness, the drug is applied not only to the problem area, but also to the entire scalp.

  • Recipe 1

Take equal parts of liquid nicotinic acid and aloe juice (1 ml each); mix and rub into scalp. Leave for 1-2 hours, then rinse hair with water. Do the mask 2-3 times a week, 10 times.

  • Recipe 2

Take 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid, 1 capsule of vitamin E, 1 tbsp. tincture of eleutherococcus and 2 tbsp. linseed oil; mix and rub into scalp. Leave for 1 hour, then rinse hair with water. Do the mask 1-2 times a week, 10 times.

  • Recipe 3

Take 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid and a sachet colorless henna; dilute henna powder according to the instructions and, after mixing with vitamin, rub into the scalp. Leave for 40 minutes, then rinse hair with water. Do the mask once a week, about 10 times.

  • Recipe 4

You can prepare a vitamin mask for excessive hair loss. To do this, you need to take equal parts (for example, 1 ml) of nicotinic acid, vitamin E, vitamin A and mix with 1-2 tbsp. burdock (or castor) oil, rub into the scalp. Leave for 1 hour, then wash and rinse hair. Apply the mask once a week, at least 10 times.

Masks with nicotinic acid for hair growth

It is quite possible to accelerate hair growth with the help of nicotinic acid. This process becomes especially relevant in the autumn-winter period, when the immune system weakened, and hair practically does not grow.

  • Recipe 1

Take 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid, 0.5 tsp. aloe extract and 2-3 drops of propolis; mix and rub into hair roots. After 1-2 hours, wash off. Apply the mask every other day, do 10 procedures.

  • Recipe 2

Take 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid, 10 ml of vitamin E, 15 ml of flax oil and 1 egg, mix and apply to clean hair. After 1-2 hours, rinse with acidified water. Apply the mask 3 times a week, do 10 procedures.

  • Recipe 3

Take 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid, 20 ml of liquid honey, 10 ml of vitamin E, 20 ml of jojoba oil and the yolk of one egg, mix and apply to clean hair. After 1-1.5 hours, rinse with acidified water. Apply the mask 2-3 times a week, in a course of 10 procedures.

  • Recipe 4

Take 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid, 0.5 tsp. aloe juice, the yolk of one egg and a few drops of peach oil, mix and apply to the hair roots. After 1-1.5 hours, rinse with acidified water. Apply the mask 1-2 times a week, with a minimum course of 10 procedures.

In addition to preparing cosmetic masks, nicotinic acid can simply be added to shampoo while washing your hair. It is enough to drop a few drops of vitamin PP into your hand with shampoo and wash your hair. The shampoo should be as natural as possible, without chemically aggressive components (especially silicones). Otherwise, the vitamin will not be able to manifest its positive properties. This vitamin-enriched shampoo is used for about 4 weeks, after which a break is taken for several months.

Another option for using the vitamin is adding it to all kinds of balms, scrubs or hair lotions. It should be added immediately before using the cosmetic product.

Nicotinic acid for hair, reviews

The benefits of nicotinic acid for hair growth have been recognized for a long time and are confirmed by many positive reviews. Most female representatives who use a vitamin product for hair growth and strengthening note not only accelerated growth, but also a significant improvement in the overall condition of their hair.

If you wish, you can watch real reviews people about the use of nicotinic acid at home, on thematic Internet forums, and specialized review sites.

Separately, I would like to note the reviews of people who have undergone a course of chemotherapy, which, unfortunately, led to baldness. The use of nicotinic acid helps many people quickly cope with this difficult problem and grow long-awaited hair.

Nicotinic acid for hair, photos before and after use

The presented photos clearly show the results of using nicotinic acid over a certain period of time.

Nicotinic acid, used for hair growth, did an excellent job, and, as can be seen in the photo, the hair became much longer. Such indicators are especially relevant for owners of slowly growing hair. In such cases, a vitamin preparation becomes a real godsend to correct the situation.

