How to love your work: acting ways. How to make yourself love the unloved job

They say that happy man - This is the one who goes to work with joy, and with joy returns home. And what to do if everything is in order with the second, and with the first one does not glue?

To begin with, let's figure out with the claims that people are unloved by the work.

1. Little salary. Do not think that this is only your problem: low salary is the most common drawback of almost any type of activity and the most frequent "professional" complaint. No matter how much money is, they are always lacking - everyone is a well-known unprofitable law.

However, many people for a long time do not change their warm-paying work, finding other positive sides: for example, a clear schedule (the ability to go home at a certain time or exactly painted weekends, etc.), a good social package or friendly, responsible team, etc.

2. Lack of free time. If you do not learn to plan a day so that time is enough for everything, then you will not help you.

3. No career perspectives. This is a problem of speaker. If you are aware that your ambitions in this type of activity have nowhere to turn around, it means that you have life goal And you need, indeed, search the methods that you can achieve this goal.

4. No unity in the team. Sometimes work colleagues are characterized as a "ball of snakes" - a honeycomb picture, right? Let's look at this situation on the other hand. If the working team becomes the second family, then over time, he can start to displace the first. Plus situations: you will strive to get out of this "web" and get home. What will take close people only joy!

5. Head-tyran. Remember one eastern wisdom: "Every person is not a friend and not an enemy, but a teacher." Difficult, non-promotable chef will teach you to be a weathered, easy to find mutual language with themselves different people And make compromises. And these important qualities will be useful to you on the new job.

What should I do if every morning you have to raise yourself from home and "stand up" to work? Is there a means to make this very work more pleasant?

Do not hurry to write a statement about leaving this minute. On the search new work You need time that is easier to fervent if there is a source of material income. Yes, and what you will find can not fully arrange you again. Therefore, you should try to enjoy work now. Especially since we spend a considerable part of your life.

1. We start the search for the perfect, from your point of view, work Imagine the smallest details, imagine the perfect, in your opinion, work and start her unhurried searches. If you manage to find such - wonderful! And if the searches are not crowned with success, then you will not have the feeling that you did not do anything to change your life. In the end, try again it is never too late!

2. Everything learns to compare ... Talk to friends about their work, ask - for sure they will tell about their chief, and about colleagues, and about the schedule it is, which you will not wish for yourself. This will help to understand that not only in your form there are problems. It will only be enough to thank the fate that you are delivered from such a nasty!

3. Pretend and ... believe Psychologists recommend using such a reception, how to pretend that work very much. Sooner or later, the amount of pretense will turn into quality, and you yourself believe that they are so actively demonstrated to others. Suffer less, and talk more about good: your help to someone from colleagues, an unexpected premium, a new pleasant meeting, etc.

4. We think about your significance Think about the benefits that you personally bring the entire team. Money just do not pay, which means you need another. Start appreciate yourself as a good specialist.

5. We show the initiative To increase the sense of own significance, you must be an active and thinking employee. Do not let me relate to yourself as a wordless " horse Horse", Capable only to perform instructions!

6. Knowledge is not a lot ... Learn to something new. Work will enrich you and knowledge and necessary experience. You can find an opportunity to improve the qualifications: visit courses or get additional education. This will increase your chances of career growth and growth. wagesand to improve the feeling of own significance. The feeling that time is wasting.

7. Smile, smile and once again - smile At first it can be mechanically, then sincerity will come. The main thing is to have a desire to establish contact with others. Collectants will definitely begin to smile in response!

8. Competition is a small but effective trick To increase the productivity of labor, you can arrange a strangess competition, even if you only know about it. Competition is a game, and if there is a game in life, then life itself ceases to be boring.

9. Find friends, or "We and Tamara ..." To resist the hardness is always easier together than one. There is also at least one person who you like. Expand the circle of such people. Treat colleagues as interesting interlocutors, and in the lunch break speak with them to abstract topics, and not about work. This will allow you to learn them better, expand your priorities, find individual approaches to everyone.

10. We buy new outfits Excellent therapy for women. Go to the choice of business wardrobe with the same excitement, with which you are used to choosing clothes, suppose for vacation. Believe me, a new dress, ideally emphasizing your figure, will attract your colleagues attention to you and make you not only look, but also feel in a new way.

11. Creativity is improving Find a hobby, the lesson in the shower outside the workplace. If you seek success, relax and have a posing of something that is not related to work, the troubles and difficulties are easier.

12. Holidays for yourself - Favorite No matter how much workers and home duties have, take yourself a rule: weekends - for rest. Do not think these days about work and do not take it to the house. All working problems should remain for closed door Office or production. And evenings given by overtime works, dedicate to your beloved person, children and certainwise highlight a couple of hours for themselves.

And finally - the advice that always helps me when the mood will become quite bad and completely "non-working": Look at the photo close man On the table, remember the most pleasant joint moments ... Your modest salary will seem not so small: you can still buy so many pleasant things for loved ones! And the gloomy boss is just a gloomy head that can always be chewed ...

Cases when a person chooses the work does not like it, but in connection with acceptable monetary remuneration or from hopelessness, it is not uncommon in modern society. Experts note that a long stay on the unloved work can enter a person even in the state of depression. And only work that brings pleasure, can help a person to grow, develop and self-improvement. About how to love his work, leading psychologists are divided by advice.

Career growth, raising wages, other perspectives are impossible to a priori at work, which did not come to a person in the soul. It must be remembered that labor activity takes most time in life, and staying in a state of dislike and even hate is fraught with disorders of a psycho-emotional background. Amend the situation is quite possible if you adhere to several recommendations from psychologists.

The first thing to remember is that the work is an important component of the life of every person, since according to statistics it takes from 40 to 60 hours a week. Calculating how much time is spent for a month and for the year, you can get stunning numbers. In this regard, it is not necessary to underestimate harm from painful and tedious work, which takes 70-80% of all life. Psychologists celebrate negative influence Not only on psycho-emotional background, but also physical condition.

The reasons and consequences of dislike for work may be as follows:

  1. Accumulation in the body of a stress hormone. To spend every day in a tense state, bringing home negative, all this is a circulation of stress in a person's life. Thus, the duration of life is reduced, the work of the brain deteriorates, nervous system and other systems.
  2. Assistance harmful habits . Most often it is overeating and incorrect meal, smoking and drinking alcohol for soothing and relaxation, receiving sleeping pills due to insomnia on the background of stress and much more.
  3. Non-shy. Most people because of severe and tedious work sleep less than 8 hours, which affects performance and health.
  4. Negative impact on other areas of life. Practice work lowers motivation on other purposes and achievements, takes the strength and desire to other classes in life.
  5. Omission of different moments in life. The wrong choice of work takes most of the time, as a result of which important events in life, rest, travel, raising children, etc. are being passed.

Opinion expert

Victor Brent

Psychologist and expert on self-development

According to statistics, only 13% of the population of the whole world are engaged in the work of their lives, that is, they lead the work activities they want, and it brings only pleasure and positive emotions. The rest of the same people spend their health and life on making money, after which the remaining part of life spend this money to restore health, being in a closed circle.

How to learn to love your work?

Help in solving such problems can advice psychologist, as well as their own desire for change in life. First you need to realize the problems, for this piece of paper you need to write everything that a person does not suit in his work - the head, salary, team, working conditions, schedule, etc. Next, it is necessary to think about whether it is possible to somehow neutralize these items or Change attitudes towards the situation, to accept something.

Many psychologists and psychotherapists, as well as people who have reached great heights in their work activities, produce books and collections of tips on how to love the work that you hate.

Of these, you can make some simple and effective councils, namely:

  1. Initiative - If you manifest the initiative in your work, you can revive interest and purposefulness in your field of activity.
  2. Competition - Competing and motivation in the form of "who fastest" will help make tedious duties fascinating and alive. You can deliver goals and a certain awarding yourself to prove your abilities and talents.
  3. Self improvement - If the position has already become uninteresting and monotonous, you can go to advanced training courses to acquire new skills.
  4. Positive effect - fulfilling your duties, do not stop purely on the salary. On the contrary, you need to understand what kind of activity brings for society as a whole.
  5. Refusal of hurry - Do not chop out the gossip, wanting to leave work. Before you should make a lot of effort to solve the problem, overestimate your attitude to negative moments, try to change the situation.