To summarize, we note the key points:

  • Before using nicotinic acid for hair, you should read the instructions for its use and the list of contraindications. The best option- consult a trichologist.
  • In order for nicotinic acid to provide the most effective and positive results for hair growth, you need to know how to use it correctly and what course to take.
  • You can use nicotinic acid for hair either separately or as part of masks, with other vitamins and nutrients.
  • Ease of use, availability, low cost, excellent results- the main advantages of nicotinic acid.

Video: “How to grow hair with nicotinic acid”

Very often girls ask how to rub nicotinic acid into their hair? To be more precise, it is rubbed not into the hair, but into the scalp. There are several ways to use nicotinic acid for hair, which we’ll talk about today.

Nicotinic acid in ampoules for hair

Nicotinic acid can be in tablets and ampoules (solution for injection), which can only be prescribed to you by a doctor for the treatment of a specific disease. We will talk about the use of nicotinic acid ampoules for hair, but for rubbing into the scalp, and not for injections. Although in the instructions for the ampoules, you will not find a description of the use of this drug to strengthen hair, stimulate growth, or generally anything about hair. That is, nicotinic acid ampoules do not have direct prescriptions for hair treatment, but even trichologists prescribe them for complex therapy hair loss treatment, and many manufacturers add nicotinic acid to anti-hair loss products or to stimulate growth.

The effect of nicotinic acid for hair is that it expands capillaries, due to this blood flows to the hair follicle and intensively nourishes it. And we know that everything nutrients hair is supplied with blood, so it is also important to eat right. And if the diet is unbalanced, then you need to take additional vitamins, at least during the course of nicotinic acid.

Nicotinic acid also cleanses the skin and lymph of toxins, and intoxication can quite often cause exhaustion and hair loss. Nicotinic acid also promotes skin regeneration and maintains collagen elasticity.

How to rub in nicotinic acid?

Nicotinic acid ampoules can be easily purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription, and their price is about a dollar for a pack of ten ampoules. These ampoules are best stored in the refrigerator.

  • Nicotinic acid is suitable for all hair types, including oily hair.
  • Nicotinic acid does not make hair greasy, so it does not require rinsing.
  • You need to use nicotinic acid for hair in a course, the course is 30 procedures.
  • Nicotinic acid is rubbed only onto washed, damp hair.
  • During the course of nicotinic acid, buy shampoo without silicones; usually strengthening and anti-hair loss shampoos are without silicones.

The essence of the procedure

  1. We wash our hair with shampoo, but preferably without silicones, then apply a mask or conditioner, rinse everything thoroughly and wrap the hair in a towel to remove excess moisture.
  2. Apply 1-2 ampoules of nicotinic acid to clean, damp hair; for convenience, it can be placed in a container with a dispenser or a pipette. Apply nicotinic acid along the partings (about 5-6 cm) and massage the scalp for five to ten minutes. No need to rinse!

If you don't wash your hair every day, but want to rub in nicotine daily, you can try another option. Just don’t use gel, foam or hairspray on your hair! The first day you wash your hair and use nicotinic acid as usual, and on the second day you use a decoction of nettle or burdock. We make a strong decoction of nettle or other herbs and apply it to the scalp using a cotton pad (only a little, it is unnecessary for the decoction to flow down the hair, we need to moisturize the scalp a little), and then apply nicotinic acid to the damp scalp and massage. Nettle decoction does not make hair oily, but rather dries it out, and besides, nettle is famous for its strengthening properties.

Who should not use nicotinic acid

Nicotinic acid is a vasodilator, so it is not recommended for use with increased blood pressure. And also during pregnancy and lactation; with vegetative-vascular dystonia; frequent headaches; scalp sensitivity; and in case of individual intolerance to the drug.

Try to listen to your body's reaction if you have any Not pleasant sensations After applying nicotinic acid, it is better to stop using it.

Nicotinic acid for hair growth- this is a new fashion trend for girls who dream of long and long hair. IN Lately There are more and more questions about it, so I decided to dwell on this issue in more detail.

Nicotinic acid in ampoules for hair

A nicotinic acid ( Nicotinic acid) is vitamin PP, a component of the B-complex, also called B3, niacinamide, nicotinamide. We are interested in the release in the form of injection ampoules. There are 10 pieces in a cardboard package. One ampoule contains 1 ml of liquid.