And first, you need to remember that the work is not the whole person's life, it did not grow out with the Light Wedge. If the work makes you ride and spend the night in the workplace, it is clear that it will cause almost a vomit reflex. It is necessary to give yourself and the body time for rest, other classes and entertainment.

Collection of methods

A collection of articles from famous psychologists and psychotherapists will teach each person to treat his work only from a positive point of view. Many of the specialists conduct trainings and seminars, sharing invaluable experience with other people. The most popular methods how to love your work as follows:

  • awareness of the significance of work, because no work can be insignificant and aimless;
  • self-improvement, manifestation of smelling and creativity;
  • the value of it, then there is, not every person manages to find a job in modern competitor;
  • thoughts about themselves, you can not take over insurmountable tasks, and workplace It must be comfortable and cozy.

Do you like your job?


Also mentally it is necessary to submit that the work is that the activity of which a man dreamed of. Psychologists insist that thoughts materialize, and their attitude towards any things and actions can be coordinated independently. By changing the attitude to work, you can make sure that in fact everything is not so bad as it seems.

How to love your homework?

The main technique is awareness of the significance of homework. Antisanitary, dirt, scant food and unfavourable conditions For life - all this is an excellent opportunity to reproduce microbes, pathogens of microorganisms, which entails a danger to human health. Therefore, when cleaning, washing, cooking and other duties, you need to understand that a person is guarding the health and life of his family, being her defender.


Regardless of the type of activity and working conditions, each person must periodically arrange holidays and entertainment. Unloved work can lead to negative thinking, depression, apathy and quarrels in the family. Therefore, it is important to rethink your attitude, to look at yourself and activities from the side, after which adhere to the councils of psychologists to subsequently love their work.

Maria Sobolev

How to love a job that dislike?

Real lucky ones Those who like what they make a living. What to do the rest, how to love work, not bringing satisfaction? How to find pros and dignity in the unloved lesson?

Unloved work - reasons

It is quite reasonable, at first glance, the Council to those who tolerate cannot be worn - to change it to the lesson, to which the soul lies.
But such an opportunity is not always possible, often to endure over the years, being in a state close to stress. How to be?

You can not change the job - change your attitude towards it. The wiser of this is still nothing invented.

Low salary

Agree, it is difficult to love the work for which a very modest amount is paid, insufficient for normal existence. Even if you like the fact that you do, low level Income will not allow you to feel satisfaction from your work.

Despotic guidance

Good bosses can be counted on the fingers. Often, the steering wheel is tyranny and self-directed, and sometimes just a hard style of leadership scares subordinates, beat off every desire to go to work. Even when the chef's too demanding approach is quite substantiated by the interests of the case, an ordinary employee from this is not easier.

No prospects

The chances of career growth are minimal, it is possible to see old standards at the lowest positions, leading to a retirement by the second assistant of the third deputy of something there. How to love this work is a question on the backbone.

Real Serpentarian

There are such, with the permission to say, teams where to spend a working day is equivalent to a feat. So hostile, heavy there is an atmosphere, which is to withstand such little.

Sklocks, intrigues, yabedanium, rivalry - Is it possible to render this?

Lack of interest

You are boring to do what it should be job descriptions, And this brings melancholy? The phenomenon is quite common, rarely meet a person satisfied with his work.

How to love the unloved job

It sounds not very believable, but unloved work can be loved. Of course, you will have to work on myself and make certain efforts, but this is quite executing the task.

If only you really put such a goal in front of you, and you will not whine and complain about fate, dropping your hands and completely desperate.

Pluses of work in the company

Let us be objective and try not to scold the unloved job, but to find those positive moments that we hold on this workplace.

So, for which you can love your work - for a timely good salary, a social package, for being working in a comfortable office environment, and not open-air, for communication with the team, corporate holidays, the opportunity to improve their qualifications on all sorts of seminars and trainings .

Remember, feel free to, but we will scold all hugers, but good moments Somehow and do not notice. Continue? You work near the house, without spending time on the road, there is an opportunity to save when you need, for holidays you have premiums and so on.

Right take and write down all the items for which you are grateful to your work. And such a diary can be done daily, recalling positive moments. Then it is much easier to find an answer to the question - how to love your work.

Good work

Do you feel just a small screw in a complex working mechanism and do not see any special benefit from your work? And in vain. If you pay salary, it means that your work is value. And when you will understand that a chain of actions is broken without you, it will be much easier to love your work.

Are you a simple cashier in the supermarket? And what will happen if you do not leave for your workplace - there will be a queue in other cash registers, people will spend up too much to pay for the purchase, they will deteriorate. See how your work is important? And if you - the janitor and in the morning did not bottom the courtyard, the residents will be unpleasant, the well-being and comfort of many people depends on you.

Professional growth

For something you can still love your work - for the opportunity to grow in a professional plan and climb the career ladder. Many are important this moment in their work activity.

Someone will be content with a modest position of the teacher, and someone sees himself at least director kindergarten or Rono head. Some warms the perspective of a modest office clerk to grow to a top management representative.

In your organization, career growth is possible - how then do not love this work?

You can approach professional improvement on the other hand - even if you are not raised in your post, you still acquire valuable experience, to learn something useful. Your knowledge can then be applied to another company.

And in order for you to notice in your organization, try to imagine that your work is the best, interesting and beloved, and act with great enthusiasm. Perform your duties more carefully, think that the new and useful can be added to the workflow.

Try to stand out on the background of colleagues, and when you have a goal of becoming better than others, the interest in the unloved seems to be able to manifest itself.

Good relationship in the team

We spend at work a significant part of their time and quite understandable the desire to work surrounded by pleasant people.

It is much easier to love work, where a friendly and cohesive team. After all, communication and support for each other precast the troubles and forced fulfillment of boring or labor-intensive duties.

You have not yet established contact with colleagues? Try to do it. After all, it is not yet smoke, boring or irritating, is and quite nice people. Communicate with them and, believe me, going to work will be easier.

Not difficult

It doesn't matter, you only try to love your work or quite satisfied, but it should not take all your time along with household chores.

Everyone has the right to the hobby, to a hobby, which brings joy, distracts from everyday troubles, allows you to relax.

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Millions of people waking up in the morning think about how they do not want to go to their unloved work, which could not be able to love even after long attempts. Someone does not withstand and makes a decision to quit, even risking to lose a good salary, and someone continues to fulfill his duties every day earning nervous breakdowns And improving their dissatisfaction with life. But maybe we yourself are to blame in such an environment?

In a relaxed atmosphere, write out in detail all you do not like in position: salary, bad boss, uncomfortable team, unsatisfactory conditions, duties, etc. Now think over each item, think that you can neutralize. For example, it seems to you that the team is not completely unlucky at all, but you may not let anyone you feel, here's a workplace at work and seems too tense. After that, look at what you can not influence under any circumstances, and think whether you can put up in with it. If everything else is tolerant, then proceed to improving your position. If the items remained that you are extremely important, then you should look for another job, since no positive changes will help you fall in love.

It happens that everything is not bad, but there is no joy from work, as in this case, you can love your work, what advice of a psychologist can work?

  1. Initiative. Often, interest in us is fastened because of the inability to express yourself, the mechanical actions like few people. So try to bring something new: maybe you need to improve the outdated work scheme for a long time or you want to participate in public Life Companies.
  2. Competition. The most tedious duties are fulfilled faster if there is to make faster and better than someone else. If there is no opponent, try to improve your own results.
  3. Self improvement. Feel that in this position rested in the ceiling, and further grow scary because of the lack of knowledge? Take the time for self-education, take the skills that will be needed on your post interesting.
  4. Positive effect. Going to work only for the salary bored, so think about how it helps other people. It is the responsibilities for you are usually and boring, but it is them that benefits, making life a little better.
  5. Work is not all lifeb If you almost overnight in the workplace, then nothing is surprising that it began to cause a vomit reflex. In this case, urgently remember that there is another life in which there is a lot of interesting and joyful.
  6. Take your time. You will always have time to leave, so before you write a statement, make sure you have done everything possible.

And what to do if hated homeworkIs it possible to love her? Here can help awareness of the huge benefit that you bring yourself and those who live with you. Dirt is an excellent environment for the reproduction of microbes, destroying it, you warn the appearance of various diseases, literally becoming a defender of your own. Eliminate yourself with rest after the work done, noting how pleasant it is to do in a clean and cozy room.