The price of one package fluctuates around 25 - 40 rubles. Sometimes pharmacists offer more expensive analogues. IN in this case we will be talking about the same drug, but produced under a different name and obviously sold at a higher price. In general, such incidents happen not only with nicotinic acid. Therefore, I advise you to always carefully study the composition and pay attention to the active ingredient.

Nicotinic acid is widely used in home hair care products. For example, in , masks, .

The use of nicotinic acid for hair due to the fact that when it gets on the skin, it increases myctocirculation under the skin, which means blood flow to the hair follicles. In other words, this is how we stimulate additional nutrition for the hair.

On the other hand, vitamin PP is beneficial for hair in itself. It is responsible for moisturizing the hair, as well as for the production of pigment. You should not rely on what you inflict nicotine on hair, we will completely protect ourselves from the problem of graying. After all, this process is largely influenced by genetics. However, a lack of vitamin PP is definitely not good for our hair.

Contraindications for the use of nicotinic acid:

  • vegetative-vascular distance,
  • increased general pressure,
  • increased intracranial or intraocular pressure,
  • migraine.

The effect of nicotinic acid on hair

The effect of nicotinic acid on hair Everyone is completely different. To test the effect of nicotine, I conducted a survey in a group. Of the 170 people who used it,

  • 60 (35%) noted that hair growth accelerated,
  • 90 people (53%) did not notice any effect after using nicotine,
  • 20 people (12%) stopped use due to unpleasant skin manifestations.

In other words, Nicotine is good for hair growth, but, like other remedies (mustard mask, oil mask), it does not accelerate growth for everyone. And you won't know until you try. And it is even more impossible to answer the question of how much and over what period of time. But in general, many who tried it claim that almost immediately after starting use, their hair grew by 1 cm per week. Which, of course, is a very serious result. However, I would like to remind you that for a successful experiment it is very important not only to stimulate the roots, but also.

It is very important to consider that nicotinic acid may not be suitable for hypertensive patients (people prone to high blood pressure). It gives them headaches. Also, many who have used nicotine note severe redness of the scalp, face (!), arms, neck, etc. The only way to get rid of this is to stop using the drug.

Nicotinic acid helps against hair loss, however, the same warnings apply here as in the case of pepper tincture. Listen carefully to your body's reaction! If the hair loss is not severe and is seasonal (for example, every spring or autumn your hair falls out more than usual for a month), then you can try nicotinic acid. But in the case of , especially if you don’t know its cause, I would not advise doing such experiments.

Before using nicotinic acid for hair, carefully read the instructions! Especially contraindications! Suddenly, for one reason or another, it doesn’t suit you.

Masks with nicotinic acid for hair

Nicotinic acid should be rubbed into the scalp onto clean hair so that you do not have to rinse it off immediately. The liquid is transparent and feels like water. By itself, it doesn’t get dirty, but sebaceous glands may become more active as a result of blood flow to the scalp. Although some, on the contrary, I note that as a result of the use of nicotine.

For 1 time you will need 1 - 3 ampoules if you use them in pure form. However, in order to save money and enhance the beneficial effect, you can make mixtures with other components: aloe juice, ginger, propolis tincture, herbal decoctions, etc. In masks for hair, take 2 ampoules of nicotinic acid and one tablespoon of a hair-healthy and non-greasy component.

Such masks should be made in courses. For example, 2 - 3 weeks. And then a month break. In general, everyone has very different opinions about this product. Some praise it, others consider it harmful. Therefore, I would advise you to consult a doctor before use. Some doctors recommend a 7-day course, warning that longer use may cause subsequent growth arrest. Therefore, as in the case of other powerful masks, I would advise starting with a short period of time and very carefully monitoring the reaction of the skin, hair and the whole body.

If you experience negative symptoms (headache, dizziness, skin rash, severe redness of the skin), stop using nicotinic acid immediately!