Maybe these tips and will not help you run around the house with burning eyes and radiate happiness throughout the day, but work will definitely stop seem like such a post.

Say "Find what you loveand you do not have to work for a single day in life. " But, put the hand on the heart, how many of us were lucky to find a matter of your life? And whether it is important for a woman?

Psychologists say that the art of living happily is not to have what you love, but Love what you have.How to do this, if, as you know, do not order your heart? How to make yourself love what you do,tells the site.

If the heart does not want to carry you to work on wings, if it does not want to send the brain to the signals to enjoy, then let's go around!

Tips from "beautiful and successful" how to love what you do

The two-time method "Repetition is a mother of teaching"

How much truth in the old Soviet films! And as if old ones they were, the methods that are described there can help us now, in another century!

The film's heroine "In love with own willing"Teaching a man love your work by autotraining. To do this, he was required to repeat in the workplace "What a suspension power over the metal, what a pleasure to conquer him ...".

What would you think the efficiency would increase if all the factory workers worked with such an installation, and not with quiet hatred of the machine and a great need to provide his wife and a sweetheart-daughter?

And what about your work can you say?

Women's method "I like me!"

Some psychologists say that a woman should relax at work, and work - at home. Otherwise, when two squeezed lemon will be returned from work, then harmony in the family will not work.

If you still have to work, then find ways to relax, show yourself and enjoy yourself. Many clothing brands have long been specially released clothing lines for - what is not going to paint? In addition, in many works you can sit sometimes drinking a seagull with moisture.

Play at work! If you reach the cabinet of the boss Beautiful, Static, in a new dress and high-heeled as a business lady(If you like this way today), then the result will not fall from it. But if you will pass a squeezed chief, the result will fall accurately. And mood. And not only yours.

That is the conclusion - Enjoy yourself, not from work.Then you just stop paying a lot of attention to it. More precisely, it is not for her, but on her experiences in her direction.

The method of physiological

We love to torment yourself, this is a fact. Often we do it consciously. So why don't we do exactly the opposite?

Find what you enjoy Concentrate this a few minutes,and endorphin will work out without your participation! Result - pleasure.

Wake up nice little things and concentrate at least a minute, your body will finish your body for you. You were released from work a little early, treated with delicious tea, the colleague helped to convey the paper to the office, you unexpectedly noticed that you have a very comfortable mouse and the warmest place in the whole office.

Paying attention to such pleasity more and more, you will become the same to attract!

Method of importance

It is possible to shift away from the place of unnecessary papers every day for 8 hours - the first step towards suicide, and see your connection with the final product, see its importance for a common cause - best.Better than money. Much better. This showed no one business experiment.

Do you see sense in your work? If not, it will have to find it. What place in the general chain is your activity? What will happen at the final stage general processIf you do not go to work or do something wrong?

Maybe from the fact that you are late for work today, kindergartens will get the cakes promised by your enterprise an hour later? Or, if you are not, someone will not be able to get a competent legal advice and will remain with its problem alone?

Your work is important Only you rarely remind about it!

Method Comfortable

We all, women, comfort is important. So create it yourself if the work itself does not warm you for a long time. Multicolored stickers, beautiful screensaver on a working computer, blooming yellow chrysanthemum in the corner, a photo of a husband and children. Fold your workplace so to leave did not want to go!

And again - do not concentrate at work, let it be only a surroundings of what you will have fun. The procedure will remain the same it will change only the level of importance.

Method advantage

Sometimes it happens that we have to listen to complaints of other people on their personal life, neighbors from above, cat, work. If we recommend abstructed from all the rest, then listen to work complaints carefully.

Whose terrorizes the boss who little pay, whom they chase on the ice to pick up documents in office shoes, who do not give drinking tea with moisture. And compare Slowly This is with his work. Compared with such stories, any work seems to be a paradise.

Although at the very matter of the whole importance consists only in relation to the narrator shows. You know you how is this attitude easily change, not forcing the heart?

Even if you do not give up the thought of finding the most favorite business of all your life, our advice is at least help brighten your search!Woman who enjoys everything that does, usually attracts to himself only good. So maybe the work of your dream will come to you?

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