Reviews of nicotinic acid for hair

Experience of using nicotinic acid by Svetlana Merzlyakova

The method of stimulating hair by rubbing in vitamin PP attracted me personally because:

  • it is convenient to apply the contents of ampoules without outside help, as opposed to mustard masks or pepper spray;
  • a priori should not dry out the scalp;
  • the procedure is invisible to others.

Nicotinic acid ampoules for hair You can rub it in “solo”, but I used a mixture with aloe extract and propolis tincture, which also stimulate growth:

  • 2 ampoules of nicotinic acid,
  • 1/5 tsp propolis tincture,
  • 1 ampoule.

Mix and rub into head for a couple of hours. Then wash it off. Do the procedure every other day 10 times.

On the first day, I applied this mixture to both myself and my husband, and we both felt a flow of blood to the head, there was no discomfort, so I decided to continue. Literally from the very next procedure, my husband and I began to have a slight headache, which somehow did not alert me. But my husband didn’t like it all, and he refused to continue, and I rubbed it the third time, and the fourth, during which I had a wild headache, with such force that I could not crawl to the bathroom to wash it off my hair. I barely made it to bed and fell asleep; the next morning the pain was still present and stopped only after I washed my hair. As a result, red spots appeared on my wrist - marks from my fingers that had “nicotine” on them. The spots disappeared only after 3 (!) days.

There are opinions that these are all negative effects of nicotinic acid for hair You can be patient. In fact, these are side reactions that indicate that this method is categorically not suitable for you. In general, if some product causes you discomfort, then you should wash it off immediately and under no circumstances tolerate it. Why did this happen to me? Yes, because I didn’t bother to read the contraindications and adverse reactions; if I had done that, I would have known that hypertensive patients should take vitamin PP with great caution. Therefore, I highly recommend that you first carefully study this issue and understand whether the game is worth the candle and whether you need a little hair growth using such methods.

Experience in using nicotinic acid Leah

Let me start with the fact that my hair is weak and a fairly large amount falls out when washing. They fall out even when you run your hand through your hair, usually 3-4 pieces. I didn’t expect magic from nicotinic acid. In principle, I didn’t receive it, but some positive results there definitely is.

I rubbed 2 ampoules every day for a month. Immediately after the procedure, a lot of hair fell out, but this did not upset me, since the active influence on the scalp causes hair that is ready to fall out to fall out. I note that over time, less and less hair fell out. When you run your hand through your hair, it now hardly falls out, just one hair every now and then! And, of course, the most main result The problem is that when you wash your hair, there is much less hair left in the bathroom than before. These are not super results, but they are still there. Perhaps in a couple of months I will see new hairs in large quantities on your little head. When applied to roots hair niacin

A little background

I decided to grow my color and cut off the colored ones. I haven’t applied makeup since April, and I haven’t used an iron or hair dryer since June. I decided not to dye my hair at all. Even previously lightened ones cannot be tinted. I have my own dark blond hair, so it’s easier for me to track hair growth in contrast with bleached hair. Yes, and the dye can get on natural hair.

I started experimenting with hair growth products. The first and most common - Burr oil It didn't suit me. I used the company Evalar. Sometimes I added castor, almond, grape seed, peach, and avocado oil to it. I probably tormented my scalp with oil masks for about three weeks. I wanted to speed up hair growth and eliminate hair loss. As a result, hair growth remained 1-1.5 cm per month, and hair began to fall out in huge quantities. Moreover, at the beginning I thought that the loss had increased due to water (I spent the summer in the village), but when I once again washed off the oil mask with three soaps of Clean Line with Nettle, I saw a whole tuft of hair in my hands. Mom advised not to make masks. I was perplexed - "How so? After all, burdock oil is the best remedy for hair loss, as they say on the Internet!?”

Mom turned out to be right. My hair loss decreased by half after I didn’t use the mask.
Then I bought pepper tincture. But after taking a short course (two bottles lasted me two weeks), I didn’t notice any results. Pepper ran out, but there was nowhere to buy it, because I was in a village, 400 km from the city.
But my mother had two packs of nicotinic acid. This is vitamin PP. Improves blood circulation, dilates blood vessels.

After making sure that the expiration date had not expired, I began the next experiment, which went very well.

My experience with nicotinic acid

At the beginning of August, I started using niacin for hair growth. That is, as of today (September 19), a little over a month and a half of use has passed.
I’ll say right away that I cut my hair every two weeks by 1.5-2 cm, that is, about 4 cm of length was cut off in a month. But I wasn't chasing length.

I want to grow mine faster dark color, and cut off bleached hair as soon as possible. I can’t cut off a lot at once, since my hair is already short, and I don’t feel comfortable walking around with a short haircut.
So, for 1 month (August) I rubbed in two ampoules of nicotinic acid every evening. Many people write that one ampoule is enough, but it wasn’t enough for me.

I applied drops with a syringe to the partings on all areas of the scalp (back of the head, lateral front and lateral rear areas) and immediately rubbed in. Terla did not last long. That is, I dropped a drop and immediately rubbed it in with my fingertips for about two seconds. Then the next one and so on until I have treated all the zones.

There is no need to moisten the entire scalp with nicotine, as it is well distributed by the bloodstream throughout the entire head. A few drops per zone is enough.

In the summer I washed my hair every other day; it is best to apply the acid to a clean scalp. But I didn’t wash my hair every day, I don’t want to accustom it to this. Sometimes I rubbed it in immediately after washing my hair, my hair was wet, I didn’t see any difference.

The secret to using it effectively

After I apply the nicotine, I massage my scalp with a comb. I have a Tangle Teaser comb, it is ideal for massage, it feels very pleasant on the skin. The skin “burns” pleasantly, but at the same time, it massages very carefully with its elastic teeth.

So, I rubbed in the nicotine, tilted my head down, and combed my hair, focusing Special attention scalp. I just press carefully.

I really like massage, I love the warmth it gives.


If you feel dizziness, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms, then most likely this method is not suitable for you. Nicotine itself is a very strong thing, and coupled with a massage it can cause a strong rush of blood to the head. If your blood pressure is fluctuating, you are pregnant or on breastfeeding, then it is better not to risk it.


Hair growth has accelerated greatly! I wrote that my hair normally grows 1-1.5 cm per month. After a month-long course of nicotine, I noticed increased 5-6 (!) cm!!! To say that I am pleased is to say nothing. You remember that I cut off 4 cm of length. But the photo shows that the natural color line has dropped significantly. I measured with a ruler, from the roots it was 8-8.5 cm of my regrown natural hair, but it became 13.5 - 14 cm! Per month!

A nice bonus – hair loss has stopped! Almost completely. I remove a couple of hairs from the comb after the massage. When washing, very little hair falls out, although before there was terrible hair loss.

Many people write that they need to take a break after the course. I haven't done it yet. For more than two weeks I rub one ampoule into the top of my head, simply collect the contents of one ampoule with a syringe, then squeeze all the contents from the syringe into one single place, where, as it seems to me, my hair does not grow or there is little of it. And I rub it. I'm waiting for the undercoat to grow there, but it's too early to judge the results. I don’t want to stop rubbing it yet; I’ve already gotten used to this ritual before bed.

Side effects

I do not have them. No dandruff, no headache, no dizziness, no pounding in my temples. But for many such side effects occur, everything is individual.

About the drug

For a month I rubbed in two ampoules every day. That is, it took me 60 ampoules. Or 6 packs. There are 10 ampoules in one pack. The average price is 150 rubles (I came across 130 rubles in the cheapest pharmacy and 180 rubles per pack, depending on the manufacturer and the pharmacy). That is, on average, the course cost me 900 rubles per month. Not on a budget. Expensive. But the result is worth it!))

I took nicotine from different manufacturers, it seems to me that there are no differences in content. Only the ampoules themselves differ. I recently bought some in plastic bottles. And I really liked it, it’s very convenient to use, you don’t have to cut anything, break it off or be afraid of cutting yourself.

But more often I came across them in ordinary glass ampoules, which I broke off and wrapped in a cloth so as not to cut myself.

For the convenience of drawing the drug into a syringe, I adapted a small cup. I open the ampoules, pour the contents into a container and draw them into a syringe without a needle.

You don’t have to pour it out, but just take it from the ampoule if it’s plastic; this method is well illustrated in the photo.

These are the results of using nicotine, while I continue to rub it in, I want the density on the crown to increase, then I’ll try mustard mask for growth or pepper again. I really want to grow out my color as quickly as possible and cut off the colored ones.

If you have any questions, write in the comments or in a private message.

Salicylic peeling at home is one of the best remedies for acne and post-acne.

Nicotinic acid is a vitamin PP. It is one of the most important components of most cosmetic preparations for skin and hair care. This product promotes the active growth of curls, making them less brittle, bright and shiny. Let's look at photos of hair after nicotinic acid, its benefits and uses, as well as recipes for masks based on it.

Benefits of nicotinic acid for hair

    Hair treatment with nicotinic acid is increasingly carried out at home. After all, preparing a mask based on it is very simple, and the effect will be noticeable after just a few procedures. In addition to preparing masks, it can be added to any shampoos, balms and other hair care products.

    A feature of nicotinic acid is the rapid saturation of strands with vitamins, restoration of their structure, as well as strengthening of the blood vessels of the scalp. In addition to treating curls, nicotinic acid can be used to treat colitis, neuritis and pellagra.

    In addition, vitamin PP helps improve the condition of blood vessels, expanding them and increasing elasticity. This component of cosmetic products quickly penetrates the epidermis. Thanks to this, beneficial components enter the hair follicles, strengthening their structure from the inside. With regular use, nicotinic acid accelerates hair growth and helps strengthen it.

    Another advantage of using it is its versatility. Optimally suitable for all hair types, does not dry out curls, and also helps normalize their greasiness. The drug does not have unpleasant odor, and also does not leave a greasy and sticky residue on the strands.

    Nicotinic acid also helps saturate the hair roots with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect general state scalp and curls. This drug will help women grow long and long hair in the shortest possible time. strong hair, and will also help people who suffer from hair loss.

Contraindications to the use of vitamin PP

At correct use nicotinic acid cannot harm curls and scalp. Side effects may only occur when used by allergy sufferers, as well as people who have sensitive skin head or certain lesions on the skin.

Where to buy nicotinic acid for hair?

Nicotinic acid is found in most foods, so the body rarely experiences a deficiency. However, it is often used for prevention various diseases, as well as for restoration and strengthening of hair.

You can buy ampoules or tablets. In order to quickly restore curls and accelerate their growth, it is recommended to take vitamin PP not only internally, but also use it to prepare homemade masks.

Instructions for using nicotinic acid for hair include taking one tablet twice a day, and also using an ampoule per day to prepare masks. After taking the tablet, you should drink it with plenty of water or milk.

The price of the drug ranges from 100 to 150 rubles. However, you can also purchase more expensive analogues at the pharmacy, which are produced in a more convenient form or contain additional components. But essentially it will be the same vitamin PP, so it makes no sense to overpay.

The use of nicotinic acid for hair

    When using ampoules, rub the product into the scalp. This must be done after washing your hair. This method of use stimulates blood flow to the scalp, so the follicles receive more oxygen, which is so necessary for their active growth. Increasing blood circulation to the scalp helps strengthen curls and prevent hair loss.

    Regular application of nicotinic acid to the scalp will reduce the greasiness of your curls. It is extremely easy to apply the product. In addition, you can use it on its own or as a component of natural masks.

    It is recommended to use vitamin nicotinic acid with ingredients such as ginger, honey, herbal decoctions and infusions, olive and essential oils. You can also add some vitamin A and E, which improve hair health.

    Hair care with this product should be regular. To restore curls, it is recommended to take a 30-day course. You should not use more than one ampoule per procedure, and the drug must be applied with your fingertips. And if you make a mask from it, then use a special brush.

    Applying the drug should begin from the temporal areas of the head, gradually moving to the crown. It is more convenient to use a pipette for this. The drug should be used daily. Before application, curls are washed and dried naturally. It is not recommended to apply to dirty hair. This is due to the fact that dirt and dust can get into the follicles along with nicotinic acid.

    The drug should be used immediately after opening the ampoule. Nicotinic acid disappears very quickly, so within an hour after opening the ampoule its beneficial properties practically disappear.

    It is very important to monitor the condition of your scalp after the first use. If an allergic reaction occurs, subsequent use must be diluted with water. Also, in this case, it should not be used in its pure form, but as one of the components of natural masks.

In the autumn-winter period, as well as with a weakened immune system, hair grows slowly, becomes brittle and dull. Nicotinic acid will help solve this problem. It helps improve blood circulation in the scalp, providing better food hair follicles.

It is recommended to start using acid for hair growth at the first sign of this problem.. If you do not begin to solve the problem quickly, then the treatment process may take longer in the future. In this case, it is more advisable to use the drug in the form of ampoules. It can be rubbed into the scalp or used as a component of healing masks.

If you are faced with the problem of hair loss, then nicotinic acid will help solve the problem of even partial baldness. In this case, it should be applied not only to areas of skin with partial hair loss, but also to the rest of the scalp.

However, when using this remedy, you must carefully monitor the body's reaction. If a rash or other skin abnormality occurs, its use should be discontinued. At normal reaction continue to rub the drug into the hair roots daily until their condition improves. Then use vitamin PP in courses for prevention.

Nicotinic acid in tablets and ampoules for hair

Regardless of the form of release, the drug has a positive effect on the health and appearance of curls. However, it is more convenient to use tablets for oral administration, and ampoules for rubbing into the scalp, as well as for preparing masks to restore the health of strands and scalp.

Hair after nicotinic acid:

  • The results of use can be seen after just two weeks.
  • After just a few uses of the drug, hair loss is reduced to a minimum. This can be understood by the amount of hair that remains on the comb.
  • After a month of regular use, a fairly noticeable undercoat appears on the head, which indicates that the dormant hair follicles have awakened. With constant intake of nicotinic acid orally and as a component of masks, hair thickness increases significantly.
  • If the average hair growth rate is about 1 cm per month, then when using vitamin PP it increases to 2–4 cm.

Nicotinic acid for hair - before and after photos

Hair masks with nicotinic acid

Recipes for masks with nicotinic acid help accelerate hair growth and prevent hair loss. But to make your hair shiny, strong and extremely beautiful, you can prepare natural masks with your own hands, which will include other useful components.

Recipe for hair with nicotinic acid and propolis

Regular use of the mask allows you to accelerate the growth of curls, as well as give them shine and beauty.

Mix all the components of the mask and apply it to clean hair. The mask should be washed off with warm, slightly acidified water. Use at least three times a week.

Mask with nicotinic acid and jojoba oil

Optimally suitable for hair of any type. Helps normalize greasiness, moisturizes and refreshes curls. But the main thing is that the mask helps to grow long and healthy hair in a short period of time.


  • Jojoba oil – 20 ml.
  • Nicotinic acid – 1 ampoule.
  • Yolk – 1 pc.
  • Honey – 20 ml.
  • Vitamin E solution – 10 ml.

To prepare the mask, it is recommended to use liquid honey. If candied honey is used, it should be melted in a water bath. Then add the rest of the mask ingredients to it. The resulting mixture must be applied to previously washed and dried strands for 40–50 minutes. The mixture should be washed off with warm water with the addition of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. In this way you will get rid of the unpleasant smell of the mask, and also give your curls freshness and shine.

Nicotinic acid for hair: reviews of use

Natalya, 24 years old

After reading reviews from experts about the use of nicotinic acid, I wanted to try it myself. Hair began to grow faster and stopped falling out.

Tatyana, 47 years old

I use various ways use of nicotinic acid. I take one tablet orally and make masks with acids for my hair. Thus, I was able to prevent age-related hair loss.

Tamara, 33 years old

Nicotinic acid is the savior of my hair. I had unsuccessful chemo and had to cut my hair very short. And with this drug I grew long curls again.

For dessert, video: The best remedies for growing and accelerating hair growth